FOR PRESIDENT, JAS. BUCHANAN, Subject to the decision of THL DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONY ELATION el)e Matti) Itiorning Post. riIILLITS & &A TH E EDITORS AND PROPRIETOIIS PITTSBURGH, NIONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 184 DIIISCK7IIIITIC TICKET. CONORF.SS, WILLIAM WILIUNS, Peel)lei. LESATE. JOHN NEGLEY, Butler. ASSEMBLY, ALEXANDER BRACKENRIDGE, Pitt, JAMES A. GIBSON, Pine, WILLIAM STURGEON, Fayette, JOHN ANDEREGG, Pitt. SHERIFF, ELIJAH TROVILLO, City. PROTHONOTARY. • GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny COMMISSIONER, JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Mifflin. TREASURER, ROBERT GLASS, City. CORONER, DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny. AUDITOR, ROBERT DONALDSON, Wilkins CANAL COMMISSION ERS. NAMES CLARKE, of Indiana, JESSE MILLER, of Perry, WM. B. FOSTER, Jr. cf Bradford VOLVISTEER CANDIDATES.—As there are several volunteer candidates before the people, who are soli citing in genet al terms, through the newspapers and in handbills, the 'support of democratic partizans, and ere doubtless constantly making personal appeals for democratic votes, we deem it our duty to notice them all inn brief way, and inquire how far any democrat - would be justifiable in abandoning the regularly nomi nated ticket of his party to vote for any of them. There are three volunteers for the Sberiffalty: W. R. Lecky, Esq., for many years clerk in the Sheriff's office—Mr. Jos. W. Decker, well known as a collect ing constable for Lawrenceville, we believe—and Mr. David Wilkins, who has been for several years past engaged in trade and the transportation business. Bile,Lceky is the youngest MITI of the three, but sanchilie most competent of them—he has, however, no ihadow of a claim, that we are aware of, upon the support of democrats--for we have always understood „Fr. L. to be a decided and strenuous wltig, and (we believe) a supporter of Clay. Messrs. Decker and Wilkins are also understood to be of the federal school of politics—whether they have hitherto acted with the antimasons or with the whip, we do not know certainly; hot we believe that Mr. Wilkins is a Whig. The only volunteer candidate for the Prothonotary ship is Ale.r'r Millar, Esq. Mr. M. is no doubt corn- patent enough, and is a very descrying citizen, but in ' neither of these respects is he preferable to his demo cratic competitor. He is what may be s tyled neutral in politics. Every democrat knows how prone these neutrals are to give their support to Whigs, especially in exciting contests. We are not intimately acquaint ed with Mr. Millar's political course, but we have al ways made it a rule to concede every doubtful or care less voter to the Whigs. No man who is thoroughly convinced of the truth and soupiness of democratic principled and measures will hesitate to avow his opi nions. And the democratic party cannot depend up on any man who does not fearlessly and constantly profess devotion to their leading principles. Mr. Samuel Hubley is a volunteer candidate for' Commissioner. He is too well known among his fellow-citizens to requite an extensive notice. We believe he has put his sable cockade away for the present, but he is a devoted whig, and friend of Mr. Clay. This, we believe, completes the lot of volunteer candidates. It will be seen that if democrats sup- I port any of them, they will surely be giving their suf frages to political.oppoaents, or to those who they cannot depend on as friends—and that they will thus aid indirectly the regularly nominated candidates of the opposing parties. It may happen. however, that some members of the democratic party would, on account of their private relations with some of these volunteers, feel bound to give them their support. To such we would say, Consider whether your vote can be of any assistance tro the friend you wish to serve. All who will look calmly over the field of contest will see that no ore of the volunteers has the remotest chance of success. It is impossible to change the habit the peo ple have of voting far the tickets formed by the va riobs parties. The contest is between the candidates of the Conventions, and let no man be persuaded that any of the volunteers can come within even a respecta ble distance of the Convention competitors. Such be ing the case,every democrat who votes for one of them, from whatever motive, will undoubtedly throw away his vote, and, without serving his friend, may defeat his party. No true democrat, who looks rightly at this matter, will, we are convinced, support a volun teer candidate, while there is the slightest danger of such an unpleasant political result, without the possi bility of accomplishing any personal good to his friend or himself. MAINE ELEcrton.—The Portland Argus of Monday gives returns of votes for Governor from 315 towns, which give Anderson 28,095, Robinson 19,639, Kay- Ana& 3,171, Abolition and scattering 5,662. The At gas says the towns and plantations to be beard from, gave Fairfield last year over 2000 majority, and will this year give Anderson at least 1500 majority. In this case he will be elected by over a thousand majori ty.over whig, abolition, scattering and all. Only two members of Congress are known to be elected, vi= Dtrelap in the second, and Hamlin in the sixth dis trict, both democmts. The first and fourth districts are in doubt, and in the other three there is no choice). To the Senate there are elected 21 democrats, and 3 Coolie. Vacancies 7 7 whitl will be filled by demo- crats. The House, ns far as beard from, stands fifty-eight Democrats to 24 Federalists. The House consists of 15X members, 69 vacancies, or districts to be heard remain. The Democrats in the Hocse will be in a ma jority stf et toast 2 to 1. far Dir.. Cost