PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 'For business cards, &c., see firstpage FALSE.—The alarm of fire on Saturday Chronic*. Mistaken. There was a fire on Saturday night.— The shed used at the Hope Cotton Factory, in Alle gheny, to keep wet and damaged cotton in, was on fire, and required considerable exertions to extinguish it. The Uncle Sam was the only engine present, arid play ed on the fire some time. The Washington Company thought they saw a light, and started in the supposed direction of the fire, but after running a considerable distance, they discovered that the light they were ma king for was the rising moon, and concluding that it would not do any harm, they turned back, and didn't "put it out." Tae ST. Louts.—By referring to our advertising columns, it will be seen that the splendid Steamer7St. Louis, leaves our landing this evening, on her first voy age to New Orleans. She has been visited by hun dreds of our citizens, and is certainly as fine a specimen of a Steamboat, as has ever been seen nt our landing. We invite the attention of the Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis Boat builders, to this specimenof Pittsburgh architecture, confident that for beauty of model and finish, and for capacity,she will favorably compare with any of our Western steamers. The following are her dimensions: -216 feet on deck; 190 feet keel; 27 feet beam; 71 feet hold, and 23 feet floor. She has one En gine, 8 feet stroke, and 4 boilers, 224 feet long, and 40 inches in diameter. She is intended to run regularly batween St. Louis and. New Orleans. We wish Capt Ansbutz abundant success, plenty of freight and pas sengers, and a total escape from all the dangers of the deep. IrgiPDr. Lardner, in his Lecture last evening, coin pletely exploded the idea that the Moon was made of green Cheese! rieThe Iron county (Clarion) Democrat, has do churod itself in favor of F. R. SttuNK, for Governor, in 1844. ND DUBUQUE. ige-r Steam Boat ;D," T. C. MA Y, the above and in my next, 19th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. as. For freight or passage apply on board or to JAS. MAY. The North Bend is provided with Evans' Safety Guard, to prevent the explosion of steam boilers. TN consquenee of - the great success of Dr. lard 'nees - Lectures, the Dramatic entertainment s are postponed fora short period. Due notice will be gi ven of the fir, t performance. JAMES I'. GANN, Stage Manager. In preparation, the spectacle of the •Buttle Imp. sepia—if ASSYRIANFASCINATION,atCONCERT lIALL TvEsbAr EVENING, SErTEMBER 12, And to conlidne nnlit furtlier notice. 11.3 MISS WYMAN, thr• Original and l'opular La de 'Magician, Mr WYSIAN, Ventriloquist, at SIG :'.1%;43R %'ARINOAS, .Marionettes.. Particulars in small hills. Admittance 2.5 cents; "r.bildren half price. Dunes open at 71 u'cluck; to com mence at S pr.:ciscly. Sept 72. -Printers' Furnishing Warehouse, No. 8, Franklin Place, under the Franklin Hotz.re, Philadelphia. T HOMAS F. A DAMS has established at t he above place a NVarehouse for al.?. sale of Printino Ara te rinls of every ileSe ript Rut including Bruce ik Co.'s su perior Printing Types St reduced prices, 'Wells &- Webb's Premium Wood Types, Cases, Furniture, &c., Double and Single Cylinde r Power Presses, Adams' unrivalled Platen Power Presses. The Washington, Stahl, Madison, American and Philadelphia Hand Presses, Ramage's Foolscap and other Presses, Orcutt's. yankeetard and Billet Press, Ruggle's Job Printing, Engines, Orcutt's Hand and Power Presses, Austin's Self-Inking Apparatus, Hand and Standi ng Presses, to gether with a variety of Printing Machinery, Litho graphic and copying Presses, by Messrs. Hoe, Worrall, Tayolr, Ramage, Adams, Austin, Cosleldt, Ruggles, Orcutt and others, all of which will be sold at manufac turer's lowest price.s. SECOND HAND MATER InS.