Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 09, 1843, Image 2

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    t itian.„ The day selected being, a strict holiday in the and he mizht well say tha,
. ; Roman Catholic Church, (the festival of the A ssump- to life the Kings and Chi,:
Lion,) all the ceremonies of relighm were brought to They departed peaceful
bear upon the enthusiasm of the meeting. Mass was' I sae drunk; not ore. ascii
trelebmted three or four times bolero the commence- parted, bythe hundrnJ tit,
silent of the proceedings, and prayers were offered up ers. Wn ater .„ r a apeeta ,
fot the repose of the, souls of the o;atholies whose of their cause, he must f
' bones were mouldering beavath, and who fell, accords Irishman, with their hot
ing to the notio n of all present, in the cause, of their authority of their leader ,
-4,otythat .21u,
.. I.)'Connell' s speech was is his best .t.) le— a laugh the acchicise.al
vatirne4 and : impassioned, anal less frinant than would have ar ,,,enetra lien
• usgal; ..- ' 1 .5,,,,,,,„5 .1 ....g00n5, who ;.-,.
. .
. - • "I fr- , c1,” exclaimed be, "The awful r spo n ,ibility „ L ib, huts the hill, and returning to their homes. as
- to tny country a n d m y Creator which the part I hay- peaceable as a New England congregation of a i.iabs
takan-in"tlis great movement imposes upon -tile." bath aftarnoun, was truly sublime. W. M. li.
Wd' regret our inability to do justice to this speech,; At a special teeming of the Repeal Association, on
iftivilig to-Ahe_many dem an d A % bet_ our space. It is. Ft idaYi the 4th instant, Mr, O'Connell read a letter
Jo remarkable, however, for the deep and subdued ; whi c h he h a d received f rom M. 1.,,1rn Rollin. Allu
17"it' nfieatnestness which marked it, than ft'' , any - ; din; to a speech by Me. o•connell mentioning the
thing novel or striking. This meeting has excited' reeent i t pea l dew " et ,- tra t/on in Pad , . the writer said
penteralarm on this side of the water, comamted with -Ereach Dem aerals" had been
that the intention of tb ,
the Repeal movenie nt, than a public ay former one — . .r i11,1,`,A1 pc . rf..rtk' ander:wed; it self:, "to express
all put together. tint,,nv;ifsvirrathy in the glorious strnggle of an entire
4.....; ... rCor re4p4;l , 2e net of 110: X. I'. T, th , tric. 1 p, , ,,i6 fir 10(kpr•ndence. for the filth of their fathers,
GREAT REPEAL NI EETINCi ON TARA HILL. ~,,d car nationality." A matter of form separated the
DUI:LIN, 2\o' , . 1. - ), 10 I'. M. Repealers and die French Democrats—"vou are mo.
i; "'The greatest. mimuing in point of - ii ,,,1,,, r , , e ,,,b,„:. nal eldeal, we arc rKit so;" but they had a cominon
iticiin, and importance. which ever took place in this: enemy—"the enemy of equality and of liberty all over
•nr imihups any other conctry, •w- as h e ld 1 ,,. , . ? ,, y , on t h e the world—the English Aristocracy." "We offered a
famous hill of TARA. I ha , (.• jUF , t re , init.,l frool it, testimony of Maven• gad profound sympathy for a
4 most deeply impressed wi t h the ~iimyik,tion , tin ° N ei. peaceable and legal straggle; but in case the Tory
',ski ta to my p re vi n o ; emws)that ril. fmmiti a l Parlias Gomm ntliefit should vielate the sanctuary of the law,
..anent has now to c h of , o I,,, tweni (, i ll red/ el s of ireislt whi , lt serve:y.lU as a rcfnge, we believe that France
,i,prie ar l n c es , the R e pent Of the U3i072 01 Civil i-Per. will oir,e ym ether aid tor:dust augmented dangers."
I: feel -- assured, too, that unl ess tl a , licia b e ver , 00 , 0 The Times of y.isterdav hue the most desponding
-', tgrantea, fully a nd f ree ly, one o f 1.1,1,,, t two ;will be the article which has vet appeared in its columns on this
. ".j!iiirtl • alternative. now al:lv:nine subject of repeal. A crisis, it is admit
-, '',- 'Connell, or "The liberator," aas ho ii ei... nier idi e md oa all hands, is not distant. One or two exciting
i iiiia
at nine this mo rn in g , - ? '
--- J . % ,,,,.
; _ e f t D u bli n .
~, tol mica by debates have tahen place in Parliament. on the subject
ziiesit i i, carriages, an d proceeded hi praen s ,; o ,,, or t h,. 1,, , ,,,t athyntitott.t state of that country, which
HU of '1 ; 1; olive'-brnches, blind harpers., 5..„ . ..
, to the have exhibited som , of the members uf the Conserva
conveyance Et ; a r i li F ht e en miles distant. Nearly even ti v.. pirczy attacking, with great bitterness, the do
: it was with greatdr'"zaged for wee k :
Previous; and nothim; policy td . tiw (internment.
scat on a "jauntit;e-ll,i 1. " 4 "'" eede ` lin Pc ° ,..' u ring n Mr. l'h-mli; John Bl a ke, recently dismissed front
ill hour later.
. 'isi'ne emi t , t he customs, 113,; twill arrested on a charge of haviag
'd istatice of 18 Irish miles- . I.; : n one count:wed ch a i r ,
rehicles a every deserintion.; of defraud ;id the goverlawmt to The amount of $3•20,000.
0,,,,,r,mCn01l carriages. lie had recently retired to a fine estate at Dublin.
