lipert dui they have called on a numbet 4,l'tlt.txtidolaim. VMS, who all seem willing, ns far a: enquiry has been made, to execute :met releme as may be thought ne ilsassary so pass their right to the city authorities for the use and benefit of th. - i city. But a,: several of the claimants live o u t of the city, ar.d SOTTIe at id,:ent. they harem' been able to extend Oder emptied:: to all the parties interested in the beach, but have reason to think thaawasakho no great difficulty in adjusting the matter with thaseverul claimants to the tiatisfautiou of the city authOrities. Your Committee, howover, would tespeetfnlly recommend to the City Council:, to have all such claims extinguished before they undertake to expend.any thing of cougensence, in making the eon fated improvement . .TOTIN T A SS,FY , In the absence rlze Chairman. • On Motion, The Reirrt wag ii.torited and the nwet ingitdionrnecl sine die. \V. 11. FOSTER, Chairman. JOHN FLEMING, Secretary. FOIL I'ItLsIDLN JAS. BUCHA N Subj , :Tt to zlic ciecisiowof THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION' ot bath) 411w:fling iJocit. PHILLIPS k SHLTR, EDITORS AND PtoOlt1E101:S PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 DEMOCRATIC TICKET I=l WILLIAM WILKINS. ALEXANDER BRACKENRIDGE, Pitt, JAMES A. GIBSON, WILLIAM STURGEON; Fayetto, JOHN ANDEREGG, Pitt. Sli ER [FT, ELIJAH TROVILLO, riviniON OTAR Y. GEORGE R. RIDDLE, .111.,01eq. COMMISSION ER, JAMES CUNNINGILAM, TREASURER. ROBERT GLASS, City. CORONER, DAVID HARTZ, Allegheny. AUDITOR, ROBERT DONALDSON. COMMITTEE OF CORRESPONDENCE• The Democritin C tmmittee of Corn , 9)ooltice for Allegheny county, will please meet at the house of Mr. Henry Cassidy, on Wednes lay the 14th inst., at 10 o'clock A. M. The (plowing gentlk men compoie2 tlry Committee Selml3: Guthrie. Rudy l'atteron, Chambers McKibben, Vathert Harr. John Irvja, William Kerr, CIA. James, Scutt, John Steveusoa, John Murray. Punctual atte.ulatiec is request. , l. 1.13. GUTH 121 E, Cbairm•in. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAIL ROAD COWAN Y.—We noticed, sometime since, the partial and unjust course pursued by the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Compa ny, in charging a Stage Line that runs from this city two dollars more on each passenger, than is charged the lines that run from Wheeling. The extent to which this inj nitice is carried, makes it apparent that they not only desire to break up the Express Line—n•g ard!ess of their former promises—butte do all io their power to turn the tide of travel from our city. Mr. Header sonralihe of Stages was established with a clear under stand* with the President of the Rail Road, that he shoild have the same privileges as the other lines run flint' iais the National Road, and when it was supposed he tin:ended to withdraw his Stages, Mr. .McLane ur ged him to continue, as it was necessary to keep the ether lines in check. The following certificate will show the reasons which induced the proprietors of the Express Line to forMa connexion with the Rail Road : "We, the undersigned, do certify being present at a conversation between President 'McLane and A. Hen derson, in the gentlemen's pallor of the Exchange Ho tel; Baltimore, on the evening of 14th ofJuly last, and heard President McLane assure the said Henderson he wawa not charge him more on the Railroad than Five Dollars on the Passengers of the Express Line, to and from Pittsburgh. But provided the Line was extended to Wheeling, he would be libund to give them (the National Road and Good Intent Stage Compa nies) the protection of two dollars on the Wheeling pas sengers—at the same time solicited A. Henderson not to sell, but continue—stating, if he sold they would have =anorthic with the Stage Lines, (National Road and Good Intent) than they had heretofore—further that th "'wished him on another account, as he had