Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 11, 1843, Image 2

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    .....cation between Below& Ild Wellington;
saran time tiVer brigades of English cavalry,
at, first placed in reserve, but render
y the arrival of the Prussians, presented,
n. also before us. The French army, already
ad by eight hours' fighting, was compelled to
armies at the same time. There was the dif-
The Xmperor was perplexed, I perceived it
annenance, and said, "Sire; follow my advice."
good man's narrative had at length excited iny
ty perfectly understood I had to deal with a
1110101111148r,buti was anxious to know the ludicrously
-Itutrishonsceknatil which might have saved France, and
WdOch.:* great man had the ill luck to approve of
When it was too late to follow it. Our conversation
Mosudidtinly interrupted by imtneust.. laughter, which
arroamtbahindus. I turned round, and found myself
Illatiikew with the jolliest countenance I had ever he
111i Marry personage wore wither black coat,
Atinioibes, nor frill. had a costume half rural, half
sOiceargeoiski Tleire was in all his exterior, his rugged
hi*, his chest opened to the wind, in his abrupt man
rsopsf speaking, an abandon that bespoke a man reck
of and everybody. lie was a sturdy
„ivithshoulders which, like Atlas's, could have
a world.
:.Whilst, I Was examiain2. this fomidvble atidet,
friend took to his heels without uttering mu
: , bly new acluaintance then indulged louder stii
• 110,44,0tay gayety of which he had risen me such stri-
Ifipirptucf], and jocosely said:
,:!itlieellevr your madman is scamp away!"
!'Hour say you—my madman? Is the burgomaster
really deranged?
"The burgonntster? What! have you believed in hi.A
wildstories? Come, vou must be credulous indeed;
yea may boast of it. I:Ias he nott old you that he had
beau Q minister, then a prefect, next that he would
'am saved France at Waterloo if Napoleon had let
higt; fuld lastly, Cum. he Iva; hur4omaster at this place?"
;'kie has, indeed, told me all that. -
!qua you have not cue:;3ed that he nu.; mad! liv
Jakr, - .you are a shreu d tidlow!"
Alektuaieur, this irony does not suit toe'
”Caute, come, don% take ~trenco. You are. pet hap
-not aware that you arc at Ghee l."
"I:ktww nodring of it. -
'Mien I tell tion that Vitt ro at 6:we].'
!'stud what then!'
ins! from!
"What then! Wiry, d
I 3 it from China!"
"Itiaorne from 1'1'66." f r i
ar s that at Cdicel them
"And is it not known --
am-more mad than E. ' L. ;;' l '
tinb „
at alt. J tar e look vowl r; de you see
Ht ii tlO
playing at ninepin!:? She is mud.—
and vva the fir,t cloth manufacturer of Ver.
tie was a clever man, successful in his trade.
_ distrusted his prosperity, and often said, "So
lonf us I shall not have suliserted Elhenf, Sedan, and
Lauviers, I shall have done myself no good.' In 1311,
a brain fever sent him to his grave. When his wife
found herself alone at the heel of a larg-u manufactory
she-took alurrn, her mind NV,L. , di,turbed, and she be,
=3oo:insane. Ever since, she husleol out one idea—
'--tillotrAtsubserting Elbenf, Sedan and Louviers. It is
what she is aboutftora morning to night: upon each of
the three pins she is playing, with, she has written the
13111110 of each of the three towns whose ruin she has
sworn. She spends her time in upsetting, them, and
does but repeat, even in her sleep, 'Down with Eibeuf,
down with Sedan, down with Lousier:!' It is funny,
is knot? That little old man, so thin, so withered, so
anxious-looking, who is just now pasdng, is not less
entertaining than the Vet-viers madwoman. He was
. the:owner of collieries and iron-works- So low: as he
kept within moderate business, be \V ai succ,issful.—
~ Bit he fancied one day that he alone had a right to
supply Europe with coala and iron. Ile would see
mines where clay and chalk only existed. lie had
"immense excawitions made in the most unprofitable
The mania cost hire millions of francs. The
censesquence was, that he filled, and that his wits soon
di& the same. This has brought him to Gheel. He
is now-exploring the Campine heaths in search of coal,
end turning up the sand all day long. That other man
basking in the sun is of a family every member of
which is racing mad. It is privileged; not one of its
blood can boast one atom of good sense. That one
"What, more still!" exclaimed I, "are you not at
the end of your list?"
"Not quite. Ghcel contains seven thousand inhab
itaqtt; itlletre mad."
"D .r. 't say impossible! I tell you so. IVe are all
'Yoe are joking."
"Vidjoke if you like it, for I am of a rather uhtrry
• 't'is,":;
disposition; but it is not the less true that, many as
we 4tre at. Ghee', we are all mad, and myself---"
"iWtiat, you likewise? This is indeed :11.011."
`•/"ray do you mean to say that you don't believe nie
`• A: when I assert that lam mad?"
"I cl,m't at all believe yon."
am not. mad, say your'
Scarcely had this explunatioa been uttered, when
the two iron hands of my new acquaintance seized me
by the throat. It was all over with me. Thanks to
heaven, an intelligent cudgel suddenly fell with mighty
4;..: vigor Unbil tile back of my opponent, who fled like a
schdolb‘oy.caughtjiagrante delicto. - The wielder or'
,••• the blessed stick was a peasant, about thirty rears old.
lle apologized fir the liberty which his nit - Loan had
ventured towards me, and made me enter his dwelling
, - to recover myself from art alarm. which 1 confess : had
been very intense.
"Youkeep a madhouse, then?" said I; "you are no
doubt a doctor."
'1 hare not that honer. I'm a mere farmer. But
don't you know that, for above two hundred years past,
• Gbeel has been favored with a colony of lunatics, sent
, from eeory part of Belgium! Every inhabitant boards
and lodges two ur three. It is an industry, thank God;
prefitaltle enough, andthat gives little trouble.'‘
astonish me to the highest degree. It seems
to me that such guestamust be extremely dangerous."
"Not more so than yourself; and the women and
dren themse l ves easily manage them with a mere rod.
The only thing to be done is to study, the first days
after Mei,- arrival, the nature of the insanity of one's
guests. and to inspire them with fear. The sequel is
all smut:time:is. When they are riot o us, they are fet
tered hand and foot. When quiet, they are fepe. They
Dover make improper use of their freedom."
"Begging your pardon, it appears to me that if you
and your most serviceable {stick had not seasonably in•
lettered, your madman would have gtrangled me."
"lie! why he is gentleness itself. You must have
provoked nirn."
- assure you I took. good care not to .do so; all I
• said was that he was not mad."
+You were wrong there. To be mad is his mania;
it isa very inoffensive one, is it not? In other. respects
be is a charming companion, of delightful gayety and
abundant humor. If you will do me the favor to par
ko of my humble fare, you will see that Pietrede
,-Trainis an amusing guest, and moreover an
tut auvl-,;.7
"Monsieur, von arc mach too civil, but I have not
strength enough to struggle eitiv-r with your cook or
your repait: If Oh , one did not strangle. the other
would be sure to chunk nv. rfaV be good enom , d, to
Winne where I can get into the Ala %yelp c o a ch."'"
"What! will you baok without breakfasting?"
"I shall dine all the better for it. If I tarried here
any longer, I should dread the loss of two things I ant
weak enough to cure about—my appetite and
So, farewell; my compliments to your gentle guest, and
respeetsto Napoleon's friend, whom I earnestly entreat
to rice France if he have again to deal with a Welling•
Untied a 131ucher."—Foreign paper.
ASECDO I TE. of llEcr<T C I. hen Mr. Clay was
riiis immediately afterthe close of the negotiations
Gillett„ 1w vtitaintrodaced to Madamo do Steel, at a
ben. Mr. C. had a pleasant interview with the gifted
svosiOassi-Who informed him that she had recently visit
e& Egland s and had openly espoused the cause of the
• IlditliCettates there, remarking that the British were
iiiietigernted against them, and entertaired se- 1
•!'irifia, nylons of despatching the Duke of Welling-
*its,head of their armies, fur the purpose of in
• chastisement upon them. He politely
interest she manifested in behalf
me time expressing his regret
not carried out her intentions.
ladame. "Because," he replied, "if
114, we should only have been in the
Iron without disgrace. But if we bad
s as to defeat him, we should have
the renown of our arms."
- met de Steel at a select coterie
" Fra lle n r cZ wri the d r}, e ike- 14in 'gi relfirig re'i t te i
decing Mr. Cla,w to the Duke, • -----
Hort. JA.x‘ißuenA.s..*.tt , r-AVe copy i -i • 11i. ."-' i" .
..L.N OF TIlk: Nr.4.-NUFIT;I:UR , E .OY. itas.al , -- --• rsociaLBTATIoN. i
tedthe alio*. , c „i, ' • . Uniontown .., .
e ara. 0 e... Tim. ~ . LI N E,N. . -', ' i,.:.
inii.n of such a conitnli,ion u_s t
and ‘• i' I, l ' i , ,
~,,..,0, iolutions froin the proceedine , i of the Deemer:ale parie.l r.'' , ~, . ...._ .
