41)e itionling 0.9 t. PHILLIPS & SMI.TII, EDITORS AND Pft‘,l'lt lETORS PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Any quantity of the rezainr Democratic Ticket, can be ltad at this Our Democratic friends are rc 'rested local] and supply themselves. sep 9.Br—te. Ron PATTi . mos having been disappointed in procuring a nomination from the County Convention, appears desirous ofattt acting. public attention in a news paper controversy. In his reply to a nunnber of per.. :sons who solicited him to run against the regularly nom inated candidate fur Sheriff, he took occasion to insin uate that we, as the conductors of a public jouroal,had used our iniluenee to defeat his nomination. This charge, we fearlessly say, cannot be substautiated by *single line or paragraph that appeared in our paper, previous to the meeting of the Conveutiun. On the Contrary, we took many occasions to speak in praise - of all the aspirant and to commend them to the party as worthy of its coerideac7e aid support. The fairness of our course, in this respect, was noticed and approved by Patterson himeall, with the remark that we seemed tbsposed to give them all a "fair shake." When his. Cyst letter appeared, we repellel, is mild terms, the charge of using our influence, as publishers of a paper , 'against his nomination; and in his second epistle, in stead of substantiating or retracting his charge, as in *himorandjuitize. he wa.; bound to d ), he changes his groutd.of atta.;li, and assails use of the editors with die slon3 c:!mro ).1 to hired and lie rasedslanderers.— E'er the course osr paper we are matually responsi ble; we are wilting and ready to answer to the party for every areizie that has ever appeared in its columns, and we can saf:ly defy Roily PATTE MON, orany other ma's, to pint to a single line that would indicate an hos • tility to his notniaatioe. or that we rased our influence as editors apti iist him. As to our personal predilections, we'have yet to learn that any clique has a right to con trol them, or that political editors have become such Abject slaves, as to be forced to surrender one of the prOudest privileges of American citizens; As public journalists, we always have and . always will, do equal justice to every democrat, but as freemen we claim the right to express our preferences, without being called to account by every person whii may think himself a grWred It is extreincly unpleasant to he forced into a corm-o vally with persons professing to act with the democrat ic party, at a time when we should forget all persomtl mitten, and unite, our efrbrts in suppott of the ticket, but the pr.rsevering attacks that have been made upon us, and the unworthy means tesottecir to by our assail ants, compel . us to notice and repel their unfounded charges at once. If posaible, we will refrain from oc 'copying our columns with personal matters until after theelection of our ticket, when; if these gentlemen de sire art investiestion of their conduct and ours, in rela tion to the nominations, they can have it, to their hearts' content. MAINe ELECTION.—We believe there is no doubt of the election of tl e democratic candidate for Governor in Maine by the people. The Augusta Age, of the 22d, publishes returns from 211 towns and plantations whickshim that the present majority against Mr An derion, is I,2ol—ninety four towns and plantations yet remain to be heard fr.ini, which; gave in 1840, a major.. ity of 1,776 foe Mr. Fairfield. Should the remaining 'towns come in as arch as in 18.10, Mt. Anderson will :trtysfie elected by nearly ,500 majority. They will proba bly come in bett-r, beiag in p:Ftions of the State where 4 "7::. ,. .`be disaffection towards the democratic candidate pre ' Tailed; and we already have I...ports from a portion of - Oxford giving some 150 gain, but we have not the pre cise vote in tha towns referred to. We compare with the vote of 1840. because the vote 4 that year exhibited the greatest strength of the fed ' party, and the democratic candidate failed of an , -iliectionby a few votes only. For out selves, we have no doubt of Anderson's elec tion by the people by a majority of not less than" 500 votes over federalism, abolitionism and"ball-rolling." The aggregate vote in the State for Governor, will begreatly diminished from that of previous years, and will not probably exceed 65,000. Mr. Anderson's plurality over Robinson, the regular federal candidate, will be about 10,000. Thus it will be seen that the people of Maine have again put their irrevocable seal of condemimtion upon fozkralism, which may be considered as literally defunct, and can only be effective against the democracy by joining hands withwhatever faction it may ; by its knavish acts, suc ceed in fomenting in our ranks. GOOD . —The democrats of :Montgomery county, in their late County Convention, exacted a pledge from the candidates nominated for the Legislature, that they would oppose all new Banks and monopolies of all kinds, or the renewal of charters to Banking compa nies already created, except on the ptinciple of indi oidttailiability of the respective stockholders. If all the democratic counties would give their representatives similar instructions, the Legislature would be relieved (=tithe horde of bank borers that assemble at Harris burg during every session, and the people would have some protection against the fraud and dishonesty 0 f c or porations, from which they hare suffered so severely. I or The Hon. David Renshaw, Secretary of the Navy, and the Hon. Walter Forward, late Secretary of tbel'reastuy, arrived in Wa,hington city, on Friday evening last. Major General Scott returnet) the sample bottle, and Sampson is as strict ate FOR PRESIDENT, AS. BUCHANAN, Subject to the decision of THE DEMOCRATIC N.LTIONAT. C ThVEA TION. 4i. C , 14 ;t 3 4 - 610 tit (*Olt CONGRESS, WILLIAM WILKINS, Peebles. SENATE. JOHN NEGLEY, Butler. ASIZMELY, ALEXANDER