~ •- Yyy~. J ~ Y` ~'~` -35.x:.7=E~q DAILY POST. rritsßußGH, MONDAY, SE . _ 00rF0r business cards, &c., see firstpage _ . _ '''.gt'lligliqp!ur readers will fled copiyus extracts of Euro , :_Lat anaTex.ns,news in our impel this morning. To niiirrow, we will pu blish plan fur the organ . itiiion'a the Irish Parliament. --TARATRE.-To-night, Mr. HISTING 3, the iadefati tatdo.lll.dnager, produces a most brilliant and interest iponnacle, called the "Botile Lap." Preparations lift been making fur some weeks past, to bring out itkik piece with a display of gorgeous scenery never e „. frualkxl in our city, and, we are informed, that in every . "04 - ipoct, it will be a most interesting exhibition. Fins :Oast deseries success, for he spares neither labor nor 7 1, exionse to make his entertainments attractive; and we kiwi no doubt but the spectacle of the "Bottle Imp,” wif.bo the means of enabling die manager to "raise wind " - - . Asorant AtcA Tws.—Augußin Kennedy, one atbo Collector: of the city of Saint LOUi3, iS a defaulter so the amount 0f58,456 42. FOR SITS )MORNING POST. MeSirS Editors—lll your daily and weekly papers Ifiad my name associated with two others as a Com mittee of Vigilance for the Third W ard, Allegheny City; this high honor conferred on me by the Committee alCorrevondence t (of course) feel very grateful; but . olhe same time respectfully beg leave to decline ser .. firia4for reasons which I explained fully to the chairman jof Ltutiomtnittyx us soon es I first saw my name in the mar. Had my request been attended to, I would - hew been saved the trouble of thus coming before the public in what may appearto some a small matter; but -IP toe itis ()noel very great importance. JOUN FLEMING. litustNEss IS Beurtmon.y..—The Sun of the 20th has the •following: -.- FALi TRADE.—We arc pleased to see, by the large ncmiber of boxes of goods daily turned oat by our yhrhOlesale merchants, that the fall trade has already seintmenePA, and it is thought from present appearati ces,there is every prospect eta mire brisk season than .Fos several years past. Country merchants are daily - arriving in considerable numbers, and, with a few ex ceptions, come fully prepared to square off old liahili ties prior to incurring new ones. This is, endoubOdly, - the right plan, and, if strictly enforced-by sellers and • adhered to by buyers, will prevent a recurrence of the ipirit of over-trading which has, of late, so severely shocked the mercantile interests of the country. and be equally beneficial to both. - OZTA. A. ADDA 31 s, the Tragedian,accidentally stab bed himself in the closing scene of Othello, on Monday 'tight last, at Cincinnati. The wound is in the left breast, below the region of the heart, is about an inch ind !shalt in depth, but is not considered dangerous. • ARRIVAL OF THE CALEDONIA.---SIXTEE: DAYS L Amt. The steamship Caledonia, Capr. E. G. Lott, arrived • Iliaaton on ‘Vcdasisday morning at o'clock, having left Liverpool on the afternoon of the sth inst. The Caledonia arrived at H difax . at 1 o'clock, P. Msf, Mt the 18th. She bronght 97 passengers. The crops; look as promising u.s can be expected, considering the heavy rains which have prevailed in va rious parts of the cOuntry of late, and the cold spring. Parliament was prorogued by Queen Victoria in per son, August 24:h. All the foreign miaistera were in attendance. The speech itself says little which is not common place, except the portion which relates to Ireland In reaaing that portion of the document, her Majesty, it is . said, raised her voice and emphasized a good d. The terrnsof the speech as applied to that section of the empire are rather strong, burif O'Connell is to be cred ited, her Majesty 4u l )stit uted "deep concern - ' for "indig nation" in the ori,linal draft, when speakiag ofthe Re peal agitation. The great azi cum. would scan to have friends—not to say spies—in high place?. Among the I laNiClOYrri by the Csdedessia is Mr. Ma crawly, thecelebrated Tragedian. Arrival of the Quern of England in France,—The European Times, sayst—Espartero has arrived in Loa • don. His-arrival has caused situ stir,und the ex-Re . gent of Spain has received the most hospitable treat ment fr o m Or: leading men of all parties is l_nglanJ.