JAS. B UCHANAN, Subject to the deciL4ou of THE DEIOCRATIC NA.TIOEAL CONVENTION. ebe 'Quay Iliorning po6t. PHILLIPS & SMITH, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 DEMOCRATIC TICKET. CONGRESS, WILLIAM IVILKINS, Peebles. SENATE. JOHN NEGLEY, Butler. ASSEMBLY, ALEXANDER BRACKENRIDGE, Pitt, JAMES A. GIBSON, Pine, WILLIAM STURGEON, Fayette, JOHN ANDEREGG, Pitt. SHERIFF, ELIJAH TROVILLO, City. PROTHONOTARY. GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny. COMMISSIONER, JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Mifflin. TREASURER,' ROBERT GLASS, City. CORONER, DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny. AUDITOR, ROBERT DONALDSON, Wilkins. CANAL COMXISSIONERS. JAMES CLARKE, of Indiana, JESSE MILLER, of Perry, W.M. B. FOSTER, Jr. of Bradford THE SHERIFFALTY.—A letter appears in the Au rora of - Saturday, signed by a considerable number of personqs, several of whom we have always believed to birpolitical opponents, asking Mr. RODY PATTERSON to become a volunteer candidate for Sheriff. The rea eon assigned by them fur making this request is, that the "delegates from Plum, ono from Moon, one from Muffin, and one from Jefferson," "violated their in structions" in the late Democratic Convention in voting Col. Trovillo. We have before alluded to this large,against these delegates, and endeavored to show falsity—and we may in future pursue the subject, (I prove to the satisfaction of every democrat in the .ounty, that if instructions had been adhered to on both ballots by all the delegates, Col. Titovitto would still `save had a majority in the convention. Such is at present trr solemn conviction,—and if we could believe for a Iment, the accusations of this letter, we could not Jport the nomination. But our respect for the ac ised delegates is too-great, their own statements and tat of their constituents with whom we have !spoken, too clear and convincing, for us to give credence the serious charges so inconsiderately brought against .n his reply to this letter, Mr. Patterson alludes to course of certain individuals "having control of a ior professing to be the organ of the party," wh o , e assailed his character by '•underhanded and se .charges." We presume the editors of this paper here meant, and we can only express our surprise t such a statement should have been made by Mr. As we have reason to believe, however, that it has extensively circulated in conversation, we are .to have this opportunity to deny it in a public and itive manner. During.. the whole course of the can we refused peremptorily to admit into our columns, matter how it may have been signed, any article as sailing any candidate for nomination—those whose pie ces have been rejected can attest the truth of this.— Whenever the candidates for nomination were alluded to, we spoke of them all as deserving the confidence of the party, and worthy of its favors. It was not neces sary for us to give a specific pledge to support thetick et; that we would d-s so no one entertained a doubt.— Our steady and unwavering course during the eight years wo have conducted democratic papers in this county, was u sufficient guaranty on that subject. And We defy any man to show a line of ours, written during the whole canvass, which evinced a preference for any crinclidatefor nomination—indeed, so impartialwas our course, that, since the convention, we have been asked by constant readers of our paper, who we had prefer red individually for the various offices. This should convince any man that whatever were our preferences we did nut attempt to thrust them on the people, and must effectually put down the false and slanderous ac ensation t.hntviehave used undue or unfair means to af fect any of the candidates. Mr.-Patterson declines to be a candidate for the Sherifalty, and says he must "decidedly refuse to per mit Oa name to be used against the nominee of the party," Coi. Tam' tu.o, for whom, he says, he will "vote cheerfully." DiLEGATE SYsTE3l.—The Committee of Corres 'pondence, at their meeting on Wednesday last, report ed a plan for re-modelling the Delegate System. The mode proposed might do very well to ensure an equal representation of the party in.the Conventions, if the people had time to study it, but it will have but little effect in abolishing the evils complained of in the pres ent system. There arc too many rules, and there is too much detail about it, to make it easily understood; and the people who have neither the time nor the incli nation to devote to the study of such matters, will be as •. much at the mercy of the wire-workers, as ever. Al though care is taken to close every avenue to fraud, yet still its practise is by no means difficult, and those who would resort to it, have almost as many facilities asun- Aer . the old system. The Committee recommend that the delegates should be elected by ballot, instead of by marking, and that the primary meetings should be governed by the rules of the general election: and should the people wish to iastructtheirdelegates, they are to vote for the candi dates who will come before the Convention for nomi nation. This is very well; but would it not be infinite ly preferable to vote for the candidates only, and have a return judge in each district, whose sole duty will be to meet the return judges from the other wards and townships, and present the vote of his district. The candidate having the highest number of votes should be declared nominated. Under such a plan there is no room for fraud, after the decision of the primarymeet ings. The delegates have nu opportunity to disobey the will of ..46eir constituents, or to trade away their votes; their simple duty is to cast up the votes polled, and to declare the persons nominated. This plan is imjde, easily understood, and guards as effectually a gainst fraud, as can be done by the rules of our general election. The plan of the