Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 16, 1843, Image 2

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GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny.
DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny.
JAMES CLARKE, of Indiana,
WM. B. FOSTER, cf Bradford
Comt trrcr. or CostazsronDuccE.—We are reluc
tantly compelled to notice a portion of theproceedings
of the Committee of Correspondence at their mreting
on Wednesday last, which we would much rather post
pone until a time when the discussion of such matters
would not interfere with our duties to the party. As,
however, the Committee adopted certain resolutions,
which have been interpteted by some as making a
charge against us in relation to the Committee of Cor
respondence, we deem it proper to explain the matter
at once. We will make a brief statement of what we
know cf the appointment of that Committee, and the
public will then be able to judge with how much fair
ness we have been treated in thi s matter:
At the close of the proceedings of the Convention of
the 30th alt., a resolution was adopted, authorizing the
President to appoint a Committee of Correspondence,
consisting of nine members, to serve for the ensuing
year. In the confusion incident to the adjournment,
the President omitted to announce the names of the
persons appointed, and, of course, the members of the
Convention had no opportunity to approve or disap
prove of the Committee selected. Among the proceed
ings handed us for publication, was a slip of paper on
which was written ten names, in the handwriting of a
delegate. On enquiry, we were told it was the Com
mittee of Correspondence, although bearing evidence
on the face cf it that it was not such a Committee as
was contemplated, inasmuch as it was not appointed by
the person authorized to do so; was not approved by the
Convention, and contained more names than was spec
ified in the resolution authorizing, its formation. Not
withstanding the evident informality of this Commit
ter, we should have inserted it in the proceedings of
the Convention, had we not, the evening previous to
the publication, received the following from Doctor
PottocK, the President of the Convention, who, alone,
was authorized to appoint the Committee:
"Committee of Correspondence for Allegheny county.
appointed by the President of the Convention of the
30th of August, 1843.
John B. Guthrie, William Kerr,
Rody Patterson, Col. James Scott,
Chambers McKibbin, John Stevenson,
Robert Har John Murray
John Irvin,
This, every man will admit, was such a Committee
as the resolution of the Convention contemplated, and
appointed in the manner it directed. We were bound
to publish it as a part of the proceedings, whether it
pleased us or not, and had we disregarded it, and pub
fished another (such as the one in the handwriting of
a delegate) appointed by a person having no authority
to do so, we might justly be charged with taking an un
warrantable liberty with the proceedings of the Con
vention, and would deserve the censure of the party
for aiding individuals who have an inordinate desire to
figure before the public, in defeating the wishes of the
delegates of the people.
The fact of Dr. Por..t.oca having appointed the com
mittee as published above, was known to the Chairman;
we showed him the Doctor's manuscript, und, if it had
suited his views, he could have given such information
to the Committee. But justice and correct informa
tion was not, wo suppose, the object of those who a- ; To J. B. Guthrie, Esq.
Anoted the resolutions on this matter. They have been Chairman of Committee
vainly striving for some time past to force us into a of orrespondence.
factional quarrel, but failing to drive us from our po-
Re n s i :l o v t er That Mr. Irvin have leave to withdraw
sition, with all the personal abuse that could be poured from the Committee.
out upon us, they hope to accomplish their purpose by On motion the following preamble and resolutions
preferring against us, under the authority of the Com• was unanimously adopted.
Whereas, From the testimony before the committee
mittee of Correspondence, the serious charge of having
it appears thatthe name of Charles Barnett was placed
mutilated the proceedings of the Convention. upon the committee of correspondence during the sit-
This statement.we think, will satisfy our friendsthat ting of the Democratic County Convention, and was
after the adjournment of the convention, and after the
our conduct in this matter has been perfectly correct;
a st p r y c o l i c n e t n inlp e ze ro r m had ceased,
for the opinion of those who knowingly misrepresent , and an ase o t e c r o s n u ta t r i y tu t te o
d al all
us, we care but little, nor do wo envy them the fame
they may acquire by pursuing so honourable a course Resolved, That Charles Barnett is legitimately a
as they have followed in this matter of the committee member of this committee, and that he he admitted to a
seat as such.
of correspondence. The Chairman laid before the committee a commu
nication from the German Democratic County Conven
tion, requesting the establishment of a iystem of con
ference, and notifying the appointment of Ernest Hei
delburg, Lag. as, the conferee on their part.
On motion
Resolved, That the request of the German Demo
cratic committee be complied with, and that Charles
Barnett be appointed the conferee on the part of this
On motion
Resolved, That a committee of vigilance be appoin
ted for each election district in the county.
Whereupon, the chair appointed the following:
weeks since., we suggested to the Democrats of this
county the propriety of thoroughly reforming our mode
of elec ring delegates, and of conducting our nominating
conventions. And previous to the meeting of the late
Democratic Convention, papers were drawn up and
signed by many members of the party, requesting that
body to order a Convention for the purpose of re-model
ing the whole system. Tn the excitement and hurry at
tendant upon their arduous session, the delegates ne
glected to consider the request of those memorials, but
we observe with pleasure that the committeeofcorres
pondence has taken up the subject, and will no doubt
take measures seectoally to carry out the required re
riff'The American continues its assaults on Col.