,racc,uoy, that nao he !men 5,... ~- ...
e foe xcc evil . ;ing - so much bearer avention of LancuAcT couny. They ate iL arc ex- 11 1 .slI N The first inanufactory of Linen in Ireland, wa,- cat at- '
he tthould. rentta it a.' • '' A
.411 TUlt" >lit'd by ThrdtraF• Wentworth, Enrl•of Stratlidd.-71 10 1 taring to Ow elc - et;, , i , ~t. !hi. C.:nitool.w. a ti:. it..l,*
. I t I N I l A E , ,- 1 .
i l e
F :ri A ' 0. 5 , ' ' ;;* ).
P ( a t' L l l l ., ! i 2 , . ' , l in z . lr; e t i , t 7,e l ,,l srtta t' net ac.
a .,! • t h i ' , ) 'ltessin ,of the Ivantst fot•ntiment..• o.titte itrMWiatc ; Thep ats .Lord tkputy of Arekuid in the reign of C-11 - trles I i joined or, me to t t iv.• p•l' , .i .., -tn. , of , u'il ci"ej 6,4
a . grz.ater lorx.righbors '(our (.11.-iti0L1ii. , : ,,., 1 . niator, and they j u di... ing the,' l' eat3 ' au ' 0f ;lie Clti 'S,,ritYW an itoln!haking. says ties lititisia Crl - tin, " 1 " . " ,be held, ti:-,1 to el ,e!. r ,ti• i.;
brilliant vieten I i ~. A. u
sub-erinCloll 111rf , a. an es, roirdinacy strart to set it „•,:eint; and tOTOra- 1 aro I.Sbe ,ii ,, ,-;.• l: :,, 1, :. 1 i a... la re,,f. I. 14::
..,,e'.,,,0!i•• 0/ha
: "''.
aChi"Vea. the isteem In wili,th It •is held liv those wilt; know , and ,Pl'" .:..for ~. „.,
gamy _ _ lit , u tor V . :ty.
FOR PRESIDENT, _ , 0 ,,,, , , , e 1 'r'
JAS. BUC II toe,,,
, will bet e e napletion oft lend it to 1 r i.,1, enmr! ~ i -, e . Stt-Afford set ma anr an- „ is NAt E •,.., ..!;, :•!, r i.r,, , .• ~,,,. C,,,,,, is . o r
_stir „..4,,,. ay , .
mi.., ry dbl. e... .a. a ~.11,..,!,...ine in propri., ...,..r. :,. r 'Lb.' t i,, ce far, 1:;1',e .: .i.....a. a::d...T,ive this public ittar,
•,1 - . .. _ i .
, ... nLtwe r, ;11 „ nal with cheerful and Brat.:- w ,„ 1, , , m i n ocentent, would guider of the 111U-LVINIn . er , :lr of Iri-h '-'l' , ln 0 " "" • :tu • -,1,, - ; ~.... i' ..iid C, ataty of .111cg,liony,th.tt aGe
thu,,imiii to Ili_ innitioation. by the D, , m3cracy ' „f Ow ,
...- , C..0111.11 0 .1 0 .i. .1.1.11, of .J.V.IIES BUCIIAN Ars; n ..;
AV: , , : ~. .. .t„ 6,, „mi.:v. „„, ~,, ~ . , ,
.i., I.IIOIIIS With \VOI -. .'11. , tor I.llelll, 1'0 . .11 Cle L.W. ,.!. 1
. ~ ~ ,
.... . . .
.( "" 1. 'eti.. , o ‘ , ../.1 LW 1111 i ill the !)aiLl t.ounty on the
. „. t I
Latoarta - rt c s a-rtos .• a c.is v es-ria ..,. to en Low ii.•; to contr•te N% r.,, .pro, .h..,.....n.nt,,A :.7,,t 1 o:lain 13osweIll, the 1...ng ! Second Tuesday of October next,
Slbi -
.eu to the deei-ion of l'ittsbn
indidate for the next I'residencv—a tribute that Avi r Ade and Ira, Aof the tir,•at Cern .
•-"Ii n'-'.'eat, w'r,, the 1,,,,,',.;,, 4-.,1:11,,,;,,a,rueta nr.tlit- -,
Till: D • ' 101: 1
due to his eminent talents, his unfalte, in; ' 'twit, I), nwc rat.
Q-Ile M ail» [t or ._ ..
. i __ .-le.hvartcri ,b,,,,,ti0n to Democratic measures, '
~!," ' ---
7. 4 '.' 7 , , rheum; vet no -mount...lid Stranse‘l , 7 n hi- Intl,. mill ai.'
•ork that I,i; , ..i.intral,ie •Tirit 1,•,ip.al for the re,sult.— I 'fly Ewtors of the First Ward. of the city of Pittv ,
.0_ Ill'. ...,1-1-.11 el.mtion districts therein.
•• a ru .
bor-11 to meet a , Oat' Old Court House in tale ~..),amond.
- 6 , 1- effective and 11)01110fable SerViCe3 111 the cause 1 - ' ""t I " 1 c""‘Ulc"" ; '' I) .'"''''" l • , -We oball ir‘ai" la. ,-ibl, ••il., flailad,a• anti ls‘ each. ' '
'ling thr principles in the halls of our National Lo- , twenty pet cow." The cool titilz.cit\ of the I'l ,-, 1 0 .1.1''y l,,
The puldici oti ,d i, beeolaim!, , i ,i , :e r,•tive in r,la- i; chameteri:o ic of th'.. 11001. 11 1: 11113."411110 1 00 10 , ae . ' 'tt. the li,e.tge d tip , h Daffy, on tbe
fl , ol . , , lecto , rs , of the Second of
of the city pips=o
urge, ,•; 71 1 ...ti , 0 .
. .
Wei to 0 0, 100111.11.'e t wi l l. Ti t , r0pe . 0t ....1. annunc•ation ni -i g ir.jan.: tit' hail, dome) FleutilieF. endowed the , " •sis.
' - 'jun in the l'ittshor• , ll pap-rs. tic I '. "I 1 1 ' I I - . • . 1 corner of .•!,t.con
.c• t raot St . reeta. -: - - .
of _
, ' • - • • 1 file Lleetors 01 tha I hird 1 5 , ard of the city Fitts
.,uld more it t.hi tin.ita , ..ic , .0c1.7,4 nit , ootrt , with norrte,uoti: (.00rgV.:11.111. -;1 , ." te, bonier I.el , ,
dom.+ had !mei, int; nader contrite' ha , invariably turn- ! frent their er! 'Mitt, r ! ule, ..i:1...:, ba! , • , ..,iii1l- ~,,1 • iv.,r,• bu rn . ''' ni e ''`''' -the Imasc c ' f " j°11 " Se ' atmri ilutn3l - 1-Y;
.., honeast to in- 1 , ;,•cm, a. .1 by '1", .. ,tm Lariavr, Jr., nearly cipposue
en out to he a wiraake; and public. c onfaloncc. Aceni.l 1 1 4 iioa,•',. and 1.4,1111:( etoW;t, roll in lii im:, tl- u„ Ce. , l'
• i•lelAl!, 100 1110 ell 1.! ~,,, ...Ice.l
!be WitharLWll in a , reat inen....ntre from the horw Itiat 1 the land. The 1. - ,11,,win , • mu- lb. par..1,,,, , td !,. thou- ''.. • b • . .
emocratic party to they will
eye , ~,,, - • , , . '. . i , , ~,,-' • . , , ~, •' I. ie. Liector• ,Jfr. she F,,urtlt - 1% ai.d of tho cay ir
1 peoi.eetno to cottion•Dov.:, .1 1. now : -.oh' NUM, Wort.. ::I II i' , ,, , ,t b ad C'l. 1 l'',..'ul 010 ISC;11.: „. , .
.. , ,
or ambition or Interest
... 1", l !C I I I.N A N would .be appears to he it loatt,.•r of univei.al o;:iei,iii th it il,- , lof , ii.. , . es-rtion , .. -It sell'. 1 , - Om ,f. ; rente-t .•10. Whin.; o;. :.,':;_•,,-,a..:.';'',...._t.3‘27,i"it'51:1LL:,/1" 'i,li..e..l.,V.llCi.c'sg..Wn Cutl°° IV.141 "
. -
. .
~,- '4 : :::i c e i t a r i l o U : :l ll l l " , ,,,,
~:r eat
i_.,,,T, : . 1 . 11 ..,,, e ; ;;: 1i a e r: . ha , t , Litt !+• for Ow e)sten-ion of
ve feel thatwith the merits of3AS.
