Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 15, 1843, Image 1

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VOL. 11. _NO. 2.
corner of Wood and Fifth Streets.
T Mums . —Five donars a year, payable in advance.
Single elpie3 Two CES TS —for sate at the cou:it.r of
the Office, and by NeW.3
Th. Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer
Is priblished at the same office, on a double medium
beet,, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Sin
ctiics, SIX CENTS.
I.4ertion, $0 50
do., 0 75
•e'do., 2 00
week, 1 50
vu do.,
- hreo do.,
Oar. Square. Two Squarex.
Six munth4, $lB 00 Six mouths, $2.3 00
'One year, 25 00 Oue year, 35 03
WCARDS of foui 1
Ci'y Post Qiicr. Third beta- en Alarkot zt:ld
-strPets—R.ll. 12i,1,11p,
Civenat Ilaut. Ith d irwn I'Vrll.,t.,Pe
torAmt's buildin;.; , —M ,r
Ci'y Tre,-“itrg, NV,) td, b , tw , Pint tuid Second
ftrectg—Jam Bar:ram, Tr..a:uror.
County Tre.Hury, strcut, tioxt. (boy to the
Third Prz3byteri I. Church—S. It. Johnston, Trea...;l:•
Mayor's Office, Faurtit, bawcen )farket anti Wool
Itroets—llexancler Hay, Mayor.
Merchant's E.cchrtn7,e, Fourth near Mur'.i.ct
Pititib r2'h bt't \ Market and Vood Atrovz 5 ori
Fitird and Fourth street:.
filler•chants'andManufacturers' and FdllnerN' De
poBit Bank. (formerly Saving- Fund,) Fo-trnit,
%Voni a ul \I streets.
ExcAarig . e t Fifth near Watil. •
on galtela House, Water 110:1.1 . tae
lozege Ilolvl, corner ofPenaa of Wit. Ciao.
!hues' Hold, cor:o of Third and Wood.
110/el, ennierorf hirltn Smitliiivid.
ed corner of rt`!III st. a; 1 C:1 . 131
?ad Eagle, Lib irty Itroet,
31 vision Iro 'L LP Wily 1111,,C
iitunst's Mansion Iron sr, l'onti St., opptit.
_portatrt to 0 waors of Sa-xr
XYDER'S uarivalled Self Setters. f‘tr saw
‘vhich litre been so fully tested ia.li.rerenttart.;
of the Ll.lited States, aq well a: Li the ei:ies (If
burgh ald Allegheav, can be soea is eperAtio , at a
oitmb.tr of mills neLtithar:eLLL viz: at Mr.Vi..k
ersham's mills, on l'enti street: at llowmau 5..-C,hum
-I,ers's mill, near the upper .\ lt:ide, and
atlNlorrison's mills, 0-1 Isla!al. and dlert.—
'The above hamed can Is itt!!...Cried r ' W. W.
.41.111, oa Liberty/War 51it11:1 ,. ...1,
Where it y
i„ Whr.
o• !hi.. ma • , .1j;•
kept coatta uk Ra hands. to ii.
W. 'W. %Vallee. m
EIT2M3' Chamomile Pills
steeC•t, New Wai a:ilk:Lid Wit 1.):•1)00,1 , i.,
io it 4 riViAt nt-t1 form, Tne ,yniptutz vi
olent hmiltnib!, ze,at
4 :telribni - a, pain in the ch. , .:t ;:nd. •t•no ui aiwayi m.nn
etitint;, armetito, oCsinki;n:
stoTo fmy.‘,l ton_pm, ;: , a. with vppnit vomit
dizzine,;,l towards nizln and r.,.4tilsno“. lIIe
heal e:mtinned upwards of a tw dverinl!h, hen• on
co:13111611g Dr. Win. Leans, 100 Cinfmn r:truet, and
submitting to hi.: ev.er andt:.!recable mode
of treatment, the patient was c nnplt.ely re,1,1 1 - 0 ,1 to
health in the short space of one mom:, and gratofol for
tin incalculable bonefit derived, riadv came forward
and volunteered the above ~ t atemen whole
sale and retail, by R. E. SILLERS, . Zt!ltt,
Rep 10—y N. 90, WIVMI ,rer.t,l,oll/W Sri' MI.
PC232'l Hoarhound 3andy
MUTTLE has received this aly born w York . ,
a fresh sii4ply of the above ;eletrated cure for
Coughs, Colds and Consuroption4 and is ready to sup
ply customers at wii:,kgalc or retail, at his ,Medical
Agency, 86 numb gt. nor 12
83tt.3.t Bargains than ever, atthe rco
lIE =ul)..icriber would respectfully inftrii
tomers and the public generally, that nom-hits:ad
ing, the imprecedennal sales at the Three Bk , Boors,
during die present season; he has still on haul tie lar
gest and most varied assortment Ofelo; , , ait CLO
THING that can be bought west of the mointains.—
The public may rest assured that all articlesrifll-red at
hie store are maufact tired from FRESH GOWS, pur
chased in tha Eastern markets this spring ane male in
to ga rments be Pitttsburgh workmen.
