Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 20, 1843, Image 2

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JA. S • BIT C FINN A_ 7 day stated that Col. TROVILOs bail was suedfor mon-1
12rThe correspondent of tiae Gazette who yeater- HON: JAMES BUCHANAN AND THE PRE- We have real' frequent accounts of green horns ta-
SIDENCY. ken in with brass and gilt watches in the streets of
New York, by sharpers, but the following incident,
To the Citizens of Pennsylvania: ,
Subject to the decision of ey that he had collected and not paid over, promptly which we find in the Tribune of yesterday, caps the cli-
On the 9th of January, 1843, a Convention of the
THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION. RETRACTS the charge in yesterday's Gazette, and we Democratic party assembled at Harrisburg, of which max. It shows to what an extraordinary extent the
basecan prey
h upo d n the humanity of the compassionate
wind() the editors the justice to say that they evince a Col. m. Beatty was chairman, which proceeded to
Milt ID Cain Sot U.lllll P CISt• • dispositior to act fairly by the old veteran in this bu
_ placea andnnomination the Honorable James Buchanan or
,N.reader tarte
1 .
. stranger on an tri g s , from one of the Eastern boats
_____________l_____-------- ----- ' ''''
•,.. • i s a idate for the Presidency. and to recommend
----- ___-------------- ' siness. All we ask fur any of our candidates is fairwas immediately accosted by a young . man, who with
him to the people of Pennsylvania by an address of
"D I' BO PRAETORS •, \ treatment-and if they obtain that at thebanda of their consideral
power, and sundryi resolutions mani ; tears in his eyes placed an open
letter in his hand, say
-1__...'.._.----.------------ _—_--_--- , opponents we have no solicitude about the result of the fester, un o
'o• b unded confidence in his patriotism and in- ing that it contained inte ll igence of the death of his
P1.T.1 EMBER*2O. 1
1 pending contest.____________.------ tegrity. The Convention wldch made this nomination ,father, and a request -for the presence of the young man'
of at Lowell, Mass., immediately.
_-------=------ .-' consisted of a full repinsentation from every county
1:11111101311ATIC TICMT. _.The,s.tran,ger asked they oung man what it was he
Mn. Be CHA.NAN.-We refer our readers to a c ora. the State, assembled for the express purpose of embody- that familiar to him, he
CONGRESS, ing the sentiments of the people and giving the highest " ant eu, as die namedas some". . •
WILLIAM WILKINS, Peebles. 1 nianicaduo 111 " /ati" L°
. . . . with
would render him any assistance in his power. The
possible sanction to then immation. Concurrently 1
SENATE. 1 Rau for the Presidency. The writer is a gentleman of this nomination. Mr. Buchanan was again elected to , young man replied he was a strainer in the city, and
JOHN NEGLEY, Bede?. high. standing with the parts' here, and well known , the Senate of the United States with unpreced inted ; had come here to look for etnployment, and, not find
assestatv uaanimity, and was addressed in a congratulatory letter ; in
hadspent. all hisrnhaya,ianledi was
,13 V. a i t. 11 ,
, U ,l l.l d t. I,l'clue
throughout the state as an eloquent advocate of demo
Pitt, by the democratic members of the Legislature, who as- ;to home All that
JAMES A. GIBSON, Pine, cratic principle. These suggestions are worthy of at- sure d him in substance that the 'd d
y consi ere his re-e ec- i
1 . which he would not ..ell, as it was a gift of' his poor
WILLIAM STURGEON, Fayette, tention, as the course prop need may have an important tion to the Senate as a mere precursor to an elevion Idead fathers, but if th
[tarsanger would take it and ad -
JOILN ANDEREGG, Pitt. result on the nomination. to the highest office in the gift of the people. O g i rle I Vance him twenty do on it, he would send the
money wherever he should name and redeem it. The
SHERIT?, 14th of April, 1843, a meeting of the democratic mem-
FilalJ All TROVILLO, City.
\ ----- .
bees of the Legislature was held for the purpose of uhnsuspecting man instantly gave him a twenty dollar
t I Bank of Provelence R I and took the
PROTHONOTARY. drafting a report upon the subject of the proposed De
GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny. mocratic Convention, to be held at Harrisburg, on the "wi-,l.ltch.,Lalend the young man. departed'. .a.t,'L'er many pro
teslta,,tion.s of gra a ti , tude.
cosetsstoseen, fourth day of March, 1844, for the purpose of
JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Mifflin. nominating an electoral ticket forthisState, and c hoos- \ tie vic . tim st itped to get th ‘ e . watch wound i.ip
worthat a
TREASURER, itig.delegates to the National Convention, who should vatchmaxer s, and of course aiscmerea it to D,
nominate:candidates for the Presidency and Vice Pie- 1a ......;,„,.'' iriiisi,-°thia'•So we n° _arse Spi. Times.
