demean et, that total absence of all tendency ...owed mirth, which bespeaks a heart humble jAS. strength and conscious of the service it owes to . whom all is glory and honor. as, peacefully and .tileutly, tin; night again steal own—closing upon a day on which ten ttn hearts 'been better taught their duty to all living. Asiatic TALE: Clubwr:l or TOEACCO.—HIS highness, (Mahomet) peace lie to him, was passimi-, ' is winter over the desert, when he found a small frozen • t. PITFSBURGII, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Li viper. He was touched with compassion, and placed 'f it in his sleeve, where, after while, the heat of his biedsed - body restored it to lice. :The viper, upon feelingitself perfectly recovered, poked its bead from' it"it of the sleeve, and said, " 0 prophet, I am bout to bite you." "Wherefore?" inquind the pro- , phet, "have I done you injury?" "On the contrary, you have done me good; nevertheless,' I'll bite you." "Wherefore? give MC a sound reason., and I will be content:" •'Your people kill my people constantly. Your people bite my people constantly. The balance -'between our kindred is C:VA Letween you and me it fu in my favor; I have done you prod." ; And that you may not do me harm, I will bite you." Do not be so ungrateful." "I will; I have sworn by the most. high God that I will." At that name the prophet no ,! longer opposed the viper, but bid him bite err in the name of God. The viper fixed his faults iu the bles and the prophet, shaking him off, would not destroy him, but put his lips to the wound, and, irucking out the venom, spat it on the earth. From !peso drops, say those Mahommedams wino chew to- Anbeti, sprang that wondrous weed, which has the tidlitirsteiss of the serpent's tooth quelled by the saliva prophet. Therefore it is allowed to chew pig -414.---Capain Abbott's Narra!i7:. GEN. JACKSON AND WS TAILOR. •I'be Southern Chronicle tells the following good story: "After the termination of the Seminole campaign General Jackson visited Washington city, and during hia stay there having occasion to supply himself with a aim Cher garment, employed a fashionab!e tailor named /Ward to make it. Ballard, who was a very pompous 'Nfellow-and very fond of being. by great ;who bad been his customers, a ft'SV days after he 'fished the unmentionables, seeing the General in l'ennison's Hotel, in conversation with some m,-stepped up and spoke to him. The Gene:- mg him sonic very distinguished individual,very ly gave him his hand, but not remembering a whisper inquired his name, for the purpose of mjn7, him to the company. To which Ballard 1, '1 made your breeches.' The General. do . by the sound, immediately turned to the coin and introduced him as :Ira for Breeches—a title • Ballard was afterwards obliged to wear to tie death. 'T ARISTOCRACI".—If thcra is ailVrilitlg in , thri social circle, really loathsome. in any society, it is to hear a poverty stricken arista lazy to work, and ashamed to beg, talk of ince was, of rich uncles, aunts, cousins, of the of his father's mansion, and his mother's "so- He had better date his origin in a hoz, .itve, and Abe public, now bared to death with storics of 81ticient eminence, would give hint the credit for *Opt! energy 111 getting up in tins world. :NG ON THE WESTERN RESERVE. wing account of the products of a dairy of ;ows, is from a letter of Geonoc EL:sctr, tt.avus, Trumbull co. Ohio, to the editors of tor: He. may well ask—" Can this be heat?" A recollect an instance where the produce a small number of cows. has averaaed any this. Few dairies produce one half as 400 lbs. is considered a large product in the of this state and New EnL,tland. Mr. rn Reserve is becoinio;;sonewhat no- Ise, being settled for the most part with . people, and as we say. 'Yorkers,' most engaged in the dairy business, I give von roduct in 1812, from twenty-five cows own tapd by Ephraim C. Shelby, Esq. of this glows: Cheese which is over 543 lbs to a cow. Butter. 'Pork, from nine hozs. exclusive of milk, butter and cheese, used of which no memorandum was kept.— tour calves; (died off to fat,) three cows, , and ceased milkinz Nov. let. His cows are 4aturvebreed, and received no other feed than good latt,ture. Can this be beat?—C,'ltltirater. • GENUINE ELOQUENCE. 4g stump orator in the west, uses the follow la.nguage:—"lf I'm elected to this of represent my constituents as the sea rept e arth, or the night contrasts with the day. I it human society, clean all its parts, and together again. I will correct all abuses, oiit all corruption, and go through the enemies .v like a rat through a new cheese. My chief Itions arc that at the public dinner given Late more• than two men at the table; at m:lput in three votes for the party; I've new suit of clothes that will do to wear to ti I've got the handsomest sister in old Trit REJECTION OF STEVENS.