Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 15, 1843, Image 3

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o:'For business cards, &c., sec first page
lfge H. KEINANI, "European Ageut" will leave this
city in a few days for Europe. Those having business
to transact there should call upon him immediately at
the Merchant's Hotel.
LADY'S BOOK.—The October number of this maga
zine is already published, and received at Cool's Pe
riodical Depository. The contents are, of course, in
teresting. The em bellissments are of course very fine,
being an engraving of the "Balcony," a -Water Party"
and a plate of the fall fashions. It also contains two
ages of music, "Our friends of old."
IncrA duel took place on the second day of the
election in Danville, Ky., between Major Jeremiah T.
Boyle and Mr. Greenwood, in which the latter was
t dead with a pistol by the former, and expired in
o hours. Major Boyle immediately surrendered
e: to the civil authorities.
RIGHT SE rcrtmEN T.--T lie Philadelphia Forum
Aug of an attempt made by some of its contem
!,3 to drag the Religious opinions of certain poi
of the community into political discussions, says:
Jar free Constitution, separates Religion from Pol
-4. and permits every man to worship according to
as own conscience. We hold that a political newspa
per has nothing to do with the religions action of our
citizens of any sect. Public sentiment ever where, in
those United States, discountenances the blending of
religion and politics—and party persecution."
1171:lworth and Fog, e g . completed their grand pecks
vista tour of ono thousand miles in one thousand hours,
on Wednesday afternoon, and received, the one a cost
ly silver pitcher, and the other his wages of $5 per day.
. Fogg has rather gained in flesh by the journey, and
Elworth has lost but very little.
THE WAGES OF JOUR. TAILORS of Boston have, it
is said, been out down to one half of what they weic
three years ago. What th. , y 110 W claim is but au aver
.; age of $1,25 per diy. The following are the prices
required by the journelnim fur coats:
Plain dress or frock coats, custom work, tell cross
11_ rows in the shoulder, and five under arm, $4 50
4 Single breasted do. 4,00.
' 4 "..Plain great coats, with capes, 5,00
The same article.; for store or shop, $l, and 50 and
75 cents less.
"GIVE 30; Bag travelerbut lately returned
tm Europe, says that notwithstanding the stvong po
trce constantly parading the streets of London,
of able bodied men subsist on the donations
rt by frasil front pedestrians. Their plan is
emselves in the vilest rags they can obtain,
L 1.71.; M t he up with whiting. india-ink,
mselves on the trottoir, and chalk on the
. rough , to this by the last stages of starra
oinpelled to ask that charity which I scorn
&e. & He assures us that it is a regular
and that in the evening the whole crew as
: 'tiles in a roam splendidly fitted up, and called
. "Beggar's Saloon," to luxuriate on winos and all Man
ner of costly viands. The Beggar's Opera is no fic-
Borzdo Commercial Advertiser, stays the Cornier,
news the Whig coon promi , es of 184(1, aad mikes them
payable after 1844, as follows:
' "Let them all (the laborers) vote the Whig ticket
tand sustain the policy of protecting Ad tr rican LABOR
• from undue foreign competition, and they may rest as
sured of having their services in greater demand, and
worth mach more in this, and every other American
market, thiathey will he without such protmtion."
Coss To.tunsr.ita.Thurlow Weed, id one of his
letters from Lnado a, pays a passing coat plimgot to the
King of Hanover, as billows:
I quite-forgot to sac, in the ptoper place, that the
King of Hanover, who is 't son, )ou know, of George
111, came into the house of Lords, while I was there.—
As he passed by rrc, with his upper lip stuck full of
coarse bristles, I wondered what "Boar of Ardennes"
he could be, and was mit all surprised, afterward,
when informed that this was the King of Hanover; a
man whose gross nature and beastly propensities, were
they not ennobled, would cast hint without the pale of
the.TTwo dremlful murders have been C,llll , llltte
dian country—so says the Dobulue F.Aprcss.—
An Indian woman, on some slight in-avocation, seized
her brother, a boy of ten ur twelve years of tiie, and
stabbed him with a knife so severely that he died du
ring the day. Herimsband, known in his tribe as the
Black Wolf, and another Indian, the Prophet, took
the woman cut of her lodge, and heat her to death with
their war clubs. The chiefs of the hold a council,
and after some deliberation they acquitted Black Wolf
and the Prophet of all censure._
-- -
Mr. Wilmerding, of the firm of Austen-. Wilmerding,
-• Co. started fur 13oston on Friday evening„ and had
aterview on Saturday with young Saunders at the
- ctt street prison in that city. Oit his entering
11 Saunders seemed no way disconeetted, but
- hold of Mr. W.'s hand awl appeared delighted
him. He felt that he was beside one who had
*riend to him, and on whom he could still lean,
...i.standing his betrayal of trust, and the deep
• g uilt which had placed him in the fearful position he
then occupied.
