WEDNESOkY MORNING, OCTOBER 4^1543 _ . Qom'dtbturiness cards, &c., 5t.43 tirdt page . . • PITTSBURGH 80.+.110 OF TRADE. COYMITTKE oc row:R. w. J. Howard—.l• $ • Semple—Ci:orge. Ogden Ta LADIES. CONIPAXION.—.-ThCOCLOberrIUM. • 0 thiiittiguine,hasbeen rot eiced and is renAly for delivery ekOcioh!sLiterarydopot, 4th itrect. cnatains the usu al amount of original matter, and is embellished with twebetatiful steel engravings and a plate o f t l, l fall fashions Tog Lit ROr TM:00011E. AGRIPPA IYACEIIR2•I:, A HvilveroT.CArrAmi, embracing a history of the stir ringicici'dents of the reign of Charles IX. and Henry IV or France, is also for sale atCook's. This is a very itotrooting book. Titit gsn's WIF P., a novel by Mrs. Gat.: is just puSiished and for sale at Cook's. The last work writ ten by this lady—"Abadaego, the Moncy Lender," vat very popular and established her with the-I : subtle 11.5-11 charming writer of fiction. M . /joss's M.'t.a Ronvince of the Revolution, by a*thor of "Old Loyalist" has also been recei veil and is fur sale at the same place. Cas - At Commtsstoseas.—We insert today the ex qalierstaddress tithe Stew Central Committee of the Democratic party. It is an ably written document, Wltich'aets forth the merits and services of our candi dates it; a brief but clear manner, and malteszood their claltrts to the support of our party. We hope it will be 'extensively read, for it is in all respects worthy of attention and perusal. !Mr:. E. Roamsos's FIRST LECTURE will be giv enthio, evening at Temperance Hall. His talents as a lecturer are highly spoken of at the east, and the soh jet Oriels discourses is a most interestins; one to very miry of our ritivms, and is eminently worthy the atten tion of all. Wo hvo to sue a lar,;a attendance. Ptho brig Plutas, from Boston. for Jacmcl, was. woockod ua Laona Island cmt end of St. Domingo on 31teor.Tuli—partof cargo saved—resAd and cargo in. supad. 13uatoia. ,larrhe fattest oxen at the State Agricultural Fair w‘iits,e.ithibited by Jeremiah Brown of Orleans county. 1110 , 0- three of thum, weighing severally 3'200, 3303 and 4011 Thy larzest of these falls more th. l 433'p )(tab sham. of th^ ex now exhibiting in this city; whioh notice]. ea Saturday. Ile weighs 4 143, nlis an as fat as the owner intends ttt make him. Mott* ItT.LP Pea REP 6AI, —..At a Repeal meeting h fail.iitcia, ea Mau lay, 25th ult., the Rev. C. W. proucatoat 'clergyman, avowed himself to h"%n nrl at rep:mler, and eloquently replied to the g•tii4l4i3.4...iquetttly thrown out, that 11.2!peal is a Cath olio-inoverttent. Tilia he emithatit:ally and iiittainett that it w.ti Daly a ;rent aad golinti political ntoceraent. , • - _ 7 - 14 - c;T Veonnt Tax DL;TY.--.The Ililifas. (N. S•)that • eirr'4ty4:llnc,33.2Ct! or:randy mid Win. which -41111afv•cm . §CiiAvib.l the revonue offieers: were emptied iato.the it4mrnoa sewer near the Cua.,,al H d a.,e, as tl4,;(nula not (etch sit puhlic auctinn the am mat of d•ttieato which they woo 'MIA,: Thu NV ashMatoni uns irdtst hiveberm in the tieigldwwhemd of Halifax, tly Wile°lin Trot'. sap, that a Mr.:. Nlityln.ll that tniOn Ite4 week, who had ',wen gmplio.wil to 110 .. 4ilil:;ilat, 6. id had partially suhizi.4teA on charity f.r e , ,mint years plAt. lu lte r house were tot!.l cloven Ihtuateitgininish dollare, anti ii.n:)penrs that slug al:n nveapsta yalnable farm in l'enniylvania. lOlt CIT . --The real and perminal e•nate in tbwrity, R 4 county of NCW York, has decreased in val ue eltieß-184f.', $9,883811. The taxer , to be raised uti i t f3 property this year are estimated in all at $1- '80,71,11361., T 8 he amount of the real e.itate for 13- 4.2lll'give9t at 164,959,514. Perional $63. 0 i 110 1 " ; The Be*. S. 14. Tyng is pteaehing sermons in Nnef,tx.k.agaitist 1113 fellow christians, the noman Cathbliei. The Spirit nettle Timer says;—•`fre is the Tyng who published his letters for Sunday scisneloseulegising British institutions, and deprica tit thatintlepettaent feeling *hick a luck of those ti tles to 4o honor to in this counuT oetasions. He i s La s r.theauthorefthe letter reviling Thomas Jefferson.— Weil& Divine Ma.ster when on earth: so arro:,-ant, so captipus, er so tnielemntt" .MEXICAN IN DE M NITY: The U. S. brig Bainbridge, Lieut. Com'g. Johnson, act . iiyed at Norfolkon Sunday hut, in twenty-foor tlays fruuj "rem er1 4 , Thd brint4 intellig - ence th tt their. S. ship Vin cennes, Capt. Buchanan, was tit anchor off Sacriticios od.the 'At Sept. awaiting the arrival of despatches from the Hon. Watidy Thompson, our Minister at *kith; ,The .second Instalment of the Mlxienn indemnity htta , bems and the Coadtteta. with the amount sll.4lll',ooo'vra4 on its way to Vera Cruz when the Bain bridtm left that port. It was expected to arrive there on the 4th instant. - The Norfolk Herald says-- ~T be Vincennes was ordered to Vera Ciuz for the intreesettf corree!,,ing the Money to the United States, bts ttavis understold at the rime the Bainbridge sail ed, that a.m. Thonipson, Minister at Mexico, had en carol iota: an arrangement with the how° of H a rgcnts & Cti.,ltolship the money to New York in. the brig Pe tersburgh. at the carman of the claimants.' 