Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 12, 1843, Image 3

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    0374 busiaess cards, &c., sec firstpage
concern-1:E FOR OCTOBER.
W. J. Howard—T. B. Semple—George Ogden
07'We are reluctantly compelled w defer the publi
cation of"Cassins" until to-morrow.
s a meeting °Eche Board of Trustees of the Wes
' tens University of Pennsylvania, on Monday the 9th
inst., a Polfessor:liip of the Theory and Art of Paint
ing was established, and JAMES R. LA.MBDIN, Esq.,
"mid' ern of the A rtists' Fund Society of Philadelphia,
waeolianiinou3ly elected Professor of the Department
oft6Fine ) Arts. He will devote three months in the
year to, the duties of the office, and in:addition to
giving instruction in the practice of the art, he will de
lirdr;ft course of L3ctures on its history and theory.
A riflery of paintings and sculpture, consisting of plc
tapes and models in his profession, will be formed im
mediately in a suitable room in the University building.
and opened, under proper regulations, to tho inspec
tion of the public. This, with the G2ologicul Cabinet
new in t uceessfal progress, and a collection of spoci.
moos of all the various branches of our manufactures,
which our skilful and enterprising artizana are engaged
do fitiiihing, and which are being arranged in a conven
'4entroom furpublic examination, will form an interesting
sad useful recreation to our citizens and to strangers
*riairing the city.
M. Kt,
—Aff KILLED.—We understand that a man Wil3
kiliedin 7th st. on Tuesday evening, by a stroke on the
Lead with a poker.
;OT SHOT.--A son of Mr. A. Graham was neeiden
tedlY shot, yesterday, in Allegheny. He was playing
with apistal, which exploded, and wounded him badl
•sw FOURIER PAPER.—WC have had a glimpse
of a new paper called the "PHALANX," devoted to the
exposition of the system of universal association, or
the principles of a new organization of Society, discov
ered by CHAS. Fonama, in regard both to practical
J9tp.ila and universal Theory. It is a,neat quarto. and
at the low price of $2,00 per annum. A Balsamic
and O. MACDANIFL are the editors.
All, who wish to have the mysteries of FOURIER'S
system explained should take this
- -
Extract nf a letter to the Editors, dated
i3ert%ti, Wednesday morning, Oct.
Mr. Phillips,
DEAR Stu.: T hasten to give you what little news
wehave received. Mr. Sullivan is about fifty ahead,
as far as heard from --to our great disappointment, we
eXpect his majority will be about two hundred. Mr.
Cumming s will have about two hundred. Buffington,
the Whig candidate for Congress, will have two or:three
hundred in this county. Oar county officers are gen
erally defeated—the re are some townships 'to hear
froth; perhaps Sullivan's majority will be reduced to a
hundred or h hundred and fifty.
Yours in haste.
Mr. PownaU ofSpring Grove, has made the follow
ingnomrnunication to the Times (London newspaper;)
In July 1842, Mr. A. Palmer put one grain of wheat
'uncommon garden pot. In August, the same was
divided! into Iburplants, which in 3 weeks wereagnin di
vided into twelve plants. In September LlPie twelve
plants were divided into thirty-two, which in November
Were divided into fifty plants, and then placed in the
open groutta. Iu July 1843 twelve of the plants failed.
buithe h3rnaining thirty-eight were healthy. Oat 11::
/Dih of August they were cut down, and counted 1,972
igt6gid, with an average of fifty grains to a stem. giv
inf.c.tur if:lt:reuse of 98.600! Now sir, if this ben prac
tirahle manner of planting wheat, it - follows that much
wiltim grain ROtv used as seed may be saved, and will
infinibly more than cover the extra expense of sowing,
aethn w:rrat plaats can be raised by the laborer in his
gaMen, !tit wife and childron h..!inz employed in divi
ding' and transplaating. I have enclosed one of the
stern} as a samdc. You will find it rather above six
feetOng,. and stout in proportion.—Eng/is4 Church
man ofSepe. 14, 1843.
RegIVED by S. B. "New York, i 'five tons ofPig
te . ad. For sale by
• cor2--3t
Nn 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel,
No. 1 and 2: Maine Shad,
•No . 1, Labrador Gibbed llerrimt
And 800 lbs. fine dry Cod Fish,
For Inge for family use, by LLOYD CO,
512.140, Liberty sr.
. Young Eiyson Tea. .
11 5 sc,),.llTTOBfg' Jiloadifethrtelittiv,aint.Li•thre"ceeirl::iudgidEfli;
sale low fur cash. JOHN D. DAVIS,
011. corner of Wood and Fifth sts.
----- --------
Alt TWO STORY brick house, suitable for a
and 0 - roc:cry, situate on the corner
iftn and Union straets. Pui3.33ion given inirnedi
ately... Enquire of
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gene
rat Quartsr &salons of the Peace, in and for the
County of Allegheny.