On being questioned. Saunders repeated the old
story that no person had been concerned with him in
forgeries—that the money had been lost in the East
i •River,&/_!. He then went on to give a history of hi s
L' - .ffight, and stattxl that he "had been very unfortunate,
it seemed as if providence itself had determined to
so him." lie paid $lO5 for his passage in the
but arrived at the wharf a minute or two al
had started. Not being able to get on board
, he m vie for the Boston boat, but she also start
tas he reached the wharf. He then went to
bany boat, and was within a second of losinf ,
also, but succeeded in getting on board. At Al.
y he missed the ferry boat which carries passen
-1. 'gars across the river to Orcenbush, for the train of the
ostern Railroad, and he was compelled to hire a pri
conveyance to get across, and it was only by the
t possible exertion he succeeded in reaching the
in season. At Boston, he made acquaintance with
or two lads, rather titan men, as he thought it
, dbe more safe,and it was necessary to have some
person to show him the way to the packets. He paid
$3O for passage to New Orleans. The vessel was
ready to start at the moment, but the wind set
in ahead, andhe was detained. He then carried the
lads to the Museum, which createdsuspicion and led to
1;: his arrest. He says that after he found that he had
l* missed the Western, his heart died within him, and he
at once ga:e up alias lost; and what transpired to him
after that time appears more like a dream than any
thil. V e l lse il . merding was not satisfied with his story as
being the forger himself and ache money being lost
the river, and pressed him still more closely to tell.
fiefinally made a full and free confession—stated that
The had a confederate, and that the forger lil was a young
.: Frene.hman of his acquaintance named Ragee,residin Er,
at No, $2 Canal street, and that Illovi-ee had nearly all
the money. Mr. W. had intended remaining inn Bes
ton for 3 or 4 days. but after receiviug this intelligence
of course took the cars immediately on his return, and
arrived there the next morning. Ile forthwith repair
ed to the police office, but had the satisfaction of learn
ing that the forger had been arrested, and the money
was in safe hands, $2.1,000 of it having been secured;
which with the V2loo found on Saunders, makes the
-;i, whole sum taken, lackinr , a little less than $3OOO.
lia'lt appears that the Spanish authorities ofCitba
have been in the habit of treating the American tiag and
American citizens with contumely and disrespect. No
, wonder; they caa insult us safely. They can't do it
with the English or French.--,Thi/a,
The New-Besnaawiar,er of tho 31st ult., gives a
dati: picture of the 'state of things at Maramichi•—
Persons politically obnoxious, have been dragged from
church during divine service on the Sabbath day and
cruelly beaten; and at the last accounts 400 armed men
with two pieces of artillery, were encamped at Cath
am, and preparing to resist a detachment of military
which had been sent against them. At New Castle
two females had been indecently and brutally treated
for attempting to secure a person from the violence of
the mob
Dr. LarancesSecturcs.
This evening, Friday, September 15, the celebrated
"Bridgewater Lecture," being a discourse on the con
nection between revealed truth and physical science,
with a series of astrononilscal dioramas.
The Aurora Borealis, with four dioramas showing
polar auroras with their carious tints and colors.
Notices of Evans' Safety Guard. To conclude with
the Drummond Light.
Admission, 25 cents. To commence at 7i precisely.
The subscriber havingrcturned from the East with
the latest style of Hats, has now on hand and will con
stantly keep a large assortment of his own Manufac
ture, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap
ness, cannot be surpassed, and would respectfully in
vite his friends mid the public to examine his stock o
I I ats and Caps. at the :\ l a nufactovv, No. 73. Wood st.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Partnersltip heretofore existing - under the firm
3_ of DICKEY and ALEN:O.NDER, is this day dissol
ved by mutual cutsent. JAMES DICKEY,
Sept. 1, 1343. W.M. G. ALEXANDER.
JAMES DICKEY respectfully informs his friends
and the public, bathe still continues in the Transpor
tation Business, R his Warehouse, CORNER OF LIBER
TY AND WAYNE :iTREETS, Canal Basin, -under the
name of the "Independent. R#rlable Boat Line,"
where he will rireive and forward freight to the East at
the lowest term'. sept. 4—tf.
1,300 LIGHT HIDES, suitable for Upper
90) heavy Spanish Hides,
250 city slaughter do.,
0) Madras Galt
In stor:.• anc: for sale by
N 83 Liberty at.
