DAILY POST. FRIDAY • MORNING, OCTOBER 6, 1843 "=for business cards, Ste, see first Page PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. CODIXITTEE FOR OCTOBER. W. J. Howard—J. B. Sernple--Gearge Ogden THURSDAY, Oct. On motion of H. H. Van Amine Esq., MICHAAL 4icituiroa wits admitted to practice as an Attorney in do District Court of Allegheny County. 'TOM Rtent PatsciPte."—Wo would call• ie stsattioit of merchants and retail dealers to the tuiver tiiimmut of the Messrs. RINIZALRT in relation to the UT sat Tobacco Kegs. We understand that the systeei which has been in use heretofore is one asmiust .whiehmuch just complaint has been made, but as all tobacco tinnufacturera practiced it, the purchasers had no remedy. The Messrs. RINIUSAItT, however, are iitteratined to reform the system as far as they are con• corned, and hereafter oo keg or bps will b 3 seat from ' their establishment with any otheithan correct tares. This effort to ieform a great evil in their line of business • &serves encouragement.- Futt.—Yestarday forenoon a fire occurred in a - framelanilding on Butler street, Allegheny, which was . ittuiroyed, together with another frame, before it could be extinguished. A brick which stood in the rear of theframes caught fire but was exting,uisbed before it eras very materially injured. The city engines were - - on the spot, and notwithstanding the great difficulty of procuring water, their efforts in protecting the surround leg property was very effective. M P. The Age thinks it very mean to notice typo - . gra phic a l errors, when such things are unavoidable, in a daily paper. We think so too; but the Age has cer tainly not been over scrupulous in this respect--almost evm morning it has some fling at the errors of its con tOrapoituies, and but lately it told the public that it was the only paper in the city that could be read! This was not at all mean—oh! no! Some time ogo, an error oc coired in making up our form. by which the sense of a short article was destroyed; the Age thought it perfect- I ly right to notice it, and pronounced it the usual logic of the Post! It has' over and over again stated that thoro:was no confidence to be placed in the River re loorti of any other paper, and that any one who wished "„ . to be correctly informed on that subject. would have to applytatbe Age. This, too, was p,2;rfectly honorable! We do not know, then, how it can talk of meanness in snapping up typographical errors, for it has itself been geiltyof that "meanness" oftener than all the other pi pers Lithe city. Besides, we did not know that. the er ror we noticed was a typographical one—for "the Cap tain" makes some tall "glosses." occasionally. AFGHANISTAN. Late political and military events in the esti have compelled us, and tau-t have compelled a great part of our readers, to fiiel how very slight was our knowl edge, how vague our idea of the region in which En glish arms have received the only severe check which they have for a. long time encountered in. Asia. We hava therefore, bethought us of copying from the able and laborious work of Mr. Darby, (his Geographical Dictionary) the general account of that country, where ha had thrown together, in the brief spare, (as he will gsxtrilly be f0u.1.1 to have done.) a great ch2al of in formation. Afglanistan.--The country so dmominated has I , k_uiri generally, but erroneously, inclul.al in Persia. the two countries differ in their civil. physieal, and political char.icters. Following . an Asiatic custom of uatoiaga coantry from Cho pr.•domineat city or prov ince, this country has been successively called Gliutnee or Gltizaer,.Cabolistita, from Cahel, or Candahor, Taken in its utivist exam, Afghani:tan extends frouSt the western boands nftlernt, E. long. 6, to the eastward of CitAhmere. long. 77 deg., and from the mouth of the lud as, N. lat. 24 dez. These limits •avoolit given. length from W. to E. of 1200 miles. and liboist 803 Miles from S. to N., or an era of Hit 090 tqtiare miles The whole population is estimated at 14,000,000, ' , consisting of the following nation Afghans, Selooches, ''eTS . iitris and Tunjeks, `lndians of different races, Miscellaneous tribes, Amount, . 