Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 26, 1843, Image 2

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    lilies. Iris said that an entertainment is to begiven
n the Grand Gallery at Versailles which will exceed
in magnificence anything of the, kind yet seen.
"This festivnl•i to be held at night. It will require
not less than 55,000 wax c a ndles to light the galleries
of the Pal ice. The ex tent,of the Museum is one league,
or two and a half British miles. A regiment of infant
ry will remain under arms that night at the ...Palace.
"It is intended that the Queen of England shall be
gratified with a grand military review, Immediately
after the arrival of tho cornier, order s were given to the
General commanding at Paris to apprize the troops to
- hold themselves-in-readiness. This review will take
place in the Carrousel, and in. the Court of the Tuiler
les. Troops are to line the road through which the
Queen is to pass from Eu to Paris. Her entrance into
the capital will be announced by a discharge of 101
"On Friday 50 of the secret police left Paris in post
carriages for 'Eu."- Times.
August 24.—The House of Lords was opened to-day
at a little after twelve o'clock, and immediately a con
siderable munber of ladies were admitted, and occupi
ed the benches usually appropriated to the Peers.—
, Several seats were reserved for Peeresses, who came
rather later. Lung before two o'clock the strangers'
gallery, the two small side galleries, intended for
Peers, and the body of the House, were completely
filled, and chiefly with ladies; several very young ones
were present. The place appropriated to the Foreign
Ministers, on the left hand of the throne, was also till
ed before two o'clock. We noticed the Russian and
Prussian Ambassadors, the Beleian Charge d'Affairs,
the American Minister (Mr. Everett), nod we believe
the whole corps diplomatique were present. if any
were absent, no vacant places were left, and more room
• must have been provided had more arrived. Her Ma
jesty then read the follow iug speech.
My Lords and Gentlemen,
The state of public business enables me to close this
protracted session, and to release you front further
attendanze of your parliamentary duties.
I thank you fur the measures you have adopted for
. enabling me to give a full effect to the several treaties
which I have concluded with-foreign powers.
have given my cordial assent to the bill which you
presented to me for increasing the means of spiritual
instruction in populous parishes, by making a portion
of the revenue of the-church available fur the endow
ment of additional ministers.
confidently trust that the wise audbenevolent in
tentions of the legislature will be aided by the zeal and
lilx rality of my subjects, and that better provisions will
thus be made for public worship and for pastoral super
intendence in many districts of the country.
I view with satisfaction the passing of the act for
removing doubts respecting tl e jurisdiction of the
Church of Scotland in the admission of ministers, and
, for securing to the people and the courts of the church
the full exercise of their respective rights.
_ It is my earnest hope that this measure will tend to
ensure-religious peace in Scotland, and to avert the
dangers which have threatened a sacred institution of
the utmost importance to the happiness and welfare of
that part of my dominions.
I continuo to receive from all foreign powers assu
rances of their friendly disposition, and of their earnest
desire for maintenance of pence.
Gentlemen of the House of Commons,
I thank you for the readiness and liberality with
which you have voted for the supplies for the current
year. It will be my constant object to combine °strict
regard to economy with the consideration which is due
to the exigo,nrirs of the public service.
Afy Lords and Gcn , lemen, •
In some di ztricti of \Vales the public peace has been
interrupb-d by hiu-loss cornbiliarb,is and disturbances
unconnected witli Cl.l.lAes. I have adopted
the ri.,asurss which I deem-d best calculated for the
reprssion of 3.ltrage. and f..r tile detection and pun
,kishm ‘nt of t
I have at the same tllue directed an inquiry to hj
",shade into the circumstances which led to insubordina
tion and violence in a part of time coll:ary usually dis
tinguished for goal order and willing obedience to the
I have obwrve 1 with the deepcst concern, the per
efforts which are made to stir up discontent
and distffection among my subjects in Ireland, and to
excite them to demand a repeal of the legislative un
,Altas been and ever will be my earnest desire to ad
'Minister the go cernmeat of the country in a spirit of
t justice 111111 impartiality, and to co-operate with
' . :..iantent in effecting such amendments in the exist
' Ala laws as may tend to improte the social condition
sadto dcvelorre the natural resources of Ireland.
From a deep conviction that the legislative union
411.n0t leas essential to the attainment of these objects
:that to the strength and stability of the empire, it is
my finn determination, with your support, and under
the blessings of Di‘ iae Providence, to maintain invio
late that greatkond of connexion between the two coun
I have forborne from requiring additional powers for
the counteraction of designs hostile to the concord and
welfare of my dominions, as well from my unwilling
ness to distrust the efficiency of the .rdinary law, as
from my reliance on the good sense and patriot iAM of
my people, and on the solemn declaration of Parliament
in support of the legislative union.
I feel assured that those of my faithful subjects as ho
have influence and authority in Ireland, will discour
age to the tamest of their power a system of pernicious
agitation which disturbs the industry and retards the
-improvement of that country, and excites feelings of
mutual distrust and animosity between difierent classes
of people.
Some years ago, in Natchez, Miss., Prof. 'Mafia
• was announced to preach in that city on a certain day.