Trtrvillo in relation to the unsettled business of his term
iu the Sheriff's °Mee. After the expose we have. given I
of that.affair, which surely acquits Col. Trovillo of all
blame, ilra attacks of his enemies cannot but wear, in
tial men, the character of cruel
ttion. His efficiency as a public
id amiable deportment in the dis
tble duties which often devolved
ly remembered by all his fellow
hen joined to the fuct that the
lost any thing by him, is sum
the efforts of his assailants to in
the bravery and devotion with
weary in the most perilous period
!raven traitors shrunk from the
.er be effaced from the memory of
he old soldier of Mississinewa,
and worn with toil, has claims
upon the sympathy and support of the people, which
cannot be concealed nor underrated by vindictive tine-
Una!, &ND HeßKo+x. — The Antimasons arm by no
means pleased with the ticket for Canal Commissioners
formed for them by the whigs—the ticket which Thad
deus Stevens did not have a hand in making. They
complain that Mr. GUILFORD is a high mason—that
Mr. TWEED is a whig, who has no "pretensions t.)
timasonry," and the Gazette plainly states that Sheriff
WEixER, of this county, has changed his position, and
is now identified with the enemies of Antimasonry.—
Tim Gazette thus gruffly concludes its notice of the tick
"Such a ticket we cannot place at the head of our
columns, or yield it our support. Our friends will ex
ercise their judgement, and follow the dictates of their
conscience in regard to their votes. We felt it to be
our duty to the Antimasonic party to place the matter
in its true light, that all might vote understandingly."
We would not presume to say what sort of a ticket
should satisfy the Antimasons. nor shall we attempt to
decide whcthzr the Gazette is right in its conclusions that
"the Antim Isom are under no obligations to support
this ticket.' But We cannot repress our surprise at
the squeamishness of the Garotte and other Antitnason
ic prints, who object to one of the candidates that he is
a "high mason," and to the others that they are "whigs."
The Antimasons of this county have time and again
went to the polls and deposited their votes fur both
masons and whigs; and it is a little too late in the day
to start objections to the candidates on these scores.—
Men who could swallow GE onns DattstE and Taos.
Wlu.ss.Ms, without a wry face, as the Antimasons of
this county have done, should not permit their gorge
to rise at this canal ticket. •
But if we could admit that they had good reason to
reject Mr. Twcct for his whigisnt, and Mr. Go ttreno
for his masonry,we would still have food for wonder at
the repudiation, by the Gazette, of Mr. Weaver, who
we have always understood to be en original and thor
oughgoing Antimaioa. We were not aware, till now, '
that he had forfeited his claim to the confidence of his
old co-partizans, who, we believe, h 3 has served as
faithfully as any man in the state. We may be wrong,
but will venture the assertion that the Gazette is too par
ticular—and we. fear, if Mr. WCAVER does not come
up to the now Aatimasonic standard, that they will
soon be without candidates—it is very certain that, un
der the old regime, at the time the AntiMasotts were
voting for Williams and Darsie, ho would have been a
firatrate candidate, and would have called forth any
amount of the Gazette's enthusiasm.
We cannot forbear to notice one fact in relatio n to
this matter—the Gazette assigns, as a reason for with
holding its support from Mr. Weaver, that he "former
ly acted with the Antimasons," but is "now identified
with their enemies." This simple remark furnishes a
key to the rejection of Stevens and all its attendant
train of disasters to A.ntimasonry. Mr. Weaver has
abandoned the Antimasons, and with him have gone
sufficient force to turn the scale in the federal party
against Stevens, and eject him from the Convention.
The "change" of Mr. Weaver is, we apprehend, but
one of thousands of a similar nature the Gazette might
mourn over, if it would'give vent to all its griefs.
Has the Pittsburgh Post meeived a bill of tho "wild
beast show" in Harrisburgh.—Phila. Forum.
nrYes, we hare, but the keepersin this city have
turned the "animals" out of the federal menaprie, as
they are not considered worthy of exhibition. There
is no African, Lion or "laughing Hyenas" among them
to suit the taste of the Gazette, and they are turned uut,
to be hunted down by any sportsmen that may choose
to fulloW their trail.
In pursuance of the call of the Chairman, the Dem
ocratic Committee of correspondence of the county of
Allegheny, met at the house of H. Cassidy, in the city
of Pittsburgh, on Wednesday the 13th inst. Present,
John B. Guthrie, Esq., Chairman. Rody Patterson,
Robert Hare, John Sarber, John Irvin and John Mur
ray, being a quorum. The committee was called to
order, and on motion, John slurray was appointed
When Mr. Irvin laid before the committee the fol
lowing communication, viz:
Pittsburgh, Sept. 13,1843.
Dear Sir
My name appears on the published , list of the Com
mittee. of Correspondence, and as it was placed there
without my knowledge or consent, and after the ad
journment of the Convention, which appointed said
committee, I beg leave to have it withdrawn.
I believe that the name of Mr. Charles Barnett was
reported by the chairman of the committee previous to
its adjournment, and no act of that of after the ad
journment could make the substitution of my name in
place of his legal
First Ward—Henry Cassidy, James Crawford,
Thomas Carr, James Gray, (4th st), James Irwin,
Daniel Wearts.