14,0J0.000 The origin; of the name Afghan is Uncertain. It is through the Persian that it is known to the pen. Rio theMselves, and it is probably midern. Their uwa na-ro for their nation is Pooehmon, or so says Malta Bran, - and contradicts hirti self in a few senten ces after, by observing that .he Afglians consider thern iclees as descended front Afghan, the son of Jania. • The language of the Af4hans is called Poostoo, of 'Unknown origin,.bar with sum • allinity to some of the dialects Of !violent Persia They used the Persian alnhibe,t, and - the Teraina is their learned language. In an:extent ofcountry se large, and inhabited by .natio diTsriag i i langdage, custom;, manners, and roligitia, the human character Must vary, but from all acoottots, the people of those regions are hardy, bold and dating, aml perhaps the freest of all Mahometan nationi;miless we except the wandering Arabs. The Afghans - proper are, as to religion. Nlahom:tans of the sect of Sonnitesi but remarkably tolerant. The aill#l.lo6,liTe unmolested amongst them, practising *air religious rites in perfect peace and safety. The fact of the immense country known under the goseral name of Afghanistan is in great part moun tainous. In the north, it has the great mountain nu cleus, the !limbo ia part cover al with per- I petual snow. Advancing southward, the maintains sink, but both the Indus and Kanshgar rivers from lat. 311; de;:; to 33 degrees flow throe ;b mountain gorges, through below the latter limit, the Indus has plains oa both silos to the sea. Th'e higher branches of th- Ottl3 river rises iu mad drain the country of Balk, or itorea.vest•ra Ai t lista I..whilst the central and west tern Remit' i, cum:wisiagC /hal aid Slistan, are drain ed by thl various confluents of the Iliad nicud, flowin4 . westward ion) the sea of Borah. Bt%nachistau, although included in the general sweepisf Afghanis:al, is, physizally at least, a very dig. tint country = , what w 1.3 more recently I3elooches, ex wading from Cabulistan and Seistan southward to In. dian ocean. In the northern side it is mountainous but becomes graduallymore level approaching the o cean, the whale funning as inclined plane, 600 miles from east to west, and lying between N. lat 26 deg. and 33(1eg.. hi; a na.ila breadth of 200 mils area 120,000 square miles. - - _ An arrival at Charleston furnishes the Charleston Courier with advices from Havana to the 21st ultimo. ID the Havana Notieioso, of 16th inst. under the head "oTicial." is announced the removal of the Captain General of the Island of Cuba (Valdes) and that of the Emperintendant in the Financial Department (Lerma.) The former has given up the command to General Ul lea, of the Navy D Apartment, who will be in possession of it till the arrival of the new one named (Don Leo ptddo O'Dannell) who is expected from Cadiz in the Sp/nit - 11 frigate Cortes, which vessel was to leave about the tuiddle of A'1:"IlAt 111.4 ardi the latter to the late Su 'admen:lint D Msrtinez de Pihillos, Count of Villiaeova; who was hailed by the immense crowd which filled the river:liana equate. IMAststteo--On Thursday morning, the sth lust., by the D. Pressil, Mr. McituttsoN Klsoi to Miss Sus AN LiceeT, an a Allegivrty city. 14t ALE:TA/mat, i, f.rnt stn of W LTKei L ae , !Li thirteen months. T Le friends of the fatally are invited to Latent' the fu neral.frout the re,midence of Mrs. Paul, corner of Peon and Hn • strPet4, thi4 efTereonn at 4 n'eine.k. "EAR SKlNS,(lresvad and undressed. ju BEELEN.st reeeiv ad and for sale by A. County Commissioner. Zahn D. Davis, i k T the solicitation of a number of friends of all AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, /I- political parties, I respectfully offer myself to Corner of Wood and sth sta., Pittsbu gh, the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of r ICounty Commissioner. That my sentiments may not IS ready to receive merchandize cif every- description be misunderstood, either as to political or private on consignnsent, for public or p ri vate sale, end affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life from long experience in the above beau ' me, Batters a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its faun- himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their personae. Regular sales on MONDAYS and - TglisseAT s, of Dry offal affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation of large muijori.. Goods add fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.