tion. Ile retaies, at the present day, the full andel:44e confidence of his old constituents. In tive autumn of 1836, be was tendert.4 the office o f I First Auditor of the Treasury, by President Jackson, which he accepted. and entered open the discharge of its duties in November of that year. He remainedin tine responsillle station until May, 1842, when finding that the views of the administration and his own could net he muck to harntattite. and that he could not con sisten;ly hold °Wiese under it, he Fefetred voluntary friggiuttion to a retention of his place. He returned to his naglyecounty, in Jura of that veer, where he is now I , l4ding._ There is but ono opinion among all who base tba pleatene of epersonal acquaintance with Mr. Mil ler as to - bie alpine= abilities, sound jndgment, and honetty of purpose. JhAVlbiuntinit of the sth Of Septeinber wee nnsoli ealssaiatia eatireir unexpected to him, and we take &la pleasure in saying that are believe from personal lit.nowledge-of the nomincerthat his superior in all the requisite qualifications for a faithful discharge of the highl responsible duties to which heir now about to he rsl cannot be found within our barders. WILLL,Le D. Forr=a, Jr., the third nominee cf the elleatrentior., is an engineer of the highest standing and capability: a gentleman of the most unquestioned char after; a uniform and consistent Democrat, fearless and essesttleatious in the discharge of his public duties. Mr. F. is a native of Western Pennsylvania: his fa ther atted as Deput l CommissaryGsneril of Pereira tee tiering the late war, and prior to the glorina3 battle etgoserOrloitis, when the advance officer, Maj. Wooly, ' ates.tanadele from want of finds or credit to comply vitt requisition from the War Department, for arms, i itiunitioas of war, 8r.6., fur the Southern Army, he step pod' forward, obtained a loan on his own responsibility. &ft, rsaa.V.whinh CM by the most efficient and extra ihibitkientertiens, was used in despatching from Pitts burgh a steaMboat laden with .applies, in time to netith New Orleans on the 4 . .. h of January, 1t315, just four days Previous to the over memorable victory. • -Mr. Fester entered the service of the state in April, 1896, as a suberilinato is the engineer corps, on the I'Vestersi Division of the Pennsylvania Canal. Ho was' ppointed a principal assistant in June, 18 0 _3, anal in int "'yea? , pieced in charge of' 175 miles of Steamboat Slacitwater Navigation, as principal engineer under the antherities of the State of Kentucky. An extract from the Resolutions of the Board o f. Commissioners, after expression of regent ethis dap rture,p receedi to state that the Board ••ralte great pleasure in b testi- Many to the very satitfactery manner, in which he has discharged hit duties as Engineer. His official non duct has been marked by firmness of purpose and by iferling integrity. Ho bears with hint the most sin nertrwisliea of evcry member of the Beat) for his health and prosperity." In March. 1339, Mr. Foster was appointed Chief Engineer on the . .Sortli Branch enZ03:i: 1 :1 of the Penn cylvanin Canal: Attire time he entered ito..in his du tl6s the public mint was much excited, and our politi- OpliOtirtlt3 Ivexe loot:114 far the sane coarse of pol icy to his dealt out towards thorn. that had been so lib erally dealt out to our political friends in Northern Pennsylvania, by the preceding al mi 'Castration. To the ei;ylit of die state. ho it said, they wore disappoint ed. Mr. Foster, by his courteous bearing and general deportniCni ;it once secured the esteem of all deserving end Ininniable men. The old contractors. however, not satisfied vyiils Justice, made CJllitilaillt 4 to the Le gislature that injustice had been Jane them in the melts - trrkeitient - of their work; a ree.neaosremsmt was accord iitglp to be made, by Mr. Foster and Mr. Har risShis predecessor.) in the result of which he was triumphantly stistained.and all his t ransactinns confirm ed. Mr. Fo.tet remained in charge of this lino until the suspension of the work in 184, and although ho Apertenced much malignity in consequence of an hon est and faithful discharge of his duties, interfering with personal views it is b 'hewed he estatilisir4 a character 1 f n honesty mud cap ability-, unsurpassed in the history of intr redic works. UAL.' Co '2 new ingernnt for the maaagemant and repair of the iinpr.wcnhints, Mr. Potter ,vas them ...pi/Oil/tell Principal Engineer on the 'Nord - ea-n.l West B.•aaahcu, sas lncltanoa Divi.,ion, Ju i Division of the public w,rks, and the Allegheny Portly Railroad. Mr. Foster h gOae rally 1%114:LA in Northern Penn svivatia for twelve v eers. With the exception of oc asiodal visits tobisf idler's family in Allegheny county he has considered that portion of the state his home. The Delegates representing Bradford county in the "CprisTntiun, were in, , ,tructed to vote fur him. and his name was accordingly brought before that body by them. Sikh, feilow-cititeris,are the candidates of the demo ic party at the coining election. They are men every way worthy of your confidence and support— aslc-,7hone.t—firno—fearloss—an I conscientious.— I The rnigniffeent public improvements which have cost you so much. and have caused such intense amciety in disi mind of evory true hearted Pennsylvanian, cannot. at the present crisis. be placed in better hand_'. IVe ogle fiai• them your cordial support, and dasire that you will not fail to co-operate in their election. We hope !sea will allow no slight consideration to deter you from nit - ending an election which, however quietly approach ing, is of cunsequmce almost without a parallel in our history. :Theinhabitants of what arc called the improvem:mt counties are generally sufficiently awake to the honor tenet), of an honest administration of the affairs of the state works. Hairy are so regardless of what is daily passing before their siew,let them recur to the prodigal waste and unparalleled disregard of all moral honesty, as respects the expenditure of the public money, which distinguished the period, of Anti-masonic and Whig itonination to which id now justly- a tributed the absence of that complete success, Was so confidently anticipated by the patriotic citizens who advocated raid commenced the Main Li ace& Penn elliania Improvement.. Let them picture to them selvefl the-works in the hands of those who profess to uiltte.ge them only for the purpose of the influence and spoilsspoils attending their administration, and who wou look:upon anther "Big Break" as a God-send. In the-general management of the public works some thiag may have been done in die way of reform; at thitre.ne. time, much—very mueb—remains to be done. Themrsnis whose names are now presented for your considnati m will do the work fearlessly and thoronh , ly-..tr . 