Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 29, 1843, Image 4

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    the public, t hat he has removed frorn his old stand,
4.9 . 1.1te miter el' Pcnn anal St. Clair sts., opposite the Ex
- 4 - e.haagi Hotel , where he has fi tted up a large Photo FORTY.
Fi'll'alta Rom, and now offers for sale the most splendid
asioriment of PIANO! ever offered in this market.
- - .41111 trionos consist of different patterns, of superior
Raise' Wood and Mafinany, beautifully finished and mo•
doled and constructed throughout of the very beet ma
-Aerials, which, for . duratillity. and quality of tone, 23 Well
as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
-14,11 he has et:gamed his manufactory, and made arrange
....Mises to supply the increasing demand for this instrii•
ieat, he respectfully requests those intending to pur.
'-?. -- <.,...stSuese to call and examine his as , ortinent .tieforepiirclia.
,4..arfat elsewhere. as he is determined to sell cower, for
,oish,than atiytither establishment east or west of the
m onntaln s. F. B I.UNI E,
Corner or Penn and St. Clair streets,
Sep 10 Opposite the Cichanae Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Zeady Made Coffin Warehouse,
Fowl/I-St , 2 doors from the U. S. Bank.
...RE S h P a g s iLF 3 U 7 L e
d L Y h i
s r informs
madetli the
ee public
fiih that
wa r h e e
. Men to the building recently iccupled by Mr.
liki . G . . Berford, directly opposite his old stand,
' ,:sishere he, is always arepared to attand promptly
s I
a s t a r ic t
Undertaker,a t tn tio n
' ''
. .1: all an y t
the r d d e e t r a s i ! l a s i) f h 1 the i lil li l u e ;
- tre hopes to merit public confidence. He will be preparen
. RUMOURS to provide Hearses, Biers, C higes and
eVer ir y - veentshe on the most llheral teirns. Calls from the
titoptry will he promptly attended to.
fits residence is in the same building with his wart.
Wain. where those who need his services may fled him
Att toy rime. itarnitttcts:
st.s!. tawitt, . REV. Jolts BLACK.D. D.
La I what makes your teeth so unusually white?
QuOth Josh's dulcinta to him ['other night,
To make yours look so, with a grin, replied Josh,
I ye brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash,
'T.s the best now in use, so the g,entlefolks say,
And piece they have tried this, cast all others away.
But to provclt the best, to make the teeth shine,
Look again,. my dear gal, at the lu,tre of Mille.
Then try tl is great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash,
And see If this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine.
Raving tried Dr. "Thorn's 'Tea Berry Tooth Wsst,'
and become iinilualard with the Ingredients of its compo
sition, I ctie-rfulty say, I consider It one of the safest, as
It is one of ;hi: most pleasant Tooth lA'asil es now in use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 15,14'42 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
I take pleasure in , toting, made use of•''l'lwru's
Tea Berry Toot h Wash," tl lust it is one of the best deo-
Wilkes. In use. Being in a liquid form, it comb!nes neat•
nmo with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel
autiremoves the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds
a fragrance peculiarly desirable• J. P. TIBBETTS. Al. D.
The undersigned have tHetl Compound Tea
Berry Tooth Wash,"and have fiatind it to be an Cliff:Me.
Iy pleasant dentifrice, exercising n most salutary infiu•
mice over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis
pensable members from premature decay, preventing , the
accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Bay-
In= thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re.
commending It to the public, belieeing It to be the best ar
ticle aline kind now in ose.
Prtpared and sold by Wi1..1.1.110 THORN, A polbeca •
ry and Chemist, No. 53 Market street," Pittsburgh; and
alitibeprincipa Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical A gen
ey. fourth street.
MUM subscriber having, opened a shop No 68. Second
Iltreet.hetween Market and Wood El reets,Phtsburgh t
ineOnnertico with the Factory in Birmingham,,re..spert.
titf ants his friends and the politic, that he will be
_:happy to be favored with their orders for any articles In
Door Locks and Fasteners, o 'variouB d scriptions. oe
bantt and made to order.
Toluteco,Mlll and Timber Screws.
large Screws, for iron Works, and Screws for Presses,
made as may be required,
Carpenters - and Builders are requested to call before
..contracting for jobs, and c=anting hie articles and prices.
Locks repaired and jobbing penerully (one in .be best
wanner, and on the lowest terms.
may 2 7 6cn J.S. PATTERSON. Jr•
Dr. Leidy's Tel & Itch Ointment.
FOR the mire of every variety of TETTER,the ITCH,
and ail diseases of the Skin, has proved Itself more
elßeacious than any other preparation for the same pur
pose In use.
Upwards of five hundred certificates might be procured
and published of Its efficacy from School Teachers, Pro.
prietors of Factories. Parents, Guardians, Child Nurses,
CaplalcssoCeessels and others, were it pot for the deli
cacy in having their names published in connection with
pleb disagreeable affections,
ay the *se of Dr Leidv's Teller Ointment in cor June.
lion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he
will guarantee to cure any disease common to the skin,
however had, or of however long-standing, or refund the
money. There are however very few instances but can
"Navarra by [Le Ointment alone.
?sic' - I lfkiaate a Box.
Broared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr Lel
ia', Health Emporium, 191 N. Second st.
asd by 8..4. F.BII.IYESTOCK 4. Co. corner of Wood
gad Blxtb streets, Agents for Pittsburg. July 12.
