Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 29, 1843, Image 3

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-k.4,11:7The Democrats of Pittsburgh and Allegheny are,
invited to attend on Friday evening, the 27th inst.,
*Deemeratic meeting, which will be held on the preen'
:Um of the Mansion }Pause, Penn street. Our German
Mired* are particularly illlVited, as most of the tuldress
-eil'erattein the German language. sept 28
nteeting of tho friends of Ireland, held at the
sillOtotiof the Hibernia Greens, on Wednesday evening
,*tifiltart..; the meeting was organized by calling Mr.
0; DOHERTY to the Chair. and a ppointing R. E.
Pott.t.tta Secretary.
The Ptoddont stated the object of the meeting to be
theotegodUation of a Repeal Association in the city
olittion, a Committee of throe was appointed to
dna ittsolntions expressing the sense of the meeting.
the meeting was briefly and eloquently addressed by
ZlwCommittee here returned, and reported the
iissting Preamble and Resolutions, which were unani
mously adopted,
Witerects, The evidently approaching crisis in the
orgies of Ireland, portends the consummation of every
hit/biomes hope, and the restitution o thos e: ation,
e rizhts
stitichhave been wrongfully wrestea fronit
whose citisms have, on all occasions, displayed a zeal
-u ardent, and a patriotism as pure as those of any un
der 'Heaven, in defending and s upporting the principles
d emery government under which they live, that recog
oixestbeir rights as men.
And, Whereat, We, the Irishmen awl friends of
bitland,- in Pittsburgh, have long felt the necessity of
*ago public demonstration of onr feelings upon this
vac question, and in the absence of any Association
for. that-purpose now in existence, therefore
..litssoleed, That we deem it expedient nt once to
premed to organize an Association, based.upon the
=pies common to the Repeal Associations of this
atsolved, That this m3eting proceed to the selec
tion Of a committee to call a mass meeting of all those
friondly to this project, to be held at some early and
otiair pe :rtod, to be designated by this meting.
" Oafratared persona then registered their names ac
raier_s of the "Repeal Association of Allegheny
coonti.7 and on motion, a committer. of three from
eliclafard was appoint:v.3 to procure new members;
thtteitair appointed the following named persons as said
Ward.--Franc:6 Marron,J ames Trainor, John S
9 27;(1.—Jumzs MeFerran, James P. Barr, John
3rd.--W. Doherty, Peter Scully, R. E. Phillips.
Ward.—Thomas Ward, Fmaris McKenna,. ‘ 1-
oiled Delaney.
sth. %O.—James McLaughlin, James Swords,
Michael ©'Dougherty.
rut- towashipEilward Keenan, James Dignam,
W.: McLaughlin.
On motion of M. Kane, Jr. it was
_Rturoteerl, That this maettog act as a committee
for the purpose of calling a mass meeting of the friends
of thecause.
On motion, Resolved, That when this meeting ad
journs, it adjourns to meet again on Mosoxr. EV EN
ura,ther 2ad. of October, at the Armory of the Hiber
aid Greens.
Oa motion, a committee of 5 were appointed to
drafts Constitution and Bye Laws, far the government
of thEtilvsiociation; M. Kate, jr., Jame. Swords, John
MeGurk. J. Murphy, and Jarne,. Trainor, were ap
meeting adjourned until Afraday e
ening next, at 7 o'clock.
W. DOHERTY, Chairman.
E. Purcups, Set:v.
.tar The timid man is alarmed bcfun• the danger,
the toward during it, and . the brave man aftert.
the morning of tint 9.Bth, by the Rtv.
(4ordenT. Ewin, fir... C. BELL to Miss MAus A
Farman, all of this city.
Dtrts—;•o3 Wednesday eveniag, the :2;th inst.. at
the residence of his father, in Fayette Township, in
this roenty,,Xlß.. JOHN A. INI'BRIDE, of vvarr,o,
phin, is tte *tit year of his al,e. Ile lived iu the
walk and conversation of the pure and uptight iu heart,
and died in the hope of a glorious resurrection. His
rublic and private 'virtues are his best Epitaph.
part of pittsbuqp.
Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, Genera
goat Agents, Water 'area.,
- - *Daily Beaver Packets - .
Utica, Klinefetter„ Louisville.
Belfast. Smith, Wheeling - .
*Minstrel, Ingrani, Doek.
*Messenger, Baird, do.
*Daily Beaver t tickets.
Massaelm;etts,,Beennett ,
Mingo Chief, Deviancy, Wheeling.
Belfast Smith, do.
AU bt toark thus (* ) the above list, are pr
tiled with with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent the explosion
of steam boilers. _ _ . _ _ _ _
To tke Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gen
eral Clout-vier Sessions, of the Peace, n. and for
AO Cottrt of Allegheny.