BRACKENRIDGE, Pitt JAMES A. GIBSON, Pine, WILLIAM STURGEON, Fayette, JOHN ANDEREGG, Pitt. SHERIFF, ELIJAH TROVILLO, City. PROtRONOTARY. GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allog - heny. COMMISSIONER, JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Mifflin. TREASURI:V, ROBERT GLASS, City. CORONER, DAVID HARTZ. Allegliery. Auntvitt, - ROBERT DONALDSON, Willdint. CANAL commuistoNEßs. JAMES CLARKE, of Indians, JESSE MILLER, of Perry:, AVM. B. FOSTER, Jr. cf Bradford TICKETS Mat la!'lls - rusulq, it is reported, will commence the practice of medicine upon the expiration of his amain the state prison. Ho is reported to be fully competent, having,been the as,sistant of the physi:qau of the prison during must of the time he has been in confinement, and therefore ecvircd a more than ordinary insight in to the various ills to which the human frameis subject. He ought to form a I.artnership with Dr. Dyott. Tr.rE TO THE LETTER.--TheShau•neetown Gazette, recently, in an article ['eating on the coming Presiden tial election, observes:—.•H e who is the friend of Mr. Van Buren, Mr. Calhoun, Col. Johnson, Mr. Buchanan or Gen. Cass, and will not support any but his particu lar favorite, is not a Democrat—he is an enemy in dis guise. Those great and distinguished men all profess andadvocate the same political principles, and in the selection of either of them, all that is gained is personal preference." This is a correct sentiment and will ap. ! ply to all party .nominations, from the highest to the lowest offices in the gift of the people. -- ------- - - From among the numerous and highly respectable TRAVEL ort THE HulrsOß RtTER.-The amount of I lists of nominations presented to the Convention, you have been selected as the. Democratic candidates for be travel on the Hudson river, between Albany and New York, this se son, says the Express, is nearly double Commonwealth, s C f pp n o t r teCd°a7t..th'riame„z e of ec t r h i , o s nin O cto er next. that of any previous. The day boats particularly have therefore, anticipate your acceptance of the nomina had a rich harvest, haying averaged about 500 pa.seen- [ions. g - ers almost every trip since the Ist June last, the nett Tho deliberations of the Convention, throughout, receipts of which amount to nearly $lOOO daily to each were characterized with great unanimity. All local arid L person al feelings were readily Yielded, and the boat. f nommatione emanating at the bands of Delegates di _________ __s__ __ e , • ~... tly front the ranks of the people, were most cordial /sins. erieetoen AGAIS.-It appears by affidavits Iv ec acquiesced in. We have confidence and belief, also, just received in New York from Scotland, that the ! that person who came out to this country to arrest this wo- , boxesthey will be triumphantly ratified at the ballet man, had no power, notwithstanding he swore at the ; Very respectfully, your.i.rnbeßdioenGtFßeeres-a, Bucks. nte ' examination before the U. S. Commissioner that he W. 13. ANDERSON. Pone-. was Superintendent of Police and Sheriff's officer.- S. S. JAM, Inan. Some legal investigation will be' ad on the subject in To Messrs JameeClarke, Jesse Mill lSON er, and di William 1 B. Foster, jr. Esq'rs. New York. - - - --- Momes Isst.--The people in the neighborhood of ! litoonerieete &pl. 11, 1843. DARING MURDER. Carthage, Illinois, are in a high state of excitement ; GENTLEMEN[-1 have hail thelionor toreceive e-our A held and liming murder Wei committed at Roches communication of the sth inst : , informs ,g me of . my against the Mormons, and propose that measures shall ter, about fifteen wiles above Dover, N. IL, on Tues . nomination as one of the candidates Cur the office of I day, the 19111 Met In a tote part or the town, near be-adopted to drive them from the state. i Cana} Cummissioner by the Democratic State Con the line of Farming:on, a woman by the name of Phebe velem') recently convened; and enclosing a copy of ; the IrrEhe balreice or the Ohio: per cent. loan, $900,- Hanson, was shot in liar own house at noonday! Miss proneedinigs of that body. Manson was a maiden lady, somewhat advanced in 000, was taken in New York on the 13th inst., at par, ln reply, permit me to say, that the event ova to me years, and with her brother, also unmarried, occupied by the same parties who tee& the rest of the loan lust eutirely unexpected. as I had not the least iutimation the house, spring, reserving to themselves the right to take the that my name would be brought before the Convention; On Tuesday about 11 o'clock, a man tend boy who say truly, that I would have s heen much had been laboring in an adjoining field rdeking hops, whole. The loanis for $1,500,000, redeemable in and I can . sr pleased, if the choice had fallen cn SOML , other one of Calr,Cs, n> was their wont to do, to "aunt Piehe's” door 1851. . - the many worthy and competent gentle:nen named for to get n mu_ of cider that was generally prepared for r-7" We havo not heard what effect the equestrian the office. them at that hour: the boy trie en the door first performances of the antimasonic candidate for Sheriff i q ,,r appreciate, tlr.c, h , n ru e rp c i s i e ce r, ,y,•fetrrei.ei Carts, i e rs e , : s a d' , • ie -u i e hod but some weight wan pressed against it that prevented ttii:Mi, ' esi;eiitillY have bad among the people of Ohio township. Will , n a t m tl a ni r s " time. " e•lneu the attention of the people has been h h , i .rd N i T i , l : u ld r a i a " ., n . tht . : i n r t t r e 'Z i . h a X ,/e " . r an,oopac't'litn,glii,til..'cl'i the Amerieno inform the public how the Iwo horses so long directed to the importance of the trust; :and d..:ep gash was . 