CORONER, sidency; and also for nominating a candidate for Go- ---7--,, -
DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny. venter. This m eeting adopted the following spirited I
AUDITOR, resolution: -Reso/ved That we have a decided pre-
ROBERT DON ALDSON, W ilkins. ference for ourfav,
favorite candidate, James Buenas AN,
for the Presidency, and believe that his merits as a
statesman and a citizen, his distinguished qualifications
and great services, and his political principles, give
him just claims to the station: the Democratic party cries
of Pennsylvania will assert the high claims of the nipmr
State and our candidate before the National Con- hemp'
vention. In the address of the Delegates who placed hapm
Mr. Buchanan in nomination is the following eloquent ham)
passages. "The candidate in whom these claims are hadv
"embodied, the man through whom it is hoped these nark
"claims will be respected,is one now known to the whole :now
`country, and eminently worthy of the support of the 7irn
'whole country. The name of JAMES BUCHANAN is 2.00 i
'not confined to his native State, his friends ore not li- Coo,
'ntted to the disinterested yeomanry of Pennsylvania; Coo
"but wherever the principles of Democracy are under
"stored and appreciated, the name of JAMES BUCHA- Co-
"NAN is as well known as his virtues as a man, hie ho- Cc
"nesty as a politician, and his services as a democrat C(
"are enthusiastically admitted." These quotations, it C
must be confessed, contain elevated and imposing lan- \C
guage. The delegates, the legislature, the convention C.
of the 14th of April, all seem determined to vindicate (
the right of Pennsylvania to have her claims supported
and her favorite son placed as a candidate before the
people. But what has become of the anlor that blazed
so fiercely, the patriotic fire that illumined the last sint
er such an extent of the political horizon. Where blazes Iron safes.
T RESPECTFULLY inform the public that I have
the r esolutioe that was there awakened, What has
quailed the courage that was then inspired? How has -11-- and keep always on hand an as
of Fire
The price, in consequence of the ma
this formal annunciation of the firm determination of Proof Safes.
Pennsylvania to siistain Mr. Buchan sn been carried terials and labor being much lower, is reduced about
ont a mongat our sister states'? What action on the part (thirty per cent. They are kept fur sale at my shop, in
of the committees appointed on these several occasions . Sixth sueet, above Smithfield, next to the church on
has been had? What correspondence, not at home, . the corner of-6th street--a.s also with Atwood, Jones
but with other states? What attemets to organize the &Co., and Dalzell & Fleming. In regard to the quid
friends of Mr. 13uchanan in other ;ea. of the country, sty of my safes I leave those persons who have pur
to bring to his aid those etliters, who, if there were a chased and will purchase my safes to attest the util
united action, a determined intention, a resolution wore sty of them. I desire no newspaper puffs on my safes;
thy of us as Pennsylvanians, would have arrayed them- Justice and truth warrant me in informing the public
s elves long since in favor of our candidate What that all my safes which have been in buildings burnt
have the central committee been doing to avail them - down for several years since I commenced have pre
selves of die few scattering- shots that have been fired s erved nll the papers, books, &c., which they contain
in our favor elsewhere, or to muse to =than the whole led. I have a card containing number of certificates
body of the Democracy of our !dater states? Is our of ihe same, which are in circulation and in MN' hands
high spirited and elevated candidate merely taken up and the agentes. JOHN DENNING.
as a make wight, to cast his influence as the chances N. B. A few pair of creel Springs for sale, made by
1 011 CA & Colema, and will be sold lo f. Also, a screw
or policy may dictate to one or the other of those can
press, with power to punchholes in half inch iron.
didates-who n ay come into the convention with the aid
of friends more firm of purpose than those who have I ref' !f )tt
brought forward the name of Mr. Buchanan; ❑
or do we -
intend to rally round him not merely as the first choice 10011. ACES W ANTED; in town or country, for a
of the State, bur e t s ` put him forward as the one who , -1- number of salesmen, book-keepera, sidle:nen and
, boys, in stores and warehouses. Aeso, for collecting,
epsht to be theei choice of the Country! Is this
rurpo . l and for a number of mechanics, Centers and billiards ,
distinguished citizen tobe m - tule to subeerve the
\ coachmen, waiters, haulers, and all kinds of hands (or
sex of such as may be able to sacrifireablin advanta
steamboats, hotels, and private families; for select and
tr,eouslv in another selection, and not to stand on the '
common school teachers.
prominent elevation of his own great political worth
and distinguished fame? There can be no such in- Cooks, chambermaids, dry and wet nurses, and 6.1;
fur housework provided at short melee. Places pm
tention; hut time presses, the period for rallyingfrietid s
cured for hands of all kinds as soon as possible. And
elsewhere is fast passing by, we must be up and doing.,
all kinds of Agencies and Intelligence business attend
we must get mu friends to organize, we must cell ne
e, eel to for mixlerave charges. 12 to 15 Farris for axle.
on the press in other states to speak; every man w
Several farms wanted to rent. Collet ISAAC II A It
aas engaged in the late convention, every democratic
RIS' Intelligence Office, Nu. 9, Fifth street.
member of the late, legislature, every individual having
acquaintances abroad who have influence, the commit- \ sept 20.
,_— —_ —__— —_-__
tee of correspondence, all, all, should rouse themselves' ... . a -
to proclaim our united resolution not to permit the ' For axle Low ror Cash.