Bureau if Provi6ioni Clo!hinz,
Atigu:t 14, 1343.
SEALED rtorosALs endorsed "Proposals for
Beef," a ndl•Proposals l;ur Pork," no the case may
be, wililyc receivod at thho otlhe until 3 o'clock P. M., on
Monday, the second day of ("lc:tuber next, for furniohini,
and doiivering, free of all cost and risk to the United
Seven thousand eight Innuirol barrels of Navy Beef,
And seven thousand eiOt hundred barrels of Navy
each barrel to contain not less than two hundred pounds
net weight of Beef or Poi; no excel of weight ingeith
er article will be paid for To be delivered at the
spective Navy yards and Naval Stations as follows:
. 3his. Beef. Blds. Pork
At Portsm nth, N. H., 91 94
At Boston, Mass., ~ 2,258 2,258
At Brooklyn, N. I"., 2,565 °—, 563
At Philadelphia, Pa., JO7 107
At Baltimore, MS, l5 t -
At Washington, D. C . 97
At Norfolk, Va-, 1,563
At Charleston, S. C. 15
At Pensacola, Florida, 41.
1 Al NeW Orleans, ha., 47
Said Beef and Pork muspe delivered, one-half be
tween the first day 00 unarllB44, and the 15th day of
Ap:al, 1344; and the other by the I.sth day of June,
1344, unless earlier delivers should be required by
the Chief of the Bureau of rovisions and Clothing.—
Oilers must he made for ell' half separately and dis—
tiactly—that is, for the haldeliverable bet wen first of
January and 15th of Aprilind for the half deliverable
by 15th June, 1314.
The Beef must be pac.lco from well fattened cattle,
Blau litered between tui tit day of November, 1843,
and the first day of Felinity. 1844. and weighing not
last than six hundred pintas, net weight each. The
and leg rands of the ind quarters, and the shins
and shoulder clods, and ite , east eight pounds front the
neck end of each Cure quaitr, or the parts Nos. 1,2,
and 3, on the drawing on.dinration of the fuze. and
hind quarters of an ox. %Orli will be attached to and
from a part of the con4rt, must be wholly excluded
from each barrel and hal and the remainder of the car
cass must be cut in piec4 of not less than eight pounds.
The Pork must he piked from corn f e d we ll fatten
ed hogs, slaughtered Liegeen the first day of November
1343, and the first day cFebruary, 1344. and weighing
not less than two Imini-d pounds, each; excluding the
heads, joles, necks, shoilers, haws, legs, feet and lard,
and all refuse pieces; 31 must he cut in pieces weigh
ing not less than six ponds eaCI.
lloth the Beef and must, be salted - With at least
one :statute bushel of TT..'s Island, Isle of Man or St.
Ulie's salt; and the Biimust hate five ounces office,
pulverized saltpetre to wit barrel, exclusive of a pickle
to be made, front freshwater, as strong as salt will
make it.
Or third the quail:: of Beef and one-third the
quantity of Pork muste packed in half' barrels. And
contain one hundred 'minds net weight of each, as
the case may be.
The barrels and ha barrels must be made of the
best seasoned white oa or white oak staves and head
ing; if of the former, toe not less than three-fourths of
an inch thick; if of the her, to be not less than one inch
thick for barrels. and the-fourths of aninch for half bar
r el.; and to be hooped[ least three-fourths over with
the best white odk or ikory hoops:
Each barrel and ha barrel must be branded on its
head "Navy Beef,'' oray.y Pork," as the case may be
with the contractor's tire, and the year when packed.
The Beef and Pork ii be inspected by the inspecting
officers the respecti navy yards and stations afore
said, and be some 'swo insiTec tor of salted provisions,'
who will be seiecteoy the respective commanding
officers; but their chars for such inspection mu T. be
paid by the respectivkintractors, who must likewise
have the barrels put ii ooti. shipping order, to the se .-
isfaction of the comtndants of the respecdve navy
yards and stations aft:said, after the inspection, and
at their own expense.
Bidders must speci their prices separately and dis
tinctly, in separate ores for the Beef and for the Pork;
and for each of the pies of delivery, ;covering all ex ,
reuses and all charge
The Department rerves to itself the right to reject
all offers from persontho have heretofore failed to ful
fil their contracts.
