Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 30, 1843, Image 2

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    i 4
eve us a sixpence before you go," cried the young
" this letter," said Jonas, when allowed to proceed,
Irfrom my respectable solicitors, who inform me the
cause is set down; and they are good enough to add,
they have.taken the opinion of the attorrey general,
who declares I must win it. In that case—but I know
your heart*, sue slink what I would say."
"Kiad sold!" sobbed the female Snake.
"When will you return, my dear friend?"
" "In ii Week."
"A. week!" screeched Mrs. Snake; "it will appear a
month!" -
, "A month!" groaned Mr. Snake; "a quarter of a
YofrEet least! But I suppose we must submit."
. !' Kind souls, I must prepare to start."
"Well thought," said Mrs. Snake; "what am I idling
hero for, when dear Mr. Jonas remits bis thingsl—
your portmanteau, and ' find Mr. Brown's com
forter, Mid fill the small case bottle with white brandy,
sad send down and secure the best place, and cut off
the wings of those fowls, and put. up his shaving appa
iatus, and see his carpet-bag properly packed; and
Children see what you can do for Mr. Brown." Thus
saying, the bustling body hurried away. In a short,
time all was done; the children, being so directed.
screwed theirknuckles into their eyes, and doing some
very promising pantomimic grief. and their elders and
betters "good-bseing," and "Gcd blesiing;" with eve
ry appeumnce to somewhat disconsolate but very affec
donate devoutness.
"Now, brats, off tc the nursery," were the first
words spoken when their respected sire had returned
from hismission of seeing Mr. Blown into the coach.
"Selina, my dear, come with me." Shortly after
the pair were seated in close converse. ,
"I hope all will go well with Brown, Selina."
"I hope so, I'm sure; if it don't, he's little better
than anold impostor. What is the paltry hundred a
year he pays us? I'm sure if it was not for the ex
pectations he speaks of, I never could or would have
put up with his tiresome, tedious, absurd old bache
lor's ways."
"Nor I, nay angel; I hate the stupid old frumb; but if
all goes well, our fortune is made, and we may as well
let him remain with us, as suffer him out of our sight
to be swindled by some worthless, designing people,
is doubtless he would be."
"That is so like you, Snake! You are so considerate,
and have such abeam! Well, you'll get your reward.'
Thus did the amiable pair converse, and thousands
of castles did they build in the air, anticipating sir.
Brown's success, and their share of his newly-acquired
wealth.' At length a newspaper arrived; it contained
an account of Mr. Jonas Brown's success, and was
hailed with the most enthusiastic, oy! Beautiful bou
quet, decorated the mantle-piece of his sleeping apart
ment, new hangings were instantly attached to his bed,
and every little additional comfurt that Was procurable
added to his sitting-room. Ina state of most nervous
excitement, they received a letter from the absent
Brown; it contained but a few lines, merely announ
cing that they might expect him on that evening. Oh!
wasn't everything put in apple-pie order?--the table
covered with every imaginable dai sty, and a blazing
fire ready to receive her dear kind Jonas.
After 7 o'clock the coach drew up at the door of
Snake's house. In one minute after Mr. Bmwn_was
nearly suffocated with the embraces of the Snakes, and
nearly deafened with the vociferations of their tender
offspring. Having, at length, partly recovered his lib
erty,4se divested himself of his coat, and was conducted
to the well-spread hoard, where all vied in bidding him
welcome —a welcome, they assured him, as kind and un
alterable—a welcome from the heart, not influenced
by his worldly goods, but their love for the man him
"Kind and noble," gasped Jonas, "I have much to
say to you both."
"Not now. sir--dear sir, not now," interposed Snake,
"eat first, ancl.refresh yourself."
Thus *Dying, all persons proceeded to fill up Mr.
Brown's plate; and we must confess, never did a hun
gry traveler d n more justice to their excellent fare, than
did our worthy friend Jonas.
- "How can I. ever repay you, my kindest, my dear
est —1"
"Oh!" from Mrs. Snake with her handkerchief to her
-Best!" . •
"Oh!" from Mr. Snake, with a thumb on his breast.
"Most generous friends."
Here there was a slime pause.
Jonas iesunigd— '
"Yon have heard the news?"
"We have, we have," chorused the Snakes.
"And even that has made no change in you, patterns
of friendship?"
"Don't speak of small efforts in that way, dear, dear,
very dear Mr. Brown," whined Mr. Snake, pressing
his hands; "we have done our duty to our neighbcr and
to ourselves, and we intik for no greater reward than
the consciousness of having done right."
"Consciousness of having done right," recapitulated
Mrs. Snake, seeming to think the adoption of the last
line of the speech equivalent to the utterance of the
aforesaid to a long toast.
"This is too much," gasped Jonas. "Snake, you
are a man! Mrs. Snake, I affirm you are a woman!—
No, you arc nor, it's alie, ma'am I beg your pardon, a
mistake—an angel! Snake. let me speak to you alone."
In a moment the room was cleared; the officious
Snake refilled his guest's tumbler, and sat, in a state of
perplexity. opposite him.
"Ahem!" coughed Mr. Jones. "Snake, may I be
lieve you when you say, had I come back a loser, I
• should have had as kind a welcome?"