—No political event has recently happened in the ranks of our opponents, THE CREW OF THE GRAMPUS. !of as much importance as the rejection of Thaddeus Stevens and the true blue nose delegates from laltimore American says;—We regret to see i tho Army and Navy Chronicle that the Na- I Lancaster, by the late federal Convention which ' sent finds itself compelled bylaw to withhold; met at Harrisburg, tc nominate Canal Commis eaTings due the officers and crew of the U. i l sioners. For the first time in his life, Thaddeus Ste -trampus, on the last returns received from .vessel, lest between that time and her loss I cans was fairly whipped by those he contemptuously have drawn their pay, and thus a double ; styled "whippable articles." He was driven in disgrace could be made. The Department has receiv- from an assembly of men with whom he has always if the most touching character from their heretofore acted—even rejected with contempt, by the families, and such indeed is the needy con some of them have already offered their hitherto despised band of Clay Whigs. But yesterday ~4 . 3 40.r:...., ,h at taison s ;r3rii - ti b ring. In he might have stood against them all—now he is denied lINT been bille-st the pension fund has the poor privilege of a place in their meagre and inani and moneylenders will make no advance mate councils. This rejection of Stevens and his del claims. :era of the Nov Im.y° it in contemplation to agates , seals the doom of distinctive antimasonry. It .I.' ' arriong themslves for the benefit of the proves that there no longer exists that unyielding firm .e orphans both of the officers and seame n o f ness and energy in their ranks, which enabled the.. ;pus. This is a praisewolthy movement, and rule the Whigs, who were always superior to them in with delight. But, as the Chronicle prop.. numbers, even here in ennsylvauls with a strong cut b. i, when we consider the number of persons s& and the small number of Navy officers As long as the Antimasons of Allegheny were sustain nder them aid, it becomes clearly - manifest ed by the voice and example of the unbroken Antima thing else must be done. The editor of that sonic phalanx of Lancaster, Union, Chester, and other 'vests that much might be effected by the strongholds of that faction, they would go on conquer ; of our large seaports "whose special interests . we ing and tyranizmg over their whig- allies. The -Anti went down seeking to promote." sggestion a good one. masons in those counties, in theirturn, were encoura ged by the news from Allegheny—but now, no sounds 'FACTS TO BE BORNE IN MIND. signs of mutual encouragement are heard or seen; ";Ist. That since the passage of the Bank Re- DOII f of last winter, not a single rag factory has in Chester they are broken, in Lancaster they are dis_ in Ohio, nor cheated the working classe s out porsed and shattered, and it is only here in Allegheny Ird earnings. that distinctive Antimasonry rears its weary head and tt before that law was passed we had aburst rashes a last feeble and desperate struevtle But even, ice a month, at a loss to the people of lion- i - - i --- ir . it' successful, an event entirely cut of the question, rtisands ofclollars annually. before that law was passed there was no what could Antimasonry do in our State Assembly?— t the currency, and the exchanges on New There will scarcely be ten—perhaps not five—distine- I from 10 to 20 percent; but since the pas has become as plenty as paper, exchanges tire Amimasons, elected as such, in that body. What, - onto 1 and 2 per cent. and we hear no then, can they gain if successful? Their members must ling of the want of change or of a regu- succumb to and follow the Clay whigs, and can ac complish nothing for their peculiar principles. Such are the inevitable results which Stevens' disgrace would indicate. there is more money by hundreds of dollars in Ohio now, than there was tidy had twice as many banks. the price of wheat has been higher since. Ti=Vino Is .11"trEr. FELD. Li it a principle of nit out of existence, than it was for the twe had 2 hanks. the whirs not to pay for any of the festivals got up for :se facts we make tiles.) deductions." the glorification of their great men? Judgin g from se swindlers are afraid to carry on their many of the events of the last two years it would seem fear of the penitentiary. 2nd. That the . is a good one, and oug t tobe sustained CO. Their jubilee at Taalie & O'Connor's warehouse 7st men. 3rd. That th e fewer banks we still unpaid; the pen:ons who prepared the great stter for the people. 4th. That their cx- Harrhon East at New LL:bon, ask in vain to be paid is not raise the price of wheat, although they for the exnense incurred on the occasion, and last, the it. sth. That the whig cry about low i no money is all humbt of the basest expense of the -Virgin Heifer Barbecue," at Lexing ur "That the practical question to be tried ; ton, Ky., now the subject of a law suit. It was at "14, whether we shall have whiz swindling this gathering that Mr. Clay was formally brought out 'ood sound specie paying banks.-OUo ; for the Presidency, and it was there that he made his I beautiful speech in favor of "Virgin 'Heifers." But the price of the East remains unpaid. "Even the me chanic," says the Lexington paper, "who made the frame for Harrison's portrait, carried in the procession Ott that day has not been paid fur hie labor. Tired of THE Catuarr.--The Secretary of State General aro at their post 3. The is in Boston. Mr. Porter is * *rings, l'entns),, , trania. 