Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 09, 1843, Image 1

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VOL 1._N0.310.
IV. corner of IVOod an (1 Fifth 6'l reels.
TEll.lf3.=Fiye dQllat a year, payable ! in advance.
Singleciviea Two Cr—s:".•i- all , ' at te count,r of
Office,'aad try tinw-; Boys.
' , The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer
Ts published at the sarno office, on a double nr..diuni
Aheet, ak TWO DOT, L:IRS a year, in advance. Sin
gle-toliies, SIX CENTS.
(1:u• hviertion, SO 30
Two do., 0 75
Three do., 00
Ono week, 1 50
Two do., 3 00
Threo.do., 4 00
Tiro Sqtegrrs.
'Si, rnclatli, 118 00 Six rnontl,s23 00
One year, 23 00 Ow year, 33 00
,lArger allvertiAem
CARDS' of four 1
. Public Offices, &c.
City Past Wire. Third l.otwi•ra Market cued Wood
etioet.4—R. Uhl, Po,tina-ter.
'CAIR Etat IV ir,2r, I ih do it fe.mi \Void
steregm's John
City Trelgitry, Firit aml Second
streets.—Jams "fi.,•:t.,,1r0r.
County Trcrvile,7, ,troet, lwxt door to the.
birdPreslivt , .!riao C t—S. It. Johastoa; Trvaiu
..Vagor's p i fire, Fourth. b-t Nveen Market and Wood
isdrsets—Ale_xander I lay, Mayor.
Are rcita it' . 8 Exch,rn ge, Fourth nar Mu-ket st.
•Pitrbbttreb, betvr. , en Market and Wood street, on
'third and i‘mr;ll streets.
Merchants' ani Manufarl rs . rrurl Farmers' De
ppsit Bank, (farntmly Fund,) Fourth, between
Wood and Market streets.
Exeltange, Fifth st. near . Wood.
MoPmgahcla Iljasr, Water stre.‘t, near the
el ridge .
~,4"lfe.Aan,Tcr wae uf Pettit al/ d St. Clair.
lintel, corner of Third and'Wo.kl.
!.Ariu!ricon /flte4cornerofThirdand Smithfield.
I United Slates, corner of Penn :4. and Canal
I ^ l Spread Ea ale, Libre street, near seventh.
M union house. Liberty St., opposite
Bread reel's Mankion opp,,,i t ..
1 •IsuportantM
Owners of Saw ills.
S:il:l.)Elt'S unrivalled Self S.•tters, for saw mills,
which hare been so teafql iu (litr: - Lrent parts
of the Ujiu'd State:, a.; well as in thw cities of l'itr- - -
Lourgh and .11112.glinny, can beseoll in o;wrioi:,a at a:
timber of mills iii this :lei , 1.1, viz: at Mr. IVic!.-
t*shaza's mills, o:t Puna street; at Puraus.la & Clifor
bors's near tit! upper bri(l4e,
at m ill s , an llae'; lslaud. zir. , l
nam?<l. etc In , olstaith:a at Vt NV.
sl , ll,lla.:o's choir, 03 I.ilnly street, mar Smitlstielfh
it is titti:r.r ts), a.rl alt ‘re th. tr t dtinc a ill he .
liPpt consm stly nut haaLL4. Apply to 13. 1". Soydrr.
W. AV. AVallat
Evans' Chamomile Pills
- 1311A11A1I .1. CLEMEIt. ar GO, :11,,t,t
N•IW York, Ava: with Dy.p.p,i
18.14 'd f.yrirt. ytoms w.-re
zroa dt.bility, e,-, r n=tivcac?:,<
:.w. l .rtbura, pain is dr' e.:10.-4 and stomach ah. ay:
im-rAire.l of ,:iaki:)2: at the
gbErt Leh, furivd fir:l , rue, lIILU,g2a. WI: I L f 1.04 !lI4`III t /111 i
irrra, dizziness t.es, ard,r night aAd r••stiessiles, Th ese
hf.d eantinued upwards of it twelvemonth..vhrn, on
Consulting., 1)r. Win. Evans, 100 Chatham street, and
stlbmitting - to his ever sir:nes:Sul and :zre:mble mode
- of, treatment_ the patient w 3. re,:to r ed to
hcalthin the ;pace of one It:until.. and fir
inca?c !liable benefit derived, gladly came forward
o.i d•llDlrtnterred theabove statement For , :110,
...441e" a:nd retail, by R. E: SI:L1.1:11S, Agent,
;:sep 10—v No. 20 IN - 004 stivet, b,low
Pease's Itoarhound Candy.
TuTTLF: has received this day from New York,
- afresh supple of the above celebrated cure for
Chtteit, Cold9s:tea Consuniptim,s; and is ready to sap
ply-ctlAarhers, at crh:qeFnic Ouctaii, et hi± Mrdiral
.71 7 86 Fourth sr.' tiov 74
Better Bargains than ever, at the Three Big
. E subgc,ri her would rospec t fullyjull/1731 hi,:
tamers and the publicgenetitlly, that not withstad
- - *the iitaprecedented sales at the Thiee pig Doors,
during the present season; he has still on halal :lie km
test and most varied assortment of &leg ant CLO
THING that ran h bought West of the norm
The public may rest assured that :ill articles offered at
his store are maufact tired from FRESH GOODS, pm--
'ehised in th 4 Eastern marltet spring and made in-
Ativtarments by Pitttsburzh workmen.