Bonds in one-thirde amount of the respective Con ,
tracts will be requireand ten per cement in addition
will be withheld fro re amount of each payment to
be made, as collaterahcarity for the due and fai.hful
performance of theiripective contracts, which will on
no account be paid ail the co uracts are complied
with in all respects. it is to be forfeited to the United
States, in the event Ulna- to complete the deliveries
within the prescribmeriods. And in case of failure
on the part of the (Tractors to deliver the aforesaid
beef and pork withitie times specified, the Chief of
the Bureau of Peovns and Clothing shall have the
right to direct purcles to be made to supply the defi
ciencies, and any etss of costs shall be charged to'
and paid by the enactors. Payment will be made
by the United Statc'excepting ten per centum to be
withheld until the eipletion of the contracts, as be
fore stated.) withirrty days after the said beef and
pork shall line beeOspected and received, and hills
for the were shall k ve been presented to the Navy
Cents respectiveiv.;ly approved by the commandants
of the respective - 1 , ;: - Yards and Stations, according
to the terms of the ►tracts.
The parts of thensf to be excluded will be particu
larly designated in t engraving to be attached to the
contracts; persons crested can obtain them on appli
cation at this office;
Seccessfulbidderill be forthwith notified of their
acceptance, and a tract and bond will be transmit
ted to them, whichtst be executed and returned to
this Bureau within rty day s . aug 19—t205.
John D. Davis,
Corner of Wood and sth sts., Pittsburgh,
T ready to receive merchandize of every description
1 on consignment, for public or private sale, and
from long experience in the above business. flatters
himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage.
Regular sales on MONDAYS and T 11UP.SD :LYS, of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, P ittsbiirgh manufactured articles,new
and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every evening,at early gas light. aug 12—y
Furniture at Auction.
AT Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner
Wood and sth streets, on Monday next, Sept.
18th, at? o'clock, P. M., will be sold, the Household
and Kitchen Furniture of a family leaving the city, COM
priiing- in part:
Mahogany secretaries and hook case,
Do bureaus,
Do frame spring hair seat sofas and chairs,
Fancy Windsor and common chairs,
Dining, breakfast and card tables,
Fancy sewing and wash stands,
Mantel glasses, hall and astral lamps,
Ingrain and rag carpets, hearth rugs,
Brass, wire and iron fenders,
Steel and brass fire irons,
Feather beds and bedding,
Hair and straw mattresses,
1 piano forte, 1 mantel clock
Also, kitchen utensils
sep 14—ts
Executor's Sale
WILL be sold, at 3 o'clock, on SATURDAY of
ternoon, the 23d instant, at the late residence of
Aaron Hart, deceased, Grove Hill, by order of the Ex
One Horse, one milk COY, a number of young hogs,
one waggon and harness, sundry farming utensils, one
Sideboard, and sundry articles of household furniture.
Terms at Sale, JOHN D. DAVIS,
sept 14. Auctioneer.
William C. Wall,
Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame
No. 87, Fourth strert, Pittsburgh, Pa.
CIN V ASS brusheß, varniih, &c., for artists, always
on hand. Looking Classes, &r., promptly ft a.
med to Order. Repairing done at the shortest notice.
Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing of
every description.
Persons fitting stumboats or houses will find it to
their advantage to call. sep 10-y
Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Warc,
No. 17, Fifth strect,beteceen Wood and Market,
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of wares,
and solicits a share ofpublic patronage. Also, on hand,
the following articles: shovels, pokers, tongs, gridirons,
skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, coffee mills, &c. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
themselves., us he is determined to sell cheap fcr cash or
approved paper. mar 7—tf
C. A. Dir.ANU'LTY,
Canal Basin, corner Wayne and Liberty gtreets, Pitts
burgh. Agent United States Portable Boat Line.
mpt 4-3 m.
PCAWFIELD has removed his marble Estob
. lishment to Wood st. opposite Fahnestock's
Drug Store, where he will keep constantly on hand
Tomb Stones., Monuments etc. op 1.9-Iyr
rail Painter, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil
ding. J. Osborne would solicit a call from those wh
desire Portraits. Speitnens can be -seen at his rooms
JUST RECEIVED and cm sale on consigmilent,
7 hlul: bacon,
71111(14 sugar,
Can Le seen at the store of .1(te(il) Painter &
auz 29 J. K. MOORHEAD CO
A norr the last week in June. in a Clothing Store
in Lib'erty strePt, a Note of hand, conAiderably
soiled and worn. It If. signed by Jaw:: Ga:ton and
another, and drawn in faiiir of \V. Black. The own
er can have it by identifying it, and paying expenses.
FOSTER, at the St. Clair Sired Literary De
pot, has just received:l .mall lot of beautiful straw col
arra and gteen Letter Paper, ‘‘ hich be sells at the ex
trairdinary 121 cents per quire. sep 8-6 t.
