. • . • - • .._ - •-•'- . k . - . . -••- • . - . . . -• ' - .z• - • -...-''"",5,"..." - 4,- -,... ..., ~..::.,-",,:• .....- ~Q ...•' ~...,-:,' ••' i s ,7 !, - .. , =.- -- - r' " ?"-.' .r p. , ,... , .' -- - ' , • , ..,••, - •:' ,!...,,.... .: 1. -- • '.. , " :•• ."•,..,.. ' -,.'." ^.,''' .' •, v ~.., ,''. ! : V'...7:61 - .. . ' • ..' '' "..- -.` ; ' 'ol4' ' "'" .• " - 'l,- ,`-. ~, -.. :. -re.: r .. ft,,,,,.. -c . '....ii....k 4,-...,: - .„...r.'=": ~,, ~ .....ci•- . ... - ....2,ii:"..-.' .. ,;.,,.;,..,.^: ~-, ~'.., -- ' .7,,--A-,,..-, , ,,t-• : .,-,-....,-- , 5.-. -- ~,„•.,.: • - - -- , „,,•yr: „,. -;•_„_;„-,.,,,,, :- ,--: • - - i3:: .-. zrwr" 3- -* - F-•;,: -- 4.•,:f:' - --..:, , -;f?. , e '' '• r' , 4.-- .. "4 - - - - - --t-• • ••••'. 0 , ---. -.;,!•"..- - • - . ,-- 1 . :r.• -•„;:: , ',.•ffri, ;..•-,-; -...;-.•.-Ifr., - .".',. '- - --s-''' . ..• - • ' :-.,.',..::, *-'''';'-'--. t.. " ':. .....-:-„7: ,- - ,•'•.;" .- . . . _ ..-- .. .. . _ t • . - ....,s yr - 44- r, - z.- • • - - - 4 , '" - -- . - ;t `..-... r..-:.... -, . . , . - y .. , ; • , , . ..- r • . . .. . n. -- -- - - -.- -- - . - p, . ~.. . , . _ 4 ..... . • • ~, . . , ..: Ao . ,-.... _ . . I if:s I rg -I) m . Ornin ...._. ... . .. .• ~.,._ . •,,......„ ..,• ..,_ i____,.._....-_,- ~ •. . . .........„. .:._, lIIIIIK - .., , . . OD -- "'"'" °° - .1-1 PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER -.A.NIs . UNI, PAYABLE IN . ADVANCE,. •-_,-.- PR , . --. li ICE TWO CENTS - . ._ ,t-taburgl rictilu 4}llorting "loot, & k pectfully , city and .•• • . 'in,t, ,ced the BO THE BREAKING HEART. ' ..',... -ty, I street, opp 4 111 TANTROBOOII . .!. Milian in son . - - • ne Eastern ci 'Twas morning - , and the golden sun, the best Fre Was thrOugha half-drawn curtain streatning, . ....., - - .!K by his attend°, With such a mellow light, that one _ ... Might swear from fairies' eyes' twaa*twinrw, --- .; patronage. 01% And on a maiden's face it fell. ,••ationised him 1 atv Half roused flotn test, and half reclining, !...' • . a with confiden , l'i irk and ltnowled As though it loved to linger well. S P. KERF Upon a cheek tiostnooth and shining. One small tvhitehand upheld her brow, . ~..:., Her arm the Yielding pillow pressing, _ -.,-- loot and Shoe i. , the /vat/. of 1.,' 'hit] While over a deck like stairtleis - snow; • . -.- .. J. -:-' Flowed many a truant tress, caressing; naving bought oat t Her eyes!—alas!—those orbs were hid 11 . c Thomas ltalTerty,(l 'Neatltherclear frog-era, softand tapers --_,... :2 ...tt .1 , i11e ,, at the ,dd stun, She might have Wept, but if she did, - 4- , . seetite all description: Long ere it fell, the tear was vapor. -_ n ~ . l'tt grief that maiden's heart had wrung, - 0...5.. manner, and on ti.e sh, And sorrow bowed herspirit's lightness,. .- tly on hand a lar_o• tis-ort N -criptions, and of the be: For o'er her sky, impending, burgmage of the public, and of A;Adcaulorukdlythianth;ehr NV.I - David Clark, Agit., d al e troubled i tr ‘, s , e b r e ri breast, g au h 1 11 g 5 . Tears!—Tears are easily repressed, • . Sad thoughts nf a dt o re : C, When the poor tortured heart is breaking! And what had thus that-fair girl stirred!— -:-,, - ‘. What ruthless hand her hopes been crushingSss. .y. Whatburning, wrong, what scornful word, . , The music of her soul been hushing?— Had some stern 'parent's voice severe, . Forbade a love she might ncn trifle,— 1 Or had some heartless one=-too dear,-- With her fond feelings dared to trifle— No .:, —'Tway a grief mom deep and cursed, r ''.. , . .., 0 I ° . :, ~ Than faithless love, or chiding mother, 1, 0, 51 ,0 1 , ii , , , 1t , Last night her faithless bustle burst, in iINI l' lt IL ' .11'-',- And she'd no bran to stuff another : ••,--.:, n ' i r .0 - iii 7 • 4 , . I .. - 1., 1 .; V:.lf Vlnilllllk awaking, , 74-1.--.41.,.,.., ; ,: - Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cheap for Cash. i „V. , :-;, F.. , .•( ,'• Ta . . , 1t*• , •r. , ..11'0:21 Ma rAct. P.: 11 _ I - I .N . rt - ., , , i-,.„l.t,,1:1:1Ittlf•lt Ittror a I•et k„„'•-•-....w- . . t. ••-•-• revi -- •• .. . 1 / ,, ,,„ ii , atlaili .. ~. •_,! • t r .:-.1!.• ',l 1, ca. .1i,•5', , C - t iti'df • •,:s tu l al. , .411, ,-,•-,- _ .. .-: 1 \ Ls , : :••-too•., tall --.. them else or ci,so th. - P" -....,...-,...."aa c 3.! 