Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 26, 1843, Image 3

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133Wer business cards, &c., see firsrpage
FountEß gathering of the
friends of Association was held in Temperance Hall
yesterday. It was organized by E. P. GRANT, Esq.
ofCsatoo, being elected President, 11. H. VAN Am
*mot nad J. MAJOR, Vice Presidents, and J. 11.
f`orrin. widD. M. CURRY, Secretaries.
• OR.motion, a committee of five were appointed to
draft an address to the people ofthe west. The follow
gendemen constitute the committee: Messrs.
Id hunt, Cline, Flec - .40n, Thornburgh, Buck:l - taster.
. •
Mr: Van Amringe was subsequently added to the corn
Messr4: Greeley, Grant and Foster were appointed
a el:mil:Mace on resolutions.
C • was
* .4 - be : President then stated that the Convention
organized and readyfor any business that might be pre
pared for the occasi m. The corre 4pond n.e was then
ialten up. An excerent letter from Mr. Brisbane was
aoad,by the Secretary. Also, one from the Rev. J. I'.
SieWt" of Ohio, a Presbyterian Clergyman. A. J.
Cline, gsq., rose and stated that he had received two
tatters which were intended to be read b,!fore the Con
vetitioh. He prefaced them by a remarkably neat and
isppropriate speech of some length. The first letter
was from Mr. Brown, a Dentist of New York; the se :.
•Ciiind from R. B. 'McCabe, Esq., of Indiana co. Pu.
Dr. Wm. Pahl rose for the purpose of making some
obsoratrtions ow some portiuns of one of the letters read
(fir: Brown's) which wet characterised by good rea
soning He W:l3 repli to briefly- by Mr. Cline.
GREELEY, Esq., the great chimpion of the
cpse, next rose and addressed the Convention. He
confined his remarks, particularly to the practical part
of the scheme of Ass,re.iation—zundemning those per
sicona, who go for it with m3rcenary motives, and signi-
Sed . his - want or co.ofilmec in all attempts to organize
aniallandintQerfeet 3.43(1Cia Lions. lie urged an union
()NM friendiin the west, and expressed his regret that
a-mare numerous ropresentationof Ohio 4d the vest
was ttntpresent
.Mr. Grant then allre3sel the Conventioa at some
length—going deeply into the science of the discover
ies of Fourier, and declaring it to he the syStem of
nature. Ho deprecated all attempts toamend ir, and
denounced in strong terms those persons who are start
iud "isms" oftheir own as a substitute for Fourierism.
After a few remarks from 11. H. Van A•nrin ze,d dining
I. if position in rbtti . ii to the schn.n di:: Goa venti on
:id' aimed. •
Cttt ' GLAss.—~Vewould advise all who can appre
-4 iota elegant productions of art, to drop in at the Glass
( utting establishment of Messr , . lluss and PEAcocx . ,
1 4 . .nit4field street, near Diane:end Alley, and examirw
s me of the flue specimens of their wm-kmanship.—
hby have been engaged for some time, in engraving
141itsfor several boats that have been fitted out in our
r iy,and have established their r,..putatiue for skill and
t tte, by the beantifuknaNner in which the jobs were
e 'ecuted. At the Clothing Store of Me. S. Stoner, in
I‘. ood street, maybe seen a large plate of glass,insert
• I in the window, with the name of Mr. S. and the
mehet .51 his liou!..e handmintly engrteed tr:en it
my have varimis'specini.NlA of their haadi MO:, at their
such (I.!•zeiteri . , salt,..el!ars, randie
r, cks, eeNceeilingly
"N.! WfiL , '(Morlday artec:iodd) a ;wa
x- rain is failinc-. tiottr: o: tii streots a r r, no isabl.•for
% ill 6'lll, ttrri itj is a•lrt , in27 to =cc the at•tivity
ii" vedby p.u.iittoD:rs in leopiog the gutters. The more
mwrtse with gr..at effort: to alight in the
A ere and ma.lihrit part. We indulge th:' hope that
th:d.rain will putn p3ri ti the &nitre:n.3l-,
•ct with which wci have been suffering. aod causo
W ise in our rivetts, which were ritiiidly sio!ting coder
ii .3 burning heats we base encoonteted.
Ij'Wepublishlacarresi.m:lenc.2 betty:ea ( I'oll
- :R, and certain Of his friend, in this city, ‘‘lto invited
topartnkeof 4 public (limier, on the occas On of his
Ft! visit. • As it first appiraired in an in cruet
f we have been requested by some of the sigui
e 410 give it entire, which we accordingly do. This
a ill account for the seeming, Cklay in its app.-i i rauee iu
o t coluittas.
Ni,. 42. McElroy V 3. Contmnon•calth, aai arg,iied
h' ~Sessrs Mahon and Lowrie, for plaintiff. and Messrs.
Vlack and Loomis, for defendant.
No. 25. McKelvy vb. Mimilton, wai arz.neti by
r..M'Candle6:3,forplaiutitT error, and Mr. Woo',
I .wr defendant in et tor.