TflEutliscriber would respectfully inform the citizens
of PiLalargh, Allegheny and their ettirities, that he
law emu:tested manufacturing the article of Lard Oi
sod Canates. He intends making btit one quality, which
ygnliglual 'behest made in the Union and not surpassed
tirglattiest winter strained sperm nil either for machinery
CRY 1, without Its offensive properties, and one
impress distineity on the public mind that
..rry to purchase any new fa ncied lamps that
timed upon them as being requisite to burn the
h, Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light
init. by calling at the old stand,3d street, nearly
Übe Post office:
.l i ttattestion for Wbel rsale dealers, Churches and
Afterespeetfti.ys a 'ailed.
fl en r will bear the •manaracturees
Jane 1343—t(.
7~+..maat+.~s..rsrs. - _..
H. ❑EVINE respect fully
The public has long visited for Individual competition
in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone
it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced
to. Its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the
Sate of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail
Roads. Individuaiy owning Portable floats are enabled
to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to corn•
pete with companies.
Tills line iscomposed of Twenty new, Four Section
Porable Boats, owned by the Captains who command
them and well known as emerprising„ industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
over every other mode or Transportation, are too well
known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf
ice it to vav, that the detention, loss,separatiott and dam
age to Goods, invariably attentliip2 three Transhipments
lettveen Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are by the Portable
Boat moot effectually removed.
The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too,
of being well ventilated and coot in Summer; which pre.
vants Flour from souring, and Baron and Tobacco from
Devine, standing as he due., between the owners
of g,oods and the Boatmen who carry them, and equity
Interested in protecting the interests of both, will make
no promises to the public he will not faithfully perform.
He is now prepared to receive and forward Produce
to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York,nnd Boston in the
shortest time, and pledge's himself to enter into no coin.
bi nal ion with other Lines,butalways stand ready lo early
out the principlesof his Line, end contract for freight on
the very lowest terms.
iry- To give undotibted•secarity to owners and shippers
of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected,
by which all merchandise shipped by this Line will be
n=uted without any additional expense to the owner.
Devine will reerive all produce consigned to him
at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Steam Boats
and forward the name without delay to Philadelphia:
Baltimore, New York, and Boston' without any charge
for advancing or commission.
March 10, 1::42
FR 5 . 1 FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale
Ids I . :urn, lying in Ro.s 'fownallip 41 miles front the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres ()nand of which
60 n,e cleared and untie- fence, t mlsto 20 acres pf
meadow, 2 gcod (Diehards of Apple, 1 few Peach and
Cherry t reel—the improvements are a iarge frame house
containing 10 roams wellfurtilsbed, calculated for a Tn
vent a private Owolling, a frame Barn 2R by 60.1110ne
ba'erneni, end Cabling', sheds t nd other out houses suit
able for a tenement!--2 good Gardens surrounded with
currant busbies arida well of excellent - water, with a
pump in at the front door. In relation Wine Pittsburgh
and Allegheny market, there In no place now offered for
sale will, more i edurement to those wishing to purchase
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate. for
farther partictilarsapply to the prnplietOr at his Clothing ,
Stole, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley.
N. B. If not ottl before the Ist of Ottober next. it
will he divided into 10 and Macte Intl tosult patch&
sera. sep 10
1H Esubscribet has just received from pulta i tetputa and
1 New York, with aet neral and extensive assort:
every article in Ills fine of business, which he Is &tar.
mined to sell on t lie most reasonable Virtu for rash.—
Ile believes he can offer stronger inducennents than any
kitnila • establishment In this city to &inert* Physician
and Merchants. who wish to supply thesstaildies v fth
Driixs and Medicines. His irtielea have, been selected
with the utmost core, and are warranted oh he hest qual.
fly and uniform strength. Orders will be filled with
coraev and flega tire. Pa miti gran be supplied with Fine
and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable variety. and of
the mint exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
and Co-m.-tic: of f sirs descrip ion.
't'he nrrdcrsigned returns hi: thanks fur the liberal sup.
port heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant
disposition to please and Accommodate—a rare In pro
curing and selling only what isexcettent and gennine—a
close impervi:lon Um gales and transaction of the -stab.
lishment—preca ni lon and accuracy In cool pound poundi med_
cities—and by industry and perseverance. to liner 11 in
'erase of public patronage
Upholstery Furnishings.
YVET subscribers respectfully inform their friends and
JL the public that they have Just opened thestoro No
30 rin It street, near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining
J• D. Wilfiams'Grocery. where they Wend to manu
facture in the best style, and have ready for sale a full
assortment of the first quality of Upholstery Parris h•
Melt as lhlir, Shuck and Straw Mattvasses, Feath
er Beds.. Sackings, ere. which they *lll fur Cash at
nearly 100 per cent Imo than former prices.
Jr...SO:Sofas, Chairs. etc Upholstered. carpets made
and Curtains arranged after the newest fashions—All of
which they offer to execute in a manner unequaled In
this or unsurpassed In any other city.
mar 20 ly
.egtilar Morning Packet for Beaver.
•.• , fast running apd well known.
1.• Bicamer
lazataq:.' CLEVELAND,
SHARP Hexrutt.t., Master, will depart daily from Pitts
burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. M.
For freight er passage, apply on board, or to
, No GO Weiler street.
N. he regular canal iutri.et to Cleveland Ohio
Greenville and Meadville. Pa ; and filositillon oa tht
Ohio Carle, connecting with steamer Cleveland at tea
ver.will be in operation immediately on opening of nay ,
iantion, mar 1 6 -If
Case of Liter Complaint of 25 gears sionarng.
Thin may certify that for twenty five years 1 was af
flicted with pain In my side, which was 'frequently co
severe as to entirely incapacitate me from labor. 1 Jurve
been under the care and treatment of various physician.
without any permanent benefit. Hearing of the.. many
cures effected by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr.
