Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 08, 1843, Image 1

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    . .
iGiburg i . .
. .
4 .
f: VOL: I. _NO. 309.
N. TV. corner of Wood and Fifth Streets.
TER. llB . — Five'itollars a year, payable in advance.
Single copies Two CENTS—for sale at the counter of
the OJEce, and by News Boys.
The Weekly Mercury and Manufacturer
LA published at the same office, on a (hd& medium
sheet, at TWO I)OLLAItS a year, in advance. Si"-
gle copies, SIX CENTS.
0.,e insertion, $0 4 30
Two do., 0 73
Three do., 2 00
One week, 1 50
Two do., 3 (0)
Three do., 4 00
One Square. Two Squares.
Six months, $lB 00 Six month?, $. 1 3 00
One year, 25 00 One year, 35 00
I r 'Llirger advertisements in proportion.
"CARDS of four lines Stx 1)4)1.1-kw a ye:tr.
. :. ~.... Ptblic Offices, &c.
.C'ily Post Office, Third between Market and Woad
streets—R. M. Riddle, Postina,tter.
c tr o om Houpi, Water, Ith ti front Wood st.,Pe.:
Lemon's bnildings—Major.lnhit NVillock, Collector.
City Treasury, Woad, between First ..and .Second
.eO rtior
'' • Wt. - '-"-::-Jain - W.f. Baitrain, Trea ttrer, l
CO !Ca 01 ry, Third street, next door to tile
Third Pre. )ytc.ria 1 (:!nirch—S. It. Johnston, TlVZL'ti
• Mayor's Office, Fourth, botween Afarket and lA - Led
qtrects—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
Merchant's Exchanlre , Fourth near Market st.
Pittsburgh, betw.:!en :11arket and Wund ,orrotr; /1/
Mint and F Wirth trects.
Mcreh.ahts' aud ..ifetnufactn rx . nn.l De
,posit Batik, (formerly Saving l'und.) Fourth. between
Woo& and Market street:.
Exchange, Fifth st. near \Vood.
Monongahela Iftt use, Water str‘t,•t. 'war tin
Exchange Ifufel , corner of Pentland St. Clair.
Merchants' I fotcl, corner of Third :out Wood.
Anterie«n If old cornerolf hint and Smithfield.
United States, corner of Penn st. and Canal
Spread Eagle, Lib :.rty :treat, near sr,. entli.
Miller's At/n.5/04 /base, Liberty St.. opito,:itt
;BrsiasihSsrst's Mu sion fou t.t, Pet::: St., tr i tp:,.iit,
Iniportant to Owners of Saw Mill s.
NYDER'S unrivalled Self Setters, for saw
which. have lieu so fully tested in dilfcrent part. ,
of the United State:, as Well ZIA in the ritual Pitts
burgh and Allegheny, can be seen in operation at a
Jounbar of mills in tfiis it: at Mr. \ I . H:-
enchain's mills, it Penn street: at Bowman & Cham
bers's mills, near the upper .U1,1 2 11...f1y bri.ke, and
at Al.wriAon's mills, on Hare's Island, and others. -
The above named machine can be obtained In W. W.
ollace's shop, on Liberty street, 11(.31. SlllllllllOl.l.
where it is tittint, , up, and wfiere the m whine will be
kept constantly on hands. Apply 1,1 B. F. 1,1.
W. W. Wallace.
Evans' Chamomile Pills.
A BRAILVM .1. CLENIER, r ,,i,ln ur at 68, m !!
l i stroet, New lurk, was aillictrd with Dyspop,i:l
finite most aggravated form. The symptom: were
headachy, trryat fever, costivene,zs,coundi,
i..ttithurri, pain in the chest and stomach always after
flxtillg, impaired twetite, iwits.ation - 4inking at the
fitimach, tarred tot:, natt..eu, with fn., 'Writ unit-
Tugs, iliridne:s's towards night and rostle4sness. The.
had continued upward. of a t wel ve moat h, viten, ti:
c.onsulting Dr. Win. Evans, 100' Chatham -tart, and
submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode
of treatment, the patient Was completely restored to
health in the short. spare of one month, and grateful for
the incalculable benefit derived, gladly came forward
and volunteered the above statement For sale, whole
stile and retail, by H. E. SELLERS, Agent,
sep 10-y No. 20, NVood street, below Sevi
Pease's Haarhound Candy.
TUTTLE has received this day from New York,
afresh supply of the above celebrated cure for
Coughs, Colds and Consumptions; and is ready to sup
ply customers at wholesale or retail, at his .31Mical
Agency, 86 Fourth st. nov
Metter Dartains than ever, at the Three Dig
THE subscriber would respectfully inform his eus
unners and the public gene rally, that nntllritli, tad
ing- the unprecedented sales at the Three i
during the present season; he has still on halal the I:,r
•,,geBt. and most varied assortment of elegant Cl.O
- THING that can be bought west of the 1110111 ail/S.-
I ' h° public may rest assured that all articles ofVered at
his store are nruaufactured from FRES' I GOODS, pur
chased in tho Eastern markets this spring and made in
togarments by Pitttshurgh workmen.
