:1111.14 stations at length become dangerous. SUch is toyegrinion, and I therefore believed it a duty to sacri c Mohammed. I shall be happy if this deed proves 'beneficial to you. At some future time I am sure you will acknowledge Ida well.' The coolness of the words and manlier of Nlarcopoli tassle a lively impression- upon Achreet who smiled as bolfeeplied: .If 7ou axevight, you ought not to be puni.hed..— Siitbdavrerill "suffice for mo to appreciate your act at iblitpot ,sl u e. Return to your work; when the term 8. I will send for you to receive your punishment Or reward.' Minutelavestagattons,, unexpectedly made among the Itspers "of Mohammed, proved that the vizier wag triad With a project of treason, and intended to give provinces to the enemies of the Ottoman ern. ' : 7 ; . ik'. 4 o* l F 4 - ai ...wet tent for to the. divan. -Achmet pre. '4llsisted - hiin to his counsellors as the saviour of the em pire. ktfirst he was mad© aga of the Janisaries; his fortune rose rapidly, and carried him to the post of the vizier. After two years exercise of his functions, in which be displayed the greatest talents, Marcopoli gave pp hisrlsce, saying to the sultan: •"- ''that Which is true in regard to others is especially true irt regard to myself. Do you remember my wor b ds; 'Ton ought not to keep a vizier too long.' I have een vglog two years. 'tie enough, and I retire for the hon. eeeetkielletedni your highness would do well to establish 'se imittimutable law.' ... Clothed in brilliant dignity, Marcopoli went and e - eteblisbed himself in a remote province: and if, after wards, A.Chmetretained eiziors more than two years, ' at, least he brought in requisition the heeds of his slaves to dissipate his moments of ennui. `-- It not only on the throne that ennui is found to be the greatest enemy of morality, virtue and all good sen timents. This plague of human nature and of society exercises the same infinences on all classes. Almost all the bud actions, imprude.ncies, emits and follies we 00 daily committed, ought not to be attributed to any • - = - other cause. Ennui in the evil genius of humanity. - , Igis this vice that reformers should attack. But how tad by what means combat it, when all social progress tendsto enlarge and consolidate its dominion 1 In ma -li.every thing perfect, in rendering life too easy, in • taro conveniences and luxuries at the gate of eve , . .. - ry y, they promote uniformity, and thus rat:weed lemsly augment the part ennui makes in our existence. ' - ''Ennui is the misfortune of the rich,' said Walpole; and indeed very few of them are ao happy as to be en s tire!) , free from its p aver. Conjugal happiness, fortune, ,grandeur, pay thin penalty, and thus maintain the e `quill-brim= between social prosperity and misery. Not long since, in the studio of one of our most dis tinguished painters, a noble and opulent stranger, the Count D—y, said, in presence of numerous auditors: ~ 'I will give twenty thousand francs to any one who ' will make me laugh a quarter of an hour., We see here the bad side of ahnndance, the radical ennui: of Batley. The gaiety of the French character ordinarily hinders this disease from arriving at its great estheight; while in England it is called spleen, it Area proves i-=aortal malady. But nothing would be easier . to remedy; instead of jumping into the wee.er, threw " riches into it; instead of blowing outone's brains, burn the millions, often realized to the ruin of others; in stead of killing yourself, destroy your ill-gotten gains, and the spleen enjendered by opulence will fiy before poverty, the effect will disappear with the cause. Allthat one gentlemen could do, when in similar ter _ cumstances, was to analyze his situation He held his pistol between his teeth, and seas about to pull the trig ger,w wh en the thought of composing a work on spleen ..' suggested itself. Ho determined to hurry with it, for life really hung heavily upon him; but he was not in the - habit of writing, his idea.; flowed elowly, and were form ed intcrsentences with difficulty. His self-love would . • 'have su ff ered too much had he left an unfinished work • • te posterity; he employed therefore, alibis talents, and ._ , . with much zeal and patience, labeled at it seven years. it was necessary, then, to correct the proof-sheets, and . a year was devoted to this second occupation. A t last; when the work was finished revised, corrected, prin . and bound, and on the very day the bookseller pub-' - lished it, the author took up his pistol, put it to his .mouth, and.as ns now idea came to his aid at that fatal instant, he pulled the trigger and blew out his brains. . _ The book still exiets, and has much reputation in En. glaod;it is entitled, '• Tire Anatomy of Spleen." The sultan Achmet is not the s only man who has been isenfitted by ennui- Among the rich dandies of Puri.: there are few whom this moral urges to commit sui cide; nevertheless, its influence in strong, and leads to important consequencei., Ennui seizes them by fits s and in resisting its assaults they often employ mean - fatal to themselves as well as to others. We will cite. she example of Alfred Damvilliers. Alfred was