DAILY POST. riTTSBURGii, FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER G~PFor cards, &c., sec finitpage GENEROUS ACT.—The '..llethodiit:: are erectin: a new meeting house in Allegheny city. and CHNRLES MIMI", Esq., has generously contributed six thou wilfrardollars, out of his own private purse, towards its eompletion. - DAM No. I.—We understand that a vigorous effort is to be made to repair the damage sustained by Dam No.l, and that in a substantial manner. laP'We saw a crowd is Smithfield street yester day witnessing some operation that was performed with a hogshead full of water. The crowd was too dense to admit of a close approach fo the object of their cariosity, but NW: wereafterwards informed it was aneahibition of a saw mill on a small scale, the per of which"astonished every beholder." The person who exhibited it said machines of the kind were in extensive use in Greene county. If this will answer the purpose, any man who can buy a hogshead may hereafter have a saw mill. We have no doubt but some of those who saw it yesterday will try the expo- • ar Dealers in Dry Goods would do well to examine the exunisive stock of Messrs. E. A. Brown & Brother. We havo seen additional evidence of the fact we stated yesterday, that many descriptions of domestic goods can be obtained cheaper in this city than in the Eastern Markets. Why should our Western merchants, thee, spend their time and money in making journeys to the East, when they can Betas good, if not better bargains in r , ,v, y thing they want, to buy much nearer home! THE AQ.VEDUCT. -...- WC are informed that the repairs that have been made to the Aqueduct will, beyond all doubt, render it permanent for the balance of the sea son. The business doing on the canal at present is ve ry large, and the hPaviest laden boats cross without the least hesitation. The contractors deserve much credit for the successful manner in which they have accom plished their undertaking. Wyman, the Ventriloquist, is witonisbing the people of Pittsburgh, Pa.—N. Y. Chronicle. W'He did "astonish" some of them--ourselves among the number. Wyman is a magician of no ordi nary ohmmeter. One of his "sleight of hand" tricks we will long remember, as it is very closely allied with an unpaid bill for advertising. A Stonr.—A maa passed up the middle of Wood street yesterday, playing on a Violin he had just pur chased, with all the grace and skill of a Pazanini.— That fellow, whoever he was, had "mvic in his soul:, THE RACE The Canoe Race, which was announced coins days, and has been a common topic of conversation, cane Of on Saturday afternoon, in the Delaware, between Camden and Smith's Island. A large number of per sons were on the wharves in Camden and upon .the tops of the buildings which commanded a clew of the 'scene uf the contest, whileon the river a crowd of boats of all kinds, from the steamboat New Philadelphia to the little John Smith. and the light and rapid boats of the numerous clubs to the old mud stow, cv •re floating near the place assigned for the regatta, and all ware tilled with persons anxiotts to witneis such a novel ex hibition; and among them a large number of ladies, whose bright eyes gave additional attraction to the ex hibition. The canoe was painted red. and was mann ,o:td by four fine looking Indians and a squaw. to whom the post of coxswain was assigned, arid whose dexterity in Fuddling was almostuniver , ally admired. The oth er craft was an ordinary four oared bargz-, twenty-two feet long, manned by white oarsmen. A bout, moored is the river near Cake's ferry, Camden, had been made the starting point, and the crafts were to rare a mile Own the Delaware, to a flag boat anchored at that dis tance, and then to turn and pull to the starting point. The Ellat signal gtm was tired at a quarter befo r e five o'clock, and shortly afterwards the crafts took their stations. At 5 o'clock the gun was again fired, and they set off in fine style, the Indians Liking the lealmad both crews plying their paddles and oars with gnat skill and rapidity. Toe b irge g tined upon the canoe grt dually, and whew at the flag boat the crafts wore nearly abreast. In rounding dint pnint, the Indians shot ahead cansiderable, when t to bargemen appeared to make ev ery exertion to "make up for lee-way," and were gra dually coming rip, when the Indians arpeured to be reinvigorated by the fact, anti sprung to it with their paddles with such effect that, on reaching the starting point, the can .)e was about two lengths ahead. They ran to the flag-boat, against the tide, in 10 minutes 1 second, and back to the starting point in 9 minutes 59 sec., thus doing the distanee (two miles) in twenty min utes. N. Y. Paper. gar An exchange paper says:—The keeper of the menagerie was lately seen beating one of the elephants with a large club. A bystander asked hint the