The fame of the gifted cu ator had preceded him, and
every person in the city of Bluffs was anxious to hear
him. Somehow the news happened to reach the hovel
of an old woman, who, perhaps, had not heard a ser
mon for a quarter of a century; and very seldom went
out into the gotta. She determined to hear the stran
ger. It being excessively warm weather at the time,
and having no fan, she started to purchase one. She
got to a store where they happened to know her, and,
aware of her ignorance, they determined to have some
fun. They told her they had just received a new fail).
roiled fan, a very beautiful article, and handed a com
mon gill IP atoms! She tried its power to raise a breeze
and was perfectly delighted with it. To church she
went; the house being crowded, she took her seat near
the pulpit. The text was selected, and the speaker !
progressed and warmed with his subject, and so' did
the old woman, who now 'nought her fan to her face,
and commenced blowing away as if her salvation de
pended upon her keeping cool. This attracted the at
. t e nsion of the audience and the speaker looked down
to see what was the matter. His eye caught the old
women—he stopped and smiled at the ridiculous fig
ure she cut. The old woman observed him looking at
her, and cried .out 'Go it, my magnolia, tress God I'se
all attentien." The audience fainted, the curtain drop
ped, and we left; but the image of the old woman with
tier new faille yet before us.
, 'Ala," said a juvenile grammarian of the f nninine
geed e r yesterday; when she returned from one of the
'0!. public sclwols--"ma, mayn't! take some of the currant
*hi on the sideboard?"
"No," said the mother, sternly.
",yell then, ma, mayn't I take some of the ice
creara ll
"No, 1 " again replied "ma."
IA was not long, however, before the young miss was
found "diggin" into both.
"Did I not tell you," said thn maternal parent, in a
somewhat angry tone, "not to touch them?"
"You said no twice, ma," said the precocious girl,
"and the schoolmistress says that two negatives are
equal to an affirmative, so I thought you meant that I
should cat them."
The mother sat down upon the safe, and said that
"be talents sorni people's children had for learning was
A. PROFOUND MYSTlin.y.—The New York Sun says:
met, the other day, a man, some thirty years of
well dressed, good-looking, a suet ofdandy even,
whom we have known for some three years, We have
tains known him in that titne to perform one hour' of
labor; we never knew him to have any money; he has no
isreje,a resources; is not a gambler, is above
_any susi
picion of th,ri., yet lives, but how he lives, i a li4ing
4 `. wonder. Ile must eat and drink, and yet we never
beard of his paying one week's board—he is well cloth
d, yet it is incredible that he should pay a tailor's bill:
!tiad,hoW the whole matter, with him and a thousand
who can IM.Ounsilered as nothing but well
r. dressed vagabonds, is -managed, is a profound mye-
Subject to the decision of
Zhel ails Illorning Post.
GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny.
DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny.
JAMES CLARKE, of Indiana,
WM. B FOSTER, Jr. of Bradford
ALLEGIIESY Hantion.—We have seen it stated in
some of the city papers, that the Councils of Allegheny
had authorized the construction of a. steam boat har
bor, at an expense of $30,000, an•d that the job had al
ready been contracted for. We arc informed that this
is a mistalie,nasachordiaance passel the Councils, and
theonlystep taken was toauthori ze the finance committee
tonscertain on what terms the money necessary to corn
plete the improvement could be borrowed. We are also
informed that two citizens of Allegheny have offend
to loan the money on favorable terms, and it is probable
that the city will accept the offer and go on with the
We think the advent ages which the citizens of Alle
gheny may derive from the construction of this steam
boat harbor is very questionable, and we greatly fear
that a little experience will slew them that they have
involved themselves in a heavy debt for an improve
ment from which they will never derive any solid bene
fit. However, if the improvement is paid for in real
money, and not by another emission of shinplasters
as many assert was in contemplation, it will be no loss
to the other portions of the community, and the people
o f Allegheny alone, will have to pay fur the whistle.
We third: that every prudent citizen of both cities
should raise his voice aqainst the scheme of projecting
any further improvements on the credit of shinplaster
issues, at leers until those in circulation are redeemed.
With the state, county and city emissions, we have
enough in all conscience to satisfy the widie, of the
most reckless rag: money advocate, and if filly thou:and
more should be added to the amount now iilloat. our
curiamey matters would be in a roost pitiable e.indition.
We therefore hope that the information of the po.:sibil
ity of our neighbors being able to effert a loam if they
mus: go on with their doubtful improvement, will turn
out to be true, and that they will abandon the idea of
issuing any more shinplasters until they get out of debt
for the old emission.
THE AUCTiON LAW. — The new law io relation tu
the Auction business, in this city, has been in operation
for about six months, without pro luring any of the re
markable results so confidently predicted by those who
took an active part for and against its adoption. Those
who advocated the measure of making the business of
auctionecring free to all who uvmid pay the required
license, and assured us that the business community
would derive great advantug 's from the expected ex
tension of trade by public sales, hove not found their al
ticipations realized. But 011 e additional auction house
has been established in the city, and that branch of bu
siness has increased very inconsiderably compared
with what we were induced to expect by the friends
of the new
On the, other hand, the very unfavorable results zoni
cipated by those who opposed the change, are not per
ceivable. The auction dealers in tinselled trash, and
damaged ware?, whose advent was looked for as a cer
tain consequence of the new law, have not made their
appearance as yet, nor do we hear any tidings of them.
The business is carried on by honorable dealers of es
tablished reputation incur community; withont, a, we
can see, any of the disastrous effects that were anticipa
ted by some.
