DAILY POST. TTSBURGH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1.1 iB7Torbusiness cards, &c., sec firstpage nr See advertisemcment of Dr. Laidner's : - .trre. We understand that Saturday is his last night Ascrr az a LIBEL SUIT.—Our friends ofthe Chroni- • de have got themsolve6 into a difficult) . with Miss RA - Lova, which she isnot inclined to settle in..nny Cluterwnythanhy "clue course of law." COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE.—The Demo -tette& 6mmittee of Correspondence met yesterday at I*e hope of IL Cassiday. An Address in 'elation to pproachirgelection was adopted, and Committees 'lpstme appointed for the several wards and town- Resolutions were also adopted in favor of re— the delegate system, and a committee appoint dress the members of the party on the subject. ill publish the Address to-morrow, and in our of Saturday, if the Secretary of the Committee .mish us with a copy today in time to put it in A Conferee was appointed to confer with the German Democratic Committee. A letter was received:from Mr. John Irvin declining. to serve as a momber of the Committee, whereupon Mr Charles Barnett was elected in his place. ..; New YORK STA. rE CON VENTION.—We yesterday na -1 "dud the result of the New York State Convention.— The following are the delegates appointed to the Ne i:. tional Convention: i State—Samuel Young and Henry K. Smith. ''l C. C. Cambreleng 10 John Fine 2 Coe S. Downing 19 O. Hungerford 3 Charles A. Senor, 20 John Stryker, 4 Niel Gray, 21 John C. Wright, .3 Peter. Crawford, 22 Daniel S. Dickinson T.‘ 6 Benjamin F. Butler, 23 Nathan S. Roberts, -`k ik 7 John Hunter. 24 Moses D. Burnett, -, 8 Gouverneur Kemble, 25 Horatio Ballard, -'. 7 ;11. John W. Brown, 26 Robert Halsey, '-.10 Orrin Griffin, - 27 William C. Kelly, 11 Anthony Van Bergen, 23 Josiah Howell, ' . 12 Job Pierson, 29 Albeit Lester, . ' 13 Erastus Corning, 30 Robert Campbell, Jr. il4 John Williams,Jr. 31 Oliver Lee, ' 15 E. P. Burhans, 32 John T Hudson, ! 16 Alonzo C. Paige, 33 George Cooley, 7 Thomas B. Mitchell, 34 Sandford E. Church. aeries of resolutions were reported from a comm i t inted to prepare them, by Mr. D tv is, of Dutch ems resolutions, which the Albany Argus say licit and strong in favor of Mr. Van Buren d oicc of New York for the Presidency, and if re 3 of his administration; in favor of the u.; t it pointing delegates to the national cenvit adverse to the district system , --and w.kr:i..• g• the administration of Governor Boteek, itd to administration, were emphatically applatied, 'cularly tits first and last resolutions." - 1 ., Mr. Taylor, of New York, presented a pees , . l" against the action of the convention in thus proceding .1) choose delegates to the Baltimore convention ather in refer the matter to the districts—signed ''him -, Messrs. Shalor, Maloney and Murphy, of ire city tew York, and, after some debate, it was u t tered to nterel oaths minutes of the convention. A STRANGE AND UNLOOK ED Fort IOVE los l of t is m pre oyam ttyt en n s e in r g ally known have e t been on c at n ti a ni hdm ,lr on ike‘b lo rth, te ~ ,v l y : t . ' fear or five weeks for the purpose of retailing a cor '3wita rate of wages, which it ampears, Irtd.t. , en n:re , d to be givenarrn by the manuf t:tturors, sone time sine,.. 1 butwhicb the latter alleged they could not sent.inuete a 10.;,. o.; , . ford, and which the workingmen assertedwas but a fo it remuneration. In this state the mattmstood for ti I .:! length of time of whirl. see-peak, untillat Sattirday.,e -t ning when the neces..itie- t t of 4,, teen i:.10r...1 them to resolve to go to w..,14 for all tile rnatik:'l.urer , exttept. three who had m -,st pertinaooolv ren, , ed to trcat or compromise with thorn while the di.lreaco et..ism.l. Nato, while the "...;,"riLt" of lb t •xe•tv.rs eNi 41 l it up pears that the emploriatr Manaraf t it ctr i hut" also usso ... cilitaa for an unity of action, art 1 on 1 ~ a rninz tie re /03100 of all workin; truso pro :rribiie l threz. of their bo dy, they called council to determine :,hat cours.e. they shonkl pursue in giving out the wolth to applicant....— How they made out ii not known, hit it is pretty well ; . ascertained that any thing but an tuanimity of opinion i or action must have governed titer procnehings; for the workman on applying to the principal employer:, yesterday for "cltabts," were not only readily given work, but to their utter taitortddrnent received along with it "tickets" for the work gu uanteeingt hem an ad VaACE of price double the difference for which they )lad ' stood ott'. In other words good, for which the employers offered 3 cents per yard, and the workmen asked 3i, is new given out at 3i !! Wet have. this from the workmen them3elves. CHARMS OF THE COUCII In ST. PETF.II3BUI:MI. At a first-rate lintel, that of Coulon, kept by a degeae rate Frenchman, scarcely was I installed than I lay down, wrapped in a cloak, anon immense leather sofa, and slept profoundly during—three minutes. At the end of this time I woke in a fever; and, on casting my eyes upon the cloak, what a sight awaited them!