HE petition of Griffith Jones, of Lower St. Clair
township, in the county aforesaid, humbly shell , .
eth,that your petitioner bath provided himself with
(materials for the accommodation of travelers and oth
ers, at his dwelling h.;•1.?, in the township aforesaid,
sadd prays that your b.)aors will be pleased to grant him
; a license to keep a public house of entertainment. And
your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray.
We, the subscribers, citizens of Lower St. Clair
towashiy, do certify, that the above petitione r is of
good repute for honesty and ternperhnce, and is well
provided with house room and convenience s for the tic
/natation and lodging of strangers and travelers, and
:that said tavern is necessary.
.Johtt, Obey, James Flanigan,
John Buchanan, John Silk,
John Robinson, J'h Dunlavy,
Jonathan Neeiey, George S. Hays,
John rawly, F M'lninch,
Eli Niel& Ephraim Jones, jr.,
.CNN". Quigley, R. Sterrett,
J. Is. Ross, James Mariam
011-3 t
/*hie Dif iriet Court of Allegheny County, of July
.rerns, 1843, R. Pa- No. 3,
AK M. &M. Bank of l'ittsburgh,
William Pentland.
A ND now, to-wit, October 7, 1843, on
motion of If r. McCandless,the Court
litir appoint F. R. Shunk, Esqr. Auditor, to
dittliblAte proceeds ofsale in this ease..
From the Record,
The Auditor above named will attend for the-pur
poses of his appointment, at his office in Fourth street,
in the city of Pittsbnrgh, on Thursday, 16th day of
November, A, 0.1843, at 2 o'clock, P. M. of said day,
'hen and where he will hearall persons interested.
F. R. SIIUNK, Auditor.
Bargains eo be Bad.
31 68 , AC R . pbSe OseFldVeAbLUAilt3iLinEb...t„NteNsDuiSt
;ppidgamiers. The land lies in Tyler and Nicholas
snis t , Virginia—and CLEAR OP' ALL CIiCEKEIR.ANCE3.
For particulars inquire of the subset ibem, if by letter,
poot prnjf.„ LLOYD & CO.,
0h419 140 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
Nut Opened.
To Printers. rec
E t e i ta a v n e tt v oenishanded,aziadfwiulliishupplyoteteafte!';rinkting
in large and small kegs, which we will be able to sell
chraper than it has heretofore been sold in this city.
Orders from the cermet) , accompanied by the cash
(ix ALL CASES) will be promptly attended to.
Oct 10—tf
Office of the Post and Manufactuter,
NewN addition to theirforrner E ce
xcellent Stock of FRESH
FAMILY GROCERIES, the subscribers have this day
received No's. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, No's. .1 and 2 Shad
and Salmon, Susquehann a and Labrador Ilerring,, Cod
Fish, Liquorice, Cocoa Nuts, Ground Nuts, Lemons,
Sultana Raisins, Pi , pared Cocoa, Sago, Mace, Salters-
tus, Saltpetre, Sperm Candles, Chalk, Whiting, Rotten
Stone, &c. &c.; together with a great vat iety of rureand
choice articles in their line; all of which they offer at
Wholesale or Retail, on very reasonable terms.
Stray Cows.
A ME to the premises of the subscriber, living in
CWilkins township, about the middle of September,
TWO COWS. One of them is a Red Cow, with a white
face,about six years old; the other is a Brindle, witha
white face, large horns, very old; no other marks per
ceivable. The owner is desired to come forward, prove
property and take them away, or they will be disposed
of according to law.
oct 9-3t*
JUST RECEIVED and fir sale by WM. THORN
No. 53, Market street,
500 lbs. pure palm soap in the bar,
600 " " " " in casks,
100 " varied-died soap,
50 " whit:Castile, (only lot in market)
100 " almond soap, in i lb. casks,
50 doz. shaving soap,
" id
fGle ni ors u f i t ' e s
nin rus z e th spe e
s za n cetti soap, for chapped
The subscriber has on hand a larger assortment of
the above articles than any other establishment in this
city, and is also receiving a large supply of fresh drugs,
oct 7
No. 53, Market street. .
ASSIGri7II;iI7 ---- -
the lath inst., at the Commercial Auction
Rooms, corner of IVood and Fifth streets, by order of
Win. P. Baum, Assignee ofJno. H. Mellor & Co., the
entire stock of goods remaining on hand, among which
are the following, viz:—
Two splendid Piano Forte s ,
Violins of different qualities,
Superior Violincellos, with patent Leads,
Clarionetts and Flutes,
French Horns, Trombones aud Bugles,
Opheclides, Bass Horns and Bassoons,
One Guitar, Music Boxes, [ B
Mouthpieces for Claiionetts, Horn, Trombone ugl and e,
Violin strings, Chuionett reeds, bridges, &c.,
Tenor Drums,
Mascot's Harp and U. S. Psalmody,
10500 sheets of Music for Piano,
A variety of Flute Music,
Preceptors for different instruments,
Steel Pens, Quills, Drawing Pencils, '
Looking Glasses, Chessmen and Boards,
Printer's Cards, Pocket books and I Vallets,
A variety of Combs,
Wax Dulls, jointed Dolls,
Needles and Skein Cotton,
Bert Cologne Water,
Brittania Teapots and Spittoons,
Silver Pencils and Toothpick,
Ivory head end cininnon Canes,
Window Glass and White Lead,
One day Clock, brass works,
For Salo.
