Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, September 05, 1843, Image 3

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((Fur business cards &c., see first page.
GEN -JACKSON'S LITT/111.--H. M. Brackenridge
having, in some of his recent letters, made au uncalled
for attack ou GEN. JACKSON, a gentleman of this city
cp t lled the old hero's attention to the slanders of the
candtdate• The General promptly responded,
tisd.-his letter, which we publish this morning, places
H. M. Brackenridg e in the light which he has long
been viewed by every man who detests the character
of allecrayer of private confidence.
St BLIND—UST CONCERT.—If ever there Wan
afrenhibition deserving of patrona g e, the Concerts of
the Blind, are of that character. These interesting
perTormers appear for thelast time this evening, nt the
Third Church, and we trust they may be greeted with
an, averliosing audience. Their benevolent and kind
pmepters do not hope to reap any pecuniary- advanta
gasfrom their tour; they only wish to call public atten
q;ion to their institution, and to show hew happy these
uicken people can be made by proper tuition. Who
*lll not encourage them?
of the Supreme Court, on refusing to grant a Manda
tans nsagainst the - Canal Board, at the suit of cartain
Transporters, will be found in our paper to.d a y, it
wit! be read with interest by all who have paid atten
tion to the dispute between the combined transporters
and the -canal commissioners, which was ituluced by
the hoard's resolution to encourage individual enter
prise and establish the Truck system. The returns I
of tolls at the Auditor GeneraPs oinc,y prove incon- I
tinusylply that the course of the board has been palitic,
and we presum e the Opinion of the Supreme Court
al satisfy all that it has been lawful.
inkN WEDNESDAY, the Oth day of September,
kJ 1843, will be offered at public sale, at Pittsburgh,
the following Stocks owned by the State of Pennsylva
nia, viz:
IA6-00.0af.A.S111.4.:Irteens; Bridge Company ' Par
2000 'Monongahela , t 25
600 Big Be - aver o
100 gettemaugh " 25
100 Lr4alhann a , r5O
.r 130071 IT'ilblii'astill'pv?)rt, Washington co., 50 I
50 Fare
2500 'Monet:gain:Lk Navigation company 50 onto,
2151 Bedford and Stoystow n Tp. Pay'
' company, 50 Wes,
38:23 Steystown and Greensbureh ~
50 ....1:/in
1780 Greenshurgh and Pittsburgh " 50 if L
lIERMITAGE, Atigl/St 22d, 1843.
--- i 3413)77 Pllitatsatbiuni-Vhaaruel aNratebar.i.al.l"xahnacilirairtaa:: 50 Aft
4ir2—Your letter uf the Ilth inst. lius been received, , , „
I jr - --- c5i........,„ ED and fur sale on consignment, 322
50 Gar
audits contents duly considered. Although lam much
New Alexandria and COnCrtlaUgia" 50
debilitated, and write with much difficulty, I feel bound 1* 7 lids bacon,
947 Pittsburgh and Bader '
7 Illids sugar,
by the respectful terms in which your corona'
I Can be seen at the store ofiacol, Painter& Co. 882 Butler and Merce r
320 Pittsburgh and Steubemille o
couched, not to withhold Me itaiement it res a i n t laauan l*
peerin g my acquaintance with Mr. IL M. BCLltcn- —n I'2
' l '
K. Al C-) jIiEA I) A.: .._ ( _ 2 9 . . . . 300 ILd,bstrown and Mount Pleasant" 50
10 011TR.I.IT PAINTING. .I. ( I.'" , 11()It NI: Pori 660 Aloont 1% a ant aril Somer,,•t
.. 50
4{0104. ridge; and my conduc t in regard to Lim. J
Vi.orn the follcwing facts y:on may well suppose that..l. rail • Painter, Fourth st.. 3,1 story Burk' B'l Cr . "' 's • ' '
1p.......1n'5e a low estimate upon the character of tint gent sling. J. Osborne would s 'icit , a tali fre,; ) Cliosse suit : 3'oo* 'A'r'ra;:trr.;;L:,;;nldlll;niti.i'arldia
" 25
' , all
tletrian, and lam sure the good citize ns of Pent,,p ‘ . it dstsire Portraits. Spcimen ' s ‘ c.o be ecru ut his room; ; 560 In . diana and Flew:berg,
or t i t
Ma,*hen mad , e a r e.quailited' with them, will think that ‘ Is ' '
may .r.
329 34 nshingto n oral Williamsport " SO
de/rina no injustice:
- 853 Do Pittsburgh " 50
Pittabnrgh Alneduct.
to - the - year 1821, on my way to Pensacola as Com- CI EALED PROPOSALS %%lithe rec , .ived at the CO( ' 200 n'itierart,elKttl'lmintr•
Missioser of the United Stater:, to recei ve Florida f••••
'240 .11 . I, a -tint a. 1,1 Pittsburgh "
0 lector's Office in Alleg.heny City, until 6 o'clock, P. 0,1 , 0 u•• ' • -
Spain, at New Orl , mos I was introduced tollifr. Bruck- I
.M. on Thursday, the 28th September next, for the colt- , . 3 , 1 ,, ; , 0 S"`"T" and (2(::inuet:tn,„.Pliti,;;ldi 2,5
, .
enfte: He was there without pecuniary means 'a an I
I struction of au Aqueduct, across do. Allegheny Ri:er, ';';',° - . I . °
- -- -
id diStress—and made known to me his * wish to , : ,:so to( at Pittsburgh. Plans and specitication; u, ill be exhib.
‘ 1 ).; :f i l l i ar:railer nod .I',)finstown " •50
Florida. Supposing fr.,, m hi, educa t i on and seneral l i 'tea at said office. one week previou s to the lettiug. /, -.8". er "'_ tr .""il " I ' d ( leartiehi " 25
ch4refter and he might be made useful, and twin' , al
-0 Brov nington, Ilarrisville, and
The material in the present structure to be used, as ;
iip'wiliing to aid the distressed, I took hitn ints7n) 1 '
tar as they
4 0 4 1 Y and treated him as a:ae of its mon/hers until I re- ).
aadAairdS.-I.LOM 1011ftIS 2.00 Butler andFr,•,-.
port r.
