RGH, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 brisineas cards, &c., see tir,tpage A EOr STATE STOCKS ,—The total amount of sales or stock belonging to the state of Pennsylvania, sold by John D. Davis, Auctioneer, by order of tho Corn missioners, on the Gth inst., was $173,383 55. ISPThe Foreign News published in our paper this 1 ..1. McANt'LTY very respectfully informs his morning, is of an interesting character; the portion ofC • friends and the public, that he has made crrange it in relation to the Repeal agitation, is peculiarly so to I menu to continue the agency of the boats forming the an who take an interest in the movements of the Irish 1 IT. S. Portable Boat Line, at the large new Warehou s e, , . CORNER OF WAYNE AND LIBERTY STREETS : Cai d patriots. The orderly enthusiasm displayed at tnew . asin, where goods will be received and forwarded rant gatherings, indicates that they properly appreciate . with usual despatch, and on the mist favorable terms, the rights for which they are struggling, and that they 1 to Baltimor.', Philadelphia, New Volk or Boston. will not compromise their sanctity, by any imprudent I Sept. 1-3ln• or reckless measures. It is a glorious spectacle tha t I Ireland presents—a whole people united in one body Sole Loather. , ; r 9 i i i i SIDES of Baltimore and New Yoik for the attainment of a precious object, moving forward i t) 1 ...,IJIJ Sole Leather; also a general assortment of Morocco, Lining and Binding, Skins, for sale by calmly and laWfullv,—without strife, without blood- shed,-but trustitlg to Truth and right fin' success EUROPEAN' AGENCr.—We ‘rould refer persons hay- Hides. ing business to 'transact in Europe to the advertise.- 1 300 Leather. LIGHT HIDES, suitable fn. Upper meet of 11. KEENAN, Esq. His long experience and .) POO heavy Spani:h Hides, intimate knowledge of the business of un agent is a suf. 250 city slan2hter do., &lent guarantee that all matters entrusted to hint %till j 700 Madras Goat Skins, be properly attended to.ln store and for sale by WALTER BRYANT ,S• CO. No. 83 Liberty st. , LAMENTABLE CAT-ASTROPTIE!—Loss OF LIFE ! During tho storm on Wednesday evening, the stable of Mi. Lace Leather. McCurdy, on the hank of the river, in Allegheny, ' 3,11 SIDES Lire Leather,a very snip - 60r article was struck by lightning and considerably injured. A, • tJ for sewing Machine Belts, Mr sale by at the had domesticated herself in the hay loft, was in- WA LTEIt BRYANT S.: CO., atantly killed, while two horses which were below suss ! ge l' 2- d n , S.L"2t No. 83 Liberty gained no injury whatever. Tanners' Oil. I 1 473 r . , BBLS. Tanners' Oil. for sale by tam THE POST. ! 01,) WALTER BRY INT & CO:, Mews. Elitors:—llaria.; s:','n an article in the ~p 2. d 1 m & , 1 / 4 . 2 , No. 33, Liberty st Postof the 3 lat. Atzust. signed ,diets Whitaker, Jo- 'mph West nad Chile- Ches•unan, denying that the A It ARE Cl I.\ NCE.—A store in one of the best delegates from Mifflin were instrivtted to vote for Sher- i -LA. business street: in the city, will be to let low to a ifflony further than to t support NI rjor Large, and after good tenant. Apply :a Foster's Agency, St Chair st. Ott they were left emirely free to exercise their own ! ring, 30—:2w. _ dis' cretion. The mid --- , ivied having attended the poi- : - IvER. COMPL llNTS—Dyspcpsia and ladi mary Meeting in Mifflia, I i certify that the statement ' T . . . __,,, '.:', On. l, all costiveness, acridity of the stran is false, and made for the purpose