— A brown but living mass : things must be called by their proper names—l was covered, I was devoured! with bugs. Russia is, in this respect, not a whit inferior to Spain but in the south we can bath console and secure ourselves in the open air; here we remain imprisoned with the enemy, and the war is consequent ly more sanguine. I began throwing off rev clothes and calling for help. What a prospect for the night! bought made me cry out more lustily. A waiter appeared. I made him understand 'fished to see his master. The master kept me a long time; and when he at length did come, informed of the nature of my treeble, he be an+, and soon left the room, telling me that become accustomed to it, fir it we: the 'erywhere in Petersbureh. Ile first ads ised •ever, never to seat myself oe a Russian sofa, the domestics, who always carry about with 'ions of insects, sleep on these •article; of To tranquilise me, he further stated that nrnin would not follow roe if I kept at a proper from the furniture in which they had tined rode.—Thc Empire of the Czar. Dr. Lardncr's Lectures. DAY AND FRIDAY.—LAST NIGHT BUT ONE! 'on: Tfrenfy-Fire cents to a?! parts.cf rid;ervater Lecture., a discourse an the.evi- Divine attributes, dorived front the mattnial ra Borealis—E,Ty's Theory of Stormi—Steam ion in the United States and in England—E, ity Guard—The Eve and Light—The Ear and .The Drummond Light—With numerous dio id experiments. To commence at 8 o'clock, scnl4. JOHN LE FEVER'S ow& Cheap Stock Establishment, NO 61, DL4MOND ALLEY, Erwzr.s WOOD AND 314RKET STREETS. LD most respectfully announce to the citizens ;tsburgh and the country ernei-allv, that I have 2,ed the manufacture of STOCKS, of evory vu , Jrm and description, and would solicit merchants andothers to call and examine for them ;elves, as I am determined to sell on the most accommotlating term, for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. nug. 19—tim. NEW FASHIONABLE Bat and Cap Manufactory, No. 93 Wood street, 3 doors below Diamond Alley. THE subscriber will keep constantly on hand every variety of the most fashionable /IA TS and CAPS, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. Persons wishing to purchase will find it to.their lute ,LL ,A• IN '& 1 1 1 S ttISZ CAPS. The subsdber havins r retied from t 1,.: East with the latest st j iallats, i,a4; on baud and will con :-tantly hecit lark tt.:so,ratat of his own Manufac ture, whi..i.tor lightnessrice, beauty, ant, cheap ness, eannia gUrpas3eC ma would re:To:l..6llly in vite his fri4s and the rblicto en: inins hi; stock of Hats and qv, at the :Wid:m.lT, No. 73. Wk st. sep 9-.3a WJILIXM DOUG...AS. tisolutioi of Pirtnership. rpHE onI:I:, i. 1.1114 (by di.,sol red by mull cones J_O ES DICKEY, sept. 1, 43. Wk I. G. ALEX.-1:TDEII. JAMIAMKEI: reTectfillv inforani his friend anti the pie. than still colinue ; in the TjAn , por tation Buss, )ie Warehiv,ie, cons r.it OF LIEF.F. TT I,•ND iYNE SIIISETS, ULLer the name of "Iriep:nd , :nt sortable Boat where he 1 receive and forwLid freight to the Eir,t at the limes se:d. 4—;i. isototion of Pirtnekship, THE herotofop existing Lza-r tho stv iperine& 11'AI:ob., is this day dis;olved by mutu*ent. H. Devin t is to collect all sons due to thincern, and pay alclaint CJI/tracud rur th e conedip to this date. PittLl S: pr. 1. 1043 H. D ro . spectfally infoie; his friends and th. , public, the still coatiauesjn the 'frau-Tolling business - that he has rornoi'd the ofilco of the U. S. Port oat Lino, to No. i 5 Water strett, next door hel+ewis Hutchinson,where he will Inecive and for Freight to the Eat, on the very :owest terms. 1 : H. DLVIKE. b Sole Leatltr. JSID,/ ES of liall.ioro arid N rrv, York y 4/ . SOk lA‘at her: abl a - ,21.er.1.1 liz.io2l2loll'. of Mao! Linitis and iiindilSkin,, for sale by NS - ALTER ;IRV ANT & CO., N. 113 Liberryweet. 53 , :24.5.T‘r t aides.. LIGHT liHill su . :Ate fol Upper 13 L‘ati:-r. ~ 30 Iy!avy Spani,lild.s, :250 ,i t s!all'..:lLter do., TOO Mailra , Goat `(lo., In stotal ff.r sale. Ly • I WAL TER fItYANT 4. co. 8, , I tn. No. 83 Libtrry st. mairtEmp AND pcOK-ron 2844. • i Ndr Y Dr]i'AtIM.ENT Bu 4, of Provisions 4-:!/-tAinj, i .. , Auttalt 14. 1343. Q i ,„I.IALIPP,A4I'OSALS, criorsed '•Propt,als for 4-.).11 , 144d - Proposals for forh,” as the cnso may be, Wilib.,..iNTLl at this chivy Ulli: 3 o'clock P 51., on MOllthly. L::CO:.11 day ‘-f Octok-r neat, for funtishite., and deliv ; faat of all costadriA to the United States, Scvcn th d ,i , _:ltt ice: ired 14::e?, of Navy Beef, And seN Jusat.d ei:4lt hulked Larr..46 if Navy. Par':: each bar: Ccatain not less tan two hundrcdpounds net weir cif or Pork; no ttNce,is of weighlin eith- er article ,t)e paid for. To), -, a,li:ered at the re- i spective. ?bards and Naval Stations as fdlows:— , . L'l , l. , .rin'r. Mils Pork. At PortA, N. 11., 9, .94 i I: 1 5 2 071 6 5 5 l 3 8 l i At Bost; ass., 2.251 At Bro , 'N. 1 - ., 2,5 , 4 At l'i ' * hitt, Pa., IT At B Md., ri At W t . 