TllE HUTTED KNOLL, Cooper's last novel, for
ERARY DErmr, opposite the Exchange. Prize-23
per volume.
All sorts Of clothing and wearing apperal. Please
call at No. 151 Liberty street, and see for yourselves
sop 7. J. McCLOSKEY.
ALL THE MAdAZIN ES for September have been
received at the St. Clair street LITERARY
DEPOT opposite the Exchange. sep 8-6 t.
Little Piltriaui.
A sequel to the "Tailors Apprentice"' received at
FOSTER'S Literary Depot, St. Clair st. oppo
site the Exchange. Sept 8-Iw.
112- Sl ‘ - . l a ..A. te ß s S,S e, . b k y lleghen s v O P H .r N idl3 . s p tc k d v t ic at pri
sep 11 Corner of Wood and Fifth streots.
j i ACKEREL.-16 IRAs. No: 3 Mackeiel, just
11'1 received and for sale by
sep 3. 43 Wood st.
NINA! NINA !;--This greet work by Fredericka
Bremer is received *Foster' s Literary Depot,
it. Clair street, opposite the Exchange Hotel. Price
/fli cents. sop 8-6 t
To Mot chants and Others.
AGENTLEMAN, who thoroughly understands
Book Keeping, wishes a situation in that capa
city: the best of references will be given. Address H.,
at this office. aug 28—tf
SMOK ED HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her
rings just received and for sale by
43, Wood street
*ugh' and Coldi.
known cure for the complaints, can be obtained
at TUTTL'ES 86 Fourth st. Only 25 cents per bot
tle. sept 12.
Late Leather.
SIDES Lace Leather,a very superior article
94;;A1 for sewing Machine Belts, for sale by
No. 83 Liberty st.
scp m&w2t
Dissolution of Partnership.
HE partnership heretofore existing wider the
style of Devine& M'Anult.y, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. H. Devine is to collect all sums
due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted for
the concern up to this date
Piusburgh, Sept. 1. 1843
H. Devine respectfully informs his friends and the
public, that he still continues in the Transporting
business, and that he has removed the office of the U.
S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next
door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive
and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest
terms. H. DEVINE.
Sole Leather.
;IA fi SIDES of Baltimore and New York
A./ Sole Leather. also a general assortment
of Morocco, Lining and Binding Skins, for sale by
No. 83 Liberty street.
e p 2-411.m.5-w2t
Merchants and Alanufacturcr.' Scrip..
Exchange Bank Scrip
Eric Bank Scrip
On Philadelphia
New York..
Gold. ............ par
Silver par
Bank of Pittsburgh...... pa r
Merchants and Manufacturers' bank ...par
Exchange . - --par
Do. Hollidaysburgh ...... .. ..par
Bank of North. America par
Do Northern Liberties par
Do Pennsylvania - ... par
Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania par
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank
Kensington bank . par
Manufacturers and Mechanics' par
Mechanics par
Moyamensing ...... par
Philadelphia bank par
Schuylkill par
Southwark ..... "...... .............. par
Western par
Bank of Penn Township...... par
Girard Laid- 16
- - ..
U. S. bank and branches 36
Bank of Germantown. -
" Chester county....
Delaware county...
" Montgomery county.—
" Northumberland
Farmers' ban?: of Bucks c0unty........-_
Doylestown bank
Franklin bank of Washington
Bank of Chambersburgh...... .....
Gettyaburgh ..... ....-...
" Lewistown ....
" Susquehanna county . •
Berk: county bank
Columbia Bank and Bridge Company..
Carlisle bank ..
Erie bank
Farmers and Drovers' bank..
" Bank of Lancaster
" Bank of Reading
Harrisburg bank
Honesdale "
Lancaster co.
Lebanon "—..
Miners' bank of Pottsville .... ...
Monongahela bank of Brownsrille 1
New Hope and Delaware Bridge company —.lO
Northampton bank .. - .no sale
Towanda bank
Wyoming bank 4
West Branch bank ..... ... 35
York bank
Belmont bank of St. Clairsville
Clinton bank of Columbus
Volumbiana bank of New Lisbon
Circleville (Lawrence,
( Warren, cashier).— .....
Cincinnati banks.... ........
Chillicothe bank
Commercial bank of Lake Erie
Dayton bank
Franklin bank of Columbus.... —. .. • -
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville-.1
Farmers' bank of Canton 40
Ira Millmn
. -
Mechanics' and Traders'. Cincinnati
Mount Pleasa 7ii . .
IC , r Ica 11;
Urbana— ........
Zanearillt .