Join:isms is again trying to revive his turd Assanspaiou project. The result of the late el- 1 stitionivharbai i most unfoivanate influence on this and mug other leeks's' schemes for swindling the people, and Mr. J. will And it more difficult to get up a feeling in favor of his measure, than his namesake did, some wars since, to defraud the poor of Baltimore, through she means of a rotten banking institution. Reverdy Mussonmade a fortune bflisving the management of a bank at the time it broke, and Cosi Johnson, and ma ny other coon leaden, could no doubt, accomplish the same object, if the General Govertrrnout weula only ns- GREAT STORM AND Loss OF LIFE 111 FLORIDA.. An extract from the office of the "Star otk Florida," published at Tallahassee on the ]6th mist., brings ac counts of a nniA destructive storm, eccompauied by loss of life and property, which occurred there and in the vicinity, on the 13th inst. At Tallahassee the dam age was set very great, though several houses were prostrated and chimnies of others blown down. The roads in every direction were blocked up by falling trees. The town of Port Leon, 13 literally in ruins, The tide made a breach over the town ton feet deep; every warehouse in the place, with one exception was fiat with the ground, and m only every dwelling was in a like condition. St. Marks suffered to a like ex tent. At Port La®, one negro only was drowned, but at the Light House fourteen lives were lost, viz: Capt. M. C. Bobertson, his wife and children, and a child of Dr. Tradewell's, Mt.. Joseph Wood, a por trait painter front Tallahassee, a child of R. V. Buffins, and five negroes. The Star adds: "In 'addition to the 'above, we have learned that the family of Mr. Edward Walker, living on Shell Point, wife, children and five or six negroes, all perished. Mr. Walker birusiqf escaped by climbing to the branches of a tree, till the water subsided. It is also stated that there are several tub er persons living on this point, and who have notbeen heard from, and of whose safety great doubts ore en tertained. There are also sevoral families from this county, in summer quarters on James Island, on whose account much anxiety is felt. Indeed such was the violence of the winds and the height to which the tide rose, that oar imagination can scarcely fix limits to its ravages. Cedar Keys, Apalachicola, St. Joseph, can scarcely have escaped without much damage." A GREAT RACE TO COME OPT.—Thu National In telligencor gives a reminder that the great Peyton stake is to be run for over the Nashville course, early in Oc tober. It is exciting unusual interest among the gen tlemen of the turf. It will be the lsrgest purse ever contended for in this country or in Europe. Thirty horses have been entered, untried nags of four years old, and among them the produce of Priam, Eclipse, Black Maria, Leviathan, Plenipotentiary, Lufborough, and other celebrated racers. The entry is five thou sand dollars, with a thousand dollars forfeit,and, coon , ling largely upon withdrawals, the winning colt will take a purse of eighty thousand dollars. An unusual ly large number of gentlemen from the Southern and Western States, it is expected, will be present—all more or less interested in the trial of speed of the dif ferent stock of their several States. A MAN AND HIS WIFE TO DE HANOZO.—A man,na med James Dolan, and his wife Bridget, have been tri ed at Towanda, Pennsylvania, for the murder of Ru fus G. Gem, on the Ist of August last. The testimony closed on Wednesday, and the Court charged the Jury on Thursday, the 4th ult., who retired, and after an ab sence of one hour, utrned with a verdict of guilty of murder in the first &Tree. Judge ‘2onyngham, on Saturday. the 10th, sentenced both the prisoners to be hanged. TOBACCO.—According to the London Times, the ynantity of tobacco im2orted from the U. States du ring the past year,a; •;ivco in r, , turns just prosooted to the House of Common", amounted to 33,618,012 lb:. being a decrease of several thoniands pounds as com pared with the preceding year. • MR. MA.CREADY. — The reception of this gentleman at the Park Theatre, on Monday evening, (says the Sun,) was most cordial and enthusiastic, and certainly every thing himself or the most ardent adinirers of the Drama could d: sire. The Theatre was quite filled at an early lour, and if we could judge from the repeated plaudits of the audience, their expectations of his fame were fully realized. Mr. Ryder, the gentleman who come Out with Mr. Macready, made a favorable im- pi( ,•10t1 THEA rn evening, we understand, is appr,t priated to the benefit Mrs. lIKASTINGS a lady who is in every respect well desorviug of a liberal support from our play goers. No member of the company pos sesses more ability than Mrs. H CASTINGS; and all who have visited the Theatre will agree with us that none have exerted themselves more industriously or successfully to please the audience. She deserves, as we hope she will receive, a full House. The bill of the evening will be found in our advertising columns. EV"It is very generally supposed that a portion of Mr. Webster's remarks at the Rochesiter celebration were made after dinner. It is very evident that. his "great mind" was in a most happy mood, when he made some of the remarks attributed to him. • MORE SINKING Pows.—The New Orleans. Pica yune of the 19th says:—"The levees and wharves of the Fitst Municipality wont "stay put." Last evening that part of the levee opposite Customhouse street, which had caved in and was since filled up, sunk suddenly full ten feet. The people passing thought a sure-en ough earthquake was about to occur. A NEW GOVERNMENT CERRESC Y.