7 them. 1 1 /e earnestly ask the respective county c ommittees to see, that correctly printed tickets are distributed to ear's. and every election district. and that they Make every effort to induce a full attendance on the divot the election. In the full confidence of the success of cur candi dates by a m tjority of twenty thousand, We :IX; 1"7 Tactfully. your fallow citizens, HENRY BUEHLER, • LUTHER RE,ILY, JACOB SEILER. WILLIAM D. BOAS. . . BENJAMIN PARKE; J. B. BR ATTON, E. W. NUTTER, • JACOB BA AB. MICHAEL BURKE., HENRY A. MUHLEN BERG, WILLIAM BEATTY, IVILLIAM ENGLISH, JOSEPH C. NEAL, ANSON V. PARSONS, JOHN B. GUTHRIE, THOMAS PHILLIPS, • . Denr)cratic State Central Committee. FROM FLORIDA. Uytlya late+t accounts from Florida we learn that the storm pf the 13th instant, which dostroyari or render ed uninliabitahlo all the warehouses and dwellings at and St. Marks. was comparatively light at Apalachicola and St. Jowrit. The rat road suspension bridge.. carriol away at St. Mario was found in . good Condition same di*tance up the river. No lives %veva lost at,the latter place. Though the storm was felt:with great severity at Tallahassee, no buildings of value wet.;.scriously damaged in that vicinity. The families - who had taken up a summer residence on St. James', Island arc safe and uninjured. The Light 4.1110 li3 Dog. Island is gone. In Gadsden county the ttGas", tYa3 ntK snvere, an4no &imago i s known to have bJea sustained except the somewhat hasty anti untime ly g,brataingeftite cottaa-fiel34. The Tallahassee Star says : there Seem be a tnialal3:l3 determination to ebsnd.m tha-site (1 . ..P0rt Leon for a town—that no one touts of remaining- tliere,- and that it is not probable the railroad (part of w4ielt has been torn up) will be relaidfurther than St. Mark's river. L ;los Lsc JUR have ibe:qt po*tin , - f le d a few eveaing4, coLuoin :nee of an injnnolion h tvia t tp.:ut lai l u t to iRU ...IL' Planetarium. ii i it --- - - - -- ----------------------------_ FUR PRESIDENT, ITo the Nog, of ilUitirhtriy County.. "WiHkias) embraces those articlii only" which donut EPISC4MIAL CONYEIiTICIN. r e ..eete e lie IliftEt filial*" BITCHANAN ,,theA: attom i e l ec ha ti viagre y a n n tu th t ; l n e v , m w o ith as in ve a ri sfew cti.:ityrnsi)s..)f 4:foreomsw.io. czngatititiloenua:iiithtoisima.ricles m ade J ule .0 o J r , dealers . D.. Ill i N l 1 1:-1 1 : 1111 T% .I.M.i.utifa,:rtur. es eir. a Protestplat "of my motion to itriku Out this FeitillatiMl for the Pil:" Yrirk, Pa C c ' rtes . f e o ed r at 10 u'clock o a t W, ditioese I se bi e lg a l • eeri e - N a p. e l s 3 L 3 r . s l i . n ib a . re V I "s ( kt :e " e l t , toa d ''a L' k ' k ' i (.. 'l tt en I ti ll i iiiiiti k , E The fifty-ninth annual con the ;enti. a of Age represent my seatiMents ia referenee W the policy of fius och" an amendment lo k'n protectuageur D..i -*lc M t iufaMr , m, 1 b3;' leave to " . P°" ° °, - s . - .ulg to a general mirtHinge in Si. Faure chutc.h la that cita. There Wes _ etaburgh, V 1.. .cooed respectfully den: to met-- ask you to d or I.) porous the billowine, • • red tetwo 01 all artt.'l••••A• protected us well as ""Pr•''' a fell auendance both of clergy and Liq. as we ledges .chaiste and d ell er, getierally. that they have determined - • statement.-It relates to my votes and canilin•A ilimti "ieCtu . l, tee left b.: fore us the naked proposition of so Item the Herald, and many clergymen were ,present to &drew the utaliT PRINCIrts: with regard tu the the three principal occasi•ma when the etiliject. or the , e2 ,,,se y e , I. t h • t eed a• to take otf the &nice entirely from other Dioceses, among whom were the Bishop of - tares of tubeece kegs. &c. The people may rely upon Tariff was before th :Senate th etc flaked SLAtC3, whilst "Lek) n di , il eirotecte 1 itreielea, leaving all of those N. Jers,:y. Divine sk•rvice commenced at 10 o'clock. it, that hereafter, the cores of kegs and boxes will be I had the hnnor of a eeat in that brely. 'arlticlead'eet. the fiC,it. TA.. •,I ai-tich,,,,, in plain tome:, to The service %vat read by the Rev. A. T. "'wing, CORRECT. They belie, by Mica aueutima,4o-40444. i Upon all occasions, public or ericeitewhenever pre- •'maintaiii - the Is sjste:n in i'..-; most odious of Lensinbure,h---the lessons by the Rev. I. P er . together with fnrnishing the very best is - Alden in their tastir, or present, at public Tariff tneetinee-to hone "form, and in onisl nppresiireelrtracler!" (6`21).. do e , of t he Church of the Redemption in New York line, tomerit, Rs heretofore, beralist*** of patron or abroad-as President of the great Tariff Convell Lion, Oa the. -eon! kl ay, the 22d of March, the while 5 15- 'rho Ante. Communion service wee. read by the Right age• convened in the city of New York, in Novomer, 1831, :Oct, the original nes endon, the varioue pro:et:ed. Rev, the Bishop of New Jersey. The Bishop of Orders promptly execiatiel. ,04-lor I hare uaiformly held the same Inguage, and pleagsd am oadruents, tognther with a ptoposition ahoet the N,.„. Y or k the, d e li ve red t he f ou rth t e t h e series o f New Lisboa l'ttiot, Stark Camay Delkerit, tut myself to the pratection ef the Deneetie. Menufaeturce redaction of the rice of our public lands, were refer- Cleat-zee helms a idressed to his Diocese on the Origin lee Herald, and 'Franlin Arch publish to amount of a n d Industry oldie conatry. Tba i 3 not a word. pr re.' to the comMittee oat manufietures; anti on the 30th and rixt.rio, of the Cloireb. It was a continun.tieu or I The della.'ls"d one call of MT" to actv&frit`Y , liff . a act of my fife, 'which does not plainly manifest a de- of the same month (see page 647) Mr. Dickerson, the . the seine general subjee, to which he has caned the at- ' eberee re this office. cation to that system of Leeks which impele duties cluticenal of a strong tariff committee . , ma , a report, tendon o f hi s clergy for the last three years. The 1 upon foreign importaions, in a way, ail for th • avow- and when he comas to the partimiler eubject of inquiry spirit of t he cheer Was citulid, cpaciliatory, and - atel Ireland said tit WA. - • ed object, of affording encouragementui home produc- embraced ia the resolution of Mr. Clay and in the signed by the Bishop not to give unnecessary ors ' IVI R • W' E. ROBINSON, a native of Ireland e me done. e amendments submitted b y General. Ba y ne and myself, ccutly grkideated at Yale 'Collee, will delliel.a • .fence to such of his presbetera as may differ from him , After my return from New York, ia lievoraher, yea wilt find (see page 613) that he condemns the S. 