........... ,
coived the country from the authorised agent s of Spain • •c"3
.2..21 Pittsloor ,ItFrirm.rn iii.- Nivel • ' • "' 23
le organizing the Governm .nt thus received and doled. au"
- —l".d.
• • ' . l'ufit'
. 14,4) 1 1, olterd •rind I 101 l ida N , bureli " 50
................ ........_ ........
from Spain, I alp, Mr. Bra••kenridge Alcade DE NEW FASHI( )NAII LE
; I frO 1 1, fonil C 2. hart, and Elir;thetlitown " 25
• (Justice of the Pe.ace) for Pensacola. and Into retet Rat and Cap Manufactort. iCO I ntherslctr •f) at rl P•• • " 25
Belmont bank of St. CVairarille ...... 14
mkt Translator of the Spanish lancitaiv d k ri)
471116 - -., • liilito :••' -• / unxatae.ney
°0 /
„, an eeper of , „No. 93 14 on,/ sfccet, 3 doors below Diatnate,l.ll, ei 31)1) I " ""li Cr ''''k flrid=l, ro",'"nly
~ , , „t
~ ~,...
.. .
.;,, ! Gunton bank of Columbus ...............
the Archives - '. •
trans!, r.ed under tit.. with that 1 Firm.'
T -
1 , , •
,„., , ( olerelbi,tna •
lea k , le V /' b
govertbent. In
ny , t , leerahle
tiri, ,
i,t ,
lava ; . su b scriber it ill Kell) coit-t,iallyini hand etery I ~,,
.. . , ' ' --.•", "11,/,, Co m . lant, -U1
n t . ere -Is 0n.... _
in, ,11,,1 11 at,•,fn,l _nrriptKo ...oa,, company 011 . ..
variety of the mint fashi•,midefl AT. , and U.& Ps, ""
._,_ : C trclerille (Lawrence, cashier).... .......... 1 4
foidre attemp t to Secrete and cam - t,w iv the ininor
; 360 5 .2 - , luellam, a tad Waterlot,l
.'...." ,
re • ,,,.d wh , :lesale and r , .tail. at rsalor , ',ll,•-ira s.
~ _ ! " (115erren, cat , hicr,) ...... ....no sale
taot papers of the hoirs of Vi.h.l, upon ti'll'cit
- 1010 Mcrc, r zto , l 11.-td• ili,..
‘ . .
1 ersrens wishin g to purchase :)•,!I tirel it te their mte- ; , 0 ,,
.., _ , ~ '.. '.
'' ; Cill,lnnaltbanls_.. ................ .... • ... 13
thcir *hole estat ~ will..d to them by their faller tile
ti. .r,on ..., k r try , II aterforii ;Ind
I rest . to;,sive him a call.
S. MOORE. , ' ''''
,„,., I elsi!lieothe bank
fracarserHerno r of Pensacola. Mr. Bra ck,.nridge was
Now I layer,
....... .............
• Pittsburgh, mtg. 20 1843.
`"" ' Com • - ' 1
251 . Int ;rut bank If Lake Et-ie.... .......... 20
orcerittie, by virtue of his dile-, t /I!! ..-IWirrn Interpreter.
_ ,
• .201,1 .51,inzton nod I V.lterfor,l o
lDa Von bank.... - ...
............... 14
Srsoa after the transa,7l.l,,u, baying fully •n•gredic a l the
,11)11:.; I,I.; I,'Evrit's •2:•,/) W1111..1t a1.,1 it1 , 1_ , •\...1:. "
25 -
I l'ranklin bank rf L'abinzbus ........ .... .... .. 14
Government, I liqi the Territory of Florida for my home New & Cheap Stock Establishnaent, 1 #1) 1v,,,,. -,,.1 New Yorl. Slate H o e "
50 . .
ial Tennesseetparting with Ale. B. in the most friearßY
..5 . 0 GI, DLI.110.V1) .1.P.L1:1" ? Ini Tir,,, , . ill,. iiii.l Union Milli ti „.,.. i I , Jrinere and Mechanics' bank of Steubeitrible.
~. 1 Farmer/ bank of Canton. ......
wanner, aad having full faith that he wouid diseharce
11F.TMEEN Wool') 'AN It M %Lint. , rs/ n) t:T . Itio Wat Ten and Franklin li
..,_ i r, e a iige ..................
priors - 1.:3 , the tillticA of the iml•Ortant and lucrative r : / - f- T WOULD tllO,l. ITSpOl'i.:1111V a11Y1, , 1111, 1 , 11:1" l'iti/.1.13 ! 30 s“:". - (-;,,,,. r u'd I t likn
400 , firanri/te
ficei had co.lfee.l%l upon hint.
_l_ of Pittsleirg't and the eolia . try ~,. ,•• C; 11, it 11 % , 300 P':"'k " r re"'"-N I , win/
i liquidly* .............
~,,,,, , , , t !re
of ~,; 1 )) ,. K ., ;
, d •,,,.
„.,,,, , a. o Cultn olio ..;111-i Zi TA I 1,1.111,1-• company
• Soon altermy electi,,n to the Prosidetrcv, Mr. Brack- • -1h .. ' ' 7 ' ' '.:
"' ' "00 1. It 1 - "'. • '
100 :
Jud,,.. ~,,,. tiointut . mckA t.nt : . . , , t ,
~,. , , , „
„. ,
~, , , r
i ~, I:nut-aster ....
etiridge 'having io the meantime !weenie
~ t 1 • net y, f..r111111:il d .4 , •rip t le o , ra a d 11.4M',41 ,r/i Wit 111..1 ':;1.1/11 i ' .'"," 1 1 .11511.1 . 1 , 11,1. 1111,11 lint/ Cithal ~,,nap:triy,
.1 , 11l i v . ........
ilfon Florida:it becam e my ditty to notier. •• '
_ , artous re. I and ~tiler. to call anti cx;ttnino for th -, ti ,, 1v , -., a.., I am 1 , i '''''l "''''" iv" I 1.4. n'i"ired to pay 6, r the Sardis at , •Ifr'fil ..................
monstrances to his cuidu 't. Towar.l: the expi- )
IGetet•znined to ills re, dr- 1110.,‘? 1 . I . ll''lllllirk t i,-,, ir N .,• tr ,„ tn.' Con,• i , f unnw iiatel) after th•• safe, ill 0 (1111fil' 1.1.f.:j:- ' .:-.:".," -Q.