can=e. •'lVhy," said the keeper, "he's been flinging dust al l about the tent, and he's big enough to know bethr., YELLOW FEVER Excepting a few libel suits against the editors of the Journal of Commerce, and a few cross shots at the Express, the Rondout yellow fever has ceased to attract any interest; and we prosume, when frost makes its appearance, and the subject can be coolly discussed, the war among the doctors will be fierce and irreconci lable. We ought to to hear in mind always, in mitt dun to this formidable disease, that public safety is the highest and most important of all considerations. Sans popit/i, as Dr. Horne used to quote it, is the first of all our cares and cautions, and when any dis ease of a peculiar character makes its appearance, no considerations of interest, no apprehension of injury to business, should prevent sounding the alarm. Hu men life is more precious than gold. It is not extra ordinary that difference of opinion should prevail among - medical men as to the type of that fever.—N. Y. Sam Now Fall and Winter Goods. HAMPTON & SMITH, No. 112 WOOD STREET, RE now opening and offer for sale a very large - and general assortment of seasonable Dry Goods, listing of plain waved, and diamond beaver cloth, road cloths of every color, cassitneres. sattinett;jeans, kerseys, linseys, flannels, baizes, bleached and brown cottons, drills. ticks, Alpacca lustre.; black and colored, plain and printed merinos, mouslin de lairs, Irish li nens, Mattioni and other silks, ribbons, laces, cambrics, muslins, merino, fancy and blanket shawls, sewing silks, spool and skein threads. &c., &c.. together with an assortment of carpets, suss floor cloths, &c , all of whichwe are able to sell as cheap as goods can now be boughtin any market, east or West. sep 21—tf GRINDING AND POLISHING —Sad Irons ground and polished, anvils and other kinds of griading done at the Cast Steel File Manufactory, cor ner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. aug 18 Souses, &c., For Roza. THE subscrilw has opened a book to record any dwelling house, warehouse, store, shop, rooms or country farms and seats for rent, charging the own ers 25 cents each record. He will keep it open for all who wish to rent any kind of property to examine, and charge them 12} cents; and for a small compensation, will attend to renting all kinds of property, and attend to all kinds of business between landlord and tenant. ISAAC HARRIS, gent, No. 9, Fifth st. LARD OIL.-8 Barrels Lard Oil, from the Lei ington Works, of superior quality, reeeived on consignment and for sale at reduced price, by map 21-3 t AVERY, OGDEN & CO. WANTED, a seamstress, a first rate hand. Ap ply at the store, No. 4, Wood street. tip 20—tf WM. NOBLE, Upholsterer- Octobtr County Commissioner. • AT the Sulicitation of a number of friends of all . political ptrties, I respectfully offer myself to the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not he misunderstood, either as to political or private affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life a consistent Republican, in thetrue sense of the word. As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation of large majori ties of the people, the undersiped would not should he be so fortunate as to be elected, ill any manner at tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach the office of County Commissioner. ap r 6. SAMUEL lIIIBLEY. Prothonotary To Me voters of Allegheny eovaty:— . l respect fully offer myself to vourconsideration as a candidate (independent of parties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you recommended by a Convention, those of you 20 whom I am not per sonally known will please exatioe into my qualifica tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your earice. ALEX MILLER. Iron Safes. IRESPECTFULLY inforT the public that I have and keep always on hand , thi assortment of Fire Proof Safes. The price, in censeqoence of the ma terials and labor being mach lower, is reduced about thirty percent. They arc keptiOrsale at my shop, in Sixth street, above Smithfield, next to the church on the corner of 6th street—as nl 4vith Atwood, JOlll4 & Co., and Dalzell & Fleminc. In regard to the qual ity of my safes I leave thoseeons ge ans who have pur chased and will purchase my sieji,to attest the util ity of them. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safes; justice and truth warrant me in informing the public that all my safes which have been buildings burnt down for several years since 1 co/an - amd have pre served all the papers, books, &c., Wich they contain ed. 1 have a card containing &number of certificates of the same, which are in circulatMiand in my hands and the azentes N. B. A few pair ~f smel Sinings for sale, made by Jones & Coleman, and will be sold v. Also. a screw press, with power to punch boles la half inch Mom rep 20—tf For Salo Low For-Cash. 300 DOZEN of all sizes of Window Sash, and Window Gass of ail sizes, by the box or retail, rutty; nails and spikes; carpet-chain; country carpets; all sizes Patent Buckets, tubs, churns, coflee mills, measures, tin ware; shovels, spades, hoes, axes and hatchets, augurs. Bedcords, twine, Louisville Lime. The Balm of Life and a ytmiety of cheap Fam ily Medicines; Books and Stationgry, and School Books. ISAAC HARRIS, Agt. Sc. erum: N. B.