11) :Undo ' ver ' llerleft ' eye t whi c h was asc . er answered the Doctor's purpose? I I feel that its valor is generally enhanced by the vollin toned to have been caused from a bullet which had `tars. manner in which it has been bestowed. I, there ra.seed directly through the brain and caused herdeath Ma- SoLLIVAN, the federal candidate for State sem, regard it as my duty to accept the nomination, ista . tuck; upon her right hand was another wound, Senate, in Butler county, is a very kind and coupe- whatever might have been my inclination or determi pilrobablv aun tcived Lwraising it for protection when the ous man. He is so tender towards the feelings of na l tion, had I been consulted . before it was made. . 'deadly wa,rn,i,!, am fully sensible of the Importance and responst- Si - - n . •' • - I'l t• ui too fell •v• ' thenames others, that it is impossible to get him to say which bility of the' situation, .and of the great difficulty in t .',..:: ) ‘ L. : ( l ' ° i ' l l :' , ° ,, " l : a ':' if ., ( k ' it ~ r. oi l z drj , '' f ' branch of the family in Allegheny he is in favor of meeting, the, public exPecta-: . i in tin -, matingeM!`tit . of ( s i n-ho ' m l'i-;1.(1 oft ' en a bet a n h' emp r ':: : w .e ed ‘. by the ' br• - :itle`r of ' e th c e He is completely noncommittal on the subject, and the public improvements so ill,. rs t : I-1 and extensive an deceased to work upon the farm. and from his bad char only opinion that it would be possible to get from him thn . i'e n a e f l i . ' l _ 4 : i n.Ylil, U k " n d ,,, l r k r) ) ry„ nl o 7 l : ll ll ,p ii t t l i ' , e ,m e , ..t n . attar and some dart: circurmonnes. it was believed by would be, his coviction that they are bete right; patience whom I practicalam m . ,,,,mated im-the ticket, ' whore a .1 . luilletdlint t u l t iey i l i vei t aLtl h n i t i, Tu t rd is u:l l an s .. ,, T h h i e t se s, t i u ri vo i m , e , tu H h t fl After he gets the n votes of the whigs and blue noses, ' have the pleasare to know, and in WllO5, ability and six mile , m , loit . , and wc , re . It thcm his in - ., with their he will perhaps let then) know which faction he is in - integrity I place great confidence• favor of. I For myself, all I can promise. in the event of my mother election were rintail . arre,„. and Dort c.f . them made a election is, that I will denote the best abilities 1 may f ell co'nfescian of tile Mulder, s fa:lag that Inc alone wa, Cot.. R. M. Jottet sox arriveld at Washington city : possess, toted in the prinnotion of the public int l iftests i the gliiitv person. He said that Le ;11 , 4 Ali- , :+ Ihriiiiii on Friday night, in excellent Wahl. The Globe ...nays: ' u i v i itli t. whicl I I ree.ard.th r a • e re . sns e ci e t G a r ti e or_i t o i f e t .„ le n n t • e re m it. nai and , - only for money', that he !le‘i.r entsrntien d the least "The Colonel is on his way to Staunton, Va., to attend i t at ° ha T t n e n h, c . i c a ,m l :::,` - c, "g te n , P . d n " crud n• agnin,it In.r. I I A t a snheenen. le exmninntien .n. ine a Ina : - :•trat... in to a suit in which he is interested, set for trial on the l Accept, gentlemen. for your:clu- „ s and rho.: ,an typeard that a plan was laid Inn-t.-oon the !v, o, t o de first Monday in next month. II Iran...-e some Cosiness to represent. ci.„„r.,,nr,,,, of my hi It to pert and stihtf'sc eov Miss atnee ti from IV', bona- no ~ ,o ;n:. protenreand. transact here, for his friends and himself, with the dc- friendship, I' fellow ' it ' e .j u ' Essr. mi Li ER. when they hail got her awn; 111 . .; tl.O rob! en idtfotl,l be partmente of the General Government, which will de ronamood. The. partially , I:ccced.,l, hot Sli-s 11. re - , tarried 110:111, sooner flal J WAS eXi•La•ri,l. 1...i , ,,a 54•;•{:1:: fain Min here several days -perhaps till this day week ', ITARR('''"'"' .Sr i /, n ' in-153.43. Ler. the non - dererlevr.lh-d Iti• ge'a '44 mil 41 %%ill, a b t!!e: -widen will leave him time to reach Staunton on the I C;I:NTLENEr-I Matt e the Meer to achnowled:ou the teuik de:ibutrate ninintol "hi.: h• r. He teen rotes the Monday following. It is Col. .lohnson's intention, we receipt of 2 3 . - rtr i c ., oin r ne l li c iir . t: s. t . il n in f a ti f ,,, thi: , S_i e lt n i i n ic s , t. ; t c i uis . i. - t r i a; :. ‘ , 1,0,, , ,, I _, ! , : ._, Liarr. ut tta. imtther a m1 ,,,, i ,,..„, ,, , ,i. ~a ~, learn, to return to this city after the suit shall have• D ni e z nn a n:• ra ' t i e c ' on\, ' S oto i t , :vl l i e h a:writ:lin:El at proceedings State ! doer., pried it open a it h an axe nod enblonl it of all the e v it contained, which was but t webtv-nine dollar hcen tied' and , after spending a few days here, to visit Capitol eni that day, 1,7 which I am apprized of my ' i , 111 7 . • ~, i 1 .0 ~-, i ... , , .. . , _,. , , . 1, - his friends in the Eastern and Northern States-" ' nomination, fn that body, ae one of the Democritie l an ''''' "' I cats, '." 1 '"i'm, ".., `II LA 1 / 1 1 1 , -T I yr &romped. candidates for Canal Conuni.4sioners of thi n Cemni ni- 1 The box in which the &ceased had deoosited her wealth. r a , mane}. nod which contained upwardA of a th , m..tind . Unnile ; any co comstances. a uominntium for that dollat:s in ;old Ind slice r, was riot discevered Ire the important office, emanating from the people, would be rnurtlt.re * r ''. . gratifying to me; Ina. when the. hizli character of the 1 PRO2I:EDINGS IN commuN COUNCIL. gentlemen cempoeing the Cohn ention, and the alltala'r I' - "::-'Tl i e opinina withilie knawing oa-e, appears to Alosner. &opt. ‘251.11, 1843. of respectable name; pr e se nte d to than. i s consid,•l,,A, (hewers grneral to Nen: loth, that her majesty the Conneff nu -I: : Prisen t Alssisre. Boreland, EAgar, I cannot but feel highly bettered- I therefore, accept ! Queen or England has (Lon. a 5•,. / . natig%ty thi.:ir is :::(:- fi„,niir,ra, Ilmeard. Hunt urn Irwin, Kelley, NltSoa, the nomination, and should the decision of their mitre-1 log over to France, a ithunit th'u pe:nnissi ia of l'ari.a- NlcCinchoon, O'Neal. Robertson, Stoner and Presi sentatives be ratifi e d h e th e people thernscluee, as you ; met a. It i s said she h - es %ioleted one of Till•C . .;LO , l'e of den:. Mr. Eichhaum, President in the chair. confidently anticipate, I seeder. the devotion of my ; the net- of sellienient. Who would be a King or Mr.