influence with the citizens of Pittsburgh, which the other lines hat trot; and if he erred in anything, it was in not giv lag the Pennsylvania Stage men the contract. Given under Our hand and s , -al this ‘23th day of Au gust; 1843 A. BYERS, Uniontown, [l.. s.] JAS. SAMPEY,Mt. Washington,[l. s.] Under dteiie 'assurances Mr. Henderson's line was litilied; but the old lines have been able to make it appear to the sordid feelings of the Railroad Company, theta giving the Pittsburgh an equal privilege with the other tines, they were doing an injury to themselves, ante although no substantial reason can be given for 811640 opinion, it has been made the plea for violating theprthnise made to the Express Line, and commit tin,gthe injustice of charging travellers who visit Pitts buOi two dollars more than those who start from Wheeling. That this extraordinary course is adopted fur the ingpose of injuring Pittsburgh, we have not a doubt. Ali the rnitirepresentaticins and vile falsehoods of the enemies of our city, have failed in turning travellers from our route, and the last and basest device by which hey hope to accomplish it, is evinced in the imposition Elk* Of two dollars on all travellers, who from choice orltecersity, take the Pittsburgh route. • We are glad to see that this unjustifiable conduct on the part of the Company, has called forth the condem nation of the citizens of Maryland. We learn from the Cutiabarland Gazette, that at one of the hugest tneet inmates- held in that place, its course was condemned as "IMPWlitic, illegal and unjust." We extract from the proimiedlogi Ohe following resolutions, with a view of showing the opMion entertained of this matter by the people of Maryland, and the tendency of such a regu lation: "Resolved, That we denounce the late regulation of thoitallimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, ler ving a tax . of two dollars per head upon the members of finis icotriuititilty, and upon the passengers by the Express Limint Stages, as impolitic, illegal and unjust. Resolved, That we regard such regulation as tend ing; M . Meate a Monopoly, which, in its operation, will betio tnOnstrous as to drive off all competition from the GrtCentral Route, and compel travellers to pay such rafes:'.tis the Rail .R oad Company, the National Road Stige . COMpany, aedthe Good Intent Stage Company map choose to dictate, or in the other event, to abandon thiilitie of travel altogether. Resolved; That we sincerely sympathise with the projorietors of the proscribed Line, and that our a:su .Tru:PdO Of such 'tiympathy be extended towards them." If the citizens of Pittsburgh, and travellers, who, from inclination or business, are compelled to take our city in their route to the east, must pay a tariff of two &Nati, for the privilege of traveling on the Baltimore ami . .9hio Rail Road, it is time that the people. of our city 101 . state should take some steps to counteract the ,die efforts of our enemies. rin . 'Sigtor of the ;Boston Post is so much in love ~. • with a certain Doc* Squash, on accoimt of his notions of Puseyisna, that he thinks of surfing a small congre station for him. A N L o I'EM T far N TEM-411c Bath Invitur gives an account of 'a remarkable scone that tout: place at Brunswick. Me. } the other day. 1: iecl!ts tbut yoting, i t.I , or tint pinr., in tA . th 4 m with a young man; and had !Rai , . the. natal vo‘v.3 and pronziSeA, lrelißtitta The, happy wan atrivetl at Bruns w irk, CM Saturday last, t E I a visit to his lady I:we, bat owing' to ,11111` reports which ha I g•li into cucul;ttioa, th , cath-r nl th• - !gii 1 . forbad,: ltis viAtio4 ry to marriagi bottiTinined, ho%vevot•, niounTrtte his Irlppine , .., Lc prevailed upon the v un lady to !city,: her fir house ‘vith him , and pry:ceded to the stago had actutlly seated hinnolf by hit b:troth is the stage, for Bath, to take a steanor, tist ai the carriage teas ready to leave Lite h .t,•!. the ‘l , ),r of the coach wai opened by the enra;; , :d fa , her, who in men int unc , :lrettioni,Jus 11111011•1*. 