Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 18, 1843, Image 4

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soiss liov!mto ir CO” '.llllrotaifactortra of WO \
, 14/4Psr.; Ns. 111, frootilltroot, Pittsb sm.! h , Pa.--
ligeMays on hand all elletlOVe RVOTllliettl. o f Salit
WWII and ' gitain PAPER. HANGINGS, Velvet and
Agitation Borders, of the laimst style and handsome
ITaaltstos, for papering hails, parlors and chambers.
They nfaetttre and have on hand at all tiines—
reisin gonering Tette r, Vl' tapping, and' rea P ape r ,Ho n
set aads' Goaida--all of which they oiler for sale
accommodatln7, terms; and to which they
i n
the attention of merchants a nd o thers.
ALSO Blank Book: o' ail kind.; and the limit onality,
School Raoks, etc , °'
on hand and (hr sale as ahove
N. B. g a ger nd Tac.aers' :,' c.rapi' taken in eschange
11,----------"------"-----irnO''kr A.L.—The undarsigned hegsleave to I nform
the public, t hat helvas removed front his old stand,
U the cern .1 . of Penn and St. Clair sts., opposite the
41141tege Dote, where he has fitted up a large root° Foan's
inri.lioos, and now °tiers for sale the most splendid
esvartment of Platros eyes offered in this tuarhet.
. flls j 111.603 eonsi3L of dfferent patterns, of superior
Rose Wookand tdahoaany,h,.antlfttlly 6 nishcd and mo.
Aelsd and eAnsttuete,d thronahout of the very het ma.
ials, he enraldlity, and Vality of tone, as well
as touch, he warrants to be surrior to any ever seen
As he has ceased his manufactory, and mad P. aria-"e•
t a nse.
saeutsto suonly the increastag demand for this instru•
stent, he respectfully requests those intending to pur.
chase to call and ,samlne 111 s as-ortment before pnrcha.
sin% elsewher, as he is thuermined to sell LOWER, 101
eash,than any other establishment east or west of the
inouotatus. F • II 0.1 M ,
Corner of Fenn and Bt. Clair streets,
hangs Hotel, Pittsburelt, Pa.
sap 10 0 plloslte Ihe Car.
"beady Idado Coffin 'Warehouse,
Fourth. Se , 2 auorslron the LT. 9,. Bank.
itEirEt'TPUI.IS inc,.)rei:i the lilt' thnt he
has rem pled his ren,ly maLe cn ware
to the Lethilet,. recently ,ceopird liy 51r.
a• G. thercari, directly np:m:oe, twa old 01,nd,
when. be Lt always nreparod to ritt-nd promptly
to any orders i. bli.line. and i,y Fttlet nttmtion
to all the detall; of the ha-iiie-• of an Iln,lertalrer,
lan hopes to titer tt politic 1;0 Ilfl.lC IICC. He wifl be prr pareo
lit LI, ROOMS LO provide ilearsrQ, P,ters, C 02.ett and
every renut.ite on the mo,t liberal te,ms. Calls from the
Country svill be promptly attended to.
'Ells reaidence is In the same nuit,!lnt with Ills wari.
wove, whrie onze wha need his vervices may find Mtn
at any tioc. nErVastice.,.
w•w•vmartrl. "
Ilr• 11.1eCIAORT.,
IOW: 11).1 ass.
P.PS. 3010 DLAC3..D. D.
SLEW • .1...!3KS !A. DANIS,
La I What makes your teeth SO unu__
Quota Josh's dulcinia to him Collier night,
To make yours look
no. with a grin, replied WO,
ISe brought you a bottle of Thorns' ooth' Wash,
'.s the best nay:, in Use, so the gentlefolks say,
And since they have triad this, cast all others away.
But to provelt the best, to make the teeth shine,
Look again, my-dear r al, at the lustre of intim,
Then try Ills great tooth wash, ..
The Teaberry tooth wash,
..... And see If this Tooth Wash of Thorn'a is not fine.
Having tried, Dr.“Tliorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,'
and become acquaint cd with the Ingredleal9 of its comp.:,
sitiett,l cheerfully s 3, I consider it one of the safe4l, as
lila one Of the most pleasant Tooth Was\ es now in u se,
Bittsburgh Sep. 15,1442 DAVID HUNT, Dentist.
I tate pleasure In stating. having made use ofoT horn's
Tea Berry Tooth %Vasil," act it is one of the best den.
Wilmette use. Being in a liquid form, it combines. neat
ness with convenience. White it clear,,es the enamei
arid removes the tartar from tbe teeth, it. perfnfne yelds
a fragranempecullarly desiable• .1. P. TIBBETTS. Dl. D.
The undersi,4ned havc used oTlio,n's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth %V ash," and have-tonna it to bean extreme.
ly pleasant denticrice,
es a most salutary
cote over the 'Teeth and Grime; preSerVin thOALliediS•
pentable members front prerture decay. preventing the
accumulation of Tartar, an purifying the Krealh. Ilav•
ing thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure In re.
commending It to •
the public, belieeing II: to be 00-best ar•
tide of the kind now In use.
prepared n
om'sold by WILLI AM THOBN, Ariotheea•
ry and Cheui No. 53 Market sheet; Pittsburgh; and
.:;..- • at all the prlnelpa Druggitts', and Tettle's Nlvdical A gen
ey,,Fourtli street. sep
_ 111-11:,Ni 1 .S. GUAM.
ABBE subscriber having Opened II 0011 NO 6q, Berland
street, between Market and Wood streets,Plitsborgli.
I n connee c n with t tie
ors , in Itirmumbrim , respect.
frilly Inf tois his friends and the puhtie, that Ire will be
'happy to be favored w ith their orders for any articles in
Door Lo o i IrsTlolls d scriptions, or.
his line, cts and Fasteners,
made to order.
band and
NI ill and Timiser Bgrewa.
Tohae co . for Iron Works,and Screws for Pregses,
'Large Screws,
made as may be reqUired ,
Carpenters and Builders ace requested to call brfnri
V aontraeling for jobs, and examine Ms articles sod price?
Locks repaired and jobbini seeerUlly i one in „tie heft
::•• sitanner,ani on th e lowest tertn..3.
Way -2-6.11 J ti BATTCRSOS, Jr'
D. I,eidrs Telter .5.. Itch Ointment.
FAR the cure ogeoery vat no y of T OTT Ell. Ihe ITCH ,
a all dbma-es of the Skin. ha,t Proved il,eif Mare
efficacious than any other preparation
for the cane pur
pose In use.
Upsearde of flee Intnrired certificates tpisht be procure d
and published co its , ethesey Scam School Teachers, Pro.
prietors of Factotles. Parents... Guardian., Child Nurses,
Captains of vessel.; and other., were it out far the dell
epey in Wine their names Ituhc..l in connection with
scieh Maar eeahle affections.
- By thrust of Dr Leidy's Teller Ointment in cot . lune •
tion with his eatract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Nils, be
*rill guarantee to cure ativ disease cotta
or to the fAD,
beWever bad, or of however long standing, or reCund the
mortal, There are however very few Manners but can
...7 berated by the Ointment alone.
Pri:s 2.5 cents aßez.
Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail
at Dr A.
dy's Bean.
.utriont.l9l S. tzecond st. Philadelphia,
and by A F./1/I.VESTOCK 4. Co. corner of Wood
and Matti streets, Agents for Pittsburg. juty 12.
196 autotriber re on Icl real' fully inform thechitens
• torgh, Adel
and their vicirities, that ht
nufttouring the article of Lard Oi
tends malting but one quality,
tade In the Union and not 51.1tp3SE,Cli
rattled WI 111 oil tither for ntaentner,
he offensive prtteertlrr, and one
TEMPERATURE• The etubseri
tree distioetty on the public mind that
tonoteliie any new fan_ alcd tamps that
treon them 311,'4 requisite to turn the
%as %slatting a pure and brilliant lialn
ping at the old star,d,Sd street, heart!
