~. ~ -• * . - , c t ) ....„,,,,..,. xi . ... M i orn ng po,tst _ • . . titt,oi)nr#, • ....•.„ ... PUBLISHED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS &,- SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PEN N'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN AD ,r ANCE. _ __________ ______ __ _ _ ___ _ ____ _ VOL. — __________ •. 11. _NO. 31. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19 1843• PRICE 'IWO CENTS . ____ _ ___ _ ___ _________________________ _________:_________ ;Q:lie rlailn Inorlullg Post PUBLISHED BY IL Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, NICE/OLAS D. COLEMAN Ll.Oln R. COLEMAN. Cheap for Cash •. Cotton Factory. To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. • .o . Coleman & Co., PR/c1.5 REDUcE.D. THE subscribe r most respectfully 21331/11141,0 PHILLIPS & WM. H. SMITH Office removed to Bakewell's Offices, on Grant street, N. W. corner of Wood and Fsith Streets. nearly opposite the 11CW Court House, next rooms to J. General Agents, Forzeardtn g and Commission Short Reel Yarn. Long Reel Yarn. informs the gentlem en of this city and ''." D. Mahon, Esq., first floor. sep 10 Merchants, No. 5 cat 15 cts per lb. 500 at 3i cents per duzan. vicinity, that he Inas commenced the BOOT and ; ----------K---) EEPING Il L . Teasts.--Five dollars a year, payable in advance. Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so- 6at 15 do 600 at 7i do SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the. I Single copies Two Ceers-for sale at the counter of Hugh Toncr, Attorney at Law, By LYMAN EIL •NCH.A.U.D. licit consignments. Il 22-tf 7at 15 do 700 at 6i do the Ofice, and by News Boys. North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets, havtng fuznished himself with the best French and Bat 15 do 800 at 5i do 'Oh! o hat a pity!' exclaimed Ida!) Lucy S---e, ri‘nruas).tofras'shoiffionraeb.le h6l:ostinsiglopbesclnn ft(h'reenE'as"teinn ' 'oumitie " -o ' f2 d e she read in the, newspaper the other day how Mr. Pittsburgh. sop 10-y LEMUEL %VICK Jonti D. WIcK. 9at 15 do 900 at 5 do I,lkeisn3ertiocenzlenatifiasshiiina,re, he }pi oupbeliscbyp ahti:oi, attention ag.e. is ototi;:::io.. i ,itargeetitn,aianhs a te t t i o t r z a t t h t7 b p ai tt i n o g an t , o fill! t l a iis ca d a e s s eci ign uc t rioe , f totr i. The Meekly Mercury and Manufacturer ---- L. &J. D. WICK, [lO at 15 do 1000 at 5 AFCANDLESS & M'CLURE, do Is published at the same office, on a double medium Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce, 11 at 15 do sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin- Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, , adverse o cattier, descended min the coast of 5U44148."'' 115t...W00d Street, 4 doors above Fifth st., 12 at 15 do C'amiless ick at 15 cents per It. gentlenieu who have kindly patronised lion he returns and can with confidence appeal gle copies, SIX CENTS. Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court House, 1.13 at 16 du Corn. Batting, 8 du his sincere thanks, sep 10 Pittsburgh. may 15 Pittsburgh, Pa. ___ 14 at 17 do Family do., lo . i do for the goodness of his work and l ' . k I r itt e ß d knowledge G e sl o .: f s, l . is I Lucy S— is certainly- one of the lovliest little to; TERMS or ADVERTISING. EAGLE GROCERY STORE. . dies !icing, but desperately bent upon tannins to Francis R. Shank, Attorney at Law, Elsat 18 do Carpet Chain, "0 do busines.. extreme, and alarmingly prepossessed by afeisdneasfer PER SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: Fourth street, above Wood, 16 at 19 du Cotton Twine, 20 do 17 at 20 do Stocking Yarn and Cover- may 11. - TIV - illiii; -- Ada - i - X, - Eic - ie - t and --- iht7e Illal-c-er, 'keeping it UP." One insertion, $0 50 One month, $ 5 0 2 sep 10-ly Pittsburgh, Pa. .s k s lli - ~ Two do., k l. g E t aa u tt t 22 2 32 1 id d i oa o l i i e lt r. Yarn are ays unhand. Ah' poor child, thought I, (though she's as old as i 075 Two do., 600 ---.-__.- i.- --1 ' I am, and e per in all things but this one,) that pmety s 'Three do. 200 Threedo., 700 Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law, Ibi- Cotton Warps made to or- Liberty st. opposite the hoed of Smithfield. The subscriber hosing bought out the.42 o i fair-haired head of thine %sill surely go, some of these i,.. One week, 150 Four do., 800 Fifth, betweeu Wood and Smithfield see, I days, bump against the full moon. No need of a WI " Two do., 300 Six do., 1 10 00 sep 10-y Pittsburgh Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law, b Q urg T h ..lCY LLOYD, Jr., Wholesale end Retail Gros --e Orders promptly attended to, if left at J& C. stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has loon to help} ou to rise and,intothtehoughyouoNnrceert:dirlhiaro: Pain - ter's,Logan & Kennecl v' s, or the Post Office:address commenced business at the old stend of M. R. i oe'd be fr% ci s t ' air, Three do., 4 00 One year, 15 00 --- .---------------_________. 1 Pa. e..) ter and Fruiterer, No. 110 Liberty street Pitts may 20. f 27 and iv prepared to execute al descriptions of o oils in i m w ice s l h o a f t m e ,..4 e . ! ••• l •' it u ' ' ' YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. rirrs__________..