In consequence of the multiplication of slw sliops in
our city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and hetnusty,
cast off garments of former seasons, from the cistern ci
ties, the public should be cautious to ascertaitthe char
acter of the establishments in which they are itiiite4 to
purchase, before they part with their money. The arti
cles offered at sot end oldie concerns ill tin city, are
the mere oftals of New York and Philadclihia slop
chops, and sent out here to be palmed off orthe Pitts
: singh public. Purchasers should be on the! guard a
inst these impositions, and they may rely n the fact
• at no establishment thatadvertises twee rn . zade
1, jug, can give as good an article or it.: ad v.atageons
argains as can be had at the "Three Big "bi ts ,"
The public will please rem-tither that all th subscri
ber's garments arc made iulhis city,bycompLent work-
Men, and not gathered up like the _roods ntoettfered by
the "birds of passage" from the shreds and latches of
eastern slop shops.. It will always be his edeasor to
maintain the reputation that the "Three ltr Doors"
have obtained for furnishing a superior stvloof CLO
THING in every respect, and at prices helot those of
-any other establishment.
He would again return his thanks to his ("Raids and
the public for the unprecedented patronageoestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that ley hare
found it to their advantage to deal with himge would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish tpurellase
Clothing ()revery description at the lowest pce,tr, call
at No. 151, LIIIEnTY Sr. JotiNmrcLik.T.y.
17. F., Observe Metal Pint , in the pavement- pap 2(%
Look at This.
TIHE attention of those who have beertomewhat
sceptical in reference to the numerts certifi
cates published in favor of Dr- Swavne's 'wnpound
Syrup of Wild Cherry, on account of the pears beino
unknown in this Section of the State,'is resictfullv di
rected to the following certificate, the writs of wili;-h
has been a citizen of this borough for several-ears, and
is known as a gentleman of integ-rity and
To the a
g ent, Mr. J. liner.
I have used, Dr. Swnyne's Compound Syr) of Wild
Cherry for a Cough, with which nave bet severely
afflicted for about four months, and I have nctesi tattoo
in saying that it is the most effective meditae that I
have been able to procure. It composes all neasiness,
and agrees well with my diet,—and maintaira re; - ular
and good appetite. I can sincerely recommod it to all
others similarly affiicred. J. MINNICK, Prough of
March 9, 1810 . Charnbellnirgh.
For , tale by WILLIAM TIORN,
(sep 23)
One month, $5 00
Two do., t; 00
Throe do., 7 00
Four do., a 00
3 00 Six do.,
4 00 One year,
cute ill priportion.
lines Six DOT.T,AIts a \Tar
Public Offices, &c
B_l\ ES
-,t h •
. •
I[ll f' ~•.
R. Wood ttorn i stiFottasellor at Law,
(MEM , remel to 13a.k/ell'Olike', on Grant street,
nearly opl eche ney- -. omilouse, next rooms to J.
1). IVI - alent first)or• sop 10
H 4 Tone Attincy at Lam,
North Eatortier Sznithr and Foiirth
PittAburzi sep o—y
:*c.IN,LE•ss krcLuitn,
Attteys Coalellors at Law,
Office in : Diarrind, hack idle old Court House,
ocri 10; Pittsbuil.
Frig riShunk, Etorney at Law,
'oat street, able Wood,
Thoi. Hamilton, 4torncy at Law,
tiween Wood a Smithfield
sop 11 J rit,:burzh, Pa.
lA9fm RobinsonAtorney at Law,
oak,. 0 , th side of the iani end, betwee - ii Mar-
iOind Union surd, up stairs scp 10
f -
rboraw, Atigrney at Law,
TenderPoresiored sery icf to the public. Office
s op sth st ahoy,: W,vl, Pittsburgh.
Ey+ Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
Upia°t 110 Di,, m ,11 to "Attorney's Row,'
sli l pf ;tit, IR•t \ve.n l 7.‘5 Let and Wood sts.,
scp 10 . Pittsburgh.
IFekenaster, Atttaey at Law,
,411ii:otii,•0 Lau •lth
sep 10
de W. Layng,Aiorney at Law,
•uiprtli .;tr.-u, nrar Inithfiell. Pittsburgh.
. . _
It Washing - ton, Atorney at Law,
' . ) qa intell's Luildin., (Int street, Pitt:burglt.
i'v ),
Johilffitchell, Attract' at Law,
1 ofevro Smitlli..i.l:,,”l illi ~. rcci-. l'itt,br::ll
- (..- im,, .1, t.l •. \ 1,...1-i,,, , ,..; ei.tro•te.l t., I l i,
~rc will 111)*• a,t,•;11.-.1
fib i li
W" Mlticr, Attf T
ucy at Law,
Hlic • ' , l . 1,11„ -- ~: I •.k.a!,.,vc Cw corm,. ,11
Et', '9- Smitlili,ld, ri.qh :jct..%
T -
w4l .--
Austin, Atinney at Law,
'it+. -.1),n-A Oflico in Foi,rtlitt-0r,, T p,,:.;;,-. p„irk„..,
n'.7e -, 'Ngicil E. At i.. \ • ;It len
-1)1 to 11l I - 211::teal Litn
tL p.. •of in:: fri..:1;1 , .
s.,f) Foßw.kiti).