"Oh! Mr. Jonas Brown. sir, for Heaven's sake do
apt tear, and lacerate, and plough up. and harrow, and
drill my heart in this manner; you ought to know a heart
that honors you. but care's for no man's riches."
"Worthy man!" exclaimed Jonas, "Christian! unri
valled friend!"
"Friends!" chimed Snake, "ay, friend's the word.—
Damon loved Pythias and Snake loves Brown."
"Your hand," gasped Jonas, "I am satisfied. I will
live with you and your dear family forever."
"Happiness, rapture, and joy!' shouted Snake,."all
that we feared was, after this change of fortine, that
you would leave us."
"Leave you! never! Though I have had a change of
"The saints be praised."
"I have had no change of feelings; my heart is still
the same—"
"English oak," suggested Snake.
- "It is; that's the material. Though I have lost eve- 1
ry a shilling I had before the suit commenced, yet will I
- dwell forever—bless me, Snake, are you ill!"
And well might Mr. Jonas Brown ask the question;
" for at one particular portion of Jonas Brown's commu
nication, Mr. Snake's face became as perfect a pea
green, very sligh tinged with purple at the tip of' the
nose, as one would desire to see.
"I'll go mad—distracted!"
• • "I'll ring the bell," said Jouas.
Me did so, and in rushed Mrs. Snake with a plum
_ cake, followed by the children in their best bibs and
tuckers; and all immediately proceeded to cling round
.., 11,1 r. Brown, and hugged and kissed, and asked his
i and sixpences, with a truly Spartan devotion.
' • r husband—be qu . et, my dear—is exceedingly
11l- , how very green he is."
. "Green, sir!" roared Snake; "green and be d—d to
ye% do you mean to insult me, by calling me green to my
face, you old impostor? I have been green, but I'll be
- ' peen, but I'll be green no longer."
"Snake," stammered his better (or bitter) half, "are
you mad]"
' "I am, ma'am—as mad as blazes, ma'am—end
enough to make me, ma'am."
"What's the cause?"
"This, cry dear, Mr, Brown has lost his law-suit."
' . If the Emperor of the Celestial Empire were pulled
bythe pig-tail Off his throne of state, by the gentleman
usher of the black rod, (supposing be bad seth a Canc.
.. eionnry.) he could not exhibit more astonishment than
.., did the female Snake at the awful announcement.
When, at last, she found breath enough to form
-words she gasped out. "Is this true?"
"Perfectly," responded the bewildered Brown, "but
don't let that annoy you. I shall remain here all the
- same.'
"Will your gasped out the better half; "not if I know•
it.- Do you think I will go on working andslaving my
-self tosleathforsuch a lump of superannuated self-con
ceit? Not I, indeed; nothing but the doctor's report
that you were not likely to be a long-liver, and your
promise of leaving a legacy to each of the children,
made ue.pot up withyon. So,„inst - fie off, bag and bag
gage, so soon as you can.'
"Is this our determination?" said poor Jonas, ap
pealing to to the still green and purple Snake.
"It is, with this slight altetatioo—if you havn't walk-
a oat tithe boatels tes minutes, by the door, I pledge
myself to chuck you out of the window."
"My good friends,—" •
"Friends be d—d!" thundered out Mr. Snake.--..,'What a u you moan by hurting that child's head,pat
ling it in that manner? Adolphus, kick his shins."
"Hurrah! here goes," exclaimed the dutiful .soh;axal
poor Mr. Brown manipulated the wounded bone.
"Allow me," said he, in an under tone, "to stay till
"There's five of the ten minutes up: open the window,
Adolphus''—teas the only answer vouchsafed by Snake.
"I've done it, papa," said the It peful—"that one
over the spikes."
"Now, sir, be off at once. You need not wait for
you_ luggage—that ehn'nt stir till I receive my last
quarter; so budge."
As he spoke. be advanced to Mr. Jonas Brown, and
laid his hand upon his collar. Now Mr. Jonas Brown,
though generally a mild man; had some of the fighting
devil in him; and in a very short apace of time Mr.
Snake was placed flat on his back, in an excellent posi—
tion for examining a small crack in the ceiling immed
diately over-his head. Had Babel been re-created an
let loose, it could not have rivalled the loud confusion
of tongues which took place then; and, as if to heighten
the noise, the bells struck up a cheerful peal, the sound
of whips and wheels were heard at the door, a thunder
ing double knock astonished the whole; at this time a
very gentlemanly man entered, to state that Mr. Jonas
Brown's carriage waited to convey him to his new man
sion-horse, that he might take possession of it, old his
ample fortune.
"What is the meaning of this?" groaned Snake.
Tbat I intended to try your honesty. One hour's
more kindness, undet my supposed reverse, would hate
secured you and that shin-kicking brat an am ple indepe n
enco. As it is, we part forever,and this is the only
legacy I shall leave you."
So saying, he wrote something on a leaf he tore from
the check-book, and throwing it down upon the table,
left the horse.
After an hour of mental agony, the husband and wife
ook up the check, and found written upon it in very
egible characters—
"My dear, Mr. Brown has lost his lato-suit!"
Subject to the decision of
elit Malty laming post.
GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny.
DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny.
