Oii [ii PUBLISHED. DAILY, BY 'VOL. lI.__NO. 3. PUBLISHED BY THOMAS - PHILLIPS & H. SMITH, N. TV. corner of Wood and fifth Streets. Trrots..7—Five dollars a year, payable in advance. •Singifec.vies Two sale at the counter of tha Office, and by News Boys. The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer lr 'published at the name. "trice, on a double I nAll.llll sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a nar, in advanc... AWcorties, SIX CENTS. -TERMS OF ADVERTISING. igUARE OF TWELVE LINES Olt LESS: ESO 50 Ono month, $5 00 075 Two do., 6 00 00 Three 7 00 150 I Four do., 800 300 Six do., 10 00 4 00 One year, 15 00 0., cek, do., do., YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS CHANGE/111LE AT PLEASURE. One Square. Pao Squares. Six months, $lB 00 Six menthe, Otte year, 25 00 One year, reLarger aavertisefnents in proportion. Ce'CARDS of four lines Six DQLLAILS a year. Public Officcs, &c . Cey Post 05ce, Third liotwoen Market and Wood streets—R. 'NI. Riddle, l'o,:tinmiter. Caeont House, Wator, Ith d:ior from Wool st.,Pe tersoa's buildings—Major Julie Willock, Collector. • Ct'y Treasury, 1)2t.W0 First and Second streets—.lamas t. 131rtram, Trousurer. County Treasury, Third street, next door to the Third Prosbyterian Church—S. It. Johnston, Treas,u rer. Arayor's.oifice, Fourth, between Market and Wood stroet3—Alexander Hay, Mayor. Merchant's Exchange, Fourth near :Market at BANKS. Pittsburgh, bz.tw.uln Market and \Vood i , treetA on rhird and Fourth street... Merchants' and Mannfacturers' and Pa emer,s' Dc posit Bank, (form rly Saving . Fund,) Feurth, between Waal and Market st.ro.cts. Exchange; Fifth st. near Wood. HOTELS. //o , ise, Water street, near the el, comer of PO.llll and St. Clair. corner of Third and Wood. , l,corner of Third and Smithfield. corner of Penn st. and. Canal , Lib.:Tty :drze.t, near seventh. •in a .11 :e, Liberty St., opposite 1I tin, Hostse, Pe:in St., nppfriit,. b 0 waters of Saw Mills. S_'ttu',, for saw so Cully t t.t.• tsl its tlitft‘rslltt puts of the Uuiryd Star=,ka-,211 a; its Ow citi.23 ritti burzli and. Alit...Ow:iv, cats ht. .ty.tstai.ion at ' astinti t 3r of will. its thi, a i.tlils.srltootl, at Mr. 11 ittli ctr.shant'6 ts.l l'eats stretttt at BownLos & Chun- Lop's mills, 'War tilt. tipper Allt.,:;lstaly bri,l e, and tt.l and 0 t h,.1.. Tlin trinAtl'ioastlsits- st. t .ta be obtainosl at NV. IV. hop, cid Liberty twat Satitleit°A, .wir...re it ii fittitig iy, a-1.1 wfi‘r.... will be kept cttsatita.st!y ua hand,. .lisisly to B. I'. Stlytlt , r, or W. \V. :nays Evans' Chamomile Pills. ABRATIAAI J. CLEMEII, i (i!;, M woot, York, wa, i.t its toltta7.tTiva•-•(.1 Tir• w:.re olaatleaailirhe, Ltiieitt (lability, •ver, co::ivele?*,cott wiribarit, pia in the c1y2,4 :r rd sten(iaelt aiw . ivs after etti•d inyairosl ot . at flit. StOIVICh, fnfred tonue, cr t a, with frequent vomit intri, dizziness towartls and restlessoces. Tle . se hxl radiated utrwards - of a twalicasoath, whoa, on a. consulting Dr. Win. Evans, 100 Chatham street, ant • submitting to 1n ev,n• successful and Li.p•c;:abic novae of treatment, tha patient wa, , o.Pnpiotely 11.nitA wed to haulthin the short space of on 111:111!ii. and ,2 - rateful for the incalculable benefit derived, gladly came forward and voltrateetvd the above statement. Far ?alt . , whole sale and retail, by R. E—SELL ERS, Agent, sep 10-y No. 20, Wood street, f e int• Second. Peasa'a Raarhound Can&y. r LITTLE has received this day front Ncw York, afresh supply of the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Consumptions; and is ready to sup ply customers at NOEACSII.I I 2 , Jr retail, at his Medical Ageni7, 86 Fourth st. nov 12 Better Bargains than ever, at tho Three Big Doors. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his cus touters and the public , r,encrallv. that not withstati - lig die unprecedented sales at the Three Big Doors, during the present season; he has still on hand the lat.- est and -most varied assortment of elegant CLO THING that can be bouzht west of the mountains.— ii The public may rest assured that all articles offered at his store are maufactured from FRESII GOODS, pur chased in the Eastern markets this spring and made in to tnarments by Pitttsburgh workmen. In consequence of the multiplication of ,ior, shops in our city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the musty, - cast off garments of fornvr sca:ons, from the eastern ci ties, the public should be cautious to ascertain the char acter of the establishments in which they are invited to purchase, before they part with their money. The alai , • cles offered at set cral of the concerns in this city, are ' '•• 'the mere offals of New York and Philadelphia slop ps, and sent out here to be palmed off on the Pitts- It • public. Purchasers ~ I rmld be ter their guard a t these impositions, and they may rely on the fact no establishment that advertises east,' rn made Clo g, can give as good an article or as advantageous ins as can be had at thy' Three Hi ff. flours, ,, he public will please remember that tai the subscri 's garment6are mule in this fit y, by competent work ' en, and not gathered up like time goods now offered by t t heibitals of passage" from the shreds and patches of eastern slop shop. It will always be his endeavor to aintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors" ve obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO ING in every respect, and at prices below those of • •other establishment. He would again return leis thanks to his friends and - • the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed upon his establishment, and believing that they have found it to their advantage to deal whit him, he would repeat his.invitation to all those who wish to purchase • Clothing of every description at the lowest priced° call `; .m N 0.151, LInEnTY Sr. JOHN M'CLOSKEY. , ii. , EF'.Observe Metal Plate in the pavement. ap 26. Look at This. THE attention of those who have been somewhat sceptical in reference to the uumeruus cert if. cures p üblished in favor of Dr, Suayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons being - finknownin this Section of the State, is respectfully di -' meted to the following certificate, the writer of which has been a citizen of this borough fo.r several years, and ' .is known as a gentleman of intes;tity and responsibility. To the Agent, Mr. J. Kiser. I I have used Dr. Swa2,-ne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry for a Cough, with which I have been severely afflicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation in saying that it is the most effective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness, and agrees well with my diet,—and maintainsa regular -and good appetite. I can since.tely recommend it to all .others similarly afflicmd. J. MINN I cx., Borough of March 9, 1810. Chambersburgb. For sale by WILLIAM T HORN, No. 53 Market stole /-4 . p23) . - 77 , ,w ~...!,-. - "? - 7 .., : r - , , , ,1 " 1 77 - 7-1.4_- .., -, - *:-. 1 .: -: - ~:. ,7 , .. ~- • - ',. ~ ' • ~,:- . , :::': .' ~ z ,, :,, , ',,.., :, ~- :-...... -- _ o `4":‘ '.:l;',.;*:': - -463:046 4 "V57 - 7.;::: 4 ~c- • ,?..t0'4•4 ' ..,'"PW, '''.'