Starkwenther.l was induced to give it a trial, and ant
happy.to say.that it hasentircly removed. I /tars felt
No symptoms of it for more than a year past.
Northtiridse,ltineB6 30. 1341 AIMS WHITE.
The genutne to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency
Fourth street.
ienning's Fire rroof Iron Chests.
PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842,
J. DENNING—On Friday, the3oll) of last month, about
9 o'clock at nleht.the Planlng,Grooving and Sash Man•
ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4. Co, with a large
quantity of dressed and andressed lumber, was all consu.
pled by fire.
The Iron Safe which I boty2ht of you some time back
was in the most eaposcd situation doting the fire, and
was entirety red hot —I am pleased to Inform you It was
opened at the close of the fire, and all the books, papers,
bc.savedt—this Is the best recommendation I can give of
the utility of your safes.
tact 24-11 THOMAS SCOTT
Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory.
- 7 . .--r-
- - ,
•••--...-t-'-'-' r--- ,--
. :.- . . •-• fi
i, 411.
CONS 7'.l.lrTL Ton hand a superior article of Lard
Oil, warranted to burn at any temperature, and
equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without
its offensive qualities, and one third cheaper, man.
utactured bythe subscriber at the old stand, Third at:,
ormrly opposite the Post Office. M. C. EDEY.
Jan 4,1843
A 4 ~
1104 T LINE.
Ifferckandize and Produc
.lly inform the public that they
• have compacted their arrangementufor the above
No 45.Waigt st„, Pillsburgh
272 Market siren, Philadelphia.
1101)RE 4- CHASE' Agents,
7.5 Rowley's Wltarf, Baltimore.
t3OWEN k 111138E12D, Attentc
CliteinnaiL Ohio
Madison Ind.
Thos Mc.ADA m, Co ,
:7 Old Slip New York
. .
-.,1... . ..4 , . 4.i,, ~. •-• .N; . - 4. r ,:.. •:•-•.',,,,,--. . :•• . • . . -,.. ...• -..- , ..:, . , , i..•. -, i , ,;% , , ... .-.- :-.- • ... . . .... .
• t.,.. . - 1 -
. - -, k- ' ~..- ••• 2,.. , -7,-- 3 *.. , ...__••. ..-• , .. r...... ; . 4 -s ~ -.. - 1 .:: 4 -
~-, 4;
:.--- , _
1. '
IPure"anCe of tfmr) laumN TYLER. President
of the United States of America, tlo hereby .de.
dare an make known that public sates will be held
at the undermenti one d I, nr o Orficcs, io the State of
MISSOCRI, at the peliodi hereinafter designated,
to wit.. . -
AT PLATTSAIif2,-o,itts Clinton county, the seat
of the Lana Office forAtil'e Platte district of Missou
ri, commencing on Monday, the ninth day of Oct.:.
her next, for ihe disposal of the public lands within
the undermentioned townships, and fractional town
snips, to wit:
dVorth of the base line and weal of the fifth prinei.
pal meridian, and treat of the former western bons -
dory of the State.
Township Sixty two, of range thirty four.
Townships sixty one and sixty three, of ran,
thirty five
Townships sixty two and sixty (*nor, of range thir
Tuvtimhips sixty one and sixty three s of rani
thirty seven.
Townships sixty two and sixty four, of range Ihi
ty eight.
The west half of township sixty ontii,'.of ran,
thirty nine.
Fractional towoship sixty two and township six
four, of range forty.
Ft actional townships sixty two and sixty three,
range forty one.
tactional townships sixty three and sixty four,
range forty two.
North of the base line and east of the fifth printip.
meridian, and west of the former western boundary
the Stale.
Tw.vitsit:ps sixty 011 C and sixty two, of stage
twenty seven.
Townships sixty. slaty one and sixty two, of ring}
twenty eight.
Township sixty one, of range twenty nine.
Also at the same place, commencing on Monday,
the thirteenth day of November next, for the-disposal
of the public lands within the limits of the utidermen
tintie.l tnwnships and fractional townships, viz:
North of the bate line and west of the fifth principal
meridian, and wea of the former rn boundary of
the State.
Fractional townships filly, filly note, forty three,
fifty five and fifty seven, ofraege thirty three.
Townships fifty two, fifty four, fifty six, fifty eight
and sixty, of ran;,e thirty four.
F. actions' town.'nip fifty one, townships filly three,
fifty five, (*.Fictional township fifty seven and town
ship fifty nice, of range alit live.
Fractional townships fill four, fifiy six, end fifty
srvnn and tow.. hop sixty, of range filmy six.
Fractional townships ..finy five, fifty stx,fif y eight
and fifty tune, of range thirty seven.
Fractional townships fifty five and k ixiy of range
thirty eight.
At the Laud office at LEXINGTON, co.comenc—
:ng rte Monday the second day of October fo.
the disposal 01 the public I ,nds within the limits of
the uodertneutionecl town - ships, tn wit:—
North 91 the km tine anclwest of the jzfth princip a
Townships thirty six, thirty seven and thirty eight
of range too, teen.
Townships thirty five and thirty seven, of m o p
Township this ly fi e o:' , ang , •sqixteett and nineteen
Tv , wriships thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven and
thirty eight, of range twenty one.
Township thirty eight, of range twenty three.
Towa t h p !forty nine, of rang. twenty eight.
Towoithipt. thirty eight and thirty nine,•eleange
twenty nine.
Towuship forty, of ranges thirty one, thirty two
and elk t 7 three.
South west fractional quarter of section twenty
one, and the north - east aunt north west fracii otal
qua ten of section twenty (nor' in township fifty one,
south of .4 issouri river, of range twenty six.