I it
One .21 hour "
T wo f a r.y Chin Timepieces,
9 ri DOZEN Patent Buckets and tubs assorted sizes, I
Three pair Scale Beams,
/../1./ 30 dozen ()fall sizes of Window sash window i
An ar:ortment of variety Goods and Toys,
glass of nil sizes to suit, by the box or retail—Nails and ;
Fifty yards Floor Oil Cloth,
spikes—Carpet chain—A variety of shovels, spades, 1
axe-handles, hoes, augurs, brushes, coffee-mills, Louis- Slnnv roues, Counter, Stove, Veniiinn Blinds,
Writing Di.sks Chain, large IRON SAFE,
ville lime, the balm of life, Brodie's anti-billious and
w ale of DraWilni,
anti-dispeptic pills, Evans' camomile and aperient I
Th will be positive and without reserve, and
pills,; I luislev's anti billions pills, events in Indian histo- !
! will be continued from day till day until the whole are
ry, history o - fthe backwoods, American pioneer. S',' :w
-ilisposed of. Terms cash, par money.
all's pathology. of drunkeness, permanent temperance •
IVM P. BAUM, Assignee.
documents, bacchus and anti-bacchus, and a large viu-i- '
ety of temperance documents, Sabbath and day school ' '.4lct2 '43
hooks, ink, quills, Writingand wrapping paper. & i [Adv , t.:..itte and Chronicle copy JNO. D. DAVIS.
.] .4arlinit
_ for sale low for cash or approved country produce.
oct 4.
--_ 7 ______ _.,
The Rigt Princil
& D. RINEH h
ART, la p
nuf e!
factures ant
NIT• dealers in all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Ci
gars,No. 138, Liberty street., and bead of Canal Basin,
Pittsburgh, Pa., would respectfully announce to mer
chants and dealers generally, that they have determined
to adopt the RIGHT PRINCIPLE with regard 19 the
tares of tobacco kegs, &c. The people may rely upon
it, that hereafter ; the tairs of kegs and boxes %% ill be i
CORRECT. They, hope, by toilet attention to busines,
together with furnishing the very Leif articles in their
line, to merit, as heretofore, a lineral share of patron
Orders promptly executed.
New Lisbon Patriot, Stark County Democrat, 04-d
B ut-
ler Herald, and Franklin Arch publish to atiginnt of
one dollar, send one copy of paper to advertiser, and
charge this office.
-.AWES,DICEPErr & CO, A t DA\ IS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner
of 1% ,
ood and f itth streets. An extensive as-
No. 98, WOOD STREET, sortment of DR YGOODS,roceativ purchased in the
RE now receiNing an extensive assortment of
East for cash, and which will be sold at a small ad-
FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, a r s e nn Eastern priees • for currency or approved en
dorsed notes. The as,irtment consistsin part of
which have been purchased in Philadelphi a awl New
York, at the /nicest prices for rash. Their stock curl- ‘ 2O l' ie e''' wu-d dYed blue black broadcloths:
l 5 .• Sliper. hl i v dOth;
gists in part of blue, black aid invisible
~ ,y een cloths;
10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths;
blue and black pilot and heaver cloths; plait, and fan
-4 " super. Beaver cloths;
cy cassimeres, sattiuetts, Kentucky jeans ;Lod kerseys,
5 " pilot cluth.i;
black and colored merinos; black, tailored, watered,
40 " rassinetts, assorted colors; some very
changeable and figurcd alpaecm , ; phi in and rich printed
muslin de loins; domestic, Earlston and Cbusan ging
-50 " flannels, twilled and plain white, red,
hams; linseya.pinin, striped and plaid; tiekings, checks,
greea aad yellow.
bleached and brown cottons, a ;great %ariety of fancy
20 " Fug +h irr,•riaii assorted color
prints; gira ff e and buffalo cloths, 'Genoa cords, hosiery,
100 all wool blauket shawls;
gloves, suspenders,. buttons, canvass, padding and
buckram, besides an in fi nite variety of other articles,
200 cotton plaid
all of which they will take great Pleasure in shelving 1,000 doz. spool co tt o n, all colors;
to the mercantile community. They flatter themselves I 100 pieces bleached and brown muslins, and a
great variety of other articles usually found in a Dry
that the variety atidprices will hefound such as to in-
Goods House.
duce all who give them a call, to make a bill with them.
r: - . 2e Also, an assortment of boots, shoes, and hats.
02-I w
/ which win all be sold at prices without regard to the
late advances in the East.