Second Ward—Thomas Phillips, H. S. Magraw,
John C. Davitt, W. Bryant, Samuel Snowden.
Third Ward—Thomas Hamilton, William Mor
row, Thomas O'Neil, John D. Kelly, James Cupples,
Samuel Morrow, John Watt, John AlcClaran.
Fourth War—Samuel Snee, Jos. O'Brian, Robt
Galway, Chambers, McKibben, H. Kennedy, Robert
H. Kerr.
Fifth Ward—James Blakely, William Martin, Jno
P. Glass, John Mackin, William Wilson, James
Fire Ward—Barnes Ford, John Cornelius, Robt
McChesney, N. Mcllraine.
SecondVard—John McChesney, Hugh Gallagher,
J. L. ArtnArona, James G. Guthrie.
Third Ward—John Fleming, Jahn Johnson, Wm.
Fourth Ward—James K. ?Moorhead, William Mc-
Elroy, Absalom Morris, Hugh Sweeny, George
Birmingham—R. A. Bausman, James Blackmer.,
James Barr, George Dunlap, James Salisbury, Samuel
Lawrenceville—Henry Winters, Henry Snowden,
S. H. Fowler, John Reed, John Fleming, Francis
Very respectfully, &c.
Saarpeasnie—Thomas Aiken, .1. Anger, J. Bry- the Union. It is replete with profound and varied and the following character givetihirn by the iximmittee
Son, B. L. Wood. views of political economy, enforced in a style at once of conference, exhibits him in a fight that will entitle
Pitt-Jacob Tomer. George Seitz, Henry Rea, J. dignified and eloquent, and embodies, in a condensed trim to our support:
D. W. White, Robert Palmer, Alexander Guppies, A. form and with irresistible argument, all that can be 1
Coon. said on the subject of domestie, manufactures. It is ! To the Democratic electors of the `?4th Senatorial
Peebles—John McComb, George Ferree, L. J. indeed the great armory from which are drawn the District, composed of the counties of 'Allegheny
Fleming, Juhn Smithley, Robert B. Guthrie, James choicest weapons of the present advocates of the Tar- , and Butler.
Burnside, Samuel Boreland. iff: furnishing them at once with offensive arms, and I Time conferees from the counties of Allegheny and
Wilkins—Harmer Wilson, Jr, Edward Thompson, a panoply for defence against their adversaries. The j Butler, who met this day and nominated John Negley,
William G. Hawkins, Hugh Duff, James Dougherty, conclusion of the address is an irresistible appeal to :Esq., of the county of Butler, as the democratic can-
Robert Mehaffey, Hugh Donaldson. the patriotism and intelligence of the people; and the ! didate for the State Senate—feel it their duty to address
Firma—Snowden McJunkin, H. McClurken, following extracts can hardly be read without feeling ' their fellow-citizens on this important subject. In a
Samuel Hughey, •J. Irwin, Abraham Bailey, John their force and submitting to their influence: ; district like this, where Mr Negley is so long and fa-
Little. , "But let us bear constantly in mind, that the union, ' vorably known, it is unnecessary to speak particularly
Versailles—Jesse Sill, William L. Miller, Oliver the happiness, the peace and the power of our beloved of his qualifications and merits. Mr. Negley has been
Evans, William Alexander, J. Cookie, James Mahal- country depend on its domestic industry, without which la citizen of Butler county for more than 40 years; has
fey. these United States would cease to be an independent always been known as a firm and consistent Democrat;
Elizabeth—James Scott, James Ginlev, James nation. Let those who acknowledge this great bond at different times honored by his immediate neighbors
Eakin, J. L.Morris, James H. Watson, J. F. Richards, of union never forget that "united we stand, divided and fellow-citizen+ with offices of trust, and in every
Captain Warren. ! we fall;" that sugar and iron, hemp and lead; woollen : capacity discharged every duty with fidelity and to the
Atifflin—Joseph Ralston, James Whitaker, B. Pat- ' and cotton, and the other productions of our diversi- j satisfaction of all. As Representative in the Legisla
tenon, William Moon, Jr., L. B. Patterson. fled soil, elaborated by our own indefatigable industry, J ture (in conjunction with Allegheny county) and in ma-
Jefferson—Hervey H. Peterson, William Stewart, and protected by our own free government, are in ef- j ny other situations which he has been called on by the
Jonathan Large, Robert Snee, John H. McMinn feet the government itself—the government that holds ! almost unanimous suffrages o titis fellow-citizens he has
ney. us together and makes us one people; that the home ! always proved a most faithful officer.
Upper Sc. Clair—J. C. 'McCully, M. Beltzhoo- market is the palladium of home its-lf, in all its most j In presenting such a man to the democracy of this
ver, Amos Holland. Samuel Black, Silas J. Pryor. endearing and ennobling political and moral relations, ! district for the office of the Senator, we may confident-
Lower St. Clair—James McCall, James Fianna- without which we hues no common country, but should j ly expect to triumph at the palls. Capacity and fidelity
gate John D. Miller, J. C. Shalor, George Carnahan, be reduced to the condition of dismembered and de- ; are combined in out-candidate. Our principles are the
Patrick Doran. . fenceless provinces. Let it therefore be the instinct !immutable dm:trines of the democratic party as held by
Robinson—James Phillips, William thibben, Wm of all who acknowledge its causes as their own, to Jefferson.