So, we find that although ours is unquestionably a
great city; great in the industry and talents of her me ,
chanics and her business men; great in the nature and
extent of her resources, and elements of prosperity—
still the movemepts within her limits du not attract
the attention of the people all along the Atlantic coast-,
and they have not availed themselves of this new law,
to come here and make fortunes.
JCDGE BttAcKENRIDGE..—TiIe Globe of Thursday
contains a long article relative to the intercourse be
Gen. JACKSON andJudgc B alcx r.sttroc.E. A
letter from Gen JACKSON, dated in January lust is giv
en, in which all the facts alluded to in his letter to his
friend in this city, are mentioned. A letter is also pub
lished front Gov. \V. P. DUVAL., of Florida, ilia which
the affair of Judge 13.'s leaving the court in the midst
of a trial, is stated. This letter is dated in the year
183'2. So, it would seem that this story, which the
Judge said had been circulated only concerning his fath
er, hasbeen current respecting himself fur many years,
long before Gen. Jackson alluded to it. We may look
for another long drawn letter from Judge 8., we sup
pose, in explanation of Guy. DUVAL's allusions.
Is.—According to the American, the antimasonic
candidate for Sheriff, rides two horses, with the hope
of overtaking his democratic competitor. We fear
that all the efforts of the Doctor will not be sufficient
to accomplish his purpose, and if he does not get
thrown before the end of the race, he will there find
himself at a most extensiye distance from the winning
post. There is one little item of consolation however
we can give the antimasonic candidate, whether ho
rides Jane or two horses, and that is that he will, like
theirishman's h irse,O'Bolherem, most certainly irive
all the others before
ATTEMPT AT FORGERY. — Tha Baltimore Sun state:;
that an attempt was Made on Saturday last, by some
unknown person, to effect a forgery to the amount of
about seven hundred dollars, on- the Mechanics' bank
of that city. The check for the money bore the sig
natime Of Mr. W.- W ao rl , auctioneer, and was sent to
the bank by some unknown person From Barnum's City
Hotel, with directions to forward the money to EIF.-
cotes Mill. The check would have been promptly
cashed but that suspicion arose in consequence of the
direction which the money was to take, and on inquiry
it was found t o be an want effort at forgery.
Tat TIPPECA,SOZ cuss AGAlN.—Chief Justice Gib
aon yesterday delivered the opinion of the Supreme
COIXt in this case, AFFIRMING the Judgment of the
Court. So the great Whig party will at last
have to pay for their Dinner.
BE READY.—It io only fifteen days until the elcc
tion. Whatever preparations are to be made for the
contest should be made at once so that there may be no
draw backs when the day comes. It is of the utmost
importance that every voter should ascertain whether
he has been ♦SSEssED, and if he is nut, to have the
mistake rectified at once, otherivise he will lose his vote
on the day of election. We would earnestly impress
on the minds of the Democratic voters to ace to this.
phia Chronicle says, that delegates to the National
Repeal Convention, assembled at the Tabernacle, New
York, on Wednesday. Robert Tyler was elected Pre
sident, without a dissentient voice, in a cotmnittee of
forty--five, consisting of one delegate from each associ
ation. lie made a neat speech on taking the chair.—
Tho Secretary read the report of the number of Associ
ations from each State, say , I7—of whiM there are from
Maine, 1; Massachusetts, 8; Rhode Island, 2; Con
necticut, 3; Now York, 16; Pennsylvania, 3; Maryland,
1, District Columbia, 1; North Carolina, 1; Georgia, 1;
Wisconsin, L The Chair appointed committees to
draft an address and resolutians, and a committee to
prepare rules for the government of the convention.
SECOND DAY.-A tlO o'clock the convention was
called to order by the President, Robert Tyler, Esq.—
The report of the Committee on Rules and Regula
tions was presented, which provides that the same rules
which govern the House of Representatives of the
United States be adopted for the government of this
A series of IN:solutions were then presented, and af
ter some appropriato speeches from Iklljor Davezac
and John McKeon, Esq., were adopted.
a law number of one of our fashionable mag
azines, there is a very pretty story of a sightless youth,
who was noble, and rich, arid amiable, as all magazine
heroes are; who is made to fall in love with a maiden
who was notbeautiful, but who, like all magazine he
roines, has every other imaginable good quality. The
blind lover wishes at least to learn his fate, and cue
evening as he leaves his inistres.z, the auth 4 . makes him
ask in tender and pathetic tetras, at what hour in the
morning he can see her. This little error, however,
does no harm, for the appointment is made, and a mar
riage is the result of the conference—we had almost
said interview.
MAINE ELECTION.—Returns from 284 towns give
Anderson 26 ) 141 votes, Robinson 18,639, Appleton
5,317, Kivaitigh 2,056. T plurality ai-pitist An
dentin ls now reduced t, 831, u.id the t0w.14 to It 'or
from, which an• chi illy io Yoer, Oxford, 11 tr 2 7)
Frank:in a ul eolotio, will n. aav, if not
quite, • it, n,.1 2.l'i 1.1:1 small nrijori
ty. From pre. , ,qlt typ -arrmet-4 the flon=n will 1.),!.