~1„ 11 . e vi t ii i :d w :h s : 'lL P La • 'bu'' ' .
h, welt their charricle,,,tio # .4C1...11- ',, till: kingdon, that ol;.-•;! 6 , i ., 4iC iiO . ,ote ~, Bosis 11.:
t hi s i 5,,.,.;, 1 , ,,.. 1 ,in,l the
„,,g.h.i, „..ir„.1.1),..a,d. 5.i,. ,, was rho 1 ,,... 1
, : r 1 . ,,,, , .. :, .. , .. ,, E , :.;:: , t , : e ir t .i .
a o r f t t l h , ::. Fifth IV ard of the city of Pi,'
• cryil r , .:i..t1 from which the city receive; Li., ' V,Llliiii.,!; •l, ..ill l i 1 .:IW.IL I.A 1 1011.4 , ..i 1.0 of 1t , !and, NNll.l.'h hu... 11011,C 411 . it
SteWric •
,;,,, ,•,• r •- t j.,1,•; ,-; t fy. , 1,"1 , • 1 ...,, : ,011 V:h7 die fli0:41 ii:lllllti , s , .. A ::',.11il inint. ,, , , n . I .rintitit to 0th,..; '''''' t ” ''''''
orri , , ,,
. i. ,
is. II
1,, N,,,i1,
and s ,
~, ..1, \ ~,,,_ Ih. ElL,:tur , ~f the P.r!: \Var.] of dm coy of
4 "'"` . .Y of the I: " i '''' "''' too clos e- , iiork ha s lit.ti, 11l en ,:•;rrt . ;101:d 1011 . ~1.4.1;i2 . Pittrher..,ll i ,at t, of E . 1•., . 1
i i t•oplite a mattitioa or them here. „...1,, ~y, to meet at Om 110 ,, of .loin: Gmbring% f :„-
- ' will li-r lira . , I . i.,-ii.: I ri ;., I,::ti'd 71•i'ii teach ii-, ill it lea.
,niter: all oi et- the Uoion as iii,rit., ly •cupi-d.1 , :.• 11. D, 7-T ave:-.. on Feftertil •treet.k. It ,
8r0wn... , !1 , • and 0, • •• cft La r; :" l.,e, int..r......- • .._...........-.....------•---,
U • 1 4.air4im..1 tit it. ;Ivo iii:urannintalile; ed in 0; '• •• ''' .".."'
' ' ' '
t. ~,..., I •,,,,,, ot this i a ... i O).V . i.L11.1.i. to elan
i air . n. .. FV1ITIII:11 I'_,\ It T ACC 1 .,.\ ItS OF TIE: LATE The 1.,,, , , ~, •,:th!:-•, !,, A Ward of the ,:ity c, •
)„„ )( roferroa 0 thy arbitranwiii of tii,
1 how il'apitd,r,C . _l•l;,ii-r. , ,a-iii... ,, t %viva, linisnol that ' DI:-i'll . :1.14ANCI: IN '1111!: Cal:lU )h.E.F. (:01:•1:- gli'''!:;•' '"! ' . ''',!'""". - 11 ' 1 ) . - `-''''''''""! f')
—OO l Comentio" bY t- 11 ' . "'lc" of the I would divert fr e,-, IV ~:•••ho., the vait travel an,l trans- . o c enpiditj ,- 'i , •:,:', ..:, •-•,1 - ner M...th" Di:an i
hat trVaali'L Wit ' ll '' t.riki Vg . cat ' hurth "`" portatioa of; 1. , N.,ii , oal Ilload , and • that w ool.' ~,,,,,, -.,:.
-' ', Uni.. ,,
. ~ .. .•-
ortatte?' "' her " c ''''' nilY e'l" . " . " 1: int" l'i,t-1 , . , • ...., ri, ..-..,ket.., ~,,I•nin,r,ll, :If tiv• 'Mlgt- HEAri. t .,:,,i.kr:lo.--. 2a. YE:i3rtuy Dci-r., • , To, 1:.'„ , t , , r.....: z.h. , millard of 1 h. , city I • .
l' 1 " 1 bY thl t d i gu ill ' l "" a i' i on , ..;;thel,* ......i:,..! Vc,. cant t. - 11 1.1 . “.• cite of Pitt -hut h . 'Foil StDith, .‘tign,t 15, 1.:1 13. ..11 , ny. to ii.e.... ut :I. • i'l';'i •ts Imo. li-u5. , ,, !
, i i
, 11 , , , ,a ri t m f 1 , , , 1 -t . a• r e ., !;„. •!;',1.1. 1 1.! ,, t , •and r•trnr,,,ent c1, a ,,,,,..1 „r S ix I l e•,gret to rep trt that IIL, e,•., Lion hold Cal SAO: %V.,,°,1. 1.' , . C . .: ..L.A. L:.i.10....00r. :-4,
- i 1., . a „.. i ...,, , . n .,,, .0 . ~..!, :
~,,._ 7 t h „ I -
_,.„,,,,,, t , • i i , ,n, c1,„.„1„.,-, ii ,,,i,„,, L ,,,... , c , .„,,. 11, , .••—t. , ,, , ~, t ~,.. 1..,,..th1)....1r.1. of the city t .
'' 11.1!"nli • IX - Far:DM:ICI:, Nl.D.—\\ e;., ' • • ''' ' ' '' ' '"- •'• ' " '"" '' l t ._!- ev lit .00.•01 1 , 111.• I. 111. e I It . r; ,' ~•lIIYI. Lif
Aber V tray . ' Anil, •li 1. ~ 1 . ., ,I, ' I., , ~• . : ,1.1 t,,t 1 . 1, ~...,, t..„ ~, ~,, .I Ili , 1,611/1..1., ...It, I In,' ll“ . Cint . l. with a -onien9 lii,i'lr'o3.l.Cl ..... .-,l'. ❑ ' ... • . - .- . • ~.
• JIM, t hat a very .eNten, , ive
in r••!, CA. ,•t• II •• ...,•. , „I. LL'i * ~, I a 1.,,. : Iona : : ,io t a Ri01v.1',.. , of the airair rt"miesl this pl-,,..! in e,c,•o. L' ,, ::, i,t „t , .L. ~.: ,L , , , ~,..
IM;•Fredecieli, no N101111i1:. night 1 vallt.y ' a:: ri b: l ,!,..;,' ~:,•;.: qp, t - :,, i d n, i v . l:ll,..:t . ..nlil . : . : , g ' ••itit l an "wt"!:' ,. .. -t-' l, ''' l ""!! ilt'''' I l' IL 6. " ib°
I:3th I "' l'''.t The El : ~..;... 0t: rill ...•.'.Vit",!.-.1:,. :0 met at tht, e a-..„,,,,,,
.• '• ..,,:, d lie cm,!-,d Floes - or-1e
Il l u : t i i i i . 1 , : k ::::;, t„,
1 1: i s elritige Broker, of the 1it.ay .,,,,, i ,of (;,..• , i'... • ,k,:"I• I ; . ..b :.;:,,. :caring that fe.r.rmr o ;trate: , 1111.4 - lit ..--, o , ab ,l m••• .or '., • .„. ore- . ,
~ , .. ,
~.. ,
amount of 11 ' - It 1•+ 1 • • • • .. •
14 •Citv liotel, of the entire i . i ' i -''' '.' i n'''' :'-' ' '''''''''• ' '"t -"' •1,-c`4'.. , , • , i'', , -- • •.I ~. ~
1•.. ~ ...„.., .. I,•nder acCeltirV tit niter , . limn ~r a llllo.o'. f , ree. I'..Y lien I ' l- ' ' '''' l b ' '''''''''''''' 6 , 1 - len,' on the Fl''
i Ile ~ z - o r p, .:.1 !•.•,,,,..1, t ' n ., ~i,„, „;ri,,... , , ~,h 1 ,,.. ,1,,i.,...,ii i i . A' 1.C.t.,..1,,,w,..,7..„,,,..:::••, ..,‘,...,. ,
ili/,04..,1.i.:,,,''',.,,-',1,'.. , , , •,L I . l , i ' i l L.. N 1 i .„. • , .. „, i::: ;:„. 1 , _ . ( - ).f .
~..,,,et a
m for eschange with i in d i , -..,1,. , • _ . •
to m,,,sr, L,," 0- ,_:. ',. l',X, '...:' 1:11 -1 It . OW C. litirit.i, 7,) .If ik. 1 Wk.. , :ii / I.::: 3. t.... , ~..., .1 . ...., .. , , ... , ...„.._, a
~ .
of .)0:11, 13, is r . in th.• v, ;a231 of East Liberty, k
t'lrstown• &"• Ili!" letter ; te, o lir.,t loch , and .1-tm,, ii.li :1111.111'..ind r., Ow ...too ••I'l """;" "e . Co' u"' '
city at 1 11 1 1 1 .
