J* RM RS HOWARD it CO,, Afanstfacfsvers of Wail Paper. No. 18, Wood Strcet, Pittsburgh, Pa.— \ Have always on hand an extensive assortntent of G Salk Claud and pain PAPER HANGINS, "Velvet and me Imitation Borders, of the latest style and handso _pattern, for papering halls, parlors and chambers. They manufacture and have or. ban all p tim es— Printing. Writing, Letter, Wrappin7 and d al Tra'Paer,Bon net and Falters' goaids—all of whicn theyy oilerwhich fur sal t hey e oo the most accommodating terms: an Invite the attent ion of merchants and others. ALSO—Blank Books of ail kinds and the hestquality , School Books, etc. always on hand and lor sale as above N. B. Bags/. nd Tactters' Scraps' taken in exchange REMOVA.L.—TIie undersigned begsleuve to inform 1 the public, that he has removed from his old standx. I to the corn of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the E change Hotel, where he has fitted up a large Pwro FoR.TE Wass ROOM., and now offers for sale most splendid assortment of PIANO, ever offered in this market. His pin nos conAst of different patterns, of superior liOse Wood and :%lahogan y, beautifully finished and mo• deled and enlist , ueted throughout of the very beq. ma terlal4, whlch,for durabiltty, and quality of tone, as well to any ever seen as touch, he warrants to be superior . here. As he fins' n.arvil i ncreasing and made 'I efieuts 10 supply the i demand for this instru• meat, be respectfully requests those intending to pur. chase to call and ,mainlrie his as-ortnient befdrepurcha. sing elsewhere. as he is determined to sell Lowen, lor eash,than any other establishment east or west of the mountains. F. BLUME, Corner of Penn anti St. Clair scree +, sell 10 Oppoihe the Clchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa 'Ready !Wade Coffin Warehouse, Fourth St . , 2 doors./ rom the U. S. Bank. W.ll. TROVILLO, UNDERTAKER, IRESP ECrem ITULraicd his readyl.V informs the public that he has coffin ware louse to the buildlipz recently Jccupical by Mr. R. G. Berford, directly opposite his old st rand, where he Is always prepared to attand promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict attrntion to all the details of the Ini-iness of an Undertaker , he hopes to merit public confidence, He will be ine s a prepareL It LI.I.UOCRS to provide Hearses, Biers, C nd every requisite on the most liberal terms. Calls from the country will be promptly attended to. His residence is in the same buildin: with Iris ware house, where those who need his services may find him at any time. REVIRLICCIO: W.A. IRWIN, JUDGT. RIDDLK /1.7 DOC PATTON W. I. IeCLORM lIALC FILIAL", se} 10 La 1 what makes your teeth so unusually white? atuoth Josh's dulcinia to him Collier night, TO make yours look so, with a grin, replied forth, I vebrought you a bottle of Thorne Tooth Wash, 'T.s the best now In use, so the gentlefolks say. And since they have tried this, cast all others away , But to provelt the best, to make the teeth shine, Look again, my doar :Fat, at the lustre of mine. Then try ti is great tooth wash, The Teaberry tooth wash, And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine. Having tried Dr." Thorn's 'Pea Berry Tooth Wash,' and become acquainted with the ingredients of its compo. sition,f cheerfully say, f consider it one of the safest, as It Is one of the most pleasant Tooth Wast es now in use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15, 1842 DAVID HCrNT, Dentist. I take pleasure in stating, having made use of" Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," itzt It is one of the best dee trlfices in use. Being in a liquid form, it combines neat ness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds a fragrance peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M.D. The undersigned have use "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash,"and ha v e found it to be extreme. ly pleasant dentifrice, esercislng a most salutary In u ence over the Teeth and GIIII1F; preserving those Ind's. pensable members from premature decay, preventing the accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. lag thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re. consinending it to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar• tide of the kind new in use. ROBERTSON, JAMES P JACK", ROB'T PEEBLES, CHAS B SCULLY, C DARRAGH, .iFCANDLESS, J MOOREAD, JAS S CRAFT. H L RING WALT. L S JOHNS, Pre.pared and sold by W AM THOR N. A potheca• ry and Chemist, No. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and at all the prineina Druggists', and Tuttle's Mndkal Agen see CIN fourth street. BIRMINGH.ANI LOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. THE subscriber having opened a shop No SI, Second street, bet Ween Market and Wood streets,Plttsburg h. I rt connertic n with the Factory in Birmtngham, respect. fatly wins his friends and the public, that he vvill bc happy tc oc favored with their orders for any atticles in his line, Door Locke and Fastettets,o ' various d scriptions. or. hand and made to order. Tobacco. Mill and Timber Screws. Large Screws, for iron Works, and Screws for Prersses . , made as may be required, Carpenters and Builders are requested to call Warr contracting for jobs. and examine hi: articles and prices Locks repaired and jobbing eeneruily ( one in .he best cuanner.and on the lowest terms. may 2—Sat J AS. PATTERSON, Jr• Dr. Leidy's Totter Sc. ['tax Ointment. FOR the cure of every variety of TETTEB, the ITCH, and all diseases of the Skin, has proved itself more efficacious than any other preparation for the stale put'. pose In use. Hpwatrle of dee hundred certificates might be procured and puhilshed of Its efficacy Irom S:liont Teachers, Pro. prielore of Factolies. Parents, Guardians, urses, Captains of vessels and others, were it not for Child th N e deli cacy in having their names published in connection with such disagreeable affections, By the use of Dr Leidy's 'Vetter Ointment in cur June • tion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, he will guarantee to cure any disease common to llae!Skin, however had, or of however long standing, or tepid •the money, There are however vet y few Instance's hut can be cured by the Ointment atone. Price 2,5 coifs a Bur. • Prepared only and sold wholesale and retPhilad nit a . .t Dr tel dy's Health Emporium, 191 N, Second st. elphia. and by B. A. FAIINESTOCS d