McCormick, Alex Phillips, James C. Richio..
hand together like the fathers of the revolution: with Mr. Negley has l u ng bees :crown as the ri' t•cid, d
• •
Fayette—Robt Sturgeon, Wm Mathews, A. Pot- ! he local jealousy, no impolitic preference of one part 1 friend of a protective tariff—such a tariff ae will pro
ter, Samuel Cooper, George W. McFarland, John Mc- of our system to another, hut maintaining a united j tect and encourage home industry. As a reformer, in
Lain, James McCabe. and inflexible adherence to the whsle." regard to a curtailment of the expenses of our govern-
Fiailey—Jamas Blackmore, Dr J. Politick, McC. When Mr. Clay, the once great champion of the A ment, and a decrease of the salary of all officers of ev-
A. Armor, John McClelland, J. N. Johnson. merican system, compromitted his integrity, proved ery department, so that the pay of officers may be
Moon—John Stevenson, George Morrison, Joseph recreant to the cause of manufactures, abandoned a brought down nearererinal to the pay of the working-
Cooper, John Johnson, J Porter. Protective Tariff, and combined with the South is fa- man. Mr. Negley has been known as an original and
Gala—James Callan, Wm Morrow, A. Pinkerton, vor of the Compromise Act, Judge Wilkins was found zealous friend, although not in the Legislature at the
Thos Neal, James Taylor. in his place in the U. S. Senate, battling with ardent time, yet his unceasing exertion at home in behalf ofju-
Ross—John McKnight, James McAleer,William courage and invincible perseverance against an act dicious reform has classed him, where best known, as
Peebles, Richard Higgins, Alexander Nee ly, Daniel which he foresaw must be attended with the ruin of his one of the most efficient friends of every measure of re-
Brown, Richard Meegan, John Cheney. constituents, and which he believed was adverse to theform that has had for its object a decrease of taxes, and
Reserve—Valentine Short, George D. Stevenson, best interests of his country. Side by side with Mr. Ito make our state government less expeasive and less
John Woods, William Hem, H. Felker. Dallas, likewise, in the Senate, he opposed every sten I burtheneome to the people..
Franklin—J. D. Fowler, Wm. Neely, Jas. Neely, of the Compramise Bill with inflexible resolution, and Fellow Citizens—To the polls. and show by your
John Brown. threw obstacles in the progress of a measure fraught votes fur the candidates we have nominated that you
Pine—J. G. Arbuthnot, John Brown, Robt. Wal- with undoubtuble injury to manufactures and agricul- are the friends of a ptotective Tariff, and of Reform
lace, John Graham, Wm. Cochran. -' tore, evincing a determination to defeat it if it could be and economy in every branch of oar government.
Indiana—John Barton, Jas. McCla ren, Robt. Mc- done by political sagacity or moral firmness. Upon Eli.inh Troyillo is our candidate for the office of Sher-
Corkle, Wm. Barton. the subject of the Tariff he stands irretrievably cone iff, and the best evidence of his fitness for it is the
East Deer—Thos. Neal, Jas. Fulton, Geo. Ross, mated by the acts of his public life referred to. But dread of our political enemies, who have already wan-
S. Boreland, Jas. Dunn, Esq. more than this, the deep interest he feels for the ad- tonly assailed his private character, but his integrity is
: West Deer—John Lately, John Grubbs, Andrew vancement of the mechanical prosperity of Pittsburgh, a mark at which they will aim their poisoned shafts in '
Erwin. conspires, with his principles upon the subject evinced vain. He has been too long known to the public to
On motion by his conduct for thirty years, to sustain a Tariff of I fear any thing from such outrageous aspersions. The
Resolved, Titat a committee be einxiinted whose duties in favor of domestic manufactures with unmiti- soldier of the late war, the companion in arms of Gen.
duty it obeli be to superintend the printing and distribu- gated resolution. Harrison: he who battled fir his country against the
tion of tickets for the ensuing election. Assured, then, of the faithfulness of Mr. Wilkins on savage Indian and the British veteran at the Mississin-
Whereupon the Chair appointed Charles Barnett, this important point, do we feel any doubt as to his iway and at Fort Meigs, will not bo - permitted to be
John Sarberand John Murray said committee. firmness or capability in relation to those great objects put - down by the new fledged patriots who have enter-
On motion the following preamble and resolutions and principles which the Democratic party have most ed the arena against him, and who, when the veteran
were adopted. in view, when selecting a candidate tot public honors? soldier was fighting for our homes and hearths, were
.. .