N0..30. Executors of Fisk vs. Surber, was argued
for plaintiffs in error, and Messrs..
P into? and Nl'Candless for defendant in error.
No. M s . Plummer, vs. Nield, vas argued by MeF.srs.
' Win. and M'Candle.”, for plaintiff in error ; and
*.lksra. MAcalf and Lanni;, for defendant in error.
SO. 34. Ertc.uttors of Patterson vs. iLewart, argued
I. Mr. M'Camiless, f)rplaintiffs ha error, and Mr. M,t
-c tpr defendant in error
No. 35. Weymaa vs. Snyder, was argued by Mr.
`PPandlesa, fur plaintiff in error, and Mr. George P.
• lamiltoa, for defendant in earn.
Printers' Furnishing Warehouse,
,Vo. 8, Franklin Place, under the Franklin House,
HOM AS F. ADAMS has established at the above
.L - place a Warehouse for the sale of Printing Ma
i trials of every description including Bruce & Co.'s su
,erior Printing Types at reduced prices, Wells &
. 1 1Vebb's Premium Wood Types, Cases, Furniture, &c..
• • .le and Single Cylinder Power Presses, Adams'
arivalled Platen Power Presses. The Washington,
-014 Madison, American and Philadelphia Hand
relies, fininage's Foolscap and other Presses, Orcutes
Yankee Card and Billet Press,Ruggle's Job Printing
. Engines, Orcutt's Hand and Power Presses, Austin's
Self-Inking Apparatus, Hand and Standing Presses, to
geOser with a variety of Printing Machinery, Litho
,- graphic:sad copying Presses, by Messrs. Hoe, Wurrall,
T,shralr, Ramage, Adams. Austin, Cosleldt, Ruggles,
Ggokt. and others, all of which will be sold at tnanufac
t.tree.i lowest prices.
SECOND HAND MA TE R IALS. --2 rioters and
others will find at this establishment the larval es
serixruva of second hand materials ever offered to the
trade, which will enable Country Printers and others
to; replenish their offices nt a very small expense.
irrPrinting materials of all kinds, new and second
hand, sold on commission.
T. F.A. having had nearly twenty years experience
as.* Po :laical Printer in the finer branches of the art,
feels waniusted in saying that every article recommend
edloy him shall have nu superior in point of quality, and
duals:awn* relying upon his judgment in selecting for
them ' shall receive the must entire satisfaction. Let
ters aailresied to him (post paid) desiring information
of any kindrelathig to the art, will receive prottipt and
gratuitous answers
' English, $0 32 lin-vier, $0 46
Pica, 32 Minion, 54
Small Pica. 31 Nonpareil, 66
Long Primer, 3G Agate, . S 6
Burgeois, . , , 40 Pearl, • l2O
The subscriber is now stereotyping and will shortly
-raputilish his Tepograhia, or Printer's instructor, rzirinzz
practicalancl minute directions Cot conducting every ap
partpe9ti4 an office, at the Ion• price of one dollar per
copy, being one IMlf of the price utile former edition.
No. 8 Franklin Place
Odober elution.
County Contmissioner.
AT the solicitation of a number of friends of all
political parties, I respectfully offer myself to
the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of
County Comrnisyioner. That my sentiments may not
be misunderstood, either as to political or private
affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life
a consistent Republican, in the true souse of the word.
As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan
cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public
officers has received time a pprobation of large majori
ties of the people, the undersigned would not should
he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at
tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach
the office of County Commissioner.
To the voters of AllegheßY counlyt—l respect
fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate
(bidependent of paities). for the office of PRO
THONOTARY Of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not conic before you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per
sonally known will pluaie examine into my qualifica
tions, &c..; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to slitiA\' Yon with your
choice. ALEX MILLER.
New Fall an d Winter Goods.
ARE now opening and offer for stile a very large
and general assortment of seasonable Dry Goods,
consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth,
broad cloths of cverycolor, cassimeres. sattinetts, jeans,
kerseys, linscys, flannels, bairles, bleached and brawn
cottons, drills. ticks, Alpacca lustre , : black and colored,
plain and primed merinos, mousliu de labia, Irish li
nens, Mattioni andother silks, ribbon;, laces, cambrics,
=Mins, merino, fancy and blanket shawls, sewing
silks, spool and skein threads, &c..together with
an assortment of carpets, rues floor cloths, &c , all of
which we are able to sell as cheap as goods can now be
bought in any market, cast or west. sop 2 I—tf
Dissolution of Partnership.
9111 E Partnership heretofore existing under the firm
of DICKEY and Als.xxsnrm, in this day dissol
ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY,
Sept. 1, 1043. WM. G. ALEXANDER.
JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends
and the public, that he still continues in the Transpor
tation Business, at his Warehouse, CORNER. OF LIBER
TY AND WAYSE STREETS. Canal Basin, under the
name of the "Indeeendent Portable final Line,"
where he will receive and forward freight to the East at
the lowest terms. - Sept.