/mall, but th t!, !iv will moitor near:y thr,c,
to cow. g.oe.ond trials to .21e..t ropr,...o..litativc;h:tvo
all, so for a,t heard from, mi.:ce a choice
Hos. M . Dcrprz.—Ti t ,.! 53 , ,tun.111
s,) , :alsing of thi, ,Iy,:—H•• Ltiviwity.3 to
be feilin; lust—ho I,valk4 with a feeble, unitendy gait,
and hie nc.rvotti made trtunaloui by the lea.t.
CXCitrln , l.l. ft is tn.+Anc!io!y to upon ill nobly a
%%Teo'. of lonnan hoiog.
NI R. MA CRE AI) V.—Thi, di•oinguielted actor came
pa,Kmcer ip rftc Cale,lw.ia The New York Sul has
th f notice of him.
This Zr •at Eag:isli net,r •tnd ornament olt:ie s:age, -
it is t - 2:yt , clA, ‘‘EI make his appearance ut tits Park
Theatre ia about n week. The days of the Cooks,
Kenddes and beans hating in u measure passed away,
we may now say, that Macready is at the very head
of his profession, not wily us a clas-ical scholar of high
pretensions, an actor of ripe ex petience, and a Imitted
powers, but a gentlemen of diszinguished reputation.
It is such men as Macready, respected by the higher
closes of society, and esteemed by all who know him,
fur great purity of character and unsullied integrity,
ho adds lustre to the profession and elevates the dra
matic. art. His engagement at the Park will revive
a just and delicate taste for the plays of the immortal
bard, and tit?: sterling English productions; and we ex
pect to see many of our old citizens, who, in the decay
of the Drama, have not for years been visitors at the
Park Theatre, taking their seats nightly in the Dress
Circle during the engagement of Macready. If their
hair ha grown a . little grey, and they now curry gold
headed canes, it will retire the recollections of the
past, blush up their remembrances of Shakspeare, and
re , tl the inetaory7 of their poetic days.—We must sacri
fice a few evening parties—a few lectures and Conecc
zaii.oirg, to Thalia and Melpomine, when they pre
sent themselves with such winning attractions. Oar
schools which have not for years had the benefit of
suelf classic reading and elocution as they will hear
from Macready, mast nut omit the opportunity of af
ford in!; so rare a treat to their scholars and students.
At a largo and respectable meeting of the friends
of Ireland ,and Repeal held on Monday evening, at the
Armory of the Hiberni a Greens, Mr. M. M'Closkey
was called to the chair, Messrs. .1. B. Aleese, Jas.
Swords and John M'Gurk were eleced Vice Presidents
and M. Kane, jr., appointed Secretary.
On motion, Resolved, that this meetingdeems it ex
pedient at this time to form an association to be styled
the "Irish Repeal Association of the City of Pitts
On motion, a Committee of twelve was appointed to
call a general public meeting, of the friends of lrelan
and Irish Repeal on Wednesday evening, 27th inst.,
consisisting of Mesars.M. M'Closkey, M. Kane, jr., P.
Keenah, Andw. Mullen, Jas. Swords, John McGurk,
F. Marron, John Cavanaugh, Wm. McElroy, J. a.
McAlese, Wm. Fitzgerald; and James Dignam.
On "notion, Resolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting be published in all the papers ofthis city friend
ly to the cause. M. McCLOS4ET; Prest.
Jas. SWORDS, Vice Presidents
M. KANE, JR, Secretary.
In accordance with the foregoing proceedings, the
friends of Repeal are requested to attend a public ten
ting t 3 be held at the Armory oldie Hibernia Greens,
corner of Cecil's Alley and Liberty .3t., on NVEDNE..-
D EVINING, 27th iaat.., at 7 o'clock. •
BREACHES- We - says the
Hatrisburgh Union, that the recent heavy. rains have
swollen the J uniata to such a height, as completely to
inundate the Canal cOnti,putts to that river. Numer
ous very exteu4ive breaches have occurred in conse
quence, in the neightorhood of Thompsontown and
from thence up a, M'Veytuwn, in Mifflin county. We
have not yet learned the extent of the damage,. but it
is reported to be very serious. The Canal packet>
have, nevertheless, been able to maintain a regular
line of communication so that passengers have suffer
ed but comparatively little interruptb)lL In a feis-days
the breaches will be all repaired, and this speedy and
comfortable route to the West fully re-established.
Pyrususou, Aug. 1843.