..... - .. Tat ..........
ration of the four years for which he was aypoinc d, . 4, -. for ei.• , ),, and hop.. le •' •t • , t• ' • • --
, b. , - /-,/• . s t , ' - '',.,1
1,,, •
. ‘,lii,,,
rats iii
~1. , , , 11 , , 1 ,lit,challto.l. and Trade, Cincinnati...
jeetions to his comitmaneo in oak., became. still r , .re m ri , : ;lll,art.,,f l ', l* - ~.: ' l' : .:. I'ri'"
t '
- ' ' ''"'"' ." 1 " 7 th -‘ '' l ", I " I. ; °";," I '" e ',. / h ;'
il „ I'3 '' ' '11"4/
. .................. ~
i t,: f i N „ rt„lk
+frequent and serious. Oae el the el/qt . :vs v. Lich I
now a ---- Pu
'' '':''' ' '''J'.
a'; '' - ' 1. —L P L — / ti n - c mitron . -4 1' alt Ft :tm - t . er tin: art of i- i i e t .
.................... ..
recollect, was, that in the middle ,71 . an int,ortant .Jory I UNIONTI)WN AND PITTSBFIItiII TERN- 1
..,„ ,; ~ ~„ „„ t ,
„ t
of 1 ,
~;,. ~,.,: in_ Lash„ ' T r ' i ”' ;"'• !, .P.ru, at ......... .... ... . • ........
PIKE: 110 .1 , .D.—Notiee is herel,... giy,•:, lieu Iry r ( en „t . s, ....., ii 1,,-, ~;;„1„ t:,',.. ~ .."'', , •, l ' •
raq t . ; ; Soi-Fn,k3l ..............
cans; he left - the bench withon t his hat, the Jury ii, I
their box, and the Lawyers in the bar, and forgot trr re- an ' et of the Court A '''''''''lY ut.'l''' C "" 1 " 1 """"III I1 1 sale. .J% 1111 'S a i' " L ' i ,a 1 . ;K I I I ; m• 111-.-
: ' C' ''`" / ' ' ' .........
- ...
i rr;e: ha . .......................
d froth the of Pennsylvania passed th,..sth day of April. 18 , 13. t los
ES. ‘ Ns; ftw/F.P,S
.. .• ~ .............
carat° adjourn the C ,, Urt. Beinc co •
,„ mince rotn
I I V,osPe r .
inbscribers are nam,,l:l-, C o mmi ,, i,m,•r., in I ll , e . henv
.14)B M.INN,
I 1 . ..................
vritig4t and characterof sue,) complaiat s that Ire ought '
cuunt . y, with authority' to op..ti books nt such tiro, agol
C.,,,,-,ri5:„.,,,,r5.1;.r ~ • 1 I: . I , I . St a 1I• 57,4'1:11. I ~::;-"," ..........
' - - . .......
noun be cuatinued in this offcto, at the expiration of
hill term he was not nominated Itglifl. lie was not P lace a '''' nou •Y be d " ‘""'d 'xPvdi ' m IP "' th'Pl.
"""; I -I' Thi IN I j . D ms Ittcen. i zetn, srar'• ...... ..... ........
purpose of receiving stibscrihtions of .Itecli, f,,r Ow !
renewed, as he ought to have buen, but for my unwil
. ..
construction ofa turnpike rum! from Uni,,r,t own tol'itt,
State b 71 , k and branches..
fingness te wound his feelitlXS. All •my action on the,
Western University of Pennsylvania, I , ,,
burgh. In pursuance ~ f which antliority the sub.:di
-1 tat s 1 ,
sobject consisted in a refrrsal to re-nominat e him be- ,
rort-,41 to , - ', ':
'I •tl • • - , • f . I 1 1 1111: ra , ,t reriii el tilt: 111 , 1i111111,11 Will !il• Z in WI Min/. I
' '' ........
.., cause ho was evidently unacceptable to the citizens of '7 6 , will P ( I '")
' °"'
' for
t I'''.
P '''' Pn - day- 1 li : l'h ~f Sept , onber. a: 9 o'clock 1. M.-1
Florida, on account of omi , sioni of duty, which. as e ''''' ne- ` 1111 "eril' 1 : 0 " "rsf'kk, Plt: , /d/I'' fo "The Pres:- r -
51 , p1i-•a•ier, te, :olnti-.•ioa may Lan n,,,1e to the Princi- ill Looks .._-_
President of the Utdted States, I we.; hound to notice. dent ' M""""y" and Company a the r"i"'""11
1 -
a ,,,,,,, ttt „. tt , pol, the lie:. Hy:IAN I/ I Eli, 1). D., 111i.T Ow 21,t in•t., I
Pittsburgh 'Fornpike Road Conirmny,"
Yet, notwithstandi ng all my kil-hies,: and forbear
the terms of the act of incorperation. S a d, ) ) ,„ ) 1,,, „I at hist ,,, ,ni ii, tla• l'oist•rsity, from oto 11, A. .11.
‘•'' '• b k -
ante to him, he came. out with a patnnhlet armin.t me
' ' be opened on Monday, the irronil day of t I-toher, Th.' . \ ''''''''''''if th' . LA IV SC/ I OUL " ill COMMene ,'' "r
' " ...................
Bank of litinuis, Shareetolen.
filled with the coarsest abuse of my ' •
character, and the
at 10 o'clock, A. Al., at the Monotigallela. 11011,e, in '"' lb( ' -"""' ( 1 "Y i“ :3 '''!"•/', I'. AL A FT:kw-ion f" e r
most. gross falsehoods. A 5 an evid.)ec e ~ f the temper
admi-ion into ts hich, in hi made to due Professor
the city of I'ittslough, and at no
store of Sainu..l
under which he wrote that pamphlet it is enough to
Law, IVA LT I: li 11. Lew it tc, E‘l , l. ,nt his office in 4th s t , Bank if the Valley of Virginia ....... . ....... 1
Walker, • in the borough a Elizabeth.