—Cuuntry carpet, socks and. stockings, we-4, feathers, flax and tow and woolen yarn, flannels and linsays, bags, paper, nips, beeswax, titliew, butter, &c. taked in payment et cash prices. Marietta Apples. JUST RECEIVED, per S. B. "Azatha." 102 bar rots Marietta triples, io tine order, consis.i..st of "'Greenings," and other variotie,i, fdr , talo low to by IS_', \C CRUSE, 143, Liberty st. Who has in store. key bw ter, lard, mackerel. fresh and ir:ood. Always on Lind, Clover and Timothy seed. sop 16-1 w• Lace Leather. ;)1 II SIDES Lace Leath r,a very superii.r article • for rewire z Marl Belts, for sale by WALTER BRYANT & No. $3 LitYn-tv st sep -ill nlSz‘v t Sale Lcathcr. Otin SIDES of ll:Lain/pre ILIA ! . .S; W York Vkl Sole Lt attxrr. nla coneral airricat of Morocco, Lining and BitichngSkin•r. for sale be WALTER BRYANT & CO:, ,N,). 8:3 Liiwity p nlii-w42r 11 14 SIIARE:•;Bri.I2.O Staik _ll_,‘/ vile by - .1 - 01.1 N I). DAVIS, sv 11 C. Jr, 0f1V.144. atul Fifth ,•.troot-t .101 IN LE FEVER'S: New & Cheap. Stack Establishment, NO 61, OLIMOXp ALLEY, ILTITIVEEN \N",ml:l AND X.ll - igET STILE F:1 - . 4, IwoULD rnast respeetrullytuumunce to the citizens English, of rit.t-4burgh and the country generally, that I Lave Plea, commenced tha 111.3nufActury of„STOC KS, °revery Nat. riety, form and descri pti xi, and would solicit merchants and others to call and examine fur themselves, us I am dkermined to sell on tke mat accommodating term, for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business; to merit a share of public patronage. 19—Gm SUN DRIES.-50 boxes chocolate, l do cocoa, 3 do rice flour, 23 do ground pepper. 3 do Cayenne do., 36 cans grognd-mustard, 5 kegi do 5 do • do gi ogc r, 12 cans do do., together s‘ith every thing in the grocery line, all of which is offered at extremely low prices, for cash. HAI LMIN, JENNINGS & aug 9 43. Wood street Dissolution of Partnership . . THE partnership heretofore existing under the style of Devine S: M'Anulty, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. li. Devine, is to collect all iums due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted fur the concern up to this date. H. DEVINE. C. A. 111'.ANCLT Y. Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1813. U. Devine respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he still Lontinues in the Transporting business, and that he has removed the office of the -U. S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 95 Water street, next door below Lewis Ilotchinson where he will receive and forward Freight to the B est, on the very lowest terms. II DEVINE. Executor's Notice. ALL persons will please take notice that betters Testamentary have been panted to the undersign ed upon the estate of Sidney J. Moreland, late of the city of Pittsburgh, deceased, Those indebted to said Moreland will make payment to either of the undersigned; and those having claims against him arc requested to present the same proper ly authenticated for settlement. JAMES GRAY, 4th st. ROBERT ROBB, scp .19--dlet&wGt. Executors. A N ORDINANCE for changing the place of noid ingg the General and City Elections for the Third Ward. Sec. 1. Be it ordained, ~ That hereafter the elec tions for the state and county, as well as for city offi cers in Third Ward, shall be held at the house now occupied by J. Dubai!, on the corner of Seventh and Grant streets. Sec. 2 Be it ordained, &c., That so much of the ex isting Ordinances as is hereby altered be and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted him a Law in Councils, this 20th day of September, A. p. 1243. WM. EICHBAUM, Pres't C. C. E.J. ROBERTS, Clerk C. C. JOHN SHJ ['TON, Pres't S. C. ALEX . R. Clerk S. C. sep 21-3 t Souses and Parma to Rent. THE subscrit.er has opened an °dice (in connexion with his Medical Agency) for the renting and selling of Houses and Farms. As many persons are constantly wantinz to rent houses without having the time to run about the city in search of one, can by call ing upon the subscriber, and starting the kind f house they want, find one that will suit them, also know the number of rooms, situation and rent, without further trouble. Owners of houses would find it to their interest to call, and give a description of them, and the rent they require, as they would then find their houses rented sooner and with leas trouble. The pationege of dreptiblic is respectfully solicited sep 21-4 T. H. TUTTLE, 86. 