Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 21, 1843, Image 1

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--"EMBER 21, 1843. PRICF
VOL. 11. 7 N0. 7
11101610 PHILLIPS & WM. H. SMITH,
•N. TV:oorncr of IVood and Fifth Strcets.
titms.—Five dollars a vc.ar, payable in advance.
iinolaooPies TwO CttsTs---For iale at Ulf: counter of
lie - Office, and by NeNV.i
The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer
t •publiihed ut the same, office, on a double medium
ghecG •t TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
gle copies, SIX CENTS.
O h io insertion, $0 50 I One month, $5 00
Tliid dn.., 0 75 Two do., 600
Tide , 11 00 Threedo.,
10 0
7 00
, week, 1 50 Four do., 8 00
Two do., 300 Six. do.,
Titre , : ; d 0.., 400 One yeur,
0/1.0 Square.- Tca Squares
Six month 4, $lO 00 \ Six mulitllg,
, Uae. year, 25 00 01le your,
a dvertisem ,
r."1"-CARDS of four 1'
Public Offices, &c.
Cif" Pest O d fiCe. Third between Market and 'Wood
streets—R. M. Riddle ; Postma.aer.
C:15.0 la In 1 Ater, Ith (1(1 1.r.,1111 Olhil 3t.,1'
terim'sbuilding;—\l aj,,r John \Villock, Collector.
City Treasury,
Bwl owl,
n, Trcaoirl).•tween Firat
and Second
tWata--James artraier.
County Trca,:ary, Third atroct, next d,wr to tht
Third Proabstcrina Church—S. R. Joliatoa, Treasu
Mayor's Oilier, Fourth, between Market and Woo(
%treats—Alexander Ii ay, Mayor.
Merelittat's Exrhan.gr, Fourth near Market. at.
Pittsburgh, Market and Wood streets o
'fhird, and Fourth street..
' Me.rcha n ts' and Mann facturees' «n:1 Farmers' De-
out Bank, (form rly Saving - Fund,) Fourth, between
oua and nisket street.
Exchange, Fifth st. near Wood.
Monongahela House, Water street, near the
ilar •
Exchange Hotel, corner of Pentland St- Clair.
Merchant's' Hotel, corner o: Third and Wood.
A ntrr i can Hotel,eornerofThird audSalillitield.
United States, corner of Penn st. and Canal
Spread Eagle, Likaly treet, near .41'N Crab.
Afiller's . ‘ lionsiou it,, , -. Lib,zLy :41..orp.iit ,
Broadhul'ses Mansion Hon , - ; Penn St., opp, , it
. Citnal.
Important to Owners of Saw Mills. I
Sli i DER'S unriNalled Sell Sztter, for saw 1111113. 1
which have 1112t . 11 :‘ , JI fully teted in different parts
(A the United Sta.e,t, at well v• in the cities of ',qui
burgh and Allegheny, can be seen in operation at a
ntuttbe:r of milli in this ntighbnrhood, viz: at Mr. Wialt
i ,ershatn's mills, on renu street; at Bowan & Cham
bers's. mills, near the upper Allegheny m att
bre, and
at- Morrisou's milk, on Hare's Island, and other.—
The above named m ichi•te can be obtained at W. W.
Wallase's shop, on Liberty street, near Smithfield,
where it is fitting- 111, neta where the in whine e iil lie
kept constantly on itsmis.. Apply to R. F. SnyLkr. t n .
W. W. War
all.'s• . .
Evans' Chamomile Pills.
BitAri.vm .T. CLENTER, r,:siding at Ori, Molt
street, Now Yoilt, was afflicted wult Dyspepsio
i nits most aggravated form. Tiw symptoms were vi
olcm ligaduche, great debility. fever, costive we ts,cough,
}teartbdro, pain in the chest and soinvich always ziCts'r
eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the
Ftomach, furred tongue, aautea, With
dizziness towards night and restlessness. These
had continued uptvaras of a twelvemonth, when, on
osulting Dr. Win. Evaus, 100 Chatham street, and
submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode
of treatment, the patient was c ompletely restored to
'health in the short space of one month, and grateful for
the incalculable benefit derived, gladly came forward
and volunteered the above statement
ERS For sale, whole
-sale and retail, by R. E. SELL, Agent,
se p 1.0-y No. '2O, Wood street, below Second,
Pease's 13oarhound Candy
rriurrix has received this day front 'Sew Yorh,
afresh supply of the above celebrated cure for
Collets, Colds and Consumptions; and is ready to Sup
ply customers at wholesale or retail, at his
taw M
2 edira ,
Agent', 86 Foarth st l
Better Bargains than ever, at the Three Big
v subscriber would respectfollY inform his cu.;-
1 towers and the public generally, that not withstad
ing the unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors,
during the present season; he has sti ll on hgandt an the lar
gestL and most varied assortment of hands the
that can be bought west of the mountaius.—
The public may rest assured that all articles offered at
his store are maufactured from FRESH GOODS, pur
chased in tha Eastern markets this spring and made in
to garments by Pitttsburgh workmen.
In Consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in
our city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and. the musty,
cast Off garments of former seasons, from the eastern, ci
ties, the public, should be emotions to ascertain the char
acter of the establishment_ in which they are invited to
vurchase, before they part with their money. The arti
cles offered at se% eral of the concerns in this city, are
the mere offals of .New York and Philtulelphia slop
shops, and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts
burgh public. Purchasers should be on their guard a
gainst these impositions, and they may rely on the fact
that no establishment that advertises ca,te rid Made (la
' l 1 'bargains lica
a n s gi c; ‘( n ' be ' : 4 igalliitiit'hea'!rclherener :31sigaDa.,ToiristTotis
The public will please remember that all the subscri
ber's garmentsare made is Geis cit y,by competent work
. the rds of passage" from the ds and patches of
...i• tram, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by
e : eastern slop shops. It will s ee alway he his endeavor to
maintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors"
have obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO
THING in every respect, and at prices below those of
any other establishment.