Whereas, The present Delegate System is a very His whole life aaserers the question. What etation,in resting in security and confidence in the bravery of the
imperfect one, and subject to gross abuse, as well as his long career of public service, has he filled which has "Pittsburgh Blues." Mr. Trovillo has not at this late
unequal hi its operations, therefore t added to his reputation? In the State Legislature, day to make a name for himself; lie has gained one al-
Resolved, That a committee be appointed whose .ctive and efficient, he stood forth as the prompt and ready in the tented field, in an arduous and honest life, I
duty it shall be to prepare a set of rules, by which the successful defender of that wor th y Chief Magistrate, in public service, an d in the performance of his private
Democratic primary meetings and county conventions Governor Findlay, then assailed by a heartless and re- duties, which his opponents may well envy, and which ,
shall hereafter be governed, which rules shall have for lentiess party persecution. will bring him through this campaign with the same
their basisequal representation, predicated upon the On the Bench, to which he was elevated both under honor, as his courage and hardihood carried him thro' '
Demooeratic force of each distri e i t the county. the State and National Government, he exhibited dig- the campaigns against the enemies of his country.
Resolved, ThatJ. Murtav, Rudy i'atterson and John nity and firmness, which, combined with the suavity of The following well drawn character of Mr. Riddle,
B. Guthrie be said committee, with rustractions tore- his manners, his judicial skill and his persevering at- our candidate for Prothonotary. g iven by the County
port to this committee at its next meeting. tention to his great duties, elevated him to a height in Delegates is so appropriate and so well sets forth his
On motion of Rody Patterson, public estimation, rarely attained by the must distin- qualifications for the office that it is unnecessary to say
Resolved, That when this committee adjoutn, it ad- guished judges. more in his just commendation:
journs to meet again on Wednesday, the 20th inst. at , His career in the Senate of the United States justi- "The name of Mr. Riddle is for the first time befOre
10 o'clock A. M. . fied the expectations of his friends. His defence of the public for a highly important office; but we believe I
An address to the Democratic citizens of Allegheny Gen. Jackson's great measure, the removal of the rice no man could be selected snare competent to perform '
county was laid before the committee by the chair, posits, and his speech against the re-charter of the U- the duties, or who wood be more faithful and diligent
and on motion was considered and adopted. nited States Bank, are standing monuments of his pow- in their discharge. It is of the last importance to the
On motion adjourned. ere of intellect. and the eloquence with which he is county, that the situation should he filled by one tnti-
J. B. GUTHRIE, Chairman• able to defend the great principles of the. Democratic =tele , acquainred with the numerous details which
JOHN al URRA Y, Secretary. I party. As at home he had supported the great prin- are incident to the business of courts, capable of carry-
Address,ciples of the Constitution, so abroad he maintained the ing all his knowledge into prompt execution, familiar
honor and dignity of his country. He represented the with public records, and having an experience in all
FELLOW CITIZENS:—Thu great object, fur whic h United States at the Court of Russia' i n . a ' manner that the departments . of the officeofProthottotars: possessed
we have so ina.ny years been solicitous, is now offer-.. -
called forth universal approbattoa Since his return of the persevering industry that may enable him to
ed to our acceptance, requirine, nothing on our part
from that inis , ion he has been, as lie was before he keep pace with the extension and increasing business
but harmony of action and a determination to cone
forward with our strength undivided to the pulls. Went, the active advocate of, and has identified himself connected with the in limilal proceed i nes of the counts , .
rag the sport of those who shame-Allegheny county, so ', with, all those interests that have tended to the pros- We believe Mr Riddle in all these matters well quali-
of his native State, and the happiness of her fled, and recommend him to the suffrages of the Demi).
fully neglected her interests for the gratification of PFritY cratic patty."
their political rancor, is again about to become Demo- T' • • businesst ' s t n 1 and vie ‘1 Daen
citTuerens%tne feeliag which has marked the Congreasion- ne capacity, ists a . ~.
cratic through tire whole length and breadth of her re
a! has prevailed in the Legislative nomination. The ociacv of the gentlemen selected by the Delegates for
presentation. high standing of alejurJohn Anacreeg as a Democrat the offices of Tma3arer,County Commissioner, Coroner j
The extraordinary divisions that have taken ;i 'i'''
and a man, has a eecent time induced the delegates to and Auditor are snch as to insure a faithful discharge
between the Whig and Anti-Masonic parties, have
offer his name to the public. A German by birth, an of the important duties of the several offices to which
given rise to comninstim amid recriminations amongstadopted citizen of this free country, Major A:alerts:et; they are named.
themselves, which exhibit their respective candidates,
has on many occasions been called 'won to evinc.a his I Since the meeting of the Delegates a Convention at
without a rag to cover them, in all the naked deformity
admiration of these, hietitations, fir the enjovnv•nt of : Harrisburgh has nominated cancbdates for Canal Com
or their moral and political prostitution. This band
which he left his father-land. His sterling integrity, I misnomers. The following extract from an article en
of unprincipled political leaders has broken up, and
great in:he:tree benevolence and hospitality exerted a- I the subject from a Democratic paper, sufficiently char
now each is endeavoring to make his way to the public
mongst his countrymen. his ability to ad vise them, and i acterisms the gentlemen selected:
patronage, not by evincing his own sense of honor, or
the prudence ho has evinced in all his transactions, no 1 "JAMES CL ARK, of Indiana, possesses, perhaps,
private virtues, or public patriotism; but by offering,
less than his democratic feelings and military spi riven.: ' as laree a share of personal popularity, and the esteem
undeniable proof that the only band that has hitherto
. der him highly popular with his own countrymen, and land respect of his fellow citizens in all portions of the
held them together was the feat that each had that
duly respected by all who know him. His principles i commonweehh, as any man who could have been se
his iniquity would be exposed by the other. It is tru
are pure, his name unsullied, amid he will, if elected, I lected. His nomination will be most acceptable to the
ly sickening to reflect to what a. set of demagogues :
prove an intelligent, industrious and useful member in western Democracy, as he has always been among the
Allegheny county has submitted, if they tell dm truth ,
theßepreee• ntative Ha
ables•tsupportere of the cause in this section of the coma
of each other: to their own representations of .each 11.