1,- 14/u2. 1 ,1 in to : oay. lie wi'l keen constant - - .....t...t.v• i,-1.,„. ; \ ~;', Laud and rnalsefr ts ot der Ladios' 5.10 ,-. 3 ef all . kiwi- amt color . et --..-ty low price-, of the following --• . '--..rs--_2, 'i-t. : Lathes' I.:ti:_t; Foxed llttitor lioots, ttl-75 .-- best quality Kid or lordceoGaiters, 1 50 ,-..L. -....., . , Caif..l..iii flu..-. 1 371 ' Foxed Half Gaiters, all uolms. 1 37. ••,'' I- it kid and Moron Luskin. 1 181 Double F.,..i c a siip r ,,, (Jeff.) 1 1111% ~- foe Kid Springs cutd Trims. Lest qtral.l 00 - . Siving•, hest, 371 slippers, 75 .„ 62i ,ant., , d. Mi e -,,si atlCitil- -fr. ..• . RETBLISLIED DAILY, BY PHILLIPS & SMITH, AT THE NORI PUBLISHED BY .-- - - TiIiONLAS PHILLIPS & WM.B. SMITH, N. W. corner of I'Vood and Fifth, Streot, , TERN . s,--Five dollar a yoar, payable in itava.nc.• siii g kecr e ies Two CENTS --:or 5'1.12 :It d i cou:iter of the Office, airtdby News Boy,;. ILike• Weekly Mercury and Itlanufacturer lkibliihea at the same Mike, on a double Inclium sheet, st swo DOLLARS a year, ia advaac.,-. Sin de: co,pres, SIX CENTS. _:.,.. TERMS OP AIDITEETWING. P . SQUARE OF TWELVE LES . T.'S OR LESS: Oaeirvie' rtion, ,i 0 50 One month, $5 00 Zero :do., 075 Two do., G 00 Three 4u., '2 110 Thr,todo., -, 700 akil6 : week, 150 1. 7 o - Jr do., 300 Two 10., 300 Six do.,- 10 DO 7r4r00 so., , 400 One year, 15 00 YEARLY ADVERTISENIENTS• CHANGEABLE AT PLEASURE. One Square. TWO Squlzre3. Siaraeaths, $l3 00 Six mouth;, $123 00 Ono year, . 23 00 One yo:ir, 33 00 rir Larger nlvertisemonts in p r oportion. CARDS of four lincs Dou.Atts a year. Estaplie Officcs, &c ruiV Post Dice. Third new cen Market anl \V 0,.,1 s;t: ttets 7 --R. M. Rititilv, To,l mastt r. Cstxfous hrolt;e, glow frout builairig:—M - xior Jolla Willu.tk, Coth-etor. City Treaviril. NV rit , - t. au 1 tiecon.l ar,u2l3—Jaut .s A. B Tr•.l-• , :c.u.. • Coun'.y I're,z.u/ rq, Third tit•xt ilooi• to Ow Thin Church—S. 11. .Tollostuu, Tr:.:t3u• Tilf• • .•• - • Mugor's QJece,F march, between 3,la.A.et and WOotl uraeta—Aloxander Thy, Mlyor. /kardiones Exchange, Fourth near .".Vlarket BANKS: Pi'tsurgh, b 111.iritet and Wood streets on fhira Fourth _Merchants' afu1.,11 , 14 alq.ctr. , rx . and Farmer; Dc ps "Jilt -Bank, Savinq Fund,) Fe hotween -Wool And M teiet stre:t4. Exchange, Fifth St. near Wood. HOTELS. lifunonxal‘ela didasr, \Vat r street, ncnr tlo Bridge. EzelanyelLitel, corner of Penn ;I:ut St. Clair. '-idtrerchan/2:' ifile/, cornor of Mira and Wool. recan /10td,ertrarolThinl:uilS 7 nitlf f ie ld. Limited States, corner of Penn st. Canal Spread Ea L rle. ~ , tr,n.t, near cad). - itfiller'a 3fansiou id.;!(•:, , , 2riy opposite Wityne. Braiscifiltr‘rs .I.lan , L)ll Ifolusc, Penn Si., onosittt • Inp,rtaat to 0 7711C53 Of S3IAT 'l S:•tteN. s:lty wlii( 0 :1 }nye been s 9 fully tlitc...rent part,: of tlr ll.tit d ittr a: w .11 tho of Pitts burgh and \!l.-. 4 -hony, cin be in ni rratilm at numb of a: Mr. NN irk- cttjjltm'; mill:, ti on Penn street: at Bownrin & (lam- bera's mills, near the tipper britl..re, and 1 , .at Morrison'.; mills, ah Hare's I..s"and. and other-..- 111.3 shayr 0..en . ..1 m taiti.ie ran be ob.. 1in0..1 a: \V. \V. t on.r; v no:tr where it is tie . i all tir. in t ii is Nvi,l b.• kept c rts.ta all nn .1-in(.l.‘. to I; W. V. Walla MR:* Evans' Chamomile t s. A BliAti.A.lo. CLE:SIEB, )1,,“ str,4. s t, N .w ith in 14 a -.;_tr.iya, w r i_ In iti olvnt 11"alic:ho, d 'teartlrira, pia in tin. tdr•st :.an -do-n.1 , 11 iiNvay , Lictor ea.l lA., int riired a7p0tt0..., ..itilsityz at the atoll - Ludt, f 2 urrod tonz-n^, widi 11- •II: tosiSards niA.Lr and r..st.le.. , noss. These had cantinuA upwarits 0f a twolvcitiontii. when, ea .c.onSttitilor Dr. Wrn. Evans, 100 Chatham ,treet, and 411bIllittillg to hi: ever stwee“fill and . alreaable niJide of treatment, the patient «at comp . :et - 01y restored to itemithin the ,hurt ,tparl.-0101le 121011111. :LA ffrateful for - the incalculable benefit &Tired, iai.i cause forward area volunteered the abovostatein-nt. For sale, whole sale and retail, by E. SELLERS, .Aeent. aep 10-y No. 20, Wood reet, ir‘low '.4?con,L Pease's tloarhoun. an. • . TUTTLE- has received this day troll New York, afresh supply of the above cc:O-wed cum fur Coughs, CuldsanaConsumptious; and is roady to sup ply customers at wholesale or retail, at Lis Agency, 86 Fourth st... TION . 