To Hia Excellency D. 12 Porter. I
RESPECTED SlR:—The, subseribeno, your follow-eit
izena of the county of Allegheny, have heard with plea
sure of your arrival in the City of Pittsburgh, and em
brace the opportunity of bidding you a hearty welcome,
and of expressing their undiminished confidence in
your integrity, ability and sound patriotism, ,trul as a
token of our attachment' and unfeigned respect, wo
solicit the favor of your company at it public entertain
ment to be given at the Exchange Hotel, at such time
as may best comport with your Excellency's conveni-
James C. Cummins,
Thomas Gaston,
B. Manning,
James Lvin,
R. H. Kerr,
J. N. 'White,
Win. Irwin,
A. J. Gribbin,
John McK -
Jerome Jones,
Win. Gribben,
W. C. Smith,
John Soland,
Wm. Keys,
.Tams Walton,
W. L. E. Karns,
Henry Kennedy,
Owen M'Cabe,
James Brady,
J. It. Hague,
William Karns,
D. E. Morgan,
John Neal,
John Mackin,
D. R. Miller,
A. Clippies,
J. Cupples,
H. Knox,
John 3iF Devitt,
Itubert Young,
James M'Devitt,
F. L. Snowden,
John Laveley,
Jacob Boston,
John Watt,
John Johnston
G. P. Hamilern,
James S. Craft,
John Bigler,
E. Snowden,
W. Porter.
James Maekey,
Samuel Snee,
A. Burke,
Jas. Gray, (-Ith)
Robert Porter,
C. Nt'Kibliiu,
It. Glass,
I received your very kind and flattering invitation of
the _oth ultimo, to partake of a public entertainment
at the Exchange Hotel, just a; I was on the creof de
parture from Pittsburgh; and have been since so con
stantly occupied with official tingam iments, accu
mulated during my absence, as to compel me to post
pone an acknowiedgem,na to a litter p,:tiad than I had
l' , •rant !iv! t return lily sincere tlianki: to V(171, one
and all, for the obliging uirtna in which your invitation
waipreicated. !lad circicniitance,i rendiiirt.‘d it pric
ticahle. nothing would h.tve altoritid toe greater phia—
uro than to !mace accepted it, and per.sonally thanlied
you for this welcome to your tiouidhing and enterpri
sing city. But a long aiwuce from the nrat of •0%.-
eriirri , utt mo of th, of a ip.ifidY
n . l . mot nee:. Iv:C.IOUL 113:1C:`, tine eX
rre3.6o•l of yolr “tn:limini4hed contidew:o in
tegrit),abilitynnl patriotism," whinh you se frankly
made. Lidert.:wdiaary cite:am-tit:cos, a Ward from me
on t hi s to pi c m i g ht savor for vaiii;): bat when I retlec
that I w tint eke. tf:•3 by Illy fcilow citizens in tie
year 1815, and thlt by tGgir partiality and confidence
I have occupied some station of public trust almost
constantly from that period to the pres-ut; and w
we look around and find so very few win> have weath
ered the political sterns so long. I am sure the s
sion of no: gratfication at this avowal of confidence.
from sit respectable and enlightened a body of gentle
to-n, tt have unite,' in it, will not be mit:coo:Ant-A
The iti•diern: rev. ard a public sextant Call receive it:
this emtntry is the approbation of his intelli,:eat and
virt anus C I s-citizea4, and a ''Kt to the p:•aro of hi
own conscion .st none Can inspire him with greater
pleasure. I have lived too lung and witnessed too ma
ny of the vici4 , itudes of political fortune not to estimate
at its true value, the detraction of political and of
ungrateful friends. It lives out its dao and perishes
with its authors. An honest min bas nothing to fear
from public opinion deliberately formed, however, it
may, for a season, be abused and tampered with. To
dii4 tribunal have my acts and character been submit
, ted fur a period now approachin„; nearly thirty years;
and now: as the close of my Constitutional term of of
: lice approaches. I abide din issue with that assurance
which conscious integrity never fails to give.
With very great rcqi I rennin, geniternon, your
obliged fellow-citizen,
To Messrs. M'Candless, J. C. Cummim=. John B
Butler. C. Thaler, J. S. Craft, Jri.!s Gray, 4th st.
IVm. Porter, \V. B. Foster. It. 11. Elerr, and otk-a-s.
The Alettaadria (La.) Transcript thus unravels the
mystery which has liven throwd ardned the lute murder
au female iu the Parish of .Caldwell:
We have been put in possession of such information
as leaves not a shadow of doubt dint the 11 ante of the
young lady so brutally murdered a few weeks since in
the parish of Caldwell, was Harriet Cummins. Capt.
Goodrich, of the steamboat Levi Welch, informs us
that this young lady came on hoard his boat at the
mouth of Red River, and was conveyed to Columbia,
nn the Ouachita river. (about 15 miles from where the
body was found) where she was landed on the 17th or
13th of July.
She was accompanied to the boat by Mr. White, and
another person, one of Mann, Capt. G. does not re
member which, paid her passage. She stated thnt she
had property corning to her in the neighborhood of
Tunica. from which sho had as yet received nothing
but her education, and was apprehensive of unfair
dealing on the part of those having it in possession,and
was then on her way to see an uncle residing within 10
miles of Columbia, to get him to settle her affairs, and
aid her in coining into possession of her rights.
All traces of the lady were lost at Columbia—and
there is every reason to believe (from the description)
the body found on the 231 inst. was that of the unfor
tunate girl alluded to. She is represented as a mod
est intelligent girl, as having possessed a good educa
tion. The fiendish act must have been perpetrated by
some person or persons following her for that purpose
from the mouth of Red River, interested, perhaps, in
preventing the interference of her uncle in regard to
the property in Tunica. For the sake of humanity,
we hope the perpetrators may be ferreted out and pun
With sentiments o f high respect,
We are your friends,
Charles Shaler,
Wtn. Sirwell,
A. Hunker,
J. 13. Butler,
John Lechelelle,
John Spencer,
Andrew Murphy,
Barnes Ford,
R. Galway,
M. D. Patton,
Wm. M'Candless,
B. Renter,
J. J. Connelly,
J. Anderson,
J. Burnside,
iVillitim p.l' Elroy,
A. Morris,
B. Words,
.1. West,
S. Phillips,
J. Phillips,
James May,
Victor Scriba,
Thomas Mohan,
It. Jackson,
B. Gossan,
S. S. Stewart,
James Stewart,
Wm. M. Patterson,
W. C. Anderson,
A. Wilson,
W. Closey, T
John P. Glass, '
R. C. Grier,
W. B. Foster,
B. Nl'Kenna,
J. Sheridan,
Joseph M'Kenna,
Samuel Kingston,
Wm. Sheridan,
R. A: Bailsman,
G. Seitz,
E. Seitz,
B. Patton,
Italy Palterson,
J. P. Guthrie,
Wm. M'Ktv .r.