JAMES CLARKE, of Indiana,
W:s4. B FOSTER, Jr. of Bradford
StNATO2.. — We understand that Mr. Sullivan, the
federal candidate for Senate, is making most desperate
efforts to secure his election. But although he is ac
tive, and manages matters very cunningly, his prospects
are becoming more gloomy every day. Various causes
have operated to produce this unfavorable aspect in Mr
Sullivan's prospects. In the first place, the opinion is
prevalent, even among members of his own party, that
some other gentleman would have been selected, had
not some undue influence been brought to beat to secure
his nomination. Then his "billing and cooing" with
the democrats since has disgusted many of his friends,
and induced them to believe that he intends to go over
to the party be has heretofore opposed. We never ob
ject to a man coming into our party from an honest
conviction that his former political sentiments were
I wrong, but on the contrary, can applaud him for pos
tsessing the moral courage to encounter the sneers of
the urqwincipled and the abuse of the corrupt, in daring
'to do right. But we want no mercenary converts—no
renegades from vi•higgery, who abandon their errors
only when they find the party to which they have clung
Winking beneath the weight of its own corruption, and
when they find it no longer profitable to abuse democra
cy. We therefore protest against Mr. Sullivan's ad_
mission as a member of our party, and trust that dem
ocrats will not suffer themselves to be deceived by bis
hypocritical friendship.
He has managed matters so cunningly, that each of
the federal factions in this county, suppose him friend
ly to their respective organization. Inßutler county, he
I has no hesitation to declare himself opposed to Henry
Clay, and to democrats he slyly whispers that he is in
I favor of Mr. Bucnanatt. To give a coloring of truth
to this statement, be takes every opportunity to travel
through the county with Mr. Cummins, the democrat
ic candidate for the Legislature, and to berate Henry
Clay most soundly.
We observe that the friends of Mr. Cunningham, the
Whig candidate for the Legislature, have charged this
treachery upon their Senator, and neither ho nor any
of his friends have dared to meet the, charge. Such is
the nondescript kind of candidate, that hopes, by de
ceiving all parties, to secure his election to the Senate.
Opposed to him is Mr. Jour' NiOLEY, a man who
has been a democrat all his life, and who is too honest
to conceal or surrender any principle to secure popular
favor. He is, perimps,mare generally known than any
other man in Butler county; is highly esteemed by men
of all parties forhis sound sense and unassuming integ-
city, and would discharge in an able and impartial man
ner his duties to the people of the district. At the
coming election, the voters of Butler county will ex
press in emphatic toned, their preference for honest
JOHN NNOLblr over the time-serving politician, CHAS.
C. SULLIVAN, and we have not a doubt but it will be
nobly responded to by the people of Allegheny. If we
are not greatly mistaken in the information we receive,
Mr. Negley will be triumphantly elected, and the man
who attempt. to !secure office by, deceiving all parties,
will receive the rebuke that chicanery end treachery
Gum. JACXSOIS,—The senseless seampa who start
ed the rumor of the death of Gen Jackson, are reoei•
ving merited chastisement front the press in all parts
of the country, The New Orleans Picayune, a neutral
paper, thus expresses itself;-..-"We should like to see
the two stupid scoundrels who invented awl propoga
ted this heartless hoax get a consing ducking in some
green and stagnant pool, fur the river would be too pure
an element to receive thcirdirty carcasses. When that
pest and good man tries, the joint mournings of mil
lions will attest to the world, that be who loved his
country with the affection of a pare patriot, and ser
ved her with the renown of a brave soldier, is by his
country beloved in reciprocation as one of her most fa -
vorite sons—as one who ranked among the most pau io
tic of the pure and the bravest of the brave."
isfsa.l4 Sit Minutia—The American of yestelik, 3110CRATIC TING.
contains a most ferocious . attack upon this gentleman. 'A Meeting bf the Democratic cititens Pittsburgh
Mr. Morris is not a candidate before the people for mid its vicinity will be held at BROAMURST'S
any office, nor is he an expectant of any pcist thatcan MANSION HOUSE, Penn street, THIS EVENING
be conferred by any candidate now before the people. (Saturday) ar 7 o'clock. A general attendance is res.
It is unnecessary to comment on the wanton and cruel quested, as JUDGE WILKINS will be present and
malevolence of thus attacking a man in his position.
The reason assigned for it however, is that in case
Col. Trovillo is elected Sheriff, Mr. Morris will be
appointed to office under him. The following now,
published by Col. Titovitt.o, some time before the
meeting of the Democratic Convention, should have
satisfied every man on this subject. We reprint it
for the information of all who feel interested on the
Messrs. Phillips 4. Smith: In answer to inquiries
from several sources, as to who will be employed by me
as Deputies, in case the kindness if my fellow citizens
should place me in the Sherifrs office, I will state that
I have not thought on those matters—believing that it
will time enough to make arrangements in the office
when I shall leave obtained it.
I will, howevar, 'say. in the most positive manner,
that no mrn related to me, or in any way connected
with my family, either desires, or will receive any
appointment at my hands, if the people ahculd nomi
nate and elect me.
