Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 15, 1843, Image 4

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    4ftler;;; ..likitafaxiasfetre stf-
/rood Strut, Piusbargi,
estensive riattOrtment of Bath
eillist - PAPER. HANGINGS. Velvet and
Sisters, of the la:est style and handsome
plirprittg halls, parlors - and chambers.
ofacture and have on hand at all times—
'ag,Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,l3on
Boards—all of whtcn they offer for sale
mmmodating terms; and to which they
lion of merchants and others.
k Books of ail kinds and the hest quality,
!lc. always on hand and for side as above
and Tanners' scraps' taken in exchange
.L.—l'he undersigned begsleave to Inform
c,that lie has removed from his old stand,
Penn and St. Clair sis., oppositethe Ex
there he has fitted up a large Plamo FortTE
.nd now offers for sale the most splendid
PILNUS ever offered in this market.
(:)11:31s1 of dial:rent patterns, of superior
Mahogany, beautifully finished and too
tleted throughout of the very he-t tna•
or durability, and quality of tone, as well
?arrant:: to he superior to any ever seen
An he has enfarmfl his manufactory, and made arrange.
meuts to supply the increasing demand for this instru
ment, he respectfully requests those intending to intr_
thase to call and, asinine his aszortment before purchs.
sing elsewhere, as he is determined to sell Lowcn, for
cash,than any other establishment cast or west of the
mountains. F. BLUM E,
Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets,
se i )lo Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Beady Taade Coffin Warehouse,
Fourth St , '.2 doors _from the U.S. Bash.
REs'I'EtITFULLN informs the public that he
ha; rein .led his ready made coffin ware
louse to the building recently occupied Ly Mr.
It. G. tierfor.l, directly opposite his old stand,
• where he is always arepared to attend promptly
to any orders in his line, and y strict att.:ntion
to all the dctdil3 of the lo,iness of an Undertaker,
he hopes to merit public roinittence; ..Ele, will be prepares
ILL .0,1,110011 S to provide Hearses, fliers, C loges and
every requtsite on the most liberal team. Calls from the
country will be promptly attended to.
Ills residence is in the same building with his wan.
house, where those who need Ins services may !Ind him
',.. litany time. REFERIIRCES:
w. n.lecchttc, REV. JOSEPH KERR, :
gep 10 REV. X. P. SWIFT.
, \\
,- I
La ! what inalics your Teeth so unusually white?
tt,uath Josh's duiclnia to him Collier night,
To make yours took so, with a grin, replied lost.,
I've brought you a bottle of Thorn' Tooth Wash,
'T.s the best now in ur , e, so the gentlefolks say,
And since they have tried this, cast all othets away
But to provelt the hest; to make the teeth shine,
Look again, my dear sal, at the lustre of mine.
Then try It is great tooth wash,
The Teaberry tooth wash,
And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine.
Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Toolh Wash,'
and become acquainted with the ingredients of its compo
sition, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of tire safe , t, aq
His one of the most pleasant Tooth Wash es now in use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID UUNT, Dentist.
1 take pleasure in stating, having made use of. , Thorit's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash," lI St it is une of the hest den
trifices In use. Being in a liquid Corm, it combines neat
ness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel
and removes the tartar from the teeth, its pernime reeds
a fragrance peculiarly desirable. S. P. TI Bit ETTS.
The undersigned have used ••Tliorn's Compound Tea
Berry Tooth Wash," and have found it to bean exlretne.
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary inflit.
ence over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis
pensable members front premature decay. preventing the
accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. flay.
lug thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re.
commending it to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar
ticle of the kind now in use.
Prepared and sold by W 1,1,1 A M TDOR N. A pothcca•
ry and Chemist, No. 5. Market street,' Pittsburgh; and
at all the principa Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical Agen
cy, Fourth street. sep
1111 HE subscriber having, opened a shop No 63, Second
JL street,bereen Market and Wood streets,Plitsburgh,
Lfteonnet tiCil with lire Factory in Birmingham, respect.
fatly Inf rents his friends and the public, that he will he
happy tc tie favored with their orders for any articles In
hia line,
Door Locks and Fasteners,') !various d scriptions, or.
hand and made to order.
Tobacco. Mill and Timber Screws.
L'lrge Screws, for Iron IrVork,a nd Screws for Presses,
made as may he required,
Carpenters and Builders are requested to call beforf
contracting for jobs, and examine ink articles and prices
Locks repaired and jobbing generully tone in .he best
manner, and on the lowest terms.
may .2-6na JAS. PATTERSON, Jr•
Of. Leidy's Teller Sr Itch Ointment.
I,lolt the cure °revery variety of TETl'Efl, the ITCH,
and all diseas.es of the Skin, has proved itself more
efficacious than any other preparation for the s line our•
pose In U3O.
UpwardBof five hundred certificates 111i:4111.1,e pro , tired
and pnblislied of its cflicagy ham S:hool Teachers, pro_
prietors of Factories. Parent., Guardian., Child Nurses,
Captains of ccsa. is and others, were it not for the deli
cacy in having their names putilidied in connection with
and disagreeable affections.
By the use of Dr Leidy's; Teller Ointment in corium..
. lion with his extract of Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, lie
will guarantee to cure any disease common to the skin,
however had, or of however long standing, or refund the
money. There are however very Caw instlinces but can
becured by the Ointment alone,
Pries - 25 cents a Bor.
Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail at Dr Lel
dy'e. Health Emporitim,l9l N. Second st. Philadelphia,
and by B. A. FRIINESTOCK 4- CO. corner of Wood
and Sixth streets, Agents for Pittsburg. July 12.
- b \
trould respectfully inform the citizens
Allegheny and their I/Hl:Ries, that lit
nanufacturing the article of Lard 01
mends inaliing but one quality, which
made in the L'ilion and not surpassed
,rained sperm oil tither for machinery
I its offensive properties, and one
r TEMPERA7'URE. The subscri.
ress distinctlyo the public mind that
) purchase any new fancied lamps that
ton them as being requisite to burn he
tS wkshing a pure and brilliant
ling at the old stand,3d street, near!!
