DAILY POST. MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 9, 1843 03 . Fer business cards. &e., see first page. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTER TOR OCTOBER. W. J. Howard—J. B. Semple-a-Getwge Ogden Er The request dour friend in Washington will be aossuied to. Desern-ose.tso.—The New Orleans Bee of the 25th nit., Inpressas regret that strangers are venturing iuto the ehy, which at the present moment they cannot do with impitnity. Within one day there had been several adidvals from sea. Amongit them one vessel brought itiopty pitsesegers. The presence of strangers in the city, says the Bee, will assuredly tend to keep up the Yedlow Fever, and render its ravages more extensive and fatal. Nineteen cases were admitted to the Hos pitai en the 23d and 24th ults.; fourteen were dischar ged and twenty had died. Sixty-three ramained in the Hospital. COIINTILAICIT.—Tho Louisville Journal of Mon day sap/4-7"On Saturday, a merchant of this city show ed as a counterfeit ono dollar note on the Bank of Louisville, which had been sent to him from Bloom ington.. [Juliana; the note boars date 'April Ist, 1843,' and is signed 'John S. Snead, President' The gents ine small notes of tho Bank of Louisville are not sign ed-by the president at all, but only by :%,r. Thruston, the cashier. At the d ite of the counterfeit we have nisniionesL Mr. Snead bad loug been dead." The Cincinnati Enquirer, of the 4th, has the U p:twine-- "R.t.r . fst larsttacsacit.—A busy and business like throng of people were to be seen throughout the day Yesterday on the levee. Passengers were hurrying on board to take their departure fur other ports, or to their bottles. Drays were climbing the hill coder the influence of one horse power, and merchants' clerks were moving rapidly down the landing to get their bills of lading signed ere the boats took in the ir last plank. And why this business appearance? Because the stage of water in the river is good; and the water in the channel, since the rain, has been increasing until it nomlseri about nine feet depth between here and Louisville." fal*We yesterday learned that the yellow fever had .appeared at Rodney, forty miles above this, on the riv er, aad that the citisens were moving into the country rapidly - . Whether this report is true, we are unable to say.-.-Natekez Cottrier, Sept. 23. READ! READ!!-FORGERY EXPOSED A handbill signed "JOS. YOUNG." has been se cretly circulated over tha cousty, with the evid sat in .tontioo of affecting the e;ectisn of EL LIAR TROVI LLO. who is aveandidate for Sheriff. This handbill charges Absalon Morris, who was jailor at the time of Cow an's escape, with having assisted or permitted Cowan's flight; and seeks to implicate Cul. Talrn.to, who was then Sheriff in the matter. The circulation of this in famous paper on the eve of the election, will explain the uppeatranos of th..! fullowing statements and &Ede vitat this particular period—the names of the very res pectable gentlemen which appear in the present hand be sufficient to allow that no deception or trick is intended. Had the attack appeared sooner, in a tan gible form, it would have been promptly met; as it is, the refutation is submitted in the full confidence that it will be satisfactory to all but the black-hearted authors sad circulatsrs of this most atrocious calumny. - The handbill purports to come from a brother of Yiing, the elan for whose death Cowan was in prison —"lf/S. YOUNG" [Joseph Young] i, the hem: sign ed." Now the d'sceased has not and never hada broth er (If lit slimmer- On Friday last Abacilora Morris, acompanied by ..robert Ifisods, Esq., Michael /Caste, Jr. and Thom att Pitiaipt, called on James Young, the only brother of Johnsen Young:, and asked him if he had i,med the hdn ' illinquestion, which W1:I ex hibited to him. HE UTTERLY AND POSITIVELY PENIED ALL KNOWLEDGE OF THE BILL, OR ITS PUBLI CATION. The following are the c •rtiticates of the patinas above named; they must, convince every man titthzttho Handbill iu question is ty base and scaula,JU, FORGERY: Pittsburgh, October 6, 1843. / this day, as Attorney for E. Trovillo, Esq. called ou.lurnos Young, of this city, brother ofJohnson Young, deed., having, understood that he was the author of a libellous Handbill, headed "Cowan, the Murderer."