300 DOZEN of all sizes of Window Sash, and
claims of Pennsylvania to be disregarded nor her dis
tinguished son dishonored by a mere mock nominatio n. Window Glass of all sizes, by the box or
C ASSIUS. retail, Putty; nails and spikes; carpet-chain; country
\ carpets; all sizes Patent Buckets, tubs, churns, coffee
---------e----- _ mills, measures, tin ware; shovels, spades, hoes, axes
HACKETT, THE ACTOR _The N. Y. Courier says, ', and hatchets, augurs, Bedcords, t wine, Louisville
it is currently reported that the popular actor, Mr. Lime. The Balm of Life and a variety of cheap Fam-
Hackett, is about to withdraw entirely frcm the stage, ily Medicines; Books and Stationary, and. School
and resume mercantile pursuits; wherein, it may be re
-1 ISAAC HARRIS, Agt. & Cods Merchant,
ebered, he was once largely and actively engaged, in ,
see 20
maim Nu. 9, Fifth St.
New York, until his stoppage in the eventful year 1325; N. B. -Country carpet, socks and stockings, wool,
when, as a lucrative expedient to pay his debts, he feathers , and tow and woolen yarn, flannels and
linlsneys., bags, paper, rags, beeswax, tallow, butter, &c.
adopted his present profession, and immediauily be
t - din payment at cash prices.
came an acknowledged star of the first. magnitude in
the theatrical firmament. His debia was remarkable , FOR CINCINNATI.
Erato the fact that his friend arid neighbor in business, THE New and Splendid Steam Boat
thelate Lyman Reed, a wealthy, warm hearted and' CHARLESTON, J. W. Freeman.
very influential merchant in Front street, rallied to the
i3ntermediate landings on Thursday nest, 21st inst. at
Master, will leave for the above and
o'clock P. M For freight or passage, (having supe-
Theatre, the fraternity of wholesale dealers, who near
tier accommodations apply on or to
ly filled the Park, to sustain their classman, Mr. Hack
ett in the first attemptbefore the public. Mr. Hack- sep 20 JAMES MAY.
etes liberal education, and gentlemanly manners, and Guard,
to prevent the Explosion
_..1 ITe Charleston is furnishe d
ewithelEesers' Safety
eeemplary deportment off the stage have continued to P
command from the community during his brilliant pule Vor Neer Orleas.
lie career, universal respect, and will render his return ' THE new and splendid Passenger
Steamer, ST. LOUIS, G. S. As situ es.,
to the walks of mercantile life an event of more than Master, will leave for the above and
ordinary interest.
.intermediate landings, on THIS DAY, (Wednesday)
'at 2 o'clock' P. M. For freight or passage apply on
ampton Courier says a most ingenious and novel scheme Ear' This boat is furnished with Evans' Safety
Guard to prevent explosion of boilers. sep 20.
was resorted to at South Hadley Canal Last week, to
evade the law against retailing liquor, and the busi- FOR SAINT LOUIS, G ALENA AND DUBUQUE.
mess was carried on quite extensively, as well as sue- .. s a rP HE fine passenger Steam Boat
cessfully, on Tuesday and Wednesday. A boat was lettlohli -L "NORTH BEND," T. C. May,
Master, will leave for the above and in
stationed near the "Swing Ferry," which contained a s - .- -
te,rmediate landin g., on Wednesday 20th hest., at 9
variety of articles included under the head of some o clock, A. U. }or freight or passage apply 011 board
thing good to drink; the hint was readily circulated a- or to JAS. MAY.
mong a certain class ofvisitors to the Camp Meeting, 1 The North Bend is provided with Evans' Safety
Earn ride in the floating dram shop. The fare, of Guard, to prevent the explosion of steam boilers.
course, was six cents! The boat ana company would ' '
then start out for a sail, and going down the river - ALL persons will please take notice that Letters
e t_ -IL Testamentary have been granted to the undersign
three or four reds, crossed the line into Hampden!
a upon the . estate of Sidney J. Moreland, late of the
County, were "treated" as the guests of the boatmen, city of Pittsburgh, dec •
and then returned to the shore. \ Those indebted to said Moreland will make payment
---------------- to either of the undersigned; and those having claims
CONTESTY.D ELECTION.-"We learn," says Col. againsthim are requested us present the same proper
Wentworth, of the Chicago Democrat, 'that our election ly authenticated for settlement.
JAMES GRAY, 4th st.
is to be contested on the ground that 'the people were
patked'...-that we used undue means to get an election seH2__ . __------------- ------ "' - 'l9--dlw&w6t. Executors.
by going around the District. Besides, it is contended
that several men voted for us who were not honest?" LIST Or LIITTERS
1110 EMAINING in the Post Office, Pittsburgh, Sep
A FEMALE Mtsea.--Mias M. Merry, raged nearly IL tember 15, 1893. Persons calling for letters
will please say, advertised.
OM hundred years, died at Martha's Vineyard, a few \ A
days since. She had lived alone nearly forty years; at , Anderson Wm
Anderson John
her death were found under the steps of her door $B,- Anderson James
000 in specie-probably the most of it had been there Anderson Robert S
forty years. It is supposed she left in real estate about Applebee Thomas
tad de;- 1 $15,000. Ansley John
Arthur* Robert M
Arnold John
Asters Hugh
Auld Jelin
Asdale George
Ashbaugh Mary C
of Bradford .
