Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 18, 1843, Image 4

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F AM y- OVVABID, 4.,,c0. NqusSAirforsnl ,rIAI4/1 .t--
THI., Whet Sir at. - ' , Wee builiA, 'Pa.—
flimassillalnlillrel"lod sarestaosive assortment of -Sall l I
lasod and Out! , PAPER iiAtiItBVPIGS., Velvet and 1 ,
10on Biiiders, of the talent style and ;llundsouis •,
p, for paparingballs, parlors and chambers.
-1441iity manufacture and have or. hand Tea at
tilating.,Writln,Letter, Wrapping and raper,n
Ist' sad Pullers' Boards—all of which i hey offer for sale
en the Utast accommodating term;; and to which they
ttlißlltetbeattention of merchants and others.
t rlll‘.4o—Blank Books of ail kinds and the be quality,
School nooks, etc. always on hand and ior sale as
exchan a b o v
B. B. Resit nd Tacaers' Scraps' taken In
REOVAL.—The undersigned begs leave to inform
UN public, that helms removed (corn his old stand,. I
(MS wooer of Penn and Bt. Clair sty., opposite the Es 1 Lille On
I INDIVIDUAL AND iNnr.r , es DEyr miNclet.r.s,
clams Botelorbsre he ha/fatted up a large a te PORTZ
Wilts Qom". and now offers for sale the most splendid \ Tim public lIUS lung is i,iked for individual cottllitlisii°n
assortment of ['Lanus ever offered in this market. \in T ransportel ion on the Public %Yorks, by which alone
ills pianos consist of different patterns, of "soperior lit can he creed Croat u nnecessary expenses and reduced
ilioiso Wood and Mahogany, beautlfully.finished and WO- to its lowest, rates; that wide will now be realized; the
&led .and construeleed throughout of the very best ma. Bate of Pennsylvania having id teed Trucks on her Bail
aerils, itich,,for durability. and onality of tone , as well Road. Indiyidums owning Portable Boats are enabled
as tatuett, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen ,to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to com
her.e. pete with companles.
Ao helms eniarged tile manufactory, and made arrange 1 alb line is composed of Twenty new, Pour &Wiwi
Waster supply the increasing demand for this insult - i Portable Boats, ow tied by the Captains who command
meet, lee respeetfutly requests these Intending to purr them and well known as c tvcrprising, industrious and
these to call and ,xamine his avortment hefore ptircha. I, experienced Boatmen.
atm: elsewhere. as he Is determined to sell covets., tor \ The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
esals,than any other establishment east or west of the over every other mode of Tcansportton, are too well
essuntal nu.F. BLVYIE, \ known to shippers generally, to require are suf.
corner of Penn a nd St• Clair streets, ; ace it to say, that the detentioa,lose,scparation and dam
ry 10 Opp uito the Exchange Rotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. I au to Goods, Invariably attending three Transhipments
between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable
Alleady ode Coffin Warehouse, '
, Boat most effectually removed.
rear advantage too,
The Portable Boat possesses the g
roast/ St., 2 doors from the U. B. Bank. nam e ng well ventilated and cool in Summer; which pec•
WK. .Tit.OVILLO, UNDERTAKER, .') Flour front soaring, attd Bacon and Tobacco from
ail gm, ECTPULLY.infartas the putilic tbat I e t 5 ' ealill.
ILL has real ~ - t ed his ready made coffin ware.
Ouse to the building •rerently Jccuplcd by
11. G. Bedard, directly opposite his old sand, no
. .where lie is always arepared to att.,:,d promptly
to any orders in his Doe , and by strict att:ntion
t II Devine, standing at he domes, between the owners
sir. of goods a rid the Boatmen who carry them, and eqaally
interested in protecting the hiterssts of bark, will make
promises to the public he wi,l not faithfully perfortp,
Ile is now prepared to receive and forward Produce
to Plulatielphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston in the
to all the deLtile or the business or an Undertaker, I shortest time, and pledge's hinn , e'f to enter into no corn.
lie hopes to merit public confidence. Ho will be PrePar 6. ' billatloll with other Lincs,but always stand ready to carry
at ar.t.trocras to provide Hearses, Biers. t. fortes and \ out the principles of his Line, and contract for freight on
e•ery regaisite on the most liberai Calls from the i the very lowest terms.
country "011ie promptly attended to ms I 4:Kir'To give undoubted security' to o wners and sitippera
we readeriee Is In the same building with his wari. 1 or goad: , au open policy of Insurance has been effected ,
Isiwee, where tho4e who need his services May Brad ad hint by which all wren:lndia?. shipped by this Line will be
Choy time. vr.rixvccr.:: Insuied without any additional expense to the owner.
.*/ DWl's. U. Devine will receive all produce eanalgned to him
MIMI aisoms, at PiltsbOrgli, pay freight and charges to Eheam Boats
JAMS VATTOII, \ and forward the sante w ithout delay to Philadelphia,
le.7...teet.eas. Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any charge
Masa a OOHS. for advancing orcorntotsitOn.
mop 1.0
7E .9
. —.-------
tie I what teaks your teeth so unusually whltei , .
ta,,isteits dash's duleinta to him Cuther night, • ser....------_ ~ * i
Towroughturs look so, with a grin, replied WO, rutli..:umeriber hasps, receoVeli from ..01:“.C.i1111;1;.
Vv e b you a bottle of Thorns' Tomh Wash, I ,Pty York, with aet metal and exteosive assort.
' r.o the bast now 111 use, so the . gentlefolks say. 1 mein oIDRUGS• CHF:XICALS. PERFUMERY. and
'And since they have triad this, cast all
away. 1 every aiticle in his line of business , which lie is deter.
Mist to provelt the best, to mole the teeth shine, I mined to sell on Ilte 'noel rra,onalite terms 'or cash.-
11 4 ,nek egalu, my dear fat, at the lustre 3r inlne. 1 , tie beitevis he clis'offer groilier inducement!' than any
r, Then try tl le ;
t oot tooth wash, 1 simile establishment is thtteity td country Ih)slciam
The Tcaberry tooth wash, and Nlerrlinnti; wild wish to supply themselves i‘ sib
And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine. i Drugs and blediclnes. nis articles have hens elected
Having tried Dr.oThorit's Tea Berry Tooth W ssli,' L with the utmost e5l W, and are warranted attic. l goal.
and,beeotne acquattited with the ingredients of Its comps) 1 try and uniform sirength. Orders will be titled with ac.
alatn, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the sanest, as curacy and elegance. Faitriii a ran be entiplied with Fine
itlitOne of the most pleasant Tooth Was! es now in use. and ['Miley Soaps of every conceivable varlets' , and of
Pittsburgh Sep. 15,18-12 DAVID HUNT, Dentist. the most esalisite perfutnes; likewise with Perfumery
I take pleasure In stating. having made use of“ Thorn's and Cosmetics of cut retry descrip' ion.