of covering the ,' , a . . I:, inbiess of food after . meat, heartburn, flatulency, treachery of Thos. B. Patterson, WllO voted for Trovillo with pain m IIW vide nod shoulder, on the second ballot instead llf Patterson, for whorn he ! ricer . complains, jaundice, bilious complaints, dropsy, diabetes, gravel, was instructed at the primary meeting. Joseph Ralston, one of rchibald Ran iii, I stone, and inflammation ofthe long.:, are most perfectly the Delegates. Thos. Finney, Ali I removed and cured by the II EPA.TIC ELIXIR. This article has the most nstonishing effects in curing Joseph Irwin, Win. McKee. Sr. 1 Kee. I A. Irwin, all complaints of the stomach and digestive Grp mi.—. 1 James A. c Ke Wm • 1%/ " K ' re ' jr- I Many highly respectable individuals in New York ;deal, Jr. eal, J John Jonce, ' 3/ ' have been cured. train, tryin every other remedy in ! Wm. M' vaM, aril have given in their mums with permission to If furthar pro 4 should be repirA, it will be forth- i refor to them. It is ph•ashrit to the taste, mid does coming wheneverealled on. J. 13— ' not is the least interf4e with the daily avocation of rite Mifflin, Sept. 4th. 1843 taking, it. Many families of this city have become so pleased with the medicine, that they use it as their only family medicine. By using it occasionally, it , keeps the stomach free front bilious disorder F, and the , liver active. with the secretions of the body in the most perfect activity. It is CO:/lpiHvd entirely of vegetables. The cure will be gra-dual, bat e.•nain and pennammt. For sale at T u TTLE'S, 8I; Follrth street. FOR THE. MORNING POi T. CONNECTION WITH THE NATIONAL ROAD Having in my last communication pointed out the Daly practicable course, with our limited means. of con certing ourselves with the National Itoad, anti piernia ' neatly securing the trade and travel to Pittsburgh, I now proxl to state to your readers the terms upon whieh that communication may ho insured, and to give nn abstract of the art passed by the recent Legislaton , for the creation of an incorporated compzoly for rii istriteting n "TURNPIKE 1101. D raom n ;11 To llfliostowN." The art is to be folvid in the panyldet la..vs of the last session, rio• lei. The first set lin pro , Id !s for • the appointment of h,, arse aahnri ztvLttropen b fin' sultscrip t in n s ~f sfook, on or before tile first of danaary, 1844. The pric. , of the stool is fixed at fifty dollars por share, to be called • for whew -wanted. Th subscription books are direct ed to be k••pt Open for three d iy.s.„o,- until 9.000 sho r - s of stile% nre subscribed, with the nae.; authority to the Cornmissioner.s as to the sulisi , ,pint teldoorenent.— The second secti ,a ena os that who:I/if/ 11 ,w in ire per shall have 3 fJ , :',:11),..4.1 . fi !! 111-7 re /orni n• • , s of stock, and shod have paid three del:ors on ea:di share, the C ammissione rs shall c T,ify the same to the Cloveraor, who s:rtil dilly incor o the • tinder the name nod style of ••Tlie President, Alanagers Canyany of the Uniontown and Pittsburgh Turn pike Road," with all the ordinary pnwers exert-is-tile by a ly politic and corporate. By the third s-ctial, trio ore;tiaization of the Company, the choice and turn her of.its'oloors, its authority ta in iliebyeduivs, tit re • ceiye tolls and m the necessary regulations, together with it; p osiers aid restrictions are all f u lly set forth. The Company is authorized to adopt tin, best tante fr om Pittsburgh to Uniontown, commencing at Pittsburgh, told