August 14, 1843. E. TROVILLO.
letter was written by Mr. Van Buren, in Juno last, in
answer to a call from a committee in Milledgeville,
Georgia, for his sentiments on the question of a Repeal
of the Union between England and Ireland. It will be
gratifying to the many friends of the measure who are
anxious to know the views of our great statesmen
upon so important a subject; and cannot fail to strength
en and encourage those interested in the work of Ito
land's regeneration. It is a circumstance •dhamcter
istic of the spirit that animates all those devoted to
the liberal and generous principles of democracy, that
every expression of sympathy fur Ireland, from the
great men of our country,thas been uttered by demo
cratic statesmen. They are not ashamed to say that
they feel anxious for the progress of freedom and
more liberal government in Ireland, nor afraid to
utter their sentiments, even though the attainment of
the object proposed; will necessarily be a heavy blow
at British monarchy. The federal leaders either sneer
outright at the efforts of the Irish people to obtain an
amelioration of their wrongs and sufferings, or coldly
ask what right have we to meddle with them, even
so far as to express our views as to the measures they
are seeking to accomplish. The tyrannical policy of
Peel and his fellow-ministers receives no censure from
them--.-thns adding another to the man; "proofs that
the British aristocracy and the aristocracy of America,
have objects and'sympatlaie.. i common:
LIIIIDILNWALD, June 19th,1843
GENTLXXist I have had the honor to receive your
letter inviting me, in behalf of the friends of Irish
Liberty in Milledgeville and its vicinity, to meet with
them on the 4th of July, for the purpose of devising
suitable measures to further the efforts of their breth
ren in Ireland to secure for themselves the inestimable
privileges of civil and religious liberty; and desiring
an expression of my views and feelitosa upon the sub
ject, in the event of my not being able to attend in
It can scarcely be necessary to assure you of the
pleasure it would afford me to meet a portion of my
fellow citizens so well entitled to my respect and gra
titude, on a day and•on an occasion!, which are both Si)
full of interest; but this as you rensoreddy anticipate, is
out of my power. You do no more than justice to my
feelings-, gentlemen, in relying, with confidence, upon
a favnrable response to those by which you are anima
ted. The zeal and fidelity with which the great body
of the emigrants from Ireland have sustained the re -
publican principles upon which the goveniment of the
United States is based, as well in war as in peace, are
too well known to require example or Must rit n.
The blood of Irishmen eas freely shed in ties steo=gle
for independence as well as in sueceedi,ig efilsrta tosl
maintain it inviolate; and.among the most illustrioes
martys to our freedom will be found the names of not
a few generous sons of Ireland. Thus associated in
the vicissitudes of war and peace, in the acquisition
of liberty, its preservation and enjoyment, the Demo
of the United Statea, in whose feelings I have
always participated. tare, as a natural consequence,
on all occasions manifested a deep interest in the pr-,s
perity and happiness of a people, from whom the
country has received so many gallant soldiers, and
valuable citizens, and the Democratic cause so many
and such untiring supporters. No sincere friend of
that cause ran, there fore, feel inditfetent on a topic
which deeply concerns, and which, judging from ail
indications that have come tinder my observation, ex
tensively excites the parent country of those to whom
he is belied by ties so sacred and enduring. •
Looking to the scrupulous and well known policy
of our government which prescribes a sedulous avoid
ance of any act, which may have a tendency to bring
us within the vottex of foreign politics, or afford an
opening to the wiles of foreign influence—a policy
which had its origin In the farewell adimmitiens of the
Father of his country, and was enforced by the great
Apostle of civil and religicate e liberty—there may be
honest differences of opinion among us in relation to
the extent of the agency which an American citizen
can with propriety exercise in controversies involving
the internal and external relations of other countries.
But in the ardor and sincerity of our wishes fur the
success of all who labor for the extension of human
rights, and our deep as abiding sympathy is the suf
fering condition of those whose patriotic efforts you
desire to aid, all true republicans must be of one
mind. I cannot bring myself to believe that an exhi
bition of opinion by our people favorable to the jus
tice and wisdom of a reform in the political system
of another country, to be accomplished, if accomplish
ed at all, by conatituti.mal and legal means, accompa
nied by an expression also of our fervent wishes for the
success of all such means when applied to such ends,
however great may be their moral force, can be justly
regarded as a censurable departure from a policy so
elevated in its origin, and fortunately thorougly incor
porated with the public sentiment of this country.
The fact that an immense majority of the people of
Ireland, after an experience of nearly half a century,are
thoroughly satisfied that the legislative union which
they desire to abrogate, and which derives all its moral
force from being designed to promote their happiness
and welfare, has proven ruinous to both, is of itself suf
ficient to enlist the feelings of every American citizen
thoroughly imbued with the spiritin which his own in
stitutions are founded. _
The results of this experience are moreover in har
mony with the dictates of reason. No distinct people
deprived of a local legislature can be well governed
The nature of man must be changed before any legisla
tative assemblage, wherever convened, or however
carefully selected, will be found to legislate for a sep.
erate and distinct people, of whose particular wants
they must to some extent at least be ignorant,end whose
interests may not always correspond with thcirs,as pru
dently, as wisely or as usefully, as when passing laws
which are to operate directly and equally upon them
selves and upon those amongst :YIN= they live. Act
ing upon this principle, anti of the entire soundness. of
which there can be no doubt, the Government of the
United States have alwaysbeen careful to confer upon
theirterritorlaldistricts when numberinf in population
only a few thousands, the right to tertitoairil Legisla
tures elalsuen by themselves from among themselves, and
subject to the same responsibilities to their constit
uents, as tire the representative of the Federal and
State Governments.