4 1SETTER LaUGII TITAN CRY." Tlw,re'snn one in rubbing one's eyes and tibtishering over all "tbe ills that 11..5h in heir tn."— lt4B eyes caused by any thing but brandy or its kind exkl,are scandalous looking affairs. The best way is eo"ntand up to the rack," and take the good things and t. 464.61 ac they come tan lg. without repining.; alwitys eh-Jelin; yourself with that pliiloaaphical ejaculation, "better luck next time!" - Ii dame fortune as shy a. a weasel? Tell her to ' to thus ter, and laugh lwr in the flee. The happiest (Ana we ever saw., slept upon a plunk—and bad'nt a shilling . in hi. pocket, not a coot to bin back. find "dlsappoinmerat lurkingin many a prize?" Then throw it away and iaugh at your own folly for so lots Putiming it. IB Dat.3 Panto elude your gram? Then laugh at the fills th'at aro so often her favorites. She's of no can segnento any how, and neverbuttered a piece of bread or furnishe4a,ruan clean dickey. 14 Your heart' broken by "Some maiden fair, - (Jbrigbt blue eyes and auburn hale" ."11heri thank your stars that you have escaped with your neck, and make the welkin ring with a h'as'ty I laugh. It lightens the woight of one's heart amazing - Iy. Take oar a 7t 0 4 ci Mre D V:I ::L:IT , )•"' r-XTR-\ -‘- 1)1.1)1I ' l;L • ward. t: 11. ) t :,-.t I_ • Diti-n, ~ tb I.•!'t . .I.u . is n sa , ': a m.N.\TI:.;;.: , , v'm, T Clif•'.l' rep !etftill!, informs his friends man cut lii4tht•nit:Wit'l r, , 111: : • •:1-• ;m:•11r. that .116mM. in the Trttn,por gra nr , .!lr htttivc of • -es , . at hi= Wirelirin=e, CORNER OT IVO t, itl.r,ihinZ; Ahlr.vA a clear Si M V NFDV YORK .IRNI:sli `,; " TT ASD IV.%T . NR 4TREETS,, under the and gratituie for the gond things afire, aid el..vates disin...7, in store, and for sale at the DRUG tram, of the —/elepen , lln2 Portable Boat Line," above the brute creation. Sp - here - gnes for •fuu—and w A R FAIOUSE o f J. KIDD, where he will receive ti,.orl forward freight to die East at we'll rti t for not share white the ball is rolling. ' e r r 2 Cortierof 4th and Wood sts• the lowest trans. Sept. 4 —if. li A IP A MISER Oininty Chnumisadoner. - John II: Davis, . A T the solicitation of a number of friends of all 11.- political parties, I peetfullv crffer myself to AUCTIONEER AND'COMMISSION MERCHT, the consideration of my fellow -citizens for the office of Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittshurgh, County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not Ts ready to receive merchandize of every description be misunderstood, either as to political or private -.1.- on consignment, for public or private sale, and affairs, I make free to say that I hare been all my life from long experience in the above business, flatters a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. himself that ho will be able to give entire Satisfaction As the country is somewhat e mbarrussed in its finan- to all who may favor him with their patronage. cial affairs, and the reduction of sa.laries of public Regular sales on Mos DA T 5 and TIIIIRSOLYS4 of Dry One s has received the approbation of large majori- Goods and fancy articles, at 10 O'clock, A. M. ties of the people, the end...l - signed would not should Of Groceries, Pittshiirghmanufacmred articles,new he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at- and second hand furniture, Sec., at 2 o'clock, P. M. tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach Sales every evening,atearly gas light. sag 12—y the office of County Commissioner. apr G. SAMUEL fIUBLEY. - Prothonotary. • To the: voters of Allegheny counly:—l respect fully offer myself to ybur consideration as a candidate (independent of parties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per sonally known will please examine into my qualifica tions, &c.; and if so fortunate ak to obtain a majority of your saifrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the (lodes of the office, 1G satisfy you with your eh -.Ace. ALEX MILLAR. Iron Safes. IRESPECTFULLY Worm the public that I have and keep always on hand an assortment of Fire Proof Safes. The price, in comequence of the ma terials and labor being much lower, is reduced about thirty per cent. They are kept for sale nt my shop, in Sixth street, above Smithfield, neat to the alma on the corner of ' Gth street—as also with Atwood, Jones &Co., and Dalzell & Fleming. In regard to the qual ity of my safes I leave those persons who have pur chased and will purchase my safes to attest the util ity of them. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safes; justice and truth warrunt me in informing the public that all my safes which have been in buildings burnt down for several years since I commenced have pre served all the papers, books, &c., which they contain ed. I have a card containing a number of certificates of the same, which are in circulation and in ma hands and the agentes. JOHN DENNING. N. 13. A few pair of steel Springs for sale, made hy Jones & Coleman, and will be sold low. Also, ascrew press, with power to punch holes in half inch iron. re ) 20—tf LET all those la want of a first rate Over Coat, fashionable %%inter Frock, or Pelto, remember that the best made, m fashionable cut, tastiest trim med, and cheapest, article, (if not the lowest priced,) can be had only at the FASHIONABLE HEAD QUARTERS, 4 251, LtnEwri STREET. A few specimen coats on hood, which have just been finished according to the latest mode. We will be pleased to show them to any ganitleman wanting the ar ticle. City custonv-rs oiil pm eui% e the whamagn that this esta blishment can give. when they arc intlirmed that we will-in die to order every 11,:cription of garments in a sup rior style, and according to the latest fashions . , as low as the soul article can he liteight in this city. AL:iEt) L Nli-GUIBE. 7,-tAtiv lIIIr line made and ttimmed, wh Nt It ,nit..; the cm:tomer to hi= own material,:: evety paias will he ta ' tsea, :rat a h calsmn: lit Wlly• sep • JUIIN 1.1; FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock Establishment, ..\ - 0 61. LI3fOND ALLEY. n w Et:s ‘V i)1111 311.111iET STREET . I‘v LT LD ut t,t respectfully ttiIUOUIICX to OW Citizen< of l'itt:hurgli awl the country G enerally, that I have eqnniteneed the in:maim:tare of STOCKS. of every a riety, f , trio mtd description, and would solicit merchant. and others to call and examine for themselves, as I ant determined to sell tot the most accommodating . term, for cash, and hope, by strict attention to basitteAs, tc merit a share of public patronage. mug. 19-6 m. Found, A BOUT the last week in J une, in a Clothin e,Store At_ in liberty stn , el,a ti(tte of hand, considerably soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and another, and drawn in titvor of W. Black. The own ex can have it by identifyingit and paying expense*. Jul• 3 1 .--tc • The Fashions! TheFashiOni ! ! T UST received at ALGEO & WGU IRE'S Fashion di able Head Quarter:. a splendid lot of goods for the fall trade; amongst which will be f nind superior buck skin plain and fanny enssimeres, new style woolen vel- Vet vestings, plain satin and figured silk do.; diamond. waved and plain Beaver Cloths; a few pieces extia henry and fine Broad Cloths, fashionable colors for winter, sad: real; coats, extra suyerfine blue and wool dyed black, English and French broad cloths. All of which will be made to order in the most supwrior style, at very low priees. ALGEO &M'GUI RE, sett —lotd. 2dl, Liberty street, Allegheny County u. the matter of the estate of ROBERT KIRK, decd. L ' s " And now, Sept. 16, 11313, on motion of OcorLm I'. Hamilton, the money considered in Court and Robert Woods appointed Auditor to di3- tribute proceed: ofßy thy Codrt, THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk. h...reby g:von to all persons interested, that I will Mond to the ditties assigned to me by thr Court in the above cast-, at my (ace on Grant street, PlUS burgh, on the 30th of Oct., 10 , 13, at a o'clock. K. sapt 211-3 wd ROBT. WOODS, Auditor. Lippincott Mills. rp HE subscriber having purrha.sed and thoroughly _L • repaired these Mitts, is now manufacturing, and will keep constantly on hand, a full supply of nll the different kinds of Nails, Spikes tout Braden, etc.,— made from the hest qua:itv of Juniata Blooms, a w las ,000 as the necessary additions can he made t i the machinery, ho will m inufacture every description of HAI- and Sheet Iron. usually made in this market. Orders left withS. Cuthbert. at No. 35 Wood st. or at tito Milk in the Fifth 'Ward, nil he promptly at tended to. JAMES ANDERSON. sup 23-3 m. LTTEIt-27 Kegs. 513arrels ‘Vestern Reservv. Dairy Buttcrinst received and for Auk. by HALLMAN, JENNINGS &C, , . sop 43 Wood ft. DR. SI'L kNE'S AMERICAN WORM SPECIFIC. Mr. J Kton—Sir—A child of mine alstietdi yard old, was constantly indisposed, and of pale coserldent ion; but had always