He would again ri:uurn his tlanits to his friends and
the public for the uoprecetlemed patronage bestowed
upon his establishment, a ndbclievittg that they have
found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to nil those who wish to purchase
Clothing of every description at the lowest price, to
at No. 151, Ltatat Y ST. JOI IN M'CLOSK
Obierve Metal Plate in the pavement- ap .
Look at This.
T i HE attention of those who have been somewhat
sceptical in reference to the numerous certifi
cates published in favor of Dr. Swaime's Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account oldie persons being
unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di
b d een a c d to the following certificate, the writer of wch
aas itiien of this borough for several years, hi and
is known as a gentleman of intepity o
the Agent, M ncl aT. responsibility.
T r. .
I have used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
4.2herry for u Cough, with which I have been severely
afflicted fur about four months, o nd I have no hesitation
in saying that it is the m0., , t effective medicine that I
have been able to procure. It cOmposes all uneasiness,
mita agrees well with my dietana nrsi nta i us a regular '
tied gucid appetite. I can sineeaely ree. on.ruend it to all
otherssimilarly °Erred. J.Mtsmcii. Borough h. of
March 9, 1810. humbersburg
For sale by WILLIAM II HORN ,
No. 53 Market scree
(s. p '23)
13'ittbut.c,i1).,..111aniril4 -p..F-,t
tents in proportion.
'fines Sts Dom.Anq a year
R. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Office removed to Baltesvell's Offices, on Grant street,
nearly opposite the new Court Lowe, nest moult; to .1
sep 10
P. Mahon, Esq., first floor
Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law,
North East corner of Smithfield arid Fourth streets,
Piusburgh. sop 10—y
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
°dice in the Diamond, back of the old Court House,
siep 10 Pittsburgh.
Francis B. Shank, Attorny at Law,
Fourth strcut, above W e
Pittsburgh, Pa
,ep 10-1)
Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law,
Fifth, between NV ()oda n&Smitists.,
sep 10—y liiirgh, VIA
Win. O'Hara Itobinson, Attorney at Law,
Office on the North side of die Dianu.d, between Mar
ket and Union streets, up sta sep 10
A. I. Durboraw, Attorncy at Law,
Tende his professional servicesto the 1 )611c. Office
sen 10 on sth et., above Wood.rittsburh.
Eyster & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
Office removed from the D iamona to "Attoravy's now,"
shady side of 4th. between Mtultxt and NV owl ts. ,
situ 10 Pittsburgh.
N. Buckmaster, Attorney at Law,
14 , . rout ored lleares' Law Buildings, lth
st., above Smithfield, rim:bur:h. 10
George W. Layng, Attorney at Law,
OiFiiit in Fourth street, near Smithfield, Vittshurfh•
Reade Washington, Attorney at Law,
Otlice buildi Grant street, Pittsburgh
TIOV 5, 1:11i
John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law,
utlice confer of Smithfield awl Fifth t rtwtA, Pittdwrzh
'Collections mad-. Allbasiw,,3 entruited told
care will he pro:III-Illy at tended to.
feb 16-v
William Elder, Attorney at LaW,
0 the , ' in Second s: root, Aecond dour abovo t]i corner
np Sinithfield , north 5
Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law,
I'ltl , l)urgli Pa. l ifilre in Fourthitroet.opp,k,ite Burke
i,7r - \V i 1.i..i ..7.1. E. VT:IIN, F.-(1., 'V% ill =i,,- his attc
tion TO my i'!16111 ir,a bu:ini,,,,ina I recoil - no:pi it ,
to the palron7,7. of 111 . I).
-,.p 10—v __. Av ALTER 1. - ORIV All
_. _ _ —. .._
Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law,
ilitlcks on Firth ~,,..t, b, twcvn Wood and Sac.tlitl ,
ap Cl lill-lAnz,il
-t Law,
Robert Porter, Attorney a .
t` t 11.• ,•,11Al,•r Vourtb S111'011:1 ,1 1 .1,
Judson & Flanegin, Attorneys at Law,
rtitt. tern , . l'en-lon; "11
11 , .t Ot C 0.141 tioiahlt.l
. 1111.1 arm
ing-1)t- pa! , .nt , pr.'? tro,l. n. 17—v
Henry S. Viagra — a, Attorney at Law,
ofFic.- ;. 1,1, r -C.tl •.,. ,
two :60%, S:11 111. r. 1
J. D. Crei^h, Attorney at I..aw.
Inv -25—v
L. Elarricr, Attorney and Counsellor at Law
11 \ 0,1
I,Vill 217.t01t 1/r0M1,1.0.• to the colloctitai or - , • , ' , 11 - : , > t ,
c l a ims, ZOlLlall iirof,,--i0na11tu.,11,,,,,t ,•ntr,i-,,t,•d1i,1,i- i',1.1•
ill the I'O,OiCIO^ Of I 1.111-1011, A`flOr-011, Beilllo
i,t, (.1O1.:1-
'A:, TII-CantlVll`, 1 /01111Oit, CO -/10,'0P.1. Cai I . %1 1 ,
and Wayta, ItEYEIt TO
Metcalf 4. Loomis, A
Duiz di Ls. Reminq, 'at-, , A
( l , • , -;,,,,,1
john harper.
D. 7'. mcFryw.,, J
my !2 ; i,'13 lii—tf
R. Morrow, Alderman,
)ili,••• north side of Fifth mrth-t, 1.-twecm Wood tmd
Smithfield. PittA)urgit. p 1 f
Magistrates Blanks,
Foy pr ue,e,lii,;: , jn attw-hment t he lute hv.v, for
ale ut this °the( jy:2s
Elauk Petitions, Notices, &c,.,
i, eliu Ilanhiniptcy proceedinc-,printedon good
paper, and, in the Corn:; approNed by the Court, for -sale
at this mike.
