Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 07, 1843, Image 3

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    ,:, 1 . 'ID. 11.1111tAPVITLTY )
/TiSMIRGH., THUItSISAI-, sE y rumßEit 7. , Cir.al 13;1,in, corner Wu \ue ar:d Lib..rty strvets;. Pitts.
, Inir.). Agent United States Portablc Pe Klt Line.
;ept .1-3 m.
CaTor busil4..o curds, &c., st.M.) first pagt
I. , SALE OF STATE STOCKS.—The fol]owing 5:at05t ,, 0 , ....; ;
were gold at the Court House. yesterday, by JOHN D.
Dam, Esq,, by order of the Conunis.4urierg:
. 1I
1600 Aileghany Btid,eCo.
2000 Monongahela do.
600 Big Beaver d
100 Conemaugh do.
100 Lovalitan nu do.
170 !Gibbstown do.
300 Williamsport, Wtlol co. do.
1780 G. & I'. Turnpike Co.
320 Pittab'g & Steubenville do.
300 Mt. Pk:mil:nit and Somerset do.
672 Somerset & Be I 1 rd do.
100 Washington and Pittsburg do.
224 Pittsburg-It &F.& M. do.
160 Bedford & Hollidaysburg do.
300 F. Creek Bridge Company,
10 Franklin & All. Bridge Co.
10 Erie &Watetf.ril T. Co,
40 Warren and N. Y.
SOO Bank, Pa.
WO Columbia B. C B. Co.
-- 101 d . Valley R. R.
September Ist, 1843.
Messrs. Phillipx ,S• Smi'h:
gentivnym: Thu following shoos tln Colluction,
this . officc for the month of august, coin with I
tho.4eof la:st ye ar: Lace Leather.
SIDES Ear, Lath r,a v•-ry snperiGr artiLlt.
1342. 1817.;J •Nali V It`E SCWEII" Machine Dells, for sale by
Canai $3,697 12 \V ER 13111 .1 k
1141*/.7 5,352 83 ,:ep 2,1 I mk.v..2t No. 3'3 Liborly st.
$9,050 00
Deduct last year,
1 ifr:rea..ie report,
Total increase Sl.llei. ry , `llill:4' of Na.v . it $1.3.592 63 cif k - N;(9.• • •
hii, a b ove ex hita, . . . _ • • _ • • , 1 , 41 1/1 1/11e Of 1/I‘.! bein
•trr gratitying ia.roa:_. of tali; ; st;-,•ot •t' th. , t•ttv, Tvill I Its to lit low to a
',.upon our public improvements, 110 1.Witili.111:11lifIg 11,, !,1.1, o!: 4111. A 1121 ). it 1 . 0:111 ' , , A St
absnlute aturpartial with lrawal of most cf the Tran
.l)coltation Lines. It must be evichmt that this iacr as
is wholly attributable to the intra3tiction of the Porta
:Mu Boat System;
• JAMES POTTS, Collector
4 %lPi MIMI* E.—After a "brief but glut-ions" sea.son,
• , ithe rheum- 10e78 Cloaca, much to the dittatiZactiou,
r.ts understand, of the manager, actort, stipcs, gallery
"gods, and a number of persona oa the free hitt. This
ilud l iert and unexpected event wa.: caused some dif
fiLttlty. between the proprietor and lesscw, which it is
not necessary to explain in the public prints. If mut
*Tit naa.he settled, the Theatre arty perhaps ngain be
spend, and we It ipe it may be, for the benefit of the
toir.' actors who have been kit in a very unpleitsmt sit
eatiunAky the "blow up."
ruts to NtANCHESTER.—YeAcrti.ty
qit4k o'clock, a fire broke out in the. sh tile of ono of
qtat'v's brick kilns. It did but little dam vz... to prop
. 4r4;but the sills fell, during thu progr:ss of th..i fdittie=,
amt, w 3 ar stii•ry t s ‘,.: Judy 1 t lulu named
RAIN! RetN!! It..tlN:::—Yor the 1,64 three dat•s
iii - w 3' and almost incessant Min hai
%try much cooled the air, a.id rt•a,ler.•d 6:en ‘w:,at
t;:rtuntolt.. the intolerable w-tr2nth t!r• w.-aticir. It
hii..tcamiod the to st•ccr it i:;G:to.,, a:1,1 a , w..n
of. foot or so more i, loolu•d fur.
Ncn Cocuscr.,u AT B LiTo N.-111 ; vi•y_
tijnirty may:
I`,Wr. 11 tat.ril. will ezitor upon tit • (.1.,,:11•1.-..r, of ai:
114/1:1i 413 I',Art of titis
aid lots rippointed bopqty, Al.-. 1 tall: B.Lilev,
the total •r in 1.
•nt is .lo
1114ur thr. bAior LIE,: it will prov J at - x.p4151c
the, this cite, with whom Mr. B.ii.oy
CVICr bPtxl It favori t...
Walla& in, hi: Eat. , \yin, sr?
ano - diet. ,00tion iu the Cu.tonii ecton!-
Iyingtaio:tslo and a,lvantag cow., to the pub
lic" *uric e.
4_II.OII.TANT ADVIc.?..—M2 N. 11.
auihority, sap::
4A. gmtlem in who ha: u(T-I.4ian to W With
la-. 1104 and 032 uni`)rella, should always go la th:i
dle himielf—that - .t....31re8 a di-N• roil to hi•n::•Ir, and ii
slriAru . ig no partiallity to either of the lair • "
g , •ntleman of our ,u•quain
tatfce, whu has just returned to his Itatielt with an a
miable wife, took the following as a text for the first
oetiroin which he preached after he crone home, "Ob
wretched man ikai I ane, telw sh,lll de!ieer ,S-e,"
The sentimental young ladies pitied their pastor, while
- thei mom sensible thought he was served just right, fur
going out of town fur a help mate.—Rock. MAI!
lizsttx CLAY calls tit! failure to cstalilish a UNI
TED STATES BASK, "a defeat of Mc misters clod
ho-Aes of Ike pcople.'? There will be no tni - stake about
this question at the next presidential election. It v. ill
be BANK OR NO BANK!"—So :ace the Boston
THE GREAT IVI.STP.RN deft New I",rk fur
Li‘tenpool on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with sev
enty-five passengers.