'Mr. with the Captain.—B. I l iaitteu -4 FOR PRESIDENT BUCHANAN, Subjece t- th dedsiUll ct THE T:C'A fiONAL 1)C Dalin ,Itiorning 13aot. PHILLIPS S 37.i1 TH, EDITOns AND Pllol,lULTolis DEMOCRATIC TICKET. CONGRESS, WILLIAM WILKINS, Peebles. SENATE. JOHN NEGLEY, Butler. Assr.mßLY, ALEXANDER BRACKENRIDGE, Pitt, JAMES A. GIBSON, Pine, WILLIAM STURGEON, Fayetto, JOHN ANDEREGG, Pitt. SIIERIFF, ELIJAH TROVILLO, City. FROTHONOTARY. GEORGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny COMMISSIONER, JAMES CUNNINGHAM, Mifflin. TREASURER, ROBERT GLASS, City. CORO DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny. AUDITOR, ROBERT DONALDSON, Wilkina. jA ' —L A CANAL CO S C. mmi JESSE MILLER, RK E "• NV B of d or r ia. s, FOSTER, cf Bradford Some persons have asked why we set down Gent. Thomas C. Miller, of Cumberland, as a Coon, in our paper a few days since. We found it so stated in one of the papers in his neighborhood, and supposed there could be no mistake about the matter. We knew that Mr. Miller had been a member of the democrat ic party, and had received many favors from it, but we now find him the favorite of a squad of disorganizers for the purpose of dividing our strength in "old moth er Cumberland," and we scarcely think we do injustice to any man tivat will lead himself to such a scheme, by classing, him with the coons. The persons who have favored Gen. Miller with a nomination style themsel ves the 'anti tax-payers," or, they might more appro priately be called, the repudiators. If we remember the declaration of their objects correctly, they would incite the people not to pay the taxes to meet the lia bilities of the state, and maintain its credit, but as means of relief, recommend that purely stockjobbing scheme, the sale cf the Public Works. To be the can didate ofa party entertaining such principles, is no ve ry favorable evidence of a man's democracy, and how ever fair Mr. M's political character may have hereto- fore been, be cannot expect any countenance from dem ocrats, while ho is found advocating such dishonest projects. No party will go further in carrying out the principles of economy, than the democratic party, but all efforts to that effect must be regulated by a proper regard for honesty, justice, and the credit of the com monwealth. The projects of the anti-tax-payers of Cumberland have neitherof these requisites to recom mend them. They would deprive the people of the state of all the growing advantages of the public works or selling them to storkjobbers,for a tithe of what their constructioa cost; they would defraud the domestic creditors by refusing to provide the means to pay them what they have honestly earned, and what has long been due them, and they would forever destroy the credit of the state, by a repudiation of her honest debts.— With such projects democrats can have, nothing to do —they abhor them, and the man who will permit him self to be used by a faction advocating such doctrines, has no right to expect the confidence of the democrat ic party. Ve do not suppose that the anti-tax-payers of Cum berland, or any other county where the democrats have a majority. will ever he a'ile to organize a party, of any strength• But if such men as Gm. Miller, who has heretofore enjoyed a etanding with the party, can be induced to join them, they may succeed in annoying the party, and, perhaps, in defeating the ticket. It was fur this purpose they gave hint a nomination, and if the wing ticket should be elected, the anti-tax-payers will have accomplished their übject;and Gen. MILLgIt will have the satisfaction of knowing that he has been u sed as an instrument to break down the party to which he professes to belong. . . ~ ,-• -, - - , . •• - - -- ~. # • ... r . k F... waiting for his money, a day or two ago he brought suit against the committee of arrangements, but was defeated by some legal quibble." It is added, "This is shameful—he shall be paid, for if the Whigs will not do it, we will raise the money arrion.z the Demo crats." Sutth is the feeling of indignation NVili.:ll is awakened against the dishonest course of the leaders of Clay Whignery in Lexington. STILL TRYING TO USITE.—The whige and blue no ses hold a meeting at Elizabeth on Monday next. The call for the meeting dues not intimate the object of the gathering, but we presume the leaders think it will be time enough to let the people know that, when the of fice-hunters have arranged the conditions on which they arc to swap away their respective friends. Notwith standing the antimasons affect to have so much horror of the principles of secrecy maintained by masons, they have no objection to resort to the practices of the lodge when they think it prudent to hoodwink their foilo%ve Cs as to some of their political schemes. LEHIGH DEMOCRAT.—We have received several numbers of a neatly printed and well filled paper, bear ing the above title. It is published at Allentown, by MeSSES. HOTTER & WILSON. It is warmly in favor of the Hon. JAMES Buciuses, for the Presidency, and don't "think much" of Gov. Porter's administra- he money abstractet Stilbc tion, but speaks verycomplimentary of our county Bunk, has been found, c Se e" ry, Mass., heiOngiUg ticket. to Abijah Learned, one of with the robbery. 