` '-':;'-' t 4 - -. '''. '' .. l . ' ':.: "- r ,. - , z' '' '.. ;, '.-• ~ . t' , • ;-: '4.. - • '' , ' 4- '- i• '''- " 2 "'"!! "" ..4- * : , i , ,s-..,; , .; , -!= , -_-,5...! t-; 7 ' :;c--., - ,-•''. ''',."- A . .: • n 1 p f I 1 . . . .. • . . - . - , ~. , ..•, • - ' • • ... . , . ir ,...... 1 1 i ' Ail li b- • {4ll. j ... t et In ..... _. _.,„ ~.., PHILLIPS &., SMITH, AT THE NORTH WEST CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A, AT FIVE DOLLARS PER AN UNI, PAYABLE IN ADITANCE; It Woods, Attorney lira Counsellor at Law, 011 ice removed to Bali:m(4l's Office, , ., on Grant street, nearly opposite the lICW Court House, nextrooms to J. D. Mahon, first floor. syp 10 Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law, North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets, I'ittabur;:h. yep 10—y 111 . CANDLEst; C 111•CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, thiiee in the Diamond, back of the old Court se i 10 Pittboreh. Francis IL Shook, Attorney at Law, Fourth iqrcetiabove Wood, sop 10—ly Pittsburgh. Pa Thomas Hamilton, Attorncy at Law, Fifth, hotmeen Wood and Smithfield sap 10—y Pitt.hur , h, Pa. Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law, Office on the North side of the Diamond, between Mar ket and Union streets, up stairs sep 10 A. I. Durboraw,Att °racy at Law, Tenders his professional Rerrice.; to the public. set) 10 on sth St., above Wood. Pittsburgh. Eyst,er & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law, (Nice rrintored front the Dnutiond to " At torney', , . Row," shady side of ith, betweeriMarket and Wood sts., scp 10 Pittsburgh. • N. Bnckma.st,er, Attorney at Law, Ilan removed his office to 13usres t Law• Buildings, .Itli st., above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sup 10 George W. Layng, Attorney at Law, Office in Fourth .sreet, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh sep 27—y Made Washington, Attorney at Law, Office iu Baisewclrsimilding,nrant street, Pittsburgh nor 5, 1812 John J. Mitchell, Attorney at Law, Office corner of Smithfield. and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh mad'. .All busine.ss entrusted to his cure Will be promptly attenclodio. fob lti—v William Elder, Attorney at Law, 011icein Second itreet, socandclonrabove the corner of iq f 29-11 Smithfield, north side. Wm. E. Austin, Attorney at Law, PittsburgllPa. Office in Fourth strcct, oppsite Burhe's Building. - 'WILLIAM L. 'A I - , :TIN; I - 79., will give his atten tion to my tudini , hed busine4, and I recommend him to the patronage of lay friemfi. s , p 10—y WALTER FORW NRD. Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law, Office on Fifth street, betwem Wood and Smithfield , ap 8 Pittsburgh. Robert Portcr, Attorney at Law, Wice on the car.wr. of Uoultli and Smithfield stroet..,, ,4-) i 0 Pitt,l;urgli. Judson & Flanegia, Attorney 3 at Law, Smititlirla,u-tr 7th strr.o. Coll -1-tion-: twtd prat, forsit tw. of old 11 , ttior th7lat act tuvl Cr! .nut,lit &lice 1y,...part..41. mar 17—y ILIIITy S. ZYlagratv, Attlrney at Law, rvm , 'yeti oilirc 0.1 t fl:).lri. 10 J. D. Crcigh, Attorney at Law, u•.d Th.rd l'iltshtirs.;ll L. Harper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, c • A ‘III,iS'iNCOUN 1 V , OHIO Will 1 , 1 , 1111 i /iIV to [IV C./Ill:C(1On Ur •C'Cljrit7, ”1 . Cnt1.11.7.10d to hi- car,. th,• (I( I larcisun. Julien-on, 13,11nont, Guern sey, TtlikiartlNVil3, liuintcs, CO,llOOOll, Carroll, Stork illll3 Wayne. ItUFEIt TO Metcalf LOOdliN.) Da17.,11 4. Firming, ( ri John Harper, -D. 7'. Morgan, my , I.Bl3—tf Office north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sep 10—tf Magistrate's Blanks, For prorcedings in attachment under the late law, for stile at this office. jy 25 Blank Petitions, Notices, &c., To be used in Bankruptcy proceeding 3, printed on good paper, and in the form; approved by the Court, for sale at this office. = ' 4 Dr. S. a Holmes, Office in Second street, next door to Mu'vans. Sr, Co.'s Glass Warehouw. sep 10—y Dr. A. W: Patterson, Office on Smithfield street, third door from the corner of sixth street. sep 10 • EL D. Se/kers, M. D., Office and dwelling in Fourth street, near Ferry, sep 13—y Pittsburgh Ward &sat , Dentists, Liberty street, a few doors below St. Clair, ap6,1813 Doctor Daniel McMeal, Office on Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. dec 1 MAILMAN, .TENNINGS & CO., COTTON YARN WAREHOUSE, No. 43, Wood Street, Agents for the sale of the r.agle Cotton Factory Yarns mar 17—y "!. WILL'Am 11. Warinms JOHN S. DLLWOItTII• Will s & Dilworth, Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Mer chants, and Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar ticles, No. 29, Wood street. sop 10—y NEW GOODS.—PRESTON & MACKEY, IV7rolesale and Retail Dealers in English, French and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 81, Market street; Pittsburgh. se 10—v _ _ & J. IVl'Devitt , Wholesale Grocers, ReCtifying Dhaillers, and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, Ne. `"...)4, Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. sep 10 J. G. & A. GORDON, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Water street, Pittsburgh. sep 10—y Commission and Porwarding Dicrchants, Nu. 60, Water street,Pitt.4bargh, Pa. F7,17-r'Trums.—Receiving and shipping, 5 cents per 100 lbs. Commission on purchases and sales, 21 per cent mar 22—y Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Edward Hushes, Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse,No.is, Wood st., Pittsburgh. se 10—v MAILMAN, JENNINGS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- dace Merchants, And dealers in Pittsburgh. Manufactures, mar 17 No. 43, Wood street. Pittsburgh H. Morrow, Aldcrman, BIRMINGHAM & CO., M=E! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1843. Nicum.es. D. COLEMAN LLOYD R. COLT: N. Coleman & Co., Gcncral Agents, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so licit couiUrnments. u - - J. W. Einrbridge & Co., Agents for the sale of Beatty's Powder, Water street, between Wood and Smithfield. mar 30—y LEMUEL WICK L. & .1. D. WICK, Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce, 116 Wood Street, 4 doors above Fifth st., may 15 Pitt-burgh, Pa. EAGLE GROCERY STORE TACY LLOYD, Jr., Wholesale and Retail Gnr cer and Fruiterer, No. 140 Liberty street Pitts burgh. may 20. Birmingham & Co., NGENTS [Olt STEANIER CLEVELAND, AND CLEVELAND LINE March 22 John H. Brant, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer in Grain, General Forwarding and Cum 111i5d1.0)1 Merchant, arrisburgh, Pa. Commission s W I L s l li , e t!i r t te e t!fal loses[ commission: e ntfor REFERENCES: . & W. Esher, Day & Get risk, D. Leech &Co Bala trio re--NV .NV inn &co. IV illson &II err,J . E. Elder Ila r u r gh---11lich'l Burke, IL Antei, J Huldrnan july JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers, No. 37, Market street. sep 10 John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry, Water :trect, near lommg - ahela House, l'itiburgli s op 10-y Tito! As B. YOU Nu Thos. B. Young do Co. Furniture Ware Ronny, earner of !Lind itreet and Ex change alley. Per.ons wishing to purcha..ae funiture• will find it to their aAvantaze to 2.ivo LIS a rail, being ful ly sati,tied that Nye can plea