MP. The Nlillbury Bank near Worcester has loit
$l4OOO in the following manner. It seems tint about
Senlca l weeks since, a package of $17.000 of the Millbur )
Batik pate; was made up at the Sotrolk Bank, 130, t0n ,
suutly packed and scaled. This remained in th••
folk Sank four weeks, when it was sent to the Millbury
Bat*, wlaeie it remained thNe weeks batbre it was
opened. • •
*Saturday night week the packae:c wai u•nealed.
and found to contain a quantity of brown paper. eut in
to slips of the shape and sie.e of bank notes. The fact
theq broke upon the officet•l that i‘unie time du ring the
seven weeks after the package was made up at tic - 2.
1911iriak Bank, it. had been rolibed of the and brown
paperput in to supply their place,
We learn that $4,000 of the 6toii:n money wai
eently exchat 4 ;eil in Hai tfurd, about $.2,000 in Spiing
field;.and SI,OOD in Worcester. Tire Ca-hiz•r of th •
Bault form& an accountable wall/11E of Lill.; cumin_ i tt
upon the Bank, previow to opening the puckag,e, and
suited that something was wrong. The rahLz•r.:
are vet unknewn.—B. S. Dem.
pteasiznt anecdote has b_.en related of the Lac
Ragout! Freeman, formerly collector of NI.IW Bedfird.
He was removed from office by G::7. Jackson. 11,2
first notice he Ind WAS Ma letter lidflr:s3etl. to "Mel
self Freanian, Esquire, intl collector of New Bed
ford." 'Oa reading the superscriptio n , with his char
acteristic wit and good humor, he ;lid—"Better late
than; never," "How m uric better!" inquired a by
stander.. thousand was th rcadv
rapist. 'lu fact he had laid up $5OOO, and acquie.‘eca
chet4fulti In the decision.
Editan—l cannot lose such a good caw.—
While ray mind was rivetted upon the picture ••The
Departure," by Wier, my attention was arrested by
a question froin a young man who had seated himself
by my sidc:—
"Which is Columbus?"
"lie does not appear on this picture," said I; "it
the Departure of the _Pilgrims,'
"Oh! nu," slid the young man, "he does. not; /cc
come!, over afterwards."—Boston Post.
MACKEREL.-20 bbls no. 3 mackerel,
10 half bbls no. 2 do
10 quarter bbls no 2 do, a prime
ertiere for family use, just received and for sale by
13, Wood street
s3',l, 3•i $ . 25
15A,16 25
19, 211 25
16, 193 50
Si, 10 . 1 50
9,1 50
lh, 24 so
1.1, 2i so
1 • 50
1 50
A. McANULTY very respectfully informs In
triends to.d Ile. public, that he hi ;nude i.rrange
; ments to emoinue the agency of the bouts forming, the
S. U. Portable Boat Line, at the large new W e
Basin, where goods will be received and tbrwaided
with usuul despatch, and on the most favorable tetras,
to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New lurk or Bustom
sept. 4-3 m.
Solo Lcathcr.
;)(1/1 SIDES of Baltimore and Now York
7•_, Ai. , Su t' L.tithur also a trencral assortment
of :Ilorocco, Liidag; and Bint.lin.tr Skins, for :ale by
‘VALTER BitYANT ,5,7, CO.,
N,. 83 Libei ty Areet.
1, 11
11, 1,1
150, 151.1
391. 111
30/1 LI GHT HIDES, suitable lur rpper
t L cnher.
Canal $6,270 Oil
Railway 5,813 48
Fresh Dye Staffs.
$12,035 5:3 ti LOGIVuoD AND FusTic, MADDER,
0:1 Alum, "iund Cam \N•ood,
9050 00 • •
and a NyTk• 0 -!!!!era! of mann-jai , for dypcs, 0!)
$3,033 53 I ro,:m.qo torm4. c !,!t!iv,(l at Ow AV l , leale and Ito
40,550 o ,tail 1)111:: ~• of JUN 1. NMI),
ati. 31. No GO. corwr Wothl .11:.Fourth
T tiAYS L; 11L-10 !)Ost• rvcci vett
zu al tor srik , hv
r 0711: cthcfCmAh!fir.
S'llll ju , t. r.,civ.,l at Pi/;t, 1 . , A
and Litvr.try St. Ca:r
mtg. 30-L L
Western University of eennsylvania.
THE 'an of :In: !,Q..4jn,1:t1" :1 -
(I.ty the 1 h nt
App . :h.:l6ot; for adta:,,i /11 :flay th,
pa I, the 11cc. 11;:al.t N DYEti. D. D., :ift , r the :21,4 111.1,,
at his room in the Univc.c...ity, from to 11. A. M.