Dar M. Curry, LLtbrncy at Law, .
;at ,tre.•!,
t, .
rt Portcr, Atraay at
°Ac. rorit-rof l' , Kir:llril Smi!ioitd.l !
Pit...burzl ,
84.1"1ancgin 7 iltorncys at Law,
B^tidhn : 1 ": th
erat4„ lin* wi4tv,
tit.• :ut•.l h . 11%
ri r y 4 -`lz; primr.t
r - —54 -#.0-raw, Alt , 3ruey at Law,
IL, IX , „7.,,, , 11 .
• Ssno".....:fillC r ift . .1r ~ (1.1:I.1
.nith I Z
-----------ICrcig,,atto27 at Law,
:.. I hllir.,'
11°'14 4r .„
( __________ .
(liitn Itlttoxnev :kn . •
.. 44t
. '' lonns:cll6r at Law,
rtti. k . - —"L.,lxt. 71..m1:0
E.tc,,H,ti ttr",-• ''';'). 1. , - iipfr e vle. i-/.1,..,1 11, it. , , t.t•
Tu3r-zri,,,,..;,;::1 .;)I], .1.•!.,,,,,. 1'...!=t5.0, Gzi , nt
i.k ....' viac, ri lei ,.:;:v. s, Cu' :,,,-,,,, C.:,-i.,4 Sza: '...
-,-:'• '' '
.. .;/;;.'d i.
;..:!.oh.,7::::. il/:7:1;::(!:::t11;:
i l , l' iti . I •, / r 4 1 ' •
Ai lez
- --% itili ... an,
l ' e , , W. , .1 and
~t1,':11. 41-
• . .. 1,,,!' 0 4. - i e - i -•-.- • ' - • - "I '`.'_! " 22_
I Zikkaks
ki,--,__.. 'Pm- tthd.., tl,4.late 14,, for
. ,_
F or pro.% (!, lAb l , t C/27..t.—..,. ---._..,
1. at thi • L'foep 7),1,1-,,,-AtiCOS, Zke
0 t thiNc,-, r r i/e , 1.0 , 1 ;.: , ,A
• t:e Co , rt, 1, ~.: .
Ohl( 111)
To lu. u,e, I
at Ihtis ,
• .
toro,t. n-xt (IWZ MlL'.vauy C. C.•
oj. A. W. Patterson,
-ice on
,1,!L1A.:1 . -f-t. , t, thirlioor from the corat•r ,
_ -- 1,, :-Ixt a , trcei. cop 10
D. Sellers, M. D.,
011ie veliing in Fo:lrit street, near Ferry,
sep .13-I - ritt,b,:rgl.
d & Hunt : Dentists,
et, a few dooN below St. Clair,
ctor Daniel McNeill,
street, hetwem Wo(KI mid Smithfield
streets, Pittsi,urgh. der 10—y
tnfico o
43, Wood Street,
le of the Eagle Cotton Fartpry Tarns.
21.T.11.Ms Jolly S. 1)11.V.ol:Til.
" illiams &Dilworth,
cr.., Produce and Mcr
lers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar-
Vood stri-et. sup 10—y
- 11, hole ,
, sale and Retail Dealers in
•neh and Domestic Dry Goods,
1, Market street, PittEburgh.
II . J. & J. M'Dcvitt ,
ers, _Rectifying Distillers,anil I)ralers
1 1 Pitt.burgli Manufactured Articles,
, I y Street, Pit tBb Ur Irk • sr.!, 10
NS )Ic.
in Pun
J. G. & A. GORDON.
d Forwarding. Merchants,
street, Pitts.l)4ll-01. sep o—y
S. CO.,
d Forwarding Merchantg,
ter street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
, ceiving and. shipping, 5 cents per
in on purchwei and sales, 2i per
mar 22—v
Blivilic Juniata Iron Works,
Etilrf - tr , ins, Manufacturer of Iron an d „\-„ii,
W t .o,No. 25 ,1V0al st., Pitt,burgh.
si p 1C
roars, Commission and Pro-
/Ince Merchants,
70 is Pittsburgh Manufactures,
; N,,,43, R'o , o street, Pittsburgh
NICHOLAS D. Co1.1::11.1 N ...... I I; R.
Coloman & Co.,
Gencral Agents, Forwarding and Conlin i"i" ,
.if, rehunte,
Levee StreCt o Vick:4l,llw, MiFs.t. rcycctftill .rn
licit conAlpitrieci,. 11'2-,tl'
J. W. Durbridgo & Co.,
A•zcntA for the q:ile of licatty'. Wolcr 4lrevit
between \Vona and SMlllirwiti. lintr 31)-y
Wholesale Grocers & Dom Lars In Produce,
116 Wood Strout, 4 dour 4 above Fifth pt.,
may 15
pittAaLr.7ll, Pa
TACT LLOYD, Jr., 1V11.1. , ,,ti10 uts,l 110 til Oro.
cer awl Fruiterer, No. 140 Liberty pit wet tau,
burgh. rimy 20,
Birmingham & Co.,
March 4.2
John B. Brant, WholoooloGrocir,
Dealer in Grain, Grneral Porrrarding and Corn
mission Mrrchant,
AATIL . I. dispose ofallgothis sent for Catninis4tan
1 bales at the lowest coot nission mites.