1, " 1, 1:). C . ,-- ~ 97 I At - I\ -, VZL-, ° Yi3 •-,, At Cl ,S• C., 15 ,‘) .7 56 15 3 1 At At 1, ,,,,,k, Flor.da., 11 15 At L'N'e \Mit'' , L' 3 ., 47 . -, - s. ~..... ~ / .4. rl. :n:1.5 !v.,: ! 7 1 4....e.f 1 . 1. , ,, - , .!ry, .l; 1.1. u,,,1 the 15th d...:v of 1 (1 . 1 - ' ,l - ' k : , 111. , .. 111.. 1551 i day ~f do., .. . n l J, 14 ~ '. h‘l•ren h dlld b.., re,i . :".r.'d i,, ,i„ . ~,,.// '. ',', 'C' l', , i-io., -.. and Cloillin , -.-L t.).t; , ; 4• . ,J.,:' ''', ' • '4,45, if ...epar.,t,.•iy a.ld dis ti,,, t ;. kJ, : :,,.., 1, :7:' ,1, d , V.,.'t J'. I • I,etn,u, first of i t ‘,„,..•,...„.„,:„.,"., 1, ;T: t!. • Ililld, ,i :eral ie by s. , :tc , „ , 1 .,, ... r ~,,,,.;,,, f i r t:r , ;. , :ll W . -11 ri. • ' 9-deit :1 -, -,llu 4i.A.1,/,, , 'At ~ ,r, 1 ' " 1. N , A , 7.1 -r, I'7l':_ , 7: ,. 1 r l i , Ji2...J#..., 1 , .P...,,. 1..i.. : II.a: •1 '.c . i4titt2; not 1.1: , -5 trt, , ll -*. . ' 1 ti!'" Lit„ l b,C- I ' ' '' `' llt "a'il. 1 b " k ! _., ~, , ;,,i . .-z , d a . 1 ,, a.stl,li'l,:yl',, “I1(1111(' Slllll5, ~,,t ,:i,,ki .1 7 ,, ,, . ri,, , ,,, ~, ,),. ''..,“, pir,d, from th 5 ne,•k Ju e .. sir d e1i ,,,, , :;' 1' , ,t5 Nos. I, 2, Zinc! 2, .rl'j. 5,, 1 ' .4 4 bleb will . 1 " : " ‘)f.'"A3 fun; and laihd ct! , • - io .i , i ' - , t, mu. _ i ): attach, to and s I 1 ""- N ".. l 'lly exelo 1.1 from a N ot:, ,tl,, r.nna n de • ••• ' ' " from t'a.- . 4, 1 / /.'e ~,.„ . , i 0,. .„ ti ,,, ' .`",'', lic • (:r- Ca.. ,, , Illi,: ' , ,'P VCl I:, 7,ciced' •,-: e1,h ti ,,,,,, ,i., , ,7% The Tf 4 , 2) initi .-,,, IT', , bto 4 , 1) j t ivn red ',yr)! C u t., n _ edlio.: - .5.. •",sii, ''' `/ 1:J• •'' .4r -" , lii'.'" l ;\ ••\ ett-lhe • '' , l4, ' ''''''iri, . .„.d .•, ') IL -13, - €l. cc r';' o.„ '', /- 1. .,` ( :.' , J•il , `" , '';'-l'lair . not Ir'ss ''''4' o ' ' ''':u . 1 ' '...r. „ . "1xc• . +.;10e,.,h, 4..,.,. L c , , ,-, ''.' I, .... . • bead;, 3... '''' ' 2 .- % . and. lard, and ail, .. ,1 Pieces weigh ing; rut : ... ~, .1 1 •47,,•ef 51,1 d Pork Inn , t he salted with at lose: ono , 7111.,h , I of Turl. l , 1..1 , 1i.d, I•le of Nran or St. I.ILE'3il the 13e,..f to" r,t have five clinces of fine, 1 - m l v:lp:tn.:to each barrel, exclusive of a pickle ' to be ant fresh water, as strung as salt will 1 ruakci the quantity of 13cef and ow-third the quan rk must Le packed in half bartot,, and Co. undyed pounds net v..eizlit of cacti, as the /b e . T and half larri.-1.3 must be mid... of the hest white oak or white oak staves and head , in z; 'ruler, to be not less than three-fourth : , of ' , 'lrl ii if of the hater, to be not less than we inch dilei Is, and three-fourths clan inch fur half bar eels', huoped at least throc , -fourths over :sibs the I oak or hickory 1,,,,, r ,:. L 1 and half bart,l must be brand. Si on its ht. 715 'eel'," or Navy Pork," a ti,' rasq , ma,. b e , wi'lraster's nuns", and the, '.'..r when pack , d. 'r id l'orl. will !c.' in ,- pected by the inspecting 1 . offir respect i, ravy n card-.and stations afo ', re aid 'sty' ..s,vorn inspector of salted provision7, s who 3.'keted by 'lie resne:ulve commanding ellielheir charues for such ini.pectiou must b e pale:peed vu contractors, who 11111,t likewise has ! pot in good shipping order, to the sat iJ-1-41n., co:nm;C:d'illtl ul tit- respective 51.t.:,' :van:tio::s aforesahl. after the. inspection, andt i at t Npense. set specify tir ir prices. sup:lrately and dis tins' arate order- , for the Beef and fur the Por:..; and f the places of delivery, coverin all e 7.- pen 1 charge , . 1 !mew ruse:nes to itself the rilfl,s to reject all , pee,:uns ~s, he have hen'tefore failed to ful• fil t -fts. the atnuu-t oi" the re7riective ran i r, quired, and ten per cent um ;n alditio❑ 'old from the amount of coal payment to linteral security for the due and faithful of their resprictive coatracts, whinh will on c paid until the coatraets are complied pees. and is to b...., the United event of failure to complen.ithri &live:des 'scribed periods. And in case of fuiiur the contractor:, to deik et the aforccaid -within the times specified the Chi,f of Provisions and Cinilan::ihail have the rig purchases to be inmie to a:ploy the (ton ele any exccgs of costs shall be charzed to em he contractors. Payment IN - ill be made ' il States (excepting ten re: contern to b. : the completion of the ciltracti-, as he within thirty days after the said beef and 'p.