Egt,T t.11:;,1 fek X11.!1 C..t tt - c. ED . 4figgi 7,V I BLitiED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH. STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PEA ANNUM, PAYABLE IN A trJANek. _ - TT. _NO. 32. PUBLISHED BY TIVARA*4IIIILLIPS & WM. U. SaliTEI . corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. Albtildfa;i4-Fiint, dollars a year, payable in advance. Single copias Two Cgs rs—for sale at the counter of thttlillabi and by News Boys. Itir:Weeldy Mercury and Manufacturer Irpubfthed at the same office, on a double medium WO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin .oetsiifif§',:SlX CENTS. lei f i f=l) -'.1'I'+;ity1:f~~~~~ 'PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One insertion, $0 50 One month, • $5 00 Two do., 0 75 Two do., . 00 :Three do., 2 00 Throedo., 7 00 -One week, • 150 Four .do., . 00 'Two do„ 300 Six do., 10 00 Three do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS * 3o6l4 oNriffterrir - -- • ' • - " - Tteolgfqtrarts. -- Si. mog e , , „ 4 18 GE Six. months, - $2 3 00 One yeitik -'• - 71; 45 40 ,One-yenr, • - 35 00 Larger advertisements in proportion. 'rrtARDS of four lines Six DOLLARS a year. Public Offices, &c. .City Post ()Ace, Third between Market and Wood streets—R. M. Riddle, Postmaster. Costont HO WIC, Water, 4th door from Wood st.,Pe torsoa's buildings—Major .John I'V.illock, Collector. City TIT :miry, Woad, betw.'!on First and 'Second streets—Janus Bartram, Treasurer. County Treasury, Third street, next dour to the Third Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasu rer. Mayor's Office, Fourth, between Market and Wood ;tracts—Alexander Hay, Mayor. Merchant's E.cchangc, Fourth near Market st. BANKS Pittsburgh, between Market and Wood streets on Third and Fourth streets. ' .Merchants'andManufacturers' and Farmers' De pout Bank, (formerly Savin; Fourth, 'between Wood and Market streets. Exchange, Fifth st. near Wood. HOTELS' .illistiougaltela House, Water Street, near the Hodge. Bzehange Hotel, corner of Penn and - St. Clair. - Itfe rekants' Hotel, cornet of Thirds and Wood. E 'A 'se ricer Hotel,corner orT hitland Smithfield: ,Mates, corner of Penn st. and Canal ViitiSfeescl Eagle, Lib-rte street, near seventh. • Miller's M3ILSiJIL 11011,1 e, Liberty St., opposite Wayne. 7Braclliarst's Mansion lbw, .reha St., opposite 24mottl. L. Telleyntsat tz 0 wears of Saw Mills. SNYuER'S unrivalled Self Setters, for saw mills, which have been so fully tested hi different pasts of the United St -14:13, as well as in the cities cd Pitts burgh and Allegheny, can be seen in operation at auttab2r of mills iuthis neighborhood, viz: at Mr. Wick ersham's Mills, on Penn street; at Bowman & Clam hors's' tills, near the .upper Allegheny bridge., and M Mcirrison's mills, on Idare's Island, and others-..--i- The above named machine can boduained et W. W. Walln...e'a shop, on Liberty street, near Smithfield, wh.."re it is-fitting - is and where the 'Airline will be kept constantly on fianthk. Apply to B. F. Snyder, or W. W. Wallace. mays Evans' Chamomile Pills. ABRAHAM J. CLEMER, residing at 6G, Matt street, New York, was alilicted with Dyspepsia in its *lost arltavate4.l form. The syiript.mi: were vi nlentheadacke, great cLibility, fever, costiveness,cough, anartburn, pain in the chest and stomach always after oaring; impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the itomseh, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomit iirgs, dizziness towards night and restlessness. These earl .e..mtineed upwards of it' twelvemonth, when, on coagalthig,l)r. Win. Evans, 100 Chatham sweet, and submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to hbelthin the short space of one month, and grateful for the incalculable benefit derived, gladly came forward and volunteered the above statement For sale, whole sale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, sep 10-y: ' No. -c21:1 - , Wood street, below Second. Paais's lioarhound tindk. mrrLi: has received this day from New York, supply of, the above celebrated cure for bt,kulitta,C9las aria Consumptions; and is ready to sup-_ ply,;u4tomervat wholesale or retail, at his Metrical 4: ency, 8G Fourth st. tun- 12 Better Bargains than ever, at the Three Big Doors. Ma & subscriber would respectfully inform his tamers and the publiegenerally, that notwithstad ing the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, daring-the present season; he has still on hand the kur g* wad moat varied assortment of elegant CLO THING that can he bought west of the moutirainsi 7 :;- The 'public may rest assured that all ,prtieles offered ut his,storeare meufactured foam FRESH GOUDS, pur chased in the Eastern markets this spring and made in togaerneuts by Pittt.3burgh workmen. In contequence of the multiplication of slop shops iu . our tityl.6lltxl with pawn brokers clothes and the musty, cast off garm7nts of former seasons, from the eastern ei tiesi-rhe public should be cautious