—The N. Y. Tri bune learns from a slip from Thompson's Reporter that the Secretary of the Treasury has matured his plans for a Government circulating medium, and that fifty dollar notes, made payable to order, and bearing in tare* of one-tenth of one per cent per hundred dollars are ready to be issued. They will be filled to one uni form endorser, and over the endorsement on the back, they will be made payable to the bearer, in specie, on demand, in New York. Early in October they will be issued. The law governing them does not permit a a nallerdenomination than fifty dollars. THE REWAHD. — The N. Y. Bulletin says that the reward of $3,000. offered for the apprehension of Saun ders and recovery of the money obtained by his for geries, is to be distributed in three equal pal is--one to officer Clapp of Boston, one to the colored women Al:- nail, and one to Mrs. Hunter. AXES B. MARSHALL, editor of the Louis ville Kentuckian, offers his printing office for sale on reasonable terms. He says it contains a large quanti ty of type, has a good advertising and subscription pa tronage, and might be made profitable by a person who had time to superintend thantsiness affairs of tha es• tablishment. • OH !How SMART !—The Deacon, in his paper of Saturday, quizzed Judge Wilkins in the funniest man ner imaginable, about his speech at the German meet ing on Friday evening. The Judge must have felt very bad, if be read the paragraph; and we have no doubt Craig thinks his prospects are much brighter since Deacon White became so funny. It was too severe, however, particularly that expression, "Oh Wilkins, Wilkins, isn't that a sore matter ?" "The grog shops are mainly in the hands of our op ponents, and are the nurseries of Locofucoism."—N. Y. Tribune. This is the same Horace Greely. who edited the 'l,ng Cabin,' a cider paper, published in New York, during the campaign of 1840, and at the hard cider orgies sung— •'Then bring out the big-bellied bottles, And drink to old Tippecanoe."—Seneea Falls • GERMA.N DEMOCRATIC REETIII6. — A very large from the year 1833-9 to the year es39-'4O. But in WOMAN'S VANITY AND VENGEANCE. meetingne the German Democratic citizens was bold the hot Iluee years it has trebled inveneune • On Monday evening, as - we passed down Race • . at Broadturses Mansion House, on Friday eeenusg: The New Orleans Price Current states that the to- meet, we b ean ; a n oise up an alley, and pausing to es te! exports for 1832-3 amount to 737,000 kegs. Of certain its nature, we di-covered it robe a woman beat- Several addresses in the German language were deli , - this quantity about 300,000 kegs have been taken fur ing a man! without theslightest feeling of compunction. creel. Judge Wilkins being present was loudly called European market—chiefly for France. We are not yet To be sure, he laughed, and to our question about the informed, however, whether the article proved to be so on and responded to the demands of his friends in a cause of her rage said lie had accidentally told her she profitable to the foreign holders. as to inducefuture ice few eloquent remarks. The following resolutions were vestments never had a pimpled nose! It is a singular fact that women never forgive R reflection upon their personal appear unanimously adopted: IGE TO UT YOU PUP! ance. Some shrewd fellow ;n view of this truth made Resolved, That this meeting do solemnly rarest A little child two eara old, ite mother and ita d- a captal remark once. Go to Egypt. sayS he, and put against the accusasions to form a separate party, and mother, who acted Is nurse, all went to ' church tgogeth- the Sphynx in your pocket, cut a pigeon wing on the claim separate rights. They aro American citizens, er on gabbe h day, and occupied fold lash- t cue o those point of a lightning rocl. whistle down a tempest, climb and think and feel as such:the foaming torrent of Niagara. deny the truth of Mie ioned, square pews so common many years ago in New t h eis m, Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the Hen. England. And it fell out tore that o littlepo p doe had find specie in a bank vault, talk reason to a Wm. Wilkins, and to Masers. Brackenridge and An- contrived totake advantage of his member shipin theman with liquor, butt against a locumotive--do any dercgg for their eloquent addresses, and that we assure familyto smuggle himself into the acme p ew . His of these, but don't expect mercy from the woman who them as well as the whole Democratic ticket, of our game! . . • you once said was "as yellow as saffron."—Phila. appetite excited by the sight of a mug of nice undivided support. Sp. Times. s I good milk. which the kind old grandmother had pro- ----_-- -- Resolved, That by the nomin ationof the Hon. Ja . s _., , , vioeu for net little grandchild, in the midst of the most TREMENDOUS GLOW UP —A "powder plot" ex that for the Presidesey, Pennsylvania' receives pathetic! part of their holy preacher's sermon, instead ' ploded at Somerset, N. H., on the 19th inst., which that esteem which has been due to her from her sister of minding as he ought, what the minister was saying, I frightened all the old women in the place, and rejoiced states, and that we will, therefore, instruct our dole- he suffered himself to enter into evil temptation to such 1 the hearts of the Millerites, " like winking." On gates to the National Convention in the most energetic a degree, that finally he was overcome thereby; and so, I searching for the cause, it was found that an attempt manner to procure such a nomination. The talents no longer having the fear niche preacher nor grand- i had been made to blow up the house of a Mr. John B. and private virtues of Pennsylvania's favoritelinve long mother before his eyes, he did clandestinely thrust his i Wood, with gunpowder. A keg of powder had been since deserved the acknowledgement of the union,a l d tricked nose into the aforesaid mug of