rufer to the .fact, that id -the case of Callay a he admits
CUIAREES SrutLER, o n 11, re,-,.ni nz of the same. day at 7 /'deck, in the-
eh o f Virginia ........................ ..1
be:interpreted fatsely; alleging as a pretext for his
THOS. BAK E WEL L, Hail of the Vllili.r..ity an ADDRF:,:s will h e (1 , •livr•o-.1 1 Ezekirnge bank of Virginia
hosanna, his fear that if he had interpreted truly, al
JOSIAH ING, , 1,,- n • . i,,• Tro:•,. e ., the Fadalty and the StudentA, by I Farmers' bank of Virginia—. ....• .. ..... 1
fracas might have arisen between Calla...wand myself. I
,INICEL WALKER, Prefesso r Low, ie, which the rill:oats Lomerally arc in-1 sV","llt-lVestern bank of Vir , ini
Recollect that he was the Sworn Interpreter,—that I
ri111)171; , sir , ll e'l , I , r .I.''.. Co , ned-to attend. A. 1.. PEN'T LAND, I Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Vir 'nfa.-
Was presiding as ..Tudge, and that Callava was ar
nue; 29—d lin. (Adyor.ree ~,,,I ‘,, r ,,, i,.. r ,„ , „ ry. ) i ;Mg . 1 1.....t(i S .E.re!;LiTorthe Board of Trust , . es. I Branches.. ..... ...
reigned befirre me for purloining and secreting im
pedant public papers—papers that aflcted the in
terests of the Widow and tit,: Or than, he i s
base enough to say in such a case that he violater!
libi•Oath,, in. order that he might have a pretext to rt ,
sail me.
klifter such a proof of recklessness and folly, it is
upossible for me to pay the slightest respect to any
statement emanating from Mr. Brackenridge, and I
an confident that the good people of Pennsylvania
will judge correctly of the inotivtes whirl led him
to assail me. I am, very respectfully,
Yours, &c.
' .
. 1 Dr. LARDNER bas arri , :ed in this city
a uptaents , and is inaki ng
gra to deliver a course of lectures.
We believe the Commercial Advertiser is accustomed
to too much precision and particularity in most matters
pglitesle and etiquette, whenever its bilious nature
iiittot'excited by political discussion Now, we should
tit er,desire its views upon the following question:---
iqat Is the polite and proper. or should there be any,
Flo& to the widress ofan ex-President?
:It is habitual with the majority of Our people to ad
dress members of Congress, and the Legislature, with
thsititle of Honorable. Judges, and others of prom-
Wait station, are also thus entithd. Our Governors
eke denominated "His ExcelleM.." Now, it would p
seera to me reasonable to apply these titles in pmor-
Lion to the importance of the station. The Presidency
s the most important and honorable position known to
out constitution and laws.
fore, to dls it not etiquette, there
ignify the station with a more honorable title
than any other? And is there not more quiet and un
obstrusive dignity in the plain name of a man, who has
held the highst office in the land, than in any additions
thereto ? For an example, in addressi ng Mr. Van
Buren, is it not better to say Af. Van Buren, than Mr.
M.' Van Buren, M. Van Buren, Esq., Hon. M. Van
Berea; or His Excellency, M. Van Buren ? There is a
little dispute upon this point of mere etiquette.
N. I'. Plebeian.
_llll9 The public is t e•pe •tfully inf , rtned that Dr.
LARDNER wi rts of his deliver a selectin of the most
the pa public lectures in o Philo Hall, on the
evening of 'Wednesday. the Gth of Septetnher, and every
s tac ceedingeveningdit r i ng the preseut ,-eek--comrnenc
ing at 8 o'clock precisely. A dmission 50 cents.
These lecture s will be e!ucidated with some telesco
pic, scenic and experimental illustratiot,s, as have
be= produced at Dr. Lardner's Lectures in the other
chief cities of the States.
Programme s and Tickets may be obtained etthe
Monongahela House.
~~.h~_~ POS T
IDissolution 4 WD:Wawa*
rp HE partnership hervtofore existing under -the
-L style of Devine& M'Anulty, is this clay dissolved
by mutual consent. H. Devine is to collect all sums
due to the concern, and pay all claims contracted for
the concern up to this date.
C. A. 111'ANULTY
Pittiburel, Sept. 1. 1843.
H. Devine respectfully informs his friend: and the
public, that he still continues in the Transporting
business, curd that he has removed the office of the U.
S. Portable Boat Line, to No. 45 Water street, next
door below Lewis Hutchinson, where he will receive
and forward Freight to the East, on the very lowest
HE subscribers inf Whi
orm their customers, and Doal
ers generally, that they are as usual well supplied
with Rectified I VHISKEY,of superior quality, which they
will sell at the lowest market price. Also, an pssort
meat of WlNts, LlQuotts,Cottiorm. s and GROCERIES.
au 3 1—d5t. w3t. No. 163, Liberty street.
1 tion haringopened an office at the corner of Market
and Third streets, is now ready to receive applications
for Insurance on Buildings, Merchandise, Boats, Car
goes, etc., etc. Capital Stock 200,000 dollars.
DIRECTORS.—Josiah King, President; John Bissell,
J. W. Burbridge, G. M. Fleming, John Holmes, Jes.
Long, William Morrison, Morgan Robertson, and Th. ;
J. FIN NEY, Jr., Secretary. 1
Pittsburgh, aug 30-2 w.
in the District Court of Allegheny County o f
July Term, 1843, N 0.93.
L. S John
W r a s iker' Jr.
Ver./Non,' F.rpor.
...-........ Peter Nilson.
And now, to wit, August 26th, 1843, On motion
Sh oo
of C.kP, . Hamilton, Esq., the Court. appoint Frs. R.
in this e. Esq., rt Auditor, to distribute the proceeds of sale
From the Record,
SU, Pro.
Notice is hereby given to all persons in TTON terested, that
I will attend to the duties assigned to me by. the
Court in the above case, at my office, in Fourth street,
Pittsburgh, on Tuesday the 2ath day of September, at
10 o'clock, A. M.
aug 30. 111 S• It. SHUNK,
lonoLrims:.—A novel by Sir E. L. Bulwer, re
ceived at the St. Clair st. Agency and Literary
Depot, opposite the Exchange.
nog 30—Gt.
- r HEREBY certify that I have known a nunffle r
_Lpeople who have taken Dr. McLane's Liv er MIL:,
and have been much bertefitmd by them, and r believe
them to be the best pills ice liver complaints, and for
general use, of any pill now before th-
I hereby certify that I have been a CHA fflicted V f R
or GNE yeYars
with a liver complaint; and have applied to diffl•rent
physicians, and all to little or no rin-et, until I made
use of Dr. McLane's l'ills. In taking- two boxes of them
I am nearly restored to perfect health.