The exerr.i.ies of thi• I. \ 1 V S(:I11)Ul. will
on the ,qi.to..• day at 3 I'. M. Apli!ic-itio.,
into :whirl:, ht bi• tnado t., tit. Prof ~....“.r •
L aw , WALTER ,1
,On th , evt-nilz of 111- -a•n • illynt 7 thl
Half ~f the Uaiyer. , it , -. \
ht..f.iro the Trit.:te , - , , th.• th- Sin I
Lowrie, wi/ich
sited to attend. A. 1.. T 1,1 ),
an: I I S :1'?1
Dissolution of Partnership.
rp r tdr•
of Dv, !iti, d
:natal con-0.0. I I. 1).•‘;.1 •
dil •to ch . cxli, 1%1. nay ;ill c
6. c,cl . . up td
•pt. 1. 1
r.•_:, eir.
o •. in T . 11.2
a.:l lo•'
;. I s Jl'iltlia 111.11i' •
;/.(I i : L . , :0
rr< gv!ler tily. 11/ I! y ;t:'(• t] • lipli..ll
‘villiliertifitd VIII, ,111 . ,.. iiprtitir fj!2
w , tll p: I Al- t zr! qt
nt it of \Vl:sr. , . : ; •,/11; ;;
11'.& AlID.:111:1.1 I:E.
zul4 - 31—,1 N i. I t;'). .I.;‘,
11:L6/w:op...mod a.) o!lico zitii,c .-ornor
and Ti ,treet:. is r.ucr I . Cally !Ur
for la,urotnee on •
goez, ctc. Capital ;200 ()op .1,0!
I)tgrx - rfm , ....._30,,i: 1 1 1 Kin_,
.1. IV. f3ur'ori.l zo, :11.
Long, William 111urri,w, :11 , )r , n 9 a:,(1
3. Societ.o v.
eir District Con rt. (!). .I!lc4teny Cduit",
July Tern, 1313, N‘,.!):;„
? John Wa. ?
e 1 - ra lit 1.11 no,e.
S r \ .11 .
And now, to wit, A , lgust . :2Qt!t, non
of G. I'. HarniltoA, Ia 1 .. the C.rlrt. appeHt R.
Shank, Esq., Auditor, to di,trilmte the proceed- of sale
in this case. Front the Record,
A. Sri ... l'oN, P r o.
Notice is her: b•: rrivon to al! put . ..l:e: iatere..ted, that
I will attend to the duties ti,sizued to me by the
Court in the abov e ,7:tio, at my oflict, in Etnirth street,
I'itt.shur2h, ou TilV.4ly the h day of Stl , fonther, at
10 o l clocli, A.. M . HIS. 11. SII K,
fir /,',e Court of All,'l,rbeny Own
1/1, C , , Ortobri I'tr,l.ll; 13. No. 130.
'vim'` TN rn utt-r of thr npoiication of Du-
L. ?, 1 foi Cliartor of flo•ot
-5 ror.Lt:on:
wti A:: 1 now to wit, .11:g I'2, 1313: T 1::.
eurl,tittitiun of Dititt...itle Cfillege hastng been prr.,,,,cnt
e(l to, anti perused by. the Court, and the Court bathe
carefully cet.onlitatd the said inut :intent. and it appttar
inz to the Court tit tt the artiebtsued c•uttlititn:
:+"( fOrth and Ciffii:lbe'3, :It • la 111'11, and not i,t
,juritet, to the etuunitittit., do dirt tt., [lie -aid txritint: to
bit lilcd in the tt:liett or the rv0r1z.,,,,:u-y (!t• thi t'„:nt.
and that 13.,tice he ittserted in the Alorming , I'o,r, is thc
I ity of l'itt,burgh, for tlirotttxtteki, -uria L r, llic
plication to tilt, rott et , to _rani of Inctu
lu-[ion. I . l.trw tbe
A. ;•:,U I'ON. Pro.
\utir.e is her..by that applicatiwi ha , been
wade to t t Conrt for a (liartor f . / 2:
il r :V, and till( Canie 611 0 Wil to t e"ntrar
NVlrllllll.lllee %v..,..h5, the Court will tmzriza
said Charter. T110:11.1.S 11.111ILTON,
I , l_ 11--'3n•
Pittsburgh Aqueduct.
SEALED PROPOSALS wine r...ceived at the Col
lector's Office in Allegheny City, until 6 o'clock, P.
M. on Thursday, the ...'3thSeptemberlb'xt, for the con
struction of au Aqueduct, across . the RiNer,
at PittAbura - h. Plans and spe.ehicathms will br exhib
ited ;it said office, one week previous to the letting.
The materials in the presont structure tube used, as
far as they are sound and good.
aug23-Iwd. wei. Supervisor W. I).Pu. Cunzt
Now & Cheap Stock Establishment,
T WOULD must respectfully an/MU:ICC to the citizens
1 of Pittsburgh and the country generally. that I have
commenced the manufacture of STOCKS, of every va
riety, form and description, and would solicit merchant"
and others to call and examine for theirtselves, as I am
determined to sell on the most accommodating term:
for cash, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
merit a share of public patronage. aug.
nited States Portable Boat Line Depot
city Allt.litt•t
-700 Mndra, (;oat
St , a",' and for 2 , a!t •
11:1 YANI' C().
No. 33 Liber;y et
sep .2-d 1 m ,S'z. w.t2 t
& co.,
-1.3, Wood tn•rt
1 / 1 ",VIN:•:.
\tt'v for I'et
John D. Davis,
Corner Of ll'ood and sth st s ., Pitl,b urg
T ready to receive ......rchazulize of every description
1 On con.ignment, fur public or private sale, and
from long experience in the above business, flatters
himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may fitvor him with their patronag,e.
Regular sales on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, of Dry
Bonds and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Grueeries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles,new
and sdeund head thrniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales ever:,.. evening, at early gas light.... aug 12—y
AUCTION ROOMS, Corner of IN Dud and
nth sts., on THURSDAY, the 7th inst., at 10 o'clock,
A. M., a large assortment of DRY Goons, received di
eic: Linn the East, uasistingoleloths, Cassimeres and
Cassinctis, of all qualities and colors, Funny Prints,
Bleached and Muslins, Cambric's, Mons de
Lains; Silk, Woolen, Morino and Cotton Shawls; a
great variety Hoisery„ Gloves, Sc. &c.