HARM:SW:RC, Sept. 2, 1813
Hearn BXLL FOUNDING,—The India papers
contain a curious account of the casting of an enor
mous bell at Rangoon, as an offering from the King to
the great temple of Shoey Dalton, in that city. It is
stated that °,OOO men were employed at the 500 for
ges or windpipes put in requisition on this occasion—
that is, 10 persons to a pump and forge. - Dressed in
their gayest attire, all the principal officers of the town,
and chief men of the surrounding rillazes, havin .1. made
their supplication, commenced operation at four forg es,'
constructed for appropriate use; and then followed the
active movements of the five hundred plebeian forgers.
A hundred and seventy of silver, (nearly Gl7
pounds) and one hundred and fifty of gold (nearly 5.13
pounds) Were added by the people to . the metals which
I had been provided by the King, besides a vast number
of gold and silver ornaments, of which no account was
taken. In four days and five nights, the work was
completed. The dimensions of the bell are said to be
seven cubits in diameter, twenty one in circumference,
eleven in height, and one and two inches thick. The
weight of the. metal, of which on account wis taken,
wiis.fre hundred tons. It was ordered that the bell
should rest in its mould for forty days; during which
period neither the sound of cannon, musket, nor even
that of a lice mortar should be heard in Rangoon, lest
I the concussion of the atmosphere should crack the
mighty mass.-47tglisk paper.
Gentlemen:—By the "Aurora" of yesterday, I find
the friends of Mr. Vau Buren have regularly. orzanized
Clubs and agents, in our very midst, each doing what
h e can for the Ea-Yrc.•ident. Would it not be advisa
ble for the friends of Pennsylvania's favourite sou,Hon.
JAMES BUCHAN AN, to come to a fair understanding,
and giA. Clubs erg-at:iced for self-defence? Our claims
as Pennsylvanians must and shall be heard. Who are
the Central Committee, and what are they doing?
Allegheny, Sept. 4...?5, 1843. J. M. F.
Messrg. Editors.—l have often wondered why the
theatres of this country enjoy so very little of public
patronage, and why the "elite" of society is so very
seldom soon in the temple of Thalia; and it has oc
curred to me that the strong religious sentiment of the
population, the very hilis sense fur decency and mor
als, and lastly but not least, the very imperfect state
of the Stage, might occasion this indifference. I can
not entirely agree with the opinion of the "beau
monde" of this country, and shall endeavor to prove,
that the stage can be mado the representative of mor
als an I fashion, as well as any other place, and that
only a more liberal patronage is required to induce
Managers to put pieces on their bills that are instruc
tive and moral, while on the other side, as long as the
play is only patronized by the rabble, the self-interest
of the actor compels him to produce mere pines of
spectacle and humbug.
In Europe, where a particular branch of the police
watches over these institutions, where the perform
ance of equivocal and immoral pieces are prohibited,
we find the theatre to be a reunion of all that is fash
ionable and moral, and it is even not unusual to see
preachers of the gospel there. The I etter pieces of
the treat dramatists of all countries are representa
tions of the good and evil spirit of mankind, and while
the spectator is anxiously- watching for the triumph
of the first, he is pleased to see the latter conquered
or punishes!. The child there obtains the first practi
cal view of the consequences of good and bad deeds;
it beeomes acquainted with the language, with poetry,
and literature; the novice of society, of customs and
manners; perceive the practical working of these
mighty engines of mankilid, he returns home with the
intention to imitate the good he has seen and to shun
immorality and vice. And how much better is such
a place of amusement than the common places of ren
dezvous, which are now frequented by our youths; how
much better would it be for thmn to enjoy a few hours
in the company of parents, sisters and 1 . /ands, than to
meet at places where the watchful eye of the parents,
the compassionate care of the sister cannot follow
them! It is true, there is no police in this country
which could regulate the bill of the manager, but pub
lic opinion is far more powerful than any police, and
ut public opinion below the exercise of the censorship.
If the leaders of good society would only begin to fre
quent such places, if the ladies would throw their om
nipotent influence into the scale, I am sure we would
5C^ an entire revolution of the stage. IV here beauty
and dignity is assembled, the rabble does not dare to
show its face, and the spectator has nothing to fear
from mixed company, or from the outbreak of Lint
man roaring and laughing. The actors would be in
spired by the presence of a fashionable and intelligent
public, they would rouse all their abilities to be worthy
of patronage! TALMA.
In a town some fifty miles from Boson, the members
of a relig,ions society were in the habit of holding con
f rence meetings in the church, in whi h they made a
kind of coafession, technically called recounting one's
-myerienne." A very pious member of the church,
Mr. D., was in the habit of inviting his neighbor L.
who was not a member, to attend these meetings—at
one of which Mr D. got up and stated to the congre
gation that he was a great sinner—that he sinned daily
with his eyes open—that he willingly and knowingly
sinned—that gimilai'sS: dwelt not in him—that he was
iihsolutely and totally d-praved—that nothing but the
boundless mercy and Intl cite goodness of Gad could
save hint from eternal damnaiion.