Apply these views to Ireland. containing probably
eight millions of people always seperate from, and far
ages independent of, the Baikal which now exercises
most if not all the prerogatives of the sovereignty over
her, and it would seem impossible to doubt the justice
or utility of the proposed modification of a union which
doesnot appear ever to have subserved the purposes
for wbichit was originally framed.
I am gentlemen, with great respect,
your most obedient servant,
Messrs. Miller Grieve, Jno. G. Park, Thos. F. Green,
D. J. Bailey, Nathan McGehee, Fred. H. Sanford,
Jas. H. Shahan, Milledgeville, Geo.
address the meeting
VERMONT EGECTlON.—According to the Vermont
Age, the whig victory in Vermont is not much to brag
of. The grand total of the coon operations is thus brief-
ly summed up:
"A gain of 4 members in the Senate,
A loss of 12 members in the House,
A loss of 1 member of Congress,
A failure to elect another,
A loss of their governor, by the people, and
An entire loss of the confidence and respect of the
enlightened portion of the state."
If such a flagellation as this does not satisfy the
coons that their breed is in bad odor, even in Vermont,
we don't know what will. The "star that never sets"
begins to twinkle small, and in a short time it will be
beyond the power of any coon astronomer to find it
shining in the federal firmament.
The Emperor Nicholas has ordered, in accordance
with the suggestions of his ministers, that all persons
who have been twice taken in the act of picking pock
,etc shall be for the benefit of the districtin which they
reside incorporated into the regiments.
Perhaps this is as severe a punishment as could be
inflicted on the culprits. The Russian service is re
puted to be more burthensorne than that of any other
nation. Yet the loss of a limb has been deemed pre
ferable to service on board of an English man-of-war.
The following incident occu El on board of the
American frigate Essex. previ ly to the declaration
of war against the king of G t Britain in 1812.
The Essex had been despatched to Europe for the pur
pose ofcommunicating with our several diplomatic
agents there. While in England, on such service, it
was ascertained that ono of her crew was a. deserter
from a British man-of-war. To a demandf4r hisser
render, Captain Smith, the gallant officer in command
of the Essex, being within the jurisdiction of Great
Britain, reluctantly acceded. The seaman was order
ed below to get his clothes, and on his return to the
gun deck, he seized an axe whic lay on the carpenter's
bench, and with one blow shuck MT his left hand.—
Bleeding and maimed, holding up the severed limb in
his right hand, he presented himself to :he British offi
cer, who waited on the quarterdeck to receive him.—
The officer shuddering, turned away and left the yes
The Richmond Star tells of a female infant about 4
weeks old which was left npon the door step of a weal
thy citizen, on Thursday night last. It was "stowed
nicely away in a basket with a generous supply of cloth
ing, and some money in a letter, requesting that the
child might be well taken care of and raised. The
little creature, the innocent sufferer for the crimes of
Gibers, was decked out in coral bracelets with gold
clasps, on the arms, and was very neatly dressed.—
The gentleman, however, declined receiving such vol
untary favors."
On Friday last the body of a man about tw•eoty.five
or thirty years of age, dressed in a striped shirt, mixed
pantaloons, and black cloth vest. drifted ashore at Senn
tient Neck, Foirharri, six miles below New Bedford.
There was no doubt that the person came to his death
by violent means, as the skull was broken, and there
itere ten or eleven stabs on the left side of the body--
four under the shoulder blade, and five or six in the side
and loils—made from appearance by a weapon an
inch in width. A part of the thigh on die same side
was gone, and appeared to have been cat with an axe or
some large instrumnitof the kind. There was noth
ing to identify the body. NVhfrecto it Le! \Vint mys-
Ivry is thi,t?
SUPPRESSION OF DUET.ING.—As an indication of
the publ.ie fcelinz in New ()dew, it aftlicib us pleasl'
lire to quote the f'illow ing hold and mauls language fnini
the cohumus of the New Oiluips Bec, of tae 13th
The public are aware that a society is about being
established in our city for the as-owed purpos.. of arra)-
ing ilk:ling the detestattle and murderolis code of hon
or which has , o long prevailed in ,l,ouisiatia, the
care of a well dimled, efficient and olmlesome pub
1k opinion, 1n vain have penal statutes been fulminated
against the practice - of duelling—in vain have the leg
islature decrecdidmth as the punishment of the 'honor
able murderer.' Whil this odioty , relic of feudal ages
wa sistained anti cheri.hed by the hahit., feelings,
custom: and mi?taloan chivalry of our pomilati,n, the
penalties of the law wore disregard To severe :ma
utterl , repugnant to the sentiments of the community
for which they had been formed, they were never en
Frmn the New Haven Courier of Monday
Yesterday noon a revolting murder. was committed
in Westfield Society, in Middletown, about four 'Mies
from Meriden. Mr. Bacon, one of the must respecta
ble and wealthy farmers in thnt region, went to church
in the morning with all his family except his wife, and
did not return till the evening services were over.—
When he returned, he found his wife weltering in her
biro& She lay upon her back in the centre of the room,
her scull crnshed m, her face horribly mutilated, her
throat cut and seven stabs in her breast! By her side
lay a butcher knife, some keys and three. chairs, which
were broken and bloody. Two of them were covered
with fragments of her flesh and hair, used in beating
her ever the head. The walls and floor were covered
with blood, evidences of the frightful, desrMate feroci
ty, she usedin defending herself from the assaults of her
murderers, and they in their diabolical exertions to
overmaster this heroic but ill-fated woman.