____._____r3ußGH J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. Office on the North side of the Diamond, between Mar his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice. ottatsogatma. AT PLEASURE. ket and Union streets, up stairs sep 10 • Birmingham & Co., He keeps constantly on hand a large a sortment of shoe notions, to be sure, some people ha - ve of heap 04e Square. Two Squares. --- A. I. Durboraw, Attorney at Law, AGENTS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND, Circulating and Reference Library. finding s of all descriptions, and of the best quality He j i„, it up ! Squarer and solider heads than Lucy'a ern Sae months, $l2 00 Six months, $23 00 AND CLEVELAND LINE. OF religious. historical, political and miscellaecous solicits the , .. often known to run therusels es against the same was Tenders his professional services to the public. Office patronage of the public and °lute craft. ' One year, 25 00 One year, 35 00 March 22. NJ works, will be open every day, Sabbath except- SOP I o_, WM; 1D I.IR. though from a different point; heads well lined with _ Set , 10 on sth st., above Wood. Pittsburgh. --------________------ ---- G**Lar g er advertisements in proportion. -- -- John 31. Brant, Wholesale Grocer, ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until OP. M., in the Ex- -=--------_______ .______o___- ____ lead, too--yet there is no keeping them steady. a ß vi LE d Clark, Ag't, E - F ----- & - . n - ---- yster uchanan, Attorneys at Law, _. . I change buildine, corne r of Sr. Clair street and Ex chaage alloy, where purictuol attendance will be riven FASHIODN ' LucyS '- " 1 --- s giddy. exclamation suggested to in,* BOO T MA KER, hes remo‘ed mind remembrance. of the many modes of 'keeping' st CARDS of four lines Sex DOLLARS a year. ~ Dealer t n Grain, ta„Gsierz,,riairci r F c = , rdzng, and Corn. Office removed from the Diamond to "Attorney's Row, • by v. Lich people contrive to get driven out to set by sep 10. , , J. G EMMIL. to No. 31 Marke street, between Second and ; U P , Public Offices, &c. shady side of 4th, between Market and Wood sts., Harrisburgh, Pa. Third streets, whetre lie would be happi, to see Isis 1 when they might be safely lodged on the coast of Saes Pittsburgh. ! old customers, and all others o ho feel disposed to City Post Office, Third between Market and Wood s r• -- 1 -I____ e ° -----------_— WILL dispose of all goods sent for Commission. pa.. sex-of the myriads of balluons that arc advuntageoutes streets-R. M. Riddle, Postmaster. N. / 3 uckmaster, Attorney at Law, • Sales at the lowest commission rates. PITTSIIURGH MANUFACTORY. I tronise him. House; nothing but first rate stuck, and ly kept up, until the unlucky and teilooked for minces r emp oys the est o wor - men; and as he gist.. his cen- Custom House, Water, 4th door from Wood st.,Pe- Has removed his office to Beare; Law 1 h Buildings, t RiFERENC ES: Springs and Axles for Carriages ' 1b f k ' when the descent becomes an tuvulunt ary one. tenton's buildings-Majo r John Willock, Collector. st., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh, sep 10 Phila.-J. Ss W. Esher, Das &Ger risli,D. Leech &Co. Al Eastern Prtees stunt persenal attention to business, he trusts that he The angry wtre is an aeronaut of this order. Knew; City Treasury, Wool, between First and Second - Baltimare-W.Wi nn &co. IYillson & Herr,J.E.Elder. George W. Layng, Attorney at Law, rill HE subseathers manufacture and keep coostant- will desme•o and receive a fair shure of patrona es° i log that ii. ords are but air, she fancies that she mantes streets--Janios A. Bertram, Treasurer. Harri sburg/s - Ntielelßurke,H.Aute s ,J M. Heldman. County Treasury, Third street, next door to the Office in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. july 1-6 m. 11 ly on hand Coach, C and and Springs (wa r . sep 10 have zoo many of them. Up she. shoots, heedless Third Presbyterian Church-S. R. Johnston, Treasu- se') 27- Y ------ -- -- - - -- - - -- ' ranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated itl whither the gust of passion carries her. Some enemas - LBW,__ _ JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Dash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump . finable sensation-a sudden chill at beam apturgpros P .l tt doted by a nervous bile self-inflicted upon the talk. i. ter. Heade 'Washington, Attorney at Mayor's O ffi ce, Fourth, between Market and Wood Office in Balsewell's building, Grant street, Pittsbugh. Bookse ll ers, Printers and Paper Makers, Joints, patent Leather, Silver and Dress Lamps, I It 4 leg organ-obispers, perhaps, that she is going to far, -Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and ; I l i II Vlo ~,,, i !treats-Alexander Hay, Mayor. now 5, 1842 No. 37, Market street. sep 10 Hinges, &c., Sbe. JONES & COLEMAN. - and wares her to descend in times but pride and folly • Merchant's Exchange, Fourth near Market et. , l'l' V it. ------------------------ John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry, sep 10 St. Clair st., near the 111egliens Bridge. - Plii I tell her to 'keep it up'in spite of ever:, daingsand just at BANKS. John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, 1 , :he succeeds triumphantly in having whets he resolved Water street, near the Monongahela Mouse Pittsburoh. - Offite corner of Smithfield amid Fifth streets. Pittsburgh. - - ' ' I , ~, 1g.. .....