H VE a.
now veived and opera•d thrir Stuck of
priEdng the E. reatest variey to be found in any house
in the city.
TheAc goods have been very carefully, and it is be
lieved:paicionsly purcha:ed fur cash, roost of them at
the lowest spring prire.c, and will be said accordingly.
Gaul: can now b•> bought cheaper than in any of the.
Eastern citi and merchaia: will du u. 11 to evuaine
here, befure going fr, 1. 1 ( r and faring tc•:rrsc.
Iron Safcs
ItESE'Et TFELLY the that 1 lone
kk.op a',%cuy4 h•L:1•1 an ?at “1 Fire
'lb tht Ilia
thirty ifer o,ll.',Copt f .r al me qh,p, in
Si•ith nikt to Oil , chun'll on
th- 61:1 1t 'SW d, Jour:
&12 0 ., ar..l le tit , Trd
ity or h•.IV , p::;,::vvho hay , I,llr
-1.,:` I eel :11.• tiro u'il
i,y ~1 .rn. I E l2-iiv 10, fir.,, - . L it..•r :1'1.7, 0.1 :!l•:
is:,• zirraut 11..2 pub:it:
Ilia: all me 44.. f ., L -en 6nn to
413V01 - .11 you:, ICC! i 0.:11n) •pc,ci I,l' 0
\"t•r? as lar I•apvr,.
c,i. I c t v L. a t - I rl ,ittitttlittitiz. itti-D!itir t:Ceitrtiticatti-t
of t:v. sarao, nor it: circit!aiitin artti tit try irt
a hi the a.!..'110,
N. !I. \ rr•A" irtir .::I'lo. in 11,1,!,
.14,111, S.: (....; , •11!1.1, will a
p 1.
1,..,, :20-tf
ror Sale Low For Cash.
.:2 1 1)0i)OZEN of it,l u f ji l atm a:,,l
Of all ..sizes. by ill,. b.'', or
retail, Putty; uaile and :oil:e$; carpet-abaim eountry
carrt ,- , all size, Patent Lab , , eofilp
moa , ureF., tio v,.,tro; anccl pad lnK 11Xe,
;Lila Irirchets. anger;. Lout,. i 11...
Lira , . 'l'll,' Balm of I,ife alai a variety of e ; l e nT , am
11ecliciae , ; Books anri S'irtfionary, ctrl Sci-r'l
ISAAC HAM; A , =t - ..C:. Can. Mcrchant.
sop '2O No. 9, Fifth St.
N. U.--C.luatry carpet, salts and
leathers, tlax :vat tow and woolen yarn, flannels and
iinsays, parr. to s, beeswax, tallow, butter, &e.
taked iu payment at cash pri,:•es.
Lace Leather.
SIDES DES Lice I....athur.ii very article
• for sew i:l4 - I\ll. , liine Belts, for sale bi t .
"-dlml«•"t N. 83 Liberty .t.
Solo L cathcr
(.)111i SIDES 111 . Baltimore LE:id 'Sox
7 / 3 ,x ; Sole MON went
or Murocco, Linbq and BirolimiSVia , , for ,ale by
No. 83 'Liberty:4l.cm_
1,3 UGHT HIDES, suitable for Upper
31.! Leather.
900 11 , :tvy Spanish
259 city :. , Ittazliter
700 NI-Arts Goat Skins,
In store uad for sale by
sep3-tiltrt&Av2t. No. 83 Liberty st.
11 ,9 SHARES Allegheny Bridge Stock, nt
'ate sale, by .JOHN D. DAVIS,
sep 11 Corner of Wood and Fifth streets.
Executor's Notice.
A LL persons will please take notice that Letters
Testamentary have been granted to the undersign
ed upon the esrate or Sidney J. Moreland, late of the
city of Pittsburgh, deceased.
Those indebted to said Moreland will make payment
to either of the undersigned; and those having claims .
against him are requested to present the same proper
ly authenticated for settlement.
s e p w &W6t. Executors.
Christine, •
ATALE of the Revolution, by J. H. Muneur, for
sale at Foster's Literary Depot, St. Clair street,
opposite the Exchange. sep 22-1 w
T 0 the Honorable the Judges of the court of Gene
ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the
county of Allegheny.
The petition of John Boldinger, of the 4th Ward of
the city of Allegheny, in the county aforesaid, humbly
That your petitioner has provided himself with ma
terials for the accommodation of travelers and others,
at his dwelling house in the city and ward aforesaid,
and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant
him a licence to keep a hou.se of public en tett iinment.
And your petitioner as in duty bound will pray.
We, the subscribers, citizens of the 4th Ward of the
city of Allegheny, do certify, that the above petitioner
is of good repute for honesty and temp•=nutce, and is
well provided with house room and convenience for
the accommodation and lodging of strangers and oth
ers, and that said tavern - IS ne,-..es , ary . .