UNITED SI" 1,,i;
FPor the Tranaportatio-n of ,Iferchaadi:e ct/ Froduc
Ey re,,perttully inform the pohlte that they.
11-11-• have comp!eted their aytttogereeetafor the above
Line nu
,per pub li c has long wished for individual competition
in Trap:portation on . the Public NVorbs, by which alone
It can be freed from tinueeeislTy e%pen,es and reductti
to its lowe,t rates; that witnt will now he reattxed; the
S.ate of Bennsylvania havin2 placed Trucks on her Rail
Roads, Individums owning Bort able Boats are enabled
to bid for toe Carrying Trade and, succesifuliy to com
pete with coMpanis.
Tilts linr iscornposcd of Twenty DPW, rout Section
Portable Boats, oW lied by the Captains who comtnand
them and welt known as enterprising, industrioua and
experienced Bnattnen.
The superiority and advarittio,es of the towable Boat
over every other mo.le, of •Tran.portation, are too well
known to shippers genmally,to require comment; suf.
tire it to say, that the detention, tass,separat ion and dart
age to Goods, inyarlably ailefidllVl three Transhipments
between Bittsburgli and l'IllAdc;‘,111a are Or the. Portahle
Boat most effectuolly removed.
'rile Portable Boat possesses the great advantage teo,
of licinx well - entilated and earl in Summer; which pre•
cants Flour f r Ont scraxtrg, and B aron and Tobacco from
8v:el; int.
11. Ilcvine. slandina as be doe., between tire owner:
of goods and the Boatmen Who tarty them, and en-a:Ally
interested in prow:tin,: the interiists of bot k, will inab•T
no promi,e, In thr Public he svi•l not faithfully perforiv.
Ile is now nr. pared to receiva and forward Produre
to Phladelphia. lt,ilitioure, New Voric, and Boston In the
.herteet time, and tledle,, hiffl=c f to cuter into no com.
I,lnntion with other Linest,ul alwayF stand rradt, to carry.
out the orinciplet, of his Lbw., and contract for freight on
LOP very lowest
01".10 aive ondonwed•seenrity tn owners anti i 0,..
of goo& an open policy of,l iizir ranee 1105 been effeelCt.
by which all me, cnandl2.l Oloped icy this Line will be
In-uted withcut any additionat •2%.pen Ae to the owner.
SI. 'Devine w.sll receive al produce consigned to him
at Pittsburgh, pay freight and Clarets to Pled Boats
31(11 forward the sank
without delay to Philadephi,
Baltimore, New York, and
Boston erttimut any chaige
ommission .
H DESINE Agent.for advaattlng O re
So 45 tauter 51,, Pittbhurgh.
272 'Market street, Philadelphia.
MOOBB & cloo.e Agents,
15 Bowlek's Wharf, Baltimore.
govves if tionean, mom,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Madison Ind.
Thos. bicADAM, 4. Ca , Agent.
.. _ 21 Old Blto tr ees Yot k
SI arch 10, 1.3,11- --- _
F, Rat i'ott SALE.—The undersigned ..tfers for sale
his Carm, lying in Ross Township 4i utiles front the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 arrrs ofland of which
60 ace cleared and node- fence, I ‘ rn 1510 20 acres of
medw, 2 gcod Orchards of Apple, 1 few react, and
Cherry trees....-the improvements are a iarte frame house
1 containing 10 rooms well furnished, calculated for Ta
vern at private Dwelling, a 'frame Barn 28 by 60,slone
lia,eirb,nt, and stabling, sheds'i %id other out houses suit.
able for a teneinenit-2 good Gardens surrounded with
currant bushes• and tt well of excellent water, with a
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and Allegheny market, there Is no place now offered for
sale with moreindticeinent to those wishing to 01 r Cliaf.,e
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for
further particulnrsapply to the proprietor at his Clothing
Store, Liberty strea,COCIICT of Virtir Alley.
IC B. 1C not sold before the lit of October nex. li
will be divided into 10 and `Nacre Ines to suit puutlia
mil , 10
i iit ----7-7—'-----b ---------—:------- a
,i. _.-Ultocrtber hasgust met-I%rd iron% I tinattrt onto tin
New York, or ittba et neral and extemove as:ort.
every. article in his line Of business, w Welt lie '... &ter . .
Willed to gelt on the Most reasonable terms for cash.—
Ile VOleves lie can offer stronger inducements than any
similar estabiishment in this city to country rhy.,lcian
and !Merchants. Who wi,4l to supply thetto.elves o WI
Drugs and Medicines. Ili. articles have
been zelected
If lite itt.oo [Are, and are W,llTranted (Attie best qiinl.
ity and on.form strength• Orders W.II he filled with Hr..
curacy and elegance• l'nitt di s Can be sopplirdwltti Fine
and Panty Slians of every conceivable vari?ty, and of
the 1110. t. exquisite perfumes; likewise With Yerfuturry
and Co,rnttic- of cor ry de.erip ion.
The enders returns 11*u:thanks for thr libet al sup.
pm t heretofore extendedlo Itint,and hopes by a ronstrit
di-nosition to plert.e and accommodate—a care lit pro
an d setting only whnicacellent and genuin e—a
close ,operYi4on cdthe. sales 11rs:Winn of the -.sab.
isintent—precition and a racy in r n01(1011,16 med.
trines—and by iniati.lry sod perseverance. to (Der nil/
colif nblic patronage
Id. C tiVEY.
f Writ rsale dealerr, Cnurcbes and
s w ‘ll bear lbeJa tn T
nufacturettf. s
,u IS43
IVput-um:cc o i laor, J oitti TYLICR, PreSlaellt
91. of tite United States of Americo, do hereby de
elate ant make known that iathlic sol.s will be heti
at the oarici mentioned Land Offices, in the Slate 01
,11(tillO ,at the period, he,k cioattef designoted
to ceio.
At the Laod Office of GE7s:ESSEE, commelicing
:N10,0.1-x the tytith day 6t October nett, for the
of the poblic latvis within the limas of the
ot,a,roteoti-cod township and
fractional to
:—. _-_.__ ___.- ___
10 pltols t e r y ForniAlitsgs.
rplll. ?othserier resin:o[oly 'inform their friend, and
11.. the puc that they heat! lost opened the store lilo
30 Fifth street. near the FAchartne ftank, and ndiniiiiiie
Mr 1. D Wlllianis'Grocery. alters they intend to mann
facture In the lino etyle, and Itairie they for sale a fiill
avortrnent of the first gnahly of Vphotstery Farris h•
iris. , such as Flair, Shuck and Straw SI ~Itrat-ts.e,, re,,th.
er Bede, Sarkiari, Es.e. which they wi . l sell for Cash at
C 100 per cent WAS than fOrmer prtee3.
ALSO;Sorae, Chairs, elr, rolint•ecred, carpels mad,.
and CM mins arranged nfier the neWest fast4onF—A.ll of
whl9t they offer to eiecute in n manner unequaled in
thliorUnsUrpaSSed to any Other OM
301 IN 'l'. STCW ART
Cil AS F.TE.Vt' Atl 1'
mar 20 ly , „.. ...
to takes this method or infarminv. the pultlic
to that he continues to relay on the
above business in the Morossisnat & Dotes itutt.ntsos
No 1 Water street, where, wtt It strict per.otial attention
he hopes to please all who will favor him wi h t
Clf pa
trotinge. From 1115 long experience in the.baSiness, it.
flatters tilm=elf mat het work cannot he execlie I in neat
11155 and dor:11.110y, at lead. west of the Mr an , ains; im'
it Is n burst—a fair ?riot is the hest evideerel
To tilithetime-the mrinufactare. Roots at various pri
re.; (TOM as low ns fire doting. np to his hest .I‘l7‘llty,
which 1TL....----Itforti_____ neve_n_____Orittars net vale. at , 2 fin
l' ITSIII3 Will
tooking Glass Vlanufactory,
Nod it use t'unw,3/4.,i..‘k, I, ri.ltuU,,e, 104 Vo r OA
Street, near sth.