Committee, fixing a ratio of repres entation, will evidently appear to our country friends ,frs atteffort to give the cities an advantage over the country in the Convention, and although thzt may not haveheen the object of the Committee,yet such would, nevertheless, be the consequence of the system recom mended, should it be adopted. Smae of the suggestions of the Committee mig,lit be ith advantage; but the people would gain taking the whole plan as a substitute fur system; it wuuld furnish no certain remedy Jes now complained af, and would burden .tedings of oar Conventions with a multitude of which no Ixnauftt would arise. FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE Lyscn has been holding a Court at Elmira, From the N. 0. Tropic, September 12. New York, and has awarded an elegant suit of tar LATE AND INTERESTING FROM TEXAS. and feathers to a person who appears to have been The steamship Sarah Barnes arrived from Galveston eminently deserving of the conylimeet. The facts of yesterday morning. Among the passengers were Messrs. Gray and Cummings, formerly Ist and 2d the case are as fidlews: a scamp, whose name is not Lieutenants of the sloopof war Austin given by the Elmira Gazette, laid a deep and villainous . Texas • • LeviWe learn from Lem Gray, that Dr. i Jones— . , scheme to destroy a happy family who resided in one anti-Houston—ha s been elected to Congress from Gal , of the towns in Chernung county by circulating infa- veston, by the meagre majority of six or eight votes.— ry Col. Morgan, formerly Navy Commissioner, has been mous reports, which, in the end, led to a tempera d w efe G ate_d e i t i t i .t, Harris county, by about 80 votes. Col. dissolution of the family. Ho was imprisoned, but has been elected from San Antonio.— after an investigation had resulted in a trilunpliat rofu- There A is L out earn doubt that a majority of the members tation of his slanders, the aggrieved parties humanely of Congress elect, are friendly to Houston, although it forgave him, and he was is quite probable that COM. Moore will be reinstated released on Friday, Bth inst. d in ia his position in the Navy, after which he will inime- The residents of the village got wind of what was go- . tely resign. ing on, and gathered around the prison, awaiting his The most important news by this arrival, is the con appearance. He started to leave the village, hut "tar l firmation of the total failure of Col. Snively's "Santa Fe Expedition." The Clarksville Standard states that and feathers! ride him on a rail! Lynch him! Lynch essrs. -T. C. Forbes and Gilbert Rn arrived him!" being the mottoes of the villagers, he was speedi- that place on the 31st July, having left Col. at Snively's ly carried before a Court duly organized by Judge forces after the surrender of Captain Cooke. They Lynch, and sentenced to receive a "coat of tar and stated that at the time Col. S. surrendered, Capt. Chan feathers, and to be rode upon a rail," without the dler was only eight miles distant, with seventy-six Tex sans. Thu rhTehfaese rejrces o o f ie a d t the c troops ea u re ra d ler Col. S. Soon limits of the Corporation; there to be released on con dition of a promise that he would never again make Chandler proposed P sendin a g pp out spies, to see whether his appearance in the vicinity. The sentence was ex- the Dragoons crossed the river above, to escort the tra ecuted in excellent style, to the gratification of a large derv, and if not, to take them. This Snively would not accede to, saying that he considered it imprudent to number of spectators, and the Gazette says it was ap go up, for fear of Armijo s force. He refused to let proved by all. But it was an outrageous violation of Chandler take volunteers and go, saying that lie held law, - and must have an evil influence upon the popu- the authority for the expedition, and if they went, it lation, among whom it was perpetrated. would be without authority. They were thus tied up for several days, until the men induced Snively w re sign. Then, when the traders had gat five days start from the crossing, traveling nightand day, it was found that they had no escort, and could have been captured without an effor . The distance from tho crossing to Santa Fo is only 230 miles, and it would have been impossible to overtake them, until they got to the neighborhood ofSanta Fe. Our men had not sufficient force to bring the wagons from there, and all but sixty five of the men returned, fifty of them by way of Mis souri. The others elected Wakefield their commrui der,and pushed on under authority of his commission. They will probably do little or nothing. Suavely is with them. Capt. Chandler returned with the remainder of the troops, and has arrived safely in Robertson county. Fein men were killed by Indians: their names are John H. Davis, Elisha C. Simmons, Frthcis Sharpe, and a man named Caldwell, of Paris, Lamar county. Messrs. Forbes and Rngin says Oat the subordinate officers and men under the command of Captain Cooke, believe that he was bribed by the Mexican traders to cross over with a detachment into Texas. The editor of the Standard adds, this can hardly be doubted, unless he is a fool. Still later information is brought by the National Vindicator, puleished at the seat of Government.— That paper says Col. Warfieicl and Mr. Terrell have just arrived in town; in our next we will give an authentic account of the whole expedition. As the Cot. states, that which appeared in the Northern Standard Extra, is by no means correct. The Galveston Civilian of the 30th tilt., has the fel= !owing items: El. B. M. sloop of war Scylla returned from Vera Cruz, and anchored off this ;eel on Monday, bringing, as is reported, despatches toe the British Minister ElT'The Philadelphia Sun says that young Saun ders, the Forger, got the rudiments of his moral edu cation, in the Saloons and tippling shops of the Thea tres. He is said to have been stage-struck, and to support the extravagance attendant on his Theatrical passion, he was forced into the dishonest practices that have brought him to his present lamentable position. THE RIVER.