'in opiaioa reepecting the points wheel:the deemed it his 4 Lecture this evening (Wedneedav) October 4, atts7ll 1831, and whop at a pablie ea ran , genereusly Carolina proacisithie of as arreeeem eet of datiee u2e- duty ta disceess. The subject chosen by him einbracedi°°cl" in 'l'emperanre Hall, S'etithfield• stave:, on given th e upon the ore of my beret - tare, to take my ea - the priiciele3 of a gee erel averaete. -He alen ex:- ' points which Irtvebeen the Entree of great item:Loess ; the history of the fatal connection between S mithfiel d Alegi seat in the Senate of the United Smtes. in my addreee pv.o 2.3 a s oei.ri m neain it the expediency of an attempt am me those who lank with amorehemaioa upon Posey-'. ' Ireland, front the invasion in 116'J till the union in to those kind friends who surrounded me, I declared .at a 1 altimeter-rut dixativa of duties, red de•alares thtt ' ism; bet weether thee will Immo lime with their Bishoi). i " CICL "my firm and settled purpose to be, to adhere .in my 1 such an atteetnet would lezverinrailaufacturert withem mad assent to the daval ,pm eat c , f hi') eiiinio33, We. are rickete 25 eente, catch admittiag a Lady and gelid& "then approachiug responsible situation to that system i a 1 lime pro teretini. But the resiilee °ram vie w 3 eon- unable to surmise. Of one thing all must have. been man mey be hada t the bar ofthe Montmgethela Hattie', "uf protective policy so vitally interesting to the chi- ' tainerl in Ma am laimnt are explicitly 3anctiened aid cenvi•:ced, that there wee no disposition manifested by rnim C.t p t. jam " 3. aY- &-a..• a nd at the jeer ed . the "zees of Pittainerg, and necessary to the permanent adopted. After a pratratted &them the report and the Bishop, to prevolce havitality on the part of any 1 Hall on ire evenine oft heleeture. tact 4--It. "prosperity of the country.7-and I congratulated my 1 the bill ameted tl it by the committee of m tnafaa- nee who might defer from him on these points. fefloweitizens "upon the evidence afforded, in the New , meta were ne the 22.1 of April, teal on tie labile, ai 1 , —.... For Sale. "York Convention, of the perfect union of sentiment, ' there the whole millet slept. (page 673). , '1 • A reverend divine. in 1699, sync preaching in Ports "and disposition to y usain a-la to regent, with deep ! N , ct ern 111 1, early in the month of July. NI:. Ad- i Month on the depravity of th, times, and said: el' s: i t 'iaterest, the stead peliev of Penne e lvania, and II ages' Tariff Bill, No. 534, from the House of Repree. , have forsaken the pious habits of eour foreemhere, who "yiehl to harm tneftctura.s every principle necee sari to ematives, entitled "A Bill to alter and amend the .4 3,7.• left the ea se and comfort which they p,jeseeseil in their "their enirport.". . • I oral nets i.neesieg duties on hoe ins." This Bill hue , native land, and came to this hioviing wilderness to The eels.; lt yt Asti m it -.% , 11 la It 3 a'.: my ~,,,, i n t h, ' passel the Hease by the uipreeeleated vote of 132 to :, envy, whboat molest:elan, at: , eeserct-e of the pure Senate or the United Stueledid 1 heasetly c erne up to 65. The !•3.e.rite mule let , r, a l wand-tints to it, al- , principle: of religion." o.le of the congregation int. my professions, and en.learor to sustain the inure:sea • mast in 0"45 il3Cenee iaereasi le the .did 33 epee the :tr. ! m eliately arose, aia interrupted him thus: "Sir y eu W which I had declared myselfte be atache-11 1 titles which they toek up, and, in every cave I viece entirely mietake the !water; our ...mu. did not Come I was elected in December, 1830, and ton' my to tt I for the increase of thy, except in one unimportant ! hero on account of their reli;iva, but tofish and trade!" in -Decembei 1831. The Revenue had then not eS.- matter. !rea l Glass aid Cottons weie not tonehecle- i j . C. ,6' . Ga-zettc. retried thewants of the Government-rho national they reined:rid lathe bill as it -CAM) &JIM the Meese ' ---------- debt was,happily, juet at the point of final extinctimi. Whee thebill went I) tek, the II else of R etreiell tatl ves This peculiar poster,• in the aftalrs of th, United refused to cancer in the prineittal amendments made States. (a poster" eels:town to all other govern inetts) by the Senate; and o.i th • 1 nth of July, wli m the Ines pr-minced, naturally and universally, the expectation , gaze Caine from t h e Mode announcing their disagree and posi!ive necessity of a redaction of duties, aid a in •nt. I was apprehensive, at that late day of a very new arrangement of the Tariff. The Manufwttnrers P rotracted sea-i in, that the hillevoillal be lost, and thus and friends of domestic industry', were full of alarm leave the wbele manufecturitee iateetesta oldie country and anxiety. Their onendea in Polidial eco irony. the in :max ale mtaintv. I therefore nit le the model roe Southern politicians, and the advocates of free trade, aCo mei dee of Cenfereece; it was al ;Mei. and Gee!. bad sherd , / before li dd their anti-terser Cenveation, i 1 II iyne. Mr. Dick 'rem as l ineself Nee: appointed, and the city of Philadelphia, and threntened a s entire ale. mg . the Committee of five from the House. In this notion or that system of laws under which the Farmer. c , it •netee, Mr. Di •kere.i.ialkl tnyeelf did all we could the Merchant, the Nlanufacturer, the Mechanic, the to sit :tail tit) am ma ware of the Shoats; we were ov- Artizan and the ' laorr, had crown tip and arrived at erntledouid rade:ethers lose the bill we re -.ounel -a led great proeeerity Mr. Clay himself, partaking of the ! the Smase to reeede from that portio i of its amend common alarm, and yielding to the aeknewledeed tie- ,in • •as listewd to be th eII vise. ..r.), 5,...i ,!,:• selkieet ces.ito of a new adju s tm e n t of the Tariff, re, the 10th of Or hill, or or th • T tea. wes not reforkeel to this of .Tanuery, 1832, laid on the table of the Seeate :he Ce n Moe: ulk (2 itler.ekse -Lem. C etueis aid Glass billowier resolution: did not com•• bef ire them. "Resolved, That the existing duties upon article , ! 