E. & DROWN & Bacnmen,
TAFAVE now received and opened their Stock of
prising the greatest variety to be found in any house
in the city.
These goods have been very carefully, and it is be ,
lievcd judiciously purchased for cash, most of them at
the lowest spring prices, end Will be sold accordiogly.
Goods can now be bought cheaper than in any of the
Eastern cities, and merchants will do well to examine
here, before going farther and faring worse.
sep 2:2
ow Fa/1 and Winter Goode.
No. IP? Wool) StitEET,
A RE now opening and offer for sale a very laion
and general assortment of seasonable Dry Goods,
consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth,
broad cloths of every-color, cassitneres• sattinetts,jeans,
kerseys, linseys, flannels, baizes, bleached and brown
cottons, drills. ticks, Alpacca lustres black and colored,
plain and printed merinos, mouslin de lains, Irish li
nens, Mat tioni and other silks, ribbons, laces,cambrics,
mnslins, merino, fancy and blanket shawls, sewing
silks, spool and skein threads, &c., Sze.. together with
an assortment of carpets, russ floor cloths, spc , all of
which we are able to sell as cheap as goods citoptoir be
bml2 !I tin any market, east or west. sep-!...i—tf
—_ _
drying, in store, and for sale at the DRUG
oct 2 Comer of 4th and 'Wood kits:
T ET all those in want of a first rate Over Cont,
fashionable winter Frock, or Pelto, remember
that the best made, most fashionable cut, tastiest trim
med, and cheapest article, (if not the lowest priced,)
can be had only at the
A few specimen coats on hand, which have just been
finished according to the latest mode. We will he
pleased to chew them to any gentlema n wanting the •ar
City customers will perceive the advantage that this
establishment can give. when they arc informed t that
we will make to o rcler every description of garrnen a in
a superior style, and according to the latest fashions,
as low as the same article can be bought in this city.
M'Any article in our line made and trimmed,
when it suits the customer to furnish hi, own materials:
every pains will be taken,. and a handsome fit always
sep 26.
for sale at the DRUG STORE of
Cornerof 401 Klci W 9 9d sr§t
Beal Estate at Auction,
W ILL be skoldi
on Monday,i; Commerciale
th e 16 thins t li a cu t 11
Rooms, corner of Wood and fith streets, the following
described property, viz:
Part of lot numbemd in the original plan of Pitts
burgh 185, bounder' as follows: beginning on Front st ,
at the north west corner of said lot, and running thence
by First or Front street eastwardly 30 feet, thence
south wardly at right angles to said Front street, by the
east half of said lot 80 feet to a part of said lot owned
by James Hughes, thence westwardly by Hughes' part
of said lot thirty feet to No. 184, thence along said No,
184 to place of beginning.
Terms at sale.
- .
LLOYD & Co.,
140, Liberty et
, - -
C. A. DicAN'llLin r, -
Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty streets, Pitts
burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line.
sopt 4-3 m.
r mova
emoved his marble Estab
P. li:liment to Wood st. opposite Fahnestock's
Drug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand
Tomb Stones, Monuments etc.^^ 19-Iyr
JUST RECEIVED and fin sale on consignment,
7 lihd s bacon,
li .
Can be seen at the store ofiacob Painter& Co
aug, 29 J. K. MOORHEAD Sc CO.
- - - '
Bank of the Valley of Virginia. . ..... .. ..
Bank of Virginia..... ........... ...... ...
Exchange bank of Virginia..., : . ....
Farmers' hank of Virginia_ .—..... ~. .
Dissoluticiri of Partnershii. North, Western bank of Virginia... . . ..
i erchanls' and Mechanics' bank of Virgini a
fr LIE partnership heretofore existing under the i
Branches— ...... . .. .. . _ _
1. style of Devine & AVAnulty, is this day dissolved I
by mutual consent, H. Devine is to collect all sums
due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted for
the concern up to this date.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 1: 1843.
H. Devine respectfully informs his friends anti the
public, that he still continues in the Transporting
business, and that he has removed the office of the U.
S. Portable Boit Line, to No. 45 iVater street, next
door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive
and forward Freight to the East, on
.the very lowest
MOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxe i 3 smoked her
rings just received and for sale by
• 43, Wood street.
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm
of DICKEY and ALEXANDER, is this day dissol
ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY,
sept. I, 1843. WM. G. ALEXANDER.
JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends I The proprietors of the MORNING POST and MER
CURY AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their
and the public, thathe still continues in the Transpor- I
friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have
ration Business, at his Warehouse, CORNER or LIBER
a large and well chosen assortment of
TY AND WAYNE STREETS, Canal Basin, under the I
name of the "Independent Portable Boat Line," argIICICIER "311C"3147-_lEgi
where he will receive and forward freight to the East at I zara aa l ptii2.32 lat,a2aalkzi
the lowest terms
Rept. 4--t . . e
- Necessary to a job Printing Office, and that then ere
preparrd to execute
A BOUT the last week i . n June; in a Clothing Store 1
in Liberty street, a Note of hand, consideraSly, LETTE
soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and ;
i another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own- B ooks,
er can have it by identifying and paying expenses pamphlets..