. S.: W. Day &Gel rish, D. Ler c h &Co
Ballim , re—lV.Winii& co. Willson & I lerr,.l. E. Elder
I filtrisburgh—.ll uti , s,.l M. Mild:mak
.july I—iim.
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
No. 37, Marl,ot,+trect. eeplo
John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry,
watersL,tyq.ll. , :ii. 11).• Nlonongrthela LI 3bur:;ll
Tif.ect , I/. sr:
Thos. D. Yonng & co.,
\- nand it reet and
Sterlia.w fTlraiture,
thcir it(lvantl.ge a call. bein g f u i.
ty a :I a price.
,ep II)
Wire Workers' and Wire Manufacturers,
, treet, ~ veezi :2,1 and 3,1 ,treet,,
corner autlS”int (7,•1e• strret.t. Lvl
,;P:. 10 1 , •1:1111;IN.K., SMITH
Pilkington'strnrivallcd Blacking,
r ANITACTIAt ;Ind.:old wii
<r r, Tutu . Stnithrield.
: '2l-Iv.
James Patterson, jr.,
-IYtrgh, nrimiractu.l r of
!,,:1,: t ni . :ll and tirrabei
secerv. t;.r rallin;: Aep 10-y
John 111'Closkcy, Tailor and. Clothier,
1,i1) Iptt.,‘ rt. t strt•ttt, ttitt.l 1 irt r itt :tilt
t• • 10
Webb Clo:iey's Boot and Shoe Manufactory,
r, 3. Pi, S
:.1:! I ••ktilt , :rn'i ,I , is fl , •ate
1, , •;:t, , t I:rencli rattV7:l , . 10
1111' 1N1) CAP MA ATU
NITCREII,c7 ; ) ,
II': r:y Maikct
n;.,1 HI, 10-6111.
William Douglass,
( -- ,I ; iIAT INT) C \ PMINVFACrUItEII,c r .."A .
11 iiiid at':
rip ion kg . hal cap, (al halal awl
%yip at prior: Intuit tLo Limos. my'
•41511N:•;ON & 1)1:1 AL,
Boolfineders and Paper Rulers,
❑t tho sttold 'late of :\ 1'Ca.11411... , ,-t
ion of work ill their in neat-
protilpily (xvi•i/ted
Oak and Poplar Llmber for Salo.
\F tlum: , and fvet son,:oncd oak and Poplar
for 'ale by wholeale. Enquire of James
( Zsy.near the Fount:lda jy. I.
Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills.
r 111 ESE Pills arc strongdy recommended to the
n o t of ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in
remo% inz those complaints pv-culiar to theirsex, from
wa:d ofexereise,orgeneral debility of the Ay.sterii. They
()bylaw custiverlei.'S, and emint , ract all Hysterical and
Nervous adections. These Pills have gained the sanc
tion and approbation of the most eminent,Physicians in
the' Unittql States, and many Mothers. For sale
W!cdesale and Retail,by E.SELLERS, Agent,
10 Na. 2U, Wood . Surct, below Socond
Notice to Dr. Eirandreth's Agents.
r ilI E oic, in Pittslur,gh, which was establi§hed for
the purpose of comtituting agEllittg in the west,
haring accomplished that °eject, is now closed, and
Mr. G. 11. LEE, in the Diamond, Market street, ap
peiated my agent. for the sale of my Pills and Lini-
All Dr. Brandreth's agents will, therefore,um
lerst and that Dr. 13. will send a travelling agent
ovolt:zit the country once a year to collect monies for
sales made and re supply agents. The said traveller
will lie provided with power of attorney, duly prowd
before the Cleric of the city and county of New Yerk,
together with ail the necessary vouchers and papers.
Mr J. J. Yoe is my traveling agent now iu Pennsyl
vania. B Bit ANDRETH, M. D.
N. B.—Retnember, Mr. G. H. LEE, in the rearof th
Market is now my only agent in Pittsburgh.
june 14
Having been afflicted fur nearly two years, with a
hard swelling on the cap of my knee, which
produced much pain, and used various applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured
completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brandreth's
linament, or external remedy.
W i t ness my hand,
Ohio tp„ Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 10, 1840,
Dr. Brandreth's external remedy or isnament; sold
at-the store of GEORGE H. LEE, Pittsburgh, price
50 cents per bottle. feb 8.
TAE subscribers have removed to Water, between
Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will
continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commission busi
ness, and would respectfully solicit the patronage of
theirfriends. J. W. BURBRIDGE & CO.
dec 3
Dr. Dechtor's Pehnoaary Preservative.
