EM====l DAIL POST. 4 1 9#40Jrt MORNING. OCTOBER 17, 1843 rirftirbusialeas cards, &c., see Arstpar PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTEE TOR OCTOBER. W. J. Howard—T. B. Seninle--George Ogden the Age's statement of the water another typographical error. nrapoely Curtiss' new paper, the Cincinnati Daily Constosasiil, is a neat, interesting sheet, and must succeed. 1:0R6 TAILOItS.—The mechanics all over the iareprg,tinizing, associations to protect themselves fr,tOtithitsparity of their employers. The Tailors aeons to labor under the greatest grievances. We pub lished some a:too:Kling facts elicited at a meeting of the craft in Boston, and further disclosures were made fit a meeting held in Ni* York nn the 12th inst. It 'wee there stated that some, journeymen had to work ' 'cc)* zonriss to mii-nig?tt to earn one dollar. so low Item the pricespaid by several tailoring establishment= which were named. Others were supposed to receive better prices. After mature deliberation, t"i- ber organized - themselves into an association, auxiliary to theillonrneymen Tailors' Benevolent Society, each per• rpn 6.lding in his name. All the Journeymen were Wised o aaite in the new assozjation. The follow * bit! of prices was proposed: or a dress frock eillt36; surtnat. $6; coats, very plain, $4l: sack cants, plain, $4l: men's jackets, $1; do. cloaks $4:l causes; s.s;hoys' coats,large size, $3; do. small. $2l boys' sack coats. $3l: U. S. uniform dress, $11; do. ' 'marine, $10; breeches, $2; pants sli, all exclusive 'of trimmings and extra work. SINGULAR SUICIDE Peter Sible a native of Germany, after a residence of about three years in this vicinity, without a known cause, committed suicide on Tuesday inst. by hanging himself lathe following mast sintmlar manner: On the morning of that day he left his father's house in tiotnpany with ano her brother, from whom however bejthortly parted, as they had intended working for dif forint individuals for the day. .11r. Slide did not re . • tetn as was expected when evening came, w ich how ever did.not excite suspicion in consequence of an en gagement he had made with a wagon maker nearer by, and fur whom he had been to work previously. On Thartday, however, it was nsc.:rzained that he had not been at the afimementioned place, and upon more strict .enquiry, that ho had not in the meantime been seen by any person, which cached suspicion for hi , safety, and ori Friday, accordingly, a search was male in a woad through which Sible had to pass, and which resulted in,finding him suspended by a small cord from a tree that projected over a precipice some twenty-five feet raisin!, him is all shut forty feet over a brook that was winding its way beneath. So ditEcult was the ascent, that of some forty persons present, when tbb coroner arrived, not one mild, b. prevailed upon to ascend tlat tees to loose the unfortunate victim. Thy trets'iwas then felled, which probably was th • only safe wily of me overias the hody.—Minien, itiOntgo-O: Co., N. Y., Oct. 9. WHEAT AND FL lun.—[f the esti:ante °Nile !ample. wheit of tho United States for 1343 approximates to the tenth, fl our rcriq corm" down in price, and that ma= It . is sad that there will be asnnt 118,010,- 033 buihAs >a• wit at over and :6 >re th • gaa.itity no casilry ftr h•> n-> coain nxian. twerpina in the taw states of O'Lia, 1> I: Ili. lili ni 4, ant will, it I, > 41,11) 3;). f teat e >Li n Ate.> aapa sr Tim , st i ao is in• I/I- V-MN are of opinion that th-y too large by But even taki the rn •i ity a+ the in': cum .mati s what is to be done with the enormous surplos? Fiac nine bushels of wheat reduced to flour. ht flee bifshrls . to th, barrel,. wauld ifr.f.in 11.303.033 barrels, %Thiel. at 34 waall give the airn of $17,0).00). The ex ports of t t-o>i lyi )7, b'afore its. hay.• is n . year exceeded $17,033,000, winch was the value elrrarted in 1317- Fr rn this view it is i2vi dent that if oar surplus flailr is to fiat a foreign market, it must be at a reduced price, unless very short crops in Eu rope'(of which there is no probability) should occasion an unprecedented transatlantic demand. That the price can be kept up by monopoly with such an im mense overplus in the country. seems equally improba: ble: We infer, therefore, that the price of flour mild fall. This is good news for all tv'ao live by the sweat of their brows. Thu Controller of the Seasons has 'blessed our soil, and crowned it With a plentecns har -sest; so plenteous that the speculators and monopo'Aists `Whoigraw fst by concentrating-In a few hands what He •• so fraely diffuse., cc snot mar His benevolent plirpeses. CINCINNATI MARICETS Ftotin —Ttr3 principal part ur Flour hai been t Iziten at $3 sa . per b trr.A. in , r) , .