Jacob Guiser Chas. Rambaugb Jus. Alberson
A. Kauffman G. V. Witsacker , Felix Gunter
- Jacob Lubmen John Veoghtly --Abram Hays
S. Walder V. Scribe John Woliter.
sep 23--3t*
11l E subscribers will expose at public sale, on the
premises in the city of Allegheny, on Friday, 29th
day of September, at 2 o'clock, r. s., the following
described property, belonging to the estate of the late
Mrs. Ann Maria Cummins, decd, viz: Lots Nus. 11,
12, 14 andls, in James Anderson's plan of kits,being
part of Lot No. 40, in the Reserve Tract, oppo s ite _
Pittsburgh, each of said lots contuinina 6 in front on MOP
gait street 25 feet, and extending back 94 feet. On each
of lots NOS. 12 and 15, there is erecte4l a good double
frame dwelling house. Persons wishing to purchase
can have the property exhibited to them, and the terms
of sale made known, on application to the subscribers.
p 20- , 9 t Executors.
J D. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
ON Monday- morning, the 25th inst., at 10 o'clock,
will be sold at the Com. Auction Rooms, corner
of Wood and Fifth streets, a general assortment of Dry
Goods, among which are a great variety of cloths, cas
simeres and eassinetts, of every shade and color.
Flannels, whits, red, green and yellow, twilled and
Fancy chintzes and prints.
Bleached. and brown sheetings and shirting's,
Striped and plain drillings,
Checks, blankets, shawls, sowing silk. spool cotton,
patent thread, silk and cotton hdkfs., &c. •
Al so , boots, shoes, hats, &c.
At 2 o'clock, P. M., 1 second hand, well tuned piano
forte and stool.
18 school writing desks;
1 mahogany hair seat sofa, new;
2 bureaus;
Chairs, tables, bedsteads, and a variety of articles of
kitchen fin nit lire..
Also, writingand wrapping paper, brass and wood
en clocks, cordag e , &c.
Evening sales - at early gas 10it of dry goods and
fancy ai ricks.
sup 21 JOHN D. DAVIS. Auctioneer.
AT DAVIS' C.rnrmirci.il Auction Rooms, corner
of Wood and Firth streets. Au extensive as
sortment of DRY GOODS. rauently puraliasel in the
Last for cash, and wliich will he sold at a small ad
vance on Eastern prices. for currency or approved en
dorsed notes. The assortment consistsin part of
'2O piecas wool dyad blue black broadcloths;
" soper. bine cloth;
10 " brown, olive and 'nixed cloths;
4 " pnper. B itver ciothg
5 " pilot cloth .;
10" cas-lust's, a;.;orted colors; some vary
50 ‘• flann-ls', twilled and plain white, red,
green and
. yellow.
'2O assorted colors,
100 all wool tdaa:‘,:t shawls:
200 a' uto pla:d sihta Is;
I.ojii dot. itt.,n, all color.;
and brown trin.;!in., and a
11 , 11.1/1:; a Dry
a•, .1•“• , :•tm.•:It i,11)0
wh.::ll•,in a!! 13•,. •it
1 - 1•,••ad.::!).•,•••• th;•
N.l)i NG Sz. c():umissioN :\IEH.:II.INT
l'ur4h. .14 ‘.lt l'ora`,P; !I Li
L ) C kV ELI) h ren: wed hi-, !Itar:/:2
• li lune/a. t 1V0,,t
Dni ff Styr', ‘N k_• v ili keep 1111,11
T',:!: , . 111.s', M.)! 1i711'71:.. tl . . Zip yr
Ti - sT itEct:lvEL)
el 7 1;ls l•
7 1J,.1;
Ca❑ be , co:1 at 4.lae,d) Co.
. Inez 29 J. h. N1tiOil1IE,11.)& (20
Pit )17T tlie rel. in June, in a Ci•;tuio_ Store
i!i Liberty ,trert, a Now of Fraud, cunsirlcraL!~
soiled and worn. It Cia,ton and
another, awl is or %V. Black. owil
er can have it l y identify ii i aiid paying expern-os.
July 31.-1(1'.
1 . ) 111(;.\INS! IS 'O2.G AINS ! ! B !! !
.111 and. %yr - al:ill.; Please
call at No. 1. - ; I I.6 , rty ~trect,an,lsct• for ow-solve;
\V!.:1,1, - S BALM OF ANN [SEED. this v.ell
bnowp cure fortho complaint - F., .can be obtained
at T FT L'ES 1I Fourth sr. Only 25 cent; per hot
tln. Sept 12.
Dissolution of Partnership.
rHE parttrt , r.. , hip her,.tofore existing under the
I ....vie of Devint..& 11'.1.11:11ty, is this davdi,solved
he zw:tual con.Y. , :it, 11. D. suois
du..2 wct..ro, arid pay all claim; contrartod for
the conceln op to this date.
H. Devine res?'ctfully informs his friends and the
public, that he mill continues hi the Transporting
business, nod that he has removed the office of the U.
