t itian.„ The day selected being, a strict holiday in the and he mizht well say tha, . ; Roman Catholic Church, (the festival of the A ssump- to life the Kings and Chi,: : Lion,) all the ceremonies of relighm were brought to They departed peaceful bear upon the enthusiasm of the meeting. Mass was' I sae drunk; not ore. ascii trelebmted three or four times bolero the commence- parted, bythe hundrnJ tit, silent of the proceedings, and prayers were offered up ers. Wn ater .„ r a apeeta , fot the repose of the, souls of the o;atholies whose of their cause, he must f ' bones were mouldering beavath, and who fell, accords Irishman, with their hot ing to the notio n of all present, in the cause, of their authority of their leader , -4,otythat .21u, .. I.)'Connell' s speech was is his best .t.) le— a laugh the acchicise.al vatirne4 and : impassioned, anal less frinant than would have ar ,,,enetra lien • usgal; ..- ' 1 .5,,,,,,,„5 .1 ....g00n5, who ;.-,. . . . - • "I fr- , c1,” exclaimed be, "The awful r spo n ,ibility „ L ib, huts the hill, and returning to their homes. as - to tny country a n d m y Creator which the part I hay- peaceable as a New England congregation of a i.iabs takan-in"tlis great movement imposes upon -tile." bath aftarnoun, was truly sublime. W. M. li. Wd' regret our inability to do justice to this speech,; At a special teeming of the Repeal Association, on iftivilig to-Ahe_many dem an d A % bet_ our space. It is. Ft idaYi the 4th instant, Mr, O'Connell read a letter Jo remarkable, however, for the deep and subdued ; whi c h he h a d received f rom M. 1.,,1rn Rollin. Allu 17"it' nfieatnestness which marked it, than ft'' , any - ; din; to a speech by Me. o•connell mentioning the thing novel or striking. This meeting has excited' reeent i t pea l dew " et ,- tra t/on in Pad , . the writer said penteralarm on this side of the water, comamted with -Ereach Dem aerals" had been that the intention of tb , the Repeal movenie nt, than a public ay former one — . .r i11,1,`,A1 pc . rf..rtk' ander:wed; it self:, "to express tes all put together. tint,,nv;ifsvirrathy in the glorious strnggle of an entire 4.....; ... rCor re4p4;l , 2e net of 110: X. I'. T, th , tric. 1 p, , ,,i6 fir 10(kpr•ndence. for the filth of their fathers, GREAT REPEAL NI EETINCi ON TARA HILL. ~,,d car nationality." A matter of form separated the DUI:LIN, 2\o' , . 1. - ), 10 I'. M. Repealers and die French Democrats—"vou are mo. i; "'The greatest. mimuing in point of - ii ,,,1,,, r , , e ,,,b,„:. nal eldeal, we arc rKit so;" but they had a cominon iticiin, and importance. which ever took place in this: enemy—"the enemy of equality and of liberty all over •nr imihups any other conctry, •w- as h e ld 1 ,,. , . ? ,, y , on t h e the world—the English Aristocracy." "We offered a famous hill of TARA. I ha , (.• jUF , t re , init.,l frool it, testimony of Maven• gad profound sympathy for a 4 most deeply impressed wi t h the ~iimyik,tion , tin ° N ei. peaceable and legal straggle; but in case the Tory ',ski ta to my p re vi n o ; emws)that ril. fmmiti a l Parlias Gomm ntliefit should vielate the sanctuary of the law, ..anent has now to c h of , o I,,, tweni (, i ll red/ el s of ireislt whi , lt serve:y.lU as a rcfnge, we believe that France ,i,prie ar l n c es , the R e pent Of the U3i072 01 Civil i-Per. will oir,e ym ether aid tor:dust augmented dangers." I: feel -- assured, too, that unl ess tl a , licia b e ver , 00 , 0 The Times of y.isterdav hue the most desponding -', tgrantea, fully a nd f ree ly, one o f 1.1,1,,, t two ;will be the article which has vet appeared in its columns on this . ".j!iiirtl • alternative. now al:lv:nine subject of repeal. A crisis, it is admit -, '',- 'Connell, or "The liberator," aas ho ii ei... nier idi e md oa all hands, is not distant. One or two exciting i iiiia at nine this mo rn in g , - ? ' --- J . % ,,,,. ; _ e f t D u bli n . ~, tol mica by debates have tahen place in Parliament. on the subject ziiesit i i, carriages, an d proceeded hi praen s ,; o ,,, or t h,. 1,, , ,,,t athyntitott.t state of that country, which HU of '1 ; 1; olive'-brnches, blind harpers., 5..„ . .. , to the have exhibited som , of the members uf the Conserva conveyance Et ; a r i li F ht e en miles distant. Nearly even ti v.. pirczy attacking, with great bitterness, the do : it was with greatdr'"zaged for wee k : Previous; and nothim; policy td . tiw (internment. scat on a "jauntit;e-ll,i 1. " 4 "'" eede ` lin Pc ° ,..' u ring n Mr. l'h-mli; John Bl a ke, recently dismissed front ill hour later. . 'isi'ne emi t , t he customs, 113,; twill arrested on a charge of haviag 'd istatice of 18 Irish miles- . I.; : n one count:wed ch a i r , rehicles a every deserintion.; of defraud ;id the goverlawmt to The amount of $3•20,000. 0,,,,,r,mCn01l carriages. lie had recently retired to a fine estate at Dublin. ;trarouches, cars, carts, ' drav- ' s, &... down ta the stont Letters have been received by O'Connel l . and read pair ofpodal supporters with which - ' • troll proiided. Very many had lei D ilia 1 i s t. flag .1, pea met. in from ' t' . "-riinArnan 1• r ‘ 1 1. ,•• • • r• sympathisers in Prance, night o ff ering, aid mid shelter if it shall be needed to the Re- Amfore on foot, some 'camp ' front a distance. tu) °Mi t t " : ittti„ . . but all pressed eagerly onward to the hill. The road pealers of Ireland. • . • td aid i e l : ea we a re r, lined with age d men, WWI - 1!"1 and children, The dismissal of Justices still continues. & riot occurred at a fair near Galway on the Ist ult. s. green b ranc hes , nod rending the air with Two persons were killed by the firing of the police, and , Ottoors and shouts for repea! ' , ereral" ,l, rir - were badly NVOUnded. Our vehicle couhl not get within two mile • • of ilehill Mr . --both sides of the road beyond - being title ' s' with unbar- furnish. t H is " t g a z:7 l;, ti vi e Trish sculptor, has been engaged to nassed horses and cars. We walked on through the tion Hall. O'Connell, to be plased in Concilia dense masses - 1)f people, putirin , onward and beating _ Ito along in their tide, hut all peacefid and sobor, and . -rememberin 7 . the sentiment, which waved on our bans i v piers, that "The nrin who comMits a crime gives strength to the enemy." A triumphed nigh Ines the in - acription, "We hail with joy Ireland', Liberator," and another claimed "Ireland for tat- Irish ;tad tli- IriTh for Ireland." _ kkagg...miietotrirstUntnifi , rfiA' Tar tie eve nnd estimated to number at len.,tfieehto, 'aired thlusattd, became almost iiiipemitrahle; but at Length, hall crushed and Sfi !MCA t ell I came within si.dit and hearing of O'Connell, whl .10 before ma, with high forehead half hidden by is trovelling cap rind -'hid massive femitre3 quivering Wit: e%eiternent, a. , he poured forth with solemn and tbriiiiiez enrnestnej