In consequence of the multiplication of slop shops in
buicity, filled with pawn brokers chalmsand the musty,
cast Off
,g trmants of former seasons:, from the caster, ci-
L 444 the public should be cautious t oascertain the char
tOtt;Caf the cstahlishmots in which they are invited to
putnlinsc., before thCy part withtheir miley. The arti
elei:Miered at set end of the CONCZIII,i ill ibis city, are
tht,there oflals of New York and Philadelphia slop
shops, aml sent out here to be palmed nil' on the Pitt,
'burgh priblic. Pun;thasers 4hottld be on their guard a
gAttst t h ese impositioas, and they may rely on the fact
• *lntim estahlislmn mt that advertise: caste- in made (.714}-
2 101*,- t m a A iv.2 Ix, good an acticlo or as advanta..;rolls
bargains as can be MA at the "Three Big Umirs."
"41fultlic will please remember that all the
beep s rmeutsare inath'iuth is. city, by competent work
melt, and tint gathered up like the aomls now offered by
the !'birris of passage" from the shreds and patches of
(assign' slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to
!battibtain the reputation that the "Three Big.11oors"
he r o 'obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO
THING in every respect, and at prices bylaw those of
anygalter establishment.
_ He would again return his thanks to his friends and
the public for the toprocehented patronage bestowed
_and believimg that they have
their advantage to dml4. , rith lam, he, would
Xepeat his invitation - to all those who wish to purchase.
- itutiling of every description at the lowest price,to call
.llgeObserve Metal Plate inthe pavement. ap 36.
Look at This.
THE attention of those who have been soinewhav
= sceptical in reference to the numerous certifi
cwS published in furor of Dr. Swavne's Compotind
Sr%) of Will Clierr,..on account of the pyre( ins bein,g
unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di
requi,a to the following certificate, the writer of whiell
has been a citizen of this borough for several years, and
is knbevn as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility.
To ilte Agent,
have wird Dr. Swayne't: Cihnpound Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a Couzh, with which I have been tteverelv
11tiffirti tiir about lour months. and I have no he , itation
in saying that it is the nin.-it effective medicine that I
Ltltra Peen able to procure. It composekoll uneasiness,
• az
One mouth, $5 00
Two do,, 0 00
Throudo., 7 OU
Four 410., 0 00
Six du., 10 00'
One year, Li 00
eats in proportion.
Ines %ix Dom./.its a year
R. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
°nice removed to Balotwell's Oflioos, cyt Grant street,
ziParly ~ppo.ite the new Court Bono, next rooms to .1.
I). :Nlttlym, Esq.. first Ihmr. sep 10
Hugh Toner, Attorney` at Law,
North Eu:t c,,nwr of Smithliohl and Fourth street?
pep 10—y
M'CANDLESS & m.'cLuitE,
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Office in the Diamond, back of the old Court flomie,
sep 10 Pittilmrgh.
Francis R. Shunk,, Attorney at Law,
Fourth street, above Wood,
sep 10—ly l'ittsbur;4-11,
Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law,
Fifth,h,,two,ii Wood ana
svp 10—y Pit ' , burgh, Pa.
Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attornoy at Law,
()thee un the North -041 e of the Ditumwd, between :\ lar
ket and Unio:l,:treetA, up stair. set) 10
A. L Dnrboraw, Attorney at Law,
'fenders his profci:sional sprvicL, to the public. 01lic•c
cn 10 im sth , t., above \V ,od. Pitt ,:but•gli.
Eysfer & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
romovc,l from the Diamondo "Attorney's Row,"
shiLdv Of th, btAwekm and Vol ml
Pit tAdorgit.
N. Buckmaster, Attorney at Law,
I las romoved hi. lair inl:rnro,* wWhig:, .1 tit.
itli.wo Smithfield, l'ittibtirgh. SI •I I 0
George W. Layng, Attorney at Law,
( Mice in Fourth ,groct, ❑w•ar
Reade Washing-ton, Attorney at Law,
elr:dmiLling - ,, Grant i:trz.vt,
mo, 5, Ili 1:2
John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Law,
(Tieo corner of Smitlitiold and root:. l'iti•dmrzll.
:ernTlctien:: mad •. 'lll entru , ted to
care a ilk prorntl : k a'! tI.
fob 16—v
William Eldcr, Attorney at. Law,
Office in Second al,ove the I.:Air:el- "1
nerh ,ide,
Wm. E. Austin, AttOrney at Law,
Pit t.burgit l'a, Office in 1...mi11i -I 'vet, opp , itt•
- 6" , ' VILLIA , t E. _IL , TIN. «ill givi•
and 1 ree.mitnend hinm
to tlw patronage or my Cri.•ttd,.
sep 10-v NVA LTER F )RIVAE D.
_ • .