At 2 o'clock, P. M..—
new and splendid PIANo Form!, in good °idol-,
a Ild wan-sated for one year.
Malio 4 miy Sofa; 1 do. Dressing Ilareae.
2 Dot. Silver Table Spoons,
New Chairs; Tables, and a variety of other articles
of II us.. Furniture, new and , cenuil hand; also,
Hlasswure; Paiwr; Cordage, &c.
At early Gas light, an assortment of Day Goods,
Pools, Shoes and fancy axtlides,
Books at Auction.
ILL e sold at 7 o'clock, on Saturday e‘euiog,
the 9th ilia:taut, at Davis' COmmorcial Auction
Room, corner of Wood and Fifth streetit, it valuable
collect]oa of Theological and Hiiturical Boole. by o tut
lotigeo, which ant now read , / for delivery—to which
‘vili he added a quantity of School Bookg, Stationary,
and a variety of iniicellauenus fold other arti
J. D. DAVIS, -
Penn Street Lot.
A V ILL be , old let Nllo'l,lll ut It) “'elttelt, on Salta.-
Jl.ty zntttnite-, the 9111 tiny of Soptember nest,
nu the prco.i , c,, this vcry ‘aloaldc corner lot, 263 foct
front on Penn zar e \ti•tPll:l' Itnek along. Garrhton
alley 071,• l'e't to I: \ellate:e
The ;c „, ,• ! .,-o r t•rt, vczy ztavuotage,:n3ly situated,
and c.tzt hr itein,tveti to COI4I I / 4 111(1 LI. ballthOnne
Z. \V. 11.E3IINGTON.
Ith oruc and (111Zette pluarn copy.
T, nn ; a ; A:ea
N!...\\* FASHI()N.‘I3I.I.:
rint and Cap Manufactory,
No. 93 I Vow/ P.,/s 7): I 'II
; r r will co:111:11Itly ua ha! 111 every
'ot'thc, woo ft... , Lional)!ellATi and CAPS,
4a1,• a;.•1 ut. r died
: purelrig: wi:l tiu 1 it T., tlwir inte
. !,:..1a S. I( )liE.
P: 181;.
LIT'EII I' 11,1,5.
fii It 111' t• I,IIIWII 1 ,111W11 mlrnher
who II iv.. ta:: , -n Dr. or
i,•• !• ow-h a:,tl 1 holies."
th-71 , 0 T!1 • 1,4 0:1: for liv , r „ IhiLt u:, ( 1
1,1 - or • ti:
Gar 6 %C.IT.,
r'ifc !!,-0 T
c..;1, c •
Ip:ai , .;; La.% appli ~t 1 to (1111 - ...r.mt
12,1 all to folk, or
I nv (11 .4.1, Ito 1,1‘..
ot . . M t .iuy; two 1,0 , ... e3 of t' am
~;11 r•t,,:.
S-1 Ali . EL DAVIS.
:\ 'l , }P.:r:ll.l/ , ' , 11' Plti Anz. 1&33
.1( /N %TT? 1N TODD',
! I N'l/, I .Ir-,y,,
"- '2
11 Sir t.. Bib% or,
1111 .1
Il'••• . 1:!1 n:.l.lC!!r
7 !Or 1
7 1.•1!. tr,
)o'. l }Cl . l. kl I'.IiNTIN(;. .1. (/..il',4)1IN1:.
,•,/;• 1,., 11=tory lim - kc
di .1. ( :Wici; call from
,1,•-•;c ; 1 at hi, r.N,111.
-11._•1 t' I / —N r i.••• i= It , r••••••: ,;ye n that Isr
• t s in• : oft • mow:wealth
Cm. 1 n - of kpril, Itl 13.ths.
. • I..ms .t 1 a t'.. —is,
. ny s.in't.s 1t0..., tit sttell tins • t0..1
pH 'I. I. f',C
!M.! , , • I: • • i)hz;il,ti,,n,; nl :t ~,k, for th.•
ro,ol Unio.itiorm to
itr.:h. 1n p ; I.lm. • anthiaity din -tilstrrs
lb.:, v.:II pr s • •••sl to s:t Th.t ptistitss,.... of r
its_ s fstorli, payable to " Tht•
st.,, er- and t'onsp , :st• the Uniontow n sad
l'ltt•lssi:_th Company," tirrordirig t,.
t• ti_ o.C!Ilt• 'Ws Of i'le. , rpOration. St ic h bos4 o f,.
b.. O Oil 1 1..:1111 . , sermnd &iv r,f Oct.ohs m ,
at 10 o's•lssel., 1. :11., at she Mononnhela tion-e,
lit city of Pitt-lunch, and at the store of Sassid,•'.
Wall:ct. 1-oro :01 of I:lismlts th.
Cfl 1 ILLESSII1L1:14.
'f 110 s. BA KI . :IVELL,
L'oin mi.vri on ere fits All. (.'o.
an, 29-411ns. ( Vivoyate and Atn-tirttn copy.)
Ar IST R. ECEll'}: 11.), n good as‘gortrnent of all wire.
ft) of goosl whirls,s4; glag., and window Aa-h; slim, 509
cut+ of yellow and purple 4 nod .5 (I"tible carpet choke;
20 do , . I.trge and Anmil horliets and . tub.; r•mms
AA Firing and lytmr paper, for snht,. on accommodating
term , . for r't sh or stpproyed exclnitnm.
1S I.ICIT A 111: IS, i t
asst; II Agem sosd Cossitnis,ion .11erylutnt•
cLf l'.\ I /It:I:S.-50 Isscie,s chocolate,
5 do cocoa,
3 do rice flour,
25 ( 1 0 grotupl
p;raunti mu.-tatd,
5 Ky.:, do ulls-pice.
5 do do ginger,
I[! rams do do., toginii , r with
evonv thitt2 in the g,idstpry list'' , olteresi
ss tsemelv low prices:, for cash:
If NI L.11.1N, JENNINGS 8,:•
.11,11'ss ••st root.