a good appetite. In order to have the child well, I bought a small bottle of MeLane's Ver. of which 1 gave him 3 Apnonfuls, after which 20 or 2.3 largr, worms were expelled. I wish all Ger mans would read the aliiwe Tacts. The child's health is much improved. MICHAEL Chnrtier r s Creek, Sept. '26 1343. ;j 'For sale at the Drug Store of JONATHAN KIDD. Conte/ of 4th and Wood eta. Pi ttshg., Pa. 11,SSIGNEWS SAL WILL BE SOLD ON THURSDAY MORNING, the 12th inst., at the Cotruttercial . Auction Rots, corner of Wood 'and Fifth streets; order of Wm. P. Baum, Assignee °fin°. H. Mellor by & Co., the entire stock of goods remaining oaltand, among Which are the following, vist—n Two splendid Piano 'Fortes, Violins of different qualities, Superior Violinr.ellos, with patent heads, Claritmetts aid Flutes, French Horns, Trombones. aud Bugles, Opbeclides, Bass Horns and Bassoons, One Guitar, Music Boxes, [Bugle, Mouthpieces for Clarionetts, limn, Trombone and Violin strings, Clarionett reeds, bridges, &c., . Tenor Drums, • Mestin't Harp and U. S. Psalmody, 10300 sheets of Music for Piano, A variety of Flute Music, Preceptors for differeut instruments, Steel Pens, Quills, Drawing Pencils, Looking Glasses, Chessmen and Boards, Printer's Cords, Pocket bricks and %relicts, A variety of Combs, Wax. Dolls, jointed Dolls, Needles and Skein Cotten, Best ColognelVater, Brittania. Teapots and Spittoons, Silver Pencils and Toothpick, • Ivory head and conanon Canes, Window Glass and White Lead, One 8 day Clock, brass- werk , , One 24 hour " " " Twu racy Chin Timepieces, Three pair Scale Beams, An assortment of variety Goods and Toys, Fifty yards Floor Oil Cloth, Show cases, Counter, Stove, Venitian Blinds, Writing Desks, Chairs, largo IRON SAFE, Setts of Drawers, &.c. The sale will be positive and without reserve, and will be continued from day till day until the whole arc disposed of. Terms cash, par money. W.NI P. B 31. Assignee. oct2 '43 J:CO D. DAVIS. [ Advocate and Chronicle copy l Auctioneer AT 1 ItIVATE SALE AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Roma. corner of Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS. rexently purchased in the East for ea:h, and which will be sold ut a small ad vance on Eastern prices. for currency or approved en dorsed notes. The assortment consi.itsin part of '2O pieces wool dye' blue black broadcloths; t 5 " super. blue cloth; 10 " brown, olive and ;nixed cloths; 1 " •ittper. Boaver cloths: pilot clotloq " cussiuetts, assorted colors; some very me; 50 tlartnel6, is illea and plain white, red, _teen ;EA yellow. " merino ; color-: 100 ;ill wool blanket shawl-: 200 eott4ei plaid :hawk 1,010,10 z. -pool eotto.i. all cAlor-; 100 pit c,•.: bleached and brows niuditis, and a variety of whet article, ussilly found is u Dry (iOOl4 r .11, , 5, an n:surtisent shoe:, and hats, which will all 11.2 ,old at prie,es without regard to the rulranres in the stpt C. IL DicaNTILTY, Ft)RIC.IRIMNG COMMISSION MERCII \NT Wayne and T.iliertv meeetA, Pitt. bnr h. Aeont United State , ' Portalile Boat Line. 'low 4.-Im. removal. p(• i'11:1,1) Irta num), ed EAtulp • liAlynent to Wood at: opposite I:alm:stock's Drug Store, where he will keep cuustantly on halm] Tomb Stone!=, Montimentdctc. ap 1 9 —ly r J CST vED iuni lot sale o' ,ignu►rut, 7 till& buena, 1. Can Le 4een nt the f.t. , lll.of.l7temb Puinier& Co auk .L K. 11001111 F: 1D & CO bissOlttioa of Partnership. purtnenthip heretofore existing under the , style of Devine& :11'Anitity, is thiit day dissubed by in:itual ennient, 11. Devine is to (Alert nll SUMS due to th•i c,:teern, and pay all I.:taint:4 coutracted for the tip date Scrt. 1. 1811 11. Devine revectfal4 informs his frimuls and thy publi , , that ha still imatinues in the Traitsporting business, and thnt he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Bout Line, to Nni 4.3 Water street, next door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive and forward Ereii.rlit to the East, on the very lowest terms. D. DEVINE. S U N Mil ES }mites auk°late, t, do cocoa, :3 do rice flour, . 2.5 do ground pepper, 5 do Cayenne do., 36 cans ground mustard, 5 kegs do allspice, 5 do do ginger, 12 cans do do,, together with every thing in the grocery line, all of whioll is offered . • at extremely low prices, for cash. HAILMAN, JENNINOS Sts CO., 13, Wood street D AC \V ANTED; in town or country, for a nun%ber of salesmen, book , keepers, shop Men and brlys, in stores and vvarehon see' Also, for collecting, and for a number of mechanics, farmers and laborers, coachmen, waiters, bostiers, and nil kinds of hands for e teamboats, hotels, and private families; for 3elect and common school teachers. Cooks, chambermaids, dry and wet mirsee; and girls for housework provided at short notice. 