;trarouches, cars, carts, ' drav- '
s, &... down ta the stont Letters have been received by O'Connel l . and read
pair ofpodal supporters with which - ' •
troll proiided. Very many had lei D ilia 1 i s
t. flag .1, pea met. in from
' t' . "-riinArnan 1• r ‘ 1 1. ,•• • • r• sympathisers in Prance,
night o ff ering, aid mid shelter if it shall be needed to the Re-
Amfore on foot, some 'camp ' front a distance. tu)
°Mi t t " : ittti„ .
. but all pressed eagerly onward to the hill. The road pealers of Ireland. • .
• td aid i e l : ea we a re r, lined with age d men, WWI - 1!"1 and children, The dismissal of Justices still continues.
& riot occurred at a fair near Galway on the Ist ult.
s. green b ranc hes , nod rending the air with Two persons were killed by the firing of the police, and
, Ottoors and shouts for repea!
' , ereral" ,l, rir - were badly NVOUnded.
Our vehicle couhl not get within two mile • • of ilehill Mr .
--both sides of the road beyond - being title ' s' with unbar- furnish. t H is " t g a z:7 l;, ti vi e Trish sculptor, has been engaged to
nassed horses and cars. We walked on through the tion Hall. O'Connell, to be plased in Concilia
dense masses - 1)f people, putirin , onward and beating
_ Ito along in their tide, hut all peacefid and sobor, and
. -rememberin 7 . the sentiment, which waved on our bans
i v piers, that "The nrin who comMits a crime gives
strength to the enemy." A triumphed nigh Ines the in
- acription, "We hail with joy Ireland', Liberator," and
another claimed "Ireland for tat- Irish ;tad tli- IriTh for
_ kkagg...miietotrirstUntnifi , rfiA' Tar tie eve
nnd estimated to number at len.,tfieehto,
'aired thlusattd, became almost iiiipemitrahle; but at
Length, hall crushed and Sfi !MCA t ell I came within si.dit
and hearing of O'Connell, whl .10 before ma, with
high forehead half hidden by is trovelling cap rind
-'hid massive femitre3 quivering Wit: e%eiternent, a. , he
poured forth with solemn and tbriiiiiez enrnestnej<the
torrent of his fiery indignation ktaiiist th- Saxon op
This MIA' excitement eaottgli. Here was the am
eient place of Ireland's original kings. Here was the
l'apiat where they were elected, and here the active
elieftains bon.nl them:ekes by all the pledges of honor
and religion to defend th -ir eau atry ag-tiast the strati
ter. Here, in "Tonight of the Kings," was Christian
ity first preached to tire moire-ells, and here, On this
day, held sa ß ;ired by Catholics re: the ascension of dm
%Virgin, were the rites of their religion performed.—
The bard of Erin has sang mournfully of "The harp
that once in Tara's halls the said of music shed," and,
- thr-day that harp awoke, and the melodies of the olden
time resounded from Rath-na-Riogh, and the Dumba
lia-Ngialf and Rath-na-Sennaidh.
More reecit and yet more stirring associations are '
here. In the event(ul '9B here was a fierce brittle, and
hare the rude entre:whin-tits, and 'in their midst the
'Mound beneath which are buried hr one grave a hundred
massacred Irishmen, whose reimin.., i was there told
OM for the honor of human nature I would fain disbe
lieve it) the commander of the British arnie at first or
dered to be givea to his hounds! At the head of their
grave stands the "Lia Fail," or stoats of destiny, on
which were crowned the ancient monarch of Ireland; a
false oat: having- been trinsf.rred to Scotland and
thence to England.
•• 'What scenes could ogre strikingly arouse the pas
gong of Irishmen? An adventure, oink own among
them to-day will give you a faint idea of their enthusi
asm. I had penetrated the crowd around the "Crop
'pies' Grace." Upon it were kneeling the friends off
the murdered, praying for the souls of the departed;?
and as they arose and brushed the drops from their!
eyes, others would take thAr places. Stern faces sur
remindful the spot, and among them was one who wore
the fragments ofm lint which had been destroyed on
that very spot in '93. Is not the boldness of his avowal
a strong! symptom ! My appearance made men mark
object among the freize coats. and I heard mutters
about the "Saxoa." To quiet them I told the apparent
leader that I was riot an Englishman, hot an American. ,
His whole face lighted up, Rad exclaiming, "An Am-1
crican, is it! Welcome to Ireland, sir,"—he turned '
to the lowering throng and cried, "Boys. litre is an
Amerit' an—three cl lee rs for
' , The cheers were meet heartily gi% en with up-tost
hats,-and he continned—"He is from America, the only
free country in the world, three tinus three!" and again
their shouts rang out. "Clear away the grave." 1, , '
'then said; 'end let the American gentleman set!
reasem walk over it, sir. It is ten yards long, here
tat' thrown a hundred fine boys, murdered by Saxon'
tenachery." I complied with his request, and as T was
then endeavoring to escape, he said. "Might I make THE LATE Sans OF STOCKF•—Nothing, could more
bouldto take your hand, sir, before you go?" I of forcibly illustrate the forlorn and depressed condition
oratrie gave it, and they all then pressed forward to of the finances of our commonwealth, thaa the late
Shake hands, thrusting their hands over each other's
sale of Stocks, owned by the State, in many of our
'heads, and satin„ "Welcome to ould Ireland, sic.—
Wetoome to lieland. We have rough hands, but wa rm Bunks, Bridges, and Turnpike Roads. The sale or
hearts." Again they gave three times three cheers, and these Stocks was one of the lame and futile 6inedients
the distant ' ' , Temps catchier ; the sound; re-echoed the rosorted to by the last legislature, to stave off the evil
gitonts, till the whole hill of Tara resounded with
-chectit for Amer ca. day of vitiation to meet the burdensome liabilities un
• i
der whieh the commonwealth is laboring. The claims
It Would be more prudent to shaken torch over a bar_ der
the Domestic Creditors had 'become painfully pres
fel Of gunpowder than to excite such materials. o'.