1,2 :Batter Bargains than over, at the Three Big Doors. Ttubs.criber would r _tspectfully inform his en , - RE tonicr's and the public geoerally, that notwithioad lag the unprecedented sales at the Three Bi t , I), tor, - .. Reaie Washiairton„Attorttcy at Law, ./1 - 11 , n. , in /31 1 1 / 4 1nv,IrslAtilding,(4ant street. I'ilt~Uu. alt nnv 5,18 l _ . John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Law, rvw.ler uf uitLG 11ar11'if:l:atWO . ... Pit t-hurgh. r •aro will he pr.quiv.lv ft•I) 16—v _ William Eld.cr. Attorney at Law. Ofiir • in Sec Khl (-uric,. • w. 4N-us smi:liiiebt, north ski , . Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, Pitt Alktri.! Pa, (1 . 11 - 1.1: •tr "Pp k3l I:. AI gi‘o h: , ltlon tioo-to m> hr, , ho•-4, al.d 1 r..commool him tothe pacru:;:tge of nn NV nell 10-y , .11,T1:11 F...)1:1V 1111). aniel Dl'. Carry. attorney at Law, ()TN' IVood ,V,41 Robert Porter, Attorney at Law, • (.0:3 •! uL F , , 1701 t•wp Jaason & .T.'lanzgia, Attorneys at Law, .•• . • I .1 a•-t, .01Li rlr iv. rk:-•111 au . 17-s. lEftayy Q. 117.3.7raw,Att2raay at Law, o .1 111 J. D. Creigh, ti.tta=cy at Law. 11 . -2,1 t ; -N L. Zia:per, AttarAkir and Counsellor at Law, P. ill a t tir• vorli .•1 r rnrac I - a Tl. l ' II T !it. •t- (;11"1' T , 1 4 1 - 11%1W1 1 -. .111.111.1,5, tO.l, S:J11, :,nth It': Uc. 11 r}" P. T o Ator,ef r. ) 41: c e r Fit 'Nit 7. .luAu Ha ryw T. 1). 7'. ,Il r c , • E. Morrow, Aldcrrasa, otEc. north :lido of Filth t wet , I'int4inroi. .t , ilo-11" Magistrates Blanks, Fuirpkormaing , . in attarlunfint 1110 lac law, for ot this. otiir,- iv IL') Shrill Fictitious, Notices, &c., To 1)011,,•il prilitea ou g ona ri NT, acid iti I lag ' t .,, rru- , 4ipproved by I. ('our`. ,t 114! Dr. S. rt. Uolmcs, (Mice in Spc,,nd ,:trPot, neNt i 1 it .0) Mq',“.tny r„.. SP;' Dr. A. w. Patterson. Offire 011 SMllllllol,l,lro,q. thirst lair fi'.+lll the cnru••r ut siXth +ltret. ~ , e 1) 1t) U. D. Sellers, M. D., Office and dwelling in Fourth street, war Fet.t-y, Pittsburgh- Sep 13-: Ward & Mut, Denthrts, ,tr , iet, a I;iw 1:elow St. Clair . ip 6, 1813 Doctor Daniel racrileal, °trice nu Fifth F.trcrt, luqween and Squithl stivot:, Pitt_:hurrh• deo 10—v d - . • HAILNIAN, JENNINGS & CO., COTTON TARN WAREHOUSE, Nry. 13, Wood Street, Agenta for the ,alO a the Eagle Cotton Fuetory Yarns. 17—y _ WILLIAM 11. WILLIAMS . !Was DILWORTH. Williams &Dilworth, IVitolesale Grocers, Priduce and Commission NI, c hants, ittid Dealers iu Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar ticleA, No. 729, Woad strain'. scp 10—y NEW GM - MS.-7-P RESTON & ACK EY, TVltole , ale and Retail Dealers in English; French and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 31, Market street, Pittsburgh. scp 1.0-y_ _ , _ J. G. & G01(I)ON, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Water ,•treet, Pitt Antrgll. e p 10—y_ BIRMINGHAM & CO. Commission and Forwarding CO. , No. 60, Water street, Pa. TF. 11.31 —11:-ceivin'g and shipping, 5 teats per 10016=. Conunissimon purclinse, h n 24 per cent mar 211—y Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, H ug hes, Manufacturer cf Iron and Nails Warehouse; No. 25, Wood st.. Pittsburgh, Sep 10-v ----- HALLMAN, JENNINGS & CU., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro 4nl duce,Merchants, dealers in Pit/Slatroah Meaufactures. inar 17 No. 43,Wcwait.reet.Pittsbor, • 30IINSON & DUVAL, Bookbinders and Paper Itulers, Continue btli•ines3 at thew late of M'CantileEß Johnson. Every de3cription of workin their line ne, ly and prorr;rtly, executed.. ;nay 8--y THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1843. Nicßul.A.,3 D. COLEMAN...._. LLOYD IL Clowt9s. Colcman& Co., Central A gents, Forwarding and Commission, Mc rcha Levee„Street, Vicksburg, Miss.. They respectfully licit cons n 22—tf LEMCEL WICK Tolls D. Wicx L. & J. D. WICK, Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce, 116 Wood .9treet, 1 doors above Fifth st., may 15 PittAbunfh. Pa. EAGLE GROCERY STORE. TAM' LLOYD, Jr., Whol. , .:nle .ind Rctail Gut). e,•r and Fruiterer, No. 110 Liberty t•trrct Pitts bur ;h. may t.lO. Birmingham & Co., AcENTS FOR STEAMER CLEvELAND AND CLIVELAND LINE NI Li. h'3 --- John 11. Eirant, Wholcsalc Grocer, Dcah-r in Grain, Charral Forwarding and Com rii,:sion Merchant. 