independently rich; he had twenty thou sand pandas income, and led an easy life. He wanted . for nothing; happiness had taken a friendship for him; he succeeded in all hi 3 wishes, in all his enterprises. It is true his expenses diminished his fortune, yet he saw no reason to disquiet himself about the future, . . which be saw through a rich legacy—the inheritance of his aunt. One day, Alfred felt a sharp attack of en nui; ho tried to rid himself of it, but all his endeavors were vain. He went to the Bois de Boulogne and then to the opera; the wood and the opera redoubled his ... chagrin. He hastened the deuoument of a delicate in . gigue, and still remained cold and ennuye in the sue . ees that crowned his audacity. The fit lasted three days, when he resolved to travel, to dissipate his . gloomineee. He sent for the post-horses, and it seas sot until after he had seated himself in the carriage . , that he decided where to drive. 'Where shall I go 7 I know Italy, England, the shores of the Rhine, Switzerland. No. Europe is too • • narrow for an ennui like me! I wilig,o to the East!' ' He traveled two years. On his return be was per 'fectly cured; but his aunt had died duringhis absen, and her relations, who attendedher in her last moment ce s ( ,had secured her property. 'My fit of enuni centime a large sum,' said Alfred. .:v. The sombre thoughts inspired by this result of his ..,;. - travels, flung him into another paroxysm. This time he had recourse to violent and prompt measures. He ... sought a quarrel in the tiring-room of the Italian thea tre. The next day he fought and killed his adversary. .. . To kill a man because one happens to have the :. . spleen, is acting very much like the sultan, and Alfred would never have forgiven himself had he not learned that his victim sus a duellist by profession, and had e - ~„ been obliged to lease Brittany on account of several murderous encounters. . _ Nearly ruined by the disorder of his conduct, Alfred .e. foil once more into the marasmus. He took a dislike to celibacy and married a young, amaiblo and beauti ful person, but without pleasure. . , He was almost ready to regret this third remedy, e when his wife unexpectedly Caine into the possession of an income of fifty thousand pounds. 'We never thought of this fortune; said Alfred to .. . Madame Dainvilliers: 'did yoa know that your uncle in , . Brittany was so rich?' . 'No, he had but little wealth; but I learned that not .-.:. long since a fortune was bequeathed him by one of his friends, M. de Kersac.' - - 'Kersac! the past year! I killed him,' cried Alfred.— ~. .tHow much I bless ennui now; it was worth a million e 5 --tome!' Nevertheless, in spite of his marriage and hi chit e s _ lion,-or perhaps on account of both, he began to f e - - symptoms of another attack. To prevent the cense- Truces, he proposed himself a candidate for depute . non. He is almost sure of getting the majority, and he hopes that the Chamber of Deputies will effectually - •'..t. •',..: 1 • ante him of all his tendencies to ennui. Why not?- . . . Have we not seen cures effected by quacks? GET ABOARD. Captain Myers, of the steamer Diamond, whil-t oppping at one of our river landings, says the Picay saae, was accosted by a man with - "Captain, what's the passage to Louisville ? " "Three dollars on deck and wood, arid twelve dol • ifirtilu the cabin," replied the Captain. "Du you want to gol" wirei, Was the reply. - "Well, bear it haud- , •-nothinz to discharge—we shall INS off jai:ie.:Rawly—get aboard—get aboard!" Off etirted the passenger at a trot. as the Captain • oupiose!:.f for las trunk; but, on turning round again in feir tpieetei; he found his man alongside of him, dit6 "Hese', Captain, this is the eery best board I could JEII4 t. • -at • the same time throwing a tolerably sized wank on the deck! 'PjIO6I;CTIVE FARMISG.--A. gentleman paid $1,990 for a,cnsoberry meadow near Boston; built a darn so as to good it At pleasure (for $150) and thereby pro- Wet the vines from frosts; and this season has a crop semen bemired _bushels, worth $l4OO in this market. We have this on the atithotity of the New England FOR PIitSIDENT JAS. BUCHANAN, Subject to the cleci,ioli of THE DY.MOCTATIC SATIOSAL CON vi.sTioN 41I)e latlU Aorning Post. PHILLII.A 1, SMITH, EDITORS AND FROPRIF.TOIIS PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, OCTOBER ItC, 1843 RESOLT OT THE ELRCTIO% 114 ALLKOHE.SY COtrit- TT.