- ti of the people, the untlorsigned would not should Of Groceries, Pittsburghmtumfactured articlos,new beeb so foment= as to be eien ,,,a, i n any Mannar at. and secondhand furniture, Su., at 2 o'clock, P. M. tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach Sales every evetting,at early gas light. . aug 12-y the office of County Commissicmer. SAMUEL HUBLEY spr 0. rrothonotary. To the voters of Allegheny county:—l respect fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate (independent of parties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As I. do not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per sonally known will please examine into my qualifica tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your stirrups, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office, tc satl=fy you with yon'- choirs-. ALEX 'MILLAR. Iron Safes. T RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have and keep alway+ on hand an assortment of Fire Pi oaf Safes. The price, in consequence of the ma terials and labor being much lower, is reduced about thirty per cent. They are kept for sale at my soup. in Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church on the corner of 6th street--es also with Atwood, Jores &Co., and Dalzell & Fleming. In regard to the qual ity of my safe , : I leave those persons who have pur chased and will purchase my safes to attest the util ity of them. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safe:; justice and truth warrant me in informing the public that all my safes wnich have been in buildings burnt down for several years since I commenced have pre served all the papers, boeks, &.c., which they contain , ed. I have a card containing a number of certificates of the same, Which are in circulation and in my hands and the agentes. JOHN DENNING. N. B. A few pair of steel Springs fur sale, made by Jones & Coleman, and will be sold low. Also, aserew press, with power to punchholes in half inch iron. rep 20—tf LET all those in want of a first rate Over Coat, fashionable wi.iter Frock, or Pelto, remember that the best made, m ist fashionable cut, tastiest trim- I med, and dice peat article, (if not the lowest priced,) ! can behad only at the . FASHIONABLE !fl QUARTERS, 9. - .)1. LIBERTY STREET. I A few specimen coats on hand, which have just been finished according to the latest mode. We trill be ; pleased to shew them to any ~eatlerriari tt anti og the ars tide. City ctistom7 , rs will pe.eeite the advantage that this estabh , thment can give. when they arc informed that we %yin m eke to order evel y description of garments in 1 a superior style, and acsordice to the latest fashion*, as law as the sanke article can be height in :Ili- , city. AL7, E 0 & M.• I, 1.7 lif E . .!' 7.PAny article in im. line made and tiimmed, when it suits the custom! r to furnish his own materials: • every pairs will be taken, and a handsome fit alway , warranted imp EN. ____------------- _ .1011 N LE Fl:vEirs Nest & Cheap Stock 'Establishment, NO 61, DIAMOSL , ALLE Y, ISETWEI:N WOOD AND MARKET L , TH.F.AT:;. INVQ.ULD nt )4t, respectfullyannounce to the of Pittsburgh and the colt:dry zenerally, that I have commenced the manufacture of STOCKS. °revery va riety, form and deseripti , m, and would 3nlici I. merchant , and others to eall and examine for themselves, as I am determined to moil on the Most accommodating term- for cash, and hope, b}' strict attention to business, tc merit share of public patronage. nog. 19-6rn. 000,000 1.000,000 1,200 000 1,500 003 5,70J.000 390.003 Found, A BOUT the last week in June, in fl CI othinr, Score l A_ in Liberty strec-t, a Note of hand, considerablv soiledand worn. It is signed by James Gaqon and another, and drawn in favor Of W. Black. The own er "Can have it by identifyingi: and paying expenses. July 31.