Dr. S. IL Holmes,
oftice in socoNd :+tre , t, ursl dour a Mul% any k
\Val-I'llollw. sepl o—v
Dr. A. W. Patterson,
Office f fit Smithfield Latr-ift, third door from the corner 01
sixth,trcet. 10
LT. D. Solleis, M. D.,
tiller and dwelling in Fourth : , troet, near Ferry,
Pit tiburgh
4ep 13—y
Ward & Unit, Dentists,
Liberty street, a few doors below St• Clair,
ap 6,1813
Doctor Daniel Mailcai,
Alco on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield
streets, Pittsburgh. dee 10—y
No. 43, Wood. Street,
Agent for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory VarilS.
mar 17—y
Williams &Dilworth,
Vliolcsale Grocers, Produce and Commission Mer
shams, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar
biles, No. 29, VCryal street. srsp 10—y
Ti7holesalc and Retail Deal, rs
English, French and Domestic Dry Goods,
No. II 1, Market street, Pittsburgh.
sep 10—y
J. & J. Vl'Devitt,
Grocers, Rectifying, Distiller, and Dealers
in produce and rittsbnrgh 'Manufactured Artiele,
No. '224, Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. se') 10
.T. G. & A. GORDON,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
W a ter street.rittsl,tirgh. se p 1
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
No. 60, Water ..treet,ritt.ilairgli ,
Ti.l..TEams.—Retekving and shipping, 5 cents per
100 tb.F: C o mraision on purchase , and :2,1 per
mar '2 '.2—y
Brourusvilks Juniata Iron Works,
Edward Hughes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails
'Warehouse, No. 23, Wood 4., Pittsburgh.
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro.
duce Merchants,
And dealers in Pittsburgh .4tanufacturcs,
mar 17 No. 43, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Coleman & Co.,
General Forward in g, and Co ou
Merchants . ,
Levee Street, V iek,hur:l, They r.:.4pelicit ctiolly so.
conslgornenu: 22—t
_ .
J. W. Marbridge & Co.,
Agents for the sale of Beatty' Powder, Water ,30—y treet,
between Wood and. Smithfield. „ mar
L. S. J. D. WICK,
Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
116 Wood &tea, duor abovo Fifth
PittF,lainzlt, Pa.
may 15
CITACY LLOYD, Jr., Whole ale and Retail Gro
eer and Fruiterer, Nu. 110 Liberty 'street. Pitts
mn v 20.
Birmingham &Co.,
Asp cLuvELAsn its E.
March 9.2
John B. Brant, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer ie Grain, General F nca rdin g and COM
missinn ;Thant,
WILL di,poso goods gent fur Comraksion.
Saius at the lenve , t, cortrni,sitm rates.
Yl ii, . \V .11,11er,Duv &-.Chri,h. I). Lerch &Co.
Baltimore—VC .\Vi.m e n:NV iilsoDS: I lerr,.l
Ha rriNbu rOt—Mickill3nrke ,11..AnteJ M. Holchhan
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
No. 37, Markot str_ - -----
eet. s e p 10
Jobs' Anderson, Smit.hficld Tona._
Vater 10:10:1'2.1111ela llouse, P
~5 . 9) 10-s;
- Vol NG ............ FltANt louNG.
Thos. B. Young & Co.
unhurt. Nv ark. 1t 0 0,,,,., , rfier of lima ,tr,..(4,1 awl Ex• e
Pct.-on v '1,11;11 to furnitur
will fu.l it totiieir ;i1.% :1 , 1. .12c _ : ;Vg' 11 Can, ful
w e a. , to irt.ll.t:: price
--- -
R. oNI
Wire Workers and Wire Manufacturers,
1,0:,\ • I :1,, 13.1 .41 vet
Excha.njo 1-lotel,
:7' (:11d 1(
sUnrivalled Blacking,
,AM - 11 it El)
_ - n
James Patterson, ir.,
a:A •
John Tailor and Clothier,
1.11, •ry -Tr ,, 1 .01:1
-c,• 10
Webb Cloacy'sl3 pot and Shoo Manufactory,
. 1;1,, e•. , 1 - to 111.• I'. S. Fel al..
1 - - t' e
;;:.• t•-• -h •
• William Doherty,
~‘,-.;1)(..A1' )!ANUFACIIIII:IH...T77)
r,v 1..N1
John Cartvirright,
corner of 6th Liberty ,trevt,,, l'a.
N • 8•—.1b.. 11:o.,1 a..orturrnt of
Surlical 1),1,11,1 1;11111,1's. '1.:610r%.
Batter's, I)ll.4st.c's atcnt Sltwor•
• .i( )11Ns()N VAL,
11' aokbinders and Paper !tutors,
Cwlthitie :Lt tiu -1,f1(1 late of M'Cluullc4s
i;v,ry \volts is awir line Twat
niav :;—‘•
and propipt.....-
Oal: and Poplar Lumber for Sale.
A FL 31: nn a Fold:
1, , m1) , •v, for Aftle '11010:•,1,11`. El:11111re . fir ,11
Esq. ncar tllt• Foutitailt
Dr. Good's Celebratsd Female Pills.
V nEsr. Pill , ar- ,;rongly recommended to th.
notice f an d l'!l;Clear remedy i
tannovittir t1,04e co mplaints peculiar to theirs , •x, from
want ofe;,ercis,,or,z-eneraldebility of the system. Thy
obviate c ostiveness, and c ounter.'wt all Hysterical told
Nervous affections. These Pills have gain ,, ,l rho cow
tion and npprol ation of the most eminent Physicisms in
the United States, and many Mothers. F or sale
Wholesale and etail.hv R. E.SELLERS, Nzent,
No. 20, Wood Str:rt, below Socond.