— Ho was presented to her Majesty nt Windsor, by the Ears of Aberdeen, and has been the guest of Lord Pal - user4ton and other distinguished individuals. A day - or two before he reached our shores as a fugitive, the Prince de Joinville and the Duke d'Ausnale arrived on a visit-to the Queen. They left. hastily. and their sud den departure wits attributed to the unfortunate conlre • tittlip of meeting in our "tight little island" with the ex-Regent. BM- the cause of their arrival, and the - ilarlenneo of their departure, originated in another • and aj totally different cause. The - Kitrz of the French hearing, of:Queen Victoria's himption of taking a short excursion in sea, COMlllii ifianed his sons to invite her to his chateau et Eu. She took her departure on Monday from Southampton, am 7 id3tgreatiejuicings, and her progress along the coast is recorded with great Mlll , ltellf±S by the daily journals. jisin rapid squadron reached Treport on the afternoon SatUrdav, where it was received by the King of the 'ArFinaneh and his family with great eclat. * The Royal families of England and France then : aalictst gi - ent,rojoicingi, let t for tile chateau d' Flu, which they reached at seven the same evening, and a Niko , rdialanquet was served up at eight. The Qw: en's jour ney to France his excited no little interest on both sides of the channel. Some of the Paris papera look upon it with any thing but satisfaction. This is the first oc ensiOn, for upwards of three centuries, that the sover e;igns-of the two countries have met und?r similar cir enmstances IRELAND. O'Connell continues to blaze away in Ireland. The . agitation increases, if possible, in intensity, and the at is kept up to the mark—swelled by contributions from various parts of the American continent: Ile has *tacked the Queen's speech with great ferocity, treat ing it as the speech of the ministers, and wishing; it to be believed that her Majesty was coerced into its de liverr--that she is not a fee agent, and that a resigna tioa would have been the result of a refusal. This does Ilianot tally, however, with the marked intention which her Majesty is said to have imparted to the reading of the passages about the Repeal agitation. The reading inlY indicated her feeling on the subjc:ct. " The great Protestant meeting which was announced on the eve of taking place in Beiftst, a countet de onstration to the Repeal meetings, has been given up. he advice contained in the Queen's speech is assign- ed as the cause. At' Roscommon there was an immense meeting of .... Repeaters, and O'Connell spoke with great boldness and effect. At the usual weekly repeal meeting on the "jBth, the subject of the Queen's speech was taken up. 'ti ll Remittances front the repeal asmelations of Louisiana • and Ohio wort:brought in. A letter from the Ohio Ito : pealers was read, expies,ing their dissent at O'Con nell's views on slavery. Mr. O'Connell then repeated ' his views on slavery in brief, and condemned the letter, ~' which he m wed should be referred to a committee for a detailed answer. Speaking of the Queen's speech, be said it was notthe expression of royal, but of minis- • canal authority. lie still urged peaceable but stronti ous exert ms. *- ' Arthe usual meet ing' of the Repeal Association on Itteoday, the 21st ultimo, the rent for the week was an atsinead to be g 1,130. Air. O'Connell was not pre seat, and the ineetin , * ' adjourned till next day; when he propounded his plan for the restoration of the Irish Par- B r iMent, as prepared by a committee. Di'shop Doane's Pamphlet. AFEW COPIESBiThop Doane'sParaphleton "Pu seyism" received and for sale at Foster's Liter !. gry Depot, St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange, sept. 22 FRESH TEAS. •. "'UST RECEIVED from the Eastward on consign .' ELP went, direct film the Importers, 15 half cijests Young Hyson TEA, also ten 13 lb. boxes ditto, all of which I which I will sell at the_yerlSy Lowe price. AC CRUSE, 148 Liberty street. Dept 22-1 w -.7 - j , • V.V!"12... • ' - October elation. Comity Commissioner. AT the solicitation of a number of friends of all political parties, I respectfully offer myself to the consideration of my fellow -citizens for the office of County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not be misunderstood, either as to political or private affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan cial affairs, and the rixtuction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation of large majori-_ ties of the people, the undersigned would not should ho be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at tempt to resist this salutary- reform; should it reach the office of County Commissioner. apr G. SAMUEL HUBLEY. PrOthOnetarY. To the voters of Allegheny eounty:—.l. respect fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate (independent of parties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you to whom 1 am not per sonally known will please examine into my qualifica tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention fo the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your choice. - ALEX MILLER. New Fall and Winter Goods. HAMPTON & SMITH, No. 112 WOOD STREET, ARE now oreriing and offer for sale u very large and general assortment of amisonable Dry Goods,. consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth, broad cloths of every color, cassimeres, sattinetts, jeans, kerseys, linseys, flannels, bair.es, bleached and brown cottons, drills, Alpacca lustres black and colored, plain and printed merinos mouslin de lamas, Irish li. Mattioni aadother silks, ribbons, laces, cambrics, muslinS, merino, fancy and blanket shawLs, sewing