Tea Berry Tooth Wash." It'll. it is one of the best den- The undersigned returns Ills thanks for the liberal sup.
Wilkes in use. Being in a liquid form, It cotub!ites neitt. poi t heretofore extended to Mtn, and hopes by a constant
nasswith convenience. While It cleanses the enamel dl-mosltinn to please arid accommodate—n rare in pro—
aud removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds curing, and selling only what lo excellemt nod genuirie—a
a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M. D. close soperviFton of the sales and I sans: of Ihe stud ,
The undersigned have mted "Tlin•t.'s Compound Tea lisliment—precani ion and nertirttcy In Winnon i reed -
Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an extreme. ones—and by industry and perseverance. to mere nin
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary Info..
cease of public patronage
epee over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those . Ind's. may 25. WILLI Aal THORN
pensable members from premature decay. preventing the NE W—ESTA BLISH NIE S 1
accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. flay.
in tested its virtues, we take pleasttre In re. '0 ph olst e r y FurnishingEi•
eorortiendm, it. to the public. believing It to be the beat ar e
111 HE subscribers respectfully inform their friends and
tido of the kind how in use. .1. the puldic that they have just opened the store No
.M ROBERTSON, JAMES P JACK, so moll street, near the Zscbange Bank. and adjoining
ROB'T II P SEDGES. CILAs 8 scriLLY. Mr JB. Williams'Grocery, where they intend to mann -
C DARRAG. WM .ff'CANDLEsS, facture in the best style, and have ready
for sale a full
1 Jii .11WORHE.dD, JAS S CRAFT. assortment of the first ortality of Upholstery Furwish
A L RING WALT, •L 8 JoHNS, ings, such as Hair, Shuck and Straw Mattresses, Feath-
Prepared and sold by WILLI AM THORN. A potheca. er Beds, Sackings. !cr. w Welt they M i tt self for Cash at
nearly 100 per cent less than former prices.
rV and Checklist, Na. 53 Market street, Pittsburgh; and
ALSO•Sofas Chairs, etc. Upholstered, carpets made
at &lithe principa Drugglsts',and Turtle's Medical Agen ' '
and Cur tains array Pd aPer the newtet fashions—All of
up-- which they offer to execute in a manner unequaled in
ST. fourth street•
this or unsurpassed le any other city.
THE, subscriber having opened a situp No 6i, Beeorld
‘treet,hetween Market andWondreClE,PUtdbUrgki.
I n connet tic n with the Factory in Birmingham, resp
fully Ira irnis his friends and the public, that he will ht
happy to be favored 14 ith their orders for any articles
hill WM.
Doer Locks and Fasteners, n various d scriptions• or
band mid made to order.
Tobacco, Mill and Timber Screws.
rews for Presses,
Large Screws, for Iron Worivi, and Sc
aside u may be required,
Carpenters and Builders are requested to call before
sontracting for subs, and examine his articles and prices.
Locks repaired arid lobbing generuily ione in ,he best
billinnerosna on the lowest terms
S. .
may 3--6 1 n
Dr. Leidy's Teeter dr. Itch Ointinent.
IVA the cure of every variety of TETTER , the ITCH,
4 and all diseases of the , has I tself more
eacacioastlian any other prep n
tration p for tte pur•
pose in new.
Upwards of five hundred certificates ini,lbt he p roc er, , d
and -politished of its eff Irom School Teachers. Pro.
views of
Cap s. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses,
tains ofFactoil vessels e and others, were It not for the deli-
racy in bully:, their names published In connection with
inch dLogrecable affections.
By thr use of Dr Leidy's 'Fetter Ointment In cot June.:
ties with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pips, he
v i
will ourantce to cure any disease common to the skin,
bo er bast, or of however long standing, or refund the
atone , There are howevcr very few Instances but can
bemused by the Ointment alone.
rrirle . 25tartta a Box.
Preps rsd only and sold wholesale and ` phi at Dr Let.
tied Health Emporium,l9l N, Second stldph,
and . bY B. A. FAILIVESTOCK k Cu. cornet of Wood
wild Ststh streets, Agents for Pittsburg. JulY 12.
filitEsubscriber would reetteci fully ittfozm the citizens
torgh , A Ileeheny and their virtrities, that he
barret:rnmeneed , manufacturing the ankle of Lard 61
unlit:angles. . intend.' matlme, but one quality, bleb
therhest made in the Union and not surpassed
bell* best winter strained sperm nil tither roc machineri
Of 1111,1411• lts nfrtmslve properties, and one
ber swishes to impress iiktidetiy on the public mind that
it Whet tlacestary piarchase any new tangled lumps that
are palkled upon them as being requisite to horn the
tagttritn. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant littht
caa °Again it by calling at tile old stand,34 street, nearly
ro),,ltsitotta rootOtrdae.
'W. 7011,1 5L7.C17.17. D.
ILV• RODT.RT 51111.7C1., D. D •
DVS. .10111.PII
DU. JaiIDS X. DaDl3,
&DV. L. D. InClrf.
lititeation of Wnt !sale dealers, Churches awl
Mifkitsforea .7o **sited.
1.--AII the tip s will bear the wianufacturetre
Jan% 13413—tf.
u:s IT E D sTAT I. S
For the Transportation
o f
Nerchatidizt aild Produc
H EVIN It respect lully informthe public that they
il l- •
ttave completed their arrangsaienufur the above
larch 10 AS42
I 1 fi a R lif FOR SA LE.—The undersigned offers for sale
Iris farm, lying in Ross 'cownstilp zly miles from the
City of Pittsburgh, containinz 11.4 acres oflats
d of whit li i
60 ate cleared and under fence, t•ntls to :0 acirs of ~..f . f ren,
tneadow, 2 ;cod Oicliards of Apples a Cm Peach and , 4
\ Cherry tress—the improvements are a "tree frame 'louse l ,• , ~. . , .
f s ..wnsit•ps tnirtf itye , unity six, MUM seven ant
containing 10 rooms wenfurnished,calcutated for a Ta .
Tue. whin thif ty foe of tangessixteen and nraeteei
'hi- ty el- lif, of . awe twenty one.
sop a. private Dwelling, fi frame Barn 2.11 by 60.sloue , e.. .o . • .
1 . hmemott, and si abling, sheds • lid other out houses suit. Tow ()slop thirty engin, ot rang. t w enty t hree.
aide for a tenement!2 good Gardens surrounded with Townsh p thirty nine, of range twenty eight,
i currauf hashes. and a well of excellent water, with a Townships thif ty eight and tinily nine, of range
pump in at the front door. I n relation to the?lttsburgh tiwtavy tij,,e.
and Allegheny market, there is no place now o ff ered for Township forty, of ranges thirty cue, thirty two
! sa'e with more I ilducement to those wishing to purchase and thi.t. , .! threo.