milk, and with ' placed under one wing of tee building, to which a slow when President, will prove to the world how just and n I his naughty lips did he begin to lap and drink the milk match was attached, and just at the "witching hour d eservedly Pennsylvania calls him her great and virtuous therein, and the more he lapped and drank, the deep- when ghosts do walk abroad," the family were fright son. cr into the mug did he thrust his wicked head, until ii- teed almost out of their wits by an explosion which nullv his nose got into the very bottom of the mug, and shook the very foundations of the building, broke near- the milk was ;ill gone. Now teelittle sinner was so lv all the glass, and shattered the frame-work and eager for the milk that he never stopped for a moment plastering. in a most extraordinary manner. to take notice how very closely the inside of the mug did Mr. Wood had become obnoxious to some of the fit around his head and ear,—so close, in fact, t tat people of the village, by reason of causing several when he came to raise up his head, the mug came u p prosecutions for violation of the license laws, and also with it, nor could he shake it tiffany ,how. So not on account of his being an active and violent abolition' knowing what to do, he set up a furious barking before ist. One of Mr. Wood's children was injured by the whole congregation. And the bark was so sudden broken glass, but excepting this, the family escaped and unexpected, and so peculiar, too. coming as it did almost by a miracle. ~..s. , from a mug full of pup's head, that it threw the old , RED RIVER RAFT. grandmother wholly off her guard, and caused her so The Shreveport Gazette of the 6th says: far to forget herself that she gave utterance to the We are informed that the river in the region of the words at the beginning of this anecdote—to wit: 'Get raft is almost entirely clear of logs. There are now Out YOU pup!' • about forty hands engaged in cutting from the banks The sound of her own voice in meeting, which she the over hanging trees a d undergrowth. This is well, probably had never heard before in her life, astonished but as the object desired by tee labor is the widening the old lady even more than the puppy's barking. AO that of the channel, it will he of little avail if the logs which the instantly added aloud: ' encumber the banks, and which constitute the great , "There! I have spoken right mitin meeting!—There! est obstacle to the caving, are not removed. We have II spoke again! My gracious I keep talking all the seen of late a portion of the river in the raft vicinity, ' time!" and we can truly say, that it never before presented to And now Ido not think it strange that the clergyman us so rca rigable an appearance, and we never before who had witnessed tie these proceedings from the ea" believed that it was capable ofbeing made a good river. cred desk, should actually blunt out langhine, to the I great scandal of all the good deacons and old ladies of i MATHEMATICAL DEMONSTRATION. i the congregation. 1 The eccentric mathematician, Professor Vince, of I King's College Cambridge, being once engaged in a LATE FROM ST. JACO AND TRINIDAD. conversation with a gentleman who advocated duelling, The brig kclelaide, Cnp . Baker, put into Savannah is said to have thrown his adversary completely hors on the 20th inst. on her way to Boston, in 11 days from de combat, by the following acute and t harcteristic re- Trinidad. Captain Barker supplied the Republican ply to his question: "But what could you do, sir, if a with the following particulars:—The Adelaide lost her man told you to your very fem. "You lie 1" "What chief mate, Mr. Joseph Haven, of Boston, of the eel- cud 1 do? Why I wildn't knock him down, but I'd low fever, while at St. Jaco, and was obliged to leave tell him to pruv it. 'Pray, sir, prey it, I'd say. If that port for Trinidad, with only two men able to do he couldn't, he'd he the liar, and there I shed have duty. The schooner Monsoon of Boston, sailed from him; but, if he did pruv that 1 lied, I must e'en pocket St. Jaco for Philadelphia, and returned again after be- the affront, and there I expect the matter wud end." ing two days at sea. about 233 August, with all hands sick except the mate. The Captain was landed very DANCING. s the way the ill. Capt. Balser went into St. !ago, and landed acne- T a ree h in e followi iy call out the figures of l Gaor as of ice from Boston. and left that place for Trinidad the day the Monson returned to that port. Of course, Dance to the girl with the yellow shawl on, he is unable to furnish any particulars as ta the fate of Now clown outside and up the middle, the crew of this un fortunate ,c 5,...!. The health of Turn to your partner Isaac Smach, Trlnitlad ea: excellent. bra at St. Jag., Om yellow fever And cow to that entire. stranger; Sachee to 111 r right and left, was most fatal ill its ctil.ets; and :es eral British vessels were lying there, unable toput to era 6n ' want of Re, de ciao dadada. d. da da: , hands. The market fur produce of all !dad, at Tent:- Naw to Peter S.' itches clauzlitve c e e l was gl u tted, a:1.1 ski:meets wore ptivimz nothing.