Bsss FRLUD.—Wehave been shown a sheet oftick
ets embracing the nominations of the Democratic,
*Whig and Antimasonic Conventions, in all of which the
names of certain Independent candidates for Sheriff
end Prothtmota.ry arc inserted, insteadtiv of the r egularly
nominated candidates of the respece parties. We
caution our friends to be on the look out against imp)•
shims of this kind. These Independent folks talk ye,
ry contemptuously of partizanship and part y t
vres, yet they are not too independent to attempts ge e
the votesoLhonest party men by foul tneans. gan
wo caution Democrats to beware of these and other
similar devices. The Democratic tick
at votes,
D e mocrat
emocrbe found
st the head our paper. Before any D
let him exeMine his ticket, and see that the names
which stand there are upon it. These Independent
candidates or their friends are sharp fellows—pity they
... , should resort to such a dull device--one of the stalest of
ell electioneering tricks i 3 to print spurious tickets.
Our notice of the unfair manner in which the Commit
tee of Correspondence, attempted at thei rime meeting,
to create the impression that we had garbled the pro
ceedings of the county Convention, has afforded:dr. J.
B. GUTIIiaIC. an opportunity of appearing before the
public, with a statement which occupies a column in
morning paper of yesterday. Those who will read
Mr. G's epistle, and that of his pm tee, published in
the same paper, will observe that they both confirm our
statement, concerning the formation of the Committee.
We said that the names written on a slip of paper were
wit in the handwriting of the President of the Conven
five; this is admitted; we said it contained ten names
instead of nine, and of course was not such a Commit
- we as was authorized by the vote of the Convent
This, Mr. Guthrie says, he observed at the time, but
did not think it necessary to have it corrected. The
Convention, however, might have thought differently,
and perhaps would not desire to commit the absurdity
of appointing a Committee of "ten or eleven" under
~,,,, the authority of a resolution that authorized the air
- pointment of nine only. Besides, who was to r ectify
this palpable error, after the adjournmmtl --for Mr. G's
. _44 own doctrine is, thatthe President's power ceased With
the diasolution of the Convention. be,that
th" were necessary for certain pur
se "ten or eleven duced to the
poses, or the committee might have been re
proper number, atthe same time that the name of one
gentleman was erased from the "piece ofbrown paper,
or when Mr. G. wrote on the margin, "The Committee
of Corresponden ce-"
. Further, Mr. Guthrie admits that he saw "a paper
containing the names of the Committee of Correa
! pond,encs in Dr. Pollock's handwriting." This, we
have satisfied him, that we had not strick
en any names from it, but had published it as it waft
I written by the President of the Convention—the only
„.. personauthorized to make the appointments. Mr. G.
. says he stated this fact to the Committee. If he did,
then they had positive information that the resolutions
`,..„ they adopted were false, and grossly unjust towards us.
The information, it appears, had no influence on their
- conduct, and the adoption of the resolutions afterwasis,
. CO"nfirm lain the opinionalready expressed, that cor
; sect information was not the object of those who passed
.'. the resolutions in question, but that they wet . i disposed
tir to try what effect the thunders of this very impartial
Comnaittee of Correspondence might have in accum
l ess
ta b u a purpose, when gross falsehood and the vi
, lest abuse had failed. After Mr. G's admission that
1 be saw the Committee we published, in Dr. Pollock's
handwriting, we really think that a desire to app
•"-,, consistent in his attack, if not influenced by a better
"..'' - =Ave should have deterred him from making the
. , - ss.. -; '
jenfounded. charge against us, of having- stricken the
I. . sautes of some gentleman from the Committee. Ac
,r..- - cording tohis own showing, he knew that um had ta
t- ken no such liberty;and yet in the same article where
he admits that he saw the Committee in the handwri
., .ting of Dr. Pollock, he charges us with striking off
'''' three names that toere not on the Committee at al
The consistency of such a atatement can be ap-
Yr ...,vmreciated by Mr. Guthrie, arid those for whose edifice
,- tion be writes.
he remarks which he has volunteered respecting
on:course, we will briefly reply to by saying that
i - neither John B. Guthrie, nor any other man, can refer
toe single circumstance in our course as demonstflippantly
' editorially to substantiate the charge he so
makes. Whatever we hake done, it has been for the
... good of the party—the whole party—and if we had
\it chosen to commit the wishes of indivargiduals rather t
'... the feelings of the Democracy at le, we might e
.". escaped much of the annoyance we have lately had to
encounter. We have no reply to make to Mr. G.
personal allusions. He no doubt thinks them quite
smart and "dignified," but as they have not even the
merit of originality, and arc but the ordinary slang of
those who have a license to indulge in billingsgate
abuse without being noticed, we are not disposed to
deprive Mr. Guthrie of a liberty granted tc those wh.ise
kangmge he ech_les with so mach complacency.
L.S.l3ollElle MEETING IN NEW YORK.—We learn
from the Sun of the 16th, that on the. previous day is
large meeting of laborers was held M the Park. Res
olutions were adopted, declaring that one dollar per
day ought to be paid to the w orking roan, and urging
the latter to demand that iu:n for his daily services. —
Resolutions were also adopted, c alling upon the Com
mon Council to reiairo of all contractors with the Cor
poration the payment of $1 per day for laborers' wa
ges. The meeting was addressed by A• B. Davie, Mr.
Webster and Mr. Taylor, the chairman of the meeting.