„, s, 7 Pittsburgh, between Market and Wood streets on to have -the last,wordishe suddenly drops and sees here ..' I : ' k d llare '.41111111W 7 ' ColleCtionsmacle. All business entrusted to his sep 11)-Y ['bird and Fourth streets. l',3' self 'alone on a w ide, wide sea,' without a chance lilt care will be promptly attended to. THOMAS B. YOUNG FRANcIS L. YOUNG. .• - 74 ---':---- ....- '''''- ,W,- , ..- -'-- '7. - ' - = . Merchants'andManufacture rs ' and Farmers' be-. care Bg. - .....,...,-„„, - • i-.._ - ..., ,_ Ili 1 1 4 1 a 41 11,11: fi '; t ''"'' more. feb 16-y „posit Bank, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between ---_____________- ' Thos. B. Young & Co. .- - - - - -- ---_..1-1 • - I ihoug lit uo quickly of the penes sity which the ath. Wood and Market streets. William Elder, Attorney at Law, Furniture Ware Rooms, corner of Hand street and Ex- e"e7e - s t 7, „A e--- es "7” esse re e . or sex exhibits in that and a thucsand similar respect:le Exchange, Fifths[. near Wood. Office in Second street, second above rho corne r of change alley. Persons wishing to purchase furniture, (e- 2 f . - - ;-:. s r` '); --- -rr - 1 ' , I piet mired the dissipated speculator, who, Ending that HOTELS. ap 29-tf Smithfield, north side. will find it to their advantage to Sive us a call, being fu]- '- .. --- ... 2- :-.71. =. fi 4 : 4 h ri Mari fth ct.araTi.,cittr,o doo e r s s , f, C o h m e .l a i p ari f . o , r i. Cash. lie has taken the wrong path, tesolves to pursue it to the end, if ooly for the seeing whether there is a that.- ____ ly satisfied that we can please as to quality and price .ssms,.. , Monongahela House, Water street, near th© Wm. E. An '' Attorney at Law, .; ---- •7 - ••••••• * - ----7 . • . 7..7 •.., •• • •-•••...) YATEe intend to tn , a- /refo trustee bet- ouglifhre ur nut. I,IrUW an untie of the foolish stretch& Bridge. sep 10 . .1111:1iP*ejs Let aerie! of L ' aclies , Children s and ewer, ss ho,rather than acknoo ledge that he is a crotch.. Pittsburgh Pa. Office in Fourth street, opposite Burke's —________ —-- It es shoes, and sell them cheap er fo r cas h th an er, would quarrel with the whole o orld -call friend or s. Exchange Hotel, corner of Penn and St. Clair. 1 ' - Building. R. C. TOWNSEND & CO., - .1e..e_____,==.....,..,--- ---- .7.2._ .4:-.,1,;: 7......1-- ___, - T .- 11, ----- T ail . -N .. -- - e sp . e .:" - kinds mid colors at • they can be bought in the city. He will keep constant- neighbor knave ur fool, amid at last dashes his bruits* Merchants' Hoke corner of Third and Wood. I."'W • lttes.st E. Atzstlx, Esq., will give his atten- Wire Workers and Wire Manufacturers, , IN on hand and makes„ctory o lc ce , l w er pri L ce a s ds , e a s t : a s ie l hues knave sortu,tr totadtderneaunthsenahteabbbisychooulunteesr: who,and sense. b g a uud ringjust beemi . AmericanHotel,cornor ofThird and Smithfield. Lien to my unfinished business, and I recommend him .. United States, corner of Pena st. and Canal. No. 23, :11arket street, between ed and 3d streets. list. ~ Ladie s ' L c I l s .f t.:n k e i ~F l o 3 : o e r d s , Gaiter Boots, to the patronage of my friends. Spread Eagle, Liberty street, near seventh. sep _lO-y _._ sep 10-y WALTER FORWARD. -- ---- -- thrown by one s /mous jade, mounts with weakened ~ Miller's Mansion House, Liberty St., opposite - Exchange Hotel, $1 75 limbs another of the same breed, and so continues ri- Wayne. Daniel M. Curry, A T tiorney 1---- t tw, FOR SAFETY, best qu ality Kid or Morocco Gaiters, 150 ding between hospital and hospital-Lsayely resolved Corner of Penn and Saint Clair streets, by Broadhurst's Mansion House, Penn St., opposite Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield Traz.ellers siould selcel It mts provided with 1 374 seer to keep it up, though ever more destined to be Canal. ap 8 Pittsburgh. sep 10 .111eKIBBIN & SMITH. Evan's Safety Guards for prerentin g E (plosion of ” Foxed Half Gait= rs, all colors. 1 37i cast doss e. _e s __ Important to Owners of Saw Mills. Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, Pilkington's Unriva ll ed Blacking, Steam Bolters " best kid and Monsen buskin, 1181 The infinite shapes numb fully assumes, rhea dei QNYDER'S unrivalled Self Setters, for saw mills, Office on the corner of Fourth and Smithfield streets, AT ANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and retail, T T would be well for the trai cline community to " Double Soled Slippers, (Jeff ) 1 12i priusip'.e of keepiee it up has ouce taken possession of I. bear in mind that their security depends entirely fine Kid Springs amid Turns, best quite! 00 Me soul of a sane Ceing, occurred in rapid succession - 15.7 which have been so fully tested in different parts sep 10 Pittsburgh. -i-T-L six r[[ STREET, one door below Smithfield. „ upon their own encouragement of boats that base or " Springs, heasy, 874 tom:, mind. One man gets trapped on the turf, only of the United States, as well as in the cities of Pitts- Judson & ri •Th-t----------------- "t 21-1) * anegui, ttorneys at Law, may be at ths expense of procuring the above appara- o " Slippers, 75 to leant the le;; ua that, once entered there, he must burgh and Allegheny, can be seen in operation at a , . rnithfield, near 7th street. Collections made on mod " James Patterson, jr, tus. And that every individual making such selec 6sei keep it up, ur be rutted; another cannot, for his life: number of mills }nth[[ neighbei heed, vii: at Mr. Wick crate terms. Pensions for widows of old soldier., ender butte is coutributing towards a general introduction of All Shoes made here wan-aritod. Misses' andCil- help riding after a pack of hounds of his own, and ersham's mills, on Punn street; at Bossman & Cham the late act of Congress obtained. Papers and draw. Ilineingliam near Pittsburgh, Pa., manufacturer of an ins entian admitted by all men who understand the arena' in the same proportion. when he has shoran that he ceo keep it up ut a pretty host's mills, near the upper Allegheny bride, and locks, hinges and bolts; tobacco, fuller, mill and timber 'logs fur the potent office prepared. mar 17-y_ principle s of the Steam Engine, to be a sum precentor- 1111 entember the place, et the sign of th e R e d good pare, es ers buds know sis hut animals be is at Morrison's mills, on Hare's Island, and others.- s crews; hoteen screws for milling mills, &c. sep 10-v Box, No. 8, Fifth street. -----_-__--- - ----os- Use against those dreadful disasters. You have cers to. The above named machine can be obtained at W. W. Henry S. Ma U Attorney at Law, John M'Cleskey, Tailor and Clothier, minty, in the hundrids of explosions that hose alreads Ju lY 1 __ JAMES YATES. A testis for farming takes hold of one sensible fellows eeullaee's shop, on Liberts• street, near Smithfield, Has removed his office to his residence, ,min Fourth st., where it is fitting lin, and where the machine will be to•o doors above Smithfield. sep 10 Liberty street, between Sixth street and Virgin all,'-,, taken place, then almost daily occurrence, and th:, South side. sep 10 thousands of le es that hese already been lust, P. snffi- -------------e--------s------ and, when hen it has converted his head into a t Dip era LOOK AT THIS! CIGAR STORE. %cry indinerent sort, he discovered that farming is a fkept cousta Itl2r WI hands. Apply to B. F. Snyder, or c , iezit o :triunes, and inclusement to make inquiry for a TOBACCO, SNUFF -- AND W. W. Wallace. ratty 5 J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law, Webb Closey's Boot and Shoe Ma.nuffictori, salvo. guard Beat, aed in every case to give it the thing which requires to be constantly kept up, or else it is apt to prove a failure; while another, equally judf• Offi ce corner Smithheld and Third streets, Potsburgh. No. 83, VII st., next dour to the U. S. Baia. J. I. tux, Evans' Chamomile Pills. R'} 25-y prefe i referent'' They hose v. ent to an additional expense No. 116, I Vood street,o ne door abort 6th, Ladies prunella, kid and Sa t i n sl e , , m o d em the neatest that your linos mty la. secure. Ought you not therefore V- EEPS constantly on hand all kinds of the be eious, hosing sought the bubble reputation by indicting a pamphlet, finds out that fame requires to be kept u • ABRAHAM J. CLEMER, residing at 6G, :Shot ,-------•------ ------____ _ rney and Counsellor at Law, manner, a n d b . , t h e neatest , F oone h patterns. sep 10 to 2n:et them with a correspondin g degree of hberalits, 11.. Spanish Cigurs, Regalia', Casadures, Co es ' e t i b 'Y street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia ' 6 irarPer. Atto commo n cigars. continual efleat, 'eel so mints away a respectable „ sla its recistagerayated Conn. The symptom s were vi- C 1.731.7., IlAlt Ersos coL NTT, Onto -- -- - William Doherty, - l a tl d , 1 a b l ' ile : C. l i r i , l l e 'r a ' s 4 C:r% " t ( o .e ::::: ) " ; h t L ia a t %.‘ ' ;'o u l a s i rr e :li sacrifice t c a t h i e n] ; -r "2.lnlesjo', h p a r l a f l S ' i i i e zi e n s i'sl i t ' and rinerpes. I for tune in pamphlets fur private circulation. , s I If the same man entered ed Parliament, and succeeded elentheadiche, great debility, feces, costiseness,cough, \VIII attend promptly to the • collection or security of 4 11.1.1. AND C I,l' MAN UFAC I Ult ER, ssooL't"'s rieui life. 1 hey do not i !large more than other boats; Tobacco of ail the best l'i on is• - C el h. , I in fixing the attention of the House, he o outd try- tol :soartburn, pain in the chest and stomach always after claims, and all professional busine ss eta ruste d to }Goers[ 00. tit* . . ave 4 " ' '•'• I keep it up until tao in the morning. Hate country, its 148 Liberty street, loess esn Market : - their accummodatiou s i e other respects are equal, arid lump; Baltimore Plu g I' l rid .1 '. 