to ascertain the char acter of the establishments in which they are invited to purchase, before they part with their mosey. The anti ctoffered. at se, :Al of the "concerns in' this city, are %ere offuls of New York and Philadelphia slop shops,ind sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts- Ek - 00 public. Purchasers ?hot ad be on their guard a= gaiust tbese impositions, and they may rely on - the fact thaine establishment that advertises eastern Inatie Clo ttutig; Can give as good an article or as advantageous beratns as can be had at the "Three Big- Doors." The:public will please remember that all the sub - seri; garinnts are madeinthis cit 21, by competent work ancl,riovgaihered up like the goods now offered by trte "lir& ofpassage" from the shreds and patches of earn slop shops. It will always he his endeavor to Maintain the reputation that' the "Three Big Doors" have obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO THINci in every respect, and at prices below those of any other establishmeitt. -He would again return his thanks to his friends and bite for the unprecedented patronage bestowed trttis establishment, and believing- that they have ikalatitlifio their advantage to deal with him, he would Atetiat4•Siiityittation to all those who wish to purchase Cl6tfrodeof every description ut the lowest price,ta call # No"; 151, LIBERTY ST. JOHN 51'CLOSKEY. nr Observe Metal Plate in the pavement. op 2(1. Look at This. Tll4 tfention s of those who have been somewhat ,: atsaptleal in reference to the numerous certifi cates published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, en account of the persons being unknown in das.Seation'of the; State, is respectfully di regtodact the following certificate, the writer of which has been a citizen of this borough for several years, and 14 immaraa a gmatlarnau of integrity and responsibility. To the Ages!, Mr. J. K _ ri jiinve used Dr. Swayme's Compound Syrup of Wild (Am for tr Cough, with which I have been severely taistostfor about four months, and I have no hesitation iu saving that it is the most effective medicine that I hosailasea ablo to procure. It composes all uneasiness, todwasisaasrell with my diet,—and maintains a regular and good appetite. I can sinceaely recommend it to all °Opera sjrnilarly afaic red. J. MlN:ilea, Borough of ...)14•Ir. 1 :k 9,184 8. Chambersburgh. For sale by WILLIAM THORN, No. 53 Market street. (tcti23) :.. v -...:..-_.._ __ 1 .. _ __ r. f ..,,. !, ,-. „.. 0. ; ... ,•. I.r.f . % i 1..',:1 . r . .! ,' '• . ~.i .:'.. . -. 7 7 : .•;,-. , ..• " t • :. ._ . • ) ..,:r ;.. :,:, / e i -.f• ~. ,:. -1.) , 1 , . 1 .! i; :- "- ~, , _, , i. - ' :;,•• ~ L ., . .,' ~.. .:. _ , . , 1 . . , i .. .. . . . • .• . . .._.: • ..__... ........ ~ .„...., !, ..... • ~.. { _ ..... • . :... 1_ .• . • t • .._. ......_ I tis-,gt U. Woods, Attorney and Cotuutellor at Lot*, Office removed w Bakowell's Olces, on Grant street, nearly opposite the new Court. House, neNtrooms to J. D. Alalion, Esq.; first floor. sep 10 Thigh Toner, Attorney at Law, North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. sep.lo—y I,l\ 'CANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, sep 10 Pittsburgh. Win. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law, Office on the North side of the Diamond, between Mar ket and Union suvets, nit stairs 'sell 10 A. I. Durboraw, Attorney at Law, Tetulrs hia pmfessional services to the public. Office sep 10 on sth st., above Winxl..Pittsburgh• ilyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at - Law, Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row," shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood sts., seri 10 Pittsburgh. N. Duckniairter, Attorney at Law, ila remov'etihiftollice toßeares' Law Buildings, 4th se., above Smithfield, Pittsbnrgb. scp 10 George W. Layng, Attorney at Law, Office in Punall street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh sep 27—v Resole Washington, Attorney at Law, Office in 13aikewell'sbuilding, Grunt street, Pittsburgh nov 5, 1892 John 3. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Office corner of Smithfield and Fifth streets. Pittsburgh. 1" - *C °nee t i ruts made. All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. feb 16—v William Elder, Attorney at Law, Office in Second street, second door above the corner of lip ‘29—tf Smithfield, north side. Pittsburgh P i n. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burke's Ce WILLIAM E. AUSTIN, Esq., will give his atten tion to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patronage of my friends. _ _ _ Daniel It Curry, Attorney at La*, Office on Fifth street, between IVoixl and Smithfield ap 8 ' Pittsburei. Robett Porter, Attorney at Law, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets, scp 10 Pittsbnith. Judson & Flanegin, Attorneys at Law, Smithfield, near 7th street. (.7011in-tin:ls made on mod erate terms. Pensions for widows of old soldier: under the late act of Congress obtained. l'apers and draw inqs for the pat ant office prepared. mar 17—y floury S. AlagraW,Attorney at Law, llu removed his office to Ili.; r.2sitl.?neti, oil Fourth st., two doors above Stnithro•ld. rep 10 J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law, OffteccoruCTSmithfitihi and Third streets, Pittsburgh my 23—v L. Harper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, C A 1)17., II .t It RISON COUNTY , OMIO Will attend promptly to the collection or socinity of claims, anti all - professional business entrusted to his care in the emmtica-of Ilarrison, Jeff erson i Belnunit. Guern sey, Tuscaram'ac, Co:lioctiM, Carroll, Stark and Wayne.- 'lt ATF.It To Meiffilf cS . • Loomis, o . b a h 1.P ./IT? :p F l e ;:ining' Pittsburgh. D. T: Mort?ctn, S my .27, 181:3—tf IA Morrow, Alderman, Offti;e"tiortii lido' of Fifth street, between Wood .and Smithfield, Pittsburgh, sep . Blagititries flanks, For proccfedinpin attachment under the late law, for sale at this office. jy 25 To be used in Bankruptcy pro(-t , !edines, printed on rood prTer, and in forms approved be the Court, for sale at this ogke, .iY 25 Dr. S. R. names, (Alice iu Scdond street, next. dour -to & Gla Warehou;e. rep 0--y Dr. A. W. Patterson, Office on Sthitiffield street, third door from the Corner of sixth street sep 10 IL D. Sollars, M. D., Office and dwelling in Fourth at-mut, near Ferry, sep 13—y 0.1.2. on Fiftlt trect, between Wood and Smithflei streets, Pittsburgh. deeln—y d COTTON YARN WAREHOUSE, No. 13, Wood Strect, Ageats for the sale of the Eagh! Cetton Fartlily Yarns mar 17—y WILLIAM H. WILLIAMS JOHN S. DILWORTH. & Dilworth, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commi . ssion Me chains:, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured A r ticles, Nn. 'Wood Atreet. • sep 10—y NEW GOODS.—PIIESTON & MACKEY, • IVhoicksale and, Retail Dealers in English, French and Domestic Dry Goods, No. f3l, Market street, Pittsburgh. sep 10—y Commission and Forwarding Merchants, iVater street, Pitt 4)er : eh. sep I.o—y Comilla:don, and Forwarding Ifferchanta, \o. GO, :Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. O T7TERms..--Receiving and shippiwz, 5 cents per ... • 10 be. Commission on purchases and sales, 24 per cent mar9:2—y . Elroon:ntyMe Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Wtiiehouse,lNo. 25, Wood st., Pittsburrl, seplO—y Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro . duce Merchants, And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures. mar 17 No. 43, Wood street. Pinabort JOHNSON & DUVAL; -.Bookbinders and Paper Bads:* Continue business at tit stand latetot M'Candless John icon. Every des ri pt ion of work in their linenei tr ly Una tom peke ettecuted. may 81 • Francis FL Sim*, Attorneiat Law, ie.!) 10... i y Fou , rth street, above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law, Fifth, between Wood and Smithfield sts., sep 10—v Pittsburgh, Pa. Wm. D. Austin, Attorney at Law, WALTER FORWARD scp 10—.!, /hank Petitions, Notices, &c., • Ward dr. Ittint Dentist* Liberty.sirtiet, a fOw door:: below St. Clair, ap 6,1813 Dectoi Daniel MeMeal, HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO., J. G. & A. GORDON, BIRMINGHAM & CO., HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CO., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1843. NicaoLas Di COLEKA ..4 LLOYD It. CoL&MAN. Coleman & Co., General Agcntar Forwarding and Ccnnmission 111crchants, Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so licit consignments. n LEMUEL WICK L. &J. D. WICK, Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce, 116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth st., may 15 Pittsburgh, Pa EAGLE GROCERY STORE tit Q TICY LLOYD, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Oro cer and Fruiterer, No. 140 Liberty street Pitts burgh. may '2O. Birmingham &Co., AGENTS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND, AND CLEVELAND LINE March 2" John 8 Brant, 'Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Com mission Merchant, Harrisburgb,Pa. WILL dispose of all goods sent fur Commission. Sales at the lowest commission rates. REFEREgC,Eb: Phila.—J. &W. Esher, Day &Gel rich, D. Leech &Co Ba anorc—W. W &co. Will gon &lierr,J. E. Elder Ilarrisburgh-1\ lialßurke,ll. A utes,J M. Hohinum july 1--6 m. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37, Market street. sap 10 John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry, Water street, near the Monongahela House, Pittsburgh sep 10—y THOMAS B. YOUNG. FRANCIS L. YOUNG Thos. B. Young & Co. Furniture Ware Itourns, corner of Hand street and Ex change alley. l'ersuns wishing to purchase furniture, will foul it to their tavantage torive 11/4 a call, being ful ly satisfied that we can please as to quality and price. sep 10 R. C. TOWNSEND & CO., Wire Workers and Wiro Inanufactnrars, N0.2:3, Market scree t, betweeu 2tland 341 streets, svp 10—y Exchange Rotel, Cornet- of Penn and Saint Clair streets, by gep 10 AIcKIBBIN & SMITH Pilkington's Unrivalled Blacking, lANUFACTURED andsold wholesale and retail, sts.rti STREET, one dour below Smithfield. net 21-Iv. James Patterson, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of locks, hinges and bults; tubaceo, fuller, mill and timber ; crews; housen screws fur rolling mills, &c. sep 1.05—y John DTClookey, Tailor and Clothier, Liberty street, between Sixth street and Virgin oiler South side. sep 10 Webb Closcy's Boot and Shoe Manufactory, No. 83. •tlh st.,ne2-1 door to the U. S. Bank.;e:prunella, kid satin shoos In , ole in the n , atea mann,r, neatent French pattern=. sep 10 Willi am Doherty, LtH AT AND CAP MANUFACTURER, 118 Liberty stroet, between Market and Sixth. np 10-Gm. John Cartwright, CLTTLER and Sargical Instrument Manufaettirer, earner of tith and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa. N. B.—Always on hand an extensive assernnent ef . :Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, !lair Dresser's. and Tanner's Yntent Shears. Saddler's Tools, Trusses, &t. je 24. Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale. A FEW thousand feet of seasoned Oak and Poplar Lumber, for sale by wholesale. Enquire of Joined C. Cummins, Esq. near the Fountain Inn. ,jy 21. Dr. Good's Celebrated Female ills.O r HESE l'ills are strongly recommended to the notice of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing - lilO5C VOIIII/111111t8 peculiar to theirses, from, ; wa nt nfexercise,orgenertddebilityof the tlystem. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervoutaffimtions. These Pills have gained the sanc tion and approbation of the most etninent Physicians in the United Status, and many Aluthers. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, sep 10 No. 20, Wood Street, below Sicoml, Notice to Dr. Drawireths Agents. TI I E Mike in Pittsburgh, which was established for the purpose of constituting agents in the west, having netmmplished that ouject, is now closed, and Mr. LEE ih the Diamond, Market street, ap pointed env agent for the sale of my Pills and Lini ments. Ail Dr. Brandreth's agents will, therefore,un dorstand that Dr. B. will send a travelling agent throughthe country once a year to collegt monies for sales made and re supply agents. The said. traveller will be provided with power of attoiney, duly proved before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, together with all the necessary voucheta and papers. Mr J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent now in Pennsyl vania. B. BItANDRETH,M. D. N. 11.—Remember, Mr. G. H. LEE,in the rear of the . I.arket now my oily agent in Pitt,iburgh. june 14 • Facts. Having been afflicted fur nearly two years, with - a hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which produced much pnin, and used various applications recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured completely by tho use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's linament, or external remedy. Witness my hand, JAMES TAYLOR. Ohio tp., AJlegheny co. l'u. Jun. 10, 1840. Dr. Brandreth s external remedy or lmament; sold at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, l'ittsburah, price 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. Dr. Bechtor's Pulmonary Preservative. FOR coughs, colds, infinenzas, catarrhs, whooping cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all diseases of the breast and lungs, andarrest of approach ing consumption. Warranted free froth mercury and other minerals. B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO:, jy 12 Agents for Pittsburgh. William C. W - Plain and. Fancy Portrait and Picturc Frame Manufacturer, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa CAN VASS brushes, varnish, &c., for artists, always on band. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fra• med to order. Repairing done at the shortest notice. Particularattendon paid to regilding and jobbing or every description. Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it to their sairtmtage to call. sep 10-y ORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port' P rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil ding. J. Osborne would solicit a calrfrom those who desire Portraits .Spciinens can be seen at his rooms may S. Cheap for Cash.— TRICE , S'AorV.R.e.r.l Yuri. Nu. 5 at 15 ctsperlb 6 at 15 do 7 at 15 do 8 ac 15 do Joiu D. Wtcii. 