AT I RIVA TE SALE. AIA T DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as sortment of DR Y GOODS recently purchased in the East for cash, and which will be sold at a small ad vance on Eastern prices, for curreecy or approved en domed notes. The assortment consist s in part of 20 pieces wool dyed blue black broadcloths; 1,- da 0 atiPer• blue cloth; 10 " brown. olive and mixed cloths; 4 " super. Beaver cloths; 5 ' pilotcloths; 40 " cassninote;tts, assorted colors; some very /ER IN THE CHEROKEE NA 50 " flannels, twilled and plain white, rod, TION. green and yellow. 20 " English merino, as colors; We learn from the Van Buren (Arkartsas)lntelligem. 100 all wool blauket shawls; O'er, of the 22d ult., the particular s of a most frightfut - n seperpetrated in the Cherokee Nation, in them ght _ _ _______ 200 cotton plaid shawls; AMERICAN A THEN-EUM IN PARIS. 1,000 doz. spool C r all colors; grata 15th ult. 0 t that nig:it. Mr. Baja Yore, his The American resident s in Paris have establish e d a 100 pieces bleach:d and brown might's, and a ' WA and a traveller, wanse nam e is supposed to be libra7 and reading. room, under the above name, fur creat variety of other articles usually found in a Dry Stephens, ware all murdered at the rasidence of Mr. the aurpose of nffurding an agreeable place of meetin g , Goods House. VOra. upon the military mad, and the house burned to for American citizens, and a place where they may ab- I riP` Also, an assortment ofboots, shoes, and hats, thegrouad in er,l m, if passible, to conceal the horri tain publications relativ e to theft native lane. The/ which will all be sold at prices without regard to the hie eriat 3 of znurdar. Mr. Vora 1 1 / 1 3 a licensed tra represent"' rive of the United States at. the Court of ' late advance s in the East. ept ... . der - hubs N Won, and was an honest and respectable France, with his consent, is to be the presider' of the l ------------__-- ---- s - I WIC' Tito fire wls first discovere.l by two travellers C. 11., Thled..P7l7LTlr, association, and the Consul 'it . the [Tithe States at Par- FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, , dnthadireeti on of the house. They put spurs to their is, the vice nresid-int; besides whom there am thre e di- I Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty streets, Pitts- i harserotal sea:lntel-id tht spot where they feu:id an rectors. The president, at the pres,mt time, is Henry 1 , burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line. sex 4-302. Indian ns in and tw, ' women whn had discovered the Levdael. Esq., Chare6 d' A.fairs ~ rth e IT iit ,: - .1 States, I Sin; aid Nem c iti tg fn. liiiit:l had Thsro were two and Vile presi lent Lorenzo Draper Fs-.. United , room s in the house, with a stune chimney between StAtes C msul n Paris. Auth irs and pablishe rs of vre- i --s----------------.._aoe,-------------i---__.__ .-. thOp--otie occupied as a stoto tad tho other as a res ua vat. u , ' , le lm-mi c in w , ) r'ii, ) iv •Irs.rdiag thern rl this instiot- 1 -r i - ideace. ~. CAIVFIELD has remov,d • - ~. Ins marble Estab lion, may place them where they may become :- , r/..., riser had fille r in b ,flre .11C per^san arrived nn m ure X-• lishment to %Wood ark. opposite Fahnesttick's theep.n. Such property as could be reached. •was ekten'ivelY known a i woad, and at the same time ren- 'r. a/re: where h" . will eep coostantle on hand l dm a , iercice to reddrets or, ‘i•iitori i in Paris, and par- T omb sto Store,, . " oared •Wlien the fire had buert down, and pimmitted . Afo - .talents cm ap i9-•-lyr 0 tirl'ark• to the members of the association..—Boston • ------z-eg . ' 0 -111 ate once to the diZ.rout apartm3./t, th- ncrsoo.. i D issolution of Partn 41 ------ 7 1 -- ------.... or p. lisia4etled could disti,rtly see three human bodies, al- Dail Ade firosehtirot to a cinder. The shed. la which llrs. --- ----- TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE. i THE partnership heretofore existing tinder the ypr c , did h 1- cunt The was untorreL e d by the tire, a:- . - style of Devine& 51 'Anu!ty, is this day dissolved . , A snlemlid triumph of -icience said Nruegin to : flsoughbot n few feet from thle mai a Minding. There h;, w ,r,.. D , , . P Mr• e g by mutual eonsent. H. Devin.. is to collect all sums , i lip, ctor.E:sivorth of Dartford has given a trite sniper dishe s were foiled on a bus. azl,l most of ..' ' due to the cencern, and pay all claims contract' q for buy n new which hr took iron) the cheeks.' the concern up to this date. tAsithed.heen washed. Near the bux were two tomb- That's nothi ic, l sa w } , Pat ienewdoctor take two i H. DEvrNE. bur, Slid a,mnall tin pan, besmeared withl,lood; a quart- 1 .