Daniel M. Curry, At - torncy at Law,
in Filth start, lo,twmm W(ml and
Robert Porter, Attorney at Law,
)1ili• a dr c“. , ..11-1. 4111.,
:,• 1 ) 1(1 Pi;
,In Isola & Flanegin , Eittorneys at Law,
, ;!..1i:V.1,•1.1 •:ir7rd. to .11 1114 •
-tiff.l-tte act of C,f;r;re,, drov6 -
i:12:41.q.C.1 • pat.':ft &Tv., In 1. 17—v
Henry S. Magi-a - Ai, Att7rney at Law,
Ha. r. m 'r.'d hl , ollirt' .ri
v:n•i.rm=abllVO.•:, 111
J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law,
I):Tle.con..•; :-;.n:th:it , :d a ;(I T1.,:t1 •tt Pirt,imi. ch
L. Harper, Attorney and Counsclior at Law,
11111 pr.);niniy trl flit! Aorqi.jtv
r:a":m. , , and prof t.:itro:lo,l ,lf,
in di, co:ogio: of I_l Jofkr,”: l , thr•r;,-
,oy, lII,CarWa..., I I n]: Cart 11.
Sf ark
Vaytic. Evi:n. rn
Me . /.•taf
riewin a
iih Pitt-hit alt.
1). 'l', .llor . Er, a
my - 27, 1313—tf
R. Morrow, Alderman,
OtY,ce north side of Fifth street, brt%cecn WVOII ;11Id
Smithfield, Pitt, , lntrgh. scp J O T ti
Magistrate's Blanks,
For proceeding, in attachment under the late law, for
:ale at ;hi,: office. jy 25
blank Petitions, Notices, &c.,
'fo be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on good
paper, and iu the 4 l«-ins approved by the Conrt, tor sale
at thi ofiico. J'-4
Dr. s. A. Holmes,
door to Mulvaily &
GI is. Wm-oliffit.•. :eit 10-y
Dr, A. W. Patterson,
iniire oil S mit Vivid stru. t, t bird door from tho comor of
t-ixfh sire r.
H. D. Sellers, M. D. ,
( - )aine and dwelling- in Fourth street, near Ferry,
sep I.3—y Pittsburgh
Ward & Hunt, Dentists,
Libp•rt } ' suvvt, a li•wc itimrs below St. Clair,
IR 13
Doctor Daniel racracal,
Fifth street, T wren
sir,:ets, Pittsbur g h. der 1 o—y
. No. 13, ,IVuud .Strerl,
AL:ent.:fm.lll,,:aieof the Eit,7le Cotton Factor:, Vat
filar 17—v
WILLIAm Jl. Wir.i.t.tus Jons S.
• Williams & Dilworth,
11 ludesale Grcer, , , Produce and ei , mmis.4%; i\L•r
ehantz, and Dvalers in Pittsburgh ManufnOuri'd
ticler:. No. 29, Wood street. sqz.lo—y
Wholesale and Retail flealoAt tin
English, French and Donsesti , Dry Goods,
No 81, Market street, ri t iburgh.
sop 10—y
J. &. T. DrDclott,
I Nlielestde Grocers. Rectilvint: 14stiller:;, and 11.•aler=
111 Produce and rittslitirgli Itnufactured Articles,
Nets '2O-1, Liberty Street, l'ittyiurgh. sep 10
J. (. & A. ( , 011DON,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
Wan.r.•tre v e,Pittsimr;:h. srp 10-y
Commis and Forwarding Merchants,
No. 64it; 'cater street, Pittsburgh,
RMS- -- eking told shipping, 5 cents per
MO lbs. (2onunisFion Airrbases and sales, 2A For
rentmar 22—v
Brownsville Juniata iron Works,
E4ifoard Hughes, Manufactnrer of /ran and Naas
Warehouse, No. 25, Wood !t., Pirtsburgb•
i , cp 10-v
_ _ •
Wholesale Cryogen', Conunission and Pro
- duce Merchants,
And dealers in Piatburgh. Mailufactures.
_mar 17 Pio. 43, Wood street. Pittsburgh.
SF .
r'ls3- ~....:
ls:lcitorAs D. COLEMAN Li.orn H. COLEMAN.
Coleman & Co.,
General' Agi:nts, Fortrarding and Commission
rCh (/ We,
Levee Street, Vicksbmg, They rospectfully so
licit consignment,:. n
J. W. Burbridge & Co.,
Agents for the sale of Beatty's Powder, Water street,
between Wood and Smithfiehl, mar 30—y
Juba D.
L. &S. w K,
Whoksalo Grocers & Doalors in Produce,
It; Wood Stteot, 1 doors cairn:. Fifth st.,
may I 5 Prt
. _
/.) e'er and Fruiteror, NO. 140 Liberty street ritt-i
-burgh. may 20.
Birmingham &
John B. Brant, Wholegalo Grocer,
Draler iu Grain,Gcneral Forwarding and Cam
mission 31vrcliont,
Ilarrisburgh, Pp.
WI .111 , 0 SO Ofall goods :+ent fur emmni„i,, ii
Sate , at the lowte cornett . ..L=loe Intl's.
Ph ilet.—.l. S.:. W. E-11, , r, I &.(41nri:11, D. I,cret.C.:(%,
e—W.W Lin k
M. Itoldnin
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
NI I. 37, Nlarliet atii t. Sep 10
John Anderson, Smithfield - Foundry,
Iv:,i,•,.4li'Vtt, nillinlilll , l./ 11 , 41,0, Pitt,bill'7ll
k- B. 1.,t
Thos. B. Young & Co.,
1 11 111'111!';,• \Val , ' I{lpiPln , ,et.:lll'ra / la:111 4 1.1 ,. et
!'ll'll.'.'l' 111r1112
Will 11,1 it 1. , 111CT toyive • a cal% In,iit o
e. C p!t•.t-c a: tin iint:tlity aid rrict
Ti)WNSI:S & CO..