— Tit at i your partaer evert one, Freights to the United States were deli, at miserable' Set to the gal with the flaring frill, low rates. • . Valance one and spin about ~ To the gal with the hide in &heel alter stocking. MR. SULLIVAN This gentleman is at present pursuing a very strange, course. Ile is, to use the old saying, endeavoring to "carry water on bmit shoulders," hoping thereby to smuggle himself into the Senate. Knowing that the whir, that is the Oa% whigs, would not touch him , with a ten foot pole if they knew his opinions on the the questions that are agitated at the present time, he stands mute, and is determined, as far as we can hear, to impose himself upon them by remaining silent. But we doubt very much whether it can be done, and wheth er the whigs will not yet before the election stir him up upon some questions. They must know, at least a majority of them, that he is a violent anti-Clay man, an anti-mason and polit. ical abolitionist of the very worst kind, and in fact op posed to every measure that they advocate. Having entirely lost the confidence of his own party in Butler. he is going around with the Democratic candidate for Assembly, preaching on the reform acts passed by the Legislature last winter, and the merits of his own services. He takes this course with the hope of getting some Democratic votes. conscious of thr fact that his own party will not support him. A man that pursues such a course for the . sxke of office may suc ceed once, and but once only He will soon come to be distrusted and despised by all men and all parties. One that would sell his soul for a mess of pottage, and one that no party would place any confidence in. Our friends in Butler expect to give our candidate, Mr NEOGEY, a majority of at least two hundred, and it may possibly reach four hundred, owing to the great dissatisfaction among the whigs towards their candi date. P. THS VERY LAST bust.—A Washington corres pondent of the Philadelphia M.Trury gives the follow ing description of tho very last du:-1 that has been foul: "John Mungo and Theophilus Boon, two strapping negrocs, undertook yesterday afternoon, to settle an affair of !moor in the fashionable way, by a resort to the duello. Bonn was the challenger, and of course Mango had a prescriptive tight to the choice of wea pons. Being of the currier's opinion that there is "nothing like leather," he chose cowhides. The par ties met with their seconds in an open lot near theiune- Lion of Broad and South streets. Boon's second ob- I jested to Mango's pants which were nrule of thick kersey, and moreover were plated or patched in a way that made them as olnlorate as th- of a rldnoce ro(e, whereas Boon' inferior person was covered mere ly .vith a thin pair of drillings As it was found possible to teduce two antagonists to equal terms by getting another pair of pants to match either Boon's or Mango's, one of the seconds str-gested that they should light sons eqlottex: a proposition whieh met with immediate laver, and both chivalrous gentlerneo forthwith stripped for the contest. At the converted signal, the light commenced. luid it iv:us fearful to see ho,wt'i-rtstrum silts of 112ollati,,n were plied by both combatants. Boon keeps a school for young, men of color; Mnsigo is a dritymant both '.vex versed in the noggin:: bu-itess, thensfon-, and made every stroke tell. TWenty lir thirty lashes were given 11111 each side. when Mungo laid in such a scorcher that Boon could stand it no longer, hut inglorionsly fled, the vic tor hard after him. Three times they carded the lot like Hector and Achilles around the walls of Troy, when the vanquished Boon Jumped the fence and flew at full speed down Broil street towards the city. the conqueror close at his heels, plying, the lash most in dustriously. Two such apparitions in such an ungrace ful dishabile, naturally attracted much notice, and ti nnily a police officer took the further Se' dement of the dispute into his own hainis, stopped both fugitive and pur..ner. made them return to fly..+ field of battle, resume their unmentionables, and then conducted them to a place where much hot blood is regularly cooled down. On bearing the statements Of the facts, this morning, the Mayor ordered the two duellists to find hail for their better behaviour. Nevertheless, their selection of weapons will furnish a good hint to other brave youths who have a serious quarrel to dispose of. SKt.rcui.. , oc rut: 1)..:K.: or \VF.I.t.r. , ;ioN A:in b. n o linoc,;ii tit, ':1 MK. 1.„) . ::0,:1 , :t.t..—I;1 , • I),,Lu GALE AM) LOSS OF LIFE. of w,,iiia g toil tai!, .1 of the pl2lllPit! 1/1 . 111 . : 111011 , 101V41 . . -‘ , %i , e ,1 at Cape Portesise, lit r. 2511 i s. 4r. Aroma hilt w.,: he net at the hetef et tie. army teat stem - from Bey (ii odeme Atte. 23. Sal 'sleet'', bearine, ed 11 el s eas and St. S iesetiars i Was h•re no plunder N.311:ui. , •; dist:mt. A ram ta experienced a eevere emit. of there' Ile went ever to S i mi. , ;‘, the fri ,ll ll of t 1,,, ~;:„t: -,itipood a -;ea, s:zt,i;;!z in her bele arke, calls and Spenede hut did he prove the friend of the Mamie- steer:we:tie:eel washing from the deck, skipper and hints of these devoe..l eities? 'tee ti..• centieued the leer men. One of the men tieing entangled i n sa me hoe. eenthenen; '+n :m e t, all ae ,...—e at hers er tieniliee rigeine , wan saved with the as:a:twice of two Who women and eliilarzni aim. , in tea eel ezil..i. cit....m. were left on bit r:!. The others welts lest, vise—Eli stancee, with the deteile of which lie m o uld net :heck. Ilefellies• a•seel 4 . 2 Years; Eli flutellins jr., ag ed e 4; their 1`,1:' , . 'Plillll. , rere * in hie teeth! He fire threaten- John lietchies :teed 15; Jos. Wilder, aged 30. The A. ed to tieht us—theres is now an en/ t., e f ee _[,4, e ,, e ,3 sai.. , tl in co with seine. Echo, Lottiea,Jamee &Henry, —and la ,, i: now reibeestl to the ;then:calve of sceldine o e ue l fir ('ape Porpoise. The James & Henry had a:—may there never he an end it that. [Lentreiter.] n o t b sei boatel from tip to Ist Sept. Appeheneiens What uii ehotrd thine it wan to - , oe 0:w of the st.I.LCS.