-Robertson presented a report from the commit beet e: t.rm e .] to a foithfal dischnme Of my duties, and ; Queen. if Lb wcannitt go islet a brr•: they please, nay, tee o e chnims and arc:mints areomnanie t i by the fol. to a careful watchfulness seer the intereste of •my na- ; have plum-pud•litig every day fur (therm-if [her; lowi nz roiollitio n wiik;: i wi'l read direr:Limes:a :a pan tive State. I chienee. But-to le- serinene. the elites(' referred to iesed, and concurred in by S. C. ri7: Resolved . , That With my thanks to the m r of the Convention, ' the third in that celebrated instrunwnt, by w hich it w it''' the Ma vorof thr city of Pittsburg)] he and he in hereby for this expression of their en embe r s and to yon• gen- ; enacted ••that no per stn. wino shall hereafter 1•01O1' CO "th„rijed aed directed to draw his warrant on th - e demen, for the complimentary manlier in which you ; the poseession of this crown shell go not of the &min i city Trea , urrn.in favor of :Messrs. Johnstan and Stock have conveyed it. . ions of England, Send:end or Ireland, without the eon- ton for the awn of $1.9 (30, and charm the same to I remain, very respectfully, sent of Pirriianient." This portion oldie act. WC learn the contingent find. your friend and fellow citizen. i from the True San, was, however, repeolol in thecae- The roiloninT bills were mad and referred to the Wel. 13. FOSTER, Jr. !ly part of the reign of George Ist, ie era eto eise that. commirse, on claims and accouats, and concurred in bv • 1 monarch an opportunity of possiiig over to his I Into-' s . (2,, viz: A curious piece of news received by the Caledonia. ' Terrain dominions, and it is remarked by Hallein that' E. H. Hastines emittedlee to $3O 00 of the flshionable kind, is the resolution of the old lint- imam In iourneys of the King of Hanover, "were N . p ettere „, " 57 Q 0 Print-. , Elector or Heaxe, who, for the love of a scan- !an abuse of the graciousness a ith which the Parties 1 . 1 . W . Lynch di " i 00 during beauty (he made her Cotritess of Riehrithack) me lt consented t o norm: the restriction." No act I - '-; Mr. alear, preeented a petitien from the Vieilant abandoned his throne, who is 11,1 W, a fee' months after imposeine this metraint upo n lire oceepant of the Fire Conwany. k hieh was read and referred to the he r dea t h, again on the eve of another left-hand r- throne has since been pa ca.& so far a, W , -• ;sti , '"': tn , i wt-' C-nmenittee on Fire E.l.einee anal Mew, end coaenrred ridge widi a little pkbeian girl, _whose face is her mar-, pmentne the voting Qum' might pay a visit to the Af- i n i les S. C. The Cierk ef the S. C. presented erre d e tune. He continuee to reside at Frankfort, the native : rican King, wile lutrly adaresned to her sucli urn affnu- p et i t i on as having been read is S. '''. and "referre town of his belle. The name of the fortunate darneells : tionate linter, if such a-as her royal pleasure, without to tar t Corrnttv. oa E glees aid dose with instract- ' Mise Diu Berle achy The marrinao Was to take place 'saying "by your leave" to Lords or (.'ornmnns.-pros, ti„,,, co ~,„.it.„ from i:! , .... Fe- etna I ' s A..,,,,)ci Minn 50 on the 4th inst., at Philipruhe. near Hainan, and the ' Chron. Inteuh of th^ sum of ; 4 '1603; api%Tri sol i t February i consort of the Landgrave was immediately to assume the style and title of the Countess of Hallam WARS OF NAPOLEON. last lnc E ,nine:, i t : rem ins on hand,. rtn2 pay 10 the ....... Vieleen Fire Com-ems. $9O 09 if 511 much on bands, ' . Just Published I The G01711;11 ) 111 , 401.1:M5, Whose statistics are relied o r sore-slo e . •r• there may From the Baltimore American. I with „ i i . d . ,•. , , •, e . , ,';.,' . , • • be, 1 '' I• n• • i lon mu, i con I fence, . SII WM- chat in Ul- vial, of c„,„,„ 4., w 1,,,, „.a, c mcnci .m 1, . 1. BURG'I ALMANAC, NAVAL STATIONS ABROAD. Nereileon, which were curried in eleven years, from Ti . c.e r e of the S. C. presented -‘. r, port from the ra k !u; a new m i d Mum ; . ..-i1 plan, for the year of our The subject referred to in the subjoined remarks of 1802 to 1312, flee milliee dell itundeed rhemele 1 eenr-irn ittee oe city p. i min se nrctomtanied by the fol- V..../ Lord 1844; beim Bor Leap Year, and the Wa-liengton Gis 0:113 Whirl] da.iVrka , l the se- melt peri=lica, bving- wore Ono hilt - a inillbni nuntrely. 1„„.in,,. rot t:oti.n as haviatr been r :id three times and after the 4th of.lMv, the - i i;;-note, x,c-niath year of Arnalican Hoe, attention of lo be, tout It is not oar policy to Tee, ealeehei on dees net include t great number of ,pa., whea t was concurred in. vie: Independenee. Calculate:l by Seeford C. Hill. E s au hold colonial possessions, or to seek the extension of prernaturetleath4, caused by [hi , ite.lide!)l. : * of wn . ir by Re se s e ,, e. m 1 N, A!! lt Id:. `Mavis be directed to di-a w to eptal mean, ar clock time, for the horizon and meri our territories by the acquieitimi of foreign lands.- fright, despair, Sze. The war with St. Domingo, his warrant en the Treasury in fivor o.' nine following than of Pittsburgh, !at. 4,1 d ,. .:-,, "3 mill. 25 sec. N. But inn adhering to this prieciple, it dees not follow from 1801 to Isori. ;3 down as having dr utroy e d person:, mid charge to appropriation, No. 3. lone. 80,12 e. weet of rineeees nee hut will serve for the that we must , /e/lVoliNelvei the important rolvaran. . 