CO. corner of Wood and Slitth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. July 12. - - PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU FACTORY. THEsubierther would rcepectfttlly inform the citizens aril. Attegheny and their virirltiev, that he has emmenced mantic:touring the article of Lard ohich 1 and Candles. He intend , making hut one qua lity, w will equal the hest made in the Union and not surpassed IN the best winter strained sperm oil either for machinery. Debecnitte, without its offensive properties, and one third cheaper. THE ABOVE IS WARRANT ED bser TC, BURN IN 4NY TEMPERATURE. The suh bee wishes to Impress dtstlnctly on the puhlic mind that it. le not necessary to pitrchase any new fangted lamps that aft daily palmed upon them as being requisite to bu rn the lard oil M. PcrnOn i wlahlna a pure and brit iinnt !t a w WI obtain it by calling at the old stand,3d street, nearty •)jesite the Post Office. C EDEY. no attention of Wn tsale dealers, Churches and (11,t.a Tenure , . fd.ri a sited. tin PA IWm bear the manufacturer's Jan 1; . BY THE PkEsIDFPIT OF THE U. STATES. \IN p:ursuarice of law, I. .1011:4 TYLER, President ill of the United States of America, do bershy de clare and make known that politic . sales will be held at the undermentioned Laud Offices, in the State of ' 'MICHIGAN, at the period, hereinafter designated, INDIVIDII.A.L EISTTMILIM, to wit: UNITED STATES At the Land Office (.f GEN ESSEE, commencing PORTA.BLE BOXT LINE. on Monday the ninth day of October next, fur the For the Transportation of .Iferchatiditte and Perniac di.p 'sal of the politic lands within the limas of the Boween undertneutittned to.vnships and fractional toun,hiits l' I TTSB UR GII AND P 1111.3 DE L. 'IIIA AND ,to %xi , : I' ITTSBURG II AND BALTIMORE, ~Vurth of the base line and cast of the meridian. NSW YORK AN D BOSTON. Tim:n.lllo thirty-one, thirty- two, till' ty three and ILI DEVINE respectfully inform the public that they thirty-four! ane fractional township thirty-five, bor. .L.L • have completed their arrangenfentsfor the above &ring on Lithe Huron, of range six. Line on Townships thicty.ooe, toirty-two and thirty three, INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDF.?•T PRINCIPLF ,S, anti fractional township thirty four, burdening on The public has long tvi9lied for Individual competition Lake Iluron, of range s e ven. in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone i t t o can be freed from unnecessary expenses and !educed three Fractional townships till, ty-otte, thirty-two, thirty and thirty,four,btirdetittE on Lake Huron and its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the , Flittuder illy, of range . State of Pennsylvania havin7 placed 'Priicks on her Rail Roads, Individuaes owning Portable Boats are enabled Front ittn.ll tow es.hids eight,thitty thirty- lie ,thirty-two , to bid for the carrying Trade and successfully to coot- laud thirty-th:ee, horderiog on Lake Union, of range pele with companTs. nine This line is composed of Twenty new, Four Section rtilCilollHl town,l4 thirty. of range t, to. Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who Command .North of the Lase line and West of the Inn, - idian. them and well known as enterprising, industrious and Tow 11,1iip thirty-five, and fractional towm•hips experienced Boatmen. thit ty-t•ix, Mit ty-se:eit and thirty-eight,.bordei-mg on The superiority and advantage 7 of the Portable Boat f , I I i.,atse , ..oeoll and Mullet's llay,of range one. over every other mode of T.'anspol tation, are too well „ 1. ownt.hips thirty-five, hirty-six and thirty-seven, known to shippers generally, to reqiiire eminent; suf. and Iraetional townaliiii t t hirty-eight and thirty-nine, flee it to sac, I hat the detention, lops,separotion and darn' bordering on Lake II itroit, of range two. agitoGoods. invariably attending three Transhipments between Pittsburgh and Phindelphia are by the Portable At the Land Office at DETROIT, comni,nring Boat most efrectually removed. on Mon 'ay, the iv. enty-fifth t'ay Of September next, The Portable Boat (13SSf!SSeS the great advantage too. for the rtispo.al of the public lauds within the limits of being well rentilated anti co in Summer; which pre. of the fttlttii 'tog detached tracts, viz: vans, Flour from souring, and Baron and Tobacco from l'he lot number (me in section eight; lot number sweating. Moe in scetion Mot ; lots three, four and five in sec. fl. Devine, standlng as he does, between the owners l ion I.eyetitt en, and lot 'lumber one in section sigh. of goods and the Boatinco who carry them, and eqa4ly i teen, which hays fervently been surveyed in township interested in protecting the interests of both, will make ...ix. Smith of range ten, East of die nielidtan. no promises to the public he will not faithfully perfoity. 1 1 Ile is now prepared to receive and forward Produce I Telnds appropriabd by law for the use of solionls, to Philadelphia. Baltimore, New York, and Boston lit the 1 military, OT other purposes, will be excluded ft orn shortest time. and pledge's himself to enter into tin MM. 1 sale. bination with oilier Linfts s latt always stand ready to carry \ The sales will ea It be kept open for two weeks, out the principlesof his Line, and contract for freight on [unless the land< at - e s:totterdisposed td] and on longer. the very lowest ‘Frpi.- k ~nd no private entries of land, hi the tdattiship4 so To give ondbitlited.seenrity to owners and skippers . offored, will he admitted, until after the expiration of goods an open policy of Insurance lias been efreeted, I c , hi the two weeks. by which all inialichandise shipped by this Line will he i Given tinder my limit!, al the city of NV ashiogto e In , tned without. any additional expense lothe owner. this eighth day of Jtitle, title, Anon Domini. fade 11. Devine V, ill receive all produce- consigned to him at Pittsbitgh, pay freight and chargcs to Steam Boats JOHN TYLER. and forward the same without delay 10 Philadelphia , Baltimore, New York, and Boston wlttiont any charge for advancing or commission. P.V.E. JOAN 11LACIE.D. D. REV. 11.05V1T !MUM D. D. WILLIAMS, I REV.JOSZPH KERR, ILEV• Z. P. SWIFT 11 DEVINE Age, No. 45 Water et., PI A BORBItEnt: Agent, 272 Market st recl, Philadelphia. MOORE h CII ISII Agents, 73 ricyrielt's Wharf'. Baltimore. nn COVEN 4- 11111BERD, A genh , Cinctal I, Onlo CULVER WOODB UR dison Ind,N, Agent, Ma Thos. McADAM, co , Agent. March 10, 18.12., 27 Old Slip Neer York _ ------------ —__ % Ft M FOIL SALE.