'The poor antimasous have gut another kicking i Do WL ING." in Adams county from their Whig brethren. In nomi- I mating the comity ticket they were not permitted to take I t „_ . .- r-- ' The most popular eating liti any part, and they threaten to take revenge by oppos- ' time is i 'i'a IiZN). th at the present - t th e ing its election. The Compiler says: i ilitors at- - moved into a new house lately atal . ' "The Antimasons met with rather cool treatment in !Sheevent w i 1 d fuse r o f G, ; - All ' thi'V t i a gran n 72./0. t ill the convention, if we 'are allowed to judge from the ' tended, and since they partook of h:r hespitalit:. , symptoms of dissatisfaction manifested by there with the ticket. The three piped organ of the antimasonie can talk of nothing but Mrs. Dowling and her Guam:, party himself, immediately after the ticket was an- ' They must have been very hungry. nounced, proclaimed it from "the house tops and in the • . valleys," that he would not support a certain part of it.! ~-:-, A medical correspondent of the N. 0. Tropic He may be right enough in his prejudices, arid they no ! who has bacon a daily richer at the Hospital, says that doubt spring from just causes: but that concerns us not, ' 1 • le is convinced that not one fourth of the cases reported and we merely mentioa the fact as an item of general , • intellig,ence." l as Yellow Fever arc so. According to the last advices ! the disease appears to be greatly on the decline. The CONGRESSIONAL NOMINATIO N.—Tho Democratic report of the Ist y gives only seven cases of Yellow Fe. Conferees of the Indiana and Armstrong district, have ' - remaining., nominated DOCTOR Lonals, of Clearfield, for Con- vier admitted; dismissed, three; patients S-eight. gross. A friend in Blairsville writes us the following fun ! t - ! The store keepers of Gettysburgh have given letter respecting the nomination: BtAtissottg, 11th Sent , 1343. !'m ! hat they will not recein e ' or nay out, any corm ) -Edilors Morning Post: ation notes after the 15th. Down with the sl inpiaS GENTLEMEN: It affords me much pleasure to inform ters. yon of the nomination for Congress in this district, c p e composed of the counties of Indiana, Armstrong, But. irtazinEs.—A correspondent of th St. Augustine ler and Clearfield, of a man of sterling democratic prim- (Florida) News, writing from Pilatka.says that the or- 1 ciples and unquestioned integrity, Doctor Lorain of ange crop in that vicinity will be very abundant. Clearfield county. This selection reflects great credit 'on the prudence and wisdom of the conferees. With- THE MONEY SAFE. out the least disrespect to the other gentlemen named Henry Sounder, the New York Forger, was brought before the conferees, I feel well assured that the se- up in Boston cn Thursday for examination. The Post lection of Dr. Lorain will be well received by the demo- .„. crony of the District and receive their united „ support; - -• and that he will be triumphantly elected there remains The charge was read to him, and he waived the right to hear the evidence against him. He has dis not the shadow of a doubt. ery respectfully yours, closet! to constable Clapp where may he found the re- V naming $t27,000, all in bills of die several banks DUELLlNG.—Subscription for Mr. If ricston'x which cashed the ferged paper of his employers. For Family.—The Baton Rogue Gazette requests the ,a-;want of hail in 4135.000, he was re-committed, subject rious editors in this State to announce that subscrip- to a requisition from the governor if New York. He 1 tion lists will be opened for the relief of the late John i i sAute a juvenile-looking lad, with crispy-red hair, Hueston We make this announcement most readily, and will not be 17 years of age till December next.— and trust that a substantial sum may be contributed by He was born in Germany. His father is an English the citizens of Louisiana, in behalf of the bereaved man, a n d h a s been some years in practice 00 a physi widow and children of the deceased. I eian in Nen-York, but net with succcess. lie in the most solemn and earnest manner exculpates his father To this the Philadelphia Inquirer adds :—"What upon du wile is now umber arrest on suspicion of havirm been a bitter commentary elling is contained in the privy to the forgeries. He says his father i: quite above! Mr. Hueston, the individual alluded ti, was poor, but would rusher die than be guilty of any dis the editor „.h„, was recently kill e d i,, a duel, by m r , honesty. The. prisener received a salary ofq i , .203 per Labranche, of New Orleans, To satisfy a point of annum from Me'llrl'• Austen &''. Co.. bat l ' UtP rlY l''' honor, he perriled and lost his life. His wife had fallen Into expensive habits, and incurred setae thus debts, which he could not pay out of his wages. The - became a widow am! his children orphans; and they are desire to pay these debts. and to put his fathe - r, brother, now, it would seem, dependant, in some measure, and sister, beyond the reach of avant, he says, were the mot i V(23 which induced him to resort to forger. 