Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 05, 1843, Image 2

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    FOR PRESIDENT, . F X ILALELABOR-.'4111$ 0/ADER Srsram....-A meeting
JAS. BUCHANAN of the Tailoresses and Formvaresses of Boston, was held
f in thatchy on the 129th eEL, at which upwa.rd. of 400
Subject to the decision of -- i Setnales were present. Some startling disclosures were
• Midi Of the ILMOUSIt of labor nocessrry to be performed ,
_ by those poor women, in order to procure a bare and
..114t ilictilp Siornitul - post. a° 34 tY soboisteece. The Boston Post says that a tnie I
jority of them were advanced in years, and theirsoun
sutti.tars I SICITR, CD/TORS AND PROPRIETORS. ten:traces bore marks of years of severe and constant
. -
BURGH, THURSDAY OCTOBER 5, 1843. DC labor. O widow lady, by request of the President.
stated her case, as a specimen of what all had to sub
jmit to who worked for her employer. Since January
last, she had made pantaloons, a ith straps, for twenty
five cents a pair, and been obliged to take herpayin or
ders. Ono dollar in cash was &Rabe bad received since
,-,-JAMES A.-GIBSON, -Pine,
GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny.
- CORD a,
DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny
JAMES CLARKE, of Indiana,
WM. B. FOSTER, Jr. of Bradford
Any quantity of the regular Democratic Ticket, can
be had at this office. Our Democratic friends are re
quested weall and supply themselves. sep 28—te.
rZr The nada:mons art making a spasmodic effort
to animate their drooping and dispirited friends, by as
..suriag them of the election of No vile B. Craig. ‘Vo
• do not believe that the blue-nose candidate himself, or
any of the old experienced politicians of the party,
have the least idea of his success; the reckless false
hotels and bold perversions of fact which Craig has,
been guilty of, show conclusively that he himself con
eiders his chance a desperate one. But it is of course
prudent, by some such braggadocia, to keep up the
fainting spirits of his friends.
Let us turn to a former contest, when parties were in
pretty much the same position that they are now, with
- 4itis difference, that then the Antimasonic was the most
powerful faction of the opposition—nor, the whigs ate
believed to have the majority.
In 1841, there were three candidetesfor the Senate:
Dr. Gaszarn, Democrat, Wni. Little, Whig, and
George Darsie, A ntimason. Wm. Little was a pure
Whig candidate—or at least, pure sn l far as being un
tainted with Antimasonry could make him—and, of
COMMIS, did not receive the slightest support from the
• Antioursonic faction. Many whigs, although they pre
(sired Little, voted for Darsie, because they thought
ids nomination was made mom legitimately than that
of the whig candidate; and many Whig Masons, know.
Darsie to be a member of the Lodge, believed that
after the election, be would be a better Whig than An
timuon, cart their votes for him. Yet, notwithstand
ing these discouraging circumstances, Mr. Lertte re
ceived 766 votes. Every person who has any knowl
edge of the pelitical feeling of tho Jay, will admit, that
Mr. Brackenridge will receive a larger votethan this in
tie tent Mau alerse, and, backed as be is by the con
ciliatory nomination of a Whig and Anlimasonic Con
vention, he will receive a large Antimaxmic vote, for'
which an exclusive Whig candidate could have no hope.
out even suppose Mr. Brackenridge should get but the
Lrert.r. vote, how stands Mr. Craig's prospects then?
The most "impudent and ignorant" of his supporters,
cannot claim for him a larger vote than that of Mr.
Denim, and by referring to the returns it will be seen
thattbatgentleman was beaten by the democratic can-,
didatein tho county. Dr. Gaszarn received 4317,and
Darsie 4267-47 votes less than the democratic candi
date. Such was the result in 1841; and when they
could sot then elect their candidate, with all the force
of party centered upon him, and aided
by a large Whig support, how preposterous is it to talk
of success, when hundreds of Antimasons who then
voted. their ticket, are now united with the whigs.—
No one doubts but that Mr. Brackenridgo's vote in the
two cities will exceed Mr. Little's whole vote in 1841,
nor that he will receive a large vote throughout the
county. Yet with the facts before them, that we hare
stated, the blue-nose leaders are attempting to "gull
tile simples" in their party,by talking of the chance of
electing the Antimasouic candidate:
ALL RiADY.—During the past week some cf our
friends from almost every township in the county have
called at our office to get a supply of tickets, and they
all give the most encouraging assurances of a splendid
triumph of the democrats throughout the county.—
They are all ready, and feel confident that they will give
the coons the greatest dusting that ever they received
lathe county.
=Dr. HAYS has contradicted a rumor to die ef
feCt that if elected Sheriff he would appoint members of
his own family to the subordinate stations about the of
fice. The Doctor's word ought to be sufficient to, put
down this rumor, but we had other reasons to suppose ,
it to be untrue. If we are rightly informed, a gentle
men who will shortly go out of a good fat office at the
Court House, and another who is very actively enga
ged id electioneering for the Antimasonie candidate,are I
to receive the richest favors that the office can bestow.