—On Saturday we published the Official Returns of the election in this County, and our democratic friends will agiee with us that the perusal of them is perfectly refreshing. We recurred to them again and again, and each time we found some new matter for admiration ---some new cause fur triumph and gratula- tion. In our paper of Friday last, we said that the demo. cratic candidate for Congress, Senate, Prothonotary and Canal Commissioners, six in all, had beaten the united vote of both the federal factions—we have now the pleasure to state that the average vote on our As sembly ticket is greater than that of the combined votes of the Union and Antimasol candidates. So that out of 15 candidates, the Democrats have elected ten by majorities over the vote of both factions combined. Judge WILEINS' majority over both of his competitors is 317—Mr. Ns:cite-es majority over StmLivaa is .19—Geo. R. RIDDLM'S majority over both his oppo nents is 1'231! --our Assembly ticket, notwithstanding the opposition to Maj. ANDEa}:6S, on the p art of some fete democrats; has a small overage majority, and our Canal ticket has nearly 1000 votes more than the whig ticket. Under these circumstances, how preposterous it is for our opponents to prate about what they could have done had they been united, and to assume that all the voterswho staid away from the polls on Tuesday last, belonged to their part. , and wou7d have supported their candidates had they come to the election. Every one knows how bitterly the opposing factions contended to heat each other—the struggle with the Antimasons was fur existence 1..5 a party, and never did a set of men make a mare fearful death struggle- The efforts of the whips were not so constant nor so vehement. but fargreater that . ; any they ever made before. Is it to be supposed that, with such electioneering, and with the motives to activity which existed, the federal vote could have been so far shortas they wish to make it appear. Does any reasonable man imagine, that with the dis contents and feuds that must have existed, even if the federalists had nominated but one ticket, they would have polled as many votes as they have done under their separate organization? The idea is ridiculous. But the coons assert that the confidence of success which prevailed among the democrats, incited them to increased exertion, and contributed greatly to their triumph. Now we should suppose that this very con &lnce, if entertained, would be producti ve of apathy and indifference; and would cause very many to stay away from the polls in the belief thut the work could be done without them. Such we know to have been the case in several strong democratic district, as a com parison of their vote, this year with that of 1841 will sufficiently prove. Upon a careful examination of the returns, and a dispassionate review of the whole campaign. every im partial man man must see that the success of the democratic party is entirely owing to accessions to its strength; that any union the federalists may form, will not procure them seeress; and that, hereafter, the dem ocrats will have the strength to beat any ticket they can bring out in Allegheny county- So o aton.---The vote in this county for Senator, is a better indication of the strength of parties than that of any of the other candidates. It does not, however, show the full democratic strength, as it was an office for which our friends here did not make any struggle.— But it shows the whole force of the opposition, 63 S ea- LIVAIf was supported by three parties, that used eve ry effort in their power to get out all their votes. He was supported by the Whigs, Antitnasons and Aboli tionists, and it will be seen by referring to the official returns, that the democrats, without any exertion, beat them all by a majority of forty-nine votes. It may be observed also, as a curious circumstance, that Mr. LET received received just the majority that would have elected Dr. GAZZAM in 1841. That year Allegheny gave forty seven majority to the democratic candidate, but we lost the election by Butler giving the federal candi date 48; to -make the matter sure this year, we gave the Senator 49 majority, not supposit.g, that our friends in Butler would let the whtgs get more than they did in 1841, but they appear to have forgotten entirely to vote for Senator, and they are again defeated by a majority of 500 or 600. But never mind; we will have "better luck next time," and when we again vote for Senator, Allegheny will give a sufficient majority to elect him whether he receives any votes in Butler or not. CANAL CONXISSIONERS.—Speaking of the candi dates for Canal C o mmissioners, the Pennsylvanian re marks, that it is a fact worthy of note at the present moment, that the democratic nominations for Canal Commissioners have a majority of about three hundred, in the city and county of Philadelphia, thus showing that the party had it in their power, under every adverse circumstance, to have carried their city and county ticket, and proving too that our disaster is but a tem porary cloud. ALGERINE BARBARITY.—It is stated in a Provi dence raper, that West and Potter, who were impri soned by the Algerines of Rhode Island, were taken before the court hand-cuffed and chained together!— ThiA ignominious treatment is one of the petty abuses of power which have marked the Whig party of Rhode ry Island, brought disgrace on the ve name of the state, and will cover the authors with infamy. MOURNFUL INTELLIGENCE. Death of Senator Linn.—The St. Lords papers bring us the mournful intelligence that Dr. Linn, the talented, amiable, and chivalrous Senator from Mis souri, has departed this life, leaving mourners among all parties and in all quarters of this Union, for his ear ly separation from a people who loved him for his ma ny virtues, his able and useful services, and the sudden blight of his waiting honors. The Reporter is in mourning, and pays midst and feel ing tribute to his memory. We give the particulars of his death from that paper ofFriday the 6th instant. Death of Dr. Lin n .