4onnell was wiser. -He made no appeal to their pas- sing, and the sale of these Stocks was ordered, we
tnontt„ but there on the ancient seat of Ireland's power, believe, with a view to satisfy in part or wholly, their
forcibly, bat calmly, declared the Union a nullity, void demands. Like all sales of the property of bankrupts
fn principle and right, and in constitutional law. He
or helplessly embarrassed debtors, these stocks went
riecrox it null, because no authority was vested in
ktheigegislature to pass the act of Union; null, because at prices far below their value,—even below their
hewas caused by iniquity, bribery and corruption; null, current rates., For instance, the stock in the Monon
ca.!isefinancially unp. , t, imposing on Ireland, with her gahela Bridg - e, sold for 16 dollars a share. The par
debt of only twenty millions, one-half of the burden
value of the stock was $25, and there is a contingent
and Mxes of England's debt offour hundred and forty
six null because it destroyed the commercial, fund of some 15 or $20,000. Each share then, with
manufacturing and fartuing interests in Ireland—and its portion of this fund, would be worth about $3O, so
therefore he pretested before Heaven and Earth that that it sold for about half its actual value; and then,
there was really no
to act peaceably and quietly, but no L' dui) between the two countries.
He adjured
like most of the stock sold, it may have been paid for
firmly, determinedly. He laughed at the Duke o f in certificates of state indebtedness, which may have
Wellington's threats, and said that, brave as the army been bought for 50 to 80 cents on the dollar. Thus, a
"Ireland, ro,
furnish women enough to used as she now is, cou, if th
the ey share of this stock might costa shrewd capitalist, from
- onusld beat
8 to sl2—and on this he will draw the dividends on
the Queen's forces. He cautioned them
societies, which al6ne he feared. Ile $25, and hold his interest in the contingent fund
Union bein g void, the Queen's pre- of the company. We have not mentioned the Monon
.it tot;;ue writs f.,r an Irish gahela Bridge because its shares afforded greater ad
-Tvative Society" would so
' his belief that twelve
vantages to purchasers, than those of other comp.-
thout having a 'hurra nies; on the contrary it sold much better than some of
7 , 7
the stocks disposed of; indeed, stocks have been
'eel naais- bought, which will yield the holders-30 per cent. on
, e, the the money laid out—but merely to show the great sag
critices that were made by the State in fOreing the
of these Stocks, and the lamentable consequen
- the financial embarrassments •of our commen-
Nor shall we censure those prudent inert
%red and possessePthe means to avail
-ulties of the commonWeakh and
•*- mine:: by the pecuniary
!ate to restrain capi
" please of their
licit from her, a.
months eahnotposs:
for our Par Hauteur in
announced the anat.
trate* sad arbitrators to.settle,
disputes of the people, without (mph:,
rounttacera This willbe a very preplan.
NSs last words said most truly that - Here
sands of persons assembled, with force enough to
any battle that ever was fought, and yet they separate
.w 1i the trauquibty of schoolboys breaking up in the':
. .
EtuCh the brief but comprehensive abstract of his wemse lves
speech, but no words can express the reception by the :her creditors,
utulikujia. Far as the eye could reach, was a sea of t rou bl es o f b ot h.
headss. ..soptwued to the "Liberator," eager for th e t .
soudyky s *Lich his stentorian voice spreads around. At I tw i sts from makingw.
treasure, nor should they be
every shout after shout male the earth shake, 1,
In Scotland the Auguit Commissioners of the
Established Church voted 61 to 33 to approv?Lord
Aberdeen's bill as it stands. Rev, Dr. Ctinningham,
late Minister of Trinity College at Edinburgh, had
preached his farewell sermon pre%ious t o coming t o
America to examine our literary and minnntinnni
1' con] - ranee the news is of little interest. Queen
Christina is still bnsv in striving to recover power in
Spain, and rumors of the marriage of her daughter are
still rife. The French have established a camp on the
fmntiers of Tunis to watch the movements of the tribes
of that regency.
In Spain, tbejuata of Barcelona is in (pen hostility
with the Provisional Government ofMadrid. The
Governor of the Citadel has resigned. Subsequent ac
counts, however, state that the junta has submitted.
Espartero has issued a proclamation declaring that he
has been shamefully abandoned by his friends, and has
thus been forced to seek refuge in a foreign country.
lie arrived at Lisbon on the 7th ult., but had 0(0 ob
tained permission to disembark. Ile had, therefore,
sailed for England.
IVe have Lisbon news to the ith ultimo. Esparzero
had arrived thete on the previous night front caeliz,
in her Majesty's ship Malabar. He had not formally
applied for perrnission v.) land, but it was intimated to
him that the government could not accede it, the Span
ish Ambassador at Lisbon, Senor Aguilar, having de
clared in favor of the actual government at Madrid.
Espartero was expected to proceed when his Duchess
joined hint, in the Malabar to En2.land.
Mtn Morning Post.
I'HILLIV:, EDITOIts AND Pit111.1:11:70N
WILLI A M sTURGEoN, Favour.,
!I IFI',
GEMZGE R. RIDDLE, Allegheny.
com MISS lON F. It,
'lt EASY RE N .
0.11: E Mont: A T ft is TICA D E.—Our old friend F. C.
WEMYSS, hat /e3.oa 01,:" o:ympie Thoatre, Philadel
phia. The Irri 4. , will shortly open, u.ider the mana7e
oi.,:o of WENtrss and OxLEr. We know of no men
engaged in the profession, who have mom, or warmer,
frienai is than th !se v.v.) g,..mtlemen, and
we will be gratified to hear of their success with the
Weaty:s was the only nun Out vauld evor do any
thing with the Pittsburgh Theatre; and, Wit were again
in his hand::, we have no doubt but he would soon re
trieve its lust chanteter,and make it, utter wore, wor
thy of public support.
the New York Sun, that a clerk in that city, named
Henry Saunders, has succeeded in forging, on various
banks, a Very large sum,—that lie obtained the money,
and has, a., it is supposed, escaped in tir.2 Great West-
ern steamer.