to connect itself with any other road already coin- Menced, or to adopt such road, at its option. with the consentof the Managers. Thor,' is a ileOvisir) ;) annex ed, that"the road shall be corn otencod within five visors, and-finished within fifteen, or th it a new co epany be inoorpnratel." llere, thon, we key a-tof in corporation; but whether we hove vigor, and and enterprise sufficient to avail ourselves orb,: provisions, is yet to be seen. We hare a remedy far many of our pecuniary evils, if We are wilting to pay fur it. lVe can relieve distress, stimulate in , lustry , give active e.nplovinent to the lohnrer, till the famish ing with bread, and ail to our own aerumulations, if we choose to adventure thee:wind that is necessary.— We are not called upon to throw our bread upon the waters, next await Its corning again after many &Lys. but to complete the road, and expert profits to Pitts burgh from it in a single year, exceeding its cost. DIATRESSCCG Sift invitEcK.--..The schooner Margaret arrived at Gloucester on 'foe-day, having un board a young man named Sponagle, who was taken from the wreck the British schooner Princess Augusta, on Friday afternoon, 28th August last, about 50 miles •westorCapa Sable. Ga the afternoon of the 20th inst. the schooner was capsized by a gale, and young Sports nagle, with'four other persons, one of whom was hdi .owit father and the owner of the schooner, was thrown overboard. They succeed NI in regaining the vessel, :but were actin washed off, and all perished but this young man, who after having reached the wreck three times, and once havingdmwn after him his father, sue- ceeded in securing himself iw a rope to the stern of the schooner, where he remained until Friday afternoon, ut .5 o'clock, when he was relieved by the vessel in which he was brought to Gloucester. Ile remained without eating() drinking from Sunday until he was taken of, over five days. lie was very much to abstinence firm eating, and from being continually exposed to the breaking of the sea, but un der, the kind treatment of the hospitable citizens of Glowester,is rapidly recovering.—G!oucest cr (Mass) .Tekgraph. A NARROW ESCAPI • _ The BahlMore Sun says that "Mr. John 13. Lehmkuhl • echo keeps a feed store in Franklin street, near Pacn, made a tFarrow escape on Thursday from a terrible , pin. At the moment of attempting to put a pig into •fintr wheeled carriage with one horse attached, the verso became alarmed at the sudden squeals or the ani mal, and started at full speed. Mr. Lehmkuhl had no .Unita° escape from bntween the body of the carriage 4) the wheels, but was obliged, for his own safety. to boil on as well as possible. In this situation he was °win - a nearly half a mile—the hind wheel in the mean tt Aim irling against his side and shoulder. At last be f m mere exhaustior. Though much cit and biniilhe fortunately received no s'erionslvound." A Smatt. I.lllsTAxs.—An elopement was spoilr'd , C_l MciKED HERTUNGS.—‘2.S boxes smoked her last'week damn East. The loving couple were caught : 0 rings just received and for sale bv ito the stage by the girl's father, and the lady dragged ! iimimAN, JENNIs.Gs & co.. bottle from tin embraces of her devoted. Cause—the' au 9 43, Wood street +vow was just out of the Penitentiary. Never mind: this is the season of Can't-elopee.- 1;.-Phila. Sp. T'isno.i IDEA ! NINA !