Millersburgh, near Pittsburgh, August 111.13
is;, ---, -"Fo r sale at the Drug St ore of
aug 22
corner 4th and Wood streets, Pittsburgh
re. iourt. of Corn 41072 Plea* of Alleglicoy Coun
ty, of Ocloor Terot, 1843. No. 130.
TN the matter of the application of Die
S. _L (pestle College for Charter of
-5 poration:
.... v .,* And now to wit, Aug LI, 1893: The
Constitution of Duquogno College havino- been present.
ed to, and perused by, the Court, and the Court having
carefully examined the said instrument, and it appear
ing to the Court that the objects, articles and conditions
therein set Guth and contained, are lawful, and not in
jurious to the community, do direct the said writing to
be filed in the office of the Prothonotary of this Court.
and that notice be iusorted in the Meriting Post, in the
city of Pittsburgh, for three weeks, setting forth the ap
plication to this Court, to grant such Charter of Incor
poration. From the accord.
Notice is hereby given, that application has been
made to tho Court Mr a Charter Mr Dtemesne
lege, and that unless cause is shown to the contrary
within three weeks, the Court will be asked togram
Att'v for Petitioners.
Money Wanted.
THE following-. sums aro wanted soon—from 12
months to 1,2, 3,4, and 5 years--either for en
dorsed notes or for bonth and mortgage, on good prop
erty with serentl times the amount—the interest to be
paid ponctuallyevery 6 or 12 months, or when for notes
of hand, the interest to be deducted—viz: for $250,
$5OO, $lOOO, $2OOO, $6OOO, $9OOO, $.25.000. Krln
every instance the debt will be made perfectly safe and
secure, All letters (post paid) promptly attended to.
446" ea commiBsim Merchant,
No. 9 Fifth street.
seP 1 '43
Sohn D. Davis, ;
TCorner of f•j'ood and sth 818., Pittsburgh, I CORN Ert or WOOD AND THIRD STS.
ready to receive d
haie of every description
. —_—___
1 on con , ignment, for public or private sale, and
from long experienc e in the above business, flatters
himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their patronage. i
Regular sales on MosnA I'S and THURSDAYS, of Dry
Goods and fancy articles, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Of Groceries, Pittsburgh manufactured articles, new
and second hand furniture, &c., at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Sales every• evening,at early gas light. aug 12—y
T HE great sale of Bridge, and other stocks, by order
of Commissioners, on behalf of the State of Penn
sylvania, will take place at 10 o'clock on Wednesday
morning the 6th inst., at the New Court House, in the
room usually occupied by the Court of Common Pleas.
Sept 5-2 t,
Wenn .
ILL be sold P t
aucti Stre on et
at Lot 10 o'clock, on Satur
day morning, the 9th day of September next,
on the premises, that very valuable corner lot, 24 feet
front on Penn street, extending back along Garrison
alley 107 i feet to Exchange alley.
The above property is very advantageously situated,
and can be improved so as to command a handsome
:m g 25.
Terms at sale, JOH:sl D. DAVIS,
MOKEI) HEIMINGS.-2.3 1)0.xe3 smoked her
ring. U. rer,.iverl arid for Anlo
.13, Wood Ativet
ATACEEFIEL.-20 14.4 s .no. no. 3 markarel,
10 half bids no. 2 d o
arti:'lo lot family ?Esc,
10 quarter bb1:: no 2 da, n prime
jut meek ed and for sale by
43, Wood street.
TI7ST Er: El VE 14, a good assortme nt of all sizes
J of good window glass and window sash; a150,.500
enter of yellow and purple 4 and 5 double carpet chain;
20 doz. large and small buckets and tubs; 20 ream:
writing and letter paper, flu- sale on accommodating
terms, for cosh or approved exchange.
wig 14 Agontand Commission Merchant.
UNDRIES.-50 boxes chocolate,
5 do cocoa.
:3 do rice flour,
:25 do ground plpper,
5 do Cayenne do.,
36 cans ground mustard,
5 kegs do
allspice,s du do ginger,
12 cans do do., together with
every thin in the grocery line, all of which is offered
at extremely low prices, tin. cash.
43, Wood street
hit!l chests young be - sort
30 boxes (13 lbs) do
20 6 lb. boxes gunpowder,
" " imperial, lust received and
43, Wood street.
or sul. by
Q OLE LEATHER. -120 e idea stile leather just re
aug 9
43, Wood street
A LADY who is capable of taking charge of a
household, is desirous of obtaining a situation
housekeepe r in a private family, ores superintendent
ina respectable hotel. She would have no oection
to leave the city if desired to do so. For further bj infor
mation inquire at this office. aug 21—tf
To We I C 'holla dt.-----------------)--------------atl ta CM
A GEYTLEMAN, thoroughly uiscierstirods
lA_ Book Keeping, wishes a situation in that capa
city: the best of reference s will be given. Address it,
at this office.
ang 28—tf
Idvorate and Gazette
Merchants and Manufacturers' Scrip...
Exchange Bank Scrip ................
Currency ............................
Erie Bank Scrip ......................
On Philadelphia ...................
New York.._...
oston. ......... ..
............... ..Baltimore .......
Bank of Pittsburgh....., . ...
Merchants and Manufacturer s ' . 6 - a .
nk ... par
.............. " ... -par
. .. ...
..pa r
Do. Hollidaysi urgh
_ -----------
Bank of North America ------- ....
Do Northern Liberties
Do Pennsylvania
Commercial Bank of Pennsylvania.
Farmers' and Mechanics' bank....
Kensington hank ..............
Manufacturers and Mechanics'..
Moyamensing ...........
Philadelphia bank...,.__
Schuylkill._... "
Wester n ....... " ...... .
Bank of Penn Township .....
Girard bank._._
U. S. bank and branches ............
Bank of Germ;2ntown...
" Chester county ......
Delaware county.,,,_,,
Montgomery county,,,,____-...
Northumberland ......... .. pa,
Farmers' Lusa of Bucks county..— - -
Easton bank
Doylestotca bank .......
Franklin bank of fra , thingtoin .....