But there is no danger that there will be any heart
buntings as to th t appointment of the Doctor's depu
ties; the Democrats will save him that trouble, and we
would, with a sincere feeling for their welfare advise
dame who are waiting to take office under him, to look
out for some other business, as we can assure them that
the Doctor won't appoint them. We received this in
formation confidentially and are not at liberty to give
geeemthority, but on next Tuesday the reasons will be
wok public.
rH. M. B LAC N.LX RIDGE published in yesterday's
Mvacate, a letter written to him by N. B. CRAIG in
Is 3 from which it is seen tbat be Men had the high
sinkerinion of Mr. 8., and that be was very anxious
aril he - should hold himself up to receive future favors
from the antimasons. The sentiments of this letter
compared with Craig's present conduct towards his
whigoimpetitor, exhibit a degree of treachery which
may astonish some who are not well acquainted with
his political course, but cannot surprise those who know
Accusurr.—Theearriage of Major J. IL Butler, in
which:are himself and lady, upset yesterdaY evening,
Ant 3 o'ekiek, at the corner of Wayne street, severely
hits. Bailer.
"rxt.t..—"The steeple of Trinity Church, New York,
is to be two hundred and eighty feet high, that being
Wiest-higher than any other steeple in the United
Stales, and sixty fest higher dew Bunker Bilrhirtia.
The persons who received their pay in orders were
requested to rise, and they appeared to be about oat--
third' of the whole number present. Every statement
made by any one of the narrators, received the prompt
corroboration of those who took a leas active part in the
proceedings; and all signified a firm determination to
unite in making common cause in the endeavor to pro
cure better prices. For this purpose, they confirmed a
bill of prices which had been' prepared, the preamble
to which contains the following paragmphst—
"Regardless of name or sect.a multitude of kulies in
this city have resolved to form themselves into a socie
ty, to devise measures to raise the downcast and pover
ty stricken widow and orphan of our beloved country,
to a condition of comfort, by the blessing of God upon
their well-directed efforts, which we believe would be
the result, if our noble-hearted citizens could but feel
that they were as dependent on the toil-worn laborer as
the- Inhere, is on them.
We cannot believe that the numerous gentlemen of ,
the city of Boston, who employ women as tailoresses l
and semptresses, of every class, will refuse a just com
pensation for their labor, to enrich themselves at the
expense of the other sex, if they do but realize the a
mount of suffering that might be so easily and honora
bly prevented."
This bill, or tat iff of prices, to which some of the em
ployers have given their assent, contains about 150 i
tems. For a Ain dress or frock coat, custom work,
$3 25—shop work, $3. Pantaloons, custom, 75 cents
to $1 25, according to the extra work—pantaloons, for
shop, from 50 cents to 92. Plain single-breasted cus
torn vests, 75 cents; other kinds, from 87,i cents to $1
25—vests for shops, 90 to 92 cents, according to the
work. Shiite, from 17 to 20 cents
St. Clairsville Gazette, that Mr. Duggins, Editor of
the Preble Register, has, in a long address, renounced
the coon party, with which he has acted for years, and
hoisted the Democratic Banner, and changed the name
of his paper to that of "The Eaton Democrat." The
way be uses up the coon frauds, lies, &c. is a caution
to all airmen!
from the Carbondale (Pa.) Gazette, that a shocking
death occurred aboutfour miles below that village, on
Sunday, the 20th instant. Two men were driving
riously towards Carbondale in a drunken frolic, when
one of them, named Gallagher, fell from the wagon
and caught his head in the wheel in such a manner that
he received a blow from every spoke as it passed round.
The jugular vein was severed, and the face frightfully
mutilated. The survivor was fined for drunkenness
and Sabbath breaking.
tion sent out by the Maryland Colonization Society to
Cape Palmas, on the African coast is expected to sail
1 on the first of November. The society promises the
blacks resident in Maryland, (none others are entitled
to the privilege) that it will take such as are willing to
emigrate, “bag and baggage, from their own doors, and
defray all necessary expenses of their transportation to
Baltimore; will pay their expenses while in the city;
will put them with all their effects on ship-board; will
provide them with good spacious berths and fixtures;
will supply them with good wholesome provisions for
the passage, and will land them and their effects, pas
sage free, at Cape Palmas." When they reach the
Cape they will be furnished with a good dwelling for
six months, and supplied gratuitously during that time
with food and necessaries, including medical attend
ance. Each male adult, or head of a family, is to re
ceive on his arrival agrant of five acres of good land
adjoining the land of the old settlers. The last cargo
of emigrants to the Maryland colony was more than a
hundred. The colony is prosperous, and the last intel
ligence represented the inhabitants as being healthy,
and provisions alma dant.
SURE ENOUGH, WHY NOTE — Sam Slick in his last
work, propounds the following query: "If a feller can't
be ht shake hands witlfa girl except he has a glove on,
why ain't he made to cover his lips, and kiss through
kid skin too?"
