Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, October 04, 1843, Image 4

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    iviter-ifirsirmio, t. 01 6 -.Monefettstrers , of -Iroa
i!oaf,d.r.i.. atiat,:.:Peitil44 A, Pa.—
i1e1041 4 / 1 1fiketion'-band. an 'e vengtve eisortnt n# aatir
alkiiid :Ind p!ssn PAPER HANCINGS, Vielvel aialf
imitatimic:ikoniers, of the la j 'eiL style and handsome
PAtternillorer PO poring nalll.l9hortt anti ellonllyero.: , ..
17-Itny #nanufnetwo and hare oe 4tand 34-aii
Pilotol4. weLL4ax.Peuer, Wra.ppine, .nd Tea raper,Vou
net and Putlersll394l4.l—all. of w4inn ihny offer futo4te
on the inCe!i.ne:Oinniolia Nog term,;;ind in which' Illey
iuvhe'tb attrition or liaercbantA and oinrrs. * •
ALSO—Blank Roglis pfaii kinds and the ItpsTty aI i y
Seilke9J . 1 301017ti1 , lc . a iw.rta • n Vaud and. fa abovet7aaairOs
t Piscoul 'ilapte_,ts'Actp"psse:.-jnOttilll,llPall:e
EMOVA.l..—l'hei.offiterskifed begs leave to ',Mum
tiopttbUc,thalite(ag removed from his old stand,
to t$ pre 7, Of p and Bt. Clair sts., opposite the Ca
cittege Hotel, where he 11s fitted up a lare Piano Foals
Waite Reuse, and new offers for sale-the most splendid
Its seri mcnt of Pumas ere? offered in this wur
is pianos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rote Wood an y il_Malto^.any,'lteatilifully finished and atm
014:414 otanatrieledthrixtebont of the very best ma
testate, erldett. Ilse - durability, and quality of tone; at *ell
nettttfelfrfle — viTrantaToltc superiorto any ever seen
:rc. ,
tli4. he Itas ettlar4ed his mannfictory, and made arrange
nnients to sappily Om increasing detain(' for this rostra
meta, he reineetfttity requests those intending to per.
cheisetaireall nod • - sainlor, litiss4ortment hefbre pnrclia.
As. - he is dstermtivid to sell .Logrsi. for
esioli,titio soy otiser.osiaidishiaent cast or irf4a . Of the
Mountains. • F. HI.HSIE, -
• Corner. of Penn and t3l. Chtir street!.
try 10 Op:lathe iltc t aFlisage Hotel. Phishareb. Pa.
--beady- Wade Coffin Wareikolise,
Fourik St,, 2 doorr g irrst t.lis /7,43. Bank. .
, t ' '.',!‘ ,
...;• , -strIit. 4 T . ROVIUtO, UNDERTAKER,_
irl 1
his t
pEc1711 . 1,1., linforms the
ffi wa r e.
ptildle that he
t..li r
muse to the loilicllnt . recently occupied LyTllle.
a. 111.inerford, dtrently opposite hie old at Ind,
.rliettltiell'alvkays ' orepsred to attsnd promptly
to any orders in his line, and i.y strict attention
Ott - The details of the nosiness of an Undertaker,
be hopes to merit publicvinfidence: He wit Ihe pteparee,
sekCtineetti - to provide flearites, Piers. C beet 'Silo.
Mol t - reiratititwon the moat Illseral terms. Cells from tfte
couiirry'prill be promptly aitended so.. :
His reshisnce is 10 . thp_satne,lmildine, with,l4ls wars.
house, wfirte these velin need his seMeei ...•I,; : "nnd isirn
Offltrry'llne: iirsittirce,:
67411iititivisr; . etz - v - . roitx stacr.o. P.
iusfenCitinns - .- - - *tr. Rostßi-orrerjr.l...L- •
aintac•rirram.. -
__ ItCV. OxitretraViLLMllBl I
Il r . - 11.1 - rl;Ltylkik,,..- - „ . _akVIA /ULM ILANIt.
184 4 f gkiting; --- ... - - Itii:J 01E14. DiCl2 , , , 7 -
'''ilSp - 10 ' pry. e. i awirr.
''Galwhit inakvs your teeth so untincally white?
Littantla .16slev dulclnia to him t'other night,
7.:T0 make yours took sci„ with a grin, refilled Toth,
veiwuaght yog a bottle of Thorns' Tooth
• reti, the beet now in ese, so the gentlefolks say, •
',Art/ shiee they have tried this, cast all others away
r But to provett the hest, to make the teeth shine.
Look again, my dear sal, at the luAre af mine,
Then try ti is great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash,
.114 see If this Tooth Wa.sh of Thotat'b is not fine
- 11airim tried Dr.—Thorn's -Tea Berry Tooth %Visit,'
alit:thee-owe acquat Wed with the Ingredients of ity co emu
eltlein, T cheerfully say, i consider it one of the safest, as
lione of the most pleasant Tooth Waskes now in use.•
Pittsburgh Sep. 15. MI DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
if teltenlessnre in statiMi, having made use'of•tTliorn's
'lief Kerry Tooth Wash," that it -
Is one of the hest dou•
triteslhoic. Being in a liquid form, it comb!pes neat
ness with convenience. While it cleanses the
and removes thelartar from the teeth, its,pgrfutne yelds
a fracranee peeutlarly destrattle. .1. P. TrIIRCTTS. 61. D.
The underslgne4l have used "Thoth's Compound 'fea
'Remy-Tooth Watt," and have found it to bean extreme.
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary
aces ever tire Teeth- and Gums; preserving those Indie s
perisable - memliers from prematesadeeny, preventing the'
Reepmittation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. flay.
Ott thoroughly tested its virtiles, we take pleasure to re.
emnSpendinz it to the public, bettering it to he the best ar•
11,ele of the kind now In use.
korarrar,r, - ' rair j Ars,
?rL'pared and sold toy W; LLT M . lllOll N. A poi Iteca •
re And Ohentist, No. 53 Market street," Pittsburgh; and
xi prineipa Druggists', and Tutlle'b M'rdical Agen
eliciltottrth street. • sep
'WHIR subscriber having opened a shop $o 64, Pecond
ibreet, between Markel and Wood streeis,Plltsborgit.
I n Conner tic n with the.Paclery in Uirmingham, respect.
fully JO trills his friends and the public, that he will be
happy, cc be favorra with their Orders foV a 4 articles In
Ids line,
Door Locks and Paslenet 5, n various d rcriptions, or
band and made to order.
Tobacco, Mill and Timber Screws.
- rorse Screws, for Trot, Works, and Screws for Presser,
- `b ide tie may be required,
aprpenter. and Builder; are requested to call beforr
• enntrneting for jotw,nnd examine hbt articirs and prices
t *eke repaired and jobbine eenerully r one In .he best
asanner.and on- the lowest leans.