—This great work by Fredericka Bremer is received at Foster's 141crary Depot, Clair street, oppositc the Exchange Hotel. Price oants. asp 3-6 t T.L THE MAGAZINES A,r September have been ^eived at the St. Clair street LITERARY - site the Exchange, prp 8-6 t C. A. 11MANITLTT, F9RWA RUING & COMMISSION MERCHANT, o.al Basin, corner Walla! and Liberty streets, Pitts ry, h. Agent United States Portable Boat Line. sL•pt 4-3 m. - • States Portable. Boat Line Depot sep sei):2,llmSzw2t Dissolution of Partnership, rpHE partner:hip Orotolorc Atylt•of I), , vino M' i thi, by „„,iono. to ail gu:IN c.. 1 , :1:• 111 Clain], C'liltrlettit 11 . .11 1. 0171 lip {,/ titi, (ht.- Pitt,!mt.,..;;i, Sop% I. 181.1 11. I).•vi:v. ii.(rrm iti, frientl, and the pult!t, , , that IP, i.) Trao...ilortio tt . b0,in0,,, and that 111. has 1.1:1,...,1 t! t o "f 11w r)rt•ilik to No. 45 11':ttor '?Root, r 11.1.0 L'y v..1:0r0 r. , ccivo il. L.Nt. nr th, vr•r, I:lWeNt 11. 1)1-;11 NI: Goad Farm for Sale 1.. k It NI tir• ( rd, , d L. in Ge;r:,•r l:oao;•:..11 .1111 btu'uriii•r, lin tlr•' Ohl ilt•;tr,r r td , I,V,Nty-two fr,•nl Pittibnrgh and i'd;:r cnifr•; t!e• ()hit/ tine miles from lic W1111:111:1 - ,1:;t.1 . 1,1 on, Iot:Lll',•(I and in iz - migi o:•der, 11 ;.ter.•,: in meadow. A 2 ,,,1 orelrilt of (10.1.p1e toll %. Lumber of pcw..ll;:nd &(. building" , con,d‘t of a _•nod d‘veliing srtithz lurce barn and and is %yell teatrr•d and well fenee.l. A yilloa will he dice:: of this property; and easy payms.nits, or it tlioli:anti will be borr,i‘v.A fel it. nail a itimhz.t.T.o ticcu. Enquire at Ilarris's .170n..y and Intollizenrc Nn. 9 Pilih Stiet.t. Ai , pt (i, 1 111—it. j et . the MAI rict Court .111rg;‘,•., y Co:/11 1 1, of .1 , 119 7'e rm , 1843, ..Yr .93 . John Wallier. Jr. L. S 1,1ilio" e " Expon. ) ot W ikf n. Ana now, to Anent 26th, 1813, On motion of G. P. Ilionilttio, Esq., 111.7! Court appoint Fr:. It. Shank E-q., Auditor, to distribute the proceeds of sale in tin ease. From the 11 ,- cord. A. ;471 - I . ON, Pro. \o:ioc is h.. vo by givon ce ;In 1,1,(4 thief I will [mend to the' duties as,..ittincd to me by the Court in the above ca,:e, al my ethic. inn Fourth strevt, Pittidairtth, on Tuesday the 2lith day of Stptembor, nt 10 (o'clock, A. M FRS. It. SHFNIC, au. 30. Auditor. In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny Coun ty, of October Term, 1813: No. 130. T N the matter of the application of Do cL. s trostic College for Charter of Ineor poration: And now to wit, Am: la, Itl -13: The Constitution of Duquesne College having been present ed to, and per ised by, the Court, and the Court having carefully examined the said instrument, and it appear ing: to the Court that the objects, articles and conditions therein set forth and contained, are lawful, and not in jurious to the community, do direct the said writing to be filed in the office of the Prothonotary of this Court, and that notice be inserted in the Morning Post. in the city of Pittsburgh, for three weeks, setting forth the ap plication to this Court, to grant such Charter of lacer 7 pwathle. From the Record. A UPS% A. SUTTON, Pro. Notice is hereby given, that application has been made to the Court fie• a Chartcr fur Duquesne Col lege, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary within three weeks, the Court will he asked to grant said Charter. THOMAS HAMILTON, nog, 24-3 w Att'y for Petitioners. Pittsburgh Aqueduct. Q EA LED PROPOSALS wilibe received at the Col lector's Office in Allegheny City, until 6 o'clock, I'. M. on Thursday, the 23th Septenthernext, for the con stniction of an Aqueduct, across the Allegheny River, at Pittsburgh. Plans and specifications will be exhib ited atsaid office, one week previous to the letting. The materials in the present structure to be uthed, as far as they are sound and good. ABSALOM MOM IS. a ug2o-1. wd. wtd. SuperriAor W. D. Fa. Canal SOLE LEATIIER.