-e been inspected and reciiyed, and bills shad have bem preserved to the N avy ittively, duly approved by tie commandants ise Navy Vards and S.:tailor - is, according • f the contracts. of the beef to be exitale3 will be particu ed in the engraving to in attached to the 1 sons interested can obtait them on appli -1 office. bidde r s will be forihwitbinotified of their ad a contract and bond trill be transmit 'tich must be execute 4 and returned to in thirty days. . aug 19—t30s. pot for a_t L T. John D. Davis, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCH'T, Corner of IT 7 od and sth sts., Pittsburgh, T ready to receive merchandize of every description I_ on consignment, for public or private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will he able to givc) entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry Goods and fancy articles, at It) o'clock, A. M. Of Groceries, Pit tsliurii - it manufactured articles, new and s; pond hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, I'. M. Sahis every eveninir,at early ;ir,rts light. aug l2—y Furnituro at Auction. A T Davis' Commercial Auction Rooms, corner 11_ Wood and sth streets, on Monday next, Sept. 13th, at'' o'clock, I'. M., will be sold, tho Household and Kitchen Furniture of a family leaving the city, com prising in part: Mali me SiTrctario:: and hook case, Do bureaus, Do fram , spring hair neat sofa and chairs, Fancy Wind , or and cmn aam c h a i rs , brealdast and card tables, :I:l(l‘vaah stands, luntel glasses, hall and astral lamps, Ingrain and rag carpets, hearth rugs, Brass, wire and iron fenders, Steel aid brass fire irons, Feather beds arid betiding, ITair and straw mattrasse.,, pi.um fort , , 1 mantel clod Alen, kitchen uten4ils sep 14—ts I. DEVINE. A. IM'A Nt: Executor's Sale.. ILL bo so!d. at 3 o'elo on SATURDAY af ternoon, the 23d instant, nt the late residence of Aaron Hart, deceaseili,igrrove Hill, by order of the Ex ecutor One Horse, one ti, a number of young hogs, one wag,gon and harness, sundry farming utensils, one Sideboard, and sundry artiele, , or hon.whold furniture. Turms at Sale, JOHN D. DAVIS, sect 11. Auctioneer. 0 N THURSDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, will b.: sold at the Cornmf.rci:tl Auction Rooms, cor nerof Wood and Firth str,•ts, an extensive assartimmt of DRY GOODS, selected with cute in the, Eastern cities, ex..pre, , ,dy fir this market, among which are Wool, dyed Moo illsek, Blue. Brown, Olive, Invisible Green Clothi, Ca ssinieres and Cassinett-‘, Kentucky Jeans, Flannels, Prints, HARD TIMES, Moos de Lain,' , , Canton Flaar.wl., Chintz, Silk, Cotton. Woolen and Worsted Shawl: a:A S.:win; Silk, Spool Cotton. Brown and 13:ea:died Muslia3, &c. Al.so, 30 Fairs 10 qr. arid 12 qr. "Whitney Blankets." A Lso, at 2 o'ithiek, P. M., a variety of tern and second hand furniture, vin: Chairs. Tables, Bureaus, Sofas. Wash , Stands, Work Stands, Bedsteads, &c. Also, 10 half I !ibis and 10 ke2.s Madder, JO bYs Alum, 30 kegs best quality Philadelphia . Mustard, and a variety of Miscel laneous articles. ,Eveving salt at 7 o'clock cf . Dry Goods. Ciozhiug, Btiots, Shoes, Fancy Goods. scp: 13 JOHN D. DAVIS, Anc,r. William C. Wall, Plain Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame 411 . a:11:facture r, No. 27, street, Pitt,lJurglt, Pa. brwlicF, varni,ll, &c., for artists, always on band. &c., promptly fta• mccl to order. It:pairing done at the shortest notice. Particular wtentionpaid to regilding and jobbing of every description. Per, , ons st =boats or }:oases will find it to their ndvanta.:. , to call. sop 10-y SAMUFA, MORROW, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Shoot Iron Warc, No. 17, Piph street, bet IC Cell Wood and Marker, hej. CO:1,1;111(.1y on hand a cood assortment of wares, a - ?. , l , Micits ilmre pat rona;:o. Also, on hand, trio!louin artialt sho% el., pokers. tonzs, Tridirow, pul.,•ttlo4, rot., oven , . colfor &c. Men. han:.4 and invivAl to call and eNanlil:c for her' cheat f , reash H'ai'r. m 7—tf C. A. D'lc.=lll, TY, FORIV P, :i: CoMMISSION MI: PLCI 1 ',NT, B Wave , and Lilwrty street=, Pitts imr4ll. United States Puriab!elliat Line. removal. ) AY; IA 1: LI ) 1114 rear Li nvu-Llo Es tub • ii .Inn Pot to Wo,la st. oppo;ilC Failrlo3tOCk'S I):3 ' /7.', wl;.•r• , he will keep constantly on Land Mc• ap 19-Iyr poll.' EMT PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Port Pc; n ' ,'+; Fourth st. , 3d story Burk's Buil .J.•qulicit a call from those xell -ire Portnut,. ta be sem at his reorn3 JITUST RECEIVED and for sate on consiamment, 7 hhde bacon, 7 1111113 Can Le secs attiia store ofJaeob Pnintor & Co. no 4 =J J. K. MOORHEAD & CO. --- A RA.I2 CIIANCE.-1 store in one of the best -t_ business streets in the city, will be to Jet low to a good tenant. Apply at Foster's Agency, St Clair st. nu 7 30-2 w. Found, ABOUT the last week in June,in Clotling Store in Liberty street, a Note or hand, considerably soiled and ivorn. It is signed by Tames, Gaston and anoth?r, and drawn in favor of W. Black. The own er can have it by identifying it; and paying expenses. July 31.—tcf. FANCY LETTER PAPER AT 14 CENTS.