---Yesterday the mournful intelli ligenc.e reached this city, that the Hon. L. F. Linn, U. S. Senator from 'Missouri died at his residence at St. Genevieve on the 3a inst. NV e learn that nfim dinner, on the day of his death, he retired to his room, and was shortly afterwards discovered to have passed without a groan to a purer and abetter world. Dr. Linn suffered severely last spring from an attack of chronic rheumatism, and on his recovery made a visit to — Philadelphihome,a, New York and other:Eastern cities. On his retw n about a fortnight ago, he appeared to be entirely restored to health, and his fa nily and friends had just begun to congratulate themselves on his renewed strength and activity, and the public on the bright career which still awaited him, when the sad truth broke upon them that he whom they so fondly ad mired, had closed his pilgrimage on earth. ----------------_ —_—_ ELECTION RETURNS. TUE HON, JAMES BUCHANAN AND THE &. Or - ' -- i•Z - -...- I • PRESIDENCY. 111101EMAINING, IN THE POST-OFFICE, AT DAU PULP CAXISTI.—FOr COllgress, Alexander Ram- • • To the Caller/a of Pentzsyirarria: l.ll, PITTSBURGELPA.,OCTOBERIStII,IB42I, aey,whig, has amejority of about 700 over David Una- At the time these numbers were commenced, noth- il:TPersons calling -for letters published in thistle. Berger, Dem. Benjamin Jordan, Whig, and Solomon L og was further from my intention than to have trespass- will please say they are advertised: e . Shiudle, Dem. ate elected to the Legislature. The asa upon my democratic fellow Citizens, by so long a A . series. I had expected to have discharged my sense .. democrats have elected Peter Hecker to the office of Adrian •Robt Aylsworth Aug Of duty by a brief appeal to the feelings, the sense of Akin Robt Askin I County Commissioner, and the whigs have carried the their own dignity and their character for consistency, Aiken Rey jj Asurit J D rest of their ticket. , that so eminently distingnishes the people of Pennsyl- Adams James S Atkinson James In Lebanon, Rarasey's majority is ~..73; all the Whig %, vania, and then to have left the subject to other pens Aikman James B Anshutz Henry 1 i and more powerful intellects. But the subject has Ticket elected, except Treasurer. 1 Arden miss Josephine W Arthur C B i grown upon me, more and more, as I have given it my In Franklin, vrhig ticket elected. Alexander Robt B Armstrong Edward I consideration, and the strifes that we have been daily Armstrong C L In the 15th district, composed of Cumberland, ' witnessing since the important steps taken by N• v Anderson Arthur 1 ' Andrews Salatheal Ards Jean Franklin and Perry, James Black is elected over all 1 York in relation to Mr. Van Buren, speak trumpet Andrews Chester Applegate Uriab , the factions of the oppoition. tongued to the country at large, and in a voice of warn- Arkman James B In Cumberland, the whole democratic ticket is clove i lug if not of menace, and render it the duty of every , .P, i man, however humble, to buckle on his armor. If the Bailey Thos j red. I Baxter Wm , present state of dissatisfaction should continue to pre- Baker Conrad Bender Arians In Adams, the whip Ticket is elected by about 400 vail up to the time of the nomination, and if under cite Bags Andrew 1 es• Benson Wm curestances so apparently unpropitious, Mr. Van Berea Baker Charles Bedell Daniel should be nominated, it requires no spirit of prophecy Bahiri,te Capt Joseph 2 Beates Peter to predict, that however he may he sustained by his Baird James II Beck John party upon the principles of duty and public faith, which Baldwin Sarah E Beak Mathw they are bound to hold inviolable, yet from aportion of Barnett Rebt Bhutdell M. the democracy he can look butler a sullen, constrained Bateman John° Bishop John and feeble support. If the fears now so universally , Baneas Mar i a Ming Isaac entertained that a great project is on foot of getting a Barns Ellen Booth T n majority of delegatesfavotable to a particular candidate Barnes H I Bolds Joh elected he anticipating the time, by procuring Bowen T co mmit- . Barnes James R tats iferulvance of public sentiment, or by exciting a Barnett S H Boyd Wm leading and vigorously edited public journal, with its B„i ng J u l ia Bonham P II usual bull dog ferocity, to tear to pieces the characters Batchelder Freak Brown Win of those, who do not feel disposed to sal mit to its die- , Brown Avery A Beaty Samuel tation, in regard to the n omination, should come to be Brown miss Elizabeth Bronte James Brown Thomas realized; it is but too evident that however strongly Bradshaw Mary we may endeavor to coalesce upon the candidate so Brown Jas R Brannon John F Brown James Bradley Thomas nominated, we shall never come forward to the contest with those inspiring hopes that are always the sure Brannon miss Susan , Brown Robert J precursers of victory. It becomes ns all, then, but it . Bell Wm • Brannen John more especially becomes the citizens of Pennsylvania, Brownlee John Burnside John G to enter into this contest with the utmost Pm' Brindle Alb 2 Butt Cellar