Wholesale dealers, Churches and
7 solicited.
lartels will bear the manufacturer's
Jett; 1343—th
For the Transportation of Merchantli:t and Produc
EVI NE respectfully inform the public that they
• have completed their arrangementsfur the above
Line on
'Pha public has long wished fur Individual competition
in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone
it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced
to its 10 WeSi rates; that wish will now be realized; the
State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rah
Roads, Individua, owning Portable Boats are enabled
to bid for the Carrying 'trade and successfully to com
pete with compames.
Tuffs line is composed of Twenty new, Cour Section
Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command
them and well known as emerprising, industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
over every other mode 01 - Transportation, are too well
known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf
fice it to say, that the detention, loss,scparation and dam
age to Goods, invariably attending three Transhipments
between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are, by the Portable
Boat most effectually removed.
The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too,
of being well ventitated and coot in Summer; which pre.
cants Flour fermi souring, and Bacon and Tobacco from
11, Devine, standing as he does, between the owners
of goads and the Boatmen who carry them, and eimally
interested in protecting the interests of both, will make
no promises to the public he will not faithfully perform.
Ile is now prepared to receive and forward Produce
to Philadelphia. Baltimore, New York, and Boston in the
sherte , t time, and pledge's hhaell to enter into no nom• I
binat ion with otilCTLines,but always stand ready to carry
out the princi pies of his Lint, and contract for freight on
I.lff , very lowest terms.-
KrTo give undnnbted•sccurity to o wners and shippers
of goods an open policy of Insurance ha 3 been effected,
by which all merchandize shipped by this Line will be
InAned without and additional expense to the owner.
IT. Devine will receive all produce consigned to him
I at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Steam Boats
and forward the same without delay to Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any charge
for advancing oc commission
N 0.43 Water ss., Pittsburgh.
BORBID7:E Agent,
272 Market street, Philadelphia.
MOORE (• CHASE Agents,
75 tlowley's Wharf, Baltimore.
BOWEN k HI tink:RD, Agents.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Thos MeA DA , (• Co , Agent.
March 111, 1842. 27 Old Slip New Yotk
VIM FOR SA LE.—Tne undersigned oilers for sale
his farm, lying in Rose Township miles from the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 acres ofland of which
60 arc cleared and tinder knee, t.t. to 15 to 20 acres of
meadow, 2 good Orchards of A pple , .1 few Peach and
Cherry trees—the improvements are a ,arge frame hou4e
containing 10 rooms well furnished, ralculalrd for a To
cern ‘.1.. private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by 60,stone
harem.-ul, and Molding, sheds r.nd other out houses suit•
able for a tenement!-2 good Gardens surrounded with
currant bushes and a well of emeellenit water, with a
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and A Ile.,llteny market, there is no place now offered for
r,!e with morel aducetnont to thc=e wishing to purchase
near Pittslairgh, the terms will he made moderate, for
further porticularsapply to the proprietor at hie Clothin
Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley.
N. B. if not sold before the Ist of October next. hi
will be divided into 10 and 20acre lois tosult put: ha
sets. cep 10
THE:;,utiscribrir hasjusi received from Fliinidelpitiaand
New York, with a ucneral and extrusive rFsiirt
went of DI: UGS, PERFU.9tERI. and
every article in his lion of business, which he k deter
mined to sell on the most reasonable terms for cash.—
lie believes lircati dffer stronger Inducements than an
simila - establishment in this city to country PliHriani.
and Merchants, who wish to supply thcin=cle , is rr ith
Drugq and Medicines, Ilk articles have lireii,clected
with line utmost rare, and are warranted ()film lirid qual
ity and niforw 9.1ret2111. be filled with ac
curare and rleimice. rawlil s can lit supplied ly it In Fine
and Fancy Snaps of evrry roller ivalde cart Iv, and of
the rust esqiiisde perfumes; likewise with Perfumery
and Co , tnetic. of net ry descrip inn.
The niidtn,igned retains his thanks for the liberal sup
port heretofore extended to hint, and hopes by a roust.int
di-no,itia ft to please, and arcouimodaie—a rare in pro—
curing and telling only what is excellent and genuine—a
chose supervision ot - the sales and transaction of the est a te
lisliment —pr . ( taut ion and accuracy in coin poundi tried
ictnes—and by industry and perseverance, to rner: min
crease of public patronage
may 23
'Upholstery Furnishings. j
/(BILE subscriliers respectfully Inform their friends and I
AL the pu'ilic that they have just opened the store No
30 Fifth street, near the Exchange Bank. and rljoinin , •.,
Mr. J• D. Williams`C rocery..w here they Intend to manu
facture in the best style, and have ready for sale a full
assortment of the first quality of Upholstery Parnish
in:zs, such as flair, Shuck and Straw li.tttrasr , i4. Feath
er Beds, Sackings, ,S-r. which they whl sell for Cash at
nearly 100-percent less than former prices.
ALSO;Sofas, Chairs,e:c Upholstered, carpets ma&
and Cut mins arratiged al:yr the newest fashions—Alt of
which they of f er to execute in a manner unequaled in
this or unsurpassed In any other ray.
mar 20 ly CHAS STEWART.
BPERRY takes this method of informing the public
in general that he continues to carry on the
above huskiest' in the MortoxoAnet A. House itruntxos
No 1 Water street, where, with strict personal attention
he hopes to please all who will favor not whit D sir pa
tronage. From his ton experience In the bushiess, hi
flatters himself that his work cannot he excelled in neat
ncss and durability, at lea4l. west or the Mc-untains: 1-u"
it Is useless to boast—a fair trial is the hest evidence'
To suit the times he manufactures Poets at various pri
ces; from as low as five dollars up to his hest quality,
which he afford: atseven dollars are pair. a p 20,3 m
Looking Glass Manufactory,
And lI.JUSC Furnishing Warehouse, 10.4 Wood
Sireet, near sth
THE Subscriber having completed his arrangements
at his TICTO stand, Is now prepared to offer to his
friends, and the public. a lar:e and complete acsortmrni
ni Lookin: Glost , e,?, aid ilouse.furniAling Ilardwarr.
(at priers to cult the timer?)