— FOSTER, t the St. Clair &red Literary De pot, has ju.4treceivecik small lot of beautiful straw col ored and zreen Letter Paper, which he sells at the ex traordinary_prica of 12,1 cents perTnre. sep TIHE HUTTED KNOLL, Cooper's last novel, for .1 sale at Ow gr. CLAIR STREET ANENCT AND LIT ERARY Dr poi, opposite the Exchange. Pri.7.6-25 per VOILIMe. ARGAIN - ' 13 IS ! ARGA INS !! BARGAINS !! !- 4_, .111 sort, ~r clothing and wearing appetal. Fleas© call at No. 151 Liberty street. and see fir yourselves sep 7. .J. C. MeCLOSKEY. A LL TI E MAGAZINES f Septornhcr have been received ut the Sr. Clair street LITERARY DEPOT oppo,ite the Exchange. sep 8-6 t ---- • Little Pilgrims. Asequel to the "Tailor's Apprentice"' received at FOSTER'S Literary Depot, St. Clair st. appo site the Exchange. sept lI—I w. Flo SHARES Allegheny Bridge Stock, at pri 'ft..' yase sale, bs JOHN D. DAVIS, sep 11 Corne'e of Wood and Fifth streets. AICK . ER d E a I Tf 1G r g ri ß i No. 3 Mackerel, just receve e b HAILMAN, JENNINGS &CO. 43 Wood st. NINA ! NlNA!—This great work - by Fredericka lirernPr is received at Foster's Literary Depot, St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange Hotel. Price —cer.ts. sep 8-6 t To Me; chants and Others. A GENTLEMAN, who thoroughly- understands Book Keeping, wishes a sin:alio:l in that capa city: the best of references will begiven. Address H., at this office. ring 20-tf MOKED HERRINGS.-25 boxes smoked her -1-.) rings just received and for sale by Coughs and Colds. P OWELL'S BALM OF ANNISEED, this well known care for the complaint, can be obtained at TUTTL'ES 86 Fourth st. Only 25 cents per bot tle. sept 12. Laco Leather. 9fi SIDES Lace Leather,a very superior article for sewing Machine Belts, for sale by WALTER BRYANT & CO., Nu. 83 Liberty st. sep mS:w2t 'auction Sales. (Bank Notes ant) (Exchange HAIL:NUN, JENNI:S;GS & CO.. 43, IVoo.d. street A. REAMER, EXCHANGE BROILER, SPECIE STANDARD. Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip .. - Exchange Bank Scrip Currency Eric Bank Scrip EXCIIANGE—AT SIGHT On Philadelphia New York Boston. . . . Baltimore. PENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSBURGH Bank of Pittsburgh Merchants and Manufacturers' bank Exchange Do. Hollidaysburgh PHILADELPHIA. Bank of North America Do Northern Liberties .. Do Pennsylvania Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania... Farmers' and ihrechanies' bank Kensington bank. Manufacturers and Mechanics' Mechanics' Moyamen ..... Philadelphia bank Schuylkill Southwark " 'Western Bank of Penn Township Girard bank S. bank and branches COU:CTRY BANKS. Bank of Germantown • • • • - • • • " Chester county ....... " Delaware county " Montgomery county .. " Northumberland Farmers' bank Backs county Easton bank Doylestown bank ....... ..... Franklin bank of Washington Bank of Citam ,, ers",urgh.... ~ .11tddletorm ......... " Gettysburgh " Le ItleOtrl . " Suscluehanna county.... Berkscounty ban? Columbia Bank and Bridge Company Carlisle bank Erie bank- Farmers and Drovers' bank " Bank of Lancaster Bank of Reading Harrisburg bank Honesdale " Lancaster " Lancaster co. " Lebanon " Miners' bank of Pottsville .. . Monongahela bank of Brownsville 1 New Hope and Delaware Bridge company.... 10 Northampton bank ....no sale Towanda bank . --- g5 Wyoming bank 4 West Branch bank........... .. ...........35 You., bank.... OHIO. Belmont bank of St. Clairsville ClAton bank of Columbus. ............. Columbiana bank of New Lisbon Circleville (Lawrence,' cashier) 14 ( Warren, cashier)__ __no tee Cincinnati banks ................. . Chillicothe bank._.. 14 Commercial bank of Lake Erie.... 00 Dayton bank Franklin bank of Columbus 14 Eirnters' and Mechanics' bank of Steubenville —l4 Farmers' bank of Canton 40 C..alaga Granrille Hamilton 30 Lancaster '25 Marietta ,Massillon . . . Mechanics' and Traders', Cincinnati Mount Pleasant Norwalk. Putnam. _ Sandusky Scioto.... Urbana... Wooster.. Xenia ... Zanesville J. D. DAVIS, Auctioneer State bank and branches State Scrip.... An banks..... Staff! banl- Bank of I,7inoil, Shawncctown Bank of the Valley of Virginia Bank of Virginia Exchange bank of Virginia. Farmers' bank of Virginia.... North-lVestern bank of Virginia.. ....., Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia Branches.. Baltimore City banks.... All other solvent banks.... NORTH CAROLINA All solvent banks... SOUTH CAROLINA Allsolvent banks .. All solvent banks Mobile banks.. Country banks LOUISIANA New Orleans bank, (g00d)... AU bank., PRINTING OFFICE 9 N. W. CORNER OF WOOD & FIFTH STS. The proprietors of the MORNING POST and NIER CURT AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of argIICSAEN "3111r1111 7- 7P3G-4 Necessary to a Job Printing, Office, and that they are prepared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Book, I Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Black Checks, Hat Tips. au Mobs of Biaufts, Stage, &samball and Canal Boat Bills, with ap propriate cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and the public in general in this branch of our business. July 31, 1843. - PHILLIPS & SMITH. yiTANTED IN PITTSBURGH OR ALLEGHE- V NY or neighborhood, a good place as Coach man, Groom or Waiter by a sober, experienced sin gle man,who can come well recornended, and will make himself generally useful. - Also, wanted plaies for a number of mechanics, coachmen, laborers, waiters. farmers, and men and boys for all work in town or country. Please apply at HARRIS' Agency and Intelligence Office, No. 3 Fifth street. sep 7 CORRECTED DAILY BY CORNER op WOOD AND THIRD 5T3 i -I SPECIE INDIANA KENTUCKY ILLINOIS -- - • ------ -- - ........ . 1 .IARYLAND par GEORGIA ALABAMA ----- 20 -- 25 --........2j TENNESSEE BOOK AND JOB nig= 1 84 3. Mai= STANDART, INGRAHAM & CO., Forwarding and Commixsian Merchants., CLEVELAND, 01110. A GENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie Canal; Wnshington, Line. Hunter. Palmer & Co.'s Line of Steam boats and vessels on the lakes. Cleve land Line, Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprie tors of tho Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal. REFER TO Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coenties Slip, N. Y. R. Hunter & Co. Albany. Otis Chaff, Boston. Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo, M. T. Williams & Dow, Hon. John M. Alien, Cleveland. Charles M. Giddings, J. S. Dickey, Bearer. Birmingham C Co„ Pittsburgh. ap 1 1843-Iy. par par ....par ....par ....par Beaver and Warren Packet. a4 , = ,,,,griar t THE canal packet ERIE, J. M. Shaw,tnaster, will run as regular tri weekly packet between the above named ports, leaves Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn i9g, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays; connecting, with the Stage Lines to Cleveland direct, For freight or passage apply on board, or to & CO., Pittsburgh, J. S. DICKEY, Beaver. . par .....par ....par . par par par .....par par par .....par, ' ItQ c i. I, 414'77 ..._ a......... 1843. T 4 l ARE REDUCED.- , --li. S. MA tt. LINE OF STAGES 1. AND RAIL ROAD CAE., , , from Pitt ihurgh, via Bed ford, Chambersburet, Ilarrisbur; and Lancaster, to Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train ofcara to N. Y. &c. Only 130 miles staging and one night out. Also, the direct line to Baltimor:. Fare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore 9. Leaves daily at 8 o'elecli A. M. Office 2d door below the Merchanhi' Hotel Wood st. MENDELL, GRAHAM, WAUGH &Co., i feb 23, 1843-Iy. Proprietors. , .. .. par ..-..par . par • par par - par .....par par .....par par pur . .. —par The Great Central Roate Via Naiionai Ro , ?d an,-1 and Ohic Road Company. NEW LINE OF U. S. ;JAIL COACHES FOIt lirAsiusrvroN CITY, BALTIM )ItE, THIS rc.:.:W _- HIS line is in foil operation and lea...es l'ittsLanch daily at 6 o'ylrx-'s M . via WasiLi-,rten Pa. and national road to Curni.erlatA, ........... ia-ac with the rail road Co's to ail the ;C.) elers will find this a speedy an I e.enliert-..iiie route, it being a separate and di-tines F.42.;1 Cum beria:/d line faciiities wiil ht a:Tordtd whirl: have not been heretofore enj, yed. liege etarli , •:; furnished at the shortest notice with tho oti direct or taking, one nig:its rest at 11-iy unt:oa. For tickets, apply at our Aloe at the .lonor.,=•,itela -House. L. \V. STOCKTON, feb 3—dtf President of N. It. Stage Co. Backe' lar rackets, for Cincinnati. The Swiftsure, Thursday at 10 o'clock, a. in. The Cutter, aFriday at 10 o'clock a. in. The 11ontgornery, Bear:Litt, lez..vs ever . : Sat urday at 10 o'clock a. to. The Expres9, M.titer, ic.tres cyrry Sun day at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN BIItMINGHAII & CO., T, IVER COMP L AIN T.S—Dzirpe psia and indi szcs!ion, with costiveness, asridity of the atom . nit:tit States Pertabl3 Beat Lite D-pot ach, hardness of food after meals, heartburn, flatulency, liver complaints, with pain in the side and shoulder. • ;am:dice. bilious complaints, dropsy ; diabetes, gravel, • :stone, and inflammation L - the lunzs, are most perfectly removed and mired by the HEPATIC ELIXIR. 'This article Las the most astonishingeffects in curing all cornplidnts of the stomach and digestive organs.—. Many illshly respectable individuals in INcw York have -been cured. after tryinz every other rentiedy in vain, and have given in theirnamss with permission to refer to them. It is pleasant to the taste, and deal net in the least interfere with rime daily avocation of Otie taking its Many families of this city have become so pleased with the medicine, that they use it as their only family medicine. By using it occasionally, it keeps the stomach free from bilious disorders, and the liver active, with the secretions of the body in the most Perfect activity. It is composed entirely of Yeeetabiesi. The cure will be gradual, but certain and permanent: For sale at Turrufs, S 6 Fourth street. sep G. • el A. McANULTY vm-y r2 , Tectfully informs his • friel,d s ar . d the rulMiu, that he I,asmilde :273.r2 ments to continue a.. - el:ey of the beats curniirig the U. S. Portal Boat Line, at the large new 11'antillomr.e. CORNEP. OF WAYNE AND STREETS. Cm:al Bmiu, where r,•e,•ir.d and forwarthd with usual do. , ralch, and to, tim f...,vorable te rms , to Baltimore, Yoth or Boston, Sept. 4-3 m. A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, 21 - 0. 