silks, spool and skein threads. &c., &c.. together with an assortment of carpets, runs floor cloths, &c , all of which we are able to sell as cheap as goodscan now he bought in. any market, east or west:: sep2l—tf Dissolution of Partnership. TP HE Partnership heretofore existing, under the firm 1 of DICKEY and ALExs.spert, is this day dissol ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY, sept. 1, 1843. M. G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends and the public, Olathe still continues in the Transpor tation Business, at his 'Warehouse, CORN F.R OiLIDER TY AND WAYNE STREETS, Canal Basin, wider the f the "Independent Portable Boat Line," a will receive and forward freight to the East at st tetras. Sept. 4—tf. MEM where h. the Lowe E. A. BROWN & BROTHER, r. 7 WOOD STREET, Hati now received and opened their Stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, cum prising the greatest rariely to be found in any house in the city. These goods have been very rtirofully, and it is be lievedjudiriously purchased for cash, most of them at the lowest spring prices, and will be sold accordingly. Goods can now ho bought cheaper than in any of the Eastern cities, and merchants will do well to examine here, before going far/her and faring worse. Iron Safes. T RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have 1 . and keep always on hand an asrortment of Fire Proof Safes. The price, in consequence of the ma terials and labor being much lower, is reduced about thirty percent. They are kept firi sale at my shop, in Sixth shwa, above Smithfield, next to the church on the corner of 6th street—as also with Atwood, Jones &CO., and Dasell & Fleming. In regard to the qual ity of my safes I leave those persons who have pur chased and will purchase my safes to attest the theta. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safes; . ju lice and truth warrant or: in informing the public that all my safes which have been in buildings burnt down for several years since Icommenced have pre ' served:al the papers, book, &c., which they contain ed. I have a card containing a number of certificates of the same, which arc in circulation and in my hands aud the agernes. JOHN DENNING. N. B. A few pair •if steel Spring,s for sale, made by. Jones i Coleman, and will be sold low. Also, a screw pees:, with power to pumthly&s in half inch iron. rep :20—tf For Sale Low For Cash. 300 D R'inEz,uf sizesallof sinnt=tBtlr retail, Putty; nails and spikes; carpet-chain; country carpets; all sizes Patent Buckets, tubs. churns, coffee mills, measures, tin ware; shovels, spades, hoes, axes and hatchets, augurs, Beam-di+, twine, Louisville Lilac. The Balm of Life and a variety of cheap Fam ily Medicines; Books and Stationary, and School Bboks. • ISAAC HARRIS, Agt. & Corn. Merchant. sop 99 No. 9, Fifth St. N. B.—Country carpet. socks and stockings, woal, feathers, flax and tow and woolen yarn, flannels_and linsays, hags, paper, rags, beeswax, tallow, butter, &c. tuked in payment at cash prices. Lace Leather. 4) fi SIDES Lace Leather,u very superior *Article O for sewinz Machine Belt , , for tale by WALTER BRYANT & cep 2-film&w2t No. 83 Liberty Sole Leather. 011i:k SIDES of Baltimore and New Yolk V V Sole Leather; also a general :issortment of Morocco, Lining and Binding Skins, for sale by WALTER BRYANT & sep2-d1m4,...-‘2t._ No. 83 Liberty ,itreet. Rides; ,300 LIGHT BIDES, suitable for Upper Leather. 900 heavy Spanish Tildes, 250 city slaughter do., 700 Madras Goat Skins, in store and for sale by WALTER BRYANT CU. sep2-tikrn&l,v2t. No. 83 Liberty st. 112 si v i a z n i ar , , _ b k y lleghen s v o lip s Ne . S p t.t , z v k i tt pii sep ii Coiper; of Woad and Fifth Rtreets: JOHN LE FEVER'S New C heap Steck Illsiabliihrneut, 1, DIAMOND ALLEY, BETWEEN WOOD AND MARKET STREETS. IWOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every va riety, form and description, and would solicit merchant* and others to call and examine for themselves, as lain determined to sell on the most accommodating termi for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. aug. 19-6 m. Executor's Notice. ALL persons will please take notice that Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersign ed upon the estuto of Sidney J. Moreland, late of the city of Pittsburg - h, deceased. Those indebted to said Moreland will mike payment to either of the undersigned; and those having claims against him arc requested to present the same proper ly authenticated for settlement. JAMES GRAY, 4th st. sep 19—d1w&w6t Christine, ATALE of the Revolution, be J. H. Muncur, for sale at Foster's Literary Depot, St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange. sop 22-1 w sMOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her rings j Wit received and for sale by HAILMAN, JEIsiNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street GRINDING AND POLISHING —Sad Irons ground and polished, anvils and other kinds of grinding done at the Cant Steel File Manufactory, cor ner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. aug 18 WANTED, a seamstress, a first rate hand. Ap ply at the store, No. 4, Wood street. scp 20-ti WM. NOBLE, Upholsterer. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner ,f Wood and sth sts. Pittsburgh, Iready to receive merchandize of' every description on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the, above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDATS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, I' ittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, I'. M. Sales every evening, at early gas light. aug 12—y Executors' Sale of Beal Estate. THE subscribers will expose at public sale, on the premises in the city of Allegheny, on Friday, 29th day of September, at 2 o'clock, P. st., the following described property, belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Ann Maria Cummins, dec'd, viz: Lots Noe. 11, 12,14 and 15, in James Anderson 's plan of lots being putt of Lot No. 40, in the Reserve Tract, opposite Pittsburgh, each of said lots containing in front on Mor gun street 25 feet, and extending back 94 feet. On each of lots Nos. 12 and 15, there is erected a good double frame dwelling house. Persons wishing to purchase can have the property exhibited to them, awl the terms of sale made known, on application to the subscribers WILLIAM PROCTOR, A. H. HARVEY, sep 20-9 t N Monday morning, the 25th inst., at 10 o'clock, O will be sold at the Corn. Auction Rooms, corner of \Yood and Fifth streets, a general assortment of Dry Goods, among which area great variety of cloihs, cas simeres and cassinotts, of every shade and color. Flannels, white, red, green and yellow, twilled and plain. Fancy chintzes and prints. Bleached and brown sheeting* and shirtings, Striped and plain drillings, Checks, blankets, shawls, sewing silk, spool cotton, patent thread, silk and cotton hdkfs., &c. Also, boots, shoes, hats, &c. At: o'clock,P. M., 1 second hand, well tuned piano forte and Stool. 13 school writing desks; 1 mahogany hair seat sofa, new; 2 '• bureaus; Chairs, tables, bedsteads, and a variety of articles of kitchen fat niturc. Also, writing and wrapping paper, brass and wood en clocks, cordage, &c. Evening sales at early gas light of dry goods and fancy articles sep 23 AT DAVIS' Commercial Amnion Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets. An extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, rccently purchased in the. East fur ca-+h, and which will be sold at a small ad vance on Eastern prices. fur currency or approved.en diirsed notes. The assortment coniF , ti in pita of `. 20 pieces wool dyed blue black broadcloths; 15 " super. blue cloth; 10 " brown, olive and mixed cloths; 4 - super. Beaver cloths; 5 " pilot cloth=; 40 " cassinett , , assorted color.; some very fine; 50 - flannels, twilled and plain white, red, green and yellow. 20 " Englishrom ino, assorted colors; i 100 all wool blanket shawls; 200 cotton plaid shawls; 1,000,13 x. spool cotton, all colors; 100 pieces bleached and brown muslins, and a great variety of other articles usually found in a Dry Goods House. ti 'e Also, an a,,,,rtinent of boots, shoes, and hat's, I ' which will all he sold at prices without regard to the late advances in the I:a.q. sept 23. 04 FALL FASHION HATS AND CAPS. f i gt— The sul,scialier having returned from the East with the latest style of DaLs, has now on utd nut will c,m stantly keep It i'll'Zt` a.: , .orttnent of his own Manufac ture, which for li , iht Tic 4S, si`rViCe, beauty, and cheap ness, cannot he surp-1.5e,1, and would respectfully in vite his friends and the public to examine his Sti)Ck of lints and Caps, at the Manufactory, N 0.73. Wood at. sep 9-3 m WILLIAM DOUGLAS. ROBERT ROBB, Executors John D. Davis, Executors. J D. DAVIS, Auctioneer DRY GOODS, &c., AT AUCTION JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer AT I RINATE SALE O. A. VicANIILTY, FORW A RDING S. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Canal Basin, (7 orner Wayne and Liberty street, Pitts burgh. Anuit United States Portiihit Boat Line. sept 4-3 m. Removal. PCAFIELDhas rem wed, his marble Estab • lbdiment to Wood At. opposite Fahriestoek's Drug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Moutunents etc. ap 19-Iyr J UST RECEIVED and fot sale on consigunient, 7 likid bacon, 7 Illtd!= ,a4ar, Can be seen at the sture of Jacob Painter S Cu . : ang J. K. MOORHEAD & CO Found, A Di )I_7l the last week in June,in a clothing Store A in Liberty street,a Note of hand, considerably soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. Theown er can have it by identifyingi: and paying expenses. July -31.