.may 2- 1 621 • • JAS. PATTER SON, Jr•
Leidy 9 m Tetter & Itch Ointment.
raill thecoreofcYcry varlet) of TETTER , the ITCH,
nd all illsea.es of the Skin, has proved Itself more
• efficacious than any other preparation Liar the I/111C par.
pese - pt
Eirfivardsof five hundred . certificates might be p . rorurrd
anti - priblitilied of its - etficaey front 'echoed Teachers. Pro.
prient• Of Forgot les. Parents, Guardians, ehltdNorses,
Capislaeof veearte and oilier!, weft It not rot the deli
racy in having their names published in toorteellOnlvith
"OM di:.agrecabldittferiionr.
l eg tbeuroof Ur Leidy's Teller Ointment in colJonc
tio*,xsAttlits.'extrart of-sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, be
will guarantee to cure any distan common to the skin,
however had, or of however long standing, or refund - uhe
money, There are however very few Instences but can.
he cored by the Ointment alone.
Pri , e 23 cents a Boz.
Prepared only and sold whelestiteond retell at Dr Lel
dv'e Health Emporium, 191 N, Second at. Philadelphia,
and by B. A. F.BHoVESDOCK d• Cu. corner of wood
and Sixth streets, Alents for Pittsburg. July 12,
/I JL llllE•tihscriber would respectfully h. Corm theelttitena
cfPtt - lure' • , Allegheny and their viririlies, that he
has cimmence. l wintifacturing the article or Lard Of
arid Candies. He luteuds making but one quality, which
w3l equal the hest made in the Union and nut surpassed
by the heat winter strained sperm oil either for machinery
or burning. without its offensive properties, and one
her itiiihes to impress distidclly on the_ public mind that
iljaNOt iseedUary to purchase any new' tangled lamps that
are dally palmed 'spun them as belug requisite lo burp the
lard oil In. rirsons withine a pure r.hd brilliant 11:111t
use obtain it by calling at 1112 old stand,3d turret, ueurly
cite the Post Ocoee.
M. C EDEf i
,A :) attention of MN :: ale dealers, Courches and
. '4,..2arespett)a.7l t..tated.
* - 1.—'2101 Ms .•?: s wilt Lear the manufacturer's
Jab:: 1343—tr.
Fe; the Transportatiern of .4fercha*dita and Prodeto
II EVISC regpeelfuliy Inform tbe public:ll4l thcy
11• have completed lfreir arvangenaentefor the ailbove
Line 011
Thrt public has lung 1% ished fur I ndlttltiu.tl coropctiljon
its Transportation on the Public Works . ,tvhich-atnne
it can be freed fro t. linneceg3ilry expenses and reduced
to Its lowest rates; that wish wilt now be..-reatiicii; the
State of rennsyluaola hating placed. Tracks oD her Rail
Roads. Individuaisownlng Portable Boats are enihiod
lo bid for the Carryinz Trade and successfully to corn•
pete with coluttan_cs.
. .
Tilli lino Iscomnorted or Twenty new; Nair Section
Portaitte.Bortig, owned by the Captains who command
them and svell known al enterprksin, induittlous and
experienced - Postmen.
TrierruneriOrhy and advantages of tho Portable Boit
ditrer. &Eery other urode of Transportation, are too well
known to shippers generally, o require comment; suf.
fice;it. tosay , that the detention, loss„separation end darn
age to Goode, In vartably attending t firsts Transkipseur!ts
between Pinata:lllo)snd. Phlidelphia are tly Ane Portable
Boat wrist effectually rerlinied. .
The Portable Boni opeeesses Ilse great advantage too,
of bring well ventilated and „root in Summer; which pre.
rants Flour from souriug,-xid Bacon and TobaceofrolO
Derriere,- standinenir he dot-A, hetweed the-ocirr!ers
or goed4 aod Iltefoatmeit Who carry then,, anti atataarty
interestd in proteethni the lutereeta of balk, sill .inake
no pro:lllses to the.pubtic he will not faithfutty - perfotn .
Ile id .now prepared to receive and -forward Produre
la Plittadulphia. Baltimore, New Yor i koirnittloston In the
shortest time, and pldge's himmlf to cuter ioto no COlll.
Ili II:11 ion with other Litted.J•at ulwayial and reads so carry,
out the N1460(.01.4 . cant raCt.for freight on
the very loWest tering. -
-iTo Ove andolibiedacrurity to owners and shippers
of 200 E: an otteri . pitireLy of I ukurance tor beeri effeeird,
by which all"mereffiindivi shipped by this Line will be
Itt.nied without ant additional expense to the °Wrier.
U. Devine will receive nli produce consigned to him
al,Phisburgh, pay freight and charecs to Steam Door
and Iticacird same. wellborn delay to ritilatiletoidai
Baltiouire.Sew Yotki nod &MOO withdili n.4-04 1 .1c
for'rolvsooln2 or COM
.H DIVINE Agent,
.No 45 Water it., Pltithargb
272 Market infect, Phllntlettrbia
75 Boarley's Wharf, Baltimore,
eIOWEN-4 , 1111311ERD, Agents,
Claclnaati, 0111 a
Cuyvtqe w00D14.111N.. Agent,
Woe McA DA M.. d Ca.;figent.
2,7, Old Slip New Yolk
rel . Clll, 154.1
FA 11 FOIL SALEL—The andrirstgued7tfers.for sate
ltis farm, lying in Roan 'township 4 miles from the
CitY cif Phisbtirsh, containing 114 acre' ofland of which
60 at c'eteared and under fence, I in 15 to 20 acres of
meadoW. 2 good Orchards of Apple. t few Peach and
Clierrytrbas—ntel4iprovitthents area are frame tiOUSe
COlltaintllg 10 mums well furithited, calculated for a Tn
vern o. private Dweillny, a frame Barn ZA by 60.ktorte
ba.ettinat, and atalillent, Sheds I lid other out holisPF null
able for a tenetileid;-2 good Gardens surrounded with
chrrato bushes. and a welt of excellent water, with n
pump In at the front door. In relallon to the l'ltlehorgli
and A Ilelitieny market, there Is no place now offered for
sa'e with aim( indorett.nt to those wishibg to purchnor
near Pittsburgh, Ibe terms will • be made moderate, for
further parllCUlareapply to !lie proprietor at his Clothing
Store, Liberty Street, corner of Virgin Allot. -
N. R. If not !told before the Ist of October net It
will be divided into 10 and 20 acre Infs insult purchn
Ben. nen 10
frfifisulevrtner bavinst received from Pittlatlelpinti and
New Ynrk, with a at neral and exte n siv e assort.
ment of pREF6I4SCII E./LUCA /..8, PERFUMER Y. and
every att)fikkin Ada tine of latrithritais,lvlitvit„4c . i'S deter.
mined liTharldirtiM ,ibriglitapilimtibt 'Hinge tert. cash.—
He ki•lfearrx be cad Wrer girobW-lisdabilbo6llft " any
simile esialtlishertent In this city to cenufry Physician.
i and Siert ha is, who wi,ll to supply themselves it ith
D:tiv , and Mediclurs, Ilk articles hove n ‘elected
u, the utmost cs:e; and are warranted of 11w quit:
Ity and tin:form Wren:tilt. (briers will be filled with ac
curacy and elegance. ranii'l l can be supplied with Fine
and Fancy Soaps of every troneeivable varirly, and of
ibe mom cxquip:te perfumer; fikewlse With Perfumery
and Costnetre.4 of met ry descricr
The undersigned fetus nslois I hanks for the liberal an P
port beretotbreeztendrd to ptm,and !lopes by a et:instant
disposition lo please and accom ttttt date—a care in pro
curing and selling only trimi ie execlieni and genulnP—a
close supervislon orthi, sales and transaction of the
lisitment.precaution and nrrurncy fu cOmpoubdi med.
cines--a nd by bidus:ry and perseverance, to mer! nin
rease of public patronage
may 25. WILLIAM TI;OR N •
Upholstery Farnisikings.