.In consequence of the multiplication of slop shop s i n
• our city, filled with pawn brokers clothes and the musty,
-cast off garments of former Aeri_s, ins, from the eastern ci
ties, the public should be cautious to ascertain the char
7sicter of the establishments in which they are invited
purchase, before they part with their money. The art i-
clew offered at seleral of the concern,: in • this7art
the mere otlids of New York and Philadelphia s hip
• shop), and sent out here to be palmed otr On the Pitts
' burgh public. Purchasers pzhould be on their guard a
gainst these impositions, and they may rely on the, fact
that no establishment that advertises eastern made Clo
thing, can give as: good au article It 55 ad% zei t vus
bargains as can be had at the "Three Biz Doors."
The public will please remember that all the sithseri
ber's garmenti are made i lk city/,by competent work
men, and not gathered up like the goods now offered by
the "birds ofpassage" from the shreds and patches 11
eastern slop shops. It will always be his endeavor to
"Maintain the reputation that the "Three Big Doors"
hive obtained for furnishing a superior style of CLO
THING in every respect, and at prices below those of
any other establishment.
He would again return his thanks to his friends and
the public for the unprecedented patronage bestowed
upon his establishment, and believing that they have
found it to their advantage to deal with him, he would
repeat his invitation to all those who wish to purchase
.Clothing of every description at the lowest price,tu call
i it4 l "Ohderve Metul Plate in the pavement. up 26
Look at This
THE attention tsf those who have been somewhat
sceptical in reference to the numerous certifi
cates published in favor of Pr. SWavne's Compound
• Syrdp of Wild Cherry, on account of the persons I w i nz
.unknown in this Section of the State, is respectfully di
rected to the following certificate, the writer of which
has been a citizen of this borough for several years, and
is known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility.
To tiag Agent, Air. J.
I have used Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a Cough, with which I have been severely
afflicted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
itt saying that' it is the most effective medkine that 1
have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness,
:tug agrees well with .rny diet,—and maintains a regular
and good appetite. I cansinctuely recommend it to all
tethers similarly aillicred. J. AILNNICK. Borough of
March 1,.181 0 Chamheraburgh.
For sale by WILLIAM THORN,
No. 53 Market suet:
ati) 23)
' .
_ _
One month, ' $5 00
Two do., 6 00
Thrredo., 7 09
Four df , ., 8 00
Six do., 10 00
One year, 13 00
(Mice north side of Filth 4tt,..-t,b,.t,e,n an,
Swithreld, 111 -if
Magistrate's Blanks,
For prweeding , , ut attachment tin,l4 r the lute lutic.lhi
,:tie at dii4 nllit r.
Blank Petitions, Notices, &c.,
T., lin. Bankilivicy rroc,ediii g .., printed zomf
paper, and in tla..l7 , rin , appr.oN ell by till' ( . 11t111, 1 1 rale
at this office.
V',. 13, Woo• 1 Street.
Wir.i.i.km 11. WILLIAMS .JOHN S. Dthwowrii
Williams & Dilworth,
Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission M.
chants, and llezdera in Pittsburgh Manufactured Ar
tides, No. 49, Wood : , tri•ll. sep 10—y
NEW GOODS.—ritEsTox & mAcKEv,
Wholesale ant Retail Dealris iec
English; French and Domestic Dry Goods,
No. 81, Market street, Pittsburgh.
J. & J.DrDcvitt,
Wholesale Grocer, , , Rectifying Dktillers, and Dealers
in Proance and Pittsburgh Manufactimed Artieles,
No. 224, Libcrty .tree/, se 110
.L G. & tl. GC.)It1)( )N,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
ti ler trePt. PittAmrah. sep 0--y
_ .
Commission and Forwarding Merchants,
No. 60, Water street, Pit tsburgh, Pa.
r TEitms. t e i i and _hipline_..', cent; per
10016 s. Commission on parcli;tses and sales, per
cent - mar`_'.,_.
Brownsville Juniata Iron Works,
Edward ifn , :hes, ilanni;leturer of Iron and Nails
Warehowze, No. 25, s.t Pitt.4burgh.
: , ,ep 10—v
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro
duce Merchants,
And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures.
MU 17 „, No. 43, illood street. Pit burgh.
R. Woods, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, NICIIOI.A6 D. CoLEMAN 1.1.01'D it. CuLEMAN.
Office removed to Baliewell's Offices, on Grant street, Coleman & Co.,
nearly opposite the new Court I louse, next rooms to J. General Agents, Forwarding and Commission D. D. Aahon, Esq., first floor. Fed, 10 Merchants,
Levee Street, Vicksburg, Miss. They respectfully so
licit e.rm,ignnients. 11 22-tf
Hugh Toner, Attorney at Law,
North East corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh. soli 10—y
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law,
Wive in the Diamond, back of the oh! Court Ilow.e,
s.ep 10 l'ittAnrgh.
Francis IL Shook, Attorney at Law,
Fouthil :Arco, above
Aep 10—lc Pitt,:bia-01, Pa
Thomas Hamilton, Attorney at Law,
Firth, bot woo], Wood and mitldir?d .t
Nap 10—y Pitt,barzilt. Pa.