9 do 10 at 15 do 11 at 15 do P 2 at 15 do 13 at 16 ' do 14 at 17 do 15 at 18 , do 16 at 19 do 17 at 20 du 18 at 21 do 19 at 22 do :20 at '23 do ..Orrlers promptly Painter's,Logan &Kenn, f 27 J. i'ITTSBURGH Circulating and Reference Library. OFreligious, historical, political and miscellaneous works, will be open every day, Sabbath except ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 P. M., in the Ex change building, corner of St. Clair street and Et change alley, where punctual attendance will be given by J. GEMMIL. sep 10. PITTSIIURGH MANUFACTORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages, At Eastern Prices. E subset ibers manufacture and keep constant- Iv on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (war ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hab Bands, Stump Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, &c., &e. JON ns & COLEMAN. sep 10 St. Clair st., near the Allegheny Bridge. Travellers should select Boats provided tcith Evan's Safety C.uardsfor pi - eroding E.cplosion of Steam Boilers T T would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense ofprocuring the above appara tus. 'And that every individual making such selec tions is conuibuting toward* a general introduction of an invention admitted by till men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventa tive against those dreadful disasters. You have cer tainly, in the hundreds of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thomgmds of lives that have already beam lust, a suffi cient warning, and Maui, ment to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the . pneference. They have went to an tulditional expense that your lives May be secure. Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corn.!'spouding degree of liberality, and by yotir pr..fot cure show that von appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this awful sacrifice of hu num hf,. They do not charge more than other boats; their areutnnnalathins in ether respects are equal, and iii ninny eases ,:tirvrior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so completely hi your own power to avoid those dis asters. All boats marked thus ["] in the List of Arrivals and Dtiprartures in another part of thia paver, are supplied with the Safety Guard. Lis( of Boats prucided with. the safety Guard'. ALPS, • JE WESS, AGNES, JAMES ROSS, AMARANTH, LADY OF LYONS, ADELAIDE, MENTOR,. ASHLAND, MINSTREL, BRILLIANT, MARIETTA, BRUNETTE, MICHIGAN; BREAKWATER, MA R Q UE T TE, BRIDGE WATER, M 18801 1 R:I MA H„ CADDO, • mum? o PARK; CICERO, MESSENGER, CAN TON, MONTGOMERY, CUTTER, NORTH BEND, CECELIA, NEPTUNE; CASPIAN, NARAGANSETT, CLIPPER, NIAGARA; COLUMBUS OSPREY, CLEVELAND, ORPHAN BOY, COL UAL:I3 lANA; OHIO, DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS; OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, EMMA, PANAMA, EDWIN HICKMAN, QUEEN Arlhe SOUTH EVELLVE, R . 0 JVENA, EXPRESSMAIL, RARPT AN, FORMOSA, SARAH ANN, PORT PITT, SARATOGA. GALENA, SAVANNA. G EN'L BROOK, - TALLEYR AND , GALLANT; , TOBACCO PLANT, IDA, VIC TRESS, INDIAN QUEEN, VALLEY FORGE, ILLINOIS, T VPS . T WIND, J. H. BILLS; mar .et? OSEE H IMES. wouldrespec tfully iuform his friends and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies'. dresses, llabits and Mantels of every description, black; and warrants themnot to smut, and to look equal ttl.nrsr goods. He dyes fancy colors of all dekriptions of silk and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the c:olbri of g-entletnen'; clothing - , so as to reseinble new goods.. Mr. H. flatters himself that he can please the public, as he has done an extensive business in-New York for twenty year.. All work done on moderate terms, at his establishment in rith sti„betireen Wood and Smithfield near the Theatre: - - This is to certify that OSEE „HINES has done work for us, which has fulls answered our expec tations, and w e consider Tani a corripetent S. liefirphill, Andrei.: Purdy Wro. Barnes, W. B. Boies J. B. Shurtleff; Wm. Porter, David gun; • H. Smith; B. F. Mann. • Henry Jaren!' David Boles, A. Shocliey,jr Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera, George Barnes Si Naylor & Co.'s Bost Reim* Cast SteeL THE undersigned, agente for the Above celebrated stamp of Swot, will ultrays keep on hand an as sortment of the same, consisting in BestrefinodCast Stecl,squarecl,flat,round and octagon, do do do do axe te'Mper, Extra do do do for nail cutters, Best do Double and Single Shear steel, English Blister, German, Granae; Wedge and Craw. ley Steel, at vrholeSale, by the case, or in smaller lots tosuitpurckasers. LYON, ST-TORI 3 & CO., je 4-3 m Fdoi of WoOd street. I Won Cotton Factory 5 BEDITCII.D. -Long Red Yarn. - 500 at 8i cants per duzou 600 at 74 do 700 at 64 do 800 at Si do 900 at 5 do 1000, at 5 do Candlewick atls cants pet lb. Corn. Batting, 8 do Family do., 12 do Carpet Chaim 20 do Cotton Twine, 20 do Stocking Yarn atul Cover let Tarn always on hand. 