- '- ' ' - zps . from our Putty's rheek the other dav, and the op- I City uftdood was 11380 011 the grmind, and a hair comb C. A. M'ANULTY. Hem xli„. eration didn't seem to beat all painful either. I Piusburgh, Sept. 1. 18.13. w as roused broken into several pieces. biefr.s. Muggins, put that boy to bed as soot" as possi- Vora several neirdiwed. It was not known bow tit* retbers-tztet their Reath. bet of toerse they were al- ' ........„.......... H. Devine respectfully informs his (Hem& and the murdered befor e-thehan,e eras fi red. Mr. Vore's body ----;-----------------7-• . . '. , pub,ic, that he still tontinues in the ran.portin Atilientilleihy"the keys in his pocket. tiort of fiittsburc(l) i business, and that he has removed the office of the U. ' The beery obtained by the roLbrr s is suppo.ed to be i , • iS. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water st t me , nett abput rd4Xl, and a considerable quantity of goods was pe - po ticd B --;4---ij----------7--------_____ I door below Lewis Hutchinson, wher e h e • 7 .S. c c and :Ihtchell, General Steam , will receive ilki,;taik.ett. It was conjectuta'd that timrprsns were , and forward Freight to the East, on the verylowest Boat Agents, ;Voter street. ; terms. H DEVINE. el/Med 41 this horrid work, and that they header ached -- _ 44 place and left it on horseback. The aid of the ----------e r.;., :,;._,_.,,,. .--------,----_____ I - . Q mohrr) HERRINGS. -25 boxes smoked her ,. .i.i vr ATE'S .. E C . i ,-1 HAMNI•L eprnananding officer at Fort Gibsoir lutd been solicited _______,____,_ _ , I,„) rings just received and for sale by Illiftbepursuit of the murderers.. ARI 111." ________IIAILAIAN, JENNINGS & CO.. ' , Throe men by the name of Starr had been apprehen - - rug 9 43, %Wood strret dedfor the murder. They expressed a perfect willing ness to be tried by the whites, but not the Cherokee Dissolution of Part ut Aultui. After having been examinrd befor e a magia- THE Pitrtnership heretofore existing under the firm fie: and whilst on their way to ter jail, at Fayette of Dicker and 91.4 x . ANDER. is this day chase!. vill, underanesen rt of seven men, they made their es yed by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY, cape. byjumpingfrom their horses and runuin g on foot sept. 1, 1843, WM. G. ALEXANDER. o the muuntains which tote near at heed. T ODACCO. Tile bitter hatred borne to tobacco by that singular Mart, Jaeles E., and inherited by his unfortunamion, _____.___ ____ was manifested by varioas edicts of prohibition durtig [twit- ntigns, thinizh it became such an important arti- I Turnpike Notice. N election wid be held at the house of Robert M ch! of cornmo:e that Charles laid a heavy impost up- A_ Ayeal, on the l'ittsbargh and Steubenrille Turn onit, it anon Charles a soor,:e of revenu e and he! Pike. on Thursday, the reth day of November next, for atterispt.4 .to monopolis e i. But beside these exer the purpon e of elertia g one Presicl .or, one Treasurer, tionn of rayal aethority, King Jarmis, who has been 'an -,ix Nfariazer, to serv e as officers for the Pittg cahel "A oocltit aan liit2,s, and akin, amon g bur z fi And stenhenvide Turn it Road Copany, M e paiants,'? trieti the tsre:_t of arzument of ridicule, aari ,b ni s, i n A treati,, w hi,!,. i, l the style ,ifth,, literatur, erisoinz. year. The electi on will be rmened :it the hour of the day , . he calleci, '•A Counter Binst on Tobareo:" of I , o 4 ° , ) ° ,, h) ek' A. M. 11V.1.1. 111 ARKS, ho said., "it was the lively i-na re. nid o uteri of hell, 1 °'''''''"l'v Treastne r . Cur it "it all the parts and vices by which bell is ....-....-...-.;24 g Lima.. tole reanheti; fir=t it is smok e , n o :Ire the e-toi t i,,, ~,r • 1?.. LIT \e 'l,y S. B. "New Yor!:," five tons of Pie tie wails;•co i i!y. it d ‘'i.