60,000 French eoldiere and sannue. aud 109,000 inhat,- 11. G. Berl:eel for $2l 50 adja unit states Witha;lS aiv 0...... um i A t deferen c e. ' gest to be derived from the, prenceSAinn of suitable heats of the is heel. The maritim u wa- with England, ' A. A. Anderson for 28 35 : pob):,cl in 1 sold be L. LO3ll IS, Agent, No. 89, points in differem qua! ten of the world for the reeve- from 1802 to 1304, cost the lives re eel) /.0:10 mein-the ' H e „se, presented a petition from certaie citizens Woo I snteet. Pittshin.:th, where fit he had Ciertnais el Mance of ourships of war and - traders. To hold such , wintercampaignirg a 1803-4 d .str t ~.nd 1.50.090 man prnyitag tiro Smitlitirtal are i n li ant it point near sth and Cman English Alm macs, by the • • dozen, . gross or points would net imply a disposition towards territorial • -the oar in Calohiii from 1805 to 1811; ,?09,000 moo ~,,, to Strawberry Alley, in iy Inc reeaved, scram- sep • 1 7-3 t aggrandizement; it would only show that we even' du- -the campaigns in Germany and Poland, hi 1:309, ponied by a re:uniiion on sans • siihject, • with reference - - Iv provident in respect to our marine interests. The ' swept away 300,000 men-the can u:Jig-it of 1312 cast of same to the. Committee on streets. Concurred he Globe says: : Frame and her allies 500.030 mea n and Russia 303,- _Also, a petition from H. alcCulleueh with refer- It is a remarl:able fact, that, in misting the United ' 000, besides 200,000 Poles, Gsrurees and French, who mire of same to the Committee on streets. gi sling States from Astiiiia and Columbia ricer, Great Britian ' perished by famine or contagious diseases; and in the . em s pliviug. Concurred in. has not left the navy of the Union, a poit in airy quar- , final capaign of 1313, 490,000 mee periehed. Also, An ordinance emitted "An rr li ,- ttice allele.. ter of the world, which it ean enter withoutpermiseion. I rising the Mayor to hernia- $61,200," which was mad Our national ships go to the Mediterranean; them they j SMOKING. and concurred in rind that England's navy has islande, ports, and a home, I Physician: Madam, I can no longer continne to pees . Also, An ordinance entitled "An ordinance supple- . but ours has none. All the immense sums of money, , scribe for you, unless you throw an-ay that pipe! Pa, mentiry to an irdinance passed 0 7th Api il, 1835," en- ; which are expended in supplying our navy in Europe, ' tierit: Why, la, doctor I change the cob every day or titled an Ordinance for the coestructiou and manse:e go into foreign pockets, and give support to govern-, two. Physician: No matter, while you continue to 1 merit of the Pittsburgh Gas Works, tie hayine been ; ments hostile to our institutions. Our ships are sent ; smoke at all. Besides 1 see you do not change the i re „d tem, times e„e passrd. which wan concurred in. ' to the West Indies, and to th e Ea s t Indies; to • South Steal. Thatreed, madam, is tilled with the pill of te- Alen, An ordinance entitled "An ordinance supple- America on the'Atlantir, and South America on the Pa- : bacco, deadly poison, the etherealization of which is man o n to the ordinance relative to Duquesne Way. , cific; to the coasts of Asia and of Africa; every where , sufficient to sufbicate a rhinoceros! Horrid practice, an havine been read three times and passed, which England's navy ie found at home, iii her own ports, and ma'am. Oh. reform it altogether. Patient: La, due- was concurred in. • sustained by the' guns of fortresses on shore; and is so in tor, how you do talk! Sappoee I should quit smoking,' Also, the following resolution 213 having been read T ET all tho , se in want ofit first rate Over Cost, the wide waste of waters that embrace New Holland, what should Ido for excitement, seeing I have no baby farce times ene passed, which was concurred in, viz: • Lel fashionable wioterFrock, or Pettis, remember New Zealand, the Sandwich Islands, &c. But there !to 1:11153. Resolved, That the sum of four bundled dollars that the best made, mont fashionable cut, tastiesttrine is not a spot on any of these shores or seas where an j be approuriated for the purpose of allowing the Street med, and cheapest article, (if not the [tweet erAced,) American ship can obtain provisions, or fled a shelter, I The Editor of the New World . positively main Commissioner t o p a y for work' done, and proceed with can be had only at the but from a stranger, and under the guile of frowning . taint that the grammar of the following is nut, strictly . other work which is indispensable: ' the sum to he ad- ; FASHIONABLE HEAD QUARTERS batteries, with the match M the hands of rivals in cons- • speaking, convect:-. . sled to appropriation No. 7, i 251. LIBEL:TY STREP.T. merce and competitors for naval ascendancy. I "Here Ire my Wife. - Also, the renewing. resolution as haying been read ' A few specimen coats on hand, which have ,just better The French Governmect has recently shown itself; And beetle dead, and am she gene? duly sensible of the importance of having naval stations' And is Heft here all alone? three times and passed, which was concurred in, viz: finished according to the !meet mode. We ail! he of its own In the remote parts of the world. It has ta- I Ah, cruel Fate, thou be at unkind, - Resolved, That the Mayor he O'Neal, for the authorised t amount [ilea issue : pleased to shew them to any:gentleman wanting the ar , ken possession of he Marquesas in the Pacific, and To take she 'fore, and leave I 'hind." city bonds in furor of Thoma s of soven hundred and thirty dollars, namely. : City customers will pciceive the advantage that this more recently it has occupied Garroway, on the At one year one bond for $133 i establishment can ;rive. when they are inforened that western Coast of Africa. There can he no question "Butter is riz and eggs is rizer, ai 4, 4.1 ' o sz ; 228 .we will make to order every description of garments tit we think concerning the propriety of this policy, on But 'tin 119 "tie, and can't be I/0 tiger.' if two At ti nn 137 i a superior style, and accordine to the latest fashions, _____-__________-. the part of any nation which has considerable corn 4/ 40 44 .1, , 127 :as low as the same article can be bought in thin city. meme, and a disposition to extend it still farther.