No•_ , ,.
r v mug hym),
_L :3O (13
:20 t; 1L.1,„ \ „ 4211,,pwd,r,
" imperial, received and
4:3, W0,3(1
“1 ,uh• b 2,
a , 9
A LA DY who ii capable of taking charge of a
hom , hold; is dmiiroas of ofituini . ng u ,i ruation
as octal. in a private family, or as superi a temient
in a r...:ricc table hotel. She Would hive no objection
to Ina. c the. city H . a ,, ,irea to (10 3u. For further infor
m itio a inquire at this office. au; 2.1-41
To me: chants and Others.
A GENTLEMAN, who thoroughly utuierstands
3 !; ol :wi.,he. a situation in that capa
city: the List of rol,trences,will be given. Address H.,
at E.11:13 Office. lB—tf
Money Wanted,
r I IIE flowing Sums are wanted soln—from 12
months to 1,2, 3,4, and 3 yearn—either for en
dersod nete or fur bonds and mortgage, on good prop.
erty with •everal times the amount—the interest to be
paid punctually every 6 or 12 tnonths, or when for notes
of hand, the interest to be deducted—viz: for $250,
$5OO, $lOOO, $2OOO, $6OOO, $9OOO, $25,000. fl3ln
every instance the debt will be made perfectly safe and
secure. All letter; (postpaid) promptly attended to.
Agee anti Commission Merchant,
op 1 '43 No. 9 Fifth street.
JulIN D. Davis,
ku ICI
• •'.1., r‘e, 00.
f. 1;.11(tJ1UU•;.
- -
!Toy h a nts and Manufacturers' Sc rip. _
Exchange Bank Scrip
- Erie Bank Scrip
On Philadelphia
rk .
Baltinu ..
Bank of Pittsburgh
Merchants and Manufacturers bank
rha n gt
Du. Hoilidaysbn rgh ...
Bank qf .Vorth America
Do Northern Liberties
Do Pennsyl-ran
Commercial Bank of Penns ylrania
Par-merle and illechanic.:' bank...
Kensinglon bank ..
nufaelure rs and Mechanic's'
Philadelphia bank •
. ......
Southmark ..... . .
{Vcslern 1, .
Bank of Pena Torrn.ghip
Girard bank
U. 8. bank and branches • • • -
Bank of Cie inaaaturt
Chester county . .. •
Dela ma re corral"
Ala t game ril taunt, _ . . ,
Nurtbamberland ....
Pa filielB . b a nk of Burks count
Easton nk
Doi l lest own bank
Fr.., k bank of Ira shin, Lin
Bank of Clazlabe rsb urgh
" Mid die& nen .. . _ .• -
'' Le we:stow)/
" Sosrlarhannacouuli l
Bork.. can lay bank
Calninbia Bank and ridge: CoinpanY
rlixle hank
Erie nl•
Fatale rs and Drovers' bank
" Bank nj Lanca ste r
" Bank of nradin
rg bank
Hane.Al aft a
>ICC( B # C r
Lala:oller re. "
1., , 0,aa0n "
,Ifi,v!rs' bank of rottstille
Mono,' (la bank of Brart'r„-illr 1
Neu- Hope and D,1a1.-ale B rid .•:•• ..
Northampton bank go sale
Tor alulu bank....
fr,At th.inch bank
ivt,4 of .S . t.
(Wo!osst hank r!l* CoImo:hos ..
( 7, boadriontl losok
Circturille Larerearr, etztatiPr)
( It'Orren,coshier)..
('iori,orat to:lAs
Cl4iltirogre book.
Co ,, mcrri,rll,tok of 20
otlio kr,ik of Co! rf,.l/ 0 ”
•-tro.r.." MerLquics . ?wok rale
Firtorri• hrn A- (,) 0100 40
, r ir 1%.4.011. "illeiHßat
Moto al Pe'e , 131tal
Nar trot
Pi 'lt 1 it .
I ' ' "11, I
S'q° • h fink (Ind ireltiches
S , tfc
1 / , I.s
Stale hadt
Bank of Illinoix, Sltatrpc, town
11,tak I /leg of ri rgiois 1
Bank I It in 1
rrelp an rfobond' of Vir
Pa row rB'b,l,lkof Vi ........... . . .1
North-I n hank of Vierzin . . 1
h I rec.'w r!,s' and Mechanics' ba . .1
tniec Gill/ banks .
s, lcent banks .. .
S(i('f C110)1.1\_1
, 11/4olcolt banks..
A!! xolreae hankx
:11,4, I hank .
Ctmrt! rq hrr aks
Nen. hq,/.;
11' b in.l.,
N. W. coHNIA: 01 'VUIW 11111."111
The proprietor; of the MORNING fuse and MER
CL /IV ASD MAN UFACTURLIt re:meetfutly inform their
friends and the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well rhonm astertment of
are:o_lM r - JIL" 1 0(.311L - 1 • 1
azo aaa zauaaaaaa
Necesiary to u Job Printinr, Office, and that they are
prepared to. execute
Books Bills of Lading, Circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards,
Handbills, Blank Checks, I Hat Tips:
Mt hints' of 33lauks,
Stage, &can:boat and Canal Boat Bills, with. ap
propriate cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
the public in general in this branch of our business.
July 31, 1843. PHILLIPS & SMITH.
C 0 E E.-300 hags Rio coffee,
50 Laguyra do
50 " St. Domingo do
SO " Havana do
Now iecciving., and for sale low for cash, by
43, Wood street
sl . }:el I
-•- pu r
:P p
r a ,, r .