—rrinters and others will find at this establishment the largest as sortment of second hand materials ever offered to the trade, which will enable Country Printers and others to replenish their offices at a very small expense.' IrrPrinting materials of all kinds, new and second hand, sold on commission. T: F. A. having had nearly twenty years experience as a Practical Printer in the finer branches of the art, feels warranted in saying that every article recommend ed by him shall have no superior in point °Equality, and that persons relying upon his judgment in selecting for Itom, shall receive the most entire satisfaction. selecting for to him (post paid) desiring information kind relating to the art, will receive prompt and us answers h, • !Pica, urgeois, REDUCED' PRICES OF TYPE. $0 32 Brevier, • 32 Minion, 34 Nonpareil, 36 Agate, 90 Pearl, $0 46 54 66 36 I 20 The sh hi subcriber is now stereotyping and will shortly Wis Typograhia, or Printer': Instructor, giving cal and minute directions for conducting- every de i' ent in an office, at the lcw price of one dollar per being one half of the price of the former edition. T. F. ADAMS, No. 8 Franklin Place. Card. E DWARD IIL7TA A WA takes pleasure in announc ing to the public, that he will publish from his lithographic press in this city, so soon as the necessa -4y number of subscribers can be obtained, a large, and as far as the known geographical delineations allow, an accurate MAP OF THE OREGON TERRITORY OF THE USITED STATES. . 12 . Having etotisulte I the best authorities on the subject, _ obtadieed georraphical information not easily ac a,i tolative to this portion of our territo irked, so zonieni e in scenery, so fruitful in its produc tions, ma eo delicious in its climate. :irotMr. Houwa. flatters himself that the arduous labor liejtvy expense incurred by him in laying before American pitolic, the delineation of this vast and . important portion of Union, will be appreciated by his fellow citizens, and the requisite number of subscribers which he most respectfully solicits, will be obtained. .'. The Map will be furnished to subset ibers at 25 cents per copy, and to the trade at the most liberal deduction. - St Louis, sep 18-3 t jotS UNDRIES.-50 boxes chocolate, 5 do cocoa, 3 do rice flour, 25 do ground pepper, 5 do Cayenne do., 36 cans ground mustard, 5 kegs do allspice, do do ginger, 12 cans do do., together with every thing in the grocery line, all or adtiqh is offered at extremely low priers, itir cash. HAIL:U.IN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood street Acadia Passenger S. G. S. ANSHUTZ, for the above and , (Tuesday) at , aisage apply on h Evan,' Safety sep 19. TMULTRII. IMarietta Apples. J UST RECEIVED, per S. B. "Agatha," 102 bar- I rely Marietta apples, in fine order, consisting of " 3 reenings," and other varieties', for sale low to close, by ISAAC CRUSE, 148, Liberty st. Who has in store, kegbutter, lard, mackerel. fresh j and good. Always on llsxd, Clover and Timothy seed. I gen 16-Iw* -- FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES, AT NO. 140, LIBERTY STREET. T HE subscribers are now receiving from the Ease a large and well selected stock of Family Ciro. cerics, which they offer wholesale and retail ut a sma advance for cash: Call and examine before purchas elsewhere, and you will find GREEN TEAS. Young Hyson, Imperial, Hyson, Hyson Skin BLACK TEAS. Orange Pecoe, Caper Souchung, Souchong, Pouchong, Congo, 13ohea. COFFEES Dark Rio, Laguylll. SUGARS. Loaf, Double Patent, Single Refined Crushed Loaf, Refined, New Orleans. FRUITS /ND NUTS. Currants, Figs, Pea Nuts. Almonds, Cream Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c Gunpowder, Twunky, Black Rio, Pale Riot, Filberts, P ICES. Black Pepper, White Pepper, Pimento, Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger, Mace, Nuf meg& Fun. Labradurlierring,Ntaciterel, Cod Fish, Shad. CANDLES. Judd's patent, Sperm, Mould, Dipped. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Starch, indigo, rice, chocolate, prepared cocoa, va 'negated soap, resin soap, Castilecioap, tobacco, brim stone,alum, logwood , copperan,saltpetre,madder, chalk, whiting, scilteratus, rotten stone, &c. The above and many articles not mentioned, have been selected with great care in the East by one of the arm, and we have no hesitation in saying it is one uf the best stock of Family Groceries offered in this city for years. LLOYD & CO., scp 16-3 t 140, Liberty street, above St. Clair. FALL FASHION FLATS AND CAPS. fik• The subscriber having returned from she East with the latest style of Hats, has now on hand and will COl/. stnntly keep a large assortment of his own Manufac ture, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap ness, cannot be surpassed, and would respectfully in vite his friends and the public to examine his stock of Hats and Caps, at the Manufactory. No. 73. Wood st. sep 9-3 m WILLIAM DOUGLAS. Dissolution of Partnership. T HE Partnership heretoforeexisting under the firm 1 ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY, sops_ 1, 1843. WM.G. ALEXANDER. JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he still continues in the Transpor tation Business, at his Warehouse, CORNEA DP LIRER TE AND WAYNE STREETS, Canal Basin, under the name of the "Independent Portable Boat Liac," where he will receive artsl forward freight to the East at the lowest terms. sept. 4—tf. Tanners' Oil. 135 BBLS. a 1 Oil, E T R t l3 l'r it s l".lN l' - ‘, l' & Co., sep:2-dltokw2t. No. 'BB Liberty it 1 300 des. LIGHT HIDES, suitable for Upper Leather. 900 heavy Spanish Hides, 250 city slaughter do., 700 Madras GJat Skins, La- store and fur sale by WALI Elt IntyANT ,1 CO. No. 83 et. sep !2-11tk.S:..wQt Lace Leather. 41) n sinEs Lace Leath:l%a very puporior article kl for sewing- Pir sale by WALTEIIBRIANT fi CO., N. ti 3 Liberty it. sep 2.-31 tuS:.l% 2 t Solo Lcathcr. '9OO SIDES 01 Baltimore and New 'Volk Splc Leather: RISO a general mi iort meta of Morocco, Lining and Bit aling Skim:. fir =ale by WALTER 'BRYANT L CO., No. 63 Liberty r,lrcot. sep 2-d Im4-w2t. Tie Washingtonian Cause. • rusT received from New-Yo r k. 3000 copies of the Youth's Temperance Advocate, for September, a choice paper at 1 cent a month, or 124 a year in ad vance. Also, 50 copies of the American Temperance Journal, for September, at copies weekly of t Pittsburgh Weshington Banner, permanent tempe r ince documents, annual reports, hymn and singing b. oks, Arthur's temperance tales. Washington Tempe -1 nice Sodetv, Uncle Hugh, aad a variety of very cheap temperance documents and school books and statioaa t y, fur sale low, on accommodating' terms by ISAAC HARRIS, sep 16 A:.,7't and Cum. Merolet, No. 9, sth st. NEW FASHIONABLE 41 flat and Cap niannfactory. 93 Wood street, 3 doors below Diamond Alley. T HE subscriber will keep constantly on linna every variety of the most fa thianahle 11 S ant] CA Ps, .vholesale and retail. at reduced prices. Persons wishing to purchase will tied it to theiriute rest to give hirn a call. S. MOORE. Pittsbarzh, amr. 29. 1843. G RINDING AND POLISHING—Sad Irons ground and polished, anvils and other• hinds of grinding done at the Cast Staid File Nlanufactory. cor ner of Liberty- and O'Hara streets. at , . 