Wire Workers and Wire Dianufacte
,le.‘, ‘, 0., -Mang -t re
Exchange itotcl,
v, ,• Pr on ,:ltd Clair
Pilkington's Unrivalled Black*
j FA( "IT It El) aritl.mi.l r` 1 " 11,
\I II ^I I: I.T, .r 110111 w Sllo 'l ' l '
1 .
James Patterson, jr.,
Binn'ajlani, war l'iit,l,ll- 4 1,, r
11 . 111'!,, and toirtr•i•lo,filtivr. Pli ' ! "Mk".
?CU C , ,Cl4llling . 00W+. I°— Y
John M'Closkcy. Tailor and
11:IN,II!,1 Si . RIM
.^4l , I 0
Webb Closcy'saoot and Shoe rufactory,
:;:;. . ft." 7:- -1;"1-.
111,171:1,1",;111(lb I ei' I')
William DohcA•
4*, Irt ;.1 ..." ,f‘ l • -4. "
• ti.
William Dar ass,
4 / si f i \ T
. VN D c A j•
. ‘,l A N LA': l: itEit, Cf -7 ")
(E.1,1, 1 i i lof fh,,,ki• M I 111 el. , liliaCV.''
. "NW
N0:17. W.0" . " 1-
I:,, T y ,L. , : .i i ,,i„„ of I . :, al , lip: nu linna ,unl for,ale,
wh,,i,,,1,,,,1 ~.,t iii i, a , pric to :nit Eli , tinn. Inv :i
_ . __ •
JOIINS(Ov 1)U V• T'.
Bookbinders ,d Paper Rulers,
C ont i ime 1:11.• of &
.Toha-on. lion' dr:a;t7llO of ‘vorls line ti,•at
ly and promptiv nut!: B—y
o a k and r o per Ltimber for Sale.
A F E w A-a , ont.a. Oat: l'oplar
r , "t* JffdtcB
c . Aar tho V..uiltain 721.
n ,. G oo e s felebrated Female Pills.
r I i ll 1 ,: : ,; E rill aro ,:rongly recommended to the
wnice of as a sale ;/II(I IClnCity 1.1
, nms complaiilts pectiliar theirsex, front
w not oft , serc r,orgeneral debility of the system. TIWV
and counteract all Hysterical and
These Pills have gainedNi`l'VOLl3 the !tin ,
t i ( „, wrobation of the nio.F.t eminetit in
the State 4, ;Uhl many Vlother4. For sale
wi,„l„,e Retaibby 11. L. SELLERS, A ovnt, .
ser t
N. NV , KmI Street, below Soemal
,4totice to Dr. Eiraidreth's Agents
r tin: otTiev in Pittsburgh, whichwas establithed for
i tlw pi-pose of constituting agents in the NNTSI,
t 'r 'I ' , ' , l , r 4 '1 ti • t onionl • - w closed, and
1 ., la_ .ct ~. it at 1.1, is no
dr. 11. 11. LEE, in tho Diamond, :Market stroet, up
pointod ti'ly i4gont For the salt. of my Pills and hit,i
mtt s. Ail Dri Brandroth's ag,nts will, then fore,un
derstand that Dr. B. o ill send a travelling agent
thrOugh the county; intoe a your to celleet monies for
udosinaile and re supply agents. The said traveller
will he pro lard with power of attorney, dial} pinned
bCfOro the Clerk of the city and county of lea• Turk,
together with all the necessary vouchers and papers.
Mr J.. 1. \ne is my traveling agont now in I'manvl
ruiia. B BB A INDRETII, M. D.
N. B.—Reinember, Mr. G. FL LEE, hi the rearof the
nirhet ii now tny iiil agent in Pittsburgh.
june 14
HaVing been ;afflicted for nenrly Lem YearS, with a
hard en thr cup of mr knee, which
produce 4 murh, pain, and used various applications
ref-motile:Med I,y the faculty—all in vain, was cured
completely by tlw INV of one bottle of Dr. Braildreth's
linament, or external remedy.
iny lgwd, .1 AM ES TA 1" LOH.
I /hi.. lli., Allegheny t•n. 1.0,.1810
Dr. Ilttatittrotlftt cxt rial rPtnerly or litmenr;
at Ow :rare of GEORGE IL LEI:, l'ittsborglt, price
St) coot. iter bottle. fob 3.
rll II V, ,obscriber, have rout - toyed to Water, between
Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will
continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commissim
ness. and would respectfully solicit the patronage of
their friends. .1. W. BURBRIDGE & CO.
dec 3
Dr. Dechter's Pulmonary Preservative.
FOR cough... colds , intluenzais, catarrhs, whooping
cough, spitting of blood. pain in the breast. all
diseases of the breast and langs. rusdarrestof approach
ing consumption , Warranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. F A HNESTOCK & CO.,
iy Agents for I'ittrhurgit.
Cheap for Cash
Short Rea Yarn.
No. 5 at 15 ct 6
6 at 15 do
7 at 15
8 at 15 11.
9 at 15 di
10 ut 15 d
11 at 15
12 at 15
13 at 16 '
14 at 17
15 at 18 Jr'
16 at 19 in
17 at 20 •err
18 :it 21 do
10 ut do
20 at 23 do
G7l7.'Orderromptly attended to, if left at .1 & C.
l'ainter'A,Liq&K , - , "nedy'.yn - the 1'1,4 Office: add rei.i
r 27 J. K. MOORIIEAD & CO.
ir g and Roference Library.