,tate„, hi,
Drii,,ii „ vi titat Hutt, Tilitur , KIIN , R i.. I) „..., ,- 1 1.-uv 1 1 -1(11.....; \ ..„14 . At i.i.i.‘ “....: Cil.! iirl•C'.'lC .- ; ill tikV Z.. - ii',ILI, ,1•••••••rict, a',,,m, 121 ''' Ei .•" '''' "r V;i:'•"... - ; T.- " . ."'l''...) , 10 in'''''* lle
•ast ,
ov.nling. Ile I
111 - ' a: :::,sl e :111 411 1 : 1 1 : loaner a 1
01 ' al' ina:ll.t`i i l i'.. ) : : : ) ) 1 ::,:t3 1I . 4'
i 'f ' :i. l ., ' ,:• '. i ' ,: ., I' ~..,„; in- •; Mu- t•• tit , c ".• 1 1'k i l '''''''' -1
i '' '''''
i' '' ''''' 3"":' ' '''.:73. ":'.l
ti,o, Frir , . (Lim: ii i.,.1, ,-. j,, ~1,•,,vi.,, T., , v,,, ,, 1,,,,, , • 1 , 1 . . p,::,. g rowing. it. i- , 1,,1ie , ed . , out ot , . , me. :111,7:its n;a.., , , . ,_
~ •
Th- {WI, ti,.i..{,i :1i .. '.” :11Id l'' , ';':' -' , ..i. -i ~i .iii I:; , rt 1-0. ,,, n, a c...ilftcult... - 1./t1...t. at 2.11 . :: I:,:i':;:t.::‘`,. :t,....rh11::.Ci' VC i'''on, on Ilic Fo.mhitown .llll '
• IL a, lant ti.„ id • 11' Ile- 1..1.•,:e. , 1,,a 1 , ,nr t.;etusi,ip, to :na-tilt tlite 3° 3
" "' m g' '" pr e l'" ra ' i • im , el ri-,,M, to i'.!;. harelt i • ti,:,... :trite t, the ,bam o! Nl' l.l "t't di'' 11 ° ,4 vol'''r , i" t"I "”-'-'• - •"'rita . " l. "I'-'." .
~1. a .:, . ....ir,t Lit . ... , , cornice, Juno Little's,
!. -r, '• .1) ! -- ,, i I• ! ilf . I.•lti Li/ 141 HiCkS..-. " As r ,,,, p•
11-li It ' Pmet'cdc , l to* A t t h e 'jug o f t h e 1 tot of T 1,...,• ',, •,, • a dd.! rit• ~,bla, 1,T , >0. - ,..".i :., 7 i t . ..cat....' "'"u''' l '''''' '•' " ' ze - ._ : - •- ~ -..•-... . . .: • .
. . .
..,,1.,11 ,t.,.,.:. ii„,,, , —,,„1 t h,. 1,.. i. - I -. , .„- ..,,,,,;,1,.,,:,:,, 10, L.., Ltrit -0I ‘.,. 1 -..11/IP.• 10 A' 11-.1117 t‘t l'ltV'. Ito
wit anv sq , ,ici,o l •
• 1 il . ' , . r•turn to bed with- per 1.,1-11••l.". : ~•:,!'s. rt:te• It ean nth !.,.; 1., , •!1...!!.! .. - r ~ , -
~. Iv i i , :i i i,,,,,,, , ,„,„, ~ ~,,..,,,,,,.,, i. ,,.... i t nuniii. ,:s ee htlie
the ni,,thine• ' - liom :3 t.) '3 l . cent ;r -, im-imi. 1., to: L. 1 .ot.', yl, IVA- i, ,, , , • , 1 :.: tt Doi it woo. i r ,ov'r. .-'l , . p .-- ~
," „ .
~.. •.
-it iia s g.:to of his 11/oneV. /II 1, .-, ~ --. (.'. „ i , C t t, . 1 ~,,,.1.0,,,,,,, I , 1 . , ..,... , ,•;,, Fmeni t,1,.• .• Im, •. ob...ozed i. th'o , n'.fah; foer . •f . 1.'1.--;°.".r-,'l ''"•-' "'""'lSh . j. Tur.Pike zu,"l, said
mmaPy of M.-4.r,,. L t •t • -•- , . w - ' ''' 11 ' 1."-''' "-.
" . ..
. ' ' • •
I , 1 . P . l ' • II I • 1. ••
1 ,1 Il• 1 , 1 , • •ILIO,I 1.) , ; t. 1 1 ,.: I' i r . ', ''
•- aaii. t`'''''' '','•
-,,, in ,iis,pu,enision , u . i .iy,,... 7 th, m ~,. N ..,. (..,••.i ~,t,v, n o r v.-La it lir. ~ ...t.' .- 3 ' " ~, .
: 1 ).700 in IN'ill- linnet-. .lof' ; i 1 • 'I he Eler.tor4 ol"l:iiyahetli to•sn,liip. includg a)."
la" , --- ‘o ....*e remount 1 1. 00 0: the •-tk`Cl'.lolld,r, rv,..,,'..r,2 111 111, 5Ve1) 11 :1 0 . 1 .t....• i L .;.. ••, rt troo , : the oth , •r two. oor Of v.-leen i. I: ~
1• •c,M it Of L'Airii ,, •lll, to 111,..1 lit tile 11111.1.ie fOrTIVII :
'. 1 ... 0 . 1 1 , ,t, I t ; 0,11,......;::1.pe, but `Acre iiiir.-in d. by a ~art•:, _.„ , i .
• ~i, 0 ~. ~,,,,, ..V.,,a , ?a, .1. -a; I 1,..1...a.„.711.
(11.111itsj":13haatI:kic'aofBa.Bitaini:inIno.1.‘‘,vciti n r.i otes; also of i' M'"o"'-' 41 • 101 a v!" , ;!! y• that tlii , woe , : ~i,ould be par`,',, •• . 'S l i ,
ni .ri . and .Nl.-eha'.. ••• B i iteish!"/ :Ilia i 11.. ., r,:tn,iii a...; an v 10,1,-4-7 . 7 , 77t ta 7 . 1,4 ~•/,- ;I' c . -"' " '•'• • It , 0 "• or'
. " I '' } 11 " ites of tire F ar- riacr nat.; 7,1', , ,n, si 'lbri:. to iacrease th , facilities 0t..4:1,.... .k , the Clotra , ke.. , "I,..;:ivenvil :.u.t..iptat.e, tn ' , 1.,,,, , .,t . .1, T.i. 1 ,:•; - s t . " , "-'' It'lit•ro,,ol to , '•11 -1 •I". Io al.'lti'At,, l. ‘ lo
Of OIL' M..r . 1 plying tin furaac -. , ;I. Pitt burgh wilh,t...ne r!ool. a. ,- . :inch 11 .i..,• of Mic.ua - 1 Sale-, f ~-a,:,-::.. 0C.,..1.1111!:,.1 by John I\l 05,.....,,,,,....:
d r, m4l•lyea na 1i,..i.. 4. ,,i i.i.,. and a s nothtn!. .1,..t.. ;.;.-.:-
.. v
~ .
7 :l e :d ,.(l : ll l,l2.e o :7thticin , ,tu.:oc i iiet
i.,,lntomn,:,,teliou,,f;:tanhk nth
1,6 1 :. : {r 1 it0 ,, , , , ,. 111i , a redite4 41 price. For 111 wi it. 11i...! w ,rk ino.i. bit 1'i4,1-4"..1...:411i.'"-1-."a.:' lI ItCI Y I ''' ar ' . " ' . ' '' - ' T I , , I •,:,.,„,', „c:m l ,,`,i,, t ,,, ~,I,i•, t o ni , t et, a t the '
r emo u ld rtell that -.).ealih; too anti), , Li e q i ,J.r.....-a...r ., TrrrPtli... 1 '" '''''''' '' ' ":'' ""•- t" . 1 .".f.t. GIL' .`" ' , a'" l ac - , ' ...-- - , ,-,•• '' ; 1 '• I • 1
reouizty brink,- i .,..,, ~„..„„,,,,,,i ag „ f a,,, ~..c ~..„„..;, . 1.. ,... , , , , -, i . ;_-..,:, v . .. , ~ 1/.0 . :1 , , ooalie..:. ece , ene, oy ~ tuned
it •t'.:2t-ci.,111..--a.Ji-;.;,..-.--7,...!.,•`:),..v. : 1 le` •541°..• 5. , ! , . 1 '1.,1:` t"'ne-a•
:7 3, 5 ° ,;100, making
a all p th os e ten ro .p untin t, : o a po ey . about I t'°,..i.tevi'll'l'i.tetl:}Zra.:.ll.laltiau,l"ciraeri.c,Titini::'stmi.::'.l.l=uli'i 1 0 r 1 '' ...',7 1: "1 ' 1 1 "/: l'`''''''`j'''••''''''''''''l'll:Cl'-:.:Ui':;l"'.l.l''''''')r.r:;atileals:v:;:il''l:::'-'e'cu'ral'..ll::::lrit.'l';'"..:l' .t ' s 'l. :C .''. - . ii .• '‘"1 : ..:"1- ' ' ' '':l' '- 'ivi';l.e ''' ''l'' ' Sl... Ci'''' '
' '''' ' 7.-s.h. ' l ' P' to
IsC robbed hims•alf, and instead' it appears
F r , i . r d b e e r i c : u h 4 o had left the mane) l nade''''' l, --- i" IL, 1,07.1...7.3 ,•l 1.. , 1 , 1 :"2.. (..: , hit - tow n-tap, to m eet
Ti,e contract. %ye ant told W.-re ~villiag tn d I tt.... to' . "Iilt•• "W l , wie'n tat: ,- . th a Ili. rcv: '.lr •,.. , ..1 ‘....- ... ''''',..'. 'lt "a-'''.