Our informant, who reached this city last evening
near midnight, says that the scene in the room was
appalling and frightful. It is supposed they found
her alone, and in attempting to rob the house, she re
sisted them, and becoming exasperated, they commit
ted the diabolical and brutal murder. She was about
35 years of age.
She is represented as an estimable, but courageous
woman, of large frumc and just the person to resist an
attempt at robbery. She has three children, - and was
universally esteemed, the whole family being members
of the Presbyterian Church. The house wns robbed of
$75, and when our informant left, no further theft had
been discovered.
The murder is supposed to have been committed by
a couple of foreigners, who had been lurking , in that re
gion some days, and who have suddenly disappeared.
Postcript —The jury have held an inquest on the
body. The sight presented by this unfortunate victim
was truly awful.
Theman who crossed the ferry has just been arrest
ed, and is now undergoing examination before Jestice
Cooper. of this city. Two other men, named Bell and
Roberts, havebeen arrested, and are in prison. The
excitement is very great. Yours.
This annual celebration came off at Rochester, N. Y.
on Tuesday, Wednesday and Tbursciay of last week.
Quit,: a large number- of visitors were present, and
among the guests were Martin Van Buren, jOaaiel
Webster, Francis Granger, and others. The follow-
Ins sketch of a speech made by Mr. Van Buren, in an
swer to some complimentary allusions by the Presi
dent of the day, is given by the correspondent of the
New York Tribune:
"At the close of this speech of the President, Mr.
Van Buren was called out, and spoke very much to the
purpose. He had also something to say of the glories
of western New York-of her wheat, her corn, her
pumpkins—posies. and pretty girls, in particular.—
And he said he deemed it one of the greatest of all
honors. that he could, withina straining a point, call
himself one of the agriculturists of this great State.
He gave a brief history of his brief career as a farmer.
He purchased some 169 acres about two years since.
The first season he did not muster enough from his
farm to keep its ordinary stock of cattle and horses
through the winter-. the second, there was a far more
comfortable state of things about his farm and house,
as he had enough fur both man and beast; and this, his
third year, be had a large surplus. Mr. V. B. said his
life had notitees a very short one, or entirely desti
tute of variety; but he could say, with ealphasis, that
his two years of farming had been the happiest days of
his life."
Bureau of Provisions Cioa t i n
August 14, 1343.
SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for
1 , -.7 Beef," and "Proposals for Pork,' as the case may
be, ‘villbe received at this office until 3 o'clOck P M., on
ISl,inday, the second day of October next, for furnishin,t
and delivering-, free of all cost and risk to the United
Severithousaud eight hundred barrels of Navy Beef,
And seven thousand eight hundred barrels of Navy
each barrel to contain not les; than two hundred pounds
net weight of Beef or Pork; no excess of weight in eith
er article will be paid fur. To be delivered at the re
spective Navy yard; and Naval Stations as follows:
Bbls. Beef. Bbls. Pork.
At Portsmouth, N. H.. 94 94
At Boston, Mass., 2,258 2,258
At Brooklyn, N. Y., 0 565
-, 2,563
At Philadelphia, Pa., 107 107
At Baltimore, Md., 15 15
At Washington, D. C . 97 97
At Norfolk, VB,, 2,563 2,563
At Charleston, S. C.. . 15 15
At Pensacola, Florida, 41 15
At New Orleans, La., 47 47
Said Beef and Pork must be delivered, one-half be
tween the first day ofJunarv, 1844, and the 15th day of
April, 1844; and the other calf hy the 15th day ofJune,
1844, unless earlier deliveries should be required by
he Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing.—
Offers must be made for each half separately and dis
tinctly—that is, fur the half deliverable betwen first of
January and 15th of April, and for the half deliverable
by 15th June, 1344.
The Beef must be packed (rem well fattened cattle,
slau.ghtered between the first day of November, 1843,
and the first day of February, 1844. and weighing
lass than six hundred pounds, net weight each. The
legs and leg rands of the hind quarters, and the shins
and shoulder clods, and at least eight pounds from the
. neck end of each fore quarter, or the parts Non. 1, 2,
and 3, on the drawing or delineation of the fore and
hind quarters of an ox, which will be attached to and
from a part of the contract, must be wholly excluded
from each barrel and half, and the remainder of the car
cass must be cut in pieces of not less than eight pounds
The Pia must be packed from corn fed well fatten•
ed hop, slaughtered between the first day of November
1843, and the first day ofFebruary, 1844, and weighing
not less than two hundred pounds each; excluding the
heads, joles, , necks, shoulders, hams, legs, feet and lard,
and all refuse pieces; and must be cut in pieces weigh
ing runless than six pounds each.
Both the Beef and Pork must be salted with at least
one statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of Man or St.
Übe's salt; and the Beef must have five ounces of fine,
pulverized saltpetre to each barrel. exclusive of a pickle
to be made from fresh water, as strong as salt will
make it.
One-third the quantity of Beef and one-third the
quantity of Pork must be packed in half barrels, and
contain one , huutireti pounds net weight of each, as
the case may be.