THE Petition of George C. Stnith of the =la Ward
ofthe city of Pittsburgh, in the county aforesaid
-humbly sheweth, that your petitioner hath provided
himself with materials fat thn acconimOdution of
travelers and others, at his dwelling house in the Ward
-aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to
grant :him a license to keep a pnblic house of enter
- taiument, and your petitioner as in duty bound will ever
We, the subsctiber4, citizens of the2il. Ward of the
citttoil'itttaburgb,sio certify that the above petitioner
of good repute.for honesty and temperance, and is
provided wit's houseroom and c onveniences
the accommodation and lodging of strangers and
velars. and that said tavern is necessary.
:Belies, - James S. Clark,
obn Barker, P. C. Thompson,
: Wm..Brvent, Geo. Armstrong,
James Woods, D. R. Jacob.
Xettbear Adams, John Fos,
Thongs-Simmons, A. Short,
- Geo. Arthurs.
t `„ Sept 29--3td3tw.
THE imbseribor having purchased and thoroughly
repaired these hitt.t.s, is now manufacturing,
end winkeep constantly on hand, a full supply of all
the &remit kinds of Nails, Spikes and Braden, etc.,—
made from the best quality of Juniata Blooms, and as
soon U the necessary additions can be made ti the
mochinery, be will manufacture every description of
Bar endSbeet. Iron, usually made in this market.
°Awe left with S. Cuthbert. at Na. 35 Wood st.
nr Indio Mills in the Fifth Ward, will be promptly at
tended to. JAMES .ANDERSON.
it 29-3 m
Illtrs.lllliie Works.
A lieeksupply of the popular works of Mn.s Ellie -
u st received at,the St. Clair street Literary Depot, op
Waite the Exchange. sept
A rassn SUPPLY
O r-C4w3Pe
es New Novel—W YA. S no-rrn—at Fus
ii,.tees, SC. dairStreet: rep 2:2- , lve
..—.--,-:-----._ - ---
IMER--21 fieTs,
~.. .
• - 5 Barrels Western Reserve.
Ratterjust received and for sale by
_ __
Dowdy Caningsitioaet. Saha D. Davis, .
T the solicitation of a number of friends of all AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T,
Apolitical parties, I respectfully offer myself to
re Corn y e t r o o f rec i Wood and
e a rehandi
adsth sze of
everyts.,Pittsbu dpti
the consideration of my fellow -citizens for the office of - r
County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not 1 on consignment, for public or private sale, and
be misunderstood, either as to political or private from long experience in the above busineas, flatters
affairs, I make free to say t h at I have been all my life himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. to all who may favor him with their patronage.
As the country is somewhat e mbarrassed in itsfinan-
Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry
cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
officers has received the approbation of large majori- Of Groceries, Pittsburghmanufactured articlestnew
1 ties of the people, the undersigned would not should and secondhand furaitare,&c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
he be su fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at- Sales everyf. , ening,t u g 12— Y
tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach - _
the office of County Commissioner.
43 Wood et•
To the voters of Allegheny county:—l respect
fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate
(independent of patties) for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come befits you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per
sonally known Will please examine into my qualifica
tions, &c.; and if so fortunate CO to obtain a majority
of your seffrag - es, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your
choice. ALEX_ILLER.
Now Fall and Winter Goods.
RE now opening and over for sale a very large
and general assortment of seasonable Dry Goods,
consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth,
broad cloths of every color, cassimares, sattinetta, jeans,
kerneys, linseys, 11 inns!;, baleen, bleached and brown
cottons, drills. ticks. Alpacca lustros black and colored,
plain and printed merino;, !nonslip de lain;, Irish li
nens, Mattioni and other silks, ribbons, laces,cambrics,
inuslins, merino, fancy and blanket shawls, sewing
silks, spool and skein threads. &c., &c,. together with
an a_ssurtnent of carpet;, runs floor cloths, &c , all of
which we are able to sell as cheap as good3can now be
bought in any market, east or west, sep 21—tf
Dissolution of Partnership.
p E 'Partnership heretofore existing under the firm
_L of theitEr and At.cltANDrit,l3 this clay dissol
ved by mutual consent. JA ES DICKEY,
wept. 1, 1843. WM. G. EXANDER.
JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends
and the public, thath , .. still continues in the Transpor
tation Business, at his Warehouse, CORSXR OF
TT AND WAYS E i.'TREETS, Cann! Basin, under the
name of the "Independent Portable Boat Line,"
where he will receive and forward freight to the East at
the lowest terms. septw.
