Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 28, 1843, Image 4

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    - --
AM HOWARD qCo„ Afauttfactursre off
Paper, Ife. I£l , Weed Street, Pittsburgh,. Pa.--
Blimp always on hand an extensive - assortment of Satir
Ahash.4l and pain PATHS HANGINGS, Velvet and
'oirelthattlon Borders, of the latest style and handsome
Pettibevas, for papering halls, parlors and chambers.
• - ''Tier manufacture and have or. hand at ail times
- IllQ.Whiting, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bon
asivaild fullers' Coards—all of which they offer fur sale
:oathemost accommodating term s ; and to which they
Write the attention of merchants and others.
ALSO—Blank Rooks of ail kinds and the hest quality,
Rooks, etc. always on hand and for sale as above
• N. B. !tags' nd Tanners' Scraps' taken In exchange.
E 3 lOVAll.—The undersigned begs leave to toform
the public, t hat he has removed from his old stand,
..ttothe eetivr of Penn and St. Clair sts., oppositethe Ca
cb*ag, Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Pwro
lings Roo*, and now offers for sate the most splendid
aattortmeotof PlAttne ever offered in this market.
His plAnng conilit of different patterns, of superior
'lrbstra Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo•
dPred and constructed throughout of the very beat ma
terials, wbich,for durability, and quality atone, as well
as total*, be warrants to be superior to any ever seen
t • 44 he has enlarged his otannfactorY. and made arrange
labilke to supply the ineres.sing demind for this instru
;104114 be respectfully requests those intending to pur.
lithamil to can and examine his as- , o mIIE - mt. before pit rcha.
Oh% elsewhere, ea he is determined to sell howit.a, for
itt*Sh a than any other establishment east or west of the
mountains. F. BLUME:,
Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets,
• Step 10 Oppotite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Beady Made Coffin Warehouse,
Foura St , 2doorafrom the U. S. Bank.
-, ‘- 7 - .RE 3PECTPULLY informs the pultlie that he
has rem vied his ready made coffin ware
1, .
muse to the Imildin.4 recently ~crtipit.d by Mr.
a. G. R. , ri.ird, directly opposite his old et Intl,
where he is always nrepared to alt , •r.d promptly
. -to any orders in his line, and by strict att. nt ion
. to an the detalta of the bu , iness of an Undertaker,
iitohOpes to merit public et o litilence, !le wilt he prepared
at IE4, CICIORS to provide Hearses, Biers, C iozes sod
*wiry reqataite or, the most Ijllo7ll ;et Ms. Calls from the
etrantry will hr promptly attended to.
at, ririenee is in the same huildlnl with Ills war.
home; where lima: who need Jim services may find him
{tatty time. RE7ERENCI3
~.,1411)0Z RIDDLT.
•111! 1. &CLIO RR.
-11LIAC twit's,
Sep 10
La whit makes your teeth so unusually while?
QUoth lulclnia to luni t'oilier night,
To make yours look so, with a grin, rrolird lost.,
I ve brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash,
'T.s the best now in use, so the g..ntlefolks say,
And since they have tried this, cast all °Diets away,
Dot to proveit the best, to make iie teeth shine,
Look again, toy dear sal, at the lustre ermine,
Then try ti is great tooth wash,
The Tealierry tooth wash,
And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's Is nut fine.
having Diet Dr. "T'horn's Ten Berry Tooth W3sh,'
and betnme argil:tinted with the ingretijents of its comp°.
shi', I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as
Is.pee of the most pleasant Tooth Wwil es now in use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 15, 1842 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
1 take pleasure in stating, having made use of-Thorn's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," ti':' is one of the best den
triaces in use. Being in a liquid Conn, it cunt Wnes nea t•
nese" with convenience. White It cleanses the seater!
and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelits
- 4
fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. p. TIBBETTS. M. D.
The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth ‘Vash," and have found it to bean extreme.
ay pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary influ
ence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those India
-"sable members from premature decay, preventing the
mmulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath, flay.
thoroughly tested its virtues, V , ! take pleasure in re.
'mending It to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar
of the kind now in use.
18R1C,9011, WA( ArCANDLESS,
, ipared and sold by WILLIAM THORN. Apotheca•
tid Chimist, No. 53 Market street,' , Pitishurgh; and
Ithafirincipa Druggists', and Tuttle's Sfsdical A.en
'mirth - street.
fIE subscriber linVinl Opened a shot. No Eq. Second
street, between Market andVVond slreets,PPtshurei.
nneclic n with l lie Factory in Birmingham, respect.
Inlirms his fi lends arid the public, that he will lit
iy to be favored with their orders fur any aitlrles la
ior Locks and Pastenets,o various d. scriptions,
and mode to order.
tharca. Miliend Timber Screws.
:rite Screws, for Iron Works, and lie re ws for News,
' an may he required,
;pentet, and Builders are requested to call liefert
acting for jobs, and examine 111- , articles and prices
cks repaired and lobbing eenerully tone in ,lie Jest
ter, and on the lowest tennis.
y 2-6ral J IS. PATTERSON, Jr•
Leidy's Tester & Itch Ointment.
at the titre of every variety of 'FETTER, the ITCH,
Ind all ilisea , ei of the ?kin. ha:i proved Itself more
iiousfliatt any other preparation for the sine por
n ate.
twat& of five hundred rrrtitir.trei: nii:fht be proeo
, blithed of Its effica , y from school Teachers, Pro_
'a of Forgot/es. Parent, CuarJtana, Child Nurges,
Ina of vessels and oilter , , were it Hot for the dell—
a) having their 11;11/1e£3 plAlibrilell in connection with
.1111I0h disagreeable affections.
Dy the use of Dr Leirly's letter Dinh;tent In COI janc.
lion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Nita. he
will guarantee to cure any disease common to the skin,
'ts" 4 -^` , .- however had, or of however long standing, or reund ibe
-intone r y, There are however very few Instances but can
lo cured-by the OintinenCalone,
Prits 25 cents a Box.
?rearm only andaold wholesale and retail at Dr Lel•
.410't Health Einporiorn, 191 N. rzecond Philadelphia.
mod by N. T. FRNNESTOCRIt Co. corner or Wood
- "huod Sixth streets, Agr•nts fir Pittsburg. ju iy 12.
tuNcriber would retiteci fully if form Ihecitlzena
U • zurtol , iNiletthene and their viririties, that lir
tne,nee‘t stisouructurine•ihe article of Lard 01
Iles. Winters-is ma klutz I.to ono quality, which
the hest made in the Union and I,tt surpassed
'lrlstter strained sperm oil r liter frtr tuarltinen3
. Wittuzual its ofrenti...e properties, and one
riser. Tyr. .118 OPE IS IVARR.RNTED TC,
fN 4.14"1" TE. I IPER.ITURE. The subseri.