The barrels and half barrels must be made of the
best seasoned white oak or white oak staves and head
ing; if of the former, to be not less than three-fourths of
an inch thick; if of the latter, to be not less than one inch
thick for barrels, and three-fourths of an inch for half bar
rein; and to be hooped at least three-fourths over with
the best white oak or hickory hoops.
Each barrel and half barrel must be branded on its
head "Navy Beef," or Navy Pork," as the case may be,
ith the contractor's name, and the year when packed.
The Beef and RA will be inspected by the inspecting
officers at thb respective navy yards and stations afore
said, and by some •sworn inspector of salted provisions.'
who will he selected by the respective eommanding,
officers; but their charges for such inspection must be
paid by the re :pretive contractors, who must likewise
have the barrels put in good shipping order, to the sat
isfaction of the commandants of the respective navy
yards and stations aforesaid, after the inspection, and
at their own expense.
13idlers must specify their prices separately and dis
tinctly, in separate orders for the Beef and for the Pork;
and for each of the places of delivery, covering all ex
penses anti all charg-es.
The 1).-partm , it reserves to itself the right to reject
all offers f rom persons who have heretofore failed to ful
fil their contracts.
Bonds in (Kw-third the amount of the respective eon
traets will be required, and ten per centum in addition j
will be withheld from the amount of each payment to !
be made, as collateral security fir the due and faithful
perfnunance of their respective contracts, which will on
no account be paid until the contracts are complied
with in all respects. and is tube forfeited to the United
State+, in the event of failure to complete the deliveries
within the prescribed periods. And in case of failure
nn thin part of the contractors to deliver the aforesaid
beef and pork within the times specified, the Chief of
the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall hare the
right to direct purchases to bc made to supply the defi
eiencies, and any excess of costs shall be charged to
and paid by the contractors. Payment will 'be made
by the Cnited States (excepting ten per centum to he
withheld until the completion of the contracts, as be
fore stated.) within thirty days after the said beef and
pork shall have been inspected and received, and bills
for the same shall have been presented to the Navy
agents respectively, duly approved by the cot nmandents
of the respective Navy Yards and Stations, according
to the terms of the contracts.
The parts of the beef tube excluded will be particu
larly designated in the engraving to be attached to the
contracts; persons interested can obtain them on appli
cation at this office.
Successful bidders will be forthwith notified of their
acceptance, and a contract and bond will be transmit
ted to them, which must be executed and returned to
this Bureau within thirty days. aug, 19—t30s.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gen
eral Quarter Sessions, of the Peoet, iri and for
tho Court of Allegheny.
m H E Petition of George C. Smith of the !id Ward
_L of the city of Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid
humbly aheweth, that your petitioner bath provided
himself with materials lot the accommodation of
travelers and others, at his dwelling house in the Ward
aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to
grant him a license to keep a public house of enter
tai onv2m, and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever
We, the subscribers, citizens of thef2d Ward of the
city of Pitttsburgh, do certify that the above petitioner
is of good repute tor honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with houseroom and conveniences
for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and
travelers. and that said tavern is necessary.
G. Nelins, James S. Clark,
John Barker, P. C. Thompson,
Wm. Bryant, Goo. Armstrong,
James Woods, D. R. Jacob.
Matthew Adams, John Fox,
Thomas Simmons, A. Short,
Geo. A rthurs.
Sept 29-3td 3tw.
Lippincott Mills.
Fp HE subscriber having purchased and thoroughly
4.. repaired these Mtu,s, is now manufacturing,
and will keep constantly qn hand, a hill supply of all
the different kinds of Nails, spikes and Tirades, eta „
made from the best quality of Juniata bI oo tr, s, and as
soon as the necessary additions can be made tl the
machinery, he will manufacture every description of
Bar nod Sheet Iron, usually made in this market.
Orders left with S. Cuthbert, at No. 35 Wood st.
or at the Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be promptly at
tended to, JAMES ANDERSON.
Wiz*, Ellis' Works.
A fresh supply of the popular works of Mrs. Ella'
last received at the St. Clair street Literary Depot, op
posite the Exchange. Sept 2.2-1 w
OF Ceoper's New Novel—WTer port--at .Fes
ter's, St. Clair street. sep 22-I,w
B UTTER -4117 Kegs.
5 Barre!, Western ResPrre.
Dein- Butter just receis-,d and f.r. •sa . :e by
43 Wood et.
- when will be pre..ented
New Song, Fine young Pittsburgh Gelnie
The Ethiupean Min4rels and Banjo Player for this
night only.
A Fireman's Address, and in honor of therarado
the front of the Theatre will he illuminated.
Tickets and places can be secured at Footer's Lite
rary Doput, opposite the Exchange. sep;t9-tb
Tire! Fire!!
('The Firemen's Committee of Inspection will
meet on Saturday next, 130th in it.rat 1. o'clock, prt
cisely, on the Parade Ground, Liberty atreet.
The Secretor, ofeach Company will have his report
accurately made out, stating the condition ofhisEnipais.
and Reel, number of feet of hose, wants of the extort:
ny, number of meu on parade, e.r.c.
sep2B DANIEL M. CURRY, Sec. of Com.