1%0/01,1-6.-500• 111-law from 163 Oett, teat notwith:t Hag repultrd In - ete. , tation: from h..ta parties, too!, hi., dau g hter a (ltd..' and :out , ro to wait his coos out which bo gait! aver would be given I,) her uni•ni vvitlt that ...villain." The father L,•O V' a very g.•od for hi.' vigoron: , oppo.ition, vi/: Lira tilt , bloat •ekin his daughter's bawl 11-1,1 hut reect.tly paid the erllll o . 10 tlrSta . .' 1,1'1,10. A Lint:l.Sr rr Is l'uor.:•.e . r.—No learn front d i e 14‘ocate of yestrrrlity that Judge BAIRD litingingan action for libel in the District Coml. m. M if th ) latt )r d not t•••zr •r injui ion: insinuations wade through the against the Judge's profesiionol lume..ty, in th•• e ,f the "Wal itv w • I) di - ittit.; a it, 14. editor. are •it Titi, Lit an IWO ire+. knew ant ut wh.i.r.) r..putation was 111'1•:11 Illyl4,‘A by resorting to th •tn. If the inyittatime; Baird awsit 7rievoirs, ac w • :ire led to 1)011H.., them tube from the . ti.u.r of hi; article vest •1.11 We 2.11 sitypo , .• that their very gt , ":11 , ,s would destr:iy the inittriou4 intention of OW Wt iter, ;hi 11, Lit ;'4ll,lp:)ie. tillt.:1!ly ONO in this C01111111.1:11ty, 11'110 Iris any knowledge of th••i•il]tor of the Advocate, would give t h e F,lijit.,st (.1 . ,:,1.•:14:0 to tt . ,;;.111/'j,. Iris moral honesty. YELLOW FEVER.-110 NeW Orleans 'Tropic; of the tßitli ult., gives the following statement Of the admis sions into the Charity Hospital of that city, for the pro vious twenty-fonr hours: Admitted. ;1 of Yellow Fever 8 Discharged 10 of Yellow Fever 0 Deaths fi of Yellow Fever Yellow Fever patient remaining THE LIBERTY PARTY IN NEW ENGI-OlL—The (101IF.TS erthe Convention at Portland, Maine, to form a third political party, attracts a I rge share of public attention at that place. It is supposed that their can didate fur the Presidency will receive a large share of the votes of New England. The party presses mani fest great anxiety at the progress of this new move ment of the Abolitionist:. F.6l 7 "St. Louis City is rapidly gr..)%s hn, ucarlc three hundred buildings aro in course of ervetion in that ci ty. I.ittiy of them aro substantist and brick edifices. Five kindred biases have 1,2,u completed in St Louis this year, all, with few ex.ccption4, they are all brick. Sixty of the hou:es now going up are C.or stores, and have burn built to sn:yly ode:mai. S2v era! boil:erns churches, commenced this sfm'goli. arc nearly completed. SUFFERING A.74')NG THE Ism LEx t Ter ritory Gstotte says, "s.rn • porja t; of thc Indian; who wero rerrmved in iNfly arc is a su Toing. con dition for the ne.;:rtssarics of lift. Ti cmmtry that they now ty-eupy is reported to h, immayet.. - mt to supply their W,Llft,i, Lein; gvneraliy r destitute of game. Poweshick and his people ate said to have petitioned to return to their OINII iliac , twenty-five miles north-west of this citi," SHOCKING AFF A111.•••••Tile Brooklya News S 3 S Lila a Mr. \Voodman married MISS Tree, and not withstanding- thg a of the "Wood 11 el viire that Triio," bcat - tily id le.r tho thiri d i :ift.•r marriage! AL: gee hi n le-z re to it it. EMIGRAN IS.— bore seems to be a great falling oft in the nutnlier of emigrants anis Mg at the different port; this year.! Up to the 19th ult., hot 17,',300 have arrived at Quebec, wheraag up to filo same perimi yearthey taansemi 33,37:3; ,thowing a• of'2l), 773. Gainhiing.—New York is becoming, alino:t as line a field fur gunbling as Neu• Orleans itself. It ii said that there are in New York about thirty Faro Flanks, open every night, and an immense number of inferior resorts of blacklegs of all descriptions.