\ near Pittsburgh, the terms will he made moderate. for South N est (f actional quarter of stetsons twef.ty
one, and life 'forth east and &tech west fr ac t i .o a I
further particularsapply to the prnpf ietor at his Clothing
Store. Liberty street, corner of Virglif Alley.
LAWRENCE kl ITCHELL. qua, ten o T (sf clion tn eniv lour in
nship fifty one,
south of .‘,l4:•Otiti liver, ()fringe twenty six.
5•0. if not sold before the Ist of October next. it f ' ' township
%vitt tie divided into 10 and 20 acre lois to suit put cite fatty South west qua! ter u section seven, to
gen in nine, of , ;Inge twenty seven.
— 7,, lid Lands app. opf iatefi by law, ffn the
exclu d use t,
schools 000
rainfall or o , lier purposes, will be
nr 20 ly
Regular Morning Packet for Beaver.
, TUE lard running and well known
•;:-;.; ,
• . ... - CLEVELAND,
SnAar Herarant. , !blaster, will depart daily from Pitti•
laugh 81.9 o'clock, A. Al„ ;Ind Beaver at 1 o'clock P. M
I For freight cr pass, ge, apply on board, or to
No 60 Water street.
N. B,—The rev lar canal partet to Cleveland. Ohlo
Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and M anallion on the
Ohio Canal, connecting with steamer Cleveland at Pea
ver,will be in operation immediately An ope ar 16 -41'ning of on
iv‘tion, m.
Car , of Lirer Complaint of 25 years standing.
This may certify that for twenty five years I was pif •
dieted with pain In my side, which was frequently no
severe as to entirely Incapacitate me from labor. I have
been ender the care and treatment of various phy
the msiciany
without any permanent benefit. Dearing of
cures effected by the Depatle Elixir prepared by Dr.
Starkwealher.l was induced to give it a trial, and am
happy o say that It has entirely removed. I have felt
so ',lmpious of it for store than a year past.
hiorlitirlde,litrieBS 30. 1841• AMOS ‘VIIITE.
The t genuine. to be bad at TII7DLE'S Medical Agency
irth Street.
'Denning's Tire eroof Iron Chests.
Prrrsetntoti, OCT. 22, 1842.
.1. Dittiutsto—On Friday, the3Oth of last ruonth,about
9 o'clock at night,i he Planing,Grooving and
w ith a Marg e e
i ufactory, owned byDilworth 4- Co,
quantity of dressed and indret , seil lumber, was nil COML.
fried by fire.
The iron Safr which I bought of you some time back
was in the must exposed situation doting the fire, and
oaa entirel rttd hot —I am pleased to Inform you was
opened at th y e
close of the fire, and all the hooks, p lt apers,
4 c.Faved;—thii: is the beat recommendation I can give of
11;e ulthiy of your safes.
net 24- 1 C
l` p, .11
H DEVINE gent,
No. 45 Water 11., Pittsburgh.
THO . 3. BOBBIE , ; E Agent,
272 Market street, Philadelpia.
MOORE cliAsr. Agents,
75 Bowley'a Wharf. Baltimore.
tiO+A EN 4. lIIIHIERD, Agents.
Cincinnati, Ohio
bladison Ind.
'rhos Vc.ADAM, Co , Agent.
= Old Slip New Yo
Oil ra anu fa ctorsr
band a superi‘.
ei 'WV'S TAX - FL Yun
Oil, warranted to burn at any troyerLture, and
equal t o the hest winter strained Spetin Oil, without
it: °fens= qualttes, and one third che a per, man
utacutred by the subscriber at the old siand,Third tit.;
nearly annulate the Peet Office. M. C. EDEY.
Jan 4,1845
TkiieW63ll44/01 Waite. 1.04,0$
N purgceof law, 1 Joan TILER. President
of the nan United States of ,
America, do hereby de.
elitro an make kuown that p blic. sales w be held
at the wider mentitmed Lana o:heeF.•iii the State
afed at
MISSOURI, at the pei loth hereinafter design,
u wit:
AT PIXFTSBURG, to Ctinion cnuk,ty, the seat
of the Lind Office for the Platte district of
i, cult:met:mug on Monday, the ninth day of Oct .-
h3r next, for the disposal of the puhlic.landa within
the undermentioned townships, and fractional town
s'111:5, to wit:
Stath of the base line and tctsl of the fifth princt-
pal meridian, and west of the former toedern born-
dary of the State.
Township Sixty two, of range thirty four.
Townships sixty cue and sixty three, of range
t hirty fi:e
Townships .ixty two and sixty four, of range thirty
'rownst'ips sixty one an ki sixty three, of range'
thirty seven.
Townships sixty two and sixty four, of range thir
ty eight.
'f west. half of township ix.) , one, of range
hirtY nine.
Fractional township sixty tvio and township sixty
fouroaf range forty.
Fractional townships sixty two and sixty titter, of
range forty one.
Fractional townehtps sixty three and sixty four, o
range forty two.
North of the base line and east of the fifth principal
meridian, and west of the former western boundary of
he State.
Townships sixty one and sixty two, of range
twenty seven.
Townships sixty. sixty one and sixty two, of tange
twenty eight.
Township sixty one , of rang e
twenty nine.
- '
Also at the same place, eornmencio”. on
the thirteenth day of November next, fir the disposal
of the public lands w ithin the limits of the undermen
tioned townships and fractional townships, viz . .
North of the base line and west of the fifth princip
meridian, and west of the former umstt rn boundary of
the State.
Fractional townships fifty, fifty one, fifty three,
fill five and fifty seven, of range thitty
ree fifty eight
otvoships fi'ty two. fifty four, fifty six,
and sixty, of range thirty four.
F . actionat .owntoip fluty one, townships fifty three,
fifty five, factional trwitship fifty seven and town
ship fifty nine, of range thii ty five.
Fractional townships fill fout, fish six, and fifty
at ven and town hip sixty. Of range %luny six.
Fractional townships fifty five, fifty six, fifty eight
and fifty me, of range thirty seven.
Fractional townships fifty five and sixty of range
thirty eight.
At the Land office at LEXINGTON, commenc
'll on Monday the second day of October n-xt, fo.
the disposal of the public lands within the limits of
the itudermentioned townships, to wit:—
i North of the base line and west of the fifth principa
.... meridian.
To vv nphips thirty ix, thirty seven and thirty eight
of 1 a nge loin teen.