FIVIE suliscritiers respectfully liiform their friend:. and
the pu'die that they have just opened the store No
SO Fifth street, near the Exchange Bank; and adjoining.
Mr l• D. W Illiams' G rotary. where they Intend to manu
facture In the beet style, and have ready fur sale a full
as.:orluient of the first quality of o,l4l6tery Furnish
rage, curia as flair, Shuck and straw Mattriese4, Feat li
er Bede, Sackings, 4.c. which they WI I cell ft,r Cask at
nearly 100 per cent less than former pricer.
ALSO;Sofirs, Chairs, etr Upholitered. carpe:e mad.
and Cut tains arranged rifler the newt et fashions—All of
which they offer td execute In a manner unequaled iu
this oransurpassed in any Miler city.
mar 20.1 v CFI AS STEW A tri'.
Itegularinorning Packet forever.
- rust running and well kno , ala
z•IIARP HiMrtill.a., Mosier, will depart daily from Pith
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. Al„ Beaver at 1 o'clock P. Al
For freight cr imaisagc, apply on board, or to
No 60 Wafer street.
N. B.—The rev latranal mute, to Cleveinpa
Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and illnssitton
Ohio Canal, connecl:ng willr steamer Cleveland at Lea.
ver.Arill iu operation Immediately on opeillim of I.‘v•
mar -t(
Cate of liver Complaint of 25 years iaandtnit.
This. may certify that for twenty five years 1 was af•
Aie.ted with toxin in my side, whirl, was fientiently co
severe:l.4 . lo entirely Ineapacitate Inc from fakir hove
been undor the rice and treatment e f various put Moan -
without any permanent benefit. Ilearlrie or rite nann y
elites effected Imy the. Hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr.
tatarkwcathee.l was induced to give it a !dal, and sin
hapny to say that It has entirely removed. I hare felt
no symptoms of it for more than a year past.
Noribloridoe,lnneB6 $O, 1841 A MOS Wft I TE.
The genuine to lie bad at "I'VT:TLE'r3hiedical AgencY,
Fourth street. ' -
enuing's ire roof ran Chests.
. Pirraimadaii, OCT. 22, 11542.
J. .DCINSIPIO—On Friday, t lie3oi orlast mouth,about
9 o'cliiek at nkhi.iiie PlanlngiCrooYln. and Saab Man
ufactory, owned by pay, Dilwori It 4. Co with tam
quantity of dressed and indressed lumber, was all conga.
med by lire.
The Iron Safe which ifioughi of you some time hack
was to time most exposed situation dining the fire, and
was entirely rrd hot —I am pleasrd to Inform you It was
opened at the eloseof the fire,and ail the hooks, papers,
fc.saved;—thlsts the hest recommendation I can give of
r e utility of your safes
om 24,—T r
ttSbtirg Lard Oil ZitiiinfaCtory.
COXST:IXTLY un hand a superior amen., i f Lard
Oil, warranted to burn at any teniosmture, and
equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without
its offensive qualities, and one third ct.caper. man.
ulactured by the subscriber at the old stand, Third at.,
nearly opposite the Post Office• 11t C. EDEN.
Jai 4,1845
BY OIL: t;BE '3111E147 t4r-rich. - U.STATE.
TYLEvt. !'resident
e to . 44 1 0 rtt rlee ;44 hfi y Ade.'
clare an I . tuAkelf.. - own that public sale 3 will be held
al the uedernieetirmed. Leto Offic«.s. in thr State 01
ISSU 1111 1; it the'pe, tuts hereinafier designated,
AT PI, ATTSBURG, io Clinton cou,ty,, the seat
I oldie lit 011ice.for the Platte district nf 4.isson
ii. comtnencing on Monday. the ninth day of Qet.7.-
ber next, for atio tAkpotal of the puhlic land, wiihin
the undermentioned townships, and fractional town
fip II ,s, to wii:
;North of Me base line and ierst of - the .ftft/rprinri.
pal meridian, and set at of the former trettes•n4onv
(fury grilse Slate.
Township Sixiy two,:of ridge thirty four.
Townships sixty. ono and sixty three, of rouge
thirty f'-e -
To wilf4iipirmhtty-ttroilticl efitty, cuir,of taw thirty
Town.l.ips sixty one enzi siity- three; 01 itt
tbirtY se%rn•
Towo ships sixty two and ,sixty (our, of ringithii
ty eight. ' ' r r
Tile we bt hxlfi,f township I:tey oac, of range
thirty nine. .
Fractional township sixty 04 CI, and township *ixty
four, of tango forty.
F r a, Donn! towathipa •iaty tlvo and fi?cly three, of
range forty out.
Fractional townships sixty three and &all four, of
range I,riy two,
North of the Gm , line and east of the fifth principa
meridian, and crest of the former western bounda ry
the State.
Towtiatqs ,ixty one and aim? , two, of nap
twenty sex en.
Tot% s'aty, s x'y one and sixty two, of ralre
minty eight.
T„ wns hip. F i r! y one., of range twenty:nine.
Al." at the same plate, commencing on Monday,
the thurteetah tlay:uf November 'text, for the disposal
of the nohlic lands a nl , in he limits 01 the undermen•
tnwnshipa and fra,thmal
. .
North of the bare line and Most of the fifth principal
meridian, and west of the former west, 171 boundary of
the State.
Fractional lownshtla firiy; fifty One, arty three,
fi ft y five and fifty seven, otraoge thirty three.
foweships fi'ly two. fifty four, hfty six, fifty !t;ht
anrl s xly, of ranee thirty four.
F aetional .owo‘hit, fitly nni.. fifty three;
fifty five, factional trwtoirip- fifty seven and to w n.
ship fifty ofretogo this ty five.
Fractional townships fit y four, fifysix, Find fifty
even and tow. tr p rixty , of raTtge line 7 'ix.
actioaal totrilehips fifty - fire, fifty six, fill eight
and fitly owe, of range tinily seven.
Fi octiotial townships fifty fire and riftty of range
thir , y eioll.
-At ths Land alike at LEXINGI'9N, eommena.
lug no Monday the second day of Otitaber n•lt, toi
the disposat of the public 1,0 i s rithin the limits of .
the undermentinned townships; to wit:—
North of the bzse line and west of the fifth principa
'Townvhips thirty sa , O h 'y arven and ild.ty eigh
of range low teen.
l'ownships thirty five and thirty seven, of range
Tot% whip ihit ty ft , e of rangeetirteen and nineteen
T(w•nahups thirty five , thirty air, thirty seven and
thirty eight, of tame twenty one.
Towi)bliip th:rty right, of range to etity three.
Towns!' p thirty nine, of range tweilly right.
Towi hips thirty eight and Ihi. ty rntige
twetry nt,,e.
Township forty, of range thirty cue, thirty ma
and [hi ty three.
South west 1 . .a , di..nul (patter 4.f set.i•ura tweedy
one, a. d tho 1 ortli east and nerh west fraCti••ua
cilia , lets 01 Secilula (~or in to.. u t .}..? jiffy c ue.
south 01 MIVSOui I liVer, Or/tinge 1A sot.
tio..th west (plait."' ufairClim J i, yl 11, 10 lUWolsllip
rat' ty II ItIP , ..1. alige Iw, uly sr, en.
Lund: apit,t.pi laird by ;ftw,ro. tie use of ech3ok
mi ihtty or o her pirritusrs, tri:l be excluded Item
'Die Faits 'Aria each be ke,.t open f•or two n.els,
i d 'ay 4,re to”,.er dlfpus•d of} a.•d 4,0
104,ger; HO , l 0. , 04 i , ale• entries .411,40 I .4; t:le
-hips F 4 ()Gird % 4;1 be adilli led, 444.1410iter he ez•
4 , 1 the eel4B.
Given 4.1) hand at the City of Wsiihingtoo
this eighth day of June. A I e. 43
By he Pr. sident:
THE,. 11. 134.4KE,
Cum Her of the General Laud Office
Eery person claiming the rrrltt of prt -rniptinn
to any tat we wll.llll the limit. or toe to% tomtpsomve
efi u m , a t, d, i> reoa.red toes uWtst the aawe to the
satisfactio” °I the IteAteter and Iteeeiver or the
P"'IT , L4d Oflitt.• and in tildike pa "iii-at theielor,
as sian al practicablc after skirl this notice, aid b..
fare the day apip.inied f.r the e..hutHencement of the
pubic suha (tithe ton embracing the Ira,'
claimed, above designated: athet ‘‘ Ise such rid mis
will be forfeited.
Commi , sioner
of the General Land Office
nll. I , EIDY': , SAnE , ArAnItt.• 14.unnLt.s. are appll
jJ cable to C;114.5, whether for Purgation or Prori,ft
cilium. They possess all• the Wowed virtues of oilier
mils, arid are additionally efficacimi., ennialning Panay
a rilla in th.tir compof it ion, which Is not coninii,ed in ant
oilier pills Its ex ist once. They are leo different rrum orb
er, pills in composition, being merely vegetable, and e.. 1,
he employed at all limes, without any da oeer, and re
gulling no restraint frovoecupation or usual course of
Notwithstanding Dr. Leidy never pretended hie Blood
Phis would cure nit diseases, yet It hi not saying too nitwit
o I them, from the Innumetnitite cures performed by them
In ever vat leis , and form of disease (certificates of many
of which have been pohil+hed from persons ofall demon)
i•mtion», physlrians. c'ergymen,' nhd others) !list they
seen) to be almo)ti universal in their effect; and perwme
usine them fur whatever aleitness or disease, may rem
assured they will he found more efficacious than any oil)
et pills in ese•a-ei ce,
F10(11 the known reputation of Dr Leldv '6 Blood ['HIP.
'Us deemed ocres , ary 19 rewind the puhSic whare they
ihrty al all lime,: procure llir Er 1111111n0, a+ it is alleitipleri
lo impose other pills willed •Blond Pills' upon I he p Ildir
en the repalnt Inn of Dr. Leidy's. part icirar and
a , k for Dr Lekiy's earsaparilla Blood Pill., and see il.al
the name, of ltr N. B. I;4H, is cull ined on Iwo sides
of each box, as ;.oxe..,brio u of paper, and noloug,squart
sbnpe, guru nu•nled by a_yelloty and black laLt 1.
PRICE-25 cert 4QA.
Prepared 01111, :wit inltMlettelAnte and Rriall, ai Dr
Lel,l)'s flrallh Ettworltttn, street. Ile
low Vine. Phllitrletrtliri, nthel.j, F.JIHNE.Ft•ocK
4- co corner of Wood an(leixth feet+, Agent! for Pius
• j• 12 Iv.
-STRUM RNTSI— 7'. McCarthy, Cut/cr and Surrira/
.l.stritment ...Joker, TAird street. niar/g opposite the
Post Office, Pittpbstrgh
Is#1! ef*PE(4l.B4ll:4llo.)_ l .
rbviiCians. Dentists and, Dtiaggists can have liter in•
strunientsetadeby the- soheeriber of a - roperior - onatity
and at Eastern prices.
l'allors' Patent Shears sad Scissors always on hand.
also tisttarsEbears..a seperlor aeliete. Orders teepect.
Cuilr,seticrted:. ' • -
. . .
41.4. A I flit M warranted' of the 1161
obhtng done as' usual. sep 10
, 'lO FEU AL Es.—Thes eis a large class of Females in
I litsCtty who from Iliac continued siti ing, to which
their occupt4hins oblige' Item,a re affected, with costiveness
glycsruMlopoistitallon atihe:lieart °tithe leasi
et lion, sense of heaviness Wending over the whule bead,
intolerance of light it..... l otoonti.an inability of tiling the
attentmn to arty mental operation; rumbling In the how•
els, sonic' Imes a sense of suffixation. especially after
meals when any exertion Is uted,-alc.golua quickly up
stairs; temprefickle; these are iYmplostm which yield at
once to a few iiiiresof the Rrandreih Pills The gem
siona I use or 11,10 medicine would saves dee! of trouble
and years of stilt-ring. One, or two, or even , three of
the Brandreth 041,Junibefore er,ltire ,- et en found
highly beurficia I; many use them very advaniigeotislitn
this way; they aid and assist digestion,restore the hostels
to a proper condillea.collven the spirits, Impart clear
ness to theromplexion, purify line blond, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. 0 - audreth's Office. lit the Diamond
Pittshureli—.Prlce 2.stenS3 per hoz, with full direct)oetrs
MARK—the - only 'dice In Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can he °Mai ned, lethe Doctor's own Of.
flee, Diamond, Sep, 10
7 rll'irin
adainie=Patent "irbaughpite Iff.iliac
I f
JIVE new been, before
il •
the public. 9' yeai. du
tag which time b. viral
.liousam:s have been sqld
Id in daily use, We are
ofident a being sti•lttiizbil
saying they are the best
iffee Mills 'a the Untied
ales, any way you , fiz a.'
event modifications are
Met° suit the fancy of
Ives and the purses of
. .
rher genoine ari ieles, of al sizes, alit!' ino4t iniprovcd
vOriet,iel t xops!antly . on hand an fort:aleet very redhead
Mites by the aihr.tfhettirer. T. R. LIVINGSTON,
mar 2. —tf Frost between R 049 and Orant Ms.