—The undersigned oders for sal LilaCi larm, lying In Ross 'Township 41 miles 'root the City of Pittsburgh. containing 114 acres ofland of which 60 ate cleared and under fence, I i m 15 to '2O acres an of meadow, I. good Orchards of Apples ri few Peach d Chrry tre—the Improvement are a targe frame hon=e conetaining es 10 rooms well furnis s hed, calculated for a Ta vern or private Dwelling, a frame Barn 2S by 60,sione liasemidit, and stabling, sheds t rid other out house, suit I able for a tenetneutt.-2 good Gardens surrourdted with i Icurrant bushes, and a well of excellent water, with a I Ipump in at the front door. In relation to the riliSbUt.lll I land Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for I I sale with more indticement to those wishing to purchase I near Pittsburgh, the terms will lie made moderate, for \ further partieularsapply to the proprietor at his Clothilg Marc, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LAW IL ENCE MITCH ELL. N. B. If not sold before the 14 of (Wolter next. it \ will be divided into 10 and 20 acre lots to suit pur-rha i set's. liac itjiisat reec neeiral ved and fromeximis Phitad ive assort e i New York, wh t went of DRUGS, C F.IfICA LS, PF:I? FUN ER F. and every article in. his line of business , which lee is deter mined to melt on the moat reasonable h%,rms for than cash any . lie believes he can after Stnger inducements ro similar establishment In this city to country rb lvesician- ith and Merchants. who wish to supply themce Drugs and Medicines. ilis articles have bei 0 (elected with the utmost rare, and are warranted on he Fest qual ity and uniform mirenst h. Orders w;11 he filled with ac curacy and elegance, Famili s can lie supplied with Fine and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable vari..iv, and of the most exquisite perfumes; likewise with Perfumery and Cosmetic: of terry de.crip ion. The iiiiderAgoed returns his thanks for the liberal 'lli, poll heretofore extended to him, and hopes by a constant diliosition to please and accommodate—a rar p curivi arid selling only what i., excellfmt add lelluia close supervision.of the sales andiransact ion of the ^,tab. lishment—precantlon and accuracy in rompoundi med. cines—and by Millis:lry and perseverance, to mer' nin rease of public patrunne NE,W ES'rAIILISHMENT. -Upholstery Furnishings. ruiHE subscribers respect fully form ntheir the ' friAare No end , a rid the piddle that they have just opeed 30 rifili street, near the Etc:binge Bank, and adjoining Mr. 1• D Grocery, where they intend to manu facture in the lie,t style, and have ready for sale a fall as.,ortment of the first quality of Uphoitter Fu en i inns, such as Hair, Shuck and &raw Mattra=se.i. Fe,,h er Beds, Sackings, kr. which they rift! sell 1,4 Cas at nearly 100 per cent less than former prices. ALSO:Sofas, Chairs, ete. Upholstered, carpets niadc. andCul tai arranged after the new st fashions—All of which they ns olTer to execute in a manner unequaled this or unsurpassed in any other city, JOHN T. sTr.wA 11T mar 20 ly -------- - - FASHIONABLE BOOT MAK.ISTr i . Srenal - takes this method of informing the public I n general that be continues to carry on the ahove business in the Monorroucts. floret Butt ttentionnttras No 1 Water street, where, IA it h so rlct personal a he hopes to please all who will favor him whh th elr pa tronne. From Ills lone experience in the business, he flatters himself that his work cannot he excelled In neat ness and durabitity,at leaA west of the 10untains; hu ta it is selecsto boast—a fair trial I: the hest evidence l To suit the times lie manufactures 80013 at vest tarioustality, red ces; from as low es five dollars up to his bo which he, afford+ atseven dollars nee _— irate. rip 2.0 _3m ___. 1' ITTSBU RG El Looking Glass Manufactory , And !louse Furnishing Warehouse, 104 Wued Skreet, near sth. TUC Subscriber ling completed his arrangements at his new stand, is now prepared to otrer to his friends, and the public. a large and complete assortment of Looking Glasses, and House.furnishing Hardware. (at prices to suit the times.) Pier and Mantel Classss In Cilt and Mahogany Frames, of the most approved and superior workman ship. Toilet Glasses with 1. 2,3, 4 and 5 drawers. Common. stained, tinted. and p liar framed Glasses sultabie for Merchant:, (or those W:lfilin2 cheap glasses.) Japanned Waitersand Trays ofall colors and patterns. Ivory han.ile Knives and Forks, in setts or dozens, • Buck and Bone handle Table Cutlery. Carving Knives and Forks,. do. Dizon's Brittania Metal 'I ea and Coffee Setts .(srt• eerier qnality.) American Manofartu do, in setts, or single pieces. German Silver 'Pea- and Table Spoons, Silver plated and Brass Candlesticks, Snufrets do. Brittan la Metal Lamps. for naming Sperm or Lard Oil, Brass and %Vire Fire Fenders. (various patterns.) Fire Shovels and Tongs, 'WA icons, 4c. With a variety 01' other articles too numerous to men tion, all of which will be osTere.l at the lowest cash pal N,II. POrtrait:Stinlature,and other Framin2 done at shortect notice, repairing of :ill 1,in11,4 niten.led in. Look. 11y use box or single light. Prints for Fro. inEGInFs plates— mint; constantly on gaud Deno ng' s Tire eroof Iron Chests. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842. J. DENtit4o—On Friday, the 30th of last month, about 9 o'clock at nit/M.ll)e Planing.Groovina a dSash Man ufactory, owned by Gay . Dilvvorth 4. Co, with a large Quantity of dressed and indres.ied lumber,was all coma. rued try fire. The iron Safe which I tiottaht of you some time hack was in the most exposed situation doting the Gre, and waa entirely red hot-1 urn pleased to inform you it was opened at the close of the fire, and all the hooks, papers of , ke.saved;-1 his ls the heat recommendation I can give he utility cf your safes. net 24-4 1,%13 • By the President Tno. 11. 131.m0r,, Commiksioncr r.tf the General Land o,,firc NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTVEN Eve's• person rm . :tied to the right of pre-emption to :toy burls within the r,olit• of ihe towlitthir.ah , tva 'ettmoern ti, i‘; re.loitet l to e , t C , e 8 41 " P to the ntist,et - on or t.. , It-g . ts , er orl ttece,ter of the pro pot I,mal ()Ms:v.:in I make ptyotent thee , f , r at soon pas ractixatile afitr seeing lids notice, and ht fore the may aptto ., tred for the comtneoceM etit of the p , ollie , of the fro.ughi;,, em,ovcieg the tract ria4te(l, at) i‘e J-s"grrAted, otherm.i,eurh rlaim will be tor. ritett. 