Bank of Chamberslarrgh.. ......
Ariadietara • • .
" Gettysburgh .......
Lewistown ..... ..................
Susquehanna county.-- ....... . 35
Berk: count y bank ...................... 75
Columbia Bankand Bridge Company .......... 1
Carlisle bank ........................
Eri e bank
Farmers and Drovers' bank...
" Bank of Lancaster. _..
Bank of Reading.
- _
Honesdale " ...........
Lancaster co. " .............
Miners' bank of Pottsville .
Monongahela bank of Brownsville ........ . . I
New Hope and Delaware Bridge coman
Northampton bank ._,,,• p y.... 10
Towanda bank_ no sale
I 'yam in 4. La:Lk ..... 85
ilest Branch bank-,,..
York bank...
Baliimore Oily banks._
All olker salcent banks. .........
_V/ solrent banks.. . ......
All selrenl banks.. ........ ....
All solvent banks.. ...
Mobile banks..
Country banks
Vet oilcans banks (g00d)....
A/41)11as ..
8008 AND 308
c proprietors of the MORNING POST and MER
CURY' AND MANUFACTURER respectfully inform their
friend s and the patrons of those papers, that they have
a large and well chosen assortment of
.11n11111CIICIER r-JC"IIir.IIIPD3I9I
ZaD CY,222 aaeaxtarta
Necessary to a Job Printing Office!, and that they are
to execute
Books, Bills of Lading, Circulars,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards,
Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips.
sta XII itfnbs of .131aults,
ge, Steamboat and Canal Boat Bills, with ap
propsiate cuts,
hinted on the shortest notice and most reasonable
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
the public in general in this branch of our business.
July 31, 183. PHILLIPS & SMITH.
C 0 FFEE.-3g , bags ltiocyffnt
- 50 " St. Domingo do
50 " Havanna do
Ill a r bf ga A l Vl v E k. N r .Z l l l 6 b S y & C 0.,
aug 9
43, Wood street,
....... -i.
.... ..... 30
•- •._5O
•• • •par
. ....
- ----- -- --20
xcljani t
ala§mlB4s, Nagai
Forwarding and enrarnicsion Merchants,
AGENTS for the Merchants' Transportation Com
pany composed of the Merchants' Line, Erie
Canal; iVnshington, Line. Hunter, Palmer & Co.'s
Line of Steam boats and vc:svls on the lakes. Cleve-
land Line, Pennsylvania and obi. Canal. Proprie
tors of the Merchants, Line, Ohio Canal.
Wilkie & Ensworth, No. 9, Coenties Slip, N. Y
R. Hunter & Co. Albans-,
Otis Chaff, Boston.
Hunter, Palmer & Co., Buffalo,
M. T. Williams & Dow,
Hon. John M. Allen, Cleyeland
Charles M. Giddings,
J. S. Dickey, Beaver.
Birmingham & Co., Pittsburgh
ap 1 1843-Iv.
Beaver and Vilarrert Packet
~,,,,H , Tljr. canal packet ERIE, J. M .
.5 :a w,master, willrun as regular tri
g .1
packet betwet'n the above named port.s, leaves
Beaver on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays' morn
ing, leaves Warren on Tuesdays, Thursday's and Sat
urdays; connecting, ......ith the Stuge Lines to Cleveland
direct, Fur freiLdn or pasiaire apply on board, or to
BI;:.3. 'INGHAM & CO., Pittsburgh, i
______ J. ';',. DICKEY, Beaver.
PURSUPubIic Sale of Valuable Land*,
ANT to a decretal order of the City,
perior Court of Law and Chancery-, f Mtlai
county. pronounced the 10th day of April, 18 or
43, ha
cause depending therei n of Hen Strider, Pit., le.
igainst James W. Barkenridge and others. Deets the
undersi,...med special commissioner, will sell at puttlia
auction to the highest bidder, at the court house ia
~..: 4,
_...,„,. ...c.I. .3 . fact , ri , cou nty, on d the lGth d c l . .y of S,eptember, 18431
.._,..t0,_...... 1„ , 7 4‘ . _. ( h.in, the firsta. ofthe tr Sup r Court of saia
.......;...„,- ,_:,....,......:-. --•
--,1-"" cc,lintv,) that well known body of land commonly ca.
1 8 43. i led "Graham's Station," lying in Mason county * Va. )
FARAE RF.DL'CED.-17. S. M kir. Ltst or STAGES ''
on th ° ` l ` l '° r ive; Con taining by surveY four thou
via Bed. one hundred and twenty-three acres, in two adjoining
D RAIL RoAD Cans. from Pittsburgh,
,ararge proportio n of which is river bonati
ford, Chambersburg, Harrisbu rg and Lancaster, to : parcels,
' land. Tito above lands previous to theday ofstae *DI
Philadelphia, connectin g with the .113. in train ofcars to
the surveyor of the county hilotsofaaa
N. Y. &c. Only 150 miles staging and one night out. i be laid oir by
, venient size "for farms.and plats furnished, and no Inllo.
Also, the din t line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia
:.-'9. , thereof will he sold as may be necessary to preeleee,
l the sum of manger equired by said dec.:rota! order..,
. The sales nil he made on a credit of nine months
Leases daihr at 8 o'clock A. .11.
one part
:of thepurcha.se money, oftwelvo mondal
Office od door.below the Merchamt:' Hotel Wood it.
i for another third part, and of:eighteen months for MENDELL. GRAHAM, WA um-r ,s, Co.,
feb 23, 1843-Iv.
Proprietors. i' residue, the purchaser or purcastsersgi!.-ing bonds Inlllt
' !good security for the payment of the different intro,
The Great Central Route i ments, hearing interesf from the dub of sale the lewd
Via National Road and Baltimore and Ohio Rail , title to he retained as further security for the:lntranet
of the purchase money, and liable to msale at the tisk
Road Company.
, of the purchaser or purchasers failing to make punts*.
•-.., .tt. Ss,-
al payments.
4r...- -, ..
...seys .
I•7 2 i" r " -•••-..••• ' 7 • = 174.119Wit-^ .1, •
GEO. IV. STRIBLING, Special Corer.