'ri, •rm i.-t of the Committee of Canference'ovas su.- "imported from foreign countries, and not coming into , tormak I 1, .. 11 .'ve. be a vote of 30 to 15. Mr. Clay I-' ••competition with similar articles made or predaced , Fell and all the friend+ of the Tar Voting against its "within the United States, might to be forthwith Libel- pottponement.-[See 1203.] "ished, except the duties upon wiles mai si.ks, ne.l I When 1 m n:io i Ell ) th:..e pee n lei .) d it-m) in the a "that they ought ts: be reduced; and that the Commit- I menden - ems 1,1 ti , S • lit -. v.ie ;sell Inv Ile think they "tee on Finance be imanietNi to report a bill accord- aver ' av oh 'll l 'l aria ail Ike,' nalt, /, .I'll 411 Mid not "ingiv." (see G. &S, Coag. Deb. Si.) '.ie 'Peel LI , ' Pe "' "t . e bid of grea' ael gen ir.tl in- Oa - Monday, Jan. 1&h, upon the motion of Mr. Dick- I tereet. °rem to postpone the discus din f or mu week, and aft ! olew ti ea' a 1 till )1 11 - 7 0•'.) • e. up.) w i ille.i ter Mr. Havne ani r.Forsyth leel.poOken,l join. lit I s eked not only for ill- i.lerui...e 37 bet ev.ent t, CO per ureine tie propriety Vora migrate:non bir a few kliys, r ekt. NVII••ri sv • r , :: •!1•.1fk• ktio m' 11o3ildm.mt, the de aid tee': one esion to kl 'elan: tell "I ureed ;be kir ,p,i• ty ' , to , ' at - el f o.r teen. '•ety of pestle mine the ce isidereti iki of th • se•i,•rt, A . P , Cle'l iVal Was Cy! ;.nerd te• kf th dr:, ki,i it ske "with a view to see Welt ckincili iti et of c i i 'l l etete i e . e kr, r. , ..,....! to 3r • its. I v it, I f i:- die iki ekes-, of "tereete and opinions in reeled to it, could be (erect- di • hill ce it iv ii •1 wis a:terw ira • eieee kia by the eed-1 would say, however, th It i s or yo+i 1 4 it r. En- ' C.i:'ll nett •c iii Co it;•r_!.l v, anteing the duty at arra: c 33.1 promise, I had no icLea of oreueLenine the aeineipte be the II et-e at 21 emit.. "nf prow,tion.-if the Senator from S sole C tr,,:illa„! A third artiele or .-.. , Ili i ‘,.. : c., • i ocr.Yai • of a men. . "and his friends. has rested their a moMiiti to tIE• er , - ,it a c.mt on K• It -10 . 0, - t, tz .6.1 f. r tii 13, it fe ) h 51 t ) But ii :my pro if werc wati4; of Ju 1,,, wiI.KIN., „ tem on coneitecianal vaunt. 'there woke,' b.. Me ,1 .: .1.- tk•. l I tr • -,. 1 - I. Iv o • 1 f ~• t h .i,-, . , ,r, ,- 11.3e0ti in to the Tiri if, at the di m :hs 41 lad 'revs say lik, .•1 1 ,, Te ., o f enevr oe."- "If ii ..,iiima i ll 1 r,,:1.,,_ , tit i,:i, Mr. lii ii, .)-) to of th • S sivit•.:3 faun IC mei -by. deserted it. it mivb e f. gad in the f ta, tenth • o vert. • "ed Ihe system o rris f protectiea iii S meet Ceroliii, a i 1.1. a... - 1 ,, ...1 it ~,, ti b • so.eii.•o3, sera v0t...1:14 . ein , t i•. eentlemen had etoted. I was certhin de...bailee ie my ; \fy •• . 0 , • Wi ll he. Sion 1:: a rrt•r..ae.." t‘i Ili^ jouroal el .is C't te:rm rat .if th 3 CEn nittee, the bill witich ef- '' "atate, would m ir't its abolition." (p ate ler .) o f 0,...• st, it, ore... ti: - -t 5e3,i , 1:1 Of the -2.2.1 Ckeeeress, factuelly checked the le-Liens of the Nul lificrs, and 4 , , , liof \l arch, i 5,., tal 4 :..,. ...ircl. after eo ns:: k lisekistion, a , l e e • 311111 V In ;tine jet , ' halm (hies nits Settenes Co;ieres which was demotmeetl by the auti.tariff met a i the ter an amendment Intl been offered. by Ms• 11 ice o f si 'nal I).rbittet, %mime? 3. part 1, 1311-2. Aunt ie brorce Bill," thin "Bloody Bill," and by every rater South Caralinn. I 'nil/milted the fulbeving um e 1.1.0 eat lets volein • yea wa il feel my reeskies givea is if •isate• tO Mr. CI ty's temIllti011: for the course I purstuel tip i i Cie C.011:11:teee ,it.C,iii. • h •t• tY •- • 1 t •f• t tl • • • f e a t; opt, t . t. nee no rt tr o 13 (11: main: a "Strike out all niter the wora "I:,rtlm id," .1•1 insert. , fer'trc. al well ns the avowal of my prinriple , and at . in Judge WILK!): .5' stat•emelt: it %rill be mad by every e th ,,f 0 1i,,,i„ g _..,,, f er re d,,,,,..1. r a li nz etiie a l, tachment to the int ere-tt of n distriet enntaininT it pop tura-man hi theelistriceaurlit in neeclearly al I ca;c3 at- e es t, a3t .,, bibn , . i t or ,th • a moint of th., public revenee u' trioa , t o e• hi eh eller of f. wenterpri si• and indite -1 ; S e vie BtsK OF ILIA ,Z014.-There is over six bun, 1 iile refutes c.i., ,, har,;ei of his enemies, than :my tai; e g "to a sum sufficient to defray the ordinary expetdit area : err. • eke , . asset-A . l:e th it . geeeral presperity mutt kik ,_ . . _ • shvit thmisand dollars (Sake paper of the State Bank a' 'oldie pavement. after the payment of the widen:ll . low the po Me kit ptkeeetikei. deo see could soy on the Ftlhjeet, . Illinois that lies not been preeented to the Bank to re ' "debt, as proposed in the late report of the Secretary uf The bi:l ~r io:!: 14th 13 0., never w 'Lila 'hive Tia,ied k. . After 'Atrium:4lm a vindicatioe a; Judge W tt.l( i N3 eelre its prorate dividend or specie. We are informs - el "the Treasure, and without n view to aorple. reveune. I h a d it not net besse for the Spirit of ekee-iii elm). which I hoe mate, wit u are the public to think of Nee user. B. "or for dietrthkition. harine such retard og they may artuat el Scaator; when they voeel to recede from the ; i ' n hui ~ it is the intention of several holders of Inrge am- C alto, the Aetimesoeic candidate for Congress! lie "deem expedient to such an ultitnate equelization of k amendknent. of their liWil Ludy. .. . i th il e a ual f ik the lll3 ,f the Beek. , t . o institute aittinst site a tow of lee) in e upon its 'specie, 11.3 'dude.; as will render them efficient tor the vurvovs This bill to whieli I ^eve my feeble marl i ts promss I nostimee to have oaid netch attention to the progress ' - • • ••• - ' - • ' was clone in the case of B e Shawneetov Bank. It i. "of their imposition."-[page 6067.1 and passage, 14 infinitely teeter than the "Comprormar l of our political affairs, and lien always trumpeted forth . . 1 \ct" following S• .* -, • • other ,.e "um, ti,Aintt at ift" I. SOII.L 1 • I i . c the opinion of SCOW of the ablest Attorneys in the Cona n will be obsereed, that the first breneli of this a- , •• try. that the law of the lees Leei stature e - xem tine the hi. devkabia to the protective Fahey. He ntatt, then, trienament is positive, like the first pro tofth • orieilal • for se're ohvietis mat:) 7t. the correctnets of which. by ~1- . . ch, or th,..8 iks from atm - cement in pe P v ' t of hew. been acquainted with the prutninent and firm part 1 resolution; t e a, t he l ett erhr,erh, which has reference 'etleePeriene. i3nOW seta ender-go:e 1 ooposedit. • : I d e b t due by them, le u nconstitstitmal.