—tef. BARG AINS ! BARGAINS ! ! BARGAINS ! ! all sorts of clothing and wearing apperal. Please call at No. 151 Liberty street, and see for yourselves sep 7. J. McCLOSKEY. Coughs and Colds. DOWELL'S BALM OF' ANNISEED, this %yell known cure fortlic complaints, can be obtained ut TUTTL'ES 86 Fourth st. Only cents per bot tle. Sept Dissolution of Partnership. TIIE partnership heretofore existing under the style of Devine & IPAnulty, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, 11. Devine is to collect all sums due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted for the concern up to this date. 11. DEVINE. C. A. WANULTY. Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1813. 11. Devine respectfully inforrits his friends and the public, that he still Lontinues in the Transporting business, and that .he has removed the office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms. H. DEVINE. SONDRIES.-- , 50 lxuces chocolate, • 5 do cocoa, 3 do " rice flour, 25 do ground pepper, 5 do Cayenne do. 36 cans ground mustard, 5 kegs do allspice, 5 do do ginger, 12 cans do do., together with every thing in the grocery line, all of which is offered at extremely lou , prices, for cash. lIAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43. Wood street PLACES WANTED; in town or ,country, for a mimber of salesmen, book-keepers, shopmen and boys, in stores and warehouses. ALso, for collecting, and for a number of mechanics, farmers and laborers, coachmen, waiters, hostler., and all kinds of hands for steamboats, hotels, and private families; for select and common school teachers. Cooks, chambermaids, dry and wet nurses, and girls for housework provided at short notice. Places pro cured for hands of all kinds as soon as possible. And all kinds of Agencies and Intelligence business attend ed to for moderate charges. 12 to 15 Farms for sale. Several farms wanted to rent. Call at ISAAC HAR RIS' Intelligence Office, Na: 9, Fifth street. sept 20. Tanners' OM 135 BBLS. Tanners' Oil, for sale by WALTER BRYANT & CO., sep`..l4lhu&l!v2t. No.BB, Liberty sr .Yc' •G. .. CORRECTED DAILY BY A. XICADECE, EXCHANGE BROILER, CORNER OF WOOD AND THIRD STS SPECIE STAN Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip Exchange Bank Scrip Currency Erie Bank Scrip ................... EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT On Philadelphia. .. New Y0rk..... Boston .. Baltimore Gold par Silver par PEN?iSYLVANIA--PITTSBURGH. Bank of Pittsburgh ............ par Merchants an 4 Manufacturers' bank ...par Exchanr,e <4 Do. ° Hollidaysburgh par PIiILADELPIIiA. Bank of North America.-..-- Do Northern Liberties par Do Pennsylvania Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank par Kensington bank. par Manufacturer:and Mechanics' par Mechanics'.-.._ ....... par liloyainensing par Philadelphia bank par Schuylkill " .. par Southwark ..... ".... par Western ....par Bank of Penn-Totonship ...... par Girard bank 16 U. S. bank and branches .. - . ..... 36 COUNTRY BANKS. Germantown par Chester county ........ par Delaware county par -- Montgomery county ........ ..... .par " N0rthumber1and....._._......._.... par Farmers' bank of Bucks county ..... .....par Eastonbank ...... par Doylestown bank . ....... . ... . . par Franklin bank of IVashington par Bank of Chambersburgh • " Middletown ...... • • .... " Gettysburg," ... " Lewistown ..... . . ............ Susquehanna county. _.._... . Berks county bank ..... . ....... Columbia Bank and Bridge Company Carlisle bank Erie bank Farmers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster " Bank of Reading Harrisburg bank Honesclal. ".... ...... - Lancaster " Lancaster co. " Lebanon " Miners' bank of Pottsville • . .. • . Monongahela bank of Brownsville .. New Hope and Delaware Bridge company Northampton bank Towanda bank Wyoming bank West Branch bank York bank... Bank o OHIO Behnont bank of St. Clairsville Clinton bank of COIIOE6IIB - --- Columbiana bank of New Lisbon.. - Circleville (Lawrence, cashier)...... " ( Warren, cashier) Cincinnati banks Chillicothe bank Commercial bank of Lake Eric.... Dayton bank • I Franklin bank of Columbus.... • ...- Formers' and Mecha n ics' bank .of Stenbensille—li Farmers' bank of Canton 40 1 Granga •• Granville Hamilton Lancaster Marietta .. .I(assillon . . Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincintali Mount Pleasant Norwalk Putnam Sandusky Scioto Urbana IVoostcr Xenia Zanesville. .. Slate bank and branches State Scrip Sit banks State bunk Bank of Illinois, Shanniestozon VIRGINIA. Bailk of the Valley of -Virginia Bank of Virginia Exchange bank of Virginia Fa nner s' bank of Virginia.. ; .. . North• Western bank of Virginia.. _— Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia MARYLAND. Baltimore City banks.. .. • . . • . All other solvent bank5.... ....:_ NORTH CAROLINA All solvent banks.. . SOUTH CAROLINA All solvent banks .. -•. • .• .• .. GEORGIA. All solvent banks - . . . Mobile banks . - Country banks.. ..... . LOUISIANA New Orleans banks (good).. AU banks AND PRINTING OFFICE, The proprietors of the MORN tNo Posr and MER CURY AND MAN UFACTCREIC respectfully inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of SOS r3IIIC".