Notice to Dr. Dratuireth's Agents.
ripliC office in Fitt shurgh, which was estublinhed for j
.1. the purpose of constituting, agents in the west,
having accompiiAted that onject, is now clued, and
Mr. G. H. LEE, in the Diamond, Marltet street, ap
tu tinted my agent for the sale of my fills and Lillis ,
ments. All 15r. Brandreth's ngruiti. will, Ihurcfore,un-
: docstand orit Dr. B. trill si-ua a travelling agent
throughtlie coontry once a year to collect monies for
silks made and re suppl• agents. The
l traverovller d
NA - ill be provided with power 411Puttordey, ype
before the Clerk of the city and county of New iork,
tcurrthr,r with all the neeeisacy vouchers and papers.
Mr J. J. Yte i my traveling agent now in l'ennsyl-
B BRA Npunnt,M. D.
N. 11.—}tememlwr, Mr. 0.11. LEE, in the mar of the
Market is now ply only agent in Ph tsi , urth.
.inne 11
- -
t f i t i t e r i r ic a trly: ,t !vt; l o w ye k ai n - e s e ,
I~ hard .well
ing on
produced much ruin, and useN varimis applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured
completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Braudreth's
linament, or external remody.
Wimes3 my hand, JAMES TAYLOR.
Ohio tp., Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 10, 1840.
Dr. Brandreth's cy.tcriad re:l - ..(1y or huament; sold
at, the store of GEORGE 11. LEE. Pittsburgh, price
50 cents per bonlc feb 8.
TsnliF.cribers have removed to Water,I)PMCCII
NVOtia and Smithfield streets, where they will
continue the Wholei , ttle Grocery and Commission hind
-11Q3...', and would respectfully solicit the patronage or
their friends. J. \‘'..BURBRIDGE & CO.
dec 3
-------- -----
Dr. Bechter's 'Pulmonary Preservative.
FOR cougli,,, colds, intluenzas, catarrhs, whooping
cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
diseases of the breast, and lungs, and arrest of approach
log consumption. IVarrante Al d free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FI & CO.,
Agents for Pittsburgh.
Chcap for Cash.—Union Cotton Factory
Short Retl Yarn.
No. 5 at 15 ct.i per lb.
6 at 15 do
7 at 15 do
8 at 15 do
9 at 15 do
10 at 15 do
11 at 15 do
12 at 15 do
13 at 16 do
1.1 at 17 do .
15 at 13 , du
16 at 19 du
17 at 26 . du
'lll at 21 do
.19 at 22 - do
20 at 23 'do
Ordera pr..lnptly
faint Logan &Kann
f 97 3
• Cixcab,ting and Reference Library.
(IF reliaus,blitorical, political and mlscelluneous
.iVnrks, will lin open every day, Sabbath except
ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 P. M., in die Ex
change building, corner of St. Clair street and Ex
change alley, where punctual attendance( will be iven
sep 10
Springs an.i. Ades for Carriages,
At r /IL .1 2 fiCtg.
/2111 E snhselibers manufacture and keep constant
.. 1.. on hand C,,ach,C and Eliplie Springs (war
ranted.) Juniata Iron Axles. Silv , r a:.,1 Bra;:; plated
Dash Frame:, Brass and plated llnh Band , , Stump
.TointA. pat , nt Leather. Sii‘4.r. atiH I Bra-4 Lamp:.
Three c,,ld Sleps, Malleable Iron,
D o at
I landle , and
Hint s, Sze.. Sze. JONES kCI II,EM AN.
sop 111 St. Clair st., near the Allezlieny ISrlaze.
EN D (y)
Long Red Yarn.
500 at tiA cents per doLen
600 at 7,i do
700 at 64 do
800 at 5. do
900 at 5 do
1000 at 5 do
. ondlewick at 15 cent,: per lb.
Coln. Batting, I; do
Family do., 19. A do
Carpet Chain, flO do
Cotton Twine, '2O do
Stocking Yarn and. Cover-
Ict Yarn alway 3 on hand.
Cotton Warpg made to or
i attended to, if left at .1 & C.
ne dy's,orthePostOffinetad dreii
' -
j David Clark, Ag't.,
ONBLE BOOT MAIiER.II.i , r un., - .. d
to Nn. 34 Market street, hetwnen Second a. 1,1
Third ,u-ee , - , , where he \ vnuld be happy to see Iti3
~',il civitorri , T,, aild all other, who feel disposed to pa
-1 tiot,i , e hint. Ile u,e, nothing but tir3t, rate stick, and
1 emplm, , ill , b: , 64 of worlinient and n-i Ti e eve, his eon
:taut per3onal attention to I,u , ine , '..i, he tra-t., that he
. ~. ,
FOR SAFETY, will deserve and receive a la'rFWare of rEaronage
, ~ 1 s.•i , 10
Traa.l: , is ....;,,•:::h 8, hr I I: ~tt,-; p r•,rifira wi th ,
16ien , 111
h:,::: P.,ih , ,1
1 . 1 . MO till 11.• ts . ...