E. A. SHOWN & unoTacu,
1 j AVE now received and opened their Stock of
prising the greatest variety to be found in any house 1 • Ilemcrval.
in the city. C tWFIELDIia: removal leis noble Eatab
These goods have been very carefully, and it is be- l i P • lishment to Wood St. .opposite Fahnestock's
lie‘a4ljoliriottsly purchased tor cash, most of them at . Drug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand
the lowest spring prices, and will be sold accordingly. t Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. ap i9-Iyr
G410(1F. can now her bought cheaper than in any of the
1 T UST RECEIVED and fot sale on consignment.,
Eastern cities. and merchants will do well to examine 1 j 7 hhrls baCUll,
here, before going rther awl faring worse.' 1 - 7 hhda'augar,
Can be seen atthe store of Jacob Painter& Co
sep 22
- - --
------ ------
' aug 29 J. K. 'MOORHEAD St. CO.
on Safes. 1
inform the public that I have ; Found,
1 and keep always on hand an asamtment Of Fire ! ABOUT the last week in June, irfa Clothing Store
Proof Safes. The price, in coast:pence of the ma- 1 i n Libm.t..). street, a Note of hand,. considerably
terials and labor being much lower, is reduced about soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and
thirty per cent. They arc kept Etr.iale at my shop, in 1 another, and drawn in favor of . W. Black. The own.
Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to rho church on er can have it by identifyingit and paving expenses.
the career of 6th street—A4 also with Atwood, Junesi Jul 3 31.—tcf.
&Cif., ant Datzcll & Floating. In regard to the final- - ---
itY of ray safes I leave those persons who have pur- 1 Ir) .. ARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS
eitanal and will purchase ray safes to attest th aw util
ity of them. I dcsire no IleWipain.r putts no my safes; i call at No. 151 Liberty street, and seecC fur yours
justice and truth warrant me in Ml.:ming the public 1
_s ip 7. . J.
that all my safes which have been in linikling,4 burnt ClaUghs and Colds.
down for several years since I commenced have pre- 'TlowELL's BALM OF ANNISEED, this well
E ~
served dli the papers. hoeks, &e., which they contain- J
'wwa core for:he complaints, can be obtained
cal. .1 have n card containing:a number of certificates
at TUTTL'ES 86 Fourth at. Only 25 cents per bat
et the same, which are in circulation and in my hands tit. '
sept 12.
mad the agentus. JOHN DENNING. i
N. B. A few pair if steel Springs for sole, made by
Jones & Coleman, and will be sold lo w . Also, a screw
presS, with power to punch holes in half inch iron.
rep :20—tf
For Sale Low For Cash.
3DOZEN of all sizes of Window Sash '
(.1 ky Window G!ass of all sizes, by the boor
retail, Putty; nails sad spikes; carpet-chain; country
carpets; all sizes Patent Buckets, tubs, churns, coffee
mills, measures, tin ware; shovels, spades, hoes, axes
and hatchets, augurs, Bedcords, twine, Louisville
Lime. The Balm of Life and a variety of cheap Fam
ily :Medicines; Books and Stationary, and School
ISAAC HARRIS, Agt. & Com. M erchant,
Sep 9.0 No. 9, Fifth St.
N. 13.--Country carpet, socks and stockings, wo..d,
feathers, OILY. and tow and woolen yarn, flannels and
Unsays, bags, paper, rags, beeswax, tallow, butler, &c.
taked in payment at cash prices.
Lace Leather.
Oa it SIDES Lace Leatlier,n very superior article
.JIZ AJ for sewinz, Machine Belts, for sale by
sep 2-411m&w2t No. 83 Liberty st.
Solo Leather.
5, 7. ' 200 SIDES of Baltimore and New Yolk
Sole Leather: also a general assortnient
of aaJroeco, Lining and Binding Skini3. for sale by
So. 61 Liberty itreet.
Sep 2411m4-,,v2t
, .
HIDES, suitable f6r Upper
1 ,0V Leather.
900 heavy Spanish Hides,
250 city slaughter , do.,
700 Madras Goat Skins;
in store and fot• sale by.,
sep.2-41.1m&w2t. No. 83 Liberty at':
. I) , t y l . leghen j y o l3 H ri N t r A T v ic is at Pri
sap 1 I
_____C2rner Nnal and Fifth
ahristizei .
ATALE of the lievolutioa, by J: H. Mancur, fOr
sale at Fort •r'. Literary Depot, St. Clair street
opposite the Exchang-e. sepc-.02-I.*
The rashiossi 1 The Pashienis! !
UST received at ALGEO & AI'GUIRE'S Fashion:
Jable Bead Quarters, a splendid lot of goods for the
fall made; a mongst which willbe found superior buck-
Siiil3 plain aLd fancy cassirneres, new stylt Woolen vel
vet vesting:3, plain satin and figured silk 'lO.l-diamond,
waved and plain Beaver cloths; a few pieces extra
heavy and fine Broad Cloths, fashionable colors for
winter, sack frock coats, extra sui ertine blue and wool
dyed black, English and French brood cloths. All of
which will be made to order in the most superior
style, at very low prices. ALGF,O &M'GUIRE,
sep 25--10td. 251, Liberty street.