?Tow,Subscriber havit,g comrieled his arrangements
1. at hi s new stand, Is now utepared to oiler to his
fi§evds. oi d the puttlic,st large and complete a‘•sortment
of Looking Classes, and ilittise.furnishing hardware.
(at prices to
suit the times.) _
'H. Attel Mantel 430i1552S in Gilt and Mahogany
Vntoses,oftite most approved and superior workman
Coma GIII,•TS with 1.2.3• 4 and 5 drawers.
Common. stained, fluted, and p liar framed Glasses
suit:We for 'NI erchant a, (or those wanting Oman slaws.)
Japanned Waiter ,and Trays of all colors and patterns.
Ivory handle Knive, and rocks, in setts or dozens.
Burk as
d Bong handle Table Cutlery.
Forks. g
Knives and do.
Disou't Brittanin Metal lea gild Coffee Setts ('u•
perlor qnat'ty.)
American klantifartu --... do. inset's, or single pieces.
German Sliver Tea and Table Spoons,
Silver posted and Brass Candiesi Icks, Snoffete do.
Virittanta Metal Lam, for ourning, Spero or La
F ine . and Wire Fire Vendets, (various patterns.)
Fire Shovels and Tongs, hand I. ons, 4 . e ,
Vi.llll,n variety of other articles too numerous to men
lion, all of which will he offered a t the lowest cash pit
N.B Fortratt,3dialatigre,and oilier Franting done st thr
shortevt notice, repairing of all kinds attended to. Look•
insGlaas plates.hy inc. t. la Of sithz,:e tight. prints for Fra.
ming constantly on hand
Denning 's Vivo •‘•roof /rola Chests.
PlrreaunGu-,-Ocr. 22, 1842.
J. Datsais—rin Friday. the 30t ti of inst month, about
9 o'clock at night .i lie Planinft.“ronvin= and Sash Man
ufaciory, owned hy Gay, Dilworth k Co, with a large
quantity of dressed and andressed luniher,was oil consu.
med hg fire.
The Iron Safe which I hon2ht of you snort time hack
was in the tore exotr-ed situation daring the firr, and
was entirely red hot —1 am pleased to inform you It was
opened at tile close of the fire.aod all the hooks, paper..
e.savedl—thi.slnke kest recommendation I call give ul
the utility of your sates.
uct 24--tf
~‘1, ..
Voret of the bast' line and east of the %meridian.
rr,,wo.httm thirty -one, tbirty - tw 0, thirty thi oe an ,
ry.tour, .no fractional tow nein) tint five, bor•
1.-rolg on Latle Fiorito, of rang,e s \ 1..
oou-ipa till ty-one, toirty-two and thirty three,
and ftactional to,s. whip tltitty four, thirty
in g on
LaLe iluron, of I ane seven•
I...ractional tow os hii).•,. tAt I y-one, thirty-two, thirty
three aud thirly.fo,r,b ,rderittE on Lake Hinton and
Thunder 13ay, of tang,e eiht.
Fraelional tow aut its thit ty, thirty-one ,tifirty-two,
and thirty-titter., 1)000.'1,10n Lake Huron, of range
Ft aetional township thirty, of range vo.
Sorth of the
ass line and }list of th! intridian.
Tov.n.lii2 thlrtyftve, and (factional townships
irty-sitt, thitty-seeen and thirty-eight,bordering on
I,a'ste lithno and Mtillet's r, tty, , , t range one.
Cown,hips thirl-ftve, thirty-six and thirty...seven,
anl tra.,.itatal township ;;.litrty-eight and thirty
bordering on Lake ll ovl, of range two.
At the lath Office at DETROIT, comtwncing
ott Montay, the twet-fiftit day of Septe.mber neat.
for t he ,iisposal of the y i lands Kithira the limas
of the (.11,o:in,' detached tracts, viz:
The tot tioirther one in to,ttion eig,ht; lot nnotber
oloe in section nine; lots Vt-re,, four and five in sec ,
lion sevent-en, anti 101 W I a sbe r one in section eigh.
1130(1‘ wid,.ll hive ieFeoily been sorveyea in township
SIX, Son h of ra.ge ten, VlAst of the inetidtan.
toods A,,proprland by last' for the wo of solool a,
inilitary, or other portn..es, will be exclude] ftont
sale. , 11 i 1
The 51'..3 W"'.". 3 -',ltept. open for two Weel.6,
ttillesblllet,totl, at e o Aoietdispo‘edotlana nn looger.
Ana no private entries of land, in the to `ion so
offmea, .611 he adulated, until after the esitiration
4 Givewo eeis.
n under lily band, at the city or NV athingtoo,
thts eighth day of June, Ann° Domini, 1643.
3010 TYLER.
By the president:
'r im. 11. Bt.frotr.,
Commissioner Of the General Land Office
Every pi entitled to the right of pre-emption
to Any lands within the l'onit, of the township
A above
enumetsted, is selnite,t toe st,hhr'a toe same to the
atisf.icCon of the ite,gls,er matt Rocever of the p. 0-
per Ladd Ofi,r7e, an i make piyment therefor at soon
1.4.1 racticable after sering this notice, and before the
fina.ppoime.l. for the comMencement of the pohlic
s ale of the toy, nship, emira.ring, the tract claime,l,
alslN.e d4:glittletl, otherwise ..tteh claim will be for
feiteci. l'llo. 11. BL4KF,,
Commissioner of the Genera! Land Office.
'one 2i—Os.
aegalar lollornig n l'-eoUet for Deaver,
....., T(.,; fast runcio.,; and well know'
, „:,,,,... Swanier
C LEI 7 E L A N D,
SHARP ill..KriflLl., Masicr, wltt droart•datly from Pitt,-
toirgh at 9 o'clock, A. !A „ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P . M.
For freight t.-.! passage, appiy on board, Of 10
Bllt MING 11 NM. Et, CO.
No GO Willer street,
N • 13,— . 1
The rean lar canal pactet to Clevelano Ohlo
Greenville and Nleadvillei l'a ; and Nlacsitton o 3 the
Ohio l'anAl,eonnect;liq with steamer CliAteland at Ifea•
. •.. ,„ oirration immediately on openiw.: of nov•
mar 16 -il
- 4 „ aras s pat
1150 AGE : F Ve F
ST rLATF OR ti A,i
Ifr, 1 and ilO,
I R 1 AN
atT a g. teruce
.. OUPte
ty ole forgot.nt gOT
p a ice tle s,ca,, rer, am! d
Front betweol Bo.an
sty mactcatitt
rt I'ItUNIENTSI-- T. lefcCarthg. Cut ler ord Surgisca
Instrument Maker Third street, sourly opposite the
Post office. Pittrburish
Physicians. Dentists and Drucests can have their In
struments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality
and as Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent t,ihears ands elssors always on band.
also Flatters sitrears. B superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
ti •B. Allarticles warranted of thehest quattry.and
olden: done a- ii,nat• seol(11
DE.LEIDY'S F•altss?anttt.• Iltona rti.i.s. are appli•
catde.iii all caso,wlietlier for Pargraiso or Parifi
earion. They possess all Ore ',nailed vie of oilier
pills, and arc. additionally efficaciow, coniainin:t=nr,ao
Or ola in thzir conincrltion. Which is no' eatoained in any
other pills In existence. Tlaey.are.aiso different from airy
er elite in composnton. beim: purely vegetable. MO
Ire entV.osed ;it all times, without any droolel , and re
antring no restraint (,oat occupation or usual course of
livimr ,
Not With,ttulin Dr. Leidy never pretended his Blood
Pitts would ewe all diseases, s el It Is not !rasing. 1" WW,
Of I be , ll, f 0:11 lire inllllmerable sures performed by Wm
la eser, v,ti,lv and
of' disen4r (sect illation of ninny
of wlech
h i m . .vc. aeen puteisht,t from persons of oil dettoto
1.,10,0t,,, ;,11:4'ici ,I,F. e'er:sitter', dial other-) that rhea
seem In I,e almo-A univeoral in their effeel; and peram,
wins thr ni for v.1131V,•r ~leFtro.:: Or dirreT-e, mar refit
OF,OTC,I reel/ wilt In (mind More efficacious than any ooh
, ili , in t %Heise.