The speakers all urged the laborer to dema.nd his dol
lar per day, and Mr. Taylor spoke against the project
of employing convicts on the Erie Railroad, if the mo
ney could be obtained tc build that road; but, if money
cannotbe obtained, we believe Mr. T. would not object
to the employment of convicts.
YOUNG SXUNDENS.-A. cm-respondent of the lev:
'fork Express, tpeaking of this wretched young man,
says is seems L ouse he had remedy been floating from
oneboarding house to another. Having became ac- '
claimed n adventurers,
with one of those vile foreig
wbo are ever attracted to a city like Nev; York, the
bitir•bireblea. youth became his tool for the commission
stupendous crime. What alesson does this afford
iss guardians and parents, touching the necessity of
warigilaneein regard to the youth who are entrusted to
• *air rhurzc!
tr-r The person who was arrested on a charge of <,
having been concerned in the attack on a Mr. Converse, "
in New Orleans, some time since, WELL , examined before
the Recorder on the 7th, but the character of the pros" .
ecutrix for truth being strongly impugned, there was
no impression made as to the guilt of the prisoners. —
The Recorder, however, thought the corroborating
circumstances sufficiently strong to warrant the re
manding of the prisoner to appear before the criminal
court, to be tried by a jury. The apprehension of
Barbee has rt used the police, and they are actively en
gaged in endeavoring to procure more inf.irmation in
relation to the crime for which he is impriso led.
VERMONT ELECTION.—The Bay State Democrat
says that the precise result of the Election in this State,
is the defeat of the whig candidate for Governor. —
Thus far the vote for governor stands as follows, ac
cording to the Woodstock Age:—ln 134 tow s, Kel
logg, (dem.) has 19,035, Mattocks, (whig) 9.1,576,
3 057. According to
Williams, (Ab.) and scattering, ,
this Mattocks runs behind 416, and is undoubtedly de-
The Legislature thus far stands 8 democratic to 1,
whig Senators (five Senators in four Counties still re'
maining in doubt)and Btl democratic to 115 whig rep
resentatives, ten towns entitled to 19 r epresentatives ,
have made no c hoice.
Mr. Marsh and Mr. Foot, the w ill"; candidates in
the first and third districts, are elected to g
Conress. —
Judge Collamer, the whig candidate in the second, and
Mr Dillingham, the Detriocratic candidate in the fourth
seems to have lost their elections by small majorities.
There is no choice in either of those districts.
MA IICE ELECTION; —The Boston Post of Friday
says, we are happy to state that the opinion which we
expresse,d yesterday in regard to the result in Maine
A letter front our
is strengthened by fuller returns.
correspondent at Augusta, dated at 4 o'clock on Tues-
day afternoon, says:—
"The returns of votes for governor present a better
aspect to-day, and the chance i 3 now that Anderson
or is
elected governor over all opposing candidates. F
congressmen, it is pretty certain that Dunlap and
Hamblin in the Cumberland and Penobscot diatricts
are choosers, and probably Charles Andrews from the
Lincoln and Oxford districts. All these are democrats.
It appears to be generally conceded that Severance is
defeated in the Kenne be
es c district.
counti for governor stands us ful
The veto by
York county, 10 towns
Cumberland, 22 "
Lincoln, 14 "
Kennebec, 23
Scimerset, 6 "
Penobscot, 26 "
nancock, '2
Nam°, ii "
3 "
117 town 9, 13,995 11,312 2178 3019
The Liberty party vote is largely increased from last
year, and with the scattering votes for Kavanagh, from
a large aggregate to be overcome by the democratic
candidate in addition to the whig vote."
IMP Adding to the foregoing returns 10 towns in
Hancock, 5 in Washington, 14 in Oxford, and 8 in
Waldo, received by the eastern mail last night, in
which Anderson has 3174, Robinson 1375, and Kava
nagh and scattering 809, we find the result in 154
towns to bens follows:--Anderson, 17,169; Robinson,
12,687; all others, 6,006.
Ctittoar.s Ls. FICTORIE.3.--N London paper states 1
that "the official reports show that the children of the \
working classes inmost of our manufacturing districts
are living in a state of blind ignorance and consequent
immorality which would be a disgrace to any Christian
people, and such as is not witnessed in any other coun
try on the face of God's earth."
the Clerk of the U. S. District Court forusan Newd
dock, in
Bankrupt cases, amounted tofifty tho llars,
and those of the assignee to one hundred thousan
Besides paying °fie debt of two or three hunred th
sand by this law, the editor of the Courier received
twenty thousand dollars for publishing the °Advertise•
ments of the applicants.
the Providence Chronicle, that Benjamin Vtreit, who
was one of Governor Dorr's men at Chepachet, and
had been a bsent from Rhode Island for the last year,
returned to Providence a few days since, and was im
mediately arrested.
ar A Trotting match was to take place at Cam
bridge, Mass. on the 15th. for two thousand dollars.—
The names of the horses are not given.
CF very destructive &re took place in Boston
on Harrison Avenue, on Thursday Eifterl3oon, at.
e ex,
troyed a large a mount of property before it could b
1674 784 13
4118 2506 36
1009 1545 670
2178 3621 597
537 717 10
2568 1468 113
158 OO
1305 380 703
298 203 36
DANIEL NV MISTER, it iS said, has been engaged as
counsel for the heirs of Stephen Girard in their suit a,.
gainst the city of Philadelphia. The question before
the Supreme Court is, whether any corporation can act
tin the capacity of trustee.