- THEY DID. • .11 .1. .04 , ni 100 I 1L 3EO & McGill-Rt. Now we are already a commercial people, and as such In 1840, the 'cootie prophesied the utter destruction 1 - igiPAny article in our line made and trimmek , second to no country. in the world save one. In course of democracy. Ave, said they exultingly, "there won't $730 en it scar he customer to furni h siris MD ?TM teth4lll; of time with such resources as we possess, such ale be enough left to point e stick W 1 - el- , w e are foe being fier part payment of paying the Reservoir at the ! ewers pains ill be taken, and a hand e fie al - ' menu ofprogression, such enterprise, and persevering to acknowledge we were most _shamefully cheated and New Water Works, said bonds to bear interest at ! warranted "km ingenuity, it is not at all improbable that we shall sue- i beatem but not cenquered. Thanks 'oejo the undaun- the rate of 6 per cent per annum. Adjourned. 1 seer 26. P.LF.CTION OF PRESIDENT. A eurimpo4ent enquires how nanny Electoral votes each Sutte is entitled to under the Apportionment of cth),,,,,5. We Lave stated it long sinco but Will state it again for the banefit of these who may have forgot ten.—N. Y. Ttibune Sate, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachu . setts t Vermont, Rhode Connecticm, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, _Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Total, 274 Required to elect, 138 To know how many members of die House any State is entitled to, subtract two (for Senators) from its quota of Electors above, and the remainder will be the number of i ts representatives. 3INGULA R OCCURRENCE. One of our oldest and most learned divines on Sun day morning suffered a temporary or rather serious ab scence of mind; but before the hour of morning service arrived, was supposed to have entirely recovered, and went to his church to perform the duties of his calling. He proceeded regularly with the services of the day, and preached an extemporaneous discourse which was declared by many who heard it to be one of the most eloquent, perspicuous and argumentative sermons they ever listened to. After the clergymen arrived home it was noticed that his mind was again wandering, and proper medical ' treatment was resorted to, and he has since in a great measure recovered. Ile states that ho has not the slightest recollection of preaching the last Sabbath, or even of being at church; so that he must have delivered an eloquent and lucid discourse while in a state of sus ponded intellectual action— a phenomenon certainly of a curious and unusual character. The only discrepan cies in the services of the day were two; after reading the commandments the clergyman repeated the sixth, and when giving out the second hymn he gave out the same one which had been just previously sung.—N. Tribuhe. FATHER MATTHEW'S PILGRIM. An eccentric Iris Emma has been in the habit of fol lowing the reverend apostle of temperance in his mis sion through Ireland and England, and made his ap pearance daily near the platform at Kensington common and other places. He is a man about 40 years of age, of robust stature, and exprinsive counte nance. He wears an old pair of cord trowsers and jacket, and has a curious crown on his head, funned with rushes, in front of which is a small peacock's feath er. lie neither wears shoes nor stockings, but carries in his hand a staff with several religiou s devices car- I ved round it. le is looked upon by the lower orders of his countrymen with great reverence, and receives a few pence occasionally from them. He also wears round his hare brawny neck a small id ue ri band, to which ; is attached a diminutive brass cross and his medal.— He is very reluctant to answer any questions which are put whim by strangers, and gets angry when asked ' too many. He collect* almost as great an assemblage around him as his reverend master. ~s• _ r _ i. ~,L MEE ' . „ .. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE DEMOCRA- pass Great Britain in the dumber and tonnage of our ted champions of democracy. we are yet alive and kink- !Port of liitibttrgl). TIC CANDIDATES FOR CANAL COISINLIS- trading ships, and in the value and extent of our corn- ing, and now it our tura--sod we do prophesy, thai, 1 SIGNERS. . mercer It would hardly be consistent with the posi- in 1.84.4. 'conery, with all its humbwzgery, will be kick- -=-- —!! -- - ------ - •- --=--- ------,—. -..- =--=---,--,---------. --.---------- , Through the politeness of our friend, Gen. W. T. lion which we would then occupy—indeed, it is not in- ed i nt o the middle of the next cenit - iry:—Bay State Reporied by ,`,",. '.',. ~,i d J. r firlicll, G , •aertaS:l ram Rooxrts, of Bucks, (says the Democrati c . Union,) we CollBl.'tetit With the position which we now occupy as a De, m ; B, ,-:, ,te:•,,,".:, 11 - r5.' , ..71. ;erect. .__ . are enabled to ~ r esent to our readers the following in- commercial nation; to be dependont in foreign seas upon . , 1 teresting correspondence between a committee appoin- stmagets or rivals for the accommodations and conve.