Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 18, 1843, Image 2

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Subject decision or
Qr,yelp iltorning post.
Itrirlßuwar, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13
$ It's amelancholy strait, that to which the An•
idasaiimic Waders in this State are reduced. Their par
rtistalterly and hopelessly routed and dispersed, and
017_ are altogether the most forlorn and desperate set
Wiseins aver seen in these United States. If they
ite4 the power to tear and confuse the counsels
aftheir lately despised allies, the whigs, that would be
sotne eonsolltion fur them; bat they are deprived of
.areatlis taiserable solace. In Lancaster county, the
.triairsbare succeeded in spite of them: and in Alleghe
ay-(tbey had no candidates out of these two counties)
ithe Democrats have beaten both Blue Noses and
,Okip united, and thus demonstrated that they could
onus if they had been so disposed, haveibrought victory
tell* whigbantror, and of course could have been of
ia thdtTarty.
_Ursa is mticlispeculatiot 3s to what course the An
thrtassaieloaders will pursue. cincline to the opi-
SliOnthat Mr. Caste, and the principal part of his
i chipasOrmanagers, including their organ, the Gazette,
3 eriiir after the proper quantity of noise and fume and
viiiiag . against Clay whigery, go into the support of
of the West. The change would not be more
' thrtipt ear difficult than that which brought Mr. CRAIG
AmAttie paper to the support of Harrison in 1836, after
"hi/abase of the old General, nor half so surprising as
:rainy of the renunciations of masonry which made
iroesi azttimssons of many bitter adherents of the Lodge
jailed( an hour's time. But these loaders cannot take
'el their followers with them into the Clay whig ranks.
The Antimasonic party was built up from the demo
• ... -
acetic party, atreat majority of them will gladly re
turn tons: A few,but very few,will go with the Abolition
ists, End the remainder will go to toe federal whig
. But what is to becoma of STEVENS 1 ••Where shall
Othello go ?" was the piteous exclamation of the re.
moreefeland• desperate Moor—and wo can imagine;
that a like inquiry, in the same stricken spirit, is now
ti . xeuttent4 anade by the bold and aspiring man who has
ruled-the counsels of the Antimasons. We confess we
newt tell *here he ought to go, unlesswith CRAIG, he
tidies km_g leaps Into the refuge ofClay whig,viy. It
imt, *gab. will net do this. Time will show.
- - I CiPAL CoxXlastoNEßs.—We hare the official
TrsiefisrCanal Commissioners from the following addi
*mut counties. To-morrow we sill republish our list
eiretenioy, with such other counties as may be re
*Dived in the nisei: time:
'MOE* 790 Wea% er 364
Wit 800 Guilford 361
Feeler ' 802 Tweed 361
' ' Adams.
Ciarha 1255 Weaver 1700
Miller 1254 Tweed 1700
Fatter 1254 Guilford 1697
• • Dauphin.
clicks 1.5.50 Weaver 1936
Miller 1662 Tweed 1993
1681 Guilford 2013
Otie . 4090 Weavor 1630
Miller • - 4109 Tweed 1622
roiter 4101 Guilford 1638
.41.05 REPRNUZ CUTTER.—The Government is
building an Iron Revenue Cutter at New York, and
thiGothasnites appear to think that if they succeed
in constructing an iron vessel, they will have perfortnNl
a wooderful undertaking. Have they ever heard that
et Aes little town of Pittsburgh, three iron ships have
been constructed, and that a fourth is now under con
The vessel of which they boast is described as being
choker built, length ono hundred and forty feet, depth
101, width of beam 141, of 330 tons measurement, and
to befitted with Ericson's propellers of about 3/ feet
in length. She is now in a very favorable condition for
ethibiti4 the mode of construction, and the strength
tied character of the work. Her ribs are of wrought
irsnr Ali inches by j, placed at a distance from 18 to
*inches apart; the sheet iron which is attached to the
ostaide of the ribs and forms the shell of the vessel is
elan inch thick. the end joints,ef which about flush,
nod are connected by a lap piece passing over the joint
on the inside di inches wideand iths thick; the scants
overlap 2 inches; the rivets arc fths of an inch in 411-
meter, and arc hammered firmly to their places while
in a heated state; there being portable forges for that
purpose. The sheeting is punched and the boles
ceuaterstink with the greater: exactness by a machine
The shell is fastened to the ribs by iron knees firmly
belted to both. The whole arrangement presents the
tpptarance of go eat strength, and is calculated to pro
duce the fullest confidence in the security of this char
meter of vessels.
.Col.. Jouttson to BOSTON.—The Post gives a glow
leg aceoaat of the reception of Col. JOI1N80:1 in the
Litynfßoston, on the 12th inst. 7 He arrived in the
bars from Worcester at Newton, whence he was con
veyed to the terminus at the Western Avenue, in a
private carriage. At that point the military, under the
command of Col .N. A. Thompson, were drawn up to
receive him.
At half-past 3 the Colonel was received on the Av -
issue by a a committee of reception in a barouche, with
four white horses, in which he was driven into Charles
vorstet, in front of the handsome line of military. His
approach was hailed with some cheering front the spec
tators in the vicinity, and after it had suhsided, Edwd.