After this canfessdni by Mr. D., Mr. L. (who by ac
,:id nit bad been [azed cia the "anxious sent") rose
with the most imperturbable gravity, and stated that
he had little to say for himself, but the brethren would
remember that he had lived for twenty-five years the
Nearest neighbor of Mr. I).; that he knew him well—
mr.re intimately- than any other man—and it gave him
pleasure, because he con:d do it with more sincerity, to
confirm the truth of all brother ). had coaf_•ssed of him
When Mr. L. su tLiwn, (under die viAblo and audi
ble smile of the whole e•mgregi)a, the parson not ex
cept...4lo Mr. D. went up to him and said, "You are a
ras.-al ;and a liar; and I'll lick you as ;will as you gtt
mt of the ehrirch."—Phila. Ledger.
We do nut know when we have derived more satis
faction from the inspection of any work of art, than in
the examination we have been permitted to make of
the practical working of this truly ingenious and valu
able machine. In view of the perfection of its adap
tearless to whatit was invented for, as well as of the,
extreme importance and value of that great object, we
must doubt if there be any work of modern invention
more worthy of admiration. Its design is to cut out
the largest ship timber into any given - form or shape,
curved and bevelled, all in one single operation. It is
designed to be to Naval, what the common saw mill
is to the ordinary, archit .cture. anal they who have had
an oppertunity of observing the loborat the ship yards,
of handling and working the massive timbers of which
larger vessels are composed, can readily realize what
an immense labor saving machine that of Col. Hamil
ton's must be. The name he has given it conveys its
design exactly “curvillincar and compound bevel saw
ing machine."
The inventor tells us that the United States Naval
contractors have fully expressed themselves in favor of
this valuable work dart, and have, after careful exam.
illation given him certificates that this is their opinion,
and mariner, that the government ought to possess it
self of the patent We hope tlii. win 0 .tutu. The
best oak trees, say the best and m ist experienced
judges in these matters, are the least inclined to grow
straight, and this invention thus makes the choicest of
them as available as those which though straighter are
not always so good. We hope that the government, or
some association of ship builders will obtain the right
to use this improvement, in our own city. There
is the malting of a fortunein it, and it is fit, moreover,
that our townsman's (the inventor's) unremitting labor,
ingenuity and outlay of expense. during years of ap
plication, should he competentlp rewarded by the
public appreciatioa and approbation.—N. Y.Express. Tooth . ache ! Toothache!! Toothache!!!
T HE, above complaints can be cured in five mi,
ANOTHER IMPORTANT INVENTION, rtes, by using the celebrated Mes cov tt us Mod
which is warranted. There are many imitations and
It would seem almost impossible to set bounds to the
counterfeits, of the above. 'The only true and gents:
ire article is to be had at TUTTLE'S 86 Fourth st.
inventive genius of our countrymen. Mr. William
Dull; Civil Engineer, of Baltimore, has discovered an
Sept P 2..
important means or preventing the explosion of steam
boilers, with which ho has made satisfactory experi- , The Bible in Spain II
ments in the presence of competent judges, who ex- F OSTER has received a supply of this popular work
pressed their belief in its efficacy. It is called the by Burrow, which he offers for sale at his Liter-
Hydrostatic Weighted Steam Valve. The invention ary Depot,St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange.
consists in causing a portion of the water from the boil- sept 2'2-6t
er to constitute a portion of the weight that is to bear .
upon the safety valve ofa steam engine. To effect this C HEAP LITERATURE.—AII the cheap popular
body of the weight is to be so made as to admit wa- publications can be had at eastern prices by call.
' ter to pass into it from the boiler, there being a holing at FOSTER'S Literary Depot, St. Clair street, sp.
' low tube or stem attached to each weight, and form- polite the Exchange. scp 22-i
ing a channel of commnnicatioa between the hollow
body of said weight and the boiler. In a work con ' A FTLESS SUPPLY
strutted abd arranged according to this plan, the-great- OF Cooper's New Novel—W YA tS norte,—at Fcs
er portion of the load upon the safety valve may con- ter's, St. Clair street. Rep 4 22-1 w
sistof that due to the weight itself, which may be in __. __-
creased to tho desired extent by means of the Walel" -- Sirs. Ellis' Works.
Thus supposing the hollow weight to weigh fifty pounds, A fresh supply of the popular works of Mrs. Effie•
and the capacity of the hollow part thereof to be such ust received at the St. Clair street Liter ary Depot, op
,as to contain twelve pounds of water, the two weightsposite the Exchange. Sept 2.2-Iw
combined will amount to sixtyovvo pounds. Whilst
the water in the boiler remains at such a height as to , JOHN LE FEVER'S
admit oldie dripping of the hollow stern into it, the' New & Cheap Stock Establishment,
i weight will he so situated as to become tilled, or par- NO 61, DLIMOND ALLEY,
tially tilled, with water according to the pressure of
the steam. Should this pressure increase beyond the
T WOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens
destined amount, the water in the boiler continuing at
i of ru
Pittsb hg -and the country. generally, that I have
its proper height, the safety
other boilers; should the pressure continue and the was
ter become too low irßhe boiler, so that the stem of .
valve will be raised as in commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every
rm and description, arid would solicit merchants
andothers to call and examine for themselves, as I
the hollow weight will no longer dip into it, the water
determined to sell on the must accommodating
wilt b weight, and the valve will e discharged from said' f
i or cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
be raised. . ! merit a share of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m.