Isom i 8 SCOTT-
rrio rgiataire.--Therets a teepees. of Females to I el -TO VW, LADIES:7-01Y do
JL tilliiCity who froca their continuedsltlng, to which 1 that superfluOata halt you bavc upon
You nut remove.
Vont foreheads and
their occupgtions obliget bein,are affected with costiveness ~ upper tip I fly ellling at T
w hieh giv es rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex• 1 obtaining a bottle ol Gourautis Volldres S
urrl.les, 86 Fourth st.,ani'
ertion, sense of ilea eXtending over the wind° lkeml, \ Will rem, it at once withont atfecti.
intoterance of light and sound .an 1113111111 y of fixing the t can also u'otalit ft once
truly 1
stairs; to any mental Operations; rumbling Witte bw• which mill at once remove all f f _, pimples, trop.
east sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after Dons ot' the situ), ~na w:o:.e. yoer laceit,t) Pmf'' ct I .`.; fal`l
totals when any exertion is used, as going quicb.ly up l and to those who %visit to a..st,it nature. by •adding more
stairs; temprefickle; these are symploots weal Yield at \ color 1 0 lilt ir clveks, they tan obtain some olGourands
tante to a few doses of the Sr.+ ndreth Pills The (ten. t elel,rateti 1.1(0 tit linage, witich cannot he tubbed off even
theuse of this medicine would save a tleal of trouble 't by a %vet cloth, Also may hr Wu" a nod as sortmen t "I
and years of suffertng. One, or two, or even Once of l'ef flillneTy, itiell 54 Co‘ccrtce, Bear; 011, Alinond,Vtltzi,
the Beandreth Villa just before, chatter, are °Pen found •\ Wigil,oitam other taottp.?.
highly beneficial; many use them very advanlax'cuttsly in ' Remember. at Tuttle's 'ticiicxl A2,ticy, f,6 4th streetd
this way; they ald and ao-.4,1 the restore the bowels. \ Drugge.ts and others can l'csuPlilied llt 'l/4Vl,(Ve',", "'I
to a proper condition,enliven the spirkts, inipatt clear. i retail terms. may 26 IEO 2
hens the complexion, purify
appstlood.and promote. a t .-------------
general feeling of health and hne.F.s• . nertaaelle T.
Sold at Pr. 11-auretlf',•, Office. in the Diamond
Pittshargh—Price 25 cents per box, with full directions.
NI/Nati—The only place In Pittsburgh, where the
G &SUING Pills can be obtaWesi,ls the Doctor's own Of.
fit e 2 Diamond. Scp, 10
___ ______
cas, of Liver Conaptira. of 25 years standing•
This may certify that for twenty tive ,t. ears 1 wilinc
fiiCted with pain Iti my side, which Wlth ftequenakillip
severe as to entirely incapacitate Inc froni labor. Tate
been under the. care and t reatusent of various pMlrian•
without any perroanent benecil. hearing of the many
cures effected by the llepatie
Elixir prepared by Dr.
Flaritweatherl was induced to give 'it a Lost, and am
happy iu say that it has entliely r(tmoved• 1 here felt
no sylptoms of It for wore than a year past.
Sorthttridle, 1 nneB6 30, 1041 AMOS WIIITE.
'rile genuitte to be had a t TUTTLE'S Medical Agency,
Fourth etrcet. •
10-TO INV A . .,1D5!.. -L-la
•itr-tioi, ;morot it is that you commence without
,ass ()Witte with 1113.04DRETU'i The} milaly but
surety reiftave all impurities f rota Cite blood, and no case
of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cele-
II ated Pius do not reties, as much ni medicine cats do.
C 01..), and coughs are more hencntted by the itrandreth
Pills than by loietigea and canaics. Very well, per
aps. as OW ives, but worth uothing as eradicators or
diseases from toott human wan'. The AJOIDRETtIi'II..I.S
CIITC, they do merely relitve, they cure diseases,
whether thiour ea or TCCCIII, itifectious or otherwise, will
certainly he cure by the use of these all sufficient Pill.s.
Soto Etso,alanuary 21. 1843.
DOCIOT Benjamin Brandeeth--111inOred Sir: Owing to
you a dent of gratitude that motley cannot pay, lam
induced to make a ptilnic acknowledaembitt of the beheld
my trite has derived from your invaluable pills. About
three Years this winter she was taken with a pain in her
ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and
swollen, go much so that we became alarmed, an d sent
for the doctor. During his attendance the pain and swell
tug increased to an alarming degree, and in three weeks
ffout its first commencing it tik.ame. a running sore
She could get tio rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our first Doctor attended ter fur Os mouths, and she
received no to wintlever, Me pain growiag Worse,
and the sore larger all the while. He said if it was heat
ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a
toss how to proceed, and uty poor wife still continued
to stiffer the toast terrible tortures. V.' e therefore rutieht
other aid In a Botanical doctor who said when he first
raw it that ire could soon cure the sore. and give her
ease at once, To our surprise lie it, skirl. her no relict,
aed acknowledged that it baffled all Me skUt.
Thus we felt after havlngtried doting one
whole year
the etperienee of two celebratell phyiirilt ns itt yam, in
absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly
tailing in the prime of tier years from her continued
suffering, Under these circumstances wc concluded that
we would try our Universal Vegetable ritts.determined
to fairly tee their turallye effects. To my wife' of reat
comfort the first few doses afforded great relief the
Pain. NV ilnin one week, to the astonishment of our
salve- and every one who knew attic case. the swelling
and the inflammation began to Cease SO that she fell quite
easy, and would sleep comfortably, and, sir. after rift
weeks' use she was able to go Oirouth the house, and
again attend to the ntanagenient Of her family. whit,
she had not (I.IIIC for nearly 14 months. In a tittle ov,
MO Months Croat the time site first c the use
of your invaluable l" ills, her ankle Was commencedoein use
her health bettor than it had been in quite a tnitnit, of
gears ltefore. 1 send you this stitentent after •wo years
test of the core. considrring it only an act of justice to
you and the ritibllc a, large,
We are, with much gra itnde,
Very re-Apect Cully,
V. C. The. Botanical Doctor ponounced the sure can
ferries, •and finally said nO zOod youd be done, unless the
Whble of the flesh was rut off, and the bone sgraped.—
Vomit a kinil Providence, this wade its rc,ort 10 snot
Olt", wWO RAVeli us-crone ntl further misery, and fur
which we hope
he thankful. 1•• si, E. 1.•
cold at 2.5 cent} pvf %10-1, P. it it direction',
O,,SeTVP Ole new labels,each having Upon it 'IWO SOL'
nal or , sof Or. Ilrand,m h. *So each fins of the genuine
has ,i‘ Age Muter—three Devi:taint Brandret It 'anti three
B roandrellt 1111011 it.
The only ptaCe in Pillsttnret where the real Pran
(WO pills can be ottlained, l" h e Doetor`".
awn offiCe,
In the Pammal, behind the Market ouse. Mark,
the genuine Itrandreth Pilts_can never be obtained in any
drug rtore.
The following. are the oni V 3.7.ents appointed IV Dr. Id
BrandrOtt, for the rale of his Vegetable Universal P.
Alle2henv connta:
Patscirkt. Navre•G II I.EE, Vittaburgh.
Mr. lobo (I'n4F.—Aileglieny,
Robert Dttnenn—llirioint hum.
C • F. 11:011--F.Iiinhertit own.
II Ttowla eil SIT. eer port.
Preset,. Irv. in--Piefteant 111th.
.lolitt Johnston—Noblestown.
Dricsrman i• Spaulding —F.
Avdell& Connell—Clin'on.
itoliert i4niiil, POT, er--"rartftlUtli•
Genre, PoWeI--Fairvii w.