The following are the forged checks which were
found by the banks named:
Mechanics' Bank,
City Bank,
Phrenix Bank,
Tho youth is the son of Dr. Saunders, an English
man who lived at illmhattanville. He was not a skil
ful penman, and must have been aided in his forgeries.
la?" There was a row at the Cincinnati Theatre last
Saturday night, is which a man named Patter'son, stab
bed a Constable. A. A. Addams is performing in Cin
cinnati, during hii . "lucid" momenti, which, we are
sorry to learn, are few and far between.
prophet (according to the Jacksonville Illinoian of the
19th ult.i) has bcenbeating.the Collector of Tuxes -for
Hancock County. It seCtits thatJee bad taken offence
at the Collector on account of the manner in which he
had discharged his duty, in reference tel some of the
prophets. lots in Nauvoo; and- during a - recent visit of
the Collector to that 'city, he ivas attacked and cruelly
beaten by Joe in presence of several hundred of the
faithful. The opinion very generally prevails in Illi
nois that Joe will soon be obliged to leave the coun
try. The amount of money nos• in his hands is sup
posed to be about large enough for such an occurrence'
But the impressive lessenthis sacrifice of the State
property affords, should not 'e lost upon thepeople—
and all those who acted a prrinent part in the head
long legislation which nutlinted the profuse expen
diture of money, and led tales° di.,aster.., should
be !narked and remembered
CA NAL COMMI3SIONER3.—..te publish this morning
the lull procee ding; of the Contrition that met at llar
ristairg on Tuesday last, to rtaiinate candidates for
Canal Com:nit:Miners. The iitlemen selected are
CLARICE, of Indiana, JO: Mita.t:a,tif Perry,
and Wm. B. Fos - rEtt.jr. of Beadrd.. We believe we
may confidently assert that threittor.: competent and
frost-worthy men arc not to be fld in the state; they
possess every mquisite gnalilicatitf or the office, and 1 ,
from the estimation in which we kb,- 1112 , M to bs held ;
by the pariy, we lrtee not the sliAt doubt of their
Mr. Ci..kroto: may be regarded atm of the fathers
of our system of internal imprownnis; lie h, been
ecnunected with them, in some capacitor other, from
their cinnumanwint, and a murmur ili'approbation
hai. never been utter.'d againg his calm
Mr; FOS TER ' A experience is not leskt en „,;" t h an
that of Mr. C. He has been for manit ata an li„0.
neer on the public im?rove . ments, and ha th oroug h
knowledge of ill^ duties of Coinmissione w e k now
hint to be a devoted friend to our itnprsuents, and
sanguine a their ultimate success; and won't know
a man in whose hands their management, ids critical
juncture, could be more appropriately pla:n to bring
their resources to full perfection.
Jcsst Mict.xit is a gentleman of establid c h ar .
acter, and much experience in public affaiß H o i s
aparticular favorite with the people of his ion of
state, and will make a ni Ist able coadjutcr.m e ,
srs. Clark and Foster in the management of th i hii c
We are confident the democratic parry will 1, 1 1 ) .
rewond to their', nominations, and we cherrfullx_
mend them to the people at large, as gentlemen \ le
— lllllatifibibilisramodirrimmiy,fit diem for tht.t.
moors of the state.
IrEPIt is not difficult to discern why the Ameri
wishOs to get up a controversy with I/3 iu n' and to t
late Democratic Convention. We see the drift of L A ,
I false and ridiculous statenients in relation to the lin
ccedings of that body, and understand his unthsuall:
gross and infamous attacks upon ourselves. Itut wo
will not gratify hint is rallying out his scheme of f , -
mergingill-feelingand personal differences in the Dem
ocratic party—nor will we do more, now or hereafter,
than to pronounce his pretended "well known facts" in
regard to the Messrs. Sven., and their votes and in
structions, unequivocally and totally false—neither of
them were instructed for Mr. l'Art Ensotg, though one
of them voted for him—and they are not both members
of the Catholic church. What he has stated concern
ing one of the editors ofthe lost, he knows to be a men
dacious fabrication—a deliberate falsehood.
E r. o 1 friend, writing. from flarriAlmrgh, s•tc+ Clot
the "proceediug:i of the Democritie Cumenthn I't
rondurted with 'neatness and deTatrin' the enemie3
of the party were much disappointed in the Itormcny
which prcrailed•" lie adds:
'•To-morrow nc• V 1 ill have a will beast show. The
opposition hold tln it (!invention, and front the Oid
Gu:ud—L•wcasier—the r m• are two set: of delegates;
tat the bend of one is Thai Stevens. The Clay inllu
ence will prevail, and it is said Jogs STUtollm, of Lan-
Caiter, r, of Washington, and CH ESTER
BUTLER, of Duzerne, will be the candidates. They
will exclude Stevens and his friends from LaneaA let,
rind it will take a bolder roan than your Pittsburg-1/ Mon
tamer to lie down with him."
If the anticipations of our correspondent should be
realized, it will serve to show the people of Allegheny
how utterly fallen is antimasonry, when its greatest
champion will not be prrnitted to participate in the
proceedings ofn Conventiou to which ho was sent as
the representative of the blue noses of Lancaster.
Bank of Commerce,
Seventh ►Vatd Bank
State Bank
American Exchange Bank 3000
Pram the 11 emocralic Uniun—ixtia.