HAVE removed tb.. taper Siore from Market
greet 'to N 0.64 Wood street, one door from the
corotrof 4th, where they Ivey on hands their itcha I as
sorimeht cif WALL PAPERS, for Papering parlors, en
trles,ehambers. -amt also PRINTING, WRITING
all of whichihey offer for sale on. aceorumodat I oil le oh s ,
feb 14, 1843. —di f
rfloiv important it Is that you commence without
loss of time with. liasstartazzes Pmts. They u Ilitly but
surely remove all impurities from the blood, and nu case
of sickness can affect the, human frame, that these tete
Mated Pills do not relieve as much se . 'medicine can do.
Coils and coughs are mere benentted by the Prandreill
Pills than by lozenges and cannles. Very well, per
haps.as patiat Ives. but worth nothing as ersdlctiOrs ur
diseases from the Mimeo system. Tlw BeidfloitTer
cure, they do not merely irefir ye, trey c a re disea3c , ,
whether chronic or terent, luffecthms or otherwise, will
certainly be cured by the use of these all ptitfieieht
Fin° Sinn, January2l,lB43.
Doctor Benjamin Bravireth—lfottoted Sir: Owiria to
you a debt of gratitude that mnbey cannot pay, A nui
induced to make a pitiVic nowledgemlitti of the benefit
my tvlte has derived from yorir fretrabtable pills, About
three years I Iris Whiter the *as taken At kh a pain Ia her
amide. which 14011 became very much inflamed and
swollen, co mach so that we became alarmed. and sent
lbr the doctor During hisat.endance the pain and swell
ing increased to an alarming degree, and in fltree weeks
(*ion) lu first commencing it became a running sore--
She could ;et no rest at orglit the pain was en great
Our firsit Der tor attended her fur 111 months, rind she
received no benefit whatever, the rata growinr worse.
and the sore larger all the ' , bile. tie said if it was heal
ed op it wont' he her death, hat fee appeared to lie at a
loss how is proceed, and my titter wife shit continued
to stiffer the men terrlhre tortures. We therefore cousin
other aid tn a Botanical doctor, who aid when he Gat
saw it that he coeld soon clue Ina sore, and give her
ease at vice. -To our so rprise he g• ye her no relict,
and acknowledged that It battled all 116 skill.
Thus we felt after haviitx tried durinfrone whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, in
alnintute despair. My poor wllion constitution rapidl y
tailing nt the prune of her yearn from Jter communed
suffering, ruder these elrcutostatiee,i we ermellided 11,at
We would try your linivcrsatVeget thin NUL/In:ermined
10 rattly test their rurally, eireetn. To MY wife'? great
comfort the first feiv do-es afforded great relief of the
pain. Within one week, to the astonishment of our
selves nod every ono who knew ofthe case, the ?welling
and the inflammation beenn toreasc 10 tliJi the fell Tint
easy. and would nie,p comfmla'ily, and, sir, oiler tia
wet use she was aide to ',2 , 1 through the 11 , tuse. and
again attend to the managemetit at' tree (amity which
she had not dime lie nearly 14 mouths. Ina little over
I xvoi nu int 119 from the lime she fro coototeitecil the
of your inialualile PJIu, her ankle was quite ?mind, tot
her 11,011 !lever than it had been in quite a vittitlit•i rd
yea, s tiefor , .. I tend you thi. st.ilettietit after •YO crnl •
testa the etiro. , emisiderlii: It only an act of joi.tiee in
yen and the nubile a , Hirt,.
WC :11 - 1% wII :1 marls gra itude.
Ver3 re•Teoftilly,
11140 THY cLizA A. LITTLE
P. S. The neOnniral Doetor prononoeed Agre ran
crrml+, and th u oi y , a id zom con t,f bw done. 11111,, ti
ahnk of the lksh %ca. , rut ntr.and the hone Feraptd.
Thnnk a hi , d Prolndrne”, thi. wade n.. re-on-40 yen
which gAved n , fro t. ill lurthrr wirers, and r,
tv irh We hopes be i Pankrnl. T. A • C. L..
Ctr,Fold at ' 5 rents per lot, wl ll,,lirrrtione.
0 1, wrve thy now Inhok, ear li havin: upon It two .02
of Dr. Bratill , eili R. , Flirt, lox of 111.. !ermine
ha. six .I..lnaturo.--.lirer. Benjamin Brandre.il and three
Il Blenrlreili upon It.
The only place In rill sl.O r&I, where the real Penn,
(troth rills ran le n , vained, k the Doctor's own office.
lo the Manumit behind the Markel house. Marl:,
the genuine Ben nthelli Pills can never he obtained in any
ern, enre.
The followinz are the wily IrlTelits appointed by Dr. P
firathireth, for 'rite wee of his :Vogotrible UniverFal NI le
In Allegheny tenthly:
Pstsmrst. Acister.r) 11 I.Et, Pittsburgh
Mr. Jeans Glass.—Albiltesy.
Robert MitsCan—ftirtuittsburn.
C. P. D'eltl—Elizahriiiiou.n,
11 llorrlsrci—sl'Ket,pwl.
Pres#ly Irwin—Plea-31/1 11111.
John Johnston—\nrdeslow•n.
Ch•+!man grt.-mttlinff -StewattsloWn
AFffrit I.7ono,ll—Climon.
Rohort Amilh rorlyr—TorentOm.
aNltr. Powrr—PnirO4w.
Ilovi4 R Conn- Plum township.
Pnnirl I. , :pv.tet —Mart Leterty.
Edward Thninnsem--Wilkiwell.Urgb
Wm. o.llunier—Alleti's Mill.
T lie tare r ablislied for the
imrpo.e of const ar;ent. In Ilir wr.t,ltavlng necam
01. ttiird If -at lope!, I. nn cln,ed, and Mr. G. 11. LEE
inure Diam end, Markel street, appointed nut , scent fur
the vale of Pills and Liniments .111 Dr. Bra ndet liA acenlv
will titerforearnderrand,that Ilr,ll, will tend a travelling
12e111 Ihroll2li the country once a year In eollect m meys
for vales made and ft-supply P. The rail traveller
will lie pruvided with a power of attorney. duly proved
before the Clerk 01 the (AI y and county of New York,
tot:ether with all nec. , svary vouchers and papers.
Mr• J, 1. Yoe, is any trav:th ipa nttent now In Penney I.
vanip, R. RR ANDE M. lit
N. R, Rememher Mr. fl• 11, Lee, In rear (gibe Mar.
ket it now my only scent In rltiettur;ll.
New York,inne 14th, 1843,
D:7- An individual only tvi.hes In know the tied 'any
end Ito re are rone, is ere It PURELY made
known how I.tra imam lie prolonged and Ilea TII n.
Coten•d. w: o would not nitnnt the plan. Evidence le
required that the right Way is discovered. This is Wail
those stitrering from sickness want to he et ktied ahout.
For who Is so fooliFli as hot to enjoy all 11111 health hip
lwdy is repaid., oil !I' lin le there that would not Ilve
when hi: exptrtence 'can CO notch benefit Itimi-elf at d
f am iio 11 hi a an,tai t eti.,:y fart that n very tarre pro.
portion of the mnsi w.eri I members of corletv dlet
'wenn the az . es of thirty and forty. flaw totally widows
and helpless orphans have been the conseolienee of rinse.
kind not hftving in their ON' n po.ver the tncansol rester.
in! health when lost.