David ft Coon—
township.Prinlel ,eegle, —Fte Ulm:qty.
Edward Thontit4on—lleVn', VilNlltiill.nslntrOt
Wm. 0 Ilunier— A
.nt 'l3tangbph9 141,1115.
listhreEpn„ricbe3 e}n•e:rc.:°Z
which time FrVeral
,111.9. have hero sold
In daily Llie. We are
fidrut of Nein?, se,tained
z,avint, they are the best
,gee Sitlls In the tinted
itr=, any Vol y Vll•frg It.'
VP,Tai inndiriceitons -v;e
oleic, of
.ves and the purses of
Soit be the :OFF OT &aro
the manaaclOTy.--
lalleable C able matte to
From Die known reputation of Dr Lei'ty's Blood 1.',.
tls deemed nere,ary to remind the pu'ilic where they
n.ac af all I illlO, prOalte the etinitine, a= it is attempted
to impose "they pills called .11lood Phil upon the ri Odle
"iin the repulatlon o Leidy's. (Er Pe 'particular and
ask for Dr
forsrarilla Rion d rm., and see that
the name of Dr N. B. lxidy Is cord Wed on two Odes
of each hos, (the hoses twine of paper, and oldonz,squnr,
scone, CE-2 liy a veto., and black label.
PRICE -25 rents Pine.
Prepared only and sold WIMICSaie and Retail, at Or
Flt imtiortuni, 191 North Second <owl, be
low Vine. Fltadelpht, and Mr B. d• FAFT.NISTOCK
CO. cmmer of Wood and Siith streets, Agents for Pitts
burgh ittlY 12 - 1 y.
itE310V 14 . 11, .
HOLOSHIP sz, 11110VINF.--:„
lir: rEeertion°tivre)d. e"the'W o ir o a d pe e r t s treet . clorene from
rorner o 4th, where they keep on hands their usual as.
sort mel tt
oriV ALL. PAP ERta. for papering parlors ,en
tries,chamhers. Ire. and also PRINTING, WRITING
and WRAPPING Pxr ens, BossET BOARD: 4, he
all a wloch they offer for sale on accommodating mane,
feh 14. 19,13.—dt f
TL Yon b
Ci ONSTAN7 .t...
V Oil, watranted to horn at any
equal to the best %Onto strained t7tperrn Oil, without
Its offensive qualities, and one thipl cheaper, man•
ulactured by the subscriber at the old stand, Third st.
nearly opposite the Port Office. M. C. gDEY•
jan 4,1845.
No7'll' ft 'l'o DR• ti1t.9.V.0 h Ern' S 210 K.Ar I'S.
The °thee riitiOttrlll w lill 11 was est:OM-died for the
moose Of COOF1111111,,T! agent: in the we.t. tt av in • OCC.IM
d•sited it at .0,1,0,1: now closed, nod Mr. 6 • 11. 1,1711,1
nthe fliam ind, Market strem, appointed .tiv nee -I for
, le sale of rill= an I.l.lnimeid s At: 01. Brandvihq at p.lo s
tnerforcoinderstand,that ilr,ll. will 3ctol a travelliiig
thrott.ln the:count ev once a year to collect to mooe
le; made awl re -supply agelts, The slid travetler
0 .. provided with a piwer 01 attorney. di ty Proved
'wrote the Clerk 01 the city and counts* of Sun: York,
thriller with alt nec-ssary vouchers and papFVF,
Mr. J, 3.10 e, limy IT:lg.:aim! ae,iit now to Pennsyl
vania, 11. 11,R NSDETII,M I"
N. 8, nemenitier Mr • G. 11, 1,,e, in rear %tithe tliar•
ket is now my only ;tarot in Pittsburgh.
Hen Yon Jane 1-1‘11,11143,
rr Re rts II E % AY TO ItECOV ER 111: A T,T 11.
to- r3n individual only wishes to know the right way
to partme it:; and there are hone, were it scam v made
knoWn how I.trs mle.nt he prolonged and Ilicxern re
covered. iv: o would uot adopt 111 P (11:111. EVIOeOCC 1
required that the r.eht way Is discovered. This is wli
those suffering from sickness want to he sal Mica allot
For WhO Is 90 foottsh as not to citloy all the health ill,
1100)1 le eugenic oil If ho Is there that would not rive
when rd. ezocrience can so notch benefit hlinself and
family, ll lea melancholy fact that a very laree pro..
portion of the most abeft I member! of society die be
tween the ages of ilorty end fort y. How many
orphans have been the consciptence of man.
kind not having in their OW 0 poNer the, Means oh restor
ing health when lost.
Now all theac dinaers and difficulties can be prevent ed
and the long and certain of dose
and hy a.slstltte t o
it re. in throe tset, with a rood.
of Brandreth's rlll.
Teti i 9 a fact, w.ll under stood lo be so by thousands of
our citizens This medicine. if laken so 83 to puree
freely. will snag). cure any curable disease. There Is
no form or kind o(ol'lo,v:that it does not exert a cur
Mice Influence upo. Thu...by their power in resisting
putrefactlon,t hey cure measles small pot, worms and
ail contageousrevers. There i 9 not a medicine in the
world so able to purify the midi Of blood and restore it
to healthy conditio,, as the Rrandreth Pills.
The Brandy' Ptlts are purely ve,:_ctatilv, and so in
nocent that the InPant or a mot th 01.1 may nse them if
medietne V: reCloired, not only with saf,t y but with n cc , .
taint v of receiving all the benefit tot.dicine i. capable of
imosrline. Females may use them in all the crttical
periods of their lives. 'rile Brandrith Fills will insure
their health, and produce regularity in a'l the done
of life.
The same may 1 m s aid of Br a n
rzternaf Rem
edy, as an oativard
it in all al paln. or
swellines,r sores, it greatly 119.1916 the cure.
tise‘where line skin is very tender or broken. it shoeld
be mixed whit one or two pints or water,
.9 sure Test of Orluirie Braadrefh Pit ts,—El.;,mine
the boz of Pills. Then look at the cerlitirate of agen , Y.
everyengraved date must he within the year, which
every authorised agent most posse.o If the three Isheli
°Tolle hoz a;ree with Ile 'hr laocia on toe certificate,
the Nile are true—if not', they are fate.
rttrinloaledßce,l.4l Broadway, New York.
"lead:A(lle 1 F.,--- Leans,
Dr. 1112.01.ar' ASTI 111..
•-- -. \ Leek[
tk RE now tolown to thotn.‘atids a, a ntoi.t el:liaordltia• c toli twee,
Ilk- ry rernrily for tilt, affliction as tv 61 as the incon- \ I ',1,1.4.1,r Mele,l‘,
trovertible fact of their caring DY sr ErslN • w 111 IILOSO Is; Usk, 0
suffering only ask onions Illeir mends "."'eY l'"vF ,!"1, \ astUrCtorn,
known of the positirc effects of said rob,. and ii they , squarb,
do not hear them more tvarialy prab-cd (rind deservedly Tomatoe s,
too) than any other, then let them act 1,,,Y th eto• 111 it,„„,..,,
these few remark,, all fancy ort iniagientioni is excluded, ( . 2 `
( " ) ;: , " . V
and nothing xt.ill lie saia of heir merits at any II
" \ Ste. &c. 5:.e.
hut what ca tie fairly pr.oved by respectable mender s of
our community, \ l'o,,:t.ther %%WI variety of Pot 4 Sweet herbs. and Rowe
Read the following certificate liven by a re,:pertalde I,ee-,1,,
, l ter° le s for ;Iced, ~lirutei, Tr. es, Ike. from Garden•
A"ge " %a a"."`ed " ° " e °I `l‘e3u(l6' \ ers and others wilt be received and promptly attended
Cr of the Court of Comrooo rwas or All , "2•l".°Y co. to
A L1.,-C.111:1ii. Crev , January 9,1343. • I'. I.• triNOWEEN,
En• Baopi , lan 11 Zso•lfI-1 Eiberty.ltead of Wood st.