11. Commissioner or the General Land Trice. junc 27-I,ls. --- Regular Morning ...chet. for Beaver. , a,,,..- - Nit - Tit t: (Immo.; and wcll knowr Sit diner " .TT 4t. C L E V E L A .'V D, 5,,,,,,tu. litowitt.r. , :113,11r, will depart &lily front Vitt,- horlli al 9 &Ho , k, A. M „ and Braver at 1 o'clock P. SI. Fur fr.•iglil (•1 . 11:1:?,,qc. apply on hoard, or to 111101INGII \ll & CO. No 60 NVltler street. N. 11._'r he rezular canal pnel.el to Cleveland Ohin Greenville. and Nleadvilic Pa ; and MnF•stllon no iht Ohio Ca n,,i, c,Hineci , nt , with stell liter Cl. veland at Ufa vorovill imm , in Op..ratiOti immediately on °volt's or tiLv , ..111. war ' 1 1; IC Adams' Patent "Eaughphy" Tent. VE now been hefore putt it, 3 year. du• rin4 wiiscli time vavcral have lire!' sold and in We arc ,fhping squitaitirti ,arint: they are the best c"tr, r Stifte sii the 141,1 e,, any way rtil , filt itt•war.il ntaditi,nlinria tuatlitto snit • r.,t,ri ot wives and the purses of FAIIIIIANKSTATI.,N'r PL.\ TFoRII7,VALE:,4 Three t•enntile of as %iv , . and mo , t improved varietie.,comoatitiv oil baud ariii for ;0, niveducc;l prices themaroCarliirer, L. It. LIVINGSTON , cwir —ll Front between Ito--; aiid Grant Ql4. \ IN:4l'l{l_l'M F.NTS! Sti 1:131t;.1 1-7 I'lolNi I'. McCarthy, Curler cod Surcteat Iristrument )taker, Third atrrrt, nearly opposite the Puat (I.ffire, PittSbUrrk (SIGN OF coLDEN RS.) Ityi-iielaus. DenTii-ts and Druit4l,ls ran have their in• an rtments made by the subscriber of superior quality and at Eaqti•rn prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Seissorn always on hand. alFo llat:ers Shears, a superior aiticle. Orders respect. furry soticited. N. 11. Allarticies warranted of the hest rinality.and eddying done as usual. sep 10 WiLLIAM TUORN MMIZMM Tilos. A ❑u.LIF.Q THOM AS SCOTT lio,liaot6 5.: , 1 by the gro.s or ri.Jzro nt the mnnu(aclnrti•r-- !ILrlh Ca=tiogn [untie to catlcr• IMPORTANT FACTS. LEIDY'S SA R.510•RILI.11 BLOOD PILLS, DTP DDDB• 1.) cabin in all rafts, whether for Purgation or Purift• eattea. They posse.sa all the boasted virtu . ' of other pills, and are additionally eflicacicpt, containing, Entrap 'villain their composition, which is not contained In any other pine in existence. They ayelo differe table, nt from oth can er -p;ll,t in compostt ton, being pely vege nnd he employed at all times, witout ay (lobar!, and re oniring rcAraint c,oin occu h pation n or usual course of living. Notwithstanding Dr, Leidy never pretended his Blood b Pills would cure :ill diseases, yet it is not saying too of them, from the innumerable cures performed by them in every v ttietv and form or disease (certltleat es of OIRIIy W of itch IllVe been publiAted from perQoits of all denom leations, pliy3ichns. n'ergymeti, mat ctilieNt) that they seem to be altno , t universal in their effect; and persons using em for whatever sickness or disea, may rest assured they will be found more efficacious thin any oth of pills in existence. From the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Blood Pills, 'tis, deemed necc,,ary to remind the , put , lic where limy may at all Hines procure the genuine, as It Is altetupted to impose other pills called •Itlond Pills' upon the pabl and ic on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's., Erfle porticu t ar ask for Dr Leidy'a Sursapatillaillood Pills, and see that the rramo of Dr N. B. Leidy Is cunt limed on two sides of each box,(the linzeA being of paper, and oblong, square shrine, surrounded by a yellow and black label. PRICE-25 cents a Boa. Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, `te r Leidv's Health Emporium, 191 North en d Retail, low Vine. Pltiladelphirt, and by B. 4. FRHNESTOCK ' 1' CO corner of 'Wood and Sixth streets, Agentsl2 for Pills burgh pity Iy. REMOVAL. FIOLDSHIP BROWNE urAvE removed tlw; raper Store front Markel 1.1 street to No. Gt. iVood met, one door from the comer of 4th, where they Ic• ep on hands their u.sual sorimei t of WALL PAPERS'. for papering pariors,en Irteg,citelTitierk• c. a nd also PRINTING, W RITING and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. ire all of which they oiler for sale on accommodating le tnta fel) 14.1843.—dt f cO.VS %%INTL Y n ban— _ , IL) Oil, warranted to burn at any terniter il,with .ture. and equal to the hest winter strained Sperm Oout its otTen.tve quaqiies, and one third cheaper, ntas. ntactured lythesubscriber at the old stand, Third Y. nrnrty opposite the Post Offire• Jan ---_--___ ----'---7----- , TOF Eiti A LES.—There it a lar:e class of Females in 1 y it:r TO THE LA r lES.—Wily tie you not remove this City who from their continuedaitting, to which I that superfluois hair you have upun your fotelteads and their occupt.tlonsoblgethem,areaffected with costiveness ' upper lip ? By calling at'Por-rt,s'A, 86 Fourth st.,and which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex. obtaining a bottle of Gouraud's Potidetus .9 oldies, which ertion, sensPof heaviness extending over the whole head, will remove it at once tllont affecting the skin. You intolerance or light and sound,an inability of fixing the can also obtain Couraud's trulY celberated Fos de Elamite, attention to any mental oPerationst rumbling int he how• which will at once remove ail freckles, pimples, map- 1 els, sometiutes a sense of su ff ocation, especially after , icons of the skin, and make Sour faCCluek perfectly Pair; t l mails when any exertion is used. as goint quickly up i and to those who wish to as - stst nature by adding more stairs; temper ficklf; these are symptoms which y ield a , color to their cheeks, they ran obtain chine of Gouraud,s once to a few doses of the itrandreill Pills The o cea. ( celebrated Liquid R o uge, wllich cannot be rubbed off eves sional use of this medicine would save a d e al of trouble Iby a wet cloth. Also may he found a good assortment of and year or suffering. Otte, or Iwo , or even shree o f i Perfumery, such as Cotogne, Bears' Oil, Almond,PE IT, the Brandretli Pills just before dinner, ;,re ore found 1 Wl"tisol land oilier So 3 f s t highly beneficial; many use them VrrY advantageously i n I Remember, at Tultle's Medical Agency, fIG 4th streetd