Omit, Jr., Esq., chairman of the committee_ addressed
the Colonel in a few, but very becoming, words of wet
Col. Johnson rose to reply to his address, and this
nilskeensent was the signal of a dense pressure in the
neighborhood of the carriage, followed by the usual
eetttesien attending a rush, and very few of his remarks
mild be distinctly beard. He, however, said, with
t aechidsapressiveness, that he was, notwithstanding
the UM:kW he had received, surprised at the reception
which hid been prepared for him; and he knew not
rhedter to be Alegre , delighted at the appearance of
Obi' vows, snot tdit meter fellow-citizens vrbo had come
forth's° welcome bias, or that be should have lived to
ierferionce such a *insure. He reiterated his ex
-lieu of gratitude for ,the manifestations of respect
fethis character sad services which he witnessed, and
tensed his seat amid cheers.
• =VW . Boston Artillery then fired a salute from the hill
on tria - common; after which tbe civic and military pro
'session was formed, and matched through the princi
paimoraaissindicated in the papers in the .marring,
Illikiisched the United States Hotel, where apart
meets bad been engaged for the distinguished guest.
I.* the early part of the evening. Col. Johnson. by
invitation of Mr. relby, ateteded the National theatre,
and was very eowlially received by the audience. From
the theatre he proceeded to Fancuil Hall, where a
splendid civic and military levee nod ball worn given
in honor of visit. There were about 500 present,
and among the guems were his excellency the Govern
or, and the Hon. Levi Woodbury.
On the morning of the 13th, the Colonel received
the citizens of Boston generally at Fanned Hall. In
the evening he attended a repeal meeting at the same
place, and delivered an address on the occasion. Al
together, the reception of old Tecurn4elt in IlJston,
was of the m tit flattering d'..scription, and must have
been grateful to the feelings of the old veteran.
Tito Philiuleliina Forum comes down on our
Mr. Craig in the most furious manner. Ilear him:
COtiCitesslONAL DISTRtCT.—The white liver
ed renegade Neville B. Craig has succeeded in sending
the old Federalist William Wilkins to Congress from
Allegheny county. A snore 'despicable piece of treach
ery has never been perpetrated in the State. Whigs of
Allegheny, spurn him and his abetters from your
ruder—let not your glorious cause be sullied by the
presence of these arch apostates, who under the hypo
critical garb of anti-masonry. arc selling our noblest
counties to locofocuism, Out with them! hang all
traitors to the nearest trees as examples for other cra
ven hearted hypocrites!
Perhaps the gentleman will moderate his indigna
tion when informed that the democrats beat the united
vote of the whigs and the "craven hearted hypocrites."
This fact shows that the coons could haVe made no
arrangement that would have defeated Mr. Wilkins,
and we think it very unjust in the Forum to accuse Mr.
Craig of bringing about a result, that no conduct of his
could have averted. It is particularly cruel at therpres
eat time, as, we understand 51r. Craig intends to with
draw from politics, and the whigs say that be has eon_
eluded to open a Singing School in Ohio township, to
prove that he has some "music in him," and that he is
not, as was urged against him in the late contest, only
fit fur "treason, stratagem and spoils."
L. 7 " From the tone of do:n3 of the federal organs
one would suppose that they really believed that they
havecarried the districts over which they rejoice, by
their own party strength. Now any person who has
the slightest knowledge of these districts. knows that
the dsmeeratic party is just as strong in them as it ever
has been, and that the success of the Whigs is entirely
owing to disunisa in the dernacratic ranks, or to lo
cal causes unconnected with politics.
In the first district two demacratic candilltes were
run,and of course t!se Whig, candidate was elected.—
But_if only one Democrat had been voted for, the re
turnsshow that he would have been elected by a large
In the Huntingdon district a large purtion of the
democratic party came out openly against the candi
date, and after the election. the Holiday&rerg Standard,
democratic paper, boasted it had contributed to the
election of the federal candidate.
En York and Nartlrinahcriand local cattier wci c
brought to bear which deprived the Congressional
candidate of the large thrri.nratie tntjorities of those
counties, while the balance of the ticket received tLe
usual democratic vote.
This same cau;c defeated our Congressmen in the
Indiana and Fayette dis ricts, where the aggregate
democratic Tote for other officers show that the party
is as strong as ever it was.
There arafive districts lost by Intl rnanagement in
'llcl - tarty, where our friends have large majorities, and
wlsere-they will, in another year, nest certainly elect
their candidates.
Onto Et.tcriox.—Tke re:altin Olio is not aa bad
ta4 we expected. We glean ilia • following returns from
•t!te Statesman of Saturflay, and we believe they may be
relied an as being correct.
DIM. colNs.
Alex. Duncan, It. Schenk,
John B. We'ler, Joseph Vance,
H. A. Hoare, John I VanmetrP.,
Joseph J.McD3woll, Elias Florence,
Joseph Morris, Alex. Harper
Wm. C. McCauslin, I'. B. Johnson,
Ezra Dean.
Henry St. John,
Jacob Brinkerkoff,
James Matthews.