-1:1"-.1-4e--- .. 11 x4k'.. ,
: Point Pleasant, Va., June 26,18.13. LiyB-2ra
IVasHmoiest CITY, BALTIMORE, P IIIL.kDELPIII A : For Rent —a"—
,01_6,117-a.M6., !That COTTAGE, situated in the Bo
THIS line is in full operation and leaves Pitisburgh ' killiH.; Lawrenceville, at present occupied by Jeha i
daily at 6 o'clo c k A. M., via Washington Pa_ Parker.
and national road to Cumberland, connectin g he
niente place has a very fine garden and good assort. •
,ith t i,... ~,;1 „„„I Co's toils th,.,,b,,„ place:; Tray- of fruit trees. Any person renting can have the
eters will find this a:p and comfortable route, privileg e of engaging fur the ensuing year. Posse..
it being a separate and distinct Pitt: burgh and Cum- :ion van on the Ist of October next.
berland line, facies will be affhrded which hav e not Ap
been heretofore etijoyed. Extra coaches furnished a t or to W..Tomah, Smithfield itreet.
the shortest notice with the priviles-e of t,-6ing- through sep. 1, 1843.
.1..:...,....ur takinq one nights rest at their option. - : -------------_________________„„„„„„
Fe' t4 " . "..t.5. apply at our offic e at the Monongahela
~..- 1 - 1 - t i.t.,, the late residence (If
.-T IL' V'er.,.., ~ ,ftit - 0 - 124Xaron Hart, deceased. The place=
feb :3--dtf.
r ts , :taent ot : ..,.. .... rac'ri s_ o.
' ib well :.tacked withchoice fruit trees, vines, &c.
Also, a convenient tenement lately occupied by R. 1
• Langhorne.
Possessi o n will be given nn the first of October nett •
For terms apply to GEO. COCHRAN, Ex'it
aug- i.).:2-tlo
......--pa r
........pa r
-..par- par
...._..par par
..... -par
• * pa r
....-- par
....... .par
------ par
--- -par
------ par
---- ---- 3 3
......par par
------- _par
.. ....... par
..... ....par
Regular Packcts, for Ciacinaatt.
tr.•-:-- )66
. ;:;:i
Thp S%viftsure, mi1 , i!, , ,,::, Ma,u,r, 1T.24,.ve.:3 event
Thursday at 10 o'clock. a. :n.
To Bent.
Tlu: (fluter, Collins, Master, len. , . es even , Friday at Do LEASANT rooms and good steam powe at tile
10 o'clock a. nt.
1_ cast steel file manufactory, corner of Liberty ina
The Montzonn‘rv, Bennett, Ma_3ter, lem es every Sat- O'Hara streets. Apply on the pretnises. jury
urday at 10 o'clock n. in. -
_ Freeman's Piro Brick for Sala.
Tho Express, Parkins.m Ala,ter, ',aye s every Sun
day at 10 o'clock a. in.
- Er CST received, 5000 Freeman's best Fire B AS_ f
'of u - ni.-}1 will hereafter be kppt constantly on hind
.. 4,lrents. and sold low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM & CO,
may :27
No. 60 %atria.
A LLEN KRA NIE R, Errhanqc Broker, No. 46, : --------:------_____, _ ,
Corner of :r;)9(1 Ind 7'hird a! reetg, Pittsburg
1,,,,,,,ht Manufacturer of Tin, Copper bad 'Sheet
Pa. Gold, Silver„ and Coirem Bank notes.,
Iron Ware,
and sold. Sight cheeks on the it:astern cities, for sale. ' . _ .
210. I i , PlftlEstrertbehreeP IroodandArantel,
Drafts, notes and trills, collected.
; Keeps constantly on handy g:ood assortment of wales,
I'Vro. Bell & Co., * ! and solicits a share ofpahlic patronage. Also, on had)
i the followinzarticies: shovels, pokers, tongs rit:liing,
John I). Davis,
skillets, teakettles, pots, ovens, eutree mills, &c. Mer•
F. Lorenze,
!chant, and others are invited to call and nsaraine fict
J. Painter & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
i themselves. as he is deteimined to sell cheap fcr cask it
Jo s , -ph 'Wood well,
i a
____________________pprened paper. _ mar 7...-ti
Janie., Alay,
Alex. Bronson &Co. Z ~,i ittde!
ill .
John Cartwright,
John H Brow n &Co. C'' " I ra.
C L'TLER and Stirgical Instrument Manufacturm
James APCandless. > S Cincinnati, 0., !
corne r of ilth and Liberty street's, Pittsburg- Pa.
J. R. M'D.maid. t. Louil, Mu.
N. B. — Always on hand an e' r x.cnsiv as 'of
' , Surgical and Liental instruments Buller's, Tailor's)
W .. .___________ll. Pope, Es t. Pres'tllafk____Ky. Lf . u .__________ isville.
! Hatter's Hair Dressc-'s and Trnner' Patent
St Pam's Toting Ladies' Boarding SchooL ; S addler's -" - ' ' s hear%
Tools, Trusse s , & c .
je 24.
T" public are informed that this institution, con-
ducted by the Sisters of Charit, will be reopen- i ope, Tin and Sheeti rc , l7
ecl on the first Monday in Septemb er . A select and li-1 ri-lIIE su,,scriber respect fully informs his friendsand
tailed number of pupil's will be received and instructed 1
.1 former patrons, that he has removt.d. his estab.
in the several branche s Of a Polite English education, , lishmen t from No. 61, Librr t y t o No, --., Thi r d et ,
together with tueful and ornamental need.lework nettrly opposite the Post OflicC , . w hem he continues to
Icarry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Business, in
$lOll pe t) ; an do num. i
thbreapntiters,ringeil,eo rtitibspeeranctfyulelyselicing
For tuition, washing and mendin g ,
For bed and betiding,
Doctors Fees am not included in the above.
' him heretofore, and pledges himself that no paing Rhein
N. B. A few half hoarders can be accommodated, Ibe , pr.red on his part b, - merit the same. Condign
on the meet ren... - onabie term s , whi c h will be made i on Land, .1 lanufactured Ware. of all kinds, allot wick*
known on applicatien t o Siste r Isidore, the Superior. , will be sold low for cah. Spouting, &
der at short notice. , c., e too.
A reduction %sill be made in favor of children under
welve year; of age.
sue 24-tP2wk.w4t 1 aug-I-Irn
Landreth's Garden' Seeds, ------7.