LESSON or NVlSDOM. — Washington correspondent
of the Journal of Commerce thus advises: "If uny of
your young men seek office this way, tell them in the
words ofGen. Jackson, 'lf lhad a son, I would soon
er send him with an axe on his shoulder, to cut his
way through the forest, than give hint an office here.'
This was said when thousands of offices were at his
The Savannah Georgian states that Dr. Rich
ard Wayne of that city, was recently shot by a ruffian
named Farrelly, and without the slightest cause. The
injury was not serious, and the villain has been arrest
Lake Trout, brought in ice, from one hundrec
miles west of Plattsburgh, were selling in Wall street
New York, on Wednesday, to the epicures, at eigh
teen cents the pound.
MAINE ELEcr toN.—According to the Portland
Argus, 322 towns give Anderson 272 majority—and
the towns and plantations remaining to be heard from
last year gave Fairfield 1500 majority. They will pro
bably do as well now—and we may therefore consider
Anderson elected by some fifteen hundred majority
over all.
i"The Superintendent of the Sing Sing prison
states that on the 27th ult., there were 843 convicts
within the walls; 766 of whom are males and 77 fe
males; 28 have been discharged during the month; 21
of whom had served out their term of senteece, and 7
have been pardoned by the Governor.
'az hitssocaiss.--Gen. Vs:: As 'mutt', late of
the "lowa Reporter," has purchased the establishment
of the St. Louis Standard and commenced the publica
tion of a paper bearing the above title. The General
is an able writer, and will no doubt make the lifissou
ruin worthy of a liberal patronage from the democracy
of Missouri.
Ise° axe .r ton . —The Lyndon Standard gives the
wradd his inforniation:,—"ln the United States, where,
anbippiry: dime is no established claw* all Religion
is_rapidiydt inconsequence."
Tbelkuntwaatic papers of Ohio axe filled with the
rwatmkruil: I ralllea, itthring their friends to the Polls
on Tuesday nut. The Buckeye boys will give s „good
meow* of themselves.
Wu? Pour.—A *rites in the National Lovas'
/center mites up the charge of exclativeiteatinhichlifis
been made against the West Point Academy, and fur-
Mabee the 'following table as evidence of the liberal
manner in which it is conducted. The table dates at
June 27, 1842.
16 - vrhase fathers-ere farmers.
3 It planters.
14 " " mechanics.
5 a boarding h. or hotel keepers.
27 td di lawyers, judges, &c.
10 " " officer* of the army.
4 " offieers of the navy.
5 4 in civil employment of Gov't.
4 d t it clergymen.
48 had no fathers living.
23 maybe termed miscellaneous.
132 of the above number are represented as being in
indigent. reduced, or moderate circumstances and of
this number the families of 144 reside in th© counuy.
It will be perceived front the above statement that ao
high functionary of either the General or State Go
vernmunts has a son at West Point.
Yarrow Farea.—The N. 0. Tropic of the 23d ,
gives the following report of the Charity Hospital for
the twenty-four hours, ending at 6 o'clock the previous
of yellow fever,
of yellow fever,
of yellow fever,
Yellow fever patients remaining in Hos
Row AT CANAAN, Me—than Killed!—On Satur
day, says the "Yankee Blade," during the exhibition of
Raymond & Co's Menagerie at Canaan, a most dig-
graceful brawl occurred between a gang of disorderly
citizens and the men connected with the menagerie.
which resulted in the murder of Jefferson Spaulding, a
citizen of that town. Spaulding was twice struck in
the head with a piece of iron by one of the men set to
keep guard about the tent, and his skull beaten in.—
He lingered, however, till Sunday night, when he died,
leaving a wife and three children to mourn his loss.
The savage deed caused intense excitement at Canaan;
a large bady of, the eithens armed themselves with
guns, and hurried to the scene of the murder, and sev
eral individuals connected with the menagerie were
arrested. No clue to the gather of the murder had
been &eamed. It is said, however, that two of the
men who were in the employ of Messrs. Raymond &
Co., have fled.
Dusr.Litte.—Associalios at Nest, Orleans.—The
New Orleans Bee says, a society is about being estab
li,bed in New Orleans - for the avowed riurpose of array
ing against the practice of duelling, the influence of a
well directed, efficient and wholesome public opinion.
Legislation it says, cannot extirpate it, as it is intimately
blended with the feelings and sense of the citizen: and
laws too severcand utterly repugnant to the sentiments
of the communtty for which they have 1c..-on formed, are
foyer enforced.
The society is to beheaded says the Bee, by a number
of our most respectable townsmen,—many of whom
hove proved their valor on the field of honor, and are
thereforo well fitted to become leaders in the philan
throiic enterprise. One of the objects is t' engraft on
the code of honor, the established practice in France,
that where an insult has been offered, the aggrieved
party shall have the choice of arms, the reverse being
the case new. Also, that where the insult has been
pushed to the extremity of a blow, the further privilege
of the first shot is to be accorded to the insulted
vidual, in the event of the selection of arms.