%to Impress disibmily on public mind that
.!essary to purchase Any new tangled lamps that
. pilmed upon them 3.5 Letog requisite to burn the
. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant
it by tatting at the old stand „Ili street, nearly
be Peet Office.
4tloa of WPC mie ',leatern. Cit4rehes and
Nobble s wed.
11S1 Wig bear the onanorneturers
Jall2; 1343-tf.
‘ 4,
REV. Jpnti eLkcx.D.e
REV. ROBERT Barct, D. P.
REV. J•RES N. 04.V1.3,
REV. t. P. swirl'.
sNDrcrimm.r. ENT-r>urztzzr.
For the Transportation of .11trchandi:e and Produa
74 - ['MINE re7- , pectiolly inform the public that they
IJIL • have completed their arrangementsfor the above
i Line on
The public has long wklied for I udividuai competition
in Transportation on the Public ‘Yorks, by which alone
it can he freed from no iiece3sary expenses and reduced,
to its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the
State of Penns) Ivanta having, placed 'Pruett: , on her Rail
[toads. Individuam owning Portable Boats are enabled
to bid for the Carrying Trade :tnd successfuPy to nom- ,
pcte with compan'es.
This line i comprised of Twenty new, rour Section -
Portable Boats, owned by the. Captains who command
them and well known rt.-enterprising, Industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and ad v.) male: , of the Portable Boat
over every other mode of T , 'atisportation, are too well
known to shippers generally, to require rotumcnt; suf
fice it to say, I hat tin- detention, lusa,separation and dam
age to Goods,lnvanahly alfrildini: rhree Transhipments
between Pit tsbtirzli and Phiadelphia are by the Portable
Boat most effectually removed.
The Portable (30:11. PneSSCS the great adiMnlage too,
of being, tee!l ventilated and cool in Slimmer; which pre.
yams Flour from souring, and Bacon and Tobacco from
Devine, standing as he tiOe,, I , etween the owners
of 7,n ,- nissed the fimitineti who carry I hem, anti equally
intrrestrd iii protecting the inter4sts of 6,4 h, wit! make
no promke:, in the auli:ic he vvil not faithfully perform.
fie is now prepared to receive and Nrward Produce
is !phis. iinore. New York, nnil Boston in the
shortest time, and pledge', him-reit' to enter into no coo.
binat inn wit other Li oes,!mt always stand ready to caret
out the princitilesof his Line, and contract for freight on
it , r very lowest terms,
give andoulileil•sernrity to owners and shippers ,
of goods an open polley of Insurance bas been effect.d.
by which all mercliandige shipped by this Line will be
In-cured without any additional expense , to the Owner.
If, prviltr.• aI I rcreive all produce consigned to him
at Pittsburgh. pay freight and charges to t , tenni Boats
anil forward the vine without delay In Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York, sod Boston without any chary ,
for advancing or commission.
Alarch 10, E;42
rl.l RM . FOR SALE.—The utitiersi,ened offers for sale
his tarm, lying in Roes Township 4} miles rent the
City of Pittshargii, containing 114 acres ofland of which
GO aie cleared and nade- fence, I ~ ni 15 to 2O acres of
meadow, 2 ;cod Orchards of Apple-, ii few Peach and
Cherry trees—the Improvements arc a iarge frame house
containing 10 rooms wellfuraislied, calculated for a Ta
vern i). private Dwelling, a frame Para 28 by 60,sloric
ha , emmit, and etaldinv, sheds, ad oilier out houses suit.
all. for a teneinent:-2 e'ooll Gardens surrounded with
Co fr atti hushes anti a well of excellent water, with n
pump in at the front door. in relation to the Pillsimrgit-I i
and Alle:.ilieny marl:et, there is no place now offered for '
va , e with more i mitt cement to tho=er wishing to purchase
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for
farther part iculnrsapply in the prop, etc at It Clot hi•ig I
Stole, Liberty street, corner of Virzin Alice.
N. D. tr =oil herore I.
ihe 1,1 ofINCE
ort,,lier next. 0
will lie divided loin 10 nod 20 acre Ings, to calt put: ha
F 111.11:- , ubscritter has just received front Plittaderfliltaand
New York, with a er Hera! and Ptie”.ive n , surt.
meat ofDRUGt&-, CHEMICALS. PERJ•7 7 .4IEII F. and
every artiele in Iris linc.or business, which' deter.
Imined to sell on the most retrqottable terms for cash.—
Ile believes tie can offer stronger indcitements titan any
sindla- establishment in thisclty to country Physician
and Merchants, who wish to supply themselves e Ith
Drugs and Medicines. His arrietes have been selected
with the utmost care, and are warranted oil he be-final.
try and uniform sir - cavil. Orders wtit be filled with ac
curacy and elegance. Famili s can be supplied with Pine
and Fancy Snaps of every conreiralde variMr, and of
the 1 - 00 , 1 exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
and Coinn-ttc , of tyt ry de•crip'inn.
The u ndersigned retains hist hanks for the liberal sup.
port heretofore extended to Idni,and Lopes by a constant
di-position to please and acrourinio date—a rare in pro
curing and selling only what• excellent and genuitte—a
close stiperyklori of the sales arid transaction (lithe
Ilehrnent—preriantion and :textuary in compound' med_
tines—and by Industev and perseverance, In men 'n In
rease of public patronage
Upholstery Furnishings.
rriztEL:ullscribers respectfully inform their friends and
the pm.lic that they bare just opened the store No
SO Fifth street. near Ow Exchange Bank, and adjoining
Mr. J• D. t'f'illiarns' Grocery. where they intend to manu
facture in the Lett style, arid have ready for sale a full
assortment of the first quality of Upholstery Parrish
ings, such as Hal-, Shuck and Stiaw Ma it rasse ,, , Pea ill
er Beds, Sacking., 4.. e. which they wi l sell for Cask at
nearly 100 per cent less than former prices.
ALSO; Sofas, Chairs, etc Llpholtilered, ca rpets mad,
and Cut talus arranged after the netters/ fashions—All of
which they offer 1.0 rxerute in a mariner unrromled in
this or unsurpassed in any other city.
mar 20 lv
Regular Morning' Packet for Beaver.
Free oast rennin;; and welt knots r
' IL
Si.I.R Ilascout,. Alazier, will &part doily from Pitt—
lirgli at 9 o'clo( k, A. M„ mid Benerr Lt I o'clock P. Al
For freight cr pass,tge. apply on hoard, Or to
No GO Water street.
N. IL—The regular canal pat Let to Clevetatio
Greenville and Meadville Pa; and Al nytollon or, the
Ohio Canal, connect:tit with steamer Cleveland at Pea
ver.will he in operation immediately on opening of !my.
Case. of Liver Complaint of 25 years tranchng.