—The Cincinnati Inquirer of the 90th ult., says, " we have now a very large river, and there is a npdrt that we may expect a rise from above of 10 feet more. Some of the largest boats—the Harkuway and Ihe§eioto Valley, have dropped down to the landing to take in freight. The Empress has l eft for New Orleans with a pretty good freight." THE ELECTION.—We again insert the proclama tion of the Sheriff for the next general election with the latest corrections. They relate to the places of voting in Allegheny city:—in the First, Second and Third Wards of ,that city, the election will be held at the public school house of each ward: in the Fourth Ward, it will be held at the office of B. Si:nmons, Esq. WHITMORE, THE SWIFDLER.—The Norfolk Herald states that this accomplished swindler was iu that Bur. ough last winter, where be left his marks f;r a small amount. The Herald adds: We learn from good authority that this skilful finan cier, whilein Richmond last winter, seeing a notice in one of the papers, of the success of Mr. S. N. Bots ford, of this borough, in electrotype gilding, was there by induced to come to Norfolk, fur the purpose of ac quiring a knowledge of an art so well calculated to serve him in his vocation of forgery and swindling. He made overtures to Mr. Botsford, wo learn, to obtain a knowledge of his secret, but a fec being required in advance, he dropped the subject. Having heard that a gentleman at Old Point could give him instructions, be, (with a confederate by the name of Barnes,) ap- 1 plied to that source of information, announcing him self as James C. Whitmore, M. D. Here, by the pre liminary of a "promise to pay," (which was never ful filled,) he obtained his object, and after gettingliris bat teries made, he and his accomplice (who he said was his wife's brother,) left for Washington without pay ing his tavern bill, leaving his wife and one child in pledge. On his passage to Washington he attempted to rum, the rig upon the captain of the Oceola, but finding it was "pay your passage or be set ashore," he gave a pair of gold specs as security. After an absence of several weeks, he wrote to Mr. Walters, at whose hotel in Nor folk he had left his wife and child, and enclosed him an accepted draft on New York, for a larger amount than the debt he owed Mr. W., requesting that ender man to pay the difference to his wife, or send her on; which was done. The draft, however, turned out to be a villainous fraud. Nu such firm as that purported to be drawn upon, was over beard of in New York! But these, it seems, were nut the only instances of his genius. While at Old Point he saw some "Friction primers" made by Mr. Perkins, to whom !he invention belongs, and who had then prop:dals before the De partment at Washington to furnish the Government.— This contract had the address to obtain. RttonE ISLAND. —The Providence Evening Chroni cle states that Thomas W. Door arrived at Pawtucket, Mass., on Monday, awl is expected to arrive at Provi dence on Wednesday. The Chronicle says:— "The Supreme Court is now in session here, and it is believed that he contemplates giving himself up, and demanding a trial—but of this wo cannot speak defi nitely.. The determination of the authorities of the State wo know; and they are, that Mr. Darr shall be at once ar rested and committed to prison, on his arrival within the borders of the State. So, that, upon the whole, whether ha gives himself up or not, if he comes to R. Island, he must go to prison, and from thence to his trial, by a jury of his country, when, if he is convicted, he will probably endure a lung imprisonment while, if acquitted, he will at once take his place among us as a citizen. The presumption in the first place, seems to be, that it will be a difficult matter to get a jury to sit upon Mr. Dorr's case, on account of the fact that there are but few of our citizens who have not made up their minds in the matter, either one way or the other; while, in the second place, if a jury were to be empannelled, on the presentation of the evidence, it would seem to be al most an impossibility to get twelve men either to ac quit or convict him." THE ➢TIER PRISONERS The schooner Richard St. John, Capt. Everson, from Tobasco, arrived at this port yesterday, bringing,among other passengers, a Mr. Samuel H. Walker, a native of Maryland, who escaped from the prison at Tacubaya, on the 30th July, and Mr. Dalryniple a native of New York, who escap4xlwith Gen. Green irom Perote. In addition to those who mode their escape with General Green from the walls of Perote, we are informed by Mr. Walker, that himself and three others, Wm. Cope land, of Va., D. H. Gattis, of Ala., and James Charles Wilson, of England, effected their delivery from Tac ubays, on the 3f:hit of July. Copeland having escaped the 29th alone. Walker, Gattis and Wilson made their way for Tampico, but owing to the vigilance of the Mexicans, they were retaken four times. The first time they were recaptured, they effected a deliverance for the paltry sum of $1 per head, from the base and degraded Mexicans, and at other times by the must flimsy Strat agems. The prisoners at Tacubara continue to work the streets, but the rigoroustreatment that has been ex tended to them has been materially mitigated since the armistice between Texas and Mexico. The chains have been taken off the convict overseers have been dis placed, and the brutal ruffians who act as tusk masters are no longer allowed to cudgel and lacerate unfortu nate captives. Mr. Walker informs us, that nine pri soners have died in prison since their arrival at Tacu baya, and when he left it was hourly expected that Judge Usher, formerly a member of Congress in TeX as, would die of consumption, neglect and ill treatment. The prisoners are now occupied in improving the streets in front of Santa Anna's palace. Since their escape, Copeland has not been heard of—Gattis was left on the road sick; Wilsonembarked at Tampico fur New York, and Mr. Walker arrived in this city. as we stated,in the schooner Richard St. John.