VII t , . CI" tr.ell:l2 r , ..1:101:1Ir 10 1 ,
_ Leal . 111 1111.111 thnt their ,eratrity it T ruth , entirely
tliala ii. 1' ,1011 (...C.J.,11',1;.;e,111:11./. Of boat , that Ii me or
way l„ at [IV et ~,e'..., of pl ,, Gering the ;OM , L . appard.-
1,1-. Al-.. that te.try ht.th. hal 111:lsin.; inch nelt.C
1i.,:,, i, r,,a161).C:,102' TO , al , l , 11 ;:i . leral i•irro.l leti ,, n of 1
all 171,01:ti,a IVI:Nillld 1 . . all 111111 who under-land thc 1
ip;,..- , if the St out E•lgille, to be a -nr , prcventa.-
tie r .1 .1. , -I. Ilir ,-, 'I I. 15,1 di-34...r:- You Lac e con - - 1
l' . 1• :%, 1 . 1 tip , Ir.l , ,1! , tl , ~1.,,,H41,:,,,;13 Om: hay,. •d r; ., { l
~‘,,,,,; „!„.„. t i,,,.i,- n i,,,,,,t ~milt'ocrarr,nee, anti iln , I'
1,,,,,,A:K1, o', li :, , licit 1,...•• sires,,) l),4';) I,‘“ a -Ifil. ,
"." 1!..:,_:41..1 1 .1..1'..:. 1 . :1l t., 111.1%0 i.,111.11 1 for t
~t.':.•. . )1,i:!1)1 t .• 11,( , l
• ,•
Ht v
NOll - 11%
,IL rLs t, - ,1 ~. in 1c . n, , ;, , :',1, '
Lc Owl:
I,l'l' ,',' 0:..1...” • -- - 1 t..,„ ;f1.!.. a,i,.1 ......6,1,4. of 1.-
.t... Th., 4 • ~..4 ,1n.,... - .. 111, , : - V than oth , :r boalq:
LLT, , L.n,,ho:.n , . in L , I h. 10,-." .•1.,- :kr , ognal, and
t 'n ,u,:, (r.,,,.. ,111.1 1 : ik!l' l , : Old a: 011 . 1 , i.. 1 On, lenVifll2.,
';11-1'Ill'h C,l',. 11.,..11.ii Sll';
. 1. :tli rill auk ri,% . , when
tl4 ,-, ~,n1:61,1 hi L,....a . ~,,.. I, r i,v, IT to as uld those di,
,131 nthe Ll 4 of An
-1 , AI: and
1 , 1: l ina - 4,L: thn:
1h1.3 , -., :,, I L . r pnct ofthis paiker. an
with th , . Sal'..., CLltm‘t.
Li,,! , :,/./i , n4t. , j , • . le f ! 11. iih t!,..e Sc7‘ ill acii.cd.
11S, .1 /: 11 - i'LLCS,
AGNI:.•7:, JAMES .1 - ,' as's,
AM A 1: A STH, 1..11)V OE Ll' ONS.
isi/1, IND, :4 !X Ty EL,
!IRV'S A l' :. 3t 11' 11P; AN,
B REA K iir AE R, 3/.1/1 (,211: i'T E.
BR Ilui 1:11 . .:TE R. .mlssoria mAn..
ripm.). 11us G 0 P.t RE,
C.l Y T 0 S, MOS TG OMER. 1",
r /77' TER • NOP 771 BEND,
CECLIA, NE p T i 7s E,
c.isr LIN, .N.l R A a ANS E 7' T.
I'OLI 7 M BUS, i )SPB" EY",
P 1. 7 Q 1 ; ES SE, 0 ATE ANS,
DUN E of °PUP: ANS, OLIVE 8.R.A.,‘ CH,
EMM A, Pi N.111:1,
El) lIIS 111e1i131,4,V, (2 I TEEN ~f the SOUTH . ,
EXPRESS 31 AIL. .11 A L i? / TAN,
F 0 I? MOS _I . ,S.l/?..111 ANN.
1'01:7' PITT, SAR A TOGA.
mar 22
, 1 BILLS,
New York Dyer.
0 sEr. lEs.w..ilarv3pectfully informhis friends
and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies'
dresses, Habits andMantcls of every description,black;
and NV:11'13111f, them not tosmut, and to look equal to new
good?. Ile dye , ; fancy colors of all de.+eriptions. of t.ilk
and :-Itvret :,;('n. Also, cleans n tul rest ores the colors of
irentlernen's clo:hinff, so :15 to le,eMble new gonfhl,
Mr. 110.111 , 1' ,11 dIn , el f that Ile can please the pudtlic,
as he has done an extensive business in New York for
twenty years. Al! work done on moderate terms, at his
establishment in sth st. , between Wood and Smithfield
near the Therm,
r - -- -- --ri .. is t ) certify that. OSEE HE.IIES has done
work for w. whi( h has folly answered our expec
tution:, and we consider him a compctent. dyer.
S. Hemphill, Andrew Purdy.
Wm. Barnei, W. B. Boies
3 . 13. Shurtleff. Wrn. no er,
David Hall, 11.11. Smith,
B. F. Mann. Henry Javcmk
David Bo es, A. Shockey, jr
Joseph French, jr;. , Joseph Vera,
George 13arncs
Naylor & Co.'s Bost Ucfuxed Cast SteeL
liE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated
stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as
sorunent of the same, c onsisting in
Bestreti ned C est Steel, squared , Hat , round and octagon,
do do do do axe temper,
Extra do do do for nail cutters,
Best do Double and Single Shear steel,
English Blister, German, Granite; Wedge and Craw
Steel, at wholesale, by the case, or in smaller lots
to suitpurchasers. LYON, SHOBB St: CO.,
je 24-3 M Foot of Wood strec
A Card.
INV-ILIA AM McCARTITY bec4 leave to
T announce to the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh.
that he is prepared to make BOG) TS of all
kinds, of the best Leather obtained from Philadelphia ,
and over Lasts made by instructions from himself. Ile
does now for himself what he has so lonfr done for the
Pittsburgh Bosses, i. e. alter and fit his lasts to suit the
foot. He has worked at the most fashionable work in
the Eastern cities.rame here and instructed Lei, eral how
to alter and fit, which can be attested by dumber; of
Journeymen in this city, and now is rewarded by them
with contumely and. abuse. He hereby cludleages any
13ootmaker in l'ittsbureh, (Boss of course,) to make a
pair or more of Boots, stock equal, measure to he ta
ken by each in his own way. Workmanship to decide
the matter. 4'
Fourth st. or the Mobwo;aliela House Boot 'maker.