S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next
door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive
and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest
terms. H Dr VINE.
12 ram do do., together with
every thing in the grocery line, all of ivhich is offered
at extremely low prices, for cash.
43, Wood street
auction Sato.
John D. Davis,
Corner of Wood and sth es., Pittsburgh,
T ready to receive merchandize of every description
1 on consignment, for public or private sale, and
from long experience in the above business, flatters
himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry
Goods anil,fancy articles, nt 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,new
and second hand furniture, 8,;c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,atearlygas light. aug I‘27y
Executors' Sale of Real Estate.
J. IIeCI.o..,'KEN
Coughs and Colds.
Pittiburgh, Sept. I. 184:3
UNDRIES.-50 boxes chouolat,-,
s 9 do cocoa,
3 du rice flour,
25 do ground pepper,
5 do Cayenne do.,
36 cans ground mustard,
5 kegs do allspice,
5 do do ginger,
PACES WANTED; -in town or country, for a
number of salesmen, book-keepeis, shopmen and
bets, in stores and warehouses. Atso, for collecting,
and for a number of mechanics, farmers and laborers,
coachmen, waiters, hostler!, and all hinds ofhands for
steamboats, hotels, and private families; fur select and
common school teachers.
Cooks, chambermaids, dry and wet nurses, and,girls
for housework provided at-short notice. nacos pro.
cured for hands of all kinds as soon as possible. And
all kinds of Ag,encies and Intelligence business attend
ed to for moderate charges. 12 to 1.5 Farms for sale.
Several farms wanted to rent. Cellist ISAAC HAR
RIS' Intelligence Office, No. 9, Fiftily street.
sept 20.
Tanners' chi.
135BBLS.'uk"e)i)il Bale by
NTaißtTi CO..
utp `-'-d tn Szw2t No.BB, Liberty st
JUST RECEIVED from the Eastward on consign
ment, direct from the Importcrs, 15 half chests
Young HygOn TEA, also ten 13 lb. hoies ditto; all of
which I which 1 will sell at the very lowest price.
Sept 143 Liberty street.
QMOKED HERRINGS.—'?S boxes smoked hee
-I_7 rings just received and fnr sale by
aug 9 13, Wood strc;ei
ank Notes aittr tirliangt_
Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip
Exchange Bank Scrip -••- 1 4
Currency :24
Erie Bank Scrip
On Philadelphia
New York -
Baltimore •
Bank of Pittsburgh par
Merchants and Manufacturers' bank ...par
Exchange ....par
Do. Hollidaysburgh par
Bank of North America par
Do Northern Liberties par
Do Pennsylvania
Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank
Kensington bank par
Manufacturers and Mechanics' par
Mechanics par
Moydmensing - par
Philadelphia bank par
Schuylkill " par
Southwark " par
Western - par
Bank of Penn Township ...- ....par
Girard bank. 16
U. S. bank and branches - ' . .-- 36
Bank of Germantown par
" Chester county par
" Delaware county par
" Montgomery county .. ...... ....par
" Northumberland ... . . . ... par
Kirmers' bunk of Bucks county .—. ..par
Eastonbank par
Doylestown bank par
Franklin bank of Washington ... --par
Bank of Chambersburgh— ..... ......... ..... ll
" Middletown 2
" Gettysburgh ......... ..... .. _. ..... ! . !-i.
" Lewistown .. .. .... ........ - 2
" S i nsquehanna county 35
Berks county bank ....75
Columbia Bank and Bridge Company 1
Carlisle bank 2
Eric bank
Farmers and Drovers bank
Bank of Lancaster
" Bank of Reading
Harrisburg bank.
HonesdaL "....
Lancaster " ..
Lancaster co. .
Lebanon "
Miners' bank of Pott.scille ..... -
Monongahela bank of Brownsville
New Hope and Delaware Bridge company _lO
No rth a mpton bank _._.no sale
Taxanda bank
Wowing bank ...
!Vest Branrh bank....
Yank bank
13clntaa! bunk o f St .
Cli nt.,n nk of Cabot: bus .... 1 1 .
(70111 , 11 1, iern , rbln 1.7 of Neu ,
Circleville (Lamr,mcc, cashier)..._ 1k
( Warren, cashier) n.o amic
Chi!licut4r. ba u.'
Ovum,' reiv ba I Lake E1i , 20
yton' ban! 13
Iran. kiln bank ,:f COlO nil. us . 13
JS r..ne a'l.l .11"e, 1 1 buck of Steubenville.. lh
Farmers' bank of Canton 3o
(;ern, 1
llama ton 30
La ;lea r
.11a ct t
_Massillon . .