Slate bank and brandies
State Scrip
All banks
State bank
Bank rr hlrnnis, Shawneetnii•u
Bank of the Valley of Virginia 1
Bank if Virginia
Exchange bank of Virginia
Farmers' bank of Virginia
North-Western bank of Virginia.. .1
Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia .. ..1
Baltimore City banks . • .. .
All other solvent banks..
All solvent ................
All solrent banks . .. .
AU sol6eni Banks . • • .
Mobile batik.g...
Country bolas
New Orleans banks
The proprietors of the 1110nNtNo PosT and MER
CURY ASTI MANurAcrunEn respectfully inform their
friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well chosen assortment of
arlICllOll3 TYP E
cama mauav_tazt.o
Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are
prepared to execute
Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars,
Pamphlet•, Bill Heads, Cards,
Handbill", I Blank Checks, Hat Tips.
2111 Utubs oi illauks„
State, Steantbaca and Canal Boa:, Bute, with ap
propriate cuts,
Printed on the !shortest notice and most reasonable
We respectfully ask the patront - e of our friends and
the public in general in this branch of our business.
July 31, 1343. PHILLIPS & SMITH.
NY or neighborhood, a good place as Coach
man, Groom or Waiter by a soer, experienced sin
gle nian,who can come well recomended, and will make
himself generally useful. Also, wanted places for a
number of mechanics, coachmen, laborers, waiters,
farmers, and men and boys for all work in town or
country. Please apply at HARRIS' Agency and
Intelligence Office, No. 9 Fifth street.
sep 7
Forwarding and Commission Ifferchanta,
AGENTS for the :llerchants' Transportation Cow
pony comyJs.e,l of the .)lereliant' Line, Erie
Canal; Washington, Lire. Hunter, Telmer Co.'s
Line of Steaml,ontg and vessels on the lakes. Cleve
land Line, Penn, , yh - ania nal Ohio Canal. Proprie
tors of the Mrceh,,nti:, Line, Ohio Canal.
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coenties Slip, N. 1:
R. Hunter & Co. Albany.
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo,
M. T. Williams S. Dow,
Hon. John M. Allen, Cleveland.
Charles M. Giddings,
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh.
ap 1 1843-Iy.
. .. a
Beaver and Warren Packet.
. THE canal packet ERIE, J. M.
Shaw,master, will run as regular tri
weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Cleveland
direct, For &eh:lit or passage apply on board, or to
BIRMINGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh,
J. S. DICKEY, Beaver.
011147.11‘,2 0 .
SW Ali ' •
RAIL ROAD CARS, from Pittsburgh, via Bed
ford, Chambersburg, Harrisburg and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging- and one night out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia $9.
Baltimore 9.
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office 2d door below the Merchants' Hotel Wood st.
feb 23, 1343-Iy. Proprietors.
. ....par
is National Road and Balliawre and Ohio Rail
wr--.A. A . ta. at.7.z
. • " _ _
THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pittsburgh
ionalat G o o d 'cl t ock C A. ih M. l , v d ia Washington
h Pa.
n eran, connecting
with the rail road Co's to all the above places: Trav
elers will find this a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and Cum
berland line, facilities will be afforded which have not
been heretofore enjoyed. Extra coaches furnished at
the shortest notice. with the privilege of going through
direct or taking one tights rest at their option.
For tickets, apply at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON,
feb 3-41tf. President of N. R. Stage Co.
Peach Trees.
-w-,. THE subscriberhas just received from the Nuf
sery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia,
a lot of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which he
would call the attention of the public.
No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood._
HEREBY certify that I have known a number of
.Ipeople who have taken Dr. McLane's Liver Pills;
and have been much benefitted by them, and I believe
i them to be the best pills for liver complaints, and foi
1 general use, of any pill now before the public.
1 hereby certify that I have been afflicted for 6 yeari
The Swiftsure, Robinson, Master, leaves every with a liver complaint; and have applied to different
ursday at 10 o'clock, a. m. physicians, and all to little or no effect, until I made
The Cutter, Collins, Master, leaves every Friday at use of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boXes of themlo o'clock a. in. lam nearly restored to perfect health.
The Montgomery, Bennett, Master, leaves every Sat- AVIS.
Montgomery , urday at 10 o'clock. a. m. 1 Millersburgh, near Pittsburgh, August id, 1843
The Express, Parkinson, Mister, i
ster, leaves every Sun- t r — t - ".--zr For sale at the Drug Store cf
day at 10 o'clock a. ni.