this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the ho wels 1 Druggists and others call besupplied at Wholesale and retail terms. to a proper condition,enliven the spirits, impart clear ' may 2.i 13-12 nests to the coal plc :don, purify the blood. and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. sold at Dr. li•audreth's Office. in the Diamond PRlsburgh--Pice '25 cent t per box, with full directions. M ARK—The only place In Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's SeP, 10 own Of fire, Diamond, DR. STARKW ETHER'S HEPATIC ELIXIR. Casr of Liver Complaint of 23 years standing. This may certify that for twenty five years 1 wog af - flirted with stain In my side, which was frequently CO severe as to entirely incapacitate um from labor. I have been under the care and treatment of various ph)sielan.. without any iter Ina tient benefit, nearing of the mall cures effected by the Venetic Elixir prepared by Dr. Startiweather,l was induced to give it a trial, and am happy to say that it has eat I idly MOS witTE. removed. I hart felt ar no symptoms of it for more than a yc past. Northbridge. J tinea6 30. 1841 A The acclaim. to be had at 'TUTTLE'S:MedicaI ,Igency, Fourth 4trcet. i4rTO iNVA.LAIDS. {Krllow imporlant it is that you commence without (054 Of thin' With BRAN DRWril'n Picts. The) Mikity but surely remove all impurities from the blood, and no case of sickness can affect—the human frame, that these hinted rills do not relieve as much Of medicine can do. Colds and cough's are more benentted by the tirandr Pills titan by lozenges and cannics. Very well, ner• baps'-as patiatives, but worth nothing as eradicators or diseases from the human system. Tire BitAttoe RSdisea TU PI se,.LS cure, they do not merely relit ye. they cur whether chronic or retent, infectous or ot suffherwise, swill certainly he cured by the use or i hese all nt. CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. Stria Soto, January 21.1343. Doctor Benjamin Branitreth—liOnorcil Sir: Owitig to you a dent of gratitude that money cannot pay, I Atli Indllred to make a public arknowledgemlint Of the benefit my wife has derived from your invaluable pills. About three yearn his winter she wasiaken ith a pain in lirr ankle, which noon became very much inflamed arid on ninth so that we been turn alarmed. an d sent for the doctor During his al;endance tie pain and swell ing increased to an alarnting degree, and in three weeks r, 0m its first commencing it became a running sore She could get no rest at night the pain was so great. Our fir-t Doi tor aittnded her for are months, nd she received nu benefit whatever, the Fain growing, a w or, and the nore larger all the w l said if it was beat ed up it would he her death, but he appeared to are at a 103: how 1..) prareed, and my poor wife 91111 continued In suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought other aid lit a it et aniCal doctor, who said whe n li ve e fihrser t saw ii that Inc could noon cure the sore, an gi ease at To our surprise he g• ye her no relief, and acknowledged that it battled all his skill. Thus we felt alley haying tried during one whole year the experience of two celettrated physicians In vain, ati-mlute despair. My poor wife's comtitution rapidly .n the oriole of her years from her continued =uttering. Under tlie:e circumstances we concluded that wn tVnttl,l try your CiliVerSal Vert tide Vills,determined Ito fairly test their curative effects. To my wife': great comfort the hist few do-en afforded great relief of of our selve+aid every one who knew of the rase. 1 he swelllo2 sad the tort 1111111:Ilion to reanr SO lhat Ighe fe fte ll (tu t..is lle easy. and wool,' sleep romfortality, and the Ur use. anand, sir. ar werweek:week:icewan aide to go throngli avtn.ittettil to the itintozernetit of he' family which nhe had not d.ine tOr nearly 14 nionlitc. In a little over twn:moults from thetioreshe tirst Erolment...etl the we our rills, her ankle was quite FOUnd,:ind lirr health het' er than It bait heen (mite enmt,, nl leer I Annd you thin statement after • svo TR test of the mite, egirrirl,ring it only :to act of just to you :nod lariZr• We are, with notch gra Iloilo, Vet y re:pectfu lt y , TINIoTtly S r.r.tzA A. 1, - 1171.F.. p. y. Tito hOlanleal Doctor pronolineed the -Sore can ceroun. said no good ron . il he done. urilc.,s if e whale i,f the flesh eat ntr,nnil the hate e-ort srrepe your d.— Thank 3 10,11 Priiviilcnee, thin made u: rto pills. ^suet s.ived from alt litrthilr milsery. awl for whit we hnnet. thatit.fill. '. 4- E. 1.. [g7T-f-'itid 25 eeni • per hoc, with aiteetiow , . o,reti, the new latrek,enell having upon it two ttinenig of Dr. Prandiri h. S. , each hoc of the 2 , 0 ohtn.l!nroo'..lllree. Itenjamin Brandreth and three It Brand relit upon it. The only I,llre In Pillahnrch Where the rest It dice ran 111,11 Nil:tante obtained, in the D0ct0r ...4 own o, in tire Diamond, behind the Market honin. Mark, the genuine ileanatellt Pills can never he obtained in any dro.l store. tt The followinl. are the only alehl,‘ apoolhle.l by Dr. tlr.intl r. 111: for the rale of his Vezetahle Colter-al run nil: It I,EF, riltal•ur2 l l Mr. 11.1111 G'a,,.—,>llezlwnv, Robert Ibt flea o—litrotiouhain. C. E. D'el;l—Elii..d.ctil lown • 11. Rowlard- 141 'Kee ; p or1. Pregt.ly It win--rie3s:llll 11111. Joan Johnstonoidestown. Ch,sman Spaolding —.lEz Ard..,11 Robed Sinllll rorler—l'arentum. Georar Power—Fairvie w. David R Conn— Plum townldilip. Ilaniel 7s:es.lel—Ens.t I,llverty.. Edward TholowronVVllkinlldirglt nt. 0. }hinter Milli NOTICE 7'o DR. BRANDh ETU'S .10 ENTS. The Are Pith'lrttrett which was established for the purpose of constituting agents In the west, having accam phslied tlett object, Is now eln'ed,and Mr, me at G. 11. LEfoE In the Ilium rnd, Market st rem, appointed eet e the sale ofPllls and Liniment , ' All Dr. Brandeths :agents will tnerforemnderteand,that DOI,. will fend a travelling scent through the con nt ry once al year to e cnoleet money lee s for sales made and re-supply agents. Th said trave vitt lM provided with a power of pitorney, lily proved ,efore the Clerk rd the city fled eonnty of New York, meether with all net , ssary vouchers and nnw In Pennsyl. papers, Mr. 3, J. Yoe, is my travrltlti van., 11, 811 't NDUTII, M. VI N. B, Remern,,er Mr. G. f.ee, In rear attic Mar ket is now my only :teem In Pittsburgh. New York.Jtinel-ith.1843, : THE TRUE WAY TO RECOVER