- , 4. ' iim m t en l'el. • • - i leeme.e. it oii pressed wet t unnecessary precipitation, n 3,1 inst. • t aken by Judge Wilkins, in support of the Tariff, •to "ultimate equalization of duty." merely enyetia it . . . . ~,, committee ~.t. .n viiini ,,t , i , „„„ tr , r , z , r d th „ pri „. I not IZIN:111:, 01' p -mile a ma nonce tint e to consider and I at a time when the weak and the timid of its friends on m • T...like-tit en it k i•neriervit and re i 1 ,ty It i ' cu Ile for ne they might think if expedient. So at t o .- p ~ . .. .. provisions , , Srcittoc: Coes --The Cherlestop Cnurier states shrunk from an encounter with its hot-headed hype- I mods' • , e „ -f 1 , f Hill.] • fluted the inde ors. of Feeelasel, a •preseed our oven es... '••-'. • ' - Ie it efficient in tee purposes or whit t • uties , i that a number of new Mexican dllare, centainine much rents. By him the protective principle was never de- I are asseesed-meaning, the two purposes d i revenge • tahli shm en to, diamrted capital fruitiest - home irate.' iee t e e n y Be e light of w eight s were offered at one . of the deranged the . wh . ele . system and alinncluned the i • serted, and while others quailed before the impetoona and protection. Revenue being alwaee the direct and k " -al , Charleston Banks 'slew days since, and doubtless them limn of pretection. principle of diecriminntine, d u ties , throwing away pro- • . be b aesaulte of the fiery southerners. and evinced, w a h „ g „ i imn l iediate . olicect, h and ,, t i h ij e o m l e i . tat; datiee, and brineine .•verything down to the , m 1,, ,,, of a aree itruma. in .?inculation. They purported then made, I come-de.;tea coinage of 13,12 and 1834 . ; rind as thocoun nese to appease the fury of Nullification, he semi firm. I (what n"l'lnc:innscemdletir ceded) which "the revenue Mil +t lie retie...eel ; genre al a verage aed level of per cent. ail ! t f .' ter e ts are well executed, the public should lie on I still assertive the propriety of protection, and the pow- "in c on.eqeence of the appeeaching eetinction of the •rho act of the 14th July, 1332. will well bear val o rem. arum- their guard. . tiny alone side of the present utriff law passieSin Au. I . er of the government to enforce it. No ma rknew the ee "public debt; and the question was, in what manner 1.. , . . 1 raelsasie l s American Worm Spa:oW thr dachas should be spread over the varinue art:cle , : gust, 1 o le. After this ecnitiny and a cmimitrative L eaGE Q. ...ALE OF WE.STERS LAND.-The Boston ; ORE. PROOFS.-MeLeetes iil'ostx SrEctric.., i . Al fattA bettor than N. B. Crum, and yet he is so lust t ) I , tateme t f the '• ' 1 • 1-1 • ' 11 e ie prt kripa ante k - a Wing Specific du "of imports. I was not willing to concede the pruire- '. ' rind Indiana Land Compaey will sell at nuctian on the' -i- Some '2 menthe ago, I purchased a vial of Met every principle of honor, as to assail his emus attic eple ~f protection. However erroneoll3 lb ^ le,ii. , latinn 1 1 .,' .. ..'::,"' 1 "'ill , pr.lltit!,ly bo inclined to think the hoe of Ilth day tifOetober, at Baeion, the whole of their landsl Lane's American Worni Specific. I gave a logy of competitor, under the cover of an anonym ms 3 1;113. pollee country may have been, which led to the pre- !" '- moo peek t fit c than that o f 1312. I A/tinted on the Indiana canals and elsewhere, together ! mine meet of a vie]; he revised 40 very !erre washise.. - --: By city le.ri=lative c,en se is relation to the bill of tune, and give circulation to the most groundless and "sent pooture of its industry, 1 was opposed to the n. - •• • . with their E s• • -"Ii he 01' ricer. property attatist le,on t 110 From that time his health hey, °seri very mitcl . I I)ad 1'332, and by my lemon recommending the Senate to tried two other Vermifuges to no ptirpo I beliege' 'hatidonment of that system. I die not deem it con- _---._----------- shameful misrepreeentations against him. The pie I recede from it. amenderients, I cote,' net have impair- STEAM BOAT DISASTER ! 1 Dr. McLane'e the best article before the priblic. '•si =tnt with public faith to withdraw from minufac phi will judge between these candidetes, and will, we rd the protective eh iracte,• or that law, nor rendered k "tures diet protection antler which they had grown Loss OF STEAMER CLAPP F.lt NO.I. ' ~•„„, D. CALHOUN. are fully convinced, express theirabhurrence of false- "up."-[ See G. & S. Cong. Debates, p. 607.] lit in•tey wty p Hirable to the peoele or th • s.,oth, far The steamer(' l'utrittl tn., Allezheny ...tipper, one of our Bayou Sara packets, ; co., Sept. 30. I the 21th of November following. South Carolina For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD, hood and meannees by the triumphant election ofJudee , With a view to try th ;ch in oneiliaton, I ac. • °n t • under the command of Captain Laurent. but stag her ' l proclaimed her system of Nellificetion fleabite this l oct 3 Corner 4th and Wood sea. Witates. By (Wag so, they will secure to the die.. compriniee niv amendment with the follteving menhir boi.ert on the 19th 'Tit., abkout neon, eaahe was back- I very law, declkiring it tole" on,: inetittei met reel void. 1 brief remark.; ti.ms am .. r from •u g - Mg our Bey° b.. il, to proeee.l to Tunnica. At k tnlel a 304i44 3 ants influential friend to domestic indu.)- I and or d tinily , that th • payownt of .1 , 60.3 .4101.11 a not be A SMALL C:IEAP FARM FOR SALE. , di explosion the boat broke in fee, aed sunk immedi-1 ^ I "Rest/iced, That tim . secretary of State be requeet- I el eesee.. try, aad a repreeentative whose expedeace and stand- , . diatelv. The boilers an y pert of the cabin were blown ' A .. A Sal LL Farm i e Upper St. Clair township, a 'ed to repert 10 the Senate, the laws and tonne'- ' My eilleceteient c lateen in the a t rh o position in . • • bout 4i miles from Pitteburgh,and about. 60 yards t u g would h as command a peeper attention to the in- 0,.