—Pittsbu,•gh. Post. "Almost as fine a field fur gambling, as NOW Or leans!" Well, we like that, indeed. We can tell the :Post man that New Orleans is just about a., poor a I "field Cur gamblers" as any in the country. The . fiale from the North and West who "most do congregate" here during the winter, afford the gamblers some hull, but the Orleanois are not to be caught by any such gentry.— Tropic. They do plunder the "flats from the North and West," however, and that is what we meant by say ing that New Orleans wus a fine field for gamblers. "In publishing the names of the Committee of Cur respondence, the Post inserts two names which ought not to be there, and omits the name of Mr. Charles Barnett." The above appeared in the Aurora yesterday morn ing. We notice it merely for the purpose of stating that the Committee as published in the Post, is an exact copy of the one appointed by Dr. Putt-omi, Pres ident of the Convention, without the omission or sub- stitution of a single name 13ENNE:rr, of the N. Y. Herald, attended a Re peal meeting in Ireland, recently, and attempted to get au introduction to Mr. O'Connell, but failed. We find the following notice of the rebuff he received, in a for eign journal: A gentleman who had for some time been sitting be side Mr. O'Connell, here addressed Mr. Steele, :ted handing him his card, requested an introduction to Mr. O'Connell. Mr. Steele accordingly presented tine card. and intimated that Mr. James . Gordurt Bennett, of New York, was present. Mr. O'Connell replied—He is a person with whom I can have nothin g to du—he is the the editor of the New York Herald, one of the most infamous gazettes ever printed, and I shall have nothing to say to him. This Was a reception which Mr. Bennett did not count upon, and he forthwith proceeded to take depart ure. The room being very full his maveneurt was much retarded; but by the aid of tip , chairarin ha strug gled out amid the groans ( - Stile m00ti,,,. Mr 11. Coleman has lensed the . ..\;at iorad Tl;e;rtn he has.—Cincilmati Eng. If this Mr. 11. Coleman is the "Admirable Crichton" that fignred in this city some years since, he hasn't paid us a hill contracted "long, long ago"--fie 141_431'1'. YELLow rEvEn.—Uo Friday week there were nine VASCS admitted into the New Orleans Hospital. On the same day there were three deaths, and two dis charged, cured. The Savannah Republican learns that the Yellow Fever is prevailing at Key West. It is also reported as on board one of the V. S. vessels at Pensacola—in both rases brought from Havanna. 1109.11,11r110411111G ,f. CONNECTION %V IT THENATIONAL ItO A D MO. 11 It is willi w • proce - c..1 CAW. ly Cl.' thr.: 1710)110 Trine, of 1:11,. POCk- Withollt Amt it I+ fr)111 thiA circumstance that ••=m proj.•ct , ., appiirontly feasible upon paper, Ii ii: Itlott ihr,i t i 4 h whim wti cunt to ap ply th tit,: trim t..) carry ,rit tho ex.,•ci•imeat. It i n to in a c nwasiiro, thtit our • it.ul Itua•l projo-t the shclf, it hut tu., obvious, that, aliltuttg - lt bruathud the vein.; capitstliit6 roiouree.4 would hrtyo !,!','(l .1 , i• ,1 0 1 ' . 4 I.y the c•iityleti•ia of the ILail yct e hot beet ahle t , , dr,iw LI d enough to flu tist ti.i.ii.; :1:111 a; %co, on;ht 1,, •: 1 ~f iir.olvia; th.• city in alt eszp,•tiiii two of :;(10.0.,n) dolt ou ot s .1.)111JIMI COM plcti,.:l. IV, ;'u„ drivel to tit • ueo •-•• • uy of abaa tlu:,i.,; :di li•ip,•••• a,. , .1 ~ .c• (61 cd m of rcle!iii, th•• Vatioa tl road h!, a Turnpike, a lit It ir pc,i,ont, I, I 1 .It capa liik• 4 , 1* ~ c .oriii4 in • o.i i i .,t “'togot.h , T unwuritty th..• ~1 nra tbc,F.i public; will r hn • aal ao , l Cold ;211.1 r LIM 'la. :rad ill" 111,, 1 11f a 71.1 ill laa:ll., kit e d •:•pia tha and ii • b ul Ti. Ire izr, the h:so, wh•li the anim d rot oil" . joino(1 kindrod Froncli sane lib 'rated and again with bald ride over th hill, and lit of tit • Tit r, • tai,,•r ini; ant nig the peonl9 for over hilt an hoar, bat of the other ItIC; flVe let I ir at tll l 2ll oar reporter lcit. I.lmat o'cloc:: • • •r 1 c nea: th start'n,i; Fi each to toot^d 1 11 11 i!! To r 'new the pot ..lit he:haw:l,l.d th.