Now all these d angers and difficulties can he prevented
and the long and certalusickness, and by assisting Na.
litre. in the outset, whit a good dose of Brandreth's Pills.
This is a fact, W 4 Ii , SISId4II4IIiOOd 10fie if by thousands of
Our citizens This medicine. if taken so as to purge
freely. wit/ Sorely ruse any curahle disease. There k
no forMor kind 0134'km-1.1 , 0W it does not exert . a cur
ative influence upon. Thus. by their power is resisting
putrefaction, they rare measles small pox, worms and
nit contagrouq'evers. There Is- not a meillcino In the
world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore It
to healthy totindition, as the Rrandreth Pills.
The Brandrei h Pills are ;wets , vegetatile, and so In.
nocent that the Infant of a mot lh old may use them If
medicine la required, not only whit rafeiy but with a cer.
lainty ufreeetvine all the benefit medicate Is capalue of
.Females may use them In all the critical
periods of their lives._ The ilrandri,th FIJIs will insure
their health, and picidttet regotarlty in a'l the functions
of life.
The same may said of Retralfrah's Frtersal RCA
edy, a. rut outward application in all external pains, or
swellinas, or Foree, it greatly as-hos the cure. When
used where the skin is very tender or broken. it shottld
he mixed whit mien, two pints of wafer.
sure Terf of nentst.e Bresdreta Pitla,—Extanine
the hos of Ptilv. Theo look at the certificate of agency,
whose engravertstalle must he within the year, which
every anthorieretiaxent Writ pos s ess;-if the three lalteti
on the bait. ,airee with the three labels on the certificate
tile Pins are frite—if not, they are false,
rrinefoal Office, 241 Uroadway, New York:
June 16.
- .forroxiis Lsphles.-rW do
_you not remove
hat superdoptikto64l.)tltibitfotehcads and I
upper )(pl. By ;nlllOOll TUTTLes, 86fourth aild
°Raining a bottle of Gouraud'a l'uodrr.; Bithtivs, which
wilLreiu.,ve It at once wit hoot arect lug the 'kin, You
can also obtain Gourautrs truly tether:Oct/ Eau de Beattie,
which t, 11l at once remove all freckles, pimples, ei no.
lions he skin, and make your face took perfectly fair;
and to thus;• who welt to a 95101 nature hy N rtoi ng more
color to t ht,ir cheeks, they can obtain some of Gouraud,.l
celebrated Liquid Rouge, %void) cannot he rubbed ofreven
hv a wet chilli. Also way he found a good assortment of
Perfumery, Fitch ar , Cologne, Beare' Ail, A Inland, Pt 1.7 , ,
Vt.'intio.; a rld othr rtSoaps.
Iterneuilter, at 'futile'- Medical Agency, 86 4th Ftreetd
Druggwis and others can beiupplied at Irrlin'es.de and
retail terms. may 28 1842
old by the gym or dasett
the manotinctory . —__
leibie eagtings made to
APR now k now , ir toi honeand, a n mo-t e ii ma „ r di„ : ,
ry remilly for thl< affliction as weil as the incon
trovertible fact of their Cutting.. itYBPc.NIA. Will linage
mirrorin g ooly ask ninon.: their ft lends it they I:.ivr
known of Zile positive, effects Of raid I . IIIA. iliey
do not hear them more warmly praised (and deierveihy.
Ino)tliau any oilier, tlico lei !hem net buy. the n ,. I mu
dim few reinark,i, all fancy or ihiagiiiat ion is excluded,
and mithiwz will he said ikf . their uteri! at any time
but what can he fairly proved by respectable we art era of
our community,
Rend tire fo!lowing rertifvate given by a rt - Jr4rlni.fe
citiz6n of Atlnglieny rit v o amd lefled by of r aft briut
CS of the Court cf Gotnnsan Pleas. or %11e211f.ny rn.
A LLICOHINY CITY, January 9, 1843.
Dear. Sir—l have for n number of year , past been af—
flicted with a severe arid almast consotatit Ile.rlaclie,
Heinz (ruin derattreineur of stomach and lmwels and al
though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicl^e re
commended fur lip ewe, have never derived any male
Hal bear:lll null! 1 used some of your truly valnalde An.
Ii Dy...peptic rills. I have ant taken guile t vvo Mixes and
consider myself perfectly relieved (rain chat dist res , ing
rnmplaint. I have no hesitation rerononending your
Pills as the best niediellie I have ever used.
am argna.nted with Mr, Turtle-, i have 11(1 hettita.
lion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr,
T. revrisciinz Dr fliodle's V. 114, as entitled to tne most
perfect and entire confidence. DUCH DAVIS.
For sale, N'holesnie and Crtuil at the grodottlan Pill
Eitablitotmeot Pith.lturgh ; . an] ly all authorised a
gents I hroulthout the Union
Alle'v city Jan 91:,43
Evans's Camomile Pills.
reertrtc•res.—lie* front tho-lipti. WOO
lan,Sulltvaii Cott nly,tiagTennes!ee,,lllentherof Connress.
July 3d. 11138.
Sir—Since I hay. be..mtifl Oat city tha ye tiF.ed some of
your nyaprititr MegtkaillPits 7 lol:lolve benefit and antis
faction, arid helleyolt ijalre a iii, valuable remedy. One
of my :otistituenttOr.-'4. Utratopliell connty,
Tea iter , r•e. wrote pautuatta)Fents him poute. which I did,
and he has moloyitat slier:es-rutty in his practice,
d says; It is invalpahtp , .Mr. Johnson. emir anent at
this place,'" think+ eau wouldwrobahty , .like an anent in
Tennessee. ll' so, I would recommend fir. A Carden. as
a proper per-I'n I t oliittiale for the Rale of your celeh. at ed
ntertirine. Should yule COnitniSsittlti Bim Ile Is wllllntr to
tier for }on. Von can send t lir medleine by %vat or toils
rare or rtotterl Kiftrr* Sons. Knoxville County. Tenn,.
, re, or by hod to Crab") liontr4Ont. TaZewoll. Cast
renne , sre. I have no doubt Inn If you had agents in
nevi - rat (011ntirs in Cant l'ennessre, a 2r,at deal of rned i.
rise would lie sold. l am coin::: to take sonic of it home
for my own 1151'. and that of my frtends, and should
like to hear from you wite-tlier von would like no agent
at flttifliyllle.Flll WWI County. Cant l'ennentaer; I can net
nitric of tile merchants to act for you as I live near there.