Small west quarter of sertion seven, •nt tuwnstip
foil) , nine, of ,ange twenty seven.
binds npprnpr Wed by law, for the ti , e schonis
military or o.her purpose., will be excla erl from
The sales will cub be ke; t open for two seeks,
[utilirEs the lands ;ir e twiner tlispost d o f] a N t „ o
lodger; auft n pt le entries of land 111 the town
hil s.it o lferrd win be admitted, until after he ex
of the twit t erke.
I,iit en u.141.r ii.y hand at the City of Washington.,
this eighth clay 01 June. Amu, Domini. 1443.
JOHN '11:1.,61:.
By , he Pr eidrut:
THO. 11. 131. AK
Comnt'r of the General Land Office
Every person claiming the right of iitt-entplioe
to any lamas witoin the limits of the tovtnahipsabove
unique, au d, n require I to establish the game Loth.
satisfaction nl the Register end Receiver of the
proper Lud Office. and to make paysnent therefor,
as scion as practicable after ruing this notice, and he
fire the day appointe,t 6.r theciimmencement of t h e
public sale orthe tt>w•gship, embracing the um'
claimed, above deSigaated: others ise such claims
Will be forfeited.
Crmuni , sioner of the Geneird Lend Office
joie 29—tds.
.1.....cab1e in all cas e s, whether fur Purgation or Purifi
cation. They possess all the boasted virturs of other
pills, and arc additionally efficacious, containing Farsap
arilla in their composition, which Is not contained In any
oilier pills Inexistence. They:treats', different from oth
er pills in composition, heing parely vegetable, and can
be empluyed at all times, without any daniter, and re
uniting no restraint Gam occupation or usual course of
Notwithstanding Dr, Leidy never pretended his Blood
Pills would cure all (11s/same...yet It Is not saying too tooth
oft hem, from the innumerable cures performed by them
in every vat lety and form of rihtearte (certificates of many'
of which have been published frum persons of ail dettam•
luations, physicians. clergymen, and others) that they
seem to lie almost universal in their effect; and pereuns
nslne them for whatever sickness or 'disease, may rest
assured they will lie found more efficacious than any mit
er pills In existence. •
From the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blood Pills,
tis deemed necessary to remind the public where they
may al all times procure the renuine, as it is attempted
to impose other pills called •Blood Pills' upon the patilic
on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. Erße particular and
ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, and see that
the name of Dr N. B. Leidy is cant ined on two sides
of each box,(the hoses tieing . of paper, and oblong,square
shape, surrounded by a yellow and black lat.cl.
PRICE-25 cents a Box.
Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr
Leidy's Health Emporium, 191 North Second streei, be
low Vine, Philadelphia, and by B. A. FAIMBSTOCX
4 . CO. corner of Wood and Mh streets, Agents for Pius
burgh ittlY 12-Iy."
STRUM ENTSI T. Jtftearthy, Cutler amid Surgical
Instrument Maker, Third strut, neatly opposite the
Post Prue, Pittsburgh
Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in
st rumenis made by the subscriber of n superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand,
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. Al!articles warranted of thebest quattty.and
obhlng done as usual. sep 10
I a l u) FF.UA LES.—Thei eis a large class of Females in
this City [vlto from their contlnuedsittlng, to which
their occupat lonsoblige i bem,areatfected with costiveness
which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over tile whole head,
Intolerance of light and sound.an inability of fixing the
I attention to anymental operationr, rumbling In the bow•
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up
stairs; temprefickk; ihesertre symptoms which yield at
once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills The occa.
slonal ute or this medicine wontd save a deal of trouble I
and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth Pills Just before dinner, are °Pen found
highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in
this way; they aid and assist digestion,restore the bawels
to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, impart clear.
n ess I o thecomplexion, purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness. ,
Sold at Dr. B-andretit's O ffi ce. In the Diamond
Pittsburgh—Price 25 centiper box, with full directions. ,
MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtained,is tile Doctor's own Of.
ice, Diamond, Sep, 10
~~:: _`
Adams/ Patent "Zaughphy"
nrabrEnow been lkfore
the,public 3 years dm
ring which Ow several
thodsaniis have been sold
and in daily use, We are
confident of being sustained
in saying they are the best
Coffee Mills in the United
States, any way you fix it.'
Several modifications are
madeto suit the fancy of
wives and the purses of
Sold by the gross ovdozen
et the manufactory.--
Malleable Castings made to
OCTTO CV V A,.►La. a
tz:r How impoitaut It Is that you TOminence without
loss of rime With Bassnairrn's PILLS. They mildly- bill
surely remove all impuritiel from the blood, and no case
of sickness can affect the. Inman frame, that these cele
btated Pills do not - relieve as much as medicine C 3141 de.
Colds and coughs are. more beneritted by the Brandret It
Pills than by lozenges and canulcs. Very well, per
haps.as patiativem but worth nothing as eradicators or
diseases from the human system. The BRAM/RI:T[IEImA
cure, they do not merely relit ye, tiles cure disease=,
whether eitrohic or recent, infectious or otherwise, w ill
certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills.
Sian Sten, lanuat y 21,1843.
Doctor BENi“Milt BrandretA —Honored Sir: Owing to
you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, 1 am
Induced to make a public aeknowledgetohm of the benefit
my wife has derived from your Invaluable pills. About
three years this winter she wastaken with a pain In her
ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent
for the doctor During hisat:endance the pain and swell
fog increased to an alarming degree, and In three weeks
front Its first commenciog it became a running sore.—
She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our first Doctor attended her for Fin months, and she
received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worse,
and the lore larger all the w rile. He said if it was heal
ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a
loss how ta proceed, nod toy poor wife still continued
to suffer the tnost terrible tortures. IVe therefore sought
Other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first
saw It that be could soon cure the sore, and give her
ease at once. To our surpriFe he g, ye her ro ,
and acknowledged that It baffled all his skill.