18 McLane's American Worm Specific. . T HIS is to certify that with McLANE'S Wonlt SPECIFIC, a child of mine pa4sed upwards of COO worms; it is the most powerful Worth Specific now in use. H. B.tarlior.onEw. Middlebury, 0., Oct. 4, 18.43. For sale at the Drug. Store of JON. lir DD, Sept' 12. Corner 4th and Wor McLane's American Worm Specific. T HIS is to certify that a child of mine aged 4 years passed upwards of 30 worms of an astonishing size, from 4to 5 inches long. In my neighborhood some dozen of certificates of its astonishing effects could bcproduced. Poland, Ohio, Oct. 4,1842, fI Ssow. For sale at the Drug Stored JON. KIDD, Sept 12 Cotner 4th and Wood etc. Toothache! Toothache!! Toothache!!! T HE above complaints can be cured in five min utes, by using the celebrated .Mus cove its DROPS which is warranted. There are many imitations and counterfeit s , ofthe above. The only true and gems ine article is to be had at TUTTLE'S 136 Fourth st. sept 12. Dye Stuffs Jut Received. C HIPPED LOG WOOD AND FUSTIC, Blue Vitriol, Camwocal, Mum, and a general stock of DYE WOODS, in store, and of for sale at the Drug Store JON. KIDD. Corno r 4th and %%ood sts. Sept. 12 JOHN LE FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock Establishment, NO 61, DIAMOND ALLEY, BETWEEN WOOD AND NI tREET STREETS. T WOULD most respectfully - announc e to the citizens 1 of Pittsburgh and the country generally. that I have commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every va riety, form and description, and would solicit merchants and others to call and examine for them-elves, as lam determined to sell on the most accommodating term, for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public pat:range. aug. 19-6 tn. • T OI3ACCO.-10 boxes Burto.i's 5 b 1 um!" tobacco, 25 da & Robia.soas do 5 do tjarc'a der 10 do assorted sizes and brands, just received and fer sale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., 43, - Wood street. John D.Das, AUCTIONEER A ND COMMIS vi SION MERCH'T, Corner of EVood and sth sts., Pittsburgh, T ready to receive merchandize of every description 1 on cousignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in' the above business, Ratters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufacturod articles,new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, I'. M. Sales every evening, at early ems light. aug 12—y xecutor. AATILL be sold E , at 3 o'elo 's S ale on SATURDAY nf- V 1' ternoon, the 23d instant, at the late residence of Aaron Hart, deceased, Grove Hill, by order of the Ex ecutor: One Horse, one milk cow, a number of young hogs, one waggon and harness, sundry farming utensils, one Sideboard, and sundry articles of household furniture. Terms at Sale, JOHN D. DAVIS, Sept 14. Auctioneer. Green Rio, NEW GOODS AT Zebulon Ilinzey's Comb and Fan cy Store, No. 86, Market erect, Pittsburgh. The Stock consists in part as follows: • COMBS. Tortoise Shell Tuck Combs, Do Twist do. Do Side do. Do Curl do Do Dressing do. Do Pocket do. Buffalo Horn Twist do. Do Side do. Du Dressing, do. Ivory Fine do. Do Dressing do. Do Pocket do. German Silver do. Horn Tuck do. Do Twist do. Du Texan do. Do Puff do. Do Dressing do. Do Redding do. Do Pocket du. Also a few fine Gilt do.,plaiu and •et tops FANCY GOODS. Rosewood Writing Desks, Do Dressing Cases, Do Work Boxes of every description, Fine Shaving Cases, Do do Boxes, Shell Card Cases, Ivory do Velvet do Do Pocket Books, Music Boxes, Chess BOW d Do Men, from 75 cents to s`2s per set, Walking Canes, Acc OrdeOnS, Fine Hair and Tenth Brushes, Wax Dulls, all sizes, A large assortment of Willow:and Straw Tra velling Badsets, Fancy Work Baskets, Silk Bags and Purses, Bead do do Silk Watch Guards. &c. JEWELRY. Gold and Silver Pencils, Dn do Thimbles, Du Breast Pins. Do Finger Rings, De Earrinqs, Do Bracelets and Lockets, With a rood assortment of Bair Pius, Cuff Pins, &c. VITUCTI" GOODS. Pins, Tapes, Hooks and Eves, Needles, Threads, sn:p..nders, Buttons, Percussion Caps. Pocket Books, Knive s , Seii cors, G.aanan Silver Table and Tea Spoons, &c. Toys. A lar k assortin la of every description. The above Siti.