:+ y
3 S
Aber «'m B
Agnew Nancy Miss
Adams David B
Adams David A
Adams James S
Aitken James 4
, Abbott Mn Mrs
-----------. 1 Agent Eliza Mn
INFORMATION Wesrtn.—Emmett Quinn, a young \ Alexander Wm S
man who was admitted to the bar a Doylestown last' Amos R Mrs
spring, left his office early on the 20th of August last, Abbot Joseph
and has not since been heard of. His parents would A but J
be happy to learn his whereahouts, if hying. His corn- Baker Mary Mrs
plesion is fair, and his height about five feet ten inch- gsnnister ti M iss
ea. 1351ey Ellen
Pod of Pittsbutsl).
Reported by Sheble and Mitchell, General Steam
Boat Agent.sl
*Daily Beaver Packets
Monongahela, Stone, Ship yard.
Pinta, V andegriff, Cin.
Alpine, Cockburn, Elizabeth.
*Emma, Kerr, Cin.
Oella, Bowman, Brownsville.
Logan, Cin.
*Daily Beaver Packets.
Alpine, Cockburn, Elizabeth.
"James Ross, Siddall, St, L
Westpoint, Grace, do.
* Bridgewater, Clarke, Wheeling.
All boats marked thus (*) in the above list, sr,: ptovi
led with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent the explosion
A . steam boilers.
, a seamstress, a first rate hand. Ap•
ply at the , No. 4, Wood street.
sep 2tf sure',M. NOBLE, Upholsterer
r-~--_ ..µ.____
Baker Ezra Dr
Baldwia Orrin
Baxter Victoria
Barlow Jobn
Barker Elijah
Barnits Charles
Beatty Sill Jane
Bell Mary'Beard John D
Beaus Charles
Benney Nm
Benson John
•tv , Frederic
13uBeeanch-Joel M
Beans H
Birrey J ames
Bratt Moses
Breeden Richard
Brogari Jame'
I 3 radon Elizabeth
Breuster Charles
Briscoe A
Brigham 'W
Brennen John
Brotherton Wm
Bridges Joseph
Bacumn M
Burke John
Carlin DC:11111i
Cairns James
Carothers Mr
Carson James
Cain James
Carey Levin
Ceasay James
Carney Garrett
Campbell Robert
Campbell Win W
Crawford John
Charles Jane Mrs
Chapman Catharine
Champlin 0 B
Chapman Wells
Champlin L D
Chadwick J W
Mork Harriet
Clow Robert
Cirrcus Ann Mrs
Cooper N & Co
Cooper C
Cooper Dasuel
Cockburn James
Collyer Jane
Collins W
Cockuill F
Cook Joseph
Cook E W 2
Cook George
Cook Mr
Cockle Elizabeth Mrs
Cockle Joseph
Cole John
Cole Abraham
Daniel Selima
Dailey W It
Daugherty E Miss
Daniels Ti
Davis Wm .
Davis Eran
Davis John
Davis Daniel
Denning IL
Dawson Jacob
Dean Wm
D e Witt Margaret
Demuth Sarah S
Dennison M
Dickerson Wrn
Dixson John
Dickson James E
Doherty Widow
Doherty Daniel
Doherty Eunice
Dodge Calvin
Doolittle Jacob
Donahoe Michael
l'Avvards Elizabeth
FAlmundson Joieptl.
[;chards Samuel
aeet Mary Aral .
'avixitith Peter
Fagerty Thomas
Fa . wcett
f wlingon Jane
lergusoni o :r esS
Iti ,n
Finnie Eliza
Fleakios Witt
Finley James
Field Horner
Fimgerald Aaron
Floyd Aaron
F ,F i ui tim
Geltson Patrick
GalhOler Jo hn
Gann Mr
Gardiner P G
Gaud Rebecca
Gamble Hugh
Gann P c
Gabler John c
GGGGeeaairrelsnlnsagetkihil,DieariaE7ardw d
Gard P
Gibson Benj
Gillfillon John
Gill Matthew _
Gudgon Wm D
Billingsley F M
Rickle Elizabeth
Belt John
s e cCktalles A
Blostleli S
acMa A A.
Black Emannel
Blarr Jamet
1 1 3 3 13 7 soaa,r Archib a ld
\ t „ y m e t,
B r own James
Georgeß r own_
1}37041m 2
g r own ThomasF L
Brown James
Brown Robert j
Brady P
Burke Wm
Barn es Lucy Miss
Jacob Byerley
Durges s Wm
Burgess Mani
Butler Rube
Baron Andrew
rns Bridget
Butterfield Matthew
Carter Mary A •
Carey Edward
Cameron Eli
Carnahan Robert
Capes John W.