-- -
Wm. O'Hara Robinson, Attorney at Law,
()they , • 1: the North s , hl,, of the Dia/wind, hetwocti 13r
ket and Uni.m strects, up stairs -op
A. I. Durboraw, Attorney at Law,
prOfenSil Sl`r, i1 . 1‘,, 01 the public. Ot11(
sop 10 on 501 M., td)OVI.
Eystcr & Buchanan, Attorneys at Law,
Oi rrtnnrcdfnrntluy Diamond to "Art itrimy'...; Row,'
s h a d s 41vollth, het and Wood 4t,.,
N. Buckniaster, Attorney at Law,
Lta..; remov,d hi.oiiit r to, Ile.are:• I.IW 13niLlin,s, •1 th
st.. tibm.t , Smithfield, I'itt:bum - li, 1.11 ,
George W. Layng, Attorney at Law,
111 - 111 - SIIIIIIIIIVII/, 1'111,1'1114/
Heade Washington, Attorney at Law,
',lick• in lial.i . owell'sbuilaing•,“ran t
TIIIV •,. 18 F 2
John J. Mitchell. Attorney at Law,
office e,,rner of Stnitlitilqd and F:fi It st Fiit•Oir - 2 - 11.
mud •. \ w.i•it•-... , : i11•11.4.‘,1
cart. \VIII prmll,ll- t , ,,,i,•.1 t,,.
William Eldcr, Attorney at Law,
off,, F. 11.4 -4 , 4-4J;11 11114 Ir ,Vo em.f,t•r ,if
Wm. E. Austin, Attorney' at Law,
Pitt -burgh l'a. (Alec 11111-1,
%IT E. Ai r E- 1 ., ,N ill ffi, , • hi , :1114.11-
tio!t to mvunfiui~ln•~l rec"unn,,,,l him
pa!ron:lgo of
sop 10-v IvAurr:Et r , )IIIV.I.ItD.
Daniel M. Curry, Attorney at Law,
( u❑ Fifth L.•tarou NVowl
Robert Porter, Attorney at Law,
OiFict , on the corn rot Fourth and Sruiihiii•W
sep 10 I'ur-I,ur:h.
Judson & Flancgin, Attorneys at Law,
finfififfieffi. nom- 7th strut. ('o'6•rti,n,: tn.f,fo 011
onftotorrn , . Foto:ion. for N, old
act ul Con:fre.:, airtod. 1%11,11: :off] 111 - 1,
1117, , for Ill,' ifrir I 7—v
ficriry - S. Dlag,raw,littlrncy at Law,
I rono 1, 1,1 hi- t., 0., Fo, of If .t.
il‘111N,SM1111:11•lil. , 111
J. D. Creigh, Attorney at Law,
()trice TI;:n1
tit% Ti-
L. Harper, Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Will Tltto:ul itrottirly Nt 1..11t•t.:1,”; r)t .
(lnint:ond ;di c!iirt,tod
iu tho,,uttlti , s
and Wtt‘n,•. 1 :r 17
1 , 4/1:0•11.\• Flv,) , i ( rat .
I , Pb:l flat-per,
my:!7. i3-tf
EL Morrow, Alderman,
Dr. S. H. Holmes,
niice ! ;2 i.t . oond AlrPot, zt , st tinir ti , .1 , 11V.1 , ‘
AVart•lit.tt-o. 10—v
Dr. A. W. Pattcrson,
Mice on S roc', third door 1 . 11)11111w coriii•r ~t
sixth street
H. D. Sellers, M. D.,
office and dwelling in 1 , 4n11111:41,,t.1wnr Ferry,
elr 13—y
Ward & Hunt, Dentists,
'Liberty :•truyt, n f* ,, w below St. Clair
fir 8,1813
Doctor Daniel 111cIneal,
)111cc on Filth ,trovt, Iwt ween W.md and Sniithlwid
dvi. I o—v
for thQ:zab. "I the Ea vie Cwtori F ' tore Yarn,
war 17—%
, T 1 0-y_
J. W. Einrbridge & Co.,
Agents fur the sale of Beatty's Powder, Water street,
between Wood and Smithfield. - mar 30—y
Wholesale Grocers & Dealers in Produce,
116 Wood Street, 4 duns above Filth M..,
nrp_l.i PIRA/111'01, Pfl.
T.1(21 . I.IA )1 . 1), Jr., 1111(40 :ode ltetail Grr
cl•r and Fritiwror, Nu. 140 Libt•rty,treot Pitts-
Birmingham & Co.,
John H. Hrant, Wholesale Grocer,
Doder (;,'lterni Forentrditig and Gem
Mt' relia
sent for Colirtnissim
Side , at the low e , t commislion rutes.
Pl•i/".—.1.,N.: W. Et-her, I)ay Gel ri,h, D. Leer &Co
maii , nore—AVAl hat& v 0. Willson& I !err"' • E.:Elder
11 i rriAburgql---Mich'llitirke,ll..lntvA,.l M. I loldman
inly I—Cm.
.1( )1 INSTUN l STOCKT( )N.
Booksellers, Printers and Paper Makers,
N. 37, eel, 10
John Anderson, Smithfield Foundry,
.:••.•t. tilt. 0,1,1
kNci ,-; L. y ol l .s ,
Thos. B. Young &Co.,
• \ Var.! 16.0”1 4.4.“1-11,1•4,f I laild , Ireet and Ex
t, t• i,;rrl:a"• fin la itu r e,
wit:cze (..111,1ecin , 41111-
I . N. (I tint % Li; T., picv.