Dear Sir-i.l have for a nUmber of yesr,past been al-- • Cincinnati, Februargls, 1848•
dieted with i severe and almost couitant ileAdatlie, a- , ~),..,r, ___,,,___.i,,_... ,s____,.
,_t_ ,
_lt_ ~__..itc_._.
rlsins, "roodsrangemen of stomach and bowels and al. 11
0f`,,,,.:,'"a‘i:',,,,.".:r0,1:--1,,,,r,:t':1:`,.1',::,:n7y rair77,ba' tura:
though I bare taken nearlY ev er !' 16" d °.f Medi". e IT \ and to recommend to the attention of heads of families
coinnieiirled for its euie, ha:..: never deuced anY male `:rod others your invaluable for
rial t.en,fii until 1 tvi.eit ..4otii,e c.f your truly valuable ,`,n. • 'elm. of Crone- Vireininna, or Wild Cherry Bark, la
" "m""c" I"s* 1 I'l" '“)"3l'en " "e 1 v''') I'''xrs "d 'my „av,i“.f t..0,e 1 imve Fee„ in a great many instances
consider myself nerfertly relieved from that dist' es-tn. 2
the womlerful etTccis of your medicine in relieving chit
complaint. I have no lieslialiOn in rnr on:mending ?join
dreit of very 01,-titiate complaints, salt aS Coughlog
Pills as the beet medicine I have ever u.sert. Wheeing, Chonhins of Phlegm, A ttlimatlr attacks, kei
iblirs, Respeci_fuliv,
Jll T 1.3 It N EV. „ kr. I stintild not have written this letter, bowrevet ,at
preser.` nltt•oitOt I have feat it my duty to add my testi.
I an'
"q"a."ted with Mr' T°"e'. I ""
"c) het." moo' 0 , It for some time, h ad it not neen for a late Ist.
tlon In certifying that I consider Die statements of Air,
elates , ~„
~,,_. _
..ilow lc, ,„as .n. 1...
T. respscting. Dr. iiicidir' V Its. as ent Med to toe most
~,3,,val si‘n ',LeEt'or:',,e. ' t ` e, ' '`l.,::,,f"ect i':eait,",,,,
~oniy '0170:,
perfect and moire confblence• twill' D.AV IS'. vybose rase was almost hopeless, in a family of eny et
For sale, Whole,ale, anti gi•tud at l.e Itrrnionian rill __„,,,,_,,,f,.
~i that'l, 1 _ ,
,_.‘i ibe do_tin_
Fl'lah"'"n'"' l'''''‘'u"'" ?a ; unl l'Y all atilhclee'l a '4,,i'illi“, child issaved from the yaws
of deathat ( 7 ) bow I
gels g throtrjhout the Union. fcart cl.the relentless ravner But toy child is safe! is
Alle'y.city Jan 9 IvAS 3"0 A-3-IY
-:---------- , ____------ safe!"
r. William Beyond all ilotibt ►Dr. Stvavne's Compound Syrup 0
WI 8 It E
;tN't.,r:E13,,116, ij'iNu!' IS
'A 'Oa Cherry is the most valuable medicine In this or any
rsicTITICA:TES.—Le ter from 11,e 1100. Able' lit Sl'Clel. other country. lam certain 1 ',aye witnessed niore tbas
ian,Suilivan County ,tr,3slTr 0nE.,,e,, SI ombetof Congress. nor hundred cases V.,l,ere it 1136 been attended with COM,
IC .11INGTo3, 301 y Stl. 1113f1. I 3111115111^ it riW..elf in an obstinate st.
Fir —Siner I have berm in this city 1 have used some of C's
I,e Of B - rt . • hitis in which it moved effectual In a ex.
your Dyspeptic Weflirifte with iulinite benefit and sails t‘iec,edaT,lnretl:o-°i'rr,l,itiirtri.ien.teioletist.,;:lll7;ing.,,,knlifieds,e,veet,i,k,Yf
i:le cage,
faction, and believe. it to be a ina:: valmiltle remedy.
of my tioni urn's, Dr . . A. C oleo, or cnrophel, cou°ninyc, %.•11.rtiole.,s1,wievuld lititb,v_lssoc,ttliaont,iiinalf,aci,nytt: st,hvonur
Tenneesee. wrote to me to C u rly hint Foole. Whirlll I did,
and t ie 1,,,, mo„yed it very 1i,i,,,,...fu1t y in 1119 prarore, ''
doubleand. o r it 4 te • n times it , .; C•i ice. Thr rub%
and say% it is invaluable. Al r. Johnson, your agent al -
sitrerilliereig. no quackery about it. R. Jaesso i
this place" thinks you would prohably tit:J. nit agent li. Forti,rly I' 11310 T Of am First ' test!, terlat
Tennessce • If so,l would iecomniend Dr. A Carden. as
3 proper per-on t., otittial elO r 111[ ,ale. of your celeti , salts
Illeclic In. Stionlii yin, f 0130111p,1011 1100 Ile Is w llll‘l3 10
:ICI for soil. Vou can ,rnd tin. Med.:riot, I,y o'nlE'r 10 110.
rare or Roland King k tF,ntis. Ritoxvilie count yTe nue..
.e, or by land to Gratirm, ..k 110,,,F100. •rtir.ee.. ell . 17.3, 0
Tennessee. 1 have no don or but If you WO rgenta in
several counties ill Cri-t Triiress.i.e,n •i....•ri at deal of roedi
elne would In sold. 1 am solos. to takes 0100 of it home
for niy own ore,,nd that of my friend+, and should
like to bear from you whether you would like an agent
at Bluniiiille.Ettilivan County. East Tonne,S, e; I fall let
I,OlOc Of Ilie IneTfll3ol.'l act for you 33 I liVe near 111O1'0•
YGUrs respectfully,
Allit All AM 1CC1.C.1.L.0 ,of Tennessee.
For sale. W bolcsale and Retail, by
• EL E SCLIERS, Agent,
No. -211.W00d st tett .below f•econd
scplo _
--------_—_____— ___------- ---___
rilit. . ‘lLi .1 AEI EV t NSS :I.OO'l'OlSG SY 111.1!..
l'his ItS,llol.e remedy has pre.erved hundred
when thormllt past tecoVer, (Jim con.ul-ion-• As soon
35 the Fer r el' I til,`ed on the von..,lltre ,Ilit:1 will rert v.
cr . rtstli,prevar;,tir,n ~ c co liliv,rettl. so en-frac nni. aryl so
that note i:A %Nil I ef.ll.e to let in, 2 ,,,,,,,b ,, rub
peasant,ha oI; ti it. %Viten Int ant:: me at the nzi, or non/ monol,
I Ito' there iA io appearance. of teeth. one I.oitle of the
Syrup shooldhe ti-ed to open ille pores. raren‘s shotthi
, ever he witheni the ~ .y rnp in ihe irto..eve o'llorltiere
are youns; rhllOren,for ic a child wakes in :he nizill willi
pato in tile ton+ F. the - 1 v Trip imniettli,tely Ilives case. hv
enn'...l7. the pores, and IleVez. Ole VIM- -,1 \ lerrl, preVe,ti
1,11... ConvO iton.., FINC:S, tic• For:S3t, xvbni.—zte and
r.eiallbv 11. 1.; ~.{..1,1,Er,5. ft,”.111,
sep 10. No. '....0. Wn.,11 0 reot , k.qo..s.' i;ccon,
ILiiv,r, comvi,AVST r turd 11 tt,e rice of Dr. 117,r•
itctif ontunonnd r,tcensthetit.2, and An n.-1-Irto rils.