11;irriiburgh, Fn. Avl L of all good:. : , ,ezit forCutlitni7it , ion, - Sale:i at the 10w..,t carnmi:iion rate 4. Rrt°ea Phi/a.—.l. Sr, . ,D 3 I.,!rch &Co. Minimore—W.Wiun &co, tierr,.l . Elder. Her rri4burgh—.Mich'i 1311r1;c,1 Antes,J M. iluldman. july .1011NsIoN & sTocKToN, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Iffakers, N... 37, M.rher stre , n. •pp la john Anderson, Smithfield Foundry, 1V aul. -4! er. , t, to-a, tile ~ ,p 10-v MonA - B. 1.,t• • Thos. D. Young & Co. nir.itur..‘V , Lr• 11,01L:e - . ri•I'1 0 11 , i,IIIFW ti) it I , lvalit Ago • c..eivo us a call. being cal v. c eon :Dd pries , it! _ I \ I) t., Wire Workers ana Wire Manufacturers, N. :VI tr. .,t I4'lll Exchsn:e Hotel, t , 1 0 rilkington's Unrivalled Placating. II Am . y.k( tvi,l 11 ` I; .• T, Cl-0, To.ra..s Par arson. jr.. .:r I: 114- : t/ ir;;lfitcwr, r 1,..Z6:2..! 3 411. , I t••, • Sohn IMl'Clo3kcy. Tailor and Clothier. `'V,34 • I.J Webb Closey'd Boot awl Shoe Manufactory. 1_ 1 • - t i it ; 1 :I' t i t • -ry it) Wiili Doherty, ~. 71 \ I L'0:11 ;1;1,i :si•tli 1 , 11-4:111. _ - John Cartwright, (1 t:T .‘. I • I • r 14. .0,../rc. . • t ~! ts, Ballo , 111.11, .1 Si war. , , S vl.llor • . Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale. A IL'Ely ••f 1.1 t:11c 101,1 Poplar Enptir , C. canwi, lu q , twirth.. jy Dr. Good's Colebratcd Female Pills. rti Est: swc,gly rcratnm-nded th•• 11.06, , of 'LS mme,ly ii) r ,•yn roinplankt- thvirs , x, from of the They oh, .1. 41 t•llW , t.'nlet all 11:1,1..1iC.:11 4:1 1. • l•T:.l`i. :zoinoti tho ti"!I 01'• Ili: , 6'16;11 , 4 i. 111.. V lilt, anti n.nuv Moi!,,r4 For sul, N'O'Tnt .."01 . ) 10 \0..'0, ~ hr. low S,voti Notice to Dr. Drandrotteo Agents, ru , 11 othee in Pio shurg 11. ts Inch was established for _ltic porpo-e of constitutine agents in the west, ha \ in;: a e.•oniplished that ouieet, is now closed, and Mr. G. 11. LEI:, in tier Diamond, Market s tr e et, nlr pointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Lini ments. All Dr. Brantlreth's agent; will, therefore,un derstand that Dr. 13. will .end a travelling agent thrent4hthe country once a year to collect monies for sales made and re .apply agents. The said traveller willbe provided with power of attorney, duly proved the Clerk of the city masts Of New York, together tt ith all the nee , x an'N oleshers and papers. Mr .1..1. Yoe is my traveling agent now in Penu.syl i Vlllllll. B BB ANDRETII, M. D. 1 N. B.—ltementber, Mr. (.1 . 11. LEE, in the rear of the M ar ket is ate my only Pittsburg},. .lone 14 p_Laving been afflicted for nearly two years. With. a hard XVVCllifig on the cap of my knee, whlch produced innch pain, awl 11,4%i various applications recommended by the faculty—all in vain, WEL4 cured completely by the n:e of one bottle of Dr. llrandreth'6 linament, or external remedy. JAMES .T AY LOIL 11 itue+, my lewd, Ohio tp., Allegheny cm l'a. Jan. 10,1840. Dr. Brandreth'v external remedy or linament; said at the store of GEORGE IL LEE, Pittsburgh, price 50 cents per bottle. feb Dr. Dochter's Pulmonary Preservative/. F OR cough 4, coldtt; intluenzaQ, catarrhs, whooping eotoz.ll, ;pining of blood, pain in the breast, alt d'ii•ear=e4 of the breast and lung 4, alidarreitof approach intreow.timption. NVarranted free from mercury and nth r zni Tic B. I' AI IN ESTOCK & ,ly Ir 2 • • Agents for Pittsburgh.. William C. Wall, Plain and Farley Portrait and Picture Frame Maitufacturer, No. 87, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. AN V ASS brushes ,varnish, Sze.. , for artists, always unhand. LooliinFr &e., promptly fie. n:cdt 0 order. Repnitin; (bine at tlw shortestnatice. Particular attentionpaid to regilding and jobbing of every de.icriptinn , Persons fitting sutmimats or houses will find it to their a dvantage to mill sop 10-y DORT RAIT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port rail. Painter, Fourth it., 3d Ftory Burk'f , Buil ding J. 0..b0rt,. uculrfrorn those who desire Portraits can he are a: hi rt nn . y S. V„A.SCIS L. uurNo t. I r 1 . 4 P.lll N SMITH Facts. nion Cotton Factory REPLCED. Cheap for Cash.