£3IIP- 11 /E0 &sip mava - aaalu Necesi.ry to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. SOU kinbs of 131auk5, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with ap propriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patrona,ge of our friends and the public in general in this branch of our business. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH. NEW FASHIONABLE fiat and Cap Ildanulhatary. OIL f 0.93 Wood street, 3 doors below Diamond Alley. THE subscriber will constantly on hand every variety of the mostfashionable liars and C A es, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. Persons wishingto purchase will find it to their inte rest to give him a call.. S. MOORE. Pittsburgh, aug. 29,1843. .. -~ ----~ SPECIE INDIANA KENTUCKY ILLINOIS ALABAMA TENNESSEE N. W. CORNED OF WOOD & FIFTH STS ~~ Q`~:ii Tr= —2!=-- 1 84.3. STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Forwarding and commission Merchants, CLEVELAND, OHIO. AGENTS for the Tran.iportation Cum pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshin , :ton, Line.' Hunter, Palmer Co.'s Line of Steamboats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line. Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors dant Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. lIILFL It TO Wilkie & Ellsworth, No. 9, Ciicatic6 Slip, N. Y. R. Hunter S Co. Albany. Otis Churl', Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland. Chin-lei M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. Beaver and Warren Packet . THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,mastor, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the abuse named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdny:s, Tletn.days and Sat urdays; connecting ss ith the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or !,t , ingt• apply on board, or to BI II CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. MC NEI', 13( aver. • Pr's•• 1543. liARE REDUCED.-I.i. S. MA it. LINE OF ST.sc.Es AND RAIL. ROAD CAR'', from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Charubershurg, Harrisburtt and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connectin:i - )Aith the Main truin °fears to N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging undone night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia CO• Baltimore Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood et. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., feb 23, 1843—1 y Tho Great Central Rome Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale: i e ll UST received, 5110 0 Freeman's best Fire Brick,' Via National Road an-I 13altirnore and Ohio Rail Road Cux.pany. whirl, will hereafterbe kept constantly on band and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. c., ...m. .iri_- ..s . sa-...TA.i.ce_• _. ....., 't-rs-T7A*'.-2.1 m a 2- 27 No. 60 Water se. I'_."- -.. ".....11ift - '' r ' : • ' ---..f :,' 3L-.. - ' 9 : Souses and Farms to Rent • NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR ril HE s.uhserilier has opened an ollice (in conneltdoil , BALTIMORE. PHILADI:LPRIA ' -I- with his )1C , 1147%1 Al,ency) for the renting aria WA3IIINGTON CITY - AND NEW YORK. : selling of Houses and Farms. As many persona aria THIS line is in full op.-ration and leaves Pittsburgh constantly wanting to rent houses without having the daily at G o ' c l o ck Ai M.. vi a W as hing- t on 1 , 0 .. time to run about-the city iasearela done, can by call - - and national road to Cumberland, co:die:this here in upon the subscriber, and stating the kind (I' house with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Tray- they want, find one that will suit them, also know thii elers will find this a speedy and comfort-ilk: rune, number of E 00171.1, situation and rent, without further it being a separate and distinct Pittsbni-01 and Cum- trouble. bcrland line, facilities will be atibrded whigh have n o t Owners of houses would find it to their interest to been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furaishval at call, and give a description of them, and the rent thei the shortest notice. with the priyilore of goin, through require, as they would then find their hurßes rented direct or taking one ni,lit..3 rest at their option. 7 sooner and with less trouble. F o rtike ts , tickets, apply at our otlige at the Monongaliola ' The patronage ef the public is respectfully solicited: House. L. W. STOCKTON, ' se nl—if T. IL TUTTLE:, 86, 4th sr . , President of N. R. Stage Co. -- Honscs, iii.e., For Bout. , T HE sithscriber has opened a book to record any , i dwelling house, warehouse, store, shop, TOT." or country" farms and seats for rent, charging 'IAA*. ers 23 c.mis each record. He will keep it open fair all The Swiftsnre, Rubinson, Master, leave:, every who wish to rent any kind of property to examisbe, and Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. charge them 12/ cents; and for a small compensation 2 The Cutter, Collins, Master, Icaves every Friday at ' will attend to renting all kinds of property, and amn4 10 o'clock a. m. - to ill kinds of business between landlord and tenaii*• The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat' ! ISAAC HARRIS, Agent, .