H. - r () v N.-, ci )..
Wiro Workers and Wiro Manufacturers,
.tceet.l.e..\\ecci ,treet/,
.11 Pr in itUd 4 . 5 , 111t1 (7”11 by
Pillcing - ton's Unrivalled Blacking,
- A INIT \'. a!: , l , "1.1 anti retail
I 1 11 ' , TIC K. ET, ollt• cl,,, , ELrbm w Smichf,c•la,
James Patterson, jr.,
Ilinuitsv.itam. knorarturlT of
1.011.; tol,:wro,flt!rt•r,
ro!liwz . 1
_ _ • .
John IMl'Closkey, Tailor and Clothier,
:v ,ti I,ct‘‘ cell Si
Smith Sc! , 10
Wcbb Closay's Boot and Shoc Manufactory
I"; It , the I. S.
prunt.:l-t.1..itl in.ido• in Ow 11t :itc
11131111. 1 rc:tch 1
William Doherty,
143.3 \‘33 , 3:3 N1333:13.3.3 3.4.3, 3 : 0 •
:31331 53..113. 3313
l llV'l'l\llt'll'l VN[I~Xr'TII;CII. : -
N. 17, \V
: , •ry lr. ril ti at ndi rt ! ;m a tin aud for anli
s%),;;1..4:11.•;;;;.1 retuil. ;It prirt, -ttit fit, my
.i()IINS()N & DUN" U.,
Bookbinders and Paper Rulers,
Ipt-in , •,, at tlio I:vt , S.-
.1,4111:011. i. trctl:• , rrildiun ~1:1V011. ri.•rtl
ly and prorliptly NA•ruti.,l. may B—v
Oak and Poplar Lumber for Sale.
A,,, ~,,usand feet of Aenr , 4,,,m Oak tu)a poplar
bonber. for sake by wbob , ale. Engoire of Jo ales
C. Cu Esq. aoarthe Rnnntaia Inu. jy 21.
Dr. Good's Celebrated Female Pills.
\ES Pill.; art. ,trongly rt•rononotatted to the_i_ H ]:
11. it' , 01 . 'wiles as a sati n ;tart efficient remedy in
renanimz. tllO.-e ennirlaint: reettlitirto tla.itn+ex, from
ant olexerei , ,,oriTeneraldebilityof system. hey
obviate rn.ticoaess , audronnt ittll
Nervous affections. The..• Pill. h av e gained the gala
lion ;nal ;irtprolttion of the most eminent Physician , in
the United States, ;Ind TIVITIV .Mothers. For sale
Whole:ale and Item 0,1 tv It. d:. SELLA:IIS, tzent
colt 10 No. tlO, AVood Street, below Socond
Notice to Dr. Brandreth ' s Agents.
T IIE office in h
Pittsurgh, which was established for
the purpo,:e ,It constituting agents in the west,
haring accomplished that oujoet, et I,W closed, anti
Mr. LEE, in the Diamond, Market street, ap
pointed my agent for the sale of my Pills and Lini
ment,. All Dr. lirandrolis og. , lits will, thenTore,un
derstand tktt Dr. 13. will 'send a travelling agent
through the cowttry once a year to collect monies for
sales made and re supply agents. The said traveller
will he provided with power of attorney, duly proved
Inffitre the Clerk of the city and county of New York,
ttigether with all the necessary vouchers and papers:
Mr .1. J. Yoe is my traveling. agent note in Pennsyl
vania. B. BRANDHETH,M. D.
N. B.—liemember, Mr. G. H. LEE, in the mare( the
larket nuw me only agora in Pittsburgh.
i"g Leon afflicted fur nearly two years, with a
hard swelling on the cap of my knee, ‘which
produced much pain, and used Various applications
recommended by the faculty—all in vain, was cured
completely by the use of one lxottle of Dr. Brandreth's
linament, Or external remedy.
Witness Inv hand,
(Min tp., Allegheny co. Pa
Dr. Brantireth'tt external remedy or linament; sold
at the store of GEOlt6f: 11. LEI, Pittsburgh, price
50 cents per bottle. fob 8.
rjlIil: hale removed to Water, between
Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will
continue the AVholesale Grocery and. C, husi
imss, and would respectfully solirit the patronage of
t Itoir friends. J. W. BCRBRII)GE & CO.
dee :3
Dr. Dechter's Pulmonary Preservative.
Ta i 011 coughs, colds, influenzas, catarrhs, whooping
_L .cough, spitting of blood, pain in the breast, all
diseases of the breast and lungs, andarrest of approach
in,g. consumption. Warranted free from mercury and
other minerals. B. A. FAIiNESTOCK & CO,
jy I'2 Agents for Pittsburgh.
!miff D. IVICK
L. & r. 1). WICK,
Excha.ngo Ziotcl,
William Douglass
.Tan. 10, 1840
Cheap for Cash.--
Shari Red rare.