,k'''''''')",'" 5 : . . 1" . . 1 , ' n• "y•
woe'.: and wail on the proceed.i of th , tan i.!..:vio.t f. , r l'"'-' Li''' . I . '" l.- ' d .- . '“"rt.•
I t i.; n0 ,j,.: ..!....1 Ctlat Mu. 110.1 Irci 1,,, , :i r .....,.e.•ted a• thr.. is' I
,_.' -I, .:t 1.. ,Vic A ::i :.1..:•,. fOrlile.'l, occiil.it.d 1..7,y . .
thoir pay, 17, acidel the compair.. woa'.d rai-..t th ;••a; ! A. 11. II .r-171",.: 7.. r, at tii-• ea.l ut . th , o Nj onoi ,gulackk
t i o : :: ; 17. wo h
s r: p rosec u t i 0 u s h ou ld, f o n t in Bald- i p ''u o t r n at e i r ia 7 ,
o e, o 'h o iCl u i L'll,,id.,(tlita%rsg::sailli•c4L.,l-11ri],tigt i ' l l p c. i l :t r- 1 I t i ' a f e i t i • i ::lr u i::: :: a: 1 '...
' l l r' l :' ilf h '' ;• -s. ': ' b . ; C' dS ; ; ' ; ' ' '' ' ' '' '' .:: '' ' ' S - 1.7 ' ":i'''...
Tte• El, ,•tc,,•,-,n 1;..,.,i.i:;-o.: t.,Wit,lii', , , to meet at the
suppose will ma k e out ,Ltir, Mr. ny to ,hscharge hefore they c'u'd a.. , ..iii1 tit „ proceed, Yutir 111.,.•di ':.`. i-- , r:ant,
tounporary inAattitv."(Sitt,...l) z. T. , ,1 COIL. 1,,,,,,....-• ~f5,....,,,1i .•.‘l-Farizind, f.,,11l -,-;;,• Andlep.Lllc.Farkatd
~ cute o f
of h e xork. The m en
in v.ere the mot exi,eri-
Bt. il:Lt. (i.m. I'. S. A. Corn',l2-. in -1: l .0wn, , '..!,!!.
enced and practif-al men in the country, viz.; General Th.' 1 - ..., ...... • ;• 1 - 0, V..• 'o,o'll'hip. t.. 1 meet at the
Nloorhead and Sylvatius• Lothrup,and the proposed eon- . 1' h . AlLj.`T';...l. f.;
r-51-"E of A cill-r• \v "' l t i " -I ''" . ii,:,,.. , fort . !rlb...'slattbew .I , 2(...rav's in NoW.c.stiown, in
tractcontairmil in itself a .iaranty that the stock would
,s , sbf,l townslao.
he puxhictive. Yet the enlighten... 3 policy of Pitt-i-
Ir. h ,
Leigh conlll not son dr^ importancLt of rai , ing t h e sum ,
of $7OOO to ac • c noliTh all olijeot so vital to her cone .`..a , - J
ea meial an .l mAnn'factureg interests. The sant re- , and
o uired to be raised was too unusual, ton ciwrham in!,.,
s. T,i-.
I'..t th- very next day the managers of the work re.,i- ,
di,, : . i n Ihtt...lior•th. with an eye single to the inmr.t.
horrowetl upon tint (-Wait of OW em al
u:tly th.• =tea it lia , ly
$501)11 to make some repairs up.ni scud , ‘ otIC. \Vi r," ~,. a'
peat that 1.1*: C,,illaiea of Fay.-tte, G..
e.ii , and IV ashing. !tithe
ton will not salenit to Iti.• impo-itian :tar: lon.mr. Cho .rs, 'a
old fa-iti a, -.1
i ir •C fi 1 ?qv r'i,,l oil -.t ho t"-',..111-1I: t,,, • col
cannot azr ,,;:, 1 ,, i„• T AXiil I hie l ite honr r of l'lllitinil . l'r'
- ii.;li
~inzroa..l'n•ili•i,.., to tiw 1 . 1 . ; of Pitt-Lori!.
T• Thu 1. ‘..,..01attp-, hi. th, , ,tot of th , 11th 3 , 1•1", It:10 ••,,,•
-1 1101 , 0 'Mg A n:1::',61;i1.1:1 (11 5101.1.-WO iil thi4 war: se-!
ilbrovid !.1 that ail Om !I • -e,-,•1in.4 ', ,al‘. f1.1:11 3 .) p/11 , .'l..
i5tv.,,..; NI i " ... " . .. e 1...-;. •t . I CR ' V , .;
~.. I ~,' • .t. ;,• .11 , ....-
AA,: .•,...
.I . C , ' .14:1 01. i.,...t, -1•,,i , 1 1 ",r,'.• 14. ;" II 1i1! !Ibe
null 0 , !Olt I Ili. , ....Earle! 0 - 11/ Ckllllll..- i.,1: Till` 4/ 1
'4 „1 11, ! '• i . r ~. t,:o11 V. - . 1. 1. , pr0,..C1 the 100.1';:e10.4
.11vit vro are convioced tint alum
Aeu wHoseIFIII10:: aro nicia.amed
none NN:11
al(!esi to our IJ:tuners.
vvided to palter in a
principlei of
to tho pot
lAMES" CLARKE, or Indiuou,
W.M. B. FOSTER, c)f Brildfutd
OUR E - r. - Ftoat the effrrts that are ma': ing by
the with-no:sons to foment ill-feeling in the demo:: :tic
party, it is very evident that they have abandoned ell
hope of success, unlvi , ; it be by divi:ion in oar rank:,
The miserrble attempts to keep alive the jealousy that
they suppose exists among members of the p.trty—heir
egregious blundering in giving the history Of the recent
nominations, and their silly appal to the defeat
ed candidates, are enough to excite one's laugh
ter, if it were not fur the rookies, mendreity dig
displayed in the effrrts. But in this attempt to create
disaffixairm in our ranks, we are eta/dent they will
signally fail; the democracy cannot be divided on the
ticket now in the field, and they will be'found, in the
:Lay of trial, faithfully sustaining their in inciples.
Why should the democrats be displeased with the
ticket now before them? Is there a m.to on it, from
Congress down to Coroner, who is not known as the
true and tried friend of our principles; battling man
fully in their defence when the power of oar opponent:
was overwhelming, and we had not the slightest hope
of success! Many of them have been on the ticket in
formeryears, and received the cheerial support of the
party; no one doubted their democracy then, and all
strug,gled to give them as large a vote as possible, al-'
though none supposed thew wan the faintest hope for
th - eir election. we wore thus unanimous and active,
when there was so much cause for despondency, why
should we be less harmoainks' . and Wu:trio:is, when I
victory can be accomplished almost without a straggle?
why permit our opponents to gait, by our supineness
and folly,whatit is evident they never could accomplish
in a fair contest?
The TMEUIS by witi7,ll the oppoiition hope to keep our
pat ty in a term' di, is by cominithig a discussion about
the nominations, and representing that Army. , of the
candidates were placed ea the ticket by improper means.
In the Convention, the friends of ull the gentlenrm
who were brought forward for nomination. were or
tire, and did all in their pow or to carry their far,•rite:;
pop:ihrity of di: sevoral ,•ariaid it s
v-t ncl ,) to., u:id >o ciu illy nae tilt! •;tromf.th di
`ii, Ent 111 0 12 1 - 1.1 ' 1,1 C 1:11 • to any c?rt•tin con, .
t.) what would be Su' it tl. ,
it ii ar.)t at a:1 that fel.nid, LA - tiv• d
oandlidatc•:; ,tho:dd feel hu;
tint any will s.) forz..t. or ii nl tii , • II
sage); of t.b ) . trt v, ; 1-11 tit • it) t • t .o.up , t
3ithn for Ole parito.4t) ofd •luatiuz thu tie;st.t. _1 :To • 7 .