'Cotton Warps made to or der. attended to, if left at J & C. edy's, or th e Post Office: add res K. MOORHEAD & CO: FOR SAFETY, New York Dyer. CEI.TIFICA U To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. ITHE subscriber most respectfully. informs informs the ntlemen of this city and® vicinity, that he has commenced the ROOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some of the most, fushionable boot Shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished himself with the best French and American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi ness to merit a share - of public patronage. To those gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his business. P. KERRIGAN. may 11. William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty st. opposite the head of Smithfield. JThe subscriber having bought out tlie, • stock of the late Thomas Rafferty. deceaseddras commenced business at the old stand of Mr. 11.. and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, in the best mariner, and on the shortest notice. 1 He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of shoe) findings of all descriptions, and of the best quahty. He 1 solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft. sep 10—y WM. ADAIR. David Clark, Ag't., JFASHIONBLE BOOT MAKER, has removed to No. 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he would be happy to see his Old customers, and all others who feel disposed to pa tronise him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and employs the boat of workmen; and as he gives his con stant personal attention to business, ho trusts that he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage. sop 10 Pittsburgh Illsaufacturcs, Cheap for Cash. No 8, Fifth 31. Two doors from Market. T YATES intends to nuumfactuter a bet ®el • ter article of Ladies', Childrens and Misses' Shoes, and sell them cheaper for cash than they' can be bought iu the city. He will keep con.stant ly on hand and makes to order Ladies' Shoes of all kinds and colors, at very low price, of the folloNVing list. Ladies' Lasting Faxed Gaiter Boots, $1 " best quality , Kitior iNloroccoGaiters, 150 " Calfskin Boots, 137$ " Foxed Half Gaiters, all colors. 1 37$ " Lest kid and 'Monica buskin, 1 18$ " Double Soled Slippers,(Jeff.) 1 12$ fine Kid Springs and Turns, best qual.l 00 " Springs, heavy, 87$ Slippers, 75 el CI 82$ All Shoes made here warranted. Misses' and Chil drens' in thy same proportion. Mraesiietther the place, at the sign of the Red Box, No. 8, Fifth street. July 1 JAMES YATES. LOOK AT-TiliS! TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAR STORE J. FULLERTON, No. 116, Wood strcel,iie dooraboce6th, o k inds of the best 1 Spanish Cigars, / n ?c li uil zatilarCasadores, Coor manes, Trabileas,Principes. Also, half Spanish and common cigars. Tobacco of all the best brands. Cavendish, 5s lump; Baltimore Plug. 12s and I6s, lump. Also, MrA. Miller's tine cut chewing- tobacco. Sniurs—Rappee, Scotch, Macouba, high T.iastokc. lie has also, all other artie.l64 in hi,: line, which he offers, wholotude and retail, at the lowest cash priors. CALL :1.N1). rimpirrumm wesE BOOMS. _ALEXANDER At ' LERDY, Alike olditand of Young M 'Curdy, No. 43, S'e coniriircet, between Witod and Market, RESPECTFULLY informs the friends of the bite firm. and the public generally, that he is prepa red to fill all orders for Cabinet Work, of any kind, with all possible despatch, and warranted to be equal to any in the city. . Every attention will be peidto fuinishingCOFFlNS &c , when required. je l6—y Pile faantillectery. THE subscriber haying commenced the manufac ture of Cast Steel Files, froth American materials exclusiiely, merchants or other persons wanting can be supplied by him with a better article than the foreign', and at lower prices. Intending- to use only the hest quality of File Steel, manufactured by the Messrs. S n ERG en's , which is now brought tu a perfection equal to the best English article, : , ,anufactured for the same purpose. the subscriber has fell confidence that he will be able, in quality ofnrtirles and prices, to realize the best hopes of the friends of American Industry. GEORGE ROTIIERY; Corner of O'Hara & Libortv • • Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker - , (Late of the . firm rating 4. Curd y) T_TAS commenced the ousiness in all its branches at No Wood street, between First and Second wheie he will keep constnntly on hand a good as sortment of well *de FURNITURE, and hopes, by strict attention to Istt4iness, to merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Every attention willbe paid to furnishing COFFINS, &r. A Furniture Car fkir hire. July 11 , JOHN McFARL AND, &Upholsterer and Cabinet Diaker,E Third st.,helICCC7l Wood and Market, Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he is prepured to execute all order's for sofas, sideboards. bnreatis, k•thairs, tables', bedsteads; stands, hair and spring niattrasses, curtain.i; Turrets; till sorts of uphol stering Work, which he will wan-ant equal to any made iu the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 Matthew Jones, Barber and flair Dresser, Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the Mayor's of fice, where he win be happy to wait Upon permanent or trunsitint customers. He solicits n sham of public pa tronage. sep 10. 