:mocratie State Convention.
to tit.: call of the Democratic State Central
the Democratic Stair Convention for the
,f candidates for Canal Commi.4iner , ,
the Hail a tier House of Representative.
glt. ell Tuesday, Septcmger 5.
sttion Mei at 10 o'clock, and OH motion of
Ens, of B Lek., iva. fir.2anized by the. al,
the following temporary otfitiersi—lion.
.VAGNER, or Northampton, Chairman;
E. W. Ilurrxit of Dauphin. and BENJ. 11. BREWS
TER, of Philadelphia, Secretaries.
On motion of Gen. W. T. ROGERA. it WWI
RC.V)/VC,i, That the • Senattwial and It . ..pre:zeta:lo% - e
districts bc called over in th a i r ,„,pectiv, order, for the
purpose of ascertaining the delegates in attendance;
and that the delegates be ropu.'sted td present their
On motion of Gen..T. B. ANTnoN 1, it was
Resolved, That in all districts front which double
sets of delegates are in attendance, the action of the
Convention upon diem be postponed, until all the un
disputed delegates have been ascertained.
The Senatorial and Representative districts were
thereupon called over by the Secretaries, when it up
p,•ared that the followhig delegates were in attendance,
I Phibulelphia City—Swlt'i G. Thompson, Goorgc
I (.;111:ert.
philadel i dt in Ca u u t! , ___Christopher Masan, Edw.
:11Vay, John M'Cay.
1 Ilfontgumery—.lseph Foronure.
Chester ant Delaware—Snmuel T. Walker.
Berks—John Miller.
Barbi—W m . T. Rogers.
Lancasler au.l Lebanon--lion. Benj. Clunnimep,
James Elliott
Selinyliall, Carbon, Monroe and Pike—Charles
Fru iley,
Northampton and hchigk—Benj. Fogle.
Susquehanna, 11'0y/wand lifyoming—N it rep... ,
Brad fool awl TioLra—D. M. Bull.
Lycoiniog, Clinton and Centre—. 'al. John Sinv.h.
Luzr roe and Columbia—Wm. Koons.
Dauphin and Northumberland—J. C. Horton.
Mifflin, Juniata and Union—Dr. Joseph Gender
Perry and Cumberland—Ja.:. G. Graham.
fork—Adurrt J. Glossbrenner.
Franklin and Adams—John Orr.
Huntingdon and Bedford—John Isett.
Clearfield, Indiana, Cambria and Armstrong—
J. D. Torttett.
Westmoreland and Somerset—lionry Mcßrile.
Fayette and Grerne—Robert T. Gallaway.
Washington—John B. Itup . k.
Allegheny and Butler—Chanthers Mc Geo.
Bracer and Merrer--Cliarles Caner.
Cranford and l'enango—Julin Bell.
Eric—A. W. Wa_..;:;(m.
IVarrrn, Jefferson, Clarion, McKean and Potter
—Timothy Iveg, jr.
Ada 7114—J 11( . 1 B. Danner.
Allegitehy—Tho:,. Donnelly, Thus. O'Neil, J. L.
rm:trong, T. Blackmon..
A mist roit , z Ab , alom Woodward.
iford-L ' .l'l mi Nloie , . John O'Connor.
Bearer — Joseph Irwin, David Porter.
Bradford—Eli:dm S. Goodrich, Patrick Cummins.
crks—Samuel Nlyers, John Green, Geo. Smith,
nry Flannery.
tucks—David Mari.le, .Joseph Morrison, Jacob IL
vtier—D. Nit-LT(l'2:lllin.
ri—George Nlurray.
inford—.l(.6 .1. I'. Brawley.
re 41111 I'. Shit ri•l't, 11011 EV Pet
4 ;tcr—T. R. Triml)lo, Jane )lonaglian, Nim
C ‘ubia—Ovven D. J,eil,.
, -.4 :rtatt./--John Clendfmia, Samuel R. Hamill.
-1)71 .%n—Gt.-or.:a. M. Lanman, Edwin .S.ll. H.atca.
hr 'r7z.tnlon Grahnm. Daniel Young.
Frgh n—John Nill, Upton Watliabau.;ll.
trrockji. l o l Keenan.
. 1/ "" l. oa—Tha.hkui Gourgo R.
"Sam. .1 S. 1.1.11k0n
~•tJ {Jfci so ton inri 1 i nringo—Ja::v•A
Leba n ' n 'ao,„l) Stoover.
I,a ne,ts , er
Ruah Frn:•.,•r, •111,ni
j " b y. l'attoll.
L , c4i ' 74 ""Anion—.le,,r Samuols,
stvE•lo.„li.hil It. I) au.
ny, Orar,ge
"" /ecnii4- c''• '"on an I Po!ter—J,) , ?pti B. Aittliu
hi.i3gl;",(2l..fg"'r.7—lam Sleinlncr, Jac,,l) Day, .1“10)
Mercer—Sarnthv.„ A. A . I),, is d a ,
', llil/7 ,." —jaln "
.0 - orida in plan an 1 D. C.
Shimer. .
r It ',the q d—t
Pereu-1V n). 8. . lu nles
C, on.
r!._ . ?pit ia Skerritt, Bonjamin
Brmv.-tfr, Andrew Millet• Adin m at h e „.., , T, J.
Philadelphia Counly—Airew nazuce, John Stall
man, Bernal :1 M. Harvey,
Brown,E , h - r, Charles Brown, John k rge Gideon, George
Schuylkill—W. G. Johnsm ter, Thomas Tustin.
yt vorge R a h„.
Saateesel—Sanniel Philsor i
Susquehanna and Piatt.
TiotTa—Robert G. White.
Union ant Joh;ata—John C oming=, Jr., a m id
Chri-o ie.
Washingfun—C. C. Kahn., Gel, McDonald.