Pier and Mantel Glazst3 in Gilt and Mahogany
Frames, ()fine most appreNcil and superior workman-
Toilet Glasses with 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 drawers.
Common, stained, ilined• and pillar framed Glasses
suitable for Merchants, (or those wanting cheap glasses.)
Japanned Waiter , and Trays of all colors and patterns,
ivory handle Knives and Forks, in setts or dozens,
Buck and Bone, handle Table Cutlery.
Carving Knives and Forks, do.
Brittania Metal lea nod CotTeo Setts (su•
perior quality.)
American Mauttfartu = do, in sells, or single pieces.
German Silver Tea and Table Spoons,
Silver plated and Brass Candles; icks, Snuffers do,
firittania Metal Lamps, for burning Sperm or Lard Oil,
Brass and Wire Fire Fendels, (various patterns.)
Fire Shot/eta and Tongs, Nand Irons, 4.c,
With a variety of other articles too numerous to mea
t Gott. all of which will lie otTered at the lowest cash pri
N.R.PnEtratt,Minia:nre,and other Praminz (lone at thc
shortest notice, repairing omall !Ands attended to. Look.
inaG lass' plates.hy tne bax or Si711! , 1! lig 111. Prints for Fta.
con , tantly on hand
fel) 23
Denning's rite -roof lron Chests.
PITTSBNIGH, OCT. 22, 1842.
J. DENNING —0 n Friday, the:3oth of last month, about
9 o'clock at night.t he Flaning.Groovine and Sash Man
ufactory, owned by Gay, Dilworth A• co, with a large
quantity of dressed and Indressed lumber, was all consu.
med by lire.
The 'lron Safe which f bought of you some time hack
was in the most exposed situation dining the fire, and
Was entirely red hot —I am pleased to inform you it was
opened at the clope of the firmand all the honks, paper:,
ire.saved;—this is the best recommendation I can give of
the utility of your safes
.. , .
of :OF VIE ii. STATES. 910 FEM ALES.—Thereis alorge class of Females in l irr7'o .771 E LADIES,—Why do you not remove
I - N pur , diance of law, I. Joirc TyLmt, President ' ..i. this City who from their contlnuedslttinz. to whlcl, 1 that superfluous hair you have upon your foreheads and
their occupations obligel hem,areaffected with ei.,,diveness ' upper rip ? Ely calling at TuTTLeo, 86 Fourth st, and
which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on O w icon; ex• ' obtaining a hurtle of ilournud's l'ouilre; Sulltles, which
of the United States of America, do hereby de
etare and make known that public vAes will be held
v ertion, sense of heaviness extending overt he who! , iii , ,iii, is iii rein , ye it 01 once w• hoot arectirvg Ore skin. You
at the undermentioned Land Offices, in the State of
I tolerance or light and sound .an inahility of rising lire can ..115 °Main Gmtrautr , truly ccn , tratcrt Eau de I?eaute,
111ei1iG AN . ,at the periods hei cinaltei designated, attention to airy mental operations; rumbliwj in the tow• which u ill at once remove all freckles, plorples, er up
to wh: els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, exneciallv after , lions of the skin, and make your' (au: look pr r Catty fai , .;
At the Land Office of GEN ESSEE, commencing mealy when any exertion is used, as coin; quickly up and to Mos,. who wbh to Z1.,,,i51 r.: -. .tnrc br adding more
on Monday the ninth day of October next, for the stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield al rotor In I iftir checks, they ran obtain soine of Gouraud,s
diiionsal of the public lands williin the Hunts of the once to a few doses or the Brandreth Pills The occa. celebrated Liquid Roue, will" cahnot he rul,l;cd (X even
und,rmentioned townships and fractional townshil;s siOnal Use of this medicine w.Juld save a doal of trouble he a wet cLith. Also-to:1y ire found a sod ti-ortinent of
and years of sUffering. One, or two, or even three of . Perininerv, .t..uch as Colo no, Ecar
g s' Oil, Almond, f'r, im,
the Brandreth rifle just before dinner, are of en found IViruhoi ;iota other Soaps ,
highly beneficial; many use ihem very advantaxeuti , ly In i Remember, at Triton's Medical Agency, P 6 4th streeld
this wily; they aid and ItSsist iligesi ion, restore I lie howels • lirii,:,.ftit, - . and otheis can be.-30pplie; 1 at IN hole , lle awl
may 2d 1342
to a proper condition,cnliven the spirito, impart clear. , retail terms
ness to the complexion, purify the blood, and promote. a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. tlmudrelli's Office. in the Diamond
Pittshargli_Price 35 cents per box, with full directions.
TslAßli—Tie only place in Pittsburgh, where the
GENUINE Pills can be anal tied, is the Doctor's own Of.
flee, Diamond. Sep, 10
to Wt . :
.Vorth of the base line and east of the meridian.
Town.,hips thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty three and
thirty-four, uue fractional township thirty-five, bar
d-ring on Lake Huron, of range six.
TOWnShipS thirty-one, onrtyuro and thirty three,
and fractional tort nship thirty four, bordering on
Lake Moran, of range seven.
Fractional townships thirty-one, thirtr-two, thirty
three and thirty.foUr,bardeling, on Lake Huron and
Thunder Bay, of ranee eight.
Fractional t0wn.5114 , 8 thl ty, thirty- ne,thirty-two,
and thirty-thi et, bordering on Lake Huron, of range
Fractional townslop thirty, of range ten.
Noz/li. of lAC Last line and West of the meridian.
Town,,hip thirty-five, and fractional townships
thirty-six, thirty-seven and thirty-eight, bordering on
Lake lluron and Mullet's Bay,of lange one.
Townships thirty-free, thirty-six and thirtysseven,
and fractional township; thirty-right and thirty-nine,
bordering on Lake Huron, of range two.
At the Land Office at DETROIT, commencing
oil Monday, the menty•fifth day of September next,
fur the Oispm,al of the public lands within the limits
of tire foll,,,ing detached tracts, viz:
The lot number one in section eight; lot number
nine in section nine; lots three, four and live in seer
lion seventeen, and lot number one in section eigh.
teen, which have recently been surveyed in township
six. South of range ten, East of the meridian.