(as he calls himself,) have a rare cLanco now to show
them:elves. If they call make a Boot let to see it.
W. McCarthy's Shop and Store is on .Market street.
next door to Second, and opposite J. Dunlap's Tin and
ware Factory. .ltily— ___ 11—tf.
Sheet Iron m
jTo the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh.
THE subscriber most respectft illy
informs the gentlemen of this city irin
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE maldng business in Fourth street, o pposite the 1
Mayor's office. Having been foreman ila some of the
most fashionable boot shops in the Eitstem cities; and
haying furnished himself with the hest French and
American calishins, he hrpes ii his attiention to bust
acs= to merit a share of public pai lona .10.
fe those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised 'rim h.i returns
his sincere. thanks, and can with confidence appeal
for the goodness of his work and isiseviedge of his
' bu-,ine.“ P. KERRIGAN.
1 msy 11.
From tl..e Ladies' Companion..
Respectable People.
131' MRS. 1.3151 A C. EMBURT.
Did it ever enter into your brain, gentle reader, t 6
attempt defining the limits of the debatable land of re
, ~. , ~,,,
spectamuty , I..au you ever try to map out its bounda
ries, and to define the veritable right of those who as ,
piro. to dwell within it- territary? Taust me, thei e aro
few more curioris subjects of reflection—few - more pui
iling matters of investigation; for, like the Atalentas
or eueient navigators, no two points coincide respect
ing this position; and, before ascertaining its limits, it
will be necuesary not only to discover how, but where
the lands lie. 11l were called on to depict it, methinks -'-'
I should describe it as a sort of table land, lying at the
foot of the mountains of aristocracy, and bordered on
the other side by the black and desolate plains of pov
erty. A country, the rich inhabitants of which are con.
tinually employed in leveling the inequalities which ex
ist between them and their loftier neighbors, while the
humbler classes are as diligently engaged in strength -,
oiling the barriers which keep off the lowland border-
1 ers. To become slab:ad/en of this territory, it is requi
i site that one should possess wealth enough to enable
him to live without the d,aerradation of labor-, that be
should pay diligence to the decorum of society; and
that he should be utterly oblivious of any plebeianances
try. The mum tridima requisites of virtue and hones
and nobleness of souh thoinall admitted to be very pt 0-
per additions to his claims, may yet be entirely die- i
p,•ased with, if he I.e very rich stud well skilled in
Pharisaie tact. It is generally expected that all the
inhabitants shall occupy three story h o uses w i t h t wo
well finished parlours, arra:l7,d somewhat after dui
manner of Pope'sgarden
-Tree nods totree, tree, each alley has a brother,
And half the garden rcllectsbut the other,"
smith regard to the arartments which are not
thrown open to the :aspect:on of the world. nu stipus
lotion is made; and the comforts to he found there
must depend upon the menus or the will of the respec
table occupant. It would la. a (atriums subject of inqui
ry to ascertain the variety of der ices which are employ
ed in t rder to secure and retain a position in this desi
rable region. What a volarne o f van ity an d f o lly-.-na2a,
cite and crinsc—might be unfolded: How many, in
seeking to seem respectable liar , ceased to be honest'-flow anyliave periled "id,. aid sett. and and sacred hop
c'" in the Yoh: effort to he--p up appearatces! But Vre A
are lap:ining too sett „ _'; let us cal! in the aid of As
models: to uriroori;om of e - the Jaen:mg - is of thol e reaper
table in ill' Moak whose Col az , ~ . border so closely on the
highland , that they sometimes ovcrtup the boundaries
w hich s e parate them:rem their hataday neighbors.
It is only anotly r moth'...l et - le.:ailing ids money on
usary—a sort of siukina fund ha-est:nerd. Narrows ,
ininded. penurious, querulous:tad ti.:lsopy, he passes
his life in. a (a:mina:al dread 'if enzl i : , L s c ., ii, Ra j in pro
ptaaie as his wealth aoramalare a his isietal
ss stud ea in&
crease. Fel fectly just in his dealias, alwa; s acting, 1
_ -
stn to tie very letter of the law. he was never knowra
by chance or otherwise, to do a libelzd, a high-minded,
or generous act. :Cu impulse of real sympathy ever
, -ti , -red his passionless heart—he rizisliv fulfils overi•
i s maters hay. It matrs nut if his bosom friend be the suffer
! er from Ids se, eritv—it may be that the acquaintance
'1 of his li ' , hod, the associate of his manhood, the so-
I vial compan,ion of Li, festive Laces, the cordial sharer
oil& occasional 50rr...5..5—:13.:e, l.is fellow worshippers
at the sacred altar—the part:'.:: r of the same holyelea
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash, l mentc—the brother la the bond alai fellor,•ship of re.