Boston Post of the 30th says, that the match for a purse
of $lOO came of on the Cambridge trottin T course yes
terday afternoon. Four horses entered; Pizarro took
the first heat easy in 2m 3.55., but the Lady Susan, or
"blind mare," name up within two lengths of P. The
second heat Pizarro had all his own way; time 2m. 3045.
On the third heat Pizaaro was closely pressed for three•-
quarters of a mile, but fur the last quarter he kept the
lead steadily, and came in in 2m 37ii. There were
quite a number of gentlemen from New York on the
ground. No accident occurred ; and every th;ng went
off regularly.
ald states that two enterprising gentlemen from the U.
States ure erecting buildings for an extensive manu
factory in the Charnherly District. They cannot well
avoid making the business highly lucrative. It is found
that in the coarser kind of Cotton goods manufactures
from the United States already crowd out the British
from the Canadian market. The duty in favor of the
British article is only 7 per cent., and this does not
meet the expenses attending two freights, the first of
Cotton to England and the second of thr rods back
again. Even at the high price of labor (from $2 to $3
per week) in the United Stacey, the Cotton Manufac
ture for the Canadian market is found to be profitable.
How greatly this will be increased when the labor is
done in Canada may be conjectured from the fact sta
ted by the Herald that in that province thousands work
frr as little as two dollars per moiellt, and are well
satisfied to get that!
e'The Northern papers =peak in thehighest terms
of Wm. B. FOSTER, Jr. and repel with warmth the in
4inuations which some of the most unprincipled of the
federal journals have dared to utter against him. Mr.
Foster's worth as a citizen, and abilities as a public
' officer, are more intimately known in the northern than
in any other part of the state. It is there wherehe has
been principally employed, and the excellence of his
character has mado him a general favorite with the
people. We are assured he will poll the largest vote
in that region, that has ever been given at any state el
RT. REV. Da. OVONNOII.—The Cork Examiner
says:—"We feel peculiarly gratified in being enabled
to inform out fellow citizens that a towannan of ours,
the Rev. Michael O'Connor, D. D., boo been appointed
first bishop of the new ice of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
and that he was tohave been consecrated in the church
of the Irish College, Rome, on the Feast of the Assutnih.
tion, last month. A coadjutor for the Right Rev. Dr, '
Brown, of Lancashire, was to have been consecrated
with him in The person of the Rev. Mr. Sinizpless, of
Liverpool. Dr. O'Connor studied in the Propaganda
College, Rome, anctinis one of tlielnig!ginti barns
in that "Buie -weed" of notions." .
up The Boston Patriot, a coon organ, thus speaks
his federal notions as to the laborers who are ground
down by hard work and low ssages:
"THE Tz Hoax STETCY.—This is making serious
inroads upon the long established habits of the indus
trious portion of our community. It appeosi to us
not very/sedatives, sad certainly nos very osconoesiosa.•
ALOICILING MERCII3. Thi.Providence Herald says
that: ve ladies in that city haie been indicted by the
Grate' Jury, and arraignedin Court,for an alleged in
fraction of the militia law, in net answering certain
questions propounded to them by some puny official,
Who exhibited no evidence of his authority.
states that the gates on the Wooster Turnpike be
wean that city and Medina county have all been de
stroyed by the "sovereign people," and we notice by the
State Journal that the gates on the Columbus and San
dusky t urnpike between Columbus and Delaware have
also been demolished, and near Columbus the toll
house as well as the gate.
From the V. Y. Tribune.
St. Paul's church took I decisive vote yesterday after
noon on the exciting question involved in the "Pusey"
Controversy. Judge OAKLEY had offerod the' follow
ing resolutions:
Whereas, it appears that a doubt exists as to the
true construction of the rubric which directs that in
the ordination of a candidate for orders in the church
the Bishop shall call on the people, to make known the
existence of any impediment to such ordination, wheth
er any Presbyter in the church has a right to respond
to such call, as one of the people—and whether in case
any impediment be alleged, and the sante has under
gone a previous investigation upon a private complaint,
and has been determined by the Bishop to be linfound
od. it is, or is not, the duty of the Bishop to suspend
such ordination,
Therefore, for the purpose of solving such doubt,
Resolved, That the delegates from this diocese to the
general convention be requested to bring the subject to
the notice of that body, that such action may be had
thereon as may seem meet.
Resolved, That the delegates from this diocese to
the general convention of the church be requested to
propose, fur adoption, to that body, at its next meeting,
a canon which shall, in substance, provide, that when
the Pishop shall receive, from any two presbyters, ob
jections, in writing, to the ordination of any candidate
for orders in the church—notice of the time and place
of the examination of such candidates ahull be riven to
such presbyters, who shall thereupon have the right tc
be ptesent at, and take part in, such examination; and
that, for the avoidance of any misunderstanding or mis
take, all questions put to such candidate, and the an
swers made by him, shall be reduced to writing.