Thus we felt after having tried during one whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, in
absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly
tailing in the prime of her years from her continued
suffering, Under these circumstances we concluded that
we would try your Universal Vegetable Pills,determined
to fairly ter their curative effects. To my wife's _real
comfort the first few times afforded great relief of the
pain. Wit oin one week, to the' astonishment of our
selves and every one who knew oldie case. the swellin4
and the inflammation begun to erases° that ,he felt quite
easy, and would sleep romfortahly, and, sir, after sit
weeks' Use she woo able to go throu:4ll the houte, and
again attend to the management of her family whirl!
she had not dttne for nearly 14 rllOlll Its. In a little over
twa months from the time she first commenced the n-c
Of your, invaluable phis, her ankle was quite sound, mid
her health better than It had been In quite a uumher 01
yearsbefore. I tend you this statement after •wo yr or"
lest of the cure. cdtiskirrlng U only an act of justice to
you and the nubile at large.
We are. with much gra itude,
Very respectfully,
P. P. The &naldeal Doctorpronoance.d the sore can
crepes, and timidly eau' no;zond could b done. unless I I+
whote of the &els wan cut off,anil the bone ncraped.—
Thank a kind Providence, thin made on re.iort In yonr
pill!. which mived 114 from all further misery, and fir
wlileh ve bane! Le thanlfof. T. 4- E. L.
trY•Piold al 2.5 moo per hoe, w Illrertiona.
o:.iirr wept,. new labehi, each having upon it. two sin'
nature-a of Dr. Brand ICI 11. Po each Inn - of the genuine
ban sis rikznaiiireni—three Benjamin Brandreih and three
n,Rllllliiftth u ponl l.
Titi 4 Only plate In Phlitherzli where the real Bran
di-EDI Ping ran le oh:Moen, in the Doctor's own office.,
In the .Diamoini, behind the Market house. Mark,
the ;ermine krandreth niacin° never be obtained in any
drug More.
The follovvinz are Ihe only :milts appointed by Dr. it
Rrandr►th. for the saleaf his Vegetable Universal rillA
In Allegheny comity:
PRINCIPAL Aourt. G 11 LEE, Pittsburgh
Mr. Julio Giazs—Atlesheny.
Robert Duncan—Rirmtnaham.
C, P. Cisehl—Ellzabeildown.
D. Rowland—WKeesprirt.
Newly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnston—Noblestown.
Chessman (• Spaulding —Siewartstoh n
Arden 4 Connell--Clinion.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarenium.
George Power—Fairvicw.
David It Coon— Plum township.
Daniel Neele. —East Liberty.
Edward Thompson --Wilk insburgh
Wm. 0. Hunter—Alien's MITI .
The o ffi ce Pittsburgh which was established for the
purpose of constituting agents in tire west. having. :tenth
Owned ll'at °fleet, Is now closed, and Mr. G. IS. LEE
In the Elam md, Market street, appointed en , agent for
the sale °frills and Liolmenhe 411 Dr. Brandeths agents
will therfore,unders'and,that Dr.R. will rend a travelling
agent through the country once a year to collect moneys
for sales made and re-supply age ere. The said traveller
w 111 he provided with a power of attorney, duly proved
before the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
together will, all necessary vocchers and papers,
Mr. J, J. Yoe, is my travelling agent now in Pennsyl
vania; B. Fat A NEETII, M. DI
N, B, Retnember Mr. fi •A, Lee, in rear of the Mar
ket Is now my only agent in Pittsbarg h.
New York.Junel-ith, '11343,
An Individual only tvishesto know the right way
to pursue It; and there are none, were h sr nets made
known how Lira might be prolonged_ and fla.sliru re
covered. o would not adopt the plan. Evidence is
required that the right way is discovered. This is what
those guttering Frain sickness want to be satisfied &tont.
For who Is so foolish as not to enjoy all tile health his
body is capable oft If Ito is there that would not live
when hls experience can so much benefit himself and
family? It Is a melanchory fact that a very large pro
portion of the most nt-eft I members of society die be
tween the ages of thirty and forty. flow many widows
and helpless orphans have been the consegnence of man.
kind not having in their own power the means or restor
ing Wealth when lost.
Now all these dangers and difficulties canbe prevented
and the long and certain sickness, and by agsfstine Na
lure, In the outset, with n good dose of Brandreth's Pills.
This is a fact, will undetstood to be so by thousands of
our citizens Title medicine, If taken so as to purge
freely, wilt surely rittre any curable disease. There is
no form or kind of sick ni-ssthat it does not exert a cur
alive itiflnenceupon. Tim:, by their power In resisting
putrefaction, tlrey cure measles, malt pox, worms and
all coretageousfevem There Is not a medicine In the
world so able to purify the mars of blood and restore it
fo healthy condition, as the Brandret It Pills.
The Brandreth Pills are purely ve , /etaltle, and FD in
nocent that the Infant of a mot ih old may PPP them if
medicine Is required, not only with safety but whit a cer.
tainty of reteivine all the benefit medicine is capable of
Imparting. Females may use them in all the critical
periods of their lives. The Brandrctli Pills will insure
their health, and produce rrgularity In a't the functions
of life.