'Place; pro cured for hands of all kind: a scion as possible: And all kinds of Agencies and Intelligence bilsincse titttintl ed to for moderate charges. 12 to 15 Varna.: for sale. beveral farms wanted to rent. Cull at ISAAC HA it it lS' Intelligence Office, No. 9, Fifth street. Sept Q SHARES Alicg,hcny Bridge Stock, at rni ot, cute stile, by JOHN D. DAVIS, Corner alVnimi and Fifth iltret4,4: Mom TEM& JUST RECEIVED from the Eastwdrri on Ctiwizn mcnt, direct from the Importers, 15 het - chests Young Ilyson TEA, also ten 13 lb. boxes ditto, 01l of which I which I will sell nt the very lowest price. ISAAC CRUSE, 198 Liberty street. :+ept, 22-1 w MOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her riagsjast received and for sale by AILMAN, JEN:'4INGS Sc 43, Wood street Dili ObeelOW,lit I.HE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm of DICKEY ALEXAND::II.. i 3 this day dissnl vf,d JAME:S . DICK,IA% I. 1311. W.A. G. ALEXANDER. CORRECTID DAILY DT & =MEM SE.CILUIGNA ,111t011111, SPECIE STANDARD. Mere/tants and Manufacturers' Scrip.. Exchange Bank Scrip ............. Currency ............. Erie Bank Scrip .................. EXCHANGE --AT SIGHT On Philadelphia. ... ... . • ....... Neuo York.. Boston ...... . ... . . ..... Baltimore ........ . . . ... . . .. Chid , Silver PENNSYLVANIA. -.: PME SBURGH Bank cf Pittsburgh .. .... . .... . . . . Merekants and Manufacturers' bank.. Exchange.— ....... .... .. " . . .... PHILADELPHIA Bank of North America Do Northern Liberties . Do Pennsylvania ...... Commercial - Bank of Pennsylvania. Farmers' and Mechanics' bank.. .. Kensinglon"bernk .. . . . . . . .; . hfanufacturc rs and Mechanics'..... Afechctnics Moyamensing ........... .. Philadelphia bank Schuylkill " ... . .. Southwark ..... ........ 'Western Bank of Penn Township ...... ... • Girard bank.... " ... U. S. bank arid branches: COUNTRY BANKS Bank of Germantown ...... Chester county ...... " Delaware county " Montgomery county.... Northumberland -.• Farmeri,bank of Bucks county... Easton bank...... Doylestown bank ....... ........ Franklin bank of Washington Sank of Clurmberstrurgh ........ Afield/clown • . • . Gettysburgh —• • 0 Lewistown. Susquelsanna county .... Berke county bank Columbia Bankand Bridge Company. Carlisle bank ....... Eric bank Farmers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster .• • Bank of Reading Harrisburg bank ...... .... Honesdak " Lancaster " Lancaster co. • • • Lebancnt " 'Mine's bank of Pattsi-;lle ..... • .. • • . Monongahela bank of Brownsrille 1 New Hope and Delaware Bridge company....lo Northampton bank .... no sale Towanda bank...... ...... SS It'yo nein g bank .. . .... .• . • ..... 4 West Branch bank . ........... • York bank— . • . 24 OHIO, Belmont bunk , t r St. Clairsrille Clinton bank of Collin:bus Columbiana bank of Sew Lisbon ( Lawrence. cashier) ( cushier).. Cincinnatibanks Chillicothe Gant Commercial hank of Lake Erie. Dayton bank .. . Franklin bank of Columbus.... Farmers' 71 I Mechanics' bank (!f Farmers' bun k of Canto 11 Gcanga Granville lb, Lancaster Marietta lb:sulfas . . Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati. Mount Pleasant Norwalk . .... Putman: Sandusky I Scioto . •-• Urbana Wooster Xenia ......... Z4traYsvillt State bank- and branches State Scrip 411 banks H. DEVINE. C. A. M'ANULTY Stale bank Bank of Illinois, Shammedusen:, VIRGINIA. Bank o f the Valley of Virginia 1 Bank of Virginia I Exchange bank of Virginia .. .. . I Partners' bank of Virginia.. .. .. .. .1 . ; .. 1 North-IVestern bank of Virginia .... , .... .. ..1 Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of viroxia....l Branches MARYLAND. Baltimore City banks ......... • . All other solvent banks.. .. • . NORTH CAROLINA All solvent banks...:.. SOUTH CAROLINA AU solventbanks.. .. ... ~l~+~°. CORNSR OF WOOD ♦ND THIRD STS SPECIE • .....:par INDIANA KENTUdK V ILLINOIS GEORGIA All sof re ite banks ALAiIAMA Mobile bald:J.l .. Country bank*.l .......... LOUISIANA. New Onerins ban** ( OA) ..... TENNESSEE'. BOON ANS lOU PRINTING OFFICE, Wt coaNER or WOOD di MTH 5Th The proprietors of the Mottvita; Post -Ititd. Mtn cultr A.ND MANer4e - rvtiotrespeetfoliy infhrrn their friends and the patrons of those pimper4, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of ar41113111111 PAL'llltlllol'3lM, avs 2,111..C.M24.11 atatittathei Neces:Aary to o Job 'Orbiting Office, and that they are prepared to execute ' LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Book, Bills of Lacling, Circulars Parnplileti, Bill Heads, Cards, handbills. Blank Chiacks, Hat Tips. grt ktntis of litauks. Marc, Stcanaboist 