Lands appropriated by law for the we of schools,
military, or other purposes, will be exclude! Goat
The sales will each he kept open for ta•o weeks,
[unlessthe lands are soonerdisposed of]aud no longer.
and no private entries of laud, in the townships so
offered, kill he Autittedi until after the expiration
of the two weeks.
Given nnder any hand, at the city of Washington ,
this eighth day of June, Amin Domini, 1843.
By the President:
Trio. H. BLAKE,
Commitsioacr of the General Lund Office
Evety person entitled to the right of preemption
to any lands within the i;rnits of the township.. above
enumerated, is requited to es t.thlish the same to the
,atisf,ict:ort of the Register ant: Receiver of the pro
per Laud 011Ice,aud make payment therefor al soon
pas roctirable after suing. This wtice, and before the
day appointed for the conurvitce.nent of tic public
sale of the township, eno . Tatiog the tract claimed,
abate designated, otherwise sttch claim will be for.
felted. Tflo. IL BLAKE,
Commissioner f the Genera! Land Oitire.
june 27—Itie.
Regular rOorning - Packet for Beaver.
rpm: run”o,4 and well knowr
1 1 Eiramer
thotruit.L. Nla‘if r, will depart daily from mu,-
Imrgli of 9 o'clock, A. Al„ and 111.. aver at 1 o'clock P. M.
Cur fn ight rtra , s.l‘.4e, apply on board, or to
No 60 Water street.
N. fl.—The rezu lar canal paci.rt to Cleveland 01lir)
Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the
Ohio Canal,eonnect:iii: with steamer Cleveland al Bea!
ver,will he in operation lintnedlatcly on openiii: or ralv•
i•zrainm, mar t 6
Adams' Patent "Itaughphy"
HALF, now been before
the puh'i,, 3 year,: du
rine. which time ti...veral
thoo , aniq have been sold
and in daily II We are
confident of heing stPitained
in saying they are the best
('"tie Milli in the United
Stiticii, any way you 'fix it.'
ceeral inodificatlons are
ortifeto snit tie fancy of
wiy - 2; and the purses of
Allan dA
Su!ti bv the Bros! or d
lit the ;wino (art oft'.---
Malleable Ca,tino made to
ThrFe genuine at titles, of all size. and mo-t impravrd
varieties,crm.tart ly On hand and for saie at reduced
vrires by the mar.ufacto re r. L. R. LI VISGSTON,
mar 2. —if Front between 11.0- , 5 and f; rant sta.
G" . " 'N'T"m"Ts'
srRuMES!—T. McCarthy, Cutlerattd i'argirat
instrument Makcr, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
Ehysielans, Dentists and Druv4ists can have their in
struments made by the sulmcrillcr of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and SCISSOFS always on hand.
also flatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. R. All Articles warranted of thebest quality, and
ribbing done as usual, sep 10
cable in all casts, whether for Purgation or Purifi.
cation. They possess all the braved virtues of other
pills, and arc additionally eßiciii.iotts, containing Sarsap
arilla in their composition, which is not conialeed in any
other pills inexistence. They areal/indifferent from oth.
or pills In composition, being ratraly vegetable, MIA Coll
be employed at all flutes, without any danger, and re
quiring no restraint Lunt ocrupation or usual course of
Not wielvtanding Dr, Leidy never pretended his Blood
PHIS would cure all diseases, yet It Is not. so) ing too much
of them, from the innumerable cures per forthed by them
in every vat lety and form of disease (certificates of many
of which have berm published from persons of all rienotar
loations, physiriallo. clergymen, am' others) that they
seem to he alinost universal in their effect; and persons
using i Mill for whatever sickness or disease, may rest
assured Wry will be found more efliracieus titan any oili
er pills in existenee.
From the known reputation of Dr Leidy's Biped Pills,
deemed necessary to remind the public Wit' ere they
may at all times procure the !ermine, as It is attempted
io impose other pills called , Blond Pills' upon the p tulle
on tile reputation of Pr. Leidy's. 0•Ele particular and
ask for Dr Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, and see that
ihe name of Dr N. B. Leidy,is cant hied on two sides
of each box,(the boxes being of paper. rind riblotig,seitur.•
sham., suri °elided by a yellow and black label.
PRICE-25 cents a- Box,
Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr
Leidy's Ilealth Eninorium, 191 North Second sired, be
low Vine. Philadelphia, and by B. A. FRILME.F TOCE
k CO. corner of Wood and g-ixth streeLi, Agents-for Pitts
burgh July 12-Iy.
HAVE removed thel raper Store from Market
street to No. 6-!, iVocid street, one door from the
corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their ti zual as•
sorimeiir of WA LL PAPERS, for papering parlors, en•
tries,eltarnbers, 4.e. and also PRINTING ? WRITING
all of which they offer for sale on acCOniniOdating to rins,
feb 14, 1343.—dt f
Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory.
CONST.IXTLY 012 hand a superior article of Lard
Oil, warranted to burn at any temperature, and
equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without
its otrencive guagties, and one third cheaper, man.
niacin red by the sultstriber at the told stand, Third et:,
nearly opposite the Post Office. M. C. EDEY.
jam 4,1843.
Gas , . of Liver Complaint of 25 years oindzng.
This stay certify that for twenty five years I was af•
dieted with pain in my side, ulticit was frequently so
severe as to entirely Incapacitate me front labor. I have
been-under the care and treatment of various ph y sician;
without any permanent benefit, Hearing of the many
cures effected by the Ilepatic Elixir prepared by Dr.
Starkweather, I was inducceto give it a trial, and am
happy to say that it has entirely removed. I have felt
no symptoms of it for more than a year past.
Northhridge, Jest n 6.30, IS4I AM OS: WHITE.
Thegenuine to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency.
Fourth :ttrcet.
KT - II ow important it is that you commence without
loss of time with 13nAminkerit's PILLS. They mildly but
surely remove all impurities from tee blood, and no case
of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cele
brated Pills do not relieve as touch as inedi2ine can do.
