DAILY POST. iii4RBDAY btO ELN I NG,. OCTOBER 5, 1843 Fi e r business cards, &c., see first page PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE. COMMITTEE TOR OCTOBER. W. J. Howard—J. B. Semple—George Ogden - Tait Wit LTII IIR; for the past few days, has been rath er more cool than comfortable, and x close proximity to a good fire was a very desirable position. The Ice ,itsgsWe travel roundtovrti nil day, without having their freight' reduced by sales or evaporation, and the drivers lashes cold as their own merchandize. Drinking ju lops, and sucking cobblers through glass tubes or rye have been superseded by the "mug of punch,'' ♦s those who arc not fortunate enough to belong to the Washingtonian army, prefer to eahilerate themselves with "sommit 'tit" these cold evenings, instead of their . farmer soothing draughts. The weather, however, is delightful, and there are but few who would unt prefe : she cool, bracing air that we now have, even if it re quires a little activity to keep themselves warm, to the •svreltering heatof a few weeks since. NATURIC •ND Ravxt.ATtosr, by H H. Van Am ' tinge, Esq.—This book is now received, and is for sale at the office of the Spirit of the Age. Of the doctrines "of the book we express no opinion. We will only re ' rnark that the author considers the condition of the -Church, since the period called the Reformation—as 'ts spiritual death and a departure from the Gospel.— What. the Churches will say to this, we irate to . th m ted4sasrmine, for in theological controversies we wish to ' take no part. LECTORS 0$ IRELAND. - 1 12 consequence of other • " enigageteents, Mr. Robinson will not be able to give %but one more lecture in this city. Those who take 'an imerest in Ireland's history, or Ireland's wrongs, ‘sbould not fail to attend his lecture this evening. He is ansecorstplishod lecturer, and every way worthy ofpub_ lie attention and patronage. He leaves for the cast to taltrow. MAIL ROBBERY '• 'Faust P 511.30 2 ,19 ARRKSTED.--On Friday evening int', about 9 o'clock, one of the mail bags between this - cithind*Cleveland, which camel through Poland, 0., l tests stOhni from the stage between this city and Econo .MP: ' e l, On Monday evening two stage drivers named \Val :te..r. Mead and John Gemler, were committed to prison forhearin,g, and on'Tuesday fully committed for trial at the next term of the United States Court, on the oath of Robert M. Riddle, Esq., our city Postmaster. 'Otrlssesday afternoon, another driver, John Andress, was aft/ coir witted for further hearing, by Judge Irwin X the V. S. Court. ',There appears to be no evido.nco against Gemler, cx -044 that he drove the stage on the night the mail was missed. ho denies all knowledge of the affair, and per teats that he delivered all the mail bags he r,..‘ceived.— ACe• ' ' 711034 AS CARLYLE'S ACCOUNT OP THE BATTLEOF MONMOUTH The nth Jane, 1779, was a great and 'memorable tot in tbat Knlentis of the infant A m , rican Republic.— For Wise end goad reasons the English A clay left Phil iltdelphia, with a train of baggage, 19. miles long, for New York. The latterciry was held duriag the whole tifthiS Liberty war, this contest between the rnotherand Ail4liter, by an unnatural mother. Washington left hi, huts at Valley Forge, nod in imitation of the Ra-. 1 *an Consul who opposed As.itubal, mule a bloody tiffort to prevent the, unction of the armies of his enemy. Ola led his staering soldiers towards the sea shore. life3triteght his enemy and me him on the sandy plains ltirMtermiuth. And fiza. Lee is swept bark on this Aring and on that, and i: like to be swept back entire h'. When V,Vashitieton anives i,t person , and sptaks promx word or two. ‘•Stond fast," sn'.s the hero, Stand fast my boys, fur the Virginia and Maryland litre wilt' soon come to year relief." The hearts of the American sulaiers leitin.,l at the sound i.l their behoved n t osl i asth thati;ht. invinnilde Cuicis aal the armed imerestriries urn mmarch fell is snit., Irma, braentl, bile republican fire, IVOallingtaa Oil his (1-nth-defying old fathfiil white hntse ..allo,teti ailing the line, he wavw