4111 FAL L FASHION . HATS AIW CAPS; ',t The subscriber having returned from the East with the latest Style of Hats, has now on hand and will con stantly keep a large assortment of his own Manufac ture, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap ness, cannot be surpassed. and would respectfully in vite his friends and the public to examine his stock of Hats and Caps, at the Mananetnrc, No. 73. Wend st. sep 9-3 m WILLIAM DOUGLAS. NEW FASHIONABLE flat and Cap. Manufactory. Orat , nn. 9:3 Frond a treel, 3 doors below' Diamond AM . !, THE subscriber *illkeep constantly on hand every Yarietv of the most Fashionabi.eHArs and CAPS, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. Perionslieisbingto parchase will find it to their inte mist togive him a call: S. MOORE. Pittsburgh, aug. 29, 1d43. BINDING AND POLISHING —Sad Irons G ground and polii,hed, anvils and other kinds of pindine done at the Cast . Steel File Manufactory, cor rat or Liberty and O'Hara street:. aug 18 PRICK TWO CENTS. citijc tiaitu Itiorning thisL OLIVER CROMWELL The London Sun, in rebuking the Ungeneratis • Spirit exhibited by the British fenctioneries in, excluldirqs Olive Cromwell from amongst the "sciilAilied, 'ierir sentatives of the soverigns of England,whieh are .t 6 adorn the new litinses of Parliarnent," theta eticineit4 sketches the Character of that great man. We have already given publicity to the tiontitniCe, mint that, "no place is left fur Oliver CrotiaWell I amongst the sculptured representatives of the sever' eizns of England, which are to adorn the new Rotuma of Parliament." Such, xe.presume, is the detea don to which the committee hive Cottle, fo 'whore' the supervision of all proposed internal decorations tuxi I adornments for the most magnificent structure *hil t has been raised in this country since the builciineel . Paul's Cathedral, is confided. The authority,- lila*. ever, of a dozen printed parliaMentery . papers Wilt scarcely Convince us that the committee can tia* designedly, so "committed" themselves! och W 1,4... mission Would be a scandal' pon the gratitud e erality of this age—a libel on the veracity ,and of all the traditions and written history of the "first 'hat of the last two hundred years. It would inVorve, practically - acted upon, a slavish and preposterons age 'to 'the 'Mere natne of loyalty. It wth 'proclai* to posterity the disgraceful fact, that so &era - wild were the people of England, in the 1 1 3th r eenttrl; I:ty, the prestige which attends—not the right eterctie Alf kingly power, but-z...the wearing ora royal crown, this they ill us signally repudiated their own oblige dons, arto. those of their ancestors, to the nizth who, 'mien:4mM himself, advanced this nation in the 13th century,' the foremost rank among the nations of the world, and. taught the Crowns of other European nations to rotor rise and to revere the paramount authority of his sitsii• ple Protectorate. We know, by fatal exPerience, What eriornotts a su rdi ties ''Committees 'Of Taste" (as they are modestly termed in the parlance or that Parliament which redly nominates them)inVariably Pre'rn fotirtere.# sociations connected With silnilar bodies, and theirtiet% ronage of Mr. Wyatt's card screen Gothic, and Sit John Soane's VenitianGreek, and other Men's ova% non descriptCaprices, evidenced in the late ilcanie Lords' cloister and facride, the painted chatriber, the "rest or'ed" Courts of La'w in Alike-yard, Witi4 not without apprehension that we observed the ziaituk of Sir Robert Peel attached to the list of dtat enntinta tee upon whose rack, and at Whose pleagurei the invent , tion of Mr. Barry himself, ritid the design ofklikkoti and painter;• employed on the same Magintc,ent `woritl, are liable to be distorted, thumb-screwed, 'distetideth. ur contract;.sd at any time. But our skepticism ag id the Premier's 'taste or judgernent in the although equal to uur skepticisin as to the resiZt, 'tif*• foreign or the resources of his domestic policy, wools haul lv so far as to question the soundness of his Emen d . judgment and strung goOd sense in matters Involvini no immediate objects of party o‘r political. intet'estli 4* olficialadministration. We cannot imagine that a minister, Who t. 3 Dlikki 6 n'tl'ard to boast that he came into public llte fret :143e ranks of the people, would be cnotvingly koguizant et so profound an insult to the tueniory of biln whom we must emphatically distinguish in out historic annals ai THE matt of the people. For Oliver Croinwell was the impersonation of almost all the best, and 'undonta , edly of some (thinigh lint a feW) of the Werst qualities.. moral and physical, of Englishmen - . In his single in , dividuality WVl ' C ' colicentrated the self-ex/in - lining, selft. confiding, strong willed but cool-beaded„-itnpotninti yet dispassionate, resolute but carculatlog, florin* though provident, iron-hearted, iron -nerved, irotehead; . ed English commoner, half saint, half hypocrite, a; once a preacher and a soldier, an excited enthusiast and a profound politician; a "soldier of Christ,' as he car. I led himself, and of the Parliainetit, as he approved him self; a marvellous but unceuscious instruirierit in the hands of Providence for working out the destinies of a Marvellous time. I-Ic was, in short, what the oircuin inanc.