FOlt coughs, colds, intluenzas, catarrhs, whooping
12 cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
diseases of the breast and lungs, and arrrstof approach
ing constunption. Warranted free from mercury and
other minerals. -B. A. FAHNEBTOCK Sr; CO.,
hr / 2 Agents for Pittsburgh:
Juan 1). IVicW
L. & .1. I). WICK,
FnANcis L. Y0r....;
\uup ,ic(e
William Doherty,
.:EPTEMBER 15, 1843
Chcap for Cash
Sh”rl Fa I'm
No. 5 at 15 CL4perlb
1; at IS do
7 at 15 do
0 at 15 do
ni 15 do
10 at 15 do
II of 15 do
12 at 15 do
Ei fa Iti do
14 to 17 do
15 tit ln do
17 (9 29 Ilu
11 nt 21 (la
ut (10
1 - 61-1 Jr,le r . promptly
Circulating and Reference Library.
fliF Mitt-juin!, historical, political and miscellaneous
/ work'', will be open every day, Sabbath except
ed, from 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 I'. M., in this Ex
change intilding, corner of St. Clair street and Ex
change pluirtital attendance will be civet'
Springs and Axles for Carriages,
A I E , lstrrn Prices.
FrE sultio:iibers manufacture and keep constant
ly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs ( war
rantetE) Juniata Iron Axle, , , Silver and Brass plated
Dash Frames, Brass and plated Huh Bands, Stump
Joints. patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps,
Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and
Hinges, &e., &e. JONES & COLEMAN.
sep 10 St. Clair at., near the :).11egheny Bridge.
Trarelh rs slateld select Boats prnr;ded tcilk
Evah%s Guardsfor prcre.Wini , E.cplosion of
well for the traveling community to
1. bear in mind that their security depends entirely
upon their own eneottmgement of boats that June or
may be ie the expense of procuring the above apparu-
And that every individual tnakin, such selec
tions c.a,tributiag towards a general introduction of
an ins ention admitted by tiff men who tutderstand the
principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure prevents,
five azaini , t those dreadful di.asters. You have cer
tainly, hi the hundreds of explosions that have already
taken p!a..o, their ann. ea daily occurrence, and the
thousand: of lives that kr"' already beta lust, a Stith.
tient warning, and indteshem to make inquiry for a
Sao •iv , -.!ln - d and in every case to give it the
' preference. Titer have weat to an additional expense
t h at y our lisas f t may h e secure. Ought you not therefore
11) , vt them midi a currespondia degree olliberality,
ael by your iaa terenre show Ilia , you appreciate their
landah!o end-oso;x to stop this a sacrifice of hu
mat: life. They do not charge min.': than other boats;
their accommodatims in other respects are equal, and
many essc> superior, arid as there iA one lett , Mg
Pittsburgh cver; day, why nillyou run any risk, aen
it i= so con'Tictek iu mfr oem purer to avoid those dis.
All imat:; marhvd thus [ ' ] in the List of Arrirahk and,
MT:1:1111VA. ill , I:lmiwr part uitith; paia.r, are :zupplic
wi:li tim Salmv G thir 1.
Lld of Boais prorilrd v•l'li the S', 7 f e t y rj,,,,d.
4 1 1. , 1RANTH, LADY OP L YONS,
B R UN E 7' 7'l:, MICIILV..iN,
C APPO. ilf I' , V G 0 P AR E ,
C P'E 1" "'. iIfi:s . .,:E.NGER,
COL um B us, OSPREY,
D UQ UES.VE, 0 R I . E A NS ,
ED II 7N Hie Ar.lf "IN, Q VEEN of the SOUK
EX PR ESS MAIL. R.. 4 R I 7'..4 N.
J. 11. BILLS. mar 9.2
mut n -v
New York Dyer.
0 sur. ES. would respectfully inform hi , friends
and the public in general, that he dyes Ladies'
div.:ses, I labits std Mantels of every description, black;
and warrants the:nom utsmut, and to look equal to new
goods. 110 dyes fancy colors °fall de,s r ip t i ons o f silk
and carpet yarn. Also, cleans nnd restores the colors
gentlemen's clothing, so alto resemble new good F.
Mr. 11. flatters himself that he can please the public,
as he has done un extensive business in New York for
twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his
establishment in sth st., between Wood and Sniithfield
near the Theatre.
1 g r This is to certify that OSEF.HIMES has done
work for us, which has fully answered our expec
milting, and we consider him a competent dyer.
S. Hemphill; Andrew Purdy.
Wm. Barnes, W. B. Boics
.1. B, Skturtleff, Win. Porter,
David Hall; H. H. Smith,
B. F. Mann; Henry :ravens
David Boles, A. Shocker, jr.
Joseph French,
.jr., Joseph Vera,
George Barnes
Naylor & Co.'s Bestltelined Cast gitteL
T HE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated
stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as
sortment of the same, consisting in
Bestrefined Cast Steel,squared,flat, round and octagon,
do do do do axe temper,
Extra do do do for nail cutters,
Best do Double and Single Shear steel;
English Blister, German, Granite; Wedge and Craw
ley Steel, at wholesale, y the case, or in smaller lots
to suit purchasers. LYON,SHORB & CO.,
ic 21-3 n, root of Wood etn3o
nion Cotton Factory
Long Reel Yarn.