The same may i.e said of Brandreth's Ezteraat Rena
edY, as an outward application in all external pains, or
swellings, or sores, It greatly assists the cure. When
used where the skin Is very tender or broken. it should
be mixed with one or two pints of water,
.8 sure Tester Genutne Brandreth
the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency,
whose engraved date must be within the year, which
every authorised agent must ponces; if the three labels
on the box 'agree with the , hree labels on the certificate,
the rills are true—if not, they are false.
Principal office, 241 Broadway, New York:
jJ This infillit.tc remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery, f nut convill,tion-. As s.yon
s the Syrup i: rubbed no the ,turn:, the t itild wilt reel v.
er. This preparation is :n inuerent, so efficacious, and so
hot no child wit rent,e to let its slims he rub
led with ft. Vk'bett 'plants:ire at the :LIP Of four - months
;Ito' there ic o uppen ranee of teeth. one bottle of Ihe
yruj , stiolild hr u•ed to open the pores. Farents should
I ever he wit hotit l lie syrup in the nursery where there
are young children. for if a child wakes iu il.e night with
all; In the. Syrup ininlediaf y g IVCS
glyetipg t he pores, and heating the _urn , -; thereby prevent
iag Convu skims. Fevers, ,s•e. For Sale W bole:ale and
Retail by It. F. SELLERS, Arent
sell . 10 N,l. 2fl. 11:(1,11 r 1 reel. below Second.
_LW F.II COM r.LAINT rorrd by the Ilse of lir. liar-
Pries compound St rrngt lir 'ling and Aperient Pills.
Mr. Win. Rurhard•, of Pitt,toir2h, la.. entirely enred of
the above riktrrsing fits symptoms were pain
and treieht in the left side, 1e...0f aepetile, epmitt l , 2 , acid
eructations, a diviension of the slontaeli. sick tie ld-ache
furretliorigue, countenance changed ion citron color, difli
cull y !treat hins. disturbed rest, at; ended •ivith a cough,
t reat deliinly,witlt whirr 5n rttpl nine indicating great de
ranmetuent of the fittirtions of the liver. Mr. Richards
had the advice of several pliy,cians, but received no
osier_ Dr. Ilartich's Medicine, which terming.
led in effecting a pe•feet rule.
Prifiripal ( - Mice. 19 North I;i_!ltih Street. Philadelphia
For sjlr• in Pirt:hurr s ti I v S.ttntiti Frew, corner of 1.9
11 rind Wood =I rrers. Fen 10
These Pills are composed of het the, which exert
a specific action upon the heart, give impuko or
atreng9i to the arterial st.stent; the blood is quickened
and equalized In Its circulation througli all the vessels,
whether nfthe .kin. the [uts ciliated internally, or the
extremities; and as all the cecretlnns of the holy are
drawn from the blood, here inn consequent increase of
every Sevetion, and a quickened , ction of the alxorlient
and exhalent, or tlic.charging vessels. Any morbid acth,n
which,may hove taken tare corrected. till ohstruc•
thins are rfTQTed, the, Mood is o willed and the body
mnmps at yt ttfa!s;.ate. For 4 ale Wholesale and Re
s2p •d) Wood st. below second.
mar 23, 1343
PILES cored by the t se of Dr. liarlich's (on pound
trentzthening and Berman A prrietit PiVs
Dr. rlarlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 received the
Agency from yuu for the sale of your ntedicine. I
loused an aroma intanre whh a lady of this place, who
was seterely afflicted with the Piles. Fm eight or ten
years this lady was subject to fr , r,tu'ltt paluthl attacks,
and her pliy:ician constid.red her -o compllatted,
that he very seldom prescribed rne,ll,,tue for her. Through
my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was
perfectli cured. Yours, 4-c J AMES R.KIRBY
October :3, 1940. Chambersbng, Fa.
1 - 70tlice and General Depot, No 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood streets Pittsburtsh. set) 10
No sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be-
IA come popular, in consequence of its success and ef
ficacy, than it is counterfeited or imitated.
To prevent imposition. Dr Leidy has now procured
moulded bottles for his celebrated Totter and Itch Oint
ment, with the words •Dr Leirly's 'Fetter end Itch Clint.
meni,' blown in the glass. besides containing Isis written
signature 'n n yellow I; bet outside.
_ .
Dr Leidy's Tetter and Deli Ointment, has proved more
rfficacioua than any (alter preparation for Tetter, Itch,
Dry and Waiety Pimple , or Pustules, and diseases of
the skin generally.
It has been employed in schools, factortas, and on hoard
vessels carrying passengers, where children, as well as
grown persons, contract diseasewof the skin from their
contagious nat ire, with the most Unexampled success.:
certificates and recommendations have been heretofore
published from them, and numerous others might be oh_
wined tor pull 'cal ion, but for the objections most persons
have, to having their 112117. - 0 pliblished In connection with
such diangreentde and loathsome affections
. .
In no uncle instance has it ever been knnwn to 411.
It has been used upon Wards and by persons of nli
ages. It Is perfeeily safe, contains no mercury in Its
composition. and mov be used under all circumstances.
Price Twenty...five cents a bottle. Prepared and sold
at Dr Leldy'sflealili Emporium, (sign of the Golden Ea
gle and Serpenls,l and by B. A. FA '4- Co.
corner of Wood and Sixtb streets, Agents for Pittsburg.