dence and precaution, to watch every step of its prog- Btindle Peter Butler I T tees and to linger long before we commit ourselves Burns L J Burnett Virgil I beyond the possibility of retreat. We cannot hut per. Burton Henry Burgher James ceive that if divisions are to be apprehended in our own Burzher James Beats Peter ranks the defeat of the party is certain. We cannot Burnside Wm with safety rely upon differences of opinion amongst C our a dversaries, when we know from the experience Clancy. Lewis of recent national disasters, that they have a common : Carry Simon Carrel Eliza: Claude 0 Gantree bond of anion in the desire to exclude us from office; : Carrel Mary Cochran John and it is but too evident, that if our power is to be flit- Curothers `D Cook Eliza A tered away into factions, we are politically lost. To Calhoun W D Cook IW & Sens my mind the enly kat view of the subject which can be Casscrlv James Cook Deborah taken is that set forth in the preceding pages. No CarsonSusannala Collins Elizabeth interference of friends, it is feared, can reconcile the Col xellaaiss Small A Conlaban John differences that now prevail between the friends of the Coul ter John Cherry Cummings two prominentpeliticiens of the north and south; they Chad„. Coul ter J o ick Samuel 2 speak of each other in language wholly i r reconcilable Charles Richard Conn P B with the most distant hope of conciliation and union. Char et Samuel Connery miss Maria Nothing it is confidently believed will be more satis- Chapman W A Cowin Elizabeth factory to the nation in general, under the present eK• Chatry Harvey Cox Dr Joseph E igency, than a plain, prompt and determined support Chapman miss Martha P Craig John by Pennsylvania of her own candidate. No timL. can Cn Joseph) 2 Crotts Wm better serve than the present for urging Mr. Buchanan's C li n ton rw fa r a B ee :, Cummings John nomination; nothing could be done that would have a Crawford Benj Curtis W B more propitious influence on the Democracy at laree, C r osset It W Cunningham David and in no way could Pennsylvania confer a higher favor Cross Thomas Cumntine Samuel upon the public, better sugserve the interests of the U- Crannis Philip Cn Andrew nion and maintain her noble and elevated position. than Crooks Marian Carts James L by standing forth in her might as the great 'Harmonizer Criswell Thomas of the party. But why reiterate these manifest con siderations 1 It is because we have hitherto been want ing to oarsehres; because after our most solemn acts and most munificent promises we are failing in the performance of our duty; because the most eminent men in the state, congregated in especial conventien, assembled in their legislative capacity, putting forth to the world mauer of high import and filling the nation with their lofty anticipations, have shrunk from the great duty they were pledged to perform to the state and country; because, in fine, the support of Mr. Bu ell/O(AS languishes for the want of that energy that is the soul of patriotism, and that industry that is the har binger drill successful efforts. "Oadastatds deed to fame, I waste no anger for they fear no shame." But when the elite of the Democratic party have as- SOMME'S' in deep c onsult:Li ion, when the sages and Ames men and legislators, to whom we are wont to leek with reverence and respect. end from whom we expect il lumination, after having solemnly resolved to act in re lation to the nuatt important subject that can be agita ted in the commenity, and having put forth their man- I ifests pledging their sacred honor and the suffrages of Fagan Thomas their constituents, in the support of a man distinguish- Fecker John ed both at home and abroad as a statesman and a pa- Ferguson Mrs Margaret trim; when these from indolence, or from some worse Fermi Michael spirit, leave their workundone, language can hardly be Flemming 1.1 S found too indignant, or censure too severe. for con- Fi n l ey R obert t , duct so reprehensible; but when from this cause the Fletcher Mission state herself is sacrificed, the democracy throughout the Flannagan John whole nation end a nger ml , and the best hopes of seeing , ee.eu eg Eliza the CANDIDATE of our choice at the head of the Union l Firms James utterly disappointed, it is impossible to find expression: Fletcher Miss Eliza adequate to represent the feelings that ou„elit to swell - Findles, Samuel 11 the heart of every patriotic citizen at so unpardonable ! Floo d Thomas adirefiction of duty. Our way is a plain one, let till l Flanagan John bestir themselves, call public m eetings, publish address- I es to the state and nation, rouse the dormant, awoke the slumbering, unite hand in hand in pressing the claims of Mr. Buchanan, and make up by redoubled energy for the previous moments that have been lost-- Thus let those who have been placed already in the fore front of the battle, those who have volanteered in advance of others, and have been the active operators in the commencement of the matter, reinstate themselves in public opinion, and if after all, our candidate should not become the nominee of the party. we shall be able to preserve the noble consciousness of having exerted our best