C F re T tin i kA,historical, political and miscellaneous
wor ywill be nftcpeter day, Sabbath except
ed, f r om !clock A. INE.. until 9 I'. M., in the Ex
ri,„„x„ corner of St. Clair street and Ex
diaige 4 -, where punctual attendance \kill be git en
by .1. GE.IIAIII..
sip 1
sags and Axles for Carriages,
Ea.st Prier's.
r .41111,(•111.•!, 111.1111lial 'Keep constant
.. oi. hand ( %melt. C and Iliptie Sol (
Juniata Iron A • le., Siker :nal Icrasii plated
Braos and plated Hub Bands, Stunip
pat,:nt Sikrr and Br
1 .,101(1 Str.p lialleable lion. R.:- fraraTi, and
tlO St. Cldir st.. nett:- die Itridite•
VIZ.ACIS 1,. 1-,11.:“
~.s ,sh
Gran a Sof, :for' 1:.cji1. , , , i0n 1:f
‘.% LK. well for hlr• con' olunity I t ,
Lear it mina that their security di - tenth; entirely
ui. i their ouit 11`111:our,:zr ., 11e . it
t of boati that Lure or
11,1?. !..• 'Ow •of pr.ww the ulrovr
th inakinz such selec-
Il tt o, r.. rynernl intr. : Nl-rim' of
arfime mlinittts.l 1,, ail two' who unaer•tand
incil •of the Steam Lliaffirte, to In a ~tiro preventa
-11 t` 1110-W illvaiful di...L.-Art4. 1..111111 , e et r
tuhily, 'la the 110,1Jc..1t- of cxylo-attio. that ice., alretals
haten iii , ii i.T , 11 . 11.., 1,, and the
111 .11-'lllll , .:1 I/ t.o alma la bore 10.4 a ,tiffi-
tilt t IL-ht Iti 111,1%, , Intriirt.: for IL
Lit•lV BOLIt. :Ind in lo allt• it tilt.
Th , y WC.It ht 70, :I:iklilinnlLLl CNIK.II,I.
that 1111:: Iltrrof,in•
10 tll - 01 iirfat with It of tily..rant v.
3:,(1 bvy6ur vitro that you ripprOcibi . their
I:tudahlo i•nd-avol, , to ,tort thi, awful ..:acritic, - • of Int
nian not chrinl, mon. than oth-r bow.;
th , ir wiin.:l:ition , in other r...p.vt:4 tar equal, and
in rnauv rnsw , vutterhir. and a• th , re is one lvtivitu:
Pitt try day. v. hv will ton nm tow riAlc when
it i. pn .•.ittlth.t..lyin your own power Ur
mark,rl p ] in tln Li,t of Arrivak and
inoolol port of thi.. raitvr, arc surplivd
with th , Sal,tv
LL( .:f lie u !; pror; 7. t S,,f,ty Guard.
AGES, .1.4.11 ROSS,
AMARA :V TII, LADY or L.l" ,
APEL AIDE. .:11 EN 7 . 0 11,
rxs TR EL.
B R N T, ALI I,' 7'7'.1,
Rl - N E 7'7'E. MICHIGAN,
BR E KIV .1 (41 - 1; 'PT E,,
BR WO 1: ;;".1 TER, M 155 , 1. - 11. I MAIL.
C A D M ; 0 P.l lIK,
( RO, .111','S INGER.
C 01, UM B /ANA, 01110,
a E.V7. BR K, TA 1. I. E AND,
lit.l, H.' 7'17 ESS,
/LL IX 01S, 117 ES 7' WIND.
J. If BILLS, war
li I M ES. Nveuld respectfully inform his filen&
VI and the public in general. that he dyes Ldies'
dresses, Habits andiMantels of every description, black;
and wart - tuns thent not tosmut, and to look equal to nrty
lie dyes fancy colors 4;01 descriptions of silk
and cUrret yarn andrestores the colo rs o f
ectulernen's clothing. So as to res.l -, mble new goods.
Mr. 11. flatters himself that he can plea so the public,
as he has done an extensive business in New York for
twenty years. All work done on moderate terms, at his
eXtablishment in sth ...I...between Vrooil mid Smithfield
near the Theatre.
F.7.7r - This is to eertilv that OST.F. MAU:Slats done
w•orl< for us, w I ioh has rally ans'a ored our expec
cations, and we consider him a rompetrat dyer.
S. llemph 11, A11E111)11 , PIP iy•
\Vm. Barne-, W. 13. 13,,ivi;
.1. 13. Shurtletr Win. Porter,
B. F. Mriw
)iiv id Boirs,
.1 . 03iT1? French, jr
Cicor4l , Barne,,.
Naylor & Co.'s Bestitcfined Cast Steel.
THE iindersigned, a.zents for the above celebrated
stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an a.s
sorirneht of the same,consisting in
Be strefined Cast Steel, s geared , flat, round and octagon,
do do do do axe temper.
Exthi tin do do for nail cotters,
Best do" Double and Single Shear 6teel,
Etgii it Blister, German, Granite; Wedge and Craw
ley Steel, at wholesale, by the •case, or in smaller lots
to ;nit r urehasers. LYON, SHORB S, CO.,
je Foot - of Wood streo
fITTSBURGFI, PENN'A,AT FIVE' boLLA ' • R ANN U,ll, PAYA.F3hg IN AD o...knit;
It nion Cotton Factory
Lang Reel Yarn.