E. D. Potter,
H.R. Brinkerhoff.
In the Senate there are 20 democrats elected and 13
Whigs; three districts to hear from. Iu the House,
34democratsand 34 whigs, which will, most probably
throw a small whig mtjority into the House—of course
not !store than four--pai3ibly not more than two.
By thearparnba at Boston, from Valparaiso. July
Sth, later dates have been received from Chili, Bolivia
and Peru. The Boston Advertiser gives the following
summary of the news from files one month later.
We notice theintroductioa into the Chilian Legisla
ture of some plans of abelishing•the existing monopo
lies of trade; while the revenue shall be preserved by
other means. On these no action has been taken.—
The proposal, however, was received very• enthasia.sti
cally in Valparaiso.
We notice the formation of a society at Valparaiso,
for the promotion of European emigration to that place.
The National Convention of Bolivia had just ad
journed at the latest dates, the Ist of June. The con
stitution which it framed and proclaimed, is spoken by
El Resturador as intended particularly to strengthen
the executive against rebellion or foreign invasaion.—
The convention appointed a permanent cAmittee to
sit in its recess.
The South of Peru was not yet quiet. A decree of
Vivanco's dated at Lima, provides for the establish
ment of a Court In that city expressly for the trial of po
litical offences.
Those papers contain some definite intelligence of
the present government of Paraguay than we have had
for many months. These advices are very old,howev
er. The Supreme Government of Paraguay called
an extra session of Congress, which convened on the
24th of November, last year, principally to consider re
quests of Great Britain, Rio Grande and Uruguay, to
form treaties for the regulations of commerce. They
recommended Congress accordingly, after two days'
session adjourned, summoning up their proceedings in
a single act, the several articles of which appear in de
tail of all the various acts of the "Supreme Govern
and give it all the powers or directions for the
future, for which it asked. The only clause of interest 1
to our readers, are the 20th, confirming the objections
of the government to form treaties on foreign powers
except in urgent or long established cases; and the
25th absolutely prohibits the government to grant free
dom of religious worship to others than Catholics.—
The other details of the message to the Government
and the act of Congress, echoing it, strew a careful at
tention to the condition lithe state, and the quiet and
prosperous state of affairs.
We observe that the esilecl Gen. Santa Cruz has re
tired from Ecuador, where he has till recently resided,
to New Grenada, that his presence might not injure the
t reaty in contemplation between Bolivia and Ecuador.
DISASTER.—In the gale of :20th August, schr. Byron
of this port. was undoubtedly lost with all on board.—
Hope was cherished until thecertainty of this fact was
made know n - to.all. The following are the names of
the crew, six of whom have left fatailiesc—Geo. Wat
son, master; Jos. Stephens, Jos. Fears., jr.,
Parsons, Isaac Fears. jr.,
Aaron Perkins, Benj. Wat
son, Thos. Turner, John R. Curtis, Hosea
Gloucester Tel., Mare.
Of the German Democratic Central Committee of
Allegheay county, to the Democratic party ofsaid
Fellow Citizens: The undersigned.tho German Dem
ocratic Central Committee of Allegheny county, con
sider it their duty to address you at the close of our
political canvass, on a question which is of vital impor
tance to the citizens of our common country. Ono of
the candidates elected -is John Anderegg, a German
, by birth, but long since an American'hy adoption and
:in feelings. By his election we ore happy to perceive
the defeat of the native principle—a principle entirely
adverse to the spirit of am Consritution. Nature itself,
and the polity of the Heroes of the American Revolu
tion, have pointed to the shores of this great country
las an asylum Of those who search for liberty, and an im
provement ef their condition. A free people, like the
American, cannot wish that the emigrants who tread
.the American soil should be slaves, but freemen; the
good sense of the population of this country cannot de
mand from their adopted brethren to bear all the bur
, dens which an kinerican citizen is subjected to, without
allowing them, as an equivalent, the enjoyment of the
rights and franchises of a free citizen. The Constitu
tion, therefore, allows all foreigners to partake of these
privileges after a residence of five years. As soon as
the certificates of the courts proclaim us citizens, all
political distinction ceases, and we are equal to the
native bom—we feel for the same country, we bear
the same burdens, and we are also entitled to the same
Nights. Our name is Americans, and no distinction
should be made; but accidentally our language is dif
ferent. -That distinction, however, is a natural one,
and it cannot reasonably be expected that persons who
are far advanced in life, and who generally do not be
long to the literary but to the working classes, should
acquire such a perfection in the language of their adopt
ed country as to speak it either fluently or correctly.
and consequently they are compelled to exchange their
thoughts in their mother language, and to educate their
children in the language of their adopted country. In
consequence of this difference in our language, the na
-1 tive born citizens, when they speak of us as a body,
call us Germans—and we have not objected to chat
distinction, although our feelings are American; we
politically strive for the happiness of our adopted coun
try, and for the safety and advancement of the princi
ples of Liberty. And that we comprehend the value
of that liberty is sufficiently proved by our desire to
live under the influence or American institutions, after
having practically experienced the tyranny, despotism
and high-handed injustice exercised in Europe. For
this very reason, we take an active part in politics, and
we are watchful to preserve the liberties of this coun
try, for which so many Europeans have fought and bled
side by side with your ancestors. The principles of a
Jefferson correspond with our own political views, and
the greatest number of us belong to the democratic par
ty. With that party we have stood in good and bad
times, we were victorious with that party when its glo
ry was in the zenith, and we were found on the battle
field of 1840, when we were drowned in hard cider and
suffocated by coon skins.