-ctrA. 3000 barrels city :q u a, sold thi:, ntarain,4 at $3 621 z:ler TOO , River m )rriUg.—Swe, Oct. 12. port of PittAtlviith. Reported blo S'te! , :e ai i _MT 1.! . (; . te 4ge3d4. ru.'• rst _ • .5 PEET 9 INca.•:i IVATEit IS THE CIIA:;S:.L ARRIVED. L * (:oiunthia ta, 11 , 1 rd Clarion, Hutc.hi.lio.l.7.-thesville, Ar..t.i 1 B .3opt. St. L ,uii, Fre. , ..1)-n, Par',er,hur', M iuteztrna, Dic'c4on, *North Bend, May, St. L DEPARTED Belfau, Wheeling Repeal! of Oil It', is Li 1611(1)1 will meet this eVe.ii (Drsil-y)rael7rh ut eacly ca I ileli2;ht, at theArinJry, .if tha Crib .r Cir.s.sas. Pa.itrtusl atrea ...dance is raquestel. By order Cheese 2000 LBS:very su;)erior W. R. Cheese, just received mud fur sale li,w, by • Stray florae. • , QTRAYED from the residence of the subscriber in 1..) Pitt-township, about the 20th of September last, :a middle sized BAT HOME: he has no white spots, ex -cept one, on his back, produced by a saddle. A liber lil.reward will be paid fur the return of the horse .octl6-3t WILLIAM LIALTS.MAN. Farms Wanted. SEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 20 miles of The Pittsburgh market). Persons clis posod to sell will please call at my alike, iu Smithiieh/ street. sear 4th, soon. 4116-tf SUNDRIES. -50 boxes chocolate, 5 do cocoa, 3 do rice flour, 23 do ground popper. 5 do Cayeune do., 36 cans ground naugtard, 5 Legg do tut:pine, da d giug-cr, 12 C11:18 d 3 d to-ether emery thing in the AT 'beery liae, 11 of i s 06' er ,...1 ast eutretasly low pric f pr. culitr. -B.+l -v. Steel:, at pri- HAILNI.AIsi, •JETC.SItiGS & CO— • v a xikLe , by JjaN D. OXVIS, 43, Wood street. sep 11 Corner of Wood sad Fifth 'greets . TE subscriber having purchased and thoroughly repaired these MILLS, is now manufacturing, and will keep constantly on hand, n fun supply of al the didorent kinds of Nails, Spikes and Brades, made from the hest quality of Juniata Blooms, and as soon as the ne-,iessary additions can be triadr. t ) the machinery, he will mamiliteture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron. usually made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuililiert. nt No. 35 Wood st. or at the :Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be promptly at terldri to: JAMES ANDERSON. sep 9.9-3 m T RESPECTFULLY inform rite public that I have I and livrp alway+ on hand an assortment of Fire Pioof Ssfes. The price, in consequence of the ma terials and Inhor being mud' lower, is reduced about thirty percent. They ore kept ftr sale at my shop. in Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church on the corner of Gth street—as also with Atwood, Jones &Co., &rid Darzell & Fleming. In regard to the qual ity of My safes I leave those persons who bare pur chased and will purchase my safes to attest util ity of them. I desire no newspaper pills on my safes; ustice and truth warrant me in int; It-mini , . the public that all my safes which have been in huildiogs. Luria doem for several yoars Ai ice T com-nenced have pre served nil the pap-rs, bo &-.. which they c tntain eti. I have a c anu nher of crrtiCrAt... of t h e vi , tich arc in circu:ntion 3.,r1 i i my %td the a;entes. JOIN PENNING. T wo ULD n ist r:-sp,Ttlui.v announce to the- citizens jt. of pi t t.tylr g h :IA the cotimry IrPnerally, that I have corritt. , nc:Ni :he m biufacture of STOCKS, of every va ritety, form aid 1 mi.) 1, a id .vJuld nrnebant and others to call and examine for themselves, as I am ehitermined to sell on the most accommodatir.c tcrme ca-M, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public pat rona 19-6rn. n,': O:L 4 J. P. BARR, Seey LLOYD ;Sc. CO., 140, Liberty st • l r EAS.---itneeived on consignment, I°2 Chess :Clung Hon Tea, 4 " — Nock Tea, " 4 4 " 5 " • Gunpnwiler. by J. G. & A, GORDON', 12 Water street. J. K. HENDERSON. WE bare received, and will hereafter to kin oar stnntly On band, a full supply of Printing rnk, iiiho t ettnd mall kegs, which we will be-ebbe. wiled i"A , toper than it has heretofore. been sold in thitcity. Orders frc.m tho country aecornpanied by the clash Cur CASES) will be promptly attended is. I'HILLIi'S & SMITH, oct 1 o—tf Office of the Post and Manufactu New Groceries!! TN addition to.theirformer Excellent Stock of F figsH FAMILY GnoccatEs, the sukscribers have this day received No's. 1, 2 atal3 Mackerel. No's. 1 and 2Shad and Salmon, Susquehanna and Labrador Herring, Cod Fish. Liquorice, Cocoa Nuts, Ground Nuts, Lemons, Sultana Raisins. Prepared. Cocoa, Sago, Mace, Saltera tus, Saltpetre, SperroCandles, Chalk, Wldtink, Rotten Stone, &c. &c.; together with a great vat iety of rareand choice articles in their line; all of which they offer at Wholesale or Retail, on vary reasonable terms. LLOYD $. Co., Oct. 9. 