I aut".2 . 2 corner 4th and Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
— fee ;rzt r Packeti; - for Cincinnati.
no salc
TOM' 20 Agents. I s - ER comPLAlNTs—Dy.speriia and
United States Portable Boat Line Depot. . 1 g cstion, with Costiveness, as:6(lky of the stem=
ach, hardness of food after meals, heartbl'irm frathlency,
liver complaints, with pain in the side and shoulder,
jaundice, bilious complaints, dropsy, diabetes, gravel;
• stone, and inflammation. °raw lungs, arc most perfectly
removed and cored by the HEPATIC
This article has the most astonishing effects in curing
all complaints of the stomach and digestive organs,—.
Many highly respectable incliv iduals in New York
have been cured, after trying every other remedy in
vain, and have given in theirnames with pet mission to
refer to them. It is pletisant to the taste, and does
not in the least interfere ith the daily avocation of one
taking it. Many Families of this city have become so
I pleased with the Medicine, that they ',lse it ns theii
only family medicine. By using it occasionally, it
keeps the stomach free from bilious disorders, and thO
liver active, with the secretions of the body in the most
perfect activity. It is composed entirely of vegetables:
The cure will he gradual, but certain and permanent.
I Fur .:I.le at TUTTLE ' S, 86 Fourth street.
sep 6.
friendsA. :\ic l a NnIlL the l
public, y e ry t
has made
a i d n e fo c r lr ns n his
ments to continue the agency of the boats forming the
U. S. Portable Boat Line, at the lark new Warehouse,
Basin, where goods will be received and' forwarded
with usual despatch, and on the most favorable terms,
to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York or Boston.
272 Market sr., I'hiladelphia.
MOORE & CHASE, Agents.
75 Bondy's Wharf, Baltimore.
Sept. 4-3 m.
ALLEN KRAMER, Erehance Broker, No. 46,
Corner of it and Third streets, Pittsburg
Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank nnte., bought.
and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eatitern cities, for sale.
Drafts, notes and bills, collected.
... 50
W. H. Po
County Commissioner.
A T the 'solicitation of a number of friends of all
political parties, I respectfully offer myself t o
the consideration of my fellows iti.Lens for the office of
County Commissioner. That my sentiments may nut
be misunderstood, either as to political or private
affairs, I make free to say that I have been all my life
a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word.
As the country is somewhat embarrassed in its finan
cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public
officers has received the approbation of large majori
ties of the people, the undersigned would not should
he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at
tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach
the office of County Commissioner.
To the voters of Allegheny county:—l respect-
fully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate
(independent of par ties) for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As Ido not come before you recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per
sonally known will please examine into my qualifica
tions, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority
of your suffrages, I shall endeavor by strict attention
to the duties of the office, to sati , fy you with your
choice. ALEX MILLER.
AL XDY who is capable of taking chars e of a I
household, is desirod' of obtaining a situation
as housekeeper in it private family. or as supeHntendent
in a retlpectable hotel. She would have no objection
to leave the cit.:- if desired to do so. For further infor
mation inqUire at this office. °I-tf
PIKE ROAD.—Notice is hereby given that by
an act of the General Assembly of the - Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, pasted the sth day of April, 1843. the I
subscribers are named as Commissioners in Allegheny
county, with authority to open books at such time and
place as may be deemed expedient by them, for the
purpose of receiving stibscribtions of stock, for the
construction of a turnpike road from Uniontown to Pitts
burgh. In pursuance of which authority the subscri
bers will proceed to open books for, the purpose of re
ceiving subscriptions ofstock, payable to "The Presi
dent, Managors and Company of the Uniontown and
Pittsburgh Turnpike Road Company," according to
the terms of the act of incorporation. Such books to
be opened on Monday, the second day of October,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Monongahela House, in
tits city of Pittsburgh, and at tie store of Samuel
Walker, in the beronzh of Elizabeth.
;aril:ono-a/or All. Co
ang 29—dlm. (Advocate and American copy.)
The Great Central Bente
Road Company
• 106
JOHN Blfl3ll
Wm. Bell & Co., .1
John D. Davis,
F. Lorenze
J. Painter
Jos2ph Woodwell,
James May,
Alex. Bronson& Co.
John H Brown& Co.
James M'Candlcss.
J. R. M'Dottall ?
e, Pres't Bank F
911110114 LOb
LOTS, sumble fbr
uata, and witMr
ateamferrv: , oatlancroig ,
the times. w The terms of
either for cash or such La,
Apply to the subicribers
Peterson, No. 4, Ferry it
june 1.
4 Lots in Manchester.
Land on Holmes' Ili
181, 182, andlB•4, in Col
Hill. Also, Lots
oniligh street, near the
apply to
sep 10
T J OTS on the North
High street. A,.
For Rent.