Thie may certify that for twenty live years I was f •
flitted with Dahl in lay side, whir it was`frequentiv
acvereas to entirely Incapacitate rue l'rent labor. I have
keen under the care and treatment of various phys!rian+
without any permanent benefit, flearinz of the many
cures eGeted by the Hepatic Elixir prepared by Dr.!
start:we:llller.! was letitteeii to give it it trial, and :1111
happy tu say that It has entirely removed. I have felt
no symptoms of it for more than a year past.
Northliridte, negii Itl4l A AIOS 1V lIITP.,
Thegenitine to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency,
Fourth Sirect.
I Denninrs Fire tirooltronitliieits.
1 PITTSBURGH, OCT. 2.:', 1149 .
,I. DeNS/NO—on Friday, the 30i It oflast month, about
9 o'clock at nisht,the Planing.6roovhng and Bash Man
ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth tfc Co, with a large
quantity of dressed and andressed lumber, was all consu.
med by fire.
The Iron Safe, which I boo:tilt of you some time back
was in the most rispoqed situation dining the fire, and I
was entirety red hot —I am pleased to inform you it was i lo r E ,1A I,,gs,—Tim i eis a inr 2e v i a , or pi e i t i7a - e - s Hi
opened at the close of the fire,and all tire hooks, papers, ! il
this City who from thek continued , itting, to which
4 - e.saved;—thls is the best recommendation I cart sive ro
. - - !their oceupctionsobliget hem,areaffected with costiveness
the utility of y our safes.
ort 24,—tr THOMAS SCOTT which gives rise to palpitation at tire heart on the teas. ex-
I er tion , sense . ofiiiiivitteSsextendin g over the whole head,
I. Pittsburgh Lard. Oi Manufactory.; Intolerance of - tight and sound .an inability of fixing the
I attention to any.snental operations; runtit!init inine how.
ielv. sometimes a sense of wifrimil inn , especially after
meals when any exertion is used, as coins quickly up d,
stairs; tempretickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a few doses of the. Rrandretli Pills The occa.
1 , ional use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble
and tear. of sufreriii2. floe, or I WO, or eVPII tof .
' the Brandreth P.llsingt b are before dinner, re arm]hree
found i
Ili:tidy i•ent Mim 11
i; many , P them very advantageously In
I iil , 1V,13'; Mel: aid :Ina Ugsl , l iiiZegi ion, resiore the bowels ,
to a proper condillomenliven the spirits, impart clear
miss to titeromplexion. purify ihe blood. and promote a
general feelinz of health, and eappi n ,,,.
Sold at Dr. li - autiretli's Otliice. in l tifs Diamond .
Pitisbui•sli—Price 25cent per box, with Nit directions- ' 1
M A RK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the :t
GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of. i
lice, Diamond, . . Sep, 10 1
•G.-. 4—
, , •
s .
- • -- - --,-- -- - .. - - - -a= -- ---_-,-
---_----__--*-7-. - --- i.-..:-
-- 2 7- . .
~" ~ ma
` ` ' r
. riifit air
AL ~...
.• ' -:: .- . ..:0 .4. 031 - ~i 1
C (J.ArZi T/, I" •lil:ai.d a ..upprior article, I Lard
Oli, rintf , d to any tria,,Ar:lfirr,
Nina! to the brat ;virile; struinci: Spurn Oh:, Ivi , hOilt
Ita Ofen4lte and 0,,P third i;raper. mall
ufaetured by the Silhacril,er at the Old stand, Thud PI.,
neerly oppcmlte the Post Ogee• M. C. EPPY
Jan 4,1843
"" -° Pig.«k :i'.
Nn. 45 %Valet. et., Pittsburgh
272 Market gi tett, Philadelphia
1110011 E "r CH ASP, Agents,
75 howley's Wharf, Baltimore -
SOIA'EN 11113IIERD, Alente.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Madison Ind.
Thos. I'IIc.IDAM, ,t Ca , Agent.
27 Old slip New Yolk
(711 AS S'I'EW,IIIT.
trier iti -If
tsr pursuance of law, I,..rnivi TYLER. President
of the United States of America, du hereby* de.
dlare and make known that p.,b:ie sales will he held
at the undermentioned haul o,lices, in the State of
MISSOURI, at the per tads hereinafter tle.ignateri,
to wit:
AT PLAI 'f6BURG, it Oiinton county, the seat
of the Land Office for the Platte district of Al iEson
ri, cointnencing on Monday, the ninth day of Octi!-
her text, for ihe disposal of the public land, within
the undermentioned townships, and fractional town
A'orth of Mc Gam line and wrst of the
.fifth grin i
pal meridian, and west of The former we:,trrn Gotn
dory of the Slate.
Town,Thip Sixty two, of range thirty four.
Towcships sixty one and sixty three, of range
thirty fi.e
Towndlips ,ixty two and sixty fur, of range thirty
Towml•ips sixty one and sixty three, of range
Flirty seven.
townships sixty two and sixty four, of range thir,
y eight.
The nest half of township 3;xty Doe, of range
hllty Dine.
Fractional township sixty is and township sixty
roar, of range forty.
Ft avtional townships sixty two and sixty three, of
range forty one.
artioliel townships sixty Mies and sixty four, of
range f rty two.
North of the base line and east of the fifth principal
meridian, and west of the former western boundary of
the Stale.
Townships sixty one and sixty two, of range
twenty seven.
Townships sixiy, sixty one and sixty two, of rang e
twenty eight .
Township sixty one. (- range twenty nine.
Also a t the same plate, C o lll l lleLleing on Monday
the thirteenth day of Noveinher 'text, fur the disp.,sa I
of t h e public lands tlid.in the limits ut the underinen
tinne.i townships and fra,tional v.z.
;Vora, of the hate line and -- .toast of the fifth principal
meridian, and teen of the former we of
the State.
Frartioi.al townships fifiy, f j fly one, fifty three,
filly five and fifty seven, of raoge thir ty three.
Townships thy two. filly four, fifty six, fifty eight
and sixty, of range 11141 four.
F, anim a l n , hip fifty one, towna , dps fifty thi ee,
fifty five, f.actinnal t, wnsirrp fitly svvt ti mod town
ship fifty rein, of maw. :y five.
Fracfianal townships fill four, fifty six, and fifty
seven anti town 11111 ,ixty, of range shiny six.
actioaal townships fifty five, fifty six, lily eight I
and fifty nine, of range thirty seven.
i't actional townships fifty five and sixty of range
thirry eight.
At the. Land office at LEXINGTON, commenc
-1"g on Monday ihe secured day of October n'xt, fin
the disposal of the public I , reds within the limit, of
the undermentio n ed townships, to wit:—
North of the Vise line and west of the fifth principa
Towl:Filips thirty six, tint ty seven and (hi, ty eight
of (tinge foto teen.
Townships flirty fire and thirty seven, of rangel
To n.hip ihii ty G e sixteen and nineteen
thirty fire, iliti ty six, thii ty seven arid
titi:ty eight, of range twenty one.
eight, 01 range twenty thr ew. p thirty mile, of rouge twentyei g ht .