(1,11110'71 -at arty 1, - 4 4 , 1i - 1.4;u:101
opiturtuaity to i•P r tplrt 1 . . 1%0t-it.% but 11..• %)••:1
permit 4,1,11 tit.).)itiytiutut , • nt: to irrr.a biro I.!W uppozi
atm to tlt ). ticket L 1 1 ,2 pir.h witiuh h••
We have chaversol with ino:t Of the gPati. , •tuen who
were bofore the Convc.titioa, and tare all
express a williagaess to aid in eler.ti a the ticket. If
they are si ic3re io their profes-dons—aad we have no
reason to itippose them friinids should
certainly be sat 'titled, and by triiLiag ut suiTvrt of 711 , 11'
CINVII party, effectually croqh the power of the o pp a •:i-
Lica in the county, which they have so long ruled with
so high a hand.
In the nominations fir Congioiss, Sheriff and Pro
thonotary, we know that tho pyrsoird preferenrao,i
in Inz haeo b tea disappointed; but in a piilitiiial
the nonliiiee3 riot certainly unexceptionable, and their
capacity for tit we h tee nowt heard
W }tyre, then, is the coll.,: for ilis,atisfactioni Certain
ly noon. We hope, tly:rolore, that thri_;:, of our politi
cal friends who wore disappointed in the result of the
late Coneentioa, riot sulkr theluielyes to be cajo
led Conn their duty be the "soft sawder" which will-be
so plentifully mbniiii, , tered to thro by the enemios of
rapublicao pr;ocii ! le:i, and that they will v... 0 in with cho
groat body of the party. for the WHoEE TICKET,
umph is certain; no effort of the opposition, or mere
perional di-ti ection in our own rake, can prevent
and WC` Wtriq hi' sultry, if, at the clo , e °rout- stregtgle",
any of tho:te whn h.tve lwrotaftre funght 111311fQlly for
the ckituratic c;tn.,t , :•, should b. unworthy te,toin iu the
ganeral triumph, on account of their clihrts to defeat
their parts-. We do not bclitw:', the re w I,e any such,
but, on the contrary, feel confident that, on the Ittetc.d
Tuesday of October, every dennerat will be found rea
dy and willing to give a long pull, a strong pull, and
pull altogether, for the WHOLE TICKET.
The Crawford Democrat gives the following- item
illustrative of Pittsburgh im-,renuity and enterprize.—
The owners of this novel Store House are both residents
of ott, city
A I LOATING G nee .—The opening of the canal i
to this place has given our citizens n practical Maitre- ,
tioa of Darn Patch's motto, that "some tbitirs can
done m tvell es'others." thi Thursday overlie; last a
lwat drew up at our basin, fronaPittsburgh, fitted up
in the neatest manner with shelves, counter, c•C., and
contaiaing a tine assorinwet of excellent Ce-ocerics,
Liquors, - &c.. at much cheaper rates than we !lava
been acsiusuatied to hue them bet e. Those who want
goo I bargains would do well to call s:ioll—the boat
lies adjoining die Chesnut s Canal hcidge,.9Vhero
the proprietors, Messrs. M and 11' tv - cr;,- who
are nial clever Chows, ha giarl to wait. upon
custnu c, s.
1 . 011 FLYNN, tau: Manager of the l'itburgli
Theatre, hay leafed the Front St, Theatre. Baltimore,
and intendiopetling its,:, 11;5
AN, kuNtstt.—.l. mitt Its
arewn , •.l a (-1-,!A at All , invfound
of his was arri!:ted on su,ricjwl of b t .j,qalli 11 11
when it appeared un emunination befilerell I
jury that both the parties hid been drinte' r's
in the r.our:u of the day, and being; lot
ed to SWirn to as island, u h a ono Of theta
'rho other did not venture far into the tree d'
too drunk to render any aid, left his cont2alig
fate and fell asleep be.id, a hay-stack, \ARA'
finind when an.e=t,Al.
!isn't kari: from tho li, 4ly
papers, that \Vim Davit was instantly kilhcl
tirl-iy, Ly v. - . 140.1 wit!
Mr. I),tsi. , , it
;Old 6 . 11 i' ,
u•:1: •I h'i I rr• ntn • fri.:,1t1,•11,1
,i , :.
Ui.:rinr:~ ,l,
Yaw,' r.
D 10:
Ft' , .ol* ftaLiorlt,
ri-kir:ll Oro tits \Vhig; Stato ition umninateci
tt f•Jr
\VTLLf T\\ (II N.,i-t!irmiberlatni,
\VI: Oi
SrAtEtiN r t jrai : OßD, Of .1,-.
1):'1.! 110 •I` ,1 , :1iwit , 2.1 from Lmica•lm . l irm i e ,i by
M r . %roc rejt.ctod by thi,..Cmiventin !
Go)!) .1 nr in Tcy.ni Eccommei s t ,
nu! In [lin in doh:. Having. run from 4 t to
•. can In , no greater folly ton
ru .,1 ; ,11, : . 1:Ito it wilco boyond i q k
W ARM —The 131 , - , ton Pont. .if the stlt a y s :
\%;,! Kt4l
on , that h,Pter
S!'! 1;; I \ tlltiount nl
ur:d is caiiirunvl i,c .la-06, :kr 41,9000,
(190.00 ) In Europe ilwru it F,upp , ) , .• I. to be $lOOO,
000.0011.—.1 , Tording to t:t , 11,3 t sup
ti I.ll‘ pap.u* Eur.ll). , i 4 fourteen
filth.: Cur...9)0 , 1c current.',.
Si I.\ r. 1111 been ;t our Lulliou
f.Jl' youri , , On tl.OO
lap. of .\ Toxic:), w.iro
to for oi.h cr Th,
enti;ir _kill Fr ti.
morales moo , ..ionoinically ruin if W:I, ri. 4 rikewlvito.
It di.cov:r_iil pin-tio:i o. s 1 i.i
tin-1 Nepa rat.:d it fr.:zri tilt! Ailvor. s`till hnv
....trrit;.l to a Ail; IlLtteedei;reti
thlt Our 11::..tivet lorili.sl and silv..r,
.iatablialiva !a, of C.l-1 ~ is by Ise
.r•, •
1 , in vattit , dollar:
la at A olw per rent 6,, ~, c pprtatioll to
ilavre. Thn slit 'recce in commercial. ,clue is not far
:v:.) per cont.
SAGA C 101: Don .—A genticman on Water street
l ost hi., pocket wallet yesterday mariiirig. It contain
ed a roil of money and various an d he ma d e a
thorough but ineffectnal search ferit about his premises.
In the eN-raing, his terrier dol.!: camo to him, apparent
lv from his warehouse, Witich is skilite distance from
his office, with the 'wallet in iris tuont;;. The dog evi
dourly understood what he was doing, and leaping up
on his master's person, attracted attention to his prize.
—St. Loris Arid.
LOG I '1 It thcu runs niay re, l." A horse runs
--conefinenth, 13.11.1 r-a. may read. Su may a lien.—
Thisbeluutts to die liurtforcl Tinte
.41.F-1 . 0411:73 ARREST OF WEDSTER, Cttti PutaTE.---
A Dqter has been recei%ed by the Poataaa.iter of New
York, from a g,-ntletaan at Wilntincton, N. C., statiax
that a ~ e aman had been arrested at that place who haft
shipped on tr , nrd a vessel fur the We: t Indira. He ad
mitted that he had been on hard. the Sarah 'Lavimt,
and saw' the captain, mate and cook t filled and thrown
o , ,erboard. He Aaid he ilhipped on hoard the Sara L.
v t Al: , :sa ci
1!'.61 11.111
.T ;
IpC ,tls.
. ;
}1.•OVI: L , , t i••;:t
tt• •t 1 rit tt Ct.• I 1•!: ,tl.
tact ttt •:,t rttr tlttt t t•tttl , q ,
I , ron! sitin
ttitltt• • .I'l-1. (
, .(`( I •••I'ito,i,11(11,
I ' l 1 ••• Itl , •1..t; 01 1 . 1 i" I
titil • V' "
Vi'i•••., • r •I I
,i• it is ill • •VI:T.„'
• 0
,IlrnEtt„..t t L.ll
lathe arni 4 il , y •
f 1.14:. • ir ,;f u11 .,,
tt, ;
n ~:~.... ~'~r ..
. .
"alia - _ - • ... 'a` ifii; • , ' •'- --: • 1-1
iron ~ I . -,•-;-, -i. ~. Ftonr •
v itt-, ;, , IN 1 ia4r , •,,-....... , ,-;;';•,..i...itr' ' . ''-'•
'•ver: l'id '' •': - 1 ' ti
''''t.. . 1 - - - "
',,‘ i.
.. a
j r',/, 'F" .I ) 4,- ..•" , - , ..•'' • - .it •.••.. : . i'' t-ii !!'w
ltitiellit:4,'.,...l: Tearle- , ly in
\,:i nger ai, i l ~ Awl. o r i 1 ., 4 1.1 .-.0 ••. tom' 1„m-'e?l el
1;1 1." iberni .41 Taal .k-: ,a nnt (,it E 11; 0
1;1., ai,,-
~,,,,,, ,. ..r.h.• ,ofi •,, - car, 0". naleeli•l a ';- ,, i iri - ---. (5' r..