500 at 84 cents per dozen
GOO at 74 do
700 at 64 do q
COO ;t.t 54 do
900 at :5 do
1000 at 5 do
Candlewick at 15 CAIItA per lb.
Cum. Batting, 8 do
Family do., 12,1 do
ICarpet Chain, 20 do
Cotton Twine, 20 do
Stocking Yarn and Cover
!et Yarn rdways on hand.
Cotton Warps made to or
New York Dyer
11. H. Smith.
I Irtiry Javen:
Joseph Vera.
ap 20
- - A Card.
NATILII I / 4 4 . IlleCA RTHY be
. leave to 411)C Oativ Itionnin : 0
Y anattunche Cieutlemen of Pittsburgh. --__
, that IP , is I 'repm Nkto make 13007'S of ail
kind s , of the hest Leather obtaltiNlfrom Philadelphia,
and ov,:r La-ts made by instrauctionn himself. Ile
does, now for himself what he has so lotit-4,dspe for the A
Pittsburgh Bosses, i. e. alter and tit his lusts th...(.uit the
foot. lie has worted at the most fashionable NV 01[1,_ i n
the Eastern cities,came here and instructed several how
to alter and fit, which can be attested by numbers of
Journeyme n in this city, and now is rewarded Ly them
with cot/tame:lv and abuse. Ile hereby challenges any
Bootmaker in - Pittsburgh, (Boss of course.) to Make a
pair or more of Boots, stock equal, measure to be ta
ken by each iu his non way. Worhmaaship to decide
the matter.
Fourth , t. nr the Monongahela. House Boot maker,
(as he calls himself.) have a rare chance now to show
themselves. If they can make a Boot let us see it.
Mecarthy's Shop and Store is on Market street,
next door to Second, and opposite J. Dunlap's Tin and
Sheet Iron ii ire Factory. - july 11—tf.
___ ___ •
To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh.
THE subscriber must respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city rind
vicinity. sHOl: : l,l, j 4 1 . 11: business he ha,in
Fourthcommenced ) street,tlllo BOUTi)l)o3ie
Mayor's oilier. Ha% ing been foreman in some of the
most fasliiimable boot shops in the Eastern cities: and
ha). ing furnished himself with the lis)st French and
American calf skins, ill` 11014, by his attention to bUSi-
VIC'S: , to merit a slain , of imbliit patronage. To those
gentlemen who have kindly patronised him he returns
his sinner thanks, and run With confidence appeal)
for the good:less of his work nod Ituowledgn itt:tri;
business. P. KERIIIOtrN.
may 11.
!_William Adair, Boot and/tic Maker,
Liberty st. oppoxite the he; , .l 5 6 ; 171 '1 47 ( .1 ' 1 .
The subscriber harm :ought out t 11))
stuck of the lat , :. ' unit:Li RZI ire rty .at .4./..a,(1..1iai
0 0111111: . 11Ced 1,11{411l . , , : , at the old staid 11f Mr. R.;
and is prepared to-6)...ectite all desrriptiiins of worlt in
his liity„,ia_tiljgesl whitity,4 4 lol, 9 „tla• slwrtw)t notice.
',frill . : I.r .. tiA& Pnilina a To.iie...:-,000
solicits the patronage of the public ana 41));- c)-).n.
W \I. \ 1)AIII
AA'--op 10—y
David Clark, Ag't.,
JFASITIONFILE BO( VT M 11‘71-:11, ha. iyinoved
to No. 3-I Market street, bet ern Second and
Third Atreet,:, where he would he happy to see his
oid en-notion:, and all °dna, \ VllO tie! 11. - 11)1),;ed to pa
timli.e him. Ile u..e:: nothing. bin tir-t rat , =t k. and
employ. , the boAt of w.r,rkniett: and u , I,,.trhe-• hi , con
,tn T:t per:onal attention to Int , ine.:::. 1 - 1, - . trot. that In.
Win 111`,..frN f" . and receive a fair ?hare olital ron:t4e.
-iert 10
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash.
.\u S. Fifth .s t. 7' tr., 1 row :11/1,-1,-el
• T YATES intend: t o nnumfartnrcra [ w t.
colgaili44 tfsr artirle of LadieS% Clii!drens and
:\lis , e,• Shoe , . and sell them cheaper for ea-12 than
they,aa lio!i•zht in the city. lb - ,will keop rowitant-,
Iv on hand and Pialies ti , order Ladies' Shoes of ail
al.:1 • %cry low prices, or
Lid it , ' I.L,tiag Foxed Ciuiter Boot, iil 75
be=t quality Kidor Moi , Ncei f fauiters, 1 50
" C'alf ' skin Roans, 1 37. i
" • Fo \od Ilia laitur , .. all coloi, 1 :,'7l
" Loa Lid 311 d N.fill, 1,0 bil-lx ill. 1 16i
" 1)"11111C SON . CI Slipper:. (Jeff.) 1 12i
fine Kid Soil up and Tura:‘, beat quad' 00
Spriugi, bta,y, 07 L
" " Slipper.", ..'t
\II 5i10... , made horn ‘varrant(d. andChil
.l.ron,' in tile r , Lone proportion.