1 the charity if Hoar friend • Would it not have upon 2 ~... The New York Herald of Mondav morning has the ,I been far better, far mere honorable, for their father to . item ar recover': in the to )- fallowina account of the ,-.. l - . .., have lived to samport and protect them?” near MArtiE.—Tho el. :cam in Moine was held on Mon day last. We expect to be able in a few days to give our democratic friend; good new; from that quarter. DON'T CUT OFF THE SUCKEIIS.-D. H. Hatton, in the Southern Planter, says, that after a trial of fivo years, he has satisfied himself that irreparable injury is done to cunt by costing olifthe suckers, as the produce of fodder and grain are both greatly diminished. In the Paris Ciecle, a well informed writer, Illon....Mallefer, who translated the pamphlet of Gen. Cass into French, has begun a series of friendly essays on the power and institutions of the American Union CANOE RACE.—.—A Race is to take place to-day at Hoboken, New York, between a Canoe, manned by six Indians, and a squaw of the Chippewa tribe, and a row boat. The challenge is from the Indians; wager $2OO. Noah says, that for extraordinary novelty, this race will surpass everything heretofore presented. It must be remembered that Indians are with the paddle the most expert in the manner of propelling their light ves sels, and to the eye present as agreeable a sight as the Gondolier of Venice. The men arc to be dressed in light blue silk shirts and buckskin loggias, and the squaw, who will form quite an interesting feature, in tends to spare no pains in the performance of the du ties of her native toilet. We forgot to mention that the canoe is built of tin, and is twenty feet in length. YELLOW FEvEr, is tinw YORK.—h seems that this dreadful disease was in New York, notwithstanding a majority of the journals of that city denied the rumor. The Sunday Times of the 10th, states that the papers r which stoutlydenied its existence, admit that something like it appears to exist. The Medical Staff of the Board of Health are anxious to make it out billions in termittent with typhoid caste, and there is an unwil lingness to confess the fact broadly and truly as it real ly occurred. "There is great praise due to Mr. Timm er], of Kingston, for early sounding the alarm; great praise is due the firmness of the Express, in telling the truth at once, and to Dr. Townsend, for the prompt ness and skill in his early examination of the facts of the case. The Vanda carried yellow fever of the gen uine kind to Rondout, and had the schooner stopped here at our wharves, here, we should have had yellow fever. Let us be grateful fur our escape, without any thanks to the journals who absolutely denied the exist ence of the epidemic, and, in future, let us be more cau tious. Several valuable lives have been sacrificed by the carelessness of some person." L-ITThe parties t whom the several packages of money attempted to be stolen by Edward Ing, Jr. be longed, have been held to bail in the sum of $5OO each for their appearance before the Baltimore City Court, at its next term, to answer to the charge of compound ing- a felorx. JOURNEYMEN TAILORS. At the adjourned meeting, yesterday, upwards of i 400 men answered to their names, andso were report ' d as having gone to work at the argreed price.. A Tun Cur.nontrs.—The last Arkansas (V an Buren) ' e d . ; u E t x at e i c o u n ti f ,, 'r e om c the piece -Masters •have waited upon Intelligencer, sacs:—"We are highly gratified to have ' thop sustain u m ic it i t o ee irn al c i , d mi reporte i d . that they are it ia our power. to announce to our readers that peace willing to su ' s will solicit aid from ail the piece -masters a u s i tttr i s et i r n s t t h r e ik c e i , t v and and quiet prevail in the Cherokee nation. The wheels ! contribute h to their relief. Forty-three master work exo citement - of government are in regular operation—and as little n m e en me a n ve thus Th far acceded to the demands of the jonr excitement exists in the nation at this time, as did at any was addressed by Mr. Rowan other period, except in the neighborhood where tbe late ! and CaPt. Strong. murder g:. murder was committed. Vann and Hicks are.not dead. i At the meeting this morning, aboutsoo were pres- eat, most of the piece makers have joined the strike Bushyhead was killed during the election, and three or l ' The m.,etin, was addressed with great effect by the murderers are apprehended, ono of whom is awhito Messrs. - W. ' J Walsh, D. IV. O'Brien, and Thomas, man, and the police are in search of othe ... lr. : ' kiteyoan.—Bo . ston B. S. Democrat, Sept. 9. I , .. RIGHT.- - LThe Hartford, (Conn.) Times, in alluding Fromi , Bostoi •t , E to the improvement in business; gives the following CONTESTEDELECTIONS ) CONGR'• timely caution:—'Now don't run wild; don't trust'als much; and ' will The number of these perplexin*dexuerii pray don't speculate away the last cent of a portion at least of the time whit 4 l7, J uld be be, from present appearance4,e: a' nd oionlo 1 , money yca possess. and thousands of dollars belongim; by the next Conk to more irnt'ltant to , --tt±t. t i ec i l l I . :New 'York, rite 5,,1 Har m ! to „ f i b i s c0r. , 7,11 ,, , t to others." John Mc Eletoa. en account of the nr, r esi,l, , nic ofiny 1 THE, EFFECTS OF GAMtLitiG.