-120 sides sole leather just re eeived by HALM N, JENNINGS & CO., aug 9 43, Wood street. Fresh Dye Shia. HIP. LOG WOOD AND FUSTIC, MADDER, 1,../ Oil Vitriol, Alum. Ground Camwood, Verdigris, and a very general stock of materials for dyers, on rea sonable terms. Just received at the Wholesale and Re tail Drug Warehouse of JONA. KIDD, aug. 31. • No 60, corner Wood &Fourth sts. WALTER 'BRYANT & No. 83 Libvrty ~,trevt IL Di:VIM:. C..1..1F.1N1'L1 SAsiavis, AUCTIONEER MISSION ME RCH'T, Canner n!,l ll 7 oUtz h sts., Pittsburgh, T ready to receive Orchandize of every description -I on consignment, fur public ur private sale, and from long experience in the above business, flatters himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all who may ftvor him with their patronage. Regular sales on MONDAYS and TH UR? DA TS ? of Dry Goods and Taney articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Of Groceri?s, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, I'. M. , Sales every evening,avgarly gas light. aug nooks at Auction. WILL be sold at 7 o'clock, on Saturday eN ening, the 9th instant, at Davis' Commercial Auction Dooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, a valuable collection of Theological and Eli4torkal Book; by c An longue, which ane now ready for delivery—to which will he added a quantity of School Books, Stationary, -tnd a variety (dmiscellaaeowi Books and ocher arti les. J. 1), DAVIS, Ancliunecr. Penn Street Lot. W ILL be sold at Auction at 10 o'clock, int Satur ' day morning., the 9th day of September next, on the promises, that very valuable corner lot, 261 feet front on Penn stroct, extending bah along Garrison alley 1071 feet to ENchange alley. 'f he above property is very advamazeonsly situated, and can be improved so ns to command n handsome income. Z. W. REMINGTON. TVIMA at sale, JoIIN D. DAVIS, fin- 23. An.-tioneer. Advocate and Gazette plea,o. copy. - - ENS INSURANCE COMPANY.—This institu -1 thin having- opened an office at the corner of Market and Third streets, is now ready to receive npplicationA fiir Insurance on Buildings, Aterehandise, 80at.4, Cur coie,i, etc., etc. Capital Stuck 200,000 dollars. Din cc ro ILA cuial l King, President; John Bissell, .J. W. Puirbrii4e, G. M. Fleming, John Holmes, Jes. Lung, William Morrison, Morgan Robertson, and Th. Scutt. J. FINNEY, Jr., Secretary. Pittsburgh, ;Luz 30-2 w. JOHN LE FEVER'S New & Cheap Stock Establishment, SO GI, DIAMOND ALLEY, LIFTWEEN WOOD AND MARKET STREET?. 11% . 4)ru) must respectfully anuouoce to the citizens of Pittsburgh and the country cYmerally, that I have corn:noticed the in anufacturc. of STOCKS, ()revery ra ri,lv, form and descriptiou, tad would ,solicit merchant; nod otle T. to call arid examine for tlimiLteltes, as I am dctormined to sell on the most arcommodatinq, term, Go- rash. and hope, by strict attention to business, to niorit a share of public patrouaze. nog% Whiskey. iqbwriber4 info crn their cu. , tonier3, and Deal , that th v nrna uiwil well supplied w Itet.l iti , d u K 2: V.Of Suim.rior quality, which 11(.7 will .11 lin% ,•-t rartrli,t prix .11.1). an a. - iott.- 111.