Colds and coughs are more henentted by the Brandreth
Pills than by lozenges and cannics. Very well, per
limps. as paliatives, but WOllll nothing as eradicators of
diseases from the human system. The BR/IiDRETII PILI.S
cure, they do not merely relieve, they cure diseases,
whether chronic or recent, Infectious or otherwise, will
certainly he cured by the use of these all suflieient
SING Susa, January 21,1343.
Doctor Berfjunzia Braredretk—honored Sir:Owing to
you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I am
Induced to make a public aeknOwledgeinlint of the benefit
my wile has derived Crain yotir invaluable 'tills. About
three years this winter she was taken with a pain in 'her
ankle, which snort became very flinch Inflamed and
swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and sent
for the doctor. During hi ;attendance the pain and swell
ing increased to an alarming degree,nod in three weeks
from its first commencing it became a running sore
She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.—
Onr first Doctor attended her for SIX montlt4, and she
received 110 ii,!ll o fit whatever, the pain :trots-tug worse.
and the sore larger all the while. Ile said if it ee as Leal
ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a
loss how to proceed, and my poor wife still continued
to suffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore sought
other aid In a Itotanical doctor, who triad when tie first
saw it that he could soon cure the sore, and give her
ease at one.r.. To our surprise lie glee her no relief,
and acknowledged that it battled all his skill.
Thus we felt after having tried during one whole year
the exeerience of two celebrated physician; in vain, in
absolute despair. 11Iy poor wiles comtifittion rapidly
[ailing In the prime of her years from her continued
sud'ering, Cider thesecircumstancesweconeluded that
we would try your Universal Vegell'ile Pills,det ermined
to flirty Irs , their curattveeffects, To my wife's greet
comfort the first few do s es afforded great relief of the
pain., Within one week, to the astonishment of our
selves aid every one who knew or the case, the swelling
and the inflammation began to cease so that she felt quite
easy, and would sleep comfortably, and, sir, atter six
weeks' use she, was able to go through the house, and
again attend to the management of her family, which
she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a little over
two tomiths front the time she first comme.need the use
of your invaluable Pills, her ankle was eulle sollnil, and
lier health better than it had been in quite a number ot
years hefore. I send von this staksiffeni after 'wo years
test of the Cur , . con,ei,b-ring It only act act of jitstiee to
you and the public at large.
We err, with reach era itible,
Very respectfully,
P. S. Time notatii.%ll Doctor pronounced the sore c,.11
rerouA. said tin ;ood could nole,s 11A,
who' , or Il* flesh v.a.+ rt.l otr, nod the, bun' ecr-iwid.
Thank a Lied rri,v,dcnce, Ibia math. n< re ,, ort to voor
ptitg, which Payed us from all Itutlicr misivy, :lel for
whirll !wile t • I.e' ilit ikfnl, 'l'. kE. L.
Cr..:l-Scil.l at 9 5 CC(Of. box, with
Oli!ttUr twit. Irittok, each it Iwo
naliircs of Dr. eiaet. hay
.se.tnattycs —three rlre;mnln 13 rt introit and
ILR=andretli anon it.
The only place in Pitlebur2lt where the real Nan
their Nils ran I,e obtained, the Doctor's Own ollee,
Inn lhantotal, behind the '.larkct hou9e. Mark,
the ifetzttlne Bra edict it Pills vas never be attained in mkir
drug store.
The following arc , ;I , ` only azetas appointed by Dr. U.
Brandreih, for the sale af his Vegetable Univer=al
In Allegheny coon!):
Prtsctr i. AnErr.G II :LEE, Pitieburgh
Mr. John Gla,s—Alleglieny.
Robert Ditncan—Rinnin . 2.liain.
C. F. n.
li. Rowlar d—M'Kee.port.
Prcssly I
John Johnston —Notticoown
Chr.sman j' Spaulding —Stewartslown
Ardell fr Connell—Chalon.
Robert Smith Poricr—Tatentuni.
George Power—Fairview.
David R Coon- Plum township.
Daniel Neglet —East Lilieri y.
Edward Thompson--Wllkinslairgli
Wm. o.llunter—Allen's Mill
The office riwourati which was established for the
purpose oteonstituting agents In the WPM. having. accam.
plashed that object, Is now closed, and Mr, U. 11. LEE
in the Diem nid, Market street, appointed my agent for
the sale of Pills and Liniments it Dr. Brandeths agents
will ttierfore.understand,that fir.ll. will send a travelling
agent through the country once a year toe Ulect moneys
fur sates made and re-supply ageris, The said traveller
will be provided with a power Cl attorney, dilly Proved
before the Clerk 01 the city and county of New York,
together with all necessary vouchers and papers,
Mr. J, J. lon, ietny traveliinr. agent no•w in Pennsyl
vania, B. BRANDETII, M. Di
N. It, Remember Mr. G• El, Lee, in rear of the Mar
kel is now my only agent In Pittsburgh.
New Vork,iune 141.1 t, 1813,
i;(1-• An Individual only wishes to kuow the right way
to pursue it; and there are none, were it senxi.v made
known bow Lire might he prolonged and flici.lxn re•
covered, w: o would not adopt the plan. Evidence i+
required that the right way It discovered. This in what
those suffering from sickness want to be satisfied about.
For who Is so foolish as not to enjoy all the health his
body is capable of? Who is there that would not live
when exit Hence can so much benefit hi mirlf rd
!amity? It is a melancholy fact that a very large pro
portion of the most useft I members of society die be
tween the ages orthirty and forty. flow many is Wows
a ndlutipless orphans have been the consequence of man.
kind not ifhving In their own power the means of restor
log health when lest.
Now all these dangers and difficulties can be prevented
and the long and certain sickness, nod by assisting Na
tore. in theouiset, with a good dose of Brandreth's Pills.
This is a fact, wtll understood to lie so by thousands of
' our citizens This medicine. if taken so as to purge
freely. will surely cure any rumble disease. There is
no form or kind of slekorss that it does not exert a cur
alive influence upon. Thus, by theirpot . yer resisting
putrefaction, they cure measles small pox, worms and
all contageous fevers. There is not a medicine In the
world so able to purify the mass of blood and restore it
to healthy condition, as the Brandretit
The Brandrctli Pills are purely vegetable, and 90 in
nocent that the infant of a mot th old may ttse them if
medicine is required, tint only with safely but with a cer.