Toll , 0+::./j-IS thitry eight and iri ty nine, of range
twenty nitie.
Township forty, of ranges thirty one, thirty two
end tt i ty three.
South (test hartional (palter of section twenty
non, anti the north e'tst and ‘ norli west fraeti , oat
pia, lets of section twenty four in "toA no-hip tifiy one,
nt it; i• 5 :01111 ril el, Orr; :wPilly s;x.
South west (ia, tt of serti,,n st yen, in township ty 0 1 -, angre lwetyy se, en.
appl op, 'rated by ;an - , for tl e u-e
tni:itary ur o her purposts, will be exi Iu rti how
Tt,e sa!as tt.ill ea b be ko; , t opera for tw, erks,
[unless the tatils are kittiter tti.titostd ofj a•td Ito
)(roger; and la- itt i tat). entries tflatirl it) lite toa
!") offrtrd adatiAed, Until atter hr ex
pinvion t i tht• twt)
(. itril a.ni •r hiy•liallri al the City of Wadlits.trtt a t,
this eighth day of June. Anna i, 1 , 13.
Cuniaer of the Genrral Land 011 ire.
Every perso n claiming the right of pia i•ettytion
In any 111110,3 it. , 10 the limits of the tcm
enumerated , is remiirml to establish the same to the
satisfaction nt the Register and Rei . eiver of the
proper Lend Office. and to make pas merit theiefor,
as Sion a 3 practicable after scting this notice, alid be
Give the day appointed fn thecornmencetnetit of the
public sale of the tow' n-hip, embracing the trai
claimed, ainovc designated: otherwise such claims
will helm-foiled.
Connni•sioner of Me General Land Wire
Calap in Oil eases, Whether for Esergatiox or Pi/rip
cation. They pose all the boacied vino( aof other
Pins. and arc Additionally efficacioit:, conlaining Sarrap
ritia in their contro.it inn, which Is not contained In any
Other pills In exbdenre. They are also different from DLit
Cr pills In composition, being purely regetablt, nod can
he employed at all times, without any danger, and re
attiring no rettraint from occupation or usual course of
Notwithstanding, Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blond
Pills would cure all diseases, yet It Is not saying too mush
of t hewn, from the innumerable cures performed by them
in every vac jet), and form of disease (certificates of malty
of which have been published from persons of all denom ,
I..ations, physicians, clergymen, and others) that they
seem to be ainin,l universal In their effect; and persons
them for whatever sickness or disease, may re:4
assn red they will be found more efficacious than any oth
er pills lu exicterre.
Prom the known reputation of Dr Leide's Blond Pills.
'tin deemed necessary to remind the pulitic where they
may at all limes procure the !termini', no it Is attempted
io impose other pills called 'Blond Pills' upon the public
on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's. (b - -Be particular and
ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, and see that
, the name of Dr S. B. Leidy Is cunt . 'tied on two sides
1 of each l , ox, (the hoses twine of paper, and oblaitg,.qhare
ylialie. , vrtoutided by a yellow anthill:Lek lat.( I.
i PRICE -15 cent , is Box, .
II Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr
Leldy's stealth Em nor lam, 191 North Second street, Ire
low Vine. Philadelphia, and by B. .9. PII7I.V.ES7'OCIi
1 4' Co. corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Age,nts for Pills
oy 12 - I v,
._____ j
S rn UM ENT El— 7'. IlfcCurthy, Cutler and Surgical
Instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pitte.hirgh
Physic ia (SIGN ns. DentlAs and Druggistican have their in•
struments made by the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand.
also Hat:ers Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited. -
N. B. Allartlctra warranted of the best quality.and
obhing done as usual:
sep 10
Adams' Patent "gaughphy"
These neon illf! aI iirles, of al sizes, and mot Improved
varielies,constantly on hand ant: for Kale nt very reduced
prices by the titar.nracturer, L R. LI V ING3I'ON.
mar 2. —tf Front het ween ft u+s aud Grant sts.
TT AVE removed Ihr; taper M ort front Markel
B—as shoot to No. G4:.. - .1"0,,,1 S r reef, one door from the
roraer or 9th, where they eii on hand.: their usual
sort toect of WALL PAPERS. for papering parlors, en
trios,chambrn,4c, and also PRINTING. WRITING
at; of which they offer for sale.ott accommndaririg te rm s ,
fel) 14, 1343.—dt
00..T0 IN V A 13S:
Krilotv imporant It ls that you comwencu nFithoul
less online With fiRANDRETH'S PILLS. Tile!. II iittiv but
surely remove all ill) 01711.1( . 3 front the blood, and no case
of sickness c'an affect lite 111111)21) frame, chat these cele.
hinted riPs do not relieve an moch at medicine can do.
Cold; and cou:rhs are none bertentled by the Itrandretli
Pills than by lozem2es and canoiee. Very well, per
taps. {intim wen. but worth an eradicator; o r
diseases from the human st MOW.. The iII:ANDRE rrt PILLS
cure, they tin not merely reli, we, they cure disca.;,...,
whether Throttle or recent, infectious 01 otherwke, will
certainly be cured by the use all sufficient Pill,
Fists Stun, JAMS:try 21,1843.
Doctor Beni umin Breinctref ;I—Honored Sir: Owing to
you a dent of gratitude that money cannot pay, I am
Induced to make a public acknowledge:oho( 011ie benefit
my tvi:c has derit ed from your litvatitable 1111 s. Abont
three Years !hit Winter she was taken with n pain in her
ankle, which soon became very murh ii, toed and
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent
for thee deo or During his atienda tee the pain and swell
Ing increased to an alarming deg tee, and In three weeks
from Its first commencing it became a running sore—
She contd ZCI 110 rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our first Dot for attended tier for six months, and she
received no benefit whatever, the pain growing worse,
and the sore larger all the n Lie said if it was heal
ed up it would tic her death, but he appeared to he at a
foss how t proceed, and my pour wife still (motioned
to suffer the most terrible tortures. ‘Ve therefore sought
other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first
saw it that lie could soon cure ilic sore, and give her
ease at once. To our surprise he Iv ye her no relict,
and acknowledged that it bael.:4l all his skill.