.1 fill supp!\. of Landreth's Garden ale, Seeds always on
hand and forsr, at his agency, the Drug, store of
184, Liberty st., head of Wood.
Peach Trees.
smh, THE sith,crihe r has just recei.cul from the Nur.
„Mos ery of Landreth and Fulton, near Philadelphia.
a l ot of the choicest variety apeiwl a tree s , to whirl ha .....
- - .5.."
would call the attention of the Public.
No. 184 Liberty st. head of Wood.
County Commiasioner.
AT the solicitation of a number of friends of all
political parties, I respectfully offer myself to
the consideration of my, fellow-citizens for the office of
County Commissioner. That mnts
be misunderstood, either as my
te po selntiitical e or pmay notrivate
affairs, I make free to say that I hare !wen all my lire
a consistent Republican, in the true sense of the word.
As the country is somewhat entharrais e d in its finan-
dal affairs, and the reduction of salaries of Rablic 1
officers has received the approbation of large majori
of the people, the underiigued would not should I
he be so fortunate as to be elected, in any manner at
tempt to resist this salutary reform; should it reach I
the office of County Commissioner.
apr (i.
P rothonotary.
To the voters of Allegheny conn!g:—l respect
(infully offer myself to your consideration as a candidate
dependent of poities) for the office of PRO
THONOTARY of Allegheny county, at the ensuing
election. As I do not come before You recommended
by a Convention, those of you to whom I not not per
known will please exatnine into my qualffica- 1
(inns, &c.; and if so fortunate as to obtain 3. majority
of your suffrages, 1 shall endeavor be strict attention 1
to the duties of the office, to sati4v nffi with yO:ir
TOBACCO. -10 boxes Burton's 5 b lump tobacco,
25 do Russell & Robinson do
5 do Hare's
10 do assorted sizes
just received and for sale by and brats',
43, Wood street.
Twine rs' Oil.
135 BBLS. Tanner:' Oil. tri;)rizsio,lAeb.yr
sep 9,(1.1rn&w2t.
No. 88, Liberty s
Essential Oils
Cl im
ILS Lemon, Cloves, Bermott,; Sassafra, jus
V received at the Wholesale and Retail, Drug IVare t
house of
auk. :31.
No. GO, corner I'Vond and lthsts.
Fresh Mercurial & Drugs
C .ALOMEL, Quicksilver, Cantharides, Tart Acid
Lunar Caust and Prepared Chalk, just received'
at the Wh lesale and Retail Drug IVarehouse of
No. 60, collier Wood and 4th sts.
JL YSTER_IOUS Cli EVA LIER—A popular novel,
I Yby James,receive c l at Foster's St. Clair st. Agency
and Literary Depot, opposite the Exchance.
30-6 t.
D USE YISM NO POPERY.—A few copiP; of shit
_IL new. work just received at Faster's St Clair street
Agency and Literary Depot, opposite the Er-thre.
w 8 30--3 t.
---- - -
Doing Lots in niminch aui
a) LOTS,
table for building, most eligNir* atiNA
it) uamd, and within two. rciatttea' walk if dist
_ire rr y boat landing, will be sold at prices te lie
the times. The terms of payment will be made ouyv
either for cash or such barteras can be made invilabl e .
Apply to the subscriber s in 13irmiegham, or Mr. A,
Peterson, No. 4. Ferry street, Pittsburgh.
june 1. -
___________ TTERSON. jr.
4Lots for Sale.
Lots Landonin N
i f i a :3 ; ln c es ?t i e i r; il . . Ezoltse sulnocid.a4lfo4u.2,s;:screarssit
181, 182, ancllBl, in Cook's plaa of Lots, on Holmes
Hill. Also, Lots nos. 26, and 27, in Cook's plea of Lou
en High street, near the neve Court Hutu*. For tams
apply to
sap 10 Z. W. REMINGTON
LFor Sale.
Highs s STS on the North East corner of' Coal Lane
treet awl
g. Apply to
Market near Fourth meat
Found - ,
Ai b e t h rt e y l a s
s t
t r
street, e a kn Note j 74' e ' ha
in n a d Cl e o= }ll
soiled and Worm. It ig signed by James Gaston and
another, and drawn in favor of W. Black. Meows.
er can have it bv identifying. it, and paying expenses.
July 31.--tcf:
CAWFIELDhwi removed his marble &tab
• lishmoot to AVoncl 31'. opposite Fahrtestock's
Dr i. 47.. Store, wheie he will keep constantly oa sand
Tomb Stones, Monuments etc. ap 19—.1yr•
William C. Wall,
! Pl.. in and Fancy Portrait and Pitturc Frmisil
1 Man ufac t u r e r,
87. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
C I NVASS brushes, varnish, .4.7. c., for artists, aJ w
on band. LookinZG/asse_ ,s &c.. Promptly .fte
ined to order. itrpairitur done at the shortest notice.
Particular at tention paid to regilding and jobbing. ot
every description.
P,r , ons fitting starnboat s or houses will End'
their advantat-e to call. it to
sep 101
ground and polished, anvil s and other krodo of
grinding done at the Cast Steel File Alanufactory, cor6
ncr of Liberty and O'Hara streets. aug• 18
, t Books and. Stationary.
. I N hand and receiving monthly, aid for sale on so.
O commxiating ',CMS the Encycloped
l ia lista
rv, Buck'? The,iloziral Dictionarv, Events in of
iHistory. the American Pioneer, a :mall variety of kw
its, school and pocket 13iV.es and Testaments,
books and siarionar.% aehool
ivi Permanent Tempenw Doe
i umenr , , Bacc s and anti-Barchus, voice from as -
re this
vinta,:;acrod ~ri!lok., Did': I'. ,, altn?, and a variety of
I rh.rip reli7iou , . n . .. 4, a av
n d about 2000 w as hi ng . wn
Hymn Baca::, Tcrar-rance Lyres, Wash'neton Harm
Pic Nie Sonr-:, T,-mperince Fables and Temperance
and Sabbath School 12 , ..,k5, and about 10.000 of the
Journals and Youth', 'ffroprarre Advriearea of the
American Temperance Union, New Yeti, for We in
large or small 107 . .1. to ..ttit. purchaser?.
Agent and Cotnamiosion Merchant.
for ealeanZt get