— Mr. Young denied that he w th.a author. of ,;aid bill, ur was in .any manner whatever counnted with getting up the lame. ROBERT WOODS. On Friday, October 6, 1813, we called, in company with Robert Wombs and A. Morris, Esqs., on Mr. James youl g , brother of Johnson ' doc'd., and heard hit* Watts that he had nothing to do in gatting up tho handbill refet red to above, nor dil he know of its pub lication till that moment. M. KANE, Jr., THOMAS PHILLIPS. - - - - . :At Mr. John F. Wrenshall, from his position and relationship to James Cowun, (being hie hr.ither-in law and attoracy is f Let, and ad ninistrator of the Cow an estate,) would, of necessity, be the person most like ly to have a thorough knowledge of all m tans connect ed with his escapo,—and as Mr. W. was also the per son alluded to in the significant hints thrown. out by Lhasa who have covertly given currency to the char ges.i.l-;lie was called upon by Col. Truvillo to state his knowl4ge : or belief in relation to their truth or falsity. Althot. : feeling much reluctrsice to have his ramp briiith t:iatii a public controversy on this subject, Mr. W. expressed his willingness to sacrifice that consider atied to a desire to do justice to Col. 'frovillo and Mr. Minis, "Fib - ) hatedareld to be entirely innocent of the ch trgas prAsrrod i.tinst them. Tne letter sad affi davit are subjoi,ted: Jona F. Wasxsuar.t, Eso..—DcAa Sigu, Atwuatill has been circulated thr oug. bout the county, in whiah it is more than insinuated that I was accessa ry.to the escaise of James Cowan fro n prison in this city, or at leastconnived thereat, and that Mr. Morris was induced by the fiends of the prisoner to permit his es tap From yo•te connection Wirt/ the family, and ihesituation you hove held in the management of its affairs, you,would mast probably know if any such cit cutas ever had existenee. 1 . therefore call upoi yen, fur the sake o''j l3nre and truth a, state your knov 1 edge or bet.i.4of the matter. IV nether myself or any one connected with me or my office hare been in any way privy or accessary to, or ronnived at said escape. or received any compensation therefor. directly or in directily. I make this call upon you as the only means ofdevelopingthe truth; and askyou instate "the truth, the whole truth and nothin g but the truth," upon the ,tub t, to the extent of yonrknowledge aid belief. An itornarliate answer will oblige me. and if you have no objection, I wish you to put it in the form of an Adatit. Yours, Respectfully, E. TROVILLO. October 4, 1843. CITY or PITTSBURGH. as. Define me an Aider man of said City, personally came John F. Wrenshall, who being duly sworn, sayeth, at the time of the escape of James Cowan, and for some time previous, deponent was attorney in fact for euid Cowan; that he was also administrator of the estate of Christopher Cowan, who was On his death bed - at the time of his escape, and died previous thereto; and that from these circumstan• ces he was so intimately acquainted with the affairs of the family and estate, that no money could have been paid out or expended to Absalom Morris or any other person for the purpose ofaiding in said escape, without the knowledge of deponent. That no money or corn; piesation of any kind war paid or expended to any per 110n connected with the Sheriff's office or jail, to assist or connive at said escape, by the family or any member thereof, many person else so ftr as deponent knows or believes, and that he has never heard of any transaction of the kind; and that he has no grounds for believing that either Elijah Trovillo or Absalom Morris, or any person connected with ember of them, assisted in the escape ofsaid Cowan, or connived at the same, or had any kooiviedge whatever thereof; nor does be believe that any or either of them had any participation Mere in,directly oriodirectly. JOHN F. WRENSRALL. Swrirti t.) n•:-1 mr, sth day of Octoba, A. D. 1843. • . R. MORROW, EszAt.] do' et 'Election. au ttiou 0 to. Contn Commissioner. AT the solicitation of a nunfter of friends of all political parties, I respectfully offer myself to the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not be misunderstood, either as to pi:Attica' or private affairs, I make free to say that I have been All my life a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation of large majori ties of the people, the undersigned would not should he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it roach the office of County Commissioner. apr 6. . SAMUEL HURLEY. Prothonotary. To the voters of Allegheny county:—l respect fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate (independent of parties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per sontdly known will please examine into my qualifica tions, &lc.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your seal-ages, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office, tc satisfy you with your eh:Act, ALEX MILLAR. hark Safes. IRESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have and keep always on hand an assortment of Fire Fiord Safes. The price, in consequence of the ma terials and labor being mach lower, is reduced about thirty percent. They are kept for sale at my shop, in Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church on the corner of 6th street—as also with Atwood, Jones &Co., and Dalzell & Fleming. In regard to the qual ity of my safes I leave those persons who have pur chased and will purchase my safes to attest the util ity of them. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safes; illitiCe and truth warrant me in informing; the public that all my safes which have been in buildings burnt down for several years since T commenced have pre served all the papers, books, &c., which they contain ed. I have a card containing a, number of certificates of the same, which arc in circulation and in me hands and the agentes. JOHN DENNING. N. B. A few pair of steel Springs for sale, made by Junes & Coleman, and will be gold low. Also. a screw press, with power to punch holes in half inch iron. gop 20—tf JOIN L 1 FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock Establishment, NO 61, DIAMOND ALLEY, BETWEEN WOOD AND MARKET STREETS. - - . IWOULD mcist respectfully announce to the citizens of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have commenced the m inufacture of STOCKS, of every• va riety., form and description, and would solicit merchant, and others to call and examine for themselves, as I am determined to sell on the most accommodating term: for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m. Allegheny County as. ••••••., In the mutter of the estate of ROI3KRT L. S. KIRK. deed. And now, Sept. 16, 1843, on motion of Georze P. Hamilton, the money considered in Court and Rubett Woods appointed Auditor to dis tribute proceols of sale. By the Court, . THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk. Nitica is h •ruhy evon to all perioni intereAtecl, that I will att md to the duties assigned to me by thr Court in the above case, at my office on Grant street. Pitts burgh, on the 30th of Oct., 1843. nt o'clock. P. 31. sapt 28-3 wd ROBT. WOODS, Auditor. Lippincott Mills. THE subscriber haviag purchased and thoroughly repaired these M tt.t.s, is now manufacturing., and will keep constantly on hand, a full supply of all the different kinds of Nails, Spikos and Brades,etc.,--s made from the best quality of Juniata Bloom. , and as soon as the necessary additionsean be made to the machinery, he will manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron. usually made in this maiket. Orders left with S. Cuthbert, nt No. 35 Wood St. or at the Mills in the Fifth Ward. will he promptly at tended to. JAMES ANDERSON. sep 29-3 m B UTTER -27 K. 5 B.u•rcl= We-tven Re=rrve. Dairy DIAN-6,14f, mcr•ivrd and for',!!, by HAILNIAN, JENNINGS &Cr,. 43 Wood tzt PROPOSALS FOR ROPES. CANAL COMMISSIONER ' S Rooi, Harrisburg, Sept. 27,1843. SEA LED proposn's will be received at the office o f t he Canal Comnzissioners, directed to Thomas L. Wilson, Secretary of the Board, at Harrisburg. un til Saturday, the 14th day of October, 1843, for fur nishing eight new roves for the inclined planes on the Allegheny Portage Railroad. The ropes most be made of the best quality of Hemp, minufactured without the use of tar, and to he suNect ed to the inspection and approval of such agent as the Canal Commissioners may designate. The proposals will state the price per pound for rope made exclusive'y of Russia Hemp—the price per pound if made one half of Russia Hemp and the other hs.lf of Kentucky water rotted Hemp—the American Hemp to form the inner part of the rope; and the price per pound if made exclusively of American water rotted Hemp. The contractors will be required to deliver the ropes either at jOhnstown or Hollidaysburg within ten das s after the Opening of navigation on the canal next spring. Bidders may propose for one or any number of the Ropes required. They will state the price per pound for the Ropes delivered at either of the before mention ed places. Also the price per pound at which they will take the old Ropes in part payment at Johnstown or Hollidaysburg. Sperifications of the Ropes. For plane No. 1, 3615 ft. length & 8i i. in circum. " 2, 3910 do 8 do " 4. 4790 do 8 do " 5. 5656 do 8 do " 6, 5826 do 8 do " 7, 5710 do 8 do 8, 6632 do 81 do " 9, 5640 do 8 do The proposals most is every ease he transmitted thou the mil, and he endorsed "Pmposals for Ropes." By order of the Board of Canal Commissioners. oct 2—tl. THOMAS L. WILSON, Sec'y. BEA R SKINS, dressed and undrossed, just receiv ed and for sale by A. BEELEN. os—tf S UN DRIES.-50 boxes chocolate, 5 do cocoa, 3 do rice flour, 2.5 do ground popper, 5 do Cayenne d 0.,, 36 cans ground mustard, 5 kegs do allspice, 5 do do ginger, _ 12 cane do do., together with every thing in the grocery line, all of which is offered at extremely low prices, for cash. HAILINLAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street Q SHARES Allegheny Bridge .Seck, at pri ,o vate sale, by JOHN D. DAVIS, cep 11 Corner of Wood and Filth streets. McLane's American Worm SPecific, 3 , l oR 4n P e ß o O m o o7 .