July 31.—tcf.
Bills of Lading, I Circulars,
~ Bill Heads, Cards,
__ 1-atWUtli.ll3, Blank Checks, Hat Tips.
Beware of a Settled Cough! au kfnbs of 15aufts,
D R. APLANES Sudorific Lung Syrup, being a safe
Stage, Steamboat anti Canal Boat Bills, with ap
and effectual remedy for Cougs, Catarrhal Fever,
propriate cuts.
Influenza, Pleurasy, the first of forrnim , stages of Con-
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable
sumption, Asthma. Whooping Cough, forming
Some do- terms.
zen of certificates of its valuable effects can be pro-
We respectfully asli. the patronage of our friends and
duced. one of which is now offered,
the public in Zeneral in this branch of our business.
This is to certify, that I had a very severe Cough all
July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS Sc SMITH.
last winter; and was very much reduced. After trying .-____________________
medical aid to no purpose, I was advised to procure a . Pease's lioarhound Candy.
bottle of Dr. NPLane's Lung Syrup; it gave me relief A Fresh supply :lust received from New York. and
immediately, and in two weeks 1 was able to go out, IA for sale at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth st.
and fullyqielieve it to be one of the most valuable reed- sept 1.'..1.
icines now before the public, for Cough and breast corn- -------------______--- ________
fresh supply of this valnable Cough meine I) Al/ sorts of clodring and wearing apperal. Please
eived at the Drug store of J• KU" , 1 cie.ll at No. ISI Liberty street, and see for yourselves
oct 7 E l .. 60, corner of Wood and Fourdi apt. ser 7.
....... 4 . 4, 5714 , 5itiL
John D. Davis, I
. Corner of IVood and 5111. ate, Pittsburgh, i CORNER OF WOOD AND THIRD STS.
ready to receive merchandize of every description i
1 on consignment, for public or private sale, and
from long experience in the above business, flatters I
himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, o r ~,
c D ry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufacturL.d articles.uew
and second hand furniture &c. at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,at earlytga.s light. aug 1.2-y
Bank of North America ...
Do Northern Liberties
Do Pennsylvania
.... . ..
Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania...
Farmers' and 3fechanies' bank
Kensington hunk
Manufacturersand Mechanics'
Philadelphia bank
Schuylkill "
Southwark ..... ".... ....
Western a
Bank of Penn Township
Girard bank.
U. S. bank and branches
Bank of Germantown
" Chester county
" Delaware county
" Montgomery courtly._ ..
" Northumberland
Farmers' bank of Bucks county....
East , mhank
Doylestown bank ....... ...... .
Franklin bank of Washington
Bank of Chambersburgh—.. . ..... .
" Middletown
•• Gettyaburgh _—
Lewistown .........
" Susquehanna county
Berkscounty bank
Columbia Bank and Bridge Company
Carlisle bank
Erie bank
Farmers and Drovers' bank
" Bank of Lancaster...... ..
" Bank of Reading
Harrisburg bank
Honesdale '• .......
Lancaster •
Lancaster co. ••
Miners bank of Pottsrille ..... . ........
Monongahela bank of Brownseille
New Hope and Delaware Bridge company
No rthampton
Towand a haul.
Wyoming bank
West Branch bank.....-..
York bank.....
Belmont bank of St. Clairsrille
Clinton bank of CON,. b us . . . . . .
CO?iembiatia batik of New Lisbon
Cireleritle (Lawrence, cashier)
" ( 115/ rren, cashier)..
Cincinnati banks
Chillicothe bank__
Commercial bank of Lake Psis .
.... .
Franklin bank of Columbus ....
Farmers' and Mechanics' ban 1 4 k of S'tenbcnrille..
Farmers' bank of Canton
17 ertitg a
...... 75......
Lancaster 30
ricttes elr
Massillon .......... ............ _• . —l4
.......... .......
Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati
il.o•nt Pleasant ......
N0rwa1k................................... 1 .. r . ....14
Putnam .........
....... —l4
...... 14
&iota ........
Urbana. ....... ... ...
....—....... 50
Woaster ........................... .
Xenia....... 14
State bank and bra,cN/teDeLANA
State Scrip
All banks
State bank......
Bank of Blinois, Shatoneetown
Baltimore City bank 5.... . ...
All Other solvent banks.. .. . .
All solvent banks.... -.— ...... • ..... . .. 2
SOUTH 9 Raolrenlbanks_: :; ~ CAROLINA
• •
All soli , eal banks —..•. • • • —. • . .
Mobile banks ALAIIAMA.
..... ............ 20
Country bank 5... ....
LOCI ''''''''
New Orleans banks (g00d).—...
All banks
Merchant/ and Manufactura rs' Sc rip
Exchange Bank Sc rip
Currency 14
Erie Bank Scrip
On Philadelphia
New Yo rk . .....