• are entertaieed CI it el , was lust during. the pale of the men of a srreat n Ilion employed in .;;..)hli,i ;111116ln. '2o:h. I PROPOSALS LOU ROPES. If such things were or g ent OCCIIrIVIWC, (il'l'Llt COTTON CROP. I Caftaa COXitits.i,oNtit'S RoOX, Tin C oncor di a Intelligencer of last Saturday saes: Britain, from heine a iniehts. mpire, would beco me a Harrisburg, Sept. 27, 1843. r idieulou: bye-went. The next topic which claimed ! Yrom ts • ites aii w t is'., prittieal experienc e Can QE \ LED proposals will be received at the office a few word= lead reference to that miserable rete•n be most explicitly relied on. and who ha:. recently re- tell of the Cann! Commissioners, directed to Thomas remnant IINLI) old Brougham. [Much lattehter.] The turned from a Cong trip into Mississippi, rind made L. Wilson, Secretary of the Boatel, at Harrisburg. rue wretched Old driveler got up in the II iii:e or Leeds me It observathin, we learn that the crop gives every til eiatiturtlar, the 14th (ley of October, 1843, for fur and tallo,l of 1832 and '33. 11. s sail he broaches in indication of beine a light one. Planters, who, three nisbing eight new ropes for the inclined planes on the a la to CIIIITIg.. the %01111 .• . fr , el . l Ireland to I.:m.0:111a. WC01:, 4 afro , inauleed ia the prospect of ti tolerable full Allegheny Portage Railroad. which has th • erree then ot t i e...tine chi= country, anti ' crop, find that upon the examination of the cotton fields, ' The rcpcs must he made of the best quality of Hemp, t h. it! h e was t he person who \‘olllll at the present crisi s , , that the stalk is' not well boiled, and these mituring, manufactured without the use of tar, and to be subject bring in a :tinnier 111CLISUIV, WiliCh W 44111.1 be attetutett ! orn , low • y. 1 The weather for the last few drive., has ed to the inspection and approval of such agent as with a similar result. But h u m del he .act,? " i ',Ys been t•evorable, yet we havehearti of no excellent cot- the Canal Commissioners may deli hate. he started up one nieht anti moved that tile b il l be , ! ton picking-. I The proposals will state the price per pound for rope read i fir- -4, and fli' " . iii it up by ;lying "Lice that " A planter, prebahly the most exteneive cotton plan- made exclusive's of Ilessia Hemp—the price per be read a second utt i ~ The 13 it night cape, n eed ' ter in the South. stater that by the 10th a ef Septem- peund if made one half of Russia. Hemp and the other I with it poor old 13reughant, who said , el fi ne seen it bcr, it was usual for him to have not less than four bun- half of Kentucky water rotted Hemp—the American OLD HABITS. I law as this' unneceseary, canes there is one Monti- ' tired batee Of cotton in New Orleans; but that during Hemp to form the inner part of the rope; and the price A gentleman one day overttiok a traveler 'sewing y e _ l cal with it already on the Irielt statue bool.." T 1 -l c the piesent seneon, up to the same date, he had not per pound if made exclusively of American water [ A langli.] Really something ought ry elowly airing under the great inconvenience of a 1 1 ."'r 9 1 ( 1 ma"! , shipped a sinele bide, and but about one hundred pick- rotted Hemp. heavy stone in his pocket. .to be done to relieve the I-louse of Etude from hie i ea. , 1 The contractors willies require ti to deliver the ropes "Sly fiicnd," said the gentlemate as he observed t o the House a , folly. Suppose they were to address 1 In conversation with numerous planters from Teen- either at Johnstown or Hollidaysburg within tea (lass the stone weighing hiscoat down on one side tete great- respectful petition, l ie of them not to let him nee, Concordia and other parishes, we find the falling after the opening of navigation on the canal next Iv impeding his progress, "why do you travel with speak or vote until 11.1,1 zone to Father Matthew' off quite equal to the above. spring. such a heavy burden at your side? I perceive you walk and taken the pledge. Who knows but he might i I Bidders may propose for one or any number of tb e with much difficulty. , then be coneietent for five taws, or even spend an 1 F,._.„ ?. 7 A Revolutionary Suldi , r was murdered . ne ar ..e Ropes req rt . Thee will state the price per ports Ili •Al ' d "1\ hat! this static, in my pocket," said he, "I would entire Week without COlitra,lictkiz, himself! [Laugh- . Knox, ille, Tenn., lately. His name was S utton. et for the Ropes delivered at either of the before mend o Ise not part with it fur any thing. . tee .] He h a d poeseseesl some talent formerly, but all had collected his pension money, and WAS returning ed places. Also the price per pound at which they "Would not! why" said the other. that now remained was the impudence or a powerful home, when he was murdered by some assassins on w ill take the old Ropes in part payment at Johnstown without its reality. [ Ch eers.] Ile concluded the read. He was found six miles from Knoxville, "Wh 0 " said he, r e me; my father and my grand- mind or Hollidaysburg. aftber ) ce . tamed it before me; they got alon ,, very well e . by moving, "that it be referred to e committee to bruised and mangled in a horrible m i mer, and almost , Specifications of the Ropes. For plane No. 1, 3615 ft. length & 8 in. in circ . with it. and I wish to follow their step." inquire whether some legal means could not be em- lifeless. All efforts to resuscitate him proved unarail "Do you d er ive and benefit from itl" asked t he g en. ployed to address the House of Lords to apply to log. This black crime was p er pefeezed f o r t he pa l try . 2, 39:3 do do Lord Brougham to take the pledge." The motion sum of about thirty three dollars! denten. e 4, 4790 do 8 do "None, that I know of, only keeping up the good old baring been seconded, was carried amid long and A NOVEL CRIME. II 5. 5656 do 8 do continued taught e. custom," said he." 6, 5826 do 8 do Yestesdry (Sunday) morning during divine service ,' •'Did they derive any?" asked the other. 