- THE Ant:AUG.:O (.7 1 L . l. V I._: , YAItI) Vf NESV OR- ! c' P . '" ted by the recent Democratic State Conve nt i on , an d niences indispensol,ty neccessar L , to our ships and sea l:ll,:ssra. 31.1r.Lr.rt and FOSTER, two of the nominees of men. LEANS. ! The American Grave Yard, in New Orleans, is ea.'' ARRIVED. Doily B.:aver Packets. that body. It will be seen, that these two gentlemen' -------------------- compassed be a substltia brick unall. The recepta- 1 accept the nomination rendered them by the Conven- I 12:-:--5' A letter ill the New York Tribune., dated des for. the dead arc sower ) y different from what we are Miug,t Chief, Deviancy. Wheeling. "Keokuk, 'lma Territory. Ariz 27th, state:, that during „ accustomed to in this section of the country, that I was • DEPARTED. tion, i u teams, too, that will give them enhanced claims . upon the supporeof the D,,mocracy of the state, The this Spring and Summer the Mormons hove had great forced to notice their sinzularity. They am built of ; - *Daily Beaver Packets. reply of Mr. CLARKE had not yet been received, butt additions, principally from England, symptoms of dis- brick all above ground against the wails, and through- I North Be McClain, C. it is understood, that he also accepts the proffered loyalty to Joe Smith, are already becoming . apparent, out the enclosure in row, three or fourstories high, and t Allegheny Belle, Hans, do. honor. That these nominati ons will b e sustained on ' and there are many who do not hesitate openly to man- in block. like buildings. They are called ovens, and ! All boats marked thus (*) in the abot e list, am pro v ii the second Tuesday of October, by a majority of 20 to , treat it. resemble somewhat ia their appearance the ordinary ; tied with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent' theendosion ! of steam boilers.. 30,000, is hot, we believe, sincerely doubted by any t : baker's ovens. They arc , about 13 inches square at 1 JAMAICA. sagacirma politician of either party. ' . the mouth, and the saute width the whole depth. Into ---------------------- zos By the schr. Alicia, arrived at New Orleans on the Fire! Fire!! these the coffins are shoved, and the outside closed in 15th from Kingston, the editor s of the Bee have recei il-The Firemen's Committee of Inspection will with a slah of marble or slate, on which is the inscrip meet on Saturday next, (30th inst.) at 12 o c1,;4, pre red the Jamaica Despatch of the 2d inst. It contains on the Parade Ground, Liberty street. I thin. The prices fixed are $d each, and $4 a foot for a diagram of the burnt distriet,representing the ravages I ground to build upon. I wandered through the ground 1 cisel Y' of the firm, of the 2Gth ult., destroying in its progress ! upwards of an hour, and found ma: yof these ove ' ns un- The Secretor, clench Company will have his repot accurately made out, stating thecoudition ofhh Engine , lone-third of the city, and property to the amount of. occupied ready for sale. It is customary to prepare and Reel, number of feet (ribose, wants orate comp:- £500,000 currency, equal to $2,250,000. The fire it i extensively in this way every Year before the sickly sea . . I appears was confined to the south-east quarter of the ny, number of men on parade, Sze. I son comes on. city; nearly the whole of the various blocks of buildings DANIEL M. CURRY, Sec. of Com. There arc no towering monuments, or sodd engraves, .er' 23 comprised between Milk :street, Water lane, Hanover !or planted tombstones, ore aults, or neatly fenced in and Golden streets, and intersected by Lombard and family lets, as meets the eye in our grave yards. One Thomas streets, were burnt to ti: ground, bosid''s live ' 1171 himself, while looking upon the scenes or six six squares on Sutton, East,Queen and Law's s tr,:ets; !fore - him, among a strange people and in a strange in addition to which many other tenements suffered t severely. HARRISIIUMGET, Sept. 5. 1843. GEN TLENEN:— In pursuence of a resolution adopted by the Democratic State Convention, we herewith en close you an authenticated copy of the proceedings thereof. Pres. Elcdore, _ 1 4 1, ••• • '~~. ,~,;: ,rte ;v ~. ~^ .. I The Despatch says:— The committee for the relief of those reduced to des titution by the late fire, met yesterday and continued distributing flints during the day. The Firewardens aro still indefatigably following up their enquiries relative to the origin of the late fire.— From all we hear, no clue to irxendiarism has been found. The examination of rogues, vagabonds, and mon sters in the shape of men, who have been taken up for robberies during, our late misfortunes, continm.s un der the direction of M-. Frinco.,—we sincerely hope transportation will follow every conviction. zr .:Y . ;:;;: countrti• I noticed the names of ''veral from this place, who "paid the debt of nature" /a the Crescent city. And the following. su full of simp:l:ity, and yet sn yen - comprehensive, I could not help making a memo randum of. It was chiselled iu thn annexed order: POOR CAROLINE. _ _ JOSEPH RALSTON. Messrs. Editors:—Flaying noticed hi your paper of September 9th, an article sinned by Joseph Ralston, one of the Delegates from ;ltd itin Tcwnship, to the Democratic Convention, held in the city of Pittsburgh, Augunt 30th, in which the writer declared that his col- , 1 , leave. Thomas B. Putty rson, had yi dated his iustruc- 1 for such fdlia:;''' ` 1, 1• Be it ordained, k.-.. That the City Trea,snret tinn—l'atter.i.on immediately repli• d that he was pre• lie.. -' n . nd he is hereby desired and recptired to keep as pared to maintain his position with youehers, and he ) reserve as a special fnad. to ho called the "Gas Fond," next (by appc.iired in th i Marnia,7 Post, with a vindi ,•-s that shnii hcroafter be paid into the city cation of himself, hacked by the testimony of Aaroa i ail the' morn . t by the Tr•tsze ---• of the Pitt . bur_di Gas Works. Whitiker, Josepri" \Veit anti Cii.irlei Che?sMarl, WllOl t""rl7. he received in pay:neat of the notes or other w were decidedly of opinion lima, as they are now, that ! ur mI Y p•i•dted liy tiPrn in the city tr.