efferts in the performance door duty. 1 now take leave of the public ander a consciousness of the feelings with which ne task has been dune. What I have written has in all prolellerity fallen a dead letter from the press, but it in'' he t ha t I have been able to awaken from their ShlMltt.l.4 some of the e minent men who composed the Convention that pin Mr. Buchanan In nomination; ifs., what I have left undone may yet he performed by the exertion of their abilities. CASSIUS. majotity. In York, the democratic ticket is elected, and in the 15th Congtessional District; composed of York and Adams, HataY ?its, a democratic Volunteer, is elec ted. In Union, Fates, the federal candidate for-Congress has 600 majority. S.rTDax,his democre.tic opponent. has a small majority in Northumberland. but it is fear ed that dissensions in Lycoming and Clinton will de feat his election ELT BRIGHT, the democratic candidate for the Leg islature in Northumberland, is elected. Is CAKBRIL, the whole Whig ticket, except. the Sheriff,is electea. t IN WEsrstottEtAND• the democratic ticket. excep one member of tho Legislature. There was a very small turn-out of the voters, as one party had no hope, and the other felt too secure in their strength. BEEPER ARD WA.SHINGTON.TiIe agony about this district is over, wo have the official returns from both counties, and it appears that DICKET has 204 majority in Beaver, and LEET 145 in Washington—Dickey's majority 59. In the Huntingdon district G on. lawtic, the whig, candidate is elected over Gen. McCoLLOUGH. This result was effected by disunion in the democratic ranks, a large number of uur party in Huntingdon voted for the whig candidate on account of their personal hostility to Mr. McCullough; Irwin's majoriqin the district is said to be 310 In Armstrong County, J A cox Hitt, a volnntecr can. dictate is elected to the Legialaturo by about 1.50 ma jority• Buffogion's majority for Congre , i is about 70. PHILIDELTHIA. ELECTIOS.—Although the result in Philadelphia is not as favorable as we desired, yet it is what might naturally be expected. The defeat of Mr McCutti for Congress. was effected by getting out a Volunteer, who received a sufficient number of votes to elect the weft. The Pennsylvanian of the 12th says that their successes in the conte.st ccmsist in the trium phant election of the county ticket for Senators and Representatives, and in the election of John T. Smith in the Third Congressional district, and of Charles J. Ingersoll in the fourth, by handsome majorities. In the First District, two democratic candidates be ing in the field, .lefeat was inevitable. Noeffort could avert it, and that sleraucmtic district, for democratic it is by a considerable majority, will be misrepresented in Congress by a federal whig from the city—roe who cannot be presumed to have feelings common with the great body of his constituency. So much for open schism in our ranks. There is, however, a moral in the defeat which has thus been brought upon us, which wo trust, will not be without its beneficial effects here- after. Our nomination for Sheriff, and the rest of our city and county ticket have been lost. through the influence of discontents and dissensions, which, though not so op enly manifested as in the case above alluded to, were equally prejudicial in their operation. It would be ea sy perhaps to point out the various elements of disaster which were thus brought in play, and industriously stimulated by our opponents, but probably the moment of exultation on the one hand and of depression on the other, is not the time when an analysis of this kind could be most profitably carried out. It may be suffi cient to say that had the party come into the field as it could and as it should, in regard to these nominations, there might have been a different tale ustell to—day. In the city, the federal Whig party have achieved their usual triumph, through the force of patronage and effective party organization--a result which was antic- i rated. The regularlDemoeratit Commissioners' Tickets are elected in Northern Liberties Spring Garden and Ken sington. In Southwark, the democratic ticket has been defeated. Elr The democratic candidates for Canal Co mmissioners will be elected by a large majority. They appear to have received the party vote throughout the state, so far as the voters turned out. liloNroosteax Coutury.—Tbe Norristown Register says:—"Enough has .been received to warrant us in saying that the democratic candidates for Congress, Senate, Assembly, &c.. have been triumpluouly elected by large majorities, except the Sheriff, whose election is still in doubt." CHESTER.—The following is the result in this caun- Nlcllvatne, Whig, 4419 I Alison, dem. 4041 1 4412 Cht isman, dem. 4104 4489 Downing, ' 3824 4457 Carlisle, " 3970 SHERIFF. James, Whig, 4129 I Frame, dem. 4449 Dickey, whir, Parke, " NV hataker" GLORIOUS VICTORY IN NEW Jr.rtsEr.