500 nt Ili cents per dozen
(;0u at 7i do
700 at 6 do
COO nt 5i do
00(1 at 5 do
1000 at 5 do
'tallewiek at l 5 cents per lb.
Cate. Butting, 0 do
Family do., 12..} do
Calvet Chain, 20 do
Cotton Twine, 20 do
Stocking Ynrn and Cover
let Yarn always nn hand.
Cotton Wurpa made to or
• attemkil to, if left nt &C.
ody'm,or OfTic(!: add reig
i. MOO RH EA D & CO.
A Card.
.41 Wank M MrCARTITY begs leave to
V awn atnce to the Gentlemen ol‘Pittsburoh,
that he is prepared to make BOOTS of alll
kinds, of the best Leather obtalned from Philadelphia, LETTERS FROM MR. WEED.
and over Lasts made by instructions front himself. He Correspondence of flee Albany Evening jakriat.
does now for himself what he has so long done fur the ; S TRA ME R , Cox motonE, River Clyde, 9P. M.
, Pittshuroil3o,,, , es,,i. e. alter and fit his lasts to suit the i ( We took passage in this fine, staunch and beautifugt
foot. Ile has worked at the most fashionable work in !finished and furnished Steam Packet, from Belfast to
the Eastern cities,eame here and instrurteel several how :Greenock, in Scotland. The distance is eighty-sit
to alter and fit, which can he attested by numbers of : miles. The cabin fare is half a sovcreigrr. The
Journeymen in this city, and now is rewarded by them ! fare on deck is two shillings sterling. Four o'clock IS
with contumely and abuse. He hereby challenges any Ithe hour fixed for leaving Belfast, but when we arri=
Bootmaker in Piltsbnetth, (Boss of course,) to make a •vcd. a few minutes before four, the quay was choked 4
, .
pair or more of Boots, stuck (oval!, measure to be ta- ! with cars, trucks, crates, hampers, menoiwoteez aa
ken by oath in his o wn way. Workmanship to decide children; the crates and hampers filled with pigs, pad
the matter.
l try and vegetables going to Paisley and Glasgow, to
(Fourth st. or the Monongahela House Boot maker, ; be eaten; and the men, women and children going first
as he calls himself,) have a rare chance now to show ito Scotland to the hay and oat., and then to England
themselves. If they can make a Boot let us see it. to
the wheat harvest. After a scene of great noise
W. McCarthy's Shop and Store is on Market street, !confusion and labor from four till after seven ecclocki
next door to Second, and opposite J. Dunlap's Tin and : thevegetables, and the animals, biped and quadruped;
Sheet Iron ware Factory. july 11—tf I were stowed away either under hatches or upon desk
when we took our departure froth Belfail". Tbecitmc
nel, for several miles, is narrow and intricate, brit our
vessel dodged mound, by short curves and abrupt in=
glee, among the buoys and, beacons with admirable
obedience to her helm. and.in an hour we were tai
enough out to have abundance of sea room, with
the Irish coast in sight on our left, while the shores of
Scotia were dimly seen on our right.
I went forward, after we trot under way, among la
deck passenger ? , some 280 in number, two-thirds of
whom were as wild, ragged and desperate a set of fel;
lows as .I_ had ever seen. Many of them were Coat
i naught lads. who, from economy in words, or soma Othl
er cause, are in the habit of using scythes, hook, or
whatever argument, of this description, they may hap;
pen to have in their hands, for the purpose of convint
cing those with whom they differ. But fortenateljf
there were no differences he - re. All was hilarity, Af
!ter a few songs, a dance was called, when, instead of i
tidier. a fifer was procured for the occasion. A. ring
l ' was made. The insides were required to sir, those
Inext to kneel, and the outer strata were allowed to stand '
up. This gave all a chance. The dancing (Irish
ji , - s)commeuced with great spirit and with more_ grace
than I exported to see in dirt and rags. The pezliei
"leadmo oft" continued to dance mere and more vele: - '
month.. until exhausted, when they called successor*
to the floor, and in this way the amusement was pro . -
longed until a late hour.