— hs 84 31 : L l A p s u a re ' o hased a m , S ial rE o c i trc. Mc- Lane's American Worm Specific. I gave a boy of mine most of a vial; be passed 40 very large Worms. From that time his health improved very mud . I had tiled two other Vermifuges to no purpose. I believe Dr. licLanestbe best article before the public. D. CALHOUN. Muffin t p., Allegheny co., Sept. 30. For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KID - D, oct 3 Corner 4th and Wood sts. A ILeg WFnCH may contain, perhaps 10 gallons, (of its contents nothing is known) Was left at the house of the soliscr?, , r some weeks siace The owner is requested r..co m. A ti ra'w it liwitv, or it will he sold iI•TV )A //Jim 1:1/A US. oct 6-3 t 4ohn D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCB'T, Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, IS ready to receive merclaandize of every description on conig,nreent, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with theirp.tronage. Regular sales on MONDLYSIIDd THITESDAYS, Of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries,PittAurghmanufactured articles,new and second han furniture, &c., at 2 &Clock, P. M. Sales every evening, at early gas ugh t. hag Positive Sale OF BALANCE OF A RETAIL CLOTH STORE. ON MONDAY NEXT, October 9th, at 9 o'clock, A. M., will be sold without reserve, for cash par funds, the balance of Broadcloths, Cassimeres'Cas sinetts and other Dry Goods, remaining on hands at the Wno'en Cloth Hall, No. 90 Mat ket street, between sth and the Diamond. The stock has been well sel ected in the Eastern Cities, particularly for this mar ket. The Broadcloths and Cassimeres will be sold in lengths to suit purchasers. Th comprise—. Superfine English, French and American broad cloths and cassimeres, latest styles and colors. Ca.s sinetts, merinoes, velvet, calicoes. shawls, &c., The house furniture will be sold immediately after the cloths. JOHN D. DA.VLS, Auct'r. oct. 7. Real Estate at Auction. WILL be sold, on Monday, the 16th inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of IVood and sth streets, the following described property, viz: Part of lot numbered in the original plan of Pitts burgh 18.5, bounded as follows: beginning on Front at, at the north west corner of said lot, and running thence I .y First or Front street eastwanills , 30 feet, thence iouthwardly at right alleles to said Front street, by the east half of said lot 80 feet to a part of said lot owned by James Hughes, thence westwardly by Hughes' part of said lot thirty feet to No. 184, thence along said No. 184 to place of beginning. Terms at sale. JOHN D DAVIS, 06-ts Auctioneer. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD ON THURSDAY MORNING, the 12th' inst., at t'le Commercial Auction Root. ts, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, by order of Wm. P. Baum, Assig.tee ofJno. H. Mellor & Co., the entire stock of goods remaining on hand, among which aro the following, viz:— Two splendid Piano Fortes, Vitnias of different qualities, Superior Violincellos, with patent heads, Clarionetts aad Flutes, French Horns, Trombones and Bugles, Opheclides. Bass Horns and Bassoons, One Guitar. Music Boxes, EBu g ift, Mouthpieces fur Clarionetts, Horn, Trombone and Violin strings, Clarionett reeds, bridges, &c., Tenor Drums, - Masnn's Harp and U. S. Psalmody, 10.100 sheets of Music for Piano, A variety of Flute Nlusic, Preceptors for ditf,rent instruments, Steel Pens. Quills, Drawing Pencils. LJultiag Glasses, Chessmen and Boards, Printer's Cards, Pocket books and Wallets, A variety of Combs, Wax. Dulls, jointed Dolls, Needles and Skein Cotton, Best Cologne Water, Brittania Teapots and Spittoonst, Silver Pencils and Toothpick, Iv, try head and common Canes, Wi u . dow Glass and White Leal, One 8 day Cluck, brass works, One 21 hour " " Two fig:). Chia Timepieces, Three pair Scale Beams, An assortment of variety Goods and Toys, Fifty yards Flour Oil Cloth, SinS!r lw cases, Counter, Stove, Venitian Writinz Desks, Glrtirs, large IRON SAFE, Sort.; of Drawers, Sz,•., &c. The ialt: affil he poiitive rind without ref.erve, and will be rontianed from day till J ty until the whole are rli,,po,4ed of. Term, ea,di. par money. \VM P. BAUM, AgAirnee. (lc t 9. ' 13 JNO. D. DAVIS: Advocate and Chronicle copy . ] Arerli , nrer. . _ - AT i RIVATE SALE A T DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, recently purchased in the East for cash, and which will he sold at a small ad vance on Eastern prices. for currency or approved en dorsed notes. The assortment consistsin part of '2O pieces wool dyed blue black broadcloths; 15 " super. blue cloth; 10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths; 4 " super. Beaver cloths; 5 " pilot cloths; 90 " cassinetts, assorted colors; some very fine; flannels, twilled and plain white, red, green and yellow. 