--We learn from tho Pennsylvanian that the democrats hare swept the state. This is indeed a glorious victory, as our opponents seemed to think that New Jersey was com pletely in their power, and that, for the future, it was to be nothing more than a stamping ground for the same old coon. It appears, however, that they were sadly mistaken; the people having roused themselves for tha contest, and overwhelming the enemy upon every point which was at issue. But it is unnece_ssaty to dwell on this subject. The returns speak for themselves, and again we say, Well done, Rew Jersey! The following is the result for Congress: Deptocreas: L. Q. C. ELMER, GEORGE SYKES, LITTLETON KIRKPATRICK, GEORGE FARLEE. MR. WRIGHT is also chosen in the Newark dis- I trict. He was supported by the Democrats and a par- tion of the whigs in opposition to Mr. Kinney, the reg ular whig candidate—so that the whip have not elect ed a nominated candidate. To the Legislative Council the democrats have el ected 12, and the coons 6; to the Assembly, the demo crats 36, the coons 22. Outo.—Mauers in this state look rather squally, and frorripresent appearances we would not be surprised if the whigs had carried both branches of the Legisla ture. If this be the case it has been accomplished by disunion among our friends; the same folly that defeat addle part; in some portions of our own state. CONGRESS ASSEMBLY Port of Pittsburql). Reported by Sheble and B Mitchell, Genv,ra oat Agents. IVa ter street. FEET WATER IN THE CHANNEL ARRIVED. `Minstrel, Ingram, Cincinnati Little Ben, Mason, do. Belmont, Poe, do. West Point, Grace, do. Lehigh, Price, do. Belfast, Smith; Wheeling DEPARTED. Lancet, Baldwin, St. Louis New Yotk, Greenlee, do. Jim, Brown, Kanawa, Brld gewater, Clark, Wheeling Mayflower, Foster, Cincindati Stray Norse. STRAYED from the residence of the subscriber in Pitt township, about the 20th of September last, a middle sized BAT HORSE; ho has no white spots, ex cept one, on his back, produced by a saddle. A liber al reward will be paid for Oct 16-3 t WILLIAM BAU S M AN. Farms Wanted. SEVERAL improved farms wanted, (within 20 miles of the Pittsburgh market). Persons dis posed to sell will please cull at my office, in Smithfield street, near 4th, soon _ ol6—tf Two Farms For Sale. iitTIN;rL go , ca lve, F t a rn rm ore s o ia n n th d e co L an oy ty alh a Lnn u a t 111 m Les from Greensburg , on the main ro.d__ to Deßairsten s- ville, 8 miles from it, and about 8 miles from De nis town, one mile from a brick Catholic Church and two miles from a Presbyterian Church, viz: No. 1. 200 acres and allowances, from 150 to 160 acres cleared and under fence, has on it a log house. log barn, &c.— No. 2. 150 acres of land adjoining the above, 75 to 100 acres cleared and under fence, a good frame house and also a wagon shade and corn crib and a stone spring house, all in good order. The above will be sold at a fair price for cash and payments made to accommodate, or exchanged for property in Pittsburgh or Allegheny. For further particulars enquire at Harris General Agen cy and Intelligence Office, No. 9, sth st. 016 Dally G W Derby James ' Davi:on Edward Dickson James Day Daniel D.nible Isaac Dales James B Dougherty Mary Dinialass Nlartiis Daniels llouben , Dalzell James C D yle. John Drips Thomas Pay Thomas 31 Davis David Duke G Duffy Hugh Davis Lewis Duffy Sarah Davis Wm DunieavYAßth ert Davis David Dunlavy Robert • Edwards John Evans Nathaniel Edwards Henry Evans Evan Eaton Andrew B Evans Margaret Ekin :Ester F Ewing Wm Ely Gael Evtuild Richard Emerson Caleb Ewing Miss Margaret Emerson Ann Eliza Evans Margaret Earnest C 1i F Fish Fanny Cyrus Foster A 1 Fos. R. Foote George F Forsyth James H & Co. Fore Richard Force Lewis M Foley Wm W Frew Adaline Frazier Wm Funston James Fulton Rev Andrew S Fletcher Missouri Glanding James (Zooid Isreal "Gussen Lewis Gormly Wm Gordon Mrs E Grover ~ .lolornon Green George Grunt Peter elraharn James Guthe.rage David H Henderson Rev John Hess Peter Henry Elizabeth Henry Francis Herman John J Hill John L Hyndman Thomas Holmes Lydia Hodge & Russy Hodge Louisa M Holbrook G W Houston Samuel Howard Thomas Howe Wm Hughes Patrick 2 Hunter John 2 Hubbard Nelson J Hutchison B F Hutchison John hunter Samuel Hunter Mrs Mary l Humbert Ruth Ann Huston Hon Charles Hare Matilda I rwin Cecelia C Ikins Robert Irvine James Canner \Vat Canard Mtn GaltT.ar Alexander Gardiner P G Gann -- Gantiot Charles Gibson George Gilmore Samuel Glenn F M Giiis Samuel Hamilton Mary Jane Hall John S Hall Sarah Hall Mary Haigh John Robert Harrison John Ilartapee James Harbet Augustus Harper John Hart Capt Thomas Hardin Holstin Hasenger Wm 1 Haslett Margaret C Hawkins Wm G Hawkins John Hays E W Henry John Herb - eson Matthew Henry Wm Henry Ter W Hennglin Francis H Harbet Jeremiah Henry Christian !Steam James Mary Johnston Wm James John Johnston John James Wm 2 Johnston .1 J Jackson Hiram NI Johnston Samuel Jackson Charles W J o hnston Robert A Judd W E F Jerome Isaac Jones Evan Jennings Mr= Bridget Jones John 2 Johr.ston Nrs Margaret Jones A L Johnston James Jones Charles Jennings Bridget K Kennedy Dorcas Kimble Heber C 2 Kennedy John Kirk Widow Kelsy Diana Kimmel Sam'l Kirns Wm Knight Timothy Kain Bernard Knot Miss Sarah Keating H Kingsland Miss Emily Kelly Wm King J Kelly Tisomas King Geo 3 Kelly' Mrs Mary King R A Kelly Francis King Robert Kelly John Kortrects C Keir Daniel Korner Jacob Kerr Alex'r J. K. HENDERSON L Laird Wm N Leonard Sam . ' Lamberton Jas G Louis Thomas Larkins Michael Loarrnan J &cob Laughlin Captain Logan Richard Long Joseph K Leeper Putnam M Mann George Mossman Darid Maycock John Monroe James Moran(' Ede , cl Moxon L J Maze Rev Michael m ow S S - ~ Ann Moody' G Matilibant Catharine Morford Isaac Mebillie Wm Mowry Ja to Mellon T Morrison Wm Mey#m Wm Morrow Alcxr `AsseeimusJ oho Moore Edwd Milf/water Miss Mary Moore Sarah Milleter Elbth Moore James Maier Mrs Rebecca F 2 Maitland Robt Miller Mrs. Sally- MardcickNallsan H Moss Juba WraDoePld .0, Montgomery Miss Sarah Muodal Phcebe Morris Dr Slt . Murry Bartholomew MorrisoorWro Murdock biattbmw H Molly Ann Mc McCanless Wu McCreath Miss Lucy McClung Saml McClelland li _ .