— I PRIC E Long Red Furs. 300 at B,} cents per dozen 6W) at 7A do 700 at 6, a, $OO at 5i do 900 at 5 du 101)0 at 5 do Shod R& Yarn. No. 5 at IS o.4perib 6 at 15 a" 7 at 15 do' 8 at 13 do .9 at 15 do 10 at 15 do 11 at 15 do 12 at 15 do 13 at 16 do 14 at 17 do 15 at 18 do tit 19 do 17 at 20 do 18 a: 21 do 19 at 2:2 do 20 at 23 do Candlewick at 15 eentiper lh Corn. Batting, S do Family dh., 121 do Carpet Chain, '2O do Cotton Twine, '2.8 do Stocking Yarn aid Cover let, Yarn alwayi , on liana. Cotttak Warps matte to or kr. ' attynacil to, if left at .1 Sz. C. eay'.ortheroAtOalre:address K. NIOOIIIIEID & CO. reOrdr prompt I . Painter's,Logun &Ken! f"2.7 .T PITTSBURGH Circulating and Reference Library. OF religious, historical, political and miscellaneous work', will be open every day, Sabbath except ed, from 7 o'clock . A. M.. wail 9 P. M., in the Ex change building, corner of St. Clair street and Ex change alley, v.lll2rc plinctual attendance will he given by. J. GEM.MIL *0)_10 rrrTsu 1: W..; I I MAN AC TORY. Springs and Axles for Carriages, At Eastern Prices. iitliset titer.; trrinafactnoi and keep coll.:m a lt ly on band Coarh, C and hliptir Srriug ( war ranttql.) Jnyiata Iron Axle Silynr rind Brass plated Drt.sh Frarne4, Itrris and Hnh Bands., Stump Joints, pettfmt Leather, Silver and. Brains Lamps, Tiv.ee fold Stepii, Medicable iron, Poor Handle.; and &e. JONES & COLEND.N. ,terill.o St. Clair st., near the Alle2hony ... q t. fas A° _l l 4 . 1 li. :'• ,43 6 ,P:0-:. 41111 111 1F' :±,...'," ' -,:,-- : l 7 ` , *--r• - ‘, - .oc. i - -- - -- S% ': 1 . _..-. _ - . ..' ..- , ..4 4 ' 4 I El r i•:, - ; 4.. • 4 -- , , s "t . I r-- K., • " ""•' * 711.4%,." 4°. - - Itir t. • t. % , • :'Yap" -- ---.4, - , ItY • '': '''. '''• --4 ; 41-._- - ', 14- • . ' , ..f.''. ~- - •,,--, ‘ - t- __- n.- - . -.- •-• -.- ~i,i r‘dr.? N-vrit Er NIS Sr f r ty r fie cc .C.4:031071 of II cc.,lid 60 commuliity to to-,r tni - .1 that tl-vir •1,(1114. 111111:; n 1-il:l4ll3%elnt II! of {hut /lase Cu, int alt appal - a- ,Ist makirn; toward. a g-i-aeral Intrwtuttion 4 1:y mi men wiio u:Aet , tand the b. - a ,nre pre‘ewa t. -• u slr.'ad f ,ll M.,a•t , rA. Yoa iar.e CAT- I,‘ of !titi,ttata that iiase alr.s ady p:. ye, t 1; it :a'-moat d.uk tK:rarretl4 - 1-. and the 11.-o 1/.1.55 .1 1 ! erl , l hi-en lust, a Nuffi ,.,, i us , . at ti. in , the in:l.6:y for a s.I i's o ttiv.• it thi• • I,a,r to udditioulti tiro you. }i‘.-c OU: 1 1t. Y:.l nut ati . l.4l , rt , I.) 111.1't lII' :It r soh a rIlLIV•illV , Iii l1 2 41.014100 Of lityrra;ity. i:rrt -.1. , 14 :11 , 1 t ,, .I , r , Oil. 1, fut ,arritioe of 1t0,15, ,15 , L.ltaret• %tor , . tiara mioti bay,i ; tIlf•I , 't.6,11“11,1;1.11.511. I toll+4 Ist , ' ..Nlttal, and 55:01. .1:1(1 ns Men. iS (5151' ,ia you run any rick, tlt'. ! ,, V , TT at avoid thos, aeler4. VA ..,•3_;., tior;teki [lwo Pi in the Li,t of .1 rrivAti and Departun,. in arioilwr part of dot ptiper t ?Ise stpplio.i ct ith the S,.fet (..4una - il. /..;se , :t Ih,:st.. 7 :1,,r,..,1 t- .L 1.':,. S,q - r1 y (ht, r 1. • A I, PS, ..71:ii.17,5..... it G .. 1 . E S, JAMES ROSS, AMA R .1N 7.1/. /„,i p Y OF , r, y 0 x s . ADELAIDE, MENTOR. As 1 1 L.l N p . .11 INS TR EL. It !ILI A NT, M A R I E TT A , PR IN 1:7"I•E. MICHIGAN, BREAK IVA TER. 31.1 R QUI: TIT, BR ID(; E 11'.1 TER, MISSOURI !fall, c A pI)0, M VNGO PARK, clc E I: O. ;MESSENGER! e A N . T a N , MONTGOMERY, CUTTER, NORTH RE,N o, rEcELLA, 1 C AS P LI N , NARAGANSETT, 11'1.IP P ER, X I AG A II A, I ('OLUM BUS, OSPRE V. CLEVELAND. ORPHAN BOY, COLUMBIANA, OHIO. prQT,'ESNE, ORLEANS, DUKE of ORLEANS, OLIVE BRANCH, ECLIPSE, PE.NELOPE, EMMA. P ANIMA, ED 117 S EUCKMAN , Q PEEN of the sorra . , i E VEL /NE, RO IVEN.-1, , E g pREss MAIL, lIARIT.4N, i FORMOSA, Si RA 11 ANN, i FORT PITT, SAR ATOGA. ! GALENA, SAVANNA, GENL BROOK, TALLEYRAND, GALLANT. TOBACCO PLANT, IDA. l . IC TR ESS, INDIAN QUEEN, VALLEY FORGE, , , ILLINOIS, WEST TVIND, J. H. BLIES, mar 22 JOHN MeFARLA'NO ' `' bolsterer and Cabinet ' Maker, , c-------TnkUYer. 