No. 5 of 15 ct,t per lh
6 at 15 do
7 at 15 do
Bat 15 du
9 at 15 do
10 at 15 do
11 at 15 do
12 at 15 do
13 at 16 do
14 at 17 do
15 to 13 do
1I; at 19 do
17 ❑i •20 do
18 ut (1)
19 at 2 3 a,
`2O at '23 do
htlm-A promptly
Painter' s , Logan Keno(
'2 7
Circulating and Reference Library.
OF religious, historical, political and miicellaneoui
works, will In open every day, Sabbath except
ed, ft oni 7 o'clock A. M., until 9 P. \l., in the Ex
change building, corner of St. Clair stnx•t and Ex
change alley, whore punctual attendance will be given
Springs and Axles for Carriages,
• • A t i•E Prices.
r g manufacu.c and keep eon:nata
l. ly on hand Conch. C, and Elirtie Syringe (war
ranted.) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and 13rase plated
Dash Fra 111 , 24, Brae: and plated Ilub Bands, Stump
Joints. patent Leather, Silver and Brtss Lamps,
lh fold Step+, Malleable Iron, I h.or Ilandlee and.
cap 1) St. Clair et.. ta.ar the Allei:beny
sAturld select Boats provided willt
Erari . 3 St , : fety Gila rdsfur preventing Explarion of
Steam Boat',
T a. uld Le well for the traveling., community to
Lear in mind that their security depetnis entirely
upon their own encouragement of boats that have or
may lie at the expeme ifprocutiug the above appara
tus. And that esery individttal Inakitll.7 such ,elec
tion, is r,,,arib.niag loWUrtl4 a general introduction of
iir...ntion adluitted by all men %Om understand the
pt inch, des of the 5t1 . 21111 to be a sure preventa
a ; ;:iii,,t those dr.•adful diia,mers. You have ccr
tniaily,.in Lite. lomat-yds h f exiilo.ious.thathlave alretoly;
Nilsen place. their almost ,laily occarrence, and the
thousands nl liws that have already Levu lo s t, a Sta.
( . 11 . 111 a•tulting, told induct num to make inquiry for a
Safety guard Boat, and in (Set V c;t4e to give i t t h e
p refetence. They hare NVVIII, to an additional exp ense
that your his es may be secure. I hilzht you not therefon.
to Ill"et theta with a correinitidiin: degree of liberality,
and by your preference alma that you appreciate their
endeavoia I. Slop this touch sacrifice of hit- I
man life. They do not charge 111 1 00' than other b oats ;
their aceonittn.lation , in other It•nfrell.: all equal, and
iu omit' rase, Slllo,l'loll and them h.{ one ktiving,
Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, a hen
it is so c , titipletch!. in roar own power to avoid thou (Lis_
ik4 , •r- , -
ill lam::: marl.ed tit, ['] in th,' Li.t of Arrival an,
I L•pa c ti a es, in ala , tla•r part ut thi, parer, are supplie,
kith iii :.-: ; ,,;. ty (~,„,A.
LiAl of 13wfts proci , le,l will, ti!r safer, a,,,,,i.
.1 L ps, JE IT 'ES, 4 4,
A G _YES. JAMES Rr)ss,
.1.11,18.11" 77 l, LADY 0P LYoNs,
As !ILAN D, :if INS T R EL,
I; R I LI. IA x7', M All LE 'l' T A ,
BRUN ET T E. „if IC Hifi.l .Ir,
I; If E A K 11 - .17. E R, MARQUE TTE,
BR II u ; I: 1 1 - .17'ER, M Ls'SOUR I MAIL,
C A 1)1/O, M ,UNG 0 ri RK,
C IC E R 0, M E,SS ENG EL' ,
_MON 7' G OM ER I'.
C CT 7' ER , NOR 7'!! BEND,
( •E( 'EL LI,
( ' OLI'M lII'S, ris PRE r,
('Ol,l 'MB I A .y A, OHIO,
DUQU ESN E, mei. E .1 NS,
DUKE of oRLEANS, 01.11'1: BR ANC 11,
EXP R ESS 211.11 L, RAR ITA N,
1'07:7' P IT .7', 8 Al? AT 0 0 A ,
CALLA \"7', 7'013AC(.70 EL.LVT,
1.',1)1. , 1N QUEL'N, VALLEY FORGE,
ILL IN 0 I.s . , II'ES 7' IrIN D,
J. If. BILL., mar 22
Ncw York Dycr
SET: HIM ES. wouldrespectfullyinformhis frieods
and the public in genend, that he dyes Ladies'
dresses, Habits andMant els of every description, black;
and warrants them not to smut, and to look equal to new
goods. Ile dyes fancy colors of all descriptions of silk
and carpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of
gctitlciocn's clothing., Ro as to resemble new goods:
Mr. 11. flutters }Moschella! he Call please the public.
as he has done at, extrusive business in New York for
I wentv yours. All work done on moderate terms, at his
establishment in sth st., between Wood and Smithfield
near the Theatre.
I:Fr'This is to certifv that OSEE HIMES has done
work for us, whit li has folly answered oar expec
tations, and we consider him a competent dyer.