Thus wi t felt eller having tried during one whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain,
absolute despair. My poor wife's constiltilion rapidly
lading in the mime of 1,, , r years from her continued
SUITVriO2, rnder these el reit oi , latices we coneluded that
we would try your Universal Vi- , tide Pills,determined
to fairly test their curative elferts. To my wife's great
comfort the first few (10 , 02 afforded great relief of the
pain. Sonia one week.. to the astonishment of on r.
selves and every one who bnew of the case.t Its swelling
and the inflammation began to rease so that she felt quite
easy, and world sleep comfortably, and, sir, after sit
Weeks' use she was able, to go through the Imuse, and
apin attend to the marmgernmit of ter (amity which
she had of dine for nearly 14 months. In a little over
two:non:lig from the Date she lint commenced the use
O CYO4,I' hi^ a,,kle was quite , cund,
her in allia I.er,r than it had hi en I quite a or
years before. I .end you this el. - dement after 'lvo v. al
Iry of the cure, c , ,00i.1. - ri,le it only a.; art of Jostic e
yrit tilW, lire pubtlc a , la
We . a IT, 11.1111 11:10.11 gya nude,
"ely rest •it fatty,
P. S. Tin. P.o l B:iiral D 0001; prOnrntherd lhrsore eau
rerous, and finally said no gond could he .1;1 11e , its Inca 1I f.
whole of the flesh was rut off, and the hone scrard.—
Tbabk o kiwi Provid - r C.l, this made us resort to plirr
WIIICII SaVl'd 11.. from all 'further misers - , arid fir
which we hope I he thankful. T. 4- E. 1..
in-Fold at 2.; relic per liar, v, (!h dirnrinnia .
07•SiTer Ihe iron 1,1f0ri.::‘,4•11 upon it two Fig
naturisor Dr. Br Ind each hex of (lie 7.',011i0,
has NIX signatures —lltue Benjamin rtrandre,ll and three .
Ilrandrruit anon it.
The only nis , e in Pittsburgh tvhe•e the real Bran
&roll rills ran be ob , aintirl, the Doctor's own office,
in the Diamoud, behind tbe Market house. Mark,
the genuine Brandt,/1, Pittston never lie obtained in any
drug store. '
fullotving are the only trzents appointed by Dr. It,
Brandreth, for the sale of his Vegetable Universal Pills,
In Allegheny coutitt:
AGENT.G H LEE, Pittsburgh
Mr. John Gra-,—Alluzitenv,
Robert Ihtnean Rirtninu ham.
C. F. Diehl—Elizatoeildown.
H. Roiviard—Nt'Keesport.
Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnroon—Nohletlown.
Ehe.Fonan f SpnoMing —Stewartidnwn
!Well 4. Connell—Clin!on.
Robert Smith Porter—Tat-et-own.
Georgr. Power —Vairvicw.
Davtd n Coon- Pioni township.
Daniel Nezle% —East Libpr , v.,
Edward Thonip , on--W ilk ins , urgh
Wit 7. o.llunter A lien's Sllll
l'he uthre Pittsburgh which was established for the
purpose of constituting agents in the west. having accom
plrshrid that object, is TIOW anti Mr, (1. H. LEE
In the Diatn M.irket street, appointed nit , agent for
the sale of Pilk and Liniments Dr. Brantlethe agenitt
will therforr.understand,that Ur. U. will send it travelling
affent thruttgnllic country once a year recollect moneys
for sales uncle and re-supply :wets. The said trnveller
will be provided with a power of attorney, tl tl,v proved
before the Clerk of the city and roonty of New York,
together with all nec , iisitry voncliers endpapers,
Mr..l, J. Toe, lemy tray asent ttn.v in Prunsyl.
N, Et, Remember Mr. G• 11. Lee, in rear (Witte Mar.
ket is now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
New Yoric,Jisne l4ih, 134:1,
rem me, in
- i •-• 1 which the CONTEITrTIaI.I: Roni.u.:lts steals my lan
. _ . _
to- An Individual only wishes to know the right way
a rre merely a:term. : the name. Time will Fholit
to pursue Ii; and there are none, were It sunELY Made '.' .. P. 7. 4.. ~.::... . ;•,, ". 58,. 4 . :..,...,- , .1 1 these
desaic die leer- io their true light,
known how Lire mint be prolonged and flickhrn re
' . ' • ‘:••,-, .'
- .•'—'• '":" :"''-`;..`".- I TEI MEDICINE OF TIIE PEOPLE.
covered. w: 0 would not adopt the plan. Evidence is , ,
Cr,7` . "i iliy Wit/ ye lice (11 lit i.,- ', - - 1 ,1.--- BiZANDRETIFS PILLS are the People'v
required that the right way is discovered. This in what
those std tit
from sickness want to he sari; altout. dyin ,, rate?" ...i.,„)
t Medi , ii . e, proved by then.ands who daily reccom
For who is Po foolish as not to enjoy all the health his
?it , ~ , ...L . --,
1 menti them 1.0 the afflicted. The BRAN'DRETH
body Is captode of 1 If lin is there that would not live
4 4 4 -1 "I ,PI LLSare growiiy. every day more pOpuirtr, their
I vi, rues are exieudif,g their us - et ,, lne,s_a. The sick of
when lik exptrieure can so touch benefit himself nod .
fatuity? it is a tnetanehofy fact that a very larCe pro- ,i R: E. HUMPHRE Y'S VEGE,T3 ; both sexes are deli, deriving benefit from them.
portion of the most itsert I members of sortety die lie. BLE OINTME..VT, FOR PIL.E'S.iNr, nas.e of disease but they can he used w ith advert..
tween !Le ages of therty and forty, liow many widOn'S
FISSURES, 4,::. . rage. Blotches GE haul lumps of the skin they speed
and helpless orpha ns have been the consequience of man.
1 ily cure. so With er•:.iprias, so with Fait rheum , co
kind nut having lit their own power the meatus of rester- obe had at TurTLE's Medical Agency . 86 Fourth st, 1 ti_ , o •
Witil morgestion, so ss rib coughs and colds, so with
the only agent in Pittsburgh.
ing health whew lost.
j costiveness, so with cancer, so miff) hot parched lips
No.N all tlie3e dangers
I and cal- ker in the month. Let lite afflicted rise Of
arid the long and certain sirkne,s a oil by assislinq tia. ---------------------------- i ' . •Of
litre, in the outset, with a good dose of Brandretirs Pals. AS USU . :J. L. , medicine, and they. Will find they require no other.
So!d at 25 eents per bfix, u ith directions. as.
Tint a fact, writ understood 10 be no by thousands of NO sootier does ono of Dr. icily' preparations lie. I
Observe the new tahef.; each hav:rig - upon it oleo
out v i n rna s medicine, if_ taken :, as to puree .,..11 come popular, in COnireqUtille e Of it. , suecesa and el- I .
freely. wilt surety cure any ettraltle disease. There is ricacy, than it is counterfeited or imitated. • spoatitres of Dr. B, oilfired,. So each bor of the
no form or kind oinirkni.s,tii it t it ( t oed n o t exe r t a cur ,
To Prevent inlllnsillott• ti Le:dv has now procured'', genuine has nix signattnez—three Benjamin Brand
a Live li t linear& upon. Tlitis,hy their power in resisting moulded bottles for Ilk celebrated *l ; etter and Itch pint. i red! and three B. Braces—three
upon it.
putrefaction, they cure measles small
. pux, worms and went, with lie words , Dr Leidy' s Tetter end itch Oini. 1 The De: LA el_sc-f: in Pittsburgh where the REA;
a u ronta xeo u s le% ers. There is not a medicine in the !tient:blown in the glass. Iteides emit:lining his written 1 Brandreth Pills ea.N DE OnTATNED, is the Doctor'
world no nble , to nitrify the mons of blood and restore it , Ignature on a yellow 1 .b. : l nio,i r l e.