7, 5710 do 8 ACCEPTANCE OF MR. CLARKE. a steamboat was stolen off the stocks where it had tat do "I don't know, only they always carried it," saitlhe, . do 81 do "and so will I." We subjoin a letter from the Hon. Jas. CLARKE, dergone repairs! Mr. Labe, a ship carpenter, owns a IL 9, 5640 do 8j do The gentleman walked on, ere lug to himself, "I accepting the nomination tendered him 1w the sth Sep- shp Oa the canal bunk, near the Lachine toll-gate, at a fthe - officeof C love, indeed, to see, the good old customs of our fathers tember Convention, as a candidate or - i place called the Red Store, and the steamboat above The proposals must in every case be transmitted thee' alluded to, after undergoing repairs upon it, was to be the mail, and be endorsed "Proposals for Ropes." 8, 6832 honored, if it were only out of respect to their memo- nal Commissioner. It is co uched ll i n . strong, i. manly ; delivered when the amount of repairs was paid down. ! By order of the Boardof Canal Commissioners. ry; but, really, if my father had cached a stone in his and patriotic language, ant wil g l we o t n fi e l v n e c terai oct 2—tl. THOMAS L. WILSON, S'ee'y. Yesterday, however, during his absence at church, a pocket, I think I should pa- . 7 glean! respect to his Democrat enhanced claims upon pub lc c n s e. of men went teehis ship, and proceeded, in a reg- mem - :rei in laying it aside, and saying nothing about it, Beetttsviet.E, Sept. 19, 1843. par t y rho Court ofA i fi r eg Ge h or eul . ; !flat* . mechanical manner, to remove stauncheons, To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gen than by carrying such a testimony of his fraility with me GEN T LEMEN:—I ha ve been honored with the re.. 'filar and, after having safely launched the steam- . erat Quarter Sessions, of the Peace, in sad for C. Smith of the 2d Wanl through life." ceipt of your letter of the sth instant, from Harris er into her "native element," floated her down to the burg; together with an authenticated copy of the pro canal lock, .. where she now ies manned and ready for T HE Peti tion THE TRADE OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. ceedings of the Democratic State Convention held on This boat is the property of oue of the of the city of Pitteletwgb, in the county aforesaid The Cincinnati Chronicle gives the imports into Now that day; showing that the Convention, with great i cwrimuiswin • , , . ... establishments of this city.—Montreal humbly aheweth, that your petitioner huh - Orleans from the interior, for 1842-3, and contrasting unanimity, have selected and put in nomination the ! forwarding er,,. himself with materials fen the accorn ' of them with the imports for 1833-4, shows the increase, Hon. Jesse MILLER, WILLIAM B. FOSTER,. Jr. Esq. ! Herald. "i thus; and myself, as Candidates fur Canal Commissioners, I TREATRIL travelers and othens, at his dwelling house in the Ward 1 aforesaid, and prays that yourbonors will be pleased to Bacon Increase. 115 per cent. to be supported at the approaching general election. ; !MRS. HASTINGS' BENEFIT him I . k b • Lard 400 " lam really at a loss for suitable language to express ! , grant im a l i cense to keep apu he hause of eaten Pork •, • 110 " my gratitude for the distinguished honor conferred on on which occasion , MR. BUCKLEY—MISS LAURA BUCKLEY- , i r*l. ' tainment, and your petitioner loin duty bound will eeee Flour . 2O " -meby so respectable a Convention. I am, also, high- Corn - 500 " ,ly pleased with the worthy and talentrel, m an who AND MAST. H. BUCKLEY -- I We, the subscribers, citizens of the Rd Ward af the Corn Meal I, 300 " have been selected es my associates ton the l, ticket. Apples 44 600 " I cheerfully accept the nomination; and if it should have, in the:most generous manner, volunteered, and 'oily of Pitttsburgh, do certify that the above petithmer Bagging, a 400 ‘• be the pleasure of my fellow citizena to elect me a will appear in some of their most t lsof good repute fur honesty and temperance, and is Beef 44 a 94 " member of the Canal Board, I will endeavor to el& popular performances. I well provided with houseroom end conveniences Coal 14 .1000 " cute the responsible trust confided in me in the true'To commence with the Drama of ! fbr the accommodation and lodging of 'wanglers and Hay 44 3000 " I spirit of genuine Democracy—which includes, a para - TI M MISTL E TOE EMMY. , travelers, and that said tavern is neoessary, Oats II 500 " ; mount zeal and watchfulness for the general interests Cord Loyd, Mr, Faster I Agnes, Mrs. Penson, . Nelins, James S Clark, The Editor adds:—"Of the articles of Lard -Oil, !of rho State--.a strict ' economy in expenditure--ss John Barker. P. C, Themeson. After which, Castot-Oil, Tallow and Wheat, scarcely any were 'faithfulness to the fee agents as possible Wm, Brvant, 6-0. Armstrong, THE BUCKLEY FAMILY NULL APPEAR, J ames wood , . D. R. Jacob. tent to New Orleans In 1833-4. New they form im- employed In the public service-=a vigilant attention . . portent items in the account. But ! astonishing as is to see that they are all worthy, capable, anti do their To conclude with a new Drama, called Matthew Adams, Job Fee this result of tea gears in the Mississippi Valley, it duty justice to nil men-,oppression or wrung a none . TH EDDY _ STONE ELF , Thomas Sint:roes, A-; C. '..). A r••• is more astonishing when we consider another fact, i—an honest construction of the laws, and an implicit Lucy Clifton, Mrs. 1..? elite- , That is, within that period the Pennsylvania Works have , obedience to their requirements—no procrastination oee e been completed and large quantitiesof Pork and Flour !of business that can be avoided--and an utter disre. ~=--------- - -- have taken that route, so that the increase at N. Or- gard of any selfish consideration, when it millets ' leans does not show the whole increase. with public duty., With great respect. In the above account, we have only particularly eau, I am gentlemen, aerated those articles in which Ohio is the chief pro. Your obedient servant. doter, and we shall hereafter notice -how large a pro- JAMES CLARKE, portion of them are exports fromtheport of Cincinnati. To William T. Rogers, William B. Anderson and But the articles raised in the-lower country and ship- Samuel S. Jamison, Esq . ra, Committee, pea from New Orleans have also greatly increased.