140. Liberty st. New Pall and Wintei Goods. HAMPTON & SMITH, No. 112 Woon STIZEET, A RE now opening and offer for sale a very large and general a:sortmcnt of seasonable Dry Goods, consisting of plain' waved, and diamond beaver cloth, b ma% cloths of eVPß•color, cassimeres. sat tinettsjeans, kenteys, lin:eys. baize:, bleached and brown cottons, dribs. ticks. Alparca lustros black and colored, plain and printed merinos, mouslin de babas, Irish li nens, Mattioni andother silks, ribbons, laces.cauabric3, inn:lins, merino, fancy and blanket shawls, 9ewing silks, spool and skein threads. &c., &c..together with an assortment of carpets, russ floor cloths. &c , all of which Nye are able to sell as cheap as goodscan now be bong,ht in any market, east or west. sep 21—ti' Allegheny County ss. I n the muter or the estatn of ROBERT S. KIRK. der'd. } And now. Sept. 16, 1813, on rximMn of Georze P. Hamilton, the money considered in Court and Robert Woods appointed Auditor to dis tributeproceeds of sale. By the Court. THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk, Notice is h Tehy given to all p,q.srins interested, that I will at tend to the duties as , ig.ned to me by thr Court in the above ease, at my office on Grant street, Pitts burgh, nn the 30th 'of Oct.. 1813. at 2 o'clock. P. M. sapt 23-3 ml ROBT.,WOODS, A ndiior. Lippincott Mills Iron Safes. N. B. A f , 'Vt • plir if stc& Snrin.l, f,r by 11).wg. C,1101113:1, aatl Ir 2 : , ..0!(.1 screw ,rOA, with power to pun..h ho:ei ia ha.ei..c!) iron. Ae? 9.0 —tf )t 1N LE FEVER'S Now & Cheap Stock Establishment, NO 61, DIAMOND ALLEY. nr.rwEr.N worm AND MARKET STREET) McLane's American Worm SpeGine. NrottE Pitoovs.—McLANt's Wotot SPKCIFIC. .01 361 - 2 months ago, 1 purchased a vial of Mr- Lane's Ani , ricaa Worm Specific. I gave a boy of mine most of a vial; he palscd 40 very large worm.. Froth that time health improved very mud . I had flied ts., - ) nth^r Verarfuges to uo parpose. I believe Dr. McLane'sthe best article before the public. D. CALI - 101.7N Mifflin tp., AlleTheny ro., Sept. 30. Forsrdo at the Drug Stor• aC JON. KIDD. Oct 3 Corner 4th and NVood A(5 DR. MI,ANF:'S AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC. K IDD—Sir.—A chid 0111111 W 11f1011: 41 years oTd. eousmatly imli,po,e(l, and of pain complex ion; but limi a.vciy: a Elm,' ammlit c. Ia orcl••r to ha% c the , chi (I we !, J ~011-zllt cf Vor -rsif,mre of v..1.:-41 I cave Lim 3 . mmr Wk.), 25 ti: 11711‘ V61`1%. , `N pH:ed. I 1 , 1 , 11 a rwL-, •11 1 rn'l above' I:lC` 4 . , 111 , 1% , t1.••l; ,. Mrit .. l im , t• MICHAEL RI H N. C • i & mi. 26 13.13. -tle at the D,lt! Sir of JON +.IThAN oe: Cnr I, N.,1 Wo,ql Ft; J. W. Diarbrilge & Co, A GF,N'TS for the sale of Brit ITy's Powcior, 'Water lx.tween IVood ami Smitlifio;d streets, Pa:Atari-1. 6m 5 im.. Bargains t 3 be lied. a 0 ACRES OF VALUABLE LANDS will be ao.d u bar.tift in 1,1r:1.14114 rurch a :,or4.- The land lit.A in Tilcr and Nicholas CO'S., Virginia—and Cr.A R OF ALL EN CLI )1 Tilt A N CE3. For rwarticu:ats iuquire of the :+111)Ael iherr.4, if hy letter, po.,t Paid, LLOYD St: CO., ocr 10 140 Liberty greet, Pittsburzh. Bitter Alm7nds and Ginger Boot. Ecr..l vEn thi4 d iv, a choice or of Bitter Al- JUL, m.oal real Jam-C.va Ciinfror Rom. aid coirmin Ate(), a low catty Luxes choice (icsrownna LLOYD - 8.; CO'S, 141). .t. J UST RECEIVED and for sale on consignment, 7 bids sugar, Can be seen at the store of.racob Painier& Co auz =29 J. K.34.I)(IItHEAD & CO • Lea& RECEIVED by S. B." New York," five tons ofFig Lead. For sale by S.IIITH'S NEW YORK VARltiSti, Net. i.qtri : :l( drvinE, In store, and for sale et the DRL.f3 IiVARE,HOUSE of J. KIDD, oct 2 Corner of 4th stud Wood ets. 1110,10 UTTER-27 _ 1.) 5 Barre::: Wo-t , rn Reserve. D,i ry B utter j u o r 1, ,, (1:ool for a I.t hv HAILMIN,JENtiIM"3s 43 Wood Sohn D. Davis, AUCTIONEER. AND COMMISSION mEitr*T, Corner of Wood and sth its., Pittsburgh, IS ready to r. - xeive merchanclize of every description on cou , ignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDA YS and TADRSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening,atearly gas light. aug 12-y AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, Corner uf Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as sortment of DR Y GOODS, recently purchased in the East fur cash, and which will he sold at a small ad- vance on Eastern prices. fur currency or approved en dorsed notes. The assortment consists in part of 20 pieces wool dyed blue black broadcloths; 15 sneer. blue cloth; 10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths; 4 " super. Boaver cloths; 5 " pilotcloths; 40 " cassinetts, assorted colors; some very fine; 50 " flannels, twilled and plain white, red, green and yellow. 