A Card.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his customers
end the public in general, that be has just recei
ved the Fall and Winter Fashions, and would be hap
py to wait on his friends at his Shop, corner of Fourth
and Market streets, (up stairs.)
Sept 23-3td
Allegheny County ss.
,----..-• n the matter of the estate of Roam.
/ I. .s. KIRK, deed.
} And now, Sept. 16, 1843, on motion of
......,-.... George P. Hamilton, the money considered
in Court and Robert Woods appointed Anditor to dis
tribute proceeds of sale. By the Court.
Notice is ht , reby given to all persons interested, that
I will attend to the duties assigned to me by air Court
in the above case, at my office on Grant street, Pitts
burgh, on the 30th of Oct., 1843, at 2 o'clock. P. M.
saps 28-3wd ROBT. WOODS, Audi tor.
An Ordinance
SUPPLEMENTARY to an Ordi - nanee passed 27th
April, 1835, entitled art Ordinance for the eon
stn ction and management of the Pittsburgh Gas
Be it Ordained and Enacted, by the citizens of Pitts
burgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled,
Ist, That the Trustees of the said Pittsburgh Gas
Works, shall henceforward pay into the City Treasu
ry. to the credit of said Works, all moneys arising from
the sale and rent of Gas Fittings or metres, and all
notes or other securities they may receive in payment
for such fittings.
9.d. Be it ordained, &c., That the City Treasurer
be. and he is hereby desired and required to keep and
reserve as a special fund, to be called the, "Gas Fund,"
all the moneys that shall hereafter be paid into Omes-city
treasury, by the Trustees 1.4 . the Pittsburgh Gas Woiks,
or may be received in payment of the notes or °diet. se
curities deposited by them in the city treasury; toet.lier
with any moneys that m ty be received by him in pey
mentfor any stock in the said gas worlis sold by bin,
andfurther that all warrants licrzafter drawn by the
Mayor in pursuance of the sixth section of the ordi
nance to which this ordinance is supplementary, shall
be paid out of the special or "gas fund," and charged
to the same.
3d. Be it ordained, &c., That within four weeks
after the quarter days on which payment for the gas
consumed becomes due and payable, that is to say the
first days of March, .Tune, September and December.
in each and every year, the trustees of said works shall
issue requisitions to the MaYar, authorizing the city
tseasurer to transfsrfroin the said special or gas fund
into the city treasury such portion of said fUnds as they
may deem expedient, after providing for the current
expenses of said gas works until the quarter day next
after such transfer.
4th. Be it ordained, &1., allat the city treasurer
shall present to the committee on city accounts annu
ally, and to the committee on finance as often as they
may require it, a full and cm rem statement of the re
cents and payments on account of the said special or
gas fund.
sth. Be it ordained, ,kt . That so much of the pro:
visions of any ordinances now in force conflicting here=
with, be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted into a law in minds, this
25th day of September, A. D. 1843.
Prchident C, mmon Council.
E. J. ROIL.IiTS. Cl'k Common Council.
Progident Select Council.
A. M MLA R, Crk Select Council. sep 28-3 t
An Ordinance
SUPPLEMENTARY to an Ordinance relative to
Duquei:ne. Way.
SECTIOI 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the citi
zens of Pittsburgh, in Select and Commcn Corilicht
assembled, That from and after the passage of this
Ordinance, all round or hewed logs subject to wharfage
sled' be charted at the rate of 24 cents per 1000 feet,
running measure.
Sec 2. Be it ordained. &:c., That all shingles shall
for each 1000 be chactred the same as 1000 feet of
boards, and to enable the Wharfmastar to collect the
Wharfage with more certainty. all lumber, both before
and after the sale thereof, shall be had liable for the .
SEC. 3. Be it ordained, &r., That sb mush of the
Ordinance relative to Duquesne WAY, passed Au*
26th, 1843, as is hereby altered or supplied, be an&
the same is hereby repealed - .
Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, thig
23th day of September, A. D. 1893.
President Common Council.
E. J. ROBERTS, Cl'k Common Council.
President Select CounciL
A. MILLAR, al: Select Council. sep 28-3 t
LET all those in want of a first rate Over Co*
fashionable winter Frock, or Pelto, remeffitetr
that the best made, most fashionable em, tastiest trig ,
med, and cheap& article, (if not the lowest priced,'
can behad only at the
A few specimen coats on hand, which have jest bees
finished according to the latest mode. We win be
pleased to show them to any gentlenmn wanting the ar
City customers will perceive the advantago that tbit
establishment can givc, when they are informed that
we will make to order every description of garments is
a superior style, and according to the latest f
as low as the same article can be bought in this or
AL SEO Sc, McGl.7n.c:
ilFAny article in our line made and trim
when it snits the customer to furnish his own materials
every pains will be taken, and a handsome fit aln•ar
June 23,1843.
A DVICE having been received from the Regis* of the Land Office at Lexington, Missouri, tio
the removal of that Office to the town of Clinton
in Henry county, as directed by the Presidett, will*
effected on or about the 3d day of July next: this is
give notice that the public sale of :ands ordered tab
held at Lexington on the second day of October no*
I,y the E4ecutive proclamation bearirg date the 11
iust.. will be held at the time prcseribcd in tie teenstl
Clinton aforesaid. THU. H. BLAK4:
June 30— lawt 10 Comm issittg