4th St. 1 'Auction Salto. !Bank Notts anZt (Exchange trticm. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, T ready to receive merchandize of every description 1 on coz,igmment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he. will be able to 2rive entire satisfaction to nll who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured article.,new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M. Sales every evening, at early gas light. aug 12—y RY GOODS. PIANO FORTE, SOFA, AND oruER FURNITURE' AT AUCTION- At DAVIS' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood and sth sts., to-morrow, THURSDAY, Sept. 21, at 10 o'clock, A. M., wil; be sold without reserve, several invoices of fresh fall and winter DRY GOODS, recd from the eastern cities, comprising t Goths, Cassimcres, Ca.ssi neti, Chintzes, Calicoes, Muslins, Shawls, 8 cases Hats, a lot of Clothing, &c. ALSO; for cash, par funds, by order of assignees, 159 pieces Twilled and plain. red, yellow anti.green Flannels. At 2, P. M. furniture, sin 1 Piano Forte, new style, 1 Hair spring seat Sofa, Bureaus Tables, Bedsteads, &c., 1 Iron Safe, 18 School Writing, Desks. Writing and Wrap ping paper, &c J. D. DAVIS, Auct'r. sep.2l Executors' Sale of Real Estate. r HE subscribers will expose at public stile, on the premises in the city of Allegheny, on Friday, 29th day of September, at 2 o'clock, P. it., the following described property, belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Ann Maria Cummins, di.e'd, viz: Lots Nos. 11, 12, 14 and 15, in Jamgs Anderson's plan of lots, being part of Lot No. 40, in the Reserve Tract, opposite Pittsburgh, each of said lots containing in front on Mor gan street 2:5 feet, and'extending back 94 feet. On each of lots Nos. 12 and 15, there is erected a good double frame dwelling house. Persons wishing to purchase can have the property exhibited to them, and the terms of sale made known, on application to the subscribers. AV I LET A M PROCTOR, A. 11. HARVEY, sep Executors. J D. DAVIS, Auctioneer. JOHN DENNiNG IV - ILL be sold, at 3 o'clo,k, (EL SITMIDAY af- V tcrnoon, the 23d infant, at the late resilience of Aaron Ilart, deceased, Grove Hill, by order of the Ex ecutor: One Horse, one milk cow, a number of young bogs, one Wilf":4 . 011 and harness, sundry farming utensils, one Sideboard, and :sundry articleA of bonsehold furniture. Terms at Sale, JOHN D. DAVIS, scpt 11. Auctioneer. No. 8, Franklin Place. under the Franklin Hoaae, Philadelphia. 91} - 10M A S F. ADAMS has established at the above _L place a Warehouse for the sale of Printing Ma terials °revery description includimyr ' Bruce &Co.'s su perior Priatiaig Tvnes at reared prices, WCIIA & Werth'S Premium Wood Types, Cases. Furniture, &c., Double and Single Cylinder Power Presses, Adams' unrivalb d Plf wen Pott er Presses. The Washington, Smith, Madison, American and Philadelphia Hand Pres,ea, Ratan ge' ilsr p and other Pres.ii..3. OrCUllyB Yankee. Card and Billet Press. Rt.tgle's Job Printing Ent-Mrs, O.ainu's (land and Power Presses, Austin's Apparatus, Hand and Standing Presses, to gether with a variety of Printing Machinery. Litho graphic and copying Presses, by Messrs. Hoe, Worrell, Tavolr, Ramage, Adms. Austin, Costnidt, Ruggles, OrCutt and miters, all of which will he sold at manufac turer's loWnet prjr, s. No. 9, Fifth St SECOND HA YD MATERlALS.—Printergnnd others will find at thi establishment the larTest as -8!),-1 ',lent of ,rrolid hand tnaterialo ever utTered to the trade•, which will. e w d,h , Ctaintry hinters anti others to replenkh their offices itt a very small expense. hCf*Printine materials 0f all kinds, new and second hand. sold en commi:3hl::. T. F. A. tiarin::: twenty years experience a: a Practical Pri.itor in the tiller branches of the art, sa.ing: tint every a iele r,commend e by him --,h1:1 , urrior inp att of , lualitt , and Ora pereln- , rol:, 1 1 ,1,, , ,,t in sel , •cting for 0.10:11, Bull r-reive I h. , r:l9 , t entire •ettisfuetion. Let ter,. a l Ir.2z.ed d.•sirin, information of any rel.ttill.; to thy , art, will receive pro:Dian/id gratattuus an-w , REDUCED PICICSiIoF TYPE. • i 0 Lirvvier. it/ 46 54 SmaN 31 Nonpareil. 66 Prim r, 3G Agnte, ISnrgeoi•, !0 E.<-,nr.l, The sub ster .otyping aial will i‘hortly ropubii•th hi= Tyit.izr.thia, or Printer's Instructor, giving prictical and minute aire„tio. for conducting. every de part in 'lit in an olicoi at the low pric,!nloae dollar per cony, bring oue Icauf the price of We 11,rnwr edition. T. C. ADAMS, sep 18 So. 8 Franklin Place. FA LLrAsrlioN HATS AND CAPS. IRS The s'ihscriker Navin, returned front the Elw with the la: .st ,tyle off latA, luu now on hand and kill con ,tantly keep a large a,,ortment of hi 4 own Manufac ture, lightne4s, service, beauty, rind cheap ne.,s, cannot be sticroi:ed, and would respectfully in vite his friends and the public to examine hii Atock of at, , awl Caps ; at the Manufactory, No. 73. Woci4ll sep 9-3 m WILLIAM DOUGLAS. TII E l'artriership heretofore existing wider the firm of DICKEY and ALsxAsonn, is this Atm dissol ved by mutual cuasent. JAMES DICKEY, iept. 1, .1843. WMLG. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY respectfully infortns his friends and the public, that he continues izr the-Transpor tation Busiues.s, at his Warehmise, CORNIR OF 'ABER /F AND WAYNE STREETS, Canal Basil', under the name of the "Independent Portable Boat Line*" where he will receive and forward freight to the East at the lowest terms. sept. 4—tf. Rides. LIGHT HIDES, suitable for Upper 1,300 Leather. ono heavy Spanish Hidcs, 250 city slathiliter do., 700 Madras Goat Skins, In store and for sale by WALTER BRYANT 4. CO. ;!, t . N o. 83 Liberty st. Tanners' OiL BBLS. Tanners' Oil; for sale by WALTER BRYANT & CO., sep 2-d lm&w2t. No. 'B6 Liberty st FORWARDING S. COMMISSION MERCHANT, Canal Basin, corner Al'avne and Liberty streets, Pius burgh. Arent United States Portable Boat Line. Sept 4-3 m. CINSTIELD has removed his marble Estab 1 . lishment to Wood St. opposite Fahnestock's Druz Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. ap 19-Iyr J UST RECEIVED and for sale on consignment, 7 hhde bacon, 7 hbd.s.,..ugar, Can be seen at the store ofJacob Painter & Co. aug 29 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. Found, ABOUT the last week in June, in a Clothing Store in Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own er can have it by identifyiso r 't and paying expenses. July 31.—tcf. ARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS!! ! AU sorts of clothing and wearing apperal. Please call at No. 151 Liberty street, and see for yourselves sep 7. J. McCLOSKEY. Coughs mid Colds. POWELL'S BALM OF ANNISEED, this well known cure for the complaints, can be obtained at TtTTL' ES 86 Fourth st. Only '25 cents per bat e. Sept 12. John D. Davis, Executor's Sale. Printers' Furnishing Warehouse, Dissolution of Partnership. C. A. DicANI7LTY, Removal. CORRECTED DAILY ET A. KRAMER, EXCHANGE BROILER, CORNER OF WOOD AND THIRD STS SPECIE STANDARD Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip Exchange Bank Scrip Currency Eric Bank Scrip .. .. 2 A EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. On Philadelphia New York Boston • Baltimore .1 SPECIE. Gold par Silver par PENNSYLVAN lA.—PITTSBURGH. Bank of Pittsburgh par Merchants and Manufacturers' bank - • -Par Exchange ....par Do. Hollidaysburgh par PHILADELPHIA. Bank of North America... par Do Northern Liberties'par Do Pennsylvania ....par Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par Farmers' and Mechanics' bank . ... ....par Kensington bank. par Manufacturers and Mechanics' par Mechanics par Ilfoya men ring ... par Philadelphia bank par Schuylkill ~ ..par Southwark " Tribstern .." —.par Bank of Penn Township ....par Girard bank 16 U. S. bank and branches 36 COUNTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown ..-- .- - • .- ...... par " Chester county par " Delaware county par " Montgomery county par " Northumberland . ... . . ..... . ....... par Farmers' bunk of. Bucks county par Eastonbank par Doylestown bank par Franklin bank of Washington par Bank of Charn',iersburgh.... li " Middletown . _ .. .., . .... .... .... 2i " Gettysburgh 2i " Lewistown 1 .i. " Susquehanna county 35 Berle, co unty bank Columbia Bank and Bridge Company Carlisle bank. Erie bank Farmers and Drovers' bank 2,1 " Bank of Lancaster 1 " Bank of Reading 1 Harrisburg bank 2i Honesdale " ... . .... _....1 Lancaster " .1 Lancaster co. " .... .... .. Lebanon " . c' Miners' bank . of Pottsrille . ... _ - .. . ..... . . ....ti Monongahela bank of Brownsville 1 Neu. Hope and Delaware Bridge company....lo Northampton hank ~-. n o ocrlig Towanda bank.... 11"yoming West Branch bank York Lank "" .24 OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Clairsville 14 Clinionbank of Columbus ..... ..... . Columbirmet bank of New Lisboa 14 Circleville (Lawrence, cashier) 14 " ( Warren, cashier) ma sale Cincinnati banks. _.. Chillicoac bank Commercial brufeit of Lake Erie. Dayton bank.... ............... 14 Franklin bank of Columbus .. Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville —l4 Farmers' bank of Canton Gcaur.a ... Granville Na matan Lancaster.......... Massillon Mechanirs' and Traders'. Cincinnati.— Mount Pleasant Nur:calk .. Putnam .... SandaskY Scioto. ... . l'rbana 11Pooster ...... Xenia Zanescith ......... .. INDIANA Slat. bank and branches Stale Scrip KENTUCKY VI bna.{s ILLINOIS State bank Barak of Illinois, Sheriencri own ..... VIRGIN I a. Bank of the Valley of ... 1 Bank of Virginia 1 Exchange bank of Virginia ....... .. .1 Farmers' bank of ....... . . 