IVCP:norebind—h:ra.el Painter,
Jame,: McAllister. 'gm McFarland.
11 in , :11,• K• 1, n and Elk.—\a
II frallne and Pike—Not representetV
York—Joha Ca , h, Wm. McClellN
The seat of Gen. Charles Carter,
the- zerttorial
delegate from the district of Beaver and Al
contcsted by Thomas J. Power.
Cu, was
From Cumberland county there were also
of delegates in attendance, each claiming seatse sets
Convoil ion, viz: John Clendenin, Samuel R. h,
—disputed by Gen. Thomas C. Miller and D n
The Bea% or cud Mercer dispute was taken up .
order, when the following resolution was °Gird b,
Mr Miller, of Philadelphia city, viz:
Resolved, That Charles Carter is the regularly
chosen Senatorial delegate from the district of Beaver
and Mercer, and that he be accordingly adMitted;
which, after considerable discussion, was adopted by a
large vote.
The dispute in Cumberland county was next taken
up, and after a protracted dt•bate, John Clendenin and
Samuel 11. Hamill, were admitted by the unanimous
vote of the Convention.
• Mr. Cameron of Lancaster, then moved that the
delegate; froth each Senatorial district report to the
President the name of one delegate from each of said
districts, whose duty it shall be to report to the Con
vention nlistof officers for its permanent organization,
which was agreed to; the font/wing gentlemen were
reported said committee:
1: George. Gilbert, Dr D. C. Skerrett,
:John Stallmnn, Bernard M. Harvey, Christopher
3: Joseph Fornance,
4: Thomas R. Trimble,
5: Henry Flannery,
6: David Marple,
7: Real] Frazer. Jacob Stoever,
8: Aia Packer,
9: Conrad Shimer,
10: W. M. Piatt,
11: R. G. White,
12: Col John Smyth,
13. George.P. Steele,
14: Charles W. Hegins.
15: Dr Joseph Henderson,
10: -B. Anderson,
17: Albert C. Ramsey,
18: Joel B. Danner,
19: Thaddeus Banks,
20: Samuel S. Jamison,
21: R. T. Galloway,
23: James P. Nile,
24: Cntunbers McKibbin, George Putts,
25: Archibald A. Douglass,
26: James P. Brawley,
27: A. W. Wasson,
23: Timothy Ives, Jr. •
On motion of Mr Frailey. of Schuylkill, it was
Resolved, That the rules of the !louse of Itcpm
sentativel go \ ern the deliberations of this convention.
Whereupon the convention adjourned until past 3
o'clock P. M.
The Coav‘mtion niet pur3uant to tt4jonrnment at
past three o'clock. G1..11. Ramsey, of York, from the
c.ontilitteo appointed to select officers for the perman
ent or:;anization of tltu Convention, made repot t that
they had agreod tr,on the following named gentlemen,
Hon. CHARLES BROWN, of Philadelphia county
Tice Presielel2l S:
John Orr, Franklin.
Chambers AFKibbin, Allegheny.
Samuel Kerr, Mercer.
Charles I"mi:es-, Schuylkill.
William ArCiellan, Fork.
Gen. W. T. Rae - rent, Bucks.
Samuel flyers, Berks.
Dr. Joseph I leuderson, Mifflin.
Daniel Christie, Juniatta.
Gan. Conrad Shimmer, Northampton.
John Bell, Crawford. •
S. S. Jamison, Italians. •
John Cun.r 4 io n .
Henry Aridsihs,,stanoreland.
`;corgi ArDonall, Washington,
J. D. Tnrbett, Armstrong.
.1, 4-in Clendenin, Cumberland.
John O'Connor, Bedford.
George Rahn, Schuylkill.
E. W. Hurter, Dauphin.
S. T. Shugert, Centre.
James Blakely, Venan , a.
Dr. 0. B Leib, Columbia.
James Monaghan, Chester.
John Miller, Berks.
It. T. Galloway, Fayette.
Israel Pointer, Westmoreland.
George R. APFarlanc, Huntingdon.
S. R. Hamill, Cumberland.
E. S. Goodrich, Bedford.
Benjamin FL Brewster, Philadelpeia.
Upon assuming his seat as President cf the Conven
tion, Mr. Brown delivered a neat and pertinent ad
dress. We regret that want of time and room pre
cludes the possibility of publishing his excellent re
marks at length.
Mr. Brawler of Crawford moved to proceed to the
nomination of candidates for Canal Commissioners, to
he ballutted for by the Convention; which was agreed
to. The following nominations were then made:
Mr. Fogel nominated Jacob Dillinger.
Layman " A. B. Watford.
Goodrich " John Laporte.
Miller (Berks) " Henry Myers.
Jamison "
Wn34011 " John Ferguson.
Danner " Thomas T. Wierman.
Christie Everett o!es...
Horton " R. IL Hammond.
Anderson " .Tesse Miller.
Douglass " .lames Worrall.
E. IM'Coy " Benjamin Aloore.
J. APCoy " Benjamin Crispin.
Leib " John APReynolds.
Smythe " John A. Gamble.
He ins " J. B. Butler.
Steele " Andrew Beaumont.
Monaghan " Joshua Hartshorne.
Galloway " William L. Miller.
Rogers " William K. Hutinagle.
Washabaugh " John Nill.
Mears " Joseph W. Duncan.
AP Laughlin " Gen. George Potts.
.flyers " illiam D. Boas
Cminnins, Brad. " W. B. Foster.
Kukla " Loam Patterson.
Brewster " Edward I'. Gay.
K " Frineis W. Gray.
Pattie " Gardner Furors , .
lies " A P. Marlerwell.
Mathers .1. B. Sterizere.
Cummings, Cu. " Jataib Hummel.
Batdis, " 110:iry L. Patterson.
Rahn . " William Clark.