. pa r
..... 1
b. 1.1
----..... 30
rotors of Allegkeny coney: -1 respect
fully o ff er iny z tolf to your cottaide..ration a: a curniiriate
inderertd , at qf pa;ties) for the , oitiro el PRO
-1'111)NOT.kla of Allegheny eo‘tnty, at tin• enmring
eirct ion. A. Ido not iu before you rye
by Ti CeVrelltiun, tho.o of you to ‘lllllll I .1 . 11 not laT
SOII7IIIV known will ['G&W examine into my qualifica
tions. 5.t.•.; tnel ;is" rrtttou.o.y as to o!1taill a majority
t . yAur :o . iifiratt - c,, I Judi endeavor by, :hint attention
tee 1;,, ,Innie . or the office, to you with your
choice. ALEX MILLER.
r iol3 A CCO.-1 0 boxes Bat Loa's 3 b lump tobacco,
L 23 do Russell ,liobi nouns do
5 do 'lam's du
,10 do luso/led sizes and brands,
jaa receivoti and fer sole by
Tan nera' OiL
4.) .BBLS. Twiner,' Oil, for stile by
No. 88, Libortv st
Essential Oils
ILS Lemon, Cloveß, Berzatoott.,
A,_l received at tlie Wttolale;thd Recoil Drug Wnre
aug. 31. - No, 66; corner Wooti and 4th sts.
,3P & rosh blerecfrial Drugs;
ALOMEL, Quicksilver, Cantharides, Tart Acid
tuner`Crut and Prepared Chalk, just received
.it the Wholesale and Retail Drug Warehouse of
No. 60. corner Wood and 4th sts.
I,l* YSTE RIO US CHEVALIER—A popular novel,
1 by Jarries,received at Foster's Sr. Clair st. A2errx.
and Literary Depot, opposite the Exchan7e.
auT 30--St.
DF:YISM NO FOPERI .—A few copies of this
1 new work ju..t r'.ceived at Foster's St Clair street
Agency and Literary Depot, opposite the Exchange.
aug 30-3 t.
Forwarding and Commis:ion Merchants,
vEL 0, inflo•
AGENTs for the Merchant,' Transportatiun
Pa4y compoS,d of the Merchants' Line, Liie
Canal; Washington Lin,. 'hinter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line of Steam boats and e. , =cl, oa the lake,. Cleve
land Line, Pennsylvani a :nal Ohio Cabal. Proprie
tors attic Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
kie & La , worth, Nu. 9, 'oenties Siip, ; Y.
Ot i s ter & Co. Albany.
M. T. 134114'..,
John 11. ow ,
Giddintr ,. ." , ,..} Cluvelatd.
.1. S. Dic'.;.e, Bea \
Birmingham & I'itt-i,a2
al 1 1811-Iy.
Deaver and Warren Packe..
maim, THE canal. packet ERIE, ~.
' - - -..--
Shaw, ma s te,r, will run a- regular. te
weekly packet between the above named ports, leave!
Beaver on mondavA, Wetlnesddyv, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sit- 1
, WI : I V '' P
urdays; connecting with the Stage Lines to Ch....chino e" 1„.0 [ " ' - 6 !:>. pus
direct, For freight or pa:sage appl . . on board, ur to
, c . .2' . J. l'', , I V
BIRMINGHAM & CO.. Pittsburgh. -''. , '''''L , arn `, - '. , ~
• • utantrsigneo special et,
J. S. DICE.EI', Boa, cr. i -
i , •
. auction to the ngitest bid,
Mason county, on Oat 16th day
(hero - the first day ef the Cir Su
c,:nrev.) that well known body of land cts,.„ .„
led - Gmham's Station," Nat , in Mason toe.
OD the Ohio river, containing by surveyToof at.
one hundred and twenty-three acres. in
t A two=-ad
parcels, a large proportion of which is river
land. The above lands previous to the day lifiili '
be laid off b y the surveyor of the ecunty in kalif o fveaient size for farms,and plats furnished, and so ntik#
thereof will be sold as may be neCes, , sarY to pi-cd.i..66
the sum of ru,ney icquired by said decimal ordar, - - .1 . -
The sales will be made un a credit of nine moralequi ,
one-third part of thcpurehase money, oftwelve menthe
fur at/ other third part, end of eighteen months for the
residue, the purelniser or purchavere , giving bonds arid
good ' , entity flu' the payment of the different instep
moms, bearing interest from the day of sale, the lee&
title to be retained as further security for the payment
of the 11M-chase money. toil liable to resale at 1.13 e; Hsi
of the purchaser or purchasers failing to make taitrttirs
al payments, .
tri 4 _
L fr !VW
AND RAM R.OlO CARL from Pitt-iburirh, via Bed
ford, Chambershnrg, Harriiburig and Lancaster, to
Philadelphia, connecting with the Main train of cars to
N. Y. &c. Only 150 Miles staging and one night. out.
Also, the direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia er)
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. 31.
Office 2d du.,r below the MevchwiL. Hotel Wood st.
feb 23, 1313-Iy. Proprietors.
The Great Central Route
Via National Road and Baltimore aal Ohio Roil
Road Compaily.
, -- ..."1- • '''' Itr , l r. 4,___, • ...,4,c_4:?
p, ,,,, r, 7 ,v-;. , ...
„.I_, ,
~x . i . ,; 1. -4 , .,!" 1Z'4 . ,... ; -.";;;•
WA.iftiNriTo:: CITY, BA I.TISteltE, PHIL t1:1:1,l'IIIA
AXD NEIN . l'a.aK.