—N. O. Tro pic. BREACH 15 THE MIAMI CANAL.—The Cincinnati Message says that the embankment of the Miami Ca‘ nal, four miles from that city, gave way and le,ithe wa ter out of the Canal. The country was inundateil to some distance below. Sumo injury was done the corn crops, and many fences were c5WCpt. away. sere. We learn that the Texan prisoners arc to be march ed to the Rio Grande in a body and there liberated, and that a request has been forwarded to this Govern ment to provide means for defraying their expenses front thence to the settlements iu TOMS. It is said also, that Santa Anna requests all Mexi can prisoners iu TOXIIi to be taken to the same place and liberated. ‘Vhcrther he supposes that the prison ers taken by Cul. Snively's party have not been releas ed, er that the large number of Mexicans who were captured at San Jaciuto, and have remained ever since in Texas, have been kept here contrary to their own wishes, we do not know; but whatever he may have imagined, there are no Mexican prisoners here. Those ' taken by Col. Salvely were released in a few days, and these captured at San Jacinto have been at perfect liberty ever since 3336, but have mostly preferred re maining in the errantry to returning to Mexico. Some of them in this city, on being told that they were to be given op to Santa Amu, expressed great indignation at such a measure. The same paper gives us the subjoined paragraphs: A ram narnA Thomas Wells, formerly a sailor oo one of our naval vessels. was stabbed to death iu this city, on Saturday evening. by J. W. Pilant, formerly a gambler at Ileusttm. The parties it seems quarrel led and fought about a bet of two bias at a game of cards. Stephen Hard, who kept a house. of entertainment at the West end of the Island, was, we learn, shot dead on Sunday, by a man named "fobs,. Pilant WILS arrested and committed by Justice James, for trial at the District Court, but was brought out on a writ of habeas corpus, arid admitted to bail by Judge Morris, in the sum of $b0,000—(old Treasury Notes). W Corros.—Five bales of the new crop of cot ton were received by the steamer Lady Byron, from Houston, on Thursday—raised by Col. P. M. Coney, on the Brazos--quality middling fair—and sold at 7 cents per pound, cash, and shipped to Bremen, by Messrs. H. H. Williams & Co., on board the Gallint Union, Capt. Martens, and we predict will be the first cotton of the growth of 1843, from this continent, land ed in Europe. Relative to the treaty with the Indians, the Houston Citizen of the 2d inst. says: There has been a rumor in town for some days buck, to the effect that the treaty with the Indians hail fail ed, and that the President returned to Washington on Saturday last. Our advices from Washington up to Monday the2Bth, make no mention of the matter: wo are therefore induced to believe the rumor to be un founded. It is probable, however, that the President, findino. ' that the treaty would . be attended with greater delay than was anticipated, and deeming his presence necessary at the seat of Government, left the treaty ground before the chiefs and commissioners arrived. Verbal accounts of a late date say the President had not returned, nor had any intelligence been receiv ed from him fur many days. Some of those who love Rome more than Ctesar, were in hopes the savages had taken possession of "Old Sam." LATER FROM ENGLAND By the Packet Ship Victoria, Capt. Morgan, arrived at New York, on Tuesday, the editors of the Express have received London papers to the 21st ult. Four disastrous fires occurred, on the 13th and 19th August, in the heart of the city of London and the borough of Southwark, one of which was attended with the loss of five lives. Toppings wharf, Toolcy street, and the Church of St. Gloves, Southwark, were entirely destroyed, and property to the amount of £50,000 invoked in the ruin. The fire at which the loss of life occurred was in Fetter lane, Fleet street, on the premises of Mr. New bery, chemist. An exploion took place which killed Mr. Newbury, and a Mr:ll.oss, wife and two sisters, who were occupants of,the house. Gen. Espartero and Gen. Van Helen arrived at Fal mouth MI the 19th, in H. B. M. steam vessel Prome theus, from the Tagus, having touched at Bayonne, in the hope of meeting the duchess of Victory, but with out success. The steamer proceeded to Havre imme diately, withoutlanding the Ex-Regent. The Heraido of Spain, states that the King of the French had recognized ie new Government, and ap pointed the Dake oiGlucksburgh, who had been hith erto only charged with the direction of the business 1 of the legation, first Secretary of the Embassy and charge d'Affaires of France, at Madrid. Gen. Concha had resigned the rank of Lieut. Gene ral, to which he had been promoted by the new Gov ernment, and - announced his intention to retire into private life after the final triumph of the national cause. It had been decided in Council That no Minister of Foreign Atrairs should be appointed until the meeting of the Ccrtcs. The Duch of Victory and General Scoane, had prOceeded. from Bordeaux for Paris. The disturbance in Wales continued. ..• • - - Dreadful Death of Mr. Aymer, the celebrated American l'aulter.