Alecha tries' and ra Cinci nn , tl
31 . 040 Plea .I;.z .11
N.ll- re a I k
Sci.vlo . .
rizi,l hnt
‘vit2l9l4: r.•g3r,itt) th,
.S! t( ba,k and branches
Stec Nrrip
1/1 11,1111.8
Stair ban I-
Ban k Mid(' iv, Sha true r tcn
Bank of tit Vallcy of Virginia 1
Exchange bank of Virginia .....1
Farmers' bank of Virginia.. 1
North- Westcrulolnk of Virginia.. .. I
erchants' an Mechanics' bank of 1 irginia ..1
Branch . . .....
Baltimore City banks_
All °tiler solvent banks . .................1
All solvent banks.... ..... .
411 wive nt banks_
Mobile banks..
Country banks
New Orleans banks (good)._
112 bands
The proprietors or the MORN'TNG POST and MER
CURY AND 'MANUFACTURER respectfnlly inform their
friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well chosen assortment of
- Arearaes rac 4 liritm 6 •' 319
alter as ciaztaa mauaaaala
Necessary to a Job Printi n g Office, and- that they are
prepared to execute
Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars,
Pamphlets, • Bill Heads, Cards,
Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat. Tips.
Stage. Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with. ap
propriate cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and mos t reasom b le
We respectlnlly ask the patronage of our friends and
the public in general in tiiis 'branch of our business.
July 31, 1343. PHILLIPS & SMITH.
Bishop Dosae's Pamphlet,
FEW COPIES Bishop Doane's Pamnhleton "Po
.4yism" received 'and for sale at Foster's Liter
ary Depot, St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange.
sopt. 22—St.
VTANTED, a seamstress.. a 6ret rate hand.. A
V ply, at the store, No. 4, Wood street.
sep 20—tf WM. NOBLE, Uptiolateaer
201 Mobs of 13Iautts;
aaaMllB43. MaiMMI
Forwarding and Commission Merchants,
AGENTS For the Merchants' Transportation Com
pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie
Canal; Wushingion, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line at Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve-
Jana Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie
tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
Wilkie & Ensworth, Nu. 9, Cthmtiea Slip, N. Y.
R. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter; Palmer & Co.. E4fralo.
M. T. Williams & Duw, )
Hon. John M. Allen„‘, Cleveland.
Charles M. Giddings,
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh.
ap 1 1843-Iy.
t ,,„, ; „, THE: canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Shaw,master, will run as regular
weekly packet hem con the above named parts, leaves
Beaver oa AlondaN-:, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on "fuesds, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For freight or pa Cage board. or to
BIRMINGHAM S.; CO., Pitt burgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
- T2l.
pr Z 4V-1 4:1
AND RAIL ROAD CA fi , , from P itt,burgh, Via Bed
find, Chambersburg, Ilarrishurz and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connerti::: , with the Main train of cars to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Faro to Philadelphia $9.
Baltimore 9.
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st.
feb 23, 1343-Iy. Proprintor3
Via Natinal Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
4 -71 r
. 2 4ti t t, 4 : 1 44 . 1 7 E
THIS line is in full operation and leaves I'ittsburgh
daily at 6 o'clock A. via Washington Pa..
and national road to Cumberland, connecting here
with the rail road Co's to ail the above plar-s: Trav
elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be aflbrded which have not
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going thrungh
direct or taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our oiTic'e at the Ilonongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
feb 3—atf. President of N. R. Stage Co
iits7 for Cincinnati.
The SwiftiurA, liobitsoa, Master, leaves wit:::
Tharidav at 10 o'clock, a. m.
The Cutter, Collitr .:Master. leaves every Friday at
10 o'clock a. nt.
Mc. M TJM?I , ... I.lc.a.ett, = cry Sat
urdav at 10 o'clock m m.
The Expr-3..:, Parkinson. M lea% es e er: Sin
dmy at 10 a' ciccl: a. 1.,.
'United States ParT.lbk. Bo.zt Liao ]?.:pot
el A. MoANULTY v:•ri re..pectlidly ivfotrns his
• friend, and the rnblic, that helms made ;..rrangc
-1 to co:it tree of forming the
U. S. Portable r , nat Liae, at the :urge pet.. W:trehourie,
13a.e40, where rood= will, be reeeiv,d and forwarded
t. with itAual despatch, and op the mna fa vnrable
to Baltimore, Philmlelohin, Niw Yeti; of Boston.
2 72 llarlcet ,t., PliPadelphia.
MOOR!: & CHASE. Agen:s.
5 Etomly'F, IVharf.Baltimerc.
sow. .1-3 m.
LEE` KRAMER, Er t.'.'L1711.7. BrAo.r . , 16,
±. Corner of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg
Pa. Gold. Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought
and sold. Sight cheeks on the Enstern cities. Cur sale.
note and bills, collected.
Joh% D. Dacia,
F. Lorenze,
J. Painter & Co.. ( • Pitisbur'`:}., Pa J.
Joseph Woodsvvli,
James May.
Aics. Bronson &Co.