1114 .1 N w Third st., bctircen Wood and Market, CISEE MMES. wouldrespecifullyinformhis friends Respectfully informs his friends and the public that he 1 1..1 and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies' i,, p r epa r ed to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards, dresses, HabitsandManteli-of every description, black; bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands, hair and and warrants them not to nmut, and to look equal to new spring mattrasses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol goods: He dyes fancy colors (Alan descriptions of silk stering work, which he will warrant equal to any made and carpet yam. Also, clew is and restores the colors of in the city ,aud on rea-ionable terni. _ sep 10 gentlemen's clothing, so as to resemble new goods.. I _ Mr.. H. flatters himself that he can please the public, as he has done an extensive business in New. York for twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his establishment in :ith st., betveen Wood and Smithfield near the Theatre. ;This is to certify that ()SEE HIMES has done work for us,• whiek has fully answered our expec tations, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy. Wm. Barnes, W. B. Boics J. B. Shurtleff, 'Win. Porter, David Hall, H.H. Smith, B. F. Mann. Henry Javens David Bores, A. Shoekcyjr. Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera, 1 George Barnes. ap 20 Naylor & Co.'s Best Refuted Cast , THE tiodcr,igned, ag,,oits for the abooicelebrated stamp of Stucl, will alWay6 keep on hand an as sortment of the sonic, consisting in Bestrefinedcast Steel,squaseci,tint,round and octagon, do do do do FLXC temper, EX tra do do do for nail cutters, Best do Double and Single s Shear steel, I;nr,lish Blister, German, Granite; Wedge and Craw- RINDING AND POLISHING —"Sul Irons ley Steel, at wholesale, by the case, or in smaller lots 1.--11- around and polished, anvils. and other k:r.ds of CD suitpurcha.ser::. LYON, SHOR. WoodD, grincllng done at the Cast St -24-3rn root of oostrprt per of Llbert)..a CERTIFICATE To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh. ITHE subscriber most respectfully informs the gentlemen of this city and® vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite tho Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some of the most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and having furnished himself with the best French and American calf skins, he hopes by his attention to busi ness to meat a share of public patronage. To those, gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns his sincere thanks, mid can with confidence appeal for the goodness of his work and knowledge of his business. P. KERRIGAN. may 11. William Adair, Eoot and Shoo Maker, Liberty st. opposite the head of Sil:itklield. jThe subscriber having bought oat the,, o d”i' ~-tock of the late Thomas ltalTerty,decewed,has commenced business at the ,tld itatyl of Mr. R., and is prepared to ettecuto all descriptions of work in his line, in the best manner, and on ti,e ,hortezt notice, Ho keeps constantly 01111:112 :l nu - re a,,:ortment of shoe findingr, of all detwription, , , and of thP best quality. Ile solicit: the patront;e of the public and of tho craft. ~, r , 10—y WM . ADAIR, IFASHION BLE BOUT MAKER, has removed to No. 31 Market start, between Second and Third st poet=. where he would he happy to see his old customers. and tdl oth , in-, who feel disposed to pa tronise Ern. 11 u:r; nothing but first rate stock, and employs du! best of workmen; and as he given his con stant per49nal attention to business, he trusts that he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage sep 10 S}loei tna 1.. , v 1; drrne in the e,ani" r7,R r,n , ro4-r tig. o; tile: Red 11„,,, No, 13, F11:11 t. July 1 JANIES YATES. LOON AT THIS! TOIIICO Nt . 't AM) sTOllj J. FUL1..t.r.r..0, N. 146, Wood $1 rert,ot,e door (Ofore EEPS conAthlitly on hand ull 'kind+ of the Lest Spani.h Revolias, Ca.aviores, C oc r. ,!irrnPl. Tral.urna, Pr n, Alm , . half Spanish and common Tohanen of ull In be-d brand. Carendi - sh, I , lmp; Ballimnre and 16— lump. Mrs. killer. }inf. t' Itt toba-co: Srto2r --Itappee.S , m.