20 " English mcri-m, assorted colors; 100 all wool blanket shawls; 200 cotton plaid shawls; 1,000 doz. spool cotton. all colors; 100 pieces bleached and brown =Wins, and a Treat variety of other articles usually found in a Dry Good; House. ILTP Also, an assortment of boot=, shoes, and hats, which will all 13r sold at prices Nv th °lit regard to the late advances in the East. sept 23. C. AL FORWARDING Sr. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty streets, Pitts. burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line. Sept 4-3 m. PCAWFIELD hag removed his amble Eatab • liahment to Wood at. opposite Fahnestock*a Drug Store ; where ho will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Montimentg etc. up 1.9-Iyr Dissolution of Partnership. THEpartner.hip heretofore exiting under the style of Devine & M'Anuity, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. Devine is to collect all sums due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted for the conaern up to this date. H. DEVINE. C. A. M'ANULTY Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843. H. Devine recrw.ctfully informs his friends and the pulidc., that h.. still continues in the Transporting. business. and that he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 95 Water street, next door below Lpwis Hutchinson, where ho will receive and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms. DEVINE. MOKED HERRINGS.-21 boxes smoked he rings just roceived and for ale bY • Dissolution of Partnership. rirl E f I ilOratofore eti sting under the firm Of Dlcitgr and AtExs it. is this day dissol ved by ina.llli consent. JAMES DICKEY. Anpt. I, 1343. W.M.G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY ru4nAetfolv i:tforrnt his friends and th nuh ir, thath rontinue4 in the Tran4por- Lntion B at his W trnhonle, non:cite or LIBER- Tr AgD I VAYN 4 : ATREET., Canal Ruin. under the name of the '• lc,treqt•-lt P ,, rletsle Boar Liu'," wh-•re he wiil a.:l,lflrwani fruight to the East at the low •-t t-rm, gept. 4—tf. Found, A BOUT the last we.ilt in June, in a Clothing store "A.. id Liberty strert. a Note of hand, cxyaiderabls soiled vid worn. It k signed bv Jamrs Gaston and another, and drawn in favor of W. Mink. The own cr can have it by identifying and paying expeihes .litiv 31.—tef. _ Doware of a Settled Cough! I) R. M . l. 1N ES S aloritie Lan2, Syrup, being n safe n.id -emu: romedvi forCougs, Catarrhal Fever, Influenza, Pleunisy. the first of forming stages of Cons somption, A , thina. Whoopiug &r. Some do.. Zell of certificates of its valuable e ff ects ea n h o pro duersl, one of a hirh is now offered. This is to certify, that I had a very severe Cough all winter., aad wa: very notch ridliced. After trying m..dicul Rid to no purpose, I iv is ad% Ised to procure a bottle of Dr. M'Latin's Lang Syrup; it gave me relief imin-idiately, and in two weeks I was able to go out, and fulh believe it to Inc one of the most valuable med icimisl,ow before the for Couzh and breast corn plaiats. ELIZABETH MORRIS. fre‘li supply of Ili* valuable Cough mcilliocine just received at the Drug storeof J. KIDD, oct 7 No. 60, cormr of Wood and Fourth sts JCST RECEIVED and foraale by WM. THORN. No. 53. Market street, 501 lh,. pun , po!in soap in the bar, fiUU " " "in casks, 100 N - irii . vited soap. 50 .• C.A4ti.e, (only lot in -narket) 100 " almond sonp,la f lb. casks, d 17.. 016 " tote sperameettl hap, for chapped and for s , ,flooioz, the skin. The sitb.irtiher on hand a larger askortment of the above artiele; than !toy ()TILT establishm..nt in this min•, and is also receiving a Itirgt. '4l pply of fresh &up, Sze. IV:t . 1 HORN, oct 7 No. 53, Nltirket street. The 8i ht Prin c iple! l l W• T l. vb .. , ,t c ,, o uti s ict n u itr re an ra d a r u i ll . (1 &. It I o tt a l it S kin i ls A of trirs,No. 138, Liin rty street, and head of Canal Basin, gb, Pa., would re:Teeth:lily announce to mer chants and d generally. that they have determined to adopt the RIGHT PRIScIPLK with regaill to the tares of tohneeo kegs. tic. The people may rely Upon Mobile it, that hereafter, the tares of kegs and boxes si he.'"" ank. s . . • •- et)RRECT. They hope, by sttict attention to bmdnes, b uotintry S together with forniithlng thievery beat articles in their line. tv merit, as heretofore, a !Moral share of patron- V LOVI WA. Orleans banks (goo age. TENNESSEE. O ders promptly executed. 