That COTTAGE, 3ituated in the Borough of
gt Lawrenceville, at present occupied by John
Parker. •
The place has a very fine garden and g6PCni asAort:-
ment of fruit trees. Any person renting can have th 6
privilege of„engtiging for the ensuing year. Passel
sion given on the Ist of October next.
Apply at No. 5 Commercial Row, Liberty areal
or to Wm. Taman, Smithfield street.
se . 1, 1843.
For or Rent.
G"A\a'rEon"El a L r i t . , ,
d th e e ceas lat e e d. ies T iLanc p e l ufig
is well stocked withcboice fruit trees, vines, &c.
Also, a convenient tenement lately occupied by R.
Possession xvill be miven on the first of October 110iti.
For terms apply to GEO. COCHRAN, Ex'r.
To Rent.
PLEASANT rooms and good swum power, at thi
cast steel file manufactory, comer of Liberty and
O'Hara. streets.. Apply on the prehlises - . jtily IC.
Freeman's Fire Brick for Sale.
JUST received, 5000 Freeman's Lest Fire Brick,
which will hereafter be kept constantly on hind
and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO.
may 27 No. 60 Water sc..
Landreth's Garden Seeds.
A full supply of Landreth's Garden Seeds always oil
hand and for sale, at his agency, the Druz store of
184, Liberty st., head of Wood.
•in the District Court of ..illcglteki County, of
I July Term, 1343, N 0.33.
? John Walker. Jr.
L. S vs. e
Peter Wilson. .
And now, to wit, Ammst 26th. 1343, On motion
of G. P. Hamilton, Esq.. the Court appoint Frs. R.
Shook, Esq., Auditor, to distribute the proceeds of soli
in this case. From the Record.
Pittsburgli, l'a
Notice is hereby givcn to all persons interested, thai
I will attend to the duties as.sigrA to me by the
Court in the above ease. at MN' office, in Fourth street,
Pittsbursh, bn Tuesday the 20th day ,of September, at
10 o'clock, A. M FRS; it. SHUNK,
aint. 30. Auditor.
Cincinnati, 0.,
St. Louie, • o.
lathe Court of Commoyi Pleas of Allegheny Count=
(y, of Oetp . her Term, 1813, No. 130.
the inatter of the application of Du:
L. S.
q o i n ie i sne College fur Charter of Incor
pnratiAnd now to wit, Aug 12. 1843: The
Constitution of Duquesne Col lege having been present
ed to, and perused by, the Court, and the Court having
carefully examined the said instrument, and it appear
ing to the Court that the objects, articles and conditions
therein set forth and contained, are laWild, and not in
jurious to the community, do direct the said Writing to
be filed in the office of the Prothonotary of this Court,
and that notice be inserted in the Morning Pout, in th 6
city of Pittsburgh, for three weeks. setting forth the ap
plication to this Court, to grant such Charter of Incor.
I potation. From the Record:
I Attest: A: SUTTON, Pro.
Notice is hereby given, that application has been
Made to the Court for a Charter fur Duquesne Col
lege, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary
1 within three weeks, the Court will be asked to grans
said Charter. THOMAS HAMILTON,
aug 24-3 w Att'y for Petitioners:
ease's lloarhonnd Candy.
_ L,I Fresh supply jwat received from New York, 84
for sale at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth :t.
Sept 12.
Proposals for Chain Iron.
Washington, July 2.8. 1843.
PROPOSALS wilt be received at this Office until
3 o'clock; on the first day of September ensuing,
to deliver at the Navy Yard in this city, the following
Chain Iron, for eighteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches
in diameter. each 150 fathoms long, constituting the fol
lowing bill of Iron, viz:
35,100 links 1 11.16 inches in diameter-20i inches
450 links 1 1;1-16 inches in diameter-221 inches
20 feet 3} inch by 21 Oval pin Iron.
90 do c2i do 2 do do.
70 Snivel, 198 Shacido. and 18 box pieces.
Specification= of the Swit el, Shackle, Box pieces.
and Oval pin Iron, can be seen on application at this of
fice; all of the above Iron must be the very best
ican, and Undergo such proof, under the increseeti testi,*
and inspection, as the Commandant d the Yo i tay s y.
subject it to; to be delivered free of expense -to t h e
Government. and in as short a time after the Contract
is made as is possible, which time will be designated
in the contract.
Bonds with rod and sufficient sr.reties in double the
amo:.int of the Contract will be required, and a mi en _
ration mulch-ore each payment of 10 per coal, tilltito
Contract is corapleted.
aug. 8. •- `'PAL. B. SCOTT, Nan 401,16.