They were sustained very ably in a somewhat ex
tended debate, of which the Hon. Jou?' DUER main
tained a very prominent part. Their passage was
urged on grounds entirely disconnected with the par
ticular case which gave rise to the controversy, namely
the ordination of Mr. Carey. Judge Oakley said he
had not made up his mind fully as to the issues involved;
but that one point was very evident—namely that there
was room for great difference of opinion as to the right
or propriety of presbyter's interposing objections to
candidates for ordination when the Bishop calls for such
objections from the people; and he said that the reso
lutions were intended to provide for the removal of this
difference. It was necessary that the question should
be definitely settled. The opponents of the resolutions
contended that, whatever might have been the intention
of the mover, the resolutions did in fact express a deci
ded censure of the conduct of the Bishop in admitting
Mr. Carey to ordination; and on that ground they main
ly based their opposition. A motion was made to re
fer the resolutions to a committee. - This was nega
tived by a vote of 13 ayes to 10 nays, from the clergy,
and 35 ayes to 53 nays from the laity. The
was thou taken on the adoption of the resolutions and
decided in the negative, as follows: clergy: 18 ayes, 97
nays: laity 35 ayes, 53 nays—total 53 ayes to 150 noes.
This will probably end the discussion of the matter at
the present Convention.
The Reg - i:ter, in Ntolison County NUW Fork, pub
li-heA a rt-mon4tranee from them aptinAt the petition
now in eireu:ation, praying the Leprii!inure to pa.s
law fur the Auvension of travel on the State eunals on
the Sabbath.
The Seventh Day Baptists observe Saturday its tin
Sabbath, instead of Sunday,
There ane eizda mi!lions irfpeod e in Ireland. Father
Mathew, the celebrated temperance reformer, est imates
thatrfiec millions of these rC, teetotallers. Ten years
too, aheut all were whiskey or rum drinkers. What
a chance! What has done it—law? No! Moral suasion?
YEs! The terrors of the law, so far as we know, have
not made one of them. In fitct the law only restrains
—it never refonus the heart. Both are good in their
places:but temperance lectures, and Wnsbinctonians,
fulfil all their glorious mission, when they instruct and
persuade, by et-a/vie as well as precept.—Bay State
"Weft. Mri. Moody, bow are you this evening ?"
"Oh ! Mrs. H----, lam very unwell; I am quite
out of spirits."
"McAs you, ma'am! dont take oa so; there's three bot•
tics left yet."
"Go down stairs directly, Biddy."
A fireman on bsarii of the steamer, Alex. Scott, pre
vinus to her departure on yesterday evening, was sent
by the engineer into one of the wheelhouses to turn the
engine of the centre. As soon as he did so ho was
told to get out of the way. Instead of stepping back
on the beam abaft of the wheel, he got on one side, be
tween the wheel and the inside bulkhead of the boat,
where there is not room for a man to stand, clear of
the buckets. The consequence was, one of the buck
ets struck him and severed one of his legs from the
bodynt the thigh. The leg remained on board, and
the man fell into the river. He rose once and clung
to the wheel, which was stopped, fur a ectind—lte th 2n
sunk to rise no more. His name was Jacob Fry.—..V
0. Tropic.
The following striking view of this important sob
ject presented by Mr. EVCHIS AN, must appeal with
grt'ntfciree to every intetigent mind and patriotic heart:
"Tree, this wits a great, a magnificent inheritance;
and though the Senator was anxious to give it away, he
could not be more severe in his conviction that this was
wise policy, than he (Mr. B.) was that it would prove
dangerous and destructive. Without the lands what
would be our condition in the event of a war with Great
Britain or any other great naval power? Much of our
commerceOwould be driven from the ocean. and our rev.
enue ditties, would consequently cease. In such a mo
ment ofdanger, where would be our resort? Could we
then expect much aid from the States, whose citizens
were already tatted as much, almost, as they could bear?
Whilst this land fund is preserved by the generalgeyero
meat, he repeated, we could at any time, raise fifty
limns of dollars on the faith of its pledge. In the hour
of danger, when duties could not be collected, the pub
lic domain would be a sure resource for the relief and
defence of the country. He believed it ought never to
be surrendered. He knew it had been said that the
distribution law would cease to operate, by its own
terms, in time of war. But it would revive again on
the conclusion of peace; and therefore, you could never
pledge the fund for the payment of a debt contracted
either to prepare for war, or to conduct it to a successful
issue. All that you could 'obtain, would be only the
receiptsfrom land sales during the actual continuance
of the war."