Gold. .
Bank of Pittsburgh
Merchants and Manufacturers' bank par
. ..par
Do. Hottidaysburgh.
:• ' • ....... ... . 3
! Deaver and Warren Packet
i,.„ jazmz , THE canal packet ERIE, J. M
ayb...„...--Am7.,- Shaw, mas ter, will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, I Vednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing-, leaves IVarren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting- with the Stage Eizies to Cleveland
direct, For fruidit or passage apply on board, or to
IHRMENGII AM & CO., Pittsburgh, i
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
tk.l - 'g - 2_
-----4 " i
I . T . . 1.; .62
1 8 4 3 . i
For Rent.
That COTTAGE, situated in Borough ot
Lawrenceville, a t present Ulltilled lehri
AND RAIL ROAD CAFE , ' from Pittsburgh, via Bed- i parker ' - °°L.
' by
' ----
F ' - -.---, ford, Chambershurg, Ilarrisburz and Lancaster, to I Th e -- 7 , ,
Philadelphia, connectinz with the Main train °fears to ,
&c. Onlv 150 miles stavnv. andnight'
one out. , i v ij e °rep s.' e
lace has a vet 7 fine garden and good asaarti
ment of fruit trees. Any person renting, can hint/it
prlge gn, for the ensuing- year. 'Posses
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
I e ion given on the 15t of Octobernezt.
Fare to Philadelphia $B.
Leaves daily at 3 o'clock. A. M. I Apply at No. .5 Commercial Row, Liberty strait,'
Baltimore 9.
or to Wm. Tornan, Smithfield street.
Office 2d door below the Merchant s ' Hotel Wood st. ' yep ' 1 ,
feb 23, 1843-Iv.
4 SMALL Farm in Upper St. Clair township, , iti.
------ , Cl. bout 4i miles from Pittsburgh, and about 60 yard,
The Great Central Rotate 'f of the Washington turnpike, containingl64. acresgood
Vi a National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail: land, well located and improved, and almost alleleared
Road Company.
and under good fence; and will be a good place for an
i .
cr.. ,..
~ . :.:,...,._...1 , extensiverardne t , &.... It has on it a rood dwelling
ore‘ - "f' 7 l' ,l:- ., • . .._ .- ..2. ~.. i. , ...., 4..T-,:.V 1 ,`, : house and ham; and is well watered. It will be SOK
....: t .=.. . .: ' gq . i , :; 7
.i,,,5. low for cash--or part 'cash and part credit. Apply at
NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FUR I Harris'A,. ,, iincy and Intelligence Office. or
AND NE w 'ln lI.K.
To Bent.
THIS line is in full operation, and leave: Pittsburgh ,
PLEASANT rooms and good steam power, at Lb*
daily at G o'clue`., A. M„ via IV asliin2.-ion Pa. ,
cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and
and national road to Cir,i'oerlancl,
''''''''' etin z here I O'Hara streets. Apply on the premises, july 16.
with the rail mud Co's to all the nb..ve p',ues Tray- _ ________
- --
elers will find thi ; a ,peed : .. a,,,1 tenifertable mute, ' Freeman's Fire itrick fbr Sale;
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum- ; lir UST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brick,
bcrland line, facilities will be afforded which have net. ' (61, which will hereafter he kept constantly on baud
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO.
the shortest notico. with the privilege of going through may 27
No. 613 Water stE
direct or taking one nights rest. at their option.
-- - ---------.----, For tickets, apply at our office at the Monnne-ahela Rouses and Parma to Bent.
L. W. STOCKTON, T HE subscribe r has opened an of fi ce (in connexion
fob 3—dtf. President of N. Ft. Stage Co. with his Medical Agency for gaf
---Itegulii. Packets, for CincinnatC ) tbe rentin
; selling of Houses and Farms. As many persons are
con,tnntly wanting. to rent houses without having ass
time to run about the city in search of one, can by call
ine upon the subscriber, and stating the kind r ( * haus*
The Swiftsure
10 o' they want, find one that will suit them, also know tba
Thursday at clock, a. m. Robinson, Master, leaves every •
number of rooms, situation and rent, without further
The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves eAtay Friday at
Ov,ners of holies would find it to their interest to
10 o'clock a. ni.
. and -ire a description of them and the rent they
no Afootgonery, Bennett. Mumer, leaves every Sat
te•erinu. ire, as they would then find their houses rented
utility at 10 o'clock a. m.
• sooner and with. less trouble.