0 -To THE LADIES,—Why do you not remove
that superfloittiteltalr you have opins yonr foteheads ant
upper lip 7 •By Cllllll^. at Twr - ruc's, 86 Fourth st., and
obtaining a bottle of Gouraud's Poudres Bulilles, which
will remove it at once withont ofPecitng, the skin. You
can also obtain Gooraud's truly celebrated E'en de Bemeta,
which will at once remove all freckles, pimples, et op
tions of the skin, acid make your facelook perfectly
and to those who wish to assist nature by adding more
color to their checks, they can obtain some of Gouraud,s
celebrated Liquid Rouge,svuich cannot he rubbed off evEn
by a wet cloth, Also may be found a good assioriluent of
Perfumery, snch as Cologne, Bears' Oil, A Ituond,Ps
Wiralsor; and other doa pst
Remember, at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th streetd
Oro:gists and others can laesupplied at Wholesale and
retail terms. may 26 1892
Headache! Headache!
a a st s az il o i st s e .t ,
i t , r p a o i
n r d co i n n a -
A P. r E y
r it e %y e
d k y n o ro w r n i
I t
: ) k. tl 7llll "d ic l t n io s n
krovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPrit A. Will those
sulTering only ask among their friends if they have not
- kilt** or the positive effects of said Pills. aid it they
do hot hear them more warmly prai.,ed (and deservedly
too) than any other, then let them net boy them, In
these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is excluded,
and nothing will be said of their merits at any time
bUt4itat can he fairly proved by respectable mend - erg of
our community,
head the following certificate given by a respectable
citizen of Allogiteny city, and attested by one ortliejudg.
es of the Court cf Common Picas of Allegheny to. -
A i.I.XCIIHNY CITY, January 9,1343.
Da. Bitola's,
Dear Sir have for a nithilter of year, past kern af-
Ilicted with a sr vcre and almost constant Headache, a
rising from derangement of stOslaCil and bowels and al
though I have taken nearly every kind of Mediche re
commended for its elite, have never derived any mate
vial beneflt until I used some of your truly valuable An.
ti Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite Iwo boxes and
consider myself perfectly relieved from that distresing
complaint. I have no he , itation in recommending your
Pills as the best medicine I have ever used.
Yours, Respectfully,
I am acqua.n:ed with Mr, Turne-, I have no hesita•
lion in certifying that I consider the statements of Mr,
T. respsciinz Dr. Eli odie's P Its, as entitled to the most
perfect ancrentire confidence. FIUCH DAVIS.
For sale, Wholesale and Retail at the '3rndonian rut
Eitabllslintent Pitt, , ltureti Pa ; and by all authorised a
gents throustiont the Union
Alley city Jan 9 I R 45
Evans's Camomile Piils.
Csartnes.m.—Letter.from the lion. Ab'b'ot M'Clel
lan,Sullivan Cott nty, East Ten nessce, hlemherofCongress.
WASHINGTON, July 3d. 1838.
Sir—Since I have been in this city 1 have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine. with infinite benefit and satin
faction, and believe it to hen mot valuable remedy. One'
of my :onstituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county.
Tennersee, wrote to me to send him sonic. which I did,
and lie has niployed it very successfully in his practice,
and says It is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at
this Place,^thinks yot would probably Hire an agent in
Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
a proper rer=un t a officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Slit:nth' you commission him he is willing to
act for yon. You can send the medicine by water to the
rare of Cohort King tic Sons. Knoxville county, Tennes.
see, or by land to Graham ¢ Houston, Tazewell, East
Tennmsee. I have no doubt but if you had agents in
several counties in East Tennessce,a great deal of medi
cine would be sold. lam going to take some of it home
for my own use, and that of my friend=, and should
like to hear from you whether you would like an agent
at Riuntyllle. Sullivan County. East Tennessee: I can Tut
some of the merchants to art for yon as 1 live near there.
Your: re , pertfully,
AfRAFIAhi hi 'CI, ELLA N. of Tennessee.
For sale Wholesale and Retail, by
R. E SELL ERS„Agent,
sep 10 No. 20. Wood street,tielow Second.
• yak; E.uhscriber has just received Ids annual spipx.
Landreth's Garden Seeds, consunini In part ►
following kinds—all of tile fag yearscrop worrnined
Mater Melon,
&c. &c. &C.
Tine her with varlet yof rot 4 Fweet herb.. er.difoitre
itrOrders for Seeds,Shrults, Tr, ea, 4c from Girtke•
ers and others will be received and promptly- &Heald
o. Is 4 Liberty. head of Wood at.
Dr. Swtyriz—Dear ir:--Permit nie to take the !Writ
or writing to you at this time to express may apprdiatieli
and to recommend loathe ;mention. of heads of familial
and others your invaluable medicine—the OkipMll
syrup of Prunus Virginiana, or Wild dierry Bar
my travels of late I have seen In a great many imaged
tire wonderful effects of your medicine in rellennia chit
dren of very oltiriate complaints, such as Co bin
Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attar
ke. I should not have written this letter, boantriser,l
presen' although I have felt It my duty to add any to
mony u, It for some time, had it not been fbr a isle ht:
stance where the medicine above alluded to was nisirsii
mental In restoring to perfect health en "only etiltd."
whose rase was almost kopek's!, Ina finality of uty 10.
quaintancc. thank Heaven." said the dusting awns.
er, "my child issaved from the jaws of death? 0 hoar I
feared the relentless ravager Dot my child is 1308 i Is :
jan 13--19
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syroir D.
tt Ild Cherry Is the most valuable medicine In this or oily
other country. lam certain I `save witnessed more lima
one hundred cases where it has been attended with tow
piers sucees, - I am union it myself In an obstinate . eit.
tack of Brnschifis, in which It moved etTecinel In. ; ex.
eeedlngly sitorthime, considering the severity of the etoe.