No one can say but that Macready, began at the
first round of the ladder, after reading what "Osher
ry's Budget" says of his primal essay in the art which
is now his profession: The first part enacted by Ma
cready, was Dame Ask*lel, in MORTON'S comedy of
"Spted the Plough." This wad during his school
boy days at . Rughby, where he was educated. I have
been shown a letter from the future tragedian to his
father, requesting the loan of an old woman's petti
can't, and other paraphernalia, in order that he might
be properly attired on the important, oceasion. True
is the-staying, "the drop hollows the stone, not by the
Noe b ut
s but by tbe frequency with which it - fells.."—
' Afetsenger. - •
Ditti—o n Wednesday morning, 4th inst. Airs. Su-
CUM.& Es P, wife of Mr. Ephraim Estep, (lathe 64th
year of her age.
the funeral will leave the late residence of the
deceased, Lawrenceville, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
The friends of the family aze respectfully invited to at
ed tbd
IHE subscribers P de
or for sale a small farm sit
IV, Robertson, a veteran sailor, Wks had bray - 7
ocean fur be/fa century, unexpectedly came 'tato is 'in Upper St. Clair Township, Allegheny CIA v
fortune lastweek, by thedeath o f ao sinc i e .,,, neuming about eight miles from Pittsburgh, contaiting 1
to £75,000. This fortunate man h a d l ate l y "tiled a 9 three acres and a half, on which is erected a eit
cook in the Ann Shrilly, of Sunderland, which' vessel log dwelling- hoes'', frame barn and other out buildi
was. paid oiliest week by Messrs. A lexandee, of Bristol, there is, on the premises a beari ng orc h ar d a r c h,
He is sixty-five years of age; and when asked what he fruit Ireei. Fur terms apply to Georg e P. tenni
should do with such an immense fortune, he replied, attorney ni law, or either of the subscribers near
"I have about forty relatives, all of whom will be glad Prerni'". OBADLitil iiiraildraK
to get some of it: and I shall take care to secure a snug ; JOHN 31cCULLY,
cottage for myself, in which I may comfortably spend 1 Oct 5-3 t Ex, of Joseph Higbee, dee'd
the remainder of my days."
"Come, come, come," said one who was wide awake
to one who was fast asleep, "get up, get up; don't you
know it's the early bird that catches the worm?"—
"Serves the worm right," says the grumbling sleeper;
"worms shouldn't get up before the birds do!"
L.47°A modern writer observes that "he who speaks
lightlyof female society, is either a numscull or a
knave!"—the former not having sense enough to dis
cern its benefits, and the latter hating the restraints it
lays on its vices.
A late writer has forcibly and truly said, in reference
to the holy union of the sexes, that " it is a fearful
sight to see the young; confiding girl, approach the al
tar with one who loves to linger round the wine cup.—
He may pass unscathed through the fiery ordeal, and
the bright hopes of the bride may ripen into fruition.
But, fair reader, let not the splendors of wealth, nor the
allurements of pleasure, nor the promised triumphs of
ambition, tempt you torisk so fraught with danger to
all you hold dear. Honest industry, joined with tem
perance, may crave a fortune, and all that ambition
should covet; but wealth, taleats, and fame, cart nay
er gild the drunkard's home, nor soothe the sorrows
of a drunkard's wife."
41Tommercial ,illatters, ,St/r
TRADE IN SAINT Louis.—The Missourian of the
f23d ult.. in its review of the market sacs:—
- -
"Our market for tha past week has been more dull
than during the two weeks preceding, and for two or
three days past our levee has presented an unusually
dull appearance. The receipts of the week have been
fair, but there have been few tninsactions worthy of
note. The river at this point has risen three feet, and
has now eight feet water in the channel between this and
the mouth. The Missouri and Illinois rivers are in
good navigable condition. there haring been a rise of
four feet in the former, and one in the latter. The
weather has been dry and sultry.
Flour.—,t few lots ofcountry flour have been sold
at $3 75 a 3 81. City Mills $4 a 4 25, and the sales
are principally confined to the retail trade.
Wheat —There is but little demand for this article.
There is an abundant supply on baud. We quote it
55 to 73 cents, according to quality.
Corm.—There its a fair demand for this article, and
we quote it at 25 cents without sack, and 20 cents
with sack.
o a / B .—Oats are firm at 18 cents. The market i
nearly bare.
Hemp.—The receipts have been light during the
week, and the demand is good. We quote it at .2,62
to 3,00.
Lead.—Lend is firm at $11,65, with an upward
IVAiskey.—Raw I VhiskeycoMmands 19 a 20e.
BL`sllllEdg TS BALTIMORE — The Commercial Jour
nal of Saturday sayst—.."Business In general, though
nut yet very brisk, has very perceptibly improved; and
particularly, competing the week just past with those
weeks which preceded it since the middle of August.
In those branches most distinguishable, may be noted
dry goods, bacon, flour, tobacco, and spirits. gxeept
it, the first and last, prices lure not improves]; end
hreadstutTs have slightly dee:ined."
vessel direct from Canton, laden with teas,
Inkt arrived at 51:mtreal. The Herald hai:s
the event as the precursor of an extensive trade be
tween China and Canada.
Port of Pittsburgii.
Reporecd by AS'keble awl Mitchell, GenrealSteam
Boat Agents. Water street:
• Doily !leavt•r
Raritan NicLroy, mouth Ohio
Fulton, Forsyth. S.
* Ci^ol4l, (;.t .
l iOnt( . 2 , ini - l. )i , .k 41,11,
Ul l' 11i r,:!).
• RiiTy
*Brunet tv. Trivia, St. LouL.