20 " English merino, assorted colors; 100 all wool blanket shawls: 200 cotton plaid shawls; 1,000 doz. spool cotton, all colors; 100 pieces bleached and brown Muslin!, and a zreat variety of other articles usually found in a Dry Goods Hon=e. Also, an zissartment otboots, shoes, and hats which will all be. sold at prices without regard to the late advances in the East. Sept 23. 0. A. IIdeLNULTir, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty streets, Pius burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line. sera 4-3 m. BemovaL CAWFIELDha removed his marble Estab P . lishment to Wood st. opposite Fahnestock's Drug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Monuments etc: ap 19—lyr JUST RECEIVED and for Jiale on consineni, 7 libels bacon, 7 hhcli snrar, Can be seen at the store ofJacrth Painter& Co aug 29 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. Dissokitiont of Partziersitipr Tr HE partnership heretofore existing under the style of Devine & INrAnuity, is this clity dissolved by mutual consent, H. Devine is to collect all sums due to the concern, and pay all cletirris contracted for the concern up to this date. Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1893 H. Devine respectfully informs his friends and the public, that be still continues in the Transporting business, and that he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 95 Water street, next door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive and forward Freight to the East, 6n the Very hysiest t erms. H. DEVINE. sMOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her rings just received and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO.. aug 9 43, Wood street Dissolution of Partnership. rr HE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of DICKE T and ALEXAXIMR, is this day dissol ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY, sept. 1, 1843. WM. G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his Mends and the public. &Lathe still continues in the Transpor- tation Business, at his Warehouse, CORNER of LIBER TT AND WAYNE STREETS, Canal s asin, under the name of the "Indepeadeat Portable Boat Lixe," where he will receive and forward freight to the East at the lowest terms sept. 4--tf. rgnisk ABOUT the last week in lune. in a Clothing Store in Liberty street, a, Note of hand, coasiderabli soiledand worn. it is signed 'ov James Gaston ana anotlier, and drawn in favor of W. Black. Theosro es can have it by identifying and paying expense. July 31.-4 Bank of Germantown ...... ......... ..... ..par " Chester county pat " Delaware county " Montgomery county par " Nortkumbertand pas Farmers' bunk of Bucks eanniy ......par Bastonbank par Doylestown bank par Franklin bank of Washington ..... ....par Bank of Ckambersburgh.... " Middletown . ..... ..2 " Gettysburgk ........ 2 " Lewistown 2 " Ens queatalina county ...... ......35 Berkseounty bank.— Columbia Bankand Bridge Company 1 Carlisle bank. Erie bank • Farmers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster Bank of Reading Harrisburg bank Honesdale Lancaster " Lancaster co. " Lebanon " Miners' bank of Pottsville Monongahela bank of Brownsville New Hope and Delaware Bridge eompany....lo Northampton bank no sale Towanda bank Wyoming bank .. West Branr-k bank York bank OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Clairsrille Clinton bank of Columbus.... . Columbiana bank of New Lisbon Circleville (Lawrence, cashier).. " ( Warren, cashier).... Cincinnati banks . . . Chillicothe bank.... Commercial bank of Lake Erie ~.2 0 Dayton bank 14 Franklin bank of Columbus ..11 Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville..l4 Farmers' bank of Canton 40 (Iran ea 14 ranrille lir, muter', Lan etude r sfarietta Massillon . Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati... Mann/ Pleasant Narmalk . . Putnam San dusky • • • S riot') • • ltrhana• • • • • • • ......... • • • • Wooster Xenia ane .. iNDIANA State bank and branches State Scrip 411 banks State bank Bank of Illinois, Shatenertosen . Bank of the Valley of Virginia... Bank of Virginia Exchange bank of Virginia _ . Farmers' bank of Virginia .. . .•.• • . • .1* North- Western bank of Virginia ........1 Merchants' and Meehanies' bank of Virginia .. ..1 Branches....... Raltimore City banks All other solvent bank 5..... ....... NORTH CAROLINA All solvent ... . SOUTH CAROLINA All solvent banks. . All solvent bank* Mobile banks.. Country banks LOUISIANA New Orleans banks (g00d).... All banks_ W. DEVINE. C. A. IWANULTY The proprietors of the MORNING POST and MIR• CURT AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of 4.1r0311111311 71C 4 111E'lleihAISCO asszo 41aa 0Q1L93 aaaaaaaats Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, I Circulars, Pamphlets, I Bill Heads, Cards. Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. tll tttnbs of 13tauks, Stage, Stectnaoat and Canal Boat Bills, teat ap propriate juts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patrontge of our friends and the public in general in this branch a t m: business. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS St SMITH. Pease's Usszimound Candy: AFresh supply just received from New York, end for sal* at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth at. Sept 12. • T A.RGAINS ! BARG. 1 - 8.134 , 19A1NS !! I/ All sorra of clothing and woasiiimparaL Please 'call at No. 151 Liberty, street, sod tam: fl A Wdes me, 7. 3. MoC =MI Bank Notts ani) txrtjange CORItiCTLD DAILY BY A. =MEE, EXCHANGE eIEMOKIIB, CORNER OF WOOD • ND THIRD STS SPECIE STANDARD. Merchants and Manufacture rs' Scrip Exchange Bina Scrip Currency Erie; Baal:Scrip EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT On Phi/attelphits. Yew York • Boston Baltinsore SPECIE. PENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSBURGH Bank of PiUsbirgh Merchants and Manufacturers' bank Exchange Do. Hollidaysburgh PHILADELPHIA Bank of North America.... Do Northern Liberties. Do Pennsylvania _ Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania . par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank Kensington hank .par Manufacturers an d Mechanics' par Mechanics par Moyamensing par Philadelphia bank par Schuylkill GI . . par Southwark " par Western Id Bank of Penn Township . ...par Girard bask 16 U. S. bank and branches .... ..... 36 COUNTRY BANKS. . . KENTUCKY ILLINOIS MARYLAND GEORGIA A LADA MA TENNESSEE --3 Booth AND JOB PRINT I NG OFFICE, N. W. CORNER 01 wono a FIETII STE. MESE:IIB43. Nana STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Fora ntrdinf and Commis Aoa Merthantif CLEVELAND, OHIO. AGENTS for tho Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of tho Merchants' Lino, Erie Canal; Washington, Lino. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Clove land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprio tors oftho Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coontias Srip, N. Y. R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Clemiar.d. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. --par ...par ....par ... ...... ..par 4=z z . THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,master, will run a. regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For frei4ht or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, .I. S. DICKEY, Beaver. par par ...... —par e. Y I ft • ;Au W"' 4 44 6 1843. FARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL LINE OF STAGE'S AND RAIL ROAD CLIC3, from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to N. Y.. &c. Only 150 Miles staging and one ni;ht out. Also, the direct tine to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH & Go., feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. Via Natirmal Road and Ba/Unsore and Ohio Rail Road Company. NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WAERINGTON CITY, BALTIMORE, PUILARELPHIA •ND Nsw YORK. THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington Pa. and national road to Cumberland, connecting here with die rail road Co's to all the above places: Tray. elers•will find this a spet.d_ ji and comfortable route, it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their °pion. For tickets, apply at our offnm at the Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON, feb 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. Packcta, ft* Cincinnati The Swiftstve, Robinson, Muter, leaves ram Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at 10 o'clock a. m. The Monuroniery, Bennett, Master, loaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. in. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIitiMrSGHAM & CO., renv2o Aefiqs. United States Portable Boat Line Depot. CA. McANULTY very respectfully informs his • friends and the public, that he has made trrange ments to continue the agency of the boats forming the U. S. Portable Boat Line, at the large new Wurehouse, CORNER OF WATNE ABE. LIBERTY STREETS. Canal Basin, where goods will be received and forwarded with usual despatch, and on the mo , t favorable terms, to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York or Boston. Sept. 4-3 m A— LLt:c KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeki on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. Alex. Bronson &Co. John H Brown &Co. James M'Candless. J. R. M'Donald. W. H. Pope, Esq., Pres% Bank Sic Lands *inertCali Worts Specific. THIS is to certify that with McLAI\ E'S WORM SP EC uric, a child of mine rimmed upwards of 600 wornis; it is the most powerful Worm Specific now in par .e. H. B• W11101.0311W Middlebury. 0.. Oct. 4, 1t43. For sale at the Drug Store of JON. ICI rapt. 12. Corner 4th and Wood sts nye Stu& rust ReaeivelL (IHtPI'ED LOG WOOD 6.IND FUSTIC, Blne ILI Vitriol, Camwood, Alum. and a general stnek of Drs Wootis, in store, and fur sale at_ the Drng Store JON. KIDD. Cnrnor 4th andlVnod etc. .....20 .....25 sept. 12 .. ..... . .. 