(Iwo Office, Diamond bath a !Ito. Market Hoye •
to healthy croolitioe, as the Brandreth P 111,4. . Dr Leidy's Teller and het} OLil :rent, has proved more : Argrk, the CLNIANI.: BearriretliPills can neve be ob
The Biandret li Pits are purely vesirlablr, and so in- rfficacinus than any other preparation for Tetter, Itch , ; tan e r j in -Inv !hut; SToRP.
nocrlit that Ilie inrini of a moth old may tine, them If Dry and Walety Pimples or Pustule;, and diseases of : •
medicine iP reqllirell, and only with safety but wi'h neer. the skin generally. Tine followimc at e the tfIN LY AGENTS arpoint.
i 11 1 Dr. B Brandi eth for the .aie of flisi.l'ege-s.-'
fainty orrecetvint7 Millie benefit medicine Ise:wattle of Ii has peen employed to school., factori ~..., and on boa rd t e ` i pt; ; , ;', ~ ‘
ignpn I'l ii,a. rennife,,, war no, them in an the enticat vesi , ei, carrying na , .engers, where children. a , well aS ', bl e ' -7iii ` v r' a i - ".s “, - • , -"'Lz , 'Y CoonlY•
periods or their lives. The
,Brandrelli Pitts Will in=ure grown persuns, contract diseases of the skin front their' ! Gll Lee— P, incip,,l Ofiice. Diamond, Pittsburgh
their health, and produce regularity in a'l the form-lions coorneionts-,nat oe, wit li the most unexampled sneers ; :our. John 13 21, s• — • A r !eg. l 'ePY•
of life.
rerliticates and recommendations have been heretofore i Rohe , I Duccari—flirtniiighant.
The same may I c said of Brandreth's F.rr ernal Rent- riaidi'bed from them and mom mug others t o Ight-he on_ i C. F. Diehl — Elizahetiltovf ti.
edy, tn: no not ward application in all external Pairr, or I werd tor lioLfication, hut for Ihe object ions 150 , 1 persung , 11. 8. ,, ff - lal.d—M.cg,-es; crt. ,
sweilin!,,, ol . sore s , it x.reatly assists tile" cure. When have, I a having their names nultlishrd in connection with Pre , slv Ira M—Plet.ta to :Hill.
used where the skin is very lender or broken. it shoinld such di , a,:recabli , and loatlinonie airert,otin•
. Jr:list J o l ins , n—Noblentown. -
he mixed with one or two phits of water.
In no. oats' itt , f.. , are ha, it eve r I e-e , nowt) to fill." .-si
' L . " e S ' e" ! I .Si... SPaLii if i 0 g—Stewat :blow n.
..I pare Testa il; Genuide B,:ndeeth Pille,— Examine ft has been 11 , ` , 111p011 infants and l'y persons of ail '
Asti II 6:: C- , oil. L" .- i
the box . of Pills, 'rhea look at the certificate or agency, I azv-4. It i , perlec: , y ..afe enm a i rts La wnreo r y in it, : r „,, e.
,"",.,, ----- •'"•-nn •
whose engraved date Chit he within the year, wbich composition.and mac be used 1304 P r all circumstances.
every 01111oristriag ,t:t must pos - ,ess; if due three labels . Prier T weal v-five retort a brittle. Prepared and •add
On ibe box agree with lite titre.. Mite's on the cerlitlrate, at Dr Leif 3's neon li I:MpOr Mill. ii:rs.: l ;if il, .1.11 L.l, ' I la' 'll a• Conn._ ToW he*.
tile pin; are true—if not. they are false, gle and Serpents,l and by B. i n. FAllNE...focti 4. co. , Daniel Ncg ltry--EdSt Liberty.
PriliCipal office. 241 eroadway, New York: corner of rvoo,i . and sixth streets, Agents f or Pittsburg'', Edward Thompson —WilkinsLmrgb
June 16.
joy 12
i Ww. 0. Hunter—Attoo's Milli.
,iiv •
- I_7-47"E now been before
ILL the public 3 years du•
ring whirl] time , everal
thousands have been sold
and in daily use, We are
confident tsf being saw ;lined
in saying they are the best
Coffee Mills in the Uni:e.l
SL:ileA, any way yen tt.'
Stweral tnod itiratinns an
madeio suit the fancy of '
wises and the purses of
Sod by the ..:roqi•r• or dazri,
al the
o rt •-- -
Malleabte Callings made to
Dn. Itnoote
Dear Sir—l have fur a iiiinthcr of year.paFt fern at
flieted with a sev.t;re constant Deadarlie, a—
rlsing f min derangement of itomath and bowels and al
though I have taken nearly every kind of blediei7e re
commended for its cute, have never derived any male
vial Lentil until I used some of your truly valuable All.
ti fly:TP(11/r, VMS. I Ina ve 1101 taken quite two !taxes and
consider myi.elf. perfectly relieved from that titstres=irit ,
complaint. I have no IteAtat ion in recnmineedinc your
Pilts a' the lieM. medicine I have ever m=rd.
ours, Ile , pectfulty,
I ant Mr, Tonle-, no liesita•
If°n in certifying that I roe.ii•fer the stolcinei l l;; of Mr,
T. resi.sci Mr Dr. Bindle's P Ps, a•,i entitled to tilt most
perfect and entire rMili,frnr.e. BUCII D IVIS. •
s:ile, Wholesale nod Veiiiit al the Pirodoninn Pitt
Pitts:iurgh f ;.0 I IT an alDhorkcd a
gcn:s throegliout the Union
A y Jon 9 12,1:;
Evans's Camomile
re ITTIIP:ATE , .—Lew7r from Ili:: Hon. A • ('lrl
Comity, CasiTcaneasce.Metithei of Congress.
WAsin:+cro?:, July 3d, 1938,
Sir_Sisee I have been in this city I have used some of
your, Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and moic
faction, and believe it to be a valuable remedy. One
of my zonstituents, Dr. A. C•irthim, of Campbell county.
Teuneesee, Wrote to me to send him some. wlll It I did,
and he has mployed it very siteces4ully in Ilia tracks'.
al d , ays it is invaluable.. r. Johnson, your agent al
this place(' thinks you would probably like nn agent in
Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
a proper per=on I I officiate for the sale of your celeh, Sled
medicine. Should yon conimis‘ion him he Is wink^ to
act for you. Yon can seed the medicine by wafer lo tile
rare of I:o.mrt Sous. Knoxville con ,ty, Tenef,
.ee, or by land to Graham 4' Houston, Tazewell.