1 North- IVeste rn bank of .......... ....1 . • .. Merchants' and Mechanics bank of Virginia.. ..1 Branches . . MARYLAND. Baltimore City banks.... par All other solvent hanks.. ..... . ..1 . NORTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks ... . SOUTH CAROLINA All solvent banks . . . ... . GEORGIA. All solvent banks .. ALABAMA Mobile banks.. Country banks LOUISIANA New Orleans banks (g004).._. TENNESSEE. Ali batiks. .... . ... . . 5008 AN JOH PRINTING OFFICE, N. NV. CORNER Or WOOD & FIFTH 3T3 The proprietors of the MORNING Porr and MER CURT A! , :ri MANITFACTUNIR respectfully inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of arcs am "31E" MC_Wm" MEC 5 asap trs3s3 1 / 4 .1)71z.d . a Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Head 3, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. 2111 tUnbs of Brautts, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bale, with ap propriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and mast reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and the public in general in this branch of our business. July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH. NEW FASHIONABLE Hat aad Cap taaanfactory, No. 93 Wood street, 3 doors below Diamond Alley. THE subscriber will keep constandy on hand every variety of the most fashionable HATS and Cs es, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. Fessens wishing, to purchase will find it to their inte rest to give him a call. S. MOORE. Pittsburgh, mtg. 29,1843. • A 3 177 i , r 111 STANDART, INGRAHANI S CO., Forwarding and nennmicogion Merchants, CLEVELAND, 01110. AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshingtun, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors ofthe Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. RUED. TO Wilkie & Enswordi, No. 9, Codifies Slip, N. Y. R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland, Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Beaver. Birmingham Sc Co., Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. v „,„,, THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. - Shaw,master, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting with the Sta:e Lines to Cleveland direct, For frei_iht or passage apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. 6 1,a, 184 3 . - E 4 - I ARE REDUCED.—U. S. MAIL LINE OF STAGES 1: AND RAIL ROAD CARS. from Pittsburgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and, Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train ofcars to N. V. &c. Only 150 miles stating an 3 one night out. Also. the direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office 9.d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co.. feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors Via National Road and 13 , 11diatere and Ohio Rail Road Cow pang. -1'1 471 2 NEW LINE OF U. S. MAIL COACHES FOR WASH ISIVIOX CITY, BAl.nmortz, PHILADELPHIA AND New rotlT.t. TnIS line is in full operation and :cave= Pittsburth daily at 6 o'clock A. M.. via Wil..-hinzten Pa. and national road to Cumilici.kii.d, connecting here with the rail road Cu's to all the above places: Trav elers %yin find this a speed y and com iortable route, it being a separate and di , tinct Pitt-burgh and Cum berland line, facilities will be afferded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at the shortest notice. with the privilege ef going through direct or taking one nights rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela House. L. W. STOCKTON, feb 3—dtf. Pres'ident of N. R. Stage Co. it giitar Cincinnati. 11 , 4 tEc: The Swiitsure. Robinson, Master, leaves et ely Thuralay at 10 o'clock, a. m. The Cutter, Collins, Master, teases every Friday at 10 o'clock a. tn. The Montgomery, Bennett, Mater, leaves every Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. in. The Express, Parkinson, Master, leaves every Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. RAIN B111:11INGIIAM & CO., rnav F2O A evnts. United States Portabl3 Boat Linc McANULTY vcry respectfialy informs his • friends and the public, that he has made Lrrange- Me/a3 to continuo the as,ency of the h oats forming - the U. S. Portable Boat Line, at the large ew Warr:house, CORNER OF WAYNE AND LIBERTY STREETS. Canal B as i n , where goods trill be received and forwarded with usual de-snatch, and on the in t favorab:e terms. to Baltimore; Philadelphia, New Yor I; or Boston. THOM XS BORBI DOE, Agent, 272 M.ir',:et af., IPhilarle!pitia, 11OORE & CHASE; Agents. 