Townships thirty five and thirty seven, of range
.ales M.lll et be he, t open for two weeks,
[unless the 1ar ,03 ;,re dof] toml no
iong,er; and tin pill% ate entries nl land in the town
rhips offered be admitted, until alter he ex
pirwitin nf the tvw , i n relsa.
ti i% ell my hanit at the City of Wa,hingron
this eighth duy ul June. Aim,. 1
id 43
By . Pc• sident:
THo. 11. Bt.Age,
Contrrir of the General Land (Yee
Ere, y the i ight of pre.einplion
to any !altos wit.iiii the limits of h.e 11.1Vl 11Fhipsats i v e
entoner. ai• d. is regiiirel to esiablish the sante to tho
satisfaction .1 the. Register awl (lei elver of the
proper Lind °Witte , and to make pas tlienl thereto*,
as s /OIL as practicabL after string this notice, slid thereto * ,
Gore the day appiiinted f , r the eiontme ticeinente
ti i t.
pnhie sale of the towwhip, embracing, tha.
claimed, above designated; otherwise such cleans
will be forfeited
1110. 11. BLNKE,
Commi-siuer of the Geuerat Land Office
une —u!s
-17 STRUM ENTS4— T. McCarthy, Cutler end Surgical
instrument Maker, Third street, *surly opposite the
Post Office, Pitteburgit
(SIGN OF THE COLDS S SHEA R have their in-
Musicians, Dentists and DrUggl6lll tall
strunienis madeby the subscriber of a superior quality
l and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and
or rs always
Orders res on bpect.
also Hatters Mars, a superior arti
filly solicited.
N. B. Allarticles warranted of thebest quality. and
obbing done as usual. seri 10
The'uffree riit,Cturv, o.lth was e sinhii4led lorth
purpose of consti 1114,1 a gent-i „ the west, naviii: ocean,
pbstied I rat o 1 j •ct, is now chwat, and Mr. G. H. LEE
In the Diem Ind, Market street, appointed my agent for
the sale of Pills and Littimenis Alt Dr. Brandetits agents
will therforemnders'and,thonce'DS. will ,end a travelling
agent through the country a year to roilect moneys
for sales made and re-supply agents. The said traveller
will be provided with a power of a ttorney, dilly proved
before the Clerk tit the cil y and county of New York,
together with all necessary vouchers and papers,
Mr. J, J. Yoe, is toy travelling agent now in Pennsyl.
vania, B. BR A NDETII, M. DI
N. B, Remember Mr. G • 11, Lee, In rear of the Mar.
ket Is now my only agent lit Pittsburgh.
New York,June 1401,1843,
An individual only wishes to know the right way
to pursue it; and there are none, were it SORELY made
known how Lila mig,ut be prolonged and II ',Oyu re
covered, w: o would not adopt doe plan, Evidence is
reqvtired that the right way Is discovered. This is what
those suffering from StfirDe.43 want It) be satisfied about.
For who is so foolish OS 1101 to enjoy alltll4 health his,
hody is capable oft It ho Is there that wo uld not live'
when his exptrience ran so mtich benefit himself and
family', It is a melanchelY fctthat a yery large pro.
IMPORTANT FACTS. portion of Age ntrkst oor, 1 oz eoiher., of society die be
tween toe ages of thirty and forty. Dow motif widows
DR.LEIDY'S Ssllssexlttt.Ls BLOOD PILO, ar,e ;pall- and helpiegt orphans have been tbe conseqoence of man.
cable in all caws, whether or s goci or Parifi kind not havisig in their own power the means of restor...
cation. They possess all the lted JitsJ,ues of other log health when lost.
pills, and are additionally edleaClolll , c ortlirliing Sarsap Now all these dangers and difficulties tan be prevented
°cilia in their ectotpoittion, w hoa' ,fs not oomolood to so y and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na.
other pills In existence.- They arealso different from oth• to re, in the outset, with a good dose of Brandreth's Pills.
cc pills
being purely vegetable, and can This is a fact, wi ll unite' stood to be so by thousands of
be employed at all times, without any datiger, and re our citizens This medicine, if taken 19 as to purge
clitittng no restraint Gom occupation or usual course of freely. will surely cure any curable disease. There Is
living. , - . no form or kind of sirkiwrstlmt it does not exert a cur
ative Influence upon. Thus. by their power in resisting
Pills Would cure all diseases. yet it is not saying too mur It poi refaci ion, they cure DiPOSICR small pox, worms and
of then), froal Ihe innumerable cures Performed by them all rontageousfevers. There Is not a ,tu.rit;cioo
.in the
h a ve and form of disease (certificates of many world AO able to purify the inns! , of blood and resirt,it
of which have been published from persons or a ll denom. to healthy condition, as tile ttrandreili Pills.
nations, phystelane• c'eegYmen. and others ) that they The Brandreili Pills are purely vegetable, and so in
seem to be aimed lattiVersal iti their effect; and persms amentilt:a itte,infa tit or a mot th old may oar them if
using them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest. fflPdt".-.l`:e required, uot catty with safety hut whit a cer.
assured they w ill b, found mo re efficamoosq,ap an y nth t mitt yof rereiving all the benetit niedscrne ls capabto of
in existence. imparting. Females may use. them In all the critical
From the known reputation of Pr teiils's Blond rills, Periods or their lives. The Brandrt.th Fills will insure
'tin deemed necessary to reininA Ipe ppidle Flwre they their health, and prodoce regularity in al the functions
may at all, times pr . core the !titula, as Ito attempted of life•
to impose other pills tatted .Blood Pills' gfrG the public The same may I , e said of Erandreth's External Rent
on lite reputation afar . Leido l . to -Be Oarlioolor and, edY.aw au Yatwaniapptiention in nit external pains, or
ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood PilisOsrld see Vat I swellials, Or cores, it greaity r t s-itst9 the cure. When
the name of lit W. B. - Leidy is cant • ined On LINO sides I osed where the akin is Very tender or broken. it should
cif eacii lals.(the Wm -slicing of paper, and oblong,square he niixed with one or two pints of water.
s bane, surrouoded ky a yellow and blaelt latel. ' A sure Ttstof Oenzung Brandrttlx pills,—Ezz.miue
PRICE-25 cents a Box, 1 the box otP ills, Then look at the certificate of agency,
Prepared only, awl sold Wholesale and Retail, at, Dr ' the engraved date [OWL tie within the ear, which
Leidy's HcalthEdupprlnm, 01 North Second sired, he- every , authnrised agent Must pomessi ir sca three labels
low Vine..Plilladelphia, and by E. A. FAHNEETOCK *Clothe box agree with the , hrc. labels on thecertificate,
k co.torset of Wood aud iiilth streets, Agents for Pitts t the Pills are true—if not, they are false, Mk
burgh joy I:2 -Iy. I r rinciiial office, 2•41 troadWay, New York.
km lb.