Tennes•pc. I have no doubt but if you had 3 , Piibi in
several counties 111 East Teline:4lee, a treat de:it of
eine would be sold. lam goim! to take some of it home
for my own use, and that of my friredq, and shout::
like to hear from you whether you would like an stmt
at Montville. Ftillivan County. East Tell lie , sire; I wits 2,1
some of the merchants to act for you a; I live ne;,c
Yr.urA respectfully,
A RUA HAI! NI'CLELLAN, of Tenn 'see.
For saie Il'holes.a!e and Retail, li
No. 20. Wood strect.!elow Second
‘vir.Li.Am eras-s. eof.yrtiiNe:
This retnr.dy ias :wkseevvd 1 1 1 111;If.N! ,
when thought post n rovery, f. not convo f-ions. s , ,m,
as lite Syrup is rutO ed on 14, Hll - 2 55':11(c1 ( t'
fir. 'Fhb: nffinaral innis
and SO
if 1;.! will reft.,e. to !ct _inns! ruh
htd widt it. I,:a tits re at tfr
.2f of liar aloud's
tho' there is i n appraranre of teeth. one braille of the Syrup rioothl he a-nd lo open the pores. raroto , should
ever he wit lime the nip in the 'misery wh,re
are younr child-refl. for if a child wakes in ire
pain in the zoo's, the Syrup iirinielliaiiqy clsrn ras,. • by
opelliaa the pores, and he:Oho:the 7.:nrnr.;ln e r e b y pre vent .
Hoz rouvu nions, Fevers, rc-c. For Soto lt'holer - ale and
Reinilhy R. E ELL MIS, .‘:out,
sup No. IVa, .1 ,trerl.
T IVEI COllPL.ir sT cti:ed by 11 , e useof De. Fiar
.ilA romponad : -, :ircrigth-afi 2 and perient pins.
Mr. {Yin. Riel,ard., of Pitt„,,,er-:it, Pa.. riViirty cared of
the a , mve iti.-tre,,ing
leer- pair,
and crettli: in the left , lile, of a,•p , lite, Vomiting. acid
eructations. a distension of the stomach. sick be-td-m-he.
furred tongue. con men:, ore cbaitzed ton citron color. dir,i•
rutty of breathing. disturb, d rest, attended .;11 it a row .
Zrr:o debility,uith other symptoms indicating great de
rangement Of the functions of the liver. h 1 r. Richard,
had the advice of several phy , ciatts, but received no
relief, until using Dr. Ilarlicirs Medicine, which termina.
ted in effecting a pelem cure.
Principal °dice, 19 North Eittlith Street, Philadelphia
For sale in Pitt-Mu rgh t , y Samuel Fret., corner of I,,Nter
y and Wood it ref . ls.
Ser , l
jj These Pills are composed of het lis, which exert
a specific action upon the heart, give intonls, or
strength- to the :Medal system; the blood is fitlickenPd
and eryttaltzed In its circulation through all the ve:sr , .:,
whet her 'tribe skin, the parts situated internal ly ,ort he
extremities; and as all the ,- eererions of the burly are
drat% n from thehlood.therelsa consequent iacre;,se of
every secretion, and a quickened „ coon of the ah - orbent
and exhalent, or-CI-silt:train?, vessel,. .1 ny morb!rl action
which may have taken place is corrected, all ribs.' rut,-
tknts are mitered, the blood is nitrified. and the I , thie
relintes. aa:xta. Yoe ; ale Wholesale and Re
t.. 1 by E SE LLERS, Agent,
10 t t ',rood sl. below Second.
mar 23, 1343
pLr,s cored by the t Re. of Dr. flarlirli's Compound
Strengthening and Gr.rman Aperient Pills
Gr.llarlich—Dear Sir — Shortly after I received the
Agency from you for the sale of your medicine. I
formed an acquaintance wi, It a lady of this place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. v., ri g 111 or ten
years Ihis lady was subject to frrivt. e: ,6,nitir.l attacks,
and her physician considered her , o complicated,
that !revery seldom prescribed me.'lr,ne for her. Through
my perslinApti, she COMMP ir red n<inC von, NOR, and was
perfectly cured. Yours, kc. JANICE , ' R.KIRBY
Octrtfier 3. 1840.
Gliamberi-,bo:, Pa,
1 - ;Office and General Repot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street. Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of
frlher ty and Wood street•.; I 'olSittlrZtl. FFT 10
- -
irrTO THE L.IIDIE.S.—Why Oki' not remove
that superfluous hair yoa have upon Yvnr Thiene:ads and
upper lip ? cTsilieg at Tt - rrt.r.'s, rotirtli st.,and
obtaining a bottle of (toutaud's Pothlre. Subtl(.9, which
viii remove it at once witliont the You
can alzu üb,ain Couraua's truly t. , lberated Eau. deßraute,
whirl] o iil at once rriiilve all freclitcp, pimples, erup_
bons of the. Shirt, anti make your race look prrir‘ctly fair ;
and to ?huge who wish to nature by , d+ilnr.r more
color tot lair chrr kg, they rail obtain EntneolConrund,r•
e:ebrated Liquid Rottie, w]tnit ( mum)! he tubbed (drover,
hi , a tvi.t cloth. Also may be found a Tood t , Nortinent ut
Perfumery, snah C o'og " , l i011, A i '" °nd •
Wind-or, aml other Saar.
Remember. at Tuttle ., 11 ' 86
Dm:.llsls aryl tVlio't , ale anir
retail terms. tray 2ti 1842
neadaelte ! Elcadaellit
i tPE now knot y o tothon=ands a , a ino.d eviraordina•
ry reit:dy for lids affliction a. we!l..a the incon
trovcrlilde fact of their curing DI r SPEP6IA . wit those
stitreriEg only i..nt!, if i icy have not
known of the rasi:ir effects of raid Pills. and if iNc y
do ooi hear them more warmly vaLcd (and de , ervedty
ion) aan any oilier. ilica let lloni eel bua !nom. 1 1 ,
ilieQe few remark , , all fancy or ilnaait,ai ion is en - lotted,
and nothing will he raid of their tuniiis al aoy time
tent wimi l'e fairly lyrnved by rE.F..pecTa:de niemters of
our community •
(lead tie iollowin2 certificate :ziven by a re... 4 pe , tahEn
citiz en o r Aii„ gheny ci ; y, rl,l attested In' or.e
cs of Ike COW I of Common elms or Attpoicily cc.
A LIWGIIiNV Ci Er, January 9, 1843.