• i • f• • •• 1 • • ‘. away eiatrely. We have been unable to hearit the ex- ' di al regit neona c Mme conotrieS In re atom to t. i Ca I Witt pa'3l hy OE3 Se tato at tho next sise. • • ' B y es 'of the Wasiiingtoa turnpike, contaiaing 164. aCrea good terests of his district. °(llltie3 03 internee. and the bowite•s and other regn- affords tn de Droll that I iv,l3 lint (114P03`.1 to yield act number of lust by this tad disaster, but of the land, well located and imeroyed, and almost all cleared "little: , : C ite the eme.eirteemem of exriorta, which in trots urn, wir to give up a law calculated to teCure vlole creW, (supposed to be 40,) only nine pereons CHANGED HIS CONTETANCE.-We learn by the "tiny m miter bead. in their effect reel kmeration, to the interests of the mtnefteturer. eackesed- Captain Laurent and the Pilot Mr. Jordan. and under good fences and will be a good place for an . tk ieittred, and fleVen Peet - led. Captain 8e 35 , 1, Well extensive garduer. &e It has on it a good dwelling American thee th e Antimasonie candidate fur Sheriff is "Collntervl. ill...hairs now impotrul by bum sin their I hive ithveys been the relvmate of hone valuation ' • ' 'known on our eine who woe acting aseicrk on ord, ia horse and barn: and is well watered. It will bo sold. 0 the United St l .l" :1•• fee "" thou and of the c ice 1 enont of duties in gold •d• now "paddle; "I Ci viola oarel boa." So it would seem '.i m m e "°' l ta is t,i •l ' ice il n received at the a , oT:tio sit., the . vi. p. y LILA salter. ~ among the miesing, I. Tyeon,eneineer, aid the Mate low for cash-or part cosh and part credit. Apply at Very reAlrect ulli .. be has left his "tivo hor3e3," and has taken to "the e se .e v e e ' t. of t 1,03.• ptlhilSh.tt by orde l ; of . 'oeereee." . Fellow citizen ',whose name we have not learned, are severely scald- Harris'Ageney and Intelligence Office, or water"--and is "pitching," as well at rOWing along. vv,., "Re,/,, , d, That the Seeretary of the Treaeury he 'Veer ob't serve. 1 ed, aed theierecovory di..paired of. The Clipper was i _ SAMUEL NEALLAND. are happy to say that old Nlissiesinew 1. is gettin; on requested to repert to the Senate, the present credits I • a reenter packet between this city and Bayou Sara• WM. WILKINS. I - . "on duties oil imports: aml the eepedh•ney of provi• Ham:woad, Oetobet 31.1343. undCaptain Laurent, who commanded, has lone been bravely, without tesarting to theee uniuted meane of known as an accomplieltedcommantler.-eN. Of-Trop "ding by law for the g r Ideal neloction thereof to what locomotion. He tides a horse (when pecan get one,) "qxtent, and at what time. Alen, to report on the ex- RACE AT ANCONA. , ic. and felling in that he jogs along an foot, just as ho •• o ecli.•ney of to ilting such alterations ill the CNittlioT 1 • 1 maismossimxmoolgo.rigliwi tiggiggiggigwige...l" t fly , me thod of !Oro! raeine ii Indy (if heroes rim- 1 113eC1t0d,/, Whellf.)llu wing hiie ) eerie Irian 3r, through "lawa. as to previtle for the assessment of nil valorem , Il ene with tut i.lirs e•tn be I.eitim•ttelv 3.1 termed) 13 ; port of pittsburgli. „ditties, according to a valuation of imported articles, the bleak winds and or 3r the 41lOW c iv3r.3 I plains of : pate o-elar. Tim heree.i, for want of riders to woe: them • 11 the port or place of importation; and, also, to re northern Ohio. lon,have little balls with sharp points in them ' attach ----=--- -- - --- . _ "port whether any, or what altenoions ought to be ed tolathedl' l, which i . ,A - I lle. , no. as sours. girt is fired Boat Agents. Water street. N itwitlist - viding the old. soldier is "seatone ahead" ••made in the law immesh). duties on nen-enitmerated , when they start. that prep:mations may be made to to ' in this ass: w hi, sai d tseeic rival can't co ne i a "articles of impot tation. so as effi•ctually to p rc t ven , t , • teats them at the further end; wleen they have run hell- - ---- dutie3 ~ Glands, and the eviistun oaten peyment of the . . si.slit. of him, and it is said ho has disabled two horses " I way, another gun is fired, and a third ashen they arrive . 4 FEET WATER IN THF. CHANNEL "If, by am. chewer of our commercial regulatione goal. - . ... tee and nearly killed two watermen in the effort. Mr. "end the present nettle of collecting duties, an equia a- rat the Brat tnoe n a mast excellent mode of = deciding the winnine twee. To ascertain witheut Morrison, we hear, did get a glimpse of him, by look- "lent could be eiven to the manufacturer. I would bo dispute, ' o. h wins - it • I tog out from the top of the New Court House. ' willine to reduce the duties on the tariff iodides to , „i ‘ " t e a thread t dipped i'erasctree.te"heder"3't le course !I nt l th e d inred-lead, . ea ~ "that extent. A beneficial change could also bemade which, niii p g the o'i victorb .' breaking, leaves a red mark on ad s i "in t/11' imposts on what are denominated non-entime- THE ROCHEST=R FAIR.-The mons we read o f t h echest, and this mark is decisive. "I was much "ratedarticle:• and, also.in . the valuation of imported speeches and behavior of Messrs. Weasten and SE.' ' I "g,oods. Byleeesin the duties in proportiontotle amused," save n retina writer, "at the horse races at Cis . Anemia. The first race was declared unfair as one weal) at the Rochester Agricultural Fair, the mom car- . 1 ” value of the geode in the United States, instead of theie • horse hati"ii stoned before the rest, and the Gove ' rn min it seems th•tt these fancy farmers sat too lung at ta- i "value at the foreign port, a meterial benefit would dered another to be rim the following nine " To ble, after dinner. Mr. S EW himself was not un-i'resultt,teo d e w :I,unitderisiaine.mwtnneucl;ectiwirt, and fronds on guard the course, a great number of soldiers * under 1 „ tear • • ru e w i . i . h . these c see- arms were ranged on each side of it, from ono end to cOnsciousof this. fulls asked the Reporters to forbear I"es I thought eoine res uct am of . taws might be mule Lace other. The morning after the first race, the wind taking notes of the matters that took place late in the "on the tariff articles with Out operating to the injure of evening. He then prop used one roaring swig to Mr. I , domestic industry."-(Sec G. ,i• S. Leong. Debates, • • (;lay's Are and chief objection to the amend. h tang w i th his excelletry the. Governor, when a messene • blew from the north and was rather cold. I was sit -607 1 WA:OSTER. which was taken. and W. tickled p' -*, !get arrived from the General with his compliments, re. Mr. SEWARD a ;ail itva a Vni 11 '..MAH. ftlad - SIiCA hands 'Mr ---7:-10-404-u0w....w.a„w2.040,Laa • - , questing dun the race might be deferred till another ea.; . ,_ meal ORO . Y -weak" pre- ; day, %Abe thouebt the weather too -cold to put his with the 1.?;,-.I.1•oe..enor neross,drs table. • Then Mr: duet, and anninrea!ltie- Aiolgion of the. gentleman's Iron' ps under arms The Grove:tor n• * - - . 