On hum ,/ the steamer I met with a most extraordina.
r:: man—in many respects the niter/ extraordinary of an#
I livino, individual. That there are other men who hare
lost both arms and both legs by ampatation, I doubt
!nor, but that those others walk about erectly, and are
able to feed themselves, and even to write I much
!doubt. This individual is Neil Dewar, a native of Ar:
tryleshire. in Scotland; who was shipwrecked on dal
`coast of Labrador, ii, the ,elmoncrllebecca, ofQuebeck
m 1317. The survivors (the captain, mate and (court&
the crew) found themselves upon the inhospitable shore
lof Labrador in the month of November, witit a cos
of elirrx• brandy their only substance., The mate and
vim of the crew perished ;rid, cold and hunger. The
captain died soon afterward. The subject of this pat
-1 aoraph was so badly wounded in the legs as to be unal
; ble to accompany his cempardons in an attempt to find
I assistance. These companions returned towards nigh
the following day with information that they had found
an Indian hut, to whirls they site difficulty assisted
him. I fere they fuund a heater with a white man and
two Italians in his employment. The hunter did all 4
in his power to relieve the sufkrers, but it soon been* -:-
levident that notiiii,o Lott ;:memetion would save ihit .. i?
lives of Dewar and Donaldson. one of his Companicaut:
i The latter died front less of Hood during the operaticar c
I The life of anvar was saved by an application of
; hot pitch to his bleeding stumps. ,The operation was
performed by white Mon, assisted by the Indians.—
Ills arms soon healed, but his legs still continued in a
d Tlorable state till spring, when his kind host had
11M; conveyed to the coast on a sledge, and in Septern
bee he ~I,tai to al a passage in the schooner to Quebec, at
! which pia, e he eras received into the Hospital of St'.
Rotolo, and very kiedly attended by the ntms. But.
here it was fated necessary to leamputate both hi...legs!
in 1819 he obtained a passage home to Scotland, but
on the passage his woands broke out afresh, and whilit
in Glasgow Infirmary a third aroyanotion of both his
kg-r; was performed by sureeens Corkindak and Cum; -
in!! The wounds soon healed, and for nearly twenty
years he has enjoyed excellent health. By the aid of
cork-lees and the assistance of a cantejointed to I cork - I v.
arm, he walks without diffirulty: He takes his locals
by jointing a fia-k into his left arm, and by "ungitippitti f ,
(as he expressed it) the cane and shipping a knife in=
to the joint oi . the right stump.
To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh.
THE subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city and
vicinity, that he has commenced the BOOT and
SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office. Ilaving been for( man in some of the
most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furnished himself with die best French anti
American calf skins, Ew hopes by his attention to busi
ness to merit a share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal
for the goodness of his work and ! , .myledge of his
business. I'. KERRIGAN.
may 11.
1 ,William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker,
Liberty 81. opposite the head of Sazithfield.
JThe subscriber having bought out the®
, tock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased,has
commenced lat.:Mess at the old stand of Mr. R.,
and is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in
his line, imtbe best manlier, and on the shortest entice.
fie keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of sine
ti;.ding- , of all descriptions, and of the be, qualny. lie
olicits the patronage of the public and of tho craft.
c..(..p 10—y WM. ADAIR.
David Clark, Ag't.,
IFASIIIONB LE 1300 T MAKER, has removed
to No. '34 Market streot, bet weon Secoral and
Third streets, ;'here he ~% o!:,1 be happy to ~..e his
old custom -n-1, and all others who feel di, , po:ed to pa
troM se him. !lc 11:;Cs7 nothing but firit ran. stock, aid
e m foys the best of workmen; and as he give; his con
stant personal attention to busines, he tru.,:ts that he
will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage.
cep 10
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash.
...1 - 0 ;3. Tiro Joe:,
T YATES inn•nd; ;:o nvlnt , f- ,, •:nror a bet.-
ti • t of Li and
a• r ca-'.t than
thvy ran he h.a!zl.l iu th, city. fk wi:l keop coastan
ly,in hand and tulkr. , , to order I..tdie; Shoe:: of all
kinds and colors., at very low pricei, of the followin7
Ladle,' Lastiu roxod Gaiter L'onts,
" best qualim Kid ur INforoccoGaiter,
• Cnll kin linnts,
" Foxed flaliGaiter, ;Lflenlurs".
" best kid and AI oroco
" Dou'ole Sokll (.4111)
" fine Kid Sprints and Turns, 1 , 0:1 elual
" 'Spine., heavy,
" Slippers,
(i 2,4
All Shoes made here v - ac;tutod. Alissete andChil:
dreret 7 in the Frltne proportion.
r&Rernernber the place, at the sign or the fled
Box, Nt.x. tt, Fifth sti - eet.
July I
LOOS AT 28-121 IS!
J. t Ita - ros,
No.. 1.16, 11"0.9.4 .x!rect, one don r abcre CI"!
KEisTS constantly o i n i, hal , ail
c k , of e t ho c, b o ost
faatics, Trabuccs, Principr s .
_Vim, half Spandh and I.7,lminon clears.
Tobacao of all /he best brand:. Ca rend ish ,
Alßri 1 i more Plug. and 16s, Min".
e°, Miller's tine cut chewini7 tokace.o.
gan./M—Rappee, Scotch, : 1 11troulta, High
He has also, a!1 other articles in his line, witicli
offi-n•, 1...h01e:1k and retail. at the lowest cash price •
Al the oil Aienkl rounz _II 'Curdy. No. 43, Sc
rim,/ start, bchecen 'Mood and Market,
RESPECTFULLY informs the friend,: of the late
firm. and the public •Jerally, that lie i< pmpa
red to fill all orders for Cabinet iVork, of any hind;
with all po:sible despatch, and warranted to be (moat
to any in the city.