-1 younc• man, in who voted for Fish. In Virginia,Mr. Buts coi..y..ts t ~: New York, of respectable family, • ~... b. one f the election of J. VI. Junyo„and Ir. G;,, , ,,a ~; of w e ''' / 0 Mr. Gilmer. In Lentukr, the rairn of :in. :l'll - 1 the papers of that city, went to a gambling establish- ma ... m. fr ,, tri c i ,,, 7,1,,ii_ ti .i..... i . , c ,,,, e d It M.1.7..1- 1 meat, was fleeced of his money, and, excited by liquor compte, N, Lo objects to the leg-alit' of the S: , :gbyan- ; and maddened be the defeat, he snatched a pistol, lv- tY.' vote:— B"'• P° ''' It will be rem , roh. re•l dr , th , w' ll •t , St'll' `''''' ing - in an open drawer, and fired at his opponent. The` - - ' - - • . '' ball inflicted but a slight flesh wound, made a ea-eat noise about two d , uvr,cro•ic . t .,, -L:e , ""; clut"in the appointed to hold tile elben,,n in 3 r,aiil; aliitit it v..a1l opposite. Losses invariably attend aambling, it was well l;2,0V:l1 that their:lrakatd sherillw , •reNlH ,, and crime usually I , llow losses. . They even went so far as to sat, it' wt. e , e , "-'-t - -ur I , • candidate they intended to ccntebt his - - cat, an h ;1 -j, they 1100‘v a whit: lea i , inwre woad nor ailcw ellt•lli" didates to take their seats. K rn aying In' c ba•tom , of the whig party we war=d the in to be ,'? , itasu:; .:s seat. because we w, to COIL: C; ,,, .3 tb' Y • laLl di'll's'd the litle in Firo:y 1' , U.:11 i ''. Sur-et:no:1;h. ill , t‘t , Y; the adjuinier county b , Fi - mlilif,--they bad none . , t . : , whim whi in 'ill , h. 2 C0:11.11 0, :IS 1, 1 , 27.1r:1,1'..;! tV,*(.l . ilriS of the sixt••, , it otiita r,- , . in Sihh)yrilie, th*: , had. n_ judies, sheriff aLd clerk. It is I:Tort•'d that tite1:1•:- tisan judges permitted many wii•zs who had vetetyr Sprio-r on the first day. to vote for Timmassou teise sound and third day,- , , thus gii Le: him a mnjo;aty.. Major L..,•omp t e, i t is ti „d„, t ,),,a. wiii c„n,.,..,yr: US,IAN OFFER.—We are informed, says the Lc coming (Pa.) Gazette, that the Emperor of Russia has tendo.r.i to Amos Addis, Et 4 -1., of this country, the appointment of Enzineer on the St. Peters burgh and Mosc,uv Railroad. PENS.—The steel employed in Great Britain. for making pond, amounts to ono hundred and twenty-five tom; annually, which is equivalent to about thr hun dred millions of pens. tr-s- SINCLAIR. LS CollCerti,itig S! !-,e St. LEW Int , it Irett s.—We prstuid that it is the inert tie./ of Reilly, T. C'.. t.. m, in the Repeal .I.sscitat- Mut. that thr ceininiitet authorised to treat stith amlimon Homn, the Imelebrat. dish seelpter. Cro a . t . r.1 . 10 statute of O'Connell, mt plated in the Co Hail of Ireland. The * and feeling that dictate the presposcd motion Ad Eccome `- - ` - '"`.' .2 .7 r T rj ', - ,. tiee , arid would produ the urt:t te,mr - -'ne15r. , ,34 , .., to native talent, under ;it - We:lce of a .widen'_ „ - i e ,- -.• Legislature. --t of (11.2 11 l 2 ll” .3,pap, : , : . to i mi ., ct ts,:liat tie, .I•Ftsite t nt A paragraph has b. milking the * tour 'l l isotr re e- . land courts to about ',OOO inc"• T „ /. 2ry, Indli s, -0 0, Jf; is based in error. Ource in that co - ,_,.. s . cce e..u,. - ...- , q. coo all arms and rarks decnot at P rcscut '-I. Total ir,,),.... , 't I -tad -r - -• -7 , ' - --rttc• , ,risac's ti 'a history of the recovery is as folk) wst—O a 1 7 Ti- me n .- - '-'- c't •• •- scrr'''' 4 - -. ''' , ~ .- . 1-- ` ' • • . 0 e..3. f o r I - • ,••.: tit.. ro vis.- • . ~ day afternoon, a Mrs. Esther Cornelia Ragee, wife of • The ... 4, V!'-': , ! S'. 7 ' '-: - • ‘: Le:s lug I - ' ~, c .0," 0 o. Henry Ragee, of 82 Canal street, sent a cokired , foti.s in that part M . Irel.1• 1 ' 1r ,..,,, eis_•o 'va : j .,_ tce eread. woman named Angeline Osborn, of 81 Mulberry street, I ec•.Tral months; and'-' ` i ~ ,3 ,000 , '?. .; ~.., b.. ; w ho who had washed for her, and told her she will hezf t . bread. Surely the pr. - e ny',,,,5.e.ea..• , , to take charge ofa box containing , some valuable,jeweiLleaters in red coa . ts:',: or . the 1 1. ' ry, and that she would be well compensated for her '.,cat bread :Ilse, :!e -s. e ~,a --.•parations .. trouble. The colored woman, in the morning, rook th e p, trunk to the residence of Mrs. Hunter, wife of William . Hunter, cooper, 375 Division street, for whom she had the also worked, and told her the particulars relative to tun the possession of the box. Mrs. Hunter said that she sai. was afraid there was something wrong about die mat- GI , : ter. Instruments were procured and the box opened, when, instead of valuable jewelry, it was found to con- On taro two large rolls of bank notes, and a small qa anti- sth ty of specie. Mrs. Hunter remembering- the recent in t account of the successful forgeries of young Saunders, of ..., suspected that this might be the lost money, and int- The adjutant was a Scot mediately took measures to aemmint Messrs. Austen an Englishman, who ha( and Wilderming, of the discovery. They repaired to lent character. It is CUt the house, where the money was counted, and amount- drilling, of this same ad; ed to $21,000, which was sealed up in a box, and died. placed as a special deposits in the vaults of the Mer chants' Bank, to be divided among the several banks in connexion with that recovered in Boston, in proportion . THE RUSS" The Washitorton corrfo•• , to their loss. Officers of police were sent for, and Sun write , : h ' is „ara to .