'and Canal Boat Bills, with ap preprints cuts, Printed On the shortest notice and most retsoiale terms: We respectfully ask the patrcin4s of our friends and the public in general in this branch of our bulkiness. July 31, 1843. rillLLiks & SMITH. iiisiop A FEW CONES BiAmp Doane ; s Pamphlet on .1 , sevinri" received And far sale at Fesster's Liter ary Depot, St. Clair street; eippdsite the Exchange. WANTED, a ,tealllAtteiS, a first rate hand. Ai, ply at the.slol - C, Nil. 4, Wood curet. In-tf WM. NOBLE, 014°1st...ref. iakaiillB 43 4 STANDAR?, INGRAHAM& CU., Formlutathe and newarnissiexe Ilikerchants, cl.evr.t.hen, onto: AGENTS for the Meta/sots' Tranapartaii3b Corn pally composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wrishington, Line, liantvr, Palmer & Co.' s . Line of Steamboats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve , land Line, Pennsylvtimia and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Camd. st.tistt To Wilkie & Ensworth, No, 9, Germicide SlipeN• 1• R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Ode Chaff, Bostez. „. Hunter, Painter St Cu.., Buffalo, M. T. Williami & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Charles M. Giitdingi, • J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh• ap 1'1843-Iy. ......t:a Skewer and Warren Packet. ataiTHE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,master, wig run u regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, lenyes Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sa turdays; connecting with the Stage Linos to Cleveland direct, For froicht or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM &CO., Pittsburgl, 3. S. DICKEY, Bearer. • .... _.par . . ...... .... par par ..... par par par ....par ....._par ......par • • ;*: • • •-;1'; •-• I 111 . 7 -71 41 nreAr , r— • = 14 . ° , r -; - •c . 1843. VALLE REM:C.:ED.—C. S. Mitt. Lts F. OF STAGES 1- AND RAIL ROAD CARS. from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chanabersburg, Harrisburg and. Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to N. Y. &e. Only 150 miles staging undone night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., feb 23, 1843-Iy. • r roprietnrS• .. pa r .. ...... par ........par par ....par . . .. ...par par par par The Great Central Ratite Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail • „=‘,...111:411;:di - NEW LINE OF U. S. aIAIL COACHES FOR WASIIIIMTON CiTT, BALT [MORI, PiIIt.ADELPIIIA min Ntn: THIS line is in lull oiler - 163 n and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A.. M.. via Wa.altington I'a. and national read to Cumber:end, CJllu ,,, tir.g here with the rail road C.,'s to all the &Jove plac..s: Trav elers will find this a spe-d_ anti cointortsble, route, it being a separate and distinct Pitt-burgh and Cum. berlaud line, facilities will be afforded tvhich have not been hetetofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the chortost notice. with the privilege of going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON', feh 3-4.ltf. President of N. R. Stage Co. - 11sgtaar Packets, uicianati The Swiftsure. Robinson, Master, leaved every Thursday at 10 o'clock. a. m. The Cutter, Collins, .Master., leaves every Frulay at 10 o'clock a. m. The 3,loutgomer,. Bennett, :llaster, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. tn. . The Express. Parkinson, Nlasttr, leaves even - Sun day art° o' a. tn. JOHN 13101!;\611AM & CO. : Agents. - maN 20 ------- - united States Portable Seat Liao Depot. 4 Li - - _ _• " - A. 'AL ANULTY very rezpectfully informs his and the puhlic, that he lia.nlade .-_rrange rarute to tooth - me the a.g.t.acy of the boats forming the U. S. Portable 13oat Lilac, at the large new \ drelieuse. CORNNIt OF WAYNE. AND LIUANTY STREETS. Canal Basin, where goods will be received and forwarded with usual despatrh and on the most favorable t e r ms. to Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York or Boston. THOMAS BORBIDGE, Agent, 72 Market it., Philadelphia. .-. MOORE &CHASE, Agents. 