-.7ht: tha , e who , lhe it co (10 th, phr l 4 , lr:o3 of t'i - w trid o 1 ke men I .nthe to leaVe of,..;Len,ld. ir°r sckle b .Y isttomi.; thitilv, ii It tketh me men ri,l liellit in the -------c tsrif, art ditlt tho vatitv or th e v., .rld—me n Ire dronk- thor-witi : C,' of he ,hat tecerh tobiaro suith ho ' • 0. 1 S I tallnix ittiv u it, it howitch,th him. evert so the p lu s - I\T No . i . 37,...,7:3 Aiti0k,,,.,„4 eros.of the word Mate men loathe to leave them, No. 1 and 2, Macke Shad, they ere so enchanted, for the tit,),,t part, with them; No I. Lahntdor Gibbed Horiing, and. be all this, filthy it in like hell in the very sad 80d .lat. lion dry Cod Fish. LLOYD & CO. stibsoinee of it. for it in a stinking, loathsome thing, F or ~,i le fur c m i i , Lis , b y , nnd so Li hell." The monarch. esti, in one of the oig: 140, Lib e rtyar. conceit' s of the dav, aayn, wiVere I to invite the devil todioner, he Shouhl have three dishe,,, a pig, a polo. a Young Etyston ea. Tin end mustard and a pipe for digesturc."—Po/31- i 7 CHESTS, half chests and boxes i r tiun , t Fi r l i i Review 1.(.) son Tea, of good quality, just received, at7d fur sale low fur cash. 011. JOHN D. DAVIS, corner of Wood and Fifth At j• CRUELTY TO A CAPTIVE. .._ Last Me CRUELTY them was at court a sea captain who . 2.-...._ -- wail boos rnadeprison er at Algiers. fie was complain- Penmanship and 800k -Seeping. ing.boss cruelly he had been used. Th ey asked, how? Fp HOSE wh o wish a thoroug,h; knowledge of these t 'Why„' he said, 'you see la m net strong, and could 1 branches. would do well to calla[ M. S. IV. Ado, no hard labnr, si they put m hatch eggse but his Artr's Commercial AeadMV, On Fourth Street. gmatest Bri e w i that when ha I hatched a brood near the corne r of .llarke t az;d Fou-rth before engaging they took away his chickens. Did you ever hear of a elswhere. ()et 3-Im. anoositooder-hanrted old_ hen ? I laughed till I cried. ---- „, _ B UFFALO ROBES by'shag/ 0 robe or bale, for sale SUSPICIOL'sF,ZFE:s---. by A. BEELEN. We saw four $5O notes of the Blackstone Bank in o,) _,- ti . Uxbridge. Mass., offered the mornin g at the conmer of one of our most prominent brokers. From the suspicious appearanc e of the bills, it was the opin• J im irate broker that they had been altered. lie bad on goaliiine notes to compare them with—the engraving dots rood but they were very short, and the dies in the Landreths Garden Seeds. annser looked quite pale, as though they might have A full supply of Landreth's Garden seed, e j way , en been shared front notes of a J mall denotnination.—Cin• hand and for sale, at his agency, the Drug store of Code, ! F. L. SNOWDEN, ------- sep /0 184, Liberty st., head of Wood, treftenjarnin Rathbun returned to ButTalo, says ohe tte, on Toes.] tv ni.r-ht, and was visited the fol- - lawit.sglayhy many of the citizens. The public press . lias bben rife with s - colitio a as to what he would set . himself about--siras that he wool , / 1 to finishing off tb, b u ildi ng , I , , c,ina „ need i , i 8 „r ai; and then that TUST RECEIVED and for sale on consi,mmen; 7 hinds bacon, herisli take Op praztising phsic; and, lastly, that he t' l 7 birds Ntizar, laioadal to bis , :a as as exteasiye to PreA , r in 'Wi.e.. 0.1 sin. - Ord h Jae he'll 1 ,, t :t.. kl,p.v which he'll do, us Can be seen at the store of Painter& Co aug 0.9 J. K. mooRREA D & CO. ittssa aa coavesielL-- ajrcto .4 Irertiser. A A GOOD STOItY. story is told of Judgo Tapprin one or our Sena Gra in C N.Tross. who is trifortitiately (Togged Igeyed. A nornberofp-ars ago he w Jude..e of anew taia...Renaised connty court, in 'he ea.itera part of this I fa thews days of primitive simplicity or perh,,ps ...._ Povertr, the box room or a avern wits used as a Court Ct UNDRIES.-50 boxes chocolate, teem, and the stable as a jail. One day durin g he 10 5 do cocoa, gessiert Of the coati to jade had occasion to severe- 3 do rice flour, ly rapt-inn:ld two of hc• li.i.wyeri, who were w aag-i 25 du ground pepper, nog. An o . l,l loo l iin g 0:d °tiler, who sat in one ear -5 do C Lyeane dn., see listeniag apparently wi h great te ion to the 36 elms ground mustard, ra IC mod pre . sumio z nn laid acquaintance and Mu' 5 kegs do allspice, ize'ii well known goOd htnor, sun= out' "Give it to 5 da da ginger, item old filaiet eyes!" •1171, wai ca_i.