Canny C W
Casey Thomas
Coulter A D
Coulter John
Conaghtero Thomas
Cook John
Johnly Mara
Copeland Mr
Commerford ArthurC
C°ennn David
Conch C S
Colton Mary
Coulson Wm t
Conley Margare
Collin Isabella C
Connelly Jtur es
Grouse John
Craig Francis
Croco Henry
C r amer
Creighton John
Crampton Wrn
Crawford John
Cuthlerton John
Cutler Wm Cap
Cunningham Da.,
Culbertson W S
Dupps Thomas
D D o m n igan nelly ll F i ra cli n lana ct
Drum Philip
D r ake D S
DrummondDrui Peternmond iclin
Drips Thomas
Dunlavy Ann
Dunlap 'Marl Ann
Dunlap John
Dnval Juliet
Dunahay Margaret
Dunn Wm
Dunn John
Dunn Wm
Donlin Shepler
Dutcher L F
Dulany Dame
l Dygnun John
Duvall James i
Duvall Danie.
Flr n
E E i l u w r o s r t g
i t h ar' o s h l i a aGc. Dr
Vans Ann 3
n O OO
o owletnr‘
s i ana
a kng l i e Elea ica 13
amts a i eltn l ntr t.
er J
e ' rr u t a zutsellnby 1t
t o
3 r -r-
Monfortl k Sßachell v alr ti ni S
ll e - T
'Gleason Reason
Gormly W m
Golding J ames
Grant John
Greenfield Geo
Greares H
Grant Jar,e C
Green Mary B
Griffeth &Co R
Graham E
Graham John
Graham amus
Graham Benjamin
Graham G H
Guttenridges David
Guthrie Wm
Guoyne Stuart
1 1 Bnj
ce T e l
N io uv,T m mhj n o
mHo s h
Hague Step
Hager M J Miss
Harding Eliza Mrs
Harrold Hugh
liartucell Samuel
Hartz. Dauiel
Hays «m
Hays Geo S
Hays Geo Dr
Ilay3 E W
Hu ;hey Samuel
Halter Pratt
Hopkins Hiram
Huut Ann Miss
Bullard Win
'lull Manning
Irwin Geo W
Jacoby Adam
Jackman Geo
James Win
' Jacobs Isaac B
Jackson Emily
Jackson George E
Jennings Peter
Kelly Nancy
Kane Bechar"
Keeney Daniel
Kerby James 2
Keller Abraham
Kaho Michael
Laird arY E
LarOUCCM Melinda VJ
Lauston Catharine
Lari more Vim
i' Loos Augvrt
Leonard Simeon
Lackey NV R
Leonard John
Lee Robert
Leol3lllll Samuel
Levris M W
Lee Maria
Lesake Henry A
Barclay Margaret
L eepee B G
Lemon Islicliacl
Mahon M
Maus F
Manigault Cl.arlcs
Marks W I.
Marshall John
Marshall NT arguret,
Martin Mary Ann
Martin E B
Mason Anne
acke Geo R
Means Sarah
Medsker Michael
Melvin Sarni
Myers Nadu ,
Mead A
Mong Jacob R
Moorhead Thomas
Moor Thomas
Morrison George
Murdock John
Mann David
Mc \fee Mrs Rebecca ,
M'Calw, Jas H
M'Bricie B
M'Cartney Wm G
M'Clure Robert
M'Connel Mr
M'Clister Daniel
M'Cluskev Alice
M'Clean Wm 2
M'Cloughey Hugh
M'Clurg John
\ M'Lanc D Vi
M'Cauley Wm
111'Cann Caroline Mrs
M'Closkey John
M'Canclless James jr
M'Donouall Thomas
\M'Donell-Mary Mrs
M'Corrnich Henry
\MM'Curcly J K
If'Davit Vim
M'Cune Sarah
\M'Cune Catharine
M'Cue Dennis
M'Cutcheon Samuel
M'Coy Isabella
M'Donald Mr
M'Donald Alexander
M'Donald Catharine
M'Donald bliss Ann
Nelson Sr, Morgan
Neal Sarah Mrs
Nock Wm
Oldham Matilda
O'Kanc Margaret
o.4hurn John
Oliver Mt
Orr H
O'Neil \Vni
Painter Peter
Parkinson John
Palkinson John A
Patton Thomas
Patterson Nathaniel
Pll=l'3ol3 George R
Patterson James S
Patterson James
Pickert Peter
Peck Wrn
Peoples Jolm
Pennal James
PePPar a °
Quizles Mr
Reeves Dr
Reeves Wr
Rees Sarah .‘nn
Rizley Mary Ann
\ Redman Joshua
Reese John
Reynold; Samuel
Ritchey Capt U
Rinelinrt L
Rowland John
\ Roach J G
Roy John
Roasewell Wm
Rowbotthom Mielletl
Roberts George.
Rossall Samuel
Sager 'Henry
Backe. Rev
Seater Isaac
Sharkey Sarah
\•Shaw Duncan
Shanayfelt John
Sharp A T ‘2
Sharp :llr
Shaw Aquino.
Shoe.; Samuel H t?.