TITES line is in full operation and leases Pittsburgh
daily at li o'clock A. M., via IVashing,ton Pa.
awl national. road to Cumberland, <minx:cling here
trill the rail road Cu ' s to lilt the above pipc...104 Trav
elers will find [ll6 a speedy and comfortable route,
it being a separate and distinct I'ittslittrgh cud Com
berlnnr line, facilities will be atlintled which have not
been heretofore enjoyed. Eictra •rrarh!!-.. filriii:!!, , fl at
t h e shortest notice with the privilece of going thiont.di
direct or taking one nights rest at their option. , ___
, i ,/,,54 ri RO \ - E irldnß,
For tickets, apply at our (Zee at the Monongahela
!louse. L. Ir. STOCKTON,
ft, 3—dtf. Presidcut of Ic. It. Stage ' - 'O.. :- -L-1111- x--- - -r Aa ron Hart ,
__-_*._ is well stocked withchoice fruit tre vines, dsc.
Regular Packets, for Cincinnati. Al , O, a convenient teneteent lately ticcitpike .
.1111 I
. .
Lan Lorne. Li i , . - - ,4 , 4,...,.... t ib ,
. 4- .4%11 , "' 1 ' ..V‘'. - ; 14- r 4 I'essession will he given CM t 11, fi rAt of 00:ther nes t '
.4------.., For t-rras apply to GEO. COCHRAN;Ex'r.
The Swift4orp, Itobiiiso: , , Nlai.ter, lean.ei elm.% "'": 22-11 0
_ .
Thiarsda% nit 10 o'elock, a. in.'
To Rent..
The c0ti.,..i., c... 4 .1i:14, ‘luster, hare- es ery Friday at P LEAS:NT ratans and gland steam power, at .1
10 O'ci.,ck n. ni .
tact steel file
corner of Libel:o4o
Tit Nlnnt:rrinl'ry, n !• ”nett, AfastlT, !eaves eVery Sat- OTlrec-
Imlay at 10 o'clfvek a. in.
The Exprc,.. .n, <•v ,r•: Sun
dai, at 10 o'c:c!., .. in.
.PAIN B 1 ft M
A I.LEN KRAMER, Exchontze Bra,- r,
Coracr if Wood and 77iirlistrects,
Pa. Gold. Silver , and SoNont llauk notes, bought
1,1,,1:„/,1d. Sight cheeks on the Ea.,tent video, loc sale.
Draft:, 10.1e3 a.tid bills, collected.
Wm. 8..1.1 e. Co. ,
J°l - in I).
F. Lorynze,
.1. Paittti'r Pill ' hur t•" /I ' Pa
Inlgrph Woodwvll,
Jntrws May,
_1!ox. Ikon:44lS: Co. , ,
.1 , 1h:111BI-own &
.1 . 4te•4 '. Clue innati, O.
J. It. Wl)otiald. } St. Lnui..'lt,
%V. IL Pope, Esq., Pro 't Bank Ky. } Louisville
It. Paul's Young Ladiaa' Boarding School.
r 1111 E public are informed that this inAitution, con
. ducted by the Sisters of Charity, will be reopen
e on the first Monday in September. A select and li
nlited 110111ber of pilid4 will be received and in
hi the a•vet;d broaches of a polite English editrut ion,
vuletlwr o ith un Eel a:,l um-mental needlework.
. .
For toi!ion. wn,bln-ratul imt.diog, $lOO per annum.
ror bed and lwddiug, 6 00 do.
1),y..t..r , Fee,: aro net included in the above.
N. B. .\ few half boardt.r., au be iteeommodated.
on the ino,t rett.sonable term:, which will be mule
limmt on aPp'ication to Sis.terl.ddore, the Superior.
A reduction will be made in favor of children under
twelve Veal . 4 of iuzis. aug 24-d2wt w4t
County Commissioner
T th , :olicitation of a number of friends of all
It political parties, I respectfully offer myself to
the C,ql itk ratiOll of my fellow-citizens for the 'dire of
County Commit ,, ioner. That my sentiments may not
be misunderstood, either as to pttlnical or' priviex
affairs, I make five to sny that I have been all my lire
consistt•to Republican, in the twc sense of the word.
As the room einbzirmssed in its finan
cial offttir., anti the rMuction of salaries of public
officers has r, , ceivthl the approlcu ion Of . large ntajori
tirs of the pe , ople i the uttdi,r..iigued %maid cot should
he be so Mromate us to he electztsl. in any manner at
tempt to this salutary reform; .....hould it reach
the office of County Commis-inner.
-13 ltinad ,treet
SC!) 1:1)&xv
for Sale anb ta;
Building Lots in Birinblghiun.
1 Q LOTS, soimble for building., most eligibly 13 LOTS,
anted, and within two minutes' 'walk a ihNi
. .
8/cont.fei ry boat ///ndiki .. , ( , will he sold at prices tO suit
the times.. The terms ut payment will be mide easy,
either tier ca.-, , hu.. such barter a+ eau be made available.
Apply to the sul , cribeni in Birmingham, ar Alt.A
l'eter.iun. Nu. 1, Farr, -street, l'ittsburgh. - '
june 1. JAS. I'ATTESSON; jr:
Lots for Sale.
4 .1..1s in mancho,ter. One and a four 4, Area"
Landon Hulin , i'Hill. Lutg h0, , . - 41 ; 42, 55!_, 33 -
181, 18'1, and 181, in Cook's plan of Late, on TT .
oi f
Hii1..11,0. Let.; ~i,--.. 26,:it:d 27. in Cook's ptanof Loa
on High .iti% , ,t, in,:t tl:.l;c.wC,Jurt Ilinsee. For teno
upp!. t'
sep 11l
For Sale.
uIS mEastl! , North En COrOST of Coal Liras e at
L ni,h „.t.,.t.,.. Apply to .
Market near Fourth istrtiati
Public Salo of Valuable Lands.
ANT to a decretal order of the Circult`Sti=
• ',air:. of Law and Chancery, rot
he 19th day of April, 1243, in the
of Henry Strider,. Pit., el
' - and others. Delta dui
r, will sell at Imbibe
eeurt house in
• Aka
Gr,o. 11'. STRIBLING, Special Ccirn'i.