_v of rereiving all the benefit tuedicine is capable of
imparting. Females may use them In all the critical
periods of their lives. The Brandrt.th Pills will insnrc
their health, and produce regularity in a'l the functions
of life.
The same may be said of Brandrefh'r External Rem
edy, as an outward application in all external pains, or
stvellinizs,or cores, it greatly assists tile . cure. When
used where the skin is very tender or broken. it should
Ire mixed with one or two pints of water,
..d cure Teseaf Genuine Brandreth Pills,—Exrnine
the box of Pills, Then look at the certificate of agency,
whose engraved date must he within the year, which
every authorised agent must possess; If the three labels
on the box agree with the three labels on the certificate,
the Pills are true—if not, they are false,
Principal office, 241 Broadway, New York:
Jane 115:
ilr - TO IN V A.,IDS.
47fefor- 4 74 , -&
Headaelte headache
A RE now known to thousands as a most ectraordinn
ril- ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon
trovertible fact of their curin,4 DYSPEPSIA. Will these
sufrerirg only ask ninon?. their Li cn J sif (tiny have not
known of the ,vositirc effects or said and if they
do not hear then, mare warmly ritizril (and deservedly
too) than any other, then let them rot hey them. In
there few rernarit , , all fancy or kiln:tin:it ion is excluded,
and notiiirtt will be said of their merits at anti ti me
bit what can he fairly proved by respeetaide teem( era of
our community.
Rend the following certificate giver) by a respectable
citizen of Alloglieny city, and attested by oi,e of theludg.
no of the Court of Common Picas of Ilcglicny co.
ALTA:cm:•tT CITY, January 9, 13-13•
DR. Bnoptc,
De2r Sir-1 have for a number of years past been af
flicted with a severe and aligns , . con, , taot Headache, a
rising front di rangeinent of stomach and bowels and al.
though I have taken nearly every kind of Medici7e en
couttnended for its cure, have inner derived any mate.
rial benefit until I used snore. of your truly valuable An.
I i Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite two boxes and
consider myself perfectly relieved from that dint resring
complaint. I have no lte. , itation in recpmmending your
Pills as the best medicine I have ever
Yours, Re: - TPctfuity,
I ant acqun.nted with !.sfr, Turne - , I love no hesita
tion In certifying that I consider the statement-. of Mr,
T. respsci in:, Dr. Brodie's l' tls, eot!!!ol to the 11105.1
perfect and entire c0w:141.116... IILT;II DAVIS.
For sale, Wholesale. and Retail at the irrolcnian Pill
Eirablishment PillslArgil Pa ; ani by all all' hut ked a
gents throngitriut the Union
Alle'y city Jan 0 1:!-I.;
Evans's Camomile PiPs.
. .
Cirt:TIFICATES.—Letter from the Tirm. A I'l.'m 31'(
Couni y , F.4st rmessee, em!m of CumzrP.ss
P..&SCIINGTOTt, July 3,1. 1833.
Sir—Since I have been in this city 1 havt . used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine wits infinite beilrfit and satis
faction, and believe it to be a etas: valuable einedy. One
of my :ori.tlTurols, Dr. A. Cirdrn, of Can, , !- , 11 cetaty,
Tenneesee. wrote to me t 0 elebd Whi ^ ll I did.
and lie has ntployed it very meet:,-fully n his practice,
aid -ay, it is invaluable. !Yr. Jrdin , on,v.nir agent al
tale thirs, ..on tt Wilt) prOl , a!Oy ht." an ;12ofit in
TeoltrSttl:e • If in, IV. "uhirretuirrot Rif Dr..% Carden,
a proper pet -int ra ,dbeitite for Ito sale or yoitr celemated
medicine. Should yon romuti:=juri hint be is willinz to
act for you. you can -end themedirine by Water to the
care of Robert King Si. Sons, Ktoxville enmity:relines . .
see, or by land to Craltarn t Poulton, "^ , rl
Tenne , ee. 1 Ilive co doubt, tut if yon bad aor,,is in
several counties in Ca=t TentleFsan, a ereat deal of tied
else would he sold. I ant zoirtOo take sonic of it home
for my own use, and that of my friends, and ~h;u41,1
like to hear front you whether yin would h!:e it anent
at filuntvilte,Frillivart County. list e; I rail _et
came of 11,e merchant? to act foilyou :is I live near there.
Yours respectfully,
Arm Ati.‘m vs 'CULLA N, of Tennessee.
For sale \V holes - ale and Falai' by
gi sr.l.Y.Ens,Agoot,
No. 20.W0d street ,helow Second.
1 - 111. WILLIAM EV 4 N: 4 'S 100" El! INC : 4 It
15 'This renietly kis preserved Jinn,: rr . id
whrin thonlit past recovery, Eop ronvolsi. - in:. As son
as the Sy rn pis rutilied on II? the ehild witt.reer . v.
er. This preparalkn is sn ittinent, so efficacious, and '5O
pleasant. I hat nu child in tins to let its rrnais to rah
hed with it. %Chen infants , ,, 11 , r. nzr. or Celli - months
I ho'lhcre it i o appearance of rPI . one l,ritt le 01 t
Syrup itted to ore Cie pores. !larva , : shoe hi
'ern Le without the run the r.nrsnry Is I, rr. thrrr
are cnuui rlllltlren.ror if a hitil ivakrs 1.1 the nistit. with
pain in the cams. the Syritninitnedi.itely a ices ens , . liv
optilliat: Ihr pores, and Iteatit the 1:111,-'111r . r,l , v resell
In: Cunvn tint?. Fever?, For Si-.i %Vl:ohtale and
R. E Agent,
se p 1J [Co. 20. t. SPC,Om%
livEr, of yi,•
A roe-11041in.!