3 ' pliedto him, eloei. Guesex, ef tit.,:teecle a sileeltht and Mt'. IV 1:111111 - r.I1, ill °lllopl33liktill.WoitlilintOly preeent the possibility • that "as the weather was not too cold for the ladies, the costree ...f the five or Lm mime , e. he was k i p;inter. , 'of effeeting any reductimi whateeer at this eossinn. ° t. t ; he time:sat. .t. was not too inneh for the Remie eel repted him half a d keen the 's With eutillnent 4 of the ( 608 )• lie 81.3 " thouellt in effect thee wore lieetile 1 0 5 dices" 1 letve seen on a day which only th eratened Al c e. le. , in a euard of Itionytnt turn out every one of te r n queerest aort-just :melt reuuseke '''' a very grr"" ml l UnsuretheOPenerietellivePrinc.lPl •..( • PI) 1' ra '' .• - • um in its remarks, see rage - Pa" an wiihrella under hte arm; the drummer andlifer alone might be expected to make. lie agree with Mr. Se- ces Mr. Clay'S' resolution and my proposed amendment excepted. wenn, that all that was -done after he began to speak upoe tlw same footing; objected to them both - alike, j ought not to hate been reported-even though we bad be wo ca ec u e s; they lly k ee n :r ile to upc h n , : t p i the olit s-em4 of itrie?•S"loiPall,. and lost the great anti-debt harangue of MN WEBSTER. by used t h es e wee ds: "The reso.utio Y n of the Senator front the omission , and the great moral effect which such Kentucky,( Mr... Clay) now under consideration, and ethe amendmentof the Senator from Pennsylvania ( Mr JAS• Subject to the decioion of Tilt DEMOCRATIC NLTIONAL CoNVENTIOIN. Vie Oath) itiornin.g Post. EDITORS AND PROPRIEToRs PITTSI3UORH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4 DEMOCRATIC TICKET. CONGRZSS, WILLIAM WILKINS, Peebles. JOAN NEGLEY, Butler. .015KBLT, ALEXANDER. BRACKENRIDGE, Pitt, JAMES A. GIBSON. Pine, WILLIAM STURGEON, Fayette. JOHN ANDEREGG, Pitt. • sugar's , . ELIJAH TROVILLO, City. reorsolto . rmt . t. (iI.:ORGP. R. RIDDLE, Allegheny. CONVISIONER, JAMES CUNNINGHAM, TRF:ASULLYG., 11.013ERT GLASS, City. cnnocit, DAVID lIARTZ, Allegheny. AUDITOR, ROBERT DONA.LDSON, CeIAV COIMUSIONETLS• .1 A NI ES CLAIIKE; - of Indiana, JESSE MILLER, of Perry, WM. B FOSTER, Jr. of Bradford TICKETS Any quantity of the regular Dem.lc-attic Ticket, can bo had at this office. Our Democratic frieuds um re quested CU call and suppl, themselves. sop 28—te JUDGE ILXIS &TH.: Taatsr.--.We tu6lish this morning, n statement from Jag° Itimatas, address. eci to the people of the District, giving an hisork--11 sketch oftho parthe took in the Tariff qu:stion, whit+ t he was a men6er of till ITtliteJ Satos Senate. To the old fri.m.,is of di) Protective 3:1310:11, who have iv itch e.l its progress, and mtrked the coo lent of its a•lvo cates, this stateinmt is u for they 3.0.• to it Vit.t.tsot IV If. K w.ts ant rijit3 ear:lest friond has continued, dowi to the present cloy, its z cal ea • and unyielding . advocate. In tho dishenomble attempts that hive bneu m Lie to injure Judge IV tt.acts, by endeavoring to tit impression that he luta abandoned Twill' principles, while a rn omber of rho Saute, his Aati:n tionic oppo nent has had the m*a loess to gar'ale the Congressioo. al pro - 33 !dings. in the hope, by such moons, to gain a strength tlitt h 3 is unworthy of from his claims or hit talents. The copious extracts givon from ch . ! rocor.ls of Congross, show how industrious and untirin; wer the off nts of Jul;c NV Lucia s in support of a protezt ive policy, and that, i of d , 00rtio di" Tariff*, ho was er. last rtyield assent to the c Lia.ission, and on ly when the whole bill wouldhave been jeopardized hy longer delay. did he yield and assent to these (..1:1,;Ci. shins. In this ho was supported by Mr. Clay a 11 silt -0.3 wit t t, 21 - 0, and still or `, ro.; irde 1 a= sinc4n . . , T arid A n off ,rt inu:t ha% The Phi!Delphi& U. S. Gazette of, yesterday !Lays: "There was a smart frost yesterday moraine in this vicinity, and a Bordentown, we are told, .it was !very heavy. At sumise, ye.teraay, the thermometer stood at forty deer.-e- iommerciat illattero, Sz,c. —•— - BUSINESS IN CINCINNATI.--.Dr Sun, of the 30th, gives the following - account of business and money op ermiens in Cincinnati:- - "Large quantities of Dry Goods have come down the river d!irdr; thy. we2.lt, Ow; increasing the•excellent stock, and ;urn additions have been made tattle stock Of groceries. Our merchants were never better prepa red to supply their country customers than they are this fall. Judging from the sales of goods so far the amount will exceed this season that of last, by at least seventy percent." -Mott c ATTCIt .—Monev concerns are tolerably quiet. Those who can comm - and the article are ma i king preparations to employ it as soon as the Pork sea son comm when the nitculation must become mace nctise. The most of thc business dune now is in the way of exchange, a good deal having been recently thiown in market. in consegnence of a portion of the 7 per cent Ohio loin, having been pawed to the credit in liewYurk of the in.hlers of the checks here, which ,were to be re hy the loan. Exchange is offered in market at la 1 1-hi preni. lineament hank notes conte is and are og"ered fur sale to th.! brokers hnt sparingly. Indiana scrip has imiiroved; selling at 85.187 c. Granville at 30c. - - -•— TRAM: IN NEWOaLEAS3.—The New Orlean.qTrop ie to s. to judge from the busy scene exhibited by the I.?vett, the number of vessels in the port, unprecedented at this seaaria of the year; and the vast quantity of goods coattantly binding, we should suppo,e ourselves in the most bitty month of winter. if we were not a dmonished of the miiinke by a heat of 95 degrees. The reconstruction of the wharves ache First M unit ei itaii ty is pushed with laudilde zeal and ripidity. We d.otht not they will be very soon finistaid, and offer all it. , ..sibl- tvatommo lotions to vossels in discharging, their 1 ' cargoes. In a former a rti•le we gay,' some details in relation to the tic, , ipects of trld... We have since seen our i iews fully crintirmoti, by matters of aft. TIN' quanti ty of mmidra mil ,e daily landing on tire Levee, turd sent aa ay it really a:tonithintr. at a period when, in emu twin vea., , , it i. hard to littil a single square rigged ves sel it the harbor. ARRIVED. • Daily Beaver Packets. *lndian Queen, Ferguson, St. Loui. , . "Brunette, Irwin, Cin, Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville. M.oxahala, Parkinson. Monongahela City Froeclom. Spencer, Parkersburg, • DEPARTED. "Daily Beaver Packets. - *Bridgewater, Clarke, Wheeling. Mclntire, Scales. Zanesville. Zanesville, Duval, Marietta. Champion, Harris, N. Orleans, *Minstrel, Ingrbm, Cincinnoti• West Point. Grace, do. All boats marked thy (" ) in the above list, are piny i .led with EVarle Aafory (i,tard ti prevent the Ptplio.lion steam boiler. . PASS HINT ROUND, A printer calling him•ielf by the na me or--- 4 f; . 