- lternernher the plttee, at Ibe fign of .1 , .• R,.1
N. I. Fifth street.,
1*()ItAcr(), SNITF AND C 1( \lt STORE.
J. 117T.I.EitTON,
No. 416. Worhl reef , (Inc door ahore.6lk,
r 4mA:wily on }rand all kinds of the Iwst
iX. Spanish Cigar?, Reza/ilia, Caeadvres. Coat - -
Spanish ana common ritrar, ,, .
'i•obar'ro of all brat brands. Cil nel ieh ,
lump; Brat/morel Plug . Ili and 164, I , fmr.
\ Mr.=. - Miller's fine rut chew inf; tobacco.
tin affs—Rappee, Scotch. Macouha, High Toast ,&e.
Ile has also, all other articles in his line, which ht
tarot's wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices
.1e ft—t!in
At the old thin.? (g" Young LI:- M'Curdy, -No. 43, Se
rond street, between Wood and Market,
- REsrEcTruLLy infornis the friends of the late
• .
firni. and the public generally, that lie is prepa
red to fill all orders for Cabin 4 l l orh, any kind,
with all posible dellateh, tied warranted to be equal
to ;in . !, in the city.
Even• a ttclo ion trill he paid 0, fitrnishin 2 ,, , COFFINS,
Sr when
.le I 6—y
File Manufhetory.
Fr subscriber having commenced the manufuc
1. time or Cast Steel Flles, from American iniocrials
exclusively. merchants nr other persons wanting can be
supplied by him with a better article than the foreign.
and at lower prices. Intending to tISV only the best
quality of File Steel, manufactured by the
StiarNnEttoEtt's, which is 1101 . N oieAt to a perfection
equal to the hest English article, manufactured for the
same purpose, the subscriber has full euulidence tha t he
will be able, in quality of articles and priers, to realize
the best hopei , oldie friends of American Industry.
or,oßoE ROTH ERY'.
Corner of O'llarn & Liberry eta
V 15-y
Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker,
-f Late n . f the firm 01 . Youv,z L - ti ray )
F_LT. AS commeimetlibei DO.SinelS in all its branches at
:Co 2'2, 11 inal su-eet, between First and Second
str,s.,w - bere he a ill keep constantly on hand a good as
sortment of v - ell made FURNITURE, and hopes, by
strict: -attention to bttminess, to merit a tiiintintiance of
the patronage wlthe
Every attention willhe paid to tarnishing COFFINS,
&e. A Ftirniturel.:ar feir hire. July 11
Ellplicasterez and Cabinet Illaker,E ,
Third st., hetireen it oat/ and Market,
Iteivectfully informs his fri.yids and the puldie that he
prepared. to execute all orderi. Cur sofas, ..midebnard:4,
burenus, chairs, table. tird,tead-, stiinds. hair and
spring mattras , es, curnitinz, carpetr.: all sorts eluphol ,
stering work, which j g , win ,r,rrant equil
in the city, and on relffonable terms.
Matthew Jones; Barber and mho M a yo r ' s of-
Has removed. to Fourth - street, otxtipon permanent or
fac, -where be Win 'oehappyleits a sham of public pa
tranfient customer=. 11, sep 10.
----'--7----------- brill 4hßrillk
:rival of the STEAII BILICT
.4 jai rs of England, Irelan;.l, Wales. France, Sisunist s
- irtaga/, 4.e.—P roceedinga• of Parliauseat--ett
tack y".. Lord Broil ghak on President Tyler--
M a rk etti- 4 ,.
steatnship..Britantria. Craptitin Hewitt, arrived Eastßoston on Sunday morning; 3 o'clock, shpt
a passage of 14 day 11 hours - . She let Liverpool at
ilO minutes before 4 o'clock odd l'-. It-a"
ult., arrived at Halifax -- • - -
the Ist instant, and 1
past 1 o'clock, P. M.
1 ton harbor on Saturda ,
The Odidonia arrivi.
after A passage dr 10 d;
The cotton nrtrket v
two advance s of 1-8 d
Theeorninarket wa•
during e'p'' t7n aas.
thelast L
, I
has E The
al harvesti irct
iI ii,;Hai J r.,3 , ,, ,
2 1 ,g ;' e ltf er . •
d a rid
late events o f ' 'P a ' S .
ly trrocto;/. . ,
There an,
• t eontinuea 1
nii : cuo ;ij i . b O , ' . : l ll.l ; ( l , E t i -11‘ 1,.i si i it r . :, s i is ' . ::i d ol a l i i ,t i t i i: ? , 'Y t .. : .tx 1 .1' i ' i le i li r : rt i e 9l t il l th 'i l l i ie: t .B ie u f5ree i t x'l l t
The British Pallid:l'?
(..4 1u •,,r1 in person, on Thi
has ben further distut
Alitrunitc, attacked and
ArottutA near Balbec.
Later accounts from
•-• , al,(1
4•41,1. them
Si ene valued in latt.
for i2u0,60U.
. s
deputatiou front the Bank of British North'itacoatet
ica, consisting- of Sit Robert Campbell. Bart.,ana Mr.
James John Cummins, directore, had an interriee
with they Chancellor of the Exchequer on Thursday, at
residence in Downing street.