04-1 w All banks ... (is) fi DOZEN Pate/a Buckets and tubs assorted sizes; ~rAJ 30 dozen of all sizes of Window sash window , lass of all sizes to stilt, by the box or retail—Nails and spikes—Carpet chain—A variety of shovels, spades, Axe-handles, hoes. attains, Ivo shes. Lduis s-i..ie lime, the bit;tri of life, Br idie's tinti-billiiinS and anti-dispeptic pills, Evans' camomile and aperient pills,tliaisley's anti billions pills, events in Indian histo.: ry, hi story of the backwoods, A inerican pioneer. Sew all's putliolozy of cirlial:•4lo,44, permanent temperance d icitments, barchus and anti-bacchus, and a large vari ety of terriperance documents, Sabbath and day school books, ink, quills, writing and wrapping paper. &c. for sale low for c ash or approved country produce. oct 4. ISAAC HARRIS. T4IVER COMPLAINTS—Dyspepsia and indi gestion, with costiveness, ascidity of the 8(0M ach, hardness of fond after meals, heartburn, flatulency, liver complaints, with pain in the side and shoulder jaundice, bilious complaints, dropsy, diabetes, gravel, stone, and inflammation oftbe lung., are most perfectly removed and cured by the I-lEPATIC ELIXIR. This article has the most astonishingeffects in curing all complaints of the stomach and digestive organs. , Many highly respectable indivisluuh in New York have been cured. after trying every other remedy in vain, and have given in theirnames with permission to refor to them. Jr is pleasant to the taste, and does :.ot in thr innn inter:7 Tr V' . 1 th the dnily avocation of one na!nirn- it. Many fami ies of this city have hecom' so and a e, that they use it as their only finlw: Fv u , in^ it n een ,„i or , f cc s , i t - . 0 e1).3 the , t , mach free from Y:i-usdi. , orders, and the liver aetive. 4eeretioni of t he hedv in the mr,t tNerfett urtiv'ty: It is enninoscd en tirolv ofvogemble.4. The mire will be gradual, 1 - Mt rortain and. permanent. For sale at Turnes, EG Fourth street. imp 6. A. P.EELEN atittint Bank Nauss an i-r4ange AT 1 RIVATfI SALE Removal. II AIL MAN, JENNINGS & CO.. 43. Wnod Atrpet For Salo. 01111.4e5/1D tuLar UT A. ILIZABIZR, XXCIECANGE iTIROKOR, OORSgR 07 WOOD •-SD 1131 RD STS SPECIE STANDARD. Merchants and 3f anufacturers' Scrip Exchange Bank Scrip Currency Erie Bank Scrip --.. 4 EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. On Philadelphia Nets York Boston Baltimora. SPECIE. • Gold Par Silver par PENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSBURGH. Bank of Pittiburgh. par Merchants and Manufaclurers' bank ...par Exchan , n Do. Hollidaysburgh PHILADELPHIA. Bank of N.lrth America par Do Nor!hern LilJertici par Do Pennsylvania Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank par Kensington bank .par Manufacturers and Mechanics' par Mechanics par Afoyamensing par Philadelphia bank par Schuylkill ..par SOU thwark " par Western " • .... ...... ._..par Bank of Penn Township . par Girard bank 16 U. S. bank and brenches 36 COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown .. par " Chester county ..... par " Delaware county par " Montgomery county ......... ... " Northumberland .... par Farmers' Lurk of Bucks eannty........ —par Easton bank ,Jar Doylestow n par Franklin bank of Washington Bank of Charnbersbnrgh .. " Middletown .._. " Gettyaburgh " .Lesciilown " Susluehanna county.... .... Berkscounty bank Columbia Bankand Bridge Company Carlisle bank Erie bank Farmers and Drovers' bank .. " Bank of Lancaster " Bank of Reading Harrisburg bank Honesdale " Lancaster " Lancaster co. " Lebanon... ....... ... Miners'bank of Pottsville ..... Monongahela bankof Brolosurville New Hope and Delaware Bridge company. Northampton be h Towanda bank Wyoming bank West Branch bank. Yorkbank OHIO. Rel.nont bank of St. Clairsville.... 14 Clinton bunk of Columbus 14 Columbiana bank of New Lisbon -... .. ....14 Circleville (Lawrence, cashier).... 14 " ( Warren, cashier) no sale Cincinnatibanks .. 14 Chillicothe bank . ....... .. 14 Contra bank of Lake Erie - • 20 Dayton Akita. ..... ....... ...... Franklin bank of Columbus Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville.. 14 Farmers' bank of Canton 40 Gearrea Granville Hamilton. Lancaster Marietta. Mrt cx Mon . 3f...01a-flies' and Traders', Cincinnati Mount Pleasant .Varrea/k Putnam Sandusky Scioto.... Prhana... 'rooster.. Xenia ... Zanesville INDIANA. State hank and branches State Scrip KENTUCKY All banks ILLINOIS State banklso .... Bank of Illinois, Shawneelawn .. .. 60 VIRGINIA. Rank of the Valley of Virginia: .. li . Bank of Virginia- li Exch.anze hank of Virginia Farmers' bankof Virzinia ............ . .. 1 North- IVeirn bank of Vir ginia....... • .1i Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia .. ..I.i Branches . . .. . . .. MARYLAND. Ralttrnore City bents. All other solvent 4anks NlißtTl CAROLINA All adveng banks - SOUTH CAROLINA All solvenibanks GEORGIA. 