!fir. \Via. !,a,d-, of ,F cared of
1.11 , 0.1 Fe r.• vain
and wei_lc tn. the left skin,
er u c iat“,,,, a d,,:eanion Ft-A-ache,
Curredtonatio, countenance c' citron
cnUv of at,attendod a itl, a couzli.
groat didtility, with other --yrocno, intheating ere:: de
rangement of the functions n li v e r. 'Or. Richard-
had Ito advice of several phlelae,t, 1-ut received no
relief'. until 11..inz Dr. liarlia*dicine, which formula.
ted In .ffertlna a pe-fert cute.
. .
Prirriv I Office.. .19 Nod Ci9lli iziro•-..,latlrlphia
r o r >a;,• in Pio :zauluti'Ecw, corner of I,;!Tr
ty and Wood ,TreetF, F(1 1 10
BA RON %O' HU ICIIELEt it r.r. ft
a s pecific action up ~1 !tie kir!,a.vo
Areneth to the arterial
and rqualnted in its eirettlatien ir& P.th all the ve , col , ,
whether of the skin, the parts sbated internally,or the
extreniiiies; and as all the s t• , c.s.4otts of the body are
chavkn from the blood. t Itcre iaa'on,,quent r e:,se or
every .eemllon, and ri quiehrnedelio" of the ab4orl,,nt
and exhalent,or r:lecharginv; yew.. Anyrnorbidaction
which may hnve taken place isorrected, all okztrut
th, a re rf ;1 1 c-red, the blood Is pulled. and the body
retnmes xk Si ttfilt 6:ate. Forte IVhole , nle
10 ood below :=econd
mar '23, 1:143
pins cured by the t sc of n Compound
Strenvherting and fkrmakstperie et Pills
Dr. Ilarllch Dear Sir—Stliorll :Cyr I received the
A2eney Dom You for the salenf your medicine, I
(mined an nceinaitilanrewi h a ley of this place, who
was f‘everely afflicted with the I}.s. Poi r ilia or ten
Yea" this tad Y was subject to 'Patient painful attacks,
and her physician considered It case so complicated,
that. Revery seldom prescribed milcitie for her. Throueli
my persuasion, she tom meticeiLunz v e er Pills, and was
perfectly mired. Yours, 4.c. JANES R.KIRBYR.
October 3, 1210. (Thanibert.hip+, Pa.
irrOtrice and General TbitiotNo. 19. North Eitilitb
iztreet, Philadelphia. nd by Frew, corner of
Liberty and Wood .strceds . srtp ltl
•"I'V/ty •will ye hi a:
dying pate?" J'A
444 4 4
FISSURES, , S . r.
obe had Tr rote's Medici! ;city, Rti FoUrth
the only agent in Pittsburgh.
Feb 22.
No sooner does one of Dr. Lly' preparations
come popular, in conscquentof its sutee,s and ef
ficacy, than it is counterfeited oriitat ed.
To prevent imposition, Dr Liv Its now procured
moulded boitleq for his celet.ratrefetter and Itch Oint
ment, with the words 'Dr Lctily*eticr ?lid Itch Oint_
meet,' blown in the glass. Lesidealltaining his written
signature en a yellow'Lli. , loutsid
Dr LelitY'S Teller and Itch Ointlnt, has proved more
efficacious than any other preparbn fur Teller, Itch,
Dry and Watery Pimples or Mlles, and diseases of
the skin Generally,
. .
It Ita , been employed in schoolsoori ?rs. and on board
vessek carrying passengers, wherhildien, as well as
grown persons, contract ili , eazelf the slihi from their
contaeietv oat 110, with the riminexamp:ed sure s-;
certificates Rod recornmendation4ive been berme. fore
published from them, and rOlineli other , inp, , ,;lt be m,
Canted 1 or puhlication, but for ilidections nio , t persons
have, to Navin2 their rains pUb in connection with
such disagreeable and loathsome. lions
In no sngle instance has it eveieen known to fail.
It has been used upon infant4id by persons of all
ages. It Is perfectly safe, con*. no mercury in its
composition, and may be used ututall circumstances.
Price Twenty-five cents a boll Prepared and sold
at Dr Leidy's ilealrlr Ernporionhin of the Golden Ea•
gle and Serpents,l and by B. A.IIINETOCK ¢ CO.
corner of Wood and Sixth streekerits fur Pittsburg.
July 12
jai 13-I%'
1 . 11-1 C subscriber has just received ids annual supply o
Landreth's Garden seeds, consisting In part °fill
following hinds—all of the last years crop q• warranted
Evz Plant, rarsnip,
Endive, Peas,
Kale, Pepper,
Pumpkin, Broccoli,
Radish, Boreecile,
Rhubarb, Cat bage,
Salsary, Carrot,
Cauliflower, ' Spinach,
Celery, Okra,
Curled Cless, Onirn,
Cucumber, Patbley,
Mustard, (white and brt.,wii)
Mater Nlelon,
To;et her \ Ith d variety of Pot Rf Sweet herbs and
seed ,
irT orc rs for Seeds. Shrubs; Trres, front Ca
ers and others will be twilled and promptly att
No. IS4 Liberty. bead of Wo
Cincinnati, February - 15, 1841
Dr. E.-WAY:CF.—D..IIr Permit me to take the libet
of writing to you at this time to express my approbstic
and Lo recommend to the attention of heads of famine.
and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound
-"yi l tip of Prunus Virginiana, or Wild Cherry Bark. Is •
my travels of late I have seen iu a g , eat ninny instances
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chi!
dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing
Wheezing, Cho:thing of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks. tted
,S,-r. I should not have written this letter, however, at ;II
preen' although I have felt it my duty to add my test/.
mono to it for sonic time, had it not seen for a late in.
stance where the medicine shove alluded to W 2.5 test rtf
ine.nt 01 in restoring to perfect health an "only child)"
v..11. , 5e rase was almost hopeli ss, in a family of my ais.
qu;,in!alice. -I thank Ileavr n," said the tionting. moth.
•r, -my child is saved from the jaws of deal hl 0 how I
kart d the relentless ravager But my child is safe! it;
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup 0
Wild Cherry is the 1110,4 valuable medicine In this or any
other country. I ant certain I t ave witnessed more than
one hundred cases where it has been attended with cam.
Moe success. I am using it myself in an obstinate at.
tack of Bronchitis, in whirlt it moved effectual in a PX.
ceedingly sitori time, considering the severity oft he cane.
I I ran ret °mend it in the fullest confidence of its superior
virtues; I woulcladviz , e tl:at no family should be without s
, t; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth 4 ,-
; double and len times it. , pt ire. The rtildiC 31T as. sure l
there is an gnat ken,' about it. n. ',soil, D. D.
Forinei ly faster el the Fir,t First') ter tau Church,
N. V.
izoid by IVll.'l'llokN. retail, only allent
for P01, 1 .1m11. \0.L... Vlrket , heet. cep
A ruON TO TIIE 111 :MAN RACE!--..Disco
Lll_ vhcr k-az,ic,tr.y Life. a,d L , olt are a great, •
trha , tril; prolong Life, and the trorl,'
rat/ pyre Jrip,dor."
“There art lard:tics. apd iptelleetutai, tail
trit h ccrluia herb:: p arr affinity. and over
they here porter."
Dr. B. llt andreth's F.xicrnal Bc.medy, or Li
ty its extraordinary powers, al stracts P
SOrerlP-F: Sprains, St;tl Sir.ews, SWe
Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the 3;'
Tumors, l'nnatural Ilaidness, Stiff Neck Sore Th
Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous
larzenter.ts. Tender Feet, and entry description of t
jury aTectin?. the Exterior nithe Human name,tr
rued cr veatly relieved by his vercr•to Le srfficiest
extolled tuned':.
followint , , titter front Major Con
era! Sandford, as to the ies of the External nethe
dy, speak: volumes.
1 - 4 far Sir—NVl'l you MC with another botite Of
your ex , r!lPnt LinitrenC! It is ter: 111,11 y tie best 'of the
kind I love tcer peCII. It hat cured entirely my son':
tiller, about which I was to nneaFy.ant: I have found I
prodfic ior of immediaieseveral eases of titer
nal ',jury in my fitni;ly. A few evening: move. ml
youriff ,, t child was ~ e izrd with a violent attack of Cron
which was cot irely removed in ttrcrty coveter, by ruh
hill; her clte , t and throat freely with the External Rem
rift. i think you to manufacture. this Liniment
for 7eneral ur-c, instead I I rontinin7 the tire of It, as you
hare heretofore m to your parien'ar arroaintances.
You, ruly, C. %V. SA N (WORD
N. V.
1 . 7 Tor at 241 , New York, and at hlk
cfr..•el in the .monil, cent/.
;.er !Wile trith FPI) 10
:la , s of individuals is vet v numerous. They are those
who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work
men in feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white leaf'
manufacturers, are ail 'nom subject to disease ;IC
cordin to the ~.treingth of heir constitution. The. Gni.,
method to prevent disea,i, is the occa s ional use of.t
medicine which abstracts from the cirriliai ion all delete
Owls Im mor4. and expo!, them by the bowels. Tonle
in any form are injurious, as I lir,/ only -.at off the evi
•lay to make it more fatal. The use of Rrandretles Pill
wit I insure health, because they take all impure matter
out of the blood; and the holy is not weakened but
stren2thenedhy their operation, fir these valuable Pills
do not force, hut they assist nature, anti are not oppesed
but harmonize n ilk her.
Sold at Dr. Brandreth'E Office, in the Diamond
Price .5 cents per box, with full directions.
MARK—The only place in Pittshorah where the
GENUINE Piltstran be obtatned,ia the Doctor's own Of
flee in the Diamond. scrw
Caveat entered 9th June, P34'2-Patent grant'.. - .
Brnj unin B,arvireo . ..'2o:ll January, 1513.
The extracts of which BrandretlC , Pills are core_
pred are ohlained by this n w pareoetl process,
wi!bout holing or any a pplicetion of heat. The ac
tive principle of the herbs is thusaccureti the s ame
as it is in the
The Pudic ~I.lorild he u.ittio,,s 111 medicines re
commended in adveiti•EliPnis inolen from me,
t!le enNTEMPTint , E 1:013131'ns Steals my T.
_cage, nierelv al ten the name. Time will
who esa'e decei , er , in their tree
A:NM - lEllr .- PILLS are the PeopT:.
11,! 1 , i t rcv. , d it and. who daily reccom
mend them to the alliieted. The ANDRETFI' -
pi 1,1,•: tr,.! \ more popular, their
tiles ore evecrro.g.! thei. useldine.ss. The sit kor
both , exe. ;Ire derivieg, benefit from the,
case ol disease but Ihei rhio be used i‘ith adva
taste. Blotches r.r had lumps of the skin they Elie
iIV cure, so With erysi k itdas, salt rheum,
wi;it indige‘tino, so %%lilt (out.hs and colds, so with
cos!ivenesF, so with cancer, ,o h4,t parched lips
anal clinker in the oron , h. Lrt the afflicted use this
medicine, and they will find they require rm other.
Sold at 25 cents per tii7g, v.ith directions.
Obcerve the new labels each having upon It two
si,olatines of Dr. Biandreth. So each box of the
genuine has six signatures—three Benjamin Brand
reth and three B. B rand reili upan i:.
The ONLY PI ACE in Pittsburghh
where the REA
Bialliketil Pills CAN at: OBTAIN! D, is the Doctor
own Office. D,stnr , nri hat k of ;he Market Hong
Ilfar/Cthe GENUINE BrattiirethPills can never he 4 b
taii.ed in any DRUG STORE.
The following are the ONLY AGENTS of
eel by Dr. B Brandreth, for the sale of his ;Vegeta
: ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County.
' Glf Lee—Principal Office, Diamond, Pittsburgh
Mr. John Glass—Allegheny.
Rohm t Duncan—Birmingham.
C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown.
i Press:) . Irwin—Pleasant
Jchn Johnsen—Nohlestown.
Chessman & Spaulding—SteWartstown,
Asdell & Conn( ll Clinton .
Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum.
George Power—Fairview.
David R. Coon—Plum Township,
Daniel Negley—East Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wilkittsburgh.
NV ID. 0 . Huutoir—Alton's
N'tw Yong., Fel,. 9,1842.