-11. Al eunhtt, HishTtiast o Szr lie Iris also, all miler arch le: in hit line, which he Je t , wlwdesale and retnii, at ai.r lowest cash prices. CALL AM) SEE.. je 13-434 n FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. , ALEXANDEtt VI . C1•111)7, At the, atand Yonfig M'C'a rdy. So. 43, Se cond street. betec,:en Wood and Market, RESPECTFULLY inform, the friends of theilate firm. and the pniilic generally. that he is prepa red to fill all orders for Cabinet Work. of any kind, with all po , .ible despatch, and warranted to be equal to ansiin the "ire. livery attention will be paid to furnishing COFFINS, Sc , when required. je 16—y File Manufactory. THE subscriber having commenced the manufac ture of Cast Steel Files. from American materials exclusively, merchants or other persons wanting can be supplied by him with a better article than the foreign, and at lower prices. I.:tending to use only the best quality of File Steel, manufactured by the Messrs. S 0 I:: 1111:11G En's, which is nose brfrn Alt to a perlbcticn equal to the best English article, manufactiariid for the Annie purpose, the subscriber has full confidence that he will he able, in quality of article's and prices, to realize the best hopes of the friends of American Industry. GEORGE ROT H ERY, Corner of O'Hara & Liberty sts. .1> 15-y Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker, ( Late of the firm' of Yoirnir4. .31" ct rez.to HAS commenced the ousiness in all its branches 6t NO 22, Wood street, between First and Second strs., where hi• will keep constantly on hand a greed as- E.sortnaent of well made FURNITURE, and hope , , by strict attention to lilts - Mess, N merit a continuance of the patronage of the public. Every attention wiilhepaid to furnishing COFI'LNS, &e. A Furniture Car for hire. July 11 Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair Dresser, Hns removed to Fourth street, opposite the Al ayur's of fice, where he will be happy to wait upon permanent or tronsient customers. He solicits a share of public pa tronage. sepU. LitFALL FASHION HATS AND CAPS. The subscriber having returned from the East with the latest style of Hats, has now on hand and will con stantly keep a large assortment of his own Manufai-- tare, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap ness, cannot be surpassed, and would respertfay in vite his friends and the public to examine his i..toek of Hats and Caps, at the Manufactory, N 0.73. Vood et. sep 9-3 m WILLIAM DOUGLAS. NEW FASHIONABLE a Hat sad Cap .., 1,,, --,-. 07.annfactory: - • - 0. 93 Wood street, 3 doors below Diamond Allot. THE subscriber willkeep constantly on hand every variety of the most fashionable H ars and CATs, svh.llesale and retail. at reduced prices. Persons wishing to purchase will find it to their inte rest-to give him a call. S. MOORE. Pittsburgh, aug. 29,1343. • Franz , its \ ex. Orleans Picayune. THE WAY 'fo MAKE A TETOTALLER. - EVSPORLTION, ITS POWER-- . 011, THE INGLN CITY TIPPLING R.%Ts.—Mr. C., _commission . naetthant this city, is known as an extensive bolder of westebt produce, and his !tuck isnot more noted for its variety than for the superiority of several articles which he keeps on hand. His per ventage on the sale of Mw nougaliela whiskey through the year w.mld, - by a man of - Moderate notions, be reckoned a liberal in-coming. Customers came so quick to purchase, that, to say* tier trouble of too frequent a recurrence to the barrej, he was in the habit of. keeping '4„ sample bottle in tho store, always cull or partially so, for their trial and in. spection. He found fors long time that the contend oldie. sample bottle decreased very rapidly,daily, in a manner, tr. first, very mysteriously. He soon learned, however, that "Sampson," the neero Who stnia in the I store, was anything but a Washingtoulto, lad that he I tried the strength of the Moranmahela octanes ttreinshe 1 whole of hi: customers. Desirous to know it his _COM. SCiUnti , MitleiS were as larse tie his tylimentiveness, he said to him on Monday se'n-night, "Sampson, haw is - lit that the xvhiskev in the sartple bottle diminishes. so la,t? Why, it hue to he tilled daily!" —Oar (40," muses, I do4n't know," said Sampson, to so riot's as a converted sinner at camp-Tneet , log.'•hut I tiaks, massa, it is carri , A efily de princes' , p:es oh wot white folks calls 'evaporation." "O you you do. Sampson?" saii Mr. C. "I s, sartin. massa," said -Sampson, "eulse d tells you dat 'wuporation's right strong; gosh, it ain't left a dron o' hard cider in the country. I finks Wit dot wot makes de whial.