171;l do ..,. '-....' - PUT rrisred in this city a few d:.tys azo and oln t.,..-3 ~ .Fi . ..56., .1 , Y. a. w.irli. :it Mr. John G.-a. it's offiec, and loft thi , TIVW , i •ff.• i •. 6, 53'..11i el ~. ',:i do propoing to go to Philtti-lphin, Nil. Groensburzh; it " 7. 3710 do 8 do anv printer should see this c.entleman on hi. , road, Ir- '• 8. 6832 tdi 8 dO will confer a favor of Mr. Ron 't of Scenild Street. who " 9, 5640 cdt - 8 . do is a poor man. by requesting the said M. Nlorphy to The propeeiL -, must in ecery casette transmitted then' remit bis board bill, amounting to two dollar+. Mr. the mail, ar.d be•eadoraed "I'repostils for Ropel.' ' Murphy =tends about live feet ten inciwe in height of By order t or theißoittd T H OM A of-CamaComm EON insioners. • a lillit complexi,w. vetocttl—t• S C o Ntil , Seel. ‘p)i-iDOZ EN Patent Rackets and tubs a‘sortednizea, 30 dozen of all sizes of Window sash.wiudow glass of all sizes tiisuit,byLhe bux. or retail —Nail ir zuwk • spikes—Carpet chain--A variety of shovels. s axe-handles, hoc•s, augurs, brushes, coffee-mills, Laniew ville 'hoc, the balm of life, Ilrudie's anti-billions and ant'.-li , peptic pills, Evans' camomile and aperimt pills,illaisley's anti billions pill:, events in Indian histo. rv, history of the backwoods, American pioneer. Sew all's patlilo;Ty of drunkencs4; permanent temperance documents, barchus and anti-bacchus, and a large ety of temperance document:, Sabbath and day school books, ink, quills, writing and wrapping paper. fur sale low fur cash el: approval country, produce..;.- - oct 4. ISAAC HARRIS. Proposals NA T ILL bo received at the office of the New Water AVorkri until FRIDAY, the 13th ing..; for fur niAling brick and sand, and paving New Engine boner. About 33,000 good paving Brick will be wanted. ROBERT 100RE - ,- Suptc. (xt 3-3td JONES, DUTEPHY & CO., No. 48, Woo STREET, ARE now receiving an extensive assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, which have been purchased in Philadelphia and New York, at the lc west prices or rash. Their stock PNl siAts in part or bine, black and invisible green cloths; blue and black pilot and beaver cloths; plait, and fa;tt ey cassimeres, sattinett. , , Kentucky jeans and kersop, black and colored merinos; black, colored, wattled,' changeable and tigured alpaca:is; plain and rich printed muslin dc laine; domestic, Earlston and Chusan ging ham=; aseys. plain. striped and plaid; I ickings, check ' s, bleached and brown cottons, a great variety of fancy prints; giraffe and budliin cloths. Genoa cords, hosiery. gloves, suspenders, buttons, canvass, paddler and buckram, besides an infinite variety of othei-articdos, all of which they will take great pleasure in ihewing to the mercantile community. They flatter themselves that :he variety and prices will be found ench as to in duce all who give them a call : to make a bill with them. E. A. BROWN & BROTHER, • 1'27 WOOD STREET, HAVE now received and opened their Stick, of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, emir" prising the greatest variety tube found in any lions., in the city. These goods have been very earcfully,,aud it is les. tir.vetljueliciousl.y purchased liar cash, most of them at the lowest, etring prices, and will be sold accordingly. Goods Con now he bour.;lit cheaper than in any of the Ea4tern cities. and merchant.: will do we!l to examine he.e, before going farther cod faring trerSC. New Pall and Winter Goods. lIANIPTON S.: SMITH, NO. .112 WOOD STREET, ARE now opening and offer for sale a very 'Argo and general a.ortment of 4e3,..c0ubk.• Dry Good consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth, broad cloths of every color, cassimeres, sat tinetor, jeurar, . kerseys, lioseys, fllocrels, 13:Uses, bleached and brown coat., ticks. Alpacca lustres black and colored, plain and printed merinos, munslin detains, Irish nens, Mat tioni andother silks, ribllons, laces, cambric*, merino, fancy and blanket shawls, sewing' silks, spool and skein threads. &c., Ste...together with lan assortment of carpets, rues floor cloths, &c , all of which we are able to sell as cheap az good-can now-ire ' bought in any market, easl or Vest, sep2l—d Penmanship and nook4Esepang. HOSE who wish a thorough knowledge of thew' T branches. would do well to callat STEWART'S Commercial Academy, on Fourth Street. near the corner of Market and Fourth, beforelengaging oct 3-Imt PROPOSALS FOR ROPES. CANAL COMMISSIONER'S Roost, Harrisburg, Sept. 27,1843. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the Cantil Commissioners, directed to Thomas L. Wilson, Secretary of the Board, at Harrisburg. 1112. til Saturday, the 14th day of October, 1843, fur fur. Wishing eight new ropes for the inclined planes ma the Allegheny Portage Railroad. The ropes must be made of the best quality of Hemp. manufactured without the use of tar, mid to be subject& ed to the inspection and approval of such agent as the Canal Commissi.mers may designate. - The proposals will stnte the price per paella coercive made exclusiye'y of ittb - “ia Hemp—the price per pound if made one half of Russia Hemp and the other half of Kentuoky water mulct] Hemp—the American Hemp to form the inner part of the rope; and the price per pound if made exclusively of American water rotted Hemp. The contractors will be required to &diver the ropes either at Johnstown or Hollidaysburg within ten dad s after the openinm of navigation on the canal next spring. Bidders may propose fur one or any number of the Ropes required. They will state the prite per p o und for the Ropes delivered at either of the before mentie . 07. ed places. Also the price per rottndat witieb they will take the old Ropes in part payment at Johnstown or Hollidaysburg. Specl.l44l l lons of ihr Ropes. For plane No. 1, 31 . 13 ft. lent7th S i ; 8 in. in cirtum. 9.. 3 1 10 do 8 do