Toothache! Toothache!! Toothache!!!
rri FIE above complaints can be cured. in five
.L min
utes, by using the celebrated Muscovttos Duo es
which is warranted. There are many imitations and
counterfeits, of the above. The only true and gosu
int article is to be had at TUTTLE'S 86 Fourth st
The Bible in Spain ! !
FOSTER has Meei Ved a supply of this popular work
by Burrow, which he otrersfor sale at his Liter
ary Depot. St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange.
.t 22-6 t
Now & Cheap Stock Satablishatoat,
'WOULD moat respectfully announce t o the citizens:.
lof Pittsburgh and the country ce aerally, that I have
commenced the nrinuiacture of STOCKS, of every va
riety. form and, description, and w ouid rtierebttott
and other..s to call anti examine fur them wlves, as I am
determined to sell on the most accommodating term:
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public patronage: aug. 19-6 m.
AT DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner
of Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as
sortment of DRY GOODS, recently_purchased in the
East for mill, and which will be sood at a small ad
vance on Eastern prices, for currency or approved en
dorsed notes, The assortment consists in part of
20 pieces wool dyed blue black broadcloths
15 " gaper. blue cloth;
10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths;
4 " super. Beaver cloths;
5 " pilot cloths;
40 cassinetts, assorted colors; some very
50 " flannels, twilled and plain white, red,
green and yellow.
- 20 " English merino, assorted colors;
100 ull wool blanket shawls;
200 cotton plaid shawls;
1,000 doz. spool cotton. all colors;
100 pieces bleached and brown tnuslins, and a
great variety of other articles usually found in a Dry
Goods House.
Also, an assortment of boots, shoes, and hats,
which will all be sold at prices without regard to the
late advances in the East. sept 23.
C. A. 1111WIEWLTY,
Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty streets, Pitts
burgh, Agent United States Portable Boat Line.
Sept 4-3 m.
Dissolution of Partnership.
TH'partneribip heretofore existing under the
Ayle of Devine& NV Anulty, ii this day dis4olved
by mutual consent, H. Devine 13 to collect all HUM
dee to the concern, and pay all claims contracted for
the cuncern up to this date
Pittsburgh, Sept. I. 1943
H. Devine respectfully informs hi* friends and the
public, dint he still continues in the Transporting
business, and that he has removed the office, of the U.
S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next
door below Lewis Hutchinson, where ho will receive
and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest
terms. H DEVINE-
SUNDRIES. -50 boxes chocolate,
5 do couni;
3 do rice flciur,
25 do ground peppei,
5 do Cayenne. do.,
36 cans ground mustard,
5 kegs do allspice,
5 do do ginger,
It cans do do„ together, with
every thing in the grocery line, all of which is offered
at extremely low prices, for cash.
43, WocKt street
LACES. WANTEth in town or country, for a
namber of salesmen, boeok-keepers, shopmen and
boys. in stores and warehouses. ALSO, for collecting,
and ford number of mechanics, farmers and laborers,
coichnieh; vniitet43, homiers, and all kinds of hands for
steamboats, hotels, and private families; for select and
coranion school teachers.
rnbeititaids, dry and wet nurses, and girls
Cooks, cha
for house Work provided at short notice. Places pro
cured for hands of all kinds as soot] as possible. And
all kinds of Agencies and Intelligence business attend
ed to for moderate charges. 12 to 15 Farms for sale.
Several farms wanted to rent. Call at ISAAC HAR
RIS' Intelligence Office, No. 9, Fifth street.
slept 20.
Tanners' Oil.
135 lIBLS,
W Tanners' Oil, for sale by
sep No.BB, Liberty sr
JUST RF,CEIVED from the Eastward on COnsin•
mint, direCt from the Importers, 15 half chests
YoungHyson TgA, al.o ten 13 lb. xes itto, all of
which I which I will sell at the very b
l o owe:t d price.
148 Liberty street.
Fept ‘i‘2-4 w
MOKED HERRINGS.—iS boles smoked her
rings just received and for sale by
43, Wood street
C --
HEAP LITERAITRE.AII the eheap popular
publications can be he a l at eastern prices by . call.
ineat FOSTEWS,Literary Depot, St. Clair street, op
posite the Etzcbange. sep
A Good Farm for Sale or Eitc,haaga.