The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves ce. ery Sun-
The patronage of the public is re . , pectfully Folic' itel
day at 10 o'clock a. in.
rep 2.1-rf T. H. TUTTLE, 86, 4th St.
may 20
- . —par
no sale
, Rouses, &c., For Bent
HE st:hecriber has opened a book to record any
United States Portable Boat Line Depot.
dwelling:house, warehouse, store, shop, rooms
or count r: farm, and seats for rent, charging the ow*
ers 25 cents each record. He will keep it open for all
whir v ish to rent any kind of property to examine, and
charge tla . lo 12A cents; and for a small compensation,
will attend to renting all kinds of property, and attend
A. McA NULTY very re pectfully informs his to all kinds of business between landlord and tenant:
k„., • frimidA aid the public, that he hasmade :.rrange- :
No. 9, Fifth st.
meats to continue the agency of the boats forming the .
P. S. Pse '2l.
ortable Boat Line. at the large new Warehouse, i ---- ,
--------------- Agent______,
A.Good Farm for Sale or Si/chant:it's
CORNER OF WerNe. AND L113E13;1I STREETS. Canal i
Basin, where goods will be received and fort A FARM of 139 acres on Sugar Creek, Armstrong :
with usual despatch, and on tire most favorable terms, l -C - 1- county, 100 of which is improved. This farmis
to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York or Boston. : well watered by springs and two large runs which pew
THOMAS BORBIDGE, Ageot, I nearly through it and then unite. Terming an exeelleng
272 Market st., Philadelphia. ' Mill Seat. 40 acres are first rate for ow or
MOORE &CHASE, Agents. . spring crops, and the balance is good for fame in.--
73 Bondy's Wharf, Baltimore. ; There is no waste lard, and it is well adapted ford dai:
iry or for sheep, and lies yen well. There is on it a
______ ,
good ripple orchard, a substantial hewed lag house, •
AILEN KRAMER, Tr ha Broker, No. 46, I large log barn ard a rood coal bank, easily accessibe;
Corner of Woocl and Third streets, Pittsburg :in good order, ffild the quantity inexhausible: Thii
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, boh ; farm lies within 1 9 miles ef ke eelmeti 9 miles freM
and sold. Sight cheeks on tbe Eastern cities, for oug ht; Kittanning, 4 miles from a Catholic c.hapel, and 2 milea
Drafts, notes and hills, collected. from a Prehyterian and Seceder churches It eri.ll be
REFERENCES. i sold at a bargain for rash or exchargrd for a good
Wm. Bell & Co., , throe story brick house rind lot in Pitt•biigh. For
John D. Davis,
terms and particulars enquire at Harris' Genera/ A:
F. Lorenzo,
eencv and Intelligence office, or of the subscriber on
Pittsburgh. Pa. - • .
J. Painter St Co,,
. the premises.
Joseph Weodwell,
sep :2.7
James May, J
Alex. Bronson &Co. ?
John!' Brown &Co. Philadelphia.
James M'Candless. '. Cincinnati, 0.,
J. R. ArDonald. St. Louis, Mo.
W. H. Pope, Esq., Preslt. Bank Ky. ,i Louisville,
rcpt. 4-3rn
TMcLane% Americas' Worm S_pecitic.
HIS is to certify that with 'MCLANE'S WoTor i
SPECIFIC, a child of mine passed uwards of 600 , _
worms; itis the most powerf u l Worm Specific now in! f HEREBY certify that I hgve known a number of
Middlebury, 0., Oct. I, 1;43H. H. BARTHOLOMEW. -11_. p ,ople who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pills ?
! and have been much benefitted by them, and I believe
For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD, 1 them to be the best pills for liver complaints, and foi
sept. 12. Corner 4th and Wood sts. general Ilse, of any fill now before the public.
Dve Stuffs Just Received. . 1 hereby certify that I have Leen afflicted for 6 yeiiii
! with a liver complaint; and have applied to dirsessist
use of Dr. McLane's Pile. In taking two boxes oftheTe
Vitri o l, Camwo o d, Alum, anti a general stock of i physiCians, and al/ to little or no effect, unii/ I ke&
Dr!. WOODS, in store, and for sale at the Druz Store i
JON . KIDD, , T run nearly restored to
Cornor 4th and Wood vs. ! perfect health,
Millerrburgh, near Pittsburgh, Au
t 7-T
...3or sale at the Drug Store of gust 16, 1843
corner 4th and Wood streets, Pittsburg*
sep . 12
_—_—.. i
AL %.DY who is capable of taking charge of a
household, is desirous of obtaining a situation
as housekeeper in a private family, ores superintendent:
in a respectable hotel. She would have no objection
to leave the city if desired to do•so. For further infor- i
mation inquire at this office. aug 21tf
IVER COXIPLAINTS--Dspepsia and Ade—
......, g eslxon, with costiveness, aseiditv of this itcm
hardness of food after meals, hearth; fl tilency
ACKEREL.--16ustj `liver coMplaints, with pain in the side andrn sliattenkler",
received and for sale by
1 jaundice, bilious complaints, dropsy, diabetes, gravel,
MAILMAN', JENNINGS &CO. stone, and inflammation of the lungs, are most perfectly
43 Wood st. ! removed and cured by the HEPATIC ELIXIR.
This article has the most astonishinceffeet s in coring
To Met chants and Others.