Our political adversaries have reproached us mor
than once, with being the mere tools of the leaders of
our party, the drawers of teeter and the carriers of wood,
and to have no voice in the councils of our party. To
contradict such a slander; to prove to those of ourcoun
trynatm who were inclined to give credit to such an as
sertion, the false foundation of such accusation, we
thought proper to select one of our friends, now an A
merican, as a candidate for the Legislature. In doing
se we have imitated the example of all ofyou, who have
recommended year particular friends to the suffrage
of their fellow-citizens, and we never claimed the nom
ination ofJohn Anderegg as n right,- because we were
Germans heretofore. Such arrogance would not only
be censurable but impolitic, for we would acknowledge
by our tam reasoning the exclusive right which the na
tive party claim—we would separate ourselves from
you when we only wished to act in Haien. The Dem
ocratic Convention looked at the suggestion of thou
sands of our fellow-citizens, who converse in the Ger
man language, in the proper light, and they selected a
gentleman, an American citizen, who bad become a cit
izen by adoption. The people .of Allegheny county
have sustained the decision of that Convention; they
have elected Major Anderegg by a majority of sixteen
hundred and forty fear votes over his Antimasonic
opponent, Mr. Cassat, who received from that party
the greatest number of votes fur the Legislature. For
such an unbiassed action we now teAder yen, Natives,
Irish, French, :tad whoever yno may be, our deep felt
In rental to our Gentian friends, we must say that
they have anted ier'ylv. The reports of our Committee
of Vigilance show, that in both cities not more than
fifty-eight Germans have voted againstiohn Anderegg.
According to that report he receivel in both cities and
'their environs, the country not included, more than
1150 German Whig votes, which alone would have be-'
creased his present majority of 16 14 to 1873. ha•l net;
229 of our English friends, who voted for Mr. Alex.
Brackenridgo, ana who, perhaps, miitinderstood the
question, withheld their votes from Mr. Anderegg.—
By this calculation, we take it for granted that the 450
above mentioned German votes were likewise given to
the tohole democratic ticket. If such was not the
case, the Major's majority would be considerably lar
ger than even 1873,—as 679 of our democratic friends
must, attonling to such sapposition, heeee dropped him,
whose votes %rota have increased his majority to two
thousand three hundred and thirteen, and to still more
if we allow him some g,ain of German votes inthe oth
er districts of the county. The strength of the German
democratic vote, according to the above calculation,
and compared with last year's returns, must have this
year amounted to more than Fifteen hundred!
Considering the votes polled we feel inclined to ask
for the reasons of the astonishitig, increase of the dem
ocratic vote. It is the result of the goad sense of the
people, and—we may safely say so—of the gratitude
of the Germans ' who did not only vote for their partic
ular friend, but for the whole democratic ticket. They
formerly partly voted with the opposition. but seeing the
erroneousness of their political creed, they were anx
ious to join our party. From such a step many of
them were, however, prevented, by a certain fear that
such a change of principle might not be considered in
the proper light by their fellow-citizens. The Ger
mans love firmness, real despise a change of political
opinion without a proper reason, and they were fear
ful that a change of politics might be misconstrued.—
But when the democratic party proved in such a noble
manner the spirit and truth of their asserted principles,
they could no longer resist, and joined our ranks. The
action of the Convention was therefore not only just
pro prima, but also politic in erentn. The democra
cy of Allegheny county in future may rely on our friends
who are yearly increasing, and Allegheny county will
remain a fortress, redeemed from the power of Whig
ism and Antimasonrv.
We now hope to be clearlf understood, and trust we
have repelled the insinuations which have been made
either in private conversation or in certain prints, and
we again express our warmest thanks to all our fellow
citizens, and pledge ourselves always to stand to the
glorious principles of the Democratic party.
In conclusion, we are bound to mention the noble
conduct of Mr. Rody Patterson, and to assure him
that his high minded denial of private interest will be
duly appreciated by a thankful and honest people.
The Osages, it hi said, have demanded young Cho
teau, a half-breeed Osage, charged with murder. The
Cherokee authorities still retain possession of hint,
and will doubtless try him. Should he be tried and
convicted, there may grow up difficulties between the
Cherokees end Qsages. It is not to be forgotten that
these nations have once waged bloody wars. John
Ross, we understand, keeps a daily body guard of from
one to two hundred armed Cherokees about him.—
' Jessy Bushybeedkeeps a guard of from sixty to eighty
men about his person. On the night of the 15th alt.
a Mr. Vohr, a licensed trader, and his family, and a
traveller, were murdered, and the house robbed of mon
ey and goods. The houses were burned and the bo
dies in them. A large number of Cherokees of both par
ties were, at last accounts, in search of the murderers.