AFARM of 130 acres on Sugar Creek, Armstrong
county, 100 of which i= improved. This farm is
well watered by springs and two largo runs which pans
nearly through it and then unite. forming an excellent
Mill Sear.. 40 acres are first rate for
for fall meadow
spring crops, and the balance is good gra
There is no waste land, and it is well adapted for a dai
ry or fur sheep, and lies very well. There is on it a.
good apple orchard. a substantial hourad log house. a
large log barn and a good coal bank, fl y
in good order, and the quantity inexhaustible- This
farm ]ter within la mile* of Freeport, 9 Miles from
liititinninT,. 4 zniL,.. , from a Catholic chapel, and 2 miles
from li Pi.' , l , /Prat a mad SPC.S"deT ChOrehet: It will be
soil al a ba..,z,oa C.r cash or exchanged for a good
throe ,t. , ,1 .. brick b,,u,.! and lot in Pi , t=burgli.For
hernia and partictilars enquire at Harris' General A
gency and Intelligence office, or of the subsc
HlTE.riber on
the premises. 5. J. W
sap 27
A. 11.1141201 a, EZIMANGE BROZER,
coluglot or WOOD AND THIRD STS.
Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip ......
Exchange Bank Scrip....
Currency . . ............................ . .
Erie Bank Scrip ........................ 24
On Philadelphia .........................
New York ..... . .... . ....................
Boston. ........... .................... . 1
Baltimore .......
Gold ............................... p ar I
Saw- ................................ par
Bask of PiUsburgk .. .
.. . .... . . ... par
Aferckagits and Mansfact urers' bask ...... ...par
..... ..." ...... ....par
..... .•• • —..par
Exckaor -- ' --- ------
Do. HoUidaystrurgh -----
Bask of North America .... - • . p ar ...
Do Norther* Liberties ........... par
Do Pennsylvania , ........... ..par
Ccressnercial Bank of Pennsylvania.-...- .par
Farmers' and blechanici bank.- .... , ....par
Kensington hank par
Manufacturers and Mechanics'-- , • . . .. -Par
Mechanics par
Moyamensing ...... par
Philadelphia bank ................... par
Se/my/kin ." ...... . ........ . ......—pa r
Southwark ..... ' 4 ...• ••• • .. • . • pa
Western ....... " ......
Bank of Penn Township ...... Par:
Girard bask .................
U. S. bank aad&rougher ......
Bank of Ciermantown ............
'u Chester c0unty...... ..•
" Delaware county ... . ...
" Montgomery county
" Northumberland , .......
Farmers tunic of Bucks county ...• . •
Easton bank ••• , .................
Doylestown bank ....... . • • .
Franklin bank of Washington .......
Bank of Chambersburgh.... - • .. .. • •
" Middletown ..
Gettysburgh ... • • • • • • .. • . •
" Susquehanna county .
Berks county bank
Columbia Bankand Bridge Company-.
Carlisle bank
Erie bank
Farmers and Drovers' bank
" Bank of Lancaster
" Bank of Reading
Harrisburg . bank
Lancaster cc. '' ......
Lebanon " ...... CI
Miners' bank of Pottsville---- ...- .. ... - 6 2}
Monongahela bank of Brownsville 1
New Hope and Delaware Bridge company ... .10
Northampton bank no sale
Towanda bank .... 85
Wyoming bank ..
Wert Brands bank .. ..... . 35
York bank ... -...— ...... 2.,
Belmont bank of St. Clairarille
Clinton bank of Cohar.bus.•.. .
Columbiana bank of New Lisbon .... ........ I.
Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) lg
no sale
" ( Warren, ca5hier)............
Cincinnati banks....
Chillicothe bank .... .... .... .. • .
Commercial bank of Lake Erie...
Dayton bank
, Franklin bank of Columbus ........ .... ..... .1i
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville- 1 i
Partners' bank of Canton 4O
' Geauga ..... li
Granrilk ...... ........ 75
Hamilton ...... 30
Lancaster 25
Marietta „ .... ~ ..
Massillon . . ....li
Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati 3
Mount Pleasant li
...... ....14
_ _ _ _IA
Sandusky.... -"- -
Scioto . ....
Urbana .-.. ...... --
- • • - -----
Zanesvillt. • • • - - -
State bank and branches ............ ........ •
State &rip • . . .... 20
All banks '
State bank •
. .
Bank of tilinoie, Shawitectoton'
Bank of the Valley of Virginia"
Bank of Virginia • • •
Exchange bank of Virginia • .•.
Farmers bank of Virginia.. • . ...... ..• ..
Nortk- Wester% bqpik of ... ... .1
Merchants' ansl Mechanics' bank of Virginia.; . .1
Branches...._._' '• . .14
Baltimore City bank 5.......... —. • • .. . . . par
All other solvent banks.... •. •• ......1
All solvent bankt„ .• ...• • ....•
Al solvent banks ... . .
All solvent banks —•. • ..
Mobile banks.. .. • .
Country bag*.
New Orleans banks (*00d)...... .
AU banks
The proprietors of the MORNING POST and MER
CURY AND MANUFACTURER TClll.oCtflllly inform their
friends and the patrons of thoseptipeis, that the have
a large and well chosen assortment of
e11P41101,11311 7111r1Ilit_110931M4
afaD avaa33 malcluaals
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are
prepared ui execute
Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars,
Pamphleu, Bill Heads, Cards,
Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips.