Mr, Wm. Turt,nrd.:, of Pt;t:Atrilt,r3., rnilirly enreci ul
at.ove di-trolt,inl di.-ra-e 11iP symptom,. wfre nntn
Anti cv.eitqt, to itini,Cl .id... to, of acpetite, vo,nittna, arid
eructations. a t,teroton,of the stontach. :,irlt botd•actle.
fur red torteor, count enance changedlo a citron rolor,Ai
OW v cv(l‘cntAlliin2islnenqi rniLnlienArA Alili A cneli,
flrvAi An‘Al'Av..n.-1111 other P, ntroows iodtratina Iroat de•
rarr4cment of the functions of the. liver. Mr. Ronard,
had tbe advice of Frverat 1,111-•clattrt, but roreived no
relief, unlit u=lna Dr. Ilarttett's:Modititte,wltich lernenn.
tea in elinOint a re-fnrl cnie.
prinripo (-0 9 North 1;1-111iii iztre,t, I"lliladolrittia•
For snir in Piii4Airtlii 'Ay .=_,Aulfiti FreW, coiner of I.lber
I y and Wood .trert.4. feu 10 _
13• A
he VC' DITTCIIC.EZ 1117.111 i , P 11,1,•;.
The', Pills are •outpre,rd of licit,,, vartrtt exert
a 1410401 r aciton upon the helrt, ,:lvo ininiil=o or
4,remt.th in Ole ncln, 01 PAntrnv, the 140,41 1., nnirl;nnnA
t,,1 I-A-00mnd iv, its Cifenl3,lon tilloth! :11l Inn Ve,,Pl-,
Whether git. OW ul:in.llin n4.11F ,AlnAte.l 10,ernlitr.or tile
..ll,emilin,; :Ind :14 ;01 Inn ,:ceret ion. ni Ow t..ot y ale
Irn,sll crOn• 11.1.!Ion11,111Pri` i- a rtlilF,qll,o I,leril,ni• 01
- -er•elln Intl ,111,,....1:,,,,,1 oti,, o f t , ,e nh=litl,..l
~,r i1.,.•,,n121,,t1L, ~I, I,lv ,I,nri,l .0-11,11
:.i'.,, ,•I!tve i: rf trrPet rd , :111 1,17' tit
..,- r•.r.o ,f,k..r.?' ',101.. ,:n nrlli, A and tile i‘nel%
-,l.ll‘en St , / it :t' 3.ate. Fr. 1 ato Wb01.....n1e and Hp
'Y 11 r. :41 1,1.F.51F.. hclent,
- 2 ) ?....,.11 0 briny., :/ernoo
sievractstow n
mnr 1 3 "43
cakln. You
rated fart de Braute
t2l't L. ut,..,L.rlber Ilas t.l-1. if C ell Lis nnnual Mel •
4. I,antlretil'.i Gartlert F•ri.tl4, colistimlng in part of th
followil,,, I:Nils-13.1i
the laeL }'care crop fj vinfteilsi
li iv.. Voie, Felt. 9,1849,.
Deaf Fls—wt.l you obllce me with another bottle 01
cuer etc: rllent Linintent7 li is rertalot, th e be et of Abe
; ,nci i 11 - t ye ever f eaM. 11 ha. ettred entirely my sou' ,
1,,,,,..,1„,,11 which I was Fra uneasy • and I have found I.
proctor, ive of inti, tliate rellet. in .evertil cases of ester
nal t r e ss r in ivy family. A frw eveuingn Irina, tril
voutt child ‘va.selzed with a violetti attack of Grout
wi,,,0, \vas euthety removed in twenty %erodes, by Atli
toot Ler clte.l and throat freely *lilt the E%ternal Item
eay. I thiul, you ontld to mantlfactere 01. Liniment -
for seneral life, Instead cf rout:wine. the l • se Of it • as
have lteretornre lone, to W. partirula arqualniances,
Vou rs trill v, C. W. SAND' ORD
Da. it Via Annex-m. 241 Broadway, N. 17 •
;[ --'For sale at 241 fitnailwa!, New York, and at kin
ince in the 11l ,fftond, l'illsituratt. PrAcc-50 can%
ter I.olllr. with tth, Own,- ETU/
__------------------ _— _---_
P Rnivoc v. t. ft AOC V ANI Al' C DlSEtzF...—lb
tla-= of indieidval. very nnorerous. They are Lob
wi , wort: in au normal, by al mn,pttere P f inters. WOOL
men in
(ea; s tare d nue cullers, halters, white itt. 6
manufaetnrer6, are all tu,,r, or tf. , Stlttlect to disease its
toritt2lo the rentth of ilir \r- cnuctitivion sets onl'y
orelloul io roeveur Ot•e=e, is the occasional use ofa •
tnelleine which rt,,nirarls from the rircu!ntion all delete
rin • lot f unr , , a tnl et orb. thrtu by th e bowels. Tonle
in a‘lvf,,,,, ar, j,,,,,anris. ;NA they only .7,11 of(the eel IP
to make it more fatal.
al. Tile rite of Ilrandreih's run
win insure health, ,tecnu.e they take all impure matte
ow of I.lle blond; anti Irtr. holy 1m not WertUPTled p at
An not force. 1.11 then as,i-t. nature, and tre not opposed ( ,
lrmoulie 9.411, I er•
rrnl::::"DI " r.. 111:e:l'er:TOtf‘'' :e r ,theln° :t n t:e u Pi le am Piolritid
bu ll - her 2
l'in. P te .S cents pe rhos, with full di reetldns, ,1
'tlN it ii---Tite only lae in Pitisiorreti where til,
n! ... .4. in tlkr. Ito tnnnct .
0 ENV IN F. Pills r nit ite &Awned ,ls the Doctor's
ten 1A ':
1111..2\1\ to
V.l - 1 I'S I'II,LS,
SLC1:111-1) BY LT -I'l I'll S PATENT Of .b•
Till' 1: Nl•l'l'D ST A 1 ES•
Tlll'. \11."1 11(1) OF I'RPPAIZING THE
U,': .1/2S Wll'llll N 'S V F.t.; LT Alf LE El.. r
Tl 2 ACTS „
.., 1...:
Cnucal enre,sd 9th 3nue. 'ISV.- t atent granted
Ft-, I,min 11 ntil e•1-.2(1111 Janun, y, IE4 3.
The eNtract- of kyl, rh Brant; tett'', Villa are c
n,.e,1 w e nivained bt O ,S MAY palcuied p,
• 1,11011 I (Aug, or at y e 1,,, Yier,ion of bra+. 'rho
live p‘incii,l.• uf the herb,. e. • I hit, e,cll teethe
as it is to tl , e
The ~, c 0,,. dhe e,ivions al medicines ye
contolrode i in a.l 't,ii,nieitln s'olen from me, jo
i .chic h t'he C 0 i Ent FT 01. r. 110 Bat r.s steals to). law:,
atoge, tarry alterlo4 the Ilaturt. Time will sh
the,e wh,lesa'e &eel, er , in their true light,
\ Tiff; :%.111-41CINE Or TI3F, 1/EUFLE.
gr. "Why tail/ ye ItVe at tii is 11(r,s. '. t!)— 1311ANDRT1P- PILLS are the Peop
dying rate?' ....() ;.?.+l,,liri. e, proved by th 'wand, wbo daily fere°
\ otent them to list nalicted• rhe 11R AN DRETEI
1 4' 4 4 4 \ PILI,S are g.roWio:2 eV,T \ (la, 11,(1(, popul,r, their `
rya eve„,yo.g th...is. 11=0.1r -egg 'I he sirt a
R: E. IIU MP 111
r s IrE GE TA hoth sex,. Bre diti,y tteriving hen,flt trona them.
.13 LE OI N'f 111 E NT, FOR PILES • 1. ••'0' ca'e of ri-,95,.E. bal. ,hen
can be te-ed nith advan- .i
FISSURES, 4-...,. . Inc. Blotches hr hal,' lumps of the sk:tallr sped-
I cure, crt With erripela.• t,O
K ish fait the ad
o he had at Tuvrt.es Nierllcal Agency, SG F ourth it, C lv
vvi‘h ititlit4r.flon, sn I.S. oil roil,_hs and eolre, so with it
he only aaent in r itist,urgh. co,tiveries‘ so wit h c., neer, ~oVt I ‘I 11,,t parched lips- .4
Feb 2.'..._t_:------._____________.--------- 1
i,' '. 1 a 4
.:1 Cuuker tr) the mOtili. ,ct then icterl nee this-
AS USUAL* ; me(hcioe. and l, n ill find t hey retrore no others
. l ‘lo'd at 2'') cmii, per bx. with dn Winne.