... ,.. A L v
le_xa e i r) ider Braekenridg,e's name is so interwoven try. Hie expelience and ability will make hint a meat
other we willingly leave them, feeling satis fi ed that if!
thing that regards the early history of De. efficient public officer.
they have made out their charges against one another, !
" weat"'"'aree'r
vand his political life, fur a period of thirty- Our old friend JESSE !MILLER we find next on the
the grand inquest about to be holden will award to
five years, has been so essentially connected with Dem- ticket; a man whose superior for eocial virtues and mill
them a more befitting place than the halls of legisla-
c ' c
. c. triumphs, that his name was carried through tic usefulness and integrity can no where be found He
Lien, or the public offices of the county, for the exer-
the Convention with universal acclamation. To pursue I wits First Auditor of the Treasury under Mr. Van Bli
cise of.their respective 'Aimee. From these meant- Mr. Brackenridge's political and official career from ran, and in the discharge of the important duties of that
choly and dispiriting prospects of moral and political
the first vote he gave for Simon Snyder down to the station earned the highest reputation fur capacity and
depravity, forced upon our astonished vision by rh oMr M. has filled a large number of res
resent time. would be a mere history of the Demo- punctuality.
lights that nave been shed upon them by our adverse- P
rise, let us turn our eyes to the fair fields and cheerful retie party for more than the third o . f . a century, for possible stations in political life, in all of which he has
commencing c with so auspicious an exercise of hi;right won for himself the approbation of his fellow citizens.
prospects, rendered bright by the selection of men of
of suffrage, Mr. Brackenridge has been found from that We now come to the name of W. B. FOSTER, Jr.,
honorable principle and assured patriotism, and inquire
time ably battling in the cause of Democracy. In the and we must confess we could announce no name with
a few moments into the dnties that devolve upon us as
volunteer service, as a sergeant during the late war, he more satisfaction. As an officer whose scientific at
freemen, anxious for the welfare of our country, or as
evinced his democratic. principles by arming in defence tainments will render him eminently useful, and as a
soldiers, anxious to be led to victory under the broad
of his country. At an early period in the profession of gentleman whose amiable traits of character will qual
bann& of Democracy. the law he became eminent as an advocate, e ntering ify him to discharge his intricate duties with satisfac-
The city of Pittsburgh and her sister Allegheny, the
into a successful rivalry with Judge Baldwin, Ross, tion to those concerned, Isis election to the office of
numerous flourishing boroughs and villages within our
Wilkins, and Douglass, then the eminent leaders oftho , Canal Commissioner will be an important advantage
district, and the county at large, seem for years to
boa His talents were such as to induce his fellow Ito the interests of the public."
have lost sight of the advantages that might have been
citizens, at that early period, to elect him one of their
derived from from a representation, Legislative and Con- Representatives to the Assembly, in which he conduct
gresaional, conforming in general tone and policy with
ed himself with signal ability. In the years 1818 and
the dominant party of the Union. The benefits to be
1819 he maintained the ascendancy of the Democratic
derived by such a representation in securing to Pius
expert; party in the Le st d his industry, skill and integ
burgh and its neighborhood large pecuniary
rity, and was the prompt and ardent defender of Guy
tures need but to be suggested to be rendered obvi ou s
error Findlay against the political persecution already
to every mon of sense and reflection. From a neglect
.alluded to. Mr Brackenridge, for many years before
of this obvious policy, and in search of some phantom
his election, filled the office of District Attorney for Al
ccrntinually eludes us, we have suffered sacrifices
legheny county wi h aq a 1 h onor to i nse if an d
utility to
in the loss of appropriations, State and National, for
he county at large. By that eminent patriot, Mr. , Twatilie,
which we have received a very meagre compensa ion
Monroe, Mr. B. was called to the highly important of
from the barren fruits of Whig victories, or the more
flee of District Attorney for the Western District of C)ra"ge Pecos,
arid glories of Anti-Masonic triumphs, Pennsylvania, which he retained for many years, and Pouchong,
It is the hope of remedying, in some respects, the
at length resigned it, after having given the gighes.t sat
disasters consequent upon successes so baleful to our
isfaction in tbe exercise of his official duties, both to Black Rio,
local prosperity, no less than with the certainty that in t he
public and to successive administrations of the gene , Pale Rio,
the success of Democracy the principles of policy most
oral government. From that period to the present, Mr.