75 Bondy'. Wharf, Baltimore. Sept. 4-3 m. A LLEN KRA! 3 / 4 4ER, Exchange Broker * No. 46, ..t3L Corner, of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent flank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheek& cat the Eastern cities, for sale. Drsfts, notes and bills, collecned. itzstenvictrs. XVIII. Bell & Co., John!). Davis, F. l e orears, .1. muter & Co.. Pittsburgh, P. Joseph Woodtvcll. James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. pliilatlelplua. John II Browu &Co. James .M'Candless. Cincinnati, 0., J. R. M'Donald. }St. Louis, Mo. IV. H. Pope, Esq., Pres% Bauk Ky. } Diclaine's AnieriesuiWervi THIS is to certify that with ItlcLPEllifV•otot SPECIFIC, a child of mine passed upwards of 800 worm s it is the most rowel - Ad Worm Specific now in use. BAnTuotoxzw. Middlebury, 0.. Oct: 1, 1343. For sale at the Drty , Store of JON: KIDO, sent. 12. Corner 4th and Wood sts. Dve Stuffs Just lisoeivadi CHIPPED LOG WOOD NND Fusric, Blue Vitriol, Camwoorl, Alum, and a general stock of DYE Wooos, in store, and for sale at the Drug Store JON. KIDD. Comm. 4th and Wood sta. A,. thy is capable of tilting charge of a household; is desirous of obtaluiirg a situation as housekeeper in a private tardily, or as superintendent in a respectable hotel: She would have no objection t. , ) leave the city if desired to do so. For further infor mation inquire at this office. aug 9.l—tf Road Corpany. sept. 12 ACKF.REL.—Ifi tibt;. No. 3 Mackerel, just IYI. meowed tualfor sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS &CO. 43 Wood st. To Diet chants anti Others. AGENTLEMAN, who thoroughly naderstand, Book Keeping. vrisheA a sitatttion in that cape the best of references *rill be given. Address H.. at this office: aiig Litiztf C BurtOo'3 5 b lump tobsocr,- 4 25 do ItAtisoll & Robinsons do do 5 do Ilarc'a 10 do , assorted sizes and brands, ina -rt;ceiN cd and fel- rale by HAIL.II%N, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street SAMUEL MORROW, Ntannfic - turer of Tin, i t: -sheet Iron VI7 - Mai street, betwestlit • an 4 la rte:. Keeps constantly on blinks gia4 wont:nem of and solielts a share of public rstrisonge. the following arti des: shovels, rsslc els, uno4trisliror skillets, teakettles, pots, irretrt, coffee hiMs,&e. 311 , chants and othttes arc halted to and examine for themselves, a s he is determined to sell cheap forcash or appr papet. Mar 7—tf • . *ositiache! Tooth:Stile !! Toetitadie!!! T _ above complaints can be cured in five MM. utes, by using the celebrated Mt ILgor taws Mar , wbizh is warranted. There are many imitations at, counterfeit., fifth° abene. The only true and Ft nu in C Snide I. tu be had at TI'TTLE'S 86 Fourth 4t tart V!. Build* zotifili siaboogi. LUIS, s uaakk*lstsiiiitliA4 0 a 441 8 001 Y oiy• ttate4 - sud witkia law ssisamee walk of sha stem* forty !mat willb*►ekrrtpupassAil the tissue. The terms of payment . 41111 I* araike map eitherfur dash or such birteras can tantiaae ainainbio , Appiy to the subscriber" in Dirminghtut, ad Mr. Paterson. No. 4, Forty *rat. Pittsburgh. itme I. JAS. PA'TTERSONjr fats fie Oils. • A towisslSianchester , One and sloanh Aosta of 4 Holm's' HaV Lett al/J.410i 5243414 181, 11114 andl.B4, in CoollNflairef ims,ati Hakim Hill. Also, Lots nos. 126,ttst 'PG in Cooleilianit Ifstp on High meet, Ivor thonontifost ./141/141&" apply to 7. W. iII',.I4.IIIRIMW stip PI For Salo. T OTS on the North ant -outer ai C. 0411 Litue ion -1-4 High street, Agpi7 to RE JMI DAILUNIGtOk • biationneer Fostnb street _ . - ror gent That COTTAGE, satiated in fun r. oranes Latvret.c.i.‘ii:e, at. presentoawpul.L7 .Julio Parker. The place has a very fine garden aTMI podium* meta of font tram. Any peraeortrating can bate the privilre of engaging for die ensuing year. Pones sion given on the litt of October nest. Apply at No. 5 Commercial Rnw, I.ibcrtl straw. or to Wm. Tom an, Smithfield suet. seri, 1, 1843. , thGROAIVE HI mn LL, d it i e lt inte . catHiclenee slor nfili is weil Acteltect with choice fruit trees, visis f 4e. Also, a convenient tencineatlately o=pidbrilL Langhorne, Possession will be givetl en the first et OctoVeftesti. For terms apply to OEO, COCElitatai,, Olt oug - . RASA. LEASANT rooms curl good steam power, of awl I.ctsi steel file manufactory; corner of Liberty =4 O'Hara streets. Apply on tlie premise,. jai) , 16. Troeinaies Piro Brick for bale. IirUST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Briel; el which will hereafter be kept constantly oe hazel and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 No. 60 Waterst. leiotsts aad rartns to Rent THE übsenl , er has opened an otEce (in cooisesaba with his Medical Agency) for the rentintiad selling of Hou.zes and Farms. As many persami Are constantly wonting to rent. houses without baying the time to run about the city in 'watch of one, can by call• ing upon the subscriber, and stating the kind t f house they want, find one that will stilt them, also know the number of Towns, situp/ion and rent, without ibrthet trouble. owners of houses would find it os thete-iotetrat call, and give a description of them, and the rent they require, as they wonld then find their haws :entail sooner and with leas trouble. The pat: cmage of the . publie is reweelfay solicited ep 21—tf T. It TUTTLE, le, 4th it. "louses, &c, Por sent THE subscriber has