—Thi s unfortunate man. whose recent performance at the English Opera, under the management of Van Amburg and Titus, excited sc much admiration in iris peculiar departmen•, met his death on Thursday night at the circus of Mr. Batty, proprietor of 1410 Royal Amphitheatre, who has SC esmbikatments in va iou. pans of the kingdom, and one in the island of Jersey,' where the late Perforator was fulfilling an engagement. The particular perform ance for which Mr. Aymer was announced, concluded with a double sommerset, a feat considered. almost (if not quite) impossible, and in throwing it the ill-fated artist, instead of alighting on his feet, fell on his neck, and death was the immediate result. Mr. Batty on hearing the fatal intelligence yesterday morning, im mediately quitted London for Jersey, to render eve ry assistance that his liberality can effect on the mel ancholy occasion. Smith, a great trampoline and vaulter, met his death in a manner precisely similar clarify , - the management of Messrs. Darrow and West, at As tley's ' some seasons back. - - The opposition papers comment in severe terms on the collision with the French fishermen MT Newfound land, in which one of them was killed by the fire of an English vessel. The Constitutional observes, that even were it true that those fishermen were within Enslish limits, and that warnings had been given and disregarded, the English corvette had other means to enforce respect for her rights than by having recourse to the brutal argument of fire-arms. He could have seized on the delinquents, and have had them tried instead of firing upon them. THE WHIG GAME BLOCKED. There does not appear to be any position too absurd for the whig politicians to attempt to manage. Every 1 body knows that Mr. Clay has been thrice defeated as a candidate for the presidency—that he was the rev larcandidate--that he was the nominated candidate. And yet. strange to say, the whig presses are every where laboring to show that he has never been the reg ular candidate of their party—and hence never the de hatted whig candidate. Their object in this is to do 1 away the impression of unpopularity which defcat is I supposed to cru-ay with it. The N. .Y. Commercial ' puts a stopper on this effort of the whigs thus— ' "We certainly remember—was it a dream?—being i in attendance, as a delegate from this city, upon a great i whig convention at Baltimore, in the month of Decem -1 ber, 1831, of which convention the late Governor Bar bour, of Virginia, was president. It was a most able , convention, containing a greater amount of talent and character than we have ever seen in Congress. Brad ish and Ketchum, and Hugh Maxwell, were among , the delegates from this state. John Sargeant and Josiah Randall, and Dillingham, were among the del egates frorn Pennsylvania Strong delegations were there from New England, among whom were Alexan der H. Everett and General Dearborn; of Massachu setts, and John Brown Francis, of Rhode Island.— Virginia had a host of talent there; Kentucky a noble band of worthies—a constellation of intellectual and eloquent meu—among whom were Frank Johnson, Denny, and Col. Combs. Josiah S. Johnson was there from Louisiana—and more than a hundred others— Romans all. "At this convention Hoary Clay was unanimously 'nominated fur President and John Sergeant for Vice President. Alexander H. Everett wrote the address ,—and a noble performance it was. After the convee- Lion closed, we all went to Washington, and had a fine time of it. Repairing to our homes, we all went iuto fight, and never did any army behave better, or endure longer--orget much worse defeated. But perhaps the reminiscence is only the broken frugments of a dream. Prithee, friend; tell us if it be so or not." To the general reader it may be interesting to add the electoral vote of 1832. Henry clay carried 49 of 2136 votes—not one-fifth of the electoral college. J ohn Floyd 11. iVilliam Wirt 7, and Andrew• Jackson 219. THE RETORT COURTEOUS While complaining of the bud habits of one city, it is well enough not to forget those of another. Few have much to bragof when the whole truth is known. The N. 0. Picayune sap: "The New York Esprea sneers at an advertisement of a "Jackass, Dog and Bull Fight" at Gretna, and calls it "refined s uminer amusement. at New Orleans." If he will go on Sunday out into the suburbs of his own city—say the va7:ant lots near the Ball's Head—how many men and boys will he find engaged in bull baiting, and that with a full knowledge of the city magistrates, and within their jurisdiction! Onr police has nothing, to du with the amusements of Gretna. Of all the cities upoh earth to complain of blackguardi di, ruffian scoun drels, and their congenial spirits, New York is the last. Where is Mary Itegers! Who shut Corliss! Who killed McCoy? Where is the Broadway Cottage and ' Mr. Dingier? Our Magistrates would hang a dozen loafers at hap hazard wlinnst, to atone for any one such outrages as we have indicated." All true enough, no doubt, Picayune. But who fights duels, summer mornings, and summer evenings, shoot, stab and slash, while the survivor, scut free, with cigar in his mouth, walks home to clean his gun 'Jr pol ish his sword, to "uxflunctify" somebody else. Toll us that and unyoke. “Magistrates" to be sure may hang "loafers," in the Crescmt city; but who hangs "gentlemen?" Still, however, we are none of us - as virtuous as WO might be. "E'en all mankind to some loved ills incline." In one city people delight in riots —in another, itis their supreme pleasure to have a bul let in the thorax or a thrust in secnnde. We must have our delicate relaxations, and if they are sought in the hands of the surgeon or in the arrangements of the un dertaker, why, there is no disputing about taste. Pain and pleasure are perhaps more nearly allied than is supposed by the the unpOosophic.—Penizzy/vaniaiis. THE PUBLIC DEBT OF NIICIIIG.IN. We take from the Rochester Democrat the following statement, evincing a praiseworthy determination on the part of one of the younger members of the Confed eracy to do all in her power to maintain inviolate, for the future, her plighted faith. Will not the older branches of the family take counsel and example from this conduct of their younger sister? "Abell tom: BONI/3.