consonant to our institutions will be maintained, that
B. has been enga in the transaction of his pr i vate
the ticket selected by our delegates has been offered ged. Loaf,
business, Mingling occasionally in the political contests ; Crushe d
to the consideration of a judicious public,
of the day, and aiding by his energy, his example and Ra isins,
That the Tariff for revenue, discriminating in favor
e , his resources in securing the success of the Democracy. ,'
of domestic labor, is the corner stone of our prosperity,
Mr. Sturgeon has already served this county hi the ; Pr imes,
the point around which, if wise, we shall rally our
Legislature, and has again been selected with great Filberts,
strength, is a fact too obvious to require any illuetm- unanimity, on account of his faithful adherence to ou
tion of ours. That we should allot to its support the r , Black Pepper,
principles, his unbounded integrity. He has long ,
most eminent talents that our district can boast, will, been known to the county at large in a political point Cinnamon,
we suppose, strike every one who is anxious to sus- •
of view, and he will be sustained by a large and active M a c e '
twin this germ of our wealth, this support of our man cultural interest in his neighborhood Who feel con- !
ufacturers, this sure basis of agriculture and labor i Cod Fish,
fidence in his probity, and are anxious that the farming
of the country. t re Shad.
, int e rests should be committed to the hands of a practi-
To what sources shall we look for all that we re- i cal farmer. Mr. Sturgeon has long been engaged in the!
quire in aid of this great conservative principle, if it ' management of a Merchant Mill, and will bring i nto Judd 's patent,
cannot be found in William Wilkins, our candidate for ! the Legislature his experience in relation to the diffi- D i pp ed '
Congress? It is unnecessary to advert to a capability,l
culty of establishing a uniform rule for the inspection I mtseEt.t..o4.ol.es ARTICLES.
tact, talent, information shown in the public service, :
of flour throughout the State—difficulties that have cre- ! Starch, indigo, rice, chocolate, prepared cocoa, ve
to which no parallel can be produced by our opponents. I
i rated and will continue to create business for the Courts, negated soap, rosin soap, Castile soap, tobacco, brim-
But we may safely ask, who stands committed upon
unless some new and practical regulation is established stone,alum, logwood, caPPerasesal tpetre,madder, chalk,
this great question, if Mr. Wilkins does not ?
by men, who, like Mr. Sturgeon, unite practical skill in ;whiting, salreratus, rotten stone, &e.
In October, 1831, the celebrated convention of the the business with sound sense, and a knowledge of the ~ ' The above and many articles not mentioned, have
friends of domestic industry was held at New York, at difficulties to be overcome. been selected with great care in the East by one of the
which were assembled many men the most distinguish- Mr. Gibson's name is not new to the public. As ! firm, and we have no hesitation in saying it is one of the
ed for manufacturing skill, knowledge or the science
county survevar, he is generally known; and his acct- best stock of Family Groceries offered in this city fur
of political economy and general learning, information
racy and skill in that department are fully admitted.— . Year' LLOYD & CO.,
and talents that this or any other country can boast. He is a man of popular and unassuming manners, ex- I sep 16-3 t 140, Liberty street, above St. Clair.
Amongst the most prominent of the Repre3entar.lvee cellent sense, possesses a mind well informed on all Marietta Apples.
of Pennsylvania was our present Congressional canal- subjects, and is persevering and industrious in his pub.l J UST RECEIVED, per S. B. "Agatha," 102 bar
date; and nut of the numerous men of worth and emi
lic and private duties. Mr. G'a. Democracy is un- ' rels Marietta apples, in fine order, consisting of
nence in that enlightened assembly. he was selected
doubted, and he will amply repay the confidence repo- ' '"Greenings," and other varieties, for sale low to close,
an President of the Convention. The address of that sod in him by the public and his party. ' by ISAAC CRUSE. 143, Liberty se.
body, which, if not drawn by him, received its most I The name of Mr.
Negley has been presented by the j ; Who has in store, keg butter, lard, mackerel. fresh
important corrections at his hands, is one of the ablest county of Butler as a suitable candidate for the Senate, 1 and good. Always on hsnd, Clover and Timothy seed.
parrs that ever emanated from any body of men in I 'pep 16-Iw*
~. ;
THE subscribers are now receivim: ['rem the East
a large and well selected stock of Family Grc.
ceries, which they offer wholesale and rcmil at a small
advance for cash. Call and examine bef,re purchasing
elsewhere, and yuu will find
onext: TEAS.
Young Dyson, Imperial,
Dyson, Dyson Skin
Caper Souchong, Souchong,
Congo, Bohea.
Dark Rio,
Double Patent, Single Refined,
Refined, New Orleans.
Currants, Figs,
Pea Nuts, Almonds,
Cream Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c
White Pepper, Pimento,
Cloves, Ginger,
Green Rio,
Labrador Herring, Mackerel,
This ova:A:l4% Saturday, lGth Sept,mber,
The Eye and Ear, Li4lit ;tad Sound, motions arid
pulsations of liejlt, inuaical sounds, experimedts with
the Hydrwzrn Trumpets, the Steam Navies of the U.
S. and Great Britain, Galvanism applied to a dead
Rabbit, the Drummond Light.
To comm..nce at half past seven precisely.
IN consequence of the great success of Dr. Lard
ner'ss Lectures, the Dramatic entertainments am
postponed for a short period. Due notice will be gi
ven of the fir.. t performance.
JAMES P. GANN, Stage Manager.
In proparation, the spectacle of the Bottle Imp.