—tcf. . . •—• _ The Fashions! The Fashions ! ! JUST received at-ALGEO & NEGU IRE'S Fashion able Head Quarter:, a splendid lot of gotals for the fall trade; amongst which will be found superior buck skin plain and fancy cassimeres, new style woolen vel vet vestings, plain satin and figured sill; do.; diamond. waved and plain Beaver Cloths; a few pieces exun heavy and fine Broad Cloths, fashionable colors for winter, sack frock coats, extra surerfine blue and wool dyed black„ English and French broad cloths. All of which will be made to order in the mo.t superior style, at very lowpriees. ALGEO .&M'CIUI RE, set 25 —iota. 25L Liberty street. Allegheny County c. ........... a the matter of the estate, of ROBERT KIRK, decd. I L . S. 1 And now, Sept. 16', 1843, On motion of ............ George P . . Hamilton, the money considered in Court and Robert Woods appointed Auditor to dis tribute proceeds of sale. By the Court, THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk. N nice is h .re.by given to all persons interested, that will att md to the duties assigned to rue by thr Court a the above case, at Inc office on Grant street, Pitts. argh . , on the 30th of Oct., 1843, nt 0 o'clock, P. M. -.23-3wd ROBT. WOODS, Auditor. Lippincott Mills. subscriber having purchased and thoroughly . repaired these MILLS, is now manufacturing, and will keep constantly on hand, a full supply of all the ditf , rent kinds of Nails, Spikes and Brades,etr.,— made from the best quality of Juniata Blooms, and as ,00n as the necessary additions can be made t r the machinery, he will manufacture every description of Bar and Sheet Iron. usually made in this market. Orders left with S. Cuthbert. at No. 35 Wood st. or at the. Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be promptly at tended to. JAMES ANDERSON. se 29-3 m BUTTER -27 Kegs. 5 Barrels Western Reserve. Butterjiist received and fur sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS &Co. 43 Wood tit DR. 11I'LANE'S AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC. Mr. J Kinn—Silt—A child of mine about. 4i years old, was constantly indisposed, and of pale complex ion; but had always a good appetite. In order to have the child well, I bought a small bottle of McLane's Ver mifttge of which I gave him 3 spoonfuls, after' which 20 or 25 large worms were expelled. I wish all Ger mans would read the above facts. The child's health is much improved. MICHAEL RHIN. Chartior's Creel:, Sept. 26 1393. GC:_rf or sale at the Druz St•ire of JONATHAN KIDD. Corner of 4th and Wood sts. Pittshg.., Pa. HOPKINS' EXTRA ALCOHOL, for retailing ; for sale at the DRUG STORE of JONATHAN KIDD, Cornerof 4th and Wood its. KITH'S NEW YORK V A.RNISH, Nn. 1, quick Sdrying, iu store, and fur sale at the DRUG WAREHOUSE of J. KIDD+ oct2 Owner of 4th and Wood ets. Beal Estate at Auction. WILL be sold, on Monday, the 16th inst., at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth streets, the following described property, viz: Part of lot numbered in the original plan of Pitts burgh 185, bounded as follows: beginning on Front st , at the north west corner of said lot; and running thence by First or Front street eastwardly 30 feet, thence southwardly at right angles to said Front street, by the east half of said lot 80 feet ton part of said lot owned by James Hughes, thence westwardly by Hughes' part of said lot thirty feet to No. 184, thence along said No. 189 to place of beginning. Terms at sale. JOHN D DAVIS, Auctioneer. 06-t3 ASSIGNEE'S SALE. WILL BE SOLD ON THURSDAY MORNING, the 12th inst., at the Commercial Auction Roods, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, by order of Wm. P. Baum, Aisignee ofJno. H. Mellor & Co., rho entire stock of goods remaining on hand, among which ar e t he following, viz:— Two splendid Piano Fortes, Violins of different qualities, Superior Violincellos, with patent heads, Clarionctts and Flaws, French Horns, Trombones and Bogies, O i theelides. Bas= linens and Bassoons, Oae Guitar, Music Boxe.,t, [Bugle, Mouthpieces for Clarionetts,lhrrn, Trombone and Violin strings, Clariottett reeds; bridges, &c., Tenor