46, Cerncr of Wood anti Third streets, Pittsbur7 Pa. Gold, Silver, and Solvent Bank notes, Lougki and sold. Sight clocks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bilis, collected. Win. Bell & CO., Jahn D. Dx. is, F. Lorenze, T. Pittsburgh, Pa Painter ( Joseph NVoudwell, James May, Alex. Bronson &Co. John II Brown S.: Co. Philadelphia. James M'Candhess. Cincinnati. 0., J. R. M' Donald. } St. Louis, Mo. W. 11. Pope, Esq., Pres't Bach Inc. } Louisville. ...... i~ County Commissioner. A T the solicitation of a number of friends of all Xi. political parties, I re=pectlully offer myself to the consideration of my fellow-citizens for the office of County Commissioner. That my sentiments may not lm misunderstood, either hv to political or private affairs, I make free to sav that I have been all my life a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word. As the country iv, somewhat embarrav , ed in its finan cial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation of larce majori lies of the people, the und , r,hzhed would not :should he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach the office of County Cenimss: .....i~ Pro thczotary. To the voters of Alter:hen!, e,:?znty:-4 respect fully offer myself to your considerathsa as a candidate (independent of parties) for the office of PRO THONOTARY of Alle;heny count r y, at the ensuing election. As Ido not come before you resommended by a Convention, those of you to whom I am not per sonally known will please examine into my qualilica tines, and if so fortunate as to obtain a majority of your steirsa,7es, I shall endeavor by strict attention to the duties of the office, to satisfy you with your choice. ALEX MILLER. A L ADY who is capable of takinz chame of household, is desirou+ of obtaining a situation as housekeeper in a private fhtnily, or as superintendent in a respectable hotel. She would have no objection to leave the city if desired to do so. For farther infor mation iaquire at this (Zee. au- 2.1-tf NIONTOWN AND PITTSBURGH TURN PIKE ROAD.—Notice is hereby given that by an act of the General Assembly of the Commony.tertltis of Pennsylvania, passed the sth day of April, 1043. the subscribers are named as Cornmi sieuers in Allegheny county, with authority to open banks at such time and place as may be deemed expedient by them. for the purpose of receiving sub9cril,tiiins of stock, for the consn - uction Dia turnpike road from Union: OIV a to Fitter burcb. In pursuance of trithoritY the subscri ber 3 will pr.-3ed to open bock: for the purpose of re ceirinzsubseriptions ofstock, payable to "The Presi dent, Managers and Company of the. Uniontown and Pittsburgh Turnpike Road Company," anctordirm to the terms of the act of incorporation. Such bunks to be opened on Monday, the, second day of October, at 10 o'clock. A. M., at the Monongahela House, in the city of Pittsburgh, and ar the store of Samuel Walker. in the borough of Eiizabc:ll. CHARLES SITA LER, THOS. BA KEW ELL, JOSIAH ICTING, SAMUEL WALISER. Commiesionirifor All. Co wag (Adronate and Amc , .rican copy.) so::, :lia-I.?r, ?caves even- rtrFzR.ENCES SAMUEL HUBLEY for Sale anb ifeltst Building Lots in Itirmingirsin. LOTS, da suitable within fortable t h w uil o din n f nu , mosttewalkeli niblyuatci steam ferry boat landing, will beaolti at prices t o not the times. The terms of payment will bo made easy; either for cash or such barteras can be made available. Apply to the subscribers in Birmingham, or Mr. P. Peterzon, No. 4, Ferry street, Pittsburgh. june 1. JAS. PATTERSON. jr. Lots for Sale. • 4 Lots in Manchester. One and a fourth Acres a Land ou Holmes' Hill. Lots nos. 41 , 42,52,53,54 181, 182, andlB4, in Cook's planof Lotion Holmes Hill. Also, Lots cos. 26,and 27, in Cook's pLanof Lori on High street, near the new Court I louse. For tenni apply to Z. W. REMINGTON sep 10 For Sale, T 4 OTS on the North East corner of Coal Lane and I High street. Apply to BENJAMIN DARLINGTON, Market near Fourth street For Rent That COTTAGE, situated in the Borough of rin Lawrenceville, at present occupied by John • The place has a very fine garden and good assert men tof fruit trees. Any person renting can have the privilege of engaging for the ensuing year. Posses sion given on the Ist of October next. Apply at No. 5 Commercial Row, Liberty streei or to Wm. Toman, Smithfield street. sep. 1, 1843. Por Bent GROV r E on ly i a LL, the late The placeeresidence of is widi stocked with choice fruit trees, vines, &c. t Also, a convenient tenement lately occupied by R:1 Langhorne. Possession will be given on the first of October nei'4.