—Thu State of Michigan ap pears determined io rdeem her credit, and to take the rank among the solvent States of the Union, to which she is entitled from the enterprise of her people. In pursuance of the law of last winter, bonds have been issued by the Governorof that State for the interest of that portion of the debt, for which consideration was rendered, which was made payable in the year 1850, and which includes the interest up to July 1845, which interest is payable on the bonds. The Commercial Bank of this city has received certificates of stock to the !amount of over 13,000, which will i pay the interest computed annually, on the bonds held by that institu tion to the period above mentioned. The provision whiehhas been made for the payment in full of every farthing of interest, an the appropriation which has been made of public lands, and the revenue of public works, for the ultimate redemption of the debt of Mi chigan, rocects the highest credit upon the people, the Legislature, and the executive officers of that flourish ing State-" MICHAEL WALSH.—This refractory individual ap pears to be continually in hot water, in New York, and we should judge both his person and his purse suffer considerable. On Monday he was tried no less than four times in the Court of Sessions of that city: three seperute cases of libel, and one for an assault and bat tery. The first case was fur a libel on Levi D. Slamm, editor of the Plebian. Verdict of the jury guilty. The second, a libel on Charles M. Tucker—jury could not agree, and were discharged. Tho third, another libel on Charles M. Tucker—jury could oot agree. And the fourth for an assault and battery on Abra ham B. Millard. Verdict in this case, guilty. Michael must be fond of the law and its penalties, or he would not break the ono or be obliged to pay the other so frequently- MR. RATHEWIC.-.1.t is stated that Benjamin Rath bun is to leave the Auburn, N. Y., prison, this month. This will not be the case, says the N. Y. Commercial, unless he receisea the Governor's pardon; the time for which he was committed will not expire before the first week in October. It is probable that the Gove rnor will restore Mr. Rathbun his civil rights, by a par don, some few hours previous to the expiration of his five year's imprisonment. We have heard it rumoted that he will return to Buffalo, and take charge of vne of the large hotels in that place. Others say that he will go into the practice of medicine, for which, we are informed, he is fully competent, having been the assistant of the physician of the prison during most of the time he has been . in confinement, and he has thereby acquired a more than ordinary insight into the various ills to which the human frame is subject. C Los ED.—Tbat magnificent establishment, the Pen. 00 ' 5 Theatre, Cincinnati. Reason, the principal per former is nick. FRANCE From the Newark Post THE SAUNDERS FORGERY Ragee and his: ife, ch trged with participation in the late extensive forgeries in New York, were prieSito ly examined in that cityr E on Thursday and Friday last Rage° denies all knowledge of; or participation in' the forger-is He states that ho did not see Saunders at all on that day. The wife testified that the money was left at the house about" o'clock on the day of the forgery. It was enclosed in a wrapper, and directed to her in Saunders' hand writing. She knew from whom it came, and said nothing to to husband about it, till the Monday ablerthc forgeries, (which occurred on Thursday.) Ho wished her to give it up but she refused, saying she wonld wait till Saunders gut back and let him return it himself to his employers. After the °dicers called upon her and asked her questions, she became alarmed lest they might search the house and find it, and suppose that she and het husband were guilty. She sent her husband, in consequence, to the black woman, with directions to have hem call and see her to the arrival of the woman, she (Mrs. It.) enclosed the money in a newspaper, sealed it up and placed in a small morocco covered box, about nine in ches long by five sduaro, which had been given to her by her .nother, and in which she kept her little articles of jewclr7i. She locked and sealed the box, and gave it to the woman, with directions to take particular care of ir. Her husband afterward suggested the pro priety of getting the box again from the woman, and returning the money, but she would not permit it, saying. as before, it was better to wait till Saunders returned, and make him give it back. The black wo man disclosed the secret, which led to the arrest of herself and husband, as already known. THOUGHTS OF A SUICIDE The following, which 13 given as having been found on the body ofa suicide taken from the Thames in London, though the outpouaiag of a diseased and poisoned mind, is irresistable in eloquent pathos: "This body, if ever this body should be found, was one a thing which moved about the earth despised and unnoticed, and lied indigent and unlamented. It could hear, see, feel, smell and taste, with as much quickness, delicacy and force as other bodies. It had desires and passions like other bodies, but was doided the use of tnem by such as had the power and the will to en gross tac good things of this world to themselves.