•?" inquirxi the 1 ' 12 bale ria ril., tozetber with ind.fe. "I. Vrai hi 4 'ere old boss," a.tswerrd the chap. every thing in the grocery line, all or whidi is afire.' ming up. 'SheritT," observod the jucio With great at extreme'', lowpriests, for club. graviry, "take tbat old hoes &Id put bite lo the sta. HAILUAN, JENNINGS dr. CO., kkg"Cteasetateal Herald. __ _ 43,1licsod street AI Y PO RDAY I /Nlctits774ll E-R-7_ • ! The popularity of Mesmerism appears SOFM to base de- I __________ 'cowed frnm the his 4.- F4--reti-E- without givin ~r to the poorer classes; and --_-__, be no doubt fhcat. elittht:rlt3by?runruag.tti-ivieut7olrnecotsr'o.tthheerr7viesane, some very palpable effects 'are occasionally produced noes the brain. A melancholy case of this kind has PrTTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. 111 occurred within the last few days, to a fine intelligent CORMITTEE FOR OCTOBER. boy about ten years of age., named John Hewitt the W. J. Howard ---J. B. Semple—George Ogden. son of a keepe r in Bunhill-row. which has caused much excitement in the neiorhood. The 41,#,Poitasseomnitsrs.—The space occupied by the ylv-ohuoth was operated upon by one off ose pretemiers 41011itretitras of the election, has crowded from our habit of . giving lectures and per ,.lllol4llSts another number from "Cssistiatlhaa,; acvphpiecarh on the tfhoernatointwgne,dvientri:orenisiltriatuqaunasoow very At several 8 , 1 1 1 4) . • . . • fofith_ese trials the experiments were said to be 81.1CCe83- ,!lult has.been that, although healthy 4,ilsettommunication respecting tho' strike' in Lorenz before, the final t ri or fit :his zo ici r child cibcas since been subject to a series mad esdly's Nail Factory would have been inserted, e he iq, in fact, fast appruaccuinhienfLTsatanetlencif fate qty and if dui writer had sent his name with his article. In child has been under the car; of Dr. Elliotson, fur the an; Ittttisieiof the kind referred to, it is necessary that purpose of being de- mesmerised, but without any lei should have some respaasiblo person to substantiate chance of permanent succes s in his treatinent.--Thi; seats made. case should be a warning to pretenders not to tamper with what may or may not be a powerful agent, as a 41 114 1.9 r ?Hz STEANER Foarterr We regret to, remedy, ur upon the im .I..ina donand which had, in annountss that the Steamer "Forrest," Capt. Haller I instanCe, been p r ,„. ed to' ' posses sa very bad influence. 'with% ma as a regular Packet between this city and fL°l4Ol DisPa/ch. r,„.„ 4 i.„ on tbe Allegheny River, struck a snag at Ba *ads Isdand, while on her upward trip, and sunk in five! efeet s e wer. The boat, it i. supposed, will be raised. erie consisted of Tobacco and Copperas and . Sinifs allied in a damaged state. 1rt1.i.,.......,-• . • , „...„.,.:" the name of ItfcC/intocic jumped over was drowned. fil** - - _____ Viast4aTesa.—Yesterday Was cold, wet and more than a clear frost d a yin Janu s . The Y ry Ithitthet made amend s fur its unpleasantness,was n t a rtfag of the Return Judges to foot up the demo enclin triumph. This circumstance, however, gav e no nitistactiOn wour blue nose friends, but on th ! contra- Mimi the effect of making them look more blue and Mineable than ever. . .....__ }Joao) Mira D _ OZT.For basines.s cards, &c., see firstPage' bIOIG. OCTO Zan Zv esille ED. Duvol, Parkersburh p Crooks Crooks St. Louis, g DE PARTED. Lancaster, Klinefelter, Louisvile, "Cutter, Allen, Cin. Monon2.lnda, St , vne, St. Luta. Pinta. Vandegriti; Plnrerree, "Marietta, Martin, Nashville. -,.A II boats mat knd thug (") inithe above list, art provi ded with Evans' Safety Guard toprevent thees steam boilers. plosion EAR SKINS, 111 ed and forsale by 05-11 SHARES AlleghenyjoßEV\d.7).SLokrvk,4t pri 111 ei rate sole, by sop Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. 'lTEAS.—Receiv e d on con,:ignmcnt, /2 Chests Young llyson Tea, 4 " Black Tea, 4 " S " Guapnwdpr. by J. G. & A GORDON, 12 Water street. A 11/4713-787§-E. The New York Exptess notices the eaaa of two young ladies named Delaney, who atrived in that city in August last ~• an aged m )ther, from Now Or leans, having left the lacer city to avoid the yellow fe ver, which had set in. On the 11th Sept. they' Were arrested on a suit for