Torbert ' Robert Orr.
O n ;nation of Mr. Anderson, of Perry, the nomina
tions were here dosed.
The Convention proceed
which re,atited as follows:
For JaaEs CLARK B'2
A. B. WaifflrJ, 37
Je -so Miller, 16
W. K. Hutfnagle, 13
W. B. Foster, 2:3
J. tinble, 22
11. Hammond 12
John Al:Reynolds, 6
11. L. Patterson, 3
James Worall, 7
John Nill, 8
I:. F. Gay, 16
And. Beaumont, 10
John Laporte
William Clark, < 1
John Ferguson, LI
Gardner Furness, 5
majority of all the votes r
nominated as ace of the Da
office of Canal Ceimmissionc
The names of John B. Butler, Johr, Nill, T. T. Wier
rll:l, 11. L. I'atter6on, Jo.eph V. Dunenn, W. D.
Boas, George Potts, 'Gardner Furness, Jacob Hum
mel, Robert Orr, Henry Myers, John WReynolds,
were here withdrawn by their respective friends.
The Convention proceeded to a second vote, which
resulted as follows, viz:
For JESSE 13Itt.r.mt, 44
A. 13. Warlord, 42
W. B Foster, 34
John A. Gamble, 25
A. Beaumont, 17
E. F. Gay, 15
John Laporte, 13
R. 11. Hammond, 10
John Ferguson, 9 ,
Neither of the candidates having received a major
ity of all the votes given, the Convention proceeded to
a third vote, the names of fames Worrall, John Fer
guson, J. B. Sterigere, W. Patterson, Joshua Harts
horne, R. H. Hammond, Jacob Danger, and W. K.
Hutfnagle, haying first been withdrawn from the list of
I The third vote resulted as follows:
JESSE MILLER, B 7 I For J. Laporte, 9
W. B. Foster, 46 B. Crispin, 4
A. B. Warlord, 35 E. F. Gay, 3
Beaumont, 31 I Everett Ciles, 1
A. Gamble, 27
iIea4ESSE MILLER, of Perry, having received
a major, of all the votes given, was declared duly
am ainatet as another of the Democratic nominees for
the office ()canal Commissioner.
The name of A. B. Itiarford, lion. John Laporte,
J. A. Gamin
thereupon Everett OICA and E. F. Gay, were
witla-awn from the list of nominees.
The Conventit, proceeded to a fourth vote, which re
sulted as follows:
For William I. Foster, Jr., 33
Hon. A. B•anniont, 34
WILLIAM B. FOSTER, Jr., of Bradford Co.,
having received a majmit v of all the votes polled, was
declared duly nominate L a ' s" the third candidate fcr the
office of Canal Commissikter.
Mr, ANDREW MILLER, of Philadelphia city mo
ved that
JAMES CLARKE of Indiana,
JESSE MILLER of Perry, and
WM. B FOSTER of Bradford,
be declared the regular candidates .s the Democratic
party for the office of Canal Ce.miisioners, at the en
suing goneral election
Ar. Cameron of I,anctiqcr, moved to amend by ad
ding the followiail.: "A nd that the members of this:Con
vention hereby mutually pledge themselves to give the
ticket their undivided support."
Mr. Miller accepted of the modification, and the
resolution as modified was unanimously adopted.
George M. Lauman and Henry Petriken were appoint
ed a committee of finance, when the Convention ad
joumed to meet at half past 8 o'clock, P. M.
Mr. Brawley, of Crawford, moved that the thanks
d to a cute, Vida rocc,
Tarr h I Itiminel, 3
T. T. Wiennaa,
13enj. Crispin, lb
Henry Myers,
Jacob Diflinger, U
J. L. Sterigere, 4
Jri:4lluzi Ilii;tAiorn, fi
William L. Miller, 7
J. B. Butler, 14
Wm. Patterson, 5
A. I'. Moderwell, 1
Jame Gray, 1
Jas. Montgomery, 1
George PottA, 1
Jos. W. Duncan, 3
ndiana, having rcceived a
IIL et , Wa.3 ( eclared duly
mocraric candidates for the
For Benj. Crispin, 7
W. K. nuffnagle, 7
J. flart4lorne,
IVm. Paterson, 3
J. 13. Sterigere, 4
James IVorrall,
Jacob Dillinger,
E. Oles,
Disri'taloa of Part nership. •
THE Partnership heretofore existing under the finis
of Diceer and ALEXANDER. is this day diasol,
ved by mutual consent. JAMES DICKEY,
sept. 1, 1843. W3l. G. ALEXANDER,*
and the public, that he
tntion Business, at his
TT .A.ND W.ty 3TRI
name of the "Indept
where he will receive et
the lowest terms,
of the Convention be give.' t.t th • Pe...ideut axed a".
for the true and faithful tlischar,e of their rcppertl
duties; which wau timm , muisly adopted.
Mr. Rogers. of nu.Tn , tv..l tha: a t - ormnittee
throe be appni.;:t.,i, ap:;. i ca.adiJatail
of t heir , i—,eitirh v. to s;, t:rd t
case of a va.%t•icy b timtn ur rci . itAtii to serve, the
Democratic State Committee be employed to fill the
same. The cliu_, p Gen. ltugers, of Bucks,
Mr. Jainism! of I:aliamt, and .Mr. Anderson of Perry,
under the ros,,iluti,
On motion of lion. B. Chamimeys, It was
Resolved, That the Democratic State Central Com
mittee be and they are hereby authorized and request
ed, to issue an address to tlx people of Pennsylvania,
on the subject of the nominations made to-lay.
On motion of Mr. Brawley of Crawford, the Conven
tion adjourned sine die.
Signed by the Officers.
Rrpdrlcd by Sbeble and Mitchell, General Steam
Boat Agents, Water street.