John 1-i Brown &C.'. S
ames M'Cundlos Cincinnati. 0.,
T. R..)PD9r.-1!1. } St. Louiq. Mo.
W. FL Pope, Esq.. Pr. ' t 13nnit ICc. >Louisville.
McLane's AMerican Worm Siimcific.
rpins is to certify that with . IcL,ll\i E'S Wonn
SrEctr lc, a child of mite passed upwards of 600
irornv.; it ii the must powc.rful Worm Specific now in
Middlebury, 0., Oct. 4, 1343.
For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD,
sopt. h. Corner kb and Wood sts
McLane's American Worm Specific.
THIS is to certify that a child of mine aged 4 years
passed upwards of 30 worms of an astonishing
size, from 4to 5 inches long. In my neighborhood
some dozen of certiticates of its astonishing efterfs could
beprodd. 11. Sow
Poba, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1842.
For sale at the Drug Storo of JON. KIDD.
wept 12 Corner •4th and Wood fit!,
Dtro Stns Just Recoivod.
Viirio!, Camwoorl, Alum, and a 7,eir.-a: stool, of
DYE Woun,, in store, and for sate Ore Druz Store
sept. 12. Cornor 4tli and Wood nu.
AL, -1.0 w!i.) is caplb:e of taking charge of a
household, is desirous of obtaining a situation
as houcekeeper in a private family, or as superintendent
in a respectable hotel. She would have no objection
to leave the city if desired to do zo. For further infor
mation inquire at this office. 21—tf
ACICEREL.-16 Bbls. No. 3 Mackerol, just
Trceived andfnr Bnle by
To Merchants and Others.
AGENTLEMAN, who thorough:y understand-.
Book Keeping, wishes a situation in that capa
city: tbe best at* references willbeo \ en. Address 11.,
at this office. ang'42t—tf
T OBACCO.-10 boxes Burtnn's 5 b lump tol*cr,
25 do Russell & Robimons - do
10 do tiss,rte. ci • i•sv. ! , rand.;,
just received and for sale bv
ITAILmv , f. .TENNINcis s, CO.,
aug• 3 43, IVeiod street
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheol
Iron Ware,
No. 17, Fifth street,l, etireen 3 rorket.
Keeps constantly on hands -z.,);41 ~o rttr.en, of ware , .
and ;,olicits .share of puiflit; pf,,f Torbuy4e. or, hand,
the following. articie,.: t-1-. er:, .
skillets, teakettles. pot..cn.flitt_ milt:. &e. -
chants and other. ate navi , ...(l to cal and t•!carntte fo r
themselves, as he is determined to ellciteapfurcashor
approved paper. me: 7711
Beaver and Warren Packet.
The Groat Central route
Road Company
7 I tr0f..,71•5!.g.
43 Wnorl t
5 do Hlre'3
for Sale anb eCo itt,
Building Lots in Birmingham:
GDI LOTS, suitable fur building, most eligibly sib
uated, aad within two minutes' wal l : of the
ste antfc rry bcal landing, will be sold= prices to salt
the times. The terms of paymer.t will be made mum
either fur cash or such barteras can be made available.
Apply to the subscribers ita • Birmingham, or Mr. P.
Peterson, Na. 4, FeiTy, street, Pittsburgh.
jape 1. JAS. PATTERSON, jr.
Lots for Sale.
4Lnts in Manclie:=ter. One and a fourth Acres
Laud on Holmes' Hill. Lots. no.i. 41,42,52;53,54
181, 132, and 134, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes
Hill. Also, Lots nos. 20, and 27, in Cook's piano( Lout
on High street, near the r,ew Court !louse. For term/
apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
sep 10
For Sale.
T OTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane ind
I High street. Apply to
Market near Fourth street
For Rent
f---1 That COTTAGE, situated in the Bdrotigts of
Lawrenceville, at rirselit occupied by John
The place has a very fine garden and good asaartz
went of fruit trees. Any personrenting can have the
privilege of engaging for the ensuing year. russet
sion given on the lit of October near.
Apply at No. 5 Commercial Row, Liberty street
or to Wm. Toman, SmithEold street.
sep. 1, 1843.
For Rent.
G"sl"'t a : tresidenc 7 of
is well stocked withchoice fruit trees, vines, &c. ,
Also, a convenient tenement lately occupied by R. I,
Posse ion will be given cn the first of October next.
For terms apply to GEO. COCHRAN, Ex l r.
To Heat.
PLEASANT rooms and. good steam power, at titi ,
cast steel Sle manufactory, corner of Liberty wad
O'Hara streets. Apply on the pw•miscs. july 16.
Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale.
UST received, 5000 Freeman's beat Fire Brick,
LW which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand
and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM ...gz CO.
may 27 No. 60 Water st.
Houses and Farms to Rent.
THE subscriber has opened an office (in connexion
with his Medical A F,ency) for the ranting and
selling of Houses and Farms. As many, perions are
constantly wanting to rent hou- ,, es without having the
time to run about the city in sent ch of one, can by calti
ing upon the subscriber, and stating the kind t f hohse
they want, find one that will suit them. also know- the
number of rooms, situation and tent, without further
Owners of hou+es would find it to their interest to
call, and give a description of them, and the rent they
require, as they wonld then find their houses rented
sooner and with leas tt onble.