And to continue until further notice.
i.MLSS WYMAN, the Original and Popular
Magician, Mr WYMAN, Ventriloquist, nod SIG
NOR VARINOAS, Marionettes.
Particulars in small bills. Admittance 25 emu;
children half price. Doors open at 7.,1 o'clock; to coui.::- -
inerice at $ precisely. Sept I.
Zebulon Sinzey's Comb and Fan
cy Store,
No. 86, ifarkel street, Pittsburgh.
The Stock consists in part as follow 3:
Tortoise Shell Turk Combs,
Do Twist do.
Do Side do.
Do Curl do
Do Dressing do.
Do Pocket do.
Buffalo Horn Twist do.
Do Side do.
Do Dressing do.
Ivory Fine do.
Do Dressing do.
Do Pocket do.
German Silver do.
Horn Tuck do.
Do Twist do.
Do Texan do.
Do Puff do.
Do Dressing do.
Do Redding do.
Do Pocket do. .
Also a few fine Gilt do., plain and set tops
Rosewood Writing Desks,
Do Dressing Cases,
Do Work Boxes of every description,
Fine Shaving Cases,
Do do Boxes,
Shell Card Cases,
Ivory do
Velvet do
Do Pocket Books,
Music Boxes,
Chess Board,,
Do Sten, from 7.5 cents to $25 per set,
Walking Canes,
Fine Hair and Tooth Brr.shes,
Wax Dolls, all sizes.,
A large assortment of Willow end Stra
ceiling Baskets,
Fancy Work Basket,
Silk Bags and Purses , ,
Bead do do
Silk Watch Guards. &a
Gold and Silver Pencils,
Do do Thimbles,
Do Breast Pins,
Do Finger Rings,
Do Earrings,
Do Bracelets and Lockets,
With a good assortment of Hair Pine, Cuff
Pins, Tapes, Hooks and Eyes, Needles, Threads,
Thimbles, Suspenders, Buttons, Percussion
Caps, Pocket Books, Knives, Scis
cors,fierrnan Silver Table
and Tea Spoons,
A large assortment of every description.
The above articles may be had in connection
every article in the variety department. Call and ex - -
amine the stock—they will be sold at reduced pritea
for cash, sep I 2 1w
Dyo Stuffs Just Recoivod.
V../ Vitriol, Camwood, Alum, and a general stock dr
Dre WOOD;, in store, and fur sale at the Drug Store
Cornor and Wood sts.
srpt. 2.
McLane's American Worm Speat
r lIIS i 3 to certify that with McL.ANE'S Woe.*
SPECIFIC, a child of mine pa33ed uperarrts ot6oll
worre3; it is the most powerful Worm SpecifiC now in
tlse. IL BA untotoisaw.
Midtlleltury, 0.. Oct. 4, ll:143.
For sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD,
Sept. 13. Corner 4th and Wood str.
bictane's American Worm Speeifin.
1111 IS is to certify that a child of mine aged 4 yeeis
passed upwards of 30 worms of an astoniattifit
size, from 4to 5 inches long. In my nci.glibothooil
some dozen of certificates of its astonishing effects dada
bcproduced. H. Sflow.
Poland, Ohio, Oct. 4.134 . 2,
For sale at the Dreg Store of JON. KIDD,
sept 12 Corner 4th and IVotsci sup.
Toothache ! Toothache !! Toothache l
rip HE above complaints can be cured in five min
utes, by using the celebrated :MIJSCOVITU3 'DROPS'
which is warranted. There are many imitations end
counterfeits, of the above. The only true and pets
ine article is to be bad at TUTTLE'S 86 Fourth it-
Sept 12.
Tanners' Oil.
ciD h BBLS. Tanners' for sale by
No. 88, Liberty it.
gep 2-dlm&w•2t-
S UNDRIES.-50 boxes chocolate,
5 do cocoa,
3 do rice flour,
25 do ground pepper,
5 do Cayenne do.,
36 cans ground mustard,
5 kegs do allspice,
5 do do ginger,
12 cans do do., tog `the)
every thing in the grocery line, all of which is
at extremely low prices, for cash.
43, Wood
T OBACCO. -10 boxes Burton's 5 b lump ,
25 do Russell & Robinsa
5 do Hare's
10 do a.3sorted sizes and
just received and for sale by
43, Wood street.
New & Cheap Stock Establishment,
IWOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens.
of Pittsburgh and the country generally, that I have
commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every va
riety, form and description, and would solicit merchants
and others to call and examine for themselves, as I am,
determined to sell on the most accommodating ternat
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to,
merit a share of public patronage. aug. 19—Gm.
June 23, 1843.
ADVICE having been received from the Registek
of the Land Office at Lexington. Alissouri,that,
the removal of that Office u:) the town of elitimn,,
in Henry county, us directed by the President,. will be,"
effected on or about the 3d day of July me= this is to,
give notice that the public sale of lands orcitied to be,
held at Lexington on the secohd day of Ott,iber next,,
by the Executive proclamation bearing ag,r. utQ oth,
inst., will be held at the time ' , reser:lied /kr the town of
Clinton aforesaid. T . BLAKE, ..:
June 30—laivt 10 Commissar
..a ,~";~'1L