— The doors of the great were shut upon it; not because it was infected with decease or contaminated with its , famv, but on account of the fashion of the garments with which it was clothed, and the name it derived from its forefathers; and because itlia.l not the habit of bgad ingits knee where its heart owed no respect, nor the power ofmoving its tongue to glaze the crimes or flat ter the follies of men. It was excluded the fellowship of such as heap up gold and silver; cot because it did, but for fear it might. ask a small portion of their belov ed wealth. It shrunk with pain and pity from the haunts of ignorance which the knowledge it possessed could not enlighten, and guilt that its sensations were obliged to abhor. There was bat one class of men with whom it was permitted to associate, and those weresuch ns had feelings and misfortunes like its own: among whom it was its hard fate frequently to suff-r imposition, from assumed worth and fictitious distress. ' Beings of supposed benevolence, capable ofperceiving, loving, and promoting merit and virtue. have now and then seemed to dit and glide bef ire it. But the visions were deceitful. Ere they were distinctly seen, the pha a toms vanished. Or if such beings do exist, it has ex perienced the peculiar hardship of never having met with any in whom both the purpose and the power were fully nnitpd. Therefore, with hands wearied with labor, eyes dim with watchfulness, veins but half nour ished, and a mind at length subdued by intense study, and a reiteration of unaccomplis led hopes, it was driv en by irresistable impulse to end at once such a compli cation of e% ils." port of Pittsburg!). Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, Genf cal Ste am Boat Agents, Trate c street. 4 pl.:1:T WATER. IN THE CEIANNIL IRREVED Mt - mai/alit, Parkin . o], Monongahela City, Kittanning, Gad; Allegheny River, 'lda, Denison, dm Alpine, Coed Brownsville, Della, Bowman, do. Zanesville, Duval, Marietta, Ohio Muil. Ward, Cincinnati ; Muscle, Martin, Shousetown. Mclntire, Scales, Zanesville, Lancaster, Kliaufeltdr, Cincinnati ; Daily Beaver Packets. DEPARTED. 'Clipper, Crooks, St. Louis. "Charleston. Fretm in, w Weans; Vigilant, Ream Cincinnati, Tiog,n, Blashford, St. Louis, Belmont, Poe, Cincinnati, Mingo Chief, Devinuev, Wheeling, Mclntyra, Seale , , Zanesville, "Daily Bear. r rackets. All boats marked tho: (*) in the above list, are provi ded with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent the explosion of steam boilers. Fourier Convention. The Contention of the friend: r f A-sedation and enc,uirerA into the practica'iility of a beneficent Social Reform, will assemble-at TEMPERANCE HALL, c nner of Smithfield street and Virgin alley, al 10 o'clock this morning.. HORACE. GRELLEY, Esq., or Ncw York. E. P. GRANT, Esq., of Ohio, 11. H. VAS AMRINGE,E , q, ()Lillis city, arid others, may be exi e:tecl to maize some remarks. _Dr The evening session will commence at 7 o'- clock. Mr. GREELEY will addressthe Cenventionlion the subject of "Industry, and the means of improvinz the efficiency and condition of the laboring cia.3.30?. " Addresses may also be expected from ?Messrs. Van Amringetuid Grant. As the Hall will Hot be lrtr enough, this ses,iion will be held at she Now Court House. THEATRE. First night c.f die Bottle Imp, with new Scenery, &c Mr. Martnrrr as the Mr. FOSTER 0,9 Mad. Grochean and Mast. Atrguitua will appear On Monday, Sept. 25, will b,. pre4ented the BOTTLE I. SONGS AND DANCES To conclude with the VILLAGE LAWYER. Boxes 50 cents—Pit :25 cents—Gallery 25 cents, for colored people only. Doors open at 7i o'clock, curtain rises at 8. The Fashions! The Fashions!! T UST received at ALGEO M'GUIRE'S Fashion el able Head Quarters, a splendid lot of good& for thy. fall trade; amongst which will be found superior buck skin plain and l ' ailey cassimeres, new style woolen vel vet vestings, plain satin and figured silk do.; diamond, waved and plain Beaver Cloths; a few pieces extra heavy and fine Broad Cloths, fashionable colors fur whiter, sack frock coats, extra superfine blue and wool dyed black, English and French broad cloths. All of which will be made to order in the most superior style, at very low prices. ALGEO Sr..7IFGUI RE, sap 2.5-10td. 4 51. Liberty street. Mrs. Ellis' Works. A fresh supply of the popular wfrls of Mrs. Ellis' ust received at the St. Chill trt.vt Lite; arc Depot, op os ite the Exchange. a 2:2-1w From (he Knickerbocker Bottle Imp. A limn That your petitioner has provided himself with ma- terials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in the city and ward aforesaid' , and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a licence to keep alioaAe of public entertainment. And your petitioner as /n duty hound will pray; JOHN BOLDINGErt. We, the subscribers, citizens of the 4th Ward of the city of Allegheny, do certify, that the above petitioner i; of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with hott..4e room and convenience for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and oth. ere, and that said tavern is necessary. Jacob Gui's - er Chas. Uambaugh Jai. Alberson A. Kauffman G, V. Wit;arker Felix Ganter Jacob Lahmen John Veogialy Abram Hays -; S. Wa.kler V. Scriba John Walter. sip 23—Jt" PEOCt 4.112 AT :ON HAE,R,EAmSs.., l et hr G au. ,: e n t . re lating to the C!! C0mm,,,,,,u1 4 it is en.. joined on nr• te notice of such vicotiuns U ho held, an 1 to en um. rate in such notice what MlT are to be l•!etI•II: iu l'unoianco, thereof, I. BJCSiar.- 31IN Wr . ILIA En, Sb !ciTof the County of Allegheny, do therefore make known, and give this public notice to the elee tor: said County ef Allegheny, that a General EleCtion will be held in the said County on the Second Tuesday of Octobor twit, at the several election districts therein. The Electors of the First IVard of the city of Pitts burgh. to meet at the house of James Little, corner 4th. and Ferry streets. The Electors oldie Second Ward of the city of P burgh, to meet at the house pf Hugh Duffy, on the corner of Second and Grant Streets. The Electors of the Third Ward of the city of rim,- burgh, to meet at the house of J. Dubail, on the' corner of Seventh Grant streets The Electors of the Fourth Wand of the city of Pittsburgh, to meet at the Washington Coffee house, - corner of St. Clair and Penn streets. The Electors of the Fifth Word of the city orPitts burgh, to meet at the house of Alexander Stewart, in said Ward. The Electors of the First