*Cecelia, Clark, do.
Orpheus, Dales, do.
Alpine, Cockburn, Etownsville,
All boats marked thus (*) in the above list, an. provi
ded with F.vane' Safety Guard to prevent the esplo-dim
01 steam boilers.
For Saint Lotus and Galena.
mg - THE light-draught Steamer
ERO, GALLAGHER, Ma 4 bcr, will
7 :77- leave for the above and intermediate
Landings. tut SA TURDA Y next,7th inst. at 10 o'c:ack,
A. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or to
oct 5. JAMES MAY.
eThe Cicero is furnished with Evans' Safety
Guard to prevent the explosion of Boilers.
J. W. Burbridge & Co.,
AGENTS fur the sale of BEA t 7 CS Powder; Water
street, between Wood aid Stnithfield streets,
rfittsburzh, titet 5 lm.
LD IRELAND.—NIn. RoamsoN will deliver
IL/his laq L‘cture on Ireland, this (Thursday) Ev
eninz, at 7 o'clock, at Temperance Hall, Smithfield
street, on the ancient history of Ireland, St. Patrick,
Tickets 2 3 cents, each admitting it Lady and gentle
man, may be had at the bar oldie Monongahela House
from Capt. James 3 ay. &c.. and at the door of the
Hail on the eve ring of the Lcethre. oar 5--:It.
1101 t UFFALO ROBES, by single robe or bale; for sale
1/ by
B EAR SKINS% drehsed and usidreised, ju4t receiv
ed and for sale by A. BEELEN
C HF:ESE.—A lot of superior Wii:stern Reserve
Cheese, in good order, low for cash, by the cask.
Apply to
Stray Sheep.
C OME to the plantation of the subscriber, near
East Liberty, about the 23d ult., ma SHEEP
three ewes and two lambs. The ewes have different
marks, and the lambs have no marks at e own
er is requested to come forward and prove property.
Oct 5.-3 t W.M. JOYCE.
T HE Rev. James F. Clarke, of Boston, intends to
deliver a course of Lectures on Unitarianism,at the
Unitarian church in Smithfield st., commencin g on
Friday evening the 6th inst., at 7 o'clock.
The subject will bet
First.--The necessity of reform in Theology and
the Church.
Second.—Wha t is Unitarianism t
Thirdly.—What think ye of Christ 1
Fourthly. —Act examination of the Rev. W. J. Bake
well's pamphlet entitled "Unitarianism untenable." •
Mr.• Clarke with also deliver a discourse on Sunday
morning, the Bth inst. on the text "What shall I do to
be saved 1" and la the evening on "Will yes/so be his
disciples 1"
The morning service to commence at half past tan,
and the evening service at seven o'clock.
Alleer ons boasofkaowing what are the opin
ions that"sect which is every whines againstr
act 5-4 t
are earneady mod affectionu e l y ' attend,
The Right Principle!. -
W & •D. RINEHART, Marinfactnrors s
• dealers in all kinds of TGbacco, Sour ind
gars, No. l 38 , Liberty street, and head of Cahill Tral
Pittsburgh, Pa., would respectfully announce tu,
cheats and deafen generally, that they hare after writ
to adopt the BIGHT PRINCIPLX with regard to
tares of tobacco kegs, &c. The people may rely ti
it, that hereafter, the tares of kegs and hoses will
connect. They hope, by strict attention to bask
together with furnishing the rerybest articles in th
line, to merit, as heretofore, a liberal share of pla t
Orders promptly executed. 04-1 w
New LiAbon Patriot, Stark County Democrat, 11
ler Herald, and Franklin Arch publish to amount
one dollar, send one copy of paper to advertiser, u.
charge this office.
For Sale,
ODOZEN Patent Buckets and tubs assorted size
30 dozen ofafl sizes of Window sash witsdo
glass of all sizes to suit, by the box or retail—Nails ar
spikes--Carpet chain—A variety of shovels, spade
axe-handles, hoes, augurs, brushes, coffre-mills, Lad
rill° lime, the balm of life, Brodie's anti-billions
anti-3ispeptic pills, Evans' camomile and apetiN
pills,;Haisley's anti billions pills, events in Indian bisu
ry, history of the backwoods, American pioneer. Sev
all's pathology of drunkeness, permanent temperant
documents, bacrhus and anti-bacehus, and a large var
ety of temperance documents, Sabbath and day echo
books, ink, quills, writing and wrapping paper; &(
for sale low for cash or appnivcd country produce,—
W ILL be received at the office of the New Watt
Works until FRIDAY, the 13th inst., for fin
Dishing brick and sand, and paving New Engine house
About 33,000 good paving Brick will be wanted.
act 3-3td
ARE now receit Mg an extensive assortment of
which have been purchased in Philadelphi a and Nev.'