IIEAT,TI, oz:- An Individual only wishes tn know the right way to pnrsne it; and there are vane, were it pees! v made known how Liss mleitt be prolonged and IlnAern re covered, wl o would not adopt the plan. Evidence is required that the right way is discovered. This is what those stitTering frnin sickness want to be Et:Alb-fled about. For who is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health his body is capable oil ff Ito Is there that would not live when his ceps Hence can so much benefit himself stud family? It is a melancholy fart that a very large ro. p portion of the most tteeft I inealbers of society die be tween the ages of thirty and forty. Flow manynce widows and helpless orphans have been the conseque or man. kind not having in their own pOwer the means of restor ing health when lost. Now all these dangers and diffirtilties can he prevented and the long and certain sickness, and by assisting Na lure. in the outset, with a gont dose of Branitreth's Pills. This is a fact, wtll undetstood to be co by thousand pu s o rge f our citizens This medicine, If takrn so as to freely. will surely rure any curable disease. There is no form or kind of sleknesctimt it does not exert a cur alive influence upon. Thus, hy their power hi resisting pulrefaction, they cure measles small pox, worms and alt rontazeous fevers There. Is tot a medicine in the world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore it in healthy condition, as the Frandreth Pills. The Brandreth Pills are purely vegetable, and so in nocent that the infant of a mot 111 old may one them if medicine is required, not only with safety but whit a cer. landy of reeeivine all 11:e benefitmedicine inlthe capable of imparting. Females may use th m em In a.tical periods of their lives. The Brandt:tell hills will insure their health, and produce regularity in a'l the functions of life. The same may ' c said of Beandeef External Rem edy, as an outward application In all external pains, nr swellings, or sores, it or , ally assists the cure. When ti ed where the skin is very lender or broken. it should be mixed with one or two pints of water. A sure Tes , of Gent:ape Brandreth the box of Pills. Then look at the certificate of agency, whose engraved date must he within the year, which every authorised agent must possess; if the three labels on the box agree with the three labels on tile cert &tate, the Pills are true—if not, they are false. Principal office, 341 Broadway, New York: Oil Manufactory d a , up , rlor artic _.~.,,~._ _.~..,,.k. ~w._ . Headache ! Headache Dr. BRODIE'S ~,INTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS. 4P. E now known to thousands as a' rnos . l extraordina• ry remedy f o r 11,15 affliction as Well as the 'incon- 1 trovertible fact of their curing DYSl'l7,l' fs il A.Wiltl those suffering only ask among. their friend itv ribt known of the positive effects of said Pills. and It they do not hear them more warmly praized (and dthem.eservedly too) than any other, then let them net hily ln these few remarks, all fancy or imag,inai ion is excluded, and nothing will be said of their nierits at any 11Ille but what can he fairly proved by respectable tnetnt era of our community. certificate given by a respectable Read the following citizen of Alloglieny city, and attested by one of thejudg. CS of the Court oAC.otCmlon YP Cl a T s Y ,o , f January li 9,y1343• DR. BRODIt. Dear sir—l have for a nrintl , er of year-pant been af flicted with a revere and almost corstant Ileac'ache, a rising, from derangement of stomach and howeln and al though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended for its cure, have never derived any mate rial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An. ti Dy9 - teptic Pills. I have not taken quite two airs and consider myself perfectly relieved from that d e istres , ing I complaint. I have no hesitation in recommending your Pills as the hest medicine I have ever used. Tones, Re.spectfutty , .1 ft. TTJ ft N ER, I am arqua.nted with Mr. Turite7, I have no hesita tion In certifying that I roe rider the statements of Mr, T. renonetim2 Dr. Brodle'3 I' 113. as enti l I:tled t II h ire m m ost perfect perfect and entire confidence. , I C; AVI For sale. Wholesale and Retail at the I.lrodoni authorised an Pill F.atahli.hment Pittsburgh Pa ; amt by all a gent,' throughout the Union Alley city Jan 9 11;4:3 __------ WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. Evans's Camomile Pitts. CicaTtrickTCS.—Lester from the Don. ongress.sl'Oct. lan,Sallivait County East Tenness?.e , M entberof C WAsatt:3lroa, July 3d. 1838. Sir—Sinee 1 have been in this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satis faction, and believe it to be a ino=t,valuable remedy. One of my lonstituents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell coun4y. Tennessee, wrote to nte to -end him smite. which 1 did. and he has (nolo) ed it very sneers-fully in his! ractice, and :ays ft. is Invaluable. Mr. ,Johnson, your agent at this place,' thinks you cyanid prohahly like an agent in Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden. as a proper per-on to officiate for Ili: , sale of your celebrated medicine. Should you commi,,imi hint he is wining to act for you. You can send the micine cou by water to I he care of flobert King k Sons. Knoedxville nt y.Tenne.. see, or by land to Graham 4- Clousion, Tazewell, Gas! Tennessee. 1 - brve an doubt bot -rrra had a^_ents in several counties in East Tenne,--tire,a gr , at deal of medi cine would he sold. I ant grtioLt to take some of it home for my own use. and that of my friends, and should like to hear front you Whether yati would like [ l ean ;let agent at Bluntville,Stollvan County, East Tennessee; I some of the mereltant, to act fM‘ you as I live near there. Ycnes respectfully , ABEAliAlki M•CLELLAN.of Tennessee. For .:ale Wholesale and It ela!l, E SELETIS,..kzent, • No. 20. NVornt sire( Lleinw Second 'DR. MEV &NSS: SOOTHING Tlils inf.rtlilde remedy has nresrived hundred- when Ilion4lit pa=t recovery, fool convulsiol,wil Al recr s soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the pints, the rhi v. cr. This preparation is so innocent, so etlicarion4. and plra , arit .1 hat no clithl wi I refine to let its autos lie rah bed with It. NV hen iulant , are at then t7e Nu, m oni , „, o' there 0 appearance or 'poll, Fottle of t h Syrtip.liould ozed