- McCartney W G McGainghill Mr -.--- McCabe James McGashan Miss Elkin McClung Alex.'r McFadden Manus McClung W T McEllroy Thomas S McCandless Leander McEllroy George B McClure BeublahNicEllroy Tbos S . McClure Sarcrael McEllroy Artbd arni McKibbin . .s.lrs MO McCattney S McCarlin Mary McKelvy John McCracken & Luingsten McKeeJano McCasker Michael McKeown Miss Ehrirs McDonald Miss Ann McKinney° W McDermott Patrick McKeon Ellzh McDonough Thomas McLaughlin James McDonald Jas IklcPhillimy Edward McCiaNiy Patty iv --- Neill Thomas Nickes Newman Silas C N o l a , weld Nell Copt W S Norton Mr Noble Henry Newall Thomas Nock Wm Nelson John O'Connor Mr Osborne Mrs Eliza 0 rth Martin Orr Wm Pautridge Isaac Pksket Joseph Parkison Joseph Peterson Sand Patton John Phillips Mary Anne Pryor Silas Pile John Patton Elizabeth Plack John Patton Martha Pickering Mrs Ann Pay an Robt Plunkett Emncis Praia Wm Powell WmH Parker Thos Porter Freak Patterson A Pryor Semi 1) Patterson Isaac & Abram Pryor Silas Patterson Col James 2 Potts George Patterson Robt Preston Wm Patterson Miss Matilda L Poole Amos T Peabody) Ptah Robt Peters James Powell Benj Pealett Mrs Eliza Q Quigley John B Ramsey Robert Ray Thomas Ray Hiram Raihoon P Ram.ey rhceke Ram.i.oen Wna Revill Mary Rcav Jan Reid'W T Reid S J Ritter D trill Sampson John • Stevens Barlow S a wyer Jne Stevenson Alex Scott Capt James Stewart Rohe Scott Hugh Stewart ‘Vm 2 Scholey Thomas Stokes Steven Scott Capt Strickland Wm Scofield Freak Swain John Seater Isaac N Sugclan & Hawke Seaton Henry Stitch Wm Sewall Miss Mary Swift George 1 Sellers Henry Sullivan Hon C C Seth Miss Sarah Sunderburg G li Smith Joshua SShh9.ewrlo'c‘l;*JVoliu Smith A/ruision Shorts B Smith Clam B Shurtliff Lemuel Smith Mrs M Small Mrs Jane Spears Jano Small Daniel Spears Robert Slatighterbock Sohn Snyder Edward Slaughterback Mical Spra,gve Semi Sides Francis Spronl Semi Sides Win Smith Hanson Stnallinan Joseph Smith Semi It Smith Joseph Smith 14 jell Taylor Jai Taylor Wra Taylor H Taylor 13eaj Taylor Egbert Taylor Racheal Toman Wm Temple William Vanier Thomas Vctch Rev Silas Wag,oner David Winger Adam Waner Rev M. N Winders Joseph Warner M'C Winterbarn Esther Walters James C Wynne Mich! Watt J:3 2 Wools Henry Watidelohrl A Woods Mr ,L Wahl Mazdaline Woods Daniel- ,!..--'' : Ware :‘ atiltla 2 Woods Rich& Wil.on EJ Wright W Nl' , Wilson W .1 Wright d Wilson Joseph Wight David Widnes Charles Wright Sarni Wisler Martin Wray John Welts Capt C White Elizabeth NVent,vil Mrs Mary IVheeler Rennet 2 Wells David Wiiliams S H Welk Mary Ann Williams Eilen B Weilley Hannah Williams Jas (col'd man) Weed W H Williams Richaad White Cornelia Wilson Mrs Sarah .A Whitehead Ralph Williamson Henry Y "facing Geo M 0 16-3 t Building Lots For Sal:. THE undersigned is authorized to sell a number of lots beautifully situatedin Aaron Hart'splan of lots on "Grove Hill." The rapid improvement sod extension of the city in the vicinity of these lots Moll greatly increase their value in a very short period. Claims against the estate, properly authenticated, will be received in port payment. GEO. COCHRAN, Executor, No. 26, Wood street. 016-3 w N - O. 1, Salmon, No 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, No. 1 and 2, Maine Shad, . No 1, Labrador Gibbed Herring, .. And 800 lbs. fine dry Cod Fish, " For sale for family use, by LLOYD & CO. 012. 140, Liberty st. • Young Upson Tea. 11 r. CHESTS, half chests and boxes Young Hy. 0 son Tea, of good q . ualitv , just received, and fin sale low for cash. JOHN D. DAVIS, ol I. earner of Wood and Fifth sts. . .__....:..-.. Penmanship and Rook-Keeping. THOSE who wish a thorough knowledge of thew branches. would do well to call at Mn. 9. W STZW/RTS Commercial Academy, on Fourth Street near the corner of Market and Fourth, before enmity elswhere. oct 3-Im. BUFFALO ROBES by single robe or bale, formals .L.) by A. BEEI+EN. 0.5-47 BEAR SKINS, dressed and undressed, just reel* ed and for sale by A. BEELFIC. (6-d Lambeth's Gavials Seeds. A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds aliattyst hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOW lart 194. Liberty st., head an!, Old Slimes Oliver George Oliver Joseph Richards Gverve Ray Owen Reily Patrick and Owes Ritter David Royce Knowlton Rockwood Henry Rogers H D Russell Jarnes Russell Joceph L Reid Amelia Thompson Robert Tbompson Dwight Tobin Catherine Trevar Dr R Townsend Nancy Toman Wm Turbett James V Veagy J 55 R. M. RIDDLE, P. M Just ChsslmL