-a,:ury; together the instructions given extended no further than to the ! eurd ''''' d ' 1 pith e....y m iney! that mtyli i received by him in pry- for Congress. Oo the 9th 'September, ap ; meat ior any stuns in the said zon trans; sold by him, peareti the IlktVO. notized article of R tiston'n, declaring 1 •i fur; her that all warrintn liere,ilter drawn by the that our sic/tome:it wa s rose, and zot up for the purpose i .I.llyar it/ pariaant:e. of t o 2 Si7Ctll srrlian of the orclin• of covering Pattersou's treachery. Thin statement of :lance townie!) this ordimince in supplementary, shisll Rlls.tou's is entirely erroneous.; we .. dear that it was eot lto paid out of the special 6,- "gas fond," and charge up by us. for immediately after the charge against Pat- to the same. ternon wan made, we were each of 1.13 ready to give our i 3i. Be it ordained, &7., That Within four weelts 11 ; 1 .1/i0:4S as ub WC, without consultation with each inn after the Tint-ter il iy= on w'ii-ali paymeat for the gluk Sr. It wan not, ther.unre, preeonc,arted. Now I would 1 1 consnmed become s due and payable, that in to say the ask this great moral champion of political bonesty, of March. June, September anti December, unit)) and iategrity, what he intended by malting. these • first days i ; n each and every .%-ear, the trustees of said works' shall awful di ed.inure, in Convention! and wit-at imPortant (t exas requisitions to the Mayar, au th orizing the city services he intended to render the party? Did ha er.- , t. . 1 to ttoi4 . l „, ta tL , norttb , c a id , cri ,-., d , i „ c „,,,,,,,._ 1 t,,, to transfer from the said sT.ecial or gun fund 1 qr.:, t'n:- eity treasury sindi potnio:l of said funtl;as they 'don! if he did, he dec% i.-ed hira.,..f. Did he expect to deem eNpedient, after providing for the current ;tin ~ i, ...iiititnial a tunnel' , if f/a. , 1,13 at home! he is i nor: ill , 1,, Li, 5...,,emi-d an ,h.ihi,oni humbist: oo ce:pennes of said -ms wurhs until the quarter day next enemi.-A. DLL it-' ;••:.p eat to real .r impurtaat service i . t ile[' such transt.r. ,•;) the poi iy itt M:dlto tow.)%ulip' by his anhecomile • , 4th. „ Be it ard , ai '"" . ' l ' &---":•• That ' 4 ” cit y tre rt „,,hc id ( ..., ,,,..„„h.,i, h,.. his ii,- ,!stet aA divided tt,t - r Si all pre.ent to the l'0711:11:ttPta I/!! t.t.:.” accounts as - -te,oegth. Did %-on 11 , :t I:' hi s 7 1:a1:1.T `l Clued, a ' all :" arid !' the eremaii i" ^ a falaile' as ofieri a s the y i may ralorn. it, a full and emrect ntatertiont of the re- - I. , di:lar from M iiii 1 T•cvo -• hip for th a Mlle , . of Coml. payments on aceount of the said special of ''..' Tr - t4'" . . ,, r, ''' i'` ' ,'" I hallo: as is repored! If ...-), i e " irit '''' a ' d on did film w:1i , :13 you war . not iantruLd•_..l t ) do, ac- i 1-.2 '..'. 1 ,""';.; aordiaz to your own declaration, and left mulone that i ' t. ' "' i i "r"'iil-A• &C . That 5,1 notch of th e pro. visions of any ordinances now in for ne conflicting here• which you were C Ol lllll/nded t.) dn. Now, in crincin -ins, Ire have only to nay, th.st should aou reoiy to this ' With ' he, a aii the '''''''''' are her eby re net Orillined and enacted into a law is councils, this ir:ic.',e, it 1, tn he k..m.,1 Ilya yue will omit your . bully-' ing lan;itaze and fainchools, er ws shall treat it with , 251 h day of September, A. D. 1343. homeniriz come opt. CHAS. CHESSMAN. I WM. EICLIBAUM. President C, nimmi Council. .l'ul'u Township, Sept.2lst, 1d43. 1 E. J. 11011::RTS, Cik Common Council. JOHN SHIPTON-, A. MILLAR, Cl ' k S,A President Select Council. act Ceillarri!._ sin - ~~. - . Died September 4,1339 Only 23. FREDERICK ‘VILKINSON Died 3lar 2:2, 1841. Agcd 27 years. Poor Freaerick, the lot ‘VIIA thine. Full soon to f/liow Caro:ine. Poor Caroline, th}• hu,);:,d sic,•p3 Beside thee, and nolonccr Receive, receive, oh, Power Divine, Poor Frederick and Care Alerand;•ia Gazefic ,~:,~, " - T A Card. I; subscribe; respes•tfility informs his customersl. and the puhiic iu gent-111, that he ha3justrecei ved the Fall and 11'in/rip Fashions, and would bo hap py to wait on his frhnds at his Shop, corner of Foarth and .)I.lt ) setitreets, (up stairs.) sept2t3-3til GEORGE A R 110 R. Allegheny ss. 11 the matter of the estate of RODMI.? L.S. doe'd. And now, Sant. 16, 1013, on motion of Genrze P. Hamilton, the money considered in Court and Robert iVocls appointed Auditor to disk tribute proceeil: of sale. By the Court. THOMAS FARLEY, Clerk. N niler h .raby,.7:von to all pergons interested-, that I will attend to the duties assigned to mo by thr Court in the above ea , ,e, at my office on Grant street. Pitt burgh, on the 30th of Oct.. 1813, at? cr,lock, r. x. sapt 26-3wd ROLIT. WOODS, A odium CZAn Ordinance tii'PLEMENTA RY ro d 'I i !1 Ordinonne passed 27th April, 1835, entitled as 0 ,- iliaancre for the coo. srri ctioa and rnank-ement of the Pittsburgh Gas Work:. Be it Ordained and I.:nricted, by tbe eitl7o7lSnf burgh, in Select and Common Councils ngsembled, That the Tru. , tecs of tiv: said l'itt-btrrgh Gas Works, shall boncelnnvird ! into the City Treasu ry, to thoeff-dit of said Works, all moneys arising from the sale and rent of Oaf: Fittinzq er metres, and all noses or neocr i:!curizios ruw may receive in payment FOP. TY.I.P POST n dinance Ct LieniiME NTIIII. Or to an Ordinance relative to Duquesne Way. I Szertox 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the citi zen, of - Pittsburgh. in Select and Cc - annm Councils n iriribled, That from and after the passage of this Ordin-inco, an mind or hetvedings subject to wharfage, shall be charged at the rate of 24 cents per 1000 feet ritimin , y, measure. Svc 2. 8.. it ordained. &e., That all shiaalea shall for each 400 . 3 hr eharzed The same as ]OOO feet of boards, and to enable the Wharfnia.uer to collect she ‘vharfaze with more eertaintr, all lumber, both before and after the sale thereof, shall be h Id liable for the wharfap.. Svc. 3. Be it ordaineil, Sc., That so mu:h of the Ord;:mne,, relative to Diriuesar Way,. passed "Jane 26th, 13.13, IL: is herrho altered or stnplle4 l , #>e itna the came is hereby repea:ea. Ord lined and oirul:4l i.uo a law in Councils, thh 25th day of September, A. 13. 1g43. EICHBAU3I, E. J. RODfiltT3, el Pro.itient n on Council k eornman CouN cil. JOHN SHIPTON, Pro , id ,. .nt Select Council. t. littLArt.Crk Sekct Council." sep2B-3t T IN Ti: CHANNET