- -,,,,. urday at 10 o'clock a. rii. i srpt 21. No. 9, Fifth; ; ,,' The Express, l'arkins...n. Mister, Laves every S 1_212: . - day at 10 o'clock a. in. Landreth's Garden Seeds. ' A fell sunply oof Landreth's Garden Seeds always oS" JOHN BIRMINCI IA M & CO., ,1,,,,1 5. band and for sale, a; his agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN,.., 184, Liberty st., head of Wood. — ticgular Packets, for Cincinnati. ...10 no sale —.85 United States Portable Boat Lire Depot.. CA. MeANULTI - very re , pectfully infotms his • *rids and the public, that he ha made arrange ments to continue the apency of the boats forming _the : DR. McLAN.E' S LIFER PILLS: U. S. Portable Boat Line. at the !arff:: new Warehouse, ' -.- CORNER OF WAYNE AND LIBERTY STR^ ETS, Canal I lIEREIii certify that I have known a number crt people who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pillsi Basin, where goods will be received and forwarded . and have been much benefitted by them, and I believe with usual despatch, and on the met favorable tonne, them to he the best pills for liver complaints, and tat' to Baltimore, rhiladelphia. New Truk or Boston. THOMAS BORBIDGE. Agent, general use, of any pril now before the public. 272 Market sc., Philadelphia. illei.o, MICHAEL FORNEY: . - MOORE SLCIIASE, Agents. certify that I have Leen afflicted for 6 yearti 1 wit i a . i.ct complaint; and have applied m dilerent' I - I I . ': • 75 BOndy'., Wharf, Baltimore. Phyrdc.a.is, and all to little or no effect, until Lmade . i _ ____--,_ ; use of Dr. McLane' 3 Pills. In taking two bones of tbeni A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker. No. .16, :I am nearly restored to perfect health. DAVIS. _CI Corner of .IVOoLI and Third streets, Pittsburgl SAMUEL 16, 1843 Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank • notes, bought t MilivrAairgh, nvar Pittsburgh, August and sold. Sight cheeks en the Eastern cities, for 2ale. 1 EIF For sule at the Drug Store of Drafts, notes and bills, collected. Wood streets;Pirtabuilib JONATHAN KIDD, REFERENCE -:. C.,:lv.‘r It tit and ‘Vm. Bell & Co.. ' John D. Davis, F. Lorene. J. Painter St Co., t Joseph Woodiyell. James May, l Alex.BrOnS WI Si C O. John lißrown&Co. i James M . Candi. - ss. `i• J. R. M'Donald.. at, Esq., Prcs't Bank It Sept. 4-3 m IVER COMPl.AlNTS—Dysrepsib. and Fndi gesfion; with CWitint2Es, useidity of the stints iteh, hal daess of food niter meals. heartburn, tiiiii4ency, . liver complaints, v.ith pain in the side and shenlact. jaundice, bilious cumi,laint,, dropsy diabetes; .gravel. stone, and inflammation fthe l a gs, arc most perfectly removed oral cured by the HEPATIC; ELIXIR.. This articl , lia, the most astonishing effierts in eta* 1 all complaints °tithe stomach and digestive .organs.-- Man:: highly respectable l.iditiduals in New York have been cured, alter trying every other remedy in lac Lane's American Worm Specific. i vain, and have given in theirnatnes with petmiasiont9 r HIS is to certify that with MeLANE'S Wort), ! refer to them. It is pi' asnin to the taste, and does JL SPECIFIC, a child of mine pa , sed upwards of 600 not in the leant int-rlore tt ith the daily avocation don* worms; it is the most powerful Worm Specific now in ta king it. Many families of this city hare become so ur. 11. BARTHOLOMEW. 1146,,,1 with the medicine, that Ilse use it as theill Middlebury, 0.. Oct. I, 1L 13. only medicine. By using it occasionally, it For sale at the Drue . Store of JON, KIDD, Leeks the stomach free from bilious disorders, and the sept. Corner 4th and Wood its ! liver acti e, with the secretions of the body in the most perfect activity. It is composed entirely of vegetables. The cure w ill be gradual, but certain-and pe rrnanant. For sale at TtTTLL ' e, 36 Fourth street. sep 6. W. 11. l'o McLane's American Worm Specific. isto certify that a chill of-mitic aged 4 years passed upwards of 30 worms of an ristoni4liirm size, from 4to 5 inches long. In my neiiLhliorlioo ' d some dozen of certificates of its astonish' ng e ii -cts could beproducod. IF .SN'ON Poland, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1342. For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD, Sept 12 Corner 4:11 ac,l Wood Dye Stuffs last Received. CHIPPED LOG WOOD DSO FUSTIC ; Vitriol, Camwood, Alum, and a ,7,etieril stock of DYL \Voons, in store, and fur sale at the Drn: Store of JON. KIDD. Sept. Cornos 4th and \Frond sts. ALor taking charge o. a 1.1-)Y who is cap househuld, is desirous of obtaining - a situation as housekeeper in a private family, or superintendent in a respectable hotel. She weuld h as ave no objection to leave the city if desired to do se. For further info;:- !nation inquire at this office. • au.: ATACKF,REL.-16 13b15. No. 3 ISlaclerel. 