r O FES A LBS.-I'lmi els a large class of Fentales
this City who from their continuedsittlng, to which
their occupt.tlonsobligeiltem,areaffetted with costiveness
which:lves rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex•
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and suund.an inability of fixing
eci n
attemton to any mental operations; rumbling I the b
els, sometimes a sense of lIIIMICatiOTI, espally
meals when any exertion Is used, as going
ich yield at quickly up
stairs; ternme fickle; these are symptoms wh
once to a few dosesof the Drarrtireth Pills. Tice occa.
sional use of Oils medicine would save a
e deal
en of
three trouble
and years of su ff ering. One, or two, or v of
the Brandreth Pills Just before dinner, are °Fen found
highly bene fi cial; many use them very advantageously In
this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition,enliven tine spirits, Impart clear
ness to thecomPlexion,purlfy the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. B-andreth's Office. In the Diamond
Pittsburgh—Price 2Eserr ac iter box,. with ion
MA RK —Tbeosly place In Pittsburgh, where the
GBNpINE Pills can be obtalned. is the pintoes own Of.
ice, Diamond. Se, 10
Adltl3lllr*Put altailiffbl44l9
Harz now been before
the public 3 years du•
ring which lbue several
thovanits have been sold
and in daily use, We are
confident of being su,tained
in saying they are the best
Coffee Mills in tbe United
States, any way ynu ills
Several tnoilitications are
mallet° suit the fancy of
wives end the purses of
Su:il Ir.' the gross or dozen
at the manufactory,—
Malleable Castings made to
These gennine articles, of all sizes. and tno-t Improved
varleties,ennstarttly on band and for vale al very reduced
prices by the niartirticturer.LlVlNGSTON,
tuar 2. —tl Front between Ilo , rs and Grant sts.
HAVE removed th , l taper Store from Market
street to N 0.61, Wood s treet, one door from the
corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their u FOal as
sot-meta of WALL PAPERS, for papering, par:omen
tries,chambers. itC. and also PRINTING, svizitNG
I al: of which they o ff er for sale on accommodating, terms
feb 14, 1843.--dt f
rgrliow important it is that you commence
witho but
loss of time with BltsriettlCrit's Pa j,m PILLS.
surely remove all impurities from the hloo hat thed, and no case
of sickness can a ff ect the human frame, these cele•
Mated Pitts do not relieve as much at medicine
randre th cat do.
Colds and coughs are more henentted by the B
Pills than by lozenges and canales. Very well, per
haps.aS pallatives, but worth nothing as eradicators or
diseases from the human system. The BaSHORETd iseO PILLS
elite. they do not merely relic ye, they cure asert,
whether chronic or recent, infectious or otherwi.se, will
certainly be cured by the use of these ail sufficient Pills.
Eliso SINO, January 21,1843.
Doctor Benjumis Beandretk —Honored Sir:Owing to
you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, i ant
induced tO make a puhticaeknowledgemlutt of the beeefit
my tulle has derived from your Invaluable pills. About
three years this winter she was taken with a pain In her
' ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, an d sent
for the doctor. During his atrendance the pain
three weeks
and swell
ing increased to anatomies degree,and in
ft ow its first commencing it became a running sore
She could gel no rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our first Doctor attended her for six months, and she
received no benefit whatever, the rain growine, worse,
and the sore larger all the w
lie said if It was hint
ed up it would be her death, but he appefe sti ared ll continued
to a s at a
loss how a proceed, and my pour
to Buffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore CoUttlit
other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when Ire first
saw it that he could soon cure tire sore, and giye her
ease Cl once, To our surprise he gave her no relief,
I and acknowledged that it Willed all [tie skill..
l i Thus we felt after basins tried during one wito‘e year
the experience of two celebrated
fe's h constit pysimans In
ution vainrapidl , y
absolute despair. My poor wi
tailing to the prime of her ye trs from her continued
setTerlng. Under these cireunottaners we cnneluded that
we would try your Universal Vegetable I'llis.determ
to fairly test their rttratillt.efr,rt,t. Tonty wife's
conifer( the filet few do-es afforded crrat relief of the
I I pain, INtlain one week.
k to the ash e tonishent a our_
' 'Oyes nod every dile who new of t case. m Ihe swelliii•
and the ill fiaMtittil ion he:auto ceases.) that she felt quite
easy, and wootti steep entnfortairly, and. sir. after sic
week' use ilre %Vitt Ul'ltt Io 70 through the house and
again attend to the manacement of her (trimly retire
she had not dime for nearly 14 months. In a hole over
two linitillis front Iliellnift she first commenced the ,
s i ne
ti e r ont* invainattis Pills, Iter ankle was qulie Foutnt
t health tieVer than it had liken in qitite a iiunilwr nut
years iiefure. I send you this statement after • wo-tire yi ar
lest of the cure, considering It only an act of ,1M
you and the public a' larze.
We are, with Ililleli gra 'lute,
Very regret rutty,
• P. it. The oolanvai Doctor pronounced the sore can
cerous. and finally eau) no lood enet'd be Mote. unlees i I t
whole of the 11,511 wa: tat off, and the home rcripe .
'Thank 3 kind Provldenem 'hi: made u: re•iort to your
pills. which saved urn from rill lurtlicr miser v. aridEl, fit
which we hope t he IltAnkinl. 'l'• 4 - . .
• trrSold at 25 resit , per hos, a lilt directions.
Olzotrve the new ratr,iirt, each having upon it two ine
natures or Dr. ftra id-ttllt. 9^ each hot of the gentli
has slx sicliatures—three Benjamin Brandretli and tiller
it Flrandrollt upon it.
The only place in rittshuriih where the red Penn
drrtli rifts Can le 100:tined, is the flortor`a own &Tim
In the Thaomd, behind tire Markel house. Mark.
the genuine Itrandretit Pills can never be obtained in any
drug si.'te-
The followill7. are the nosy az,ents a proliiled by Dr.
itratiiirelh, for the sat.• al' ha Vegetable Quiver-al P
in Alleeheny roam':
PRINCIPAL Anver G H LEE. ritt,borgh
Mr. Joint G'n4s—Adetlitenv,
R,thert Ihtneun.;- Rtrittine ris•
C. P. n'ehl—F.tivilietinown•
H. ROUllaf d—M'KeciOnit•
Pres‘ly I (WIII—P leaf:1111 Hitt.
John Johnston—Nohlestown.
Che,sonin Spanidine,
Atelell Canard—C,lin,on.
Robert Smith rnri•r—Tattnturn•
George Power —Fairstcw.
flavtd R Coon— Mont township.
Daniel Nrllt , —East 1.1t , 0 0 v.