3U kinbs of 33Iauks.
Stage, Steamboat and Caned Boat BW3, with ap
iiropriate cute,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
the pulsfie in general in this branch of our lvtinasi.
July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SILVIS.
_ 7 _
Bishop Domes Pamphlet
A FEW COPIES Bishop DoanP'sPamphleiOn'Ta
ti- rereiyed and for sate at Foster'i
Lite r=
Iry Depot. St. Clair street, omisite the Esehange.
WANTED, a seamstress, first nate hand. Ap
ply at ilmrstore, No. 4, Wood street.
sep 20—tf AVM. NOBLE, Upholsterer.
roma:6w and Carnmissiioll Merchants,
AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Corn
pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie
Canal; Washington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve
land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie
tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
narmt TO
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coeuties Slip, N. Y.
R. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo,
M. T. 'Williams & Dow,
Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland.
Charles M. Giddings,
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Birmingbnrn & Co. Pittsburgh.
up 1 1843-Iy.
Seaver and Warren Packet.
Aram THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Shaw,master, will ran as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freight or pa3sage apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh,
um: gtv.,
1 43 .
121 ARE REDUCED.—U. S. M. 4. L LtLiE of STAGES
r arm Rats. ROAD CAlti, from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford, Chambersburg„ Harrisburg, and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging; and one night out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore,
Fare to rilik44olllllill $9.
Baltimore 9, -
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st.
1 feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors.
• par
The Groat Central Rontc
Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road Company.
- - • --Par
t .1.7 r
^r . 72, vi.-••••j •
--- , Houses and Parma to gent.
NEW LINE OF U. S. .IA.IL COACHES FOR ;rp HE subscriber has opened an office (in contestios
WAINIX(ITON CITY, BALTI3IOII Pnit..:ErLrat..t , -I- with his Medical Agency) fur the rectangle/IA
Asp Nsw Yontt• I sellir.g of Houies and Farms. As many pertains Eel
Millsline is in full operation and 1.:3... cr., Pittsburgh constantly wanting to rent houses without having the
Jl- daily at 6 o'clock A. M„ via NVa_ihington Pa, 1 time to run about the city in sor.tch of one, can by call=
and national road to Cumberland, connecting here . ing upon the subscriber, and stating the kind 4 f house
with the rail road Co's to all the abuse pear,. —: Tray- , they want, find one that will suit them, also know the
elers will find this a A peedy nod conitortaLle route, number Of rooms, situation and rent, without further
[ it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum- . trouble.
berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not Owners. of houses would find it to their interest to
been heretofore enjoyed. F.atra coaches fnrui3lad a t call, and give a description of them. sod the rent they
the shortest notice. with the privileme of going tlu.onh . require, as they would then fled their houses rented
direct or taking one nights rest at their option. sooner and with 1 , ..s ttenble.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Mononcahela The noon age of the public is respectfully solicited.
House. L. W. STOCKTON, Ise 21—tf T. H. TUTTLE, 3fi, 4th a.
fob 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co. ' 1
—lfignlar PacketsTfor Cincinnati.
Houses, &c., For Rent.
! rfl HE s ubseritwr has opened a book to record any
(.. welling house, warebouc,e, store, shop, rooms
or country farms and seats for rent, charging the own.
ers 25 cents each record*. He will keep it open fur all
The Swiftsure, Robinson . , Master, leaves every who wish to reni any k;indand of
(propertyorpr to exa
at mine, and
Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. charge them I2A centsall compens,
The Cutter, Collins, Master, knees every 12riday at will attend to renting all kinds of property, andattenrl
10 o'clock a, rn, to all kinds of business between landlord and tenant.
The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat- ISAAC HARRIS, Agent,
urday at 10 o'clock a, m, sept 21. No. 9, Fifth st.
The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun- i
day at 10 o'clock J. m. , . I A th'sGardeuSecds.
full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always o 4
hand and. for sale, at his agency, the Drug store of
A zen i s ,
181, Liberty st., head of Wood,
'sited States Portz;ble Scat Line Dcpot.
"" -- -----__ _
Peach Trees.