York, at the lowest prices for cash. Their stock con
sists in part of blue, black and invisible green cloths;
blue and black pilot and beaver cloths; plain and cassimeres, sattinetts, Kentucky jeans and kerseys,
black and colored merinos; black, colored, watered,
changeable and figured alparca4; plain and rich printed
muslin de !nine; domestic, Earlston and Chusan
hams; liiiseys. plain, striped. and plaid; tickings, checks,
bleached and brown cottons. a great variety of fancy
prints; giraffe and btiffalocluths, Genoa cords hosiery ,
gloves, suspenders, buttons, canvass, padding and
buckram, besides an infinite variety of other articles,
all of which they will take great pleasure in shewing
to the mercantile community. They flatter themselves
that the variety and prices will be found strch as L in
duce all who give them a cull. to make a hill evith them.
02-1 w
H AVE now received and opened their Stook of
prising the greatest variety to be found in any hots°
in the city.
These goods have been very carefully, and it I* lit , .
lievedjterliciously purchased for case, most of tbetntt
the lowest spring prices, and will be sold acetntlirer.
Goods ctin now b boug.ht cheaper than in any of the
Eastern cities, and merchants will do well to examine
here, bt...lnro going farther an..l faring worse:
ac ed AD
Near Fall an Winter Goode
112 Wool)
A RE now opening and offer for sale a very to
and general assortment of se:is:nimble Dry Goods ;
consistinT, of plain waved, and diaanoird beaver cloth,
broad cloths of e very color, cass rnerrsi sat tinetts, jeans,
kersevr, linscys, flannels, baizes, Idiviched and brown
ottons, ticks. Al paccit lustres black and colored,
and printed naminos, rdrotslia de lains, iriskt
Mattioni and ober siiks, ribbons, lacesicaniistits,
ins, trwrina, fancy and blanket shawls, sewing
spool aad sinia threads, &c.. together with
'in ai:•ortinent or carpet.-, nisi floor cloths, ,q t _ o , dll of.
which we are able to sell as chen:, scan now be
bought ia any market cast or /rest. sop 21—tf
Pczunanship and Book-Keeping.
/1111USF, who wist) ntnurn , i_ii littowiudgo of thew
branche, , .. wou:d do %veil to call at Ma_ S. IV.
STEWAIIT.3 Conimerri i! Academy. on Fourth Street.
near !he corner of Meet:et and Fotirtir, before engaging
oct 3-Im.
111cLane's American Worm Specific.
SWIle 2 month= ago, 1 irtweltarled rt vial of Mc:
Lane . ? American Worm Specific. I .7ave.a.l49s of
mine , mo:tofn. viz';-he . pa.sed. 40 very- largc ,
From that time health impro‘ed very mud . bad
ttieti two other Verrnifuges to :Jo purpmai. I belieqe
Dr. MuLane'sthe hest article bet me the public.
tp., Allegheny co., Sept. 30. CA LI-lOU.N.
For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD,
Oct 3 Corner 4th and Wood sts.
A SMALL Farm in Upper St. Clair township, a
bout 44 miles from Pittsburgh,and about 61.1 yards
of the Washington turnpike, containing 164 acresgood
land, well located and improved, and almost endeared
and under gaol fence; and will be a good place foe an
extensivegartiner. It has on it a good dwelling
honse and barn: and is well watered. It still be sold
low for cash—or part cash and part credit. Apply at
Harris'Ageney and intelligence Office, or
Harri6harg, Sept. 27, 1843.
EALED proposals will be received at the office
ki of the Ceuta! Commissioners, directed to Thomas
L. Wilson, Secretary of the Board, at Harriiihttrg. tin_
; til Saturday, the 14th day of October, 1843, for far
Inisbing eight new ropes fur the inclined planes on tlxr
Allegheny Portage Railroad.
The ropes must be made of the best quality of Hemp
manufactured without the 1.13 C of tar, and trrixrsobject
ied to the inspection and approval of such agent as
the Canal Commissioners may designate.
The proposals will state the price per poondsirroper
made exclusively of Russia Hemp---tbe price
pound if made one half of Russia Hemp and the elk's . '
half of Kentucky water rotted Hemp--the American
Hemp to form the inner part of the rope; and the prier
I per pound if made exclusively of American water
! rotted Hemp,
The contractors will be required to deliver the roper
either at Johnstown or Hollidaysburg within ten da.s
after the opening of navigation on the canal next
Bidders may propose for one or say number of the
Ropes required, They will state the !Vibe pe r pou n d
for the Ropesdelirered at either of the before mention
ed plasm. Also the price per potinst At Which they
w ill juke the old Ropes in part payment at 44angeown
or Hollidaysburg. -
Speer:Potions of die Rope.,
For plane No. 1, 3615 ft, length & gin. In chemist,
4 , 2,3910 do 8
4' do
4, 4790 do 8 de
" 5.5656 do g
Ai 6, 5826 do 11 AO
" 7, 5710 do 8 do
8, 6832 do 8 4 de
" 9, 5840 do bJ do
The proposals swum in every met* transtidtted etre
the maki,snd be aederse' d "Proposals for Ropes."
By anima( the Rosidefeenel Conaard oo k am
act . - • * THOMAS L. WILSON, &elf.