— The article of COTTON, for instance, has more than doubled. The must remarkable result in the expor tation of western produce, is that exhibited in the article of LARD. This article remained nearly stationary in quantity FOR THE POST Lippincott Mills. Allegheny County ss. T HE subscriber having purchased and thoroighly •••••"0^ F:: -,....• ...,,Tvi...r ~f Cale a -tate of Rosins repaired these MILLS, 13 now manufacturing,{ L. s. -I- :IlEtii. ti...e . d. and will keep constantly on hand, a full supply of all Ana now. S-pt. 16, I f 143, Gia motion of the &Accent kinds of Nail s , Spikes and Brady', etc..— ............ Gara,ma- P. Hamilton, the money considered made from the best quality of Juniata Blooms, and as in Coact und Rib it Woods app,:iiited Aaditor to dirt soon as the necessary additions can bar made t.) the tribute proceeds of 'ale. By the Court. machinery, he will manufacture every description of THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk. LOUIS PHILLIPE DOING TO ENGLAND. Bar and Sheet Iron. ti,ualiy made ill this market. : Notice is h areliy given to all perF.ons interested, that We observe by ottrlate London papers that theliing Orders left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 35 Wood st. I will attend to the duties assigned tome by thr Cour; cf the French signified 116 intention to reciprocate the or at the Mills in the F ifth Ward, will be promptly at-' in the those ease, at my (ace on Grant street ; Pitts friendly visit of Queen Victoria, by an excursion to tended to. JAMES ANDERSON. 1 burgh, on the 30th of Oct.. 1843, at 2 o'clock ,r. a. . England in the course of the present autumn. i sep 9.9-3 m sapt2B-3wd ROBT. WOODS, Auditor. ieported by S,' , eble and Mitchell, General Slew* Boat Avnts, {Voter erect. J Fi:ET WATNIt IN THE cm/is-NEL ARRIVED. *Daily Beaver Packets. Grpeus, Dales, St. Louis, Zancsville, Duval, Marietta, West Point, Grace, Cincinnati, Bt blast. Smith, Wheeling, Chlampion, Harris, —, Mail, Logan, Cincinnati, *Raritan, 111cClay, St. Louis, Min amChief, Devinney, Wheeling, *Bridgewater, Clarke, Wheeling. DEPARTED. "Daily Beaver Packets. essenger, Perry, St. Louis, Utica, Klinefelfer, Souisville, oxuhala, Parkinson, Mo. city, Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville, Della, Bowman, do. Mail, Logan, Cincinnati, All boats marked thu. (') in the above list, are provi ded with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent theemplosion of steam boilers. For Saint Louis and Galena. The Steamer CECILIA, CLARK, Master, will leave for the above and - - intermediate landings, on TUES DAY next, October 3d, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or pa sage apply on board, or to sep 30. JAMES MAY. The Cecilia is furnished with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent the explosion of Boilers. PASS HIM ROUND - - A printer calling himself by the name of—Mnft- Pl 3 x arrived in this city a few days a g o and obtained work at Mr. John Grant's office, and left this morning, proposing to go to Philadelphia, via Greensburgh; if any printer should see this gentleman on his road, ho will c.mfer a favor on Mr. Rook of Second Street, who is a poor man, by requesting the said Mr. Murphy to remit his board bill, amounting to two dollars. Mr. Murphy stands about five feet ten inches in height of a light complexion. oct 2-3 t JONES, MURPHY & CO., No. 38, WOOD STREET, ARE now receiving an extensive assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, which have been purchased in Philadelphia and New York, at the lcwest prices for cask. Their stock con sists in part of blue, black and invisible green cloths; blue. and blabk pilot and beaver cloths; plain and fan cy cassimeres, sattinetts, Kentucky jeans and kerseys, black and colored merinos; black, colored, watered, changeable and figured alpaccas; plain a nd r i c h p r i n ted muslin de lainc; domestic, Earlston and Chusan ging hams; li nseys. plain, striped and plaid; tickings, checks, bleached and brown cottons, a great variety of fancy prints; giraffe and hoffalocloths, Genoa cords, hosiery, gloves, susininders, buttons, canvass, padding and buckram, besides an infinite variety of other articles, all of which they will take great pleasure in shewing LO the mercantile cammuuity. They flatter themselves that the variety and prices will be found such as to in duce all who give them aeon, to malt° a bill with them. 02-1 w DR. WLANE'S AMERICAN WORM SPECIPIC. Mr. J child of mine about 41 years old, was constantly indisposed, and of pale t'tamples ion; Inn had always a good appetite. In order to have the clti:d well, I bought n small bottle of McLane's Ver. mifas,re of which I gave him 3 spoonfuls, after which. '2O or 23 large worms were expelled. I wish all Get-- mat - l A-would read the above facts. The child's health is tooeh improved. MICHAEL 12111 N. Chartier's Creek, S,spt. 26 1343. :r...T . FOr sale at the Driu Store of JONATHAN KIDD, Corner of 4th and Wood sts. l'ittsbg. ) Pa. HOPKINS' EXTRA ALCOHOL, for retailing ) fur sale at the DRUG STORE of Q MTH'S NEW YORK VARNISH, No. I.uick 10 drying, in store, and for sale at the D S RUkt WARFAIOUSE of 0(12 Sept 29-.3tci JONATHAN KIDD, Coracrof4th and Wtxxi sty J. KIDD, Comm. of 4th und Wood sts