-, Henry Ragee and his wife were sent for, and Henry ding as to who is the Ruian...• l ‘ o( l . li in s t t o L . is e s - ,. . z - ar Ragee and his wife were arrested and committed fen though I believe that BPD. D further examination. He is suspected of being an ac- Some time ago .M. BoditbaPl : a lea to th U esl.l;ir.:y.. , ', complice or accessory with Saunders in the commis to return. hom - e oil a visitwhich wa3 g l ihis rettm 4a. sion of the forgeries, although as yet there is no evi- uo ons, hiiCout. donee against him, The colored woman is also de to his (NM, For some anci`P laitted 'ter the nos . little* tamed as a witness. The reward of $5OOO for the rip- Zabrelo appointed to filihis place slii ideferrrd . his arri% al tic.' prehension of the rogue Saunders, and the recovery of t - . m .l e; thus he __Tin, M. B. the money, will consequently be divided between officer unable to , -e; ' in theme: Clapp. of Boston, and Mrs. Hunt, and the colored two_ , 11 - jui ant ,' (i ' h ,,, i3tit . ,,,, , , Ilti man Osborn. arrives just as Budi - , co Ragee and his wife are from one of rho West India ,-. an,et:', Islands, and have recently been boarding with Mrs. troubles. a s-I few -- I ; unt -, sl ; ,r,,er. t , g Jo:moues Lally, and her two daughters, at E' Canal ed tlour months fo ' ; the C street, over the store of Wm. Woledge. Mrs. L. re four monnhs for hint." youths 0 „ moved in May last from 18 Maiden lane, where they an al , kw add also boarded, as did young Saunders up to that period. d i l , auna, as It w main without sdare or reas there that Ragee and his wife became acquain- . l t ted with Saundms,whe has since visited them at their t '''''' boarding-house in Canal street. Ragee is a yonnz man, about 21 years of at-e, and his wife somewhat , younger. She is spoken of as a very pretty and accom plished woman, arid Ragee himself as much ofa gen- ' tleman in deportment, manners and education. His business we could not ascertain last evening, but it is supposed he was engaged in some broke r ' s offi ce i n Wall street, "Twenty-fem. thousand d.tilars el the nmnry Obtain ed from the bitiih6 of this rite by young Saunders, the recent clerk of Austell, Wilmarl & Co., timmzli forged checks, was recovered in this city . yesterday, which, with the sum of $2OOO, taken front him at Bos ton, makes the full amount, within $6500, which was drawn front the several banks in the following sects:— Merchants' Bank 5,000 Phcenix City Bank 5,000 Seventh Ward B'k 3.000 Union Bank 3,000 Bank of America 2,500 Manhattan Bank 1,000 Bank of Cormuree 2,500 Bank of State 500 Bank of New Yark 5,000 t) , F;tl., tho ',:round of ill(- voting. aii,l lectioa law,: nfthe state ; arid if h j 6 to htlt hie 'will Tilt: , ilia 11 , .-rciabuF they i"t-cr:u.'ain at this determination. a.s it is 1,1 this if d..f,..iat,c1." VERMONT ELECI We Lave a few returns frc:ra a ,1". 4 ) frual tho office tire Beltrti?,?..,ton 6tnte B tOWnsalmer, tvf.4.-7 1.11 orn, tiv• vol, fur Gore: in lta 1313. 1312. 441060 t . 5 .ita? l'4 •-- • 06. ~,, Benninztoe, Pownal, 161 Woodford, 41 5" 591 Nine town_; in FranklinZve Mattoc. for Governor, 1292 vote:-; ;(dern.) 1037; lition 143. The Congressional delojitill probably- stair fuflow,: I—Solomon Foote, IN 2—Jacob CoHamer, 1k f 3—Geo. P. Marsh, It : - 4—Paul Dillingliain,jito. In the last Congress, tin* and two Dem* . Mattocks (Whig) is doubted Guvernor. •ti Legislature Trill also be \ heretofore. LA rzic.—The Boston' :te Democrat" of'tt urday afternoon -ices retniipn 1 . 13 towns, in a-Ih the vote at:lnds, Kellor.r. (i 11,259, Mattocks, (0 ie 15,381, Willia ms , (Ab.) nivel-in; 2112. IW tuck's majority thus far cd. There is probie no election by the people: An extra from th Wook ATe, dat J on The- :ly (2VCTIIIIf7, St:itCS ttIV. :Is Of Willd;7.Clll, Colattv.r. t i e AVllisaidate for Conzrosin that. 600 majorirxilis opponent, and the full comity will not tiolv him Oyer lt- ) maority.TL -trh-t i.: made If )r go cam tv, i irh i telc democratic, gtvi 'GU majority a, 1.14 s in 184'2. Thore.4 therefore some hope that :Erma- is defeated in tr: Marsh and Footiv, are prubal , :v elect! iu Burlinirtnn and BrattViisitict:, and the Watchman. Prt tlmt there is pleb:it; no choice in the fourth Llt. We hacc still hop hov,ever. that Dillint hattn . ncrat, is chosen in tit di,trict. The be:ee Cor t1v172. , c:dt..3 then it rtift : In 121 tov.m:, !t -, •Nv . ht_: , „ and 1 tio[- tir'''''r• e• thontoccet , :}.i4 yea: have {"., the whi:: 59, abolitionii—t7 , l cC th,==e• have male no choice. jth._ , S ti: derno - 4 . . , have Wined one.. in Grninif3 county. hiT each in rrattklin and C,ltata cotintiei. port of p 2elcd bg Sidle ancltffEchell, 9, 130a1 stref;,—, -..., EIGHT FEET WATERN_THE CHAT : I_ ccording to Coppci . ..)lark ;)t the IV° fr. i -- ------ --- . ARR. CED. *Daily Beaver Pac;i 3 Oella, Bowman, Cit Charicston, Nell, L'hbeth. Alpine. Cockburn, C§, North Queen, 111cLa Whedin DEPAZED. 