to open the pores. Parent; slcvo.l ever he without the syrop In the nursery where there are semi_ children, for if a child wakes in the ni , 2111 with pain in the tztrlti.r. the Syellp immediately 2i yes case. 1,. opening the pores, and beatirez the tilt -;thP ‘VrII:eIV preVelndlt• Ina Cowin tions. Fevers, ec•c. F.ir S.ite ile.ale a Retail hy R. C Agent, seri 10 Nn . O. Woed• Second, LIVER CO\ PLAINT rored by the 1157 of Dr. l Po ar- Itch`.3 tom rr,icrid StrenL•ruenle7 and AD etirnt Mr. %Vin. Rifll3fll4, of Plit...bitrtn,Pa.. entirely cured of ilie :Itioveriktressinl His syr.iptoins were pain and weieht in the left side. lea , of aepetite, voinitina, acid eructations, a distervAnn ni' the 310r11.1C11. sick Itemi-ache . furred tonzue, countenance (longed tea cltron eolor,diffi• cult y oftireathins. dist urbed rest, all ended with a rough, trent debitit v. with other symptoms indtcatlnz, a rent de ran:ement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard uo had the advice of several ph y,iclarirt, received relief. until uAint Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which termina. led in Kerlin_ a pe-fert cure. Principal Orrice. 19 North Ei.2.litli izt reel, Philadelphia. Poe sale In Pittsbur4ll,,y Sarnutl Frew, corner of Llber - and Wood streets. sep 10 Stcwtitl.tov;n Mar .13, 1843 BARON VN HTCH F,LF.I. E 1 B P ILLS. These P il ls are U composed of lie ll ut.: l , which exert a specific. action upon the heart, give impulse or strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened and equalized In its circulation through all the vessels, whether of the skin, the parts situated internally,or the estremlites; and as all the secretions of the body are drawn from tlieldood, there is a consequent Licrease of every seuetion. anti a quickened ,ction of the absorbent anti eshalen', or dl charging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place is corrected. all obstrut tians are rsatt red. th'a blond tan untied. and the body Mimes ah :1 teal a:ate. Yor 3al e Wholesale Agent, and Re Va.by C Sf LLERS. v ) sed st. below Second sap 10 PILES cured by the I se of Dr. Ilarlich's Compound Strengthening and Gtrman Aperieot Dr.llarlich—Dear. Sir—Shortly after I received the Agency from you for the sale of your medicine. I formed an accoalotance wi•li a lady of this place, who wasseverely afflicted with the. Piles. Fm ii,bt or ten years this lady was subject to frequent p:1- , i'ut attacks, and her physician considored her cap., complicated. • that he very seldom presciibed medicim . ,en her. Thro NVlluals t y persuasion. !!hernmmenred Pills, and my ruled. Yours, 4 - c. JAMES R. KIRBY October 3. 13-10. Cltarnbersho Pa, g, • 170ffice and General Depot, No. 10. North Ei;,iit n i , Street, Philadelphia. And by Samttel Frew, corner Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. sep 10 BRANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE, METHOD OF PREPARING THE - BIZ ANDRETHI AN VEGETABLE EX... , TRACTS Caveat e ntered 9th June. Portent granted to Broj.imin B. rindreth. 20th January, 'IE43. Th e ..xtract, of which flrandretti's Pills are co paid are obtained li , or's now patented pro will-min tolling or any • o plice , ion of heat. The ac site pi incipl , Of the herb, is thus 9..enteil the sans . as it is in the LIVING VEGETABLE• The Pubi;c tmotild be cautious ,if nn.dirines ree 7 ' commende t in lid, etti•ments s•olen -froth me, l in i ' which the CoNrestrrint.e Ronal as teaft.7 my an --- - Irr rt nage, merely alten, the name, • Time will sho 1 these wholesale decel%ers in their true light, THE MEDICINE OF HE PEOPLE. • BiZANDRETIES PILLS are the People - M e rtiri,te, proved by Ow wands who daily reccom end them to the afflicted. The BR ANDRETH m PILLS are growit.g everyday more papilla r, their ,it toes are exiendit.c their weftdress. The sick .of both sexes are dal. ) , deriving benefit from theta: No case of disease but they can be used with advert- • tate. Blotches or bald lumps of the skin they speed- . it./ ewe, so with erysipelas, so wilt salt rheum, so with indi4estion, so with coughs and colds, so with cov.iyeness., so will cancer, so nith hot parched lips and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this AS USUAL. medicine, and they will find thee require no ocher. Sold at 25 cents per lox, with directions. NO sooner does one of Dr. Leidy' preparations be. 1 1. Oheerve the new 'abets each having upon ic two . ....1 come popular, in constquence of its success nnd ef- i flcacy, titan It is counterfeited or imitated. . sienatitres of Dr. Brantireth. So each box a the i To prevent imposition, Dr Leidy ban now procured genuine ha!, six signatures—three Binjautin Bread moulded bottles for his celebrated Triter and Itch Oint. relit and three B. Brandreth upon it. meat, with ibe words •Dr Lcs Teller end Deli Olio- The ostv rt_Ace in Pittsburgh where the Re.s. - mem; blown in the glass, besides corner hit written i Bragirireth Pilla CLN RE OBTAINi . D, I S the Dactor_. 'ciao:num CO a yellow 1..hel outside. I own Office, Diamond back of the 'Mat ket Haus Dr Leidy's Teller and Itch Ointment.ltas Proved more i Mork, tho G efatts e BranitrethPills can ;Ivor be c.h.,, rfftracions than any other preparation for Teller, Itch, t4 ; 1; ,‘ et..n any DRUG STORE Dry and Walery Pimples or Puitules, and diseases 01 , The following ate the ONLY AGENTS appoint• lhe skin eencrany, eil by Dr• B Brandreth, for the salts of Isis 0 /eget*. I s lia , been employed in srhank, factorind on t,oardi .• . , vss ca,rying paserjers, where children. an well as , ble ,Lc""r'ut "Is in Alleg , ""Y Co"n t y• erowliri per,ons, contract di,eaces of the skin from their G H Lee—Principal Office, Diamned, Pittsburgh COOtatiOUS oat iie, with t he most unexampled succesr; 1 Mr John Glass--Alleghetty. certificates and recommendations have been hert.tofore i Robe , t Durcan—Birmingbam. published from then,, and o r roes others m ietit bent, C. F. Diebl,—Elizahelhtown. lamed big oulilical lon, but for the objections most person, IT. Rowland—McKte.i . t.rr. have, to havina their names p111)1Wled in c onnection with 1 Prossy Irwin—Pleasant Ili( such disaveeable and loathsome affect .on; jchri .1 o hng,n—Nohle , lown. Chescrnan ..sr. S pau lding—Stewartstown , In no s,nzle to,stance 1171? it ' , VP!' beCa kIIOWII 10 (OIL ; It has been uteri uppn infant: , anti by persons of alt 1 Asd , l l & com. , l l_ Clinton . nee.. It i= , perfectly safe, comaina no mercury in its Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum• cornposition,and may he used under all circuii.tances. I George Power—Fairview. Price Twentv.tive centsa bolo, prepared and sold at fir Leidy's Health Emporium, ( sign attic Golden El- David R. Coon—Plum Township. ; f ie and :74!;.penla,) and by R. A. FAUN ESTOCK k co. l , Daniel Negley—East Liberty. corner of Wood and Stith streets, Agents for Pittaburiz. I Edward Thompson—Wilkinsbut Lb. jury 12 Wu). 