6 . I eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the in the counties of Harrison, Jefferson, Belmont, - an 10-lire. in many cases superior': and us there /3 one leaving Also, Mrs. Miller'sfists' atoteach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomit- sty, Tuscarawas, Holtnes, Coshocton, Carroll, Stark and Sixth. n tobacco. I defiance ',dila' painful and high-priced experience, had ___________ Pittsburgh even' thy, why will you run any risk, when Snuffs-flu ' - been hoaxed into a belief in his patriotism nerd in of dizeiness terverds night and re olessness. These and ‘Wayne. REFER To John Cartarright, ppee. scotch, Mareuha, Hish Toasu&c. had centinuea upwards of h. twelsemonth, when, on Metcqf 4- Loomis,) C UTLER and Surgical Instrument Maeufacturer, tk i .ite, tis so completely iit your own pews er to as oid those dis- He has also, all other articles itt his line which be pendence, he would keep up the old tone and the old e onsulting Dr. Win. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and Dalzell c - Fleming, ( . corne r of 6tlr and Liberty streets, Pittsburg, Pa. ..., : , offers, whole;,l e and retoil, at the loss east ca.-II prices. au., long :titer the mask had fallen off, and go on trying subthitting to his ever suecessful and agreeable mode John Harper, (Pittsburgh. N. 13.-Alwass on land an extensise assortment of si i G nits marksel thus [•I in the Litt of errivals and CALL AND SEE. c ' el a t elle:: ~.u mp. tu hoas still. to the end of life's stormy aed unsiestfitabla ie to , . Departuees, in anothm. part ofthis paper, are supplied ---•---- - s 2,.. of treatment, the patient was completely restored to D. T. Morgan, J Surgical and Dente] restruments, Banker's, Tailor s, with the sat - et , Guar& FURNITI7HE WARE 1100/17S. healthin the short space of one month, and grateful for my 27, 1813-tf At the old stand of You , g ,A. Even in their pastimes, people exhibit the same pars - .1F Curdy. No 43, Sc- inevitable tendencies. The professor of boatingkeepe Hatter's, Hair Dress'. r's and Tanner's Patent je Sinurs. Al e: i i , s ,s, t e! Boat s protaccl with the Sal', ty Guard ALEXAS Di a o'r touts, oolitic. , whir (where this principle prevails) the same so - the incaltulable hentfit derived, gladly came forward Saddler's Tools, Trusses, Sr'. EL Mbrreav, Alderman, JE IVESS, RESPECTFULLY mew ms the frier ds of the late oit•hulpst kbeerioss‘‘titngupubnyd• kdeauelisleasstakthetie man. of and volunteered the abos statement For sale, whole , —________-- , sale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, Office north side of Fifth street, bets% een Wood and Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale. AGNES, JAMES ROSS. tend street, betuee 71 111,4),7 and Market, e p r u a tti p n a g dd d l o z. firm. and the public p'Pl , rally. that he is prepa- In short, es ery man has his kite to f 3.3, be it of what . sep 111-y No. 20, Wood street, below Second. Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10-tf A FEW thousand feet of seasoned Oak and Poplar AMA RAN TH, ADELAIDE, LADY OF Lrox,,s, MENTOR, red to fill all orders fer Cabin t Work, of any kind, shape it ni 1 . ); and the majoiits, are led on Loa constant ~. - Alagistrate's Blanks, /1.. Lumber, for sale by wholesale. Enquire of James with all possffile despatch, arid is arrant, dto be equal but uni deem! t sacrifice in the endeavor to keep it up. Pease's Hoarhound Candy. For proceedings in attachment under the late law, for C. Cumnrrns Esq. nem the Fountain Inn. pi 21. ASHLAND, MINSTREL, 90 UTTLE has received this day from New York, sde at this office. jy 25 ' BRILLIANT, MARIETTA, t ' ' a Even' in attention c will Es Naito furni,hing COFFINS 1 e(t-lai i i ts e st °l7,c a a to r p n a l ;n i fUl wh a i n e d il Illilleirfittitsttr;:inporca.! • 1 afresh supply of the above celebrated cure for st A2r4Good's Celebrated Female Pills. BRUNETTE, MICHIGAN, . Coughs, Colds and Consumptions; and is ready to sup- Blank Petitions, Notices, &c., THESE Pills aro strongly recommended to the BPEAK WATER, MARQUETTE, ply customers at wholesale or retail, at his Medical To be used in Bankruptcy proceeding;, printed on good BRIDGEIVA TER, MISS() UI?I MAIL, Szt , when ropiired. le IG-s haps, is that ss Melt is so comments described by the Agency, 86 Fourth st. nee 12 -L notice of h oli es as a safe arid efficient remedy in paper, and in the forms approved by the Cou rt , f or sale remosing those complaints peculiar to theirsex, from' CADDO, -V Clit'G 0 PARK, _______________:______________ - File Manufactory. tore of Cast Steel Files, from American materials expression, •'keeping up appearances.' The ludicrous, at t i s °exc. VIC E,RO: AIL'SSENGER, THE sub,cnln r has ing commenced the manufac- to L.e sure, in many cases Isere, prevails over the la Better Bargains than ever, at the Three Big 1 i ffi ..i.)• 2 5 want ofexercise,or general debility of the system. They CAA roA, :HUNT TGOMERY, men table. The shifts remind US too forcibly of our _____ Doors. - Dr. S.R. Holmes, obviate Costiveness, and counteract all Hy sterical and CU7'TER, NORTH BEND, 'supplied 1;3. him with a bette r article than the foreien, exclusively, merchant, o r oth er persons wanness can be fat oibal friend Caleb Balderstone, to carry with thew THE subscriber would respectfully inform his cuss Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sane- A greets er sympathies, or to ass aken serious asters Office in Second street, next door to Malvan St C ' y o. s CECELIA, NEp T t. , NE, toruers and the publicgenerally, that notwithstad tion and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in Glass Warehouse. CASPLIN, N. 4 RAG ANSE TT, and at lower prices. Intending to use only the bt:st mere. Mg the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, sep I°-"/ the United States, and many Mothers. For sale SHOZABLRGEWS, v. hich is now hi-condo to a perfection CLIPPER. NIAGARA, quality of File Steel, monufartured to the Messrs. 