•:it “1 LIQUott.,CoRDIALS au.l GfC.,CELUX.S. 11. &M . MITCIILLTREE. I— 15t. w:lt. No. I6U. I.ilwrtv etrvet. Nr.l% . SI I MNAIILE Hat and Cap Mannfactory. ,Vo. 93 I f •rbi alrrrr, 3 el ,ors below Diamond Alley. r stikwrilwr will kmi, con, , tataly Oil hand every variety of tlen m.),t fi,hionable !IA TS mid CA PS, 11.111.,q110 aad r”tail. at reduced WIAOOZ to ptirrivt?, Neill fitful it 10 their iiitt•- ri•=i to 01:0 him a call. F. moon E. Pittnap.29. 1813. Essential Oils );Ls livr..ratmPtt,„ 5a..01411 - 1 g jut r-reiv , (l nt th.? Retail Druz Ware )N.ViIIAN KM!), N.,. 60, ~ .)rno•r W.w.d and 4th it+. Fresh Mercurial & Drag - s. k L( 011: 'fart Acid. ii•iN \\ and 1 )1 liz .1( )x.vtri kN KIM). :I .curnt•t4 l l i ,t.. /)/'. I.VEhN . /. /"//,/. UIPA(1::;1 c•itify tint I h:r.r ntimbri p , %%!:4, Irt,o t•Co-:• a.1,1!1-1‘1.• •li he tin m, ;IA I belii••%l. th••••no • till. !1t...! comphiuts. 1,7 corral 11 , •, iii um piii 11,1\ htfOrt.lllo M EL F 4 It NE V. 1 t!ntt I Intve t , tnratilit•tocl for 6 year: , %. id & 0 live, :10.1 10e.a applied to different phy.drioo4. anti all to littlo or no t•trottt, until I nruli• tiq. 111 1 . 014. tnliinc two ho -. 1 tlintn I ant ttrar:y it.-tur...l to licri,et lwa!111. • s.I:\ILTI, D.kvis near .1.11..u. , t 16, 1843 F r!u• 111; Store of .11)N ATII.IN KIDO, .Itii and Wood 4treets, rittiburzii ['ST REC EIVED and liar con-ignment e 7 1161 , 1 , 11,A, 7 Will: .111:ar, kV SOCII ut thr SL 'IV lit.iilClll) Painter& CO. .1. K. MOORIICAD Co O !all A I 'l' PAINTING. J. OSBORNE, Purl khurl Petiulr, r, Fourth st., 3d story Burk's Buil ding. J. ( /sae true would solicit a call from those wh desire Portraits. Spcitnens can be set nat his moms stay 5. • - - -- ETNIONTOWN AND PITTSBURGH TURN LIKE ROAD.—Notice is hereby given that by an act of the (ienetal Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the sth day of April, 1643. the subscribers me named as Commissioners in Allegheny county, with authority to open hooks nt such time and place as may he deemed expedient by them, for the ! purpose of receiving stabscribtions of stock, fur the ' construction of a turnpike road front Uniontown to Pitts burgh. In pursuance of which authority the subscri bers will proc,tstd to opm books for the purpose of re ceiving subscriptions ofsteck, payable to '•The Presi dent, Managers and Company of the Uniontown and Pittsburgh Turnpike Road Company," accordint , to the terms of the act of incorporation. Such books to be opened on Monday, the second day of October, I at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Monongahela House, in the city of Pittsbuigh, and at the store ef Samuel Walker, in the borough of Elizabeth. CHARLES SHA LE R. THOS. BAKEW ELL, JOSIAH KING, SAMUEL WALKER, Commi.ssionent far All. Co aug 29—dint (Advoeate and American copy:) J - -- UST RECEIVED, a good assortment of all sizes of good windowglass and window sash; also, 500 cuts of yellow and purple 4 and 5 double carpet chain; 20 doz. large and small buckets and tubs; 20 reams writing and letter paper, for sale on accommodating terms, for cask or approved exchange. ISAACHARRIS, aug 14 Agent and Commission Merchant. A LADY who is capable of [.