This circumstance has caused, as well it may, the
greatest excitement in the nation. A whiteman was
found dead, who had apparently been murdered, at
Price's Prairie, in the nation, some time since. There
seems to be no security for life among this ill-fated
"Old Dan," of come-too-late-to-supper notoriety, we
believo—was 'assailed a few days ago in Porkdown,
(Cincinnati,) by a big dog, and snapped his pistol at
him; it would not go off, so be threw it, and hitting
the pavement, it discharged its contents into Mr. T.'s
leg, which will have to be amputated.
SH i r aze, K.— Brig Wm. Taylor, of Fairfield, Conn.,
-from N. York, bound to Apalachicola, cargo diy good S,
f;recericA, &•.. went ashore on Boyd's Island. on Wed
nesday night hi-t. Supposed to be a total loss. Some
of the passengers arrived here on the schr. Eugenia,
having lost their clothes and other property.—Norfolk
Beacon, ticm. Sept.
The Van Buren, Arkansas, IntelHgenccr states that
on the night of the 15th•ult., Mr. Benjamin Yore, his
wife, and a traveler, citizens of the tinted States, were
murdered at the residence of Mt. Yore, upon the mili
tary road, in the Cherokee Nation, and the house burn
ed to the ground. The same paper contalas the fol
A rumor has reached us of a considerable fight that
took place between the Shawnees and Camanches,
high up on the Brazos, in which the Camanches lost
some 30 or 40 slain, and about 200 head of horses.—
This rumor may be true or not; it is not important or
strange, for this predatory warfare has been going on
for many years. And we are not surprised to hear that
a small number of Shawnees can whip any number of
Camanches. The Shawnees and the DelaP.ares are
the greatest warriors on this continent.
A friend writes us that about 180 Usages have set
down under the pickets at Fort Gibson. and demanded
in a peremptory manner, the release of one of their
brethren who is there in arrest.
A report has reached us that an express reached
Fort Smith last Wednesday, informing Gen. Taylor
that more murders were committed in the Cherokee
Nation. And that Gen. T had ordered one of the com
panies now at Fort Smith to reinforce Fort Gibson.
Cita TLEMEN:—/ am story to see by the "Post" of
Monday. that your able and talented correspondent
"Cassius" has brought his communications to a close,
and I do hope they will not fall as a dead letter from the
press, but may be the means of arousing the Democracy
of Pennsylvania and her sister States, to view the com
ing contest for the Presidency in a proper light, and of
awarding to the Keystone state the tribute to which
sheik justly entitled.
Our local elections are now over, and it would ap
pear to be the proper time to commence in real earnest
for our favorite candidate, and not suffer our opponents
to get the vantage ground. Let every county, ward and
district in the State commence vigorously by calling
meetings—forming clubs, and issuing circulars, and
using all honorable means to promote the Democratic
cause. We must not leave our favorite candidate to
push hisown way to the Presidential chair, as the ven
erable judge McLean said in a late communication to a
friend on this subject. "The office of President, in my
opinion, has been lowered, and also the character of
the country, at home and abroad, by the means used
to secure that office. High as the 'Presidency is, it
may be reached at too great a price! It sinks below
the ambition of an honorable mind, when it is attaina- '
ble only by a sacrifice of the Inftiestpatriotism." These
very just remarks are altogether applicable in the case
of our own BUCHANAN; we know what be has done,
we know what his capabilities enable him to do, and
we also know he is too honorable to take any steps-to
secure the Presidency to himself which would hele
neatli the dignity, of any of the great men who have (in
the present days of the Republic) occupied the highest
office in the gift of the people. Let us come forward
then to action on an elevated scale, let us endeavor to
reach and rouse the moral tone of all our sister States;
and instead of administering tothe prostituted appetites
of political demapnies, rest our claims on a virtuous
and enlightened public opinion.
Let us show to the world that our aim is thr public
good. The character of our candidate is far above
suspicion. His views on all the great measures of our
government are well known. Ho hits never been
caged and kept by a few political intriguers from a full
and free interconrse with the people, and an open and
manly avowal of his sentiments. But we cannot, we
melt not expect him to de mend from the ektvated
ground on which he stands, to take the stump and tra
verse the country with all the pomp and pageantry of .
1840. lam certain he Will never condestena To net
below the dignity of an honorable A.rtritlitan States
man. If we wish him fur our next President, let us
take the advice of" Cassius" and organize for the contest
in every county, ward and district, anti let us chew the
whole union that we have a candidate worthy of the
support of every true arid genuine Democrat, and the
victory is certain. .T. M. F.
Afessrs. Edilors:—Having heard that Thos. Mar
shall, of the city, wishes to have a political meeting in
Pine township, of all parties, to hold forth their politi
cal principles, 1, the undersigned, do challenge the
above named gentleman. to meet me in Debate in Pine
township, in still district No. B. on the first Tuesday
of November, 1343, at early candle light, and debate
the following question:
Are the principles of th, Anti-masonic party in tic—
Tordance with Dermxtaticy
Port of Pittsbnt-g4.
Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, General Steam
Boat Agents. ll'ater street.
it l'Er.T IN".tri:lt IN TIlk: CIiANNEL
Tioga, i11u,111 , 1r,1, Se. l.•mi•.
*Clipper, Crolik4, St. Louis.
*Emma. Greenlee, Nashville.
*Jas. ROSA, Siddal, St. Louis
Allegheny Belle, Hanna, Cin.
iiiitanninz. Goff, Franklin.
Warren, Ward, do.
EFAII beats marked thus(*) arc provided with
Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the Explosion of
Steam Boilers.
Cheaper and better than can be had at any other
place west of the mountains.
Call for :Bargains
N 0.1.51, Liberty St.; near Me Jackson Foundry.
11 HE subscriber would respectfully inform his
friends and the public, that his fall stock of
Goods comprises a larger and more varied assortment
than has ever been opened at any house in this city, and
from the favorable terms at which his purchases were
made, he is enabled to sell clothing cheaper than it can
be had in any other establishment in this city. He
would request the public to cult and examine his splen
did assortment of all the articles of dress, and from
the excellence of the material, the style of workman
ship and the very low price at which all his articles are
sold, he feels confident that every one will find it to
their advantage to purchase at the "Three Big Doors."
As none but the best cutters and workmen are em
ployed, orders to make clothing will be attended to in a
manner not surpassed by any other establishment in
the city.
He would again return his thanks to his friends and
the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that they have
found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repeat hie invitation to all those who wish to purchase
Clothing of every description at the lowest pr ice, to call
at No. 151, Liberty st. JOHN M'CLOSKEY.
F'''Observe metal plate in the pavement.
YSTEFtS and other refreshments, will be served up
in good order. Namely: Oysters raw,fried,stewed,
or on chafing dishes. Also, is THZ SHELL at the stand,
or roasted, as soon as the season is sufficiently advan
ced for their safe trarniportation.
THE PROPRIETOR is determined that this establish
ment (which is the old oyster depot) shell maintain
its reputation for the good quality of his ALE, LI
QUORS, CIGARS, and such refreshments as travel
ers or citizens may require. oct 18-6 m.
I -
13:7'Persons calling for letters !Published in this list
will please say they are advertised.
Adrian Robt Aylaworth Ang
Akin Robt Akin J
Aiken Rev .1.1 Averit J D
Adams James S Atkinson James
Aikman .Tames B .Amshuts Henry
ATder. MIA! Josephine IV Arthur C B
Alexander Robt B Armstrong Edward
Anderson Arthur Armstrong C L
Andrews Salatheal Ards Jean
Andrews Chester Applegate Criah
ArkmanJames 13 •
Bailey Thos J Baxter Wrn
Baker Conrad Bender Adam
Baggs Andrew Benson Wm
Baker Charles Bedell Daniel
Baldridge Capt Joseph 2 Beans Peter
Baird James H Beck John
Baldwin Sarah E Beak Mathw
Barnett Robt Blasdell M•
Bateman John? Bishop Joins
Barrens Maria Bling Isaac
Barns Ellen Booth T
Barnes H I Bolds John
Barnes James R Bowen T
Barnett S H Boyd Wm
Baring John Bonham P Ii
Batcheldor Fredk Brown IVia
Brown Avery A Beaty Samuel
Brown miss Elizabeth Bronte James
Brown Thomas Bradshaw Mary
Brown Jas R Brannon John
Brown James Bradley Thomas
Brown Robert J Brannon miss Susan
Bell Wm Brannon John
Brownlee John Burnside John G
B rocket Albert 2 Butt Caster
Brindle Peter . Butler I T
Burns LJ Burnett Virgil I
Burton Henry
BtirgberJames Beats Peter
Burnside Win
Carry Simms Clancy Lewis
Carrol Eliza Claude O Gantroe
Carrol Mary Cochrau John
Carothers C Cooper Eliza A
Calhoun W D 'Cook J of Sons
Casserly James .Cook Deborah
Carson Susannah Collins Elizabeth
Colwell miss Small A Coulabau John
Cherry Cummings Cool terJohn
Chadwick Samuel 2 CoulcherJobn
t...harles Richard Conn P B
Checet Samuel. Connetv miss Maria
Chapman W A Cowin Elizabeth
Chatty Harvey Cox Dr Joseph E
Chapman miss Martha I' Craig John
Clinton Joseph J 2 Crotts Wm
Crawford Benj Cummings John
Crawfora 'Benj 'Curtis W B
Crusaet.R •W Cunningham David
Cragg Thomas Cumniins Samuel
C minis Philip Cui tin Andrew
Crooks Marian Catts James L
Criswell Thomas
Dolly G W Derby James
Daviton Edward Dickson James
Day Daniel Double Isaac
Dales James 13 Dougherty Mary
Daniels Reuben Douglass Martha
Daizell James C Doyle John
Day Thomas M Drips Thomas
Davis David Duke G
Davis Lewis
Davis Wm
Davis David Dunienvylßobert
Dunlavy Robert
LAwards John Evans Nathaniel
Edwards ilenry Evans Evan
Eaton 'Andrew 1.3 Evans Margaret
Ekin Ester F Ewing Wm
Ely Gael Eranld Richard
Ei-nrson Caleb Ewing Miss Margaret
Ern. , rson Ann Eliza Evans Margaret
Earaeit C fi
Fagan Thomas Fish Fanny
Fecker John Findle. Cyrus
Ferguson Mrs Margaret Foster A ..)