- of that time made all who figiired hi the mete. important scenes then transacted in his own country; • the creature of external impulse:4 ' whether of geed or of evil. But his was the glor' ofso controlling by the masted- of his own genius, and the foice and flisejplitai of his reason, his own actions, and the actions of Cittl , era under the same influence, a. 4 to bend theist tO!tlati Consolidation indeed of his own superiority', taiCatilr more anxiously to the permanent establishnient of the wealth, the power, and the welfare of his country. Let it be granted that with the rapid evolution 4 events—stormy, tragical, and appalling,as they. were which immediately preceded and followed_ the exect4'.- tion of Charles. I, the better qualities of Crotifivell efir: l 1, derWent that detorieation Wldch almoit Meath/ . bly if.; feet; those of other men subjected to similai inlalsetri! ' ces. His first spirited exertions in vindication of . hit[: countrv's liberty against the intolerable encroachnietent '. of the Throne, degenerated into rebellion, were then. sullied by the guilt of regicide, and deteimined bathe. unconstitutional assumption of despotic pewerover the. people and the Parliament w ho had raised him, innsy - • be said, after the manner of the old Romarm--en them shields, and proclaimed hi a - dictator." Let. it be granted that the lawless violences and plunder Whkli he direc_cd, or abetted, or sanctioned, against the errsett, al rights and the property of the royalists, die. eras' men t itself, and the political confederacies in the town*,: and cities, ere As incompatible with his soletrealy,,, flossed regard for papular liberty, et his grins Manned and private conversation comprohlised his still inorel. sac-red pledges to the earnestness, sincerity, and seat, of Izi: religious convictions. But, after all, we tritise make large allowances for the co !rased notions of raci al right and wrung, of social obligation, politie.a. giance, civil responsibility, and religious duty, which had been generated in men's minds by the wild, vnri; - on;, and vision-like excitement of that strange period. King James the First had bequ e athed to liis successor •7. an inheritance of external peace. But the furious ele; , -- meats of civil commotion were in intense action less: , neath the surface of this specious patrimony. The'. lung suppressed principles ofuntagoniatic strife for istence and power between the high-flying pretensions-. of the Crown, and the stubborn put-pose of the people I to retrieve, extend, and guarruitv their ancientliberties; burst out into that fierce convulsion which preaentlE4e; stroved the monarch and the sovereign. In the atom/ lv subsiding conflict of these principles, easily and often . a-ain awakened into destracti:e collison, CromwelL , had to deal with a menu:icing - condition of things, ti . with hostile opponents that were only grappled-Wit/1i : by sigur almost beyond the law, and a consistency, ek; . . most equally inaccessible to the suggestions of flu/Ellie .., pity and bureau weakness. Vet where, among 0. 01 0 ..1 ccssful leaders against the forces of ancient fly/m*lml' and opinions, thrones and monarchs, institutions and. establishments, shall we find a parallel to tromwell?-a . ., The King's death; be it remembered, teas neither his - exclusive act, nor could he, alone, have arrested a. fate. . already determined on by those whose strength and will Cromwell couldnot yet pretend to oppose. If hegaye. _ way to the brutish intolerance of his Parliturtent hi. . sanctioning the cr-elties exercised against the matso Naylor and others, he is to be. to a great oittent, ma .. cured by the putitanical bigotry of his time, and the concurring prejudices of the entire people. But riei= ther his political vengence nor his religious f -- indulged in those horrible excesses of bloodshed. '. A torture which disgraced the Memory °llse ingillyamiceg. be best of our k inga, who were ails° wise legishitativedll:l invincible capmilia. We pause fur a moment to remind the matheithilt Oliver t 'romirell raised the true grandeur of hit want try tt home, and its political influence abroad, pitch it had previously attained only under Eli t in less than len years. in place oldie distetlai British diplomacy had incurred abroad ttnitteibira*:. organization produced by Charles's polity its QM" ifi t fairs, Cromwell made the proud minima: of Nor** , suitor for his friendship and favor. He handsled Sip pretensions both of France and Spain Jr, the p= s : visor and decision of his resolutions, and. Ow lest ettern with which he was eN e,,i prepared wails& REM :`..; :P l. 1:01..,1 r. :': : • ..., . -- I.t. s':7%