• rople to make •:it room. 1 , tb' tin -t throw he c tught one by it it is r va:ti !-111 , %%-,uni) the 11 , ,in siii,pcd 1311 i s rqo, a'11 . 1 . 12: 1 ill. 111 , 11tit11.1., and tL •n 1 , et , 11111 , 1 ,, •1 the SC..lln lit thcht art I rotll,l - ca,:roith h.!. amen, m• n• women and chil dren o," •a. • tit •ri ta, with a II: j ciecom:taltco, panic, ahl Ti .!tei idselter rck eat. e incn lending line of the bu.liticr•A thron,r:i tlt, ri 11 3 %vith t r0p..:.• attached ti•ca,:h inneli Fro,l, , tiok S;..Thrm :11 tsier. W:10 ti in n tree high among it: branches doritiz. th • brod.king- alit ot t he ha t...tines, C. 1.1 to th,maid. 11", t 1 1 0 . 11 I') th- toriroit linu,o, anti a phy..iciao called, who bled him, hut iv. dial i❑ a few minmoi. or. w recently from 11.,•11a,l, arta •It,A to th • Par', N. Y.,Atl h.Ci. a wile ao.ltA'vo childroa. I EATRICA 'Willis writes to tlu \ w mid I ot , lii.ioncer un der dit '2lllt ult. "Tie fiem of the Pork Theatre is it "titovated - with paiat, poilimmit and plas ters, thonqlt what order it is intended to riiresent has been for 5, , 1110 time matter of disco:4 to at the hotels op posite. It is by Mr. Astor's order, it not of it, it, is paviv for tile ernbelishinent of the and Mr. Barry lurtiishi•d the "tin" for stuffing tho cushions and other inward renew ings—all this Withollt Mr. Simp son's knowledgo or forecast, and intended no an agreea ble sui prise to the absent manager. A subscription has been 1.11. ti to present him also with a wooden figure of Shakspeare fiir a ninche in front of the theatre. He (Mr. Simpson) is expected by the 'text steamer with Macre:lily atal Mrs. Nesbitt—the latter a "great card," though more fur her fascination as a woman than for her excellence as an actress. Miss Itioncr is coining too, who is a pretty fait prima donna, and Templeton, who is a respe.itable tenor, and no more, Kean is said to belat, dieCyr Ain too, in tli; re his eternal adieu when it • left us last, thou„ !n, with his wife Ellen Tree to support Lim, tit' case is altered. It oifSets a great deal of this uccv attraction for the Park that Hackle, two supported it like an annuity of fun, has been se &teed aa% av by Sol Smith for New Orleans—and New 0/wans, it in iy safely be said, is to be congratulated th , reupon. It. is a diminishun int of my tevenue of ' pleasure, formic. SO much for the Park; hut the city is shortly to be takmib: sarpris;i witit a brilliant the trie+ m ive of which I ton at liberty to give particulars— blsud 1P:i,71 the entailing "pay" ofeatethig for the dam ' dies." COBBEIT'S SYSTEM Ul•' EDUCATION The Sun remarks that the system of education pur sued by William COhheit NV;t6 a singular one. Ile had a large family of boys and girls. They were never sent to school, and never made to read or study at home Books and papers were lying about, and they saw their father reading and writing. If they asked uny pies times, they were answered, ifthey wished to learn they were taught. Their own curiosity and emulation prompted them in ail their .Lequirements. Study be come their play. result tine every one of the soils written ahlo sal smndard works, gram mars of di , f , vent langter f e , , and each of the damditers has wtilt , n.popular books upon some branch of an. meetic economy. There is hut one thing worse titan whipping, and that is disehedienee to reasonable com mands. A child mit:t ohey,bit there are punishments better than castigation, if they are needed, and there are stimalth.: in reward , , em nation, th..deAire of ap • r ,t rit io u the ;erns the 11:,4 11.‘Sitt111 of the hu iin t :e; 's:od.. ilinoy:nitly ,-71. , •‘-: in a liondred, there is no 11,:e in striking a hiew—in ill.- hundredth it may be fittal to neglect it.