11 e lassoh. for csainple. at the impotent tide,: tO make - plain Bill," look like "the page Adolphus ' and Jutting the present season; he has still on hand the lar- Dr. EL W. Patterson, Wholesale and Retaieby R. E. SELLERS, Agent, OSPREY, gest and most cawed assortment of elegant CLO- Office on Smithfield street, third door from the corner of sep 10 No. 20, Wood Street, below Socond. C6l • l ' uMB P S , same purpose. the subscribe r has full confidence that lie ____ • CLEI'ELAND, ORPHAN B 01", equal to the best English article, manufactured for the to our Immense amusement. can see clearly through' THING [batten be bought west efthe mountains.- sixth street. sep 10 the clever st indow -blinds catefullynewspapered-us The public may rest assured that alt idea offisred at ------------ ------ -- Notice to Dr. Brandreth's Agents. COL umBrA.N.4, OHIO, _ H. D. Sellers, M D., DUQUESNE, ORLEANS, his store axe maufactured from FRESH GOODS, per- T HE office in Pittsburgh, which was established fur will be able, in quoins of articles and prices, to rea l ize publish the false intelligence that the family ate DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, chased in the Eastern markets this spring and made in- Office and dwelling in Fourth street, near Ferry, the purpose of constinning agents in the west, the best hopes of the friends of American Indust r y, out of town for the season. The display of arise°. to garments by Pintsbargh workmen. sep 13-y Pittsburgh. basing accomplished that ooject, is now closed, and ECLIPSE, PENELOPE, GEORGE ROTHERY, crow cards on the Hale table in the passage, and this •• . In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in Ward & Hunt, Dentists, Mr. 0. H. LEE, in the Diamond, Market street, ap- 1.:31 • 31 " 1, PANAMA, sy 15-v. Corner of O'Hara &, Libtrty sts. occasional mention of dear Lord Somebody, are /MEW ED 117 N H/CKMAN, QUEEN of the ,S"OUTH, --;-,..--,..--------------.------------.- mg more than a good joke; nor is it worth while, for our city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the musty, poll' ' ted my agent for the sale of my Pills and Lini rsoratto P . xoung, Cabinet Maker, Liberty street, a few doors below st. Clair, E rE L !NE, ROWENA, the sake of fun, to inquire too curiously into the bargain cast offigarments of former seasons, from the eastern ci ments. All Dr. Brandreth's agents will, therefore,un (Late of the of Young 4. .11• Cl 4, dy) . No 22, Wood street, betwee n First arSecorel bs' w hich the comfortable by is to be made to look set ..-. ties, the public should be cautious to ascertain the char- _ap G, 1343 ______ derstand that Dr. B. will send a travellin g agent EXP/lES S -Il ia' FORMOSA, RARI7'AN, SARAH ANN, H' 1S commenced the nosiness in all its hunche s a unlured as possible. stra., where he will keep constantl s on hand n or o as rx„ad,-, FURNITURE, and hopes, he acter of the establishments in which they are invited ni Doctor Daniel McMeal, through the country once u year to eollect monies for FORT PITT, SARA 7'OGA. But if e e would see this sort of "keeping it up" ilk Purchaser before they part with their money. The arto '' [ lice on Fifth street, between Wood and Smitlifie i sales made and re supply assents. The said travelle r all its meanness and all its misery, we must step hie 0.1/, ENA CFA L BLOOIt, SAVANNA. strict attention to husiness, to merit a continuance ot Iles offered at ses ed of the concerns in this city, arc streets, Pittsburgh. dee 10-y a will he provided With power of attorney, (July proys d _ , , „ TALLEYRAND, sortment of well , side, hectare a boarder, and be as one of dm du' lite . the mere offals eiNew York and Philadelphia slop ------------ before the Clerk of the city and county of New York, MAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., G A L L AN T, TOBACCO PLANT Every attention will be paid to ft, ni ishing COFrINs, shops, and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts - together with all the necessary \ ouchers and papers. IDA, VIC TRESS, ' the patronnee of the public. galshod, the desperate, the forlorn fami/y. Theis a ls o we witness burgh public. Purchasers slits `d be on their guard a- COTT - AN YARN WAREHOUSE, Mr J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent noss in remiss!. galas[ these impositions, and they may rely on the fact No. 43, Wood Street, vania. B BRANDRETH,M. D. INDLIN QUEEN. VALLEY FORGE, &c. A F urniture Car for hire. ll continued hour I's, how throughout the long day, em. I VOIS I_LL , WEST WIND, _______ _ J ul}__,________ pared faith which the life-and-death sty y' Illtei rue establishment that ads erti , es eastern made act- Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory }'erns, N. 8. - Remember, Mr. G. H. LEE, in the rear uf tho , J. 11. BILLS, mar 22 JOHN :\ IcFA RT. A ND, pos ens itself are but as sports and pastimes under the Market is now my onls agent its Pittsburgh. • ng, can give as good an article or as advantageous mar 17-y bargains as can be had at the "Three Big Door s." o ,_.