The Protestant Aosuciatien, at a meeting 4iaid idt
Tuesduy ‘veck, adopted a memorial, which' as Aped
by the President, A iec-I'residents-, and oilier perbotte
connected with the society', addressed nip the Areithide.'
tips and Bishops of the United Churches. of England
and Ireland, dittoing their attention io the fectefully
ra pid spread of tractarianism, and praying their laid=
ships to exert their it/flu:ince in surppreseing mctisats
shim ,
Alemorials are reaching the Right Rev. Preliiies
ly, soine from bodies. no its the case of the Protestant
Association, arid othersfrorn partiettlarparishes thrtiegb:
out the coinitre. ,
Mi. tits celebrated and poPalariConis
ecl ion, was oar ort he i'-'f".:.l:=engons of the Britannia.
Un 1.110 Bth that Repeal rent for the woe* Wha an
nounced to be £1,355. •
Aineeicaa cheese sells in Cork at 4d. per lb. in:Aar
the best Cheshire, and is cutisidered superior to it.-
The Cork Crated Jury have refused, by fifteen 7.4
Live, to adopt an Anti Repeal petition.
\ithcua•n °kilt! 39 dirty of revenue policn, station ,
ed a hare been dismissed by order of Cr' . 4 ..41
Briereton, fur Livia. , = married without permission.
A few days age Dr. Burns, of Pitisloy,'received.
letter frem Mr. llootle, M. .P., incloslitg 1 dutft.falr
for the benefit of the Free Church:
;In - .'ftrikeg.--:-The Rebecca Atiti
lits S. Wales still continue, arid 'have hitheito 4efied
the most energetic measures employed to put the
down. Anothereeenthas complicated the eVilsnadei
which the people of \Vales noiv groan. .
The copper masters of the neighborhood of Swanietr ?
; Liwin,.; to the great fall in the price of that article, hit!ati
fimud thertisclyes under the necessity of rodueingtlidi
wurl.nien's A turn-out has be e n 'the copse;
sequence, and several thousands cif theth Lie
wily Without employ, ci-ent. But this strike, these
too much reason to fear, will be thrown into inslgiarts ,
aster by the miners and colliers, who are
together throughout England, Scotltuid, and iielutid;
tot the oiventy avowed purpose of 1 sinautumeans it 4
cut throughout the United Kingdom. They tire
to be tli.it lily ..rza nizeit, and have already 'enrolled
from 30,000 to 0,00() membets'.. ,
The question of emigration was incidentally' aiattSa;
icc in the House of Commons on Friday, in Coaaii.;
tion with the Irish Pool Law Bill. Mt. Charles
per objected to the discretionary ernigration'etinies*
the bill, 'which gav e to the local authorities the seliss
of the colony to which paupers- might be C 01 1 ,783144.
Mr. Buller feared that the 'feeling in such am*
be, not to :send the poor emigrant 'to the colony *NW*
they 'vvould thrive best, but to that to Which theyttillail
be seta 'eke,: rest. Canada being nearest, and - Whet*
labor was less wanted, would, he suspected, ersgrdu
this kind of emigration'.
Chi the same night the subject of the treaty of Wish:
ington raised a discussion between free and QM/
holcrog countries, in which the old grounci of the right
of search, fugitive slaves, arid the British law edged
gives liberty to the slave when he touches bur
was gone over ud nausehm.
The Attorney General gave it as hie Opinion that,
under the clause of the treaty for the Mutual sur
render of criminals, if the offence of the party took its
character only from the slavery of the accused, he
would not, under the hill before the house, be de,
livered up. Mr. Dunconibe adterted in the cunt* a
his speech, to some instructions said to have bees
givens Ly the American Govt4trinent to its officers, in
contravention of the 14'ashington treaty. He paw
tinned the sincerity of Sir Robert Peel's govenuseat
on this subject, and asked him to lay the instrtledons
on the table. Sir Retieit refused, adding thut ho satl
no grotind for the Iniputation. Ultimate, the hill
passed throuzli the eummiuee, as also did a similar
bill hetweehlhis country and France; for the sumo;
der of r' ritninals.
Lord Breu ,, bam made a furious tinsiongiit
iPticoidenti Tyler and his son in the House of
a few eV eriinc- s hack, when the affair of the Asti* beim
tv were incidentally discussed. "A perin*, pained
Tyler. said to be the 501/ of the President, has token
part in the repeal agitation !" exclaimed the ma&
lord, iv ho proceeded to say that "no one Was . insiseic..
' able for the fooleries—the excessive fuoleries—of
f Lurd Brougham, while thus seiterei _
! son, styled the sire the "accidental Preside .
United States;'" but he could not belie
sa'y the document with his own eyes (WPM
tionary had written the letter attri • hotel ...4o
of repeal. This eccentric heart
never attacks any one wit ripen the emer
into the conflict, and 1" first born is characteristic of
trate of the Union
the man. gr.iatest clentonstration which
A great,- - niatie in favor of rcpeal, took place at
has cessf—a memorable spot in the early history of
T: c 1 and its kings, and celebrated even in late
fars by the resistance which was made there to rig
ine's forces by the "empties" in this rebel* at
798—0 n Tuesday last. All the accounts cabeat in -.
representing this as the greatest of all.-ths•"sposair
Tice reports of the various papers, Whig, Tiisrand .
Radical alike, agree with O'Connell', tdesertualtat
this being the crowning . Altiming of the iteril 1(w '
, r+~,+;as~. -, ~.~. ,mgr.+,.
foreign Nol6.