1 toll THE subscriber has just reeeived from the Nur
sec!: of Landreth and Fulton, near Philad.irwii
1 a lut of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which hit
i w cold call the attention of the nubli
/ - 1 A. McANULTY very respectfully informs Lis F. L. SNOIVDEN ,
‘...../ • friends and the public, that he has made z.rrange- may 8. No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood.
ments to continue the agency of the boats forming the
----------/i...lte-L—Als:.E-------'S LIVER PILLS:
U. S Portable Boat Line, at the large new NVarehouse,l 1 ,
certify that I have known a number el
colt:tau 9y. W*TN& AND .I.3SERTT STREETS. Canal !
people who have taken Dr. :McLane's Liver Pills,
Basin, where goods will be received and forwarded 'i
and have been much benefittcd by them, and I believe
with usual despatch, and on the most favorable terms,
them to be the best pills for liver complaints, SA ter
to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Toil( or Boston. i
general osa, of any pill now before the public. •
272 Market st., Philadelphia.
'1 1 hereby certify that I hare been afflicted for 6 years
MOORE & CHASE, Agents. with a liver complaint; and have applied to difrerent,
75 Bunny's Wharf, Baltimore.
physicians, and all to little or no effect, until I mad.
---r--.- - I use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two bones of theta
ant nearly testored to perfect health. •
M ille rshuteh, neat' Pittsburgh, August - 16,184 3
'F or sale at the Drug Store of . . . ...
aug 22 corner 4th and Wood streets, Pittshuiggi
Sept. 4-3 m
ALLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, a o.
Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg
Pa. Gold, Silver, and
onothenSlvet Bank notes, bought
and sold. Sight checks Eastern cities, for sale.
Drafts, notes and bills, collected.
Wm. Bell & Co.
John D. Davis,
F. Lorenzo,
J. Painter & Co.,
Joseph Woodwell,
James May,
Alex. Bronson &Co. )
Philadelphia ,
John H Brown &Co.
James "SPCandtess. Cincinnati, O.
J. R. M'Donaltl. >St. Louis, Mo.
W. H. Poprs, Esq., Prea't Bank Ky. } Louisville
McLane's American Worm Srcific.
THIS is to certify that with McL A NE' W
S oam ;
SPEC [VIC, a child of mine passed upwards of 600
worms; it is the most powerful Worm Sp.-cific now in
Middlebury, 0.. Oct. 9, 1343. i
For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD,
Sept. 12: Corner 4th and Wood eta.
----------------.- - _____
McLane's American Worm 'Specific,
THIS is to certify that a child of mine aged 4 year.;
passed upwards of 30 worms of an astonishing
size, from 4to 5 inches long. in my neighborhood
some dozen of certificates of its astonishing effect s could
beproduced. IL Ssow.
Poland, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1312,
For sale at the Drug Stored SON. KIDD,
sept Pi Corner 4th and Wood its,
Dyd Stuffs 'rust RecokOod.
Vitriol, Camwoud, Alum. and a general stock of
DYE Wdolis, la store, and for sale at the Drum Store
of . :lON. KIDD.
eept. 12. Corner 4th and Wood sts.
AL I<DY who is callable of tasting charge of
household, is desirous of obtaining a situar:, o ,,
as hmtsetteper in a private family, ores superintP, n a e ut
int respectable ludic]. She would have no ,ejection
to leave am city . if desired to do so. For ft , xt h er i n f or _
naatiOn inquire at this office. mug 21—tf
AI ACK . E . ILEL. a - - ( 16 annr.. a ß le b b ls. O. 3 Mackerel, just
Jr.....iNINGS &CO.
a 93 Wood
To Inelchar:cs and Others.
AGENTLEMAN, who th:.rouglaiy uuclentanas
Book Keepin g , wishes a situation in that capa
city: the best of raft,re.nces mill be riven. Address H.,
at this office. st2g ii',s.-tf
T olacco.-10 bcctes Burton's 5 h lump tatrazer,
25 do Russell & Roth:lvan do
5 do Hare's
10 do assorted sizes and brands,
just recei;7ed and for sale by
43, Wood street
fflazadiciater.. of T. Copper and tithool
Iron .ware,
No. 17, Fifth s'irce,brerrern Woad and Markel,
Keeps constantly on hand a good a. , sortment of ware:,
atiasolicits a share of public patrona.ge. Also, haul,
thefol v u artielei: shovels, Trol.ers, iongo,s , ,tidtron3,
~t fillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &e. Mer-
chants and others are invited to can and examinefor
themselves, al, he is determined 40 , seitsMop formudi
a pproved PgPer• ausr,7—tf
Shading Lela in
1 3 LOTS, sortable for building, twit y
tutted, and within two minuses' • - of the
steartferry boat landing, will be sold of pikes to snit
the times. The terms of payment will be made easy
either for cash or such barter asoan be made arailebbs.
Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, eir Mr. P.
Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittshargli.
•une 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr.
Lots for Sale.
4Lots in Manchester. One and a fourth Acne
Landon Holnies' Hilt Lou nos. 41,42,52,53A4 ,
181, 182, and LB4, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Halmais
Hal. Also, Lots nos. .1.6, and 21, in Coale/. plan of Lai
on High Street, near titenewConit !louse. Foe tend 1 .,
apply to 74. W. ak: NI INGTON; _
sep 10 . -
Ter Sas. - 1 i
T OTS on the North East corner of Coal Liao Sail --
LI High street. Apply to
Market near Four& atria.