Edward Thom p`no I'ro • ' l lll r n ha
ot. 0. :lower— A
g• TO THE L.4tWitS...albrao you not remove
reanas balr you have upon yonr forebeadi and
op y By enlllunatTratwes, 86 Fourth st„ and
obtaining a battle of Gourand's Pouitres Sulfites, which
cadremove It titmice wittiont Cresting tile skin. You
cau alao obtain Gouraud'. truly celneraied Eau de &cute,
which n 111 ai once iennive 411 frecklcs, pimples, mit).
lions or tile skin, and make your face look perfectly fair;
and to those. who wn,ti to a.,:ist nature by adding more
color to Oche cheeks, they ran °Main some of Gouratid,s
ce;cbraled Li quid ElOtrlC, v;illiell cannot be utbbed o ff even
by a wet Oath. Also may be round'a good a.ort went of
rerfumery, inch as Cologne, Bears' 011, A knotni, Pi, IT,
Wlnibui; anti other S031:0A
it emenilwr, at Titille's Medical Aeency, Br 6 4th
sa street
Drugsists and others can besupplied at Wholele and
may 2.i.i 1842
retail terms.
Headache ! Headache
A P. E now known to thousands a
a s a ntost extraordina•
ry rented), for this affliction : well as the incon
trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those
suffering only ask among their friends if they have mgt
known of the positive effects of said Pills. and if tlicy
do not hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly
too) than any other, then let them net boy them. In
these few retnarlf,, all fancy or imagination is excluded,
and nothing will be said of their merit; at ally time
but what can he fairly proved by respectable members of
our community.
Read the following certificate given by a respectable
citizen of Alloglieny city, and attested by one of thejudg
cs of the Court a Common Pleas of Allegheny co.
A LLEGIISHY CITY, January 9, 1343
DR. Baonte,
Dear Sir-1 have for a number of year , past been af
flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a
rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al. ,
though I have taken nearly every kind of
ed Medicr‘
commended fur its cure, have never deriv any
real benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An.
ti Dyspeptic Pills. 1 have not taken quite liar° boxes and
consider myself perfectly relieved from that
(complaint.distressing I have no hesitation in recommending your 1
Pills as the best suedicine I have ever used.
Yours. Respectfully ,
I am acqua.itted with Mr, Turin - , I have no besit a
tion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr,
T. respscling Dr. Brodie's P,lls, as entitled to
DAVIS most
perfect and entire confidence. DUG II VIS.
For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the '3rodoni
horian Pill
Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; and by all autsed a
gents throtialiont the Union
Alle'y city Jan 9 1245
Evans's Camomile Pills.
GenTiries.Tes.—Letter from the lion.
lan,Sultivaii County , East
WTcrinessee,Alemberof Congress.
4.sruNwron, July 3d. MIL
Sir—Since I have licell in this city 1 have used some of
your Dyspeptic. RlCilki lie %Vitt', infinite benefit and sal is
faction, and believe it to he a most valuable
e remtedy.county.
of my vanstituents, Dr. A. Carden,
Caippbl l
Tennessee. wrote to me to send him FOIIIC. which I did,
and be has Junto) ed it very successfully in his practice,
and says ft is Invaluable.r. Johnson, you
a 2cr agent at
this place,. thinks you would probably like ni In
Tennessee. If so, 1 would recommend Dr. A Carden. as
a proper per , On I) officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission hint he is willing to
act for you. You can send t e medi;_ine by water
en to the
rare of Robert King A- Sons. Roos - vine croitit T nes
Qpe, or by land to Graham d• Houston. Tas,ewell, East
Tennessee. 1 haven() drotht hut If you bad agent.: in
several counties in East 'Tennessee. a great deal of it homy
vine would he sold. 1 am golin to lake some of
for toy own use. and that of niy friends, and should
like to hear from you whether you would like an agent
at Slunivitte.Futtivsn County. East Tronets,e; I can get
.orne of the merchants to act for yoa as Ilse near there.
Yt.urA respectfully,
A ftft All A m m •rf, 1".1,T. A N. of Tennessee.
For sate Wholc'sa'e and Retail, by
R SETA ERS. Agent,
No. 311. Wood st reef ,lplosv Second
Ilk Vl . I 1.1. 1 AM EV A NS'S SOOTII ING SY [GU l.—
_7 Thi4 Intittille remedy 1105 Preseved hundred
wlll.ll 0101101 1 pa=t ter over y, f' 1 0 ronvittr-ions. As scip
AS the Syrup iv rutihett on Ills ;it tit•, Ihe thi id will red v
er • 'nth. preparation is vo intl.reul, sn i•fftrar ion!. and ip,
td,rtvattl• that no child wi'l t eft,,,e to tel its turn' be. ruh
!, 1
,0 it. 'When iniantv are at the ale of four month.
illo' there iv t n appear:ll3re of •
lOrlil. one bottle of Ihe
Ssronshratid he ta , erl to open the pores. Parents
! ev , i.e 0 ithoto the syrint in the TIIITSPTY wh••re oilPrP
I,P NIVSII, citlidfPll.6fr if a rhild wakes in line 107.111 Willi
1,8111 ill the t....a.n. the ...yritti intaterhaLeiv sivev cave. 10
ppeniaz t lie prlf.e9, 4111(1 hentint the tit ttp , , I herehy prevent
:112 Conan 31011 S, Fevers, 4e. Far Sale Wholesale •Ittrt
Zr'lati he R. E SEI.I.F.Inz. Acept,
No. 20. Wood -areet. helosi• Second
IVRh Cfltll'l.44i 1 rurrri by the use of Dr. ,
compatind lrrnoiLellitia 2.1 Aprriettl
Mr. Win. Iltrltarrl', of Pitt"aitirlil,ra.. entirely cared e
.I n e MmvP nil-I revalintr His SylltiVront. wr me
i nri•
And weigh! in the loft 51.tc, to.: of n erietitc,vomitina ,
n deurilvtOn 01111 P .111111•Irh. Arlt
~raclnliu us,
inrrtal i n net.r. rim& ettntlCE fliait!ed Inn fllrOnn
'ally irreathina. d rest,vitentird with roil
with "the,V..ll de
anzentent of the funetions of title liver. Mr. Riclinrd .