- For terms apply to GEO. COCIIRAN, auz, To Rent. LEASANT roorn and. good steam power, at th 9 ca.gt steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty and O'Hara streets. Apply on the premises. july 16 "reemait's tire Brick fcr Sale. J UST received, 5000 Freeman's best Tire B 7 rick' will hereafter be kept constantly on ignd and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO. may 27 ii o. 60 'Water sc. Landreth's Grden eeds. A full supply of Landreth's a Garden S Seeds always a hand and for sale, at his a4;eney. the DrnT, store of • F. L. SNOWDEN, ISt Libcrt , ,,t.. head of Wood, Peach Trees. THE subscriber has just received from the Nur scry of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia; a k t of the choicest variety of peach trees, to which ha would call the attention of the public. F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood. , DR. McLA.YE'S LIVER Pais -L HEREBY certify that I have known a number of pecp'.e who have taken Dr. McLane'e Liver Pille, awl have been much benefited by them, and I believe them to be the best pills fur liver complaints, and for general use, of a:.v pia now before the public. MICHAEL FORNEY. I hereby certify that' have Leon afflicted for 6 years with a liver complaint; and have applied to different phy3icians, and all to littlo or no effect, until I made tnie of Dr. McLane's Pills. In taking two boxes oftliernt I am nearly te, , tored to perfect health. SAMUEL DAVIS. Millersburch, near PitLibaro.l,Au,-rn6t 16, 1843 Forsale at the Drug Store of JONATHAN KIDD; an; 43 corrier4:l and Wood Etrt-Lti,PittstibilAa. In the District Court of Allegheny County, of July Term. 1843, .10.93. 3 "----, John Walker, Jr. L. S vs. Vendinto xtfretie. i E ~...,-... Peter Wilson. And now, to wit, August 28th. 1843, Oki motion. of G. P. Hamilton, Esq., the Court appoint Frs. R. Shunk, Esq., A udi tor, to distribute the proceeds of sale in this case. From the Record, A. SUTTON, Pro., Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that I will attend to the duties assigned to ma by the Court in the above case, at my office, in Fourth street, Pittsburch, on Tuesday the 26th day of September, at 10 o'clock, A. NI FRS. R. SLUNK, ., V, nu r 30. , ...Ladiiior. a,,17 I " — ^Nete Coen- n the Court of Comma= Pleas of A11e44, ty, of October Term, 1843. No. 130. TN the matter of the application L. s. poratq io u n e : sne College fur Charter. And now to wit,. Aug 13, 1843: naV Con.,...itut.,i on of Duquesne College having been piisazit: ed to, and peruscd by, the Court, and the Court 1 . 144743 c carefully er.arnined the raid instrument, and it a inn to the Court that the objects, articles and ocnditiomi therein set forth and contained, ere lawful, and not in jurious to the community, do direct the said writing to be filed in the office of the Prothonotary of. this Cour; and that notice be inserted in the Morning Post, in tlit city of Pittsburgh, for three weeks, settingforth then* : plication to this Court, to grant such Charter of Incor poration. From the Record. Attest A. SUTTON, Pro, Notice is hereby given, that application has been made to the Court for a Charter' fur Duquesne Col lege, and that unless cause is shown to the contra whhin.ihreo weeks, the Court will be asked tograia. said Criarter. THOMAS HAMILTON, aug24-3w Att'y for Petitioners.: Pease's lloarhound Candy. A Fresh supply just received from New York, sad for sale at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth st. - sent 12. Proposals for Chairl iroru • -.--.. - NAV T AGENT'S 0117IC 2, ...r . r." ... .-..e WELihington, July 28, 1843. ..: L DROPOSAIS will be received at this Office .. I -„-• ~:7) .. .. 1 3 o'clock, on the first day of September ens;•, .. - 9 4 7..."°- ; to deliver. et the Navy Yard in this city, the folio • • ..- It:- - ."." .. 4 , - • Chain Iron. for eighteen Chain Cables, 1 11-16 inches in diameter, each 130 fatbiorns long, constituting the tot- . 1 - lowintr billof Iron, viz 35,1003inka 1 11-16 inches in diarneter--420i inches long. 450 links 1 1:3-16 inches is diemetcr-22i incheili long. 20 feet :3# inch by F.li Oval pin Iron. 90 do 2 do 2 do' do. „ 70 Syvivel, 198 Shackle, and 13 box pieces. Speciflcvicns of the Swivel, Shackle, Box pieces and Oval pin Iron, can he seen on application at this of ilsEi, nce; ail of the above Iron most be the very ;can, and undergo such proof; under the - and inspection, as the Commandant of subject it to; to be delivered free of =pea*, to the Government, and in as short a time after the Cfrariet is made as it possible, which time will be tiegipswill" in the contract Ek.rhis good aLdsuilic..iezt aureti x ,, , s in - doubliorpo. aro ,-, urt M. - the Contract win be requireclois v i ;A:ion made from each pago,t of 14per anti qtapp, Contractis ceinleted. S. WM. 11 . 30 %7400y Alin;