Ferri Michael :Fox..R
Flemming H S tome Geor,p: t'
Finley 16 - theft ?Forsyth James II S.: Cu.
Fletcher Missina Fore Richard
Flnnnagan John Force Lewis M
Fielding, Eliza Foley 'l4'm IV -47..
Fitts James Frew Adalinc
Fletcher Miss Llixa Fraziel Wm
'Findley Samuel B Funston James
Flood Thomas Fulton Rev Andrew • S
Flanagan John Fletcher Missouri
Ganner Wm . Glantiing Jame*
Canard Jun Goold Isreal
Galegur Alexander Gassen Lewis
Gardiner P G Gormly Wm
Gann Gordon Mrs E
Gautiot Charles Grover Solomon
Gibson George Green George
Gilmore Samuel A - Grant Peter
Glenn F M "Graham lames
Gliss Sumcol Gutherage 'David
Hamilton Mary Jane itienderson Rev John
Hull John S =Hess , Petec
Hall Sarah :Henry Elizabeth
hall Mti *Henry Francis
'Haigh John Herman John J
nigh Robert Hill John
Harrison John 'Hyndtnan Thomas
Hartapee James Holmes Lydia
Hnrett Augustus Hodge & Russo
Harper John Hodge Louisa M
Hart Capt Thomas Holbrook G W
Hardin Holstin Houston Samuel
Hasenger Wm Howard Thomas
Haslett Margaret C Howe Wm
Hawkins Wm G Hughes Patrick 2
Hawkins John Hunter John 2
Hays E W Hubbard Nelson J
Henry John Hutchison 13 F
Ilerbeson Matthew j p Hutchison John
Henry Wm Ilunter Samuel
Henry Ter W Hunter Mrs Mary
Hennglin Francis H Humbert Ruth Ann
Hurbet Jeremiah Huston 'Hon 'Charles
Henry Christian Hare Matilda
Irwin Cecelia C Ikins Robert
Irvine James
James Mary' Johnston Wm
James John 'Johnston John
James Wm 2 Johnston J
Jackson Hiram M Johnston Samuel
Jackson Charles %V Johnston Robert A
Judd W E Jones 9 F
Jerome Isaac Jones Evan
Jennings Mrs Bridget Jones John 2
Johnston I% rs Margaret Jones A L
Johnston James Jews Charles
Jennings Bridget
Kennedy Dorcas
Kennedy John
Kelsy Diana Kimmel Sorrel
Kirns Wm Knight Timothy
Kali] Bernard Knox Miss Sarah
Keating H Kingsland Miss Emily
Kelly Wm King J
Kelly Thou= King Geo S
Kelly Mrs Mary King R A
Kelly Francis King Robert
Kelly John Kortrects C
Km r Daniel Korner Jacob
Kerr Alex'r
Laird Wm N Leonard Sam'l
Lumberton J. G Louis Thomas
Larkins Michael Lowman Jacob
Laughlin Captain Logan Richard
Lceper Putnam Long Joseph K
Mann George
Maycock JOhn
Mown L J Morand Edwd
Maze Rev Michael MOOD S S
Burgher James
;Duffy 'Hugh
Duffy Sarah
Kimble Heber C 2
Kirk Widow
Moseman David
Monroe James
Msdkty Ann MoodyJG
Merchant Catharine Morford hams
Melville Wm Mowry Ja to
Mellon T Morrison Win
Meyers Wm Morrow A terxr
Meenan John Moore Edwd
Miklwater Miss Mary Moore Sarah
Milinger Elbth Moore James
Miller Mrs Rebecca F 2 Maitland Robt
Miller Mrs. Sally Murdock Nathan 11
Moss John Munn Donald
Montgomery Miss Sarah Mundal Phcebe
Morris Dr S R Murry Bartholomew .
Morrison Wm Murdock Matthew If
Ma ily Ann
McCanless Wm McCreed' Miss Lucy
McClung Sarrsl McClelland H
McCartney W G McGaraghill Mr—
McCabe James McGasban Miss Ellen
McClung Ales.'r McFadden Manus
McClung W T McEllroy Thomas S
McCandless Leander McEllroy George B
McClure licuhlah IVlcEllroy Thos S
McClure Samuel McEllroy Archd •
McCaitney Sam! MtKibbin Mrs Mir'
McCarlin Mary• • McKelsyJohn -•*
McCracken & Luingsten McKeeJane
McCasker Michael McKeown Miss Elvirn
McDonald Miss Ann McKinney 0 W
McDermott Patrick McKeon Dish
McDonough Thomas McLaughlin James
McDonald Jas McPhilliaiy Edward
McCieedy Potty
Neill Thomas Nickes
Newman Silas C Noles Richd
Nell Capt WS Norton Mr
Newell Thomas Noble Henry
Nelson John Nock Win
O'Connor Mr
oAborne Mrs Eliza
0 rth Martin
Orr Win
Pantridge Isaac Pesket Joseph
Parkison Josoph Peterson Saml
Patton John Phillips Mary Anne.
