Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 23, 1843, Image 3

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&e., see finstpage
ADDREss.--We have been favour.
with a eery *fan address, by W. H. Loteric, Esq.,
~;seforsD Traitees, Faculty and Students of the West
ortiver4ts. We have been able only to glance at
its pages, and. cannot pretend at present to notice its
- merits and beaoties in. detail. From what we have
end of it, however, we may safely say that it will add
itto the established reputation of the author, who never
My work out of his hands that _i3 UnfiniShed or
- e
-;car' toasty done--he holds to the maxim, that whatever
-Ili worth doing is worth doing well.
A.I6ELTIF ENT QUESTI0 14 : .—The fallowing query is
rcput by the Philadelphia Forum, and from the anxiety
tainted to o btain information on the subject, the Fa.
trunk it no doubt fearful that its favorite has a very
, s ue representation in Bristol, as well us many other
iipliaces in Pennsylvania:
A Quirxrtos.—Vi'e wish to know "how many Clay
there Oro" in Bristol, Pal enow there re
ilityr,prnicoeci wbigs there, but we
fear they are s a om
'fit lake-warm,if not positively cold. We would be
,Sia.to see same evidences of their being alive.
713,1t4.TR03F ACTOR. --W• F . Gates, the come&
IM, ditA. 'on Sunday morning in Nev York- He was
Vrlettre of age, and was carried off by a bilious fever.
fishes lefehis family some $20,000, the savings of ma.
nyyeaks. The herald says that the company erg aged
*the Chtitlinin Theatre were convened together by
Mrikeocrim, the frinaia.ger, onreceipt the intelligence
'a:Mt:Gates' aeatli:and they passed a series ofyesolu
.,, dOO5 OS a testimonial cf their veneration and respect for
- die memory of the deceased. They agreed to attend
laikfttneral in a body,aud ii•ear the usual 'Nags of mont%
sling for thirty aays: also to dispatch a letter of condo
-lett& with a coliy of their proceedings to the widow.
_biolutx MAT-rmts.—Tbere is the satin". :lAA:hand fur ;
inOtley that is always heard, and the su me'crnitplaints
orditstreas that are usually made, but still there itppears
to be enough for ordinary business purposes as yet.-:
'Asbusinesa matters imptfive, of course there must be
more in circulation. Some kinds of uncurreut money
erkoceasionally offered for sale and are 'purchased. —
' ilfiris at 50c; Shawneetown, 48c; Urbana, 55c; Mi
- aim Exporting, 65c; Granville, 30e; Indiana Scrip,
old notes; 11.8 c dig.
:Sxchange until° east sells at 11 for carrency—speci ,.
. a i'pm7.AC'itt. Son.
writer intim Delaware Gazette, the leading Dem.
ocentic printin the state of Delairare,discu.sing the mei%
'tits of the eatididate4 for the 'Presidency, say
"lf we mplirelionesty, we certainly have it in Mr
; 4 . • Vuejusnan. If we want . ability, he lie: it in an eminent
• &gee.. If we want ex.pe - riencein' the:Amities tithe of
-ftee,he has it to as 7 ,rjnettti'es:te ut . IC , .xlli'tne COM have,
wits his not filled the rlace. • ff . Ave ‘is'sat 'a man free
irfr.nn prejudice,arid who - can gofer the country alone,hi 3
whole life asmircs us that this will be•his course."
We have intelligence, says the New•Thret herald St
'totilay,from Kingston, Jamaica, by the ship Hellspoutt
Vapt, gpg v , t7ito will accept our thanks . for his kind
ness, to the Ist of Septemb.T, which eoinmunieties - te
'us the par6culan , of a im-tst destructive fir;?, which laid
Info part of Kin4:stou iu a-tlies. The tire broke. tint
'en Saturday, the Stith of August, 'at Jaws' Foundry.
and in censequeme of a want of water and of bad
mapt4,, , errtent, the great deva•ttation pttr:i.t
Atilt:ills-tilled in the a ccounts which ire htvc rev - My ed.
A.lotter addressed. to Cart, Hlrlson, 'of tip. banple
Ctai'iind lving in l'almouth, thus describes
the work of de'struttimi which was going °I,:
I beg to infonn you that Kinigion is on tire from end
to end: a steady breeze is blowing which causes it to
ciruall 'in nll directions. Every person is• in great
alailb• 'lt is nt:tt known as yet whether the tire is an
act of incendiat ism or accitleut.
Atietter written•in Spanish Town, tit 10 o'clock on
f:? Saturday night, i:sys:— .
Several chapels have been destroyed, with other
bniidingo, and by this time I fear the church; but I be
lieire'tbe 'ciesthrti house and those principal public offi
ces, with the commercial part of the tow o, are yet safe.
, Private letters 1/Y heat Mentitrn that the Wesleyttn
Chapel, and MI hotuo:4 were blunt in Kin g4trin_, hntl the
ftte PAIS still raging.
The Bev. A. M. BRYAN will Preach a Sermon to
db Ytebrit .M.en's T. %. As.sociation, e 7 tri-morrow
(Sunday) afternoon, in the Cumberland Pre.h,..teritua
Vhurch, Sixth street, when a collection *ill be 'taken
lififor the benefit Of the Association.
"All the young men of the city and vicinity arc res
pectfully invited to attend. T sept. 2.
o st .s. tlit s ltiew stud Spleulid Steam Beet
CUARLESTON, J. W. Freeman.