S. Hemphill, ' Andrew Purdv
Wm. Barnes, W. B. Boles
.1. B. Shunted, Wm. Porter,
David Hall, , H. H. Smith,
B. F. Maim, Henry .Tavens
David Boies, A. Shocker, jr
Joseph French, jr., Joseph Vera,
George Barnes
Naylor & Co.s Nest Refined Cast Steel,
THE undersigned, agents for the above celebrated
stamp of Steel, will always keep on hand an as
sortment of the same, consisting in
Best MI tied Cam Steel, squared, fiat ; round and octagon,
do do do do axe temper,
Extra do do do for nail cuuers,
Best do Double and Single. Shear steel,
English Blister, German, Granite; Wedge and Craw
ley Steel, at wholesale, by the case, or in smaller lots
to sui t purchasers. LYON, SHORB & CO.,
je 24-3nt Foot of \Vood scree
nion Cotton Factory
Long, Reel Yarn.
500 at Bi cent. pct. ;barn
800 at 74 do
700 at 6. do
800 at 54 do
900 at 5
1000 at 5 do
Candlewick at 15 cents per lb.
1 1 Com. Batting, 3 do
Family do., 124 do
Carpet Chain, 20 do
Cotton Twine, 20 do
Stocking Yarn and Cover
let Yarn talway., on hand.
Cotton Warps made to or
- attended 1,,, if left at .1 C.
tedy's,or the Office: addre. , s
JANTII;I:I,,-11,7,-I.A.4IICcrATITY h,• ; ., leave to
that he is preps - Gentleme n Of Pittsburgh,
kinds, of the best Leather oliti lake 800 2'S of all
and to or Lasts made li v ima.rmi t i on , in rtniaddriiin, From Bicknell's Reponeri
does now for himself What he has so lo imself. Ile THE VALLEY OF THE! MISSISUPPL
e a
c recently
n g d a e r n •e t an of
e tte N re atio stil ai . :14 faiita,
Pittsburgh Basses, i. v. alter and fit his lasts
the ‘ p re en ika tif e
foot. lie has worked at the most fashionable • the
the Eastern rities,cam e lea, and instructed several ter, descriptive of the Velley of the Mississinst 7 '
to-alter and fir, winch can be attested by numbers o i e write r is continuing, the subject in a seseetOef*
Journeymen in this city, and now is rewarded by them i th,, , wki e l i cu ntu i„ luth valuable b a r o i naticia; - In
with condom-1y anti abuse. Ile hereby challenges any of 1.1.1 i -stale, he endeavored to , shoiv,"hai ilieY -..
Bootmaker in Pittsburgh, (Boss of course,) to make a , rope, and Nin • extent, nearly.equals contieettalr ."
pair or more of Boots, stock equal, measure to be ta- !contain 100,06 Led as diately is Englatsi '
ken by each in hi s ow n way. Workmanship to deride i navigation was esils(ll3.44huznan beings. Its s tectstasisa_
the matter.
reader, says the ant 30,000 miles.. L e tdo
(aFourth at. or the Monongahela 'louse Bout maker, i "take a good mo p o f No r dci e l ig! rivers it , queiniat4
she calls himself,) have a rare chance now to show !was on carried him fur away ...for that % a z
themselves. If they can make a Bout let us see it. i Territories, as laid down in Mi
W. McCarthy's Shop and Store is 011 Market street, : United States—and, running his eye
next dour to Second, and opposite J. Dunlap's Tin and how these rivers tan from and penetrate' p aim,
Sheet Iron ware Factory. July 11—tf lof the valley; indeed, so large and nuniereitii are
! would seem as if the Allegheny triMadairt-e
-one side and the Rocky mountains on the other_ '
nothing else to debut send out steamboat rivers. fur
use. Let him reflect that be can hardly place '...
ant - where, and be fifty miles distant from marelal Mt
other of these navig able streams. Arising heel
gion. thousands of milesapart, all llostincto the aright
ty Mississippi, and thence to the Gulf of Mexico, they
bind in one indissoluble bond the interests of all the
people in every section of the valley."
The population in 1790, is given at 108,868; ilk
lam, 8,43-1,756; it is estimated for 1850 at 15,7 82,54
and for die year 1900 at 94,000,000." If the "Young
Giant" already possesses such bone and Movie, alai
may not be expected of him in riper years? Even novii
without moving his position, whim his feet are lived
by the Gulf of Mexico, he combs his head into the hill
of her Majesty's possessions at the north, and hrushea
die dust from one whisker into the Atlantic strip, gnu
from die other into the Pacific Ocean: As to his tail,
whether its size equals or exceeds that of the ram , cionit
et, is not ascertained."
The agricultur a l exports of the Valley are estitinated
at :?102,000,000 annually, and this the amount merely
of the siiplus, after having produced enough for theii
own support, now ab0ut...10,000,060 of people. Tbd
writer then proceeds to - give an estimateuf , thermaiee
of property of the Valley: We copy this portion of tied
article in detail, with the eloquent preliiisinsitysel
marks:— -
" Ilan any one so reflect e d as to foi-ra 2lr, idea . ..1'
what it is to board, clothe, and lodge ten Million -4
people one year? Can his imagination rile apbefore
the eye of mind the size anti extent of those szaaa
and curds of food they eat, the bales and par of
goods with which titer are clothed, the beds aW beds
ding on which they sleep? Has he ever realized. ba
I sober truth, and as it exists, the extent of • the *An
I the houses, the agricultural implements, and all. rbe
, •fixens" necessary to produce the moans ntSlibillSKlNE
Ifor such a multitude? Is he acquainted with the eliii
and handle" of the "raw Material" tdlt Of iiikihaiiiii
base been made, or the time occupied in nicking
theist? It is but little more than fifty.yeanutieentllse
first white settler stood on a peak of thealtilegherty
mountains and looked westward on the MllsSissippi
, valley. A dense forest, the home of untamed risturd
and the abode of savage life, lay before him. lit lies
nut then as now; no gorgeous city stood upon tit
plains, no damosticated flocks or herds ranged Open
its hills, nor waving field of grain dais there Ai far
as the eye could reach, that man saw nothing ba
trees, and heard nothing but the growl of the papaw;
the hoop of the Indian, or other sounds of savage life.