411 solvent banks.. ALAL AMA BOOS AND JOB PRINT I NG OFFICE, „.w. CORNER or WOOD & FIFTH STS. The proprietois of the MORS ING POST ancl .ME)t, CURT •ND MAxvric . tttiEtt respectftilly inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of .TO NES 7111C 4 Mr 31P.31119 :4 5 11 Necestary to Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, . Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Chocks, Hat Tips. Alt titnbs of 33Iautts. - Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with ap propriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the Patronage of our friends and the nuti'.ie in 4.laeral in this branch of onr business. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH. Pease's Boarhound Candy. A Fresh supply just received {rota New York. and for salc at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth st. sent 12 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS !! ! Ad sorts of aid wearing - apperaL Please cant's. No. 151 Liberty street, and We for vouroeives *op 7. McCLOSKLY. eaM 1843. STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Forwa r di ng an d annirnission Merchants, cLEvrtAxe, ewe. AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Corn pally composed of the Merchants' Line. Erie Canal; Wnshingtun, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve laud Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors oftho Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wilkie & Enawortli, No. 9, Coantiaa Slip, N. Y. R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. 'Williams & Dow, Hon. John . 111. - .Mica, Clovelanci.. Charles M. Giddings, • • ' J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. an 1 1943-Iy. TEIE canal packet ERIE ; J. M. - Shaw,muster, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports,leaver Beaver on Moadays, %Vedaesdays, and Fridays-! marn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdaya, Tlinrsdays and Sat urdays- connecting with the Stage Lives to Cleveland directt ? For freight or pa:sage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. --t Gar 1843. FARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL LINE OF STAGES AND RAIL ROAD CAR 4, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connective with tile Main train ofcars to. N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles ,taring and one night ow. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia Baltimore t , P. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hntel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., feb 23, 1843-1)% Proprietors. Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road 'Company. NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WA3LiINGTON CITY, BALTIMORZ, AND NE IV YORK. THIS lino i> in 'Atli ~Ty2rution and leaves Pittsburgh daily at G o'cloclt A. M., via ‘tiailiington and national read to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road to all the above places: Trav elers will find this a spccily and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pitt3burgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rc: at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON, fob 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. — Regular Packets, for Cincinnati, .10 • ....no sale .. .._25 The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. ni. The Cutter, Collins., Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. to. The :11mitgomery, Bennett, Ma.3ter, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Express, Parkinson, ...11ater, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock n. Tn. JOHN BIRMINGHAM g CO., united States Portable lEloat "Lino Depot 72 ..... ....... 25 25 CA. McANCLTY very respectfully informs his • friends and the public, that he has made r. rruzige metal, to continue the areacy of the boats f,rming the U. S. Portable Boat Line, at the larze nets Warehouse, coat , : Ea OF WAYNE AND LIEERTY 57REETS. Canal Basin, where goods wid be received and forwarded with usual despatch, and on the rnot.t favorable terms. to Baltimore, t , r Boston. THOM VS BO !JOE. Agent, 272 M Piti!ltdelphia. MOORE, & CHASE. Agents. 75 Beady',. Wharf, Baltimore. wept. ALLEN KnAmErt, Exc'zang.c. Erckcr. 16, Co , zer of Wood and 7'hir.7: s!rects. Pit!slntrg Pa. Sold, Silvor, and Solvent Bank notes, twaghl and sold. Sight chocks ...I the I;a:ster:-.CI:ICS, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. Philadelphia. JaliinHßrowniE•tT. James. M'Candlr.ss. 'Cincinnati, 0., J. R. Wnoaa!ri. , St. Louis, Mo. W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres•t Bank Ky. }Lonicille. BicLane's American Worm Specific. HIS is te ceitify that with McLA NE'S Wortm SPECtric, a child of minepa, , Gril lip:yards of 600 worms; it is the most piiiverful W(irm Srwcifie now in pnr e. 11. 