Ycurn re4nertfully,
For saie 11 hotesale nod Retail, I.y
it C SELL CRS, Azent,
No. 20. ‘Voctl sirm.r.t.plow
ffifi.le remedy fens preserved tundred+
when thoutthi Itail recovery, f con convokiont. As soon
,ti the Svrap is rulfhed on the the rlflld will recur.
er • Thill ffrenaralhn isM 10 n.wpn t, en effiraciou.. and so
nirn , :tol. 114,1 an child vci•l refuse to let Its 2UMS be ruh
bud nLb it. IX hen inianl.are fit the flee of fruir
tliff• there israappearaticc of teeth. our Louie of the
SI rut , sinaild Lr u.ed I u open the pores_ Turenis should
ever he wji h.a j i !he fly in the nursery where there
are a nun!: chlldreff. fur if a child wakes it, the night with
paiti iu the t:• , ..5. the Sirup immediately elves case. 11%
opei.:•l2 the pores, and ttentiru thr 211 t n..; then+, prevent.
l . ” 1640 AWN*, ELVIIttS, 4*.d. For Sato Whirrcisht sod
4-I.til by B. L. ill'.l.l.Eftel..lz,•fil,
v , p 10 No. to. woAsI rect. below Second.
Llr Ell' COMPLAINT cured by the n.e t f Dr. !Inc.
compound St reti2t hrtrin: and A privet rills.
Mr. Wm. II tcliard , , of Pirblithrfh, Pt.. entirely cored of
i lie aneveili.nrea.iinT divea:e Rie ityinpioniv were pain
Ind welsh. is theistt vide. lot= of arpetite, vornltiii,e, acid
, rucittlions, s'distettaion of the. , ionlach. irk
furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color. difli•
roily of lirestitios,dietortvert rest,attended oath a rough.
great deli lily. With other symptoms Indicating 2r..:41 de
•angenieni of 'the functions of Idle liver. Mr. Richard
had the advice cf setieral rilioiciana, hut rerelvtd Ivo
-relief. - until tiFinr. 113014.10 a Medelne, which terminal.
trd In elfectlur a pe - fect cute.
Prinripal Office. 19 Nnri h Ptreet, Philadelphia.
Fay eat, in Plll:4,hrgtt by Stmoel Frew, Corner of Llher
t y and Wood st reel s. Pep 10
13 •
Tirenetithr 31V 0 OMPoltd of hello, which exert
a specific: action Span the heart, rive Impnis, or
rirength to the nrre,tal Bveleni; the iiYond I. gnirkenrd
eonaltzed in its circulation thronet all the sessek,
whether of the .kin. the pa. Ls Internal ly.nr I he
•ilrewitieg; and an ail the eecreltOns of the leanly are
drat. n fron' the lilood. there ins consequent liierease of
every eerretinn, ones a goirkened . .ci ion of t ahsorbeal
huh ex halen , , or 41fellar2iez ve , seli. Ace 11100 , 111 action
wt,leb may hr.ve CaUen Wrier is rorreited. nil abet rm..
ti )ne are rr.:nr yeti. ft.! blond MCI urtlied end the body
Mimrsa! :a ti i.ate. Foe ale Wholesale Red Rei
R 18f Arent.
.rn 111 2 i W.virl et. lielow Selman
Inv 23. 1843
pit,rs efi.r i t hi, 'he ge or Ik . lintlirh s s romptainit
F•ireli tttllentsr and at.rmsn Apprittot Pit's
Dr. llarlich--Dess ir —Shnrilv after I received the
Agency from y. u for the snle of your medicine. I
formed an acqsaininore wi It a I.tdy of this place, who
wasseserely afflicte.d with the Pilo*. For eight or ten
VP3 re IIIIP lady was subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her phyrician rooebfripd her case so complicated,
that he very seldom preset tiled medicine for her. Through
my persuasion, slit tom menced.using your Pulls, and was
perfectly cored. Yours, 4'c. 'ARIES" IT. JUR BY
Oetoher 3, 1;110. Cliantherslmg, Pa,
17"1 .0 ffier nod General Depol, No 19. North
:4( rpm , And intirsi Frew, corn.• o f
I.lhrrt v and IVond streets Pl4...Floveli. to.p 10
N 0 sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations he
come popular, lu conscquence of Its success and ef
ficacy, thaw.ii iseouisterfeited or- irnitatest
To preveiit • iotpo.illon, Dr Leidy has now procured
moulded . holltes for his celebrated Triter and Itch Oho.
mem, with Ihn words 'Dr Lehly's Triter end Itch Otto.
awn , : blown In the flat. , heOries et:1,6124411 his written
sisitature co It qettow kiwi outride.
Dr Leidy's Teller and Itch Ointment. has proved more
filracinus than any other preparation . for Teller, Itch.
Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of
he skin eenerally.
It has been employed In schools, factorin.,and on board
vessel , carrying passengers, where children. 114 well as
grown rwrFons, contract disease" of Ihe skin from their
contagious nat. ire, with the most unexampled ...um ;
certificates nod recommendation" have been her. Infore
published from them, and 1111 m, rous others might Ire rm.
rained for publication, but fort he objections most persons
have, to having their names published in connection with
such dka2rreatdr and lost Itanine nfrectiong
In no smgle. instance 1155 it ever been known to fail.
has been used upon Infants and by persons of all
Rem II Is perfeeily safe, enniains no mercury in ila
composidion.and may hr used under Ail cirramslances.
Prier Twenty-five cents a bottle. Piepared atilt w►d
at Dr Leidy's Gentili Emporium. (sign of the Gatden Ea•
;le and Perwentso and by B. A.l'A 11 fi Et! , TOCIC 4. CO.
corner of Wood and Stith streets, Agents for rittabur:.
pity 12
Head:icily ! -Headache !
Your Rpectfuily,
Tsidostrinpr Jitm rcreived 3onlool stf!PlY •
t I.a Dike( W. Garden Seeds. consisting In part 0f1,6
following of the last ycars Crop watriarleil
11 a ivr Melon,
Ton. I cer,
&c. &C. &C
T.:p..4.111er nllll vartel yof Pot Eweel berba and o'4l
OnrOrilers for Seeds. Slirutr.a, Tr es. kr_ from darttetr.
et'a aid other* will be reerived and prompt/3r aticemkd
tNo. 18.4 Libcrly. lieud of Wood it:
Dr. Sw•rac—Dear ref colt me to take the Morel,
of tvriting 1)0001 ibis time to express my apptcbatitia
and to recommend to the attention of heads of families ,
and others tour invaluable utedieine—the Compound.
S , yrup of Prunus Virginian:l, or Wild Cherry Bark. Its
my travels. of lair 1 have seen in a ;veal many instnnern
the wonderful effects of your medicine in rellevlng chit
Area or very oltzliiiple ton-plaints, such an Coughing
lietzing. rhea kies of Mile:: sthniaiir attacks, ter.
4'e. I should not have written Ws letter, liolvevet, at
present although I have feat it me duty to add any lett!
molly It fur conic Time, had II not been fur a late In.
stance where the.ntediciue shove alluded to rvag-intatn
mental In restoring to perfect health no "only child,”
whose rase was almost hunches, in a fatuity of my se
qualntanee. hi Iltauk (leaven," raid the darning south.
I•ron y child issaved front the Jaws of death! 0 how .1,
feared the ielentless ravager But my child is rare! lit
Jan 13--Ir
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound SYralli
'Aild Cherry is the urost valuable medicine in this or any
other country'. I ant certain I t awe witnessed more chap
one hundred cases where it has been attended with cam.
piece suer es,. I am usin_ it myself In an obstinate ala
tart; of Bronchitis. in which it proved effectual in a arsr
ceedlnely soorl time, considerine the severity of the rase.