The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited:
scp 21—tf T. 11. TUTTLE, 86, 4th et.'
Houses, &c., For Rent.
THE subscriber has opened a book to record an 7
&vanilla: house, warehouse, store, shop, rootnt
or country farms and seats fur rent, charging the own
era 25 colas each regard. Ile will keep it open fur All
who wish to rent any kind of property to examine, and
charge them 12.1. cents.; and for a small cornpensatica
will attend to renting:di kinds of property, and tate
Lied.; of bu-ines., between landlord and tenarit::. -
No. 9, Fifth st.
Landreth's Garden Seeds
A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always on
hand and for sale. at his aL-er.cy, the l)rua store of
134, Libc rty st.. head of Woo.
Peach Tree!
eh,' THE subscriber has just received iron die Nur
=sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia,
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which be
would call the attention of the
No. 181 Liberty st. head of Wood:
THEREBY certify that I huve knov.-ri a number of
pc °pie who Lave titl:c.n Dr. - ..lcLaile's Liver Pills,
and have Li._.en much beriefiticd by them, and I believe
them I o be the best piiL for liver complai n t s , a nd for
c°11e1:11 am- rill bui: before the public.
_ _
1 herebi. certify that .I hare Ic en afflicted for 6 years
~11 a ear.tpialt.t; and armlied t^ different
physicians, and all to little or no efict. until I made
of Dr. Mr Lane's Pills. In taking two bmies of them
I am nearlitc4terccl to perfect Lnaith.
:1I i i;r r;.l.ti:
Auk :t 16. 1343
'For Drug Store of
Co, ncr 4th and Wood strcets, Fittsbureb
r A IVER COMPLAINTS—Dyspepsia and huh.;
with cosiivoness, asciddy of the stom
ach. hardnc_s of food aft, r mcals:. heartburn, flatulency,
liver complaints, with pain in the side and shoulder,
jaundice, bilious complaints, dropsy, diabacs, gravel;,
stone, and inflammation ache lun:zs, arc most perfectly
removed and cured by d:e lIEPATIC
This article has the.most astonishing effects in curing
all complaints of the stomach and digestive organs.—.
Many Lighl:.• re=rectabfe individuals in New York
have been 'cured. after trying every ether remedy in
vain, and have given in theErnarues with pctmission to I -
refer to them. It is pleasant to the taste, and does
hot in the lea , t interfere with the daily avocation of one
taking it. Many families eft his city have become so
pleased with the medicine. that they use it as their
only family medicine. By using it occasionally, it
keeps the stoninch free from bilious disorders, and the •
liver active, with the secretions of the body in the most
perfect activity. It i 3 composed entirely of vegetables.
The CUM Will be gradual, but certain and permanent.
For sale at Tutrtt'‘, 3G Fourth street.
sep G.
In the Dis!rirt Court of ~411egheny County. itr
July Term. 1813. No . P : 3.
John Walker. Jr.
L. S • Venditzons Expen.
PetPr Wilson.
And now, to wit, Augtht. 26th, 1813, On motion
G. P. Harnilton. Esq., the Court appoint Fre. P.
Shunk Esq.. Auditor. to distribute theproceeds of sale
in this case. From the Record, .
ott,-e is hereby given to all persons interested, that
I will attend to the dunes assigned to me by the
Court in the above ease, at my, office, in Fourth street,
Pitt3burch, on Tuesday the 2tlth day of September,-a
10 o'clock, A. M FRS. It. sat-Ns,
en: 30. Auditor.
Posse's iloarhound Candy..
A Fresh supply jl:st r-r.ceived ftnra at
for sala at TUTTLE'S. S 6 Fou1.111:t.
Li PIKE ROAD.—Notice is hereby given that by
as nct of the Genera: Assembk of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, passed the sth day of Apra, lE43.thet
subscriber.: are named a: Conanaissioters in Allegheny
county, with aritherity to open books at sceb timeanil
place as mi . !, be deemed expedient be them, for the
purpose of rzceiving aubscribtionx of stock, far the
construction of a turnpike coed from lin ion town to Pitts:
burzh. In pursuance of which authority the gni:merit
ben prt:reed to open books for the purpose .of ret
cf-ivinuhr-riptir,rs oftitorlt, payable to The ?raid
d,r.r. Manager: and Companv of the Uniontown and
Pittsburgh TrllMrilie Rood .C . ': , nrany, " accordint , e to
t h e tern: r:f ict rF i-rorperotio7. Such book s to
br opened second day of October,
a t 10 A. M the \loractohe2a linus.o. in
.-itv f P.r..-bu.•.;71. ird tho of Samuel
v, - ,t!k•rr ^f E' . 7lbeth.
°C;Olinnistioncrsfar Al!. Co
aug :19-11nr. (Achualte and Americo topirs-6