13..taruoLomsw Middlebury, 0.. Oct. 1, 1343. Far sale at the Drug Score of JON. lei DD, 'wilt. 12. Corner 4th and Wood sts CHIPPED LOG WOOD NND FESTIC, Blue Vi rinl, Carnwnta, Alum. and a zenentl steel: of Dr.( WOODS, in store, and for sale at the Drat , . Store 20 ..... - .. 25 sept. 12 At kil , Y W:1 Jis capable of tilting charize of a household, is desirous of obtaining a situation as housekeeper in a private family, or as superintendent lea inspectable hotel. She would have no ob j ection to leave the city if desired to do so. for further infor mation inquire nt this office. auc. 21—tf ATACKEREL.-16 Bbl 9. No. 3 Mackerel, just I. received and for ,=nlo by HAIL.MAN, JENNINGS & CO. sep S. 43 AGENTLEMAN, who thariiugh.y understand Wioi Keeping. wishes a situation in that cripa city: the best of references will La given. Address H. at this office. aug 23—tf T OBACCO. --10 boxes Burton's 5 h lump tobacco, 25 do Ru:sell & Robinsons do 5 do liare's do 10 do assorted sizes end brands, jiitt, received and for ;Elle by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., awe 9 43, Wood street Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, N o , 17, Fifth street,behreen Wood and Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assornc o e n t, of wares and solicits a share of public patronage, Also, on hand the following articles: shovels, pricer, tongs. eridirona skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills. &c. Mer chants and others are invited to call and examine for themselves, a. he is determined to sell cheap for cash cm approved paper. mar 7 —tf Toothache! Toothache!! Toothache!!! Tat,rwc, corn:,:nln[s cn.n b• cured in 'F. , ' rnln uzAs,lTc ilsinetbc , -IPbratAnd :` , .1 , ..75C0VVM S DE.;,:• which is warranred.srt. mar 7 cmunt2-f . eitA, of :be Thn nnh• true aid gc.nu ine s rtirieis to Ira had at TUTTLE'S 88 Fou,-tlx t. "rpt. 12. Beaver and Warren Packet. Tho Groat Control Routo ItF.FEIIZNCES Wm. Pen Sz... Co., John D. Davis, F. Lerenze, Pittebur;h, Pa, J. Pail/ter Sz, CO., Joseph Woodwell, James May, Alex. Bron.- or; C 0 , Dve Stria Just Receivoi JON. KI DD Cnrnor 4th awl 'Wood Rt. To MI chants and Others. SAMUEL MORROW, ox> Sate a Two .Fai~ai you Eta. f;lll,Tattna I r i: rt?etr o „ d- e i. ,:t a znai7e: ob and Ca L u ' il Y" ty lh arotitailli from Greensbar;., on the main rod to kt..airs. ville, 8 mi:es from it, and nhamt 8 miies from Dcsiistop. town, one mile from a brick Cath..lic Church and [Way miles from a Presbyterian Church, air: No 1. 2111@ acres and allowances, from 159 to 160 acres eearld and under fence, has on it a log house. log-barn. No. 2. 150 acres of land adjoining the above. 75 to 10" acres tleered and seder fence, a good ['ran:mimosa and also a wagon shade and . i.ortrerib and n stone sprint hcuse, all in gaud order. The above win be said at a fair price fur ca , ..h and payments made tna=emastalata s . o r exchanged for propene iu Pittsburgh or Allegheny. For further oarti,.:ulari enqoi re at Harris' C.nacral Agee; ry and Intel iigenco Office, Nc. 9, sth at. 016 • Daildinir Lots For Salo, THE under.ignPd is sue:ratted to sOl. a nutnbee of lots beautifully gin:stet:Hu Aaron three FL's! .0f lots on 'Grove Hill.", The rapid improvement and extension of the city in the ,vicinity of these /out taut st - tratly increase their value In a very short Claims against the estate, properly„autlutiticated, be received in part ettvrnem. - GEO. COCHRAN, Executor, 016-3 w Woodstreet. TO LtT. • ATWO STORY brick hett4e, 'inhabit far a dwelling and Grocery, situate nn the coveter of Fifth and Union streets. Possession given imadedi ately. Enquire of JAMES MAY. Per Rent. r e l G -RO A V ar E ctiVae L , d h - e oe l as a te ed 143( T ie . be t'aes pi ce °f t ) well filled with choice fruit tress, vines, eke. Also, a convenient tenement latsiy ccorpioki by R. I. Langhorne. Possession will Le given immediately. Put tenni apply oit- tf OEO. COCIMA/sT, Ez'f to Building Lots in Birmingham. 