.ant 'lie advice ef several but , eeelvegt
relief, until irsin hr. Ilarlich's Medicine. vi Writ terinina
d in etTer lite! a preleri
Principal (hike 19 North I'l h reel
, PhNadPtphi:•
'or sate In Pit trl,u liy Finiuel Frew, corner lUDer
• v and Wood ...tree's. lO
11 VOS HUTCH El-F.l 11E119 F11.1.=.-- -
ip Thee Nita are caman.eit of heilat, whirl] ear,
c,ecifir action timer the 11 , ."..f1. mice 1,111,0?.• or
stryll2 l ll to the arterial ,orteni; the blood quirkenc t,
k equalised In Its eirculation ail the veA pe
whether 'tribe skin, the (VI lS ,illlThled Inter tae or tlif
.xtremilles; and a. all the .eereflonig of the body ar ,
from Ihe Wood. I here ins consequent iiterruse 0
evert . •reerelinn, and a quickened , ctioti of Or nterorliel
tral eshaten.,nrt:bgetgareln2 veehg. Any morbid net
which may here taken Il i a e, 0
corrected. nll ObPI
i•inA are reale Ted. ht.. blond ts u rutted and the lion
•ret Imes at i te'Va.ate. Fo• ale Wholesaler
A•z ft l
ed p
tad 3y C
W St i t LERS.
cvsti below Second
e ..1) 10
Stew awtslow n
mnr 23, 11143
1311 ANI)It 1.."1.11'S PILLS, - •
Car' eat eoteted 9th June, 184.2- P e w! granted to
Benjamin lra n'e,l•..2olll Juttua , y, 1543.
The extract, of which Brawl' eth's rills are tom
Posed are obtained by this ro.w patented process,
without I oiling or any a pplicetic,u of hew, The ac- 1
tire principle of the herbs is thus scull ed the same
as it is in the
The P o tillc shou'd be cautions of medicines rec.- ,
commendel in advellisments s•olco Item me, in
which the CoNTEstrrini.e. Bosoms steals my lan
guage, merely simian,. the nante, Time will shoat • ,
these w holesale deceit ers in their true light. .
i. ): Bil, ANDIZETIVS PILLS are the People's
Mediri e, proved b) thou-ands who daily reccom
mend them to the afflicted. Fine
PILLS are g rowirg lyery cla r popular, dish - -
vit toes are exteociiil their u sefulness. The sick of . ,-
both sexes are daily deriving benefit from them.
No case of disease but the) can be used with advan
tage. Blotches r,r hat rl lumps of the skin tl ey speed-
tiv cure, set with erysipelas, so with salt rhern. so •
hs and colds, so with
with indigestion, so with coup
covivertsys, so with ca neer, so with hot parched lips
and canker in the month, Let the afflicted O
use this
AS USUAL. medicine, and they will find t h e y r et t nire D Othere. -
Sold at 25 cents per to.x, with direct i ons.
N y' preparations be. Observe the new 'abets each havtog upon it two
0 sooner does one of Dr. Leid
conic popular, in consequence of Its success and ef
ii2.oattirel of Dr. Bi andreth. So each box of t h ee
licacy, than it is counterfeited or imitated.
To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy has now procured
g enuine has six signatures—three Benj.+ min Brand,
moulded bottles for ills celebrated Toler and Itch Oint. reth and three B. Braltdreth npott it ,
ent, with t he words .Dr b a d b. Teller a nd itch Dint- The on.Y PLACE in Pittsburgh where th 0 ILEA.
merit,' blown lit . g.139.'. bedded costaittittg his writun Branfireth PO's cts BE 011TAINID, is the Doctor
St,tnaillre ure a' a yellow 1.,A outside. 0 ,,,, ot-r v e. Diamond back t,r t he Matket lions .
Dr Leidy's Teter and Itch °tut 'tient_ has proved more Mar, 7 c., the Grist:lNK 11 , g trireth PIN can never be ob,
rocacions than any tither preparation far Triter, Itch, , ;
~.,,t ed in any DREG iITI4/F. I
Dry sad IVptery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of The folfitt.ving ate the t 'NIX AGENTS arimint
the skin rzent4isity, ed tiv Dr. .B Brandreth, (or the sale of his 'N egeta-
It has !wen employed inn sr hoots, facrori ur, and on board bin Universal Ptlls in A iire.lir I,v County•
vessel- , ear rvina r iasaerial , S, where children. as well as
G II Le e -L-p.riticipal Nke. Diamtmd, Pittsburgh
crown pervottS. contract diseases of the skin from their
C. 0111200111, nal ..e, whit the most unezainpied SUCC!`II, Mr John gita ss— AI le..gheisy
rertiEraters and recommemintions have heen heretofore Robert DUriCrin—PClrrnintilarn.
C. F Diehl—Elizahetlitown.
puhlistned from them, and nun.. rntiv nt het , Ifil.ill he ob.
is ned !Or putillcation. hut for the oiler! ions mo.t persons ii . RoWlabd—Meßresp.oll.
have, to havin2 their names nithlivlted in connection wliii I I Pressly irwin—Pleasapt Hill.
suc h thy:lvey:lW and 'CW115'0(111" afrecOonS 1 John JOhnson—Nohle ,. mvyn.
in nos•nitle invtartrA hav it ever been known to C.II. Chessman Sr: S l iattliting—Stewartsto wn.
Ii has been used upon infantS and IV Pe' 'n" of all t Astielt & Con.,ll—Ctiotpa.
sees. It is perfectly safe, contains no m ercury in it, Robert smi th po . rt . r
\ . e —Tar,entum.
oterinsition,itad 'may be msed under 10 rcuitanees. \ ~......
David R . Coon—Plum Township.
.. Price T w enty.tlis cents a bottle. prepared and raid ".„'4,ge.,,P°`ver Fairy jew•
at Dr Lekiy's Emit h Emporium, (sign of rite Golden sal'
gte and serpents,t and by B. A. FA lINEoTOCE k co. Daniel Negley—East Liberty.
corner of Wood sad Stub streets, Agentifor Pittsburg. Edward Thompson—Wilkinsbutgb.
tilYl2 Win• 0 • kltintnr—Alton N-11.1.4.
piLrs cured by the t Fe of fir. ilartiell'e rompnumt
?.tretivitenine and CllrMan Aperient P 1 1 ,5
Dr.llali —Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received the
Azency (tom v. , u for the vale of your medicine.
win. I
folioed an argnaititance wi it n lady of thlv place,
waaseverely afflicted with the rile!. Foi eight or ten
v ears this Indy was SUbjfet In frequent paitifitl attack.,
and her phy:ieian ronaldered her ease no romplicated.
that lie very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Throueb
my persuasion. she commenced using your Ptibi• and waF
perfect ly-cnred. - Yourv, kc. 1 A 'tins 8 • KIRBY
October 3.1840. ChambexAm2,Pa.
trrOdice and General Depot. No. 19, North Eichtb
3t reel, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner o
Liberty and Wood streets Pittslitirgh. il, 10
0:1 - "Why will ye lzt:cizi
dying rate?''
- 4 4 4
0 be had at Torrt.rss Medical Agency, 86 Fourth st
the only agent In Pittsburgh.
Feb 22.
............ m ______. -
-.. • ~..,.........
. ' . ' or N. \ • AL..: Z. ..
,(4)104 ' " . , ‘ 1....,..... - ''''' -.,• 1 , I .