11 received and for sale by liAILMA.:V., JENNINGS &CO. scp S. 43 Wood 9t. To Merchants and Othcrs. A GE:s:TLEMAN, VAlu tittirctiglijy understnr.d , Book Keeping, svi.ihes a sit nation in that. capa city: the best of references will be given. Address H., at, this office_ nug2B—tf T OBACCO. -1 0 boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco, 25 do Russell d 6 Robinsons do du 5 do Hare's do assorted sizes and brands, just received and for stile by HAIIMAN, JENNINGS & Ca, 43, 'Wood street SAMUEL 110111',OW, Mar.ufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheri Iron Ware, No. 17 , Fifth street,between 34'ocid;and Market, Keepsconstantly on hstaditgood assortment of m-ams, at id solici ts a share of public patronage. Also, on hand, the following articles: shovels, pikers, tongs, „Tr , : di rons , t eakettles, pots, oven coffer , &c. c• chant , and others ti.ce invited to call aml examine fur themselve,:, , s he i 3 determined te ..a..11 cheap fm-ca.,h or nviayed paper. mar7—tf Yro9rictur Pittsbllrol, Pa Philudelphlet Cincivaati; 0. St. Louii, M.o Louisville 1 ' Building Lots in plyininght & of Nit .s*,. *po UV 113 LOTS, suitable for building ,ly eared, and within two minutes' wi steamferry boat landing, gill be sold al prices to ndt the times. The terms of payment will be made easy; either fur cash or such barter as canbo made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. F. Petersen. No. 4, Ferry street. Pittsburgh. . JAS. 'PATTERSON, jr. Lots for Salo. 4Lots in Manchester. One and u fourth Acres et Land on Lots nos. 41,42,52,53,54 4 - et 131, 132, n.9(1131,1:1 Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in Cook's planof Lou on High stroct, near the n ew Court House. For tern:4 apply to. Z. W. RE3,III I iGTONJ son 10 For Saic. Lois ~n the North Eay. corner of Coal Lsitio'luia lli;ii sAreet. Appry to BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, Market near Fourth accost For Rent. I That COTTAGE, situated in tle 'Bora* of • , Law renceN. ille, at present occupied by John,„,:. Parker. . . . -., 6 -71 , -.. , The place has a eery - fine garden anaiocid iiiieri;;;,,, , meat of fruit trees. Any person renting can bacethit - i' .... -:. privilege of engaging for the ensuing year. Po sses "•.....:1: sion given on the 1.1. of October next. Apply at No. 5 Commercial Row, Liberty afree't or to Wm. TOMZU3. SiPithfielii 5102 - 01 -• se . 1. 1.513. - - For Rent d th e e c e late . residence ft Aaron h art,ane is well stocked withehoice fruit trees, sines, IS4e 7 AL:O, a convenient tenenit-nt lately occupicaby K. I Langhorne. Posses-ion lvill be given on the first of October nexti For terms apply to GLO. COCHRAN, Ex'r. auo- To Rent. PLEASANT rooms and gOod steam power s at dui cat steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty itia cr tiara streets. Apply on the pr?mises. july reach Trees. THE subscriber has _just rectived from the Ni.ti =sere of Landreth dnd Ftlton, near Philadelphia; a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to whichha i would call the attention t , f att public. F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 10 1 Liberty st_ head of lircioa. In tine Distric! (...'o7:rt or Alle g heny County, of Jui! , Term. 10 i'3. .1 - 0.`, 1 3. ' •-----, ) John Walker, Jr. ) ) L. S ` f t , Veuditsoni Expo:. Petrr NV ilson. ) - And nov.. to wit, August 26th, 1843, On motion of G. P. Hamilton, Esa., the Court appoint Fn. R. Slitmlz, Eq., Ar.ditnr, to distribute the proceed' CAt . sale in this case. From thi Record, - A. SUTTON, Pro. Notice is hereby girt to all persenA interested, that I will attend to the duties assigned to me by the 'Court in the cibuve rase, at my ofECe, in Fourth street. , Pitt,bur2l.l. on Tuesday the ‘..'.6th day of September, r 10 u'clock, A. :NI FRS. R. SHUNIL„.. - - I auz 30. Auditor. posse's Eloaxhound Candy. Fresh supply just received fretn Sew York. and for sale at TUTTLE'S-, 88 st. TTNIONTOWN AND. 'PITTSBURGH 11311 N L' PIKE ROAD.—Notice is hereby giver thattby an art of the General A•Fsembly of the Commonvissaith of Pennsylvania. the 5111. day of April, 184134:w subi-nriber ,- arc rarord a: ComnaisFinners in Allegheny counts, w i th 3 ;thorny to open books at such-tie:masa pllace a; may he clecrnt.d expedient hr them, for the purpose of receNinz sltbscribtians of stuck, for the construction of a turnpilv. mad from T2rtiontown toPitta• burgh. In pursuance of which anthcrity the subscri hers will proceed to open hook.sfor the purpose of rt. - c eivin7 - Fithicriptirr.c cfstcck, pa: - . able to "The Presi- Manai...-en , and Company of the Uniontown and .3 Pittsburgh Turnpike Road Company," accordingto the tenna r.f the act.of incorporation. Such bookato • be opened on Monday, the second day of October, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. at the !siononr„abelslionse, in the city of Pitt-btugh. and nt the storeer'Swareel Walker, in the borough of Elittabeth. CHAP"-- aue 29-11 m. (Avoca