Icoordjog to Copper Mark, at the Wood street Sewer.
*lda, Denison, Cincinnati,
Fulton, Forsvth, Ship yard,
* Cicero, Gallagher, du.
Utica, Klinefelter, Beaver Shoals,
Lexington, Littleton. (new.)
Mingo Chief. Devinney, Cincinnati.
AN boats marked thus (*) in the above list, are provi.
ded with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent the eTplosiou
of steam boilers.
T"European Agent." H, KEENAK, has lately
1 returned to this city, from the South, and intends
leaving here in a few days, on his seventeenth trip to
Europe. Those having business to transact, collecting
legacies or claims. or rcmittAce s to make, are repair.
ed to call upon him immediately, at the Merctumt's
Hotel. Wood street. Sept. 9-3 t.
The subscriber having returned from the East with
the latest style of Hats, has now on hand and will con
stantly keep a large assortment of his own Manufac
ture, which for lightness, service, beauty, and cheap
ness cannot be surpassed, and would respectfully in
vite his friends and the public to examine his stock of
Hats and Caps, at the Manufactory, No. 73. Wotxi st.
For Saint Louis and Gahm.
•The light draii ,, ht summer CICERO
4116; '' 14 GALLAGHER , Master, will leave fur the ?
above and intermediate lamling?,, THIS DAY, 9th inst.,
at '2 o'clock P. M. For freight or pa4mge apply oa
board, or to JAMES MAY.
The CicEno is provided with Evans' Safety
Guard, to prevent tire explo3Mn of boilers.. (sept 9)
F.:_.-Th e public are respectfully informed that Dr.
LARDNER having found other available rooms in the
city nut sufficiently spacious fur the proper display of
die illustrations of his Lectures, has enraged for the
buildin g lately orupied as a DRAMATIC THEATRE.
The space and machinery which this will affinti will
- render it possible to produce these scientific entertain
ments in Pittsburgfi, on the same scale of magnitude
and splendor as that with which they have bs,ert pr0,..-nted
,..-nted in the Eastern and Soother:, cities.
In order to afllml every practicable facility to crii
who may desire to attend these Lectures, the terms
of admission will he arranged ms
Te the first boxes and pargartte—single admission,
:Sflcent:; family tickyt4 fur a geot!carari aml two Indies,
T., the sc.c,nyi boxes. siagle admi.=si,nl cent*,
Dom, odoa at hill' past s..von, to begin at
eizht o'clock procisely.
Tit • and programmeA. may brook:tined fa the
Doors, ~r at the Monongahela Hutel,
THE SE(' - .EVO AND THIRD be giv'en
o;) FRIDAY acid :SATURDAY evoning-i, ULII Hod Ittli of
Sciamber. t :it
...Co. :3 31acketel, jest
Y.l roceived nr)(l6,r snlc• by
43 Wood at,
1 1 FOSTER, at the St. Clair Street Literary De
pot. has just meeired a srnall lut of beautiful straw col- -
civil and green Icucr, Paper, which he sells at the ex
mom' inury pric-: or 12,i cents per quire. sep
1111 E HUTTED KNOLL, Cooper's last novel, for •
ERARY DEPOT, oppo.iile the Exchange. Prize -2; le
per volume.
Little Pilgrims.
A segi,nl to the "Tailor'A pproutice‘" received at
FOSTER'S Literary Depot, St. Clair er. oppo
site the Exchange. gern. 8-Iw.
THEATRE.—The public are respectfully informed
that the above place, of amusement trill re-open'on
Tuesday 13th or Wednesday 19th, with a Grand Melo
Drama, hi which even• sceac, property, will be
new, called the "Bottle Imp." As ranch improve
ment will be made to the Company as possibility will
allow. JAMES P. GANN, Stage Manager.
A meeting of the Company at 11 o'clock
this day. rep 7
All sorts of clothing and wearing apperal. Pleas e
call at No. 151 Liberty street:and see for yourselves.
14ep 7. J. C. McCLOSKEY.
NY or neighborhood, a good place as Coach
i man, Groom or Waiter by a sober, experienced sin
gle man,who can come well recomended, and will make
himself generally useful. ALso, wanted places fur a
number of mechanics, coachmen, laborers, waiters.
farmers, and men and boys for all work iu town or ..
country. Please apply at HARRIS' Agency
Intelligence Office, No. 9 Fifib street.
scp 7 .
Guardian's Sale - - -
T N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Connor
_L Allegheny County, the undersigned Guardian of
Th omas Willson, James E. Willson, and WilliamWill
son, minor children ofJames \Vinson, late of the town
ship of Upper Sr. Clair, county aforesaid, deceased.
will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the
Court House in the city of Pittsburgh, ON THE 4TO
MONDAY OP OCTONETt. A. D., 1843. at tha hour of ID
o'clock on said day, all that valuable FA RM, situate
in the township and county aforesaid, adjoining lands
of James H. Robb. Samuel Morgan, John Boreland,
Samuel Willson and others, containing, Eighty --
and one half acres, strict measure. h e th e same me
or less. Also, the small piece adjoining flat ~ ' , deft
about one acre ofland, with the privileges ea the -,
was conveyed by John Irvine and wife unto _
~i t i:
IV illAon, late of the Township aforesaid, dec'd,' 4
. • •
the w
40 acres. cleared and in a high state of cultivation, and L ' '
the balance of the land is well timbered. There is on --
t h e premises a firstrate Saw Mill in good repair. The
land abounds with Stone Coal and Lime Stone easy. of . . ..
access and is well watered.
The terms are one-third cash, and the balance'in two
equal annual payment., with interest thereon from the
day of sale. WILLIAM ESPY, .
sept. 5, 18.13—alw & wt.S. Guardian.
of Pittsburg!).