“-y so scarce, and nut de tempt 'ranee movement, as dev calls it." "Well, then, Sampson," said Mr. C. "fill the bottk now, and I will cork-it so ti to as to prevent eyaporal. " 'E., sa, - said Sumpson. lie filled rho bottle, hi. master corked it, .arrapureo.' firm - aral aiin it w "- as placed cm the shelf .tg.oiaon Tuesday morning, itNra... , found to have de. creased eons:dem - 1)1y in quantity, and still mar • toward! aeon. ••Well., Sampson," said Mr. C., "I find the whiskey ~.... is still rapidly decreasing. How do you account for it ness?" "Wa-wall, it be berry hard to ',plain, mason," said iSampson, "it he one ub dose 'stetious disappearances wot Diggers can't 'count for and seat sometimes pure :les white folks, 1 tell you." 'But whatis your ° F inial:o' said Mr. C. • - . -.3 ••! 4 ; al-al, I tinks," said Sampson, "to tell gars might's truf, dat de rats be drinkin it, for clev hain% joined de tern-'r 'siety. as I knowson. , ,-- I '•Yes,' said NI r. C., "but when it would get dow! Ps low as the centre of the bottle, Irow would the mu . ' = ._ . manage to get at it then?" ."Yah! rah! rah!" said. Sampson, but ..4upirrebsingimilh. --...i denly his cachinnations, he added, "look heab, mass.a, . I was just coin' to say as how you was green. Now; dos you Link as how dem ere rats wet you sees 'bout •A de store, and woes so much in de earbarct tat Ile tor- .:" 1 ter—does you rink, I axes. dat so rrittny takinidepa on the suction princcrple, dot de , : doesn't know fuse ~ eh a sr, owl Wal, I re- , :kons Liey does, massa." "Well, then, Sampson," said Mr. C., "if the sample. - 410 bottle esti neither be preserved from :the rats or evapts , . ..•., ration, I must only submit to the loss, and till it whets. ..!..* ever it is empty. rill it nosy arid leave it again on th!ti.:s . , - , : , shelf, and I care not whether you cork it or not. Mr. C. told an acquaintance of his, an apothecary, ot.:-,:. : :'' , ` , i,, Sampson's partiality fur the sample bottle, rind askevt-1P him if he could not give him some decoction to mist ' r with it, which, while it would not risibly alter its color ---0 or taste, would prove less agreeable to Sampson's sys ,. tern than the pure Monongahela. Thl apothecary, tout him he could, and, on the Tue.-day before last, he __ fur nished the required preparation. Sampson was sent ... ..-1 nut on an errand in the early part of the !lay, andla - -,. his absence the obnoxious ingredients were introduced into the, whiskey. To give Sampson a better scope; when he returned, his master went out and staid away long enough to give the sample-tasting Sampson fa* play ut the bottle. When be returned, he noticed a strange and peculiar rolling of Sampson's eyes; his lips were the color of stale venison, and he had all the aim-' I 1 gular characteristics in Ids appearance of a "sick nig. , • , zer.'' Mr. C. managed to keep him pretty busy, and ',• , , 1 , althoughappearing not to notice him, closely watched his movements. . . ••Wo!" he'd shout, raising his leg up against his sta.: mach, but still endeavoring to conceal his pain from his • :: master. and again he would exclaim, "ab! e-eeh! woo gorarniehty!" and he would brace his belly round with his hands and arms. At length. finding himself gratis i rig NN orse--that the,v aras no chance of the pain ahats _ - log, he threw himself on the floor and roared out, "Ot massa., mason, dis child's a gone nigger-0V a-sbl o-o-ch!" '•Whv. what's the matter, Sampson'?" sail Mr. C., appearing to be suddenly astonished at the state of Sampson's ixn.vels. "Oh! massa, massa," said Sampson, "oh! eel ag o-o-oh! massa. I'se a cone chicken; all! ee!" ttnd he wriggled around on the floor like a pea on a gridolle l his eyes revolving like the beacon of a light house,and his color changing like& dying dolphin. "Why, what's the matter s ith your said his m*s ter, "0. I doesn't know - . massa," said Sampson, "bill guess I'se got the Tyler grippe. and de influenear, and de black vomit, and all de oiler 'plaints in geoerld,ltna '..itlelar on the high pressu:e, roarin: ribcriristrepls —oh! ah!" The master offered Sampson atTrinknut tkesant. ple bottle to cure him, but he turned front it as if it were poison of the deadliest quality. • - "Oh, I see bow it is," sai4 Mr, C., "1' hasiteest drinking the whiskey that l heiiiistregnatedwriti* poison to k-ill rats." • Sarripcm, in lugabiroui to nes, eonfessed. tivit haa. A don .as ca.starsiil Into suilishiisteted to hilts xottb