, 11 ... -
illik: subscriber !Las just received bis snnual supply • ,
II- La ndretn'i. Garden Seeds, consisting in part alb
following kinds—all of the last ycar•scrop 4 - wansottall
Mater Melon,
Corn ,
&c. &e. &e •
To;tether itil varlet y of Tot k Svreet bribe ar d liwee
Jgr Orders for Seeds,Siirobs, Tr. es, kr. from Cerdeil•
ers and others wilt be received and p
I:SNOWDEN romptly atheisdad
F. L. ,
No. 184 laberly. bead of Wood M.
Ciueinuati, February 15, 1848.
Dr. Swayar.—Dear Permit rue to take the liberty
of writing to you at this time to express my apprt.balloa
and to recommend to the attention of heads of families
and others your Invaluable medicine—the Composad
Syrup of PrunusVirgliiiatta. or Wild Cherry Bark.
tmy travels of late have seen in a great many insasuees
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving -tbil
dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Cougbias
Wheezing, Chonkirg of nitielm, Asthmatic attacks, ka
ke. I should not have written this letter, howetral ,ait,
presen' although I have felt it my duty to add my testi
molly i for soe time, had it tbe for a tale tn.
Qtance where t
the m medicine above al no
luded en
to was mot ry'
mental in restoring to perfect Ilealth sir -only eitildj o,
whose ease was almost 'roaches, in a family of my int
quainiance. r•I thank Beav , n," said the doatios
et., "my child is saved from the Scut of
de chil athl
is o b
safe' 1
ow I
feared the relentless ravager But my d
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup •
oflid Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any
other country. I ant certain I t ave witnessed niore titan
one hundred cases w here it has been atten de
obsti d wit
nate at h M
Woe suer es,. ant using it myself in an ak
loch of Bronchitis, in which it proved eectual in a ax•
ceedingly short time, considering the seve ff rity oldie ease.
I ran rentend t tire flst confidence °fits 'nutrias
virtues; wouldi advise thatul e
no family should he without
it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double and often ten litpr}i its I.rice. The public arc as.
silted there's no onachery about It. F. licltsott,
Formerly Pastor of the Fir.t. PrcsiqlerlAn 1:h or
jan 13--11
N. Y.
SOld by W5l. 1110115, vehCfcsnle 4. rein il, only acetyl
for Pittsburgh. No. 53. NI ft , Urt .0 reel. srp 11.5
Arims TO TIIE BENI A N 11ACEI—iiDisconee
moat I:ll,ldertray Life. and ` ou are a great stint
thsterrr mbar feet RraLong Lif, en,i ;tie vorld
cal/ you linpoeior."
..There are focullies ..boclil9 and intelleetual. coititiv vs
with which certqrs herbs hare affinity ,
and toner vs
hare power."
1)r. B. F.stornal Remedy, or Liniment
which, by its extraordinary power.. alwlracls Pain
Sorene•s; ilwts : , tiff Sir.eWF , t\ bite Swellings
hearnalic Pains, or Stiffness, :Flitlness of the ittitits
Tumors. rnualo-ral hardness. cliff Neck Sorr Throat
Croup. runtracil.ors csf the muscles, Scrofulous eu
tare peals. Tender reel, and every description Or t
ItltY ntrectlng the rzteiior of Ilie llurran Ft an , e,tr
rurt dor •zrently relieved by his never-ta srfficiest
,ztalled remedy.
Cbtutin+ follOwinf lellrr f oa m MaZ z or Gen
rat Sandford, n 9 to the qualities of the E•ll.Crtial r eine
spezlis volumes.
Nesv Yoex, Feb. 9. 1842.
Dear Sir —WO you ohlipe roe with arir.llier bottle of
our rxi•riklit Liniment? It i9ctir,alrils
mely tlie bestmy ono', ''of the
•:inet I have ever seen. II bar. cured co
knee, about which I woo 50 lineasy.rind I have found 1
;amino ive of i (stoical:tie relief in sr,V era I
eases of pile;
nal iiiihry in toy family. A few per mcr Dr(
visitor:est ebitrl was: et:J..l milli 3 viiitrio alt ark ur Cron(
which wns. entirety removed In twenty ritir.ates, by rub
'ler, her Oleo and 1111031 freely with the External item
~lire I think you niPAI 10 mantic:loM ire ofof if L.i as )ril. niment
Or .zeneral ii-e, instead if r otifiiiine ilir
lave imrer °fore II ).tae, 10 your par• fenlar argil:lint alleesl.
Yours truly, C. 1.1 7 . SA ND,.0,11L 1
PR. tl RR AN rrsrro.24l flron.lway, N.Y.
77Eric rale al '241 II:molls:a. , New York, and at lit(
Ace in the RI ,ormir, E.ltsliorgh. PEICE-50 cent/
,er Loll le with (Li , erliori.. rep 10
TO T H cos r. W 11(114E ot:CUP Al VoNS 'FEND TO
pEriEl'i-E, OR Ar.cßAv ATF, Eil=EAsE.-1 b
heir are Mete
:1n. , . of indiviti'a'.s is veil, nuoicrous. T
who work io all untie:llll)v a , insi.plier e. Pri ni err.teat
Ten in feather .tort a.'Orme rut lets, baker:.baker:.%,.
mannfarin rerg, are all mot , or ..e.m. oulije. 1 CO disease or
tordins thine .Irenellt of ll,eir rotioritm ion The 0 nit
method to prevent .11.ea.e. is the tera.lritral u‘P 01 . 1
Inedietne which oh.l.racts from the ciremMilon all delete
rioris ho nor.. and exhel,t hen, by the h00w,1,.. T.nte
In any f " rm are injurins,., as shed only -01 off the evi
13v to makell more fatal. 'Elie 'lse of lirandreth's rill
will insure Wait h, 400111.3 they take all impure matter
` on , of the Mond; and the body is not weakened but
41renv..il,eorl.hy their operation, f , r 11,eoe valualtle rm..
:• do noi focce.bui tney ils.l-t nature, 711 d are ea °tiptoed
r hut harr,uonite with l ere
Sold tit Pr. Mar , drpll;',. OM , e . i ,, the row nnd
Pitt-heron. Prier ;5 roils ;le , bo s , With frill ditectionS
1‘ 11 A P.K—The oply place In Plttst.nrun where the
" GENUINE Pills crili be olitainerl,is the iDoetor'. own i'f
,ilt • • ni
,re in 14IP ...711110111i A. rep 10
Egg Plant, rarttip, ,
Endive, Peas,
Kale, Pepper,
Pumpkin, Broscoli.
Radish, Boreeole,
Rhubarb, Cap bags,
Settrial-ye CArTOi,
CatiiiflOW et , Spinach,
Celery, Okra,
Curled Ctess, Onion,
Curumbor, Pariley,
Mustard, (white and bicam)