Ward of the city of Alle gheny, to meet at the public school house in said ward. The Electors of the Second Ward of the city of gheuv, to meet at the public school house in said ward. Tim Electors of the Third Ward of the city of Mc ' gheny, to meet at the Public School House, in said Ward, on the East Common. The Electors of the Fourth Ward of the city of Ana glieny, to meet at the office of B. Simmons, Esq., in said ward. The Eicctors of Pitt town hip, to meet at the house now, or lately occupied by Conrad Freyrogie, known by the name of the "Social Gorden," on the Farmers' and Mechanics' Turnpike road. The Electors of Peebles township, to meet at the house of John Budder. in the village of East Liberty, The Electors of Wilkins township, to meet at the bonze of Francis Wilson, ou the Frankstown road, in said townshi . h The Electors of Plum township, to met at the house of Margaret Little, formerly John Little's, in said township. The Electors of Versailles township to meet at the White House, formerly owned by Thomas Neel, on the Pittsbur,gh and Greensburg Turnpike road, in said township. The Electors of Elizabeth township, including the Borou g h of Elizabeth, to meet at the house formerly no. cupied by John Walden, in said borough. The Electors of Jefferson township, t o me e t at th e house of Michael Snee, formerly occupied by John King in said township. The Electors of Mifflin township, to meet at the hoes: of Samuel Wilson, formerly occupied by James H. Ned, in said township. - The Electors of Upper St. Clair township, to meet the hon:e of Jame: Connor, in said township. The Electors of Lower St. Clair township, to meet attire ho.rse of E. McAninch. formerly occupied by A. H. Harshbarger, at the end of the Monon g a hela. Bridge. The Electors of Robinson township, to meet at.tbe house of Sarah McFarland, furm•orly Andley McFarland in said township. The Electors of Fayette township, to meet at the IRA's,: formerly Matthew McCray'a in Noblestown, in safd township. The Electors of Findley township, to meet at the house of MeClealand A, Amer, formerly owned by John Charles in the village of Clint on in said tower ship. The Electors of Moon township, to meet at the }muse of Peter Onstot, ia said township. Thu Electors of Ohio township, to meet at [helloes° of John Flay, in said township. The Electors of Franklin township, to meet at the house formerly occupied by John Shrum, in said town.; ship. The Electors of Reserve township, to meet at the Public School House, in the village of Manchester. v The Electors of Ross township to meet at the house of Henry Krider, in said township. The Electors of Pine township, t, meet at the house of William Cochran, Esq., in said township. The Electors of West Deer township, to meet at the • house of Nathan Conley, in said township. The Electors of East Deertownship, to moot at the Public School House in the village of Tarentum, in said township: The Electors of Indiana township, to meet at the house formetly occupied by Samuel Mackey, in said .township • . -The Electors of the borough of Birmingham, to meet at the house formerly occupied by Dominic O'Connor, deceased, in said borough. The Electors of the borough of Lawrenceville, us Meet at the Town House, in said borough. The Electors of the borough of Sharpsburg, tomes[ _ at the house of James Sharp, in said borough. At which time and places the qualified electors it 66m-said, will elect by ballot— ONE PERSON FOR CONGRESS. ONE-PERSON FOR SENATOR, in conjunction with Butler Conntv. FOUR PERSONS FOR MEMBERS OF - AS.; , SEMBLY. THREE PERSONS FOR CANAL COMMIS , SIGNERS. ONE PERSON FOR SHERIFF. ONE PERSON FOR PROTHENOTARY. ONE PERSON FOR COMMISSIONER. ONE PERSON FOR COUNTY TREASUREIW, i. ONE PERSON FOR AUDITOR. . ONE PERSON FOR CORONER. And by virtue of the 19th section of the act of the second of July, 1839, it was enacted that every person, s. excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall bold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the Gov ernment of the United States, or of this State, or of any city, or incorporated district, whether a commis sioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or • agent, who is, or shall be employed under the Legisla tive, Executive, or Judiciary department of this State; f, or of the United States, or of any city or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress, and of the State Legislromm and of the Select or Common Council of any city. or enalissioners of any incorpo. rated district, is by law i. capable of holding or exerci sing, at the same time, the office or appointment 04 Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of any election of this Come monwealth, and that no Inspector, Judge, or other offi of any such election shall he eli;.ible to any office to be then voted for. Also, in and by the 4th section of an act approved the 10th April, 1840, it is enacted—That the 13ih sect/on of the act passed July the 211, 1839, entitled an act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth, not be so construed as to prevent any Malitia Officer Borough Officer, from serving as Judge, Inspector. Clerk, at any General or Special Election in this C mon wealth. And the return • Judges of the respective districts aforesaid are required to meet at the Court House in th e c ity of Pittsburgh, on the FRIDAY NEXT ATTER THE SECOSD TOMSDAY OF OCTOLIZR NEXT, then and -1 there to perform those duties required by law. _ Given under my hand at Pittsburgh, this eight day of September, A. D., 143, and of the Indepen- 11 . (knee of the United Stares, the sixty-eight. BENJAMIN WEAVER, Sheriff: Sept. T° the Honorable the Judzes of the court of Genes ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and fur the county of Allegheny. The petition of Johaßoldinger, of the 4th Ward of t h e ci t y o f Allogfieny, in the county aforesaid, humbly Isfei 3lieweih.