Drums, !lawn's Harp and U. S. Psalmody, 10500 beets of Music fur Piano, A variety of Flute Music, Preceptors Cur different instruments, Steel Pens, Quills. Drawing Pencils, Looking Glosses, Chessmen and Boards, Printer's Canis, Pocket books and Wallets, A variety of Combs, Watt Dolls. jointed Dolls, Needles and Skein Cotton s Best Cologne Water, Brittania Teapots and Spittoons, Silver Pencils mind Toothpick, Ivory head and common Canes, Window Glass and White Lead, One 8 day Cluck, brass works, One 24 hour " " " Two Cary Chin Timepieces, Throe pair Scale Beams, An assortment of variety Goods and Toys, Fifty yard:: Floor Oil Cloth, Show ca,es, Counter, Stove, Venitian Blinds, Writing Desks, Chairs, large IRON SAFE, Setts of Drawers, &e., &c. The sale will be positive and without reserve, and will be continued from day till day until the whole are disposed of. Terms easl;, par money. NV :11 P. BAUM. Assiznee. ort2 '43 JNO D. DAVIS. ocntc nral Chronicle ropvl Aurfi,nrer. AT 1 KIVA TE SALE. - " i AT DAVIS' cihnmercial Auction Rooms, corner of ‘Vocid and Filth s!r?Cti. An extensive n - , .ort ment of PRY 000 OS. r..contly purztm sod in the 1 E.,-it for c I , lt. and .c-iiicili will b^ sold at a small ad- I vanco on T:aitern price;. f ,, r cnrrere - y or approved co iinr.zed note.i. The a ,, ortinent con4i-itiin part of , 9.0 pier •3 W )01 a) c(1, bin: black brondcloth;;; 15 " super. blur cloth; 10 " bl own, olive and inked cloths; 4 " # ver. 13 , , , aver elotlp.; 5 " pilot cloth i; 40 " cas;mt-tt4, asi:ortcd color.; some eery COP; 50 '• flo.ancL., twilitcl and plain white, red, green and yellow. ep " E inetirto,niaorted colors; 100 all wool blanket shawls: t&1) cotton plaid :hawk; 1.000 doz. wool cotton. all colorl; 100 pirTeS bleached and brown !tingling, and a great variety of other articles ugu:xlly round in a Dry Goodg I t0u,0 , . I:7P Algo, an agiortinent of hoot=, shoes, and hats which will all be sold at prices without regard to the late advances in the East. sept '23. - C. A. IVIcAMMTY, FORWARDING Sz. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Canal Basia,corner Wayne and Liberty Atreet4, Pitt - Lir, 4 ll. A zeilt United States Portable Boat Line. se ,t 4-3 m. ItamovaL CAWFIELD has removed his mlrble 17.3 tub P• ii4hmem to Wood at. opposite Fahnestock's Wm?, Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, .14onantents etc: ap 19-Iyr JUST RECEIVED and for sate on consignment, 7 bias bacon, 7 ith(ls Can be seen atthe store of Jacob Painter& Co sag 29 J. K. IYIOORFIVAD & CO. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership InTeqifore existing under the tit* of Devine& :11'Anuity, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. 1.1. DeVille!is to c . ollect all sums due to the concern, and pay all claim; contracted for the ceneern up to this date. H. DEVINF:. C. A. M'ANCLIY. Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 11343. 11. Devine respectfully informs his friend:4 and the put4i - e., that he still unitinues in the Transporting busines4, and ‘ that he let., rem:w•ed the of ee Of the U. S. Portable Boat Line. to No. 45 Water street, next door helow Loomis Hutchinson, where ho will receive and forward Freight to the East, on The very ;lowest terms. II DEVINE. S UN D boxes chocolate, 4 do cocoa, 3 do rice flour, 25 do ground pepper, 5 do Cayenne do., 36 cans ground mustard, 5 kegs do allspice, , E do do ginger, I`j. cans . • ......,.... Peter Wilson. A n d no w, tp wit, August •281 h. 1813, On tvtiova of G. P. liarni:ton, Es.q.. the Court apprat,t Fr. R. Shank Esq., Auditor, to dietritctc the prrcteds of vale in this case. From the Record, ~ ' A. SUTTON,Iio - ~ l'cotcc is hereby , riven to a!! rnr,7ons interestt,4l. - %laid I will attend to foe dati"..; 7.7.;.G by :h•) Cnurt in the rtb., , ,e ra=e, c sirect. TuLiduy the 2602 Frr ,, r: bcr, nt 10 o'clocl.., A. 'M. r RS. R. S.EII..—NK, Pease's c y. A Fresh supply :us.t re“is-c.rl firm 'N'ew York. azd 1 for sala at TCTILE'S. 86 Fourtlist. Sept 12. 1) ARGAII\ ! BAIIGAIN.S 1...) All sort= bf rlethiLz a:A werlring oppetal..Please roll at No. 151 Lii - erty strcer.awl 5 , e far am-setros„ sop 7. . .I‘lcC .k-aditer.