Master, will leave fur the above aad
intermediate landings this day, 23d inst., nt 5 oclock
P. M positively. For freight or passage, (having su
perior accommodations) apply on board, or to
sop 23 'JAMES MAY.
The CharleF,trln is furnished with Evans' Safety
'they'd, to prevent the Explosion of Boilers..
AVE now received and opened their Stock of
Vaingtbe greatest variety to be found in any house
in the city.
These goods have been very carefully, and it is be
lieved judiciously purchased for cash, most of them at
ithejowest spring prices, and will be sold accordingly.
°nods can now bo bought cheaper than in any of the
Eastern cities. and merchants will du well to examine
bens, be fore going farther and faring worse.
sep 2:?,
Nom Fall and Winter Goods.
A RE now opening and offer for sale a very large
and general assortment of seasonable Dry Goods,
Consisting of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth,
broad cloths of every color, cassimeres, sattinetts, jeans,
- kerseys, linseys, flannels, holies, bleached and brown
coatons, drills, ticks, Alpacca lustre black and colored,
plain told printed merinos, mouslin de lains, Irish li
.. Dons, Mattson andother silks, ribbons, laces, cambrics,
unmans, merino, fancy and blanket shawls, sewing
sides.pooh and skeM threads, &c., Sc.. together with
on ossortniterts of carpets, ruts floor cloths, &c , all of
visiiiicit we are able to sell es cheap as goods call now be
boogkir.in 4.llroarket, east or west. sop 1-tf
ANTED, P searestm.s, a first rate bead. Sp
IV V ply st.the store, No. 4, Wood street.
aft 29 —lf WM, NOBLE, Upholsterer
Dissohitioa of Partnarstip.
'PRE Partnership heretofore existing under the firm
DICKEY and ALEXia&F.K, iS this day dissol
ved by mutual consent, JAMES DICKEY,
reps. I , 1843. Ci, ALEXANDER.
JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends
;awl the public, thathe still continues in the Transpor
liirOan Business, at his Warehouse, CORNER Or LIBER
!- Y 'AND WAYNE STREETS, Canal Basin, under the
"mute of the "Independent Portable Boat Line,"
where he will receive and forward freight to the East at
the fewest terms. sept. 4—tf.
Taiuters' Oil. -
13588L5. Ta l n v n. A •ri: T O E i ß i. f ß or ß A l .l , le tN ty
T & CO.,
- No. 18 Liberty at
sop 2dlst&iat..
N. 1.11,440 4. 1, h. iv -...------
---------- 1
unissioner. 4obn a;,--
T the solicitation of a number of friends of all I AUCTIONEER AND COMM
Apolitical parties, I respectfully offer myself to Corner of Wed& and sth ifs :, Pittsbu re h ,
the consideration of my fellow' citizens for the office of I
County Commissioner.
That my sentiments may notSPECIE STANDARD.
on cousignment, for public or private sale, and
be misunderstood, either as to political or • private ture re Seri p. ..-• •....1
from long experience in the above iiiisiness, flatters Merchants and lifanufac p 1
affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction Exchange Ba nk Scrip ................... .... .. „ 4
a consistent Republican, iu the true sense of the word. to all who may favor him with their patronage. Currency .............................. ... i
As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan- Regular sales on MONDAYS and TilU MD •If s, of Dry Erie Bank Scrip ........ . ............... I
cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. EXC HANGE—A.T SIGIIT.
officers hos received the a pprobation of large majori- •Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactilred articles, new
ties of the people, the un dersigned would not should On Philadelphia ...............
and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at- Sales every evening,at early gag. light. fo'ig 1.2 -- -v , IS'etc York .............
tempt to resist this salutary reform; should. it reach
Boston .....
the office of County Commissioner. Baltimore .....
To thr voters of Allegkeny count y:—l respect
fully offer myself to your conside or ration as a f
(independent of parties) f the office o
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
eleetintr. As Ido not come before you recommended
by a Cakvention, those of you to whom I am not per
sonally known will please examine into my
&c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your
Iron Safes.
IRESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have
and keep always on hand an assortment of Eke
Proof Safes. The price, in consequence of the ma
terials and labor being much lower, is reduced about
thirty percent. They are kept for sale at my shop, in .
Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church on
the corner t i fitli street—as also with Atwood, Jones
&Co., and Daltell & Fleming.. In regard to the qual
ity of my safes I leave those persons who haye ptir
chased and Will purchas, my safes to cutest the util
ity of them. I desire nu newspaper puffs on my SlifilAi
lusticc and truth warrant me in informing the public
that all my safes Which have been in buildinn . s burnt
down for several years since I commenced 17ave pre
served the papers, books, &A, which they contain
ed. I have u citrd containing a' number of certificates
of the same, which are in Circulation and in my hands
sad the ag,entes. JOHN DENNING.