'complaints of the stomach and digeetive orans.--,..
A GENTLEMAN, who thoroughly understands ail
Many highly respectable individuals in rim York
11, Book Keeping, wishes a situation in that Cara-1
ha 7 been cured. after trying every other remedy i a
city: the best of referenCei will be given. Address H., :
aug 28.tf , vain, and have given in theirtaines with permission te.
at this office.
i, refer to them. It is pleasant to the taste, and does
TOBACCO. -10 boxes Burton's 5 b lunip tobacco,- I not in the least interfere with the daily avocation o f
25 do Russell & Robinsons do 1 ta king it. ManY families of this city /tare beco me se
I 5 do Hare', do I pleased with the tr.edicine, that they use it as t.bein
, only fainily medicine. By using it o ccasionally, in
10 do assorted sizes and brands, only
the stomach free from bilious disord ers , 4 , 3 ,4 d m
, just received and fry sale by
i hver active. with the secretions of the body in the most
43, Wood street I
perfect activ:ty. it is comnosed entirely of vegetables.
1 aide 9
ISA:NIUEL MORROTV, I The cure will be gradual but certain and era:us-rent
1 , Fa -sale at Turrtz's, 86 Fourth et i)...
- "
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet ' sap 6. i Iron Ware,
No. 17, Fifth street, between Wood atid ~iferriet,
i Keeps constantly on hand azood assortment of wares.
i and solicits a share of public pa tronace. Also, on hand,
i the following articles: shovels, polvers, tongs midirons.
skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, cnfiee mills, ic. Mcr
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
themselves, as he i s determined to sell cheap forcash or
approved paper.
mar 7—tf
J. W. Barbridge &. Co,
,_________________ i
TToothache I Toothache .. Toothache!!! i ,A_ (--;EN TS for the sale of BEATTY'S Powder, Wiwi
HE a. cnalplaint, can be cured in five mut- ! -'
,` l '''''' b ''''''''' Woo a a 1"/ Sm ithieid strests4
rtes, 1). 2 . uslwz th,ceh-brated MC:SCOVITU. DROPS i Pilt.'"'Wi'•
Oil 5 1170.
which is Warrantvd. There are many imitations and ---- _
-nUFFALO ROBES 1,, ing,le rube or bale, for Pale
countertit,, of the above. The only f re.• (tit,/ E'init
fine article is rube had at TUTTLE'S Bt7 Fourth, st. -I--1 by
•\ . BEELEN,
5.-rt 1-2.
~ . .
.. .
... .... .....- _....... .....,. _.,
...... .._
~ _
[ A... 0
• T...-•:..., ....•,.......'7.—, J 1 . 1 . 1 1 ,
Salt nub Co Let *P:
r.cre. . .
Parwardinit and ealanlialio. 1142.6hants ' in. GROVE HILL,
ti the late reSitlen e e; of,
AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Corn- is well filled vdth choicefruit trees, vines, &c.
puny composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Also, a convenient teneneent lately 66 6:yield by R.
Canal; Washington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s I. Langhorne.
Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve- Possession will be given immediately. For Lectis
land Line, Pennsylvani a and Ohio Canal. Pro tie- apply to
tore ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
ttErk: a TO
Wilkie & Ensw•orth, No. 9, Countie.: Slip, N. I —_____._„.____
R. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter, Palm er & Co., Buffalo,
M. T. Williams & D ow,
Hon. John M. All Cleveland.
Charles M. Ciiildin ' s,
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Birmingha m & Co., Pittsburgh.
ap 1 1843-Iy.
13 Building Lilts in Dinehaia.
.uLaOreTdS,asztl.qtawbilfionr:twuiil,aing, molt iri er:
dr y sig
straniferry boat landing, will be sold at prices to suit
the times. The terms of payment will be made easy,
either for cash or such barter Ds eau be matie aildlablis.
Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Ur. PI
Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh.,
j one 1.
Lots for Sale.
A Lots in Manchester. One and a fourth Acres De
"it Land on Holmes' 11iil. Lots nos. 41,4_2,52,51,54
181, 182, andlBl, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Hoiroall
Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in Cook's plan of Lori
on High street, near thenew Court 'loose. For trnns
apply to
sep 10 Z. W. ItENUNGTONJ
For Sale.
OTS on the North East corner of Cnal Lane awl
High street. Apply to
Market near Fourth street.
i_ sep 10
) Peach Trees.
sTHE sub‘cribe r has
.itt%t recei - ed from the Nur
pry of Landreth zu.d Fulton, near Philadelphia
a iot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which bi
vmdd call the attention oi'Lhe pubic.
1 . .
No. 184 Liberty st. head OWD
of Wood.
may 8
M P enmanship and Book-Keeping,
I - JOSE v.ho wish a thorol44t knowledze or these
branches. , ouid do well to Pallet M. S. W.
STEWART'S Commercial Academy. On Fourth Street.
near 'he corner of Mathet and Fm;rth, before engagin g
oct 3 ,