[king charge of a household, is desirous of obtaining a situation as housekeeper in a private family, or as superintendent in a respectable botch She would have no objection to leave the city if desired to do so. For further infor mation inquire at this office. aug, 21—tf To Mei chants and Others. i t GENTLEMAN, who thoroughly uaderstands Book Keeping, wishes a situation in that capa city: the best of references will be given. Address Hi., at this office. aug 28-tf Money Wanted. T HE following sums are wanted soon—from 12 months to 1,2, 3,4, and 5 years—either for en dorsed notes or for bonds and mortgage, on good prop erty with .everal times the amount--the interest to be paid punctually every 6 or 12 months, or when fornotes of hand, the interest to be deducted—viz; for $250. $5OO, $lOOO, $2OOO, $6OOO, $9OOO, $25,000. l In everyinstanec the debt will be made perfectly safe and All letters (post paid) promptly attended to. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent and Co nu/avian Merchant, sep 1 '43 No. 9 Fifth street. connEcTEri DAILY BY A. KRAMER, BECISLILDTGE BROILER, CORNER OF WOOD AND TIT MD STS SPECIE STANDARD Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip Exchange Bank Scrip 0 . Currency . .. Eric Bank Scrip CP EXCHANGE—AT SIGHT. On Philadelphia Nero York.. Boston PENNSYLVANIA.—PITTSBURGH Bank of Pillsburgk... Merchants and Manufacturers' hank Exchange Ifullidaysburgh PHILADELPHIA, Bank of North America ... Do Northern Liberties Peunsyleania Commercial Bank of Pcnnsyleania Farmers' and Mechanics' bank._ Ke 7lsin eon hank .. Mannfuct rcrs and Mechanics'.... Mechanics Maya m n sing Philadelphia bank Schuylkill Southwark " Westtrn Bank of Penn Township --- • Girard bank TY. S. hank and branches COUNTRY BANKS Bank of Germantown " Chester county . " Delaware county " Montgomery county. ...... . " Northumberland ..... . Formers' bank of Bucks county.... .. Easton bank .. Doylestown bank ....... Franklin bank of Washington Bank of Chantbrrsburgk Middletown . " Gettysburgh ......... " Lewistown " Susquehanna county Berk* county bank Columbia Bank and Bridge Company. Carlisle bank Erie bank Former s and primers bank " Bank of Lancaster " Bank of Reading........ .... Harrisburg bank floweret a le- " Lancaster Lancaster co. " Lebanon " Miners' bank of Doltreille ... Monongahela bank of Brotenarille New hope and Delaware Bridge company Northampton bank. Towanda bank.... TVyonting bank.... West Branc.4 bank York bauk Belmont bank of St. Mintedle Clinton bank of Caloin:bna Colmmbiana.hank of _Yr re Lisbon Cirelerille ( Lawrence, cashier) ( Warren, cashier).. Cincinnati banks Chillicothe bank . ..... Commercial hank of Lakc Erie. Dayton bank " .... - • - ....... 1.1 15•nnklin bank ri (Wnottr , iix . .. 11 rr me is' and het mica' bnnk of Sten&rwril i e - - 1 4 Farmers' bank o► Canton fir l!r. MI trill n iirtlXit• Va net Itt Mastril;o, ;Ifeektfr,irg* 7'rallerw . , Clueinstall Morita I'l, , zstint arteulk . Fianna)... Sandpol,-.1 SriOte) Crha na Witerr Z4HC,rct((r INDIAN Slain hank and branchrs Slate Scrip KENTUCKY .111 ILLINOIS Stale bank Bank (!l" Shatrneclown VIRGINIA. Bank ef Mc Valley of I irginia. Bank.) . Virginia Exchange bank of Virginia_ l'armerx• bank of Virginia.. . • .. NorlltelVestern bank of Virginia Merchant's' and Mechanics' bank of Virginia.. Branches.. . . MARYLAND Baltimore City banks. ill oilier solvent banks NORTH CAROLINA VI solvent bunk5......._ SOUTH CAROLINA 411 solvent banks GEORGIA. Allsolvene banks ALALAMA. bankt .... _ .• ...... Gantry banks.. .. . • . ........ .25 LOUISIANA. Nor Orleans banks (g00d)... . TENNESSEE. All bank 5..... ... BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE N. CORNER OF WOOD a FIFTH ST3 The proprietors of the MORNING Porr and MER CURY AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their trends and the patrons of those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of 7 11 C • IirlIE"E. aaa