0. Ilunter—Alton's Mills. ......,. Otr "Why tri ye dying rate?" 441 4 4 R: E. REY'S VEGET3 BLE OINTMEHUMPHN T, FOR PILES. FISSURES, 4.c. obe had at Tut-ills Medical Agency, RG Fourth 3t, the only agent In Pittsburgh. Feb 22. 'ME subst.. II- Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in pt, .b following kluds—all of the last years crop 4- warriett. *-- Bearags Beeiq, Leans, Leek, V mice, ater Melon, Ntisk, asturiiinn, Squa,ll, Toinatoel , , Turnip, Corn , t.t.e. &C. Ste. Together n I tit .r varlet y of Pot gy• !wee herbs acd doom seeds,. 0 -Orders for Seeds. Shrubs; Tr , es, 4-c. from Carden• ers and others wilt be recrivetL, and promptly attended to. P L. SNOW DLN, 50. IS4l,iberty. head of Wood et. jan 11 Cincianati,Febraary.ls, 1844.. Dr. Strxvlse—Dear Permit me to take the Tibetiy of writing to yon at this time to espress my apprcbattetn and to recommend to the attention of heads of families and others your invaluable. medicine—the Composnd Syrup of Prunus Virginian:l, or Wild Cherry park. In my travels of late I lave seen in a:teat many instances the tvonticrful effects of your medicine lot relieving ehil drew of very obstinate complaints, such as Cougiting Wheezing, Choaking, of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, Sei 4-e. 1 should not have written this letter, howevet., at presen• although I have lea it my duty to add my test stony to it for some time, had it not been for a late la. stance where the medicine above alludhden to ..onty was intru• mental in restoring to perfect healt a whose ease was almost Impel , es, in a family of toy Ile quaintance. •••1 thank fleavt n," sai of death! 0 ItoW I d the doating moth. nr,omy child is saved from the jaws reared the relentless ravager Bul toy child is safe! 12 safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swavne', Compound Syrup o i.\ ild Cherry is the most valuable medicine In this or any other country. 1 ant certain L ave witnessed more than one hundred cases w here it has been attended with corn. pleie success. ant using. it myself in an oh stinate at. tack of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual in a Me. ceedlnsly s'oort time. considerin: the severity of the ease. ran reromend it in the fullest confidetre of Its superior viritte.; I would,advise that no family should he without ii; it is very pleasant and always benef icia l- are /1k double and often ten times its pi ice. The publ sured there is no quackery ahlatt it. ft. Ltr.ssow, D. D Formerly Pastor of the First Presti3terlan Chu pn 13--13' I .Y. Sold by 15751. wbo`eriale 4. retail, only 3,, for Pii;,l * .orttlt. tick. 53. 51a , het ,Ireel. sey AL BOON TO THE BUM BACEl—•,Disstrala what wilt destroy Life. and you are a great stalitl D • is ta carer trim , tarn prolong Life, and the world will' call you impostor." -7'llere arc faculties, bodily and intellectual, within 11/ h which certain herbs have affinity, and ever whiob, they hare pr.zer." Dr. }t. Er entire:ll's External Eemedy, or Liniment which, by its extraordinary power. al.strncts Pails Of Sorene-.: thus Sprains. Stiff Sinews, '\ bite Swellings hetinintic Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the lolnis To u.ors. Unnatural Ilartior,s, Stiff Neck Sore Throat Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous of en' targements, Tender reel, and every description jury affecting the Exterior of the nerer. Bun to be ian Flumo rat rurr(l or _ really relieved by his srffirei f ezinfird remedy. (.14RTIrl, wi-s•—The follow log triter front Majcir. Gen prat Sandford, as to the luallties of the Extcrual terite i dy, speaks volumes. !CM YORK, Feb. 9, urns - Dear Fir—\A'lll you oblige me with another bottle of our elt,rlient Liniment? It isairily tbe hest of the kind Iha ve ever seen. It has ruted entirely my noti's knee. ;liana which I was <.o uneasy and I have found it produrlive of Immediate relief in several ease`eni Of ext Mt rr nal injury in my family. A few evoriels. yonwlest child wast=rtzed whit a violent attack of CroOir whirl, teas entirely removed In twenty missiles, by reill bin her Che-t and throat freely with the External Seto edy. I think you ou..!ltt to manufacture this Liniment. for 2eneral use, instead c f confining the one of it, as yett have heretofore tl.)ne, to your particular accrmlntanets. Ynura truly, C. W.SANDFORD DR. P. BRANORETII. 241 Broadway, N. Y. irrFor sale at 241 Prnadway , New York, and at Ms .ffirz + in the Dimond, Pittsburtj.h. PIIICE-50 cent, ~er hortie with directions. ._.___2______,,eP" TOTHOSE wtiose. OCCUPATIONS TEND 1 1 0 PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASD.-111 slazs of individuals is very numerous. They areworktkolla who work in art unhealthy atmo:phere. Printers. bakers, white lead men in father stores, stone cutters, manufacturers, are all mare or len , subject to diseane ne• cordine to the strength of their constitution. The only method to prevent diseaze, is the occasional use era medicine which abstracts front the circulation all deTonic lete . rions humors, and expels them by the bowels. In any form are injurious, as they only :',ll off the eat. day to make it more fatal. The use of Brandrellt's Pill will insure health, 'ICC3II' , C they take all impure matter out of the blood; and the body is not weakened hot strem2rhenedby their operation, for these valuable rills. do not force,but they assist nature, and are not opposed _ but harmonize with her. Sold at Dr. DrandretlA Office, in the Dlamoml Piti,hurgn, Price 25 cents per hos, with full di where rections the MARK—The only place in Pittsbnrgh r, ENUI ti B Pillsran be ohtained,is the Doctor's WWII IO Of lee in the Diamond. Fen Egg Plant, ['insult', Endive, Peas, Pepper, Kale, Pin, Broseoll, umpk R Boreeole, Radish, Rhnt'arb, Calbage, Saint'', Carrot, . Cauliflower, Spinach,. O Celery, kra, • Curled Cress, Onion, Cucumber, pion), Cucumber, -• Mustard, (W hite and brcwn) ,