-- june 14 ________ Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker, R . ~i ll of Paradise, H. WILLIAMS JOHN S. VILWORTII• New York Dyer. Ofall tortures, none can equal that which is forced td The public will please remember that all the sub scri- 11 ' Tette st., between Irood and Marl.et, ber's garments are made in this city, by competent work- Witliams &Dilworth, Facts. CISEE Ii IM ES. would respectfully inform his friends Respectfull s infonns his friends and the public that lie AZ hide the natural expiesoon of its suffering under a look:, men, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Me been afflicted for nearly two years, with a is prepared to execute all orders for sofus, sideboards, ~ - she birds ofpassage" from the shreds and patches of chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar- Having hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which lef and the public in general, that lie dyes Ladies' dresses, Habits and Man t el, ()revery description, black; bui bureaus, chairs tables, bedsteads, st Inds, hair ari 1 I d leagued o e ezant anrepose; and of all the pangs of post its, none can equal the anguish of a protracted, -, g and Indeed endless, Olen to mask want under the ap; and warrunts client not tobnint, and to look equal to new eastern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to ticles, No, 29, Wood street. gen . 1 . 13- Y produced much pain, and used various applications spring mattrasses, curtains carpet;oall ' - pearance of ease and affluence. It is one of the peen maintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors" NEW GOODS.-PRESTON & MACKEY, recommended by the faculty -all in vain, was cured goods. He dyes fancy colors of all descriptions of silk and carpet yarn. stering work which , he will warrant equal to any made . Also, cleansand restores the colors of i n the cite, and on reasonable terms. liar miseries of this condition, that every attempt bib have obtained for furnishine a superior sty le of CEO completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's sep 10 Wholesale and Retort Dealers in gentlemen's clothing, so tes to resemble new good;, - - _ THING in every respect, and at prices below those of linament, or external remedy. any other establishment. - English, French and Domestic Dry Goods, wi,„ s my hand, JAMES TAYLOR. Mr. H. flatters himself that he can please the public, Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair Dresser, guinea gracefully rendered to the superfluities is acme He wonidagain return his thank. to his friends and No. 81, Market stteet,Piebburgh. Ohio tp., Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 10, 1840. as he has dune tut extensive business ill New York far H as removed to } ou rt h street, opposite th e :Vin,, or's of- ally stolen feum the necessities, OA purpose to sheets - twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his fice, ss here he o ill be happy to It att. upon permanent or that they have no existence, the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed cep 10_, Dr. Brandreth's external remedy or hutment; sold establishment in sth se, between Wood and Smithfield traesient customers He solicits a share o f public p a - For the ends of true comfort and dignity, not a l i c i t upon his establishment, and believing that they have ' ---------- J. G. & A. GORDON, at the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburgh, price teenage sep 10. I can be spared; all, to the uttermost fraction, irrasee e e near the Theatre. found it to their advantag,e to deal with him, he would 50 cents per bottle. feb 8. ----------- 1 o keep up the display of v. hatever 's cornfoth i ed e and Commission and Forwarding Merchants, CERTIFICATE. __________- t FALL FASHION -repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase ______ Clothing of every description at the lowest priee,te call Water street, Pittsburgh. sop 10-y --- --- Dr. Bechter'e Pulmonary Preservative, rei' This is to certify that OSEE fl IM ES has done Li HATS AND CAPS stringencye ILy it 1&c l in u [hearts r rhe hi hidden t n h e l% strangers, withint o d t o h o e r r Ire at No. 151, LIBERTY Sr. JOHN M'CLOSKEY, BIRMINGHAM & CO., TIOR coughs, colds, influenza;, catarrhs, whooping work for us, which has fully answered our expec • Ile subscnb 1 Cr IDA inz returned from the East with melancholy and degraded, yet eide-iprerul condition ErObserve - Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, _l' cough spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all tations, and WC consider h• - im a competent dyer. the latest style of Hats, has now on hand and twill con- l of the civilized lot! It is beartssickenie ite g tts tali how Look at This, No. 60, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. diseases of the breast and lungs, andarrestof approach- e. is ere pesu, Andrew Purdy. scantly keep a large assortment ot his owe Nlanufac many thousands in every rank of life, except des lo w : TERMS.