75 Buntly'3 Wharf, sept. 4-3 m. ALLEN KRAMER, Exchange Eraker. No. 4G, CQrncr of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburg Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, bought and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. RE FE RESC ES Wm. Bell C. John D. Davis, F. Lorena., .1. Painter & Co., Joseph Wood welt, 1 James. May; Alex. Bronson &Co. John H Brown &Co. James M'Candiesi. k i Cincinnati, 0., J. R. M'Donalil. ;St. Louis, Mo. W. li. Pope, Esq., Pres't Bank Ky. 1 , Louisville. McLane's American Worm Specific. THIS is to certify that with Mcf,ANE'S Worry SPEC mt., a child of mine passed upwards ant) worms; it is the mont powerful Worm Specific now in use. - H. Bitaruot.omEw Middlebury, 0.. Oct. 1, 1343. For sale at the Drug Store of . JON. KIDD; sept. Corner 4th and Wood sts .1111cLane's American Worm Specific. THIS is to certify that a child of mine aged 4 years passed upwards of 30 worms i f an astonishing size, from 4to 5 inches long. In my neighborhood some dozen of certificates of its astoniallingeffems could .QO .....25 beproduced. H. SNOW Poland, Ohio, Oct. 4,1342, For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD, Sept 12 Corner 4th and Wood ct% .... .. -21 CHIPPED LOG WOOD kND FLSTIC, Blue Vitriol, Camwood, Alton, and /L ttetternl 3IOCk of DYE WOODS, in store, and fur sale 'a .t the Druz Store of JON. KIDD. shpt. I. Cornor 4th and Wood bd3. ALIJY who is ca7ab;o of ta!drig charge of a household, is desirous of obtaining a situation as housekeeper in rt private family, orris superintendent ina respectable betel. She would live no objection to leave the city if desired to do so. For further infor mation inquire at this office. aug 31 ACK . Eri d .EL d .— f 1 tianorsaßi b eb ls. No. :3Mackerel, just receve HAILNIAN, JENNINGS &CO. sep 8. . 43 Wood st. AGENTLEMAN, who thornueoly understands Book Keeping, wishes a situa:tion in that capa city: the best of references will be given. Address H., at this office. aug 2a—tf T OBACCO. -10 boxes Burton's. h lump tobaccri 25 do Russell & Robiasons do 5 do Hare's do 10 do assorted sixes 'sad brands, just received and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & aug 3 43, Wood street Blanufacturer of Tin, Copp4tr and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 17, Fifth street,bettccen WOCA 1 and Market, Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares. and solicits a share of public pan-onsze, Also, or: , the following articles: shovels, per: ers,, tones, gridirnas, skillets, tealtettles, pots, oveos, cot Tee &c. 31er chants and others are invited to cal'. examine for themselves, as he is determined t^ e'_l(-hesofcrcanhcr o apprr-e parer. rns 7—tf Beaver and Warren Packet. The Groat Central Route s wris.•• Dy Stulh Just Received To Merchants and Others. SAMUEL MORROW, Building Lots in Sirnainghioin. suitable for building, most eligibly sit uated, and within two minutes' walk of the steam ferry boat larding, wiil be sold at prices to suit the times. The terms of payment µ•ill be made easy', either for cash or such barter as can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. Y. Peterson, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburth. june I. JAS. PATTERSON, jr. A Lots in Alanchester. One and a fourth Acres of AL Land on Holmes' Hill. Lou nos. 41,42, 52,53,54 181, 182, 184, in Cook's plan of Lots, on Holmes Hill. Also, Lotsuos. 26, and 27, in Cook's plan of Lou on High street, near the new Court !louse. For terms apply to Sep I 0 LOTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane and High street. Apply to For Sent. ft4l, That COTTAGE, situated in the Borough of kLII . ! Lawrenceville, at present occupied by Johit The place has a very fine garden and good assort ment of fruit trees. Any person renting can have thil privilege of engaging for the ensuing year. Possei sion given on the Ist of October next. Apply at No. 5 Commercial Row, Liberty street or to Wm. Taman, Smithfield street. sep. 1, 1843. For Rent. G ROVE HILL, the late residence A n _ Aaron Hart, deceased. The place is well stocked withrlioice fruit trees, sines, &c. Also, a convenient tenement lately occupiedby R. t Langhorne. -. Possession will be given en the first of October next For terms apply to GEO. COCHRAN, Ex't. aug 22—t10 PLEASANT rooms and good steam power, at tha cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and. O'llara streets. Apply on the promises. july 16. Freeman's Fire Erick for Sale. 1 - UST received. 5000 Freeman's Lest Fire Brick, which will hereafter be hcpt constantly on hand and Aoki low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & TIM' 27 So. 60 Water st. A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always osi hand and for sale, at his agency. the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 181, Libcrty st., head of Wood. Peach Trees. THE subscriber has just received from the Nur sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia, a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which ha would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOW.DEN, . No. 184 Liberty st. heid of Wood. DR. MeLANES LIVEI? PILLS. T HEREBY certify that I have known a number of I who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pills, and have been much benefitted