I can reromend h inure fullest cnnfidevce ofits supeeief
virtues; I would advise that 110 family should he without
it is very pleasant and always henelicint--wOith
double and often ten lit/US its price. The rublic are aa.
cured there is no quackery about it. R. JACKSON, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presl.3 teflon Church,
Sold by WM. THORN, who'csale Wall, only anent
for Piltsburp.ll. $0.... Va. tut ‘I reel. sep 10
AI3OON TO TUE 1111 M A N ACEl—Disegtgr
that "it ?c , '"?./ Life, and you are a greae alma
"thscoaer :aka , trill prolong Life, gad the ugrid Wit
call you Impostor."
There are faculties, hatiii9 and intellectual, witAiyt
wick which cretuits irerbs have affinity. and over, soitiok
they hare poteer."
Dr. IL Maitarok's rirernil Remedy, or Liniment
which, by it. extraordinary power.. abstracts Pain or
So/roe-Ft thus Sprains, ruff Sirius, White Sweilings .
Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joint'
Tumors. Fl-ardoess, Elilr Net* Sore Throat
Croup. Contractions of the muscles, Ferotlatotts ea
farzetoenrs. Tender reel, and every description of
jury affecting the iltleth , r o 1 the [lowan Figme,ir
cured or :realty relieved by his Nercr-to Le arfficient
csfoned remedy.
("Errm , .rif—Tbe followlng [titer ff on' IdsJos Cell
era , Fandrord, as to the littali;ies of the' Exit:l'm:ll Geoff
dy, speaks volumes.
Dear Slr—Wi I you uldicr 'me with ann‘ln.r. Houle of
your ra ellcul . Liuirneri? Il is rerfalnly 11 e b es t of life
load I have ever cern. It has cured rnitrefy jny net
kite...it/wilt which I was so uneasy. and / bate ?M/
orodocrix, of Mt Mediate relict . lit several Cane , ' of ellei
nal injury in n.y family. A few eVellittga flu
younce,l child waYseeLcil with a violent titlark UfCrout
which was entirely reii:fted In newly iniswles, by tab
hing her enesi freely Wills the Etlernal -Rem
city. I think you to. manufarlure this Liniment
for teneral use, instead cfcnitfinlne the use of il, as you
have heretofore dyne, io your particular necinnentoweet.
Yours truly, C. %V. SA NMI:1lb
De. B. RR•NDRETII. 241 Crr.adway, N. Y.
Ty • r r sale a( 241 Prnadway, New York, and hts
„Rice' in the 111 mond, Pitist,nrah. PINCE-50 rents
per Lott le will, direflion4.
rßobucr. oR Ara:RAVATE DWEASE.-111
:la4 - or individoa!sis vet y numerous. They are Ikon
who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work
men in feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white feaU
manufacturers, are all mort or less subject to disease se,
cording to ;he strength of their constitution. The wol)
method to prevent disease, Is the occasional useoTa
medicine which abstract? front the tirtulatMn alltiettere
dons humors, and expel,, them hy the hoWels. route
In any form are injorlobs, as they only 7dt off the eel
day to make it more fatal. The use of Bmndre; Pill
will insure health, because they take all Impure
.mal tee
aut of the blond; and the hay is not weakened At
st rent.' hened by t heir operation, fur these 'vareahte Pit%
do not force. but they as , i‘t nature, and are nolopoinet
but harmonize with I er.
Sold at Dr. itratidrrtlAFtre, In Vhe Diamond
' Price ;5 cents per hos', with Nil direetions:
Nt A I:K.:—'l'he only place in Pitistinrch where the
''GENUI NC Pills ran be olitained,is the Doctor's own Of
, tire In the lliamoud. rep 10
Caveat ente,e ! 9th J1111E...184 7 2- Patent granted to
Beejimin e , i...20th January. 1843.
The extract, of which Brandreth Pills are. coM.
pr, rd are obtained by tiCrs or patented proem,
wilbont I oiling or al y application of heat. Thu se—,
live principle of the herbs is thus secured the Fame
as it is in the
The PubEe shon'd be cannons u( medicines tee—
cdirnmetde I in advelii.t.ruents stolen torn me, in
which the COSTEMpTIIII.I.: ROBBERS Steelai my Mu-.
guage. merely alterm., the name. Time will khOW
these wh , detza'e dccei,ers in their true light,
Bit AN DR ET I'S PILLS are the People',
Medoi ,, e, proved by tin wands who daily rerroin
mend Olem to the afflicted. The BBANDRETII
PILLS ore eroo i, g ^very dat more popular, their
tues are ex , endiil their usefulness, The sick of
both sexes are daily deriving benefit from th em .
No case nl d!sease but they can be used with advad-.
rage. Blotches f.r. haul lumps of the skin they speed
ily cure, so with erysip,:ar, so Wilt salt rheum, so
with indi4estion, so with roughs and colds, so with
costiveness, so whir cancer, so u i h hot parched
arid canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this
medicine, and they will find they require no othetr.
Sod at 25 cents per b. , x, with directions.
Ohgerve the new iahels each having upon it tleo
iio)attires of Dr. IS, andreth. So each box of the
genuine hat, six signatures—three Benjamin Brood
reth and three B. Brandreth upon it.
The PLACE in Pittsburgh where the AEA
BrFutrireth Pint: c•N BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor,
own Office. Diamond back of the Market House
Mark. the GENCINE Bran ,, rethPilis can never be ob.
tai, eel in any De UG STORE •
The fnllowing ale the UT LY AGENTS appoint
ed by Dr. B Brandreth, for the shit of his
. ( Vegela•
ble tiniver‘al Pals in Allegheny County.
G ti Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh
Mr. John Gla.cs—Allegheny.
Rohe,' Duncan--Birntin;..harn.
C. F Diehl—Elizabethtown.
IT. R.wla,d—Mclit esr.rt.
Presslp Irt+ P lelp ant II ill
icho Joims.n—Ntible-Invk o
Ches , man & Spaulding—Stewartstown.
At. COlll4 !1..... ClllllOll.
Robert Smith Pertel—Tarenitim.
George POU er—Fa rvi.w
David R. Coon—Plum Township.
Daniel Nezley—East Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wilkinsbures.
IV co. 0. iluntgr—Alton's
- , - - --- -
•F ' ' 2.-2; - ....S
--•, t . 1:
.. c . : l rr .
t \
,' N k . ' j'
t'-` • ' -'-- ' A) /
/ , '
Eeg Plant, rarittip. I
Emil% e, Peas,
Kale, Pepprr,
Pu in Ok in, • Biostori;
ltadon, BP/et-044
lthrait, Cat base r .
Salsafy, Carrot.
Ca n litln%ver, Pir p.i
Celery, Mr*,
Culled C ten, Qginri
Cnetnut,cr. ear t;ley,
51nstard, (n bite and b(okn)' -
Cinevtnati, February 15. 1840
Nov Yon's, Feb. 9. 1842.