That was the raw material—trees, panthers and bik ,
dians—out of which the 'Twins" have been nuiste .
The first settlers knew their "feel and handle," via
it was of blood. Since that time—in buibiing : Int
cmbins, -in fighting the Indians, is hunting the ntobins
the bears, and the panthers, in cutting down iis,
,tren r l n
'chopping log:, in pilin g latish, in rolling logs anti :" -
ing hnisheaps, in making rails and fencing-, in grubbisq' t
, and burning out stumps, in swimming creeks; IV task
, sag reads and building bridges, in putting up frame
houses ard building brick ones, in erecting mills- end
, building boats, etc.—since then, I say, the aitionorif
hard work performed is incredible. The rahle Apt
have created, and bare to shots . as the evidence
that labor, is without a parallel. lithe thin
years) he kept in mind, in which every dollar 'of .. iit
been wrung from the forest, it presents the meit ail
rowidin g spectacle ever seen by the eye of maga Dr
fi.nowin g - statement is intended to show the quang#l
and value or that part only of this property. that ma
be considered to constitute its capital or caphil a •
it is to be viewed in the same - 'fight as the
and mac:liner; of a manufacturer, that whietr.io .
,Ines 0.... e things he has for side, and by the
than and sale ,i whivh
he list's. As ihe 11 -.
is made not for vain show or enipty . horisi, Mit vi
stated to practical uses, I have taken sortie jiiiiaa Ild
iri c kt
make it approximate as near the truth 4.s tnty be.
Wishing to obtain the reader's confidence in it, as
far as confidence in estimation s of the kind can be ei
per toil, I will explain - the principle on which it is trade:
file quantity of land is obtained froM public drain
ment s , and sho w' s the numbet of acres owes:4l.6y indi
s ideals; line - third of Virginia. Pennsylvania.. and Nei'
York, is assumed to be west of the. Allegheny Mom
tains, and to form part of the northeastern COMFIT Of
the valley. The population at the present time is
' assumed to be tun minions, and a dwelling htsaaat• is
, allowed to (midi ten persons, in the proportion Of one
, brick to three frame houses. The barns, stablen;-OW
house.,., stores, warehouses, shops, !Mills, faatatialr e
foundries, etc., are supposed to equal in ramilw the
dwelling houses. Oue dollar per acre is aßillarnea, td
' cover tie \Mine of farming implements and titensafi
wagons, cotton gins, sugar mills, ,:te., and aim am
' private carriages and public conveyances. Thu hewn
for machinery is intended in represent the Write a iliW
chanics' tools and all machinery of all kinds iiiiliii;
ever: that for clothing represents also the mine of
articles of personal ornament or cutrrebience. By
'ante the estimates may be considered high, byrodsoni
low; be that as it may, it is respectfully submitted
the reader's consideration:
TADT.r. No. 4—Being an estimate of the "aide of Alt
part only of the property of the Mississippi=sidllef
which constitutes its capital or eapitalsto
in fifty vears by Its people out ofa dense forest; 1n
habited by Indians, bears, panthers, butfalces„*.olVes
alligators, rattlesnakes, and Wild cats; which harm'
they have subdued and which, with most otheiiisfia
animals, they have driven across the Missisiiipist' •
riser, and about half way from thence to the Rocks
Lands owned by indis ideals and . im
proved hi Virginia, Pennsylvania,
New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Ten
nessee, Alabama, Mississippi,
and Louisiana, 158.389,777 a - -
cres, at VA per acre,
Lands in Indiana, Michigan, acid
Illinois, 3.5,607,583 acres at t 35
To the Gentlemen of Pittsburgh.
THE subscriber most respectfully
informs the gentlemen of this city and• 4o6
vicinity, that lie has commenced ill° BOOT and
SHOE making business in Fourth street, opposite the
Mayor's office. Having been foreman in some of the
most fashionable boot shops in the Eastern cities; and
having furnished himself with the best French and
American calf skins. he hopes by Isis attention to basis
IJCS:' to merit a share of public patronage. To those
gentlemen who ilflVo kindly patronised :inn he returns
his sincere thanks, and can with confidence appeal
fur the goodness of his work and knowledge of his
business. P. KEIIItICAN.
may 11.
William Adair, Boot and Shoe Maker,
Lib crly st. oppo.,ile the head ,f Smithfield.