Per lieut. •
. .
That COTTAGE, situated in the Boctough'isi :
Lawrenceville, at present occ.upie4 by jai*
The place has a very fine- garden and good !MOM ,
nient of fruit trees. Any personrenting cask base tbi
privilege of engaging for the essuiug year. POMO'
sion given on the Ist of Octobei next.
Apply at No. 5 Commercial Row, Liberty street
or to Wm. Taman, Smithfield street.
sep. 1, 1843.
Per Rent
ri_ROVE HILL, the late residence
Aaron Hart, deceased. The pliviiio6 -
welt stocked Nvithehoice fruit trees, nines, di.c.
Also, a convenient tenement lately occupied 11;
Langhorne. •
Possession will be given On tbe first of LICLOOIN DIM
For terms apply to GEO. COCHRAN, Eer.
au , * -t lo
To Rent
PLEASANT rooms and good steam polies, at dai
cast steel file manufactory', corner of mem wit
O'Hara streets. Apply on the prtirnises. july 16.
Freeman's Fire Brick for Salt . _ _
'(UST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire Brkit i
0 which will hereafter be kept constantly on horil
i and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHA6SOI Co
- No. we
IVER COMPLAINTS—Dyspepsia dart
Lgestion, with costiveness, ascidity of theActs
ach, hardness offood after meal', heartburn, flatiafe'r
liver complaints, with pain in the side and
jaundice. bilious c omplaints, dropsy, diabefeis, stsve.
stone, and inflammation of the limp, are roust perfectly
removed and cured by the HEPATIC ELIXIR.
This article has the covet. astonishing effects in curing .
all complaints of the stottiacla mat] digestive organs.—.,,
Many highly respectable individuals in New Yorici
have been cured. after trying every other remedy int.,
vein, and have given in their names with permission
refer to them. It is pleawint to the taste, and does,_
not in the lelst interfere With the daily avocation of ott&
taking it. Many families of this city have tarots:Le ski.
pleased with the medicine, that they use it as their
only family medicine. By using it oceasibubo,
keeps the stomach free from bilious disorders; end the,
liver active, with the semetious of the bodit in the tifoilk
perfect activity. It is composed entirely of vegetables.
The cure will be gradual, but certain and permanent.
For sale at TUTTL::S, 86 Fourth Street. •
sep 6.
Piu.sbiugh, Pa
In the District Court of Allegheny Coiinty, sit
July I'ertn, lan, No.J3.
John \Valk.cr. Jr, * -
IL. S vs. • i rchditioni t.rie ,. l
....".. PotrrWilgon.
And "ow, tolvit, Angu,t '.26th. 1843, On riniii*
of G. P. Hatalhon, Eri,.., the 'Court n rr nrint Frft. B.
Shark, &a: 4 ., auditor, to distribute theFnct - cds bf - sale
F- n the Ilccotl,
-.rum con,
Notice is hereby giveU to all persons ipteilegtell, that
I will attend. w the duties ar , ,dicitcd io b the
Court in the above case, at ru) , office, io 'Fourth street.,
Pitutimrsh, ori Tuesday the 26th day.of Septerober, at
If) o'clock, A. 'VHS— B. SHUNK,
aug 30. Auditor.
in this r.ase
1,..) PINE ROAD,--.Notice is hcrOs. , .• gi..rn that by
an act of the GeneralAssenibly of the - Ccmirsq.svettitia
of Pe;ms.ylvauta, pasrod the sth anf . of Apri!. Is43.the
subscribers are named a; Cor-mais , :m-ers in Allochery
county, with anthmiry to open bc ( . 1:5 at &cch tirr.e encl .
pace as may be dermed rxrrairr.t tLem, ferr that
purpose of rererrinc; substrittions Ftcr,•:., tit*
con ;true tion of a turnpike road from 1;n1 c r.towntoPitsie
hur;;11. In purmar.ce of which vithctity the seism*
hers will proceed to open bot.,,aflr the purpose
ceiviat subscriptier 9 Pc:Arc-it, pa-retie to "
dent, Managers nal Company of the I.lrj
Pittsburgh Turnpike Read Company," y t
the terns of the Acs of ir.c.orroratior.
be opened an Monday, the second day
at Ift o'cloels, A. NI., et the Mocrutabel
the city of Pittsborgb. and at the store
Xral.kt-r, in the horonsh of Elliabei
( - WALES S 1
T 140%. YAK'
Comnsissiossers d
aug (Uvocate cad Americas
-to Let•
Pease's Ilmatiottbd
A Ftrsh supply just roccived from Neu-York telt
for ask at TUTTLE'S, 83 Fourth zt