Even: a ttcation will be paid to furni.iking COFFINS,
Sze , when rrquired. iv 113—v
File Manufactory.
'THE subscriber having commenced the manufac
-1 tore of Cast Steel Files, from American materials
exclusively, merchants or other persons wanting' eta b e
supplied by hint with a better article than theforcign,
and at lower prices. Liter:dim: to use only the best
quality of File- Steel, manufactured hr the 711,2: , 5r::.
Smits/Inv:ER:3. winch is now brought to a perfection
• to the best En,glish article, manufactured for the
same purpose, the subscriber has full confidence that he
wilrbe able, in quality of articles and p: iors, to realize
the hes chopes of the friends of American Ind n:t
Corner of O'llara S.: Liberty sts•
iY 15---y
Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker,
(-Late of tr:e firm of Young 4. Jr Curdy)
HAS 9,cntunenced the et 2 dness in all its branches at
No 2, Wood street, between First and Second
strs., where he will keep ( - 011 , c:1:It:iv on hand a good as
sortment of well wide i ERNI - FERE. and hopes, by
strict ratention to betsine,r, to merit a continuance of
the patronage of the public:
Even- attention will be paid to fiiraishing COFFINS,
&e. 4 Fornitura Car for hire.
Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker,E
Third .<l.,hcltrecn Frond end Market,
liesprctfuli., informs his friends and the public that he
is prepared to execute all orders for sofas, sideboards.
bureaus, chairs, tables, bedsteads, stands; hair. and
spring mattrasses, curtains, carpets; all sorts of uphol
stering work, which hewill warrant equal to any made
in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10
Matthew Jones, Barber and Bair Dresser,
H as removed to Fourthatreet, Opposite the Mayor's etc
lice, where he will be happy to watt upon permanent cm
t ransient Customers, lie'solicits 4 share or public pa-
*1 7 .1
1 10
1 174
1 37 . 4
1 18
1 I±j
1.1 00
In aris of the denomination o
nine(ta cfol!.s., labor fro:n three to eight Lents a deli
the laborer boardinz,
In IZu.-zsia. paper money of the value of ttecnkieriti
rirc , :lates. The lahorers areierfs or slaves.
In .kustria,, paper money of the value of three dollati
circulates. Laborers-hal-C7 . ... emerged from slarery.
In Denmark, paper money of the denoMination of
eight cents circulates. The peasantry are in complete . '
hondaze. are a part of the freehold, and sold with tha
In Ireland, paper money Circulates; labor r one ihiltMg
per dar.
In England, paper money abundant; one sixth of the
population paupers. Ave** price of labor 9 shillings
a ureic.
Cuba, no paper money. Labor from ono dollar and
fifty cents to three dollars per any: employment for alit
Cleveland Plala Dealers
-- • -
i letter from Europe to due National Intelli,enCeiy
sayit—"Lotinging in l'iccadilly I de,iMibed at the win.;
Pow of the print-shop at the corner of Sockt-ill° atreer,
' ca ingenious neckcloth in relief, with the inscription,
Prince Albert's stock. I said to ni y aelf, here. itti
is adulatiOn; let us see the model. When .
.it wi&a:tiat,-
inta my hands, within I found Colt the laprials opened.
and the surfae of die paper exhibited likenesses °fuze
t hree born chiltken of Victoria, with semen mare above
~, Come.
thro , .! months since Mr Thomas C. Nic•
di -count clerk and runner at the Branch Bank at
lEaston, Maryland, was dismissed from the employ;
meet of the banh, is cons.:Au.mcc of the disappearapeki
of a lclmr cont.:tieing a sum of looney. The Eastint.
1-(;azetteef Sz.turday
"It now turn. , out that the I....tttir 1-z-int:lini n g the mon
ey was reccireclat the post office in this town on nuts
da,y last, from the general poF,t office, haring been sent
from Rock., ille to Washington a eicarlielter !"—N. Y:
Coin ier.
Persons May effect insurance upon their own &es;
or upon the lives of others in which they have an inns=
rest. The effect of an insurance on a person's own life
to create the means of leaving a legacy that could not
be obtained in any othermanner. Take, for instance;
the case of a person at the age of twenty-five, Who by.
the payment of $109., annually during his life, inn be,
queatl; an estate of $5OOO, and this he can aceocoi l ai
ov the mere saving ofli2 a week. Thua blAnsisae l c4e,
ol'a little economy he may at once have itinida ~-
to bequeath a capital of iriooo or dispose of ii tiny way
he may think proper.—Philmielp.ia Sun.
WOULDN'T 1,15TF.S TO BER.—NI4S Abby Folsom..
paid a visit to Washington on Thursday, .
while the society of journeymen tailors were is sessioa,
but she did not rise to Speak until a motion to adjourn.
had been carried, and they left her alone in her glory..
She refused to speak while there were any reporters in
and gaVe as reasons that, in times past they
Mislopresented her te-marb, and sabred her.
''4% lNow
lic ails Morning Post