Valartet•atl ;,-; 'hi, ;;•0..e . 1 1 L;1 101 l lon,t. .a, '' Cot onial,,o_nri. ...!•;; - ,10ci.. , l a in,
s'aa l,•ia•-141•• os".)„, ci - •• ; .-;;' la' l, to -i%•.- , li
..i. t. l :,,1 4•; ,a.; . • -,;;;:n.s. lelnrrl•
\ (;;Ii•le, E:•1.1:er, Va 1 lair_ili.
I,•ineaiter, X .ii. '''. '.t.-•.r, Loni , ...ii.e.
*C'is'ero, - ii . i.zit.ir. St. Loais,
t alt-
• i;,, t.iiiii:•p• n•: , :iir.i::1"1"-&-.-....... "..v...i.i•-• ,,, e 1 = -1
ii.. , s ~'', \.1...!1..4.11... - . f. ..-- ilie ibit". , ,--.., - - tr All boat. mai. •!, •.. s , • ..
M; .2' 1... " ';.. (- 1 .1 3 ,,,,'( -, s.i li t;: - ialgit ., '.i.:' :,e: r-t• - ... 1
I , , ,
. 2 ,
r „ ,, ,, ,,. ., nr .,.....ct t l,, ‘ 1, 1 ,-, i .i,or of de.l with Es iir.s' '--..f• "„, (i"lard t. pr. , '
t ,,,,, ~, .--- ~-., . T ., ~ ,i .i,,,i,1 bi..“.; ~,, i :t.a,., ,,,,. at •-tea- - ; holler:.
- ---••••••••---- -..'...'.....'''''1'.',.... aa. - : .....
It i., ...- .., , " • -inataand of their cal- Tr7."a'..C.'7,- 7---------._ _ ,
li-T,lu a ., ( ..aiT
~ .
~, .
,1,..,,,,,,e, ,,,, , th.y0r ,,, , ,1,, , r , I • -, i . .. l 'm iif ,.. - - , :il..L.'' ~ 1NI) ',1./.
.' ;-- f••,„ ( ,, „.,;,•A't.,•,:r:ll-1.,•;,t. 1+ fal:',T,f;" 13 ~,7,.. I.,.,Anni..z.n' Li CTITII E S. c..,- , ,,,,
..,,,,_ 3
.., i ,
ai„ ,.:,, c ,f i t. , ~,.,..„...,,...... F., ,,.., i i ,„ ~,,,,, 4, ~. ; .,..,,..-..,.,c,.. ~. ;,-1•;;T.I; 'l, it la - . ill , .• - atl.
, .
l a- -- .' ...,,, ~-.1,4,,..,., a l l ' o • ar' l' aa '" " aa IlAttw(l - 0. 1; - A •i;-1 -i..,,,,n1 nl,.••t - A; ~14). .••' t ,' I 1
... ' ;•• ":••• • ~ 1 , „ t‘ ..... • ' -T ., , ... .„. 4 ,_,„t t i..,, di ...t i, a4r ,
l''' ra' , "'' , ' '',• - ''''
•••..."'..... •-• ; '• : ••, , T , !• '''." : 1 11 ,.. L . " '''
Ci'V 1.4 -,111.1,i•••...-.!, F.-;,,,•j”tt: 1; , t'.., t..'0r,,t,.., ki t , l. It ~....a. a
.. ~.. ~.,,,,, ~.. ~. .:,- ~, a... • qirt Hou.i..e 4
ilnuMll , .. -' : i :, . -,: r• ~
~ I, .4.l!,:k!ti , n; - io ' ..., '.
. :-::.. ' UM .. ...di ~, i. A.l( LI - .....,......ro- ~.:-. ••• ._".•,-;. - . 1 1-1 - tl, • ' ‘. ; , of ! a :T . t; • ,.:,.:11, •_,,, On,- Fnin Al' NF.XT .AFTiirt
of ,•A•;; }.•: . •a. .1 a t•••••. '• ? (day a";,:-. , ,,--: ao"1- • A ' . la . :a" r, 1,11i...1.:; • •.•1 Ow Si-.i.tii.., tit , :•';••-4,..STI, ,, , , 7 , .;.,.......,-, a. 1•••• , 7.: Sa."''-ia saa II; ;- , a , al' , r/ I.aCT • n • -: - -al N i:N. t, diet: an d
veted •.•.'0... 1., •.. • •,, , ,4I , • 1,4 4.:... i h i„,ii..,l,„,r.', rtrE t '''-'ll bantling lately otiiiiiied .... aII - ! --, IATIr T; ...., ...r.: • ;la t" l'a'' . ..r." ''' tt'''''' '•'' ' e '' a - '1 - ra al la .! . L a " •
Dina, -- i:ai. n:,1,4,}4 , .,.„1,-. •-id „„,;,b,.,-., . T .,:, ~,."......°' ..LTI. , , pai , ... , 1 , .. , .. 6 ...y w.i. ,,,,, : , win zii:'ord i.‘iii (r to untli-i- rii:. 1,,,,,a at l'ili-l.urilli. Ibli eight alt
ard• IR ill- ~,,,,-, ~.;.[ 0i. ,, Yr. - rlirit.a , a 7r i •••• • 1 .,,, .:13; . , .1( TO;t1;. •- ,r it. po-sribte to two:iv-el , , _lie.:e. - -ri . 0 i' . ...- e,oectaia- i of Septein'oer. A. D., 1.;',43. - ahil of tbe P 414..•
‘... -f . : cicr - , - •• ~,t. th,... L i,ii..ti S , -..., a.. the sixtv-ei.'.it. -
lieeii-at which b.,• v. ~iart.,-Ya :ia• -. I :o.,;• - ; s i.; plu nlOA•• • ' , nits in l'itt-Ilnaro l . Lin rb , , •41,1 , •• ,i;:'11;.• o! rt,',.:'.•;',,0'1• - ; ';
La- tin' ndil - ,;..t. L.:: ii,a {..... Ht . ox .'... • ' 4.1 n Le' -p'enilot it.: that with vv , .., tl r.... - . - s!-4 , ... , been p-.. BEN. , %N. 117.5; WEAVC.It, 'Sheriff.
(1-•a' a '' '' ""V PUlltU '
COVerseS, IntrL.:C . ampolior (~, • : -. ,n.qAt all, at.," wetit o ' n ,in the Eiistera ;gal. '4",.-ai.ae-1!. ci e•• i t. f.1.,:---,11!•&n - te.
from one licciaiiii; .:: t . . i ,,oiber. till he 411:41 e:atit - ,1.1v 'l' (4 'el• to n!Ior,1 t.,•• s.' L,,',J 1 •C•:•:, faciiity to an
subtluea thotinri,lirt gaverian6l.4 V, ::reat cow:- wl.'" arty l, - ... i, .0 to, att0....1 •li, -... 1,-.'etares, the a; 11 : - Oa
inorCia; tatsorllod•toro W a lt!'; i'.- !-;; ;,;.o."V • Coitilliatod at ' l ' - I ' in .... ai '' . ,• : '''•aa ,, a l.l ''''^' 4erataL ` ed al'a full''' ' '' . ': i t o t
twelve mile on - sterling, 1 i , t. , •.l 161, 4 , 4 .4 . i a she throne ,", "I ° ""t'' ,-, se 11"1 1 l' ar 'l ii, ' lte—° ' " ; 'c a"r'''''' ' 1
of S.iriagariat um, and . , i.ti!,!i....ip , il sir authritev t l.); t.. •• 'l t ; ''''nr' ' ; far '' il Y '‘'''C'keAS tiAr a. f.;entleman mai two lacii , .." : k , . se ' 3 •
almost the whole ioutliecal,rt , 4 14 tz:laih 1... -• 1 '
~.... 7,,..,:6::,,T.:1 7 0,11',.., L. ',._ rac y D -.: 1 ,
... . • . • - 1
i A - r.cf,,N A :— . l - : ,- ~ ----- TI. "--- -rta
~,, begin at
lo the ....0....m.1 Irmtvt,siattle 4tni.siop.;. l -% , "' " " a'• .1_ Breinor
„,, 4 ,ri,- 1 . i.,,i.c... ..y .......e!