1. ” •'• "I ,- '! ta t'ete•.. :,:a,. tier i liaion—u. may be, that all these sacred ties may 1.4
1 1 - ‘ la - as .•. ; . ;,, a, ~,, ~..,.,.,,,..,, I, a _ en:I . MM the man upon st, hum his power— the accursaNi
atse:%iii-•*•) ~ 1 ,:. ~. a, • . ,; 1.. Lti la . . ( :; ;, ,•.: 1 ;.,,, : : a ci l i u nsve , r , of ecell--has fids en him claims. But do them)
:\dis -es' a s hae. und s-il tin•in clauip. r for ,ii ,- .11 than j:"."'"‘“'"ilim' ''' , ""l; hi••••• ? nand ? No! "-MY boo(' I In!
th ~,„ 1 ,,, 1 ,,„ tz , ,,, . 1. , ti „ , . 0 ,... ll „, xiii keep
co , situa „. lord !.. i ,till thy: en: the pound of flesh must be
ly ea iaa•sl u -d n ah. s 1 ,, a ' a lar Lada..,,• sb„,, s „f all i, paid. or worse, the r :dila dears that. warm a noble
dia.; - ••" 1 calm a at s el - Y lov prim, „f i l k . f ,,ii„,..i a , : , I in-.‘urt, inc..; li..i v. riiiii.„- out to meet the demand of him
list. - i who never knew lily. Y.: Courtley lives in handseme
Ltalies - last ire Foatal Gaiter Boots. ~it i 75 I .:style, keeps his carriu
. :t.•. portions of his daughters
best quality ludo: Morneco(laiters. 1 50 I (thaugh gut ss iiir.ut
. -jr.in,bii:-..) to fortune hunters, and
altihiu Boots, 1 371 ~ keeps 1 p an araicarance of sanctity, which is truly ed.-
" Foxes! Half Goiters. all tadar.:, 1 37A i.yams, to ail wi.'i are :-::ti 01. v. ith ~iltward show. He
- hest kid and Moroco buskin. 1 133 •is certainly a most resp• (-tab:- mama and when he diei
" Double Soled Stippers,l(Jeff 1 1 ,1 I a pen uf a„.isi aiSl trace on Ids niontirocotal stone Ild3
• • fine Kid Springs and Turas, best cittal.l 00 N. trvi,s e. s, nah leis snore indurated heart never knew
casein-9 heava ' . 4 - t I the impression.
" " Slippers, 75 1 .• not _r c annam to a hisdi place among the resspeol
'• f) .-,A 1 table is the handsome and :ay...cable Mrs. Blazon. --t
\il Si iOV,` , made here warrant. d, Misses' and Chid- I Left an orphan at aae•irly age, 511 C became the protege
dnms' in the same proportion. lof a b,•iies '.eat old laly, who tools her into her family
I f;„ -- i - TIlcanember the place, at 'the sign of the Red I with the imontioa et - elacatiag her as a household ser-
Box. N , . t:, Fifth street. Iv -ant. Tiu•Beasay and docility of the child interested,
July 1
LOOK AT T j EI .k3 I IF S :S !
TOBACC I O, S'Nr IF AND CIGAR S - rutt E. '' ..
S. f UT.I.F.RT.N.
No• 116, tlitod street,on e door above, 6tlt,
y A .rrs . I hiT beliefictress, until in prinii-sis of time she became
• • - I the adopted clatarimer rather than the menial. The
I orphan laid ta , t :1:1,1 canning—she adapted herself with
a dalerfol skill to the whims of her aged friends; and
by use tin: • sl: had arrived at womanhood, she Wall,
iirtnly fixed in 1.11, it a:M.:liens. But the death of her
(early patroiles opened a Lc' , field to her ambition.
- k r ELI'S constantly On hand lull kind? ' of the best I , pi te b erea ,.,,d a ,.. 1 -I,„. er was ol „ , , oid infirci; and he was .
1- 11, . Soanish C'ii.tars. JleLralias,Ca3ador ,- s , Coot- 1 , a ,c t alone wait the sauc'i'er o f his adoption, who maple
I manes, Trabn,ds, Pi metres. , in iwillin: isi trtist to the cl.aniaa. of his favor. In lesi •
Also, half Spanish aid (-amnion ciaars. 1 c-no••th aiit, r tits dcali of his wife the old
Tolan-to of all 311 , hest brOials.- care, ,ii,, , , ',,, than
a "Ve
, v “,, .•,
, p • -;
. ',
into , ' , ~.
, •••••- • I •'" • I man 1. \ ;„1.-: IV ri e eu,C,, ma, t e:gutor.on ate mamma., os.
hump' Baltimore Plug, li - 2,, an d 16s. la m p..
I the yousta orphan; and at toe age when woman's bear}
so, Mrs. Miller's tine cut chewine . _tobacco.
A/ I i., usuallv the abode of generous ramance, the girl Sold
8%,"ft.8-11."I'i°e; Snitch, ,1 \ 1 • 10 ""ba , Iligh Toast I herself to the embraces ofan octogenarian, cunningly
He has also all ether articles in his line, which he
I contrivina at the -.sm. , tine to make ' the world believe
offers, whole.tale and retail. at dm, iowe,t ca :h PriN..s• 1 Coat she ‘'va ' s oaf-'-lag herself an unwilling sacrifice ut
CALLAND 1h',47,, jell-fire
, For
gratitude. five yotas , the youthful a ifie devoted
FURNITURE WAIIE ROOMS. I herself in the most exemplar , : manner to her infirm ALEX.A.NDER Se( UP.D I", I husband. She was emphatically a second self to him.,
.1t the old stand of l'a t tiq.7., 4. ..If' Cuddy, No. 43. S,- i for she supplied ltim smiths two eyes, eats and sense, as
rend street, between TT dud and Market, i was fully proved by the fact, that on his death-bed, he
RESPECTFULLY informi the friends of the late i bequeathed his a
hole fartune, to the ex elusion of those
firm. and the public
.trenerailv, that he is preps- • claimants upott h affections and justice which nature
red to fill mill orders for Cabinet iVork, of any kind, I had given him. Mrs. Blazon bactur.e a widow at Iwo:
with all possible despatch, acid warranted to be equal i and and the world now r•gards her us amodel
to anv in the city. lof digmity and propriety. Totally , incapable of a gen;
Every attention will bepaidtli furnishing . COFFINS, I cruus sentiment
affectim, she determiued never ui
&sc. , when required. je 16-y I ei , e herself another master: and rcjectina with equal
- ....,.._— scorn those who scale: her riches an 1 these who ad-
File, --- 14 rl
an factory.