14) LOTS, suitable for building, moat eligibly siPb uated, and within two minutes? walk of tbs, steam ferry boat landing, will be sold at price. to suit the times. The terms of payment a-Pl be made mum either for cash or such trart r as can be made avallaiste. Apply to the &übscribers in Birmingham, or Mr, PI Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street. Pittsburgh. jII.IIZ 1. JAS. PATTERSON, Jr. Lots for Sale. A Lots in Manchester. (Jre and ct fourth Aems of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41.12,52.53,54 181, 132. andlBl.in Cook's plan of Lots, on Ho!rnet Hill. Alco, Lots nos. 26,and 27, in Cook's plan of Lou, on High stroct, near thenew Court "! For ter apply to Z. W. REIIINGTON • sep 10 • t For Sale. L°'on the North Ens! corner of Coal Late toid High street. Armlr to DEN.TAMIN DARLINGTON, sep 10 'Market rear Faartll *treat; For Pent That COTTAGE. Aituitcci in the Brrouphoj -Al Lawrenceville, at present occupied Ly John The n'ffro 11-o n vory fin? Arden find cnnii mont of fruit tree=. An; ncr3on mnting cnn race tha privilPge of end=ine fn- rho e 1 1 ,111117, peer. Posses sion riven. on 1 Of Of-nt-wr n,,x% Apply a! No. 5 Com-n^r^i 11 Row s Llcrty st.mer f : o r t o Wm. Tortrm, atrt - vt. set,. 1. 1843. A SNIALL CHEAP FATINT FOR SALE. A SMALL Farm io F . pper St. Chair township, a; LA brut• 4.; from Pitt,hurgh,and about GO yards of the Washington turnpike, contaiuing .16i acres good land, well located and improved, and almost all cleared and under good fenee; and will be a good place for an extensive zardner, &•• It Eason it a good dwelling horse and horn; and is well watered. It will Le POW low for cash—or port cash and vizi. credit. Apply tit Harr s' agent and Intelligrnee Cifev. or SAMUEL NTALLAND To Pert. PLEASANT rooms nml cood steam- TN -Aver, nt the L cast , n. , rl filrs rnanMaclory. C . ( IT.Pr of LibariV O'Hara street,. Apply on the . rminlig•cs. jut' Masts and Farms to Rent. fr.ce (in ennuettion wit) , 2-rrcy) for the renting and ;La FIrT-1:. A. more reri:ots art onnstur,t: rri.z w , •lrut haying the._ t ;netnru,t oh-tr city 1.• ofin }n enlle- n uron sn+z , re. r} r kind f house' 'hey ‘vnnt• fir.ti su't !I , M. LI I FO krew the ni:rni.er efrrnms, situation and rent. ith:Qut further o.yrrr, nr hne,rs frd it to their interest to ran. and ,ive n de-erintier rn. ard :he rent they as tilnv th , n find their houses rented and with Iraq The entionai, , ,e of the nehlie rn•ne , -trurv.rlicited, - . Fell 21,1 T. 11. TITTLE, 'B6, 4th .t. I:Tenses. &c., For Tient. THE ~.,b, c riber h.-- a rrcord arty dwellit.g u=. , . Kyle, LrF,rgcros or emottly farms- and scats f, rtari , ingthe; owl ors 45 era tf., each !Tema. Ile w1:1 keep it epenror al/ who wish to rent arty kind ofnroperty to me.amire, and charge them 19. ci•rts: a: d frm a =r.:r',i cernpor -, ation., will attend to rentirr leircis o f p i o n , t•tc, and atte tr a to all kinds of bushier , botweer. L•o-rrnrd and tenant: ISAAC HARBIS.Acnt, Fifth t A Good Farm for Salo or Erchazge, A l l_ FARM of 130 acre; ern Su2-3:- Creel:. -Armstrong 2.crunty, 100 of which r. irnrrnvod. This farm irk . well watered by srni-oa and own ar i .io runs Ns hich .rearly through it and thou unity. fortn'r.g. an c.1.c.e11,e4- . 111111 Seat. 40 acres are fr rare tucader or ;print eneps, and tho la'ar co irr rd Inc fall There is no w•a.to land. a: ir r- ridarrf d for & Ain• nor for sheer?. a , ]iCs , cr. wed. T 1 ere is on it a -ood'nprie crehnl a .•,..ut , s!an: in: he vre d in,:r house, s. .inge 10, barn and a aced coal hal accessible,. a good order. and the quantity' ines.hausri hie. - This "ism lira tai:L`n 13 mire. of Freer. rri. 9 mile from , •:iLiannit.2-. 4 mi'.e:frc.rn a Catholic el.arel, and '2 miles "ram a Preshyter'an and Seceder cht:: ches It will be .old at a hacTain for cosh cr exchong.rd for a rood •hree story hoick housr and lot in Pirtshurgh. For tn•rms and particulars enquire at Harris' General and Intelligence office, or of the snh.criber on, 1,0 rrervi:es. S. J. WHITE.. sep '27 DR. MeLANE'S LIVED Pu LS: lIIEREkI . certify thatkave kiewri a tirtinthes of people who have taken Dr. McLane's and have been much he/1(f ttcd by Attn.), and T%Oros' , , them to be the best pills for liver eumplairta, and tim ;eneral use, of any pill now} I ferP th•• ru Ni e . ' • MICHAEL FORNEY: I hereby certify that f !mute, 1 eet, trfilict , d fbr yeirs with a liver complaint; and have applifd to clifertiiit Phy.iciatts. and nil I.n little or no effect. until 'lontadec nee of Dr. McLane' r. ink-ire two boml either» T am nearly restczed to perfect hce",h, f • )117ITL DAVIS. PittOmr;:h, Angu3t 16, 1844 r , "'Forsaleacthe DrugFo• , rt. rf JONATHAN Tilbb, all , 7orner 4 rl-, TVf,na Pittsburib Freeman's; -v ire 'Slick fci Sad& rsT received., 5000 Frei - reni.'b I eat Fire Prick. NVhiCh Will laereafter ICf rn-Frarf v ban; and 40:e. low for alli)ll:\GHAs.l & CO. may 27 ;Cc. 60 Water it. Peach T'rceu. dili k THE &scriber has just receive& from, tkie eery of Lar.ciret'n azd Fulton, :car Fhi adelpidir:- a ~.3t the choicest varie:y (Iv - ad:trees, to whicit .rould call the azter.6Or. of the 1)* - F: L SNOWDEN, • ma:. 8. :Co. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood.. HOPKINS' EXTRA ALC ,I'CL, for Co: - !alt. at the DRur; (.7 JONATHAN KIDD, (,brae: of 4.ti: and