TEMPERANCE AT :CIA': stet.—To, Rochester Dem
ocrat says 'the Ya!:h., - ill have to give up haNat, in
the matter of tee-1 a; ;I tring;. The!n• •. as a meet
ing at Niagara i a which cam.. up to > , m: of the
political gathea tri . in 1) pint,,f L .,,, a b ors an d
general e:11.:111 , :l7 , 111. Tii r.• ncr • • 5.000 persons
present. is tih: 1-ieus fir the o ccasion.
Scores c•.nic fr.mi a distance of 30 tar 40 miles, to
mingle their voices vaitla the roar of the atightroniar
uct, in pa-ai.".! of nature's b.:verage. Banners were
abuudtun, baring appropriate mottoes---some of them
quite splendid, and all evincing a most commendable
enthusiasm. The speaking was first rate, and the
doctrines preached were of the true Washingtonian
stamp. •
Experiments have been made which show that air
compressed into the fiftieth port of its volume has its
elasticity increased in a fifty-fold proportion; and that
if continuously contracted at that tate, from its own in
cumbent weight, acquires, at the depth of thirty-four
miles, the density of water, while water itself would
have its density more than doubled at the depth of nine
ty-three miles. In deseerahinr, therefore, towards the
centre of die earth, at (say) four thousand miles, the
condensation of ordinary substances would surpass the
utmost power of conception. Dr. Young (Matthew)
Sap that even steel would be compressed into one
fourth, and stone into o Se-eighth of its ordinary bulk
at the earth's centre. It is too true, that we are yet
but imperfectly informed ,of the law of compresion,
as it opera;es on solid bodies beyond a certain limit.—
If credence be gives to the results of those experiments
made by Perkins, us well as to the opinions of Sir Isaac
Newton—who was pleased to assert that so porous was
matter, that the whole earth maybe compi eased into a
solid mass ofone cubic foot—we have much yet to corn
prebend on this subject.
BEAT THIS WHO CAN !!—Yesterday mottling an
Iri=htnan named Peter Kerbey, in the employ of Mr.
Gustarui Beall, shouldered and carried (in one bag)
bu.-hel.4 of wheat. The wheat weiT,hed 61 lbs. per
bushel, making in all 701. i ibs.—Cumberland Gaz.
We knack under—we can't boat either the story or
the Irishman.
MARRIED.—Oa Thursday evening, the 2lst inst.,
by the Rev. Geo. Holmes, Mr. ALEXANDER JONYS,
Of Sligo, to Miss Et.mutErn BURKE, of Allegheny
Part of Pittsburgb,
Reported by Sheblc and Mitchell, General Ste am
Boat Agents, Water street.
Lodi, Tomlinson, Cincinnati,
Belfast, Smith, Wll,_ , Ai 111 T.
Brid 4 - Lt water, Clark, Wheeling,
Dresden, Smith, Zanesville.
Daily Beaver Packets.
Lancaster, Kiincfeltar, Cincinnati,
Belfast, Smith. Wheeling.
Tuesddy es-eriing-. Sept. 26, will be performed. for the
Variiitts songs, dancer , , &c., by Mad. Gro6hean, Mast
Ann3tus and Mri, Castor.
To conclude with tho re!ehrited piece called -.
Dick Turpin, for thi nigilt only, Mr. Foitor.
Tickets tote had at th r Box ollicc during the day. -4
Doors open at 7 o'clock, 0 Tforrn incJ to c...myrit. Ice at
Lall those in want of a first rate Over dose,
fashionable winter Frock. or Pelto, remember
that the best made, ino,t fashionahle.cut, tastiesttrim=
mod, and cheapest article, (if not the lowest priced,)
can be had only at the
A few Et pc•cimen coati - on hand. which have just been
finished according to the hiti-st mode. We 'will ce
plea Fed to shew ti7em to any gentleman wanting the ar
City customers will pouceire the advanta,ttothat this
establiThment can dive, when they are informA that
we will make to order every description of garmentsin
a. superior sty-le, and accordin_ to the latest fashions,
as low as the same article can be bought in thi- , city.
T,;„H' Any article in our line made and trimmed,
when it snits the customer to furnish his own materials:
every pains will be taken, and a handsome fit always
sep 26.
T UST received at. ALGEO M'GUIRE'S Fashion-
OF able Bead Quarter:. a splendid lot of :goods for the
fall trade; amongst wl. will be found superior buck
skin plain and fancy cas,:aleres, new- style woolen 1.0-
vet vestingi, plain satin and figured silk do.; diamond,
waved and plain Beaver Cloths; a few - pieces extra
henry and dine Broad Cloths. fashionable colors for
wint.:•r, sack frock co-oz, extra suyerline blue and wool
dyed black, Engli:h and Er..ach broa.l cloths. All of
which will be made to order in the most superior
style, at very low prkes. ALGEO &M'GUIRE,
sep 25-101 d. ti.'sl, Liberty street.
N. time, the
The Fashions! The Fashions! !