The subscriber havin,.; bought out the®
,ituck of the late Thomas Rafferty, dereased,liai
commenced bu-ine:s at the old stand of Alt-. It.,
and is prepared to exerme all descriptions of wo r k i n
his line, in the best manner, and on the shortest notice.
lie I:ccpsconsto:lll, on hatuitt large tt , sort mimt of shoe
finding.- of all a.....crlptinoA, nrwl of the best OalU. lie
solicits the patronage of the public and of the craft.
sep 10—y WM. A D.IIR.
David Clark, Ag't,
to N. :34 Marko street, between Second and
Thhil streets. where ho t% ould be harp ) to see his
old customers. and all others v, ho foul disposed to pa
tronise him. He uses nothing but first into stock, and
empl oN s the best of vk 9rltnm; and as he gives his con
stant personal attention to I/U'ineSs, lie trusts that he
will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage
s.ep 10
Pittsburgh Manufactures, Cheap for Cash.
8, st. Two do, , rsfrom
T YATEs to manufactinvrit bet
. 4,111110 for article of Ladies', Children, and
Misses' Shoo:, and sell them cheaper for cash than
they Can be bought in ill.. city. Ile will keep constant
ly on lona and makes to order Ladies' Shoes of all
kinds and colors, at cry low prices, of the follow ing
Ladies' lasting Foxed (hiker Boots $l. 75
best quality Kid or Morocco Gaiters, 150
Calfskin Boots, 1 37 1
" Foxed flalf Gaiters, all color:, I 37A
..best kid I tad Mom, buskin. 1 18i
.. Double Soled Slippers, (Jeff.) 1 1:24
fi ne Kid Springs and Turns, best qual.l 00
" Springs, heavy, 871
'• "
6 . 2 L
All Shoes made here warranted. and Chi::
drens' in the same prop, .EllOll.
1 7 e. i 'llemember the place, at the sign of 'lre Re,
B.". No. 8. Fifth street.
July 1
J. 111..I.ERToN,
No. I sfreet,one door above6th,
:so .
i.a c thn n t handzdlk , intiAof the
manes, Trubucas, Principe's.
Also, half Spanish and common eigurA.
Tobacco of all The het htauda. Careiolish, 5.
lump; Baltimore-Plu g , 1:,!s and 16., lump.
Also, Mrs. Miller'. line cut chewinz tobacco.
Sft , tlr , —Rappee, Scotch, Macoulm, I nigh
Ile ha: also, all other articles in his line, which In
)Biers, wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices.
it the old stand of Young ,S . • Jr Curdy, No. .13, S c
ermil xt reef, between (rood o 1
11..,p ESPIXTFULLY intinmis the friend: of the hat,
firm. and the public ,trrnerlly, that he iA prcpa
red to till all order::: for Cabinet Irerk, of any kind
with all possible despatch, mid warranted to be equa
to ztny in the city.
-. EN...cry 11110.17ri4 . 111 %ill to furni.Thinr., , COlTLiNS
, when required.
File Manufactory.
rpm , : subscriber having commenced the =unlike
-1 tore of Cast Steel Files, from American materials
exclusively, merchruits or other persons Nvantinz can be
supplied by him with a better article than the foreign,
and at lower prices. Intending- to use only the best
quality of File Steel, manufactured by the Messrs.
SHOENBERGKR'F, w h ich is now brought to a perfection
equal to the best English article, manufactured for the
sante purpose, the subscriber has full confidence that he
will be able. in quality of articles and prices, to realize
the best hopes of the friends of American Industry.
ils—y. Corner of O'Hara Liberty sts.
Horatio P. Young, Cabinet Maker,
(Late of Me
_firm of lortn 1 , , curd y )
H A s commenced the uusiness in all its branches at
'22, Wood street, bet ice -n First and Second
strs.. where 11.• will keep i•on-tantly nn hand a good as
sortment of well made FURNITURE, and hope s , by
strict attention to business, to merit a continuance 4
the patrol:age of the puliiie.
Every attention will be pa id to furnishin
&e. A Furniture Car for lure. July 11
JOHN Mel'Ait I, NI),
Etipholiierer and Cabinet illakcr 7 k
Third st., between 11ead and Markel.
Itespertfull ) infortni , hi,. ft icod, and the public that he
is Prepared to Pv2cute all ord.•rs for -iirleimtrard=,
burean,:, table, bcd,toads, sttuaL4, hair and
spring triattm,es, curtain, carpet:; alt sort' , of uphill
,tering work, which he will warrant equal to any made
in the city, mutton rearzonaldo terns=• sep 10
Matthew Janes, Barber and Hair Dresser,
Has removed to Fourth street, opposite the ?dayor's of
fice, when• he will be happy to wait upon pennammt or
tran , ient rustomer. Hr ..nliritq a shar. , of public pa
wl., 10.
nail!! 9 Pcst.
per acre,
Lard: in Arkamois, Missouri, Wis..-
consin, and 1nwa,15;220,559
co -4, at $lO per acre,
fload.i... bridges canals. court butt
s.es, public building, et,..
Brick dwelling houses, 250,000. at
at $l,OOO t each
Frame dwelling houses, 7.30,000, at
$5OO each,
All other hon.m.s, 1,000,090 at $3OO
Furniture fi,r '250,000 Imam dt
$4OO each.
Furniture for 750,000 houie.t. at
$590 each,
4 , • 4.
/ 55 , 20 4,504.
302,576,0 -