() sooner doe.
one of Dr. Leidy ' Prenarnlions oe - , f .: -
111 comet n tinier. in colts , w iener of itY. success and el'.. \
‘.l,,i) `-' t : ,, e , : e v : o ' f ,i' p e
Goo', than it lc counterfeited or t rntioted • • . . s A
or.eiNiv.o.a,lbrie:psoe,Acits:).Etessur,g,hubpnos, it
rro prevent intpoeitiott, Dr Li idt bas now protuir(O 1 gentot,e ha. FA% ,ig,oalot es-41,ree 13, niarnin prat...
mouldvd burets cor r,i, retrbrrited Teller and Ilt:ti Dint - t i t'llt and three 11, tivanit twit „ po t
niem , w ti h the %voids •Or
:DA 11,11 Otto- \ The ort.v et •.ct. in Pitintturgh where the REY
Illent:WOWn ill the g1.0..4, be,bies etottsit,ing, his written 1 Mewl, eat Pirs cs,s ay. onTetNi D, is the DOetOr -
signature rn a vel,Ow I 1,4 nui,•las. 1 0n.,,, Offve. Dinooqui hack of . the lurk Hons. -
Dr Leidy's. Teurr and 11,11 0101 meat Via.. roved more . Mark the Gooey Bran 'r etliPille can neves be O .
,ffirashme than any other 1trr1i,a1,,,,, r.,, • Toler, Doi, t ,i, Cif in ~,, 1),„, 5T,,,,
n ,, , a nd i.V a PI% Pimple, or Pustules, and diterabrs ot . 1 . 1 ,,, 1 ,1,,,,,,,,,,,,;:.,, 0 ,,, ( .n.:„ Ly AGsj..sers. e.0r.•,,,,.:14i
the eCin aetterillv. . ed t ‘ l - lr . . 13 Itrau di eth. for the ,ele of his 4 r egsthreA
tt ha- been employed in Frhont., factor{ .s.tind on , Onro ;, 4, al
,‘ . 4 , , * r
via-el- ca. r:In! itastmgers, where rtoutren. an well as b'e "" `'''' P tt- in :stieg, itte ...n..:11.,y • ..
vow ti p , r:r.o , s cn , tCt dt-en•e• of toe ttion from 1.1,0,1 GI I I .-e--1',i1,c1.0.,,1 Office.,Piatstuuti, vittsbott,
enutmitomt n,,t :0, with the. nuns ituriarnitical f.t.ter. S;\ Mr JO"' 431,:r,..-- Ptl,egileuy ... -
erriifiraies nod rerommendatio,s have bee p bony:Jove \ llottelt Do.,e,,.—B.rtni,:„hase...
inthttYhed front thew, and num. rnoc nolo,. 1111C0be (11,.. \ C F Dtetl—F.lizahettnow 1,
1 a•ned ,or pit' lica‘ion•bul for \be obleri w oo roo-1 person? , 11. no, la,z—McNY e,m•rt.•
have, in tut vir! illei r UMW, rill+ , {Pbfli in catinection w ilt: , Pre -sly Irv.' le—Plea.aut 11i11.
,oce AIF.,I2rP, al,lr and 1010ot-ono. a ffect tsars 1. 1 , i
.C.lll _ Ohls• n—Nohle,tnwo.
in nos no, 1,-.‘,111,e ha' farter b ren.i.ilnkvn to f ,il. •-.., • . - ~.
~ , „ t.,,l rs,..rnAti ti., ;:.i.atiir'sog--SteseitttStOßS,..
it 1,,v been u-ed up,n infants and hy Persons of an k 0,11 & ~.,,, ,
_ll__ ci.,,,tosi
aten. 11 it perfer,ty cafe, co stains nn mercury in it , fil . ..‘-'. " ',...t. •
como•it lon.atici maybe u•rd wider all cirrutwaances. l obert S, call Yorter•-: • senturo•
Price Twerdv-tive cents a houe.
prepared and sold George Pon er--Fairtnete.
it Dr leidy'Ellenlilt Eittporiu tn. (ign Of th e Golden En• 'l, 'David R. CooPlutn Towaship•
etc and Fspents,t and by B• . F All SE,,,TOCK if CO.I Daniel egley—East Liberty.
:teener a Wood and Stith street?, Agents for l'ltteburg. Edward Thompson--Wilkinsbut et,
3011 12 ' m. 0 LlentAr —Alton's Mills.
yLvsr,,,,,i In' the i ~. of lir. 1,.., ..
F0r,,,,,pi,e•0wl and ro rtn7ol ltnerlent Ilit's
Pr Ilarti,ll--Pt.er Z;lT—Sll,lrilv nft-r I receivpd 0.
.% vwri, flow v o for tilt .nir of your I,lliiril'r • 1
cm utegi an argnaminwr ay. 11 n Indy of ini• nlac, a• 1•. c,
ww‘.,vwn,y nfo,,nril WWI llin Pllrn. Vo , 02' 1 or ion
year)tlib, lads. ava. otil,jnt'l to frngnOtt 1•12' ~ll or
and ler olly-wiao rowpldrerat be• elsn,o- r..llo,llraircl,
that hr v PT V 50 Mewl we..willw,lnolir‘ne cll. ber. "I'leyrowli
my 110 (FllR4irkli . Ole rommeori..l u...,:tw., v,,,,r rot, and k‘. IIS
terft.fliV Cll w. Votwt, ,i; c .1 A M Ei , Si . lil II Or
Ociolwr 3. 1:1.10. CliarnwrOwl,r,
.1.----()(11re ;Intl Cvnernl nonol, ,:o 10. Norin F,itlitb
o'o. Pliilwielnllla• Iw l l‘v 9 ,11114 Frew, corner of
'.ertv and Wood 4lfeet. l'il•nlo0.1.11. ~•11 10
V -,v4=:-.7...^.., t• - • -., ....k
- ..* •-• ...k. '- .- 1:: '.
~ ,~ 0 ~~ ~
~ G~
Ezg Plant, rarsniis,
Endiv Peas,
Nails, e, repp!r , .
in, Bro--colt,
Kati ,sh Doreen-le!
ittoita%b, C at ba ge,,.
Salsaf Carrot,
Culidower, Spinach,
Celery, Okra,
Curled Cress;
Curninbcr, Parsley,
(white and brown)
Be3l 4;5
Fnui I.v NV T 110117,;, Avlto,e,"llr, 4. retail,
(or Pittz, Nla•Ucl =ireft.
p•lthat TO TIIE. 111'0 A S It
,Cl-9_ sr hat 111. ,r,o ,, y Lift- and you area ,
olt,sezrre le ha, will prulung 1..1fe, and Ott
(31/ you Impostor,"
or here are faculties, bodily.; and intellectual
u•irh trit ich cert,in Arrbs have affinity, am
they hare pour,"
Dr. tZ 11‘altirth's ilen-131 Remedy, or Liniment,
a•hich, by its extraordinary powers. abstracts pulp 0
Sorene.s; urns Fruatos, rtuff sinews. I.\ bite is:wttings
RI:cow:1c Palos, or StltYess, StitTness of rho Joints,
Timors.l'onnutral fiardocc. Fliff Secir Fore Tbrotil
Croon. Cuntractlonv or 11,C o,uscles, Fcrofutous en
',nrttemeots. Tender reel, and every description of t
Jury atTectlne the Filertor ot tile [lowan Ft aute,te
roc , dor _really rellevuti by bts never -to be ariArititt
ci.tvl;,l rcmcdy•
CLATint xTE.-21111. follOVVITI!! leiter from
bl aloe Gets
1 Saudford. ns to tile ytitil le, o f the lixterual Gem
dy, sp,illi.,, volumes•
- .
.w_..,..-. ~-,...~-