Sheridan Mary Mri
Shricer Dien
Sheers P
Sheratrui Wm
Sloat Geor4v B
Saddler Peter
Smith John G . -
Staf f ord Philip
Stafford Sarah 9
Stafford Joel B
Stearns George
Steel 3 amen
Stuart \Vm B
Stuart Charles
Stewart George
Scott James
Scott Jane Mrs
Scul l y CorneliusScriver Philip
Hearth IM
Hemming: C
Berri Elizal)ctit
Henry Charles
Herman Mr
Henigan John
Hill George
Hill Edward
Hdl Rachel
Hill Samuel
Hively Elizabeth
Hogan D DI
Holmes Ann C
Holmes Michael
Hoover Ben)
Hough John F
Herbert Alfred
Huntly Thomaa
Huff Wm
Irwin !si W Cart
Jeffery Win Rev
Jotins Francis B
Johnson David
Jones Jilmes D
Janes Samuel
Jones George
Jones Jerome
Bella Thomas
Kerr Susan Mrs
Kline John
Xing John 1 , . •
Riniston Thomas
Lee Jane
Little Daniel
Littleton W
Litcafield Mc
Little J olm
Lindsay James
Lyons I, )„m 3au
L o gan Mary
Long Ab'sh am
Lucas John
LoughbridgeJam es
Lusk L D Miss
Lowrey ane i
_ rs
Black Catharine
Lucky Georg'
Loag Philip
Meek Elizabeth
ra net" 11
11 Thomit3
Merritt Dr E
Mullhollan James
Milligan Michael
Mitchell Ann Mail
Miller Jeremiah
Miller Henry,
Moss John k
Morgan John
Maria, n John S
Morris SK Dr
Morris A R.
Moffett James
Mullam Nancy
Munson Jane C
Mandell Phebe
Murphy James
Murphy Alexander
M'Cullough Samuel
M'Graw Isaac
M'Ginnis J B
M'Gonnigle Alex.
M'Glone Daniei
M2Gowan Andrew
M 'Gowan B
M'Grath Timothy E
M'Gonnigle D
M'lntosh Miss Jeunet
M'Elbenny Ann Rebecca
M'Elwe Jane •
M'Elwain Andrevr
M'Kenna John
M'Kee Thomas
M'Kee Sarah
M'Kee Wiliam
M'Kown Thos May
M'Kinley Samuel
M'Cain Margaret
M'Glaughlin John
M'Spedding James
111'Quetly Andrew
Nr.M.illen James
M'Meekan James
M'Nair John
I.\l'Williams James
M''Mannus Elizabeth
Isd'Whinney Mrs
Nelson H P
Neal Thomas
O'Neil INlichaol
Owen Edward
Oxford \Vat
Osborn John Capt
Oriatt & Robinson
Pinney J B Rev
Pile John
Porter J M 2
Porter Fredetick
Porter Belinda 2
Pollock James
Prescott F Oscar 2
Price Wm Capt
price John
Poorman Hugh
Potick Thomas
Portsmouth John
Pinney Mary Ann
Rctsger A
Reardon Daniel
Read miss Caroline
Read Jamrs C
Reid, miss Ellen
Reid Van
Rothroek Abrahano
lia,mn Ann
Robison Vv m
Robison George
Rogers Mrs Mary
Ross John
Rielly J P
Ryder James.
Russell Vim jr
Ryder Edward
Scott otr
o l
S m ith Ezekiel L
E j ta
Smith Wm 2
Smith Elijah
Smith Philip
Smith Henry
Smith James M
Smith Andrew
Smith Edward
Smith Mary M
Smith Dorrus
Smith E G
Small John Miss
Spiltler France.s
Speer Alela r4er
Soles Jacob
Snyder B F
Stewart Wm
Street John
Stimps Augustus
Swan J S
Swift C T E
S u tchJanaes
Sundenbury b
Soot Eliza Mrs
Scull Isaac
Shaefe Nicholas
Schlatt George
Scanlen M
Tiller James
'f i I ler James E
Toner John" 2
Toner David B 0L
Turnbull Meson r
Turnbull Wm
Turbitt James
Trimble George
Trimble Mr
T T7o u m t Dennis iis3ku
V sta
Taylor Charles
Taggart Arthur
Taylor James
T T h h ozp iv s s o o n n
John W
Thompson John
Thompson Abigail
Thompson Samuel
Thomas Lim
Thomas Daniel '2
Vanpos,sen Arnold
Van Horn !Mathias
Walker Wm
Walker .1 Elder
Wallace John
Watson Charles
Ward Rev T L
Warts Elizabeth
Walsh Patrick
W ar d Capt
Wainwright Joseph
Westphal' John
Welch Martin
Weppner W in
W; st H
Weaver Peranah
West Joseph 0
White Letiartas .
White Robert
King H
itY 00CI gi wines
Wood John S 5
Woods Alexander
Woods Mary Ann
Wood Adam
Wright David
Yates Amanda
Yates James
[ Yahagen John
Zan Jacob
of the German Reformed Church
doa Lutheran Cougre,gatioa
Clerk Quarter Sessions
J I-1 & Co
:~ __ >_
Victsble Rebecca Mrs
White John
Wheaton Charles
Whitworth Smith
Whigham John 2
Williams Thomas
Williams Mr _
Williams John D
Wilson James
Wilson miss Mary
Wilson Margaret
Wilson George
Wilson James
Wirts Christ o Ph
Williamson Nancy 2
Witty Wm
Wirts Elizabeth
Wilder George
Woods Wm
Woods W E
Wirts Daniel
Woodworth Wm
Wynne Michael
Wright Samuel
Young Wm
Yost CF