-Receiying and shippino, 5 cents per ing consumption. Warn:treed free from mercury and W m , Barnes, W. B. 80ie.4 sure, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap- lest of all, s oluntarily submit themselves to te e , f,,i .. T HE attention of those who have been somewhat ere' . . and"Aotherminerals. B. A. FAIINESTOCK & CO. I. BSh Iff , . B. tut c , Wm. Porter, a• 100 lbs. Commission on purchase; soles, ......, per ness, cannot be surpassed, and would respectfully nn-- , law, and Anse up their hearts to the tearing r a d - grinds ecera 'cal in reference to the uumerous certifi mar.9.2-y .iY 12 Agents for Pittsburgh. David Hall, 1-I.H.Sinith; site his flierols and the public to exomine his stock of I ing, cf real sufferine , suffering unspeaklele-te tine , cotes published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound cent - --- B. F. Mann, Henry Javens Hats and Caps, at the Manufactory, N 0.73. Wood st. (body of keeping sake up a hollow, laughing rocee ek el et e ace - Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, William C. Wall, David Boies A. Shockey,te a t 9-3ni WILLIAM DOUGLAS. , cares a straw about, except in hie rs unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di- Edward Hu , , I es, Manufacturer of Lon arid Nails Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame French ' Joseph , Jr., Joseph Vera, , '----7-------------_ 'that excites neither respect nor e ' • "se e, rectal to the following certificate, dm writer of which ', ` , , Manufacturer, 20 ri NI-NS FASHIONABLE en out. ever intie,tl Warehouse, No. 25, 11 ood br e Pittsburgh. George Barnes. et lea misery i t heies to cause. has been a citizen of this borough for several cars, and No. 87, Fourth strer t, Pittsburgle P. Hat and „Cap Mtuzuactry. l ls theme a tyrant named in any lan ce age known to, is known as 4 gentleman ofintegrity and responsibility. sep 10-a• C - A.NVASS brushes," arni ;h. &c., for artists, always Ili Naylor & Co.'s Best Refined Cast Steel. ell Ao. 93 Wood sires!, 3 doors below Diamond Ally ' man-figured even in a horriblefancy on hand. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly fra by any mind' - To the Agent, Mr. J. Knurl'. ----- HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., THE undersigned, agents for the abcrvetelebrated T HE subscriber will keep constantly on hand ev e ery existirig since the gloomy and o I hem used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild med to order. Repairing done at the shortestnotice. etentotie bird:eat) , of. Commission and l're stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as variety of the mostfashionahl e HATS and CAPS, the first hypocrite, "a fon • P " Cherry fora Cough, with v. hich I have been severely Wholesale GT"e"' Particular attentionpaid to regilding and jobbing at sortment of the same, consisting in g time ago . ...That ever hela, duce Merchants, wholesale an - cl retail. at reduced prices. or ever can hold, so relentless and eruohie g a max ufflicted for about four months, and / hove no hesitation • every description. BestrefinedCast Steel, squared,flat,roirnd and octagon, in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I And dealers in Pittsburgh _Manufactures Persons fitting stamboats or houses will find it to do do do do axe temper, Persons wishingto purchase will find itto their ince- over all that is honest and naked ; , sa cerr souls, as this rest Lagrive him a call. S. MOORE. detestabl ddstadt ean ........-..y tyrant, 3 7,,peare neale _ t ed. mak_ ' f have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, And 17 No. 43, Wood street. Piusbur t t . • their advantage to call. 50 P 101 Extra do do do for nail cutters, Pittsburgh, mtg. 29,1843. ed monster, of whom nine:a - mat h, o f A s b oa* , ram , and agrees well with my diet,--and maintains regular JOHNSON & DUVAL, DORTRAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port Best do Double and Single Shear steel, ______________ h... e and • and goo d a pp et i te . I eansincesels recommend it to all English Blister, Germtut, Granite; I'Vedge and Crass-- GRINDING AND POLISHING -Sad Irons are in ie g " Ga l e s --- . . P ~.... . I '. some degree the slaves, th e . others similarly afflicted. J. Mig.SICK, Borough of Bookbinders and Paper Rulers, I , Fo urth 3d Bark'sß •1 _ rail I ainter, st., story tu - ICS' Steel, at wholesale, by the case, or in smaller lots ground and polished, anvils and other kinds of wars hi and ells viCtirDß! ' . March 9, 1810. Chanabersburgh. Continue busmess at the stand late of ell'Candless sc. dine. J. Osborne would solicit a calli:frnm those who . . to suitpurchasers. LYON, SHORB & CO., grinding clone at the Cast Steel File Manufactory, cor- 1 s - ; slurY a ccrue to my stesealletease illottraffm of For sale by WILLIAM THORN, Johnson. Every descriptum of work in their Intents ti. desire Portraits •Speimens can be seen at his rooms c ., -,.. • fie -4 :im Foot of Wood street. ner of Liberty and O'Hara streets, nother n re gi on auglB [another re . sion of th•. 4. eaeiously acting priacipheesb e•i. 1 / 4 (sep 23) No. 53 Market street. lv and romptiv mecuted. . P may 8-y may 5. -s • ' . e sse - - ' •