'Daily Beaver Tacki s , Ohi i Mail. Ward, cn, Herald, Dawson, Should. Mmisachusetts, 'Citik. dm Alpine. Cockburn, liizabeth. Oella, Bowman, Biwnsville. c r North Queen,. Mc . ri, Whee - All boats marked thus )in the abAi ded with EvaLs' Safety dto prelkon of steam boilers. K r. .1"c o ma:l 139:577 113 3;3:7 21: I D i D o . "' D ' G el . 77la Poek et 51 9 I II 12 Si I c' 2 ,l r ,er D o .„ t Du 4n'isr ch, ,i, ....... Do -ems .4., 59 0 11 D o ) „,'uB -it .1 ) - 4.oro.9sins. do. do. ( '` l ''"...l " 4 . 11 0 , ° /t,..adio; - .._. d 0- illih k_ ..4./so 0.1%1 , Iv flno Gilt do., plain tux' dot writ,. 'FANCY GOODS. Ito-' ..„„ . 0,1 Writing Desks, ', . - ._-, Do. l , Dressing Cases, Do N4„,,,Work Bozos of every description, Fine Shavim ' ....,,./7, ses , Do do 87`.,•.: , ,, r , es , Shell Card Cases, --- Ivory do Velvi. t do ~ Do Pocket Books, Music Boacs, Clloss Board:, . Do Men, from 75 ',...k..0 Ls to $.25 pe *--,. ,A, Walking Canes, ,fie Neenrdaons, \\ - a!_ , :r[ktr l t;aray,aler, \ They v:eyc intend , : it is )e-e, the seat of the ' .irl :...)f 1 to the custem-heuee itead. 'antri f the Fifth Fulti?-ra. — at Birr, the a djutanbf the ~ 2 a portion of the vitnent r the soldiers stepti out 1 ~hot billead. .. -. 5 do 6r a ou t n . , :! , pe L p .er , 36 cans ground mus, jkegs do allspice, do d o every thing gym': ng 12 cans do do-, to tether wldit..4 in the grocery line, all or which Is ofrei n at extremely low prices, fur cash., ,:. ...,' DAILAIAN, JENNINGS & CO., . 111 ang- 9 43, Ilrood street ' - 1 i. ToßAcco._lo boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco? 0:5 do Russell & Robinsons do :. . . 5 do Hare's do -s., ii ,i IS .: , sorted sizes and brands f :'-: i . -,.P .....4 just received and for sal do ae by ... HAILIVIAN JENNINGS & CO., 43, Wood streets,_ John Cartwright, UTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer, corne r of Gth and Liberty streets, Pittsburg', Pa. N. 8. — ..-11 wa ys on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments, Banker's, Tailor's, Hatter's, Hair Dresser's and Tanners Patent Shears, Saddler's Tools, Trusses, Sz - e. .71,11 Tl?~'@'Si. IN consequence 'f nees Luc; • postponed for:: yen of the fir -• lON WANIED.—Of Jotu WES , ; I:11 his father's residence in Ca nal tov, - ..c.j:. Veiatne,o county, on Sunday the 3.1 inst. Wa tr.L.:' . .l a considerable distance, on the old read to Pittsburgh. Information where he may bs fund. ‘vill be received with lasting gratitudeby l.haged father who has come Pittsburgh in quest of him, which:ave. be left either a. thin office, or at the of fce ofjohn J. Mitchell, corner cfSznithlield and Fifth [o: l .acr rapers please copy.] AS:i,\ CuSCERTHA4PO TuEsDAY EVENING. EFTEND:in AT: zatice. MISS 51 1 MXN the Ori;innl aad P. , Pul ar La - Mr «-I-MAN, ,l3 t , and SIG s:-.1,1; Admittance '25 cent; Dohs open atn ocluedi.; to com sept c:ll_d:cn L'lil n":^ciseiy NEW GOODS AT Pte' giZcbulon Illazey's Corso - prsNC, )lar7:c.t st r ect., Pit tsburs-h. se p-at: a; icidov COMBS. Shell T,,,.-S ao. l. ocket do. do. •do. Fine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Wax Dolls, all sizes, A larre assortment of Willniand Straw Trams velliwz Baskets, Fancy Work Baskets, Silk Bap and Purses, Bead do do Silk Watch Guamlse , &C. JEXELRY. Gold and Sibati Pencils, Do do Thimbles, DJ 131-cast Pins, Do Finger Rings, Do Larrinrs, Do Bracelets and Lockets, With a rood assortment of Hair Pins, Piris, VARIETY GOODS. Ilue _ P t . ,Tap: Tap:-.;, Hooks oil," Eves, N,.. E;. ds, Su:TCIICICTS, hiit.„.lfr•T‘trcusstoa Caps, Pochet Book:. ,VACCS7 SCi3" COl5, Gcrrna,stlyer Table ata litaSpoons , &c. TOYS. A hrje a,.sortinent of ov. - description. Thy above articles Ina.; ilad in connection with t.-ery arth-le iu tLe sari LS thpurtment. Call and ex amine [Le stock—qey will be sold at reduced prices for cash sep 1271 w Dye Stuffs Just Deceived. CHIPPED LOG WOOD : LSD FUSTIC, Blue Vitriol, Can - mood, Alum, sod a general stock oe Drn Woon . - t, in storo, and for sale at the Drug Store JON. KIDD. - of Cm-nor 4-di and Wood. sta. TacLane's American Worm Specific. T HIS 97 is to cellit‘y. Chu-with Mcl..\ :NE'S \VoRN Sr t5.ciit54tra1i14,44,41,,,,e.d upwanis of 600• , ~ • -.--4 Worm Spocific nowin - was; it is_. 4 - - , L , t. 4 (.7.:,:e rn4. :: :: a .L 6.... T . iILT,DO :7 • i 4 Fur :ale at , ^ruz ..-;...., 4 ,'• '—ki 22; sept. I'2. c." - • iON I ' rt. "-"----- ' " ° o tlsts, Nl4 ------ - rilcLar..e'S Llmerl4-....;4, rillitS 1, to ccrtity that tici- , ,i'n, -3- _nasst•.l univar , l3 k,f 30 v,•orrns r, , , c , 5i'.....1'. 170711 4 to 5 it:cher , 1 , 71::•• 1:1 rr,-/ n . „, k ,otnedozca of cn•tianatcs 0f..n... a ., , ,,,,,i•„•,, , c- -__Nb.‘ •Inz , utect beproduccd. „, t, i.t. z ,„„ Poland, Ohio, Oct. 4.,1.1-1.247, ~ _ . , • sw. ~..,. , For sale at the Drug Sturc-"k:' 30.. C. rillIL), : 'Sept 1.2 Conner dth. awl lirooki If; ' For Salo Low for Casi. (\ do/en all ,iites. Window Sashan\Vh,plir 3Oki Glass, 'Carpet chain, Ctuntv, 5 sizes of Patent Bucllets.,Tubi, Chara.4-1;0 , • 6 15, Spades, etc - and liuLdlet, rs s, -Lacings and Twine, and 14u1s-4 e. Shovel Carpets, Flannels, Liudi. hers. Flax, Toff Dr. are re)l. :s 1 1_;,:11..:e Tr.lp eCifte. 4 . 2. 4 yi J i