Pain[l"....-a..N.nt, Va., .I:me C. 13. [jy6-2tti
Pox Rent
!That COTTAGE, eituitted in the Bgtoizgli of
I:7i 2 Lawrenceville, at present occupied by John
Parke t: _
The place haa a Ally fine garden and Food assort . :
tn-nt of fruit trees. Any person renting can have the
privilc;ge ofengaghiz for the en , uhvg, year: Posses:
,ion invest op the Ist of October next.
ATply at No. 5 Cuntrnercill Row, laberty 'stroe4
or to Wm. Taman, Sznitltficda .treet.
1. 18-13.
Apply on the promises
ri street=.
rrecinali's Pirc Brick for Sale. - -'
CST receil,l ' 5000 Freeniiin's beet Fire BtiCir, e ll . - .
wLich wiilhoreafter bo.i.opt constantly on'llend
an.l , old lo y. fur cash, by Bil - LIIINGHAM & CO,
— irn - ..2.7 n .
~,.o. GO w ~„ ~...
ater st.
Diannfac.turer of Tin, Copper and Sifeit
Iron Warc,
\o. 17, F7ltli r Truccl and Jlrrrkel,
Keeps constantly on hand a good asortment of wares;
rind solie,t, a=hare orl.ohlic AL,o, on hnuidi
the. fi,11,,,,,-Jz
er , ,. fungs . , gridiron;ki tplik,tllez. pot OVCII,, culree mills, &x. BUT;
chants a: uthct are d;o cnU and examine foi
t herr:sell Cut e.inn ed. to cheap kr cah
ed paper.
tun% 7—tf
John car - twrig,ht,
cUTLF.P.,,,na Ls:a:meta Xra.nufaclarer;
corne r uf tth mal Lil , erty stz euta, Pitt.lburg, Pa',
B.—AN% sun hand an cs.tml-ire assortment of
Surgical and a..ntail instruments, Banker's, Tailor's;
Hatter's, Hair Dirss, r's and Tanner's. Patent Shears;
Trussc , ,
je 241
oPPer, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. ,
1 111: üb,cr;her resin.cuully informs his friendaand
former patrons, that he hag mrnoted his
horn No. Gl, Liberty. to No. Third
teeny opprogitv the Post OrErr. ~h ele he continues to
c:,rry on the Copper, Tin nnd Sleet Tron Buziqcss, id
yminus },macho.- Ht. rt. . -pcctfully d
of the rirrr,r,nzo Ll•crally extended- ni
himse ar.(l I,hl c- Llin , , , :r ;hat Eo pains shitti
`^n red his pert r merit ILO me. COTlitlUltli
un lnw(1. : 1 1anucurtur n d AVer?, (Tall kiwis, all of m - hicii
w ill h e s.n!(l f4.r no , h. Spout made toot
der r at short notice.
Landreth's Garden Seeds. • ,
A full s:ni;p:y of Landreth's Garden Seeds always ed
hand and for , ale, at his njeney. the Drog. score of
184, Liberty at., hetul of Wood.
Peach Treez,
subser.4e r has
.ju-t received front the 'Nur:
tlit s r r y of Landreth and Fulton, tear Philatkilie;
ahe ~(t choi,•e-1 valiety of peach trees, to which
„ „ u A call the attetdi,.l. of >he public.
No. 134 Liburzy at: head of Wood
A BOUT the last week in Jane, inn Clothing Store
in Liberty street. a Note of hand, clinsideribly
soiled and \ voni. It is shmea by James Gaston and
a not her, and druwn in fa , .wof 1Fr1.31-ack. Theerien
er can. hme it Ity identif Mg it, ard paying expenjeli:
.fuly 31.—tef.
Removal. •
I.IV E LI) ; wiii , ved his marble Esti t E,
1 • li4linpsiit to 1%'00,1 .=t: opposite Faltuiisi;ock.l
Drug Store, where lit_ heck, con:candy ori ha
Tomb 51,410-, nwitinetit etc. sp 1.9-13 r
C. Wall.
Plain a 1 rt;NCY. Po? nu,: 'Picture frari;e
No. S 7. r.urtl: eurr t, l'itt.sburgh, I's. ,•
VASE i C c .. for urtist., alw a yi
on lunal. &c., promptly fta•
med to order. 11.,.Tairinu,- dune at the ghort , !..4t notice - .
l'articu!ar zIIIOIIIIOI2 laid to regildinf and jobbing of
eveiv drscription :
Per:ons fitting ... , turnhorits or braes will Eta it
their ruivantwe to call. _
grouild and pqli,hed, sad" othfrAt;74l4 of
z - rindiaz dont• at the Cast Steel File :Manufactory, COT
ner of Liberty and o•Hara street;: • auglB
Books and Stationary.
O N hand and receiving ruor.thly, and for sale on lie:
eummodating terms. the Encyclopedia of Histo
ry, Buck's Theolor:ical Dictiunary, Event s in In ti
History, the American Pioneer, a :mall varietyof fam
ily, school and pocket Bible: and Testaments, school
ieolts and stationary. Permanent Temperance Doc.
umenD, Bacchus and anti-Bacchus, voice from th e
vintage. sacred ,cmgq, David's realms, and a variety a
cheap religiou:: books, and about 9.006 W,aahingtott
Hymn Ltook.., Temperar.ce Lyres, Waskine-ton Amy;
Pic Nic Songs, TemncrancO iiiblea and . Ternpara .
and Sabbath School Books, and . about 10,000 , e• of th
Journals and Mouth's Temperance. Advocates of the
American Temperance Union, New - York, for saiiiin
large or cash ints, to suit purchaser,. •
agent and Cf,mtnission Merchant.
julY lfr,