2i AL I')Y w . ,., of tAking charze of a household, is desirous of obtaining a situation as housekeeper in °private family, or as superintendent in a respectable hotel. She would have no objection to leave the city if desired to do so. For further infor mation inquire at this office. auz 21—ti ACKERF:L.-16 Bldg. No. 3 Mackerel, just J-1.1 received encifor sale by AGENTLEMAN, who thorougtry understands Book Keeping, wishes a situation in that capa city: the best of references will be given. Achire,s H.. at this office. nag 28—tf" T OBACCO. -1 0 Srmefi %iron's 5 b tobererh -25 do Ru:sell & Robinsans do 5 do Flare's do 10 do assorted sizes :sad brands, just received and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43. Woo,i Ilitainfactarer of Tin Copper Copper and SU et Iron Ware, No. 17, Fftk street, betimes Ina:Zara Market, Keeps =wax* GU hand a good assortment of wareq. and solicits a shire elptililic patronage. Alm, on hand. the following aitirles: shatels, ers, tangs, eridironA. skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, roff,-f. mill,. &c. ?OPT-- chums pod others are invited to call and examine for themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap fcresab or a .r armmr. marl—tf Poothaclus Toothache!! Tootbarjk t !!! THE nbrwe complaint:. can be nred Son, ralr. weft. by usine the relebrafra McSCOTIV.7S D.1:01". which is , warranted. Tbbre are many imita inns tv counterfeit:, of tbe above. Tbe only trope and gralit< int tuticleis to be Ind at TETTTLE'S 8.8 FnYcih It, opt 12. M=IM=E=M!=ZI /haver and Warren Packet, The Great Central Route THOMAS ,BORBIDGE, Agent, 272 Market at., Philadelphia MOORE & CHASE, Agents. 75 Boutlid Wharf, Baltimore REYERENCES IVm. Bell & Co., John D. Davis, F. I..osenie, J. Painter & Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May, Pittsidrgh, ra Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis, Mo. y. Louisville. HAILMAN, JENNINGS &CO. 43 Wood st To Me ahants Sita Others. SAMUEL MORROW for sate anb ea Let Building Lots in Birmingham l 0 LOTS, suitable for building, most eligibly 'sill; e) noted, and within two minutes' walk of the steanaferry boat landing, will be sold at prices to anin the times. The terms of payment will be made easy; either for cash or such barter as can be made arailablos. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. Pt Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june i. JAS. PAPTLRSON, jr. Lots for Sale. 4Lots In ManclJest (Jim and a fourth Aare* if Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots no.t. 41,42, 52,63,U 181, 182, and 184, in Cook's plan of Loto,ett Helms Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 127, in Cook's plan of Lost on High street, near the new Coon l :raise. For term apply to Z. W. REMINGTON; isep 10 For Sale. LOTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane obi High street. Apply to BENJAMIN DARLINGTON. sep 10 Slarket Dear Fourth Stu* For Rent . . That COTTAGE, situated in the Borough of rn . Lawrenceville, at present occupied by John Parker. The place has a very ring garden and good assail meat of fruit tree!. Any person renting can have this Privilege of engaging for the ensuing year. Possess .4ion given on the Ist of October next. Apply at No. S Commercial Row, Libert7 saw, or to Wm. Taman, Smithfield street. sep. 1, 1843. A SMALL CHEAP FARM FOR SALE. A SMALL Farm in Upper St. Clair township. a. bout 4} miles from Pittsburgh, and about 60 of the Washington turnpike, containinglsi apes land, well located and improved, and almost all and under good fence; and wi:l be a goad plats far an extensive gardnet. It hason It a good d human and barn; and is well watered. It will I= low for casb—Or part cash and part credit. Apply et HarriVAgeacy and I a telligrnrP Office, nr To Rent. PLEASANT rooms and good steam power, at thi cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. Apply on the premises. july le, Preeman's Fire) Brick for Sale. I UST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire it: i zick 0.0 which will hereafter be kept constantly on bard and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 No. GO Water at. Houses and Farms to Rent. THE subscrit , erhas opened an office (in conr.exioo with his Medical Agency) for the renting and selling of Houses and Farms. As many persons are constantly wanting to rent houses without having the time to run about the city in search of one, can by call ing upon the subscriber. and stating the kind t f house they cram, find one that will suit them,. also know the number of rooms, situation and rent, without further trouble, Owners orhouses mould Sad it to their interest td call, and ,give n description of therm and the rein they require, as they would then find their houses rented sooner and kith less trouble. The pay onage of the public is re=pectfully solicited. sep H. TUTTLE, 86, 4th et. Souses, &c., For Bent THE subscriber bets opened a book to record an) dwelling house, warehouse, store, shop, roomi or crrurtry farms and seats for rent, charging the own ers 25 cents ea.