by them, and I beliel.4 them to he the beat pills for liver complaints, and foi general use, of any pill now bcfcre ;h(•public. I hereby certify that. I have Leer. afflicted for 6 years with a liver complaint; and have applied to different physicians. and all to little or no effect, until I made use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In takin g two bdaes of theta. I amnearly restored to perfect health. _ _ :11i11er9burgh, near Pittsburgh, August 16, 1843 rir'For sale at the Drug Store of .FONA THAN KIDD, aug :12 corner 4th and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. T J IVER COMPLAINTS—Dppepsia and Indi gestion, with costiveness, ascidity of the stom ach, hardness of food after meals, heartburn, flatulancy, liver complaints, with pain in the side and shoulder', jaundice. bilious complaints, drop , ..y, diabetes, gravel, ,tone, and inflammation of the lungs. are most perfectly removed and cared bv the HEPATIC ELIXIR. This article has the most astoni-`tint effects in curing ail complaMts of the stomach and digestive org,ani.—. Many highly nsreetable individuals in New York have been curd. after Irving every other rrmedy in vain, and have given in theirnarnes with remission to refer to them. It is pleasant to the tatdo, and does Lot in the least inlorfl're e ith the dai:y avocation of one taking it. Many fan-tides of this city have become so pleased ith the medicire, that they use it as their only family medicine. using it occmiunaliy, it keeps the stomach free from bilious disorders, and the liver active. with the socretiens of the body in the moss perfect activity. It is composed entirely of vegetables. The cure will he gradual, but certain and permanent. For sale it TUTTLE'S, 8G Fourth street. sec 6. In the Dierirt Court of Allegheny County, of July Term. 1343, John Walker, Jr. < L. S vs. Venditioni Pc tor Wilson. And now, to wit, Aneu:t 9.61 h. 1343, On motion of C. P. Hamilton, Esq., the Court appoint Frs. R. Skunk. Auditcr, to dist, ibute the proceeds of sale in this case From the Record, A. SUTTON, Pro. Notice is hereby given to ail persons interested, that I will attend to the duties assiteed to me by the Court in the above case, at my office, in Fourth street, Pittsburali, on Tuesday the `...th day of September, it 10 o'clock, A. M FRS. R. SHtTNK, aug 30. Auditor. Piti.aturgh, Phl ladelphia Pease's lloarhonnd Candy. AFresh supply just received from New York lima for sale at TCTTLE'S, 86 Fourth st. :110K HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked be? S ringnt received and for sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO:. 43, Wood street. TTNIONTOWN AND PITTSBURGH TURN lJ PIKE ROAD.—Notice is hereby given that by en act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. passed the sth day of April, 1843. the subscribers are named as Commissioners in Allegheny county, with authority to open books at such time and place as may be deemed expedient by them, for the purpose of receiving subecribtiona of stock, for the construction an turnpike road from Uniontown to Pi us= burgh. In pm s..d.I.CC of which authority the subscri bers will proceed to noon bucks For the purpose of re ceivinz subscriptions of stock, payable to The Presi dent, Manners and Company of the Uniontown and Pittsburgh Turnpike Poad Company," according Lb the terms of the act Of incorporation. Such books to be opened on Monday, the second day of October, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Monongahela House, in the city of Pittsburgh, and at the store of Samuel Walker, in the borough of Elizabeth. Commissionersfor All. Co aug 29-41 m. (Arlvoe.ateand American copy.) PLACES WANTED; in town or conntry, for a number of salesmen, book-keepers, slat:pa:mm[24a boys, in stores and warehouses. ALE°, for collecting, and for a number of mechanics, farmers and laborers, coachmen, waiters, ho:tlers, and all kinds of hands for steamboats, hotels, and private families; for seleCt anci common school teachers. - Cooks, chambermaids, dry and wet nurses, and girls for housework pro; at abort notice, Flares pro. cured for hands :irlsaikitairm as po.dble. And all kinds of Ace 7, el a ed to for moderate charges. 12 to 15 Farms for ai d e . Several farms wanted to rent. Call at ISAAC BAR RIS' Intelligence OEce, No. 9, Fifth street. Sept 20. Toothache Toothache Toothache!!! rr HE above comniainca cam b. cured in Ev Miro. -L fates, by using Coo cP'ebratrd %cos , ITU!. DROPS which is warranted. These aro many imita ieus and calanforfeits, office above. n•O'• 0-1.1 fife officials to he had at TUTTLE'S 86 Fear* ot. sec! 12. for Salt anb Lota for Sale. Z. W. REMINGTON For Sale. BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, Market near Fourth street To Bent. Landreth's Garden Seeds .NIICHAEL FORNEY CHARLES SHALERi THOS. DAKEWELL JOSIAH KING. SAMUEL WALKER. SAMUEL DAVIS: