. .40:44/xxxix.lionk:, kinch.4 and the .e tgnality, 444 , 46 . 0.10 4 tc.41wnys on hand and for aain as above Alki; Ategstatti Tac.ners'SCllipS' taken in exchange undre,tted negsteave to infoiin dblfc, l hat he has removed from his old eland, of - Peon and L. Clair sts., opposite thc Cr I, where he has fitted up a large Nino Foirre ...and now offers for sale the most splendid of Purina ever offered in this uturket., i 5009 C 91143( of dirfereid patterns, of superior iood au4 fdahogany, beautifully finished and tllO. and twnatt ueted throughout of the very lic.d ma .l.4llll4talleliirliieh,fer durability, and quality of tone. as well : 1 4.1.111ich, he warrants to be supirlor to any ever seen 4111 fiches enlarged his iunnefactuiy, and made airaoge. iiposritto supply the increa,iiis demand for this instru• l~tillt; 6e I especaftilly requests those intending to per. ' 4 41411101e to tall and examine his as-ortnient before pii rch a. Idati - jelitewhere, at he is determined to sell tower for apy other establishment east or caret or the Astroutitai Rs. F. BLUM F., Corner of Penn and Si. Clair streets, ass tD Oppodte the Exchange Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pa. My Made Coffin Warehouse, wi . Fourth St , 2.3er/refroze the U. S. Bank. TROVILLO, UItiDERTAKEH, REir Etn'FIJI.LY infortnis the politic that he bat rem >led his ready made coffin mare iliac to thcbuildlne, recently t,rimpierl G. tieri..id; directly opposite Ilia old stied, where he is always arepared to nit tnd promptly to any orders in his line, and by strict att,ntioe to eft the details of the husines.i of an trndei taker, topes tO merit public confidence: tie wilt iie prepare. .414.Atunilitrite to provide ilearvev, fliers, C leige2 and 1 1 4 , 1,1esilltildte an the most liintral te, ms. Cella from the .. .epsistryi will he promptly attended to. -.Pre residence iv in the carne with his wart 00011, where thaw who need his SO rviccs may riot! iiim tfine. RZFISAMCC.,: Stnlittilbbi,t, 'scrims. furrow 11440 six n m ..isep 10 • - La I what makes your teeth so unusually white/ .Quoth' Josh's dulcinia to him Vother night, To make yours look so, with a grin, replied hash, ." brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, 'T .s the best now in use, so the 'gentlefolks say. And since they have tried this, cast all othets away. But to proven the best, to make the teeth shine, Look again, toy dear s al, at the lustre of mine. Then try ti le great tooth wash, • The Tesberry tooth wash, And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine. . Baying tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,' •• nisi become acquainted with the Ingredients of Its compo• cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as Worm of the most pleasant Tooth Wastes now In use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15, 1842 . DAVID HUNT, Dentist. 1. take pleasure in stating, having made use of" Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," that it is unc of the best deu• trifices in use. Being In a liquid form, it combines neat ness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel an/removes the tartar from the teeth, irs perfume yelds ,a huranee peculiarly desirable. J. P. TI BBETTS. M.D. ' 'The undersigned have used "Thorn's Compound Tea " Starry Tooth Wash,"and have found it to bean extreme. ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising a most salutary infiu. eve over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those Indis pensable members from premature decay. preventing the mmainutation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay. halthoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re. Oottlinendlag it to the public, betiecing it to be the best ar - Wier the kind now in use. IteIBERTS JAMES I' :.7.6'CK, Mari' PEEELLES, CHAS E SCULLY, teD.,..R.RAOS6 ;Vail irCANDLESS, - - .I.IIOIII.I.ORNEAD, J✓JS S CRAFT. -':IL SINGWALT, L S JOHNS, &Oared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, Apotheca• ry litudGeentlet, No. 53 Market street,' Pittsburgh; and • at all tbeprlncipa Druggists',and Tuttle's Medical Agen. cy, Fourth street. sep BIRMINGHAM LOCK AND SCREW FACTORY. ' Wes subscriber having opened a shop No BR, Second X. street, between Market andWond streets,Piitshorgh. • lattoanectitn with the Factory in Birmingham, respect. • . balms hie friends and the public, that he will he • . MIPPY to ne favored with their orders for any articles in his line, Door Locks and Fasteners, o !carious d scriptions, or. „bad and made to order. VilblactO, Mill and Timber Screws. Large Screws, for Iron Works,and Screws for Presses, , Made as may he required, Carpenters and. Builders are requested to call befort contracting for jobs, and cgantine his articles and prices • Locks repaired and jobbing gencrully i one in .he best iltaa . ner, and on the lowest terms. matt 2-6 m JAS. PATTERSON, Jr• Dr. Leidy's Tetter Itch Ointment. XA cure °revery variety of TETTER, the ITCH, 0140 tfls4ta,es, of the Skin, has proved it>elf mor e .eilacatiookthan any other 'Reparation for the stole par. pose In use. 'Upwards of five bon: trail cart ificatiss might be procured aad puttlished of its efficacy from School Teachers, Pro. • prietors of ractoileQ. Parents, Guardians', Child Nurses, entrains of vessels and others, were it not for the dell ' '• t ency In baring their names published in connection with suelt_disagrecable affections. Jyy tbelase.of Dr Leidy's 'fetter Ointment in corjunc. lion with bhs extract of Farsaparilla or Blood ftlinr, he will guarantee to core any disease common to the skin, hOwerer bad, or of however long standing, or refund the raarsey, There are boy/ever very. few instances hat can bearred by ttat Ointment' alone_ Prim - Weald: a Boz. Prepared only ander:4d wholesale and retail at Dr Lei des Health Emporium, 191 N. Second et. Philadelphia, arid by B. .L PAFIXESTOCZ .4- Co. corner of Wood • and Slittb streets, Agents for Pittsburg. ply 12. PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU- FACTORY. nrmitsuimertber would 'respect fully inform the citizen, einkittaburgh, Allegheny and their vlcirities, that Irk haat neemenced manufacturing the article of Lard 01 4 11eli. fie Intends making but one quality, which ',behest made in the tThiAltlrld not surnamed ' der strainedspeato oil either for traehiner) - 4 , 1 t its ofenolve properties, and one Ibr .6/oax IS WARRANTED TG PT TEMPERATURE. The sainted west distinctly on the public mind that art. minuses any new fangied tamps that Bleeds as King requisite to burn the • pure and brilliant tight cal 'attileoid stand,ad street, nearly ",fs.' PGA, arminfirlsatarcrl - flf WAU 11r." *fast!!ittil Jaw/ 'Pa.— . sand au extensive afixortimmt. of Sal ir pt.* . rartit HA NCtNGS, Velvet and OP! !West style and handsome tof,iTtrimpoiriim halls, parlors and chambers. p--.eittk4iiiftcture and have to hand at all times mi;Virkiliti,Letter. Wrappiny and Tea raporilloll 6034ila—all of which lheyofTer for sale *mit aexcimmodal tax term;; aild to which they tie xthottion of merchants and others, I=l CE=l M. P. EDE V. Note ate dval,elr, Churches an . v ill-beat the seatiaracturree Jut 1343—tf. 7 ,'~( 4 "" ziftrir pAct tra - ituritrazZ uNITED sT AT SS• Po1l:1411LE EIDAT- LINE. Per tke T, wi.3lNrtut2ou avd Prodatc Berwepi, PITT:iI3URG7I.4.I7D PHIL-50121..11:.1.1X1) I irrsarittr:ll .11.7krD NEW YORK AND . 130ST()N. .tiev_itcEye* r wi.,tuAy 1111 . .`1 fit the I hal Hwy haVe ir al rang :Dry t r t i)c• tsEnvintrAL AND INDEPENDENI' r p r eset PLI:z., The public Itaa tong WiiilPd for I n,tividtt..l c,top,titt,,n in Transportatton on tier T'u by whirl: n!,,t• it can be frevd frn,n 1 11111PCP:i,lf expotese4 and rednrrd to lowest rat.;:; that n,1,1 wttl drip - be teatzed; the S.ate of renn3:, tv.lnt,: ;Inv ing pl•t(rd Trul:, on her Rail Ito.tdc. Ind/I/kin • z Porta.tle floats are enabled to Indfor the ra. ing 'fr,ith: and .-occe-vful , :. , to com pete With conw.ti T..i, liuo isramlio,,tl of T wen y »r,V, • ruur Sr•cijoi. Poi table Boats, OW 111:1.1 hp t ,tanwand !new and Ivril , 10c , poising, industrious and sos;.r..rienced 11,,atnion. The burelioi ity a:11 ,1 the Portable Boat tJVC) every other mode ofTeanspoi tattoo, are. 100 well known to ehippera generally, to require comment; stir. rice it tur..iy, that the detentioa, loasaeyaration and dam ,7e to Oooda , invariably three Trass,hipmexts between Pittsburgband Philadelphia are by the Portable Boat mid etrretoally'retßoved. The fort: AI Boat the gre.tt advantage lon, ofbeina wi.ll rcottlated ;:nd coo/ iu S'.fc:rtc,; whtelt pre. vants Rour from souri,g, and Baroa and Tohacco from sweating. 11, IL:eine, Mantling as he doe c, het ween the owners of ;nod:and the Boni men who carry them, awl 4ton:illy lutcrc , tett itt pi °twin.; the intentsis of will make hu prowittes to the public hr will Not faithfully perform. lie is note cteenred to receive and forward Produce to Philaticipltia. Baltimore, New Y ark, and Poston in the shortest time. anti plpd4e'rg hittote jto cuter into no COM. with other Linett,lait alwayc= startl re.. 15. to certy out the vriacipluctuf his Line, and contract for freight on tl , e et-Ty 10 . . vest terms. {Kr•To give undonb!ed.security to owners and Tippers of gond , an open poli cy of I wfurance ha; b,:en ctn. .1. which all ine. - chandizo shipped try this Line will be 0-nied without any additional expense lo the owner P. bevine hill receive all produce consign,d to him at pori,or l! li, pay freight and cliargrs (roc Sirain Ito:Al and forward the sante without delay to Philadelphia, Baltimore, :Sew York, and Huston without any charge Cur advancing ur conitni,sion. 272 Market aire..l, Philadelphia. MOOT, E .S. CFI\ Si Alen's, Tj kowley's BOWEN 4. FIBBER°, iir4riiis. Ohio CULVER WOODBURN, Age' M3111,4)11 Thos. M, A. I'm Agenl March It), 1342. 27 Old Rik tires Volk FA RIR POR SA LF,.—.The noticrlogited oilers for sal, hia farm, lying, in Rots TOW nsliip 41 'Jilin; from Ihr Cily of Piiishurgli, roniaioing 114 arrNsiii.Cland of will, 61) a. o. cica red and II ode; frier, Itt in 15 to 20 acres ai meadow, 2 gcmi Orchards of Apple,, • fcw Pearl! and Clirrry tres—tlie ariroveincilts art a iarge frame holre rout aininz It) rooms well furnhlted, calculated for a Ta vcrn or: private Dwelling. et frame Darn 28 by 60,stonc litts'em.dii, and stabling, sheds t lid other out houses suit• able for a tenement:-2 good Gardens surrounded with currant hushes. and a well of excellent water, with a pump In at the front door. In reiat ion tot he Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered fur sale with moreinduc.ement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, the terms will he made moderate, for further particularsapply tot lie proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. N. 0. if not sold before the Ist of October next, it will he divided into 10 and 20 acre lots tosult Sc rs. sep 10 rrtiEmh , cri , ,er hasjust received from Philadelphia and New York, with a erneral and extensive, assort ment of DRUGS, Cif EMI P.11..5, PERFUMERY, and every article in his line of business. which ltc ;s deter. mined to sett on the most reasonable terms for cash.— He believes he can offer stronger indveernents than any similar establishment in this city to Coontry Physician , and Merchants, who wish to supply theist:elves s Drugs and Medicines, Ti is nrticles have been selected with the utmost CA re, and are warranted ofthe heal gnat_- ity and uniform screneth. Orders will he tilled with nr• curacy'and (tee:ince. Fasuili s can Ise supplied with Fine and Fancy Soaps of every conceivable varim v. and of the moat exquisite perfumes; liliewise wills Fel - turnery and Cosmetics of every descrip ion. The undersigned retail us ills I banks for the liberal sup. port heretofore extended to him, arid hones by a row-tan! ; di-position to please and accommodate—a rare in pro curing and selling only what is excellent and e.elllllllP—a close supervision of the sales and transaction of the ^slab lishment—precantiOn and accuracy in roznpoundi med. icines—and by birltr.tiy and perseverance. to mer, Pin crease of public patron:l:re • may 25. prim - dam THORN NEW E , STAIILISIiMEINT. rpholstery r , ultsrribers respectfully inform (heti friends and the pit'dic that hey have just opened I he store No 30 rird, street, near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining Mr. J- D. Williams'Grocery. where they intend to manu facture in the hest :.lute, and hare teady for sale a full assortment of the first quality of Upholstcrff Parris* loge. nueli as Hair, Shuck and ,itraw Mattrasses, Feath er Reds, Snetifegg, 47e. whichthey wl.l sell fur Cash at nearly 100 per cent less than former priee3. ALSO; Sofas, (Theirs. etc Upholstered, carpets made and Cut Tains arranged after,thc newest fashions—All of which they offer to execute In a mantrer unequaled In this or unsurpassed in any other rity. mar 20 ly SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGIE A IN STRUM ENTSI-7'. AlcCarthy, Cutler and Surgical Instrument .Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Musicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their in• struments made by the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on band also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect fully solicited. N. B. Allanfele! warranted of thebesrgnatity.and °phi n 7, done as usual. sep 10 PITTSBURGH Looking Glass Manufactory. And House Furnishing Warchoue, 104 Wood V TIE Subscriber hav:ng corn:Acted his arraneemcmts at his net: stand, ie now prepared to offer to his friend!, and the punlic, a IV2r, and complete m , sortinctit of Looking GlaEses, and Hoto,e.furnlshing Hardware. (al prises to suit (Ire times ) Pier and ManiM Girl:s33S In Gilt and Mahoaanv Frames, ortim most approved and superior workman. ship. Toihil Given w!til 1. 2,3, 4 and 5 drawers. Common, mainrd, flitted, and - 0 liar framed Glasses FlliTalo.c. for Mere Manta, (or I Ilor xya ot inn cheap gla.ssrs.) Japanned Wai and Trays of all and patterns. Ivory llan,l a K nlves and Forks. in seas - or .It.zens, lurk nad Cone handle Tabte cutlery. Carving Knives and Forks, do. Dixon's Brittania Metal Ica and Coffee Sclt3 (sn• perior gnarly.) American Matinfartu m do, in sells, or single pieces. German Silver 'fen and Tattle Spoons, Silver plated and Brass Candle:o icks, Snorers do, Brittania Metal Lamps, for burning Sperm or Lard Brills and Wire Fire Fenders. (various patterns.) Fire Shovels and Tongs, lined Irons, 4• c r With a variety of other art Icies ion numerous to men— tion, all of which will Ire oq'ered at the lowest caah prl CCs. N.EI Portratt,MiNirtiere,nnd whet — From:UW.(lone at the shortest notice, repalrinz of all kinds attended to. Look. IfittGlass platet..by Inc box or seg'e Il e ht , Print, for Fm. min- constantly on hand felt 23 CIONST-INTLYtto Land a t-itit , rtOr arlirfc i r OH, watranted to hurn at any Imtr! ot , t,lttre, and equal to the l,e!t winter ~ : rained SF, tit: Ott, n•ithout its tlirfMt , lVC 'qualities, and one third ehearor. man. utaetured be the mtlrteritier at the AI& stand. 1' !Ord nnntly optio , ite tire Con Offire• V. C; jas 4,1845 . _ Il DEVINE Ag , N0..15 %Vater Pl., I'ifl/S.,1101USID.:1; Agelt, LA WRENCEMITCHELI JOHN T. STEWART CHAS STEWART. Siree!, near sth THOS. .1 HILLIER • ratio -PeltAtay.—Tl:rti ci?. a taqtaels-s or Fe inzit - 03.15t 1- ..t • "1 1 . • • law • - • . tith ,, Ltt-yvithe fic , ort corttiltued..?all,,, whith • - • li' ; .0 • c their i.,eup41113111 , 101,/ igelio•rtt, l n e affected ,th c os t jvou,-,., . - or filth girds-11,e eopalpitatiOn at the heart 01: tat, LA gcmet . „• •-: - ItetOle of heAVia , --n extendint7 Over tile BY T , JI-: Pk 1::.41D1 , ',Nr 'IIIF, STITES. intolerance' or lig to ~rd "AO. ed .an taalo:o yof tiat'he It:e N p0r , 43 ,. 4e 1, t , I totuntton to any mun - ,::!.l,•erali•NlP; rualbii7 , ,z Itl - or II:, 110.tcd do her, 9 eis. euun•tto St.ll , e salrorath.n, esaer.h,l;s ; ape ' , meals It hen any e ten lull to 3!.; I e know - n hott at t,it, odie „ , ie ow w ram.; tick!' Llo , " a•eeyropk.hus itAd ,tt: 011 C, 1 , 7 few .:1.1 , 1.,•uf toe 3.rjedr7:ll o e , '1 I. •If it; AN, at the hir,ot.l, 11 , 2, cluiticer desig t , • • nal tho! of 1914 111,11:, 11l u r tioutv. , I ;nt s,,ih rth,z. oe. Ir.°, jr even uj A , 11,•• „r‘; 1 the firatitnel7l tl-I Lefort . C. of ell foi;rii on )10,.d1y 1.-C n ntil the ol L'toher !text, I,r the highly tutu ihan‘, n llew very ad vatot.ce,au I v I ,r .h•p of the pit 1.“1 the limits 1.1 . toe ttiir w,,l;lhey aril and I WATltlel.4l;:ile 14.)a.:1,iiiir.5 alit/ iraCtiOlliii 10a 11,1, 4 to a proper 111111 Sjllr [. n,. 1,,i;;;j1 .i I.) I ,K,}, to the eumplextor.,ioiliry he 111(41.1. aiti loortt, , r , genetal fuelin.z of lo ail h ;ma !, Sold at Dr. ('!r. the (111,T,.0hd Pitish 44, ol--Ytirc' vtni tine!,•i• •. iiiiiv t! ill 11 EN Ul N2:1•,:!f; (*du in ,1$(. 11 1. I lief . , thattlol74l, , 1. , llt luigc /laic and east of the meridian. oi rtv irly - two, thirty Ihre ,, n , l fractit , nal township thirty-five, bor &ring on Unroll., of r.inAe S. N . T0W11 , 111,,N !hit ty.m,o, ~,,r15, - 111' 0 Ml,l !hit ty three, Ind fi nc:6 :al ton urtill thirty four, 6.,,,10,1 n g On Lake 'Unroll, of ran4c t ii ty-nne,thirty,twn,litirty tl ot• and ty.11).,r, hide , nE on Lake [Law] and Tennder flay, of ,:itige eiLdo. Fraction WV. 1 ty,miry—mr au l thiriy, vo, bord: ,iog, uo Lake liu,nn, of ra,"!, ~ •,,.a1 Totvoship ihirty. of ea.*, t u. the base ti.ol !Fest o/•t!r - rwridtan 11•111,. , aodthirty-eight,bnderiuguu Lao ;IA Mnlter, tat,ge ,y-six and tiCli I V. , 1:' , e11. 1111 h .li:ily -right and tinny •triau, bw . d:•; it% co fake Tinton, nfrangel,vo- At the Land Office at 1)}:1•11.01'1% cuanns•nciag au .elvuia), the PA , ! ay uf:eptembur f , r the of the IVIIIIIII the limit:: of die fll is detach.,l tea! lot number tor , to sri tion ci.. 1 ,1; lot ttotitit - .1 nine io section vine; l•tts three, (our ;tog rive in see• Lion V t", 1( :tot' lot toonber Se(' leen, have if2Ceellly br;1) sm. 4.ye t i io tov, 11,1 1 1 p ••.K, t u;h of range ten, Fla‘t nt the itty.id.;,ll. Lihd, aoplopriatecl by law for the we, s ,,tht t ttt, ulilitar;, or outer will be ex:lode I n 0.11 Silt_ Thu w 11; ea •11 be ke.pt "peu fur two we,:k , , [t),lr•relfn laud, are s•miirrfrplibved 4)l] and iv) lunge[. HO 1,4 i;.:lte 1 111/ les tof !alitt, in the thwii,bipi• SO 0 /11 , 4, kill he adniithAl, owl allot the expiration rrt the two vv,•o,s. und.er u,y 11,thd, city this eighth day of June, Aim') Domini, 1813 JOIIN TY1.1.11. • By tlie Tito. H. BLAKE, Conivtilsioner of the Geneve Lend ( Vier; NOTIGE TO PRE-EMPTION CI, OMANTA. Es ,- fv p,l - 5011 entitled so the right of preemption to 441i404 11 111,3 ellt1 , 11(q111Cd, is requited to establish the rfrlpsis of the Register an Receiver of the pen per Laid Office, anst make payment Users fir at s o on pat each:cable (liter ec(ing This notice, and before the stay appointed for the comwocoment rif the public sale of the township, pinto-acing tho ham claimed, ablve designated, otherwi-e sus-4t claim will be for.. feited. TllO. 11. BLAKE, Commissioner of the Genera! Laud Ogle june 27 tcts. ,egular Morning racket for Beaver. ,: e ..,_. rl. grill E fast runnin4 and well knovvr +3_ NW r . 'Airtf . C j r , I,' i I; LAND Stomp 11s7titrent.t„ Altoto.r, will tlf•part tl,,ily from Pitt _ Intt2-11 at 9 o'clock, A. 31" ;Ira 'Deaver ot I o'clock P. 31 For (might or inais,,gtt, slyly on board, or to 13.1R1IINGil & C. 3. .No GO %Voter s'.'ect. N. rt.—The re2u tar canal part.ct In elev 4 lann Ohio Greenville and Nleadvillr. Pa ; and NI m-stlion the Ohio Cann!, ettimertM2 with ' , framer el,veland at itea• ver.wili he in op-ration homed laiiify on opening or m.v. rhir 'l -If Adams' Patent i 'lCangbphy" H.901:.:Er rue . ren; vaei.-11 Imvc !wen !mid :11 1.! 0..11k u=e, We are ,11.1e,.1. beitez ,n4l:Oned they are the best ,if,e N 101.4 in the (Tufted Slat eg, any V..7tt . you •lix it.' Several griedite.al roue are nunietn enitihr Nov y of svir,s and the purs,r , S , n 1 he the r.r(tc< nr dozen • at the maenfarrery . ___ :2asttho tirade io °MN'. FA I R BAN KSTAT ENT PLITFOR lf SCA F.;:;', Tticgc genuiue tides, oral sizes, and nin,t improved rieu6s,conslaNlty on hand and for ~ a io at y , T y reduced pric , s by the marufacturer. 1,. R. LIVINGSTON, mar 2. -.11 ['tont bel wenn R 0 4.2 and Grant sts. REMOVAL. HOLDSHII' i BROWNE HA s V ir E eet r zN oct o cti c tlri ,vo t o a t ier ,e S i to o r , e ,e d r oo l7ll from l t k t e ' e t corner of 4th, where they keep on Itartas4Lelr unial as. sort tueht of WALL PAPERS, for pattering parlori,m,- trier,chambers. 4-c., and also PRINTING, WRITING and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS. 4-c al: of which theyotTer for sale on accommodating term., felt 14.1843.—dt f IMPORTANT FACTS TAR. LEIDY'S SinsarAfttid.• Root Pict.s, are appli• cable in all case, whether for Purgation or Purik cation. They , possess all the boasted virtues of other pills, and are additionally efficacious, containing Sarsap arilla iu their composition, which is not contained In any other pills in eiktence. They are also different front roll cr pills in romposllion, being purely vegetable, and can he employed at all limes, without any dancer, anti re quiring no restraint Goat oc; upation or usual course of living. williidandioe, Dr, Leidy never pretended his Mood Pills o•ould cure 'all yet It is not saying too mulch of !hem, from 111 p. iontrinerable cures performed by then' in every vat iet y and form of disease (certificates of many .ifwlocit have been pll tit kited from p ' , oils of all denote leations, physicians. c'ergy men, alid others) that they seem to lir atnin-“ universal iu their effect; and persiins. txsi4g them for whatever sickness or disease, may rest assured they will be found more efficacious than any nth er pills in extstecee. From the &mown reputation of Dr Leidy's Blood ?ills, 'tie deemed twee:is:try to re,itind the public where they may at all Dines procure the !crtin , , as it is attempted to Inipo.ze other - pills railed 'Blood Pills' upon the paidie on the reputation of Dr. Leidy's, .bjJ•Be particular and .10; for Dr Lebis'.s Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, and see that Du; name Of Dr N. B. Leidy is cost , heel on two sides of each box.(the boxes being of paper, and milon:,satrar, zurrotiodcd by a yellow and black latch PRICE-25 cents a Box, Prepared only, and sold Wholesale and Retail, at Dr Lnidv's Ilcnilh Emnorlum, 191 North Second st reel, he low Vine. Pill1:idyll - ila, and by B, 4. F4II.V.E.frOCK sr Co. corner of Wood and Sill h streets, Agents for Pills burgh P 1 13" 12 - ly. FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKING _ . BPERRY takes this method of informing the public In ccneral that lie continues to carry on ;lie above businePs in the' MotroNcAnctA FIOCsE 81:ILDINcs No I Water street, where,µith strict personal attention he hopes to please all aho will favor him their pa tronage. From his Inez experience in the businia, Lt •less hlmselflnat ltis work rnttoot he excelled In nett , sand dural , ;lity,nt lea. 4 west of the Mountains; hti useless to I,DiRt —a fa ir trial I.; the hest evide rte . Suit the time: , he manufacture= Boots at varlout, pri from as low as five ectiars up to hie beet he afford= at seven dolt:griper pair. a p 20. fire oenning's rite -'roof Iron Chests. PITTSCURC:II, OCT. :22, 184:1 . DLKNINO—On Friday, the:3oth of laet month, about ut Plantng.G moving and Bath Finn owned by Cay, Dilworth k Co, with a. large miry of dressed and andreised lumber, was ail consu. d hy fire. The iron Fare which I h0n2,111 (f you aome date hark was in the ni9st Pxpozcd situation doling the fire„ and way entirely red hot —I am plea , ed to Itiform you it was opened at the cloceof the fire, and all the books. paper?, 4-u,,aavall;—this iv the bev.l recommendation I can give of tha Wilily of yOurFaam ocl ~~~x~~ ~~ tt.•.,.r.r...1 'all : 4 .'001 Dr. S'tva t e'r f •- •• •• , ..J . ,:.nur;,", •ftyrup o t ilo i';•.•rtylr. Int. 0,-; v.:A,. ~_ f , ". • :.irttle to 0,16 or oris." —• • t ' n'l ar t tt•thlf•l.: ay. st al cet.ird wore 'ha,-.• .. • . . 1 ... 1. , ' ' C O • - ,':"' %, I - fr I; lir ~- t ilers offended with coat. , t'!' ,•+r. ... '1 .i.,' ei,if i'on:.. t -s. ; . „_ "-C''''''':".'. .1 ''''' ' :":3 1 '''':,-;• • •I' C t .: '' '7 a ‘ 1 . , CA , t;i:l2. "' la l : l ttet? i '5 , 1 1. Y- F7ta t • l t i d n c;l l 4%..l Q u iw it i t i i7 l a e . ,P,lr --,•• ~ ; . 1, ,, , )„.„,,c,... ~-• . . 0 ,,, , i, ~„: ...utt - t :tut , . eat,. ~l, t:ttr toe seal!rity Ul the eal., • • _-.101 , ..'Cid % r7i Il , t . 1%/ric-I confidence of it.: supeAlb . ~ ~„...., / r. , it'd s'elei. , 1 , it Ira fun.tly ,Jhould he l witlii ~, :- I '. 1 1 " 1 •.:,-;t1 tt' co i tr.•'- ~ '' '. - , , .',. , .1 . • ~,,' .1 lay- vs benefitia,l--wort _f .... ,•: • • ,1 . '• ' r . .),• • . : - ti ;co liilii , c it: I.llce. '1:134 piiiiii4VlC aillaari-r.4 1 . r... , : - .'!. .. ' f -. P —i' '' •• • ~ : „. 1 ,1. •-ik;, iiri ,in:,ri.,.- •i ,,,, ,ii it. R Jar Egn.tr,l)- D. I V,. ~ ~,_,,,,,,,.._.:. tr , -. - Jh ••' , ' r,,,,24,,,,,,,....-r, , ?17 . r . ;,1 f n it ,, to ran Lan Chore -- n .• ..•••,•. r.• 1 % , •- r •• - ' ''' i , ~ t ~ :AO T : fritt N. who',-;.•nte .- relail, 0a I y :dock , . • • A, I , W, i, • -' , . -1, . :4i • k ei ~ f Yl. Se P 4 ° '1. ...... 1 C ,, • , •1. .- -. , 1; ,. b..• i,,. ~ ;v.:. ••••• ~ . i • ; ..i . wa.:trin, 1• - a Ji - , tat,... a i ~,,,,, 'I U Tl' , F, 111'...t1AN ir1(21:!-J'EgfalT7.011, ~1.. ' ~ ,: i i , ......:, •,•• • • .S. .••• ~ i k , ..„ ~ 4..1 , 2:i ~ .C...,'17.1. L'.±. ••, - ,11 . • ;jct . :: area Alit ours# -, „. ,-,, .„„;., fr•: , e/.4• 5., -- : pe., ,',,., Z.,,ft. sed Ire irertd soi!t.i , if '..,,n '_, •-..; nc,nt-: in ~...., ~/ Ir:e.- , cr„” .., •:r ;„, ~,,.:,,c atedi• I „.,,,., ; •i t101...i...., bOdil:, seat intellectual, rifling wet , t ~ ~ 1, , P•11.V. 11: it 110,1:f I ~,,',.., ;‘,:,4. Cl rl. ire Jir..-:..- iir.re eff nit'', and over whir . .. t i / c my i' ir'rti-,, ntul ,d•erd , ' , r,... ie.: ~ 1. , .." .. , , ~... „. t .:t,. !. 'ln WI Oki till :.. 1 . 2 . ' . DO . Eil:ifier,[l,', FlOl,lllll Iterriede, or Lialmen, t t . ,. .t I. 7.li'Vi';c.c'4l'i . v . tli C , l , Cit. 1:c..1 T,rtie , stei 1 ht.', 7: ' „.,,,,f.y hat . atraordirtary rowers . . aliptracia Pain k ~''' ~ iale eif ; l'c emcee 1 ....1, th act for yr.,u ns I 'wt.; nejir there. „,„,„.„/Itt; /hut , Sprains. sod' i.:inewa, while s we lli r yi,. , - VC.IiN roii-,,tliiii3. ii,,,nlic Vair.g, .n . :tit s., Stilfuess of the Joint - -•'• '"' A p,r; \ 11,‘;‘ . 1 51 rr,t,r;.l.AN,-of Ten w - s:ce. : sr,,id, F..- - turn' Pa ide , :g. Sttfl Neck sore Throat _‘. - '''''jt •' •:-•••., F., . ate I'.holernit.a.tal 110.,, , , ••,‘ . ,,,,, f 'at irc.clinnF of the initscle , , ScrofttlOrts "•_,,„,,,.•- ' • . RES T U F..llSAzetrl. ~ ine . .t-:. Tet'der Feet, and every desert/Moir'' .. of •."."- 'Tik -1 at. t t• lit N. 21, Wruttl 5: r. ,- t .' ( . 19W r. -",• COrill. 1 ,;fol;; r 'T . 2 . h. , Er.tt char of 'he human Plan's., aa 'll ..-..,. ' a l nr ~.•."- t - . '!:. re'it.v,tl 1, hit reeer-to be anifiriertits . _ i... 'A 1 I.IIA 11 I.V.INS'S SOUTIIING SVI I tUt• i 1, , ,. ~, t d:r. ~ ~ 'r ...I,_, • I';:tt 111 ''e If ,:lo t'.:, t,:.S , 10<-. ,, V".1 1 ,, .", , ~...„, , :,._ I ~,, n ~,..,,.i,,,,z fetter front miler be . . , r • .!,,, ~ .111 pa-t I •• ,,, v: '-• 1 J a t'• o -‘ ttl•gge! ,- • A' '_, . ~, ; _ at ' -,:.. , itt ihr ~ . II: te , of the Exte-rat.a/•.krant. ; ,ii„4.- -•.-:, he r;:i . l•selrki4E '' lillle - ,.1:, i, , r ::,-s. - ~ -"", Ne"v Yoe K, Pr' , . 9, Ig4'2, ',, ...,•:, ~ •-: . ;-:-': . ~1.1 4: 1: , I , visit 20011!e$ bottle ' - . -. 1,;- •••• : (.!11 , 0 , ( .h? , II i , reltriliity the best 0 . 1 Mk,: y. • i ~... 11. II 1,1 - , ii•ert entirety tny Pool - , , his h I was ••trt 11, rtic t• and 1 Irene frtclusi , i ~ • k••• •If i).lll . oiate rt-1,,1 7., • e rrr:.l e.,...7. nt t'il4' ... of fi - i - r • ~, 01 , •j •,t, , . ••1 :,• I:, r.lll . .1 n, ,I . 1,',,,: ~,,.. . 4" ..-!,%. :l'', I ~,,, : , Ii ; NV,,s ..4.17.. II 1. ”1, ri'vi. , lrn, at 1 aelt of C . , : aril • h• 1,,, , -: i 1,-, :,.. ~,-(,,, A ~,.. ~,,,. , ..,1;!< ly I, Ict`o, .1 111 , tr,,, , 7 711,11 , 11 f .4, by nat.:. ...; I ~ : J...,t, - ,,•1,, , ,,,..,' ' : „,,, z i ,,„... -_, ~,d 05r,1: (feed:. ',.. tut the Gorr.:lt - N.4 11 ‘: 111 • 1,1,11 .'• 1 :1, 1 ...1,-. 11 , • '. von 0.1: 'a in ..,a nit ;.,. - rtire till: I, inimenikrt...' • •: ''K . 22.• 1 1i - .• •:. i I.! , '' '-' 1 21,, : ' --,, ii, ,, - - 1' rr CI rillll i, r il, of it, Oa. ya . ' -1; -.• d 'l.', ::: Idr trt •t't 7 ' arinalogritte C. W.'"rNDFOI,III - - ~, i T ., l "...,: 7 ,r .11 fl - AN- 1 1 rth,,1,.. 4 , N.Y. .... : .:, .., ~. •: ..., .4. '241 '.'r ,, ,,dway, .", v.• York, and a: wii"- - - . . .... •1. 11-• ".t•e7 I'• •• • . t tt •J 1 t•tt " I;rc!t. Pr ICE-50 eola ...... ~..: ,• , ,), ,- I •,...'.• , i:i: 'l . • ' ••,i.-. seplo 1ri,.r!.7 --- : ._ ---, r -L,` - - •• ."• ' : f: rt. , '"" • • • • (“hl TEN nT .- ( ::::::: ' . 4".:,,r" , 4 ,_..----- ~, : ,,. :, ..: ; ;:i47:1":"1 - -'-' '''" - .., ' - ' • ~,,,,i ,:.: . :, •., 4, Lniaarr. , ;,:;-•::,,,...:4::,r it , ,,;, , , , ,:t ,:c I, :„1, _ rl ' '' ' sl % .l ':' "a AGG P. AVA TE DISEA,‘,.... , rri - t - Retri " 1 ' or , t, , ' flineti-t.: :,• the 11vc:. 11r II idno ri- j ~L : 01 i , "divid " ;l'- ' l :‘ ye' , tol'oerutis. They are. ittr t ,*--' ~,,i .„ ~,Iviri. i f ,vi.,„ 1 1,,, I - , , I ~:., h,,1 ~. ., „1„.,,,i 1„, , 11,1 .. .. e W 0 1i ill , 11i11.he.::,/ ~ ,I.lui-,i,i,c,c Prli•tecir,U t r , , i d ' i li i. . n, i , i ,i. .i r. i .,, i1 ,1 ii i i ii :l i i , r i n i ,..i ni ):1 ,. c . r. ,, ,t, , , : : ,, ,: i .: : : :, ,;, ;; : i .;, .. e:_0 1 161.: ,,. ::::::::::: 1 rf:,.,„,,,„,,,,,t0,,,,,7r,::,:.,,,,,;,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,:,,,:,,,,,,,:,,,,..:„,,::: ~ , ,,,z i, ,, ,, ,,, , j . , ., , ,,.. : „ : " :,, ,, 0. , d7T ,,, , , t , e. f 0 , „,. - 3. : !. , ~ ~,..,.., brew, (-her , if 1,'1i., ' N ' ll '''''' '" i” . " -- 'tit i a. •ei.l,- , -. to tin' nrcasinnal one i _, i, 10 1 rio•ii:i,„: w: ic II abstra••••,.l -, ,ti the etrrnialitin andel ='' I l '''. ' ' u ' , or , Ind i.- - er - , r . `... ' ' .1 ..• .. ~., the howels, -To 11 L' 1 ' ' 1 ; - :-I :17.1 'i..r4'i :;1::1',.,1,1:::1.:1::::r-ort, 1:11::!1,71);:.,.:Iii.,°:-;i,'::,'-..ki' L . ,. 4 ::: ; :: . 1:: :i ' I,' :::::::,:e ;11,11^,t1:::1,s.33.1:eill:11;:lilm.,,,pnrirk r e c oed tb ri:r l,4 l,J .l' ' , .t ,stnre ( alai.' 'Ea, Q.a of , /St tio droit ' a P ..,..,..,, ~., .... ~ ,,..trupiit: , .. : : „,. ,r ,I : : ip. : :, : t : ... p . ! ~ ,•.• .. r i : : 4 rt ,.. c t - I .tn in ... : . i - t hei r ,r,i.r : ~.,,,:, ::: : r : : : 1 1 , i 1 ,: : 2 , I.t . . 1i,,, r ,e • , r the Fad arc r the 1 1 % e • , et i o i u tr : 0 1) : : 0 1 : rj:k r . :.-.r . ,.. II ; , ....,,, ~ ...., ~.„.....;_,, , ~.„. „c i,,,. ,„ ~,..;,...,„ i Mrrt'l• ,"':" air; -.••-; he' 1, pr" 1 , 0 . . tv,th full direetin- .1 ....0,......................,_,...„._......,....,,e4.„1;:. 5 ~,.., , 1 , ,.. I , , ,t, ~..,.. *." . 4 Aft fl'-'l'tsr n, y al.st• - ,rl . tt I ttlt n rrlrr where - r way II : - .re • • ~-, 1 ,.,,,, ~,Averc,-,----,t .-,,,J,,,i, -T-c:?...orr:r7:-7-1:17.-n7 :1 : : -: : : :;r7, , ,,-,on,-,- 7 . 5e ,,,,, ,,, owet •, - ,:c. C . .. ' .. ~ .I .../ 0111 , . ~. .I I i`l. !^.,!;,, : hear : it '',“ 1 ' ~., ••., .....,.. ... ' ' .. . ,',7. i , A, p " , t ' 1 1. i; I s t ) AN i ';' ll P l:: r i . i-I ' S - - - - ----- P i CI , -- A --- - f s:' I`e 11 RI .. _ _ _. _ . _ • Ir.: ',,- . . . The olffire riltelnita;fl v. ,- ''' t, 51,1:2..,a10nd Mr 4,' , , ,.. , . ~,..• !,-,,,,,.. ; S rni' arri BY 1 i - TTri - ~ 4 purporte of ertn , tit nri , e2 nv 111 in ihe weJt, I, 1,1 t.! nee's^. , „ r , - ,„ ~.. ~, , - i, : . •- . .1 i'l :•. 1 r "` f - i- r-. 1 1 S'. .., i ~.".: ' ' 1' pl.shed that ohked, Ig nnw eir . trti. ti , el t‘lr s . I; " I. "' -11111 ' . " '' , ',,' i!1... , .., 11 , ‘,,„;,, , ~,,, r ''''` 1 i ilt; 3! FTlii . ;I) Or 1:11 ,„&s ,9 ;i: in the Main Ind. Market ?tret..l,:appntethll •,, ' ..0:e. , 11 - 1 . ,r I - Pq , ••• z:.i..... , n7 2.: 04, . :,, ,_ , • , ~, I , P , ' ,' -- - T BP A ' .. r'!, i . l'lri. -', ',.% r --4 , = - otj-. E the sate or Pills and j, , ninn'nl, .11 , i 11-'Ora ',doh - . .rulen ~,,,,, „, „ 5 I. „,,, „. o ~„ ~,.. ..,,,,,„ ~ „ ~,,,.. I I . 1 i: it 1 1 ,7:1 ..^ . .„-;,t,•, • a Will therfureatitder?andthat 11 1 P to - It ,Tod ,If :..wrsnug 1 ,‘, r•, • . 1. 1 ._ , ,•,, ~ „. „,„ ~,.., ~ .0:, .-:' ::::,. ,4,-,,,. ,„„,... :, w.f . ,: ant r,. •:`, jUlle ..I' l ° . -.- 2 “ semi throne:,)'/ euti it,. y nun, .1 )(Jai ~ .,1,4,1...:.;‘, S.' , s'. •'' i' ' .'• , . ~ , ~ . . 1 ,. . , . • . . •-• • - , - ~. ' ran For Ilea in•tdo and re.sjiett' • , .•:; ,., t.. The ~,/,,, ;ro-....,.• •, , ,ts gdt '''”, ttd , clef It III( lity" • • - 'tz 't ,•,- ~,• I ~, , 1 •ttort ft a Pl . ire , l :.!,;fi, jr l l/Uly, ,7 , wil: ilt• forlivid,d , i,*; i ni,-. ,- ... it ,vlliri::!9, tMl'v Or i• , .•it ".3,.. 'H.. ' r ' lr "'" '''' •'.: ,t , '''''''" ; "ii ' l''' ''''''C'''• : i:e : - Alr' :.-:-, 0 : , s n't., i't ti,,,•tc,•tt Pt) Itt lure the I.:! , r1: 0 , the CI , y 11 ,,, i nthnly or N.,..,. y,,, k I an 1 '.,...- ' 1 ...... , ,an it •fl , tlert 4*r ~”, ~ 0 e•.Ur .1 , f;t , ••: ' --, “- - c.l ari 0 0. .-, a i,, i .. ~ 11 , r ,.. „,.i . ,Le „ .13r, “.:.:: .- SiCI y S ....s, ;•" , •t , ft 4' l '''''. , • -I. i• 1 - trldl• ! • Is.iliptii, iJurm.„r r ~., v-. • • - ' tr°eell '' liPetllrr with all nrr. -.41;",..'vn.:••.; , rrs at1 , 1PC,...0 N, Thn ac f ,1 !• I, J•YOe• i' Hri I ' 4ll/11 " , :" 1 '-'" 1 ' n ".. 1 " Pc'' - ' - 1 11 ' Y : .. --1. " -' 11 :'' . • I '''''' i1''n ,',.,...,''', 1 ., 1'• '''," '''' '',' ' 'kr 11. i,...•i I r,C't.hr'!.e;''',:',s"'l;t'l2":7•l3tcitti;;llii? • P, nr, . SP vz rn g.t Pi or tt• tt% chrt '. l'nur , .! J . Ir. , I!. I.i ri:'`:: , 0. i„ , ;:5 ~,,w C sant. ranii, N. B, /?ennen.Cer Ilr„ C:• 11, F.,or, In iiiifie:apti,,i :il.l r.. ; •n ha ,: hal, :,..., i,:;,.,,,„,, r•:;.. . , 1 ., ,,, , r,, ‘ ,• ,.. 1 ,. .:,!:: 1 1 ,..;' . ., r f ,.. ; c l . F , ; ( ( : ; c :T ui fn LF: ii • icin ket i,i nnw, my nnlf ... - I..ii in Pitn.bitr•4lt. -•:•• . .. , Ness York Jane I / , li, I,A i, ..,,, „ • 1 S:f.t . ;,!''l , l . lc" ,, ii.t. A.,(1 , :q ,,,,,, 1 '..,,,, r: ,.. : . I r a ~.. 1 ,,, ,n , ~,, , (1, , , i 0 ~,;. ~,.. , „olpni, wal, (roil e a re, Air 1.Th0 , •;.1 , :,::4 Vi' emit streets ',".1; 1 - .7'2. THE Triu;.. ‘C ; 1 V •ro nEc.ov Er: IkE4 , r.. • • ' ~‘' -,'c• .. .. r .. ,t nu-, _ .._ „,..,.,,e .•.., r ~N. lln r ~ ..J.CDF,F.s sqUa.l.s nly lan-. 1 0 yi7 ,,,,, , , ,,, , i 0 n ,:;;,1,:,,,,i,;4, 7 . 47 ., : fi v ..,„ w i i ,,, , , h n e e 5 , t.0 w i:: : n . 11 1 ,,, he xx ri , 7... 1 4t-4 ,i.,ii : , . - ... 4...47.: 0pa1 - C• t 15::. : .1 „.. .:, - .7. 1 , 7- gs ~E r1 7 :77,..;}. - . : 7: . , ~,,...,..- ' r: p l :F er, e ,r : li , , , , , rd e r., : l, l l.7.eri n ci l l : r. , ( : ; f i ll N l fer : r, h oi '; l .l ,o ; : .. ; , :: t r T ,.. it., , ,, i • on s h in e Ti - IF: PEO - o c ,irt,.. knowr, hail: LITE 110;i.111 I.e. ,r,itn.i.i....1 arid lit:AA - ill 0.• 1 1.-i--a -cover'll.'''::-`' ' ' :G"1 " 1 "t ''"l'l 'l'. I.l'''' -I.;''d"'." i'' '1 :::‘:-- " Trii';/ 1'7'71 r !I'.' 62 (fi' :;; ''''' j ' '' i l Un 't . ;--s-is:-..1 i'. , i• in,.i:',A,,,N,...l)Phryrt,.f:lnfriYt•NS-hrlir'da tb ii; reeric re.rpitred that It:, rt4ltt. vay ta tikrover-.1. TittJ 1.: tit' / - :butte glll'orhtta t'. In •, , r',, , te; - wa•a • f t h t .., ii. fl e d at.,-tat, d ~- a , 1- 7 7, :' ' .t i , r 7., For who i , ~,-) foul'a t '. •, rt t,et I I•josy sal lI IC 1, n'i.; ! , i.' . , t,rt, I l'in . h , Iv '' h afri•••l - d. ne. I.3IIANDRET 4..; i. ,)." ' S. :- ' i, ) , ~ holy is rn:voth.flt? . .07 :•• , r-i: t/wirsg - t1,..! , ‘.,,,.. • ;,, , !. •.. • i 1 ri. .•1 0 . 1 , , • , v.:ben hl-' tit nen , e can •,1 much ',eller,' 'a tatrell :Ina _ : :•'..1.:-. 4.1 . P).. g .1.,1, tl'e.i ' .i!ni•e:> l'he sick . l illoily? It is 4 ::::!, , ,, , hni fret that st very large pr.,. _i 1l: .... . . , J'. //17 311 ? P.-J.' ' I S' 'OR ITE 1 1 : ' ti" .. , ' L i ' '' ;', l : .:: ,\,"2:c;;;-:;(1'"S7`1:1.{.':';-Vi.l'f'1;'il'e:;tii.b; hen/ ' l ll i:ed . t sl{ .r . ' ; : t rn li a‘ l j tt vas „. ~ .: i '''-.‘% RP', I k,- r.r btu:' Ittin ... portion of them ot:1 tv , telt. I rl eini.r.- n r. .4)0,1v die. I.e. 1 131; R .0- T ,\. 7 ' ,'; V 2', ~,1,0 It ,• aze.sniiitt.. ati,f ;.„' : A', Utl.V :,.: t S. :''.... - ..-+., ,,.- . -, ~ - I'l A ,•., ' I,' 1 . . • . m o lts Cl r Ow ~k in tto:.:v ~,„e a ‘ and helple=t: oritlain have !sent, Ihr ion - r' :,r :no ::. - , • . , bill 4 not having In Iror , lr ow. lik - 1.4.CC II , : iiit 't I: , .'I rev or- I, ° '''' l '•" 1 :1.! l' ' •I'-, ', !r 711 •"; 1 " ,, IC:• - •' :•••'; '''',"•'.' 3 :, i , li „ ' : i .r : '- :• '' ''t.''''' 'C P IO' , . I'.•, 00 ) w i: I I fall ri:rnna, - ~.-., :. ,1: e r, ... i n: ii tgelit. to ii . , , Ith ind19,,11 !I n .0 • ~ , c . _ v,, ,1 I' 0.1 i. and colds, so w __________ , , diol cauker in the mouth. l',et the alil o io P tert arc u st' s e e '• 1 : leg health when inst. • ,..:•: - Ittetl,,4r, so tt ill, cancer, to wi,h h t Now ill 11193'7 da noer:: and d Atli h iear - tat r, nreventerl I meliivio-e, arnl !hey v: ill find tf:ev re , inire no atil t "- And 111, long, and Cell:tin rjr!..tr.: ~,,a I, ‘ ' 3,-„tisfi cr .. Na. ------------ -2---- -- - I lITP, 11l th , 0111.,1 Wit il 4 nod d.t..a of Bra ad,,,t i,'.: f.;!:. .:1 1 !-_ , ;1: AL. Till , 1 , . a fie, ,W‘ II illlcit•trzond to I.r ..o by 2:,,, , ,,n,1,!.5. Il i , AT f, - ant r doe , on ttrl,rid - •,•` ; -- ..pira:;,,•.-„ I .n. 1 o l d oi 25 Celli!: per b ;c., ..rilil,ol/ ettiß9ll,. -----. ~, our ridZenß Tlds thedirltar. if lal.ro t.. 0 11, , 11l .pu*:e .... cutnr pr.rallar, in tvel.Cl. of it , , 1.1,1 - I'l9 :,%.1 el% : Obtr, , . 'lie lieW ',th'e'S each Peivitig upon rt 4w - :5‘.., ‘1_ , T.,, , nrp,,,r Pr. llrandreth. /0 each box rif i freely. wilt 0 1 1.ety cure any ritrahte dt:tent , e. T 114.1 .4 iF 1 , 1 , 71rv, 11-Jr; lls corn it I.r 11111 1 P 1, .• I. no fortn Or kind of stelturs...: titer it 4 1 :,.... 1,1 nx.,:: It (stir To T,,,,,, ~i ~,,„,, , ri L-•,,, , , , has now nr ,, urnd it , 1,,,ii,e ILL-Oil <4,,:,.....1../....mw‘ff - r ee ntni.,,,i„ ID , • L l a°4 l :11.Vt intlOCilet Ilp.lll. Tkl , ,i4s rmj r ,e,,,,- . ex ~, re,,, 1,.,,- ; ~,,,r,:e.,,1 ~,, 11. - to, i, etlte.t Tyner and Ise', (atm, relit rtl.d the et,re: ftritn,tr a . II s'itari i•. pillrrfaction. ti.ey rare ii,eastes email-pox, 'n. 4, "" r: ' 11, 4 sleet, Willi 11/('‘,,,, 7 ,: Ift ) *, Teurr end 11, t. ci,,,1 1 ra.f.',,f,i,.,,,,,,,,,,,.tarrh.Vp1b.,1,...A,C.AtiNint}1.:,,itTitA7b....,L1`,.g.r1ib,i,iri.ii. t i t;: ir th ri r li t, EA , - t ., all ~,,,T,,,, o ltsfe ie r s . There is not ame di. : co In , 11 ,. ] cti-nt" blowc , •11 i'iri 1 e..-s cr,•l'..ainieg his written world , u able tu purify the man , of blood .and re - r• ere it 1 t• , i;innture ,n a . I!, , eidi,ine. e 0•194 , .4... on:1, (Milne. .1.1;,::::. rui !lark of lite ..31Uriet ili a 1,, healthy ennditioh, as the Mondre'tt 1';'); , . • ' fgr LJidy's Te•:, , r I pL.?irtinl,f72, has s - or•••" 4 ,r.•:•.t• . ~ ,, T ,,,t h. ifin , 1, um, 1 „ ..„11 , Cohni., .Gl s Tile Mandrel', Pit!s'art , pacelv v. , : :qr. 'de, and son n. ',,p.i,, , ,i„0 F 1 ii,,,, Ir,y r Oil'f4ll , l r r 'l'.:'er, I:, it t , ieed in ~t r I ii, L ., s., ~,, ' " 3t ver 1141 44 ": nocent that the infint of a trim Ili cdd /Ivry nee them if ' Dry and Watrt t. C - ~,, ruzin!, ,, , , , oc:: dt..•_nett (3 , ) I - ~ ~, • , ' • ...' , . t Ih r , Low .11Z 1. r t l te s . - % LY AGENTE ' f ,,, ' ..• medicine is required, 111/ only Vl it hsa rely 1 - 11 is i' it a ref . : Itlf•?;%Irl :er , raliy I . tat toy ufreceivina 111 the benefit Medidlrte i , eiliabie of I ft Itn: been p,,,pta ri,,,rinl3. fart' , i • ••' . .arA'• • ' , :, I h,Y. Dl' 11 , I ., l „ r , a , '' ' '' ''' 'l " 'or Inc '-''''' o f I fir Vizsg7.:7t - imparting. reniales may Use them In all the ertient veseel , cairyi,i• r .:4 e /• where rhiMic.u... 6 , i i.,e t ill , I- : r ::• f:i 's ',:-• t:11 ('sadly. ' * < pe, Ind , . of their live.. The ftrandath hill , vt, ill irt. - ..0 re ! :vow,' 1,,,,,,, ,•,-„ , 4,,,,,, , ,, of tiui akin from tit.r. - ; ('II j,.1. 1 ' i 1....•, 1,. I( ),th i oe„ Dia,„,,,,,i , mu s b o r a t their health. and produce regularity in n't the function, ' Conti - rte frit ~ a, •_))„ turret uneviidfibed i,ti e?. 5; , M , JOhn r ;1:1 5.5 of life. ' rertiUraini atu.l 1 e - t' k .. " 6 ''''''. ''' " ' ' ' '' '''l". ' " ' ' it<*t.'' I ICOC'a 4-- “llrnii ,, ,.iiatil. - . . Tin' 5:1,111C Mt V 'C'.:llil Gitiran.lret.ft'g P..-tcrac 1 Rm.! pu., •-ed I ti‘U, II ,4,,,,,,,ue oti,er , ft , 'f.ll 1,,,,,, C,' F Lsr,,i,l,....pii ;.. „, ti , i i iinwil_ r,. fly. 71...11 11 outward aputirar:ott in all engine: pains, Cr :01,1, 1 ~ ,r !: 1 04,r-1 - ihi, the object too , ren.it Orr , c . rlF ! 11. Itr,u, ut: ,1 - Met, t ;,: , ,,et, - , owettics,, Ur cores, ;I_ :trait). assists I , le cure. 1W hen I hare, to tiov,, l , II Ai ii put.ln.ned in C.O6lteciion with ti , PreZ 41W11W1 I; f .•n. Vr;,,,tt or . foolitiell - p• • , • y• , •P -An! Jc tVlid (71tflr3 , ..ttOrk- is takf! t'f, . . • ' .Z. ""f.. '' icp•taticro feint, d Irppti, Itpct p,•• •: 1 . I " • ' 'pot- I iCf!! " . • rt,t,ti-the in mtle.orrtiilliilloot ot I 1,;‘"" tlu 210, Ictt,roacir attotkep, kat ,c.ottld Dot tlt - crt, It,i !I L ', Inn% noCJ,, • t II n.y duty to add thy 1(111- if f.r ,Pottpr 'lrnn • t1)!,1 n t.'!! 11uPti for a . late in. the 111I•hf ;li.oVt ..!!Uff.•ll to nay tnalrct., In pc •fc vi Icc a:tit rot ~.:00ty child ~.r alui