-11 record. He will keep it open far ail who wish to rent any kind of mi;perty to examine, ana charge their. 12 cents; and fora small compensation, will attend to rendre all kinds of pioperty. andattend to all kinds of busines+ between landlord and tenent. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent, No. 9, Fifth n. A Good Farm f.7r Sale or Exchange. A FARM of 130 acres on Soar Creek. Armstrong county, 100 ofwhichi. improved. This farm itS well watered by springs and two 'urge runs which pasi nearly through it and then unite. forming an excellent Mill Seat. 40 Beres nre first ram for meadow or spring crops. and the balance is good for fall grain.— There is no waste lard, and it is well adapted for a dai ry or for sheep, and lies very well. Theis!, is on it a good apple orchard. a substantial hewed log bonse, large log barn and n good coal bank, easily accessible; in good order, and the qt:antity inexhaustible. Thla farm lies nithin 18 Miles of Freerort. 9 miles &cut Kittanning, 4 miles from a Catholic char el, and 9. millet from a Presbyterian and Seceder clan-rhea It will 1 sold at a bargain for rash or erchangrd for a gpdil three story brick house and lot in Pittsburgh. For terms and partirulan er.quire at Harris' General A gency and Intelligence office, or of the snbscribier oak the premises. S. J. WHITE. crap 27 Landreth's Garden Seeds. A full supply of 'Landreth's Garden Seeds alsrayi wt hand and - for gale, at his agency. the Drng store of F. L. SNOWDEN . . gep 10 184, Lit erty st., head. of Wood.. Peach Treer. Allll THE subscriber has just received from the :Cur ser of Landreth and Fulton. near Philn.delphla a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which het would call the attention of the public•. F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood- McLAKE'S LIVER PILLS. IHEREBY certify that I have known a, number of peopla who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pint, and have been much benefitted by them, and I believe them to he the best pills for liver complaints, and for general use, of auy pill now before rho public... MICHAEL FORNEY. I hereby certify that I have been afflicted for 6 years. with a liver complaint; and have applied to different. physician.. and all to tittle or no effect, until I made, use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boxes of theta am nearly restored to perfect bealth. SAMUEL DAVIS. Minershnrgb, near Pittsburgh, August 16, 1643 MPFor sale at the Drug Slam of JONATHAN KIDD, wig 22 corner 4th end Wood ;trees, Pitekergbi T ,IvER COMPLAINTS—Dyspepsia end Is*. gestic's, with enstiversess, aseidity of the stow aPh. hardnesz of fotil after meals, heartburn, istuleaLY,, liver compl;drit,,, with pain in the side and shoe/dor. Jaur,diee. bi.inu , tot plaints, dropsy, disbetes, gravel,: stone, nr,d infla Irma ti on f the !rings. are taunt perfectly removed and curet/by the HEPATIC ELIXIR. This article 'rua, the most nstoniAing effects in curing all complai o t s of the stomach and digestive organap.s.. Many highly respectable individuals in 2Srev York have been cared. after trying every other remedy is vain, and have given in theirnames with peithission to. refer to them. It I: pleasant to the taste, and does riot is the lea.t interf.re with the dai.l.y avocation of cite, taking it. Many families cf this city have become so, pleased with the medicine, that tle7 me it as titeke , only family mcciicinr. Ey using it nreasionally, it keeps the stomach free from bilious disorclers, &sinker liver active. with the seeretions of tine body hattta most nerfect activity. It is c-nrcipo.eci entirely sfyegetabies., The cure will he rradnal, hat certain an, remount.. For 4ale at Ttrrru.'s, 86 Fourth street, ger 6. bit. MI, ANT'S AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC. Mr. I Kmtt—Sirt—A child of rzi•lre about 4/ yetritt old, was constantly incli.posect, arse of pa'e rtrarles... ion; hnt had alyrne a :rood artrtcti , e. In order to brim the child well, I bought r. small bottle of Mc-Jape's re r ... 'linge of which I mee him. 3 spoonfuls. after whitit `2O or 25 large wrnorts were expelled. I wists. all Ger treng would tend the above faxes. The eligerp heal* is midi improved, Mit - NUJ. NIEL Chartier's Creek, Sent. ±6 1343. tt:r For aale at the Drug Sto re . o f JONATHAWICTOD.. Corner of 4th and W. 0.1313. Pitabg., OPKENS' EXTRA ALCOHOL for retailing, .1.1, faraaJaai deo 11R,UG STORE of JONATHAN lUD. Comer of ith 4T4Wc" IMMI!M SAMUEL NEALLAND