•lcs n - rty be had in connectio n with es 'rV article in thy; variety department. Cull and ex amine th: , stock—Jr‘y will be sod ut reduced prices fur cash. B a rn . S p ti l .c. N k is at pri sep 11 Corner, ~fIV,I and Filth streets. William C. Wall, Pain and Fancy Pare ra it and Pict nce Frame Mana fa clu rer, No. 87. Fourth strert, Pittsliorgh, Pa. C INVISS brushes. arnish, &c., fir artists, always on hand. Looking Glasses, &c., promptly El a med to order. lb pairing done at the shorig....t notice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing or every description. Persons titling strimboats Or houses will find it to their advantage to call. sop 10-y MORROW, . Manufacturer of SAMUEL Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 17, Pt 1/7, s (red, between Irood and Mar Act, Keeps ronsmotly on hand a good asortment of wares, and solicits a share ofpublic patronage. Also, on hand, the followingartirle,: shovels, polo N-s, tongs, gridiron 3, skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Met. chants and others are invited to cidl and examine for themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap foreash or approved paper. mar 7—tf C. A. McANULTY, FORWARDING & COMJIISSION MERCHANT, Calm! Basin, corne r Wayne and Liberty streets, Pitts burgh. A7ent United States Portable Boat Line. arpt 4-3 m. PCAWFIELD has Re r nioval emoved . his marble Estub • li4lnnent to Wood st. opposite Fahnestock's Drug. Store, where he will keep consttuttly on hand Tomb Stones, :Monuments etc. ap 19—lye DORM:IIT PAINTING. .1. OSBORNE, Port ll rail Painter, Fourth st., 3tl story Burk's Buil Osborne would solicit a call from those wh desire Portraits. Spcirnens ran be seen at his rooms JUST RECEIVED and for sale on consignment, 7 Weds baron, 7 }aids sugar, Can he seen Lathe store ofJacob Painter& Co. aug '29 J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. _Lk Poun d , BOUT the last week in J une, in a Clothing Store is Liberty street, a Note of hand, considerably soiled and worn. It is signed by James Gaston and another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own er can have it by identifying it, and paying expenses. July 31.—tcf. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS !! All sorts of clothing and wearing apperal. Please call at No. 151 Liberty street, and see for yourselves scp 7. J. MeCLOSKEY. P arid Cos. OELL'SCoughs BALM OF AN ld MSEED, this well W known cure for the complaints, can he obtained ut TUTTL'ES 86 Fourth st: Only 15 centi per bot tle. Dissolution of Partnership. T HE partnership heretofore exi=ting under the style of Devine& 11I'Anulty, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H. Devine is to collect all sums due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted for the concern up to this date. Pittsburgh, Sept. 1. 1843 IL Dine resp?ctfully informs his fric:n-li and the pub'.l , 7, that ho stilltoutinnes in the Transportinz bu.zinetk,dnd that he has rernered tliP office of the U. S. Portable Boat Line, r to No. 45 Water street, next door below Lewis.Hotelinson, where he willreeeive and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest terms. . H. DEVIN.E. 0 1 11-41 13.111:11 r3IE" lIIVIEs'_IIE 9 aa.Q aaa Nec„,ary tO a Job Printine, Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading. Circulars. Panmhlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks. Hat Tips. 2(11 Itinbs of lifautts, Stage, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with op propriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable term=. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and the public iu general in this branch of onr business. July 31, 1343. PHILLLPS & SMITH.