—N. I'. I;el,cidn. A ritAum - LENT NOTI We were 6110W11 this morning a 710t0 purporting to to be ten dollars on the Bank of thcValley , in Virginia, altered from a genuine one do !larnote on the same in- AirutiOn.' It was taken Lc a invrch:Lrit of this city on Saturday last. The fratLii , executed, by leaStiMr. with pOILIUIIS of another note with the word ten, in lar.-e at the right end of the counterfeit and aloh placing tters i.!2-; if of thy , formcr, to be not than three-fourths a an inch thick; if of the lattvr, to he not 1v than one inch thich forbarn and thret -four:ds ufau inch for half bar rol,; ard to be hodpod at diniQt throe-fourths over with the hest whim oak or hic!tory hoop, h barrel mud let!f bun ol must be branded on its head —Navy Brof," or Nay:: Po r:,," as the case may be, with the contryct,:r's name, and the year when pack, d. The Det I and l'orh will be inspectul by the inspecting officers at the respective navy yards, and stations afore said, and by some •sworn is!, e for of salted provisions,' who will he selected by the respective commanding but their charges for such inspection must be paid by the respective contractors, who must likewise have the barrels put in go 4 d shipping order, to the sat i-faction of the commandants of the respective navy yards and stations aforesaid, after the inspection, and at their own exocase. Bidders nuts specify their priem: separmely and dis tirctly, in separate order: for the Beef and for the Pork; and for each of the place of delivery, covering all ex pen,es and all charg,. The Deparunent rye:: to itself ihe right to reject all offer: from perste., 1, have hermefore failed - to fal fil their contract, Bonds one-Itird the atinmat of the respective cor, tracts will be required, and ten per comma in addition will be withheld from the amount of each payment to be mud..., as collateral sir mit:: for the due and Faithful performance of tin ir res , ctice coot rwts, which will ow no account be paid until the contracts, are complied with in all respec:s, and is to be forfeited to the United State. , , in the event of failure to complete the &Bre t ...kis, - within the prescribed periuds. Anti in case of failure on the part of the contractors to delis er th e aforesaid beef and pork within the Limos specified, the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall have the right to direct purchases to be made to supply the_defi- • ciencies, and any excel of co s t;',-tall be Charged to and paid be the cow ractur. Payment will be made by the United States (excepting ten per crutim to be withheld until the completion of the contracts, asbe fore stated.) W I t i rty days, after the said heef an puck shall have been inspected and received, and bilk for the same shall hale been pmsented to the Navy acts respectively. duly tipproved by the crimmandanta of the respective Nacy Yu: cis and Stations, according to the terms of the contracts, Th parti of titc beef Lobe c%chiticd will be particy, lad) ik , igriateil in the cr.; in;: to be attached to the cont roc t perr,on.i iiiter , zufd i ii to i n t h em on appli, cation at t hi, office. Successful bidders ill lie forthwith notified of their acceptance, and a contract and hand will be trgnamit, ted to th,m, which mu q. he executed and returnedto this Bureau within thirty days. attg 19—t30..5. GENERAL. LAND OYFICE, June 23, 1813. A DVICE havinz been received flont the Registei of the Land Otlieo at Lexington, Miioottri,thall the removal or that thriee to the town of Clinton, in Henry county, dimmed by the Pre-:Went, willbe effected on or about Urn 3,1 day of July next) this is to Tire notice that the public .:1;.• of lands ordered to be held at Lexington on the ,•; of October next, by the Executive proelaination hearing date the Bth will be held at th , . tithe tir“cribeil in the teem et Clinton af,ireiahl, 'lllO. 11. BLAKE, Junelfl—lawt 10 Commissioner