-C4 - '11"11-04: "'"
k •
%. 1
/ 1
_„,;A Afr •
• 1111Esub.trriber I.a. Juqt received I•ia nnual supply: o
IL Landreth's Garden Seeds, consieting in part _of t 6
following kinds—all c,l the Inst years crop 4- warranted
a Ermine:
fl-a .igt
W !Wee,
If t,r toki),
Ton:a Ices,
SZe. SC,C. &c
To_alternliL Vur 4 i y r.f rol yr Flvt et herbs and /WY,
D'itOrdetefor nerds, Sig 01,, Tr, rs, from Garieß.
ers aid others will Le recr iued and I:rot:twill attcndcd
L• SNOW new,
.!\ 0. I:A I.ll,rrt y. head of Wood st.
Cincinnati. February 15, 18.10.
fir. iFwvoit —Dear - ir:- Perinit me to lake.theliberly
of writin7 to 1 ou at tills t ,me in uxpress my approbation
and to recomitomd in the attention of heads of families
auJ others your invaluable medicine—the Compound
lily Iravel, of late I haves,es in areal many instance.
wo;:derful effects of your medicine in relieving chi,
dren of - very °h.:tit:ate romp!aints, such as Cotighlnir
t. lierzin, Unmaking. of I'hie2m, A sthmat in altbelta,
r. I should not have Written this letter, liowevet, it
pre,co. al; heti: h I have feit it my duty to add. my tea,.
loony ~, It for some time, had it not been for a late Its
stance where the medicine above alluded to was test rd.
ment:..l in rrstoritie to perfect Mali!) an "only eliildfs
,vhor ea:, Ivan almost Impel, es, in a family of my ac
quaint:tore. , •I I I;ant: lir:awn," said the duating moth.
er, "my child i 3 saved from the ja‘‘s of death! 0 hOW 1.
rcrrc,l the reteittleFe rarD2rr But my child is cafe! Is
j , rl 13- -1 y
Peyentl tt. tilt! Dr. Stwayne's Compound Eyrop o
\• ch ur , s is ;be. elwsi yatitahle medicine in Omni any
other country. lam certain I':aye witnessed more Mau
one mired enSes w here Irina s been ail ended with corp.
;time sneers,. I ant using it myself In an obstinate at.
tack or Bronchitis, in which it privet! effectual In a
ceetlin ; !ty short time. considgring the severely untie care.
I eon remittend li in the fullest confidence °fits supechtti
virtue--; I would advise that (to family should be Wlthetut
it; it is very pleasant and a lways henenciol—worth
double and often len limes (rice. The public are as.
silted there kart quackery about it. R. JAcirgON,D. D.
Formerly Pas , or of the Fird. Fres=h . tartar. Chun*,
Sold h v . THORN. tvlio'esa'e rclait, only went
for No 13 V a•kct nreei. set) /0
I'((N To TilE 11t'llf AN RACE!—“Diseerrie,
.4.:11._ what tolltdcrtroy Life. ord tun are a great state
trrii p,oiung Life, avd the world's' it
call : , cu Imyt,tor."
`.7'hcrc ,re facutricy, tadif!, istellectuai, tcithM itt
j w iih which cert.tin herbs ;con "ffislty.and ever 10A1011
they hare potter."
IDr. li. Exinroal Ruiredy, or Liniment
whi,h, by it+ extraordinary roster,, al , tracts Pais Dr
Sore Le-g; Ibns Sprainv. it.rr Sinews. While Swellings
heatnatic Pdin=, ar S:drnrs , ., tzliffnesa of lie Joints
Ton.or.a. i'nnainral Ilaidnecs, Stif Nerk Sore 'throat
Croup, Contraction= "of the muselea, Scrofulous en
larzerneLl , . Tender reel, and every deFrriptinn or t
Jury zudecrinz flue nv:n7inr of il:e lion an Ftome,te •
corn] or , zreallc rther••(.l by his rerento he sofficiest
eztallcd. remedy.
TI: r"lkr.‘ in.: !prier front Major Gen
era: Santlrord, as to rte 7ttalt.ies of the External Reuse
dy, vo!tt
Nzw Voila, Ft 9, 1842. - •
PI r !you - W:4' 44 ;i me with another bottle 01
vt ur exi - rilrtit ? 11 is ct•ital..l , , tie hest or the
Ind I ve_ev,:r ‘evri. I; has cured entirely mason',
Liir-e.a!;,itit iv Halt I was uneasy,anil I have found
prmi•ir.ii, M . immediate relief to stofteral•eas. of evil
jury iu ary Eimity. Afi iv evening.; Finn. isui •
yiuttia, - ,1 child ii•ii , •seiz.,! wnli a violent attack ofCrout
which tvaq entirely removed In twenty minutes, by rtlh
',ill?, her ci, err an,t throat •frily tv ills the Externtfl Rent
odv. I tt.int, yult otts.lit to manufacture this Liniment
t'ns ;feneral IlFe, of rorifintiy. the use of you
have in.ret6frii e dine, io your riarlictilar acqnaintances.
I'mus truly, V. W. s.kNprORC)
D. flmm; r.:..111. i r r,E;thv yN. y,
T . Por tale ai a4l firriailivar, Nciv York, and at his
It. onutut, Pr. ICC-30 email/
r cr.,r
:Iris of individuals is very numerous. They are those
Who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work
men in feather stores, stonecutters, bakers, white teat
manufacturers, are all more. or 'cgs subjert to disease at
cordinz to thestrenglii of their constitution. The out;
method to prevent disra=r, is the occasional use oft
medicine which ni,srracts from the ctrculat ion all delete
riot's lot rito r -t, and expels them by "the bowels. Tonic
in arty fors are injurious, as they only ";di off the ell
day to make it more fatal. The use of Dra ndret POI
will insure health, hecati=e they lake all impure outlier
out of ilo blood; and the body is not weakened but
strrn2thetted by their operatioe, for these valuable Pins
do not force. hut they as4s 4 nature, and are not opposed
hut harmoithe with her.
Sold at Dr. itravdreth'i Office, in the Diamond.
rzn. Price 2.5 cents per box, with full directions.
MACK—The only place in Pittsho rah wia-re
GENUINE Pilis,•rin be otitainedos the Doctor's own Of
tier in t lie h.: mond. rep 10'
caveat entered 9th June, ItF42— Patrol granted to
Bei , j4min Bt a wit ed - „‘20111 January, 1843.
The extract, of ti hich 1 31'aintretti's Pills are corn—,
arc °brain, l‘e this low patented proccari,
wiitiont boiling or at ytt pplicrtion (Wheat. The ae—
iive prioripic of the het bs is thus. Been; ed the same
as it is in the
The Ptth!:c tihott'd be cam iotts trf n o rec—
commended in act, tii.ntent: stol e ') 1,
.;=, ~~~'
Egg Plant, Parsnip,
End:ve, Peas, -
Kale, Pepper,
Pomp Lin, Broccoli,
II dd:eh, Borrc ale,
Pmhaib, Cal bage,
Sakiry, . Carrot,
1441:iiiloiver, Spinach,
Celery, Okra,
Curled Cress, Onion,
Cuctnulker. Parsley,.
M uslard, (white and bil.tx 1) -