tea..—..t/ison. ;C. Chair ,atre;:t„ orp**.:ito rite. V.l.t - intlige il;ttc.,„ r e- i t
A WIFI:5; 1. - Zel1.;7:(•;..- - ---.Fin•I'C1” lt fiCil''
T.i , 4 ,- •, ' a SW , - 'et 1 , 1111 - n,rl•l hil.,litiald was •,,,,,,,{•_;;'_ ' ,•• '-1 - ) ,; ' ..5-: : :.1: 2 '. ; " ,,. 1a' ,! a:-‘l''' ,l 'tn''a''t.}W.le 1-ct'a: , c , " ;.., ) -n . ;),.: ~., . ....:.,.(1 ID . ' -•-• ---Sl'":.''ts- - --------- -----
ilia :vile, alter he liivi ,Faitl. to her ,aina. , tli , i; e........:.0 ' ' , ' 1 7 . ,...' "--....-:•'-'•.• a" p s c'''.6 ,- -mia,c*,• ' II ,
, i - Noict, moppalb
commonly crusty. She bore it all rap LI "a , ‘; '•!`-'`.. ° ?- 'l.' ' .", n : s,
nt tilt
j"wn"'""4" ''''*"
• ,
, , bur ti,i ~ within her 4:-
/HEAT al:• -- ~a.. It. at. arc.• i';,•g" , eLe fII -
•'...ArialllvAin aoni - . I r, L tiola ,r. t•Vgntful rDretr, -. . So on her denibb• - (1 -"•-.., a
n.l /. t it :
;"iliaz,-*r.s • ,ND AND Tkrv,.;) LECTOnES wiii l,;" given
thi, .„,a 0., F , „f that the ali.,ve 'Once + . 4" am :t u v mfactile
u... an - ,A W a ll '' Te-t - n.pe . 1;
, fUld-F.VICrtIIAT cc, , . _
:,t-lav 13th i•r• NVed.l. , ,d • 1 ' • -
, ... •,:••••,;...i.iiier 2,..p: , ),E . . Ay -I -1(1 - 1, wt.t:a a Grand l'.ll
itrite"). ~ e tyai On tbe• p.si-rt , of otriiii'l ,
~1-, \ yk., . , 1 ' Teo
- - Drarna, 11.1 v. -..a.z . 1; •-vory ,•eate e • e
in lai B ear that , nc..rtia , t'.' - - , - 1• ' '.-
''' ' 't 'll
- ' •-• • Pr ° P e LaCC•• will I
a- r tilt I, trust loved I• 1 A,), •"0-I.ARr.S7 -Alloglionv Thici,:•-- • - •a•--;•1,.. at in - i- ,;ow, ca l :n.(l'l_, '1;1 ' c /nip." As forril • D
Ititi•l nut lii..i. ,IW 11. and add e d., ‘Th ere ' s - a 6,, u I . / -011:: i). DAVIS, rant will br :male to tili• :" r it- , 1,3 - , - • '' l -1• Xn • a rert
:, nr r•-,u AL _i i _..„. v u t , ,. .,....,;e, lit, tas polautarty iv
tat pick.' Ile ben.iut.tht. ber to say %vitich of the . two 1 seP I I Corl:Cr of Vlfwal and Fifth stro,tg. atlas. J A ti - ',.:c 4 - . :` , 6"klisi -
chi 'di ^ii as a+ hi;: 1 . - 1" 1" ea aria- , ' - - ..-tage Manager
. ..... . i ... i« lied in si,ence, with a ,nnile of • --- r 4-7 - • APi -. ; . :4;.., 'ofhe Ii - - .
tiiiitnph other liiN. ' Notice. •-, .. • ma ' a tv at 11 o'clo
. -
1 Gs- ,apPeinl meoting; o f tili"...kAtirne . 'ytit en TII il , r —... s' - . se p 7
. _ • • • -
Ntuit r..STRIKING• —The Jtturtieynien Tailors .if 8 0 , Seri,-ty, at' be h.- , ld on Nl , mduy, at 2 o't: ~ ..- - 1; 1'.115., at the '
- ';long r,,,,ni of tho Triith Green ALMOri,t a
.the COM
, er of A Pequel to the, ',Ttl.iidee'An .ti reet* o' -
_ _
CL` llol,l 11
10 1 ; 2
a 1%, !du
the tr C
,; ~.o~ai~-1 ~~~.;
. .
t.r., to the number imit4wd, ha% e 4tru.ck forA.o alley:ol,i Liberty gro,-t., NE; _ FCiSTER',I
uty43l.li:Ar ”f- eept 11'143 -It Serretary. eite the Exckwi t ip.
'- 44 "Pt 8-410%
CL.1.1" ANI) VST.IiSTF:It.
Th... i:', , , , ton Coin i,.r, (Mli , h way be coa:idert...l Mr. ..: ~... of Filia ., 'N' :OWLF,bI7I, V) meet at the
\V , :t Cs stand-hy in 8:,..tt10.) in rabliAlinL: Mr. h v...,..0: .Mc . i...v. v.I A A...1i r,. i.,:illei;y owned
C.l ty . s Chmahere.burg I , tter, :v:i:. , ;0:1 a Dona to r.'..a ,- - J. , !1: , 1 .4 i w. , - , 'IA I.: S ill ~;..' ~f C.i:IL a 1 is said WW2-
i.Lt , the v:ar mach by Mr. OM 0:1 Mr. T±.117, 11'1.1 -hip•
flinl-3 bac% thy rhal.,. , of iwrll(l , .• and tr.:a -hory. T!,•-. irkr- i . ..!'•;-**
-tranzly i:.tlicate , ‘s Iv•:, , M. Wi Liter is to go, ill '-..,.! 1.0../..: , ••.:" i'
. .... .
Ite:st campaign:—G:obe.
"We have r..a.41 it 'out liaitil‘; hut, thatll - t. , ty Qt.'
r 13:11, \N.' 01,,er,c that Lb:. •
cr mr...4,,t which have ina11,...11.th , policy ,row
“t' 0.1.2 tit'lt•en yrnll-4, •
1 , , - , 2'.vert 111,•• tt, • ceinitry, 1.. e
d •r
11;0,11r1,•,tits.iP,ilt., • I , C
WaF. o . l r , 1'1111P•I. C.ty ;1 . 1 1 111 , ,• , • 1i; "I I l '' l
,11.111. C. •01.• • I
i 1 1
.1t• 1:. , • t, .....,
I.:110 . 11 ..'..,..• 111-•' 1 ''.;),.. .. .•
• . . I. .
' 1 •:\ • 1 . 1 • 1 A' . 4. ,
1 I: .`/ . 111..... 1,1 ti..i., lurr r,1C).11 .‘li-514,,..• ......1
. . .
Nn ,
i :
I.i :1
Ir.• ; f.l-11--,. .t.lvi U tl4`lllV.
of[•II •
Nl1•1“.,•1. I , lll'l' 1-t• ,•^
V, t :111,1 C6t.111(.1.,, 11," ;-1,1,
t e•+..•.1 fIV'• •S01111 , ." ,1 t'l.- I
a 'ty,
: li/l. /
1'; 110:V
1/1 =Ara. , axar
k 4 I
T 1:. • T. .y',
I , tF Clll,
1."tar 7 1,.1. 1 . IR A....A. Cm.
Ai, 7 tirn.
Nlichit;all. 0,3
IEI4I. 1,7.
~1 t.wilsbip, to ntect at tho
0. , .1-11 . 11 , , to 111"...t. at tin house
Es. : .. a
L ,..,1.;.. - Oki • "‘rt..r.
. 1 • , ui
K, : tl •
t ri )11 Ai' o l'l4
1 s • . •t" ‘.l -; •i f th , net of the'
v r .v.rv-f+r*on,
• ...+ r.1.3J Lola tusy
. Lite (*tot -
!: 0 •
, ‘,. h ,
of at
!awl listrir
at ;1 - o.
or C'i • - r ~ of a!IV t Corn
,„, or other offi
' • to any oilice to be
. .
lOth 1,;4..1. 1, 1
t Isbls. No. 3 Mackerel, -- •
ax.d for sole by
43 NVoixi-st...=,
~ ,v.;-111p, to meet at the
.I..hu Shrum, in "...Mc' tiyirtk.
qt. the
' G: er
1;1 5.11 ft
• 1
61.• 1M1.3.14
'+l \ • ,t t•• .'.
••• •••• %;it• • '01•.,1,• iit said'
Ea the
:.:.„70.1. said
~ , birrni.icilom, so 111M,....:*
o c.; •ws Dotniuic O'Conner,
Llt d Lac, renceville, to,
h.• f",-
tf) 131Peti.
•-••,v-z.3 ,a.it
t!.t. - taU it, conjullefioit
',.:+tii:!%IBEIIS uFF• AS,:.
- ••
cr • • ;
r,f any incorpo
, C , l4 L or
or appoiranlent of
. ‘.-.,...-..•- -1.:1; , :-. voti the
, 11: tc. ,--1' , .: o. -,
7.!p• 3.3i1i ~ ..ittiilik,
1 C... -2,1, !Tv) elltitl, '2d i r
l'a f,C LI.; (.: '101110:3We:1 All
d ~. t , z; , - - 1:- , :,, Iniikia r - er; 4 4
~,:•:-. fr,.rn -.1.,-.::: 2 :2. . 1 ,11:::,... Ir , w , trir '01: , '',/
;1.-,‘• P. , ,!:,-;-2.1 0.,- S, ri-E f!:cc..; --..a Ni f.G741_ * '.... 1111!' p
trctl4r* 34