Pryor Silas Pile John
Patton Elizabeth' Plack John
Patton Martha Pickering Mrs Ana
PaLan Rubt Plunkett Erancis
Prai g Wm Powell Wm II
Parker Thou Porter Fredk
Patterson A Pryor Saml D
.Patterson Isaac S. Abram Pryor Silas
.Patterson Col James 2 Potts George
Patterson Robt Preston Win
:Patterson Miss Matilda L Poole Amos T
PedbodyJ Pratt Robt
:Peters domes Powell Ben j
Pealett Mrs Eliza ,
Quigley 3 ohn B
.Ramsey Robert
Ray Thomas
Ray Hiram
Rathcon 'l'
Ramiey rlireiro
Ramscien Wm
Revill Mary
Reav Jno
Reid NT
Reid S J
flitter Dacia
Sampson :Mho.
Sawyer Jon
Scott Cept James
Scutt Hugh
Scholey Thomas
Scott Capt
Scofield Fredk
Seater Isaac N
Seaton .henry
Sewall Miss Mary
Sellers Henry
Seth Miss Sarah
Shaw A It`
Sherlock John
Shun! iff
Small MriJane
Small Daniel
Shaiighterback Jan
Slaughterhack Mier?
Sides Francis
Simmons Wm
Srraillirreen Joseph
Smith Joseph
Taylor J 63
Taylor Wm
Taylor H A
Taylor Bonj
Taylor Eglnsit
TayUr %mbar!
Tomlin Wm
Temple William
Varner Thomas
- -Vetch-Rev Silas
Wagoner David
Waner Rev M N
Warner M'C
Walters James C
Wntt Ja a 2
IVaudelohrJ A
'ahl Mag.daline
Ware l% .atilda
Wilson EJ
Wilson W J
Wilatm Joseph
Widoey Charles
Wisler Martin
Wells Capt C
IVentsell Mrs Mary
Wells David
Wells Mary Ann
IVedley Hannah
Wc.vd W H
White Cornelia
NVhitebead Ralph
Young Goo It
0 16-3 t
Jest Opened.
Xro. 1, Salmon,
No 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel,
No. 1 and 2, Maine Shad,
No 1, Labrador Gibbed Herring,
And 800 lbs. fine dry Cod Fish,
For sale fur family nye, by LLOYD & CU
012. 140, Liberty rt.
Young Hyrum Tea.
115 CHESTS , hair chests and boxes Young Hy
son Tea, ofgood quality, just receives', and fur
sale low for cash. JOHN D. DAVIS,
011. corner of Wood and Fifth sts..
Penmanship and Beek4taspilic.
THOSE who wish athorough knowledge oldies&
branches. would do well to call at 111 a. S. W.
STawanT's Commercial Academy, en Fourth Street.
near the corner of Market and Fourth, before engagise
elswhere. oet 3-Iro.
BUFFALO ROBES by single rohe or bale, for sale
by A . BEELEN.
BEAR SKINS, dressed and undressed, just meek
ed and for sale by A. BEELEN,
Lsuidreties Oaxaca Seeds.
A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always Oft
hand and forsale, at his agency, the Drug store of
184, Lawny st., bend of Wad.
Turnpike Notice.
AN election will be held at the }wage of - Robert Me
Ayeal, on the Pittsburgh and Steeben :Me Turn
pike, on Thursday, the 16th day of November next, for
the purpose of electing one President, one Treasurer,
and six Managers, to serve as °Seers for the Pitts
burgh and Steubenville Turnpike Road Company, the
ensuing year. The election will he at the boar
of 10 o'clock, A. M. .
014-3tdtw Treasurer.
Old James
Oliver George 2
Oliver Joseph
Richards George
Reily Owen
Reily Patrick and Omar
Ritter David
Royce Knowltoa
Rockwood Henry
Rogers H D
Russell James
Russell Joceph L
Reid Amelia
Stevens Barlow
Stevenson Alex
Stewart Robt
Stewart Wm 2
Stokes Steven
Strickland Wm
-Swain John
Sugdan & Hawks
Sutch Wm
•Swift George
•Sullivan Hon C C
Sundcrburg G
'Smith Joshua
Smith Alan on
Smith Clara B
:Smith Alm M
-Spears Jane
Spears Robert
;Snyder Ed wart
•Sprague Semi
:Smith Hanson
•Smith Semi It
* Thompson-RobeSt
Thompson Dwight
Tobin Catherine
Trevor Dr R
Townsend Nano;
Toman Wm
Veng,y jai
Winger Aaiun
Winders 'Joseph
Wynne Mithl
iVoods Henry
Woods Mr
Woods Ric hil
Wright *V At
Wright J
Wright Saml
Wray John
White Elizabeth
Wheeler Bennet 2
tVillinms S H
Williams Ellen B
Willinms Jas (col'd man)
Williams Richaarl
Wilson Mrs Sorah A
Williamson Henry