opened n. hook to record any dwelling house, warehouse, store, shop, rootns or country farms and seats far rent, charring the own ers 9.5 centc each record. He will keepit open for all who Sri-41 to rent any kind of property toastamine, and charge them 124 tents; and for a Stull cotisprasition. will attend to renting all kinds of property ' andattend to all kinds of business between 1/31;13111rd and tpnatt. ISAAC HARRIS, Agent, No. 9, Fifth A flood Para for-Sale or Elzehaosto . , FARM of 130 arms on Super Creel:, Armstrong 1 - 1 ccunty, 100 of which i 4 improved. Wks farm is well watered by springs and two large runs which 's* nearly through it and then unite. formingan egeelltrot Mill Seat. 40 acres are first rate for meadow nr spring crops. and the balance is good for fall gtain.'=. There is no waste land, and it is well adapted for t dais ty or for sheep, and lies very well. There is on it st good apple orchard. a substaniial hetvetl log house , . a !urge log barn and a good coal hank, easily accessible. in good order, anti the quantity itealiausti He. This farm lies within 18 miles of Freeport, 9 miles. Gem Kittanning. 4 miles from a Catholic tbarel, and 2 miles from a Presbyterian and Seceder churches It will be sold at a bargain for rbs.i Cr e.rchangrd fur a good three story brick house and lot in Pittsburgh: ,F'ar term= and particulars 4nquire at Harris' General geney and Intelligence office. or of the subscriber t* the prerniz-es. S. gep Landreth'E Garden Ike . A fait strtply bf Landretlis Garden Seeds always no hand ar:d for sale, at his agtary. tle Thug stone of F. L. SNOW DIN, 184, Liberty:a.. bead of Woad. Peach Trees. • • =I . H sutseriberhaz just receiNed from the Ntii sere of Lataretb aul Fulton, rhiladelyLia, a lot of the choicest variety of pc aria trees, to vrtueb-ho would call the attentic r. cf the pullie. - F. 1.. ,b,'S , 6\VDI.: - IN: Nu. 184 Ll'at rte A. bead of WOOd• 1)R. MrEANE'S LIVER PILLS. T HEREBY certify thait I have knoivn a niihibei 4 iptople who have taken Dr. McLar,e's Liver rills, and have been much IDeuefitted by thun, and I bliew i ts them to be the best pills for liver cctaplaints, ar4l.* general use, of [ivy pill now l.efore the public. MICHAEL FORNEY: 1 hereby certiTy that I have Lett, ufflicud for 6 years with a liver complaint; and bare applied to aiffirent physicians, and all to little or no effect, until I ills& use of Dr. McLane's Pills: In taking two boxes of tbtra I am nearly testored to perfect health. SA .It7EL DAVIS. near Pittrburch, Aueust 16, 1843 I'For sale at the rhitg Store of • JONATHAN XI bb. aug corner ith and Woodtre ed, Pittsburgh LivErt COMPLAINTS—Dyti.cizia end hill gestion. with costiveness, viscidity of the di:m ach. harduess of food after meals. heartburn, flatuiene-y, liver complaints, with pain iu the side and Fitoultier. jaundice, bilious complaints, dropsy, diabetes, gravel, stone, and inflammation ofthe lungs, arc moat perfectly removed and cured by the HEPATIC ELIXIR. 'This article has the rc.cet astonishing effects in croring all complaiuts of the stomach and digestive . organs. ? —. ltltusy highly resreittable indiv itlua:* iu I.Ncw Yark have been cured, after trying every other remedy in vain, and have given in theirt:smes ulth peienissia.o refer to them. It is pleasant to the taste, and -does not in the kart interft re with the daily at °cation of ape taking it. Many faMilies cf this city have be t onae so , pleased with the medicine., that they arc it as their only fainily medicine. By using it occasionally, •it Iseeps the stomach frcc from bi,ious dia.:wares, and the tiver active, with the secretinm of the body in themost Perfect activity. It is composed entirely et - vegetables. The cure will be gradual, but certain dnd permeneut For sale at Turvtr's, 96 Fonttb stree t . sep 6. In the Dietrict Court of .11Zegl:eny Cootty, sf July Term, 18 , 43, N 0.53• John "%Volker. Jr. N I L. S e Pe. Vett.ditzoni E4. - actri. ( ) I ter Wilsna. Awl now, to wit, Attru-t '.26th. 18-13, On. - ittettent of G. 1" the Coact appOjilt. F rt. 13. Shunls Nwlit.or. to dittriLute the i•r , reeds of tole in this cuic. From the. Brent& • A. SUITON. Notice i-s herviyy to ail preFon* j u i e remed, foo t I will attend to tlit. autier awpir ea to me by tbn Court in the a 11.% ca.c. a t me ofFee.4l7 Your+ Street, "itrohurth, on Tuesdn:: the 20th thy Si.-itternber, •t. o'clock. A. M. Fli.S.:Tt. - FITUNK, nug 30. reasc's Boa:hound Oa 4y. AFrrt4h supply inn rcreirrd firm NewtiticilTA for •aio at TUTTLE'S, EG Feuabilt. se t BARGAINS ! BARG AAI INS BARGNS =! All ~.orta of clnthing and weariag appeal. Flame cal) at No. 151 Litany titrcat. awl ortrft, youtaahea. 7. t 1• MtCOSACET.