of subscriber haying commenced the matmfae- I mired itr cl...:Cee , aing _et - day, , she gathered uremia her
I tare of Cast Steel Files, flocs American materials i all the aPPilar•ce , of w - elltlb and new lives the an
exclusively, merchants or other persons wan! i 1!7, cal,ie t , f.k.,. - Acril ! mistress, in the midst of those whose service
supnlied by him with a bettor Jani? , the:: the fascias, !I-Icr geld hail purchased. Mrs. Blazon is geuerally
and at lower prices. Intendin, to
usr only the be s a . ruc - lird'd as the n - l": - t . ex'mplar..). Sit wl/rn`'•
quality of File Steel, mstiaufactured by the. m e 5 .„..„,. . Mr. Simeon Court-e; - is univera , lly mg:larded as a
, inahly raspeattable man. and certainty few persons can
SHOENBERGEICS, Which is mel. - brims , lit toa perfectim,
equal to the best Enalish article, roams : f ide for the i put forth fairer pretensions to th , houor. With a fine,
Ihandsonsa, henevnlent e ven:lnce, a merry black eye,
same pm pose, the subscriber 'las fall coalidence that he
will he able, ill quality of artidies , itil crier to
re all.te i a still florid el-Icel.:, and v. s--a in:
those snerxy honors.
the best hopes of the friends of A GE I y. ion his alr''' which isd wall heat venerable age, he
GE(IGE ROTHERY, seems iTiC very beau ideal at re spectabiit tv. He has a
Corner of IT Hata fa, Liberty stn. i pica - I
- a- - t . "." -:1(1 t ar ever' one, a cheerful smile for all
solve- a voice fall of Itiminess, and scanners charac.;
Eloratio P. Young, Cabinet Maker, ' tcriacd by all the courtesy of an old school gentleman.
(Late of the firm of nun ~,... 4' :IT Curtly . ) i Add to all these personal cartalifications tate a dtsaakaa
HAScommenced the ousiaess in all its branches at gem c ,f a lar , e fortane, atad‘vnil will venture to disputd
N. , '2.2, Wood street, lletween First and Second IMr. Cent tlry's claims to respectabilityl But let us
strs., where he will kaarp conStaralv on hand a good as- • Ina's: a little etaasier into
thin natter. Simeon Court..
sortment of well made FURNITURE, and hopes, by :lee is the ms st devnted lever of money that ever bon-.
s trict attention to Isttsiness, to merit a co:Aims:Lace. of ,ed at the shrine tfi mammon, Gaii i; Lii3 idol: ha has
the patsmiage of die public. :heaped up treasure till he can scarce tel who shall
EverC attention wilibepaid to famishing COFFINS, I gatf-..er it: and the to
cf widaws and orphans, the
&c. A 'Furniture Car for hire- July 11 ' 4a-tut's blond of nabi , and gsa-eraus men, have water
- ed the sail ....hied , g-ave this lar,3e increase. Yet Mr.
.1011:N MeFARLAND, Courtlea has nevi: wronged any one in his life--ho has
Upholsterer and 'Cabinet Maker, .
tic \ -er eiCalt anjustiv with a noalhor—he values repu-
Third st., bet vren Wont! and Market, - tation too InoCh 1 ,- .6C gall::"; of Slid) fo'ly. In another
Respectfully informs his frielids and the public that he
crew ~,l the •InIr• - " - r• 1 ; ' '3
a bl:Tilic rosl•Ocliable ,
is prept - u - ed to caectite all orders for sofas. sideb,,,,, '
tin, for he nev , 7 Co--.. 1 .5 A ~ .es. . Car to the clad= of
bureaus, chairs, taides, bedsteads. stands, hair atal
.charill•-• presided crt''''.ll3- curries a Loot; and rtlatords
s • ~ -, trt ,se.. cr etaias carrets• edl
i ts of u• , bol. , tbe names of her friends. I c never refuses a liberal
..,,. hieh he e . i ., 1 „, ar ,. arit ~1 , ,a 1 , any nr„lr. donation to his char , rll; fer, a
, nis . dretai of death, at
steril: work,
scp 10 1 the tidy lay inonaren who cOri.ir.cnte his wealth,
in the city, and on re:or:nab' , terms.
_—_-----------'---.------------- tie minalrd an an shrinitmg from that !hick darkness
Matthew Jones, Barter and Ilair Dresser,. I which SbrOods the unlialoWn future, and Mr. Courtley
Has rernOred to Fourth s treet, opposite the Ma•.air's et- I hope , . that, as "he that ttiveth to the poor lendeth to
f i e, where he will he ham - a - to wait upon permanent or I the Lord," Le shall be able. by and by, to make a coal.
tran . aient co3 tomers. He solicits a share rf public pa- I promise with te Almighty, aad receive a naansion,
cep 10. - above in hen efthe tariney turwlestawed in alms.
William Adair, Boot and Shoo Maker,
Li crly st. cppo. , itc the 1, cad of Sil . r:ithfi e 1.1.
The subscriber having . bought oldt thee
stool: of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceaseddias
commenced 1)11‘,1110 , s at the old ittind of Mr. R.,
and is prepared to eicccute ull de;criptioni of work in
Lis line, in the beat manner. and on the Idiortest notice.
1 le keeps [l, , ,tantly on hand a lar,i . e irtmcnt of idiot.
halo of ail ib•ieriptioni, and of the best q uality. Ile
solicit , the patronage of the public and of the craft.
\ 15-V
ql.l)c Inilll Iliorning Post