N. B. A few pal r f steel Springs for sale; made by
Jones & Coleman, and will bc Sold low, Also, a screw
press, with power to punchlinles in half inch iron.
rep 40--tf
For Sale Low For Cash.
i) II it DOZEN of all sizes of NVindow Sitsb,rind
kJ NVind.tw Glass of all sizes. byte box or
retniy l'uttv; nails and , T ikes; carpet-chain; country
car et= all sizes PeLtUllt: Backet , t, tubs, churns, coffee
Thai, measures, tin ware; shovel. spade.. 4, hoes, axes
and buichen., nogarA, Bedeords, twine, Louisville
Lime. The Balm of Life and a variety tif cheap Fain
ilv Medicines; Books and Slalion.ar.l, awl School
ISAAC 11 . ..111.1f15, Agt. Coin. 'Merchant.
se!, r... 10 No. 9, Fifth . 5t
N. 8.--Country carpet.. socks and stockingtt. Wo.tl,
feathers, flaN. and tow and woolen yara, flannels and
linsays, bap, paper, rag. 4, beeswax, tittlow, bidter, &c.
taked in paylattuit at cash prices.
Marietta Apples.
JUST RECEIVEI), per S. B. "Agatha," 11r. har
rels Nlmietta tpples, in flue order, consistiug of
"‘Greenings," and color varieties, for fiIIICIOVI to close,
by ISAAC CRUSE, 143, Liberty st.
Who has in store. k butter, lard; mackerel. fresh
and. good. Always on baud, Clover and Timothy seed.
sep 1671w'
...-,.---.------- _.
Printers' Furnishing Warehouse,
No. 3, Franklin I'lare. under the Franklin Haase,
rPHONIAS F. ADAMS - hits established at the above
.L place a Wareholise for the side of Printing. Ma
terials of every description including Bruce & Co.'s su
perior Printing . Types,at teduced ptices, Wells &
It'eblis Pre...elute' 'Wooakypes, Cases, Furnit are, &c.,
D o uble and Single Gylithier rower Presses, Adams'
unrivalled Platen Power Unesses. The IVashingten,
Smith, Madison, American, std Philadelphia hand
1 PreiCA,Rilnrage's,Fool.trisp and other Presses, Orcutt's
Solo Leather. j Yankee Card and. Billet Press, Ruggle's Job Printing
'.:5 of Baltimore tuul New I"..th I Encincs,Orrott'sk liln.l anal Power Presses, Austin's
5,200 r,s.,`,P,."l„.:,,iter:ii a ~.,i1 assortment S"it'Llkin'x Apparatus, lian a '," Standing Presses. v , -
of Morocco, Lii.i.er and Binding Skins., 6.r sale by 1 g , 2ther with a variety of PaiIIIIIIT Machinery, I.itho
‘v A LTER 13110.\\"I' & co., ' graphic. and r.opying Presses, by .Messrs. line, IVorrall,
No. 31 Liberty A r,,,.t. I
t, Tayolr, It:image, *dams. .‘ll4tin, Cosleldt, Ruggles,
I Orrutt•and others, all of which will ix! ?old at manufac
turer's lowest priers.
SECO:c7) flit .VD illATEßlALS.—l'riaterst and
others will thul at, this establishment the Joikest,rirs
...,,thilcia of s'erond hand materials ever oilereil to the
trade, whieh Will (liable Country Piititets and others
to replenish their otfi.ces sit a very •srittill expense.
li.'l'rinting, materials of all kinds, tugt and second
hand, sold en'emtmission.
T. F. A. having had nearly twenty ye:trs experience
as a Practical ` Printer in the finer inneches of the art,
feels warranti•il in saying that every article retortmeml:
cal by-him 403 haven.) superior in i'...iilt ofi l e'ality, 'lna
that persons relying upon . his jnagmeat in selecting for
them, shall receive the m....t entire satisfaction. Let
ters addressed to hilia (post paid) desiring inforMation
of any kind relating to the art, will receive prOmptund
gratuitoes answers - ,
tte.tuc*o PRICESOY TY Ik.
English, ti 1.,1 Bonier,eo 46
Pica, - as._ -finnan.4 4
Small Pion, 14 Nonpareil, 66
Long Pririlee, 36 ' Agate,
Burgeois, . , 40 ' Pearl, 'I
f. 20
The subscriber is now stevntypieg en:a, yill shortly
repablish his Typogrelila, or, I - rioter's /14rtictlw, giving
practial and minute dim dit
etions . forconcting every de
. • ,
r artmontiu an ()Irmo, at the low price of one dollar pet
copy, being one half of the price ache former edition.
No. SFr:63l;lin I'lace.
Lace Leather.
SIDES Lace Lcatlier,a very superior article
3 0 for sewiti.tr Machiae Belts, for sale by
Aurca BRYANT &CU.,
scp 9.-411 ‘O2 t No. 83 st.
,cp - 2.4rlir—S•w 2 t
SUARES Allogp.tav lici,kte Stock, at pri
_1:44 , yaw •oalo, by - MOAN DAVLS,
Comer Of \Yowl and Fifth -.0100.3.
& 6
am heap Stock Establishment,
wou Li) twtst respectfully announce to the citizens
lof PittAntrgh and the country generally, licit I have
comrhencett the Tr. tauf3.c.ture of 'STOCKS, of every vat
riety, form anti description; and wpuld aolicit me rchwitt,
and others to call and exatnine fur thrMsclves, us I am
determined to.s.cll on tiv. most accommodating term:
for cash, ',lntl hope, 'by Viet attention to businesr, to
merit a share of public patronage. nag.
SCSDRIES.-50 boxes chocolate,
'5 do • cocoa,
3 do rice flour,
25 do groitad peppet,
5 do Cayenne d 0.,,
cams ground mustard,
5 kegs Au hllspice,
Ao do ginger,
12 caus do do., togmher with
every 'thing in tlt , grocery line, all of which is offered
low price for cash.
4:3,W00d street
'Dissolution of Partnership.
HE partnership heretofore .existing walk - the
Tstyle of Devine & 31'Anelty,ii thi. , day dissolved
by mutual ohnseut, IL Devise t= to collect till runts
the to the conc.ern, and pay all claims contracted for
the concern up to this date:.
Pitaurib, Sept. 1. 18:13
- :
11. beviue resretfully infurrns Client's and the
public, that be Mill continues in the Transporting
business, and that he has removed the office of the U.
S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next
&tor below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive
anti forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest
terms. .11. DEVINE
Executor's Notice.
ALL persons will please take notice that Letters
Testamentary have been granted to the undersign
ed upon the estate of Sidney Moreland; late of the
city of Pittsburgh, deceased.
Those indebted to said Moreland will make paynnut
to either of the undersigned; and those having claim er
against him nre requested to present the same prop
ly authenticated for settlent.
JAMES GRAY, 4th et.
cep 19--dlwSw6t. Executors.
ID -
LNCES WANTED'. in town or country, for e.
nutnher of salomsen, book-keepers, shopnien and
boys, in sores and wareltous 4... At.so, for collecting,
and for a number of mechanics, farmers and laborers,
coachmen, waiters, hostlers, and all kinds of hands for
steamboats, hotels, and private families; for select and
common school teachers.
Cooks, c hambermaids, dry and wet nurses, and girls
for housework provided at short notice, Planes pro
' cured for hands of all kinds as soon as possible, And
all kinds o f Agencies and Intelligence business attend
od to for moderate charges. 12 to 15 Farms for sale.
Several farms wanted to rent. Call at ISAAC DAR
RIS' Intelligence Office, No. 9, Fifth street,
sept 20
Toothache! Toothache!! Toothache!!!
T HE above complaint' can be cured in fore
utes, by using the celebrated Moscovvres DROPS
which is warrante. There are many imitations and
counterfeits, of the above. The only true and grim
ine article is to be had at TUTTLE'S Fourth
MOKED HERRINGS.--25 boxes smoked her
rings just received and for sale by
S & CO,,
43, Wood eet.
GRINDING AND vinisiiiNG —Sad • Irons
ground and polished, anvils and other kinds of
grinding done at the Cast Steel File Manufactor
y, cor
ner of Liberty and . O'Hara streets. aug
''- .-13'-''' -•- " , „. ." 4 : ' - - r.' ''''- . - - 1 -, tiet. - ' '
, -
.. - , L•r, _ : .
... , A .,"•:':
- ..,..-
143ank Notes anb fiExctiattge I INUMlB43;aftigail for Salt and To itget:= '''''
- NrGILATIANI & CO., -,.‘,..-,
Building LOS in 111Xutingita111. ;.
ROBEI ‘iltleillat Merchants, i 0 LOTS, saushle for building, most oilgail,
1 _Lei tinted, and within two minutes' walk of flak --,-„
s. -Tuition Com- steam ferry boat landing', will be sold at pekes to suit .. -
-=---. --- - one, Eric ithe times. The terms ot payment w ill beans& easy, ~ 4
Co.'s l
either for cash or such bar eras can be made avallablia,:l -.....,...,
-- Apply ro the subscribers in Birmingham,
...... Or Mr. re - ,
----------------- "" ": , terson, Ne. 1, Fcrr2. stret-t, Piusburgh , .
------ ' • - 1. JAS. PATTEItSON, jr.." •
------ -
SIGIIT Lots for flay.
ucherter. One and a fourth Acres of .
------ ...,' Hill. Lot , : no's. 41,42,52,38,54 .
snk's plan of I.ots,to Hobos.
• ----- ' 1, in Cook's Om of Loci::. '.
...... -t i linage. 'Or MOM -c44,• - •„
‘U.NIiNGTORI '-'` i*
_ -
• • • • • ....---.-.. 4 .4.''
TTSI _.... s..asso altar r
_, .._......
,to ,• -
s' b a packet FIIIF *I • NI sel) 10 Nlarket near For.ash sueet - .
tr-rtlii I 11. k. canal • ,•• • - —_--------.•••------••••••••••-"-", ,
... ----- ••'-hnu ,ma4ter, u ill run ar.: iegular tri- yOr Tient.
... '--,- named port:, leaves M That COTTAGE, situated in the Borough E i ,
•'. l •rvs' morn- LaNA-renceN}lle, at pre-ent 004 upiesi by Jobs
•-• • • ---- "'m kt r.-..,
-- , ..ce lia_4 a,l very lino garden awl goo d n -
~. -r
•- - -
1.. n . ,„ person tenting can have the
^niumg year. Pusacat ,- " ,-
,-... ,
Executors' Sale of Real Estate. ,
/j 1 TIE subscribers will expose at public sale, on the
premises in the city of Allegheny, on Friday, 20th
day al September, at 2 o'clock, P. :a., the followitig
described property, belonging to the estate of the late
Mrs. Ann Maria Cummins, dec'd, viz: Lots Nos. 11,
12,14 and 15, in James Andersons plan of lots, being
part of Lot No. 40, in the Reserve Tract, opposite
Pittsburgh, each of said lots containing in front on Mor
gan street 25 feet, and extending back J4feet. On each
of lots Nos. 12 and 15, there is erected a good double
frame dwelling house. Persons wishing to purchase
can have the property exhibited to them, and the terms
of sale made known, on
WIL applicLl AM ation to the subscribers.
Executor's Sale.
'WILL be sold, at 3 o'clo tk, on SATURDAY af
ternoon, the 23d instant, at the late residence of
Aaron Hart, deceased, Grove Hill, by order of the EK
ecutor: •
One Horse, oue milk cow, a number of young hogs,
one waggon andharness, sundry farming utensils, one
Sideboar, and sundry articles of household furniture.
Prins at Sale, JOHN D. DAVIS,
sept 14.
ON Monday gunning, the 25th inst., at 10 o'clock,
will he sold at the Com. Auction Rooms, corner
of Wood and Fifth streets, a pneral assortment of Dry
(touts, among which are a great variety of clotbs,cas
simeres and cassinetts, of every shade and color.
Flannels, white, red, green and yellow, twilled and
Fancy chintzes and prints . .
Bleached and brown sheeting, and shirtings,
Striped add plain drillings,
Checks, blankets, shawls, sewing silk. spool cuttou,
patent thread, silk and cotton hdkfs., &e.
Also, boots, shoes, hats, &c.
At 2 o'chick, F. second hand, well tuued piano
forte and stool.
13 school writing desks;
1 Mahogany hair seat sofa, new;
" bureaus;
Chairs, tildes, bedsteads, and a variety of articles of
kitchen furniture.
Also, writing and wrapping paper, brass and wood
en clocks, coolage, &c.
Evening saies at early gas light of dry goods and
fancy articles
sop 23
151 , ,V1NV:,
A. 11. HARVEY,
J D. DAVIS, Auctioneer
sep 9.0-9 t
JOILN D. DA.VIS, Auctioneer
The subscriber having returned froiiL , the .East with
the latest style allots, liu now of . hand and will con
statoly keep a large asset-anent of his own Manalic".
ture, which for lightness, service, hcoaly, and eheitp . -
ness, cannot be surpiusett., and would.respectfully
vite his Mends and the pubrie to ey.ornine 7; e3tAicic
Ilats and Caps, at the Manductorv, No. 73. Worul st.
Canal Basin, corner AVayne and Liberty street:, Pitts.-
burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line.
serf 4-3 m.
CAW F I.ELD luts removedhis-marble Etta,
liAtment to Wood at. opposite Fahnessock's
Drug Store, where he wiil keep constantly on haw)
Tomb Stones, Montunent3 etc. tip ,19—,1yr
JUST RECEIVED and for aide on conAgarnent,
7 hhds bacon,
7 lihds siiztt r,
Cao be seen atthe nice ofincob Painter& Co,
nlig 29 J. K. MOOREIESD Sp CO,
A BOUT the latit week in June, in a Clothing Stow
in Liberty street, a Note of hand„ e.onsiderably
suilettand worn. It is signed by. James Gastati and
another, and drawn in favor of W,l3laclc. The own
er can haveit by identifyingit and. paying etponses.
Jul 31,--tcf.
All sorts of clothing and wearing apperal, Please
call at No. 151 Liberty street, and see for yours .
eep 7. J. MeCLOSKE
Coughs and Colds.
known cure forthe complaints, can be obtained
TiSTTL'ES 86 Fourth st. Only 25 cents per bot
tle scot 12.
A N • ORDINANCE for changing the place of hold
/1 ipg the General and City Elections for the Third
- That he
Sec. j. Be it ordained. &c., reafter the elec
tions far the state and county, as well as for city offi
cers in Third Ward, shall be held at the house now
occupied by J. Dubail, on the corner of Seventh and
Grant streets.
Sec. l 2 Be it ordained, &c., That so much of the ex
isting Ordinances as is hereby altered be and the same
is hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted into a Law in Councils, this
20th day of September, A. D. 11343.
„ WM. EICIIBA.I.IM, Pres't C. C.
E. J. Ron - cars, Clerk C. C. •
Attlen Nltt.Lsa, Clerk S. C. sep 21--3 t
A. U 3.6 U, BSCHANGE 1111082111,
Bank of Pittsburgh ........................ par
Merchants and Manufacturers' bank par
Eichange ..... . ... . ....
Bank of forth A me rica . . . ... . par
Do Northern Liberties...... .. . p ar I
ar ;
Do Pennsylcania ...... ..... . ....p
4701111 AC rein/ Bank of Pennsylvania par ,
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank.... ...... .. ....par I
Kensington bank par
Manufacturers and Mechanics' ............... par
echanics ......
par .......................... M
Moyamen sing .............................
Philadelphia bank ......................... par
Schuylkill ..... " .................. .. par
Southwark ..... ".... ................ par
Western ....... " ................. . .par
Bank of Penn Township ...... ..... ...... pa
Girard bank ....... ... .............
U. S. bank and branches ..................... 36
Bank of Germantow
Chester county...
Delaware county.
" Montgomery county
Farmers bank of Bucks county
Eaartm bank ...... ...........
Doytestiiim bank ......... • .
Franklin bank of Washington ........
Bank of Ckaalberaburgh.... • .-
" Middletown ...... • . . .
Gettysburgh ................
" Lewistown .
" Susquekamta county
Berks county bank_ ....... .......
Cmin»ibia Bank and Bridge Company-
Carlisle bank ........................
Erie bank .............. ..........
Farmers and Provers brisk ......
Bank of Lancaster -. • - _
" Bank Of Reading ,
Harrisburg, bank
Honey/a/c "
Lancaster "
Lancaster cu. " ...... ....... • .
Lebanon " ............. . .... . ......
Miners' bank of l'ottsville - • .
Monongahela bank of Brornsrille ...... . • .
New Hope and Delaware Badge company
Northampton bank..
Towanda bank .. _
IVyoming bank.....
West Branch bank
York bank..
61 . 110.
Belmont bank of St. Clairscille
Clinton bank of Coltor,btut:... . • ..
Columbiana bank em of N Lisbon. ...
C'i rele (Jr
cashier) .....
" ( 11 - arrcn, cashier) . .
Cincinna4 banks ..
CkilliCeilke !frank .......... .....
Commercial bank of Lake Erie.............. !!
Dayton bank....
' Franklin book of Coln sob ......... . .....
F'n risers' awl %eclat mica' -bank of Stelificn'illic
'Partners' }rank of Canton ... . .......
(;tans ...... ......
nville .................. ........ 75
C ra
• _ 30
Ma rief
Mechanics' and Traders'
Mount Pleasant ........
So.ndasky .
.. .......
Xenia • • •--
" .... .
Slab! Lurk and branches
Stale Scrip • • • •
All bovites
~ . .
Stair bank •
Bank of Illinois, Shawnectolett
Bank of eke Witten of Vir'gini , i t'- - ............
. -
of Virginia ' • -
...... ..... .
Exchange bank of l'irgiaits ..... .. .. ......-... . • . .
Farmers'bank of tri•eginiii.. .. . • •. ....• . •
Noett-lVestern bank of 4rieg,inia .. ~....• .. ..
Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virg,inia.„ - . .
11raneltes... .... ~- ..... .-. . . ., • ' -
Baltimore eiiy hanks— .... . • . • . • .
All other solvent banks....:. ~-. .... •-•—
:411 ialVeht bank's.% .". .'. • . • . ..-•-• •-• .
All solocia banks.... .. .-. .:„.-....
All solvent banks..
Mobile . •
Country _banks
Not. Orleans bakkg
A!t bai~hd.'..'..:.'..: .
- - -
The proprietor.; of the Moitsitic; l'ost . and NlER
cunt: Awn. Mi% erica - ultra respect:rally inform their
friends and ; the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well chosen assortment of
•111101/13011 IliC3lo'.llE
Ca 332 zacaa-itaaaai
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are
prepared to execute
Book', Bilk of Lading, Circultnl,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads Cards,
Handbills Blank Checks, Hat Tips.
' Zit Mulls of 131,auks,
Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with ap
propriade cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable
We respectfully ask the patr,ona•-e OF our &leads and
the public in general in this branch of our tm4sitmaa.
July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH.
Lit Nat sad Cap Maaaractory.
N 0.93 Wood street, 3 doors below Diastolic' Alley.
THE subscriber will keep constantlyon hand every
variety of the most fashionable Wars and CAPS,
wholesale and retail, at reduced prices.
Persons:wishing to purchase will find it to their inte
rest to give him a call. S. MOORE.
Pittsburgh, aug. 29,1543.
Forarardinir and
AGENTS fur the
parry comp&
Canal: Woshingtun
Lino of Steam boati
hold Line, Pennsyl
tors of the ,Merchan
Wilkie & Emzwu
R. Hunter & Co
Oils Chuff, Bust
Ilunter, Palmer
NI. T. Willi: ms
Hon. John M. -
Charles M. Gid
J. S. Dickey, 13
Bir:minghnm &
up 1 1843-Iy.
j •
weekly packet bn
Beaver on Monday
urday,:; connecting
direct, For &via . )
B 1
- --
1: AND RAIL ROAD CAM, from Pittiburgh, via Bed
ford, ChamberAburtz, Ilarri,:lmr; and LaneaAter, to
Philadelphia. connectint: with the Main train dear:: to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 mile. ,tag,ing and one night out.
filmt,.the direct line to Baltintory.
Fare to Philadelphia $9.
Baltimore 9.
Lease,: daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 2d door below the Merchant A . Hotel Wood ;it.
feb 23, 1843-Iv. Pro rietori
-- -- 'p ar
no sale
....no sale
1- -•
.. , ....
;.- a--
tti ...... -- 3
-•- .. 1
.. ... '25
• I ±l
The Great Central Route
Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail
Road Compan,y„,
. • • -- - "M" •
rAk V.E. 4
iILS line i, in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh
Tdaily at fi o'clock A. \L, via Washington
and national road to Cumbecland, connecting here ,
with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Tray
elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinet Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be utiorded which have ton
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or taking one nights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
fib 3—dtf. President of N. R. Stage Co,
---ricgular Packets, - for Cincinnati.
-7 4 7k 4 '.
The Suiltsure, Robinson, Muster, leaves eNA:ry
Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. in.
The Cutter, Collins, Master, lea .•very Friday at
10 o'clock 6. in.
The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat
urday at 10 o'cloels . a. in.
The Exptvss, Parkinson. Master, leaves every Sun
day it 10 &chick a. m.
may - Agents
Baited States firtable Boat Line Depot
(1.4.• MeANUITY very respectfully informs iris
. friends and the puh ir, that he has made Li-range - -
alents to continue the agency of the boUts forming, the
13. S. l'ortabk Boat Line, at. the large new Warehouse,
Basin, where goods will be received and forwarded
with usual de:Taich, and on the ino , t favor2ble teriits,
to BiltitUore, Philadelphia, New Yolk or Boston.
TiluNlAs BORBIDGE, Agent,
7 2 Market st.,
:1100 CII.ISE, Aftrntit.
7a Bondy's Wharf, Baltimore.
. ,
rcpt. 4-3 m.
ixLi.r.'s wri.A.mia, E.r.rluie Broker, .:' , :o. 46,
Corner of {road and Third 3, recta, Pittsburg
Pa. Gold, .Silver, and Soh - eat Bank notes, bought
'and sold. 'Sight elioeks on the Eastern'citierl, foi - gale.
Drati., lost& *rid hills, collected.
Wm. Bell & Co.,
"Jolin D• Davis,
I". Loretrie ' - Piusbargli. l'a.
T. Painter & Co.,
11 . 0,-,eida Woodwell,
James May, j
I Alex. 13 ronsm if.:, C, 1.
) I,i. n 1 ,
John 11 Brown&,Co. tw
James I.'Caralless. ‘, Cincinnati, 0.,
~ J. It. M'l)onald. ~ St. Louiri, Mo.
W. li. l'ope, Esq.,,Pn.s . t. lianli Ky. >l.ouiriiille'.
McLane's American Worm Specific.
THIS is to certify that with MeLANE'S WORM
SrEc me, a child of mine pit,isedupwnrdr, 0f.60
wormsi it ii the itiot powerful Worm Stlecifie n ow i n
Midalebtary, 0.. chA. 'l - 1;43,
For ante at the DrlIT. Store of JON. KIDD,
sopt.zl2. Corner 4th and - Wood :,ts.
• .
MeLaie's American Worm Specific.
T nis 6 wcertify tb4t u,elfild of roine aged 4 years
upkvarfls of 30 wor . fus of an attaffislfif
size, from 4to 5 inches long. to toy neighborhood
some dozen of certificates of its f i.toniiliing effocts could
beproarteed. ii. SNOW.
Poland, Ohio, Oct. 1,1842,
For ;:ale at the Drug Stoic of ,TAYS. KIDD,
Sept 12 Corner Iflf and Wood sr.:.
tire Stuffs Just Received.
Vitriol, Catnwootl, Alum, and a general stock. of
DYE Woon..i, in store, and fiSr sa.le at do , Drug Store
- Comm 4th and 'Wood As.
sept. 12
AL 1.0 Y who is cap dile of taking charge of a'
lionsehola, is desirous of obtaining a situation
as hotiselaceper in a private family, twits superintenannt
ina respectable bowl. She would have no objection
to leave the city if desired to do so. For further infor
mation inquire at this office. :g ‘2l—tf
NT ACKEREL.-16 IRAs. No, 3 111/14..ere1. just AY" received and for sale by
` CO.
sep 3 43 st
To Merchants and Others.
A CiENTLEMAN, who thoroughly ancler:stands
Book Keeping, wishes a situation in that capa
city: the best of references will be given. Address 1-1.,
at this afire, nag 28—tf
ToßAcco.-10 boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobaece,
'25 do Russell & Robinson, ddoo
5 do Dare's
10 do a.z.orted size., and brands,
'list received and ler sale by
JEN.7s:INGS & CO.,
43, Wood street.
lilannfacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Ware,_
No. 17, Fifth street, between Wood and Ma nix',
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment f o wares,
and solicits a share of public patronage. Also, onan
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tort ,, s, gridirons.
skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee &e. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
themselves, as he is determined to seU cheap for cash or
approved pr.per. mar 7 —tf
:~ .. ;.~
onto Wm. Toman, Smithfield street.
scp. 1, 1843.
For Bent
la.teed.rldheent: of.
is well stocked witheloice fnii rreps, Nines,
Aka, a convenient tenement lately occupiedtry R.l
Posse.ision trill be give not tof October nem.,
For terms ariply GE COCHRAN ffrs ,
, - To Rent-
PLEASANT rooms and good steam power, ,tu. the
cast steel file manufactory, corner of Libeirty and,
0' littra streets. Apply on the premises. july 16.
Freeman's rire Brick for Sale.
UST received, 5000 Freeinam's beat Fitt trick, .4.
0 which will hereafter be kept constantly on hand '
and sold low f6r cash, by 131101INGIIAM & CO.
may 27 Co. 60 Waterst.
floillies iotd rams to Rent.
TrIIE subscriber hai opened an office (in connetioa
with his 'ale:heal Agency) for the renting and
selling of Houses and Farms. As lawny persons are _
constantly wanting to rent houses without having the
time to run about the city in search of one, can by call.
ing; upon the subscriber: and .rating the kind I f house
they want, find one that will suit them, also know the
number of rooms, situation and rent, without further
Owners of houses would find it to their interest to
call.,and . cive a description of them. and the rent they
require, as they wotld then find their houses resteli
sooner and with less touldo.
The pan onage of the public is respectfully solicited.
) I—if T. 11. TUTTLE, 66, 4th et.
Mouses, Scr,.,Vor Rent.
T HE subr , crib2r ope
lied a book to record e
dwelling hoaSC, ..varehouse, store, sixo'p, roettle
or onuntry Tarnis and seats for tent, Charging the own.
ers '25 cents each record. He will keep It open for all
who WA . t.e rent any kind of property to exarateeLana
charge them 12A cents aroltor a stonllce
will attend to 'renting all kinds of property', and atteni
to all kinds of busin tis lSAAC 'HA 'between Ian RRIS, Agentdltsrd and tenant.
No. 9, Fifth Pt,
. _
Peach Trees.
agli k T IIE subscriber has just received from the Nu!
=sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia, •
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees-, to which /US
01111.1 ca ll The attention pablic.
No. 161 Libertyst. Lead
LaiLdretli's Garden Seeds.
A full supply of Lnndreth•s Garden Seeds always as
hand and tor,alr, at Li= as*:ncv, the Drug store of
13-1, Libcrty st., head of Wood,
IIERI:13Y certify that I have known te. number of --;.,
Ipeople who have taken Dr. Mc Lane's Liver Pills, - ~:•'•
and have been Much benefitted by them, and I believe . ••
them to he, the best pill. for liver cornplaints, and
general irse,rif any pill now btA . Ore tlie public.
1 herein. certify that I have been afflicted for 6 yaws
with a liver . conPlaint; and have applied to different
physirians. and all to little or no effect, until I made .•;",
use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boxes of thee*
I hen nearly testored to perfect health.
.Miliersburgli, near Pitt-burgh, August 18, 1843
rirFor sale at the Drug Store of
au_ 2'2 corner 4th and IV ood ameti, Pittsburgh •
--_— -- , .
- 14,
1 4 1V EP. COMPL AIN "1 S—Dyspepsin wed - berli. ~.
p,eslio , n, with costiveness, usodity .(eldne mom --,
ach, hard net: s of food after meats, heartburn, ilhardelocY,;
liver complaint 3, vvi: h t rain in the gide Ira, ebeelider. _._.
jautra lee, bilious complaints, ilrOpsy, AiabigreSsic,frorel „
stone, a n d inflammation tithe lungsotre melt
removed and cured by the lIEPATIC ELI IIL
This article has the must astonishing, effects in
, 7 .
'all complaints of the stomach and digestive el
.. .
Many in highly respectable individualsNess. rat
have liecti cured. after trying every other re nredt its -
vain, and have given in dieirr.arnes with permimiunte -,
refer to them. It i-, itleniant to the taste, anal. '7:
not in the least interfere with tine daily avocation
takine . it. Many families of this city have become
pleased with the medicine, that they use itiot
only family medicine. Dv using it occasionally, ,
/kej r the-4 h free from bilious disordera, and
iis , ranc .
liver active, with the secretions of the body M4be
,__ ~ i.
perfect activity. It i 3 composed entirely of aegeod t.
The cure will be gradual, hut certainund permanen . , •'...„
For sale at "Pc TT LA'S. , 66 Ftretrth Amer'.
sep 6.
fa the District Court of Allegheny County, ni'
July Tenn, 1613, N 0.93.
~...". ) John Wulker. Jr. )
L. S }
.. `i Venditicni rayon,
• PcterWil,on. ) 4 4
__ . ._..... ._. .•_ ~
And now, to Wit, Angu.... - 1, 2.6t1t. 1843, On motion
of G. P. Hamilton, Esq., the Court appoint Frs..
Shook. Esq., A udl tr)r. to distribute the prooeis of scan
in thi; case. From the Record,
11. tiUTTON, Pro.
Notice i, hereby given to all per-Ams interested, that -.--
I will attend to the duties assigned to me by the
Corm iii the above ea,e. at Inv office, in Fourth street, .•:,
PittAntrgh, on Tuesday the 26.11 any of September, at ..,..
1( o'clock, A. M FRS. It. SHUNK,
aug 30. Ma im ,11
Pease's Eloarhottrul Catitay, . ::_ - _: i ..':-:
AFresh supply iust received from New York, Mltlf
for sale at It TILE'S, 86 Fourth It:
sept 12.
UEROkNANT°"- :LCD Pi Tiv olGfirunt)::
lei g iven that
an act of the General Assembly of the Common ea , ;,..
of Pennsylvania. passed the sth day of April, 1843;the _ ;
subscriber, are named as Commissioners in.A t.t
Nigk i
alicz .
county, with aotlitnity to open books at such time ~.,.
place as may by deemed expedient by them, far tilp-i
purpose of receiving subscribtions of stock, for thsir .. :`•
cos ,truction Litt t Pail , ikc road from Uniont cum torittnat,, i
burgh. In pursuance of which authority the inliscri;- 4 3
hers will proceed. to open books for the purpose of it. -..1
eeiving subscriptim s of stock, payable to "The Pnmits : . 7
dent, Managers and Company of the tisiontowo,sn4
Pittsburgh Turnpike Road Company," seconding to
the terms of the act of incorporation. Such books sp . .:
be opened on Monday, tho second day of October, , -
at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Monourbeln Howl illel
the city of l'ittsbrugh, and at the store of Sim —
Walker, in the borough of Elizabeth.
CFL SHAI,ER, .' •,