I ran rerome nil It lathe fuitest eonfidence of its imperil:Pt
virtues; I would advise that no family should be without
It; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—W*o
double and often ten times Its price. The public areas
lured] here is no quackery about It. R. JAc.isott, Li.•
Formerly Pastor of the First Prefl , 3 terlan Church,
N. Y.
Sold by WM. TIJORN, wlto'erale ¢ mail, only agent
for Plllshur2ll. 'co 73 Ma. kct •trret. srp 10,
ABOON TO TilE HUMAN Et ACEl—•Diacalia,
what Intl del fro y Life. and yo■ are a /Mgt MAW
lli.eoccr what will prolong Life, and tSo arsrld Lit
call you Impostor."
“There are faculties, bodily mid iota:ease, 'trial* 'WI
rish heck certain kerbs have ajfillity, and over 1r hirpli
they hare power."
Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or - Liniment ,
which, by its extraordinary power?, abstracts Pain or
Sorene , c thus Sprains. stiff Sinews, White Sovelltuil -
Rheumatic. Pains, or Stiffness, 'Stiffness of the Joints"
Tumors. ITnnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat
Croup, Contraction= of the muscles, Scrofulous en
iareements. Tender Feel, and every description or t -
jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Flnmeor •
cured or greatly relieved by his sever-to be ev,ffieitst
eztolled remedy.
Cimrirre.r.TE.—The following feller foam Major Gen
era! Sandford, :IS to the quallyies or the Externs' Rame y ;
dc, speaks volumes.
D. , ar Slr—Wrl you obllze me with another bottle of
vvur ex: rll , nl Liniment? cer,lalitl3 ll.etiest of the
kind I have ever veen. It hay cured entirely my ran',
kere,ahnut which I wua so nneasy.and I. have found
on-nit] ...tire i' immediate relief in vevrral eaye•l of eve;
nal injury in my family. AO- few evening,. vine,- Ift!
you rQesi child waltseizetl with a violent attack ofCrouf -
whirl, van entirely removed In tireviy raibutes, by tub
him; her client and throat freely attic the External Rem
rdy. I think you ouyht in manufacture this thelitriela
for 2eneral rue, inineati et confining the ore out, an you -
have heretofore time, to your particular neanallianees..
Yours truly, C. W. SANDPORD .
D. P.. Ba•rionvrts, 2.11 Broadway, N. Y.
,17• For 'Fa le at 241 Irroadway, New York, and at hi.
office' in Ho , iThrnond, riltsblirgh. PE ICE-50 tetitt
form. gePIO
:"la , s of individuals's very numerous. They are Uric, •
who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printer.. Walk ' ,
men in feather stores, stone cutter's, bakers. whiteleat'
manufacturers, areal' most or less subject todistase At
cordina to the strvngth oYtfieir constitut ion • The . onl.l
method to prevent disease, is the occasional use ofa
medicine which abstracts from the tircutation all delete
rim's humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonic
In any form are injurious, as they only 7.at off the MO
day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandrelles rnt
writ insure health, because they take all impure matter
out of the blood; and the body is not weakened hut
st re nal he mil by their operation, for these valuable Pills
do not force, but they as:o4 nature, and are not opposed
but harmonize with her.
Sold at Dr. firandreth't Office, In the Diamond
Piti.bn ran. Price :5 cents per hoz, with full directions.
MA ft K--The only place In Plttelnirch wht re the
T;ENUI E Pitlsranbeobtatned,i3 the Doctor's own Of
tire in ihe • Fep 10
Caveat entered 9th June, 1843 Patent granud tit
Be j.nnin B,aryttelh,2oth January, 1843.
The extracts of which Brandreth Pills are cOntli.c!:
pored are oinained be this -now patented proem,
without boiling or y a - pplicntion of hear. The ac—
tive principle of the herbs is thossfeured the same
as it is in the
The Public should be cautious of medicines rec.-
commendei in advertisments stolen from me, in
which the CONTEMPTIBLE ROBBERS steals my tan
guage, merely altenn, !he name, Time will show
these wholesale decei ers in their true light.
BR ANDRETIFS PILLS are the People's- ,
Medicine, proved by titeu , ands who daily reicoin
mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETH
PILLS are grnwieg 'very day more popular, their •
vit tues are extendikg their usefulness. The sick or:
bent sexes are dai:y deriving bemtfit from them e
No case of disease hut they tan be need with advan- -
tage. Blotches f,t hat rl lumps of the skin they speed
ily cure, an with erysipelas, so with salt rheum, toss ,
with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, en with , .
costiveness, so with cancer, so ajth hot parched lips
and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this 4
medicine, and they will find they require no other.
Sold at 25 cents per tinx„ with directions.
Observe the new labels each having upon it two
signatures of Di. Brandreth. So each box of the
genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brand
relit and three B. Brandreth upon it.
The (city PLACE in Pittsburgh where the nes
Brandreth Pitts CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor
own Office, Diamond back of the Market Honer
Mark, the GENUINE BcandretkPills can never be • b
hired in soy Dsuo STORE.
The following are the ONLY AGENTS appoi nt _
ed by Dr. B Brandreth, for the sale of his 1.% agent.
ble 'Universal Pills in Allegheny County.
G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh
Mr. John Glass—Allegheny.
Robert Duncan—Birmingham.
C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown.
Fressly Irvin—Pleafant 11111
Jchn Johnson—Noblestnwn,
Chessman & Spaulding—Siewartstow
Asdell & Conr,ell Clinton .
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum.
George Power—Fairview.
David IL Coon—Plum Township.
Daniel Negley—East Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wilkinsburgb.
Wm. 0. Huntsr—A.ltou's Mills.
F4g Piaui,
Curled Ciess, Onion -
Cucumber, Passim
Mustard, (white and beell,Ll
Cinciuwati, February 15, 1840.
NEW YORK, Feb. 9,1942
Pf pper .
Gal bats,
Cs r rotj. ; .: